changeset 195:5ecfd5a60e67

remove redundant admin directory
author adb014
date Sun, 10 Sep 2006 05:45:31 +0000
parents b5ddaaa60dd9
children 77f263e5798b
files src/admin/CONTENTS src/admin/ src/admin/ src/admin/find_changes src/admin/get_authors src/admin/get_contents src/admin/make_index src/admin/mkdoc src/admin/mkpkgadd src/admin/ src/admin/mktexi src/admin/ src/admin/ src/admin/run_forge src/admin/template.ndev src/admin/template.readme
diffstat 16 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 3215 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/admin/CONTENTS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Contains files and scripts used to administer the octave-forge
-website and build the release files.  Nothing in here is needed
-by octave-forge users.
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/admin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-=head1 NAME OctRe - Regexes for octave code
-Regexpes come in pairs, I<$XYZ_re>,which don't set I<$1, $2, ...>
-and I<$XYZ_rx>, which do.
-=over 4
-=item I<$var_r[ex]> match an octave variable (sets I<$1>)
-=item I<$dot_r[ex]> match an ellipsis (sets I<$1>)
-=item I<$vl_r[ex]> match a variable list, as it appears in a function
-call (sets I<$1>). The individual variables in $1  can be retrieved
-with /$var_rx/g. Example : "x, y, z".
-=item I<retl_r[xe]> match a return list, as it appears in a function
-declaration (sets I<$1>). The individual variables in $1 can be
-retrieved with /$var_rx/g. Example : "[x]", "[ x, y]", "[x,y,z]",
-=item I<retl_r[xe]> match an argument list, as it appears in a
-function declaration (sets I<$1>). The individual variables in $1 can
-be retrieved with /$var_rx/g. Example : "(x)", "( x, y)", "(x,y,z)",
-Rem : This is not a true module, as no package is used. It just declares
-some regexes.
-## Variable $1 : variable name
-$var_re = qr{\s*[A-Za-z\_]+\w*\s*} ;
-$var_rx = qr{\s*([A-Za-z\_]+\w*)\s*} ;
-## Ellipsis $1 : ellipsis
-$dot_re = qr{\.\.\.} ;
-$dot_rx = qr{(\.\.\.)} ; # qr{(${var_re})(?:\,(${var_re}))*} ;
-## Variable list : $1, $2 ... variable names
-$vl_re = qr{${var_re}(?:\,${var_re})*} ;
-$vl_rx = qr{(${var_re})(?:\,(${var_re}))*} ;
-## Return list (as in function declaration)
-## $1, $2 ... : variable names (or ellipsis at end)
-$retl_re = qr{(?:\[\s*(?:${vl_re}(?:,$dot_re)?|$dot_re|)\s*\]|${var_re})\s*\=|} ;
-$retl_rx = qr{(?:\[\s*(?:${vl_rx}(?:,$dot_rx)?|$dot_rx|)\s*\]|${var_rx})\s*\=|} ;
-# Simple assignment $1 : lhs name
-$sas_re = qr{${var_re}\s*\=} ;
-$sas_rx = qr{${var_rx}\s*\=} ;
-## Return list, as in function call. Call it "mas" like multiple
-## assignment.
-# $1, $2, ... : variable names
-$mas_re = qr{(?:\[(?:${vl_re})\]|${var_re})\s*\=} ;
-$mas_rx = qr{(?:\[(?:${vl_rx})\]|${var_rx})\s*\=} ;
-## Arg list as in function declaration
-## $1, $2, ... : variable names
-$argl_re = qr{(?:\((?:${vl_re}(?:,$dot_re)?|$dot_re|)\)|)} ;
-$argl_rx = qr{(?:\((?:${vl_rx}(?:,$dot_rx)?|$dot_rx|)\)|)} ;
-## $retl_re = qr{(?:\((?:${vl_re}(?:,$dot_re)?|$dot_re|)\)|)} ;
-## $argl_re = qr{\((?:${var_re}(?:\,${var_re})*)?\)|} ;
-## Function definition
-# $1 : return list; $2 : function name; $3 : arg list.
-$defun_re = qr{^\s*function\s+${retl_re}\s*${var_re}${argl_re}} ;
-$defun_rx = qr{^\s*function\s+(${retl_re})\s*(${var_rx})(${argl_re})} ;
-## Two quoting chars
-$qch2_re = qr{\\\\} ;
-## Quotes next character
-$qch_re = qr{\\${qch2_re}*} ;
-## String
-$str_re = qr{\'(?:[^'\n]|(?<!\\)${qch2_re}+\')*\'|\"(?:[^"\n]|(?<!\\)${qch2_re}+\")*\"} ;
-$str_rx = qr{(\'(?:[^'\n]|(?<!\\)${qch2_re}+\')*\'|\"(?:[^"\n]|(?<!\\)${qch2_re}+\")*\")} ;
-## Parenthesis "
-$oppar = qr{[\(\{\[]};
-$noppar = qr{[^\(\{\[]};
-$opparx = qr{([\(\{\[])};
-$mcp = {"("=>")", "["=>"]", "{"=>"}"};
-## Comments
-## Not perfect, but should catch most cases
-## $com_re = qr{\#((?:[^'"]|(?<!\\)${qch2_re}*['"])*['"]|.*)} ;
-$cch_re = qr{[\#%]+};
-$cch_rx = qr{([\#%]+)};
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/admin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w -n
-## defines function change_line that transforms old-style variable argument
-## lists (...) into new-style varargin. va_arg() etc are also transformed.
-    $va_arg_re = qr!^(\s*function\s*\w*.*?\(.*?)\.\.\.(\s*\).*)$!;
-## Does necessary changes inplace on $_[0].
-sub change_line {
-    if ($_[0] !~ /^\s*\#/) {	# Don't do obvious comment lines
-				# Transform ... in function decalaration
-	$_[0] =~ s{$va_arg_re}{$1varargin$2}og;
-				# list(all_va_args) becomes varargin
-	$_[0] =~ s!list\s*\(\s*all_va_args\s*\)!varargin!og;
-				# all_va_args becomes varargin{:}
-	$_[0] =~ s!all_va_args!varargin{:}!og;
-				# va_start() can be delicate, so add a
-				# warning. 
-				# declare a va_arg_cnt counter
-	$_[0] =~ s!(.*\b)va_start\b(\s*\(\s*\)|)(.*)!$1va_arg_cnt = 1$3\nwarn ("va_start should be transformed\\n");\n!g;
-				# Use that counter to substitute va_arg by
-				# nth (varargin, va_arg_cnt++)
-	$_[0] =~ s!(.*\b)va_arg\b(\s*\(\s*\)|)(.*)!$1nth (varargin, va_arg_cnt++)$3!g;
-    }
-## Does it look like an underlined func that is not a function call?
-sub comment_line {
-     0 ?
-	"## Hmmm ... is that a function call?\n" : "";
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/find_changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-=head1 NAME - Find patterns in text files and propose changes.
-This script passes lines of text through a perl function with the aim of
-reporting the occurence of patterns and proposing changes to be
-done. L<patch> should be used to actually modify the original files.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- [options] changes_def file(s).txt ... E<gt> changes_patch
-Reads and executes the perl F<changes_def> file, which must contain the
-definition of a function called C<change_line()>, and then reads the
-F<file(s).txt> line by line.
-For each line of each file, the function F<change_line()> is called with the
-line as single argument, which can be modified inplace.
-If any change is done to the line, it is reported by printing to stdout a
-universal diff patch.
-=head2 Modifying files
-It is then recommended to inspect and edit the file F<changes_patch>,
-removing lines that should not be changed. Once this is done, the changes
-can be done in the original files by using C<patch -p0 < changes_patch>.
-=head2 Commenting on lines
-If a function C<comment_line()> is present, each line will be passed to it
-and its output will be shown on standard error.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item -p, --patch
-Output a patch (default).
-=item -d
-Use another output format, adapted to some F<> script.
-=item -v, --verbose
-Print some info on stderr during execution.
-=item -h, --help
-Print a help message and exit.
-This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.
-=head1 AUTHOR Etienne Grossmann E<lt><gt>
-sub help {system ("perldoc $0|cat")}
-$patch = 1;
-$verbose = 0;
-				# Read options
-while (@ARGV && ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\-/)) {
-    if    ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\-(h|\-help)$/){ help(); exit 0;}
-    elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\-(v|\-verbose)$/){ $verbose = 1;}
-    elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\-(p|\-patch)$/) { 
-	$patch = 1;
-    } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\-(d)$/) { 
-	$patch = 0;
-    } else {
-	die "Unknown option '$ARGV[0]'. Try '$0 --help'";
-    }
-    shift @ARGV;
-die "No definition file specified" unless @ARGV;
-$dfile = shift @ARGV;
-				# Read and compile definition file
-print STDERR "Definition file is $dfile\n" if $verbose;
-if (!defined (do ($dfile))) {
-    if ($!) {
-	print STDERR "Can't find $dfile : '$!'\n";
-	exit 1;
-    } elsif ($@) {
-	print STDERR "Can't compile $dfile : '$@'\n";
-	exit 1;
-    } else {
-	print STDERR "Problem with $dfile : do returns undefined\n";
-	exit 1;
-    }
-if (!defined (&change_line)) {
-    print STDERR "File '$dfile' does not define a function 'change_line()'\n";
-    exit 1;
-$has_comment = defined (&comment_line);
-foreach my $f (@ARGV) {
-    if (!$patch) {
-	unless (open FF, "<$f") {
-	    print "## Whoa!!! Can't open file '$f'. Skipping";
-	    next;
-	}
-	print STDERR "Scanning file $f\n" if $verbose;
-	local $lnum = 0;
-	while (! eof (FF)) {
-	    my $line = <FF>;	# Read a line
-	    my $olin = $line;
-	    $lnum++;
-	    if ($has_comment) {
-		if ($comment = &comment_line ($line)) {
-		    $comment = "## $comment" if $comment !~ /^\s*\#/;
-		    $comment .= "\n" if $comment !~ /\n$/;
-		    print "$f:$.:$comment";
-		}
-	    }
-	    &change_line ($line);
-	    if ($olin ne $line) {
-		print "$f:$.:$olin";
-	    }
-	}
-	close FF;
-    } else {			# Do a patch. Using diff, what else?
-	my $nf = "$";
-	my $i = 1;
-	while (-e $nf) {	# Find a name for the temp file.
-	    $nf = $f . ".new." . $i ;
-	}
-	unless (open FF, "<$f") {
-	    print STDERR "## Whoa!!! Can't open file '$f'. Skipping\n";
-	}
-	unless (open GG, ">$nf") {
-	    print STDERR "## Whoa!!! Can't open temp file '$nf'. Skipping\n";
-	    next;
-	}
-	print STDERR "## Scanning file $f\n" if $verbose;
-	while (! eof (FF)) {	# Create (temp) transformed file
-	    my $line = <FF>;	# Read a line
-	    &change_line ($line);
-	    print GG $line;
-	}
-	close FF; close GG;
-				# Call diff and modify slightly the output
-	my $tmp = `diff -u $f $nf`;
-	$tmp =~ s{^\+\+\+ $nf}{+++ $f}m;
-	print $tmp;
-	unlink($nf) or print STDERR "## Whoa!!! Can't remove temp file '$nf'\n";
-    }
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/get_authors
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Traverse the directory tree and extract author information from .m
-# files.  Put author information in the file 'AUTHORS'.
-# Understands variations of these entries:
-#   ## Copyright (C)  year(s)  name1   <email>
-#   ## Copyright (C)  year(s)  name2   <email>
-#   ## Author:  name3  <email>
-#   ## Author:  name4  <email>
-# Albert Danial Dec 15 2001
-#               Nov 30 2002 - Attribute to 'Anonymous' any file which has 
-#                             licensing terms (ie, granted to public domain)
-#                             but no author.  Show code and comment line
-#                             counts.
-#               Apr 25 2005 - Added -s option, better logic to identify
-#                             public domain files.
-# Dirk Eddelbuettel 07 Jul 2004  also look at .cc files and // comments
-# Usage:  admin/get_authors  [-s <# lines>]                             
-#            Scans .m and .cc files and extracts author and copyright
-#            information.  Creates the AUTHORS file.
-#                       Option:  -s  <n>    Set the size of a "short" program
-#                                           to <n> non-commented lines.  
