changeset 6496:e0acfe7c3f7b

[project @ 2007-04-05 17:19:30 by jwe]
author jwe
date Thu, 05 Apr 2007 17:19:30 +0000
parents fd09c7e8c4c9
children fc8ed0c77e08
files scripts/ChangeLog scripts/pkg/pkg.m
diffstat 2 files changed, 1086 insertions(+), 1057 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/ChangeLog
+++ b/scripts/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 2007-04-05  John W. Eaton  <>
+	* pkg/pkg.m: Use "strcat (...)" instead of "[...]".
+	Use stricmp instead of strcmp+tolower.
+	Style fixes.
 	* testfun/speed.m: Use "strcat (...)" instead of "[...]".
 	Plotting fixes.  Style fixes.
--- a/scripts/pkg/pkg.m
+++ b/scripts/pkg/pkg.m
@@ -127,647 +127,665 @@
 ## PKG_ADD: mark_as_command pkg
 ## PKG_ADD: pkg ("load", "auto");
-function [local_packages, global_packages] = pkg(varargin)
-    ## Installation prefix (XXX: what should these be on windows?)
-    persistent prefix = -1;
-    persistent local_list = tilde_expand(fullfile("~", ".octave_packages"));
-    persistent global_list = fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME (), "share", "octave", "octave_packages");
-    mlock;
+function [local_packages, global_packages] = pkg (varargin)
+  ## Installation prefix (XXX: what should these be on windows?)
+  persistent prefix = -1;
+  persistent local_list = tilde_expand (fullfile("~", ".octave_packages"));
+  persistent global_list = fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME (), "share", "octave",
+				     "octave_packages");
+  mlock ();
-    if (prefix == -1)
-        if (issuperuser())
-            prefix = fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME (), "share", "octave", "packages");
-        else
-            prefix = fullfile ("~", "octave");
-        endif
-    endif
-    prefix = tilde_expand(prefix);
-    ## Handle input
-    if (length(varargin) == 0 || !iscellstr(varargin))
-        print_usage();
+  if (prefix == -1)
+    if (issuperuser ())
+      prefix = fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME (), "share", "octave", "packages");
+    else
+      prefix = fullfile ("~", "octave");
-    files = {};
-    deps = true;
-    auto = 0;
-    action = "none";
-    for i = 1:length(varargin)
-        switch (varargin{i})
-            case "-nodeps"
-                deps = false;
-            case "-noauto"
-	        auto = -1;
-            case "-auto"
-	        auto = 1;
-            case {"list", "install", "uninstall", "load", "unload", ...
-                  "prefix", "local_list", "global_list"}
-                action = varargin{i};
-            otherwise
-                files{end+1} = varargin{i};
-        endswitch
-    endfor
-    ## Take action
-    switch (action)
-        case "list"
-            if (nargout == 0)
-                installed_packages(local_list, global_list);
-            elseif (nargout == 1)
-                local_packages = installed_packages(local_list, global_list);
-            elseif (nargout == 2)
-                [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages(local_list, global_list);
-            else
-                error("Too many output arguments requested.");
-            endif
-        case "install"
-            if (length(files) == 0)
-                error("You must specify at least one filename when calling 'pkg install'");
-            endif
-            install(files, deps, auto, prefix, local_list, global_list);
-        case "uninstall"
-            if (length(files) == 0)
-                error("You must specify at least one package when calling 'pkg uninstall'");
-            endif
-            uninstall(files, deps, local_list, global_list);
-        case "load"
-            if (length(files) == 0)
-              error("You must specify at least one package, 'all' or 'auto' when calling 'pkg load'");
-            endif
-            load_packages(files, deps, local_list, global_list);
-        case "unload"
-            if (length(files) == 0)
-                error("You must specify at least one package or 'all' when calling 'pkg unload'");
-            endif
-            unload_packages(files, deps, local_list, global_list);
-        case "prefix"
-            if (length(files) == 0 && nargout == 0)
-                disp(prefix);
-            elseif (length(files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
-                local_packages = prefix;
-            elseif (length(files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar(files{1}))
-                prefix = files{1};
-                #if (!strcmp(prefix(end), filesep)) prefix(end+1) = filesep; endif
-            else
-                error("You must specify a prefix directory, or request an output argument");
-            endif
-        case "local_list"
-            if (length(files) == 0 && nargout == 0)
-                disp(local_list);
-            elseif (length(files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
-                local_packages = local_list;
-            elseif (length(files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar(files{1}))
-                local_list = files{1};
-            else
-                error("You must specify a local_list file, or request an output argument");
-            endif
-        case "global_list"
-            if (length(files) == 0 && nargout == 0)
-                disp(global_list);
-            elseif (length(files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
-                local_packages = global_list;
-            elseif (length(files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar(files{1}))
-                global_list = files{1};
-            else
-                error("You must specify a global_list file, or request an output argument");
-            endif
-        otherwise
-            error("You must specify a valid action for 'pkg'. See 'help pkg' for details");
+  endif
+  prefix = tilde_expand (prefix);
+  ## Handle input
+  if (length (varargin) == 0 || ! iscellstr (varargin))
+    print_usage ();
+  endif
+  files = {};
+  deps = true;
+  auto = 0;
+  action = "none";
+  for i = 1:length (varargin)
+    switch (varargin{i})
+      case "-nodeps"
+	deps = false;
+      case "-noauto"
+	auto = -1;
+      case "-auto"
+	auto = 1;
+      case {"list", "install", "uninstall", "load", "unload", ...
+	    "prefix", "local_list", "global_list"}
+	action = varargin{i};
+      otherwise
+	files{end+1} = varargin{i};
+  endfor
+  ## Take action
+  switch (action)
+    case "list"
+      if (nargout == 0)
+	installed_packages (local_list, global_list);
+      elseif (nargout == 1)
+	local_packages = installed_packages (local_list, global_list);
+      elseif (nargout == 2)
+	[local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages (local_list,
+								global_list);
+      else
+	error ("too many output arguments requested");
+      endif
+    case "install"
+      if (length (files) == 0)
+	error ("you must specify at least one filename when calling 'pkg install'");
+      endif
+      install (files, deps, auto, prefix, local_list, global_list);
+    case "uninstall"
+      if (length (files) == 0)
+	error ("you must specify at least one package when calling 'pkg uninstall'");
+      endif
+      uninstall (files, deps, local_list, global_list);
+    case "load"
+      if (length (files) == 0)
+	error ("you must specify at least one package, 'all' or 'auto' when calling 'pkg load'");
+      endif
+      load_packages (files, deps, local_list, global_list);
+    case "unload"
+      if (length (files) == 0)
+	error ("you must specify at least one package or 'all' when calling 'pkg unload'");
+      endif
+      unload_packages (files, deps, local_list, global_list);
+    case "prefix"
+      if (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 0)
+	disp (prefix);
+      elseif (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
+	local_packages = prefix;
+      elseif (length (files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar (files{1}))
+	prefix = files{1};
+	## if (!strcmp(prefix(end), filesep))
+	##   prefix(end+1) = filesep;
+	## endif
+      else
+	error ("you must specify a prefix directory, or request an output argument");
+      endif
+    case "local_list"
+      if (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 0)
+	disp (local_list);
+      elseif (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
+	local_packages = local_list;
+      elseif (length (files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar (files{1}))
+	local_list = files{1};
+      else
+	error ("you must specify a local_list file, or request an output argument");
+      endif
+    case "global_list"
+      if (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 0)
+	disp(global_list);
+      elseif (length (files) == 0 && nargout == 1)
+	local_packages = global_list;
+      elseif (length (files) == 1 && nargout == 0 && ischar (files{1}))
+	global_list = files{1};
+      else
+	error ("you must specify a global_list file, or request an output argument");
+      endif
+    otherwise
+      error ("you must specify a valid action for 'pkg'. See 'help pkg' for details");
+  endswitch
+function auto = isautoload (desc)
+auto = false;
+if (isfield (desc{1}, "autoload"))
+  a = desc{1}.autoload;
+  if ((isnumeric (a) && a > 0)
+      || (ischar (a) && (stricmp (a, "true")
+			 || stricmp (a, "on")
+			 || stricmp (a, "yes")
+			 || stricmp (a, "1"))))
+    auto = true;
+  endif
-function auto = isautoload(desc)
-  auto = false;
-  if (isfield(desc{1},"autoload"))
-    a = desc{1}.autoload;
-    if ((isnumeric(a) && a > 0) || 
-	(ischar(a) && (strcmp(tolower(a),"true") || 
-		       strcmp(tolower(a),"on") || 
-		       strcmp(tolower(a),"yes") ||
-		       strcmp(tolower(a),"1"))))
-      auto = true;
+function install (files, handle_deps, autoload, prefix, local_list, global_list)
+  global_install = issuperuser ();
+  # Check that the directory in prefix exist. If it doesn't: create it!
