changeset 126:29cff77e2387

update elpa packges
author Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <>
date Wed, 05 Aug 2015 12:01:26 -0400
parents 7e4cbc0555a4
children 7c2cf3608b63
files elpa/company-0.8.12.signed elpa/company-0.8.12/.dir-locals.el elpa/company-0.8.12/.elpaignore elpa/company-0.8.12/ChangeLog elpa/company-0.8.12/ elpa/company-0.8.12/ elpa/company-0.8.12/company-abbrev.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-autoloads.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-bbdb.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-capf.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-clang.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-cmake.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-css.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-dabbrev-code.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-dabbrev.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-eclim.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-elisp.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-etags.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-files.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-gtags.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-ispell.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-keywords.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-nxml.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-oddmuse.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-pkg.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-pysmell.el elpa/company-0.8.12/company-ropemacs.el 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elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__complex__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__contains__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__del__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__delattr__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__delete__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__delitem__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__div__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__divmod__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__enter__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__eq__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__exit__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__float__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__floordiv__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ge__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__get__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__getattr__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__getattribute__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__getitem__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__gt__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__hash__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__hex__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__iadd__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__iand__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__idiv__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ifloordiv__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ilshift__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__imod__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__imul__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__index__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__init__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__instancecheck__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__int__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__invert__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ior__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ipow__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__irshift__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__isub__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__iter__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__itruediv__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ixor__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__le__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__len__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__long__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__lshift__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__lt__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__mod__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__mul__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ne__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__neg__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__new__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__nonzero__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__oct__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__or__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__pos__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__pow__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__radd__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rand__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rdivmod__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__repr__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__reversed__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rfloordiv__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rlshift__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rmod__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rmul__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__ror__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rpow__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rrshift__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rshift__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rsub__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rtruediv__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__rxor__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__set__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__setattr__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__setitem__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__slots__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__str__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__sub__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__subclasscheck__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__truediv__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__unicode__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/__xor__ elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/ase elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/asne elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/asr elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/class elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/defs elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/enc elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/env elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/from elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/pdb elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/py3 elpa/elpy-1.8.0/snippets/python-mode/super elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv-autoloads.el elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv-pkg.el elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv.el elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv-autoloads.el elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv-pkg.el elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv.el
diffstat 171 files changed, 2325 insertions(+), 3495 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12.signed
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+Good signature from 474F05837FBDEF9B GNU ELPA Signing Agent <> (trust undefined) created at 2015-03-05T05:05:01-0500 using DSA
\ No newline at end of file
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/.dir-locals.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/.dir-locals.el
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/.elpaignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/ChangeLog
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/ChangeLog
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/ChangeLog
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,42 @@
+2015-03-04  Dmitry Gutov  <>
+	Merge commit 'e085a333867959a1b36015a3ad8e12e5bd6550d9' from company
+2015-02-04  Dmitry Gutov  <>
+	Merge commit '3e70e12bd942bbd0acac4963b5caca63756ad784' from company
+2015-02-02  Dmitry Gutov  <>
+	Merge commit 'a015fb350abe50d250e3e7a9c3c762397326977f' from company
+2015-01-23  Dmitry Gutov  <>
+	Merge commit 'a4ac0dead8e9cb440c1f8aec9141d6c64bad4933' from company
+2015-01-15  Stefan Monnier  <>
+	* packages/company/test/clang-tests.el: Add copyright notice
+2015-01-13  Dmitry Gutov  <>
+	Merge commit 'd12ddaa05f582ecc00e74bc42fd46652153ec7a6' from company
+2015-01-13  Dmitry Gutov  <>
+	Merge commit 'eb0d8d9e687e1364098f9abc6f9281fcbc0d3abd' from company
+2014-10-28  Dmitry Gutov  <>
+	Merge commit 'd3fcbefcf56d2caad172e22f24de95397c635bf2' from company
+2014-10-15  Stefan Monnier  <>
+	* packages/company/company-xcode.el (company-xcode-fetch): Avoid
+	add-to-list on local var.
+	* packages/company/company.el (company--window-height)
+	(company--window-width): Move before first use.
 2014-10-15  Dmitry Gutov  <>
 	Merge commit '60d4c09c982a1c562a70cd6aa705f47ab3badcfb' from company
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/
@@ -1,5 +1,34 @@
 # History of user-visible changes
+## 2015-02-02 (0.8.10)
+* New variable `company-lighter-base`.
+* Better tracking of the current selection.
+* Pressing `M-0`...`M-9` works in the search mode.
+* Pressing `<up>` or `<down>` doesn't quit the search mode.
+## 2015-01-23 (0.8.9)
+* New commands `company-next-page` and `company-previous-page`, remapping
+  `scroll-up-command` and `scroll-down-command` during completion.
+## 2015-01-13 (0.8.8)
+* Pressing `M-n` or `M-p` doesn't quit the search mode.
+* New command `company-complete-common-or-cycle`. No default binding.
+* `company-search-toggle-filtering` replaced `company-search-kill-others`.
+* Quitting the search mode resets the filtering.
+* Pressing `backspace` in the search mode deletes the character at the end of
+  the search string.
+* `company-semantic` displays function arguments as annotations.
+* New user option, `company-bbdb-modes`.
+* `company-show-numbers` and `company-complete-number` now use visual numbering
+  of the candidates, taking into account only the ones currently displayed.
+* `company-complete-number` can be bound to keypad numbers directly, with or
+  without modifiers.
+* `company-cmake` expands `<LANG>` and `<CONFIG>` placeholders inside variable
+  names.
 ## 2014-10-15 (0.8.6)
 * `company-clang` and `company-template-c-like-templatify` support templated
@@ -14,7 +43,7 @@
 * `company-ropemacs` is only used when `ropemacs-mode` is on.
 * `company-gtags` is enabled in all `prog-mode` derivatives by default.
 * `company-end-of-buffer-workaround` is not used anymore.
-* `company-begin-commands` includes several `cc-mode` commands.
+* `company-begin-commands` includes some of `cc-mode` commands.
 ## 2014-08-27 (0.8.3)
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-abbrev.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-autoloads.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-autoloads.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-autoloads.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-autoloads.el
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; company-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
 ;;; Code:
+(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
-;;;### (autoloads (global-company-mode company-mode) "company" "company.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 362636 15000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company" "company.el" (21954 12868 340604
+;;;;;;  538000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company.el
 (autoload 'company-mode "company" "\
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-abbrev) "company-abbrev" "company-abbrev.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27288 826633 362000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-abbrev" "company-abbrev.el" (21954
+;;;;;;  12868 296604 536000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-abbrev.el
 (autoload 'company-abbrev "company-abbrev" "\
@@ -68,19 +68,19 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-bbdb) "company-bbdb" "company-bbdb.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 410636 258000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-bbdb" "company-bbdb.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  344604 538000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-bbdb.el
 (autoload 'company-bbdb "company-bbdb" "\
-`company-mode' completion back-end for `bbdb'.
+`company-mode' completion back-end for BBDB.
 \(fn COMMAND &optional ARG &rest IGNORE)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (company-css) "company-css" "company-css.el" (21577
-;;;;;;  27288 878633 614000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-css" "company-css.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  300604 536000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-css.el
 (autoload 'company-css "company-css" "\
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-dabbrev) "company-dabbrev" "company-dabbrev.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27288 918633 818000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-dabbrev" "company-dabbrev.el" (21954
+;;;;;;  12868 300604 536000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-dabbrev.el
 (autoload 'company-dabbrev "company-dabbrev" "\
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-dabbrev-code) "company-dabbrev-code" "company-dabbrev-code.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 658637 478000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-dabbrev-code" "company-dabbrev-code.el"
+;;;;;;  (21954 12868 356604 539000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-dabbrev-code.el
 (autoload 'company-dabbrev-code "company-dabbrev-code" "\
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-elisp) "company-elisp" "company-elisp.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 46634 451000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-elisp" "company-elisp.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  304604 537000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-elisp.el
 (autoload 'company-elisp "company-elisp" "\
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-etags) "company-etags" "company-etags.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27288 630632 387000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-etags" "company-etags.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  288604 536000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-etags.el
 (autoload 'company-etags "company-etags" "\
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-files) "company-files" "company-files.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 90634 661000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-files" "company-files.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  304604 537000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-files.el
 (autoload 'company-files "company-files" "\
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-gtags) "company-gtags" "company-gtags.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 698637 683000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-gtags" "company-gtags.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  356604 539000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-gtags.el
 (autoload 'company-gtags "company-gtags" "\
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-ispell) "company-ispell" "company-ispell.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27288 582632 140000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-ispell" "company-ispell.el" (21954
+;;;;;;  12868 284604 536000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-ispell.el
 (autoload 'company-ispell "company-ispell" "\
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-keywords) "company-keywords" "company-keywords.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27288 670632 578000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-keywords" "company-keywords.el" (21954
+;;;;;;  12868 288604 536000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-keywords.el
 (autoload 'company-keywords "company-keywords" "\
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-nxml) "company-nxml" "company-nxml.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27288 714632 794000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-nxml" "company-nxml.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  292604 536000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-nxml.el
 (autoload 'company-nxml "company-nxml" "\
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-oddmuse) "company-oddmuse" "company-oddmuse.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 130634 851000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-oddmuse" "company-oddmuse.el" (21954
+;;;;;;  12868 308604 537000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-oddmuse.el
 (autoload 'company-oddmuse "company-oddmuse" "\
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-pysmell) "company-pysmell" "company-pysmell.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 274635 580000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-pysmell" "company-pysmell.el" (21954
+;;;;;;  12868 336604 538000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-pysmell.el
 (autoload 'company-pysmell "company-pysmell" "\
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-semantic) "company-semantic" "company-semantic.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 938638 872000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-semantic" "company-semantic.el" (21954
+;;;;;;  12868 368604 540000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-semantic.el
 (autoload 'company-semantic "company-semantic" "\
@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-tempo) "company-tempo" "company-tempo.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 486636 631000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-tempo" "company-tempo.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  348604 539000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-tempo.el
 (autoload 'company-tempo "company-tempo" "\
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-xcode) "company-xcode" "company-xcode.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 574637 68000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-xcode" "company-xcode.el" (21954 12868
+;;;;;;  352604 539000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-xcode.el
 (autoload 'company-xcode "company-xcode" "\
@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@
-;;;### (autoloads (company-yasnippet) "company-yasnippet" "company-yasnippet.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27289 814638 249000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "company-yasnippet" "company-yasnippet.el"
+;;;;;;  (21954 12868 356604 539000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from company-yasnippet.el
 (autoload 'company-yasnippet "company-yasnippet" "\
@@ -281,17 +281,14 @@
 ;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("company-capf.el" "company-clang.el" "company-cmake.el"
-;;;;;;  "company-eclim.el" "company-elisp-tests.el" "company-pkg.el"
-;;;;;;  "company-ropemacs.el" "company-template.el" "company-tests.el")
-;;;;;;  (21577 27290 27673 442000))
+;;;;;;  "company-eclim.el" "company-pkg.el" "company-ropemacs.el"
+;;;;;;  "company-template.el") (21954 12868 375764 380000))
-(provide 'company-autoloads)
 ;; Local Variables:
 ;; version-control: never
 ;; no-byte-compile: t
 ;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; coding: utf-8
 ;; End:
 ;;; company-autoloads.el ends here
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-bbdb.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-bbdb.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-bbdb.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-bbdb.el
@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
 (declare-function bbdb-dwim-mail "bbdb-com")
 (declare-function bbdb-search "bbdb-com")
+(defgroup company-bbdb nil
+  "Completion back-end for BBDB."
+  :group 'company)
+(defcustom company-bbdb-modes '(message-mode)
+  "Major modes in which `company-bbdb' may complete."
+  :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Major mode"))
+  :package-version '(company . "0.8.8"))
 (defun company-bbdb--candidates (arg)
   (cl-mapcan (lambda (record)
                (mapcar (lambda (mail) (bbdb-dwim-mail record mail))
@@ -35,15 +44,15 @@
 (defun company-bbdb (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-  "`company-mode' completion back-end for `bbdb'."
+  "`company-mode' completion back-end for BBDB."
   (interactive (list 'interactive))
   (cl-case command
     (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-bbdb))
-    (prefix (and (eq major-mode 'message-mode)
+    (prefix (and (memq major-mode company-bbdb-modes)
                  (featurep 'bbdb-com)
-                 (looking-back "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Bcc\\):.*"
+                 (looking-back "^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Bcc\\): *\\(.*\\)"
-                 (company-grab-symbol)))
+                 (match-string-no-properties 2)))
     (candidates (company-bbdb--candidates arg))
     (sorted t)
     (no-cache t)))
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-capf.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-capf.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-capf.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-capf.el
@@ -138,9 +138,14 @@
     (`init nil)      ;Don't bother: plenty of other ways to initialize the code.
      (let* ((res (company--capf-data))
-            (exit-function (plist-get (nthcdr 4 res) :exit-function)))
+            (exit-function (plist-get (nthcdr 4 res) :exit-function))
+            (table (nth 3 res))
+            (pred (plist-get (nthcdr 4 res) :predicate)))
        (if exit-function
-           (funcall exit-function arg 'finished))))
+           ;; Follow the example of `completion--done'.
+           (funcall exit-function arg
+                    (if (eq (try-completion arg table pred) t)
+                        'finished 'sole)))))
 (provide 'company-capf)
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-clang.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-clang.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-clang.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-clang.el
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 ;; TODO: Handle Pattern (syntactic hints would be neat).
 ;; Do we ever see OVERLOAD (or OVERRIDE)?
 (defconst company-clang--completion-pattern
-  "^COMPLETION: \\_<\\(%s[a-zA-Z0-9_:<>]*\\)\\(?: : \\(.*\\)$\\)?$")
+  "^COMPLETION: \\_<\\(%s[a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)\\(?: : \\(.*\\)$\\)?$")
 (defconst company-clang--error-buffer-name "*clang-error*")
@@ -150,7 +150,13 @@
      ((string-match "[^:]:[^:]" meta)
       (substring meta (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
      ((string-match "\\((.*)[ a-z]*\\'\\)" meta)
-      (match-string 1 meta)))))
+      (let ((paren (match-beginning 1)))
+        (if (not (eq (aref meta (1- paren)) ?>))
+            (match-string 1 meta)
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (insert meta)
+            (goto-char paren)
+            (substring meta (1- (search-backward "<"))))))))))
 (defun company-clang--strip-formatting (text)
@@ -182,7 +188,9 @@
 (defun company-clang--start-process (prefix callback &rest args)
   (let ((objc (derived-mode-p 'objc-mode))
-        (buf (get-buffer-create "*clang-output*")))
+        (buf (get-buffer-create "*clang-output*"))
+        ;; Looks unnecessary in Emacs 25.1 and later.
+        (process-adaptive-read-buffering nil))
     (with-current-buffer buf (erase-buffer))
     (if (get-buffer-process buf)
         (funcall callback nil)
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-cmake.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-cmake.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-cmake.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-cmake.el
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 ;;; company-cmake.el --- company-mode completion back-end for CMake
-;; Copyright (C) 2013  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail>
-;; Version: 0.1
+;; Version: 0.2
 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -45,48 +45,115 @@
 They affect which types of symbols we get completion candidates for.")
 (defvar company-cmake--completion-pattern
-  "^\\(%s[a-zA-Z0-9_]%s\\)$"
+  "^\\(%s[a-zA-Z0-9_<>]%s\\)$"
   "Regexp to match the candidates.")
 (defvar company-cmake-modes '(cmake-mode)
   "Major modes in which cmake may complete.")
+(defvar company-cmake--candidates-cache nil
+  "Cache for the raw candidates.")
 (defvar company-cmake--meta-command-cache nil
   "Cache for command arguments to retrieve descriptions for the candidates.")
-(defun company-cmake--parse-output (prefix cmd)
-  "Analyze the temp buffer and collect lines."
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (let ((pattern (format company-cmake--completion-pattern
+(defun company-cmake--replace-tags (rlt)
+  (setq rlt (replace-regexp-in-string
+             "\\(.*?\\(IS_GNU\\)?\\)<LANG>\\(.*\\)"
+             (lambda (_match)
+               (mapconcat 'identity
+                          (if (match-beginning 2)
+                              '("\\1CXX\\3" "\\1C\\3" "\\1G77\\3")
+                            '("\\1CXX\\3" "\\1C\\3" "\\1Fortran\\3"))
+                          "\n"))
+             rlt t))
+  (setq rlt (replace-regexp-in-string
+             "\\(.*\\)<CONFIG>\\(.*\\)"
+             (mapconcat 'identity '("\\1DEBUG\\2" "\\1RELEASE\\2"
+                                    "\\1RELWITHDEBINFO\\2" "\\1MINSIZEREL\\2")
+                        "\n")
+             rlt))
+  rlt)
+(defun company-cmake--fill-candidates-cache (arg)
+  "Fill candidates cache if needed."
+  (let (rlt)
+    (unless company-cmake--candidates-cache
+      (setq company-cmake--candidates-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+    ;; If hash is empty, fill it.
+    (unless (gethash arg company-cmake--candidates-cache)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (let ((res (call-process company-cmake-executable nil t nil arg)))
+          (unless (zerop res)
+            (message "cmake executable exited with error=%d" res)))
+        (setq rlt (buffer-string)))
+      (setq rlt (company-cmake--replace-tags rlt))
+      (puthash arg rlt company-cmake--candidates-cache))
+    ))
+(defun company-cmake--parse (prefix content cmd)
+  (let ((start 0)
+        (pattern (format company-cmake--completion-pattern
                          (regexp-quote prefix)
                          (if (zerop (length prefix)) "+" "*")))
-        (case-fold-search nil)
-        lines match)
-    (while (re-search-forward pattern nil t)
-      (setq match (match-string-no-properties 1))
-      (puthash match cmd company-cmake--meta-command-cache)
-      (push match lines))
-    lines))
+        (lines (split-string content "\n"))
+        match
+        rlt)
+    (dolist (line lines)
+      (when (string-match pattern line)
+        (let ((match (match-string 1 line)))
+          (when match
+            (puthash match cmd company-cmake--meta-command-cache)
+            (push match rlt)))))
+    rlt))
 (defun company-cmake--candidates (prefix)
-  (let ((res 0)
-        results
-        cmd)
-    (setq company-cmake--meta-command-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+  (let (results
+        cmd-opts
+        str)
+    (unless company-cmake--meta-command-cache
+      (setq company-cmake--meta-command-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
     (dolist (arg company-cmake-executable-arguments)
-      (with-temp-buffer
-        (setq res (call-process company-cmake-executable nil t nil arg))
-        (unless (eq 0 res)
-          (message "cmake executable exited with error=%d" res))
-        (setq cmd (replace-regexp-in-string "-list$" "" arg) )
-        (setq results (nconc results (company-cmake--parse-output prefix cmd)))))
+      (company-cmake--fill-candidates-cache arg)
+      (setq cmd-opts (replace-regexp-in-string "-list$" "" arg) )
+      (setq str (gethash arg company-cmake--candidates-cache))
+      (when str
+        (setq results (nconc results
+                             (company-cmake--parse prefix str cmd-opts)))))
-(defun company-cmake--meta (prefix)
-  (let ((cmd-opts (gethash prefix company-cmake--meta-command-cache))
+(defun company-cmake--unexpand-candidate (candidate)
+  (cond
+   ((string-match "^CMAKE_\\(C\\|CXX\\|Fortran\\)\\(_.*\\)$" candidate)
+    (setq candidate (concat "CMAKE_<LANG>" (match-string 2 candidate))))
+   ;; C flags
+   ((string-match "^\\(.*_\\)IS_GNU\\(C\\|CXX\\|G77\\)$" candidate)
+    (setq candidate (concat (match-string 1 candidate) "IS_GNU<LANG>")))
+   ;; C flags
+   ((string-match "^\\(.*_\\)OVERRIDE_\\(C\\|CXX\\|Fortran\\)$" candidate)
+    (setq candidate (concat (match-string 1 candidate) "OVERRIDE_<LANG>")))
+   ((string-match "^\\(.*\\)\\(_DEBUG\\|_RELEASE\\|_RELWITHDEBINFO\\|_MINSIZEREL\\)\\(.*\\)$" candidate)
+    (setq candidate (concat (match-string 1 candidate)
+                            "_<CONFIG>"
+                            (match-string 3 candidate)))))
+  candidate)
+(defun company-cmake--meta (candidate)
+  (let ((cmd-opts (gethash candidate company-cmake--meta-command-cache))
+    (setq candidate (company-cmake--unexpand-candidate candidate))
+    ;; Don't cache the documentation of every candidate (command)
+    ;; Cache in this case will cost too much memory.
-      (call-process company-cmake-executable nil t nil cmd-opts prefix)
+      (call-process company-cmake-executable nil t nil cmd-opts candidate)
       ;; Go to the third line, trim it and return the result.
       ;; Tested with cmake 2.8.9.
       (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -96,10 +163,12 @@
       (setq result (replace-regexp-in-string "^[ \t\n\r]+" "" result))
-(defun company-cmake--doc-buffer (prefix)
-  (let ((cmd-opts (gethash prefix company-cmake--meta-command-cache)))
+(defun company-cmake--doc-buffer (candidate)
+  (let ((cmd-opts (gethash candidate company-cmake--meta-command-cache)))
+    (setq candidate (company-cmake--unexpand-candidate candidate))
-      (call-process company-cmake-executable nil t nil cmd-opts prefix)
+      (call-process company-cmake-executable nil t nil cmd-opts candidate)
       ;; Go to the third line, trim it and return the doc buffer.
       ;; Tested with cmake 2.8.9.
       (goto-char (point-min))
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-css.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-css.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-dabbrev-code.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-dabbrev-code.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-dabbrev.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-dabbrev.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-eclim.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-eclim.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-elisp.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-elisp.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-etags.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-etags.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-etags.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-etags.el
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   (let ((file (locate-dominating-file (or buffer-file-name
-    (when file
+    (when (and file (file-regular-p file))
       (list (expand-file-name file)))))
 (defun company-etags-buffer-table ()
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-files.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-files.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-files.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-files.el
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
                     (expand-file-name dir)
                     (nth 5 (file-attributes dir))))
          (file (file-name-nondirectory prefix))
+         (completion-ignore-case read-file-name-completion-ignore-case)
          candidates directories)
     (unless (company-file--keys-match-p key (car company-files--completion-cache))
       (dolist (file (company-files--directory-files dir file))
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-gtags.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-gtags.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-ispell.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-ispell.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-ispell.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-ispell.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; company-ispell.el --- company-mode completion back-end using Ispell
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011, 2013-2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
@@ -60,8 +60,15 @@
     (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-ispell))
     (prefix (when (company-ispell-available)
-    (candidates (lookup-words arg (or company-ispell-dictionary
-                                      ispell-complete-word-dict)))
+    (candidates
+     (let ((words (lookup-words arg (or company-ispell-dictionary
+                                        ispell-complete-word-dict)))
+           (completion-ignore-case t))
+       (if (string= arg "")
+           ;; Small optimization.
+           words
+         ;; Work around issue #284.
+         (all-completions arg words))))
     (sorted t)
     (ignore-case 'keep-prefix)))
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-keywords.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-keywords.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-nxml.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-nxml.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-oddmuse.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-oddmuse.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-pkg.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-pkg.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-pkg.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-pkg.el
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 ;; Generated package description from company.el
-(define-package "company" "0.8.6" "Modular text completion framework" '((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "" :keywords '("abbrev" "convenience" "matching"))
+(define-package "company" "0.8.12" "Modular text completion framework" '((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5")) :url "" :keywords '("abbrev" "convenience" "matching"))
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-pysmell.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-pysmell.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-ropemacs.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-ropemacs.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-semantic.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-semantic.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-semantic.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-semantic.el
@@ -99,6 +99,14 @@
       (push tag company-semantic--current-tags)))
   (delete "" (mapcar 'semantic-tag-name company-semantic--current-tags)))
+(defun company-semantic-annotation (argument tags)
+  (let* ((tag (assoc argument tags))
+         (kind (when tag (elt tag 1))))
+    (cl-case kind
+      (function (let* ((prototype (semantic-format-tag-prototype tag nil nil))
+                       (par-pos (string-match "(" prototype)))
+                  (when par-pos (substring prototype par-pos)))))))
 (defun company-semantic--pre-prefix-length (prefix-length)
   "Sum up the length of all chained symbols before POS.
 Symbols are chained by \".\" or \"->\"."
@@ -133,6 +141,8 @@
                   (company-semantic-completions arg)))
     (meta (funcall company-semantic-metadata-function
                    (assoc arg company-semantic--current-tags)))
+    (annotation (company-semantic-annotation arg
+                                             company-semantic--current-tags))
     (doc-buffer (company-semantic-doc-buffer
                  (assoc arg company-semantic--current-tags)))
     ;; Because "" is an empty context and doesn't return local variables.
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-template.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-template.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-template.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-template.el
@@ -152,9 +152,7 @@
          (cnt 0)
          (templ (company-template-declare-template beg end))
          paren-open paren-close)
-    (with-syntax-table (make-char-table 'syntax-table nil)
-      (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "(")
-      (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")")
+    (with-syntax-table (make-syntax-table (syntax-table))
       (modify-syntax-entry ?< "(")
       (modify-syntax-entry ?> ")")
       (when (search-backward ")" beg t)
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-tempo.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-tempo.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-xcode.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-xcode.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-xcode.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company-xcode.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; company-xcode.el --- company-mode completion back-end for Xcode projects
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011, 2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
         (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
-          (add-to-list 'candidates (match-string 1)))
+          (cl-pushnew (match-string 1) candidates :test #'equal))
         (message "Retrieving dump from %s...done" project-bundle)
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-yasnippet.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company-yasnippet.el
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/company.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/company.el
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 ;;; company.el --- Modular text completion framework  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2009-2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
 ;; Maintainer: Dmitry Gutov <>
 ;; URL:
-;; Version: 0.8.6
+;; Version: 0.8.12
 ;; Keywords: abbrev, convenience, matching
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5"))
@@ -340,20 +340,20 @@
 of the following:
 `prefix': The back-end should return the text to be completed.  It must be
-text immediately before point.  Returning nil passes control to the next
-back-end.  The function should return `stop' if it should complete but
-cannot (e.g. if it is in the middle of a string).  Instead of a string,
-the back-end may return a cons where car is the prefix and cdr is used in
-`company-minimum-prefix-length' test.  It must be either number or t, and
-in the latter case the test automatically succeeds.
+text immediately before point.  Returning nil from this command passes
+control to the next back-end.  The function should return `stop' if it
+should complete but cannot (e.g. if it is in the middle of a string).
+Instead of a string, the back-end may return a cons where car is the prefix
+and cdr is used in `company-minimum-prefix-length' test.  It must be either
+number or t, and in the latter case the test automatically succeeds.
 `candidates': The second argument is the prefix to be completed.  The
 return value should be a list of candidates that match the prefix.
 Non-prefix matches are also supported (candidates that don't start with the
 prefix, but match it in some backend-defined way).  Backends that use this
-feature must disable cache (return t to `no-cache') and should also respond
-to `match'.
+feature must disable cache (return t to `no-cache') and might also want to
+respond to `match'.
 Optional commands:
@@ -384,10 +384,10 @@
 backends should store the related information on candidates using text
-`match': The second argument is a completion candidate.  Backends that
-provide non-prefix completions should return the position of the end of
-text in the candidate that matches `prefix'.  It will be used when
-rendering the popup.
+`match': The second argument is a completion candidate.  Return the index
+after the end of text matching `prefix' within the candidate string.  It
+will be used when rendering the popup.  This command only makes sense for
+backends that provide non-prefix completion.
 `require-match': If this returns t, the user is not allowed to enter
 anything not offered as a candidate.  Use with care!  The default value nil
@@ -449,9 +449,11 @@
 (put 'company-backends 'safe-local-variable 'company-safe-backends-p)
 (defcustom company-transformers nil
-  "Functions to change the list of candidates received from backends,
-after sorting and removal of duplicates (if appropriate).
-Each function gets called with the return value of the previous one."
+  "Functions to change the list of candidates received from backends.
+Each function gets called with the return value of the previous one.
+The first one gets passed the list of candidates, already sorted and
+without duplicates."
