changeset 864:dac2126ec030

Remove functions deprecated in release 2.2.0. * bwborder.m, imrotate_Fourier.m, iptcheckstrs.m, impad.m, iptchecknargin.m, readexif.m, uintlut.m: removed functions which were deprecated in 2.2.0. * NEWS: list functions removed for next major release (2.4.0).
author Carnë Draug <>
date Tue, 14 Jan 2014 18:39:28 +0000
parents fa9074c5cfe9
children b42bfcfed81d
files NEWS inst/bwborder.m inst/impad.m inst/imrotate_Fourier.m inst/iptchecknargin.m inst/iptcheckstrs.m inst/readexif.m inst/uintlut.m
diffstat 8 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 1015 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+ Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.4.0 (yyyy/mm/dd):
+ ** Deprecated functions.
+    The following functions were deprecated in image 2.2.0 and have been
+    removed from image 2.4.0.
+      bwborder              iptchecknargin        readexif
+      impad                 iptcheckstrs
+      imrotate_Fourier      uintlut
  Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.2.0 (2014/01/08):
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/inst/bwborder.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2000 Etienne Grossmann <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-## version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-## details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-## this program; if not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{b} = } bwborder (@var{im})
-## Finds the borders of foreground objects in a binary image.
-## @code{bwborder} has been deprecated in favor of
-## @code{bwmorph (@var{im},"remove")}.  This function will be removed from
-## future versions of the `image' package.
-## @var{b} is the borders in the 0-1 matrix @var{im}. 4-neighborhood is considered.
-## A pixel is on the border if it is set in @var{im}, and it has at least one
-## neighbor that is not set.
-## @end deftypefn
-function b = bwborder(im)
-  ## Deprecate bwborder because bwmorph does the same job, works for any
-  ## number of dimensions, performs faster, and exist in Matlab.
-  persistent warned = false;
-  if (! warned)
-    warned = true;
-    warning ("Octave:deprecated-function",
-             ["`bwborder' has been deprecated in favor of " ...
-              "`bwmorph (IM,\"remove\")'.  This function will be removed " ...
-              "from future versions of the `image' package"]);
-  endif
-b = im & ...
-    !([im(2:R,:) ;  zeros(1,C) ] & ...
-      [zeros(1,C); im(1:R-1,:) ] & ...
-      [im(:,2:C) ,  zeros(R,1) ] & ...
-      [zeros(R,1),  im(:,1:C-1)] ) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/inst/impad.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2000 Teemu Ikonen <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-## version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-## details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-## this program; if not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {} impad(@var{A}, @var{xpad}, @var{ypad}, [@var{padding}, [@var{const}]])
-## Pad (augment) a matrix for application of image processing algorithms.
-## This function has been deprecated in favor of @code{padarray} and will be
-## removed from future versions of image package.  Notes when making
-## the conversion:
-## @itemize @bullet
-## @item
-## padarray will take the order of the padding arguments by order of dimension,
-## i.e., swap @var{xpad} and @var{ypad}.  Use
-## @code{padarray (@var{A}, [@var{ypad} @var{xpad}], @dots{})}
-## @item
-## There is no @qcode{"ones"} as @var{padding} option.  Simply set the value
-## 1 as padding value.
-## @item
-## If @var{xpad} and @var{ipad} are 2 element vectors with different values,
-## they will need to be replaced by two calls to padarray as follow:
-## @group
-## @example
-## B = padarray (A, [ypad(1) xpad(1)], "pre");
-## B = padarray (B, [ypad(2) xpad(2)], "post");
-## @end example
-## @end group
-## @item
-## The @qcode{"reflect"} @var{padding} option of @code{padarray} is different
-## from @code{impad}.  Use @qcode{"circular"} instead.
-## @end itemize
-## Pads the input image @var{A} with @var{xpad}(1) elements from left, 
-## @var{xpad}(2), elements from right, @var{ypad}(1) elements from above 
-## and @var{ypad}(2) elements from below.