+  if (! exist (prefix, "dir"))
+    warning ("creating installation directory %s", prefix);
+    [status, msg] = mkdir (prefix);
+    if (status != 1)
+      error ("could not create installation directory: %s", msg);
+    endif
+  endif
+  ## Get the list of installed packages
+  [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages (local_list, 
+							  global_list);
+  installed_packages = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};        
+  if (global_install)
+    packages = global_packages;
+  else
+    packages = local_packages;
+  endif
+  ## Uncompress the packages and read the DESCRIPTION files
+  tmpdirs = packdirs = descriptions = {};
+  try
+    ## Unpack the package files and read the DESCRIPTION files
+    files = glob (files);
+    packages_to_uninstall = [];
+    for i = 1:length (files)
+      tgz = files{i};
+      ## Create a temporary directory 
+      tmpdir = tmpnam ();
+      tmpdirs{end+1} = tmpdir;
+      [status, msg] = mkdir (tmpdir);
+      if (status != 1)
+	error ("couldn't create temporary directory: %s", msg);
+      endif
+      ## Uncompress the package
+      untar (tgz, tmpdir);
+      ## Get the name of the directories produced by tar
+      [dirlist, err, msg] = readdir (tmpdir);
+      if (err)
+	error ("couldn't read directory produced by tar: %s", msg);
+      endif
+      if (length (dirlist) > 3)
+	error ("bundles of packages are not allowed")
+      endif
+      ## the two first entries of dirlist are "." and ".."
+      for k = 3:length (dirlist)
+	packdir = fullfile (tmpdir, dirlist{k});
+	packdirs{end+1} = packdir;
+	## Make sure the package contains necessary files
+	verify_directory (packdir);
+	## Read the DESCRIPTION file
+	filename = fullfile (packdir, "DESCRIPTION");
+	desc = get_description (filename);
+	## Verify that package name corresponds with filename
+	[dummy, nm] = fileparts (tgz); 
+	if ((length (nm) >= length (
+	    && ! strcmp (, nm(1:length(
+	  error ("package name '%s' doesn't correspond to its filename '%s'",, nm);
+	endif
+	## Set default installation directory
+	desc.dir = fullfile (prefix, strcat (, "-", desc.version));
+	## Save desc
+	descriptions{end+1} = desc;
+	## Are any of the new packages already installed?
+	## If so we'll remove the old version.
+	for j = 1:length (packages)
+	  if (strcmp (packages{j}.name,
+	    packages_to_uninstall(end+1) = j;
+	  endif
+	endfor
+      endfor        
+    endfor
+  catch
+    ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
+    for i = 1:length (tmpdirs)
+      rm_rf (tmpdirs{i});
+    endfor
+    error (lasterr()(8:end));
+  end_try_catch
+  ## Check dependencies
+  if (handle_deps)
+    ok = true;
+    error_text = "";
+    for i = 1:length (descriptions)
+      desc = descriptions{i};
+      idx1 = complement (packages_to_uninstall, 1:length(installed_packages));
+      idx2 = complement (i, 1:length(descriptions));
+      pseudo_installed_packages = {installed_packages{idx1}, descriptions{idx2}};
+      bad_deps = get_unsatisfied_deps (desc, pseudo_installed_packages);
+      ## Are there any unsatisfied dependencies?
+      if (! isempty (bad_deps))
+	ok = false;
+	for i = 1:length (bad_deps)
+	  dep = bad_deps{i};
+	  error_text = strcat (error_text, " ",, " needs ",
+			       dep.package, " ", dep.operator, " ",
+			       dep.version, "\n");
+	endfor
+      endif
+    endfor
+    ## Did we find any unsatisfied dependencies?
+    if (! ok)
+      error ("the following dependencies where unsatisfied:\n  %s", error_text);
+    endif
+  endif
+  ## Prepare each package for installation
+  try
+    for i = 1:length (descriptions)
+      desc = descriptions{i};
+      pdir = packdirs{i};
+      prepare_installation (desc, pdir);
+      configure_make (desc, pdir);
+    endfor
+  catch
+    ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
+    for i = 1:length (tmpdirs)
+      rm_rf (tmpdirs{i});
+    endfor
+    error (lasterr()(8:end));
+  end_try_catch
+  ## Uninstall the packages that will be replaced
+  try
+    for i = packages_to_uninstall
+      uninstall ({installed_packages{i}.name}, false, local_list, 
+		 global_list);
+    endfor
+  catch
+    ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
+    for i = 1:length (tmpdirs)
+      rm_rf (tmpdirs{i});
+    endfor
+    error (lasterr()(8:end));
+  end_try_catch
+  ## Install each package
+  try
+    for i = 1:length (descriptions)
+      desc = descriptions{i};
+      pdir = packdirs{i};
+      copy_files (desc, pdir);
+      create_pkgadddel (desc, pdir, "PKG_ADD");
+      create_pkgadddel (desc, pdir, "PKG_DEL");
+      finish_installation (desc, pdir)
+    endfor
+  catch
+    ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
+    for i = 1:length (tmpdirs)
+      rm_rf (tmpdirs{i});
+    endfor
+    for i = 1:length (descriptions)
+      rm_rf (descriptions{i}.dir);
+    endfor
+    error (lasterr()(8:end));
+  end_try_catch
+  ## Check if the installed directory is empty. If it is remove it
+  ## from the list
+  for i = length (descriptions):-1:1
+    if (dirempty (descriptions{i}.dir, {"packinfo", "doc"}))
+      rm_rf (descriptions{i}.dir);
+      descriptions(i) = [];
+    endif
+  endfor
+  ## If the package requested that it is autoloaded, or the installer
+  ## requested that it is, then mark the package as autoloaded.
+  for i = length (descriptions):-1:1
+    if (autoload > 0 || (autoload == 0 && isautoload (descriptions(i))))
+      fclose (fopen (fullfile (descriptions{i}.dir, "packinfo", 
+			       ".autoload"), "wt"));
+    endif
+  endfor
+  ## Add the packages to the package list
+  try
+    if (global_install)
+      idx = complement (packages_to_uninstall, 1:length(global_packages));
+      global_packages = {global_packages{idx}, descriptions{:}};
+      save (global_list, "global_packages");
+    else
+      idx = complement (packages_to_uninstall, 1:length(local_packages));
+      local_packages = {local_packages{idx}, descriptions{:}};
+      save (local_list, "local_packages");
+    endif
+  catch
+    ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
+    for i = 1:length (tmpdirs)
+      rm_rf (tmpdirs{i});
+    endfor
+    for i = 1:length (descriptions)
+      rm_rf (descriptions{i}.dir);
+    endfor
+    if (global_install)
+      error ("couldn't append to %s: %s", global_list, lasterr()(8:end));
+    else
+      error ("couldn't append to %s: %s", local_list, lasterr()(8:end));
+    endif
+  end_try_catch
+  ## All is well, let's clean up
+  for i = 1:length (tmpdirs)
+    [status, msg] = rm_rf (tmpdirs{i});
+    if (status != 1)
+      warning ("couldn't clean up after my self: %s\n", msg);
+    endif
+  endfor
+  ## Add the newly installed packages to the path, so the user
+  ## can begin usings them.
+  if (length (descriptions) > 0)
+    dirs = cell (1, length (descriptions));
+    for i = 1:length (descriptions)
+      dirs{i} = descriptions{i}.dir;
+    endfor
+    addpath (dirs{:});
+  endif
+function uninstall (pkgnames, handle_deps, local_list, global_list)
+  ## Get the list of installed packages
+  [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages(local_list, 
+							 global_list);
+  if (issuperuser ())
+    installed_packages = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};
+  else
+    installed_packages = local_packages;
+  endif
+  num_packages = length (installed_packages);
+  delete_idx = [];
+  for i = 1:num_packages
+    cur_name = installed_packages{i}.name;
+    if (any (strcmp (cur_name, pkgnames)))
+      delete_idx(end+1) = i;
+    endif
+  endfor
+  ## Are all the packages that should be uninstalled already installed?
+  if (length (delete_idx) != length (pkgnames))
+    if (issuperuser ())
+      ## Try again for a locally installed package
+      installed_packages = local_packages
+      num_packages = length (installed_packages);
+      delete_idx = [];
+      for i = 1:num_packages
+	cur_name = installed_packages{i}.name;
+	if (any (strcmp (cur_name, pkgnames)))
+	  delete_idx(end+1) = i;
+	endif
+      endfor
+      if (length (delete_idx) != length (pkgnames))
+	## XXX: We should have a better error message
+	error ("some of the packages you want to uninstall are not installed");
+      endif
+    else
+      ## XXX: We should have a better error message
+      error ("some of the packages you want to uninstall are not installed.");
+    endif
+  endif
+  ## Compute the packages that will remain installed
+  idx = complement (delete_idx, 1:num_packages);
+  remaining_packages = {installed_packages{idx}};
+  ## Check dependencies
+  if (handle_deps)
+    error_text = "";
+    for i = 1:length (remaining_packages)
+      desc = remaining_packages{i};
+      bad_deps = get_unsatisfied_deps (desc, remaining_packages);
+      ## Will the uninstallation break any dependencies?
+      if (! isempty (bad_deps))
+	for i = 1:length (bad_deps)
+	  dep = bad_deps{i};
+	  error_text = strcat (error_text, " ",, " needs ",
+			       dep.package, " ", dep.operator, " ",
+			       dep.version, "\n");
+	endfor
+      endif
+    endfor
+    if (! isempty (error_text))
+      error ("the following dependencies where unsatisfied:\n  %s", error_text);
+    endif
+  endif
+  ## Delete the directories containing the packages
+  for i = delete_idx
+    desc = installed_packages{i};
+    ## If an 'on_uninstall.m' exist, call it!
+    if (exist (fullfile (desc.dir, "packinfo", "on_uninstall.m"), "file"))
+      try
+	wd = pwd ();
+	cd (fullfile(desc.dir, "packinfo"));
+	on_uninstall (desc);
+	cd (wd);
+      catch
+	## XXX: Should this rather be an error?