   :type '(choice
           (const :tag "None" nil)
           (const :tag "Sort by occurrence" (company-sort-by-occurrence))
@@ -612,6 +614,8 @@
     (define-key keymap (kbd "M-p") 'company-select-previous)
     (define-key keymap (kbd "<down>") 'company-select-next-or-abort)
     (define-key keymap (kbd "<up>") 'company-select-previous-or-abort)
+    (define-key keymap [remap scroll-up-command] 'company-next-page)
+    (define-key keymap [remap scroll-down-command] 'company-previous-page)
     (define-key keymap [down-mouse-1] 'ignore)
     (define-key keymap [down-mouse-3] 'ignore)
     (define-key keymap [mouse-1] 'company-complete-mouse)
@@ -658,9 +662,26 @@
       (unless (keywordp b)
         (company-init-backend b))))))
-(defvar company-default-lighter " company")
-(defvar-local company-lighter company-default-lighter)
+(defcustom company-lighter-base "company"
+  "Base string to use for the `company-mode' lighter."
+  :type 'string
+  :package-version '(company . "0.8.10"))
+(defvar company-lighter '(" "
+                          (company-backend
+                           (:eval
+                            (if (consp company-backend)
+                                (company--group-lighter (nth company-selection
+                                                             company-candidates)
+                                                        company-lighter-base)
+                              (symbol-name company-backend)))
+                           company-lighter-base))
+  "Mode line lighter for Company.
+The value of this variable is a mode line template as in
+(put 'company-lighter 'risky-local-variable t)
 (define-minor-mode company-mode
@@ -767,10 +788,10 @@
   (setq this-command last-command))
-(global-set-key '[31415926] 'company-ignore)
+(global-set-key '[company-dummy-event] 'company-ignore)
 (defun company-input-noop ()
-  (push 31415926 unread-command-events))
+  (push 'company-dummy-event unread-command-events))
 (defun company--posn-col-row (posn)
   (let ((col (car (posn-col-row posn)))
@@ -913,26 +934,26 @@
        (lambda (callback)
-         (let* (lst pending
+         (let* (lst
+                (pending (mapcar #'car pairs))
                 (finisher (lambda ()
                             (unless pending
                               (funcall callback
                                        (funcall merger
                                                 (nreverse lst)))))))
            (dolist (pair pairs)
-             (let ((val (car pair))
-                   (mapper (cdr pair)))
+             (push nil lst)
+             (let* ((cell lst)
+                    (val (car pair))
+                    (mapper (cdr pair))
+                    (this-finisher (lambda (res)
+                                     (setq pending (delq val pending))
+                                     (setcar cell (funcall mapper res))
+                                     (funcall finisher))))
                (if (not (eq :async (car-safe val)))
-                   (push (funcall mapper val) lst)
-                 (push nil lst)
-                 (let ((cell lst)
-                       (fetcher (cdr val)))
-                   (push fetcher pending)
-                   (funcall fetcher
-                            (lambda (res)
-                              (setq pending (delq fetcher pending))
-                              (setcar cell (funcall mapper res))
-                              (funcall finisher)))))))))))))
+                   (funcall this-finisher val)
+                 (let ((fetcher (cdr val)))
+                   (funcall fetcher this-finisher)))))))))))
 (defun company--prefix-str (prefix)
   (or (car-safe prefix) prefix))
@@ -978,8 +999,9 @@
   ;; XXX: Return value we check here is subject to change.
   (if (eq (company-call-backend 'ignore-case) 'keep-prefix)
       (insert (company-strip-prefix candidate))
-    (delete-region (- (point) (length company-prefix)) (point))
-    (insert candidate)))
+    (unless (equal company-prefix candidate)
+      (delete-region (- (point) (length company-prefix)) (point))
+      (insert candidate))))
 (defmacro company-with-candidate-inserted (candidate &rest body)
   "Evaluate BODY with CANDIDATE temporarily inserted.
@@ -1040,58 +1062,49 @@
             (mod selection company-candidates-length)
           (max 0 (min (1- company-candidates-length) selection))))
   (when (or force-update (not (equal selection company-selection)))
-    (company--update-group-lighter (nth selection company-candidates))
     (setq company-selection selection
           company-selection-changed t)
     (company-call-frontends 'update)))
-(defun company--update-group-lighter (candidate)
-  (when (listp company-backend)
-    (let ((backend (or (get-text-property 0 'company-backend candidate)
-                       (car company-backend))))
-      (when (and backend (symbolp backend))
-        (let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "company-\\|-company" ""
-                                              (symbol-name backend))))
-          (setq company-lighter (format " company-<%s>" name)))))))
-(defun company-apply-predicate (candidates predicate)
-  (let (new)
-    (dolist (c candidates)
-      (when (funcall predicate c)
-        (push c new)))
-    (nreverse new)))
+(defun company--group-lighter (candidate base)
+  (let ((backend (or (get-text-property 0 'company-backend candidate)
+                     (car company-backend))))
+    (when (and backend (symbolp backend))
+      (let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "company-\\|-company" ""
+                                            (symbol-name backend))))
+        (format "%s-<%s>" base name)))))
 (defun company-update-candidates (candidates)
   (setq company-candidates-length (length candidates))
-  (if (> company-selection 0)
+  (if company-selection-changed
       ;; Try to restore the selection
       (let ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
         (setq company-selection 0
               company-candidates candidates)
         (when selected
-          (while (and candidates (string< (pop candidates) selected))
-            (cl-incf company-selection))
-          (unless candidates
-            ;; Make sure selection isn't out of bounds.
-            (setq company-selection (min (1- company-candidates-length)
-                                         company-selection)))))
+          (catch 'found
+            (while candidates
+              (let ((candidate (pop candidates)))
+                (when (and (string= candidate selected)
+                           (equal (company-call-backend 'annotation candidate)
+                                  (company-call-backend 'annotation selected)))
+                  (throw 'found t)))
+              (cl-incf company-selection))
+            (setq company-selection 0
+                  company-selection-changed nil))))
     (setq company-selection 0
           company-candidates candidates))
-  ;; Save in cache:
-  (push (cons company-prefix company-candidates) company-candidates-cache)
   ;; Calculate common.
   (let ((completion-ignore-case (company-call-backend 'ignore-case)))
     ;; We want to support non-prefix completion, so filtering is the
     ;; responsibility of each respective backend, not ours.
     ;; On the other hand, we don't want to replace non-prefix input in
-    ;; `company-complete-common'.
+    ;; `company-complete-common', unless there's only one candidate.
     (setq company-common
           (if (cdr company-candidates)
-              (let ((common (try-completion company-prefix company-candidates)))
-                (if (eq common t)
-                    ;; Mulple equal strings, probably with different
-                    ;; annotations.
-                    company-prefix
+              (let ((common (try-completion "" company-candidates)))
+                (when (string-prefix-p company-prefix common
+                                       completion-ignore-case)
             (car company-candidates)))))
@@ -1108,11 +1121,14 @@
                 (setq candidates (all-completions prefix prev))
                 (cl-return t)))))
-        ;; no cache match, call back-end
-        (setq candidates
-              (company--process-candidates
-               (company--fetch-candidates prefix))))
-    (setq candidates (company--transform-candidates candidates))
+        (progn
+          ;; No cache match, call the backend.
+          (setq candidates (company--preprocess-candidates
+                            (company--fetch-candidates prefix)))
+          ;; Save in cache.
+          (push (cons prefix candidates) company-candidates-cache)))
+    ;; Only now apply the predicate and transformers.
+    (setq candidates (company--postprocess-candidates candidates))
     (when candidates
       (if (or (cdr candidates)
               (not (eq t (compare-strings (car candidates) nil nil
@@ -1137,13 +1153,13 @@
          (cdr c)
          (lambda (candidates)
            (if (not (and candidates (eq res 'done)))
-               ;; Fetcher called us back right away.
+               ;; There's no completions to display,
+               ;; or the fetcher called us back right away.
                (setq res candidates)
              (setq company-backend backend
                    (list (cons prefix
-                               (company--process-candidates
-                                candidates))))
+                               (company--preprocess-candidates candidates))))
              (company-idle-begin buf win tick pt)))))
       ;; FIXME: Relying on the fact that the callers
       ;; will interpret nil as "do nothing" is shaky.
@@ -1151,33 +1167,40 @@
       (or res
           (progn (setq res 'done) nil)))))
-(defun company--process-candidates (candidates)
-  (when company-candidates-predicate
-    (setq candidates
-          (company-apply-predicate candidates
-                                   company-candidates-predicate)))
+(defun company--preprocess-candidates (candidates)
   (unless (company-call-backend 'sorted)
     (setq candidates (sort candidates 'string<)))
   (when (company-call-backend 'duplicates)
     (company--strip-duplicates candidates))
+(defun company--postprocess-candidates (candidates)
+  (when (or company-candidates-predicate company-transformers)
+    (setq candidates (copy-sequence candidates)))
+  (when company-candidates-predicate
+    (setq candidates (cl-delete-if-not company-candidates-predicate candidates)))
+  (company--transform-candidates candidates))
 (defun company--strip-duplicates (candidates)
-  (let ((c2 candidates))
+  (let ((c2 candidates)
+        (annos 'unk))
     (while c2
       (setcdr c2
-              (let ((str (car c2))
-                    (anno 'unk))
-                (pop c2)
+              (let ((str (pop c2)))
                 (while (let ((str2 (car c2)))
                          (if (not (equal str str2))
-                             nil
-                           (when (eq anno 'unk)
-                             (setq anno (company-call-backend
-                                         'annotation str)))
-                           (equal anno
-                                  (company-call-backend
-                                   'annotation str2))))
+                             (progn
+                               (setq annos 'unk)
+                               nil)
+                           (when (eq annos 'unk)
+                             (setq annos (list (company-call-backend
+                                                'annotation str))))
+                           (let ((anno2 (company-call-backend
+                                         'annotation str2)))
+                             (if (member anno2 annos)
+                                 t
+                               (push anno2 annos)
+                               nil))))
                   (pop c2))
@@ -1288,15 +1311,14 @@
        (not company-candidates)
        (let ((company-idle-delay 'now))
          (condition-case-unless-debug err
-             (company--perform)
+             (progn
+               (company--perform)
+               ;; Return non-nil if active.
+               company-candidates)
            (error (message "Company: An error occurred in auto-begin")
                   (message "%s" (error-message-string err))
-           (quit (company-cancel)))))
-  (unless company-candidates
-    (setq company-backend nil))
-  ;; Return non-nil if active.
-  company-candidates)
+           (quit (company-cancel))))))
 (defun company-manual-begin ()
@@ -1304,7 +1326,8 @@
   (setq company--manual-action t)
       (let ((company-minimum-prefix-length 0))
-        (company-auto-begin))
+        (or company-candidates
+            (company-auto-begin)))
     (unless company-candidates
       (setq company--manual-action nil))))
@@ -1366,6 +1389,7 @@
      ((and (or (not (company-require-match-p))
                ;; Don't require match if the new prefix
                ;; doesn't continue the old one, and the latter was a match.
+               (not (stringp new-prefix))
                (<= (length new-prefix) (length company-prefix)))
            (member company-prefix company-candidates))
       ;; Last input was a success,
@@ -1443,9 +1467,6 @@
                 (message "No completion found"))
             (when company--manual-action
               (setq company--manual-prefix prefix))
-            (if (symbolp backend)
-                (setq company-lighter (concat " " (symbol-name backend)))
-              (company--update-group-lighter (car c)))
             (company-update-candidates c)
             (run-hook-with-args 'company-completion-started-hook
@@ -1455,7 +1476,8 @@
 (defun company--perform ()
   (or (and company-candidates (company--continue))
       (and (company--should-complete) (company--begin-new)))
-  (when company-candidates
+  (if (not company-candidates)
+      (setq company-backend nil)
     (setq company-point (point)
           company--point-max (point-max))
@@ -1482,7 +1504,6 @@
           company-selection-changed nil
           company--manual-action nil
           company--manual-prefix nil
-          company-lighter company-default-lighter
           company--point-max nil
           company-point nil)
     (when company-timer
@@ -1565,15 +1586,22 @@
 ;;; search ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defvar-local company-search-string nil)
-(defvar-local company-search-lighter " Search: \"\"")
-(defvar-local company-search-old-map nil)
-(defvar-local company-search-old-selection 0)
-(defun company-search (text lines)
+(defvar-local company-search-string "")
+(defvar company-search-lighter '(" "
+                                 (company-search-filtering "Filter" "Search")
+                                 ": \""
+                                 company-search-string
+                                 "\""))
+(defvar-local company-search-filtering nil
+  "Non-nil to filter the completion candidates by the search string")
+(defvar-local company--search-old-selection 0)
+(defvar-local company--search-old-changed nil)
+(defun company--search (text lines)
   (let ((quoted (regexp-quote text))
         (i 0))
     (cl-dolist (line lines)
@@ -1581,24 +1609,48 @@
         (cl-return i))
       (cl-incf i))))
+(defun company-search-keypad ()
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((name (symbol-name last-command-event))
+         (last-command-event (aref name (1- (length name)))))
+    (company-search-printing-char)))
 (defun company-search-printing-char ()
-  (company-search-assert-enabled)
-  (let* ((ss (concat company-search-string (string last-command-event)))
-         (pos (company-search ss (nthcdr company-selection company-candidates))))
+  (company--search-assert-enabled)
+  (let ((ss (concat company-search-string (string last-command-event))))
+    (when company-search-filtering
+      (company--search-update-predicate ss))
+    (company--search-update-string ss)))
+(defun company--search-update-predicate (&optional ss)
+  (let* ((company-candidates-predicate
+          (and (not (string= ss ""))
+               company-search-filtering
+               (lambda (candidate) (string-match ss candidate))))
+         (cc (company-calculate-candidates company-prefix)))
+    (unless cc (error "No match"))
+    (company-update-candidates cc)))
+(defun company--search-update-string (new)
+  (let* ((pos (company--search new (nthcdr company-selection company-candidates))))
     (if (null pos)
-      (setq company-search-string ss
-            company-search-lighter (concat " Search: \"" ss "\""))
+      (setq company-search-string new)
       (company-set-selection (+ company-selection pos) t))))
+(defun company--search-assert-input ()
+  (company--search-assert-enabled)
+  (when (string= company-search-string "")
+    (error "Empty search string")))
 (defun company-search-repeat-forward ()
   "Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates forward."
-  (company-search-assert-enabled)
-  (let ((pos (company-search company-search-string
-                             (cdr (nthcdr company-selection
-                                          company-candidates)))))
+  (company--search-assert-input)
+  (let ((pos (company--search company-search-string
+                              (cdr (nthcdr company-selection
+                                           company-candidates)))))
     (if (null pos)
       (company-set-selection (+ company-selection pos 1) t))))
@@ -1606,52 +1658,48 @@
 (defun company-search-repeat-backward ()
   "Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates backwards."
-  (company-search-assert-enabled)
-  (let ((pos (company-search company-search-string
-                             (nthcdr (- company-candidates-length
-                                        company-selection)
-                                     (reverse company-candidates)))))
+  (company--search-assert-input)
+  (let ((pos (company--search company-search-string
+                              (nthcdr (- company-candidates-length
+                                         company-selection)
+                                      (reverse company-candidates)))))
     (if (null pos)
       (company-set-selection (- company-selection pos 1) t))))
-(defun company-create-match-predicate ()
-  (let ((ss company-search-string))
-    (setq company-candidates-predicate
-          (when ss (lambda (candidate) (string-match ss candidate)))))
-  (company-update-candidates
-   (company-apply-predicate company-candidates company-candidates-predicate))
-  ;; Invalidate cache.
-  (setq company-candidates-cache (cons company-prefix company-candidates)))
-(defun company-filter-printing-char ()
+(defun company-search-toggle-filtering ()
+  "Toggle `company-search-filtering'."
-  (company-search-assert-enabled)
-  (company-search-printing-char)
-  (company-create-match-predicate)
-  (company-call-frontends 'update))
-(defun company-search-kill-others ()
-  "Limit the completion candidates to the ones matching the search string."
-  (interactive)
-  (company-search-assert-enabled)
-  (company-create-match-predicate)
-  (company-search-mode 0)
-  (company-call-frontends 'update))
+  (company--search-assert-enabled)
+  (setq company-search-filtering (not company-search-filtering))
+  (let ((ss company-search-string))
+    (company--search-update-predicate ss)
+    (company--search-update-string ss)))
 (defun company-search-abort ()
   "Abort searching the completion candidates."
-  (company-search-assert-enabled)
-  (company-set-selection company-search-old-selection t)
-  (company-search-mode 0))
+  (company--search-assert-enabled)
+  (company-search-mode 0)
+  (company-set-selection company--search-old-selection t)
+  (setq company-selection-changed company--search-old-changed))
 (defun company-search-other-char ()
-  (company-search-assert-enabled)
+  (company--search-assert-enabled)
   (company-search-mode 0)
+(defun company-search-delete-char ()
+  (interactive)
+  (company--search-assert-enabled)
+  (if (string= company-search-string "")
+      (ding)
+    (let ((ss (substring company-search-string 0 -1)))
+      (when company-search-filtering
+        (company--search-update-predicate ss))
+      (company--search-update-string ss))))
 (defvar company-search-map
   (let ((i 0)
         (keymap (make-keymap)))
@@ -1672,18 +1720,26 @@
     (while (< i 256)
       (define-key keymap (vector i) 'company-search-printing-char)
       (cl-incf i))
+    (dotimes (i 10)
+      (define-key keymap (read (format "[kp-%s]" i)) 'company-search-keypad))
     (let ((meta-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
       (define-key keymap (char-to-string meta-prefix-char) meta-map)
       (define-key keymap [escape] meta-map))
     (define-key keymap (vector meta-prefix-char t) 'company-search-other-char)
+    (define-key keymap (kbd "M-n") 'company-select-next)
+    (define-key keymap (kbd "M-p") 'company-select-previous)
+    (define-key keymap (kbd "<down>") 'company-select-next-or-abort)
+    (define-key keymap (kbd "<up>") 'company-select-previous-or-abort)
     (define-key keymap "\e\e\e" 'company-search-other-char)
     (define-key keymap [escape escape escape] 'company-search-other-char)
-    (define-key keymap (kbd "DEL") 'company-search-other-char)
+    (define-key keymap (kbd "DEL") 'company-search-delete-char)
+    (define-key keymap [backspace] 'company-search-delete-char)
     (define-key keymap "\C-g" 'company-search-abort)
     (define-key keymap "\C-s" 'company-search-repeat-forward)
     (define-key keymap "\C-r" 'company-search-repeat-backward)
-    (define-key keymap "\C-o" 'company-search-kill-others)
+    (define-key keymap "\C-o" 'company-search-toggle-filtering)
+    (dotimes (i 10)
+      (define-key keymap (read-kbd-macro (format "M-%d" i)) 'company-complete-number))
   "Keymap used for incrementally searching the completion candidates.")
@@ -1695,15 +1751,21 @@
   (if company-search-mode
       (if (company-manual-begin)
-            (setq company-search-old-selection company-selection)
-            (company-call-frontends 'update))
+            (setq company--search-old-selection company-selection
+                  company--search-old-changed company-selection-changed)
+            (company-call-frontends 'update)
+            (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-search-map))
         (setq company-search-mode nil))
     (kill-local-variable 'company-search-string)
-    (kill-local-variable 'company-search-lighter)
-    (kill-local-variable 'company-search-old-selection)
+    (kill-local-variable 'company-search-filtering)
+    (kill-local-variable 'company--search-old-selection)
+    (kill-local-variable 'company--search-old-changed)
+    (when company-backend
+      (company--search-update-predicate "")
+      (company-call-frontends 'update))
     (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-active-map)))
-(defun company-search-assert-enabled ()
+(defun company--search-assert-enabled ()
   (unless company-search-mode
@@ -1716,14 +1778,14 @@
 - `company-search-repeat-forward' (\\[company-search-repeat-forward])
 - `company-search-repeat-backward' (\\[company-search-repeat-backward])
 - `company-search-abort' (\\[company-search-abort])
+- `company-search-delete-char' (\\[company-search-delete-char])
 Regular characters are appended to the search string.
-The command `company-search-kill-others' (\\[company-search-kill-others])
-uses the search string to limit the completion candidates."
+The command `company-search-toggle-filtering' (\\[company-search-toggle-filtering])
+uses the search string to filter the completion candidates."
-  (company-search-mode 1)
-  (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-search-map))
+  (company-search-mode 1))
 (defvar company-filter-map
   (let ((keymap (make-keymap)))
@@ -1736,10 +1798,10 @@
 (defun company-filter-candidates ()
   "Start filtering the completion candidates incrementally.
 This works the same way as `company-search-candidates' immediately
-followed by `company-search-kill-others' after each input."
+followed by `company-search-toggle-filtering'."
   (company-search-mode 1)
-  (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-filter-map))
+  (setq company-search-filtering t))
@@ -1773,6 +1835,20 @@
+(defun company-next-page ()
+  "Select the candidate one page further."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (company-manual-begin)
+    (company-set-selection (+ company-selection
+                              company-tooltip-limit))))
+(defun company-previous-page ()
+  "Select the candidate one page earlier."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (company-manual-begin)
+    (company-set-selection (- company-selection
+                              company-tooltip-limit))))
 (defvar company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
 (defvar company-tooltip-offset)
@@ -1843,6 +1919,16 @@
       (when company-common
         (company--insert-candidate company-common)))))
+(defun company-complete-common-or-cycle ()
+  "Insert the common part of all candidates, or select the next one."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (company-manual-begin)
+    (let ((tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
+      (call-interactively 'company-complete-common)
+      (when (eq tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
+        (let ((company-selection-wrap-around t))
+          (call-interactively 'company-select-next))))))
 (defun company-complete ()
   "Insert the common part of all candidates or the current selection.
 The first time this is called, the common part is inserted, the second
@@ -1857,18 +1943,26 @@
       (setq this-command 'company-complete-common))))
 (defun company-complete-number (n)
-  "Insert the Nth candidate.
+  "Insert the Nth candidate visible in the tooltip.
 To show the number next to the candidates in some back-ends, enable
 `company-show-numbers'.  When called interactively, uses the last typed
 character, stripping the modifiers.  That character must be a digit."
-   (list (let ((n (- (event-basic-type last-command-event) ?0)))
+   (list (let* ((type (event-basic-type last-command-event))
+                (char (if (characterp type)
+                          ;; Number on the main row.
+                          type
+                        ;; Keypad number, if bound directly.
+                        (car (last (string-to-list (symbol-name type))))))
+                (n (- char ?0)))
            (if (zerop n) 10 n))))
   (when (company-manual-begin)
-    (and (or (< n 1) (> n company-candidates-length))
+    (and (or (< n 1) (> n (- company-candidates-length
+                             company-tooltip-offset)))
          (error "No candidate number %d" n))
     (cl-decf n)
-    (company-finish (nth n company-candidates))))
+    (company-finish (nth (+ n company-tooltip-offset)
+                         company-candidates))))
@@ -2095,7 +2189,6 @@
                          (string-width company-common)
          (ann-ralign company-tooltip-align-annotations)
-         (value (company--clean-string value))
          (ann-truncate (< width
                           (+ (length value) (length annotation)
                              (if ann-ralign 1 0))))
@@ -2134,16 +2227,15 @@
                              mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse)
     (when selected
-      (if (and company-search-string
+      (if (and (not (string= company-search-string ""))
                (string-match (regexp-quote company-search-string) value
                              (length company-prefix)))
           (let ((beg (+ margin (match-beginning 0)))
-                (end (+ margin (match-end 0))))
-            (add-text-properties beg end '(face company-tooltip-search)
-                                 line)
-            (when (< beg common)
-              (add-text-properties beg common
-                                   '(face company-tooltip-common-selection)
+                (end (+ margin (match-end 0)))
+                (width (- width (length right))))
+            (when (< beg width)
+              (add-text-properties beg (min end width)
+                                   '(face company-tooltip-search)
         (add-text-properties 0 width '(face company-tooltip-selection
                                        mouse-face company-tooltip-selection)
@@ -2178,7 +2270,8 @@
 (defun company-buffer-lines (beg end)
   (goto-char beg)
   (let (lines lines-moved)
-    (while (and (> (setq lines-moved (vertical-motion 1)) 0)
+    (while (and (not (eobp)) ;
+                (> (setq lines-moved (vertical-motion 1)) 0)
                 (<= (point) end))
       (let ((bound (min end (1- (point)))))
         ;; A visual line can contain several physical lines (e.g. with outline's
@@ -2208,6 +2301,30 @@
     (length lst)))
+(defsubst company--window-height ()
+  (if (fboundp 'window-screen-lines)
+      (floor (window-screen-lines))
+    (window-body-height)))
+(defun company--window-width ()
+  (let ((ww (window-body-width)))
+    ;; Account for the line continuation column.
+    (when (zerop (cadr (window-fringes)))
+      (cl-decf ww))
+    (unless (or (display-graphic-p)
+                (version< "24.3.1" emacs-version))
+      ;; Emacs 24.3 and earlier included margins
+      ;; in window-width when in TTY.
+      (cl-decf ww
+               (let ((margins (window-margins)))
+                 (+ (or (car margins) 0)
+                    (or (cdr margins) 0)))))
+    (when (and word-wrap
+               (version< emacs-version ""))
+      ;;
+      (cl-decf ww))
+    ww))
 (defun company--replacement-string (lines old column nl &optional align-top)
   (cl-decf column company-tooltip-margin)
@@ -2232,7 +2349,8 @@
     (while old
       (push (company-modify-line (pop old)
                                  (company--offset-line (pop lines) offset)
-                                 column) new))
+                                 column)
+            new))
     ;; Append whole new lines.
     (while lines
       (push (concat (company-space-string column)
@@ -2254,7 +2372,6 @@
 (defun company--create-lines (selection limit)
   (let ((len company-candidates-length)
-        (numbered 99999)
         (window-width (company--window-width))
@@ -2296,11 +2413,14 @@
     (dotimes (_ len)
       (let* ((value (pop lines-copy))
              (annotation (company-call-backend 'annotation value)))
-        (when (and annotation company-tooltip-align-annotations)
-          ;; `lisp-completion-at-point' adds a space.
-          (setq annotation (comment-string-strip annotation t nil)))
+        (setq value (company--clean-string (company-reformat value)))
+        (when annotation
+          (when company-tooltip-align-annotations
+            ;; `lisp-completion-at-point' adds a space.
+            (setq annotation (comment-string-strip annotation t nil)))
+          (setq annotation (company--clean-string annotation)))
         (push (cons value annotation) items)
-        (setq width (max (+ (string-width value)
+        (setq width (max (+ (length value)
                             (if (and annotation company-tooltip-align-annotations)
                                 (1+ (length annotation))
                               (length annotation)))
@@ -2308,22 +2428,19 @@
     (setq width (min window-width
                      (max company-tooltip-minimum-width
-                          (if (and company-show-numbers
-                                   (< company-tooltip-offset 10))
+                          (if company-show-numbers
                               (+ 2 width)
-    ;; number can make tooltip too long
-    (when company-show-numbers
-      (setq numbered company-tooltip-offset))
-    (let ((items (nreverse items)) new)
+    (let ((items (nreverse items))
+          (numbered (if company-show-numbers 0 99999))
+          new)
       (when previous
         (push (company--scrollpos-line previous width) new))
       (dotimes (i len)
         (let* ((item (pop items))
-               (str (company-reformat (car item)))
+               (str (car item))
                (annotation (cdr item))
                (right (company-space-string company-tooltip-margin))
                (width width))
@@ -2367,26 +2484,6 @@
 ;; show
-(defsubst company--window-height ()
-  (if (fboundp 'window-screen-lines)
-      (floor (window-screen-lines))
-    (window-body-height)))
-(defsubst company--window-width ()
-  (let ((ww (window-body-width)))
-    ;; Account for the line continuation column.
-    (when (zerop (cadr (window-fringes)))
-      (cl-decf ww))
-    (unless (or (display-graphic-p)
-                (version< "24.3.1" emacs-version))
-      ;; Emacs 24.3 and earlier included margins
-      ;; in window-width when in TTY.
-      (cl-decf ww
-               (let ((margins (window-margins)))
-                 (+ (or (car margins) 0)
-                    (or (cdr margins) 0)))))
-    ww))
 (defun company--pseudo-tooltip-height ()
   "Calculate the appropriate tooltip height.
 Returns a negative number if the tooltip should be displayed above point."