-#                                           Copyrights aren't needed for short 
-#                                           programs.  Default <n> is 5.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($opt_s );
-use Cwd;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use File::Find;
-$opt_s = 5 unless $opt_s;  # set the default value
-my $location = getcwd;
-my $PATH     = "";
-if ($location =~ m{^(.*)/admin$}) {
-    chdir "..";
-    $PATH = "$1/";
-my @files = ();       # to contain relative path names of each .m file
-find(\&wanted, ".");  # start here & descend recursively; populate @files
-my %file_data = ();
-classify_files(\@files,       # in
-               \%file_data);  # out file_data{file}{'name'} = [ names ]
-                              #                    {'year'} = [ years ]
-                              #                    {'mail'} = [ email addrs ]
-                              #                    {'cpyr'} = [ 'C' or ' '  ]
-                              #                    {'n_code'}    = # lines code
-                              #                    {'n_comment'} = # lines of
-                              #                                    comments
-# traverse file_data and extract
-#   - files without copyrights
-#   - files without authors
-#   - files grouped by author
-#   - author to email map
-#   - number of lines of code, number of lines of comments
-my @unattributed_files  = ();
-my @uncopyrighted_files = ();
-my @short_files         = ();
-my @public_domain       = ();
-my %email               = ();   # email{ author name } = email address
-my %files               = ();   # files{ author name } = [ list of files ]
-foreach my $f (sort @files) {
-    # each file can have multiple authors, loop over each author
-    if (!defined @{$file_data{$f}{name}}) {
-	if ($file_data{$f}{n_code} > $opt_s) { # not a short program
-           push @unattributed_files, $f;
-        } else {
-           push @short_files       , $f;
-        }
-        next;
-    }
-    my $copyrighted = 0;
-    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$file_data{$f}{name}}; $i++) {
-        if (defined $file_data{$f}{mail}[$i]) {
-            $email{ $file_data{$f}{name}[$i] } = $file_data{$f}{mail}[$i];
-        }
-        if (defined $file_data{$f}{cpyr}[$i]) {
-            $copyrighted = 1;
-            push @public_domain, $f if $file_data{$f}{cpyr}[$i] eq "P";
-        }
-        $files{ $file_data{$f}{name}[$i] }{$f} = 1;
-    }
-    next if $copyrighted;
-    if ($file_data{$f}{n_code} > $opt_s) { # then it is not a short program
-        push @uncopyrighted_files, $f;
-    } else {
-        push @short_files        , $f;
-    }
-printf "%3d uncopyrighted files:%s lines of code/lines of comments\n", 
-       scalar @uncopyrighted_files, ' ' x 22;
-foreach my $f (sort @uncopyrighted_files) {
-    printf "      %-50s %3d/%3d\n", 
-           $f, $file_data{$f}{n_code}, $file_data{$f}{n_comment};
-printf "\n%3d unattributed files:%s lines of code/lines of comments\n", 
-       scalar @unattributed_files, ' ' x 23;
-foreach my $f (sort @unattributed_files) {
-    printf "      %-50s %3d/%3d\n",
-           $f, $file_data{$f}{n_code}, $file_data{$f}{n_comment};
-printf "\n%3d public domain files:%s lines of code/lines of comments\n", 
-       scalar @public_domain, ' ' x 22;
-foreach my $f (sort @public_domain) {
-    printf "      %-50s %3d/%3d\n", 
-           $f, $file_data{$f}{n_code}, $file_data{$f}{n_comment};
-printf "\n%3d uncopyrighted short (<= %2d lines) files:%s lines of code/lines of comments\n", 
-       scalar @short_files, $opt_s, ' ' x 2;
-foreach my $f (sort @short_files) {
-    printf "      %-50s %3d/%3d\n", 
-           $f, $file_data{$f}{n_code}, $file_data{$f}{n_comment};
-my $Auth_file = "AUTHORS";
-open(OUT, ">$Auth_file") or die "Cannot write $Auth_file:  $!\n";
-printf "%3d authors:\n", scalar keys %files;
-foreach my $n (sort keys %files) {
-    printf     "%-28s", $n;
-    printf OUT "%-28s", $n;
-    print     $email{$n} if defined $email{$n};
-    print OUT $email{$n} if defined $email{$n};
-    print     "\n";
-    print OUT "\n";
-    my $i = 0;
-    foreach my $f (sort keys %{$files{$n}}) {
-        printf "%3d. %-50s  %3d/%3d\n",
-               ++$i, $f, $file_data{$f}{n_code}, $file_data{$f}{n_comment};
-    }
-close OUT;
-warn "Wrote ${PATH}${Auth_file}\n";
-# # # # # # # 
-#sub by_last_name { # {{{1 for sorting on names
-#    (my $A = $a) =~ s/.*?(\w+)$/$1/;
-#    (my $B = $b) =~ s/.*?(\w+)$/$1/;
-#    return lc($A) cmp lc($B);
-#} # 1}}}
-# # # # # # # 
-sub classify_files { # {{{1
-    my ($ra_files,  # in, list of files
-        $rhha_data, # out,  data{file}{ name | year | cpyr } = [entries]
-       ) = @_;
-    warn "Found ", scalar grep (/\.m$/,  @{$ra_files}), " .m files; ",
-                   scalar grep (/\.cc$/, @{$ra_files}), " .cc files",
-                   "\n";
-    foreach my $f (@{$ra_files}) {
-        open(IN, $f) or die "Cannot read $f: $!\n";
-        my $found_copyright = 0;
-        my $found_author    = 0;
-        $rhha_data->{$f}{n_code}    = 0;
-        $rhha_data->{$f}{n_comment} = 0;
-        while (<IN>) {
-            # find the copyright line and extract author info from it
-            if (/^[#%\/]+/) {           # a comment
-                ++$rhha_data->{$f}{n_comment};
-            } elsif (!/^\s*$/) {        # not a blank line
-                ++$rhha_data->{$f}{n_code};
-            }
-            s/all\s+rights\s+reserved\.?//i;
-            s/\bby\s+//i;
-            if (/^\s*[#%\/\*]*          #  one or more leading comment markers
-                  \s*copyright          #  Copyright
-                  \s*(\(c\))?           #  (c)    - optional           $1
-                  \s*(\d[,\- 0-9]+)     #  Year (or years)             $2
-                  \s+(\w.*?)            #  name                        $3
-                  \s*(<.*>)?            #  email  - optional           $4
-                  \s*$/ix) {
-                $found_copyright = 1;
-                $found_author    = 1;
-                my $year  = $2;
-                my $name  = $3;
-                   $name  = "John W. Eaton" if $name eq "jwe";
-                   $name  =~ s/\.\s*$//; # strip trailing period
-                my $email = "" || $4;
-                $name =~ s/^\s+//;  # strip leading  whitespace
-                $name =~ s/\s+$//;  # strip trailing whitespace
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{name}}, $name;
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{year}}, $year;
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{mail}}, $email;
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{cpyr}}, 'C';
-                # don't exit w/last because there could be multiple copyrights
-            } elsif (
-                /^\s*[#%\/\*]*            # one or more leading comment markers
-                    \s*author\s*:?        #  Author    
-                    \s+(\w.*?)            #  name                        $1
-                    \s*(<.*>)?            #  email  - optional           $2
-                    \s*$/ix) {
-                my $name  = $1;
-                   $name  =~ s/\.\s*$//; # strip trailing period
-                   $name  = "John W. Eaton" if $name eq "jwe";
-                my $email = "" || $2;
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{name}}, $name;
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{year}}, "";
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{mail}}, $email;
-                $found_author = 1;
-            } elsif (
-                /^\s*[#%\/\*]*            # one or more leading comment markers
-                  .*?                     #  some leading text
-                  \b(grant(ed)?|place(d)?|give(n)?|is)(\s+this)?
-                  (\s+(file|program|script|code|algorithm))?(\s+(in|to))?
-                  (\s+the)?
-                  \s+public\s+domain
-                /ix) {
-                push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{cpyr}}, 'P';
-                $found_copyright = 1;
-            }
-        }
-        if ($found_copyright and !$found_author) {
-            push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{name}}, "Anonymous";
-            push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{year}}, "";
-            push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{mail}}, "";
-            push @{$rhha_data->{$f}{cpyr}}, 'C';
-        }
-        close IN;
-    }
-} # 1}}}
-# # # # # # # 
-sub wanted { # {{{1 populates global array @files
-    return unless -f and /\.(m|cc)$/;  # only want .m files (for now)
-    push @files, "$File::Find::name";
-} # 1}}}
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/get_contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Traverse the directory tree and look for files called 'CONTENTS'.
-# Insert the text from these files into octave-forge documentation
-# files such as the top-level README, and the developer's guide.
-# Issues:
-#   - Entries in the README appear in the sort order of
-#     the directory names the CONTENTS files are in.  This
-#     isn't necessarily the best sequence since some directories
-#     such as main/ should appear first.
-#   - At the moment the text in the CONTENTS files should be plain
-#     text.  Planning to allow texinfo for layout control in .html
-#     files.
-# Albert Danial Jan 2 2002
-use strict;
-use File::Find;
-my $location = `pwd`;
-my $PATH     = "";
-if ($location =~ m{^(.*)/admin$}) {
-    chdir "..";
-    $PATH = "$1/";
-my @files = ();       # to contain relative path names of each CONTENTS file
-find(\&wanted, ".");  # start here & descend recursively; populate @files
-fill_README(@files);         # creates 'README' from 'template.readme'
-fill_developer_html(@files); # creates 'new_developer.html' from 'template.ndev'
-# # # # # # # 
-sub fill_README {  # {{{1
-    my (@files, ) = @_;
-    my $template = "admin/template.readme";    # -> reads
-    my $RM       = "README";                   # -> writes
-    if (!-r $template) {
-        warn "Unable to read the file '$template'; cannot make README\n";
-        return;
-    }
-    open(IN,  $template) or die "Unable to read $template: $!\n";
-    my @template_data = <IN>;  # slurp the entire file
-    close IN;
-    my $added_contents = 0;
-    my $top_of_file    = 1;
-    open(README, ">$RM")    or die "Unable to write $RM: $!\n";
-    foreach my $t (@template_data) {
-        if      ($top_of_file) {      # skip over warning lines in
-            next if $t =~ /^-> /;     # template starting with '->'
-            $top_of_file = 0;
-        } elsif ($added_contents) {
-            print README $t;
-            next;
-        } elsif ($t =~ /^Project organization/) {
-            print README "$t\n";
-            foreach (sort @files) {
-                open(CONTENTS, $_) or die "Cannot read $_: $!\n";
-                my @c = <CONTENTS>;
-                close CONTENTS;
-                m{^(.*)/(.*?)$}; # match directory and file's basename
-                my $dir  = $1;
-                my $file = $2;
-                $dir     =~ s{^\./}{};  # strip leading  ./
-                print README "$dir/\n";
-                foreach my $line (@c) {
-                    print README "\t$line";
-                }
-                print README "\n";
-            }
-            $added_contents = 1;
-        } else {
-            print README $t;
-        }
-    }
-    close README;
-    warn "Use 'cvs diff ${PATH}${RM}' to determine if updates are needed.\n";
-    warn "Use 'cvs commit ${PATH}${RM}' to update README.\n";
-}  # 1}}}
-# # # # # # # 
-sub fill_developer_html {  # {{{1
-    my (@files, ) = @_;
-    my $template = "admin/template.ndev";          # <- reads
-    my $RM       = "doc/new_developer.html";       # <- writes
-    if (!-r $template) {
-        warn "Unable to read the file '$template'; cannot make README\n";
-        return;
-    }
-    open(IN,  $template) or die "Unable to read $template: $!\n";
-    my @template_data = <IN>;  # slurp the entire file
-    close IN;
-    my $added_contents = 0;
-    my $top_of_file    = 1;
-    open(README, ">$RM")    or die "Unable to write $RM: $!\n";
-    foreach my $t (@template_data) {
-        if      ($top_of_file) {      # skip over warning lines in
-            next if $t =~ /^-> /;     # template starting with '->'
-            $top_of_file = 0;
-        } elsif ($added_contents) {
-            print README $t;
-            next;
-        } elsif ($t =~ /^>>>INSERT CONTENTS HERE<<</) {
-            foreach (sort @files) {
-                open(CONTENTS, $_) or die "Cannot read $_: $!\n";
-                my @c = <CONTENTS>;
-                close CONTENTS;
-                text_bullet_list_to_HTML(\@c);
-                m{^(.*)/(.*?)$}; # match directory and file's basename
-                my $dir  = $1;
-                my $file = $2;
-                $dir     =~ s{^\./}{};  # strip leading  ./
-                print README "\t<li> <b><tt>$dir/</tt></b><br>\n";
-                foreach my $line (@c) {
-                    # use fixed font for words that end with /
-                    # (ie, directory names).
-                    $line =~ s{\s(\S+/)([.,\s])}{ <tt>$1</tt>$2}g;
-                    print README "\t$line";
-                }
-                print README "\n";
-            }
-            $added_contents = 1;
-        } else {
-            print README $t;
-        }
-    }
-    close README;
-    warn "Use 'scp ${PATH}${RM} \$OFHOME' to update the web.\n";
-}  # 1}}}
-# # # # # # # 
-sub text_bullet_list_to_HTML { # {{{1
-    # Takes an array of plain text lines and embeds <ul>, <li>, and </ul>
-    # tags as appropriate to turn a text bullet list (denoted by *) into
-    # an html equivalent.
-    # Can only handle a single bullet list.
-    my ($ra_contents, ) = @_;
-    my $found_list = 0;
-    foreach my $l (@{$ra_contents}) {
-        if ($l =~ /^\s*\*/) {
-            $found_list = 1;
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    return unless $found_list; # bail if no list found
-    # find the first and last lines of the bullet list
-    my $start_line = 0;
-    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_contents}; $i++) {
-        if ($ra_contents->[$i] =~ /^\s*\*/) {
-            $start_line = $i;
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    my $end_line   = 0;
-    for (my $i = scalar @{$ra_contents} - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
-        if ($ra_contents->[$i] =~ /^\s*\*/) {
-            $end_line   = $i;
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    # finally, insert the HTML
-    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_contents}; $i++) {
-        $ra_contents->[$i] =~ s{^(\s*)\*}{$1 <li>};
-        $ra_contents->[$i] = "<ul> " . $ra_contents->[$i] if $i == $start_line;
-        $ra_contents->[$i] = $ra_contents->[$i] . "</ul>" if $i == $end_line;
-    }
-} # 1}}}
-# # # # # # # 
-sub wanted { # populates global array @files
-    return unless -f and /^CONTENTS$/;
-    push @files, "$File::Find::dir/$_";
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/make_index
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1148 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Albert Danial Mar 21 2002
-# Creates .html files documenting all the functions in octave and
-# octave-forge.
-use strict;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Basename;
-use Text::Wrap;
-use FileHandle;
-use IPC::Open3;
-use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
-## Local configuration; the OCTAVE directory should contain
-# src/DOCSTRINGS (which is a build product) and scripts/.
-my $OCTAVE  = "../octave";
-my $tmpdir = "/tmp";   # temp directory
-my $catdir = "index";  # output directory
-## Commands to grab the last few defs from octave
-## Use the first def if you want to extract from
-## a locally compiled version, or the second if you
-## want to use the installed version.