+	warning ("the 'on_uninstall' script retsurned the following error: %s",
+		 lasterr ());
+	cd (wd);
+      end_try_catch
+    endif
+    ## Do the actual deletion
+    rmpath (desc.dir);
+    if (exist (desc.dir, "dir"))
+      [status, msg] = rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      if (status != 1)
+	error ("couldn't delete directory %s: %s", desc.dir, msg);
+      endif
+    else
+      warning ("directory %s previously lost", desc.dir);
+    endif
+  endfor
+  ## Write a new ~/.octave_packages
+  if (issuperuser ())
+    if (length (remaining_packages) == 0)
+      unlink (global_list);
+    else
+      global_packages = remaining_packages;
+      save (global_list, "global_packages");
+    endif
+  else
+    if (length (remaining_packages) == 0)
+      unlink (local_list);
+    else
+      local_packages = remaining_packages;
+      save (local_list, "local_packages");
+    endif
+  endif
+##        A U X I L I A R Y    F U N C T I O N S        ##
+function prepare_installation (desc, packdir)
+  ## Is there a pre_install to call?
+  if (exist (fullfile (packdir, "pre_install.m"), "file"))
+    wd = pwd ();
+    try
+      cd (packdir);
+      pre_install (desc); 
+      cd (wd);
+    catch
+      cd (wd);
+      error ("the pre-install function returned the following error: %s",
+	     lasterr ());
+    end_try_catch
+  endif
+  ## If the directory "inst" doesn't exist, we create it
+  inst_dir = fullfile (packdir, "inst");
+  if (! exist (inst_dir, "dir"))
+    [status, msg] = mkdir (inst_dir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      error ("the 'inst' directory did not exist and could not be created: %s", 
+	     msg);
-function install(files, handle_deps, autoload, prefix, local_list, global_list)
-    global_install = issuperuser();
-    # Check that the directory in prefix exist. If it doesn't: create it!
-    if (!exist(prefix, "dir"))
-        warning("Creating installation directory %s", prefix);
-        [status, msg] = mkdir(prefix);
-        if (status != 1)
-            error("Could not create installation directory: %s", msg);
-        endif
+function configure_make (desc, packdir)   
+  ## Perform ./configure, make, make install in "src"
+  if (exist (fullfile (packdir, "src"), "dir"))
+    src = fullfile (packdir, "src");
+    ## configure
+    if (exist (fullfile (src, "configure"), "file"))
+      [status, output] = system (strcat ("cd ", src, "; ./configure --prefix=",
+					 desc.dir));
+      if (status != 0)
+	rm_rf (desc.dir);
+	error ("the configure script returned the following error: %s", output);
+      endif
-    ## Get the list of installed packages
-    [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages(local_list, 
-							   global_list);
-    installed_packages = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};        
-    if (global_install)
-        packages = global_packages;
-    else
-        packages = local_packages;
-    endif
-    ## Uncompress the packages and read the DESCRIPTION files
-    tmpdirs = packdirs = descriptions = {};
-    try
-        ## Unpack the package files and read the DESCRIPTION files
-        files = glob(files);
-        packages_to_uninstall = [];
-        for i = 1:length(files)
-            tgz = files{i};
-            ## Create a temporary directory 
-            tmpdir = tmpnam();
-            tmpdirs{end+1} = tmpdir;
-            [status, msg] = mkdir(tmpdir);
-            if (status != 1)
-                error("Couldn't create temporary directory: %s", msg);
-            endif
-            ## Uncompress the package
-            untar(tgz, tmpdir);
-            ## Get the name of the directories produced by tar
-            [dirlist, err, msg] = readdir(tmpdir);
-            if (err)
-                error("Couldn't read directory produced by tar: %s", msg);
-            endif
-	    if (length(dirlist) > 3)
-	      error("Bundles of packages are not allowed")
-	    endif
-            for k = 3:length(dirlist) # the two first entries of dirlist are "." and ".."
-                packdir = fullfile(tmpdir, dirlist{k});
-                packdirs{end+1} = packdir;
-                ## Make sure the package contains necessary files
-                verify_directory(packdir);
-                ## Read the DESCRIPTION file
-                filename = fullfile(packdir, "DESCRIPTION");
-                desc = get_description(filename);
-                ## Verify that package name corresponds with filename
-                [dummy, nm] = fileparts(tgz); 
-                if ((length(nm) >= length( &&
-                    ! strcmp(,nm(1:length(
-                    error("Package name '%s' doesn't correspond to its filename '%s'",, nm);
-                endif
-                ## Set default installation directory
-                desc.dir = fullfile(prefix, [ "-" desc.version]);
-                ## Save desc
-                descriptions{end+1} = desc;
-                ## Are any of the new packages already installed?
-                ## If so we'll remove the old version.
-                for j = 1:length(packages)
-                    if (strcmp(packages{j}.name,
-                        packages_to_uninstall(end+1) = j;
-                    endif
-                endfor
-            endfor        
-        endfor
-    catch
-        ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
-        for i = 1:length(tmpdirs)
-            rm_rf(tmpdirs{i});
-        endfor
-        error(lasterr()(8:end));
-    end_try_catch
-    ## Check dependencies
-    if (handle_deps)
-        ok = true;
-        error_text = "";
-        for i = 1:length(descriptions)
-            desc = descriptions{i};
-            idx1 = complement(packages_to_uninstall, 1:length(installed_packages));
-            idx2 = complement(i, 1:length(descriptions));
-            pseudo_installed_packages = {installed_packages{idx1} descriptions{idx2}};
-            bad_deps = get_unsatisfied_deps(desc, pseudo_installed_packages);
-            ## Are there any unsatisfied dependencies?
-            if (!isempty(bad_deps))
-                ok = false;
-                for i = 1:length(bad_deps)
-                    dep = bad_deps{i};
-                    error_text = [error_text "  " " needs " ...
-                                  dep.package  " " dep.operator " " ...
-                                  dep.version  "\n"];
-                endfor
-            endif
-        endfor
-        ## Did we find any unsatisfied dependencies?
-        if (!ok)
-            error("The following dependencies where unsatisfied:\n  %s", error_text);
-        endif
+    ## make
+    if (exist (fullfile (src, "Makefile"), "file"))
+      [status, output] = system (strcat ("export INSTALLDIR=", desc.dir,
+					 "; make -C ", src));
+      if (status != 0)
+	rm_rf (desc.dir);
+	error ("'make' returned the following error: %s", output);
+      endif
+      %# make install
+      %[status, output] = system(["export INSTALLDIR=" desc.dir "; make install -C " src]);
+      %if (status != 0)
+      %    rm_rf(desc.dir);
+      %    error("'make install' returned the following error: %s", output);
+      %endif
-    ## Prepare each package for installation
-    try
-        for i = 1:length(descriptions)
-            desc = descriptions{i};
-            pdir = packdirs{i};
-            prepare_installation (desc, pdir);
-            configure_make (desc, pdir);
-        endfor
-    catch
-        ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
-        for i = 1:length(tmpdirs)
-            rm_rf(tmpdirs{i});
-        endfor
-        error(lasterr()(8:end));
-    end_try_catch
-    ## Uninstall the packages that will be replaced
-    try
-        for i = packages_to_uninstall
-            uninstall({installed_packages{i}.name}, false, local_list, 
-            global_list);
-        endfor
-    catch
-        ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
-        for i = 1:length(tmpdirs)
-            rm_rf(tmpdirs{i});
-        endfor
-        error(lasterr()(8:end));
-    end_try_catch
-    ## Install each package
-    try
-        for i = 1:length(descriptions)
-            desc = descriptions{i};
-            pdir = packdirs{i};
-            copy_files(desc, pdir);
-            create_pkgadddel(desc, pdir, "PKG_ADD");
-            create_pkgadddel(desc, pdir, "PKG_DEL");
-            finish_installation (desc, pdir)
-        endfor
-    catch
-        ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
-        for i = 1:length(tmpdirs)
-            rm_rf(tmpdirs{i});
-        endfor
-        for i = 1:length(descriptions)
-            rm_rf(descriptions{i}.dir);
-        endfor
-        error(lasterr()(8:end));
-    end_try_catch
-    ## Check if the installed directory is empty. If it is remove it
-    ## from the list
-    for i = length(descriptions):-1:1
-      if (dirempty(descriptions{i}.dir,{"packinfo","doc"}))
-        rm_rf(descriptions{i}.dir);
-        descriptions(i) = [];
+    ## Copy files to "inst" (this is instead of 'make install')
+    files = fullfile (src, "FILES");
+    instdir = fullfile (packdir, "inst");
+    if (exist (files, "file"))
+      ## Get file names
+      [fid, msg] = fopen (files, "r");
+      if (fid < 0)
+	error ("couldn't open %s: %s", files, msg);
-    endfor
-    ## If the package requested that it is autoloaded, or the installer
-    ## requested that it is, then mark the package as autoloaded.