@@ -2413,7 +2510,7 @@
              (end (save-excursion
                     (move-to-window-line (+ row (abs height)))
-             (ov (make-overlay (if nl beg (1- beg)) end nil t t))
+             (ov (make-overlay (if nl beg (1- beg)) end nil t))
              (args (list (mapcar 'company-plainify
                                  (company-buffer-lines beg end))
                          column nl above)))
@@ -2518,8 +2615,6 @@
 (defun company-preview-show-at-point (pos)
-  (setq company-preview-overlay (make-overlay pos pos))
   (let ((completion (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
     (setq completion (propertize completion 'face 'company-preview))
     (add-text-properties 0 (length company-common)
@@ -2537,11 +2632,26 @@
     (and (equal pos (point))
          (not (equal completion ""))
-         (add-text-properties 0 1 '(cursor t) completion))
-    (let ((ov company-preview-overlay))
-      (overlay-put ov 'after-string completion)
-      (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window)))))
+         (add-text-properties 0 1 '(cursor 1) completion))
+    (let* ((beg pos)
+           (pto company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
+           (ptf-workaround (and
+                            pto
+                            (char-before pos)
+                            (eq pos (overlay-start pto)))))
+      ;; Try to accomodate for the pseudo-tooltip overlay,
+      ;; which may start at the same position if it's at eol.
+      (when ptf-workaround
+        (cl-decf beg)
+        (setq completion (concat (buffer-substring beg pos) completion)))
+      (setq company-preview-overlay (make-overlay beg pos))
+      (let ((ov company-preview-overlay))
+        (overlay-put ov (if ptf-workaround 'display 'after-string)
+                     completion)
+        (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))))))
 (defun company-preview-hide ()
   (when company-preview-overlay
copy from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
copy to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/all.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/all.el
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-;;; company-abbrev.el --- company-mode completion back-end for abbrev
+;;; all-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -19,33 +19,10 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'company)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'abbrev)
-(defun company-abbrev-insert (match)
-  "Replace MATCH with the expanded abbrev."
-  (expand-abbrev))
+(defvar company-test-path
+  (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))
-(defun company-abbrev (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion back-end for abbrev."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-abbrev
-                                        'company-abbrev-insert))
-    (prefix (company-grab-symbol))
-    (candidates (nconc
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg global-abbrev-table))
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg local-abbrev-table))))
-    (meta (abbrev-expansion arg))
-    (require-match t)))
+(require 'ert)
-(provide 'company-abbrev)
-;;; company-abbrev.el ends here
+(dolist (test-file (directory-files company-test-path t "-tests.el$"))
+  (load test-file nil t))
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-tests.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/async-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-tests.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/async-tests.el
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-;;; company-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; async-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -19,665 +19,9 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'company)
-(require 'company-keywords)
-(require 'company-clang)
-(defun company--column (&optional pos)
-  (car (company--col-row pos)))
-;;; Core
-(ert-deftest company-sorted-keywords ()
-  "Test that keywords in `company-keywords-alist' are in alphabetical order."
-  (dolist (pair company-keywords-alist)
-    (when (consp (cdr pair))
-      (let ((prev (cadr pair)))
-        (dolist (next (cddr pair))
-          (should (not (equal prev next)))
-          (should (string< prev next))
-          (setq prev next))))))
-(ert-deftest company-good-prefix ()
-  (let ((company-minimum-prefix-length 5)
-        company-abort-manual-when-too-short
-        company--manual-action            ;idle begin
-        (company-selection-changed t))    ;has no effect
-    (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "!@#$%")))
-    (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p "abcd")))
-    (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p 'stop)))
-    (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 5))))
-    (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 4))))
-    (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . t))))))
-(ert-deftest company--manual-prefix-set-and-unset ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (company-manual-begin)
-      (should (equal "ab" company--manual-prefix))
-      (company-abort)
-      (should (null company--manual-prefix)))))
-(ert-deftest company-abort-manual-when-too-short ()
-  (let ((company-minimum-prefix-length 5)
-        (company-abort-manual-when-too-short t)
-        (company-selection-changed t))    ;has not effect
-    (let ((company--manual-action nil))   ;idle begin
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "!@#$%")))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 5))))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . t)))))
-    (let ((company--manual-action t)
-          (company--manual-prefix "abc")) ;manual begin from this prefix
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "!@#$")))
-      (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p "ab")))
-      (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p 'stop)))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 4))))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "abcd")))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "abc")))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("bar" . t)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-with-lambdas ()
-  (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "z")
-                   (candidates '("a" "b"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "z")
-                   (candidates '("c" "d")))))))
-    (should (equal (company-call-backend 'candidates "z") '("a" "b" "c" "d")))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-filters-backends-by-prefix ()
-  (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix (cons "z" t))
-                   (candidates '("a" "b"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "t")
-                   (candidates '("c" "d"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "z")
-                   (candidates '("e" "f")))))))
-    (should (equal (company-call-backend 'candidates "z") '("a" "b" "e" "f")))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-remembers-candidate-backend ()
-  (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (ignore-case nil)
-                   (annotation "1")
-                   (candidates '("a" "c"))
-                   (post-completion "13")))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (ignore-case t)
-                   (annotation "2")
-                   (candidates '("b" "d"))
-                   (post-completion "42")))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (annotation "3")
-                   (candidates '("e"))
-                   (post-completion "74"))))))
-    (let ((candidates (company-calculate-candidates nil)))
-      (should (equal candidates '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e")))
-      (should (equal t (company-call-backend 'ignore-case)))
-      (should (equal "1" (company-call-backend 'annotation (nth 0 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "2" (company-call-backend 'annotation (nth 1 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "13" (company-call-backend 'post-completion (nth 2 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "42" (company-call-backend 'post-completion (nth 3 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "3" (company-call-backend 'annotation (nth 4 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "74" (company-call-backend 'post-completion (nth 4 candidates)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-handles-keyword-with ()
-  (let ((primo (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "a")
-                   (candidates '("abb" "abc" "abd")))))
-        (secundo (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix "a")
-                     (candidates '("acc" "acd"))))))
-    (let ((company-backend (list 'ignore 'ignore :with secundo)))
-      (should (null (company-call-backend 'prefix))))
-    (let ((company-backend (list 'ignore primo :with secundo)))
-      (should (equal "a" (company-call-backend 'prefix)))
-      (should (equal '("abb" "abc" "abd" "acc" "acd")
-                     (company-call-backend 'candidates "a"))))))
-(ert-deftest company-begin-backend-failure-doesnt-break-company-backends ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "a")
-    (company-mode)
-    (should-error
-     (company-begin-backend (lambda (command &rest ignore))))
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix "a")
-                     (candidates '("a" "ab" "ac")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-call 'complete))
-      (should (eq 3 company-candidates-length)))))
-(ert-deftest company-require-match-explicit ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?e))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 3 (point))))))
-(ert-deftest company-dont-require-match-when-idle ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
-          (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?e))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (eq nil company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 4 (point))))))
-(ert-deftest company-dont-require-match-if-old-prefix-ended-and-was-a-match ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (company-grab-word))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "ab" "abd"))
-                     (sorted t))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?e))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (eq 3 company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 3 (point)))
-      (let ((last-command-event ? ))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (null company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 4 (point))))))
-(ert-deftest company-should-complete-whitelist ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-begin-commands
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands nil))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (null company-candidates-length)))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands '(backward-delete-char)))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))))))
-(ert-deftest company-should-complete-blacklist ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-begin-commands
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands '(not backward-delete-char)))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (null company-candidates-length)))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands '(not backward-delete-char-untabify)))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))))))
-(ert-deftest company-auto-complete-explicit ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-auto-complete 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (let ((last-command-event ? ))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (string= "abcd " (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-no-auto-complete-when-idle ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-auto-complete 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
-          (company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef")))))))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (let ((last-command-event ? ))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (string= "ab " (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-clears-explicit-action-when-no-matches ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-backends)
-      (company-call 'manual-begin) ;; fails
-      (should (null company-candidates))
-      (should (null (company-explicit-action-p))))))
+(require 'company-tests)
-(ert-deftest company-ignore-case-replaces-prefix ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-end-of-buffer-workaround
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef"))
-                     (ignore-case t))))))
-      (insert "A")
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (should (string= "ab" (buffer-string)))
-      (delete-char -2)
-      (insert "A") ; hack, to keep it in one test
-      (company-complete-selection)
-      (should (string= "abcd" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-ignore-case-with-keep-prefix ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "AB")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef"))
-                     (ignore-case 'keep-prefix))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (company-complete-selection)
-      (should (string= "ABcd" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-non-prefix-completion ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "tc")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-end-of-buffer-workaround
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("tea-cup" "teal-color")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (should (string= "tc" (buffer-string)))
-      (company-complete-selection)
-      (should (string= "tea-cup" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-does-not-get-displaced ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (save-excursion (insert " ff"))
-      (company-mode)
-      (let ((company-frontends '(company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend))
-            (company-begin-commands '(self-insert-command))
-            (company-backends
-             (list (lambda (c &optional arg)
-                     (cl-case c (prefix "") (candidates '("a" "b" "c")))))))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-call 'complete))
-        (company-call 'open-line 1)
-        (should (eq 1 (overlay-start company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-show ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-    (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-    (insert "aaaa\n  bb\nccccccc\nddd")
-    (search-backward "bb")
-    (let ((col (company--column))
-          (company-candidates-length 2)
-          (company-candidates '("123" "45"))
-          (company-backend 'ignore))
-      (company-pseudo-tooltip-show (company--row) col 0)
-      (let ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay))
-        ;; With margins.
-        (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-width) 5))
-        ;; FIXME: Make it 2?
-        (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-height) company-tooltip-limit))
-        (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-column) col))
-        (should (string= (overlay-get ov 'company-display)
-                         "\n  123 \nc 45  c\nddd\n")))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-edit-updates-width ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-    (let ((company-candidates-length 5)
-          (company-candidates '("123" "45" "67" "89" "1011"))
-          (company-backend 'ignore)
-          (company-tooltip-limit 4)
-          (company-tooltip-offset-display 'scrollbar))
-      (company-pseudo-tooltip-show (company--row)
-                                   (company--column)
-                                   0)
-      (should (eq (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'company-width)
-                  6))
-      (company-pseudo-tooltip-edit 4)
-      (should (eq (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'company-width)
-                  7)))))
-(ert-deftest company-preview-show-with-annotations ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (save-excursion (insert "\n"))
-      (let ((company-candidates-length 1)
-            (company-candidates '("123")))
-        (company-preview-show-at-point (point))
-        (let* ((ov company-preview-overlay)
-               (str (overlay-get ov 'after-string)))
-          (should (string= str "123"))
-          (should (eq (get-text-property 0 'cursor str) t)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-show-with-annotations ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert " ")
-      (save-excursion (insert "\n"))
-      (let ((company-candidates-length 2)
-            (company-backend (lambda (action &optional arg &rest _ignore)
-                               (when (eq action 'annotation)
-                                 (cdr (assoc arg '(("123" . "(4)")))))))
-            (company-candidates '("123" "45"))
-            company-tooltip-align-annotations)
-        (company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point (point) 0)
-        (let ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay))
-          ;; With margins.
-          (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-width) 8))
-          (should (string= (overlay-get ov 'company-display)
-                           "\n 123(4) \n 45     \n")))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-show-with-annotations-right-aligned ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert " ")
-      (save-excursion (insert "\n"))
-      (let ((company-candidates-length 3)
-            (company-backend (lambda (action &optional arg &rest _ignore)
-                               (when (eq action 'annotation)
-                                 (cdr (assoc arg '(("123" . "(4)")
-                                                   ("67" . "(891011)")))))))
-            (company-candidates '("123" "45" "67"))
-            (company-tooltip-align-annotations t))
-        (company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point (point) 0)
-        (let ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay))
-          ;; With margins.
-          (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-width) 13))
-          (should (string= (overlay-get ov 'company-display)
-                           "\n 123     (4) \n 45          \n 67 (891011) \n")))))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-shows-numbers ()
-  (let ((company-show-numbers t)
-        (company-candidates '("x" "y" "z"))
-        (company-candidates-length 3)
-        (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" x 1 " " y 2 " " z 3 ")
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-truncates-annotations ()
-  (let* ((ww (company--window-width))
-         (data `(("1" . "(123)")
-                 ("2" . nil)
-                 ("3" . ,(concat "(" (make-string (- ww 2) ?4) ")"))
-                 (,(make-string ww ?4) . "<4>")))
-         (company-candidates (mapcar #'car data))
-         (company-candidates-length 4)
-         (company-tooltip-margin 1)
-         (company-backend (lambda (cmd &optional arg)
-                            (when (eq cmd 'annotation)
-                              (cdr (assoc arg data)))))
-         company-tooltip-align-annotations)
-    (should (equal (list (format " 1(123)%s " (company-space-string (- ww 8)))
-                         (format " 2%s " (company-space-string (- ww 3)))
-                         (format " 3(444%s " (make-string (- ww 7) ?4))
-                         (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?4)))
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))
-    (let ((company-tooltip-align-annotations t))
-      (should (equal (list (format " 1%s(123) " (company-space-string (- ww 8)))
-                           (format " 2%s " (company-space-string (- ww 3)))
-                           (format " 3 (444%s " (make-string (- ww 8) ?4))
-                           (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?4)))
-                     (company--create-lines 0 999))))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-truncates-common-part ()
-  (let* ((ww (company--window-width))
-         (company-candidates-length 2)
-         (company-tooltip-margin 1)
-         (company-backend #'ignore))
-    (let* ((company-common (make-string (- ww 3) ?1))
-           (company-candidates `(,(concat company-common "2")
-                                 ,(concat company-common "3"))))
-      (should (equal (list (format " %s2 " (make-string (- ww 3) ?1))
-                           (format " %s3 " (make-string (- ww 3) ?1)))
-                     (company--create-lines 0 999))))
-    (let* ((company-common (make-string (- ww 2) ?1))
-           (company-candidates `(,(concat company-common "2")
-                                 ,(concat company-common "3"))))
-      (should (equal (list (format " %s " company-common)
-                           (format " %s " company-common))
-                     (company--create-lines 0 999))))
-    (let* ((company-common (make-string ww ?1))
-           (company-candidates `(,(concat company-common "2")
-                                 ,(concat company-common "3")))
-           (res (company--create-lines 0 999)))
-      (should (equal (list (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?1))
-                           (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?1)))
-                     res))
-      (should (eq 'company-tooltip-common-selection
-                    (get-text-property (- ww 2) 'face
-                                       (car res))))
-      (should (eq 'company-tooltip-selection
-                  (get-text-property (1- ww) 'face
-                                     (car res))))
-      )))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-clears-out-non-printables ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (let (company-show-numbers
-        (company-candidates (list
-                             (decode-coding-string "avalis\351e" 'utf-8)
-                             "avatar"))
-        (company-candidates-length 2)
-        (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" avalis‗e    "
-                     " avatar      ")
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-handles-multiple-width ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (let (company-show-numbers
-        (company-candidates '("蛙蛙蛙蛙" "蛙abc"))
-        (company-candidates-length 2)
-        (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" 蛙蛙蛙蛙 "
-                     " 蛙abc    ")
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
-(ert-deftest company-column-with-composition ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "lambda ()")
-      (compose-region 1 (1+ (length "lambda")) "\\")
-      (should (= (company--column) 4)))))
-(ert-deftest company-column-with-line-prefix ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo")
-      (put-text-property (point-min) (point) 'line-prefix "  ")
-      (should (= (company--column) 5)))))
-(ert-deftest company-column-with-line-prefix-on-empty-line ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "\n")
-      (forward-char -1)
-      (put-text-property (point-min) (point-max) 'line-prefix "  ")
-      (should (= (company--column) 2)))))
-(ert-deftest company-column-with-tabs ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "|\t|\t|\t(")
-      (let ((tab-width 8))
-        (should (= (company--column) 25))))))
-(ert-deftest company-row-with-header-line-format ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (should (= (company--row) 0))
-      (setq header-line-format "aaaaaaa")
-      (should (= (company--row) 0)))))
-(ert-deftest company-plainify ()
-  (let ((tab-width 8))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-plainify "\tabc\td\t")
-             (concat "        "
-                     "abc     "
-                     "d       "))))
-  (should (equal-including-properties
-           (company-plainify (propertize "foobar" 'line-prefix "-*-"))
-           "-*-foobar")))
-(ert-deftest company-buffer-lines-with-lines-folded ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert (propertize "aaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd\n" 'display "aaa+\n"))
-    (insert "eee\nfff\nggg")
-    (should (equal (company-buffer-lines (point-min) (point-max))
-                   '("aaa" "eee" "fff" "ggg")))))
-(ert-deftest company-buffer-lines-with-multiline-display ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert (propertize "a" 'display "bbb\nccc\ndddd\n"))
-    (insert "eee\nfff\nggg")
-    (should (equal (company-buffer-lines (point-min) (point-max))
-                   '("" "" "" "eee" "fff" "ggg")))))
-(ert-deftest company-modify-line ()
-  (let ((str "-*-foobar"))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-modify-line str "zz" 4)
-             "-*-fzzbar"))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-modify-line str "xx" 0)
-             "xx-foobar"))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-modify-line str "zz" 10)
-             "-*-foobar zz"))))
-(ert-deftest company-scrollbar-bounds ()
-  (should (equal nil (company--scrollbar-bounds 0 3 3)))
-  (should (equal nil (company--scrollbar-bounds 0 4 3)))
-  (should (equal '(0 . 0) (company--scrollbar-bounds 0 1 2)))
-  (should (equal '(1 . 1) (company--scrollbar-bounds 2 2 4)))
-  (should (equal '(2 . 3) (company--scrollbar-bounds 7 4 12)))
-  (should (equal '(1 . 2) (company--scrollbar-bounds 3 4 12)))
-  (should (equal '(1 . 3) (company--scrollbar-bounds 4 5 11))))
-;;; Async
-(defun company-async-backend (command &optional arg)
+(defun company-async-backend (command &optional _)
   (pcase command
     (`prefix "foo")
@@ -788,7 +132,7 @@
 (ert-deftest company-multi-backend-merges-deferred-candidates ()
-    (let* ((immediate (lambda (command &optional arg)
+    (let* ((immediate (lambda (command &optional _)
                         (pcase command
                           (`prefix "foo")
@@ -805,7 +149,7 @@
                                                 0.01 nil
                                                 (lambda () (funcall cb '("a" "b")))))))))
-                                  (lambda (command &optional arg)
+                                  (lambda (command &optional _)
                                     (pcase command
                                       (`prefix "foo")
                                       (`candidates '("c" "d" "e"))))
@@ -816,130 +160,58 @@
       (let ((company-backend (list immediate)))
         (should (equal '("f") (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo")))))))
-;;; Transformers
-(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo0
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert "
-      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
-            (company-occurrence-weight-function
-             'company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above))
-        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo0" "foo3" "foo2" "foo4")
-                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
-                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
-(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest ()
+(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-merges-deferred-candidates-2 ()
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo0
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert "
-      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
-            (company-occurrence-weight-function
-             'company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest))
-        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo3" "foo0" "foo2" "foo4")
-                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
-                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
-;;; Template
+    (let ((company-backend (list (lambda (command &optional _)
+                                   (pcase command
+                                     (`prefix "foo")
+                                     (`candidates
+                                      (cons :async
+                                            (lambda (cb) (funcall cb '("a" "b")))))))
+                                 (lambda (command &optional _)
+                                   (pcase command
+                                     (`prefix "foo")
+                                     (`candidates
+                                      (cons :async
+                                            (lambda (cb) (funcall cb '("c" "d")))))))
+                                 (lambda (command &optional _)
+                                   (pcase command
+                                     (`prefix "foo")
+                                     (`candidates
+                                      (cons :async
+                                            (lambda (cb) (funcall cb '("e" "f"))))))))))
+      (should (equal :async (car (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))
+      (should (equal '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f")
+                     (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo"))))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-the-last-jump ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "{ }")
-    (goto-char 2)
-    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
-      (save-excursion
-        (dotimes (i 2)
-          (insert " ")
-          (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "foo")))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 3 (point)))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 7 (point)))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 11 (point)))
-      (should (zerop (length (overlay-get tpl 'company-template-fields))))
-      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-input-and-jump ()
+(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-merges-deferred-candidates-3 ()
-    (insert "{ }")
-    (goto-char 2)
-    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert " ")
-        (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "bar"))
-      (company-call 'template-move-to-first tpl)
-      (should (= 3 (point)))
-      (dolist (c (string-to-list "tee"))
-        (let ((last-command-event c))
-          (company-call 'self-insert-command 1)))
-      (should (string= "{ tee }" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (overlay-buffer tpl))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 7 (point)))
-      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(defun company-call (name &rest args)
-  (let* ((maybe (intern (format "company-%s" name)))
-         (command (if (fboundp maybe) maybe name)))
-    (let ((this-command command))
-      (run-hooks 'pre-command-hook))
-    (apply command args)
-    (let ((this-command command))
-      (run-hooks 'post-command-hook))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (equal "int a"
-                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-trims-after-closing-paren ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)!@ #1334 a"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0")))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-generics ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo<TKey, TValue>(int i, Dict<TKey, TValue>, long l)"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo<arg0, arg1>(arg2, arg3, arg4)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (equal "TKey" (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display)))
-      (search-forward "arg3")
-      (forward-char -1)
-      (should (equal "Dict<TKey, TValue>"
-                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
-;;; Clang
-(ert-deftest company-clang-objc-templatify ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "createBookWithTitle:andAuthor:"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-clang-objc-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "createBookWithTitle:arg0 andAuthor:arg1" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (null (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
+    (let ((company-backend (list (lambda (command &optional _)
+                                   (pcase command
+                                     (`prefix "foo")
+                                     (`candidates
+                                      (cons :async
+                                            (lambda (cb) (funcall cb '("a" "b")))))))
+                                 (lambda (command &optional _)
+                                   (pcase command
+                                     (`prefix "foo")
+                                     (`candidates
+                                      (cons :async
+                                            (lambda (cb)
+                                              (run-with-timer
+                                               0.01 nil
+                                               (lambda ()
+                                                 (funcall cb '("c" "d")))))))))
+                                 (lambda (command &optional _)
+                                   (pcase command
+                                     (`prefix "foo")
+                                     (`candidates
+                                      (cons :async
+                                            (lambda (cb)
+                                              (run-with-timer
+                                               0.01 nil
+                                               (lambda ()
+                                                 (funcall cb '("e" "f"))))))))))))
+      (should (equal :async (car (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))
+      (should (equal '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f")
+                     (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo"))))))
copy from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
copy to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/clang-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/clang-tests.el
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-;;; company-abbrev.el --- company-mode completion back-end for abbrev
+;;; clang-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -19,33 +19,28 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
+(require 'company-tests)
+(require 'company-clang)
-(require 'company)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'abbrev)
-(defun company-abbrev-insert (match)
-  "Replace MATCH with the expanded abbrev."
-  (expand-abbrev))
+(ert-deftest company-clang-objc-templatify ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((text "createBookWithTitle:andAuthor:"))
+      (insert text)
+      (company-clang-objc-templatify text)
+      (should (equal "createBookWithTitle:arg0 andAuthor:arg1" (buffer-string)))
+      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
+      (should (null (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
-(defun company-abbrev (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion back-end for abbrev."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-abbrev
-                                        'company-abbrev-insert))
-    (prefix (company-grab-symbol))
-    (candidates (nconc
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg global-abbrev-table))
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg local-abbrev-table))))
-    (meta (abbrev-expansion arg))
-    (require-match t)))
+(ert-deftest company-clang-simple-annotation ()
+  (let ((str (propertize
+              "foo" 'meta
+              "wchar_t * wmemchr(wchar_t *__p, wchar_t __c, size_t __n)")))
+    (should (equal (company-clang 'annotation str)
+                   "(wchar_t *__p, wchar_t __c, size_t __n)"))))
-(provide 'company-abbrev)
-;;; company-abbrev.el ends here
+(ert-deftest company-clang-generic-annotation ()
+  (let ((str (propertize
+              "foo" 'meta
+              "shared_ptr<_Tp> make_shared<typename _Tp>(_Args &&__args...)")))
+    (should (equal (company-clang 'annotation str)
+                   "<typename _Tp>(_Args &&__args...)"))))
copy from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-tests.el
copy to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/core-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-tests.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/core-tests.el
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-;;; company-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; core-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -19,31 +19,7 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'company)
-(require 'company-keywords)
-(require 'company-clang)
-(defun company--column (&optional pos)
-  (car (company--col-row pos)))
-;;; Core
-(ert-deftest company-sorted-keywords ()
-  "Test that keywords in `company-keywords-alist' are in alphabetical order."
-  (dolist (pair company-keywords-alist)
-    (when (consp (cdr pair))
-      (let ((prev (cadr pair)))
-        (dolist (next (cddr pair))
-          (should (not (equal prev next)))
-          (should (string< prev next))
-          (setq prev next))))))
+(require 'company-tests)
 (ert-deftest company-good-prefix ()
   (let ((company-minimum-prefix-length 5)
@@ -63,7 +39,7 @@
     (let (company-frontends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
@@ -90,13 +66,27 @@
       (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "abc")))
       (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("bar" . t)))))))
+(ert-deftest company-common-with-non-prefix-completion ()
+  (let ((company-backend #'ignore)
+        (company-prefix "abc")
+        company-candidates
+        company-candidates-length
+        company-candidates-cache
+        company-common)
+    (company-update-candidates '("abc" "def-abc"))
+    (should (null company-common))
+    (company-update-candidates '("abc" "abe-c"))
+    (should (null company-common))
+    (company-update-candidates '("abcd" "abcde" "abcdf"))
+    (should (equal "abcd" company-common))))
 (ert-deftest company-multi-backend-with-lambdas ()
   (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
+         (list (lambda (command &optional _ &rest _r)
                  (cl-case command
                    (prefix "z")
                    (candidates '("a" "b"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
+               (lambda (command &optional _ &rest _r)
                  (cl-case command
                    (prefix "z")
                    (candidates '("c" "d")))))))
@@ -104,15 +94,15 @@
 (ert-deftest company-multi-backend-filters-backends-by-prefix ()
   (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
+         (list (lambda (command &optional _ &rest _r)
                  (cl-case command
                    (prefix (cons "z" t))
                    (candidates '("a" "b"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
+               (lambda (command &optional _ &rest _r)
                  (cl-case command
                    (prefix "t")
                    (candidates '("c" "d"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
+               (lambda (command &optional _ &rest _r)
                  (cl-case command
                    (prefix "z")
                    (candidates '("e" "f")))))))
@@ -120,19 +110,19 @@
 (ert-deftest company-multi-backend-remembers-candidate-backend ()
   (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+         (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                  (cl-case command
                    (ignore-case nil)
                    (annotation "1")
                    (candidates '("a" "c"))
                    (post-completion "13")))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg)
+               (lambda (command &optional _)
                  (cl-case command
                    (ignore-case t)
                    (annotation "2")
                    (candidates '("b" "d"))
                    (post-completion "42")))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg)
+               (lambda (command &optional _)
                  (cl-case command
                    (annotation "3")
                    (candidates '("e"))
@@ -148,11 +138,11 @@
       (should (equal "74" (company-call-backend 'post-completion (nth 4 candidates)))))))
 (ert-deftest company-multi-backend-handles-keyword-with ()
-  (let ((primo (lambda (command &optional arg)
+  (let ((primo (lambda (command &optional _)
                  (cl-case command
                    (prefix "a")
                    (candidates '("abb" "abc" "abd")))))
-        (secundo (lambda (command &optional arg)
+        (secundo (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix "a")
                      (candidates '("acc" "acd"))))))
@@ -168,10 +158,10 @@
     (insert "a")
-     (company-begin-backend (lambda (command &rest ignore))))
+     (company-begin-backend #'ignore))
     (let (company-frontends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix "a")
                      (candidates '("a" "ab" "ac")))))))
@@ -186,7 +176,7 @@
     (let (company-frontends
           (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
@@ -205,7 +195,7 @@
           (company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
           (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
@@ -217,14 +207,15 @@
       (should (eq nil company-candidates-length))
       (should (eq 4 (point))))))
-(ert-deftest company-dont-require-match-if-old-prefix-ended-and-was-a-match ()
+(ert-deftest company-dont-require-match-if-was-a-match-and-old-prefix-ended ()
     (insert "ab")
     (let (company-frontends
-          (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
+          company-auto-complete
+          (company-require-match t)
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (company-grab-word))
                      (candidates '("abc" "ab" "abd"))
@@ -240,6 +231,26 @@
       (should (null company-candidates-length))
       (should (eq 4 (point))))))
+(ert-deftest company-dont-require-match-if-was-a-match-and-new-prefix-is-stop ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (company-mode)
+    (insert "c")
+    (let (company-frontends
+          (company-require-match t)
+          (company-backends
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
+                   (cl-case command
+                     (prefix (if (> (point) 2)
+                                 'stop
+                               (buffer-substring (point-min) (point))))
+                     (candidates '("a" "b" "c")))))))
+      (let (this-command)
+        (company-complete))
+      (should (eq 3 company-candidates-length))
+      (let ((last-command-event ?e))
+        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
+      (should (not company-candidates)))))
 (ert-deftest company-should-complete-whitelist ()
     (insert "ab")
@@ -247,7 +258,7 @@
     (let (company-frontends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
@@ -269,7 +280,7 @@
     (let (company-frontends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
@@ -292,7 +303,7 @@
           (company-auto-complete 'company-explicit-action-p)
           (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abcd" "abef")))))))
@@ -311,7 +322,7 @@
           (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
           (company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abcd" "abef")))))))
@@ -334,9 +345,8 @@
     (let (company-frontends
-          company-end-of-buffer-workaround
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abcd" "abef"))
@@ -356,7 +366,7 @@
     (let (company-frontends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("abcd" "abef"))
@@ -371,9 +381,8 @@
     (insert "tc")
     (let (company-frontends
-          company-end-of-buffer-workaround
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
+           (list (lambda (command &optional _)
                    (cl-case command
                      (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
                      (candidates '("tea-cup" "teal-color")))))))
@@ -383,203 +392,47 @@
       (should (string= "tea-cup" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-does-not-get-displaced ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (save-excursion (insert " ff"))
-      (company-mode)
-      (let ((company-frontends '(company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend))
-            (company-begin-commands '(self-insert-command))
-            (company-backends
-             (list (lambda (c &optional arg)
-                     (cl-case c (prefix "") (candidates '("a" "b" "c")))))))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-call 'complete))
-        (company-call 'open-line 1)
-        (should (eq 1 (overlay-start company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-show ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-    (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-    (insert "aaaa\n  bb\nccccccc\nddd")
-    (search-backward "bb")
-    (let ((col (company--column))
-          (company-candidates-length 2)
-          (company-candidates '("123" "45"))
-          (company-backend 'ignore))
-      (company-pseudo-tooltip-show (company--row) col 0)
-      (let ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay))
-        ;; With margins.
