changeset 17:8e35dcdb8dec

Add missing mlmc for MEX medcouple
author Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <>
date Fri, 16 Jan 2015 13:39:17 -0500
parents 9b6502f3f3bc
children 6339e1a06aa9
files mlmc.c
diffstat 1 files changed, 466 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlmc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+Algorithm for the skewness estimator medcouple (MC)
+Needed variables:
+x: real array containing observations
+n: number of observations (n>=2)
+Includes the functions
+*whimed(a,iw,n): finds the weighted high median of an array a of length n, using the array iw
+(also of length n) with positive longinteger weights.
+*sort(x,n,y): sorts an array x of length n and stores the result in an array y (of size at least n)
+*pull(a,n,k): finds the k-th order statistic of an array a of length n
+*calwork(a,b,ai,bi,ab,eps): calculates the values needed to compute the mc
+NOTE: array[0] is empty
+/*declaration of functions*/
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+void sort(double x[],long n, double y[]);
+double pull(double a[],long n, long k);
+double whimed(double a[],long iw[],long n);
+double calwork(double a,double b,long ai,long bi,long ab,double eps);
+void mlmc(double *out, double z[],long *in)
+                double medc,xmed2,yden,xmed,trial,eps;
+                double *work,*y,*x,*y1,*y2;
+                long *left,*right,*weight,*q,*p;
+                long k,knew,nl,nr,sumq,sump,i,j,jj,IsFound,h1,h2,n;
+                n=*in;
+                y=(double *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(double));
+                x=(double *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(double));
+                y1=(double *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(double));
+                y2=(double *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(double));
+                work=(double *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(double));
+                left=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                right=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                weight=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                q=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                p=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                eps=0.0000000000001;
+                x[0]=0;
+                for (i=0;i<n;i++)
+                {
+                               x[i+1]=-z[i];
+                }
+                xmed=pull(x,n,floor(n/2)+1);
+                if (n%2 == 0)
+                {
+                    xmed2=pull(x,n,floor(n/2));
+                    xmed=(xmed+xmed2)/2;
+                }
+                for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
+                {
+                    x[i]=x[i]-xmed;
+                }
+                sort(x,n,y);
+                if (-y[1] > y[n])
+                {
+                    yden=-2*y[1];
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    yden=2*y[n];
+                }
+                for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
+                {
+                    y[i]=-y[i]/yden;
+                }
+                j=1;
+                while (y[j] > eps)
+                {
+                    y1[j]=y[j];
+                    j++;
+                }
+                i=1;
+                while (y[j] > -eps)
+                {
+                    y1[j]=y[j];
+                    y2[i]=y[j];
+                    j++;
+                    i++;
+                }
+                h1=j-1;
+                while (j < n+1)
+                {
+                    y2[i]=y[j];
+                    j++;
+                    i++;
+                }
+                h2=i-1;
+                for (i=1;i<=h2;i++)
+                {
+                    left[i]=1;
+                    right[i]=h1;
+                }
+                nl=0;
+                nr=h1*h2;
+                knew=floor(nr/2)+1;
+                IsFound=FALSE;
+                while ((nr-nl>n)& (!IsFound))
+                                {
+                                                j=1;
+                                                for (i=1;i<=h2;i++)
+                                                {
+                                                                if (left[i]<=right[i])
+                                                                {
+                                                                                weight[j]=right[i]-left[i]+1;
+                                                                                k = left[i]+floor(weight[j]/2);
+                                                                                work[j]=calwork(y1[k],y2[i],k,i,h1+1,eps);
+                                                                                j++;
+                                                                 }
+                                                }
+                                                trial=whimed(work,weight,j-1);
+                                                j=1;
+                                                for (i=h2;i>=1;i--)
+                                                {
+                                                                while ((j<=h1)&(calwork(y1[j],y2[i],j,i,h1+1,eps)>trial))
+                                                                {
+                                                                j++;
+                                                                }
+                                                                p[i]=j-1;
+                                                }
+                                                j=h1;
+                                                for (i=1;i<=h2;i++)
+                                                {
+                                                                while ((j>=1)&(calwork(y1[j],y2[i],j,i,h1+1,eps)<trial))
+                                                                {
+                                                                                j--;
+                                                                }
+                                                                q[i]=j+1;
+                                                }
+                                                sump=0;
+                                                sumq=0;
+                                                for (i=1;i<=h2;i++)
+                                                {
+                                                                sump=sump+p[i];
+                                                                sumq=sumq+q[i]-1;
+                                                }
+                                                if (knew<=sump)
+                                                {
+                                                                for (i=1;i<=h2;i++)
+                                                                {
+                                                                                right[i]=p[i];
+                                                                }
+                                                         nr=sump;
+                                                }