-    for i = length(descriptions):-1:1
-      if (autoload > 0 || (autoload == 0 && isautoload(descriptions(i))))
-	fclose(fopen(fullfile(descriptions{i}.dir, "packinfo", 
-			      ".autoload"),"wt"));
+      filenames = char (fread (fid))';
+      fclose (fid);
+      if (filenames(end) == "\n")
+	filenames(end) = [];
-    endfor
-    ## Add the packages to the package list
-    try
-	    if (global_install)
-            idx = complement(packages_to_uninstall, 1:length(global_packages));
-	        global_packages = {global_packages{idx} descriptions{:}};
-            save(global_list, "global_packages");
-        else
-            idx = complement(packages_to_uninstall, 1:length(local_packages));
-	        local_packages = {local_packages{idx} descriptions{:}};
-            save(local_list, "local_packages");
-        endif
-    catch
-        ## Something went wrong, delete tmpdirs
-        for i = 1:length(tmpdirs)
-            rm_rf(tmpdirs{i});
-        endfor
-        for i = 1:length(descriptions)
-            rm_rf(descriptions{i}.dir);
-        endfor
-        if (global_install)
-            error("Couldn't append to %s: %s", global_list, lasterr()(8:end));
-        else
-            error("Couldn't append to %s: %s", local_list, lasterr()(8:end));
-        endif
-    end_try_catch
-    ## All is well, let's clean up
-    for i = 1:length(tmpdirs)
-        [status, msg] = rm_rf(tmpdirs{i});
-        if (status != 1)
-            warning("Couldn't clean up after my self: %s\n", msg);
-        endif
-    endfor
-    ## Add the newly installed packages to the path, so the user
-    ## can begin usings them.
-    if (length(descriptions) > 0)
-      dirs = cell(1, length(descriptions));
-      for i = 1:length(descriptions)
-        dirs{i} = descriptions{i}.dir;
+      ## Copy the files
+      fn = split_by (filenames, "\n");
+      delete_idx =  [];
+      for i = 1:length (fn)
+	if (! all (isspace (fn{i})))
+	  fn{i} = fullfile (src, fn{i});
+	else
+	  delete_idx(end+1) = i;
+	endif
-      addpath(dirs{:});
+      fn(delete_idx) = [];
+      filenames = sprintf ("%s ", fn{:});
+    else
+      m = dir (fullfile (src, "*.m"));
+      oct = dir (fullfile (src, "*.oct"));
+      mex = dir (fullfile (src, "*.mex"));
+      filenames = "";
+      if (length (m) > 0)
+	filenames = sprintf (fullfile (src, "%s "),;
+      endif
+      if (length (oct) > 0)
+	filenames = [filenames, " ", sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "),];
+      endif
+      if (length (mex) > 0)
+	filenames = [filenames, " ", sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "),];
+      endif
-function uninstall(pkgnames, handle_deps, local_list, global_list)
-    ## Get the list of installed packages
-    [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages(local_list, 
-							   global_list);
-    if (issuperuser())
-        installed_packages = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};
-    else
-        installed_packages = local_packages;
-    endif
-    num_packages = length(installed_packages);
-    delete_idx = [];
-    for i = 1:num_packages
-        cur_name = installed_packages{i}.name;
-        if (any(strcmp(cur_name, pkgnames)))
-            delete_idx(end+1) = i;
-        endif
-    endfor
-    ## Are all the packages that should be uninstalled already installed?
-    if (length(delete_idx) != length(pkgnames))
-        if (issuperuser())
-            ## Try again for a locally installed package
-            installed_packages = local_packages
-            num_packages = length(installed_packages);
-            delete_idx = [];
-            for i = 1:num_packages
-                cur_name = installed_packages{i}.name;
-                if (any(strcmp(cur_name, pkgnames)))
-                    delete_idx(end+1) = i;
-                endif
-            endfor
-            if (length(delete_idx) != length(pkgnames))
-                ## XXX: We should have a better error message
-                error("Some of the packages you want to uninstall are not installed.");
-            endif
-        else
-            ## XXX: We should have a better error message
-            error("Some of the packages you want to uninstall are not installed.");
-        endif
-    endif
+    filenames = split_by (filenames, " ");
-    ## Compute the packages that will remain installed
-    idx = complement(delete_idx, 1:num_packages);
-    remaining_packages = {installed_packages{idx}};
-    ## Check dependencies
-    if (handle_deps)
-        error_text = "";
-        for i = 1:length(remaining_packages)
-            desc = remaining_packages{i};
-            bad_deps = get_unsatisfied_deps(desc, remaining_packages);
-            ## Will the uninstallation break any dependencies?
-            if (!isempty(bad_deps))
-                for i = 1:length(bad_deps)
-                    dep = bad_deps{i};
-                    error_text = [error_text "  " " needs " ...
-                                  dep.package  " " dep.operator " " ...
-                                  dep.version  "\n"];
-                endfor
-            endif
-        endfor
-        if (! isempty(error_text))
-            error("The following dependencies where unsatisfied:\n  %s", error_text);
-        endif
-    endif
-    ## Delete the directories containing the packages
-    for i = delete_idx
-        desc = installed_packages{i};
-        ## If an 'on_uninstall.m' exist, call it!
-        if (exist(fullfile(desc.dir, "packinfo", "on_uninstall.m"), "file"))
-            try
-                wd = pwd();
-                cd(fullfile(desc.dir, "packinfo"));
-                on_uninstall(desc);
-                cd(wd);
-            catch
-                # XXX: Should this rather be an error?
-                warning("The 'on_uninstall' script retsurned the following error: %s", lasterr);
-                cd(wd);
-            end_try_catch
-        endif
-        ## Do the actual deletion
-        rmpath(desc.dir);
-        if (exist (desc.dir, "dir"))
-            [status, msg] = rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            if (status != 1)
-                error("Couldn't delete directory %s: %s", desc.dir, msg);
-            endif
-        else
-            warning("Directory %s previously lost", desc.dir);
-        endif
-    endfor
-    ## Write a new ~/.octave_packages
-    if (issuperuser())
-        if (length(remaining_packages) == 0)
-            unlink(global_list);
-        else
-            global_packages = remaining_packages;
-            save(global_list, "global_packages");
-        endif
-    else
-        if (length(remaining_packages) == 0)
-            unlink(local_list);
-        else
-            local_packages = remaining_packages;
-            save(local_list, "local_packages");
-        endif
-    endif
-##         A U X I L A R Y    F U N C T I O N S         ##
-function prepare_installation(desc, packdir)
-    ## Is there a pre_install to call?
-    if (exist(fullfile(packdir, "pre_install.m"), "file"))
-        wd = pwd();
-        try
-            cd(packdir);
-            pre_install(desc); 
-            cd(wd);
-        catch
-            cd(wd);
-            error("The pre-install function returned the following error: %s", lasterr);
-        end_try_catch
+    if (! all (isspace (filenames)))
+	mkdir (instdir);
+	[status, output] = copyfile (filenames, instdir);
+	if (status != 1)
+	    rm_rf (desc.dir);
+	    error ("Couldn't copy files from 'src' to 'inst': %s", output);
+	endif
-    ## If the directory "inst" doesn't exist, we create it
-    inst_dir = fullfile(packdir, "inst");
-    if (!exist(inst_dir, "dir"))
-        [status, msg] = mkdir(inst_dir);
-        if (status != 1)
-            rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            error("The 'inst' directory did not exist and could not be created: %s", msg);
-        endif
-    endif
-function configure_make (desc, packdir)   
-	## Perform ./configure, make, make install in "src"
-    if (exist(fullfile(packdir, "src"), "dir"))
-        src = fullfile(packdir, "src");
-        ## configure
-        if (exist(fullfile(src, "configure"), "file"))
-            [status, output] = system(["cd " src " ;./configure --prefix=" desc.dir]);
-            if (status != 0)
-                rm_rf(desc.dir);
-                error("The configure script returned the following error: %s", output);
-            endif
-        endif
-        ## make
-        if (exist(fullfile(src, "Makefile"), "file"))
-            [status, output] = system(["export INSTALLDIR=" desc.dir "; make -C " src]);
-            if (status != 0)
-                rm_rf(desc.dir);
-                error("'make' returned the following error: %s", output);
-            endif
-            %# make install
-            %[status, output] = system(["export INSTALLDIR=" desc.dir "; make install -C " src]);
-            %if (status != 0)
-            %    rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            %    error("'make install' returned the following error: %s", output);
-            %endif
-        endif
-        ## Copy files to "inst" (this is instead of 'make install')
-        files = fullfile(src, "FILES");
-        instdir = fullfile(packdir, "inst");
-        if (exist(files, "file"))
-            ## Get file names
-            [fid, msg] = fopen(files, "r");
-            if (fid < 0)
-                error("Couldn't open %s: %s", files, msg);
-            endif
-            filenames = char(fread(fid))';
-            fclose(fid);
-	    if (filenames(end) == "\n")
-	      filenames(end) = [];
-	    endif
-            ## Copy the files