-#my $OCTAVECMD = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OCTAVE/src/:$OCTAVE/liboctave:$OCTAVE/libcruft $OCTAVE/src/octave -q";
-#my $OCTAVEINIT = "path='.:$OCTAVE/src//:$OCTAVE/scripts//'; suppress_verbose_help_message = 1;";
-my $OCTAVECMD = "octave -q";
-my $OCTAVEINIT = "suppress_verbose_help_message = 1;";
-# Links to octave/octave-forge web CVS
-my $OCTAVECVS = "";
-my $FORGECVS = "*checkout*/octave/octave-forge/";
-#my $script  = basename($0);
-my $forgebar = qq~<center>
-<A href="">Home</A> |
-<A href="">Summary</A> |
-<A href="">Forums</A> |
-<A href="">Bugs</A> |
-<A href="">Support</A> |
-<A href="">Patches</A> |
-<A href="">Lists</A> |
-<A href="">Tasks</A> |
-<A href="">Docs</A> |
-<A href="">Surveys</A> |
-<A href="">News</A> |
-<A href="">CVS</A> | 
-<A href="">Files</A> 
-    ~;
-my $forgelink = qq~
-<small>Hosted by</small> <a  href=""><img  src=";type=4"  width="125" height="37" border="0" alt=" Logo"  /></a>
-    ~;
-# initialize the indexing variables
-my %index_by_TB_cat   = (); # i_TB_cat{toolbox}{category} = list of functions
-my %index_by_function = (); # i_function{function} =[ [toolbox_1,category_1],
-#                         [toolbox_2,category_2],..]
-my %TB_description    = ();
-my %index_notes = (); # index_notes{function} = comment
-# find and load all indices
-my @index_files = ();
-find(\&index_files, ".");
-sub index_files { # {{{1 populates global array @files
-    return unless -f and /INDEX$/;  # INDEX files
-    my $path = "$File::Find::dir/$_";
-    $path =~ s|^[.]/||;
-    push @index_files, $path; 
-} # 1}}}
-foreach my $f ( @index_files ) {
-    load_index($f,
-	       \%index_by_TB_cat,
-	       \%TB_description,
-	       \%index_by_function);
-# XXX FIXME XXX should die if the index is empty
-# die "No INDEX in current directory" if !-e "INDEX";
-my $summary = !-e "admin/make_index";  # if not in the root, just summarize
-my $include_octave = !$summary;        # only include octave if not summarizing
-# locate all C++ and m-files in octave-forge, and all m-files in octave
-# don't need C++ files from octave because we have DOCSTRINGS
-my @m_files = ();
-my @C_files = ();
-find(\&cc_and_m_files, "$OCTAVE/scripts") if $include_octave; 
-find(\&cc_and_m_files, "$OCTAVE/src") if $include_octave; 
-        # or just use $OCTAVE/{src,scripts}/DOCSTRINGS ....
-find(\&cc_and_m_files, ".");
-sub cc_and_m_files { # {{{1 populates global array @files
-    return unless -f and /\.(m|cc|l|y)$/;  # .m and .cc files (lex & yacc too!)
-    my $path = "$File::Find::dir/$_";
-    $path =~ s|^[.]/||;
-    if (/\.m$/) {
-        push @m_files, $path;
-    } else {
-        push @C_files, $path;
-    }
-} # 1}}}
-my %function_description  = ();
-my %octave_forge_function = ();
-my @uncategorized = ();
-my @skipped = ();
-my %n_appearances = ();
-my $n_functions = 0;
-my @shadow_paths = ('FIXES', 'extra/NaN', 'extra/Windows', 'extra/ver20'); 
-my @shadowed = ();
-# grab help from C++ files
-foreach my $f ( @C_files ) {
-    if ( open(IN,$f) ) {
-	while (<IN>) {
-	    # skip to the next function
-	    next unless /^\s*DEF(UN[ (]|UN_MAPPER|UN_DLD|CMD|VAR|CONST)/;
-	    # print "looking at $_";
-	    # extract function name to pattern space
-	    /\((\w*)\s*,/;
-	    # remember function name
-	    my $function = $1;
-	    # print "  found function $function\n";
-	    # skip to second , to skip default string options of DEFVAR
-	    # comment if third or higher arg
-	    # XXX FIXME XXX What about if the string arg includes ,
-	    # XXX FIXME XXX What if second , is not on first line!!
-	    # Special cases
-	    #  * for DEFCONST (I, Complex (0., 1.),
-	    s/\(\w*\s*,\s*Complex\s*\(\s*[0-9.]*\s*,\s*[0-9.]*\s*\),//;
-	    #  * for macro containing DEFUN_DLD
-	    s/\w*\s*\(\w*\s*,\s*"/"/;
-	    # Main case
-	    s/\(\w*\s*,.*?,//;
-	    # If we have nothing but a newline, skip
-	    $_ = <IN> if /^\s*DEF(UN[ (]|UN_MAPPER|UN_DLD|CMD|VAR|CONST)\s*,*\s*\n/;
-	    # if line contains \w+_DOC_STRING we have a macro for the
-	    # help text
-	    my $desc;
-	    if (/\w+_DOC_STRING/) {
-	      my $macro = $_;
-	      $macro =~ s/^.*?\s*(\w*_DOC_STRING).*$/$1/;
-	      $macro =~ s/\n//;
-	      my $line;
-	      if ( open(IN2, $f) ) {
-		while ($line = <IN2>) {
-		  next unless $line =~ /^\#\s*define\s+$macro\s+\"/;
-		  $desc = $line;
-		  $desc =~ s/^\#\s*define\s+$macro\s+\"(.*\n)$/$1/;
-		  while ($desc !~ /[^\\]\"/ && $desc !~ /^\"/) {
-		    $desc =~ s/\\\s*\n//;
-		    # join with the next line
-		    $desc .= <IN2>;
-		  }
-		  $desc = "" if $desc =~ /^\"/; # chop everything if it was ""
-		  $desc =~ s/\\n/\n/g;          # insert fake line ends
-		  $desc =~ s/([^\"])\".*$/$1/;  # chop everything after final '"'
-		  $desc =~ s/\\\"/\"/;          # convert \"; XXX FIXME XXX \\"
-		  last;
-		}
-		close (IN2);
-	      } else {
-		print STDERR "Could not open file ($f): $!\n";
-	      }
-	    } else {
-	      # skip to next line if comment doesn't start on this line
-	      # XXX FIXME XXX maybe we want a loop here?
-	      $_ = <IN> unless /\"/;
-	      # skip to the beginning of the comment string by
-	      # chopping everything up to opening "
-	      $desc = $_;
-	      $desc =~ s/^[^\"]*\"//;
-	      # join lines until you get the end of the comment string
-	      # plus a bit more.  You need the "plus a bit more" because
-	      # C compilers allow implicitly concatenated string constants
-	      # "A" "B" ==> "AB".
-	      while ($desc !~ /[^\\]\"\s*[\,\)]/ && $desc !~ /^\"/) {
-		# if line ends in '\', chop it and the following '\n'
-		$desc =~ s/\\\s*\n//;
-		# join with the next line
-		$desc .= <IN>;
-		# eliminate consecutive quotes, being careful to ignore
-		# preceding slashes. XXX FIXME XXX what about \\" ?
-		$desc =~ s/([^\\])\"\s*\"/$1/;
-	      }
-	      $desc = "" if $desc =~ /^\"/; # chop everything if it was ""
-	      # Now check for text included in help messages as macros
-	      # XXX FIXME XXX These macros are often compile dependent, so
-	      # how to we get the correct version of the macro in this case
-	      # without actually compiling the code???
-	      while ($desc =~ /[^\\]\"\s*\S+\s*[^\\]\"/) {
-		my $macro = $desc;
-		# Deal with issues of multiple macros...
-		# $macro =~ s/^.*[^\\]\"\s*(\S+?)\s*[^\\]\".*$/$1/;
-		($macro) =   ($macro =~ /[^\\]\"\s*(\S+?)\s*\".*$/);
-		$macro =~ s/\n//;
-		my $macro_defn;
-		my $line;
-		if ( open(IN2, $f) ) {
-		  while ($line = <IN2>) {
-		    next unless $line =~ /^\#\s*define\s+$macro\s+\"/;
-		    $macro_defn = $line;
-		    $macro_defn =~ s/^\#\s*define\s+$macro\s+\"(.*)\n$/$1/;
-		    while ($macro_defn !~ /[^\\]\"/ && $macro_defn !~ /^\"/) {
-		      $macro_defn =~ s/\\\s*\n//;
-		      # join with the next line
-		      $macro_defn .= <IN2>;
-		    }
-		    $macro_defn = "" if $macro_defn =~ /^\"/; # chop everything if it was ""
-		    $macro_defn =~ s/\\n/\n/g;          # insert fake line ends
-		    $macro_defn =~ s/([^\"])\".*$/$1/;  # chop everything after final '"'
-		    $macro_defn =~ s/\\\"/\"/;          # convert \"; XXX FIXME XXX \\"
-		    last;
-		  }
-		  close (IN2);
-		} else {
-		  print STDERR "Could not open file ($f): $!\n";
-		}
-		$desc =~ s/\"\s*$macro\s*\"/$macro_defn/;
-	      }
-	    }
-	    $desc =~ s/\\n/\n/g;          # insert fake line ends
-	    $desc =~ s/([^\"])\".*$/$1/;  # chop everything after final '"'
-	    $desc =~ s/\\\"/\"/;          # convert \"; XXX FIXME XXX \\"
-#	    print " description: $desc";
-	    # register the function with a brief description
-	    register_function($function,$desc,$f,0);
-	}
-	close (IN);
-    } else {
-	print STDERR "Could not open file ($f): $!\n";
-    }
-# grab help from m-files (octave-forge and octave)
-foreach my $f ( @m_files ) {
-    my $desc     = extract_description($f);
-    my $function = basename($f, ('.m'));
-    die "Null function?? [$f]\n" unless $function;
-    register_function($function,$desc,$f,0);
-# grab help from octave's DOCSTRINGS
-if ( !$include_octave ) {
-  # skip DOCSTRINGS if just summary
-else {
-  if (open (IN,"$OCTAVE/src/DOCSTRINGS")) {
-    process_docstrings();
-  } else {
-    print STDERR "could not open $OCTAVE/src/DOCSTRINGS !\n";
-  }
-  if (open (IN,"$OCTAVE/scripts/DOCSTRINGS")) {
-    process_docstrings();
-  } else {
-    print STDERR "could not open $OCTAVE/scripts/DOCSTRINGS !\n";
-  }
-# Desperate last measure. Try help <func> within octave. Good for getting
-# keyword and operator descriptions
-print "Perl hacker: please make the following faster\n";
-# XXX FIXME XXX, we shouldn't respawn a new octave process each time !!!
-foreach my $TB ( toolbox_list()) {
-  foreach my $cat ( cat_list($TB) ) {
-    foreach my $func ( cat_funcs($TB,$cat) ) {
-      if (! defined $function_description{$func}[1] && ! defined $index_notes{$func} ) {
-	open3(*Writer, *Reader, *Errer, $OCTAVECMD) or die "Could not run octave";
-	print Writer $OCTAVEINIT;
-        print Writer "help $func; 1"; close(Writer);
-	my @lines = <Reader>; close(Reader);
-	my @err = <Errer>; close(Errer);
-	waitpid(-1,&WNOHANG);
-	# Display errors, if any
-	if (@err) {
-	  print "help $func\n>>> @err";
-	} else {
-	  my $body = join("",@lines);
-	  if ($body =~ /help: `(.*)' not found/ || $body =~ /help: sorry,/) {
-	    # do nothing
-	  } else {
-	    print "help $func\n";
-	    my $start;
-	    if ($body =~ /^\n\*\*\*/) {
-	      # clipping assuming ops/keywords only
-	      $start = index($body,"$func") + 1 + length($func);
-	    } else {
-	      # first lines till \n\n will be octave tell us the type
-	      # of variable/funtion and where it is found
-	      $start = index($body,"\n\n") + 2;
-	    }
-	    my $stop = index($body,"ans =");
-	    $body = substr($body,$start,$stop-$start);
-	    register_function($func,$body,$OCTAVE,0);
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-# print a summary table rather than generating the html
-if ( $summary ) {
-    write_ascii("% ");
-else {
-    write_html();
-if (@skipped) {
-    print "skipped ", scalar(@skipped), " functions ";
-    my $rs = $,; $, = "\n  ";
-    print "  ", sort(@skipped); $, = $rs;
-    print "\n";
-if (@uncategorized) {
-    print scalar(@uncategorized), " uncategorized functions ";
-    print "(out of ", $n_functions, " total)";
-    my $rs = $,; $, = "\n  ";
-    print "  ", sort(@uncategorized); $, = $rs;
-    print "\n";
-#    print wrap("\t", "\t", join(" ", sort @uncategorized)), "\n";
-if (@shadowed) {
-    print "unexpected shadowing of ", scalar(@shadowed), " Octave functions";
-    my $rs = $,; $, = "\n  ";
-    print "  ", sort(@shadowed); $, = $rs;
-    print "\n";
-#    print wrap("\t", "\t", join(" ", sort @shadowed)), "\n";
-sub process_docstrings {
-  my $function = "";
-  my $desc = "";
-  while (<IN>) {
-    if (/^\037/) {
-	register_function($function,$desc,$OCTAVE,1) unless $function eq "";
-	$function = $_;
-	$function =~ s/^\037//;
-	$function =~ s/\n$//;
-        $desc = "";
-    } else {
-      $desc .= $_;
-    }
-  }
-  register_function($function,$desc,$OCTAVE,1) unless $function eq "";
-  close(IN);
-sub first_sentence { # {{{1
-# grab the first real sentence from the function documentation
-    my ($desc) = @_;
-    my $retval = '';
-    my $line;
-    my $next;
-    my @lines;
-    my $trace = 0;
-    # $trace = 1 if $desc =~ /Levenberg/;
-    return "" unless defined $desc;
-    if ($desc =~ /^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-/) {
-	# help text contains texinfo.  Strip the indicator and run it
-	# through makeinfo. (XXX FIXME XXX this needs to be a function)
-	$desc =~ s/^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-\s*//;
-	my $cmd = "makeinfo --fill-column 1600 --no-warn --no-validate --no-headers --force --ifinfo";
-	open3(*Writer, *Reader, *Errer, $cmd) or die "Could not run info";
-	print Writer "\@macro seealso {args}\n\n\@noindent\nSee also: \\args\\.\n\@end macro\n";
-	print Writer "$desc"; close(Writer);
-	@lines = <Reader>; close(Reader);
-	my @err = <Errer>; close(Errer);
-	waitpid(-1,&WNOHANG);
-	# Display source and errors, if any
-	if (@err) {
-	    my $n = 1;
-	    foreach $line ( split(/\n/,$desc) ) {
-		printf "%2d: %s\n",$n++,$line;
-	    }
-	    print ">>> @err";
-	}
-	# Print trace showing formatted output
-#	print "<texinfo--------------------------------\n";
-#	print @lines;
-#	print "--------------------------------texinfo>\n";
-	# Skip prototype and blank lines
-	while (1) {
-	    return "" unless @lines;
-	    $line = shift @lines;
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*-/;
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
-	    last;
-	}
-    } else {
-#	print "<plain--------------------------------\n";
-#	print $desc;
-#	print "--------------------------------plain>\n";
-	# Skip prototype and blank lines
-	@lines = split(/\n/,$desc);
-	while (1) {
-	    return "" if ($#lines < 0);
-	    $line = shift @lines;
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*[Uu][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]/; # skip " usage "
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*-/;           # skip " -- blah"
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s*://;             # chop " blah : "
-	    print "strip blah: $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*[Ff]unction\s+//;      # chop " function "
-	    print "strip function $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\[.*\]\s*=\s*//;       # chop " [a,b] = "
-	    print "strip []= $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s*=\s*//;          # chop " a = "
-	    print "strip a= $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s*\([^\)]*\)\s*//; # chop " f(x) "
-	    print "strip f(x) $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*[;:]\s*//;                # chop " ; "
-	    print "strip ; $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*[[:upper:]][[:upper:]0-9_]+//; # chop " BLAH"
-	    print "strip BLAH $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w*\s*[-]+\s+//;        # chop " blah --- "
-	    print "strip blah --- $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+ *\t\s*//;          # chop " blah <TAB> "
-	    print "strip blah <TAB> $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s\s+//;            # chop " blah  "
-	    print "strip blah <NL> $line\n" if $trace;
-#	    next if $line =~ /^\s*\[/;           # skip  [a,b] = f(x)
-#	    next if $line =~ /^\s*\w+\s*(=|\()/; # skip a = f(x) OR f(x)
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*or\s*$/;      # skip blah \n or \n blah
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;            # skip blank line
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s?!\//;          # skip # !/usr/bin/octave
-	    # XXX FIXME XXX should be testing for unmatched () in proto
-	    # before going to the next line!