-        (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-width) 5))
-        ;; FIXME: Make it 2?
-        (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-height) company-tooltip-limit))
-        (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-column) col))
-        (should (string= (overlay-get ov 'company-display)
-                         "\n  123 \nc 45  c\nddd\n")))))))
+(defvar ct-sorted nil)
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-edit-updates-width ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-    (let ((company-candidates-length 5)
-          (company-candidates '("123" "45" "67" "89" "1011"))
-          (company-backend 'ignore)
-          (company-tooltip-limit 4)
-          (company-tooltip-offset-display 'scrollbar))
-      (company-pseudo-tooltip-show (company--row)
-                                   (company--column)
-                                   0)
-      (should (eq (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'company-width)
-                  6))
-      (company-pseudo-tooltip-edit 4)
-      (should (eq (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'company-width)
-                  7)))))
-(ert-deftest company-preview-show-with-annotations ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (save-excursion (insert "\n"))
-      (let ((company-candidates-length 1)
-            (company-candidates '("123")))
-        (company-preview-show-at-point (point))
-        (let* ((ov company-preview-overlay)
-               (str (overlay-get ov 'after-string)))
-          (should (string= str "123"))
-          (should (eq (get-text-property 0 'cursor str) t)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-show-with-annotations ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert " ")
-      (save-excursion (insert "\n"))
-      (let ((company-candidates-length 2)
-            (company-backend (lambda (action &optional arg &rest _ignore)
-                               (when (eq action 'annotation)
-                                 (cdr (assoc arg '(("123" . "(4)")))))))
-            (company-candidates '("123" "45"))
-            company-tooltip-align-annotations)
-        (company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point (point) 0)
-        (let ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay))
-          ;; With margins.
-          (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-width) 8))
-          (should (string= (overlay-get ov 'company-display)
-                           "\n 123(4) \n 45     \n")))))))
+(defun ct-equal-including-properties (list1 list2)
+  (or (and (not list1) (not list2))
+      (and (ert-equal-including-properties (car list1) (car list2))
+           (ct-equal-including-properties (cdr list1) (cdr list2)))))
-(ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-show-with-annotations-right-aligned ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert " ")
-      (save-excursion (insert "\n"))
-      (let ((company-candidates-length 3)
-            (company-backend (lambda (action &optional arg &rest _ignore)
-                               (when (eq action 'annotation)
-                                 (cdr (assoc arg '(("123" . "(4)")
-                                                   ("67" . "(891011)")))))))
-            (company-candidates '("123" "45" "67"))
-            (company-tooltip-align-annotations t))
-        (company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point (point) 0)
-        (let ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay))
-          ;; With margins.
-          (should (eq (overlay-get ov 'company-width) 13))
-          (should (string= (overlay-get ov 'company-display)
-                           "\n 123     (4) \n 45          \n 67 (891011) \n")))))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-shows-numbers ()
-  (let ((company-show-numbers t)
-        (company-candidates '("x" "y" "z"))
-        (company-candidates-length 3)
-        (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" x 1 " " y 2 " " z 3 ")
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-truncates-annotations ()
-  (let* ((ww (company--window-width))
-         (data `(("1" . "(123)")
-                 ("2" . nil)
-                 ("3" . ,(concat "(" (make-string (- ww 2) ?4) ")"))
-                 (,(make-string ww ?4) . "<4>")))
-         (company-candidates (mapcar #'car data))
-         (company-candidates-length 4)
-         (company-tooltip-margin 1)
-         (company-backend (lambda (cmd &optional arg)
-                            (when (eq cmd 'annotation)
-                              (cdr (assoc arg data)))))
-         company-tooltip-align-annotations)
-    (should (equal (list (format " 1(123)%s " (company-space-string (- ww 8)))
-                         (format " 2%s " (company-space-string (- ww 3)))
-                         (format " 3(444%s " (make-string (- ww 7) ?4))
-                         (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?4)))
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))
-    (let ((company-tooltip-align-annotations t))
-      (should (equal (list (format " 1%s(123) " (company-space-string (- ww 8)))
-                           (format " 2%s " (company-space-string (- ww 3)))
-                           (format " 3 (444%s " (make-string (- ww 8) ?4))
-                           (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?4)))
-                     (company--create-lines 0 999))))))
+(ert-deftest company-strips-duplicates-within-groups ()
+  (let* ((kvs '(("a" . "b")
+                ("a" . nil)
+                ("a" . "b")
+                ("a" . "c")
+                ("a" . "b")
+                ("b" . "c")
+                ("b" . nil)
+                ("a" . "b")))
+         (fn (lambda (kvs)
+               (mapcar (lambda (kv) (propertize (car kv) 'ann (cdr kv)))
+                       kvs)))
+         (company-backend
+          (lambda (command &optional arg)
+            (pcase command
+              (`prefix "")
+              (`sorted ct-sorted)
+              (`duplicates t)
+              (`annotation (get-text-property 0 'ann arg)))))
+         (reference '(("a" . "b")
+                      ("a" . nil)
+                      ("a" . "c")
+                      ("b" . "c")
+                      ("b" . nil)
+                      ("a" . "b"))))
+    (let ((ct-sorted t))
+      (should (ct-equal-including-properties
+               (company--preprocess-candidates (funcall fn kvs))
+               (funcall fn reference))))
+    (should (ct-equal-including-properties
+             (company--preprocess-candidates (funcall fn kvs))
+             (funcall fn (butlast reference))))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-truncates-common-part ()
-  (let* ((ww (company--window-width))
-         (company-candidates-length 2)
-         (company-tooltip-margin 1)
-         (company-backend #'ignore))
-    (let* ((company-common (make-string (- ww 3) ?1))
-           (company-candidates `(,(concat company-common "2")
-                                 ,(concat company-common "3"))))
-      (should (equal (list (format " %s2 " (make-string (- ww 3) ?1))
-                           (format " %s3 " (make-string (- ww 3) ?1)))
-                     (company--create-lines 0 999))))
-    (let* ((company-common (make-string (- ww 2) ?1))
-           (company-candidates `(,(concat company-common "2")
-                                 ,(concat company-common "3"))))
-      (should (equal (list (format " %s " company-common)
-                           (format " %s " company-common))
-                     (company--create-lines 0 999))))
-    (let* ((company-common (make-string ww ?1))
-           (company-candidates `(,(concat company-common "2")
-                                 ,(concat company-common "3")))
-           (res (company--create-lines 0 999)))
-      (should (equal (list (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?1))
-                           (format " %s " (make-string (- ww 2) ?1)))
-                     res))
-      (should (eq 'company-tooltip-common-selection
-                    (get-text-property (- ww 2) 'face
-                                       (car res))))
-      (should (eq 'company-tooltip-selection
-                  (get-text-property (1- ww) 'face
-                                     (car res))))
-      )))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-clears-out-non-printables ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (let (company-show-numbers
-        (company-candidates (list
-                             (decode-coding-string "avalis\351e" 'utf-8)
-                             "avatar"))
-        (company-candidates-length 2)
-        (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" avalis‗e    "
-                     " avatar      ")
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
-(ert-deftest company-create-lines-handles-multiple-width ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (let (company-show-numbers
-        (company-candidates '("蛙蛙蛙蛙" "蛙abc"))
-        (company-candidates-length 2)
-        (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" 蛙蛙蛙蛙 "
-                     " 蛙abc    ")
-                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
+;;; Row and column
 (ert-deftest company-column-with-composition ()
   :tags '(interactive)
@@ -626,320 +479,3 @@
       (should (= (company--row) 0))
       (setq header-line-format "aaaaaaa")
       (should (= (company--row) 0)))))
-(ert-deftest company-plainify ()
-  (let ((tab-width 8))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-plainify "\tabc\td\t")
-             (concat "        "
-                     "abc     "
-                     "d       "))))
-  (should (equal-including-properties
-           (company-plainify (propertize "foobar" 'line-prefix "-*-"))
-           "-*-foobar")))
-(ert-deftest company-buffer-lines-with-lines-folded ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert (propertize "aaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd\n" 'display "aaa+\n"))
-    (insert "eee\nfff\nggg")
-    (should (equal (company-buffer-lines (point-min) (point-max))
-                   '("aaa" "eee" "fff" "ggg")))))
-(ert-deftest company-buffer-lines-with-multiline-display ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert (propertize "a" 'display "bbb\nccc\ndddd\n"))
-    (insert "eee\nfff\nggg")
-    (should (equal (company-buffer-lines (point-min) (point-max))
-                   '("" "" "" "eee" "fff" "ggg")))))
-(ert-deftest company-modify-line ()
-  (let ((str "-*-foobar"))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-modify-line str "zz" 4)
-             "-*-fzzbar"))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-modify-line str "xx" 0)
-             "xx-foobar"))
-    (should (equal-including-properties
-             (company-modify-line str "zz" 10)
-             "-*-foobar zz"))))
-(ert-deftest company-scrollbar-bounds ()
-  (should (equal nil (company--scrollbar-bounds 0 3 3)))
-  (should (equal nil (company--scrollbar-bounds 0 4 3)))
-  (should (equal '(0 . 0) (company--scrollbar-bounds 0 1 2)))
-  (should (equal '(1 . 1) (company--scrollbar-bounds 2 2 4)))
-  (should (equal '(2 . 3) (company--scrollbar-bounds 7 4 12)))
-  (should (equal '(1 . 2) (company--scrollbar-bounds 3 4 12)))
-  (should (equal '(1 . 3) (company--scrollbar-bounds 4 5 11))))
-;;; Async
-(defun company-async-backend (command &optional arg)
-  (pcase command
-    (`prefix "foo")
-    (`candidates
-     (cons :async
-           (lambda (cb)
-             (run-with-timer 0.05 nil
-                             #'funcall cb '("abc" "abd")))))))
-(ert-deftest company-call-backend-forces-sync ()
-  (let ((company-backend 'company-async-backend)
-        (company-async-timeout 0.1))
-    (should (equal '("abc" "abd") (company-call-backend 'candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-call-backend-errors-on-timeout ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let* ((company-backend (lambda (command &optional _arg)
-                              (pcase command
-                                (`candidates (cons :async 'ignore)))))
-           (company-async-timeout 0.1)
-           (err (should-error (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo"))))
-      (should (string-match-p "async timeout" (cadr err))))))
-(ert-deftest company-call-backend-raw-passes-return-value-verbatim ()
-  (let ((company-backend 'company-async-backend))
-    (should (equal "foo" (company-call-backend-raw 'prefix)))
-    (should (equal :async (car (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))
-    (should (equal 'closure (cadr (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))))
-(ert-deftest company-manual-begin-forces-async-candidates-to-sync ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-transformers
-          (company-backends (list 'company-async-backend)))
-      (company-manual-begin)
-      (should (equal "foo" company-prefix))
-      (should (equal '("abc" "abd") company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-idle-begin-allows-async-candidates ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-transformers
-          (company-backends (list 'company-async-backend)))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (null company-candidates))
-      (sleep-for 0.1)
-      (should (equal "foo" company-prefix))
-      (should (equal '("abc" "abd") company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-idle-begin-cancels-async-candidates-if-buffer-changed ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends (list 'company-async-backend)))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (null company-candidates))
-      (insert "a")
-      (sleep-for 0.1)
-      (should (null company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-idle-begin-async-allows-immediate-callbacks ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (pcase command
-                     (`prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (`candidates
-                      (let ((c (all-completions arg '("abc" "def"))))
-                        (cons :async
-                              (lambda (cb) (funcall cb c)))))
-                     (`no-cache t)))))
-          (company-minimum-prefix-length 0))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (equal '("abc" "def") company-candidates))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?a))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (equal '("abc") company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-forces-prefix-to-sync ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((company-backend (list 'ignore
-                                 (lambda (command)
-                                   (should (eq command 'prefix))
-                                   (cons :async
-                                         (lambda (cb)
-                                           (run-with-timer
-                                            0.01 nil
-                                            (lambda () (funcall cb nil))))))
-                                 (lambda (command)
-                                   (should (eq command 'prefix))
-                                   "foo"))))
-      (should (equal "foo" (company-call-backend-raw 'prefix))))
-    (let ((company-backend (list (lambda (_command)
-                                   (cons :async
-                                         (lambda (cb)
-                                           (run-with-timer
-                                            0.01 nil
-                                            (lambda () (funcall cb "bar"))))))
-                                 (lambda (_command)
-                                   "foo"))))
-      (should (equal "bar" (company-call-backend-raw 'prefix))))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-merges-deferred-candidates ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let* ((immediate (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                        (pcase command
-                          (`prefix "foo")
-                          (`candidates
-                           (cons :async
-                                 (lambda (cb) (funcall cb '("f"))))))))
-           (company-backend (list 'ignore
-                                  (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                                    (pcase command
-                                      (`prefix "foo")
-                                      (`candidates
-                                       (should (equal arg "foo"))
-                                       (cons :async
-                                             (lambda (cb)
-                                               (run-with-timer
-                                                0.01 nil
-                                                (lambda () (funcall cb '("a" "b")))))))))
-                                  (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                                    (pcase command
-                                      (`prefix "foo")
-                                      (`candidates '("c" "d" "e"))))
-                                  immediate)))
-      (should (equal :async (car (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))
-      (should (equal '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f")
-                     (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo")))
-      (let ((company-backend (list immediate)))
-        (should (equal '("f") (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo")))))))
-;;; Transformers
-(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo0
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert "
-      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
-            (company-occurrence-weight-function
-             'company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above))
-        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo0" "foo3" "foo2" "foo4")
-                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
-                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
-(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo0
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert "
-      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
-            (company-occurrence-weight-function
-             'company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest))
-        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo3" "foo0" "foo2" "foo4")
-                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
-                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
-;;; Template
-(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-the-last-jump ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "{ }")
-    (goto-char 2)
-    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
-      (save-excursion
-        (dotimes (i 2)
-          (insert " ")
-          (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "foo")))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 3 (point)))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 7 (point)))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 11 (point)))
-      (should (zerop (length (overlay-get tpl 'company-template-fields))))
-      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-input-and-jump ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "{ }")
-    (goto-char 2)
-    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert " ")
-        (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "bar"))
-      (company-call 'template-move-to-first tpl)
-      (should (= 3 (point)))
-      (dolist (c (string-to-list "tee"))
-        (let ((last-command-event c))
-          (company-call 'self-insert-command 1)))
-      (should (string= "{ tee }" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (overlay-buffer tpl))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 7 (point)))
-      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(defun company-call (name &rest args)
-  (let* ((maybe (intern (format "company-%s" name)))
-         (command (if (fboundp maybe) maybe name)))
-    (let ((this-command command))
-      (run-hooks 'pre-command-hook))
-    (apply command args)
-    (let ((this-command command))
-      (run-hooks 'post-command-hook))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (equal "int a"
-                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-trims-after-closing-paren ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)!@ #1334 a"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0")))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-generics ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo<TKey, TValue>(int i, Dict<TKey, TValue>, long l)"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo<arg0, arg1>(arg2, arg3, arg4)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (equal "TKey" (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display)))
-      (search-forward "arg3")
-      (forward-char -1)
-      (should (equal "Dict<TKey, TValue>"
-                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
-;;; Clang
-(ert-deftest company-clang-objc-templatify ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "createBookWithTitle:andAuthor:"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-clang-objc-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "createBookWithTitle:arg0 andAuthor:arg1" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (null (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
rename from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-elisp-tests.el
rename to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/elisp-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-elisp-tests.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/elisp-tests.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;;; company-elisp-tests.el --- company-elisp tests
+;;; elisp-tests.el --- company-elisp tests
-;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
@@ -19,12 +19,9 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'company-tests)
 (require 'company-elisp)
 (defmacro company-elisp-with-buffer (contents &rest body)
copy from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-tests.el
copy to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/frontends-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-tests.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/frontends-tests.el
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-;;; company-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; frontends-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -19,369 +19,7 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'company)
-(require 'company-keywords)
-(require 'company-clang)
-(defun company--column (&optional pos)
-  (car (company--col-row pos)))
-;;; Core
-(ert-deftest company-sorted-keywords ()
-  "Test that keywords in `company-keywords-alist' are in alphabetical order."
-  (dolist (pair company-keywords-alist)
-    (when (consp (cdr pair))
-      (let ((prev (cadr pair)))
-        (dolist (next (cddr pair))
-          (should (not (equal prev next)))
-          (should (string< prev next))
-          (setq prev next))))))
-(ert-deftest company-good-prefix ()
-  (let ((company-minimum-prefix-length 5)
-        company-abort-manual-when-too-short
-        company--manual-action            ;idle begin
-        (company-selection-changed t))    ;has no effect
-    (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "!@#$%")))
-    (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p "abcd")))
-    (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p 'stop)))
-    (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 5))))
-    (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 4))))
-    (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . t))))))
-(ert-deftest company--manual-prefix-set-and-unset ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (company-manual-begin)
-      (should (equal "ab" company--manual-prefix))
-      (company-abort)
-      (should (null company--manual-prefix)))))
-(ert-deftest company-abort-manual-when-too-short ()
-  (let ((company-minimum-prefix-length 5)
-        (company-abort-manual-when-too-short t)
-        (company-selection-changed t))    ;has not effect
-    (let ((company--manual-action nil))   ;idle begin
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "!@#$%")))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 5))))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . t)))))
-    (let ((company--manual-action t)
-          (company--manual-prefix "abc")) ;manual begin from this prefix
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "!@#$")))
-      (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p "ab")))
-      (should (eq nil (company--good-prefix-p 'stop)))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("foo" . 4))))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "abcd")))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p "abc")))
-      (should (eq t (company--good-prefix-p '("bar" . t)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-with-lambdas ()
-  (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "z")
-                   (candidates '("a" "b"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "z")
-                   (candidates '("c" "d")))))))
-    (should (equal (company-call-backend 'candidates "z") '("a" "b" "c" "d")))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-filters-backends-by-prefix ()
-  (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix (cons "z" t))
-                   (candidates '("a" "b"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "t")
-                   (candidates '("c" "d"))))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignore)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "z")
-                   (candidates '("e" "f")))))))
-    (should (equal (company-call-backend 'candidates "z") '("a" "b" "e" "f")))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-remembers-candidate-backend ()
-  (let ((company-backend
-         (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (ignore-case nil)
-                   (annotation "1")
-                   (candidates '("a" "c"))
-                   (post-completion "13")))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (ignore-case t)
-                   (annotation "2")
-                   (candidates '("b" "d"))
-                   (post-completion "42")))
-               (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (annotation "3")
-                   (candidates '("e"))
-                   (post-completion "74"))))))
-    (let ((candidates (company-calculate-candidates nil)))
-      (should (equal candidates '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e")))
-      (should (equal t (company-call-backend 'ignore-case)))
-      (should (equal "1" (company-call-backend 'annotation (nth 0 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "2" (company-call-backend 'annotation (nth 1 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "13" (company-call-backend 'post-completion (nth 2 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "42" (company-call-backend 'post-completion (nth 3 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "3" (company-call-backend 'annotation (nth 4 candidates))))
-      (should (equal "74" (company-call-backend 'post-completion (nth 4 candidates)))))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-handles-keyword-with ()
-  (let ((primo (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                 (cl-case command
-                   (prefix "a")
-                   (candidates '("abb" "abc" "abd")))))
-        (secundo (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix "a")
-                     (candidates '("acc" "acd"))))))
-    (let ((company-backend (list 'ignore 'ignore :with secundo)))
-      (should (null (company-call-backend 'prefix))))
-    (let ((company-backend (list 'ignore primo :with secundo)))
-      (should (equal "a" (company-call-backend 'prefix)))
-      (should (equal '("abb" "abc" "abd" "acc" "acd")
-                     (company-call-backend 'candidates "a"))))))
-(ert-deftest company-begin-backend-failure-doesnt-break-company-backends ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "a")
-    (company-mode)
-    (should-error
-     (company-begin-backend (lambda (command &rest ignore))))
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix "a")
-                     (candidates '("a" "ab" "ac")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-call 'complete))
-      (should (eq 3 company-candidates-length)))))
-(ert-deftest company-require-match-explicit ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?e))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 3 (point))))))
-(ert-deftest company-dont-require-match-when-idle ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
-          (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?e))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (eq nil company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 4 (point))))))
-(ert-deftest company-dont-require-match-if-old-prefix-ended-and-was-a-match ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (company-grab-word))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "ab" "abd"))
-                     (sorted t))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?e))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (eq 3 company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 3 (point)))
-      (let ((last-command-event ? ))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (null company-candidates-length))
-      (should (eq 4 (point))))))
-(ert-deftest company-should-complete-whitelist ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-begin-commands
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands nil))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (null company-candidates-length)))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands '(backward-delete-char)))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))))))
-(ert-deftest company-should-complete-blacklist ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-begin-commands
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abc" "abd")))))))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands '(not backward-delete-char)))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (null company-candidates-length)))
-      (let ((company-continue-commands '(not backward-delete-char-untabify)))
-        (let (this-command)
-          (company-complete))
-        (company-call 'backward-delete-char 1)
-        (should (eq 2 company-candidates-length))))))
-(ert-deftest company-auto-complete-explicit ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-auto-complete 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (let ((last-command-event ? ))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (string= "abcd " (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-no-auto-complete-when-idle ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "ab")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-auto-complete 'company-explicit-action-p)
-          (company-auto-complete-chars '(? ))
-          (company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef")))))))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (let ((last-command-event ? ))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (string= "ab " (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-clears-explicit-action-when-no-matches ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-backends)
-      (company-call 'manual-begin) ;; fails
-      (should (null company-candidates))
-      (should (null (company-explicit-action-p))))))
-(ert-deftest company-ignore-case-replaces-prefix ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-end-of-buffer-workaround
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef"))
-                     (ignore-case t))))))
-      (insert "A")
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (should (string= "ab" (buffer-string)))
-      (delete-char -2)
-      (insert "A") ; hack, to keep it in one test
-      (company-complete-selection)
-      (should (string= "abcd" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-ignore-case-with-keep-prefix ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "AB")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("abcd" "abef"))
-                     (ignore-case 'keep-prefix))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (company-complete-selection)
-      (should (string= "ABcd" (buffer-string))))))
-(ert-deftest company-non-prefix-completion ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "tc")
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-end-of-buffer-workaround
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (cl-case command
-                     (prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (candidates '("tea-cup" "teal-color")))))))
-      (let (this-command)
-        (company-complete))
-      (should (string= "tc" (buffer-string)))
-      (company-complete-selection)
-      (should (string= "tea-cup" (buffer-string))))))
+(require 'company-tests)
 (ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-does-not-get-displaced ()
   :tags '(interactive)
@@ -393,7 +31,7 @@
       (let ((company-frontends '(company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend))
             (company-begin-commands '(self-insert-command))
-             (list (lambda (c &optional arg)
+             (list (lambda (c &optional _)
                      (cl-case c (prefix "") (candidates '("a" "b" "c")))))))
         (let (this-command)
           (company-call 'complete))
@@ -451,7 +89,7 @@
         (let* ((ov company-preview-overlay)
                (str (overlay-get ov 'after-string)))
           (should (string= str "123"))
-          (should (eq (get-text-property 0 'cursor str) t)))))))
+          (should (eq (get-text-property 0 'cursor str) 1)))))))
 (ert-deftest company-pseudo-tooltip-show-with-annotations ()
   :tags '(interactive)
@@ -567,8 +205,8 @@
         (company-candidates-length 2)
         (company-backend 'ignore))
-    (should (equal '(" avalis‗e    "
-                     " avatar      ")
+    (should (equal '(" avalis‗e "
+                     " avatar   ")
                    (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
 (ert-deftest company-create-lines-handles-multiple-width ()
@@ -581,6 +219,52 @@
                      " 蛙abc    ")
                    (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
+(ert-deftest company-create-lines-handles-multiple-width-in-annotation ()
+  (let* (company-show-numbers
+         (alist '(("a" . " ︸") ("b" . " ︸︸")))
+         (company-candidates (mapcar #'car alist))
+         (company-candidates-length 2)
+         (company-backend (lambda (c &optional a)
+                            (when (eq c 'annotation)
+                              (assoc-default a alist)))))
+    (should (equal '(" a ︸   "
+                     " b ︸︸ ")
+                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
+(ert-deftest company-create-lines-with-multiple-width-and-keep-prefix ()
+  :tags '(interactive)
+  (let* (company-show-numbers
+         (company-candidates '("MIRAI発売1カ月"
+                               "MIRAI発売2カ月"))
+         (company-candidates-length 2)
+         (company-prefix "MIRAI発")
+         (company-backend (lambda (c &optional _arg)
+                            (pcase c
+                              (`ignore-case 'keep-prefix)))))
+    (should (equal '(" MIRAI発売1カ月 "
+                     " MIRAI発売2カ月 ")
+                   (company--create-lines 0 999)))))
+(ert-deftest company-fill-propertize-truncates-search-highlight ()
+  (let ((company-search-string "foo")
+        (company-backend #'ignore)
+        (company-prefix ""))
+    (should (equal-including-properties
+             (company-fill-propertize "barfoo" nil 6 t nil nil)
+             #("barfoo"
+               0 3 (face company-tooltip mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse)
+               3 6 (face company-tooltip-search mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse))))
+    (should (equal-including-properties
+             (company-fill-propertize "barfoo" nil 5 t "" " ")
+             #("barfo "
+               0 3 (face company-tooltip mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse)
+               3 5 (face company-tooltip-search mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse)
+               5 6 (face company-tooltip mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse))))
+    (should (equal-including-properties
+             (company-fill-propertize "barfoo" nil 3 t " " " ")
+             #(" bar "
+               0 5 (face company-tooltip mouse-face company-tooltip-mouse))))))
 (ert-deftest company-column-with-composition ()
   :tags '(interactive)
@@ -590,43 +274,6 @@
       (compose-region 1 (1+ (length "lambda")) "\\")
       (should (= (company--column) 4)))))
-(ert-deftest company-column-with-line-prefix ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo")
-      (put-text-property (point-min) (point) 'line-prefix "  ")
-      (should (= (company--column) 5)))))
-(ert-deftest company-column-with-line-prefix-on-empty-line ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "\n")
-      (forward-char -1)
-      (put-text-property (point-min) (point-max) 'line-prefix "  ")
-      (should (= (company--column) 2)))))
-(ert-deftest company-column-with-tabs ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "|\t|\t|\t(")
-      (let ((tab-width 8))
-        (should (= (company--column) 25))))))
-(ert-deftest company-row-with-header-line-format ()
-  :tags '(interactive)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (should (= (company--row) 0))
-      (setq header-line-format "aaaaaaa")
-      (should (= (company--row) 0)))))
 (ert-deftest company-plainify ()
   (let ((tab-width 8))
     (should (equal-including-properties
@@ -654,6 +301,15 @@
     (should (equal (company-buffer-lines (point-min) (point-max))
                    '("" "" "" "eee" "fff" "ggg")))))
+(ert-deftest company-buffer-lines-with-multiline-after-string-at-eob ()
+  :tags '(interactive)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert "a\nb\nc\n")
+    (let ((ov (make-overlay (point-max) (point-max) nil t t)))
+      (overlay-put ov 'after-string "~\n~\n~"))
+    (should (equal (company-buffer-lines (point-min) (point-max))
+                   '("a" "b" "c")))))
 (ert-deftest company-modify-line ()
   (let ((str "-*-foobar"))
     (should (equal-including-properties
@@ -674,272 +330,3 @@
   (should (equal '(2 . 3) (company--scrollbar-bounds 7 4 12)))
   (should (equal '(1 . 2) (company--scrollbar-bounds 3 4 12)))
   (should (equal '(1 . 3) (company--scrollbar-bounds 4 5 11))))
-;;; Async
-(defun company-async-backend (command &optional arg)
-  (pcase command
-    (`prefix "foo")
-    (`candidates
-     (cons :async
-           (lambda (cb)
-             (run-with-timer 0.05 nil
-                             #'funcall cb '("abc" "abd")))))))
-(ert-deftest company-call-backend-forces-sync ()
-  (let ((company-backend 'company-async-backend)
-        (company-async-timeout 0.1))
-    (should (equal '("abc" "abd") (company-call-backend 'candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-call-backend-errors-on-timeout ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let* ((company-backend (lambda (command &optional _arg)
-                              (pcase command
-                                (`candidates (cons :async 'ignore)))))
-           (company-async-timeout 0.1)
-           (err (should-error (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo"))))
-      (should (string-match-p "async timeout" (cadr err))))))
-(ert-deftest company-call-backend-raw-passes-return-value-verbatim ()
-  (let ((company-backend 'company-async-backend))
-    (should (equal "foo" (company-call-backend-raw 'prefix)))
-    (should (equal :async (car (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))
-    (should (equal 'closure (cadr (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))))
-(ert-deftest company-manual-begin-forces-async-candidates-to-sync ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-transformers
-          (company-backends (list 'company-async-backend)))
-      (company-manual-begin)
-      (should (equal "foo" company-prefix))
-      (should (equal '("abc" "abd") company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-idle-begin-allows-async-candidates ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          company-transformers
-          (company-backends (list 'company-async-backend)))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (null company-candidates))
-      (sleep-for 0.1)
-      (should (equal "foo" company-prefix))
-      (should (equal '("abc" "abd") company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-idle-begin-cancels-async-candidates-if-buffer-changed ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends (list 'company-async-backend)))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (null company-candidates))
-      (insert "a")
-      (sleep-for 0.1)
-      (should (null company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-idle-begin-async-allows-immediate-callbacks ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (company-mode)
-    (let (company-frontends
-          (company-backends
-           (list (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                   (pcase command
-                     (`prefix (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
-                     (`candidates
-                      (let ((c (all-completions arg '("abc" "def"))))
-                        (cons :async
-                              (lambda (cb) (funcall cb c)))))
-                     (`no-cache t)))))
-          (company-minimum-prefix-length 0))
-      (company-idle-begin (current-buffer) (selected-window)
-                          (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))
-      (should (equal '("abc" "def") company-candidates))
-      (let ((last-command-event ?a))
-        (company-call 'self-insert-command 1))
-      (should (equal '("abc") company-candidates)))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-forces-prefix-to-sync ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((company-backend (list 'ignore
-                                 (lambda (command)
-                                   (should (eq command 'prefix))
-                                   (cons :async
-                                         (lambda (cb)
-                                           (run-with-timer
-                                            0.01 nil
-                                            (lambda () (funcall cb nil))))))
-                                 (lambda (command)
-                                   (should (eq command 'prefix))
-                                   "foo"))))
-      (should (equal "foo" (company-call-backend-raw 'prefix))))
-    (let ((company-backend (list (lambda (_command)
-                                   (cons :async
-                                         (lambda (cb)
-                                           (run-with-timer
-                                            0.01 nil
-                                            (lambda () (funcall cb "bar"))))))
-                                 (lambda (_command)
-                                   "foo"))))
-      (should (equal "bar" (company-call-backend-raw 'prefix))))))
-(ert-deftest company-multi-backend-merges-deferred-candidates ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let* ((immediate (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                        (pcase command
-                          (`prefix "foo")
-                          (`candidates
-                           (cons :async
-                                 (lambda (cb) (funcall cb '("f"))))))))
-           (company-backend (list 'ignore
-                                  (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                                    (pcase command
-                                      (`prefix "foo")
-                                      (`candidates
-                                       (should (equal arg "foo"))
-                                       (cons :async
-                                             (lambda (cb)
-                                               (run-with-timer
-                                                0.01 nil
-                                                (lambda () (funcall cb '("a" "b")))))))))
-                                  (lambda (command &optional arg)
-                                    (pcase command
-                                      (`prefix "foo")
-                                      (`candidates '("c" "d" "e"))))
-                                  immediate)))
-      (should (equal :async (car (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates "foo"))))
-      (should (equal '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f")
-                     (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo")))
-      (let ((company-backend (list immediate)))
-        (should (equal '("f") (company-call-backend 'candidates "foo")))))))
-;;; Transformers
-(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo0
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert "
-      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
-            (company-occurrence-weight-function
-             'company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above))
-        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo0" "foo3" "foo2" "foo4")
-                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
-                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
-(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
-      (insert "foo0
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert "
-      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
-            (company-occurrence-weight-function
-             'company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest))
-        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo3" "foo0" "foo2" "foo4")
-                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
-                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
-;;; Template
-(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-the-last-jump ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "{ }")
-    (goto-char 2)
-    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
-      (save-excursion
-        (dotimes (i 2)
-          (insert " ")
-          (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "foo")))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 3 (point)))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 7 (point)))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 11 (point)))
-      (should (zerop (length (overlay-get tpl 'company-template-fields))))
-      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-input-and-jump ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert "{ }")
-    (goto-char 2)
-    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert " ")
-        (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "bar"))
-      (company-call 'template-move-to-first tpl)
-      (should (= 3 (point)))
-      (dolist (c (string-to-list "tee"))
-        (let ((last-command-event c))
-          (company-call 'self-insert-command 1)))
-      (should (string= "{ tee }" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (overlay-buffer tpl))
-      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
-      (should (= 7 (point)))
-      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(defun company-call (name &rest args)
-  (let* ((maybe (intern (format "company-%s" name)))
-         (command (if (fboundp maybe) maybe name)))
-    (let ((this-command command))
-      (run-hooks 'pre-command-hook))
-    (apply command args)
-    (let ((this-command command))
-      (run-hooks 'post-command-hook))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (equal "int a"
-                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-trims-after-closing-paren ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)!@ #1334 a"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0")))))
-(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-generics ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "foo<TKey, TValue>(int i, Dict<TKey, TValue>, long l)"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "foo<arg0, arg1>(arg2, arg3, arg4)" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (equal "TKey" (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display)))
-      (search-forward "arg3")
-      (forward-char -1)
-      (should (equal "Dict<TKey, TValue>"
-                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
-;;; Clang
-(ert-deftest company-clang-objc-templatify ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((text "createBookWithTitle:andAuthor:"))
-      (insert text)
-      (company-clang-objc-templatify text)
-      (should (equal "createBookWithTitle:arg0 andAuthor:arg1" (buffer-string)))
-      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
-      (should (null (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
copy from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
copy to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/keywords-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/keywords-tests.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;;; company-abbrev.el --- company-mode completion back-end for abbrev
+;;; keywords-tests.el --- company-keywords tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
@@ -19,33 +19,14 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'company)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'abbrev)
-(defun company-abbrev-insert (match)
-  "Replace MATCH with the expanded abbrev."