-## Values of padding elements are determined from the optional arguments
-## @var{padding} and @var{const}. @var{padding} is one of
-## @table @samp
-## @item "zeros"     
-## pad with zeros (default)
-## @item "ones"      
-## pad with ones
-## @item "constant"  
-## pad with a value obtained from the optional fifth argument const
-## @item "symmetric" 
-## pad with values obtained from @var{A} so that the padded image mirrors 
-## @var{A} starting from edges of @var{A}
-## @item "reflect"   
-## same as symmetric, but the edge rows and columns are not used in the padding
-## @item "replicate" 
-## pad with values obtained from A so that the padded image 
-## repeates itself in two dimensions
-## @end table
-## @end deftypefn
-## A nice test matrix for padding:
-## A = 10*[1:5]' * ones(1,5) + ones(5,1)*[1:5]
-function retim = impad(im, xpad, ypad, padding = "zeros", const = 1)
-  persistent warned = false;
-  if (! warned)
-    warned = true;
-    ## We are deprecating impad because padarray already does the same thing
-    ## (we don't want multiple functions with the same purpose), padarray
-    ## already exists in Matlab so it must stay, padarray works for matrices
-    ## with any number of dimensions, and is now also working faster.
-    warning ("Octave:deprecated-function",
-             "`impad' has been deprecated in favor of `padarray (IM, [YPAD XPAD], \"PADDING\")'. This function will be removed from future versions of the `image' package");
-  endif
-  ## Input checking
-  if (!ismatrix(im) || ndims(im) < 2 || ndims(im) > 3)
-    error("impad: first input argument must be an image");
-  endif
-  if (isscalar(xpad) && xpad >= 0)
-    xpad(2) = xpad;
-  elseif (!isreal(xpad) || numel(xpad) != 2 || any(xpad < 0))
-    error("impad: xpad must be a positive scalar or 2-vector");
-  endif
-  if (isscalar(ypad) && ypad >= 0)
-    ypad(2) = ypad;
-  elseif (!isreal(ypad) || numel(ypad) != 2 || any(ypad < 0))
-    error("impad: ypad must be a positive scalar or 2-vector");
-  endif
-  if (!isscalar(const))
-    error("impad: fifth input argument must be a scalar");
-  endif
-  origx = size(im,2);
-  origy = size(im,1);
-  retx = origx + xpad(1) + xpad(2);
-  rety = origy + ypad(1) + ypad(2);
-  cl = class(im);
-  for iter = size(im,3):-1:1
-    A = im(:,:,iter);
-    switch (lower(padding))
-      case "zeros"
-        retval = zeros(rety, retx, cl);
-        retval(ypad(1)+1 : ypad(1)+origy, xpad(1)+1 : xpad(1)+origx) = A;
-      case "ones"
-        retval = ones(rety, retx, cl);
-        retval(ypad(1)+1 : ypad(1)+origy, xpad(1)+1 : xpad(1)+origx) = A;
-      case "constant"
-        retval = const.*ones(rety, retx, cl);
-        retval(ypad(1)+1 : ypad(1)+origy, xpad(1)+1 : xpad(1)+origx) = A;
-      case "replicate"
-        y1 = origy-ypad(1)+1;
-        x1 = origx-xpad(1)+1;
-        if (y1 < 1 || x1 < 1 || ypad(2) > origy || xpad(2) > origx)
-          error("impad: too large padding for this padding type");
-        else
-          yrange1 = y1:origy;
-          yrange2 = 1:ypad(2);
-          xrange1 = x1:origx;
-          xrange2 = 1:xpad(2);
-          retval = [ A(yrange1, xrange1), A(yrange1, :), A(yrange1, xrange2);
-                     A(:, xrange1),       A,             A(:, xrange2);
-                     A(yrange2, xrange1), A(yrange2, :), A(yrange2, xrange2) ];
-        endif                        
-      case "symmetric"
-        y2 = origy-ypad(2)+1;
-        x2 = origx-xpad(2)+1;
-        if (ypad(1) > origy || xpad(1) > origx || y2 < 1 || x2 < 1)
-          error("impad: too large padding for this padding type");
-        else
-          yrange1 = 1 : ypad(1);
-          yrange2 = y2 : origy;
-          xrange1 = 1 : xpad(1);
-          xrange2 = x2 : origx;
-          retval = [ fliplr(flipud(A(yrange1, xrange1))), flipud(A(yrange1, :)), fliplr(flipud(A(yrange1, xrange2)));
-                     fliplr(A(:, xrange1)), A, fliplr(A(:, xrange2));
-                     fliplr(flipud(A(yrange2, xrange1))), flipud(A(yrange2, :)), fliplr(flipud(A(yrange2, xrange2))) ];
-        endif      
-      case "reflect"
-        y2 = origy-ypad(2);
-        x2 = origx-xpad(2);
-        if (ypad(1)+1 > origy || xpad(1)+1 > origx || y2 < 1 || x2 < 1)
-          error("impad: too large padding for this padding type");
-        else
-          yrange1 = 2 : ypad(1)+1;
-          yrange2 = y2 : origy-1;
-          xrange1 = 2 : xpad(1)+1;
-          xrange2 = x2 : origx-1;
-          retval = [ fliplr(flipud(A(yrange1, xrange1))), flipud(A(yrange1, :)), fliplr(flipud(A(yrange1, xrange2)));
-                     fliplr(A(:, xrange1)), A, fliplr(A(:, xrange2));
-                     fliplr(flipud(A(yrange2, xrange1))), flipud(A(yrange2, :)), fliplr(flipud(A(yrange2, xrange2))) ];
-        endif
-      otherwise   
-        error("impad: unknown padding type");
-    endswitch
-    retim(:,:,iter) = retval;
-  endfor
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/inst/imrotate_Fourier.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2002 Jeff Orchard <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-## version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-## details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-## this program; if not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {} imrotate_Fourier (@var{M}, @var{theta}, @var{method}, @var{bbox})
-## Rotation of a 2D matrix.