-	    last;
-	}
-    }
-    # Try to make a complete sentence, including the '.'
-    if ( "$line " !~ /[^.][.]\s/ && $#lines >= 0) {
-	my $next = $lines[0];
-	$line =~ s/\s*$//;  # trim trailing blanks on last
-	$next =~ s/^\s*//;    # trim leading blanks on next
-	$line .= " $next" if "$next " =~ /[^.][.]\s/; # ends the sentence
-    }
-    # Tidy up the sentence.
-    chomp $line;          # trim trailing newline, if there is one
-    $line =~ s/^\s*//;    # trim leading blanks on line
-    $line =~ s/([^.][.])\s.*$/$1/; # trim everything after the sentence
-    print "Skipping:\n$desc---\n" if $line eq "";
-    # And return it.
-    return $line;
-} # 1}}}
-sub shadow_path { # {{{1
-# shadow_path($f) returns true if $f is on a known Octave shadow path
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    $file =~ s|/[^/]*$||;
-    my @matches = grep(/^$file$/,@shadow_paths);
-#    print "looking for $file in @shadow_paths\n";
-#    print "returns ",@matches,"\n";
-    return scalar(@matches) > 0 || $file =~ /alternatives$/;
-} # 1}}}
-sub register_function { # {{{1
-# register the function and its one-line description
-    my ($function,      # in   $index{toolbox}{category} = [functions]
-        $desc,          # in   $toolbox_desc{toolbox} = description
-	$file,
-	$replace_shadow,
-       )      = @_;
-    ++$n_appearances{$function};
-    if ($n_appearances{$function} > 1) {
-      if ($replace_shadow != 0) {
-	push @shadowed, "$file:$function" if $file =~ /^$OCTAVE/ 
-	  and !shadow_path($function_description{$function}[0]);
-	        # print "$file:$function appeared previously\n";
-      }
-    } else {
-        ++$n_functions;
-    }
-    $octave_forge_function{$function} = 1 unless $file =~ /^$OCTAVE/;
-    if (!defined $index_by_function{$function}) {
-	my $entry = $file;
-	$entry = "$file: $function" if $file !~ /[.]m$/;
-	if ($function =~ /__/ || $file =~ /test/ 
-	    || $function =~ /^[Cc]ontents?$/) {
-	    push @skipped, $entry;
-	} else {
-	    push @uncategorized, $entry;
-	}
-    }
-    my $oneline = first_sentence($desc);
-    #printf "%30s %s\n", $function, $oneline;
-    if ($replace_shadow == 0 && defined @function_description{$function}) {
-      @function_description{$function} = [ $function_description{$function}[0], $oneline, $desc ];
-    } elsif (!defined @function_description{$function}) {
-      @function_description{$function} = [ $file, $oneline, $desc ];
-    }
-#    push @function_description{$function}}, "$file\n$oneline\n$desc";
-    #printf "%-12s %-20s %s\n", $function,
-    #                           $index_by_function{$function}[0],
-    #                           $index_by_function{$function}[1];
-} # 1}}}
-sub extract_description { # {{{1
-# grab the entire documentation comment from an m-file
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    my $retval = '';
-    if( open( IN, "$file")) {
-	# skip leading blank lines
-	while (<IN>) {
-	    last if /\S/;
-	}
-	if( m/\s*[%\#][\s\#%]* Copyright/) {
-	    # next block is copyright statement, skip it
-	    while (<IN>) {
-		last unless /^\s*[%\#]/;
-	    }
-	}
-	# Skip everything until the next comment block
-	while ( !/^\s*[\#%]/ ) {
-	    $_ = <IN>;
-	    last if not defined $_;
-	}
-        # Return the next comment block as the documentation
-        while (/^\s*[\#%]/) {
-	    s/^[\s%\#]*//;    # strip leading comment characters
-            s/[\cM\s]*$//;   # strip trailing spaces.
-	    $retval .= "$_\n";
-	    $_ = <IN>;
-	    last if not defined $_;
-	}
-        close(IN);
-	return $retval;
-    }
-    else {
-	print STDERR "Could not open file ($file): $!\n";
-    }
-} # 1}}}
-sub load_index { # {{{1
-    my ($file) = @_;             # in
-    my $toolbox     = "extra";
-    my $category    = "";
-    my $description = "";
-    my $function    = "";
-    open(IN, $file) or die "Cannot read $file:  $!\n";
-    my %map;   # simple macros for use in notes
-    while (<IN>) {
-        next if /^\s*$/; # skip blank lines
-	next if /^\s*\#/; # skip comment lines
-        chomp;
-        if      (/^(.*?)\s*>>\s*(.*?)$/) {
-	    # toolbox lines contain "word >> description"
-            $toolbox     = $1;
-            $description = $2;
-            $category    = "";
-            $TB_description{$toolbox} = $description;
-	} elsif (/^\s*\$(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/) {
-	    # define a variable as "$var = expansion"
-	    $map{$1} = $2;
-        } elsif (/^(\w.*?)\s*$/) {
-	    # category lines start in the left most column
-            $category    = $1;
-        } elsif (/^\s+(\S.*[^=~!><])=\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/) {
-	    # Process "function = notes" explicit descriptions
-	    $function = $1;
-	    $description = $2;
-	    # We used ...(\S.*)=... rather than (\S.*\S)\s*= to allow for
-	    # single character function names, but that means we may have
-	    # to trim some extra spaces of the function name.  Single
-	    # character descriptions get the treatment they deserve.
-	    $function =~ s/\s+$//;
-	    # expand all $var in the description
-	    my @parts = split('\$', $description);
-	    foreach my $i ( 1 .. $#parts ) {
-		$parts[$i] =~ /^(\w+)(\W.*)$/ or $parts[$i] =~ /^(\w+)()$/;
-		$parts[$i] = "$map{$1}$2";
-	    }
-	    $description = join("",@parts);
-	    # record the function->description mapping
-	    $index_notes{$function} = $description;
-	    die "Function $function (line $.) has no category" unless $category;
-	    push @{$index_by_TB_cat{$toolbox}{$category}}, $function;
-	    push @{$index_by_function{$function}}, [$toolbox, $category];
-	} else {
-            s/^\s+//;
-            my @list = split /\s+/;
-            while ($#list >= 0) {
-                $function    = shift @list;
-                die "Function $function (line $.) has no category" unless $category;
-                push @{$index_by_TB_cat{$toolbox}{$category}}, $function;
-                push @{$index_by_function{$function}}, [$toolbox, $category];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    close(IN);
-} # 1}}}
-sub write_html { # {{{1
-    # make empty html directories
-    unlink <$catdir/*.html>;
-    unlink <$catdir/f/*.html>;
-    mkdir "$catdir";
-    mkdir "$catdir/f";
-    write_main();
-    write_forgebar();
-    write_intro();
-    write_alphabetic_navbar();
-    write_TBnavbar();
-    foreach ( toolbox_list() ) {
-	write_TBnavbar($_);
-	write_TBdetails($_);
-    }
-    # Write one file for each letter.
-    #
-    my $Letter = chr(0);
-    foreach my $func ( indexed_funcs() ) {
-	# The source file
-	my $body = long_desc($func);
-	if ($body ne "") {
-	    # XXX FIXME XXX this will die if the punctuation is too wild
-	    open FUNC, ">$catdir/f/$func.html" or die "Could not open $func.html";
-	    print FUNC "<html><head><title>$func</title></head>\n";
-	    print FUNC "<body>\n";
-	    print FUNC "<table width=100%><tr><td align=left><b>$func</b>\n";
-	    # The toolboxes to which it belongs
-	    foreach my $pair ( @{$index_by_function{$func}} ) {
-		my ( $TB, $cat ) = @{$pair};
-		print FUNC "    ", cat_ref_up($TB, $cat, "[$TB]"), "\n";
-	    }
-	    print FUNC "    <td align=right>", download_ref($func), "</table>\n";
-	    print FUNC "$body\n";
-	    print FUNC "$forgelink\n</body></html>";
-            close FUNC;
-	}
-	# Check if need to go to the next letter
-	# This is particularly complicated because we
-	# want to include all punctuation in the 
-	my $next = uc(substr($func, 0, 1));
-	if ($next ne $Letter) {
-	    if ($Letter =~ /[A-Y]/) {
-		print OUT "</dl>\n$forgelink\n</body></html>\n";
-		close OUT;
-	    } else {
-		print OUT "</dl>\n";
-	    }
-	    if ($Letter =~ /[\0A-Y]/) {
-		my $head = "";
-		if ( $next =~ /[A-Z]/ ) {
-		    $head = $next;
-		} elsif ( $next lt "A" ) {
-		    $head = "A";
-		} else {
-		    $head = "Z";
-		}
-		my $file = ">$catdir/$head.html";
-		open(OUT, $file) or die "Cannot write $file";
-		print OUT "<html><head>\n";
-		print OUT "<title>Octave Functions: $head</title>\n";
-		print OUT "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"\"></head>\n";
-		print OUT "<body>\n";
-	    }
-	    $Letter = $next;
-	    print OUT "<h1><a name=\"$Letter\">$Letter</a></h1>";
-	    print OUT "<dl>\n";
-	}
-	# Function reference
-	print OUT "<dt><table width=100%><tr><td align=left><b>",func_ref($func,$func),"</b>\n";
-	# The toolboxes to which it belongs
-	foreach my $pair ( @{$index_by_function{$func}} ) {
-	    my ( $TB, $cat ) = @{$pair};
-	    print OUT "    ", cat_ref($TB, $cat, "[$TB]"), "\n";
-	}
-	print OUT "    <td align=right>", download_ref($func), "</table>\n";
-	# column 3:  the function description
-	# XXX FIXME XXX multiple functions???