-            fn = split_by(filenames, "\n");
-	    delete_idx =  [];
-            for i = 1:length(fn)
-	      if (!all(isspace(fn{i})))
-                fn{i} = fullfile(src, fn{i});
-	      else
-		delete_idx(end+1) = i;
-              endif
-            endfor
-	    fn(delete_idx) = [];
-            filenames = sprintf("%s ", fn{:});
-        else
-            m = dir(fullfile(src, "*.m"));
-            oct = dir(fullfile(src, "*.oct"));
-            mex = dir(fullfile(src, "*.mex"));
-            filenames = "";
-            if (length(m) > 0)
-                filenames = sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "),;
-            endif
-            if (length(oct) > 0)
-                filenames = [filenames " " sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "),];
-            endif
-            if (length(mex) > 0)
-                filenames = [filenames " " sprintf(fullfile(src, "%s "),];
-            endif
-        endif
-        filenames = split_by(filenames, " ");
-        if (!all(isspace(filenames)))
-            mkdir(instdir);
-            [status, output] = copyfile(filenames, instdir);
-            if (status != 1)
-                rm_rf(desc.dir);
-                error("Couldn't copy files from 'src' to 'inst': %s", output);
-            endif
-        endif
-    endif
+  endif
 function pkg = extract_pkg (nm, pat)
   fid = fopen (nm, "rt");
   pkg = "";
   if (fid >= 0)
-    while (! feof(fid))
+    while (! feof (fid))
       ln = fgetl (fid);
       if (ln > 0)
-	t = regexp(ln, pat, "tokens");
-	if (!isempty(t))
-          pkg = [pkg, "\n", t{1}{1}];
+	t = regexp (ln, pat, "tokens");
+	if (! isempty (t))
+          pkg = strcat (pkg, "\n", t{1}{1});
-    if (!isempty(pkg))
-      pkg = [pkg, "\n"];
+    if (! isempty (pkg))
+      pkg = strcat (pkg, "\n");
     fclose (fid);
 function create_pkgadddel (desc, packdir, nm)
-  pkg = fullfile(desc.dir, nm);
-  fid = fopen(pkg, "wt");
+  pkg = fullfile (desc.dir, nm);
+  fid = fopen (pkg, "wt");
   if (fid >= 0)
     ## Search all dot-m files for PKG commands
     lst = dir (fullfile(packdir, "inst", "*.m"));
-    for i=1:length(lst)
+    for i = 1:length (lst)
       nam = fullfile(packdir, "inst", lst(i).name);
       fwrite (fid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^[#%][#%]* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
     ## Search all C++ source files for PKG commands
     lst = dir (fullfile(packdir, "src", "*.cc"));
-    for i=1:length(lst)
+    for i = 1:length (lst)
       nam = fullfile(packdir, "src", lst(i).name);
       fwrite (fid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^//* *' nm ': *(.*)$']));
       fwrite (fid, extract_pkg (nam, ['^/\** *' nm ': *(.*) *\*/$']));
     ## Add developer included PKG commands
-    packdirnm = fullfile(packdir, nm);
-    if (exist(packdirnm, "file"))
-      fid2 = fopen(packdirnm,"rt");
+    packdirnm = fullfile (packdir, nm);
+    if (exist (packdirnm, "file"))
+      fid2 = fopen (packdirnm, "rt");
       if (fid2 >= 0)
-        while (! feof(fid2))
+        while (! feof (fid2))
           ln = fgets (fid2);
           if (ln > 0)
-            fwrite(fid, ln);
+            fwrite (fid, ln);
-        fclose(fid2);
+        fclose (fid2);
-    fclose(fid);
+    fclose (fid);
     ## If the file is empty remove it
     t = dir (pkg);
@@ -778,550 +796,558 @@
 function copy_files (desc, packdir, bindir)
-    ## Create the installation directory
-    if (! exist (desc.dir, "dir"))
-        [status, output] = mkdir (desc.dir);
-        if (status != 1)
-            error("Couldn't create installation directory %s : %s", 
-            desc.dir, output);
-        endif
+  ## Create the installation directory
+  if (! exist (desc.dir, "dir"))
+    [status, output] = mkdir (desc.dir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s", 
+      desc.dir, output);
+  endif
-    ## Copy the files from "inst" to installdir
-    instdir = fullfile(packdir, "inst");
-    if (!dirempty(instdir))
-      [status, output] = copyfile(fullfile(instdir, "*"), desc.dir);
-      if (status != 1)
-          rm_rf(desc.dir);
-          error("Couldn't copy files to the installation directory");
-      endif
+  ## Copy the files from "inst" to installdir
+  instdir = fullfile (packdir, "inst");
+  if (! dirempty (instdir))
+    [status, output] = copyfile (fullfile (instdir, "*"), desc.dir);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      error ("couldn't copy files to the installation directory");
+  endif
-    ## Create the "packinfo" directory
-    packinfo = fullfile(desc.dir, "packinfo");
-    [status, msg] = mkdir (packinfo);
-    if (status != 1)
-        rm_rf(desc.dir);
-        error("Couldn't create packinfo directory: %s", msg);
-    endif
+  ## Create the "packinfo" directory
+  packinfo = fullfile (desc.dir, "packinfo");
+  [status, msg] = mkdir (packinfo);
+  if (status != 1)
+    rm_rf (desc.dir);
+    error ("couldn't create packinfo directory: %s", msg);
+  endif
-    ## Copy DESCRIPTION
-    [status, output] = copyfile(fullfile(packdir, "DESCRIPTION"), packinfo);
-    if (status != 1)
-       rm_rf(desc.dir);
-       error("Couldn't copy DESCRIPTION: %s", output);
-    endif
+  [status, output] = copyfile (fullfile (packdir, "DESCRIPTION"), packinfo);
+  if (status != 1)
+   rm_rf (desc.dir);
+   error ("couldn't copy DESCRIPTION: %s", output);
+  endif
-    ## Copy COPYING
-    [status, output] = copyfile(fullfile(packdir, "COPYING"), packinfo);
-    if (status != 1)
-       rm_rf(desc.dir);
-       error("Couldn't copy COPYING: %s", output);
-    endif
+  ## Copy COPYING
+  [status, output] = copyfile (fullfile (packdir, "COPYING"), packinfo);
+  if (status != 1)
+   rm_rf (desc.dir);
+   error ("couldn't copy COPYING: %s", output);
+  endif
-    ## If the file ChangeLog exists, copy it
-    fChangeLog = fullfile(packdir, "ChangeLog");
-    if (exist(fChangeLog, "file"))
-        [status, output] = copyfile(fChangeLog, packinfo);
-        if (status != 1)
-            rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            error("Couldn't copy ChangeLog file: %s", output);
-        endif
+  ## If the file ChangeLog exists, copy it
+  fChangeLog = fullfile(packdir, "ChangeLog");
+  if (exist (fChangeLog, "file"))
+    [status, output] = copyfile (fChangeLog, packinfo);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      error ("couldn't copy ChangeLog file: %s", output);
+  endif
-    ## Is there an INDEX file to copy or should we generate one?
-    fINDEX = fullfile(packdir, "INDEX");
-    if (exist(fINDEX, "file"))
-        [status, output] = copyfile(fINDEX, packinfo);
-        if (status != 1)
-            rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            error("Couldn't copy INDEX file: %s", output);
-        endif
-    else
-        try
-            write_INDEX(desc, fullfile(packdir, "inst"), fullfile(packinfo, "INDEX"));
-        catch
-            rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            error(lasterr);
-        end_try_catch
+  ## Is there an INDEX file to copy or should we generate one?
+  fINDEX = fullfile (packdir, "INDEX");
+  if (exist(fINDEX, "file"))
+    [status, output] = copyfile (fINDEX, packinfo);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      error ("couldn't copy INDEX file: %s", output);
-    ## Is there an 'on_uninstall.m' to install?
-    fon_uninstall = fullfile(packdir, "on_uninstall.m");
-    if (exist(fon_uninstall, "file"))
-        [status, output] = copyfile(fon_uninstall, packinfo);
-        if (status != 1)
-            rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            error("Couldn't copy on_uninstall.m: %s", output);
-        endif
-    endif
+  else
+    try
+      write_INDEX (desc, fullfile (packdir, "inst"),
+		   fullfile (packinfo, "INDEX"));
+    catch
+      rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      error (lasterr ());
+    end_try_catch
+  endif
-    ## Is there a doc/ directory that needs to be installed
-    docdir = fullfile(packdir, "doc");
-    if (exist(docdir, "dir") && !dirempty(docdir))
-       [status, output] = copyfile(docdir, desc.dir);
+  ## Is there an 'on_uninstall.m' to install?
+  fon_uninstall = fullfile(packdir, "on_uninstall.m");
+  if (exist (fon_uninstall, "file"))
+    [status, output] = copyfile (fon_uninstall, packinfo);
+    if (status != 1)
+      rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      error ("couldn't copy on_uninstall.m: %s", output);
+  endif
-    ## Is there a bin/ directory that needs to be installed
-    bindir = fullfile(packdir, "bin");
-    if (exist(bindir, "dir") && !dirempty(bindir))
-       [status, output] = copyfile(bindir, desc.dir);
-    endif
+  ## Is there a doc/ directory that needs to be installed
+  docdir = fullfile (packdir, "doc");
+  if (exist (docdir, "dir") && ! dirempty (docdir))
+   [status, output] = copyfile (docdir, desc.dir);
+  endif
+  ## Is there a bin/ directory that needs to be installed
+  bindir = fullfile (packdir, "bin");
+  if (exist (bindir, "dir") && ! dirempty (bindir))
+   [status, output] = copyfile (bindir, desc.dir);
+  endif
 function finish_installation (desc, packdir)
-    ## Is there a post-install to call?
-    if (exist([packdir "post_install.m"], "file"))
-        wd = pwd();
-        try
-            cd(packdir);
-            post_install(desc);
-            cd(wd);
-        catch
-            cd(wd);
-            rm_rf(desc.dir);
-            error("The post_install function returned the following error: %s", lasterr);
-        end_try_catch
-    endif
+  ## Is there a post-install to call?