-## @emph{This function has been deprecated and will be removed. Instead, use
-## @code{imrotate} and select the @code{fourier} method. This function is
-## actually just a wrapper to that function.}
-## @seealso{imrotate}
-## @end deftypefn
-function fs = imrotate_Fourier (f, theta, method = "fourier", bbox = "loose")
-  persistent warned = false;
-  if (! warned)
-    warned = true;
-    warning ("Octave:deprecated-function",
-             "`imrotate_Fourier' has been deprecated in favor of `imrotate (M, theta, \"fourier\")'. This function will be removed from future versions of the `image' package");
-  endif
-  fs = imrotate (f, theta, "fourier", bbox)
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/inst/iptchecknargin.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2011 Carnë Draug <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-## version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-## details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-## this program; if not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {} iptchecknargin (@var{low}, @var{high}, @var{in}, @var{func_name})
-## Checks for correct number of arguments.
-## This function has been deprecated.  For an exact replacement, use
-## @code{narginchk (@var{low}, @var{high})} instead.  Alternatively,
-## @code{print_usage} is able to provide an even better error message
-## provided that there is documentation for the function:
-## @example
-## @group
-## if (nargin < min_inputs || nargin > max_inputs)
-##   print_usage ();
-## endif
-## @end group
-## @end example
-## This function returns an error unless @var{in} is between the values of
-## @var{low} and @var{high}. It does nothing otherwise. They all must be non
-## negative scalar integers. @var{high} can also be Inf.
-## @var{func_name} is the name of the function to be used on the error message.
-## @seealso{error, nargin, nargout, narginchk, nargoutchk}
-## @end deftypefn
-function iptchecknargin (low, high, in, func_name)
-  persistent warned = false;
-  if (! warned)
-    warned = true;
-    warning ("Octave:deprecated-function",
-             "iptchecknargin is obsolete and will be removed from a future version of the image package, please use narginchk instead");
-  endif
-  if (nargin != 4)
-    print_usage;
-  elseif (!isnumeric (low) || !isscalar (low) || !isreal (low) || low < 0 || !isfinite (low) || rem (low, 1) != 0)
-    error ("Argument 'low' must be a non-negative scalar integer");
-  elseif (!isnumeric (high) || !isscalar (high) || !isreal (high) || low < 0 || (isfinite (high) && rem (low, 1) != 0))
-    error ("Argument 'high' must be a non-negative scalar integer or Inf");
-  elseif (!isnumeric (in) || !isscalar (in) || !isreal (in) || in < 0 || !isfinite (in) || rem (in, 1) != 0)
-    error ("Argument 'in' must be a non-negative scalar integer");
-  elseif (!ischar (func_name))
-    error ("Argument 'func_name' must be a string");
-  elseif (low > high)
-    error ("Minimun number of arguments cannot be larger than maximum number of arguments")
-  endif
-  ## error ends in \n so the back trace of the error is not show. This is on
-  ## purpose since the whole idea of this function is already to give a properly
-  ## formatted error message
-  if (in < low)
-    error ("Function %s expected at least %d input arguments(s) but was called instead with %d input argument(s).\n", ...
-           func_name, low, in);
-  elseif (in > high)
-    error ("Function %s expected at most %d input argument(s) but was called instead with %d input argument(s).\n", ...
