changeset 161:b192a20c262a

sdlang-mode: new package
author Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <>
date Sun, 22 Oct 2017 09:06:53 -0400
parents 518c16494232
children 5c13462f99d7
files dotemacs.el packages/sdlang-mode.el
diffstat 2 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/dotemacs.el
+++ b/dotemacs.el
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 (require 'd-mode)
+(require 'sdlang-mode)
 (require 'fish-mode)
 ;; Let's highlight the current line in windows
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/sdlang-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+;;; sdlang-mode.el --- Major mode for Simple Declarative Language files.
+;; Version: 0.1.0
+;; Author: Vladimir Panteleev
+;; Url:
+;; Keywords: languages
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; A Major Emacs mode for editing Simple Declarative Language files.
+;; For more information about SDLang, see:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'rx)
+(defgroup sdlang-mode nil
+  "Major mode for editing Simple Declarative Language files."
+  :link '(url-link "")
+  :group 'languages)
+;; (defface sdlang-mode-comment-face
+;;   '((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
+;;   "Font for comments."
+;;   :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-tag-face
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+  "Font for tag names."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-namespace-face
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-type-face))
+  "Font for tag namespaces."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-attribute-face
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))
+  "Font for attribute names."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-punctuation-face
+  '((t :inherit default))
+  "Font for punctuation characters."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-string-face
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face))
+  "Font for string values."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-number-face
+  '((t :inherit default))
+  "Font for numeric values."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-boolean-face
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
+  "Font for boolean/null values."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-date-face
+  '((t :inherit sdlang-mode-number-face))
+  "Font for numeric values."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-data-face
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-string-face))
+  "Font for embedded binary data."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defface sdlang-mode-error-face
+  '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face))
+  "Font for invalid syntax."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode)
+(defvar sdlang-mode-font-lock-keywords)
+(setq sdlang-mode-font-lock-keywords
+  `(
+    ;; Binary data
+    ("\\["
+     (0 'sdlang-mode-punctuation-face)
+     ("[a-zA-Z0-9 /+]+"
+      (sdlang-mode-end-of-data)
+      nil
+      (0 'sdlang-mode-data-face))
+     ("\\]"
+      (sdlang-mode-end-of-data)
+      nil
+      (0 'sdlang-mode-punctuation-face)
+      )
+     ("[^]\n +/-9A-[a-z]"
+      (sdlang-mode-end-of-data)
+      nil
+      (0 'sdlang-mode-error-face))
+     )
+    ;; Comments
+    ;; ("\\(?:--\\|//\\|#\\).*$" . 'sdlang-mode-comment-face)
+    ;; WYSIWYG strings
+    ;; ("`.*`" . 'sdlang-mode-string-face)
+    ;; Date/time values
+    (,(rx
+       bow
+       (= 4 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+       "/"
+       (= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+       "/"
+       (= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+       (zero-or-one
+	" "
+	(= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+	":"
+	(= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+	(zero-or-one
+	 ":"
+	 (= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+	 (zero-or-one
+	  "."
+	  (one-or-more (any (?0 . ?9)))))
+	(zero-or-one
+	 "-"
+	 (= 3 (any (?A . ?Z)))))
+       eow) . 'sdlang-mode-date-face)
+    ;; Time / duration values
+    (,(rx
+       bow
+       (zero-or-one
+	(one-or-more (any (?0 . ?9)))
+	"d:")
+       (= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+       ":"
+       (= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+       (zero-or-one
+	":"
+	(= 2 (any (?0 . ?9)))
+	(zero-or-one
+	 "."
+	 (one-or-more (any (?0 . ?9)))))
+       eow) . 'sdlang-mode-date-face)
+    ;; Numeric values
+    ("\\<[+-]?[0-9]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]*\\)?\\(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+\\)?L?B?D?f?\\>" . 'sdlang-mode-number-face)
+    ;; Boolean values
+    ("\\<\\(true\\|false\\|on\\|off\\|null\\)\\>" . 'sdlang-mode-boolean-face)
+    ;; Attributes
+    (,(rx
+       bow
+       (submatch (one-or-more (syntax word)))
+       (submatch "="))
+     (1 'sdlang-mode-attribute-face)
+     (2 'sdlang-mode-punctuation-face))
+    ;; Tags
+    (,(rx
+       (or
+	(submatch ?\;)
+	bol)
+       (zero-or-more
+	(syntax whitespace))
+       bow
+       (zero-or-one
+	(submatch (one-or-more (syntax word)))
+	(submatch ":"))
+       (submatch (one-or-more (syntax word)))
+       eow)
+     (1 'sdlang-mode-punctuation-face nil t)
+     (2 'sdlang-mode-namespace-face nil t)
+     (3 'sdlang-mode-punctuation-face nil t)
+     (4 'sdlang-mode-tag-face))
+    ;; Punctuation
+    (,(rx (any ?{ ?})) . 'sdlang-mode-punctuation-face)
+    (,(rx (any ?\\ ?\;) eol) . 'sdlang-mode-punctuation-face)
+    ;; Anything else is an error
+    ("[^ \n]" . 'sdlang-mode-error-face)
+    ))
+(defvar sdlang-mode-syntax-table nil "Syntax table for `sdlang-mode'.")
+(setq sdlang-mode-syntax-table
+      (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
+        ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?\/ ". 14" table) ; /*
+        ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" table)  ; */
+        (modify-syntax-entry ?\/ ". 124ab" table) ; /* */ and //
+        (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" table)  ; /* */
+        (modify-syntax-entry ?# "< b" table)   ; #
+        (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w 12b" table) ; --
+        (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" table)  ; end of // -- #
+	(modify-syntax-entry ?` "\"" table)
+	;; (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w" table)
+	(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" table)
+	(modify-syntax-entry ?. "w" table)
+        table))
+(defun sdlang-mode-end-of-data (&rest foo)
+  "Return position of the end of data blocks.  FOO is ignored."
+  (search-backward "[")
+  (save-excursion
+    (search-forward "]" nil t)
+    (point)))
+(define-derived-mode sdlang-mode prog-mode "SDLang"
+  "Major mode for editing Simple Declarative Language files."
+  :group 'sdlang-mode
+  ;; Settings
+  (setq-local font-lock-multiline t)
+  ;; Comments
+  (setq-local comment-start "# ")
+  (setq-local comment-end   "")
+  ;; Syntax
+  (setq-local font-lock-defaults '(sdlang-mode-font-lock-keywords
+                                   nil nil nil nil))
+  ;; Raw string literals
+  (setq-local
+   syntax-propertize-function
+   (syntax-propertize-rules
+    ((rx
+      "`"
+      (minimal-match
+       (zero-or-more
+	(not (any "`\\"))))
+      (minimal-match
+       (one-or-more
+	(submatch "\\")
+	(minimal-match
+	 (zero-or-more
+	  (not (any "`\\"))))))
+      "`")
+     (1 ".")))))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sdl\\'" . sdlang-mode))
+(provide 'sdlang-mode)
+;;; sdlang-mode.el ends here