+                                                else
+                                                {
+                                                        if (knew>sumq)
+                                                        {
+                                                                 for (i=1;i<=h2;i++)
+                                                                        {
+                                                                                 left[i]=q[i];
+                                                                        }
+                                                                 nl=sumq;
+                                                        }
+                                                        else
+                                                        {
+                                                                 medc=trial;
+                                                                 IsFound=TRUE;
+                                                        }
+                                         }
+                                } /*end while-lus*/
+                                if (!IsFound)
+                                {
+                                                j=1;
+                                                for (i=1;i<=h2;i++)
+                                                {
+                                                                if (left[i]<=right[i])
+                                                                {
+                                                                                for (jj=left[i];jj<=right[i];jj++)
+                                                                                {
+                                                                                                 work[j]=-calwork(y1[jj],y2[i],jj,i,h1+1,eps);
+                                                                                                 j++;
+                                                                                }
+                                                                }
+                                                }
+                                                medc=pull(work,j-1,knew-nl);
+                                                medc=-medc;
+                                 }
+void sort(double a[],long n, double b[])
+                double xx,amm;
+                long i,jss,jndl,jr,jnc,j,jtwe;
+                long *jlv,*jrv;
+                jlv=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                jrv=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
+                {
+                                b[i]=a[i];
+                }
+                jss=1;
+                jlv[1]=1;
+                jrv[1]=n;
+                do
+                {
+                                jndl=jlv[jss];
+                                jr=jrv[jss];
+                                jss=jss-1;
+                                do
+                                {
+                                                jnc=jndl;
+                                                j=jr;
+                                                jtwe=floor((jndl+jr)/2);
+                                                xx=b[jtwe];
+                                                do
+                                                {
+                                                                while (b[jnc]<xx)
+                                                                {
+                                                                                jnc++;
+                                                                }
+                                                                while (xx<b[j])
+                                                                {
+                                                                                j--;
+                                                                }
+                                                                if (jnc<=j)
+                                                                {
+                                                                                amm=b[jnc];
+                                                                                b[jnc]=b[j];
+                                                                                b[j]=amm;
+                                                                                jnc++;
+                                                                                j--;
+                                                                }
+                                                } while (jnc<=j) ;
+                                                if ((j-jndl)>=(jr-jnc))
+                                                {
+                                                                if (jndl<j)
+                                                                {
+                                                                                jss++;
+                                                                                jlv[jss]=jndl;
+                                                                                jrv[jss]=j;
+                                                                }
+                                                                jndl=jnc;
+                                                }
+                                                else
+                                                {
+                                                                if (jnc<jr)
+                                                                {
+                                                                                jss++;
+                                                                                jlv[jss]=jnc;
+                                                                                jrv[jss]=jr;
+                                                                }
+                                                                jr=j;
+                                                }
+                                } while (jndl<jr);
+                } while (jss!=0);
+                free(jrv);
+                free(jlv);
+double pull(double a[],long n, long k)
+                double* b;
+                double outp,ax,buffer;
+                long l,lr,jnc,j,i;
+                b=(double *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(double));
+                for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
+                {
+                                b[i]=a[i];
+                }
+                l=1;
+                lr=n;
+                while (l<lr)
+                {
+                                ax=b[k];
+                                jnc=l;
+                                j=lr;
+                                while (jnc<=j)
+                                {
+                                                while (b[jnc]<ax)
+                                                {
+                                                                jnc++;
+                                                }
+                                                while (b[j]>ax)
+                                                {