+  if (exist (fullfile (packdir, "post_install.m"), "file"))
+    wd = pwd ();
+    try
+      cd (packdir);
+      post_install (desc);
+      cd (wd);
+    catch
+      cd (wd);
+      rm_rf (desc.dir);
+      error ("the post_install function returned the following error: %s",
+	     lasterr ());
+    end_try_catch
+  endif
-function out = issuperuser()
-    out = strcmp(getenv("USER"), "root");
+function out = issuperuser ()
+  out = strcmp (getenv("USER"), "root");
 ## This function makes sure the package contains the
 ## essential files.
-function verify_directory(dir)
-    needed_files = {"COPYING", "DESCRIPTION"};
-    for f = needed_files
-        if (!exist(fullfile(dir, f{1}), "file"))
-            error("Package is missing file: %s", f{1});
-        endif
-    endfor
+function verify_directory (dir)
+  needed_files = {"COPYING", "DESCRIPTION"};
+  for f = needed_files
+    if (! exist (fullfile (dir, f{1}), "file"))
+      error ("package is missing file: %s", f{1});
+    endif
+  endfor
 ## This function parses the DESCRIPTION file
-function desc = get_description(filename)
-    [fid, msg] = fopen(filename, "r");
-    if (fid == -1)
-        error("The DESCRIPTION file %s could not be read: %s", filename, msg);
-    endif
+function desc = get_description (filename)
+  [fid, msg] = fopen (filename, "r");
+  if (fid == -1)
+    error ("the DESCRIPTION file %s could not be read: %s", filename, msg);
+  endif
+  desc = struct ();
-    desc = struct();
-    line = fgetl(fid);
-    while (line != -1)
-        ## Comments
-        if (line(1) == "#")
-            # Do nothing
-        ## Continuation lines
-        elseif (isspace(line(1)))
-            if (exist("keyword", "var") && isfield(desc, keyword))
-                desc.(keyword) = [desc.(keyword) " " rstrip(line)];
-            endif
-        ## Keyword/value pair
-        else
-            colon = find(line == ":");
-            if (length(colon) == 0)
-                disp("Skipping line.");
-            else
-                colon = colon(1);
-                keyword = tolower(strip(line(1:colon-1)));
-                value   = strip(line(colon+1:end));
-                if (length(value) == 0)
-                    fclose(fid);
-                    error("The keyword %s have empty value", desc.keywords{end});
-                endif
-                desc.(keyword) = value;
-            endif
-        endif
-        line = fgetl(fid);
-    endwhile    
-    fclose(fid);
-    ## Make sure all is okay
-    needed_fields = {"name", "version", "date", "title", ...
-                     "author", "maintainer", "description"};
-    for f = needed_fields
-        if (!isfield(desc, f{1}))
-            error("Description is missing needed field %s", f{1});
-        endif
-    endfor
-    desc.version = fix_version(desc.version);
-    if (isfield(desc, "depends"))
-        desc.depends = fix_depends(desc.depends);
+  line = fgetl (fid);
+  while (line != -1)
+    if (line(1) == "#")
+      ## Comments, do nothing
+    elseif (isspace(line(1)))
+      ## Continuation lines
+      if (exist ("keyword", "var") && isfield (desc, keyword))
+	desc.(keyword) = strcat (desc.(keyword), " ", rstrip(line));
+      endif
-        desc.depends = "";
+      ## Keyword/value pair
+      colon = find (line == ":");
+      if (length (colon) == 0)
+	disp ("skipping line");
+      else
+	colon = colon(1);
+	keyword = tolower (strip (line(1:colon-1)));
+	value   = strip (line (colon+1:end));
+	if (length (value) == 0)
+	    fclose (fid);
+	    error ("the keyword %s has an empty value", desc.keywords{end});
+	endif
+	desc.(keyword) = value;
+      endif
- = tolower(;
+    line = fgetl (fid);
+  endwhile
+  fclose (fid);
+  ## Make sure all is okay
+  needed_fields = {"name", "version", "date", "title", ...
+		   "author", "maintainer", "description"};
+  for f = needed_fields
+    if (! isfield (desc, f{1}))
+      error ("description is missing needed field %s", f{1});
+    endif
+  endfor
+  desc.version = fix_version (desc.version);
+  if (isfield (desc, "depends"))
+    desc.depends = fix_depends (desc.depends);
+  else
+    desc.depends = "";
+  endif
+ = tolower (;
 ## Makes sure the version string v is a valid x.y.z version string
 ## Examples: "0.1" => "0.1.0", "monkey" => error(...)
-function out = fix_version(v)
-    dots = find(v == ".");
-    if (length(dots) == 1)
-        major = str2num(v(1:dots-1));
-        minor = str2num(v(dots+1:end));
-        if (length(major) != 0 && length(minor) != 0)
-            out = sprintf("%d.%d.0", major, minor);
-            return
-        endif
-    elseif (length(dots) == 2)
-        major = str2num(v(1:dots(1)-1));
-        minor = str2num(v(dots(1)+1:dots(2)-1));
-        rev   = str2num(v(dots(2)+1:end));
-        if (length(major) != 0 && length(minor) != 0 && length(rev) != 0)
-            out = sprintf("%d.%d.%d", major, minor, rev);
-            return
-        endif
+function out = fix_version (v)
+  dots = find (v == ".");
+  if (length (dots) == 1)
+    major = str2num (v(1:dots-1));
+    minor = str2num (v(dots+1:end));
+    if (length (major) != 0 && length (minor) != 0)
+      out = sprintf ("%d.%d.0", major, minor);
+      return;
-    error("Bad version string: %s", v);
+  elseif (length (dots) == 2)
+    major = str2num (v(1:dots(1)-1));
+    minor = str2num (v(dots(1)+1:dots(2)-1));
+    rev   = str2num (v(dots(2)+1:end));
+    if (length (major) != 0 && length (minor) != 0 && length (rev) != 0)
+      out = sprintf ("%d.%d.%d", major, minor, rev);
+      return;
+    endif
+  endif
+  error ("bad version string: %s", v);
 ## Makes sure the depends field is of the right format.
 ## This function returns a cell of structures with the following fields:
 ##   package, version, operator
-function deps_cell = fix_depends(depends)
-    deps = split_by(tolower(depends), ",");
-    deps_cell = cell(1, length(deps));
-    ## For each dependency
-    for i = 1:length(deps)
-        dep = deps{i};
-        lpar = find(dep == "(");
-        rpar = find(dep == ")");
-        ## Does the dependency specify a version
-        ## Example: package(>= version)
-        if (length(lpar) == 1 && length(rpar) == 1)
-            package = tolower(strip(dep(1:lpar-1)));
-            sub = dep( lpar(1)+1:rpar(1)-1 );
-            parts = split_by(sub, " ");
-            idx = [];
-            for r = 1:size(parts,1)
-                if (length(parts{r}) > 0)
-                    idx(end+1) = r;
-                endif
-            endfor
-            if (length(idx) != 2)
-                error(["There's something wrong with the DESCRIPTION file. " ...
-                       "The dependency %s has the wrong syntax.\n"], dep);
-            endif
-            operator = parts{idx(1)};
-            if (!any(strcmp(operator, {">", ">=", "<=", "<", "=="})))
-                error("Unsupported operator: %s", operator);
-            endif
-            version  = fix_version(parts{idx(2)});
-        ## If no version is specified for the dependency
-        ## we say that the version should be greater than 
-        ## or equal to 0.0.0
-        else
-            package = tolower(strip(dep));
-            operator = ">=";
-            version  = "0.0.0";
-        endif
-        deps_cell{i} = struct("package", package, "operator", operator, "version", version);
-    endfor
+function deps_cell = fix_depends (depends)
+  deps = split_by (tolower (depends), ",");
+  deps_cell = cell (1, length (deps));
+  ## For each dependency
+  for i = 1:length (deps)
+    dep = deps{i};
+    lpar = find (dep == "(");
+    rpar = find (dep == ")");
+    ## Does the dependency specify a version
+    ## Example: package(>= version)
+    if (length (lpar) == 1 && length (rpar) == 1)
+      package = tolower (strip (dep(1:lpar-1)));
+      sub = dep(lpar(1)+1:rpar(1)-1);
+      parts = split_by (sub, " ");
+      idx = [];
+      for r = 1:size (parts, 1)
+	if (length (parts{r}) > 0)
+	  idx(end+1) = r;
+	endif
+      endfor
+      if (length (idx) != 2)
+	error ("incorrect syntax for dependency `%s' in the DESCRIPTION file\n",
+	       dep);
+      endif
+      operator = parts{idx(1)};
+      if (! any (strcmp (operator, {">", ">=", "<=", "<", "=="})))
+	error ("unsupported operator: %s", operator);
+      endif
+      version  = fix_version (parts{idx(2)});
+  ## If no version is specified for the dependency
+  ## we say that the version should be greater than 
+  ## or equal to 0.0.0
+  else
+    package = tolower (strip (dep));
+    operator = ">=";
+    version  = "0.0.0";
+  endif
+  deps_cell{i} = struct ("package", package, "operator", operator,
+			 "version", version);