-  (expand-abbrev))
+(require 'company-keywords)
-(defun company-abbrev (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion back-end for abbrev."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-abbrev
-                                        'company-abbrev-insert))
-    (prefix (company-grab-symbol))
-    (candidates (nconc
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg global-abbrev-table))
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg local-abbrev-table))))
-    (meta (abbrev-expansion arg))
-    (require-match t)))
-(provide 'company-abbrev)
-;;; company-abbrev.el ends here
+(ert-deftest company-sorted-keywords ()
+  "Test that keywords in `company-keywords-alist' are in alphabetical order."
+  (dolist (pair company-keywords-alist)
+    (when (consp (cdr pair))
+      (let ((prev (cadr pair)))
+        (dolist (next (cddr pair))
+          (should (not (equal prev next)))
+          (should (string< prev next))
+          (setq prev next))))))
copy from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
copy to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/template-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/template-tests.el
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-;;; company-abbrev.el --- company-mode completion back-end for abbrev
+;;; template-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -19,33 +19,73 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
+(require 'company-tests)
+(require 'company-template)
-(require 'company)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'abbrev)
-(defun company-abbrev-insert (match)
-  "Replace MATCH with the expanded abbrev."
-  (expand-abbrev))
+(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-the-last-jump ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert "{ }")
+    (goto-char 2)
+    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
+      (save-excursion
+        (dotimes (_ 2)
+          (insert " ")
+          (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "foo")))
+      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
+      (should (= 3 (point)))
+      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
+      (should (= 7 (point)))
+      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
+      (should (= 11 (point)))
+      (should (zerop (length (overlay-get tpl 'company-template-fields))))
+      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(defun company-abbrev (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion back-end for abbrev."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-abbrev
-                                        'company-abbrev-insert))
-    (prefix (company-grab-symbol))
-    (candidates (nconc
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg global-abbrev-table))
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg local-abbrev-table))))
-    (meta (abbrev-expansion arg))
-    (require-match t)))
+(ert-deftest company-template-removed-after-input-and-jump ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert "{ }")
+    (goto-char 2)
+    (let ((tpl (company-template-declare-template (point) (1- (point-max)))))
+      (save-excursion
+        (insert " ")
+        (company-template-add-field tpl (point) "bar"))
+      (company-call 'template-move-to-first tpl)
+      (should (= 3 (point)))
+      (dolist (c (string-to-list "tee"))
+        (let ((last-command-event c))
+          (company-call 'self-insert-command 1)))
+      (should (string= "{ tee }" (buffer-string)))
+      (should (overlay-buffer tpl))
+      (company-call 'template-forward-field)
+      (should (= 7 (point)))
+      (should (null (overlay-buffer tpl))))))
-(provide 'company-abbrev)
-;;; company-abbrev.el ends here
+(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)"))
+      (insert text)
+      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
+      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
+      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
+      (should (equal "int a"
+                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
+(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-trims-after-closing-paren ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((text "foo(int a, short b)!@ #1334 a"))
+      (insert text)
+      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
+      (should (equal "foo(arg0, arg1)" (buffer-string)))
+      (should (looking-at "arg0")))))
+(ert-deftest company-template-c-like-templatify-generics ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((text "foo<TKey, TValue>(int i, Dict<TKey, TValue>, long l)"))
+      (insert text)
+      (company-template-c-like-templatify text)
+      (should (equal "foo<arg0, arg1>(arg2, arg3, arg4)" (buffer-string)))
+      (should (looking-at "arg0"))
+      (should (equal "TKey" (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display)))
+      (search-forward "arg3")
+      (forward-char -1)
+      (should (equal "Dict<TKey, TValue>"
+                     (overlay-get (company-template-field-at) 'display))))))
copy from elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
copy to elpa/company-0.8.12/test/transformers-tests.el
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/company-abbrev.el
+++ b/elpa/company-0.8.12/test/transformers-tests.el
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-;;; company-abbrev.el --- company-mode completion back-end for abbrev
+;;; transformers-tests.el --- company-mode tests  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
+;; Author: Dmitry Gutov
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -19,33 +19,40 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'company)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'abbrev)
-(defun company-abbrev-insert (match)
-  "Replace MATCH with the expanded abbrev."
-  (expand-abbrev))
+(require 'company-tests)
-(defun company-abbrev (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion back-end for abbrev."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-abbrev
-                                        'company-abbrev-insert))
-    (prefix (company-grab-symbol))
-    (candidates (nconc
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg global-abbrev-table))
-                 (delete "" (all-completions arg local-abbrev-table))))
-    (meta (abbrev-expansion arg))
-    (require-match t)))
+(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (save-window-excursion
+      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
+      (insert "foo0
+      (save-excursion
+        (insert "
+      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
+            (company-occurrence-weight-function
+             'company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above))
+        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo0" "foo3" "foo2" "foo4")
+                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
+                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
-(provide 'company-abbrev)
-;;; company-abbrev.el ends here
+(ert-deftest company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest ()
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (save-window-excursion
+      (set-window-buffer nil (current-buffer))
+      (insert "foo0
+      (save-excursion
+        (insert "
+      (let ((company-backend 'company-dabbrev)
+            (company-occurrence-weight-function
+             'company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest))
+        (should (equal '("foo1" "foo3" "foo0" "foo2" "foo4")
+                       (company-sort-by-occurrence
+                        '("foo0" "foo1" "foo2" "foo3" "foo4"))))))))
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-language: emacs-lisp
-  matrix:
-    - EMACS=emacs24
-    - EMACS=emacs-snapshot
-  - if [ "$EMACS" = "emacs24" ]; then
-        sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:cassou/emacs &&
-        sudo apt-get update -qq &&
-        sudo apt-get install -qq emacs24 emacs24-el;
-    fi
-  - if [ "$EMACS" = "emacs-snapshot" ]; then
-        sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa &&
-        sudo apt-get update -qq &&
-        sudo apt-get install -qq emacs-snapshot;
-    fi
-  make test-batch EMACS=${EMACS}
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/elpa/company-0.8.6/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: ert test test-batch
-package: *.el
-	@ver=`grep -o "Version: .*" company.el | cut -c 10-`; \
-	tar cjvf company-$$ver.tar.bz2 --mode 644 `git ls-files '*.el' | xargs`
-elpa: *.el
-	@version=`grep -o "Version: .*" company.el | cut -c 10-`; \
-	dir=company-$$version; \
-	mkdir -p "$$dir"; \
-	cp `git ls-files '*.el' | xargs` company-$$version; \
-	echo "(define-package \"company\" \"$$version\" \
-	\"Modular in-buffer completion framework\")" \
-	> "$$dir"/company-pkg.el; \
-	tar cvf company-$$version.tar --mode 644 "$$dir"
-	@rm -rf company-*/ company-*.tar company-*.tar.bz2 *.elc ert.el
-	${EMACS} -Q -nw -L . -l company-tests.el -l company-elisp-tests.el \
-	--eval "(let (pop-up-windows) (ert t))"
-	${EMACS} -Q --batch -L . -l company-tests.el -l company-elisp-tests.el \
-	--eval "(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit '(not (tag interactive)))"
-	${EMACS} -Q --batch -L . -f batch-byte-compile company.el company-*.el
deleted file mode 100644
index d1c1410ec3ba0434e22a95ed90e6ceece46880ed..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
index d46fc4ac5cdb8c95a47e77b76680302d24e5711d..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cda496db8b06578ad90d4b79b8c771fccc88911..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa36a8ead0ffd0c76237532060f48d1c5d16dae..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
index a12efefc1c26714ee53f92a50367f0d4ef087478..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
index 01dd78f6fdb18ba30a76e00b39c287a2744800ce..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
index ae6c1e9ba563171bf4687379b24f0c15683821d9..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/LICENSE
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/LICENSE
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/README.rst
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/README.rst
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/README.rst
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/README.rst
@@ -24,7 +24,14 @@
 First, install the required Python packages:::
+  # Either of these
   pip install rope
+  pip install jedi
+  # flake8 for code checks
+  pip install flake8
+  # and importmagic for automatic imports
+  pip install importmagic
 Evaluate this in your ``*scratch*`` buffer:
@@ -48,6 +55,15 @@
+For questions regarding Elpy, do not hesitate to open an `issue on
+github`_ or visit us on IRC, channel ``#emacs-elpy`` on
+.. _issue on github:
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy-autoloads.el
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy-autoloads.el
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy-autoloads.el
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy-autoloads.el
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 ;;; elpy-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
 ;;; Code:
+(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
-;;;### (autoloads (elpy-config elpy-mode elpy-enable) "elpy" "elpy.el"
-;;;;;;  (21577 27296 562671 713000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "elpy" "elpy.el" (21954 12867 40604 476000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from elpy.el
 (autoload 'elpy-enable "elpy" "\
@@ -20,9 +19,6 @@
 \\[elpy-rpc-restart] to make the elpy Python process use your
-See for a
-more structured list.
 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
@@ -35,18 +31,21 @@
 \(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("elpy-pkg.el" "elpy-refactor.el") (21577
-;;;;;;  27301 481452 517000))
+(autoload 'elpy-version "elpy" "\
+Display the version of Elpy.
+\(fn)" t nil)
-(provide 'elpy-autoloads)
+;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("elpy-pkg.el" "elpy-refactor.el") (21954
+;;;;;;  12867 294239 466000))
 ;; Local Variables:
 ;; version-control: never
 ;; no-byte-compile: t
 ;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; coding: utf-8
 ;; End:
 ;;; elpy-autoloads.el ends here
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy-pkg.el
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy-pkg.el
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy-pkg.el
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy-pkg.el
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-(define-package "elpy" "1.5.1"
+(define-package "elpy" "1.8.0"
                 "Emacs Python Development Environment"
                 '((company "0.8.2")
                   (find-file-in-project "3.3")
                   (highlight-indentation "0.5.0")
-                  (idomenu "0.1")
                   (pyvenv "1.3")
                   (yasnippet "0.8.0"))
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy-refactor.el
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy-refactor.el
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy.el
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy.el
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy.el
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy.el
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 ;; Author: Jorgen Schaefer <>
 ;; URL:
-;; Version: 1.5.1
+;; Version: 1.8.0
 ;; Keywords: Python, IDE, Languages, Tools
-;; Package-Requires: ((company "0.8.2") (find-file-in-project "3.3")  (highlight-indentation "0.5.0") (idomenu "0.1") (pyvenv "1.3") (yasnippet "0.8.0"))
+;; Package-Requires: ((company "0.8.2") (find-file-in-project "3.3")  (highlight-indentation "0.5.0") (pyvenv "1.3") (yasnippet "0.8.0"))
 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -26,46 +26,12 @@
 ;; The Emacs Lisp Python Environment in Emacs
 ;; Elpy is an Emacs package to bring powerful Python editing to Emacs.
-;; It combines a number of existing Emacs packages, and uses one of a
-;; selection of Python packages for code introspection.
-;; To use, you need to install not only this package, but a few Python
-;; packages as well. See the installation instructions on the wiki.
-;; Documentation is available there as well.
-;;; Writing Elpy Modules:
-;; A module is a function which is called with one or more arguments.
-;; This first argument is the command specifier symbol, which can be
-;; one of the following:
-;; global-init:
-;; - Called once, when Elpy is enabled using `elpy-enable'.
-;; global-stop:
-;; - Called once, when Elpy is disabled using `elpy-disable'.
-;; buffer-init:
-;; - Called in a buffer when elpy-mode is enabled.
-;; buffer-stop:
-;; - Called in a buffer when elpy-mode is disabled.
-;;; Writing test runners:
-;; A test runner is a function that receives four arguments, described
-;; in the docstring of `elpy-test-at-point'. If only the first
-;; argument is given, the test runner should find tests under this
-;; directory and run them. If the others are given, the test runner
-;; should run the specified test only, or as few as it can.
-;; Test runners should use an interactive spec of (interactive
-;; (elpy-test-at-point)) so they can be called directly by the user.
-;; For their main work, they can simply call `elpy-test-run'. See the
-;; `elpy-test-discover-runner' for an example.
+;; It combines a number of existing Emacs packages, both written in
+;; Emacs Lisp as well as Python.
+;; For more information, read the Elpy manual:
 ;;; Code:
@@ -80,7 +46,7 @@
 (require 'elpy-refactor)
 (require 'pyvenv)
-(defconst elpy-version "1.5.1"
+(defconst elpy-version "1.8.0"
   "The version of the Elpy lisp code.")
@@ -91,32 +57,6 @@
   :prefix "elpy-"
   :group 'languages)
-(defcustom elpy-interactive-python-command "python"
-  "Command to use for the interactive shell.
-Customize this option to use a different interactive shell. If
-the value starts with \"ipython\", it will set up python.el so
-that it deals with ipytohon's particular prompt and features.
-From your .emacs, you can use `elpy-use-ipython' and
-`elpy-use-cpython' instead."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Standard Python (python)" "python")
-                 (const :tag "Standard Python 2 (python2)" "python2")
-                 (const :tag "Standard Python 3 (python3)" "python3")
-                 (const :tag "IPython" "ipython")
-                 (string :tag "Other"))
-  :set (lambda (var val)
-         (set-default var val)
-         (if (string-match "ipython" val)
-             (elpy-use-ipython val)
-           (elpy-use-cpython val)))
-  ;; Don't use the default function because the default values are
-  ;; correct, and `elpy-use-cpython' is not available yet.
-  :initialize #'set-default
-  :safe (lambda (val)
-          (member val '("python" "python2" "python3" "ipython")))
-  :group 'elpy)
 (defcustom elpy-mode-hook nil
   "Hook run when `elpy-mode' is enabled.
@@ -164,12 +104,20 @@
 (defcustom elpy-project-root nil
   "The root of the project the current buffer is in.
-The value is automatically set for new buffers using
-`elpy-project-root-finder-functions', which see.
+There is normally no use in setting this variable directly, as
+Elpy tries to detect the project root automatically. See
+`elpy-project-root-finder-functions' for a way of influencing
+Setting this variable globally will override Elpy's automatic
+project detection facilities entirely.
 Alternatively, you can set this in file- or directory-local
 variables using \\[add-file-local-variable] or
+Do not use this variable in Emacs Lisp programs. Instead, call
+the `elpy-project-root' function. It will do the right thing."
   :type 'directory
   :safe 'file-directory-p
   :group 'elpy)
@@ -211,6 +159,20 @@
           (member val '("rope" "jedi" "native" nil)))
   :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-rpc-maximum-buffer-age (* 5 60)
+  "Seconds after which Elpy automatically closes an unused RPC buffer.
+Elpy creates RPC buffers over time, depending on python interpreters
+and the project root. When there are many projects being worked on,
+these can accumulate. Setting this variable to an integer will close
+buffers and processes when they have not been used for this amount of
+Setting this variable to nil will disable the behavior."
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
+                 integer)
+  :group 'elpy)
 (defcustom elpy-rpc-large-buffer-size 4096
   "Size for a source buffer up to which it will be sent directly.
@@ -222,7 +184,18 @@
   :safe #'integerp
   :group 'elpy)
-(defcustom elpy-rpc-python-command (if (eq window-system 'w32)
+(defcustom elpy-rpc-ignored-buffer-size 102400
+  "Size for a source buffer over which Elpy completion will not work.
+To provide completion, Elpy's backends have to parse the whole
+file every time. For very large files, this is slow, and can make
+Emacs laggy. Elpy will simply not work on buffers larger than
+this to prevent this from happening."
+  :type 'integer
+  :safe #'integerp
+  :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-rpc-python-command (if (equal system-type "windows-nt")
   "The Python interpreter for the RPC backend.
@@ -264,15 +237,64 @@
               (null val)))
   :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-rpc-error-timeout 30
+  "Minimum number of seconds between error popups.
+When Elpy encounters an error in the backend, it will display a
+lengthy description of the problem for a bug report. This hangs
+Emacs for a moment, and can be rather annoying if it happens
+repeatedly while editing a source file.
+If this variabl is non-nil, Elpy will not display the error
+message again within this amount of seconds."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-eldoc-show-current-function t
+  "If true, show the current function if no calltip is available.
+When Elpy can not find the calltip of the function call at point,
+it can show the name of the function or class and method being
+edited instead. Setting this variable to nil disables this feature."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'elpy)
 (defcustom elpy-test-runner 'elpy-test-discover-runner
   "The test runner to use to run tests."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Unittest Discover" elpy-test-discover-runner)
                  (const :tag "Django Discover" elpy-test-django-runner)
                  (const :tag "Nose" elpy-test-nose-runner)
-                 (const :tag "py.test" elpy-test-pytest-runner))
+                 (const :tag "py.test" elpy-test-pytest-runner)
+                 (const :tag "Twisted Trial" elpy-test-trial-runner))
   :safe 'elpy-test-runner-p
   :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-test-discover-runner-command '("python" "-m" "unittest")
+  "The command to use for `elpy-test-discover-runner'."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-test-django-runner-command '("" "test"
+                                             "--noinput")
+  "The command to use for `elpy-test-django-runner'."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-test-nose-runner-command '("nosetests")
+  "The command to use for `elpy-test-nose-runner'."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-test-trial-runner-command '("trial")
+  "The command to use for `elpy-test-trial-runner'."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'elpy)
+(defcustom elpy-test-pytest-runner-command '("py.test")
+  "The command to use for `elpy-test-pytest-runner'."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'elpy)
 ;;; Elpy Mode
@@ -292,7 +314,8 @@
     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'elpy-doc)
     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'elpy-multiedit-python-symbol-at-point)
     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-f") 'elpy-find-file)
-    (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-j") 'idomenu)
+    (define-key map (kbd "C-c RET") 'elpy-importmagic-add-import)
+    (define-key map (kbd "C-c <S-return>") 'elpy-importmagic-fixup)
     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-n") 'elpy-flymake-next-error)
     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") 'elpy-occur-definitions)
     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-p") 'elpy-flymake-previous-error)
@@ -305,15 +328,15 @@
     (define-key map (kbd "<S-return>") 'elpy-open-and-indent-line-below)
     (define-key map (kbd "<C-S-return>") 'elpy-open-and-indent-line-above)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<C-down>") 'elpy-nav-next-iblock)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<C-up>") 'elpy-nav-previous-iblock)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<C-left>") 'elpy-nav-backward-iblock)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<C-right>") 'elpy-nav-forward-iblock)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<M-down>") 'elpy-nav-move-iblock-down)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<M-up>") 'elpy-nav-move-iblock-up)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<M-left>") 'elpy-nav-move-iblock-left)
-    (define-key map (kbd "<M-right>") 'elpy-nav-move-iblock-right)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<C-down>") 'elpy-nav-forward-block)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<C-up>") 'elpy-nav-backward-block)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<C-left>") 'elpy-nav-backward-indent)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<C-right>") 'elpy-nav-forward-indent)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<M-down>") 'elpy-nav-move-line-or-region-down)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<M-up>") 'elpy-nav-move-line-or-region-up)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<M-left>") 'elpy-nav-move-region-or-line-left)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<M-right>") 'elpy-nav-move-region-or-line-right)
     (define-key map (kbd "M-.")     'elpy-goto-definition)
     (define-key map (kbd "M-TAB")   'elpy-company-backend)
@@ -366,16 +389,16 @@
      ["Previous Error" elpy-flymake-previous-error
       :help "Go to the previous inline error, if any"])
     ("Indentation Blocks"
-     ["Dedent" elpy-nav-move-iblock-left
+     ["Dedent" elpy-nav-move-region-or-line-left
       :help "Dedent current block or region"
       :suffix (if (use-region-p) "Region" "Block")]
-     ["Indent" elpy-nav-move-iblock-right
+     ["Indent" elpy-nav-move-region-or-line-right
       :help "Indent current block or region"
       :suffix (if (use-region-p) "Region" "Block")]
-     ["Up" elpy-nav-move-iblock-up
+     ["Up" elpy-nav-move-line-or-region-up
       :help "Move current block or region up"
       :suffix (if (use-region-p) "Region" "Block")]
-     ["Down" elpy-nav-move-iblock-down
+     ["Down" elpy-nav-move-line-or-region-down
       :help "Move current block or region down"
       :suffix (if (use-region-p) "Region" "Block")])
@@ -416,9 +439,6 @@
 \\[elpy-rpc-restart] to make the elpy Python process use your
-See for a
-more structured list.