-           func_name, high, in);
-  endif
-%!test ('iptchecknargin (0, 2, 1, "func")');    # check simple works
-%!test ('iptchecknargin (0, Inf, 1, "func")');  # check Inf on max
-%!fail ('iptchecknargin (3, 2, 1, "func")');    # check fail min >max
-%!fail ('iptchecknargin (2, 3, 1, "func")');    # check fail in out of range
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/inst/iptcheckstrs.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2011 Carnë Draug <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-## version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-## details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-## this program; if not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{valid} =} iptcheckstrs (@var{in}, @var{valid_str}, @var{func_name}, @var{var_name}, @var{pos})
-## Check if argument is a valid string.
-## This function has been deprecated.  Use @code{validatestring} instead.
-## If @var{in} is not a string, present in the cell array of strings
-## @var{valid_str} gives a properly formatted error message. Otherwise,
-## @var{valid} is the matched string. The performed matching is case-insensitive.
-## @var{func_name} is the name of the function to be used on the error message,
-## @var{var_name} the name of the argument being checked (for the error message),
-## and @var{pos} the position of the argument in the input.
-## @seealso{strcmp, strcmpi, find, validatestring}
-## @end deftypefn
-function out = iptcheckstrs (in, valid_str, func_name, var_name, pos)
-  persistent warned = false;
-  if (! warned)
-    warned = true;
-    warning ("Octave:deprecated-function",
-             "iptcheckstrs is obsolete and will be removed from a future version of the image package, please use validatestring instead");
-  endif
-  if (nargin != 5)
-    print_usage;
-  elseif (!ischar (in))
-    error ("Argument 'in' must be a string.");
-  elseif (!iscellstr (valid_str))
-    error ("Argument 'valid_str' must be a cell array of strings.");
-  elseif (!ischar (func_name))
-    error ("Argument 'func_name' must be a string");
-  elseif (!ischar (var_name))
-    error ("Argument 'var_name' must be a string");
-  elseif (!isnumeric (pos) || !isscalar (pos) || !isreal (pos) || pos <= 0 || rem (pos, 1) != 0)
-    error ("Argument 'pos' must be a real positive integer");
-  endif
-  idx = find (strcmpi (valid_str, in) == 1, 1, "first");
-  ## error ends in \n so the back trace of the error is not show. This is on
-  ## purpose since the whole idea of this function is already to give a properly
-  ## formatted error message
-  if (isempty (idx))
-    valid_str = cellfun (@(x) cstrcat (x, ", "), valid_str, "UniformOutput", false);
-    valid_str = cstrcat (valid_str{:});
-    error("Function %s expected its %s input argument, %s, to match one of these strings:\n\
-         %s\n\
-       The input, '%s', did not match any of the valid strings.\n",
-      func_name, iptnum2ordinal (pos), var_name, valid_str(1:end-2), in);
-  else
-    out = valid_str{idx};
-  endif
-%!assert (iptcheckstrs ("two", {"one", "two", "three"}, "func", "var", 1) == "two" );    # check simple works
-%!assert (iptcheckstrs ("Two", {"one", "two", "three"}, "func", "var", 1) == "two" );    # check case insensitive
-%!fail ('iptcheckstrs ("four", {"one", "two", "three"}, "func", "var", 1)');             # check failure if not found
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/inst/readexif.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2009 Roderick Koehle <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-## version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-## details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-## this program; if not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{exif} =} readexif(@var{filename}, @var{thumbnail})
-## Read EXIF information from JPEG image data.
-## The exif tag information are returned in the @var{exif} data structure.
-## Integer ratios are expressed as column vector.
-## For example, a focal number of 2.8 is expressed
-## as FNumber=[28; 10]. Otherwise all data are returned by the type
-## as specified in the IFD structures.
-## The filename for the thumbnail image is optional.
-## If given, the thumbnail jpeg image will be stored to
-## file @var{thumbnail}. 
-## Reference:
-## JEITA CP-3451, Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
-## Exif Version 2.2
-## @seealso{imwrite, imfinfo}
-## @end deftypefn
-function exif = readexif(file, thumbnail)
-  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
-    print_usage;
-  endif
-  persistent warned = false;
-  if (! warned)
-    warned = true;
-    warning ("Octave:deprecated-function",
-             "`readexif' has been deprecated in favor of `imfinfo'. This function will be removed from future versions of the `image' package");
-  endif
-  % Enable the debug flag to see more of the JPG sections.