+  endfor
 ## Strips the text of spaces from the right
 ## Example: "  hello world  " => "  hello world" (XXX: is this the same as deblank?)
-function text = rstrip(text)
-    chars = find(!isspace(text));
-    if (length(chars) > 0)
-        text = text(chars(1):end); # XXX: shouldn't it be text = text(1:chars(end));
-    else
-        text = "";
-    endif
+function text = rstrip (text)
+  chars = find (! isspace (text));
+  if (length (chars) > 0)
+    ## XXX: shouldn't it be text = text(1:chars(end));
+    text = text (chars(1):end);
+  else
+    text = "";
+  endif
 ## Strips the text of spaces from the left and the right
 ## Example: "  hello world  " => "hello world"
-function text = strip(text)
-    chars = find(!isspace(text));
-    if (length(chars) > 0)
-        text = text(chars(1):chars(end));
-    else
-        text = "";
-    endif
+function text = strip (text)
+  chars = find (! isspace (text));
+  if (length (chars) > 0)
+    text = text(chars(1):chars(end));
+  else
+    text = "";
+  endif
 ## Splits the text into a cell array of strings by sep
 ## Example: "A, B" => {"A", "B"} (with sep = ",")
-function out = split_by(text, sep)
-    text_matrix = split(text, sep);
-    num_words = size(text_matrix,1);
-    out = cell(num_words, 1);
-    for i = 1:num_words
-        out{i} = strip(text_matrix(i, :));
-    endfor
+function out = split_by (text, sep)
+  text_matrix = split (text, sep);
+  num_words = size (text_matrix, 1);
+  out = cell (num_words, 1);
+  for i = 1:num_words
+    out{i} = strip (text_matrix(i, :));
+  endfor
 ## Creates an INDEX file for a package that doesn't provide one.
 ##   'desc'  describes the package.
 ##   'dir'   is the 'inst' direcotyr in temporary directory.
 ##   'INDEX' is the name (including path) of resulting INDEX file.
-function write_INDEX(desc, dir, INDEX)
-    ## Get names of functions in dir
-    [files, err, msg] = readdir(dir);
-    if (err)
-        error("Couldn't read directory %s: %s", dir, msg);
+function write_INDEX (desc, dir, INDEX)
+  ## Get names of functions in dir
+  [files, err, msg] = readdir (dir);
+  if (err)
+    error ("couldn't read directory %s: %s", dir, msg);
+  endif
+  functions = {};
+  for i = 1:length (files)
+    file = files{i};
+    lf = length (file);
+    if (lf > 2 && strcmp (file(end-1:end), ".m"))
+      functions{end+1} = file(1:end-2);
+    elseif (lf > 4 && strcmp (file(end-3:end), ".oct"))
+      functions{end+1} = file(1:end-4);
-    functions = {};
-    for i = 1:length(files)
-        file = files{i};
-        lf = length(file);
-        if (lf > 2 && strcmp( file(end-1:end), ".m" ))
-            functions{end+1} = file(1:end-2);
-        elseif (lf > 4 && strcmp( file(end-3:end), ".oct" ))
-            functions{end+1} = file(1:end-4);
-        endif
-    endfor
-    ## Does desc have a categories field?
-    if (!isfield(desc, "categories"))
-        error("The DESCRIPTION file must have a Categories field, when no INDEX file is given.");
-    endif
-    categories = split_by(desc.categories, ",");
-    if (length(categories) < 1)
-        error("The Category field is empty.");
-    endif
-    ## Write INDEX
-    fid = fopen(INDEX, "w");
-    if (fid == -1)
-        error("Couldn't open %s for writing.", INDEX);
-    endif
-    fprintf(fid, "%s >> %s\n",, desc.title);
-    fprintf(fid, "%s\n", categories{1});
-    fprintf(fid, "  %s\n", functions{:});
-    fclose(fid);
+  endfor
+  ## Does desc have a categories field?
+  if (! isfield (desc, "categories"))
+    error ("the DESCRIPTION file must have a Categories field, when no INDEX file is given");
+  endif
+  categories = split_by (desc.categories, ",");
+  if (length (categories) < 1)
+      error ("the Category field is empty");
+  endif
+  ## Write INDEX
+  fid = fopen (INDEX, "w");
+  if (fid == -1)
+    error ("couldn't open %s for writing.", INDEX);
+  endif
+  fprintf (fid, "%s >> %s\n",, desc.title);
+  fprintf (fid, "%s\n", categories{1});
+  fprintf (fid, "  %s\n", functions{:});
+  fclose (fid);
-function bad_deps = get_unsatisfied_deps(desc, installed_packages)
-    bad_deps = {};
-    ## For each dependency
-    for i = 1:length(desc.depends)
-        dep = desc.depends{i};
+function bad_deps = get_unsatisfied_deps (desc, installed_packages)
+  bad_deps = {};
-        ## Is the current dependency Octave?
-        if (strcmp(dep.package, "octave"))
-            if (!compare_versions(OCTAVE_VERSION, dep.version, dep.operator))
-                bad_deps{end+1} = dep;
-            endif
-        ## Is the current dependency not Octave?
-        else
-            ok = false;
-            for i = 1:length(installed_packages)
-                cur_name = installed_packages{i}.name;
-                cur_version = installed_packages{i}.version;
-                if (strcmp(dep.package, cur_name) && compare_versions(cur_version, dep.version, dep.operator))
-                    ok = true;
-                    break;
-                endif
-            endfor
-            if (!ok)
-                bad_deps{end+1} = dep;
-            endif
-        endif
-    endfor
+  ## For each dependency
+  for i = 1:length (desc.depends)
+    dep = desc.depends{i};
-function [out1, out2] = installed_packages(local_list, global_list)
-    ## Get the list of installed packages
-    try
-        local_packages = load(local_list).local_packages;
-    catch
-        local_packages = {};
-    end_try_catch
-    try
-	if (strcmp(local_list, global_list))
-	    global_packages = {};
-	else
-            global_packages = load(global_list).global_packages;
-        endif
-    catch
-        global_packages = {};
-    end_try_catch
-    installed_packages = {local_packages{:} global_packages{:}};        
-    ## Eliminate duplicates in the installed package list.
-    ## Locally installed packages take precedence
-    dup = [];
-    for i=1:length(installed_packages)
-      if (find(dup,i))
-	continue;
+    ## Is the current dependency Octave?
+    if (strcmp (dep.package, "octave"))
+      if (! compare_versions (OCTAVE_VERSION, dep.version, dep.operator))
+        bad_deps{end+1} = dep;
-      for j=(i+1):length(installed_packages)
-        if (find(dup,j))
-	  continue;
-        endif
-        if (strcmp(installed_packages{i}.name,installed_packages{j}.name))
-	  dup = [dup, j];
+    ## Is the current dependency not Octave?
+    else
+      ok = false;
+      for i = 1:length (installed_packages)
+	cur_name = installed_packages{i}.name;
+	cur_version = installed_packages{i}.version;
+	if (strcmp (dep.package, cur_name)
+	    && compare_versions (cur_version, dep.version, dep.operator))
+	  ok = true;
+	  break;
-    endfor
-    if (! isempty(dup))
-      installed_packages(dup) = [];
-    endif  
-    ## Should we return something?
-    if (nargout == 2)
-        out1 = local_packages;
-        out2 = global_packages;
-        return;
-    elseif (nargout == 1)
-        out1 = installed_packages;
-        return;
+      if (! ok)
+        bad_deps{end+1} = dep;
+      endif
-    ## We shouldn't return something, so we'll print something
-    num_packages = length(installed_packages);
-    if (num_packages == 0)
-        printf("No packages installed.\n");
-        return;
+  endfor
+function [out1, out2] = installed_packages (local_list, global_list)
+  ## Get the list of installed packages
+  try
+    local_packages = load (local_list).local_packages;
+  catch
+    local_packages = {};
+  end_try_catch
+  try
+    if (strcmp(local_list, global_list))
+      global_packages = {};
+    else
+      global_packages = load (global_list).global_packages;
+    endif
+  catch
+    global_packages = {};
+  end_try_catch
+  installed_packages = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};
+  ## Eliminate duplicates in the installed package list.
+  ## Locally installed packages take precedence
+  dup = [];
+  for i = 1:length (installed_packages)
+    if (find (dup, i))
+      continue;
-    ## Compute the maximal lengths of name, version, and dir
-    h1 = "Package Name";
-    h2 = "Version";
-    h3 = "Installation directory";
-    max_name_length = length(h1); 
-    max_version_length = length(h2);
-    names = cell(num_packages,1); 
-    for i = 1:num_packages
-        max_name_length    = max(max_name_length, 
-                                 length(installed_packages{i}.name));
-        max_version_length = max(max_version_length,
-                                 length(installed_packages{i}.version));
-	names{i} = installed_packages{i}.name;
+    for j = (i+1):length (installed_packages)
+      if (find (dup, j))
+	continue;
+      endif
+      if (strcmp (installed_packages{i}.name, installed_packages{j}.name))
+	dup = [dup, j];
+      endif
-    h1 = postpad (h1, max_name_length,' ');
-    h2 = postpad (h2, max_version_length, ' ');;
-    ## Print a header
-    header = sprintf("%s | %s | %s\n", h1, h2, h3);
-    printf(header);
-    tmp = sprintf(repmat("-", 1, length(header)-1));
-    tmp(length(h1)+2) = "+"; tmp(length(h1)+length(h2)+5) = "+";
-    printf("%s\n", tmp);
-    ## Print the packages
-    format = sprintf("%%%ds | %%%ds | %%s\n", max_name_length, max_version_length);
-    [dummy, idx] = sort(names);
-    for i = 1:num_packages
-        cur_name    = installed_packages{idx(i)}.name;
-        cur_version = installed_packages{idx(i)}.version;
-        cur_dir     = installed_packages{idx(i)}.dir;
-        printf(format, cur_name, cur_version, cur_dir);
-    endfor
+  endfor
+  if (! isempty(dup))
+    installed_packages(dup) = [];
+  endif  
+  ## Should we return something?