-	print OUT "    <dd>",html_desc($func),"\n";
-    }
-    print OUT "</dl>\n$forgelink\n</body></html>\n";
-    close(OUT);
-} # 1}}}
-sub writenav { # 1{{{
-    my ($cat) = @_;
-} # 1}}}
-sub write_main { # {{{1
-    open(OUT,">$catdir/index.html") or die "Could not open $catdir/index.html";
-    print OUT <<EOF;
-<TITLE>Octave-forge combined index</TITLE>
-<FRAMESET rows="50, *">
-  <FRAME src="forgebar.html" noresize frameborder="0">
-  <FRAMESET cols="33%, 67%">
-    <FRAME name=navbar src="categorical.html">
-    <FRAMESET rows="50, *">
-      <FRAME src="alphabetic.html">
-      <FRAME name=content src="intro.html">
-    </FRAMESET>
-<H1>Octave-Forge Combined Index</H1>
-<li><A HREF="categorical.html">Categorical index</a>
-<li><A HREF="alphabetic.html">Alphabetic index</a>
-    close OUT;
-} # 1}}}
-sub write_forgebar {
-    open(OUT,">$catdir/forgebar.html") or die "Could not open index/forgebar.html";
-    print OUT <<EOF;
-<html><title>Octave Forge site navigator</title>
-<base target=_top>
-sub download_ref { 
-# download_ref($func,$desc) returns a link to download $func described by $desc
-    my ($func) = @_;
-    my $path = $function_description{$func}[0];
-    if ($path ne "" && $path !~ /^$OCTAVE/) {
-	return "[<a href=\"$FORGECVS$path\?rev=HEAD\&content-type=text/plain\">octave-forge/$path</a>]";
-    } elsif ($path =~ /^$OCTAVE/) {
-	$path =~ s/^$OCTAVE//;
-	return "[<a href=\"$OCTAVECVS$path\?rev=HEAD\&content-type=text/plain\">octave$path</a>]";
-    } else {
-	return "";
-    }
-sub write_intro { # 1{{{
-    open(OUT,">$catdir/intro.html") or die "Could not open $catdir/intro.html";
-    print OUT <<EOF;
-<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Octave-forge index intro</TITLE></HEAD>
-<H1>Welcome to Octave-forge</H1>
-    close OUT;
-} # 1}}}
-sub write_TBnavbar { # 1{{{
-    my $openTB = shift;
-    my $file = "categorical";
-    $file = "nav$openTB" if $openTB ne "";
-    open(OUT,">$catdir/$file.html") or die "Could not open $catdir/$file.html";
-    print OUT <<EOF;
-<html><head><title>Octave-forge categorical index</title></head>
-What\'s available:
-    foreach my $TB (toolbox_list()) {
-#	print OUT "<li><a href=\"$TB.html\" target=content><a href=\"nav$TB.html#$TB\" target=navbar>$TB_description{$TB}</a></a>";
-	print OUT "<li>";
-	if ($openTB eq $TB) {
-	    print OUT "<a name=\"$TB\"><a href=\"categorical.html#$TB\" target=navbar>
-	    print OUT "<ul>\n";
-	    foreach my $cat ( cat_list($TB) ) {
-		my $anchor = cat_anchor($cat);
-		print OUT "    <li><a href=\"$TB.html#$anchor\" target=content>$cat</a></li>\n";
-	    }
-	    print OUT "</ul>\n";
-	} else {
-	    print OUT "<a name=\"$TB\"><a href=\"nav$TB.html#$TB\" target=navbar>$TB_description{$TB}</a></a>";
-	}
-    }
-    print OUT "</ol>\n</body></html>";
-    close OUT;
-} # 1}}}
-sub write_TBdetails { # 1{{{
-    my $TB = shift;
-    my $file   = "$catdir/$TB.html";
-    open(OUT, ">$file") or die "Cannot write $file:  $!\n";
-    print OUT <<EOF;
-<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"\">
-    # summary list of categories
-    print OUT "<ul>\n";
-    foreach my $cat ( cat_list($TB) ) {
-	my $anchor = cat_anchor($cat);
-	print OUT "    <li><a href=\"#$anchor\">$cat</a></li>\n";
-    }
-    print OUT "</ul>\n";
-    # Each category has a table of its functions and their descriptions.
-    foreach my $cat ( cat_list($TB) ) {
-	my $anchor = cat_anchor($cat);
-	print OUT "<h2><a name=\"$anchor\">$cat</a></h2>\n";
-	print OUT "<dl>\n";
-	foreach my $func ( cat_funcs($TB,$cat) ) {
-	    # column 1:  the function (x-ref to full description in
-	    #                          cvs-tree's html file)
-	    print OUT "<dt><table width=100%><tr><td align=left><b>",func_ref($func,$func),"</b>\n";
-	    print OUT "    <td align=right>", download_ref($func), "</table>\n";
-	    # column 2: the description, if it exists
-	    #
-	    print OUT "<dd>",html_desc($func),"\n";
-	}
-	print OUT "</dl>\n";
-    }
-    print OUT "$forgelink\n</body></html>\n";
-    close(OUT);
-} # 1}}}
-sub write_alphabetic_navbar { # 1{{{
-    open(OUT,">$catdir/alphabetic.html") or die "Could not open $catdir/alphabetic.html";
-    print OUT <<EOF;
-<html><head><title>Octave-Forge alphabetic list</title></head>
-<base target=content>
-    my $A_to_Z     = "";
-    foreach (first_letters (indexed_funcs())) {
-        $A_to_Z .= letter_ref($_) . "|";
-    }
-    $A_to_Z         =~ s/\s*\|\s*$//;  # strip last pipe separator
-    print OUT "<center>$A_to_Z</center>\n</body></html>\n";
-    close OUT;
-} # 1}}}
-sub oldnavbar { # 1{{{
-    my $max_TB_across_top = 7;
-    my $all_toolboxes = "<center>\n";
-    my $n = 0;
-    foreach my $TB (toolbox_list()) {
-        ++$n;
-        if ($n > $max_TB_across_top) {
-            $n = 0;
-            $all_toolboxes .= "<a href=\"$TB.html\">$TB</a> <br> ";
-        } else {
-            $all_toolboxes .= "<a href=\"$TB.html\">$TB</a> | ";
-        }
-    }
-    $all_toolboxes =~ s/\s+\|\s*$//;  # strip last pipe separator
-    $all_toolboxes .= "<br><br>";
-    my $A_to_Z     = "";
-    foreach (first_letters (indexed_funcs())) {
-        $A_to_Z .= letter_ref($_);
-	$A_to_Z .= " | ";
-    }
-    $A_to_Z         =~ s/\s+\|\s*$//;  # strip last pipe separator
-    my $all_toolboxes_A_Z = $all_toolboxes . "$A_to_Z </center>\n";
-    $all_toolboxes .= "</center>\n";
-} # 1}}}
-sub print_missing {
-    my $printmissing = 1;
-    foreach my $TB ( toolbox_list() ) {
-	my $printTB = 1;
-	foreach my $cat ( cat_list($TB) ) {
-            my $printcat = 1;
-            foreach my $func ( cat_funcs($TB,$cat) ) {
-                if (! defined $function_description{$func}[1] && ! defined $index_notes{$func} ) {
-		     print "missing functions:" if $printmissing;
-		     print "\n  [$TB]" if $printTB;
-		     print "\n  $cat\n  >" if $printcat;
-	             print " $func";
-	             $printTB = 0;
-		     $printcat = 0;
-		     $printmissing = 0;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    print "\n" unless $printmissing;
-sub write_ascii { # 1{{{
-# output all toolboxes as a contents.m file
-    my ($prefix) = @_;
-    my $indent = 16 - 3 - length($prefix);
-    # XXX FIXME XXX add an option to spit out contents.m
-    # XXX FIXME XXX what if there is no toolbox?
-    # XXX FIXME XXX preserve category order
-    foreach my $TB ( toolbox_list() ) {
-	print wrap($prefix,$prefix,$TB_description{$TB}),"\n$prefix\n";
-	foreach my $cat ( cat_list($TB) ) {
-	    print wrap($prefix,$prefix,$cat), "\n";
-	    foreach my $func ( cat_funcs($TB,$cat) ) {
-		my $entry = sprintf("%-*s %s",$indent,$func,ascii_desc($func));
-		print wrap("$prefix","$prefix\t\t","  $entry"), "\n";
-	    }
-	    print "$prefix\n";
-	}
-    } 
-} # 1}}}
-sub cat_ref { # 1{{{
-# cat_ref($TB,$cat,$ref) returns an html link to $cat described by $ref
-    my ($TB,$cat,$ref) = @_;
-    my $anchor = cat_anchor($cat);
-    return "<a href=\"$TB.html#$anchor\">$ref</a>";
-} # 1}}}
-sub cat_ref_up { # 1{{{
-# cat_ref($TB,$cat,$ref) returns an html link to $cat described by $ref
-    my ($TB,$cat,$ref) = @_;
-    my $anchor = cat_anchor($cat);
-    return "<a href=\"../$TB.html#$anchor\">$ref</a>";
-} # 1}}}
-sub cat_anchor { # 1{{{
-# cat_anchor($cat) returns the anchor word generated for category $cat
-    my ($cat) = @_;
-    $cat =~ s/\W+//g;
-    return $cat;
-} # 1}}}
-sub func_ref { # 1{{{
-# func_ref($func) returns an html link to $func described by $ref
-    my ($func,$ref) = @_;
-    if ( defined $function_description{$func}[2] &&
-	 $function_description{$func}[2] ne "") {
-	return "<a href=\"f/$func.html\">$ref</a>";
-    } elsif ( $ref ne $func ) {
-	# XXX FIXME XXX do we want "$ref ($func)"? Check how it is called.
-	return $ref;
-    } else {
-	return $ref;
-    }
-} # 1}}}
-sub split_long_name { # 1{{{
-# html magic to break long variable/function names
-    # XXX FIXME XXX this function is probably not used
-    my ( $nicefunc ) = @_;
-    # $nicefunc =~ s/([^_])_([^_])/$1_ $2/g;
-    return $nicefunc;
-} # 1}}}
-sub first_letters { # 1{{{
-# return a list of all first letters in the arguments
-# The argument list must come sorted with a case-insensitive sort.
-    my $Letter = chr(0);
-    my @ret = ();
-    foreach my $name ( @_ ) {
-	# Check if need to go to the next letter
-	if (uc(substr($name, 0, 1)) ne $Letter) {
-	    $Letter = uc(substr($name, 0, 1));
-	    push @ret, $Letter;
-	}
-    } 
-    return @ret;
-} # 1}}}
-sub letter_file { # 1{{{
-    return "$_.html" if /[A-Z]/;
-    return "A.html" if $_ lt "A";
-    return "Z.html";
-} # 1}}}
-sub letter_ref { # 1{{{
-# letter_ref($letter) returns a link to the letter
-    return "<a href=\"" . letter_file($_) . "#$_\">$_</a>";
-} # 1}}}
-sub ascii_desc { # 1{{{
-# ascii_desc($func) returns a decription of $func using ascii markup
-    my ( $func ) = @_;
-    if (! defined $function_description{$func}[1] ) {
-	my $notes = $index_notes{$func};
-	$notes = "<missing>" if $notes eq "";
-	# convert "<a link>desc</a>" to "desc (link)"
-	$notes =~ s|<a href=\"?([^>]*)\"?>([^<]*)</a>|$2 ($1)|g;
-	# strip all remaining html formatting
-	$notes =~ s|<[^>]*>||g;
-	return $notes;	    
-    } else {
-	my $desc = $function_description{$func}[1];
-	if ($desc eq "") {
-	    return "<no description>";
-	} else {
-	    return $desc;
-	}
-    }
-} #}}}
-sub html_desc { # 1{{{
-# html_desc($func) returns a description of $func using html markup
-    my ( $func ) = @_;
-    my $notes = $index_notes{$func};
-    if (! defined $function_description{$func}[1] ) {
-	$notes = "not implemented" if $notes eq "";
-	# shut of the bold italics during "code" formatting
-	$notes =~ s|<code>|</i><code>|g;
-	$notes =~ s|</code>|</code><i>|g;
-	$notes =~ s|<f>(\w+)</f>|</i><code><a href="f/$1.html">$1</a></code><i>|g;
-	return "<i>$notes</i>";
-    } else {
-	print "ignoring $func = $notes\n" if $notes ne "";
-	my $desc = $function_description{$func}[1];
-	if ($desc eq "") {
-	    return "<i>no description</i>";
-	} else {
-	    return $desc;
-	}
-    }
-} # 1}}}
-sub long_desc {
-    my ( $func ) = @_;
-    my $body = $function_description{$func}[2];
-    if ($body =~ /^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-/) {
-	$body = info2html($func, $body);
-    } elsif ($body ne "") {
-	$body = "<pre>$body</pre>";
-    }
-    return $body
-} # 1}}}
-sub info2html_texi2html { # 1{{{
-# run body through texi2html to produce html
-    my ( $func, $body ) = @_;
-    $body =~ s/^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-//;
-    open(SRC, ">$func.texi");
-    print SRC "\@macro seealso {args}\n\n\@noindent\nSee also: \\args\\.\n\@end macro\n";
-    print SRC "BEGINCUT $body ENDCUT";
-    close SRC;
-    system ("texi2html -expand info $tmpdir/$func.texi");
-    open(SRC, "<$func.html");
-    my @lines = <SRC>;
-    close SRC;
-    $body = join("",@lines);
-    my $start = index($body,"BEGINCUT") + 8;
-    my $stop = index($body,"ENDCUT");
-    $body = substr($body,$start,$stop-$start);
-    unlink "$func.texi", "$func.html";
-} # 1}}}
-sub info2html { # 1{{{
-# run body through makeinfo to produce html
-    my ( $func, $body ) = @_;
-    $body =~ s/^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-//;
-    my $cmd = "makeinfo --fill-column 80 --no-warn --no-validate --force --html --ifinfo -o -";
-    open3(*Writer, *Reader, *Errer, $cmd) or die "Could not run info";
-    print Writer "\@macro seealso {args}\n\n\@noindent\nSee also: \\args\\.\n\@end macro\n";
-    # I have no idea why but makeinfo is introducing some weirdness with <p>
-    # at the front of the document.  The following works for my particular
-    # version but I have little hope for it working in general
-    print Writer "-CUT HERE $body"; close(Writer);
-    my @lines = <Reader>; close(Reader);
-    my @err = <Errer>; close(Errer);
-    waitpid(-1,&WNOHANG);
-    # strip everything before <body> and after </body>
-    $body = join("",@lines);
-    my $start = index($body,"CUT HERE") + 8;
-    my $stop = index($body,"</body");
-    $body = substr($body,$start,$stop-$start);
-    $body =~ s|\@var\{([^\}]*)\}|<var>$1</var>|g;
-    return $body;
-} # 1}}}
-sub toolbox_list { # 1{{{
-# toolbox_list() returns an ordered list of toolboxes.
-    return sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %index_by_TB_cat;
-} # 1}}}
-sub cat_list { # 1{{{
-# cat_list($TB) returns an ordered list of categories in a toolbox $TB.