   :lighter " Elpy"
   (when (not (eq major-mode 'python-mode))
@@ -463,6 +483,27 @@
 (defvar elpy-config--get-config "import json
 import sys
+    import xmlrpclib
+except ImportError:
+    import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+def latest(package, version=None):
+    try:
+        pypi = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('')
+        latest = pypi.package_releases(package)[0]
+        if version is None or LooseVersion(version) < LooseVersion(latest):
+            return latest
+        else:
+            return None
+    except:
+        return None
 config = {}
 config['python_version'] = ('{major}.{minor}.{micro}'
@@ -481,15 +522,29 @@
         config['jedi_version'] = '.'.join(str(x) for x in jedi.__version__)
         config['jedi_version'] = jedi.__version__
+    config['jedi_latest'] = latest('jedi', config['jedi_version'])
     config['jedi_version'] = None
+    config['jedi_latest'] = latest('jedi')
     import rope
     config['rope_version'] = rope.VERSION
+    if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
+        config['rope_latest'] = latest('rope', config['rope_version'])
+    else:
+        config['rope_latest'] = latest('rope_py3k', config['rope_version'])
     config['rope_version'] = None
+    config['rope_latest'] = latest('rope')
+    import importmagic
+    config['importmagic_version'] = importmagic.__version__
+    config['importmagic_latest'] = latest('importmagic', config['importmagic_version'])
+    config['importmagic_version'] = None
+    config['importmagic_latest'] = latest('importmagic')
 json.dump(config, sys.stdout)
@@ -534,6 +589,12 @@
         (goto-char (point-min))))
     (pop-to-buffer-same-window buf)))
+(defun elpy-version ()
+  "Display the version of Elpy."
+  (interactive)
+  (message "Elpy %s (use M-x elpy-config for details)" elpy-version))
 (defun elpy-config--insert-help ()
   (let ((start (point)))
     ;; Help display from `customize-browse'
@@ -571,108 +632,164 @@
   "Insert help text and widgets for configuration problems."
   (when (not config)
     (setq config (elpy-config--get-config)))
-  (elpy-config--insert-configuration-table config)
-  (insert "\n")
-  ;; Python not found
-  (when (not (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config))
-    (elpy-insert--para
-     "Elpy can not find the configured Python interpreter. Please make "
-     "sure that the variable `elpy-rpc-python-command' points to a "
-     "command in your PATH. You can change the variable below.\n\n"))
-  ;; No virtual env
-  (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
-             (not (gethash "virtual_env" (elpy-config--get-config))))
-    (elpy-insert--para
-     "You have not activated a virtual env. While Elpy supports this, "
-     "it is often a good idea to work inside a virtual env. You can use "
-     "M-x pyvenv-activate or M-x pyvenv-workon to activate a virtual "
-     "env.\n\n"))
-  ;; Python found, but can't find the elpy module
-  (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
-             (not (gethash "elpy_version" config)))
-    (elpy-insert--para
-     "The Python interpreter could not find the elpy module. "
-     "Make sure the module is installed"
-     (if (getenv "virtual_env" config)
-         " in the current virtualenv.\n"
-       ".\n"))
+  (let* ((python-version (gethash "python_version" config))
+         (rope-pypi-package  (if (and python-version
+                                      (string-match "^3\\." python-version))
+                                 "rope_py3k"
+                               "rope")))
+    (elpy-config--insert-configuration-table config)
     (insert "\n")
-    (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button "elpy")
-    (insert "\n\n"))
-  ;; Otherwise unparseable output.
-  (when (gethash "error_output" config)
-    (elpy-insert--para
-     "There was an unexpected problem starting the RPC process. Please "
-     "check the following output to see if this makes sense to you. "
-     "To me, it doesn't.\n")
-    (insert "\n"
-            (gethash "error_output" config) "\n"
-            "\n"))
-  ;; Requested backend unavailable
-  (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
-             (or (and (equal elpy-rpc-backend "rope")
-                      (not (gethash "rope_version" config)))
-                 (and (equal elpy-rpc-backend "jedi")
-                      (not (gethash "jedi_version" config)))))
-    (elpy-insert--para
-     "You requested Elpy to use the backend " elpy-rpc-backend ", "
-     "but the Python interpreter could not load that module. Make "
-     "sure the module is installed, or change the value of "
-     "`elpy-rpc-backend' below to one of the available backends.\n")
-    (insert "\n")
-    (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button elpy-rpc-backend)
-    (insert "\n\n"))
-  ;; Only native backend available, but requested automatic choice
-  (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
-             (and (not elpy-rpc-backend)
-                  (not (gethash "rope_version" config))
-                  (not (gethash "jedi_version" config))))
-    (elpy-insert--para
-     "You did not specify a preference for an RPC backend, but there "
-     "is only the native backend available. The native backend has "
-     "seriously limited capabilities. If you really want to use the "
-     "native backend, please change the value of `elpy-rpc-backend' "
-     "below to make this explicit. Alternatively, you can install the "
-     "module for one of the supported backends.\n")
-    (insert "\n")
-    (let ((python-version (gethash "python_version" config)))
-      (if (and python-version (string-match "^3\\." python-version))
-          (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button "rope_py3k")
-        (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button "rope")))
-    (insert "\n")
-    (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button "jedi")
-    (insert "\n\n"))
-  ;; Bad backend version
-  (when (and (gethash "elpy_version" config)
-             (not (equal (gethash "elpy_version" config)
-                         elpy-version)))
-    (let ((elpy-python-version (gethash "elpy_version" config)))
+    ;; Python not found
+    (when (not (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "Elpy can not find the configured Python interpreter. Please make "
+       "sure that the variable `elpy-rpc-python-command' points to a "
+       "command in your PATH. You can change the variable below.\n\n"))
+    ;; No virtual env
+    (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
+               (not (gethash "virtual_env" config)))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "You have not activated a virtual env. While Elpy supports this, "
+       "it is often a good idea to work inside a virtual env. You can use "
+       "M-x pyvenv-activate or M-x pyvenv-workon to activate a virtual "
+       "env.\n\n"))
+    ;; No virtual env, but ~/.local/bin not in PATH
+    (when (and (not (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt)))
+               (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
+               (not pyvenv-virtual-env)
+               (not (or (member (expand-file-name "~/.local/bin")
+                                exec-path)
+                        (member (expand-file-name "~/.local/bin/")
+                                exec-path))))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "The directory ~/.local/bin/ is not in your PATH, even though you "
+       "do not have an active virtualenv. Installing Python packages "
+       "locally will create executables in that directory, so Emacs "
+       "won't find them. If you are missing some commands, do add this "
+       "directory to your PATH.\n\n"))
+    ;; Python found, but can't find the elpy module
+    (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
+               (not (gethash "elpy_version" config)))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "The Python interpreter could not find the elpy module. "
+       "Make sure the module is installed"
+       (if (gethash "virtual_env" config)
+           " in the current virtualenv.\n"
+         ".\n"))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button :package "elpy")
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ;; Bad backend version
+    (when (and (gethash "elpy_version" config)
+               (not (equal (gethash "elpy_version" config)
+                           elpy-version)))
+      (let ((elpy-python-version (gethash "elpy_version" config)))
+        (elpy-insert--para
+         "The Elpy backend is version " elpy-python-version " while "
+         "the Emacs package is " elpy-version ". This is incompatible. "
+         (if (version< elpy-python-version elpy-version)
+             "Please upgrade the Python module."
+           "Please upgrade the Emacs Lisp package.")
+         "\n")))
+    ;; Otherwise unparseable output.
+    (when (gethash "error_output" config)
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "There was an unexpected problem starting the RPC process. Please "
+       "check the following output to see if this makes sense to you. "
+       "To me, it doesn't.\n")
+      (insert "\n"
+              (gethash "error_output" config) "\n"
+              "\n"))
+    ;; Requested backend unavailable
+    (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
+               (or (and (equal elpy-rpc-backend "rope")
+                        (not (gethash "rope_version" config)))
+                   (and (equal elpy-rpc-backend "jedi")
+                        (not (gethash "jedi_version" config)))))
-       "The Elpy backend is version " elpy-python-version " while "
-       "the Emacs package is " elpy-version ". This is incompatible. "
-       (if (version< elpy-python-version elpy-version)
-           "Please upgrade the Python module."
-         "Please upgrade the Emacs Lisp package.")
-       "\n")))
-  ;; flake8, the default syntax checker, not found
-  (when (not (executable-find "flake8"))
-    (elpy-insert--para
-     "The configured syntax checker could not be found. Elpy uses this "
-     "program to provide syntax checks of your programs, so you might "
-     "want to install one. Elpy by default uses flake8.\n")
-    (insert "\n")
-    (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button "flake8")
-    (insert "\n\n"))
-  )
+       "You requested Elpy to use the backend " elpy-rpc-backend ", "
+       "but the Python interpreter could not load that module. Make "
+       "sure the module is installed, or change the value of "
+       "`elpy-rpc-backend' below to one of the available backends.\n")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button
+                     :package (if (equal elpy-rpc-backend "rope")
+                                  rope-pypi-package
+                                "jedi"))
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ;; No backend available.
+    (when (and (gethash "python_rpc_executable" config)
+               (and (not elpy-rpc-backend)
+                    (not (gethash "rope_version" config))
+                    (not (gethash "jedi_version" config))))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "There is no backend available. Please install either Rope or Jedi.\n")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button :package rope-pypi-package)
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button :package "jedi")
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ;; Newer version of Rope available
+    (when (and (gethash "rope_version" config)
+               (gethash "rope_latest" config))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "There is a newer version of Rope available.\n")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button
+                     :package rope-pypi-package :upgrade t)
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ;; Newer version of Jedi available
+    (when (and (gethash "jedi_version" config)
+               (gethash "jedi_latest" config))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "There is a newer version of Jedi available.\n")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button
+                     :package "jedi" :upgrade t)
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ;; No importmagic available
+    (when (not (gethash "importmagic_version" config))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "The importmagic package is not available. Commands using this will "
+       "not work.\n")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button
+                     :package "importmagic")
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ;; Newer version of importmagic available
+    (when (and (gethash "importmagic_version" config)
+               (gethash "importmagic_latest" config))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "There is a newer version of the importmagic package available.\n")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button
+                     :package "importmagic" :upgrade t)
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ;; flake8, the default syntax checker, not found
+    (when (not (executable-find "flake8"))
+      (elpy-insert--para
+       "The configured syntax checker could not be found. Elpy uses this "
+       "program to provide syntax checks of your programs, so you might "
+       "want to install one. Elpy by default uses flake8.\n")
+      (insert "\n")
+      (widget-create 'elpy-insert--pip-button :package "flake8")
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    ))
 (defun elpy-config--get-config ()
   "Return the configuration from `elpy-rpc-python-command'.
@@ -707,12 +824,14 @@
                  (executable-find interactive-python)
       (let ((venv (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV")))
-        (when venv
-          (puthash "virtual_env" venv config)
-          (puthash "virtual_env_short" (file-name-nondirectory venv) config)))
+        (puthash "virtual_env" venv config)
+        (if venv
+            (puthash "virtual_env_short" (file-name-nondirectory venv) config)
+          (puthash "virtual_env_short" nil config)))
       (let ((return-value (ignore-errors
                             (let ((process-environment
-                                   (elpy-rpc--environment)))
+                                   (elpy-rpc--environment))
+                                  (default-directory "/"))
                               (call-process elpy-rpc-python-command
@@ -743,7 +862,11 @@
         (elpy-python-version (gethash "elpy_version" config))
         (jedi-version (gethash "jedi_version" config))
+        (jedi-latest (gethash "jedi_latest" config))
         (rope-version (gethash "rope_version" config))
+        (rope-latest (gethash "rope_latest" config))
+        (importmagic-version (gethash "importmagic_version" config))
+        (importmagic-latest (gethash "importmagic_latest" config))
         (virtual-env (gethash "virtual_env" config))
         (virtual-env-short (gethash "virtual_env_short" config))
         table maxwidth)
@@ -786,12 +909,15 @@
                          (format "Not found (Python), %s (Emacs Lisp)"
-            ("Jedi" . ,(if jedi-version
-                           jedi-version
-                         "Not found"))
-            ("Rope" . ,(if rope-version
-                           rope-version
-                         "Not found"))
+            ("Jedi" . ,(elpy-config--package-link "jedi"
+                                                  jedi-version
+                                                  jedi-latest))
+            ("Rope" . ,(elpy-config--package-link "rope"
+                                                  rope-version
+                                                  rope-latest))
+            ("Importmagic" . ,(elpy-config--package-link "importmagic"
+                                                         importmagic-version
+                                                         importmagic-latest))
             ("Syntax checker" . ,(let ((syntax-checker
@@ -815,6 +941,22 @@
               (cdr row)
+(defun elpy-config--package-link (name version latest)
+  "Return a string detailing a Python package.
+NAME is the PyPI name of the package. VERSION is the currently
+installed version. LATEST is the latest-available version on
+PyPI, or nil if that's VERSION."
+  (cond
+   ((and (not version) (not latest))
+    "Not found")
+   ((not latest)
+    version)
+   ((not version)
+    (format "Not found (%s available)" latest))
+   (t
+    (format "%s (%s available)" version latest))))
 ;;; Elpy Formatted Insertion
@@ -854,17 +996,24 @@
 (defun elpy-insert--pip-button-value-create (widget)
   "The :value-create option for the pip button widget."
-  (let* ((python-module (widget-get widget :value))
+  (let* ((python-package (widget-get widget :package))
+         (do-upgrade (widget-get widget :upgrade))
+         (upgrade-option (if do-upgrade
+                             "--upgrade "
+                           ""))
          (do-user-install (not (or (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV")
          (user-option (if do-user-install
                           "--user "
          (command (cond
                    ((executable-find "pip")
-                    (format "pip install %s%s" user-option python-module))
+                    (format "pip install %s%s%s"
+                            user-option upgrade-option python-package))
                    ((executable-find "easy_install")
-                    (format "easy_install %s%s" user-option python-module))
+                    (format "easy_install %s%s"
+                            user-option python-package))
                     (error "Neither easy_install nor pip found")))))
     (widget-put widget :command command)
@@ -1178,6 +1327,8 @@
                        (read-file-name "IPython command: "))))
   (when (not ipython)
     (setq ipython "ipython"))
+  (when (not (executable-find ipython))
+    (error "Command %S not found" ipython))
    ;; Emacs 24 until 24.3
    ((boundp 'python-python-command)
@@ -1199,8 +1350,16 @@
    ;; Emacs 24.4
    ((boundp 'python-shell-interpreter-interactive-arg)
-    (setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython"
-          python-shell-interpreter-args "-i"))
+    (setq python-shell-interpreter ipython
+          python-shell-interpreter-args "-i")
+    ;; Windows requires some special handling here, see #422
+    (let ((exe "C:\\Python27\\python.exe")
+          (ipython_py "C:\\Python27\\Scripts\\"))
+      (when (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+                 (file-exists-p exe)
+                 (file-exists-p ipython_py))
+        (setq python-shell-interpreter exe
+              python-shell-interpreter-args "-i " + ipython_py))))
     (error "I don't know how to set ipython settings for this Emacs"))))
@@ -1212,6 +1371,8 @@
                        (read-file-name "Python command: "))))
   (when (not cpython)
     (setq cpython "python"))
+  (when (not (executable-find cpython))
+    (error "Command %S not found" cpython))
    ;; Emacs 24 until 24.3
    ((boundp 'python-python-command)
@@ -1224,7 +1385,7 @@
           python-shell-prompt-regexp ">>> "
           python-shell-prompt-output-regexp ""
+          "try:
     import readline
 except ImportError:
     def __COMPLETER_all_completions(text): []
@@ -1249,7 +1410,7 @@
    ;; Emacs 24.4
    ((boundp 'python-shell-interpreter-interactive-arg)
-    (setq python-shell-interpreter "python"
+    (setq python-shell-interpreter cpython
           python-shell-interpreter-args "-i"))
     (error "I don't know how to set ipython settings for this Emacs"))))
@@ -1273,6 +1434,8 @@
         (let ((region (elpy-shell--region-without-indentation
                        (region-beginning) (region-end))))
           (setq has-if-main (string-match if-main-regex region))
+          (when (string-match "\t" region)
+            (message "Region contained tabs, this might cause weird errors"))
           (python-shell-send-string region))
         (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -1288,7 +1451,7 @@
 (defun elpy-shell-switch-to-shell ()
   "Switch to inferior Python process buffer."
-  (pop-to-buffer (process-buffer (elpy-shell-get-or-create-process)) t))
+  (pop-to-buffer (process-buffer (elpy-shell-get-or-create-process))))
 (defun elpy-shell-get-or-create-process ()
   "Get or create an inferior Python process for current buffer and return it."
@@ -1374,215 +1537,168 @@
   (let ((buffer (find-file filename)))
     (with-current-buffer buffer
       (with-selected-window (get-buffer-window buffer)
-        (goto-char (1+ offset))))))
-(defun elpy-nav--iblock (direction skip)
-  "Move point forward, skipping lines indented more than the current one.
-DIRECTION should be 1 or -1 for forward or backward.
-SKIP should be #'> to skip lines with larger indentation or #'<
-to skip lines with smaller indentation."
-  (let ((start-indentation (current-indentation)))
-    (python-nav-forward-statement direction)
-    (while (and (not (eobp))
-                (not (bobp))
-                (or (looking-at "^\\s-*$")
-                    (funcall skip
-                             (current-indentation)
-                             start-indentation)))
-      (python-nav-forward-statement direction))))
-(defun elpy-nav-next-iblock (&optional direction)
-  "Move forward to the beginning of the next indentation block.
-An indentation block is a block indented further than the current
+        (goto-char (1+ offset))
+        (recenter 0)))))
+(defun elpy-nav-forward-block ()
+  "Move to the next line indented like point.
+This will skip over lines and statements with different
+indentation levels."
-  (let ((start-indentation (current-indentation))
-        (new-pos (point)))
-    (unwind-protect
-        (progn
-          (elpy-nav--iblock direction #'>)
-          (when (= (current-indentation)
-                   start-indentation)
-            (back-to-indentation)
-            (setq new-pos (point))))
-      (goto-char new-pos))))
-(defun elpy-nav-previous-iblock ()
-  "Move forward to the beginning of the previous indentation block.
-An indentation block is a block indented further than the current
+  (let ((indent (current-column))
+        (start (point)))
+    (when (/= (% indent python-indent-offset)
+              0)
+      (setq indent (* (1+ (/ indent python-indent-offset))
+                      python-indent-offset)))
+    (python-nav-forward-statement)
+    (while (and (< indent (current-indentation))
+                (not (eobp)))
+      (python-nav-forward-statement))
+    (when (< (current-indentation)
+             indent)
+      (goto-char start))))
+(defun elpy-nav-backward-block ()
+  "Move to the previous line indented like point.
+This will skip over lines and statements with different
+indentation levels."
-  (elpy-nav-next-iblock -1))
-(defun elpy-nav-backward-iblock ()
-  "Move back to the previous line less indented than the current one."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((start-indentation (current-indentation))
-        (new-pos (point)))
-    (unwind-protect
-        (progn
-          (elpy-nav--iblock -1 #'>=)
-          (when (< (current-indentation)
-                   start-indentation)
-            (back-to-indentation)
-            (setq new-pos (point))))
-      (goto-char new-pos))))
-(defun elpy-nav-forward-iblock ()
-  "Move forward to the next line indented more than the current one."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((start-indentation (current-indentation))
-        (new-pos (point)))
-    (unwind-protect
-        (progn
-          (elpy-nav--iblock 1 #'<=)
-          (when (> (current-indentation)
-                   start-indentation)
-            (back-to-indentation)
-            (setq new-pos (point))))
-      (goto-char new-pos))))
-(defun elpy-nav-move-iblock-down (&optional beg end)
-  "Move the current indentation block below the next one.
-With an active region, move that instead of the current block.
-An indentation block is a block indented further than the current
+  (let ((indent (current-column))
+        (start (point)))
+    (when (/= (% indent python-indent-offset)
+              0)
+      (setq indent (* (1+ (/ indent python-indent-offset))
+                      python-indent-offset)))
+    (python-nav-backward-statement)
+    (while (and (< indent (current-indentation))
+                (not (bobp)))
+      (python-nav-backward-statement))
+    (when (< (current-indentation)
+             indent)
+      (goto-char start))))
+(defun elpy-nav-forward-indent ()
+  "Move forward to the next indent level, or over the next word."
+  (interactive "^")
+  (if (< (current-column) (current-indentation))
+      (let* ((current (current-column))
+             (next (* (1+ (/ current python-indent-offset))
+                      python-indent-offset)))
+        (goto-char (+ (point-at-bol)
+                      next)))
+    (let ((eol (point-at-eol)))
+      (forward-word)
+      (when (> (point) eol)
+        (goto-char (point-at-bol))))))
+(defun elpy-nav-backward-indent ()
+  "Move backward to the previous indent level, or over the previous word."
+  (interactive "^")
+  (if (and (<= (current-column) (current-indentation))
+           (/= (current-column) 0))
+      (let* ((current (current-column))
+             (next (* (1- (/ current python-indent-offset))
+                      python-indent-offset)))
+        (goto-char (+ (point-at-bol)
+                      next)))
+    (backward-word)))
+(defun elpy-nav-move-line-or-region-down (&optional beg end)
+  "Move the current line or active region down."
   (interactive "r")
-  (let ((use-region (use-region-p))
-        (startm (make-marker))
-        (starti nil)
-        (midm (make-marker))
-        (midi nil)
-        (endm (make-marker))
-        (deactivate-mark nil))
+  (if (use-region-p)
+      (elpy--nav-move-region-vertically beg end 1)
+    (elpy--nav-move-line-vertically 1)))
+(defun elpy-nav-move-line-or-region-up (&optional beg end)
+  "Move the current line or active region down."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (if (use-region-p)
+      (elpy--nav-move-region-vertically beg end -1)
+    (elpy--nav-move-line-vertically -1)))
+(defun elpy--nav-move-line-vertically (dir)
+  (let* ((beg (point-at-bol))
+         (end (point-at-bol 2))
+         (col (current-column))
+         (region (delete-and-extract-region beg end)))
+    (forward-line dir)
-      (when use-region
-        (goto-char beg))
-      (set-marker startm (line-beginning-position))
-      (setq starti (current-indentation))
-      (if use-region
-          (progn
-            (goto-char end)
-            (when (> (current-column)
-                     0)
-              (forward-line 1)))
-        (elpy-nav--iblock 1 #'>))
-      (set-marker midm (line-beginning-position))
-      (setq midi (current-indentation))
-      (elpy-nav--iblock 1 #'>)
-      (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
-      (when (<= (current-indentation)
-                starti)
-        (when (/= (skip-chars-backward "[:space:]\n") 0)
-          (forward-line 1)))
-      (when (and (= midm (point))
-                 (/= (point)
-                     (line-end-position))
-                 (= (line-end-position)
-                    (point-max)))
-        (goto-char (point-max))
-        (insert "\n"))
-      (set-marker endm (line-beginning-position)))
-    (when (and (/= startm midm)
-               (/= midm endm)
-               (/= startm endm)
-               (= starti midi))
-      (goto-char endm)
-      (insert (buffer-substring startm midm))
-      (when use-region
-        (set-mark (point)))
-      (delete-region startm midm)
-      (goto-char endm)
-      (back-to-indentation))))
-(defun elpy-nav-move-iblock-up (&optional beg end)
-  "Move the current indentation block below the next one.
-With an active region, move that instead of the current block.
-An indentation block is a block indented further than the current
-  (interactive "r")
-  (let ((use-region (use-region-p))
-        (startm (make-marker))
-        (starti nil)
-        (midm (make-marker))
-        (midi nil)
-        (endm (make-marker))
-        (deactivate-mark nil))
+      (insert region))
+    (goto-char (+ (point) col))))
+(defun elpy--nav-move-region-vertically (beg end dir)
+  (let* ((point-before-mark (< (point) (mark)))
+         (beg (save-excursion
+                (goto-char beg)
+                (point-at-bol)))
+         (end (save-excursion
+                (goto-char end)
+                (if (bolp)
+                    (point)
+                  (point-at-bol 2))))
+         (region (delete-and-extract-region beg end)))
+    (goto-char beg)
+    (forward-line dir)
-      (when use-region
-        (goto-char beg))
-      (set-marker startm (line-beginning-position))
-      (setq starti (current-indentation))
-      (if use-region
-          (progn
-            (goto-char end)
-            (when (> (current-column)
-                     0)
-              (forward-line 1)))
-        (elpy-nav--iblock 1 #'>)
-        (cond
-         ((and (save-excursion
-                 (goto-char (line-end-position))
-                 (and (> (current-column) 0)
-                      (= (point-max) (point)))))
-          (goto-char (line-end-position))
-          (insert "\n"))
-         ((< (current-indentation)
-             starti)
-          (when (/= (skip-chars-backward "[:space:]\n") 0)
-            (forward-line 1)))))
-      (set-marker midm (line-beginning-position))
-      (goto-char startm)
-      (elpy-nav--iblock -1 #'>)
-      (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
-      (set-marker endm (line-beginning-position))
-      (setq midi (current-indentation)))
-    (when (and (/= startm midm)
-               (/= midm endm)
-               (/= startm endm)
-               (= starti midi))
-      (goto-char endm)
-      (insert (buffer-substring startm midm))
-      (when use-region
-        (set-mark (point)))
-      (delete-region startm midm)
-      (goto-char endm)
-      (back-to-indentation))))
-(defun elpy-nav-move-iblock-left ()
+      (insert region))
+    (if point-before-mark
+        (set-mark (+ (point)
+                     (length region)))
+      (set-mark (point))
+      (goto-char (+ (point)
+                    (length region))))
+    (setq deactivate-mark nil)))
+(defun elpy-nav-move-region-or-line-left ()
   "Dedent the current indentation block, or the active region."
-  (let (beg end)
-    (if (use-region-p)
-        (setq beg (region-beginning)
-              end (region-end))
-      (save-excursion
-        (setq beg (line-beginning-position))
-        (elpy-nav--iblock 1 #'>)
-        (setq end (line-beginning-position))))
-    (python-indent-shift-left beg end)))
-(defun elpy-nav-move-iblock-right ()
+  (if (use-region-p)
+      (elpy--nav-move-region-left)
+    (elpy--nav-move-line-left)))
+(defun elpy-nav-move-region-or-line-right ()
   "Indent the current indentation block, or the active region."
-  (let (beg end)
-    (if (use-region-p)
-        (setq beg (region-beginning)
-              end (region-end))
-      (save-excursion
-        (setq beg (line-beginning-position))
-        (elpy-nav--iblock 1 #'>)
-        (setq end (line-beginning-position))))
-    (python-indent-shift-right beg end)))
+  (if (use-region-p)
+      (elpy--nav-move-region-right)
+    (elpy--nav-move-line-right )))
+(defun elpy--nav-move-line-left ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-at-bol))
+    (when (looking-at (format "^ \\{%i\\}" python-indent))
+      (replace-match ""))))
+(defun elpy--nav-move-line-right ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-at-bol))
+    (insert (make-string python-indent ?\s))))
+(defun elpy--nav-move-region-left ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((beg (region-beginning))
+          (end (region-end)))
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (goto-char (point-at-bol))
+      (while (< (point) end)
+        (elpy--nav-move-line-left)
+        (forward-line 1)))
+    (setq deactivate-mark nil)))
+(defun elpy--nav-move-region-right ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((beg (region-beginning))
+          (end (region-end)))
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (goto-char (point-at-bol))
+      (while (< (point) end)
+        (elpy--nav-move-line-right)
+        (forward-line 1)))
+    (setq deactivate-mark nil)))
 (defun elpy-open-and-indent-line-below ()
   "Open a line below the current one, move there, and indent."
@@ -1671,7 +1787,7 @@
     (let* ((top (elpy-library-root))
            (file buffer-file-name)
            (module (elpy-test--module-name-for-file top file))
-           (test (python-info-current-defun)))
+           (test (elpy-test--current-test-name)))
       (if (and file (string-match "/test[^/]*$" file))
@@ -1679,6 +1795,13 @@
         (list top nil nil nil)))))
+(defun elpy-test--current-test-name ()
+  (let ((name (python-info-current-defun)))
+    (if (and name
+             (string-match "\\`\\([^.]+\\.[^.]+\\)\\." name))
+        (match-string 1 name)
+      name)))
 (defun elpy-test--module-name-for-file (top-level module-file)
   "Return the module name relative to TOP-LEVEL for MODULE-FILE.