+  if (nargout == 2)
+    out1 = local_packages;
+    out2 = global_packages;
+    return;
+  elseif (nargout == 1)
+    out1 = installed_packages;
+    return;
+  endif
+  ## We shouldn't return something, so we'll print something
+  num_packages = length (installed_packages);
+  if (num_packages == 0)
+    printf ("no packages installed.\n");
+    return;
+  endif
+  ## Compute the maximal lengths of name, version, and dir
+  h1 = "Package Name";
+  h2 = "Version";
+  h3 = "Installation directory";
+  max_name_length = length (h1); 
+  max_version_length = length (h2);
+  names = cell (num_packages, 1); 
+  for i = 1:num_packages
+    max_name_length = max (max_name_length,
+			   length (installed_packages{i}.name));
+    max_version_length = max (max_version_length,
+			      length (installed_packages{i}.version));
+    names{i} = installed_packages{i}.name;
+  endfor
+  h1 = postpad (h1, max_name_length, " ");
+  h2 = postpad (h2, max_version_length, " ");;
+  ## Print a header
+  header = sprintf("%s | %s | %s\n", h1, h2, h3);
+  printf (header);
+  tmp = sprintf (repmat ("-", 1, length(header)-1));
+  tmp(length(h1)+2) = "+";
+  tmp(length(h1)+length(h2)+5) = "+";
+  printf ("%s\n", tmp);
+  ## Print the packages
+  format = sprintf ("%%%ds | %%%ds | %%s\n", max_name_length,
+		    max_version_length);
+  [dummy, idx] = sort (names);
+  for i = 1:num_packages
+    cur_name = installed_packages{idx(i)}.name;
+    cur_version = installed_packages{idx(i)}.version;
+    cur_dir = installed_packages{idx(i)}.dir;
+    printf (format, cur_name, cur_version, cur_dir);
+  endfor
-function load_packages(files, handle_deps, local_list, global_list)
-    installed_packages = installed_packages(local_list, global_list);
-    num_packages = length(installed_packages);
-    ## Read package names and installdirs into a more convenient format
-    pnames = pdirs = cell(1, num_packages);
-    for i = 1:num_packages
-        pnames{i} = installed_packages{i}.name;
-        pdirs{i} = installed_packages{i}.dir;
-        pdeps{i} = installed_packages{i}.depends;
+function load_packages (files, handle_deps, local_list, global_list)
+  installed_packages = installed_packages (local_list, global_list);
+  num_packages = length (installed_packages);
+  ## Read package names and installdirs into a more convenient format
+  pnames = pdirs = cell (1, num_packages);
+  for i = 1:num_packages
+    pnames{i} = installed_packages{i}.name;
+    pdirs{i} = installed_packages{i}.dir;
+    pdeps{i} = installed_packages{i}.depends;
+  endfor
+  ## load all
+  if (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "all"))
+    dirs = pdirs;
+  ## load auto
+  elseif (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "auto"))
+    dirs = {};
+    for i = 1:length (installed_packages)
+      if (exist (fullfile (pdirs{i}, "packinfo", ".autoload"), "file"))
+	dirs{end+1} = pdirs{i};
+      endif
-    ## load all
-    if (length(files) == 1 && strcmp(files{1}, "all"))
-        dirs = pdirs;
-    ## load auto
-    elseif (length(files) == 1 && strcmp(files{1}, "auto"))
-      dirs = {};
-      for i = 1:length(installed_packages)
-        if (exist(fullfile(pdirs{i}, "packinfo", ".autoload"), "file"))
-	  dirs{end+1} = pdirs{i};
-        endif
-      endfor
-    ## load package_name1 ...
-    else
-        dirs = {};
-        for i = 1:length(files)
-            idx = strcmp(pnames, files{i});
-            if (!any(idx))
-                error("Package %s is not installed", files{i});
-            endif
-            dirs{end+1} = pdirs{idx};
-            if (handle_deps)
-                pdep = pdeps{idx};
-                for j = 1:length(pdep)
-                    depname = pdep{j}.package;
-                    if (strcmp(depname, "octave")) continue; endif
-                    idx = strcmp(pnames, depname);
-                    if (!any(idx))
-                        error("Package %s could not be loaded since it depends on %s", ...
-                              files{i}, depname);
-                    endif
-                    dirs{end+1} = pdirs{idx};
-                endfor
-            endif
-        endfor
-        dirs = unique(dirs);
-    endif
+  ## load package_name1 ...
+  else
+    dirs = {};
+    for i = 1:length (files)
+      idx = strcmp (pnames, files{i});
+      if (! any (idx))
+	  error ("package %s is not installed", files{i});
+      endif
+      dirs{end+1} = pdirs{idx};
+      if (handle_deps)
+	pdep = pdeps{idx};
+	for j = 1:length (pdep)
+	  depname = pdep{j}.package;
+	  if (strcmp (depname, "octave"))
+            continue;
+	  endif
+	  idx = strcmp (pnames, depname);
+	  if (! any (idx))
+	    error ("package %s could not be loaded since it depends on %s",
+		   files{i}, depname);
+	  endif
+	  dirs{end+1} = pdirs{idx};
+	endfor
+      endif
+    endfor
+    dirs = unique(dirs);
+  endif
-    ## Load the packages
-    if (length(dirs) > 0)
-        addpath(dirs{:});
-    endif
+  ## Load the packages
+  if (length (dirs) > 0)
+    addpath (dirs{:});
+  endif
-    ## Add local binaries, if any, to the EXEC_PATH
-    for i = 1:length(dirs)
-       if (exist (fullfile(dirs{i}, "bin"), "dir"))
-         EXEC_PATH ([fullfile(dirs{i}, "bin") ":" EXEC_PATH()]);
-       endif
-    endfor
+  ## Add local binaries, if any, to the EXEC_PATH
+  for i = 1:length (dirs)
+   if (exist (fullfile (dirs{i}, "bin"), "dir"))
+     EXEC_PATH (strcat (fullfile(dirs{i}, "bin"), ":", EXEC_PATH ()));
+   endif
+  endfor
-function unload_packages(files, handle_deps, local_list, global_list)
-    installed_packages = installed_packages(local_list, global_list);
-    num_packages = length(installed_packages);
-    ## Read package names and installdirs into a more convenient format
-    pnames = pdirs = cell(1, num_packages);
-    for i = 1:num_packages
-        pnames{i} = installed_packages{i}.name;
-        pdirs{i} = installed_packages{i}.dir;
-        pdeps{i} = installed_packages{i}.depends;
-    endfor
-    ## Get the current octave path
-    p = split_by(path(), pathsep());
+function unload_packages (files, handle_deps, local_list, global_list)
+  installed_packages = installed_packages (local_list, global_list);
+  num_packages = length (installed_packages);
+  ## Read package names and installdirs into a more convenient format
+  pnames = pdirs = cell (1, num_packages);
+  for i = 1:num_packages
+    pnames{i} = installed_packages{i}.name;
+    pdirs{i} = installed_packages{i}.dir;
+    pdeps{i} = installed_packages{i}.depends;
+  endfor
+  ## Get the current octave path
+  p = split_by (path(), pathsep ());
-    ## unload all
-    if (length(files) == 1 && strcmp(files{1}, "all"))
-        dirs = pdirs;
-    ## unload package_name1 ...
-    else
-        dirs = {};
-        for i = 1:length(files)
-            idx = strcmp(pnames, files{i});
-            if (!any(idx))
-                error("Package %s is not installed", files{i});
-            endif
-            dirs{end+1} = pdirs{idx};
-        endfor
+  ## unload all
+  if (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "all"))
+      dirs = pdirs;
+  ## unload package_name1 ...
+  else
+    dirs = {};
+    for i = 1:length (files)
+      idx = strcmp (pnames, files{i});
+      if (! any (idx))
+	error ("package %s is not installed", files{i});
+      endif
+	dirs{end+1} = pdirs{idx};
+      endfor
+  endif
+  ## Unload the packages
+  for i = 1:length (dirs)
+    d = dirs{i};
+    idx = strcmp (p, d);
+    if (any (idx))
+      rmpath (d);
+      ## XXX: We should also check if we need to remove items from EXEC_PATH
-    ## Unload the packages
-    for i = 1:length(dirs)
-        d = dirs{i};
-        idx = strcmp(p, d);
-        if (any(idx))
-            rmpath(d);
-            # XXX: We should also check if we need to remove items from EXEC_PATH
-        endif
-    endfor
+  endfor
 function [status_out, msg_out] = rm_rf (dir)
@@ -1342,24 +1368,23 @@
 function emp = dirempty (nm, ign)
   if (nargin < 2)
-    ign = {".",".."};
+    ign = {".", ".."};
-    ign = [{".",".."},ign];
+    ign = [{".", ".."}, ign];
   l = dir (nm);
-  for i=1:length(l)
+  for i = 1:length (l)
     found = false;
-    for j=1:length(ign)
-      if (strcmp(l(i).name,ign{j}))
+    for j = 1:length (ign)
+      if (strcmp (l(i).name, ign{j}))
         found = true;
-    if (!found)
+    if (! found)
       emp = false;
   emp = true;
-  return;