-    my ($TB) = @_;
-    return sort keys %{$index_by_TB_cat{$TB}};
-} # 1}}}
-sub cat_funcs { # 1{{{
-# cat_funcs($TB,$cat) returns an ordered list of functions in $TB,$cat
-    my ($TB,$cat) = @_;
-    return sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } @{$index_by_TB_cat{$TB}{$cat}}
-} # 1}}}
-sub indexed_funcs { # 1{{{
-# indexed_funcs() returns an ordered list of all functions in the index
-    return sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %index_by_function;
-} # 1}}}
-sub forge_funcs { # 1{{{
-# forge_funcs() returns an ordered list of functions only found in octave forge
-    return sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %octave_forge_function;
-} # 1}}}
-sub scanned_funcs { # 1{{{
-# scanned_funcs() returns an ordered list of all functions found in m-files and oct-files
-    return sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } %function_description;
-} # 1}}}
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-This program is granted to the public domain.
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/mkdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# David Bateman Feb 02 2003
-# Extracts the help in texinfo format from *.cc and *.m files for use
-# in documentation. Based on make_index script from octave_forge.
-use strict;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Basename;
-use FileHandle;
-my $docdir = ".";
-if (@ARGV) {
-  $docdir = @ARGV[0];
-# locate all C++ and m-files in current directory
-my @m_files = ();
-my @C_files = ();
-find(\&cc_and_m_files, $docdir);
-sub cc_and_m_files { # {{{1 populates global array @files
-    return unless -f and /\.(m|cc)$/;  # .m and .cc files
-    my $path = "$File::Find::dir/$_";
-    $path =~ s|^[.]/||;
-    if (/\.m$/) {
-        push @m_files, $path;
-    } else {
-        push @C_files, $path;
-    }
-} # 1}}}
-# grab help from C++ files
-foreach my $f ( @C_files ) {
-  # XXX FIXME XXX. Should run the preprocessor over the file first, since 
-  # the help might include defines that are compile dependent.
-    if ( open(IN,$f) ) {
-	while (<IN>) {
-	    # skip to the next function
-	    next unless /^DEFUN_DLD/;
-	    # extract function name to pattern space
-	    /\((\w*)\s*,/;
-	    # remember function name
-	    my $function = $1;
-	    # skip to next line if comment doesn't start on this line
-	    # XXX FIXME XXX maybe we want a loop here?
-	    $_ = <IN> unless /\"/;
-	    # skip to the beginning of the comment string by
-	    # chopping everything up to opening "
-	    my $desc = $_;
-            $desc =~ s/^[^\"]*\"//;
-	    # join lines until you get the end of the comment string
-	    # plus a bit more.  You need the "plus a bit more" because
-	    # C compilers allow implicitly concatenated string constants
-	    # "A" "B" ==> "AB".
-	    while ($desc !~ /[^\\]\"\s*\S/ && $desc !~ /^\"/) {
-		# if line ends in '\', chop it and the following '\n'
-		$desc =~ s/\\\s*\n//;
-		# join with the next line
-		$desc .= <IN>;
-		# eliminate consecutive quotes, being careful to ignore
-		# preceding slashes. XXX FIXME XXX what about \\" ?
-		$desc =~ s/([^\\])\"\s*\"/$1/;
-	    }
-	    $desc = "" if $desc =~ /^\"/; # chop everything if it was ""
-	    $desc =~ s/\\n/\n/g;          # insert fake line ends
-	    $desc =~ s/([^\"])\".*$/$1/;  # chop everything after final '"'
-	    $desc =~ s/\\\"/\"/;          # convert \"; XXX FIXME XXX \\"
-	    $desc =~ s/$//g;		  # chop trailing ...
-	    if (!($desc =~ /^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-/)) {
-		my $err = sprintf("Function %s, does not contain texinfo help\n",
-				$function);
-		print STDERR "$err";
-	    }
-	    my $entry = sprintf("\037%s\n%s", $function, $desc);
-	    print "$entry", "\n";
-	}
-	close (IN);
-    } else {
-	print STDERR "Could not open file ($f): $!\n";
-    }
-# grab help from m-files
-foreach my $f ( @m_files ) {
-    my $desc     = extract_description($f);
-    my $function = basename($f, ('.m'));
-    die "Null function?? [$f]\n" unless $function;
-    if (!($desc =~ /^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-/)) {
-	my $err = sprintf("Function %s, does not contain texinfo help\n",
-				$function);
-	print STDERR "$err";
-    }
-    my $entry = sprintf("\037%s\n%s", $function, $desc);
-    print "$entry", "\n";
-sub extract_description { # {{{1
-# grab the entire documentation comment from an m-file
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    my $retval = '';
-    if( open( IN, "$file")) {
-	# skip leading blank lines
-	while (<IN>) {
-	    last if /\S/;
-	}
-	if( m/\s*[%\#][\s\#%]* Copyright/) {
-	    # next block is copyright statement, skip it
-	    while (<IN>) {
-		last unless /^\s*[%\#]/;
-	    }
-	}
-	# Skip everything until the next comment block
-	while ( !/^\s*[\#%]/ ) {
-	    $_ = <IN>;
-	    last if not defined $_;
-	}
-        # Return the next comment block as the documentation
-        while (/^\s*[\#%]/) {
-	    s/^[\s%\#]*//;    # strip leading comment characters
-            s/[\cM\s]*$//;   # strip trailing spaces.
-	    s/[\.*]$//;
-	    $retval .= "$_\n";
-	    $_ = <IN>;
-	    last if not defined $_;
-	}
-        close(IN);
-	return $retval;
-    }
-    else {
-	print STDERR "Could not open file ($file): $!\n";
-    }
-} # 1}}}
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/mkpkgadd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-if test $# -eq 1; then
-  dir="$1"
-  echo "usage: mkpkgadd directory" 1>&2
-  exit 1
-cd $dir
-m_files=`echo *.m`
-cxx_files=`echo *.cc`
-ln_files=`echo *.octlink`
-if test "$m_files" != "*.m"; then
-  sed -n 's/^[#%][#%]* *PKG_ADD: *//p' $m_files
-if test "$cxx_files" != "*.cc"; then
-  sed -n -e 's,^//* *PKG_ADD: *,,p' \
-         -e 's,^/\** *PKG_ADD: *\(.*\) \*/$,\1,p' $cxx_files
-if test "$ln_files" != "*.octlink" ; then
-  cat $ln_files
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Where to find mkpkgadd
-# Create a new fntests.m file
-echo "fid=fopen('fntests.log','wt');" > fntests.m
-echo "if fid<0,error('could not open fntests.log for writing');end" >>fntests.m
-echo "test('','explain',fid);" >> fntests.m
-echo "passes=0; tests=0;" >>fntests.m
-# Find all toplevel non-cvs directories
-DIRS="`find FIXES main/* extra/* nonfree/* -type d ! -name CVS -prune`"
-# Find the tests in that directory
-for dir in $DIRS; do
-    dir=`echo $dir | sed -e "s-^\./--" `
-    # skip the NOINSTALL directories
-    if test -f "$dir/NOINSTALL"; then continue; fi
-    # Create local copy of PKG_ADD for in place testing
-    if test -e "$dir/PKG_ADD" ; then rm -f $dir/PKG_ADD; fi
-    $MKPKGADD $dir > $dir/PKG_ADD
-    if test -z "`cat $dir/PKG_ADD`" ; then rm -f $dir/PKG_ADD;  fi
-    # Build a list of possible test files
-    FILES=""
-    # Find all successfully compiled .cc files
-    cxx_files=`echo $dir/*.cc`
-    if test "$cxx_files" != "$dir/*.cc"; then 
-	for file in $cxx_files; do
-      	    obj=`echo "$file" | sed -e 's-\.cc$-.o-'`
-	    if test -f "$obj" ; then FILES="$FILES $file"; fi
-	done
-    fi
-    # Find all m-files
-    m_files=`echo $dir/*.m`
-    if test "$m_files" != "$dir/*.m"; then FILES="$FILES $m_files"; fi
-    # No C++ of m-files, so no testing
-    if test -z "$FILES" ; then continue; fi
-    # Find all files with %!test or %!assert in them
-    # XXX FIXME XXX is there a system independent way of doing (test|assert)
-    TESTS=`grep -l -E '^%![ta][es]s' $FILES`
-    NUMFILES=`echo $FILES | wc -w`
-    NUMTESTS=`echo $TESTS | wc -w`
-    prompt="$dir [tests $NUMTESTS of $NUMFILES files]"
-    # if no files have tests in them, skip
-    echo "printf('%s','$prompt'); disp('');" >>fntests.m
-    if test -z "$TESTS" ; then
-	echo "printf('%-40s ---> success','');disp('');" >>fntests.m
-    else 
-	echo "dp=dn=0;" >>fntests.m
-	for file in $TESTS ; do
-            echo "[p,n] = test('$file','quiet',fid);" >>fntests.m
-            echo "dp += p; dn += n;" >>fntests.m
-	done
-	echo "if dp==dn, printf('%-40s ---> success',''); else" >>fntests.m
-        echo "printf('%-40s ---> passes %d out of %d tests','',dp,dn); end" >>fntests.m
-        echo "disp(''); passes += dp; tests += dn;" >>fntests.m
-    fi
-echo "printf('passes %d out of %d tests',passes,tests);disp('');" >> fntests.m
-echo "printf('see fntests.log for details');disp('');" >> fntests.m
-echo "fclose(fid);" >> fntests.m
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/mktexi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# David Bateman Feb 02 2003
-# Extracts the help in texinfo format for particular function for use
-# in documentation. Based on make_index script from octave_forge.
-use strict;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Basename;
-use Text::Wrap;
-use FileHandle;
-use IPC::Open3;
-use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
-my $file = shift @ARGV;
-my $docfile = shift @ARGV;
-my $indexfile = shift @ARGV;
-my $line;
-if ( open(IN,$file) ) {
-  $line = <IN>;
-  my $tex = 0;
-  while ($line) {
-    if ($line =~ /^\@DOCSTRING/) {
-      my $found = 0;
-      my $func = $line;
-      $func =~ s/\@DOCSTRING\(//;
-      $func =~ s/\)[\n\r]+//;
-      my $func0 = $func;
-      my $func1 = $func;
-      $func0 =~ s/,.*$//;
-      $func1 =~ s/^.*,//;
-      if ( open(DOC,$docfile) ) {
-	while (<DOC>) {
-	  next unless /\037/;
-	  my $function = $_;
-	  $function =~ s/\037//;
-	  $function =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-	  if ($function =~ /^$func0$/) {
-	    my $desc = "";
-	    my $docline;
-	    my $doctex = 0;
-	    while (($docline = <DOC>) && ($docline !~ /^\037/)) {
-	      $docline =~ s/^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-\s*//;
-	      if ($docline =~ /\@tex/) {
-		$doctex = 1;
-	      }
-	      if ($doctex) {
-		$docline =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
-	      }
-	      if ($docline =~ /\@end tex/) {
-		$doctex = 0;
-	      }
-	      $desc .= $docline;
-	    }
-	    $desc =~ s/$func0/$func1/g;
-	    $desc =~ s/\@seealso\{(.*[^}])\}/See also: \1/g;
-	    print "$desc", "\n";
-	    $found = 1;
-	    last;
-	  }
-        }
-	close (DOC);
-	if (! $found) {
-	  print "\@emph{Not implemented}\n";
-	}
-      } else {
-	print STDERR "Could not open file $docfile\n";
-	exit 1;
-      }
-    } elsif ($line =~ /^\@REFERENCE_SECTION/) {
-      my $secfound = 0;
-      my $sec = $line;
-      $sec =~ s/\@REFERENCE_SECTION\(//;
-      $sec =~ s/\)[\n\r]+//;
-      my @listfunc = ();
-      my $nfunc = 0;
-      my $seccat = 0;
-      if ( open(IND,$indexfile) ) {
-	while (<IND>) {
-	  next unless /^[^ ]/;
-	  my $section = $_;
-	  $section =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-	  if ($section =~ /^(.*?)\s*>>\s*(.*?)$/) {
-	    $section =~ s/.*>>(.*)/\1/;
-	    $seccat = 1;
-	  }
-	  $section =~ s/^ *//;
-	  $section =~ s/ *$//;
-	  if ($section =~ /^$sec$/) {
-	    if ($seccat) {
-	      print "\@iftex\n";
-	      print "\@section Functions by Category\n";
-	      # Get the list of categories to index
-	      my $firstcat = 1;
-	      my $category;
-	      while (<IND>) {
-		last if />>/;
-		if (/^[^ ]/) {	
-		  if (! $firstcat) {
-		    print "\@end table\n";
-		  } else {
-		    $firstcat = 0;
-		  }
-		  $category = $_;
-		  $category =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-		  print "\@subsection $category\n";
-		  print "\@table \@asis\n";
-		} elsif (/^\s+(\S.*\S)\s*=\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/) {
-		  my $func = $1;
-		  my $desc = $2;
-		  print "\@item $func\n";
-		  print "$desc\n";
-		  print "\n";
-		} else {
-		  if ($firstcat) {
-		    print STDERR "Error parsing index file\n";
-		    exit 1;
-		  }
-		  s/^\s+//;
-		  my @funcs = split /\s+/;
-		  while ($#funcs >= 0) {
-		    my $func = shift @funcs;
-		    $func =~ s/^ *//;
-		    $func =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-		    push @listfunc, $func;
-		    $nfunc = $nfunc + 1;
-		    print "\@item $func\n";
-		    print func_summary($func, $docfile);
-		    print "\n";
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	      if (! $firstcat) {
-	        print "\@end table\n";
-	      }
-	      print "\n\@section Functions Alphabetically\n";
-	      print "\@end iftex\n\n";
-	    } else {
-	      # Get the list of functions to index
-	      my $indline;
-	      while (($indline = <IND>) && ($indline =~ /^ /)) {
-		if ($indline =~ /^\s+(\S.*\S)\s*=\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/) {
-		  next;
-		}
-		$indline =~ s/^\s+//;
-		my @funcs = split(/\s+/,$indline);
-		while ($#funcs >= 0) {
-		  my $func = shift @funcs;
-		  $func =~ s/^ *//;
-		  $func =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-		  push @listfunc, $func;
-		  $nfunc = $nfunc + 1;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	    $secfound = 1;
-	    last;
-	  }
-	}
-	close (IND);
-	if (! $secfound) {
-	  print STDERR "Did not find section $sec\n";
-	}
-      } else {
-	print STDERR "Could not open file $indexfile\n";
-	exit 1;
-      }
-      @listfunc = sort(@listfunc);
-      my @listfunc2 = ();
-      my $indent = 16 - 3;
-      print "\@menu\n";
-      foreach my $func (@listfunc) {
-	if ( open(DOC,$docfile) ) {
-	  my $found = 0;
-	  while (<DOC>) {