@@ -1715,8 +1838,10 @@
                (test (format "%s.%s" module test))
                (module module)
                (t "discover"))))
-    (elpy-test-run top
-                   "python" "-m" "unittest" test)))
+    (apply #'elpy-test-run
+           top
+           (append elpy-test-discover-runner-command
+                   (list test)))))
 (put 'elpy-test-discover-runner 'elpy-test-runner-p t)
 (defun elpy-test-django-runner (top file module test)
@@ -1725,13 +1850,15 @@
 This requires Django 1.6 or the django-discover-runner package."
   (interactive (elpy-test-at-point))
   (if module
-      (elpy-test-run top
-                     "" "test" "--noinput"
-                     (if test
-                         (format "%s.%s" module test)
-                       module))
-    (elpy-test-run top
-                   "" "test" "--noinput")))
+      (apply #'elpy-test-run
+             top
+             (append elpy-test-django-runner-command
+                     (list (if test
+                               (format "%s.%s" module test)
+                             module))))
+    (apply #'elpy-test-run
+           top
+           elpy-test-django-runner-command)))
 (put 'elpy-test-django-runner 'elpy-test-runner-p t)
 (defun elpy-test-nose-runner (top file module test)
@@ -1740,14 +1867,32 @@
 This requires the nose package to be installed."
   (interactive (elpy-test-at-point))
   (if module
-      (elpy-test-run top
-                     "nosetests" (if test
-                                     (format "%s:%s" module test)
-                                   module))
-    (elpy-test-run top
-                   "nosetests")))
+      (apply #'elpy-test-run
+             top
+             (append elpy-test-nose-runner-command
+                     (list (if test
+                               (format "%s:%s" module test)
+                             module))))
+    (apply #'elpy-test-run
+           top
+           elpy-test-nose-runner-command)))
 (put 'elpy-test-nose-runner 'elpy-test-runner-p t)
+(defun elpy-test-trial-runner (top file module test)
+  "Test the project using Twisted's Trial test runner.
+This requires the twisted-core package to be installed."
+  (interactive (elpy-test-at-point))
+  (if module
+      (apply #'elpy-test-run
+             top
+             (append elpy-test-trial-runner-command
+                     (list (if test
+                               (format "%s.%s" module test)
+                             module))))
+    (apply #'elpy-test-run top elpy-test-trial-runner-command)))
+(put 'elpy-test-trial-runner 'elpy-test-runner-p t)
 (defun elpy-test-pytest-runner (top file module test)
   "Test the project using the py.test test runner.
@@ -1756,16 +1901,17 @@
     (let ((test-list (split-string test "\\.")))
-      (elpy-test-run top
-                     "py.test" (mapconcat #'identity
-                                          (cons file test-list)
-                                          "::"))))
+      (apply #'elpy-test-run
+             top
+             (append elpy-test-pytest-runner-command
+                     (list (mapconcat #'identity
+                                      (cons file test-list)
+                                      "::"))))))
-    (elpy-test-run top
-                   "py.test" file))
+    (apply #'elpy-test-run top (append elpy-test-pytest-runner-command
+                                       (list file))))
-    (elpy-test-run top
-                   "py.test"))))
+    (apply #'elpy-test-run top elpy-test-pytest-runner-command))))
 (put 'elpy-test-pytest-runner 'elpy-test-runner-p t)
@@ -1831,6 +1977,78 @@
+;;; Import manipulation
+(defun elpy-importmagic--replace-block (spec)
+  "Replace an imports block. SPEC is (startline endline newblock)."
+  (let ((start-line (nth 0 spec))
+        (end-line (nth 1 spec))
+        (new-block (nth 2 spec)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+        (widen)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (forward-line start-line)
+        (let ((beg (point))
+              (end (progn (forward-line (- end-line start-line)) (point))))
+          ;; Avoid deleting and re-inserting when the blocks are equal.
+          (unless (string-equal (buffer-substring beg end) new-block)
+            (delete-region beg end)
+            (insert new-block)))))))
+(defun elpy-importmagic--add-import-read-args (&optional object prompt)
+  (let* ((default-object (save-excursion
+                           (let ((bounds (with-syntax-table python-dotty-syntax-table
+                                           (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))))
+                             (if bounds (buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds)) ""))))
+         (object-to-import (or object (read-string "Object to import: " default-object)))
+         (possible-imports (elpy-rpc "get_import_symbols" (list buffer-file-name
+                                                                (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)
+                                                                object-to-import)))
+         (statement-prompt (or prompt "New import statement: ")))
+    (cond
+     ;; An elpy warning (i.e. index not ready) is returned as a string.
+     ((stringp possible-imports)
+      (list ""))
+     ;; If there is no candidate, we exit immediately.
+     ((null possible-imports)
+      (message "No import candidate found")
+      (list ""))
+     ;; We have some candidates, let the user choose one.
+     (t
+      (let ((first-choice (car possible-imports))
+            (user-choice (completing-read statement-prompt possible-imports)))
+        (list (if (equal user-choice "") first-choice user-choice)))))))
+(defun elpy-importmagic-add-import (statement)
+  (interactive (elpy-importmagic--add-import-read-args))
+  (unless (equal statement "")
+    (let* ((res (elpy-rpc "add_import" (list buffer-file-name
+                                             (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)
+                                             statement))))
+      (elpy-importmagic--replace-block res))))
+(defun elpy-importmagic-fixup ()
+  "Query for new imports of unresolved symbols, and remove unreferenced imports.
+Also sort the imports in the import statement blocks."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; get all unresolved names, and interactively add imports for them
+  (let* ((res (elpy-rpc "get_unresolved_symbols" (list buffer-file-name
+                                                       (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)))))
+    (unless (stringp res)
+      (if (null res) (message "No imports to add."))
+      (dolist (object res)
+        (let* ((prompt (format "How to import \"%s\": " object))
+               (choice (elpy-importmagic--add-import-read-args object prompt)))
+          (elpy-importmagic-add-import (car choice))))))
+  ;; now get a new import statement block (this also sorts)
+  (let* ((res (elpy-rpc "remove_unreferenced_imports" (list buffer-file-name
+                                                            (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)))))
+    (unless (stringp res)
+      (elpy-importmagic--replace-block res))))
 ;;; Multi-Edit
 (defvar elpy-multiedit-overlays nil
@@ -1873,7 +2091,8 @@
 This updates all other overlays."
   (when (and after-change
-             (not undo-in-progress))
+             (not undo-in-progress)
+             (overlay-buffer ov))
     (let ((text (buffer-substring (overlay-start ov)
                                   (overlay-end ov)))
           (inhibit-modification-hooks t))
@@ -1956,7 +2175,9 @@
              (this-name (cdr (assq 'name usage)))
              (offset (cdr (assq 'offset usage))))
         (setq name this-name)
-        (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)
+        (with-current-buffer (if filename
+                                 (find-file-noselect filename)
+                               (current-buffer))
           (elpy-multiedit-add-overlay (+ offset 1)
                                       (+ offset 1 (length this-name)))
@@ -2155,6 +2376,13 @@
 This maps call IDs to functions.")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'elpy-rpc--backend-callbacks)
+(defvar elpy-rpc--last-call nil
+  "The time of the last RPC call issued for this backend.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'elpy-rpc--last-call)
+(defvar elpy-rpc--last-error-popup nil
+  "The last time an error popup happened.")
 (defun elpy-rpc (method params &optional success error)
   "Call METHOD with PARAMS in the backend.
@@ -2202,7 +2430,8 @@
 Returns a PROMISE object."
   (let ((promise (elpy-promise success error)))
     (with-current-buffer (elpy-rpc--get-rpc-buffer)
-      (setq elpy-rpc--call-id (1+ elpy-rpc--call-id))
+      (setq elpy-rpc--call-id (1+ elpy-rpc--call-id)
+            elpy-rpc--last-call (float-time))
       (elpy-rpc--register-callback elpy-rpc--call-id promise)
        (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
@@ -2257,40 +2486,42 @@
 (defun elpy-rpc--find-buffer (library-root python-command)
   "Return an existing RPC buffer for this project root and command."
   (catch 'return
-    (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
-      (when (and (elpy-rpc--process-buffer-p buf)
-                 (equal (buffer-local-value 'elpy-rpc--backend-library-root
-                                            buf)
-                        library-root)
-                 (equal (buffer-local-value 'elpy-rpc--backend-python-command
-                                            buf)
-                        python-command))
-        (throw 'return buf)))
+    (let ((full-python-command (executable-find python-command)))
+      (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
+        (when (and (elpy-rpc--process-buffer-p buf)
+                   (equal (buffer-local-value 'elpy-rpc--backend-library-root
+                                              buf)
+                          library-root)
+                   (equal (buffer-local-value 'elpy-rpc--backend-python-command
+                                              buf)
+                          full-python-command))
+          (throw 'return buf))))
 (defun elpy-rpc--open (library-root python-command)
   "Start a new RPC process and return the associated buffer."
-  ;; Prevent configuration errors
   (when (and elpy-rpc-backend
              (not (stringp elpy-rpc-backend)))
     (error "`elpy-rpc-backend' should be nil or a string."))
-  (let* ((name (format "*elpy-rpc [project:%s python:%s]*"
+  (elpy-rpc--cleanup-buffers)
+  (let* ((full-python-command (executable-find python-command))
+         (name (format " *elpy-rpc [project:%s python:%s]*"
-                       python-command))
+                       full-python-command))
          (new-elpy-rpc-buffer (generate-new-buffer name))
          (proc nil))
     (with-current-buffer new-elpy-rpc-buffer
       (setq elpy-rpc--buffer-p t
             elpy-rpc--buffer (current-buffer)
             elpy-rpc--backend-library-root library-root
-            elpy-rpc--backend-python-command python-command
+            elpy-rpc--backend-python-command full-python-command
             default-directory "/"
             proc (condition-case err
                      (let ((process-connection-type nil)
                            (process-environment (elpy-rpc--environment)))
                        (start-process name
-                                      python-command
+                                      full-python-command
                                       "-W" "ignore"
                                       "-m" "elpy.__main__"))
@@ -2310,6 +2541,21 @@
                             elpy-rpc-backend backend))))))
+(defun elpy-rpc--cleanup-buffers ()
+  "Close RPC buffers that have not been used in five minutes."
+  (when elpy-rpc-maximum-buffer-age
+    (let ((old (- (float-time)
+                  elpy-rpc-maximum-buffer-age)))
+      (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
+        (when (and (elpy-rpc--process-buffer-p buffer)
+                   (< (or (buffer-local-value 'elpy-rpc--last-call buffer)
+                          old)
+                      old))
+          (ignore-errors
+            (kill-process (get-buffer-process buffer)))
+          (ignore-errors
+            (kill-buffer buffer)))))))
 (defun elpy-rpc--sentinel (process event)
   "The sentinel for the RPC process.
@@ -2333,35 +2579,42 @@
   (let ((buffer (process-buffer process)))
     (when (and buffer
                (buffer-live-p buffer))
-      (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
+      (with-current-buffer buffer
         (goto-char (point-max))
         (insert output)
-        (catch 'return
-          (while (progn
-                   (goto-char (point-min))
-                   (search-forward "\n" nil t))
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (let (json did-read-json)
-              (condition-case err
-                  (setq json (let ((json-array-type 'list))
-                               (json-read))
-                        did-read-json t)
-                (error
+        (while (progn
                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                 (cond
-                  ((looking-at "elpy-rpc ready\n")
-                   (replace-match "")
-                   (elpy-rpc--check-backend-version "1.1"))
-                  ((looking-at "elpy-rpc ready (\\([^ ]*\\))\n")
-                   (let ((rpc-version (match-string 1)))
-                     (replace-match "")
-                     (elpy-rpc--check-backend-version rpc-version)))
-                  (t
-                   (elpy-rpc--handle-unexpected-line)
-                   (throw 'return nil)))))
-              (when did-read-json
-                (delete-region (point-min) (1+ (point)))
-                (elpy-rpc--handle-json json)))))))))
+                 (search-forward "\n" nil t))
+          (let ((line-end (point))
+                (json nil)
+                (did-read-json nil))
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (condition-case err
+                (setq json (let ((json-array-type 'list))
+                             (json-read))
+                      line-end (1+ (point))
+                      did-read-json t)
+              (error
+               (goto-char (point-min))))
+            (cond
+             (did-read-json
+              (delete-region (point-min) line-end)
+              (elpy-rpc--handle-json json))
+             ((looking-at "elpy-rpc ready\n")
+              (replace-match "")
+              (elpy-rpc--check-backend-version "1.1"))
+             ((looking-at "elpy-rpc ready (\\([^ ]*\\))\n")
+              (let ((rpc-version (match-string 1)))
+                (replace-match "")
+                (elpy-rpc--check-backend-version rpc-version)))
+             ((looking-at ".*No module named elpy\n")
+              (replace-match "")
+              (elpy-config-error "Elpy module not found"))
+             (t
+              (let ((line (buffer-substring (point-min)
+                                            line-end)))
+                (delete-region (point-min) line-end)
+                (elpy-rpc--handle-unexpected-line line))))))))))
 (defun elpy-rpc--check-backend-version (rpc-version)
   "Check that we are using the right version."
@@ -2377,26 +2630,24 @@
        "Elpy Emacs Lisp version: " elpy-version "\n"
        "Elpy Python version....: " rpc-version "\n"))))
-(defun elpy-rpc--handle-unexpected-line ()
+(defun elpy-rpc--handle-unexpected-line (line)
   "Handle an unexpected line from the backend.
 This is usually an error or backtrace."
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (let ((missing-module (when (re-search-forward "No module named \\(.*\\)"
-                                                 nil t)
-                          (match-string 1))))
-    (if (equal missing-module "elpy")
-        (elpy-config-error "Elpy module not found")
-      (let ((data (buffer-string)))
-        (elpy-insert--popup "*Elpy Error*"
-          (elpy-insert--header "Error initializing Elpy")
-          (elpy-insert--para
-           "There was an error when trying to start the backend. "
-           "Elpy can not work until this problem is solved. "
-           "The following lines were received from Python, and might "
-           "help identifying the problem.\n")
-          (insert "\n"
-                  data))))))
+  (let ((buf (get-buffer "*Elpy Output*")))
+    (when (not buf)
+      (elpy-insert--popup "*Elpy Output*"
+        (elpy-insert--header "Output from Backend")
+        (elpy-insert--para
+         "There was some unexpected output from the Elpy backend. "
+         "This is usually some module that does not use correct logging, "
+         "but might indicate a configuration problem.\n\n")
+        (elpy-insert--header "Output")
+        (setq buf (current-buffer))))
+    (with-current-buffer buf
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+        (insert line)))))
 (defun elpy-rpc--handle-json (json)
   "Handle a single JSON object from the RPC backend."
@@ -2427,6 +2678,13 @@
         (message "Elpy warning: %s" message))
        ((< code 500)
         (error "Elpy error: %s" message))
+       ((and elpy-rpc-error-timeout
+             elpy-rpc--last-error-popup
+             (<= (float-time)
+                 (+ elpy-rpc--last-error-popup
+                    elpy-rpc-error-timeout)))
+        (message "Elpy error popup ignored, see `elpy-rpc-error-timeout': %s"
+                 message))
         (let ((config (elpy-config--get-config)))
           (elpy-insert--popup "*Elpy Error*"
@@ -2466,8 +2724,7 @@
                 (insert "\n"
-                        "Reproduction:"
-                        "\n"
+                        "Reproduction:\n"
                 (let ((method (cdr (assq 'method jedi-info)))
                       (source (cdr (assq 'source jedi-info)))
@@ -2481,21 +2738,54 @@
                           "script = jedi.Script(" script-args ")\n"
                           "script." method "()\n"))))
+            (let ((rope-info (cdr (assq 'rope_debug_info data))))
+              (when rope-info
+                (insert "\n")
+                (elpy-insert--header "Rope Debug Information")
+                (insert "```\n"
+                        "\n"
+                        "Reproduction:\n"
+                        "\n")
+                (let ((project-root (cdr (assq 'project_root rope-info)))
+                      (filename (cdr (assq 'filename rope-info)))
+                      (source (cdr (assq 'source rope-info)))
+                      (function-name (cdr (assq 'function_name rope-info)))
+                      (function-args (cdr (assq 'function_args rope-info))))
+                  (insert "```Python\n")
+                  (insert "\n"
+                          "source = '''\n"
+                          source
+                          "'''\n"
+                          "\n")
+                  (insert "project = rope.base.project.Project(\n"
+                          (format "    %S,\n" project-root)
+                          "    ropefolder=None\n"
+                          ")\n")
+                  (insert "resource = rope.base.libutils.path_to_resource(\n"
+                          "    project,\n"
+                          (format "    %S,\n" filename)
+                          "    'file'\n"
+                          ")\n")
+                  (insert (format "%s(\n    %s\n)\n"
+                                  function-name function-args)))))
             (when (not (= 0 (current-column)))
               (insert "\n"))
-            (insert "```"))))))))
+            (insert "```"))
+          (setq elpy-rpc--last-error-popup (float-time))))))))
 (defun elpy-rpc--environment ()
   "Return a `process-environment' for the RPC process.
 This includes `elpy-rpc-pythonpath' in the PYTHONPATH, if set."
   (if (or (not elpy-rpc-pythonpath)
-          (not (file-exists-p (format "%s/elpy/"
-                                      elpy-rpc-pythonpath))))
+          (not (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "elpy/"
+                                                elpy-rpc-pythonpath))))
     (let* ((old-pythonpath (getenv "PYTHONPATH"))
            (new-pythonpath (if old-pythonpath
-                               (concat elpy-rpc-pythonpath ":" old-pythonpath)
+                               (concat elpy-rpc-pythonpath
+                                       path-separator
+                                       old-pythonpath)
       (cons (concat "PYTHONPATH=" new-pythonpath)
@@ -2543,24 +2833,26 @@
   "Call the get_calltip API function.
 Returns a calltip string for the function call at point."
-  (elpy-rpc "get_calltip"
-            (list buffer-file-name
-                  (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)
-                  (- (point)
-                     (point-min)))
-            success error))
+  (when (< (buffer-size) elpy-rpc-ignored-buffer-size)
+    (elpy-rpc "get_calltip"
+              (list buffer-file-name
+                    (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)
+                    (- (point)
+                       (point-min)))
+              success error)))
 (defun elpy-rpc-get-completions (&optional success error)
   "Call the get_completions API function.
 Returns a list of possible completions for the Python symbol at
-  (elpy-rpc "get_completions"
-            (list buffer-file-name
-                  (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)
-                  (- (point)
-                     (point-min)))
-            success error))
+  (when (< (buffer-size) elpy-rpc-ignored-buffer-size)
+    (elpy-rpc "get_completions"
+              (list buffer-file-name
+                    (elpy-rpc--buffer-contents)
+                    (- (point)
+                       (point-min)))
+              success error)))
 (defun elpy-rpc-get-completion-docstring (completion &optional success error)
   "Call the get_completion_docstring API function.
@@ -2664,8 +2956,10 @@
    ((eq mode-name 'eldoc-minor-mode)
     (setq eldoc-minor-mode-string nil))
-    (setcdr (assq mode-name minor-mode-alist)
-            (list "")))))
+    (let ((cell (assq mode-name minor-mode-alist)))
+      (when cell
+        (setcdr cell
+                (list "")))))))
 ;;; Module: Sane Defaults
@@ -2785,19 +3079,17 @@
                    (elpy-company--cache-completions arg result))
                   ;; Nothing from the backend, try dabbrev-code.
                   ((> (length arg) company-minimum-prefix-length)
-                   (company-dabbrev-code 'candidates arg))
+                   (elpy--sort-and-strip-duplicates
+                    (company-dabbrev-code 'candidates arg)))
                   ;; Well, ok, let's go meh.
     ;; sorted => t if the list is already sorted
-    ;; - We could sort it ourselves according to "how likely it is".
-    ;;   Does a backend do that?
+    (`sorted
+     t)
     ;; duplicates => t if there could be duplicates
-     ;; While elpy backends won't return duplicates, we are passing
-     ;; this on to `company-dabbrev-code' if we have no completions of
-     ;; our own, so return t just in case.
-     t)
+     nil)
     ;; no-cache <prefix> => t if company shouldn't cache results
     ;; meta <candidate> => short docstring for minibuffer
@@ -2831,6 +3123,12 @@
     ;; post-completion <candidate> => after insertion, for snippets
+(defun elpy--sort-and-strip-duplicates (seq)
+  "Sort SEQ and remove any duplicates."
+  (sort (delete-dups seq)
+        (lambda (a b)
+          (string< a b))))
 ;;; Module: ElDoc
@@ -2849,32 +3147,42 @@
      (kill-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function))))
 (defun elpy-eldoc-documentation ()
-  "Return a call tip for the python call at point."
-  (elpy-rpc-get-calltip
-   (lambda (calltip)
-     (eldoc-message
-      (cond
-       ((not calltip)
-        (let ((current-defun (python-info-current-defun)))
-          (when current-defun
-            (format "In: %s()" current-defun))))
-       ((stringp calltip)
-        calltip)
-       (t
-        (let ((name (cdr (assq 'name calltip)))
-              (index (cdr (assq 'index calltip)))
-              (params (cdr (assq 'params calltip))))
-          (when index
-            (setf (nth index params)
-                  (propertize (nth index params)
-                              'face
-                              'eldoc-highlight-function-argument)))
-          (format "%s(%s)"
-                  name
-                  (mapconcat #'identity params ", "))
-          ))))))
-  ;; Return the last message until we're done
-  eldoc-last-message)
+  "Return some interesting information for the code at point.
+This will return flymake errors for the line at point if there
+are any. If not, this will do an asynchronous call to the RPC
+backend to get a call tip, and display that using
+`eldoc-message'. If the backend has no call tip, this will
+display the current class and method instead."
+  (let ((flymake-error (elpy-flymake-error-at-point)))
+    (if flymake-error
+        flymake-error
+      (elpy-rpc-get-calltip
+       (lambda (calltip)
+         (eldoc-message
+          (cond
+           ((not calltip)
+            (when elpy-eldoc-show-current-function
+              (let ((current-defun (python-info-current-defun)))
+                (when current-defun
+                  (format "In: %s()" current-defun)))))
+           ((stringp calltip)
+            calltip)
+           (t
+            (let ((name (cdr (assq 'name calltip)))
+                  (index (cdr (assq 'index calltip)))
+                  (params (cdr (assq 'params calltip))))
+              (when index
+                (setf (nth index params)
+                      (propertize (nth index params)
+                                  'face
+                                  'eldoc-highlight-function-argument)))
+              (format "%s(%s)"
+                      name
+                      (mapconcat #'identity params ", "))
+              ))))))
+      ;; Return the last message until we're done
+      eldoc-last-message)))
 ;;; Module: Flymake
@@ -2952,13 +3260,21 @@
 (defun elpy-flymake-show-error ()
   "Show the flymake error message at point."
-  (let* ((lineno (line-number-at-pos))
-         (err-info (car (flymake-find-err-info flymake-err-info
-                                               lineno)))
-         (text (mapconcat #'flymake-ler-text
-                          err-info
-                          ", ")))
-    (message "%s" text)))
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((error-message (elpy-flymake-error-at-point)))
+    (when error-message
+      (message "%s" error-message))))
+(defun elpy-flymake-error-at-point ()
+  "Return the flymake error at point, or nil if there is none."
+  (when (boundp 'flymake-err-info)
+    (let* ((lineno (line-number-at-pos))
+           (err-info (car (flymake-find-err-info flymake-err-info
+                                                 lineno))))
+      (when err-info
+        (mapconcat #'flymake-ler-text
+                   err-info
+                   ", ")))))
 (defun elpy-flymake--standard-value (var)
   "Return the standard value of the given variable."
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@
 __author__ = "Jorgen Schaefer"
-__version__ = "1.5.1"
+__version__ = "1.8.0"
 __license__ = "GPL"
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
@@ -9,13 +9,17 @@
+import os
 import sys
 import elpy
 from elpy.server import ElpyRPCServer
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.stdout.write('elpy-rpc ready ({0})\n'
-                     .format(elpy.__version__))
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    ElpyRPCServer().serve_forever()
+    stdin = sys.stdin
+    stdout = sys.stdout
+    sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open(os.devnull, "w")
+    stdout.write('elpy-rpc ready ({0})\n'
+                 .format(elpy.__version__))
+    stdout.flush()
+    ElpyRPCServer(stdin, stdout).serve_forever()
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     PYTHON3 = False
-    from StringIO import StringIO
+    from StringIO import StringIO  # noqa
     def ensure_not_unicode(obj):
         """Return obj. If it's a unicode string, convert it to str first.
rename from elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
rename to elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
@@ -1,212 +1,95 @@
-"""Method implementations for the Elpy JSON-RPC server.
-This file implements the methods exported by the JSON-RPC server. It
-handles backend selection and passes methods on to the selected
+"""Glue for the "importmagic" library.
-import io
-import os
-import pydoc
-from elpy.pydocutils import get_pydoc_completions
-from elpy.rpc import JSONRPCServer, Fault
-from elpy import compat
+import os
+import sys
+import threading
-    from elpy import jedibackend
+    import importmagic.index
+    import importmagic.symbols
+    import importmagic.importer
 except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
-    jedibackend = None
-    from elpy import ropebackend
-except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
-    ropebackend = None
+    importmagic = None
-class ElpyRPCServer(JSONRPCServer):
-    """The RPC server for elpy.
-    See the rpc_* methods for exported method documentation.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(ElpyRPCServer, self).__init__()
-        self.backend = None
-        self.project_root = None
-    def _call_backend(self, method, default, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Call the backend method with args.
-        If there is currently no backend, return default."""
-        meth = getattr(self.backend, method, None)
-        if meth is None:
-            return default
-        else:
-            return meth(*args, **kwargs)
+class ImportMagic(object):
-    def rpc_echo(self, *args):
-        """Return the arguments.
-        This is a simple test method to see if the protocol is
-        working.
-        """
-        return args
-    def rpc_init(self, options):
-        self.project_root = options["project_root"]
-        if ropebackend and options["backend"] == "rope":
-            self.backend = ropebackend.RopeBackend(self.project_root)
-        elif jedibackend and options["backend"] == "jedi":
-            self.backend = jedibackend.JediBackend(self.project_root)
-        elif ropebackend:
-            self.backend = ropebackend.RopeBackend(self.project_root)
-        elif jedibackend:
-            self.backend = jedibackend.JediBackend(self.project_root)
-        else:
-            self.backend = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.is_enabled = bool(importmagic)
+        # fail_message is reported to the user when symbol_index
+        # is (still) None
+        self.fail_message = "symbol index is not yet ready"
+        self.project_root = None
+        self.symbol_index = None
+        self.favorites = set()
+        self._thread = None
-        return {
-            'backend': ( if self.backend is not None
-                        else None)
-        }
-    def rpc_get_calltip(self, filename, source, offset):
-        """Get the calltip for the function at the offset.
-        """
-        return self._call_backend("rpc_get_calltip", None, filename,
-                                  get_source(source), offset)
-    def rpc_get_completions(self, filename, source, offset):
-        """Get a list of completion candidates for the symbol at offset.
-        """
-        return self._call_backend("rpc_get_completions", [], filename,
-                                  get_source(source), offset)
-    def rpc_get_completion_docstring(self, completion):
-        """Return documentation for a previously returned completion.
+    def _build_symbol_index(self, project_root, custom_path, blacklist_re):
+        try:
+            index = importmagic.index.SymbolIndex(blacklist_re=blacklist_re)
+            if os.environ.get('ELPY_TEST'):
+                # test suite support: do not index the whole PYTHONPATH, it
+                # takes much too long
+                index.build_index([])
+            elif custom_path:
+                index.build_index(custom_path)
+            else:
+                index.build_index([project_root] + sys.path)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail_message = "symbol index failed to build: %s" % e
+        else:
+            self.symbol_index = index
-        """
-        return self._call_backend("rpc_get_completion_docstring",
-                                  None, completion)
-    def rpc_get_completion_location(self, completion):
-        """Return the location for a previously returned completion.
-        This returns a list of [file name, line number].
-        """
-        return self._call_backend("rpc_get_completion_location", None,
-                                  completion)
+    def build_index(self, project_root, custom_path=None, blacklist_re=None):
+        self.project_root = None
+        self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._build_symbol_index,
+                                        args=(project_root, custom_path,
+                                              blacklist_re))
+        self._thread.setDaemon(True)
+        self._thread.start()
-    def rpc_get_definition(self, filename, source, offset):
-        """Get the location of the definition for the symbol at the offset.