-  debug = false;
-  [in, msg] = fopen(file);
-  if (in<0)
-    error ("readexif: could not open `%s': %s", file, msg);
-  end
-  s = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-  JPEG.SOI = 0xffd8;
-  JPEG.APP0 = 0xffe0;
-  JPEG.APP1 = 0xffe1;
-  JPEG.APP2 = 0xffe2;
-  JPEG.DQT = 0xffdb;
-  JPEG.DHT = 0xffc4;
-  JPEG.DRI = 0xffdd;
-  JPEG.SOF = 0xffc0;
-  JPEG.SOS = 0xffda;
-  JPEG.EOI = 0xffd9;
-  % Stop if no Start of Image found
-  if s~=JPEG.SOI
-    error('JPEG Format error - missing start of image tag.');
-  end
-  exif = [];
-  while ~feof(in)
-    s = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-    switch s
-      case JPEG.SOI
-      case JPEG.APP0
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        if debug, printf('APP0: %i\n', l); end
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-      case JPEG.APP1
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        if debug, printf('APP1: %i\n', l); end
-        app1 = fread(in, l-2, 'uchar');
-        if nargin==1
-          exif = parseexif(app1);
-        else
-          exif = parseexif(app1, thumbnail);
-        end
-        % stop reading further, remove following break
-        % if you want to extend this parser.
-        break; 
-      case JPEG.APP2
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        if debug, printf('APP2: %i\n', l); end
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-      case JPEG.DQT % define quantization table
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        if debug, printf('DQT: %i\n', l); end;
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-      case JPEG.DHT % define huffmann table
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-        if debug, printf('DHT: %i\n', l); end
-      case JPEG.DRI % define restart interoperability
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-        if debug, printf('DRI: %i\n', l); end
-      case JPEG.SOF % start of frame
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-        if debug, printf('SOF: %i\n', l); end
-      case JPEG.SOS % start of scan
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-        if debug, printf('SOS: %i\n', l); end
-        % JPEG compressed data comes here ...
-        break;
-      case JPEG.EOI % end of image
-        printf('EOI');
-      otherwise % Skip unknown tags
-        l = fread(in, 1, 'uint16', 'ieee-be');
-        if debug, printf('TAG %04X: %i\n', s, l); end
-        fseek(in, l-2, 'cof');
-    end
-  end
-  fclose(in);
-% Parse EXIF APP1 section
-% This routine will parse the APP1 section of an jpeg image.
-% If a filename "thumb" is given, the tumbnail image data
-% will be exported to given file.
-%   exif = parseexif(data, thumb)
-function exif = parseexif(data, thumb)
-  id = char(data(1:6).');
-  if strncmp(id, ['Exif' 0 0], 6)
-    % TIFF header
-    byteorder = char(data(7:8).');
-    littleendian = strncmp(byteorder, 'II', 2);
-    bigendian    = strncmp(byteorder, 'MM', 2);
-    tag42     = intn(data(9:10), bigendian);
-    offset    = intn(data(11:14), bigendian);
-    if (~littleendian && ~bigendian) || tag42~=42
-      error('invalid TIFF header');
-    end
-    % IFD fields
-    exif = ifdparse(tifftags(), data, offset, bigendian);
-  else
-    exif = [];
-  end
-  % export thumbnail image
-  if nargin==2 && isfield(exif, 'JPEGInterchangeFormat')
-    i = exif.JPEGInterchangeFormat;
-    n = exif.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength;
-    jpg = data(7+i:7+i+n-1);
-    out = fopen(thumb, 'w');
-    if (out<0), 
-      error('Cannot open file "%s" for writing thumbnail image.', thumb);
-    end
-    fwrite(out, jpg, 'uint8');
-    fclose(out);
-  end
-function ifd = ifdparse(dict, data, offset, endian)
-  debug = false;
-  ifd = [];
-  while offset
-    ifd_fields = intn(data(7+offset+(0:1)), endian);
-    if debug, printf('Tag  Type Count    Offset\n'); end
-    for i=1:ifd_fields
-      j = 9+offset+(i-1)*12;
-      ifd_tag    = intn(data(  j:j+1), endian);
-      ifd_type   = intn(data(j+2:j+3), endian);
-      ifd_count  = intn(data(j+4:j+7), endian);
-      ifd_offset = intn(data(j+8:j+11), endian);
-      name = ifdtagname(dict, ifd_tag);
-      if debug,
-        printf('%04x %04x %08x %08x %s : ', ifd_tag, ifd_type, ...