-	    next unless /\037/;
-	    my $function = $_;
-	    $function =~ s/\037//;
-	    $function =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-	    if ($function =~ /^$func$/) {
-	      $found = 1;
-	      last;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  close (DOC);
-	  if ($found) {
-	    push @listfunc2, $func;
-	    my $func0 = "${func}::";
-	    my $entry = sprintf("* %-*s %s",$indent,$func0,func_summary($func,$docfile));
-	    print wrap("","\t\t","$entry"), "\n";
-	  }
-	} else {
-	  print STDERR "Could not open file $indexfile\n";
-	  exit 1;
-	}
-      }
-      print "\@end menu\n";
-      my $up = "Function Reference";
-      my $next;
-      my $prev;
-      my $mfunc = 1;
-      foreach my $func (@listfunc2) {
-	if ($mfunc == $nfunc) {
-	  $next = "";
-	} else {
-	  $next = @listfunc2[$mfunc];
-	  $mfunc = $mfunc + 1;
-	}
-	print "\n\@node $func, $next, $prev, $up\n";
-	if ($seccat) {
-	  print "\@subsection $func\n\n";
-	} else {
-	  print "\@section $func\n\n";
-	}
-	$prev = $func;
-	my $found = 0;
-	my $desc = "";
-	if ( open(DOC,$docfile) ) {
-	  while (<DOC>) {
-	    next unless /\037/;
-	    my $function = $_;
-	    $function =~ s/\037//;
-	    $function =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-	    if ($function =~ /^$func$/) {
-	      my $docline;
-	      my $doctex = 0;
-	      while (($docline = <DOC>) && ($docline !~ /^\037/)) {
-		$docline =~ s/^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-\s*//;
-		if ($docline =~ /\@tex/) {
-		  $doctex = 1;
-		}
-		if ($doctex) {
-		  $docline =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
-		}
-		if ($docline =~ /\@end tex/) {
-		  $doctex = 0;
-		}
-		$desc .= $docline;
-	      }
-	      $desc =~ s/\@seealso\{(.*[^}])\}/See also: \1/g;
-	      print "$desc", "\n";
-	      $found = 1;
-	      last;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  close (DOC);
-	  if (! $found) {
-	    print "\@emph{Not implemented}\n";
-	  }
-        } else {
-	  print STDERR "Could not open file $docfile\n";
-	  exit 1;
-	}
-      }
-    } else {
-      if ($line =~ /\@tex/) {
-	$tex = 1;
-      }
-      if ($tex) {
-	$line =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
-      }
-      print "$line";
-      if ($line =~ /\@end tex/) {
-	$tex = 0;
-      }
-    }
-    $line = <IN>;
-  }
-} else {
-    print STDERR "Could not open file $file\n";
-    exit 1;
-sub func_summary { # {{{1
-  my ($func,		# in function name
-      $docfile		# in DOCSTRINGS
-      )       = @_;
-  my $desc = "";
-  my $found = 0;
-  if ( open(DOC,$docfile) ) {
-    while (<DOC>) {
-      next unless /\037/;
-      my $function = $_;
-      $function =~ s/\037//;
-      $function =~ s/[\n\r]+//;
-      if ($function =~ /^$func$/) {
-	my $docline;
-	my $doctex = 0;
-	while (($docline = <DOC>) && ($docline !~ /^\037/)) {
-	  if ($docline =~ /\@tex/) {
-	    $doctex = 1;
-	  }
-	  if ($doctex) {
-	    $docline =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
-	  }
-	  if ($docline =~ /\@end tex/) {
-	    $doctex = 0;
-	  }
-	  $desc .= $docline;
-	}
-	$desc =~ s/\@seealso\{(.*[^}])\}/See also: \1/g;
-        $found = 1;
-        last;
-      }
-    }
-    close (DOC);
-    if (! $found) {
-      $desc = "\@emph{Not implemented}";
-    }
-  } else {
-    print STDERR "Could not open file $docfile\n";
-    exit 1;
-  }
-  return first_sentence($desc);
-}   # 1}}}
-sub first_sentence { # {{{1
-# grab the first real sentence from the function documentation
-    my ($desc) = @_;
-    my $retval = '';
-    my $line;
-    my $next;
-    my @lines;
-    my $trace = 0;
-    # $trace = 1 if $desc =~ /Levenberg/;
-    return "" unless defined $desc;
-    if ($desc =~ /^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-/) {
-	# help text contains texinfo.  Strip the indicator and run it
-	# through makeinfo. (XXX FIXME XXX this needs to be a function)
-	$desc =~ s/^\s*-[*]- texinfo -[*]-\s*//;
-	my $cmd = "makeinfo --fill-column 1600 --no-warn --no-validate --no-headers --force --ifinfo";
-	open3(*Writer, *Reader, *Errer, $cmd) or die "Could not run info";
-	print Writer "\@macro seealso {args}\n\n\@noindent\nSee also: \\args\\.\n\@end macro\n";
-	print Writer "$desc"; close(Writer);
-	@lines = <Reader>; close(Reader);
-	my @err = <Errer>; close(Errer);
-	waitpid(-1,&WNOHANG);
-	# Display source and errors, if any
-	if (@err) {
-	    my $n = 1;
-	    foreach $line ( split(/\n/,$desc) ) {
-		printf "%2d: %s\n",$n++,$line;
-	    }
-	    print ">>> @err";
-	}
-	# Print trace showing formatted output
-#	print "<texinfo--------------------------------\n";
-#	print @lines;
-#	print "--------------------------------texinfo>\n";
-	# Skip prototype and blank lines
-	while (1) {
-	    return "" unless @lines;
-	    $line = shift @lines;
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*-/;
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
-	    last;
-	}
-    } else {
-#	print "<plain--------------------------------\n";
-#	print $desc;
-#	print "--------------------------------plain>\n";
-	# Skip prototype and blank lines
-	@lines = split(/\n/,$desc);
-	while (1) {
-	    return "" if ($#lines < 0);
-	    $line = shift @lines;
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*[Uu][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]/; # skip " usage "
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s*://;             # chop " blah : "
-	    print "strip blah: $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*[Ff]unction\s+//;      # chop " function "
-	    print "strip function $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\[.*\]\s*=\s*//;       # chop " [a,b] = "
-	    print "strip []= $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s*=\s*//;          # chop " a = "
-	    print "strip a= $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s*\([^\)]*\)\s*//; # chop " f(x) "
-	    print "strip f(x) $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*[;:]\s*//;                # chop " ; "
-	    print "strip ; $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*[[:upper:]][[:upper:]0-9_]+//; # chop " BLAH"
-	    print "strip BLAH $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w*\s*[-]+\s+//;        # chop " blah --- "
-	    print "strip blah --- $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+ *\t\s*//;          # chop " blah <TAB> "
-	    print "strip blah <TAB> $line\n" if $trace;
-	    $line =~ s/^\s*\w+\s\s+//;            # chop " blah  "
-	    print "strip blah <NL> $line\n" if $trace;
-#	    next if $line =~ /^\s*\[/;           # skip  [a,b] = f(x)
-#	    next if $line =~ /^\s*\w+\s*(=|\()/; # skip a = f(x) OR f(x)
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*or\s*$/;      # skip blah \n or \n blah
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;            # skip blank line
-	    next if $line =~ /^\s?!\//;          # skip # !/usr/bin/octave
-	    # XXX FIXME XXX should be testing for unmatched () in proto
-	    # before going to the next line!
-	    last;
-	}
-    }
-    # Try to make a complete sentence, including the '.'
-    if ( "$line " !~ /[^.][.]\s/ && $#lines >= 0) {
-	my $next = $lines[0];
-	$line =~ s/\s*$//;  # trim trailing blanks on last
-	$next =~ s/^\s*//;    # trim leading blanks on next
-	$line .= " $next" if "$next " =~ /[^.][.]\s/; # ends the sentence
-    }
-    # Tidy up the sentence.
-    chomp $line;          # trim trailing newline, if there is one
-    $line =~ s/^\s*//;    # trim leading blanks on line
-    $line =~ s/([^.][.])\s.*$/$1/; # trim everything after the sentence
-    print "Skipping:\n$desc---\n" if $line eq "";
-    # And return it.
-    return $line;
-} # 1}}}
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/admin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w -n
-## Catches vr_val (x) transforms it into varargout(i++) = x;
-use OctRe;
-    $first = "vr_val_cnt = 1; ";
-## Does necessary changes inplace on $_[0].
-sub change_line {
-    if ($_[0] !~ /^\s*\#/) {	# Don't do obvious comment lines
-				# Change function declaration
-	if ($_[0] =~ /$defun_rx/) {
-	    $_[0] =~ s/\.\.\.(\s*\]\s*\=)/varargout$1/g;
-	}
-				# Change vr_val()
-				# BTW, if 1st vr_val() occurs in a loop,
-				# this will NOT WORK!
-	if ($_[0] =~ 
-	    s{vr_val\s*\(([^;]*)\)(\s*;)}
-	    {"$first" . "varargout\{vr_val_cnt++\} = $1$2"}eg) {
-	    $first = "";
-	}
-				# Did I miss anything?
-	if ($_[0] =~ /vr_val\s*\(/) {
-	    $_[0] .= "## TODO : Remove this vr_val\n";
-	}
-    }
-    $first = "vr_val_cnt = 1; " if $. == 1;
-sub comment_line {
-    ""
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-FN2=`echo $2 | sed -e's/.octlink//'`
-FN1=`echo $1 | sed -e's/.oct//'`
-if test -e $2 ; then /bin/rm $2; fi
-echo "autoload (\"$FN2\", which (\"$FN1\"));" > $2
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/src/admin/run_forge
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Walk the octave-forge tree (starting in the root) searching for 
-# all the directories that are supposed to be installed.
-# Add each directory and any data subdirectories to the LOADPATH for octave.
-# Add any bin directories to the EXEC_PATH.
-# Add any DLL directories to the system PATH.
-# Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for any .so and .dylib files found.
-# You must call this from the root of the octave-forge tree, using, e.g.,
-# 	admin/run_forge octave --norc -q
-# Normally this is called for you, using the run target from make:
-#       make run
-# XXX FIXME XXX strictly speaking, the default octave bin directories
-# should be in the middle of EXECPATH and PATH, but it should be safe
-# to put them at the end since octave probably isn't overriding anything
-# on the system.  We may also want to pick up the OCTAVE_EXEC_PATH if
-# there is one.
-for f in FIXES main/* extra/* nonfree/*; do
-    # exclude CVS directories, only include directories, skip NOINSTALL
-    case "$f" in
-      */CVS) ;;
-      *)
-    if test -d $f -a ! -f $f/NOINSTALL; then 
-	# if there is install data, include in on the path
-	if test -d "$f/data"; then OCTPATH="$ROOT/$f/data:$OCTPATH"; fi
-	# make sure we can find supporting binaries
-	if test -d "$f/bin"; then EXECPATH="$ROOT/$f/bin:$EXECPATH"; fi
-	if test -d "$f/scripts"; then EXECPATH="$ROOT/$f/scripts:$EXECPATH"; fi
-	# supporting libraries need to be available as well
-	check=`echo $f/*.dll`
-	if test "$check" != "$f/*.dll"; then BINPATH="$ROOT/$f:$BINPATH"; fi
-	check=`echo $f/*.so`
-	if test "$check" != "$f/*.so"; then LDPATH="$ROOT/$f:$LDPATH"; fi
-	check=`echo $f/*.dylib`
-	if test "$check" != "$f/*.dylib"; then DYLDPATH="$ROOT/$f:$DYLDPATH"; fi
-    fi
-    esac
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/admin/template.ndev
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-->  Note:  this file is a template used by the Perl script 'get_contents'.
-->         get_contents reads this file and the CONTENTS files in each 
-->         subdirectory then creates the new_developer.html file by
-->         populating the "Where does your code belong" section.
-->         Albert Danial Jan 2 2002
-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-      The file new_developer.html is generated dynamically by the Perl 
-      program 'get_contents'.  Edit admin/template.ndev to make permanent 
-      changes to new_developer.html.
-      Albert Danial Jan 2 2002
-  -->
-<title>Octave-Forge Developer's Notes</title>
-   <meta name="keywords" content="instruction,octave,developer,contribute">
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<!-- top table {{{1 -->
-<table align="center" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="95%" BGCOLOR="#444444" >
-<table BORDER=0 cellspacing=1 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="100%" >
-	<font face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif" size=+2 color="#0000CC">
-		GNU Octave Repository	
-	</font>
-<p align="center">
-<font size="-1">
-<A href="">Home</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Summary</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Forums</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Bugs</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Support</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Patches</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Lists</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Tasks</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Docs</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Surveys</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">News</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">CVS</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-<A href="">Files</A>
-<!-- 1}}} end top table -->
-<h2>Contributing Code to the Gnu Octave Repository</h2>
-To contribute your .m files, C++, C, or Fortran code to the GNU Octave
-Repository (octave-forge) you need to
-    <li> have an account on SourceForge,
-    <li> be registered as an octave-forge developer,
-    <li> have <a href="">CVS</a>
-        installed on the computer from which you
-        will submit contributions, and
-    <li> have the secure shell,
-         <a href=""><tt>ssh</tt></a>, installed
-         on your computer.