-        """
-        return self._call_backend("rpc_get_definition", None, filename,
-                                  get_source(source), offset)
-    def rpc_get_docstring(self, filename, source, offset):
-        """Get the docstring for the symbol at the offset.
-        """
-        return self._call_backend("rpc_get_docstring", None, filename,
-                                  get_source(source), offset)
+    def get_import_symbols(self, symbol):
+        scores = self.symbol_index.symbol_scores(symbol)
-    def rpc_get_pydoc_completions(self, name=None):
-        """Return a list of possible strings to pass to pydoc.
-        If name is given, the strings are under name. If not, top
-        level modules are returned.
-        """
-        return get_pydoc_completions(name)
-    def rpc_get_pydoc_documentation(self, symbol):
-        """Get the Pydoc documentation for the given symbol.
-        Uses pydoc and can return a string with backspace characters
-        for bold highlighting.
+        def sort_key(item):
+            score, mod, var = item
+            if mod in self.favorites:
+                return 2 + score, mod, var
+            return score, mod, var
-        """
-        try:
-            docstring = pydoc.render_doc(str(symbol),
-                                         "Elpy Pydoc Documentation for %s",
-                                         False)
-        except (ImportError, pydoc.ErrorDuringImport):
-            return None
-        else:
-            if isinstance(docstring, bytes):
-                docstring = docstring.decode("utf-8", "replace")
-            return docstring
-    def rpc_get_refactor_options(self, filename, start, end=None):
-        """Return a list of possible refactoring options.
-        This list will be filtered depending on whether it's
-        applicable at the point START and possibly the region between
-        START and END.
-        """
-        try:
-            from elpy import refactor
-        except:
-            raise ImportError("Rope not installed, refactorings unavailable")
-        ref = refactor.Refactor(self.project_root, filename)
-        return ref.get_refactor_options(start, end)
-    def rpc_refactor(self, filename, method, args):
-        """Return a list of changes from the refactoring action.
+        scores.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=True)
+        return ["from %s import %s" % (mod, var) if var else "import %s" % mod
+                for (_, mod, var) in scores]
-        A change is a dictionary describing the change. See
-        elpy.refactor.translate_changes for a description.
-        """
-        try:
-            from elpy import refactor
-        except:
-            raise ImportError("Rope not installed, refactorings unavailable")
-        if args is None:
-            args = ()
-        ref = refactor.Refactor(self.project_root, filename)
-        return ref.get_changes(method, *args)
-    def rpc_get_usages(self, filename, source, offset):
-        """Get usages for the symbol at point.
-        """
-        source = get_source(source)
-        if hasattr(self.backend, "rpc_get_usages"):
-            return self.backend.rpc_get_usages(filename, source, offset)
+    def add_import(self, source, statement):
+        imports = importmagic.importer.Imports(self.symbol_index, source)
+        if statement.startswith('import '):
+            modname = statement[7:]
+            imports.add_import(modname)
+            self.favorites.add(modname)
-            raise Fault("get_usages not implemented by current backend",
-                        code=400)
+            sep = statement.find(' import ')
+            modname = statement[5:sep]
+            if sep > -1:
+                self.favorites.add(modname)
+                imports.add_import_from(statement[5:sep], statement[sep+8:])
+        start_line, end_line, import_block = imports.get_update()
+        return start_line, end_line, import_block
-def get_source(fileobj):
-    """Translate fileobj into file contents.
-    fileobj is either a string or a dict. If it's a string, that's the
-    file contents. If it's a string, then the filename key contains
-    the name of the file whose contents we are to use.
-    If the dict contains a true value for the key delete_after_use,
-    the file should be deleted once read.
+    def get_unresolved_symbols(self, source):
+        scope = importmagic.symbols.Scope.from_source(source)
+        unres, unref = scope.find_unresolved_and_unreferenced_symbols()
+        return list(unres)
-    """
-    if not isinstance(fileobj, dict):
-        return fileobj
-    else:
-        try:
-            with["filename"], encoding="utf-8") as f:
-                return
-        finally:
-            if fileobj.get('delete_after_use'):
-                try:
-                    os.remove(fileobj["filename"])
-                except:  # pragma: no cover
-                    pass
+    def remove_unreferenced_imports(self, source):
+        scope = importmagic.symbols.Scope.from_source(source)
+        unres, unref = scope.find_unresolved_and_unreferenced_symbols()
+        # Note: we do not supply "unres" to the call below, since we do
+        # not want to add imports without querying the user from which
+        # module symbols should be imported.
+        start_line, end_line, import_block = importmagic.importer.get_update(
+            source, self.symbol_index, set(), unref)
+        return start_line, end_line, import_block
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--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
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@@ -58,6 +58,21 @@
             return (proposal.module_path, proposal.line)
+    def rpc_get_docstring(self, filename, source, offset):
+        line, column = pos_to_linecol(source, offset)
+        try:
+            locations = run_with_debug(jedi, 'goto_definitions',
+                                       source=source, line=line, column=column,
+                                       path=filename, encoding='utf-8',
+                                       re_raise=jedi.NotFoundError)
+        except jedi.NotFoundError:
+            return None
+        if locations:
+            return ('Documentation for {0}:\n\n'.format(
+                locations[-1].full_name) + locations[-1].docstring())
+        else:
+            return None
     def rpc_get_definition(self, filename, source, offset):
         line, column = pos_to_linecol(source, offset)
@@ -93,6 +108,8 @@
                             offset = linecol_to_pos(,
+                else:
+                    return None
             except IOError:
                 return None
             return (loc.module_path, offset)
@@ -134,7 +151,7 @@
         for use in uses:
             if use.module_path == filename:
                 offset = linecol_to_pos(source, use.line, use.column)
-            else:
+            elif use.module_path is not None:
                 with open(use.module_path) as f:
                     text =
                 offset = linecol_to_pos(text, use.line, use.column)
@@ -215,6 +232,57 @@
         # Bug in Python 2.6, see #275
         if isinstance(e, OSError) and e.errno == 13:
             return None
+        # Bug jedi#466
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, SyntaxError) and
+                "EOL while scanning string literal" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
+        # Bug jedi#482
+        if isinstance(e, UnicodeEncodeError):
+            return None
+        # Bug jedi#485
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, ValueError) and
+                "invalid \\x escape" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
+        # Bug jedi#485 in Python 3
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, SyntaxError) and
+                "truncated \\xXX escape" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
+        # Bug jedi#465
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, SyntaxError) and
+                "encoding declaration in Unicode string" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
+        # Bug #337 / jedi#471
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, ImportError) and
+                "No module named" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
+        # Bug #365 / jedi#486 - fixed in Jedi 0.8.2
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, UnboundLocalError) and
+                "local variable 'path' referenced before assignment" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
+        # Bug #366 / jedi#491
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, ValueError) and
+                "__loader__ is None" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
+        # Bug #353
+        if (
+                isinstance(e, OSError) and
+                "No such file or directory" in str(e)
+        ):
+            return None
         from jedi import debug
@@ -227,7 +295,7 @@
                 prefix = "[W]"
                 prefix = "[?]"
-            debug_info.append("{0} {1}".format(prefix, str_out))
+            debug_info.append(u"{0} {1}".format(prefix, str_out))
         jedi.set_debug_function(_debug, speed=False)
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--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
@@ -50,7 +50,10 @@
+from elpy.rpc import Fault
+    from rope.base.exceptions import RefactoringError
     from rope.base.project import Project
     from rope.base.libutils import path_to_resource
     from rope.base import change as rope_change
@@ -234,12 +237,21 @@
     @options("Rename symbol at point", category="Symbol",
              args=[("offset", "offset", None),
-                   ("new_name", "string", "Rename to: ")],
+                   ("new_name", "string", "Rename to: "),
+                   ("in_hierarchy", "boolean",
+                    "Rename in super-/subclasses as well? "),
+                   ("docs", "boolean",
+                    "Replace occurences in docs and strings? ")
+                   ],
-    def refactor_rename_at_point(self, offset, new_name):
+    def refactor_rename_at_point(self, offset, new_name, in_hierarchy, docs):
         """Rename the symbol at point."""
-        refactor = Rename(self.project, self.resource, offset)
-        changes = refactor.get_changes(new_name)
+        try:
+            refactor = Rename(self.project, self.resource, offset)
+        except RefactoringError as e:
+            raise Fault(str(e), code=400)
+        changes = refactor.get_changes(new_name, in_hierarchy=in_hierarchy,
+                                       docs=docs)
         return translate_changes(changes)
     @options("Rename current module", category="Module",
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--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
+++ b/elpa/elpy-1.8.0/elpy/
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
 import os
 import time
+import traceback
 import rope.contrib.codeassist
 import rope.base.project
@@ -14,6 +16,7 @@
 import rope.base.exceptions
 import rope.contrib.findit
+from elpy import rpc
 import elpy.pydocutils
@@ -33,6 +36,11 @@
     def __init__(self, project_root):
         super(RopeBackend, self).__init__()
         self.last_validation = 0
+        if not os.path.exists(project_root):
+            raise rpc.Fault(
+                "rope does not support files without a local project root",
+                code=400
+            )
         self.project_root = project_root
         self.completions = {}
         prefs = dict(ignored_resources=['*.pyc', '*~', '.ropeproject',
@@ -73,35 +81,83 @@
         now = time.time()
         if now > self.last_validation + VALIDATE_EVERY_SECONDS:
-            self.project.validate()
+            try:
+                self.project.validate()
+            except rope.base.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError:
+                pass
             self.last_validation = now
-    def rpc_get_completions(self, filename, source, offset):
+    def call_rope(self, rope_function, filename, source, offset,
+                  **kwargs):
         resource = self.get_resource(filename)
-            proposals = rope.contrib.codeassist.code_assist(self.project,
-                                                            source, offset,
-                                                            resource,
-                                                            maxfixes=MAXFIXES)
+            return rope_function(self.project,
+                                 source, offset,
+                                 resource,
+                                 maxfixes=MAXFIXES,
+                                 **kwargs)
+        except (rope.base.exceptions.BadIdentifierError,
+                rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError,
+                rope.base.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError,
+                rope.base.exceptions.NameNotFoundError,
+                IndentationError,
+                LookupError,
+                AttributeError):
+            return None
+        except Exception as e:
+            data = {
+                "traceback": traceback.format_exc(),
+                "rope_debug_info": {
+                    "project_root": self.project_root,
+                    "filename": filename,
+                    "source": source,
+                    "function_name": (rope_function.__module__ +
+                                      "." +
+                                      rope_function.__name__),
+                    "function_args": ", ".join([
+                        "project", "source", str(offset), "resource",
+                        "maxfixes={0}".format(MAXFIXES)
+                    ] + [
+                        u"{}={}".format(k, v)
+                        for (k, v) in kwargs.items()
+                    ])
+                }
+            }
+            raise rpc.Fault(
+                code=500,
+                message=str(e),
+                data=data
+            )
+    def rpc_get_completions(self, filename, source, offset):
+        proposals = self.call_rope(
+            rope.contrib.codeassist.code_assist,
+            filename, source, offset
+        )
+        if proposals is None:
+            return []
+        try:
             starting_offset = rope.contrib.codeassist.starting_offset(source,
         except (rope.base.exceptions.BadIdentifierError,
-                IndexError,
-                LookupError):
-            # Rope can't parse this file
+                LookupError,
+                AttributeError):
             return []
         prefixlen = offset - starting_offset
         self.completions = dict((, proposal)
                                 for proposal in proposals)
-        return [{'name':,
-                 'suffix':[prefixlen:],
-                 'annotation': proposal.type,
-                 'meta': str(proposal)}
-                for proposal in proposals]
+        try:
+            return [{'name':,
+                     'suffix':[prefixlen:],
+                     'annotation': proposal.type,
+                     'meta': str(proposal)}
+                    for proposal in proposals]
+        except rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError:
+            # Bug#406
+            return []
     def rpc_get_completion_docstring(self, completion):
         proposal = self.completions.get(completion)
@@ -124,77 +180,48 @@
             return (resource.real_path, lineno)
     def rpc_get_definition(self, filename, source, offset):
-        self.validate()
-        # The find_definition call fails on an empty strings
-        if source == '':
-            return None
-        resource = self.get_resource(filename)
-        try:
-            location = rope.contrib.findit.find_definition(self.project,
-                                                           source, offset,
-                                                           resource, MAXFIXES)
-        except (rope.base.exceptions.BadIdentifierError,
-                rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError,
-                IndentationError,
-                LookupError):
-            # Rope can't parse this file
-            return None
+        location = self.call_rope(
+            rope.contrib.findit.find_definition,
+            filename, source, offset
+        )
         if location is None:
             return None
             return (location.resource.real_path, location.offset)
     def rpc_get_calltip(self, filename, source, offset):
-        self.validate()
         offset = find_called_name_offset(source, offset)
-        resource = self.get_resource(filename)
         if 0 < offset < len(source) and source[offset] == ')':
             offset -= 1
-        try:
-            calltip = rope.contrib.codeassist.get_calltip(
-                self.project, source, offset, resource, MAXFIXES,
-                remove_self=True)
-            if calltip:
-                calltip = calltip.replace(".__init__(", "(")
-                calltip = calltip.replace("(self)", "()")
-                calltip = calltip.replace("(self, ", "(")
-                # ""
-                # =>
-                # "support.source_and_offset(source)"
-                try:
-                    openpos = calltip.index("(")
-                    period2 = calltip.rindex(".", 0, openpos)
-                    period1 = calltip.rindex(".", 0, period2)
-                    calltip = calltip[period1 + 1:]
-                except ValueError:
-                    pass
-            return calltip
-        except (rope.base.exceptions.BadIdentifierError,
-                rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError,
-                IndentationError,
-                IndexError,
-                LookupError):
-            # Rope can't parse this file
+        calltip = self.call_rope(
+            rope.contrib.codeassist.get_calltip,
+            filename, source, offset,
+            remove_self=True
+        )
+        if calltip is None:
             return None
-    def rpc_get_docstring(self, filename, source, offset):
-        self.validate()
-        resource = self.get_resource(filename)
+        calltip = calltip.replace(".__init__(", "(")
+        calltip = calltip.replace("(self)", "()")
+        calltip = calltip.replace("(self, ", "(")
+        # ""
+        # =>
+        # "support.source_and_offset(source)"
-            docstring = rope.contrib.codeassist.get_doc(self.project,
-                                                        source, offset,
-                                                        resource, MAXFIXES)
-        except (rope.base.exceptions.BadIdentifierError,
-                rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError,
-                IndentationError,
-                IndexError,
-                LookupError):
-            # Rope can't parse this file
-            docstring = None
-        return docstring
+            openpos = calltip.index("(")
+            period2 = calltip.rindex(".", 0, openpos)
+            period1 = calltip.rindex(".", 0, period2)
+            calltip = calltip[period1 + 1:]
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        return calltip
+    def rpc_get_docstring(self, filename, source, offset):
+        return self.call_rope(
+            rope.contrib.codeassist.get_doc,
+            filename, source, offset
+        )
 def find_called_name_offset(source, orig_offset):
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--- a/elpa/elpy-1.5.1/elpy/
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@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 from elpy.pydocutils import get_pydoc_completions
 from elpy.rpc import JSONRPCServer, Fault
-from elpy import compat
+from elpy.impmagic import ImportMagic
     from elpy import jedibackend
@@ -30,9 +31,10 @@
     See the rpc_* methods for exported method documentation.
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(ElpyRPCServer, self).__init__()
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(ElpyRPCServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.backend = None
+        self.import_magic = ImportMagic()
         self.project_root = None
     def _call_backend(self, method, default, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -57,6 +59,9 @@
     def rpc_init(self, options):
         self.project_root = options["project_root"]
+        if self.import_magic.is_enabled:
+            self.import_magic.build_index(self.project_root)
         if ropebackend and options["backend"] == "rope":
             self.backend = ropebackend.RopeBackend(self.project_root)
         elif jedibackend and options["backend"] == "jedi":
@@ -84,8 +89,13 @@
         """Get a list of completion candidates for the symbol at offset.
-        return self._call_backend("rpc_get_completions", [], filename,
-                                  get_source(source), offset)
+        results = self._call_backend("rpc_get_completions", [], filename,
+                                     get_source(source), offset)
+        # Uniquify by name
+        results = list(dict((res['name'], res) for res in results)
+                       .values())
+        results.sort(key=lambda cand: _pysymbol_key(cand["name"]))
+        return results
     def rpc_get_completion_docstring(self, completion):
         """Return documentation for a previously returned completion.
@@ -186,6 +196,44 @@
             raise Fault("get_usages not implemented by current backend",
+    def _ensure_import_magic(self):  # pragma: no cover
+        if not self.import_magic.is_enabled:
+            raise Fault("fixup_imports not enabled; install importmagic module",
+                        code=400)
+        if not self.import_magic.symbol_index:
+            raise Fault(self.import_magic.fail_message, code=200)  # XXX code?
+    def rpc_get_import_symbols(self, filename, source, symbol):
+        """Return a list of modules from which the given symbol can be imported.
+        """
+        self._ensure_import_magic()
+        return self.import_magic.get_import_symbols(symbol)
+    def rpc_add_import(self, filename, source, statement):
+        """Add an import statement to the module.
+        """
+        self._ensure_import_magic()
+        source = get_source(source)
+        return self.import_magic.add_import(source, statement)
+    def rpc_get_unresolved_symbols(self, filename, source):
+        """Return a list of unreferenced symbols in the module.
+        """
+        self._ensure_import_magic()
+        source = get_source(source)
+        return self.import_magic.get_unresolved_symbols(source)
+    def rpc_remove_unreferenced_imports(self, filename, source):
+        """Remove unused import statements.
+        """
+        self._ensure_import_magic()
+        source = get_source(source)
+        return self.import_magic.remove_unreferenced_imports(source)
 def get_source(fileobj):
     """Translate fileobj into file contents.
@@ -210,3 +258,18 @@
                 except:  # pragma: no cover
+def _pysymbol_key(name):
+    """Return a sortable key index for name.
+    Sorting is case-insensitive, with the first underscore counting as
+    worse than any character, but subsequent underscores do not. This
+    means that dunder symbols (like __init__) are sorted after symbols
+    that start with an alphabetic character, but before those that
+    start with only a single underscore.
+    """
+    if name.startswith("_"):
+        name = "~" + name[1:]
+    return name.lower()
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deleted file mode 100644
--- a/elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv-pkg.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-(define-package "pyvenv" "1.4" "Python virtual environment interface" (quote nil))
rename from elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv-autoloads.el
rename to elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv-autoloads.el
--- a/elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv-autoloads.el
+++ b/elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv-autoloads.el
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
 ;;; pyvenv-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
 ;;; Code:
+(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
-;;;### (autoloads (pyvenv-restart-python pyvenv-tracking-mode pyvenv-mode
-;;;;;;  pyvenv-workon pyvenv-deactivate pyvenv-activate) "pyvenv"
-;;;;;;  "pyvenv.el" (21577 27285 746618 82000))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "pyvenv" "pyvenv.el" (21954 12863 384604 302000))
 ;;; Generated autoloads from pyvenv.el
 (autoload 'pyvenv-activate "pyvenv" "\
@@ -65,15 +63,9 @@
-;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("pyvenv-pkg.el") (21577 27285 829394 107000))
-(provide 'pyvenv-autoloads)
 ;; Local Variables:
 ;; version-control: never
 ;; no-byte-compile: t
 ;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; coding: utf-8
 ;; End:
 ;;; pyvenv-autoloads.el ends here
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv-pkg.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+(define-package "pyvenv" "1.7" "Python virtual environment interface" 'nil)
rename from elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv.el
rename to elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv.el
--- a/elpa/pyvenv-1.4/pyvenv.el
+++ b/elpa/pyvenv-1.7/pyvenv.el
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; pyvenv.el --- Python virtual environment interface -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014  Jorgen Schaefer <>
+;; Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Jorgen Schaefer <>
 ;; Author: Jorgen Schaefer <>
 ;; URL:
-;; Version: 1.4
+;; Version: 1.7
 ;; Keywords: Python, Virtualenv, Tools
 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -145,7 +145,9 @@
   (setq directory (expand-file-name directory))
   (setq pyvenv-virtual-env directory
-        pyvenv-virtual-env-name (file-name-nondirectory directory))
+        pyvenv-virtual-env-name (file-name-nondirectory directory)
+        python-shell-virtualenv-path directory
+        python-shell-virtualenv-root directory)
   ;; Preserve variables from being overwritten.
   (let ((old-exec-path exec-path)
         (old-process-environment process-environment))
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@
                               (format "PATH=%s" (mapconcat (lambda (x)
                                                              (or x "."))
-                                                           (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) ";" ":")))
+                                                           path-separator))
                               ;; No "=" means to unset
@@ -200,7 +202,9 @@
               process-environment old-process-environment)))
     (run-hooks 'pyvenv-post-deactivate-hooks))
   (setq pyvenv-virtual-env nil
-        pyvenv-virtual-env-name nil))
+        pyvenv-virtual-env-name nil
+        python-shell-virtualenv-root nil
+        python-shell-virtualenv-path nil))
 (defvar pyvenv-workon-history nil
   "Prompt history for `pyvenv-workon'.")
@@ -218,42 +222,46 @@
                  (equal name nil)))
     (pyvenv-activate (format "%s/%s"
-                             (or (getenv "WORKON_HOME")
-                                 "~/.virtualenvs")
+                             (pyvenv-workon-home)
-(defun pyvenv-virtualenv-list ()
-  "Prompt the user for a name in $WORKON_HOME."
-  (let ((workon-home (or (getenv "WORKON_HOME")
-                         "~/.virtualenvs"))
+(defun pyvenv-virtualenv-list (&optional noerror)
+  "Prompt the user for a name in $WORKON_HOME.
+If NOERROR is set, do not raise an error if WORKON_HOME is not
+  (let ((workon-home (pyvenv-workon-home))
         (result nil))
-    (when (not (file-directory-p workon-home))
-      (error "Can't find a workon home directory, set $WORKON_HOME"))
-    (dolist (name (directory-files workon-home))
-      (when (or (file-exists-p (format "%s/%s/bin/activate"
-                                       workon-home name))
-                (file-exists-p (format "%s/%s/Scripts/activate.bat"
-                                       workon-home name)))
-        (setq result (cons name result))))
-    (sort result (lambda (a b)
-                   (string-lessp (downcase a)
-                                 (downcase b))))))
+    (if (not (file-directory-p workon-home))
+        (when (not noerror)
+          (error "Can't find a workon home directory, set $WORKON_HOME"))
+      (dolist (name (directory-files workon-home))
+        (when (or (file-exists-p (format "%s/%s/bin/activate"
+                                         workon-home name))
+                  (file-exists-p (format "%s/%s/Scripts/activate.bat"
+                                         workon-home name)))
+          (setq result (cons name result))))
+      (sort result (lambda (a b)
+                     (string-lessp (downcase a)
+                                   (downcase b)))))))
 (define-widget 'pyvenv-workon 'choice
   "Select an available virtualenv from virtualenvwrapper."
-  :convert-widget (lambda (widget)
-                    (setq widget (widget-copy widget))
-                    (widget-put widget
-                                :args (cons '(const :tag "None" nil)
-                                            (mapcar (lambda (env)
-                                                      (list 'const env))
-                                                    (pyvenv-virtualenv-list))))
-                    (widget-types-convert-widget widget))
+  :convert-widget
+  (lambda (widget)
+    (setq widget (widget-copy widget))
+    (widget-put widget
+                :args (cons '(const :tag "None" nil)
+                            (mapcar (lambda (env)
+                                      (list 'const env))
+                                    (pyvenv-virtualenv-list t))))
+    (widget-types-convert-widget widget))
   :prompt-value (lambda (widget prompt value unbound)
                   (let ((name (completing-read
                                (cons "None"
-                                     (pyvenv-virtualenv-list))
+                                     (pyvenv-virtualenv-list t))
                                nil t)))
                     (if (equal name "None")
@@ -274,7 +282,7 @@
                                  :style 'radio
                                  :selected `(equal pyvenv-virtual-env-name
-                       (pyvenv-virtualenv-list))))
+                       (pyvenv-virtualenv-list t))))
     ["Activate" pyvenv-activate
      :help "Activate a virtual environment by directory"]
     ["Deactivate" pyvenv-deactivate
@@ -340,46 +348,47 @@
 CAREFUL! This will modify your `process-environment' and
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let ((tmpfile (make-temp-file "pyvenv-virtualenvwrapper-")))
-      (unwind-protect
-          (progn
-            (apply #'call-process
-                   pyvenv-virtualenvwrapper-python
-                   nil t nil
-                   "-c"
-                   "from virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader import main; main()"
-                   "--script" tmpfile
-                   (if (getenv "HOOK_VERBOSE_OPTION")
-                       (cons (getenv "HOOK_VERBOSE_OPTION")
-                             (cons hook args))
-                     (cons hook args)))
-            (call-process-shell-command
-             (format ". '%s' ; echo ; echo =-=-= ; python -c \"import os, json ; print(json.dumps(dict(os.environ)))\""
-                     tmpfile)
-             nil t nil))
-        (delete-file tmpfile)))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (when (and (not (re-search-forward "ImportError: No module named virtualenvwrapper" nil t))
-               (re-search-forward "\n=-=-=\n" nil t))
-      (let ((output (buffer-substring (point-min)
-                                      (match-beginning 0))))
-        (when (> (length output) 0)
-          (with-help-window "*Virtualenvwrapper Hook Output*"
-            (with-current-buffer "*Virtualenvwrapper Hook Output*"
-              (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-                (erase-buffer)
-                (insert
-                 (format
-                  "Output from the virtualenvwrapper hook %s:\n\n"
-                  hook)
-                 output))))))
-      (dolist (binding (json-read))
-        (let ((env (format "%s=%s" (car binding) (cdr binding))))
-          (when (not (member env process-environment))
-            (setq process-environment (cons env process-environment))))
-        (when (eq (car binding) 'PATH)
-          (setq exec-path (split-string (cdr binding) ":")))))))
+  (when (pyvenv-hook-dir)
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (let ((tmpfile (make-temp-file "pyvenv-virtualenvwrapper-")))
+        (unwind-protect
+            (progn
+              (apply #'call-process
+                     pyvenv-virtualenvwrapper-python
+                     nil t nil
+                     "-c"
+                     "from virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader import main; main()"
+                     "--script" tmpfile
+                     (if (getenv "HOOK_VERBOSE_OPTION")
+                         (cons (getenv "HOOK_VERBOSE_OPTION")
+                               (cons hook args))
+                       (cons hook args)))
+              (call-process-shell-command
+               (format ". '%s' ; echo ; echo =-=-= ; python -c \"import os, json ; print(json.dumps(dict(os.environ)))\""
+                       tmpfile)
+               nil t nil))
+          (delete-file tmpfile)))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (when (and (not (re-search-forward "ImportError: No module named virtualenvwrapper" nil t))
+                 (re-search-forward "\n=-=-=\n" nil t))
+        (let ((output (buffer-substring (point-min)
+                                        (match-beginning 0))))
+          (when (> (length output) 0)
+            (with-help-window "*Virtualenvwrapper Hook Output*"
+              (with-current-buffer "*Virtualenvwrapper Hook Output*"
+                (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+                  (erase-buffer)
+                  (insert
+                   (format
+                    "Output from the virtualenvwrapper hook %s:\n\n"
+                    hook)
+                   output))))))
+        (dolist (binding (json-read))
+          (let ((env (format "%s=%s" (car binding) (cdr binding))))
+            (when (not (member env process-environment))
+              (setq process-environment (cons env process-environment))))
+          (when (eq (car binding) 'PATH)
+            (setq exec-path (split-string (cdr binding) ":"))))))))
 (defun pyvenv-restart-python ()
@@ -406,6 +415,22 @@
           (run-python cmd dedicated show)
           (goto-char (point-max)))))))
+(defun pyvenv-hook-dir ()
+  "Return the current hook directory.
+This is usually the value of $VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_HOOK_DIR, but
+virtualenvwrapper has stopped exporting that variable, so we go
+back to the default of $WORKON_HOME or even just ~/.virtualenvs/."
+      (pyvenv-workon-home)))
+(defun pyvenv-workon-home ()
+  "Return the current workon home.
+This is the value of $WORKON_HOME or ~/.virtualenvs."
+  (or (getenv "WORKON_HOME")
+      (expand-file-name "~/.virtualenvs")))
 ;;; Compatibility
 (when (not (fboundp 'file-name-base))