+                                                                j--;
+                                                }
+                                                if (jnc<=j)
+                                                {
+                                                                buffer=b[jnc];
+                                                                b[jnc]=b[j];
+                                                                b[j]=buffer;
+                                                                jnc++;
+                                                                j--;
+                                                }
+                                }
+                                if (j<k)
+                                {
+                                                l=jnc;
+                                }
+                                if (k<jnc)
+                                {
+                                                lr=j;
+                                }
+                }
+                outp=b[k];
+                free(b);
+                return(outp);
+double whimed(double a[],long iw[],long n)
+                double* acand;
+                double trial,whmed;
+                long* iwcand;
+                long nn;
+                long i,wtotal,wrest,wleft,wmid,wright,kcand,IsFound;
+                acand=(double *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(double));
+                iwcand=(long *) malloc((n+1)*sizeof(long));
+                nn=n;
+                wtotal=0;
+                for (i=1;i<=nn;i++)
+                {
+                                wtotal+=iw[i];
+                }
+                wrest=0;
+                IsFound=FALSE;
+                while (!IsFound)
+                {
+                                wleft=0;
+                                wmid=0;
+                                wright=0;
+                                trial=pull(a,nn,floor(nn/2)+1);
+                                for (i=1;i<=nn;i++)
+                                {
+                                                if (a[i]<trial)
+                                                                {
+                                                                wleft+=iw[i];
+                                                                }
+                                                else
+                                                         {      if (a[i]>trial)
+                                                                        {
+                                                                        wright+=iw[i];
+                                                                        }
+                                                                        else
+                                                                        {
+                                                                                wmid+=iw[i];
+                                                                        } /*end else 2*/
+                                                         } /*end else 1*/
+                                } /*end for*/
+                                if ((2*wrest+2*wleft)>wtotal)
+                                                {
+                                                                kcand=0;
+                                                                for (i=1;i<=nn;i++)
+                                                                         {
+                                                                                        if (a[i]<trial)
+                                                                                        {
+                                                                                                kcand++;
+                                                                                                acand[kcand]=a[i];
+                                                                                                iwcand[kcand]=iw[i];
+                                                                                        }
+                                                                         }
+                                                                nn=kcand;
+                                                }
+                                else
+                                                {
+                                                                if ((2*wrest+2*wleft+2*wmid) >wtotal)
+                                                                {
+                                                                                whmed=trial;
+                                                                                IsFound=TRUE;
+                                                                }
+                                                                else
+                                                                {
+                                                                                kcand=0;
+                                                                                for (i=1;i<=nn;i++)
+                                                                                                {
+                                                                                                if (a[i]>trial)
+                                                                                                        {
+                                                                                                                kcand++;
+                                                                                                                acand[kcand]=a[i];
+                                                                                                                iwcand[kcand]=iw[i];
+                                                                                                        }
+                                                                                                }/*end for*/
+                                                                                nn=kcand;
+                                                                                wrest=wrest+wleft+wmid;
+                                                                } /*end else 2*/
+                                                } /*end else 1*/
+                                                for(i=1;i<=nn;i++)
+                                                                {
+                                                                                a[i]=acand[i];
+                                                                                iw[i]=iwcand[i];
+                                                                }
+                        }/*end while*/
+double calwork(double a,double b,long ai,long bi,long ab,double eps)
+    double cwork;
+    if (fabs(a-b) < 2.0*eps)
+    {
+        if (ai+bi == ab)
+        {
+            cwork = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (ai+bi < ab)
+            {
+                cwork = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                cwork = -1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        cwork = (a+b)/(a-b);
+    }
+    return(cwork);