-The first two requirements are easy but may take a few days.  
-If you don't already have one, request a SourceForge (SF) account
-<a href=""> here</a>.
-To register as a developer send a request 
-to the octave-forge mailing list 
-<a href=""></a>.
-Include a bit of information about the code
-you plan to submit. 
-Finally, if your computer runs linux or
-FreeBSD, chances are good that both <tt>ssh</tt> and CVS are already 
-installed on your system. 
-If they aren't, 
-you will need to find prebuilt packages for them or download their
-source codes and build them.
-<h3>Create a SF home directory</h3>
-If you've never submitted code to a SourceForge project before,
-create your home directory by
-logging onto the octave-forge account with <tt>ssh</tt>:
-   $ ssh -l <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>sflogin</i></FONT>
-   Password:  <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>your SF password</i></FONT>
-Although SF will only show you a message-of-the-day screen then log
-you out, this process has the useful side effect of creating a home
-directory for you if one doesn't already exist.  Some CVS commands will fail
-if you do not have a home directory on SF.
-<h3>Download the latest octave-forge distribution</h3>
-CVS expects the 
-code you plan to submit to reside in a directory within the existing
-octave-forge directory structure.
-You will therefore need to download a copy of the latest octave-forge
-distribution to work in.  Change directories to a place you want
-to put the code, then issue the CVS <i>checkout</i>
-(abreviated as 'co') command:
-   $ cd <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>working_directory</i></FONT>
-   $ export CVS_RSH=ssh
-   $ cvs -d:ext:<FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>sflogin</i></FONT> co octave-forge
-<h3>Where does your code belong?</h3>
-Put your file(s) in a subdirectory under the <tt>octave-forge/</tt>
-directory.  Here are some guidelines to help you decide where your
-code belongs:
-<h3>Add a copyright notice</h3>
-Each file in octave-forge must contain a copyright notice.  
-If you wish to release your
-code under the 
-GNU <a href="">GPL</a>
-, insert the following text at the top of your file:
-## Copyright (C) <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>year</i></FONT>   <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>Your Name</i></FONT>   &lt;<FONT COLOR="#800000"><i></i></FONT>&gt;
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-Here are other popular open source licenses:
-    <li> <a href="">GNU Lesser GPL</a>
-    <li> <a href="">GNU Free Documentation License</a>
-    <li> <a href="">Artistic License</a>
-    <li> <a href="">BSD License</a>
-<a href=""></a>.
-for a comprehensive list of Open Source licenses.
-<h3>Package structure</h3>
-<dd>	don't install this package; the user can rename or delete this
-	file if they want the package installed anyway.
-<dd>	m-files for the package; these will be installed in
-	site/mfiles/octave-forge/package
-<dd>	datafiles to be installed with the mfiles.  You can accesses
-	them from your m-files with x = file_in_load_path("a").
-<dd>	Makefile with a default target to build anything that needs
-	building, an optional "install" target in case you need to
-	install something other than m-files, oct-files, data files or
-	octave binaries, and a "clean" target to remove everything that
-	has been built.  See below for details.
-<dt>package/configure.add, package/Makeconf.add
-<dd>	Additional configuration-time commands to run in order to 
-	find all the components that your package requires.  You 
-	can look for anything you want in configure.add and note 
-	what you need in Makeconf.add.  The definitions in 
-	Makeconf.add will be available when you include ../../Makeconf 
-	in your Makefile.  See main/symbolic for an example.
-<dd>	oct-files built by Makefile. These will be installed all 
-	together in site-oct-files/octave-forge.  You may assume that
-	HAVE_OCTAVE_20 is defined for 2.0.x series mkoctfile, and
-	HAVE_OCTAVE_21 is defined for 2.1.x series mkoctfile.
-<dd>	executable files built by Makefile.  These will be 
-	installed in Octave's EXEC_PATH, so they will be available 
-	from Octave but not from the shell. You have two options
-	regarding this directory.  The better one would be to make
-	sure that the directory exists before you try building the
-	binary.  The other option is to have a hidden bin/.keepdir
-	so that CVS won't delete it for you automatically.
-<h3>Adding a Makefile</h3>
-If your package has something other than m-files you will need a 
-Makefile in your directory.  This could be as short as three lines:
-include ../../Makeconf
-all: f1.oct
-clean: ; -$(RM) *.o core octave-core *.oct *~
-If you define multiple DEFUN_DLD's in a file, you may need to
-use symbolic links in order for Octave to find them:
-include ../../Makeconf
-# extra functions defined in fn.oct
-fn_LINKS=fn2.oct fn3.oct
-# all compiled functions
-PROGS=fn.oct $(fn_LINKS) gn.oct
-all: $(PROGS)
-$(PROGS): Makefile
-	-$(RM) $@
-	$(LN_S) fn.oct $@
-clean: ; -$(RM) *.o core octave-core *.oct *~
-The "include ../../Makeconf" line above includes all of the definitions 
-that were created during configuration.  This includes things like MKOCTFILE,
-as well as implicit rules for compiling oct-files.  See Makeconf.base 
-for a list of predefined variables and rules.  Sometimes you will see
-"sinclude ../../Makeconf".  This is for packages which can be compiled
-independently of Octave-forge.  If Octave-forge is configured, then the
-variable OCTAVE_FORGE will be defined.<p>
-Even more complicated makefiles are sometimes necessary, particularly when
-the package depends on external libraries.  See main/symbolic/Makefile
-for an example.  The external libraries must be found during configure
-so main/symbolic/configure.add provides detection rules.  The results 
-are posted in main/symbolic/Makeconf.add, and will be available during make.<p>
-Please try to keep compatibility with older versions of Octave.  The main
-configure script tests for features that have changed since octave-2.1.36.
-The tests are done in such a way that conditions are only defined if you
-are using an older version of octave.  That way if the tests are not performed
-and the conditions are not defined, support defaults to the newer version
-of octave.  The following conditions are defined in configure.base:
-<dd>subsref changed from using SLList to using std::list.
-To support older versions of octave, use:<pre><code>
-#define LIST SLList
-#define LISTSIZE length
-#include &lt;list&gt;
-#define LIST std::list
-#define LISTSIZE size
-#define SUBSREF_STRREF &amp;
-  octave_value subsref (const std::string SUBSREF_STRREF type,
-                        const LIST&lt;octave_value_list&gt;&amp; idx) {
-	...
-  }
-  octave_value_list subsref (const std::string SUBSREF_STRREF type,
-                             const LIST&lt;octave_value_list&gt;&amp; idx,
-                             int nargout) {
-        ...
-     if (idx.LISTSIZE () > 1)
-        ...
-  }
-<dd>signal handling changed from longjump to C++ exceptions. To support 
-older versions of octave, use:<pre><code>
-#define OCTAVE_QUIT do {} while (0)
-#define octave_throw_bad_alloc() \
-   do { jump_to_top_level(); panic_impossible(); } while (0)
-#include &lt;octave/quit.h&gt;
-<dd>octave_NaN and octave_Inf constants were converted to functions.  
-To support older versions of octave, use:<pre><code>
-#define lo_ieee_nan_value() octave_NaN
-#define lo_ieee_inf_value() octave_Inf
-<p>m-file support across multiple versions
-is tricky.  Sometimes try/catch will help, but for syntax
-changes you will need some sort of preprocessor, such as
-awk or sed.
-<h3>Submit your code!</h3>
-You are now ready to upload your code to the Gnu Octave Repository.
-Do this with two CVS commands--one to add a new
-entry for your file in the octave-forge catalog, and a second command
-to actually upload the file:
-   $ cvs add <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>files</i></FONT>
-   $ cvs commit <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>files</i></FONT>
-After hitting the carriage return at the end of the commit command,
-CVS will open your default editor so that you can enter comments about
-the commit. The first time you commit a file the comment might be
-something as simple as `Initial commit into CVS.' However, for all
-subsequent commits please add meaningful comments that explain why
-changes were made to the file since all comments will appear in the
-changelog.  Try to gather related changes into one commit command.
-Aside:  the default editor can be defined like so:
-   $ export EDITOR=<FONT COLOR="#800000">vim</FONT>
-If you are uploading an entire package, then put your directory into the
-octave-forge tree and do the following:
-   $ cd octave-forge/main
-   $ cvs add <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>package</i></FONT>
-   $ cvs commit <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>package</i></FONT>
-   $ cd <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>package</i></FONT>
-   $ cvs add *
-   $ cvs commit *
-You may find it easier to use the import command, especially if your
-package contains subdirectories.  In this case, you should not put
-your directory into the octave-forge tree.  Instead, change to the
-root of your package tree and enter the following:
-   $ cd <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>package</i></FONT>
-   $ cvs -d:ext:<FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>sflogin</i></FONT> import -m "<FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>package name</i></FONT>" octave-forge/<FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>main/package</i></FONT> <FONT COLOR="#800000"><i>sflogin</i></FONT> start
-You can then fetch the new package from octave-forge as follows:
-   $ cd octave-forge
-   $ cvs -q update -d
-From time to time, you will need to synchronize with CVS:
-   $ cd octave-forge
-   $ cvs -q update -d
-Each file will be listed with one of the following codes:
-<li> `?' for files you created didn't add and commit.
-<li> `M' for files you modified but didn't commit.
-<li> `C' for files which have unresolvable conflicts.  Look inside the file to
-see what it was that couldn't be resolved.  It will be clearly marked, or you
-can do a cvs diff on the file to highlight the conflict.
-<li> `U' for files you haven't touched but are modified on the server.
-<li> `P' for files you have modified in a way consistent with the modifications
-on the server (?), e.g., because you submitted a patch for someone else to apply.
-<h3>Learn more about CVS</h3>
-The few CVS commands shown here just scratch the surface of this
-powerful versioning package.  If you become an active contributor
-you will benefit from learning more CVS commands and understanding 
-how CVS works.
-<a href="">
-CVS Book</a> is a great place to begin your exploration.
-<h3>Join the developers' mailing list</h3>
-Finally, consider joining the octave-forge developer's 
-<a href="">
-mailing list</a>.  It is very low traffic.  It is used to announce
-pending releases of octave-forge and discuss issues related to
-working with octave-forge.  Discussion of the functions in
-octave-forge mostly occurs on the primary octave mailing lists.
-<hr noshade size=1>
-<small>Hosted by</small>
-<br><a  href=""><img  src=";type=4"  width="125" height="37" border="0" alt=" Logo"  /></a>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/admin/template.readme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-->  Note:  this is not the true README file.  Create the correct top-level
-->         README by running the Perl script 'get_contents'.  get_contents 
-->         reads this file and the CONTENTS files in each subdirectory then 
-->         creates the README by populating the "Project organization" 
-->         section below with the information found in the CONTENTS files.
-->         Albert Danial Jan 2 2002
-*** README is automatically generated from admin/template.readme ***
-The octave-forge project contains functions for Octave which are not in
-the main distribution.  While the main Octave distribution is
-conservative about accepting new functions and changes, octave-forge is
-very open.  As a result, be prepared for some lower quality code and
-more rapidly changing interfaces to the functions in octave-forge.
-The collection is in the public domain, but the individual functions
-vary.  See COPYING for details.  See INSTALL for installation
-Octave needs your support!  Please donate to the University of
-Wisconsin Foundation:
-designated as follows:
-   I/we wish to support ongoing development of the Octave modelling
-   language, under the supervision of Professor James B. Rawlings and
-   Dr. John W. Eaton of the Department of Chemical and Biological 
-   Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
-Donations are tax deductible in the United States.  A donation of $10/user
-per year at current estimates of the user base would support two developers.
-Adjust as appropriate for the percentage of users that you think will donate.
-Project organization
-Package organization
-	don't install this package; rename or delete this
-	file if you want the package installed anyway.
-	a functions in the directory organized into categories.  See
-	octave-forge/INDEX for a description of the format.
-	m-files for the package.  These will be installed in
-	site/mfiles/octave-forge/package
-	datafiles to be installed with the mfiles.  You can accesses
-	them from your m-files with x = file_in_load_path("a").
-	Makefile with a default target to build anything that needs
-	building, an "install" target to install anything that needs
-	installing (other than oct-files and m-files---they are handled
-	automatically), and a "clean" target to delete everything that
-	was built.
-	Additional configuration-time commands to run in order to 
-	find all the components that the package requires.
-	oct-files built by Makefile. These will be installed all 
-	together in site-oct-files/octave-forge.
-	executable files built by Makefile.  These will be 
-	installed in Octave's EXEC_PATH, so they will be available 
-	from Octave but not from the shell.  
-Administrative files
-	Generates ./configure and
-	Basic configuration checks, such as locating the install paths,
-	and the associated variables to be put into Makeconf.  Each 
-	package can append checks by including configure.add in the 
-	package directory.
-	Install program for packages, with pieces to be filed in by
-	./configure
-	intall program to use if /usr/bin/install does not work
-	License for the collection, plus an out-of-date list of functions 
-	in the collection and their licenses.
-	The text of the GPL license
-	Generate web listing of m-files in the tree
-	This file
-	Things that could/should be done
-	Installation instructions
-	Top level makefile
-	Generates release tarball
-	Save/restore CVS adminstration files.  You need this to install
-	directly from the CVS tree rather than an exported tarball.  E.g.,
-	   $ save
-	   $ make install
-	   $ restore
-Compatibility Issues
-Issue the following command:
-	$ grep -d skip "XXX COMPATIBILITY XXX" */* */*/*
-for a list of compatibility issues in various functions.  As of this
-writing, mu2lin is a likely cause of problems when porting audio
-Paul Kienzle
-March 17, 2002