-               ifd_count, ifd_offset, name);
-      end
-      if ifd_type>0
-        n = ifdsize(ifd_type);
-        if n*ifd_count<=4
-          value = data(j+8:j+8+n*ifd_count-1);
-          value = reshape(value, n, ifd_count);
-        else
-          a = 7+ifd_offset;
-          b = 7+ifd_offset+n*ifd_count-1;
-          if (a>0 && b>0 && a<=length(data) && b<=length(data))
-            value = data(7+ifd_offset:7+ifd_offset+n*ifd_count-1);
-            value = reshape(value, n, ifd_count);
-          else
-            value = [];
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      switch ifd_type
-        case 01 % unsigned char
-          ifd.(name) = uint8(value);
-          if debug,
-            printf('%02x ', uint8(value));
-            printf('\n');
-          end
-        case 02 % Ascii
-          ifd.(name) = char(value);
-          if debug, printf('%s\n', char(value)); end
-        case 03 % 16 bit unsigned int
-          ifd.(name) = uintn(value, endian);
-          if debug
-            printf('%i ', intn(value), endian);
-            printf('\n');
-          end
-        case 04 % 32 bit unsigned int
-          ifd.(name) = uintn(value, endian);
-          if debug, printf('%i\n', uintn(value, endian)); end
-        case 05 % 32 bit unsigned rational
-          ifd.(name) = [uintn(value(1:4,:), endian); uintn(value(5:8,:), endian)];
-          if debug, printf('%i/%i\n',uintn(value(1:4), endian),uintn(value(5:8)), endian); end
-        case 07 % unknown
-          ifd.(name) = uint8(value);
-          if debug
-            printf('%02x ', value);
-            printf('\n');
-          end
-        case 09 % 32 bit signed int
-          ifd.(name) = intn(value, endian);
-          if debug, printf('%i\n', intn(value, endian)); end
-        case 10 % 32 bit signed rational
-          ifd.(name) = [intn(value(1:4,:), endian); intn(value(5:8,:), endian)];
-          if debug, printf('%i/%i\n',intn(value(1:4), endian),intn(value(5:8)), endian); end
-        otherwise
-          printf('%02x ', value);
-          printf('\n');
-      end
-      switch ifd_tag
-        case 0x8769, % Exif Pointer
-          ifd.(name) = ifdparse(exiftags(), data, ifd_offset, endian);
-        case 0x8825, % GPS Pointer
-          ifd.(name) = ifdparse(gpstags(), data, ifd_offset, endian);
-        case 0xa005 % Interoperatibility Pointer
-          ifd.(name) = ifdparse(dict, data, ifd_offset, endian);
-%        case 0x927c % Makernotes
-%           ifd.(name) = ifdparse([], data, ifd_offset, endian);
-        otherwise
-      end
-    end
-    j = 9+offset+ifd_fields*12;
-    ifd_next = intn(data(j:j+3), endian);
-    offset = ifd_next;
-  end
-% Return bytelength for respective IFD type
-function n = ifdsize(ifd_type)
-  switch ifd_type
-    case {1, 2, 7}, n = 1;
-    case 03       , n = 2;
-    case {4, 9}   , n = 4;
-    case {5, 10}  , n = 8;
-    otherwise     , n = 1;
-  end
-% Convert little endian character vector to integer
-function y = intn(x, bigendian)
-  if bigendian
-    y = polycol(x, int32(256));
-  else
-    y = polycol(flipud(x), int32(256));
-  end
-function y = uintn(x, bigendian)
-  if bigendian
-     y = polycol(x, uint32(256));
-  else
-     y = polycol(flipud(x), uint32(256));
-  end
-% Use own polyval that works with integers,
-% it evaluates the number polygon columnwise.
-%   number = polycol(digits, base)
-function y = polycol(c, x)
-  y = c(1,:);
-  for i=2:size(c, 1)
-    y = y.*x+c(i,:);
-  end
-% Query EXIF IFD tagname
-% Unfortunately, neither MATLAB nor Octave provide a hash functionality,
-% so use structures as hash.
-function name = ifdtagname(dict, key)
-  k = sprintf('K%04X', key);
-  if isfield(dict, k)
-    name = dict.(k);
-  else
-    name = sprintf('tag%04X', key);
-  end
-% Primary image IFD tags according to Exif 2.2
-function dict = tifftags()
-  t = {
-    % TIFF Tags according to EXIF2.2, additional baseline TIFF tags are marked by a '%'
-    '0FE' 'NewSubfileType' %
-    '0FF' 'SubfileType' %
-    '100' 'ImageWidth'
-    '101' 'ImageLength'
-    '102' 'BitsPerSample'
-    '103' 'Compression'
-    '106' 'PhotometricInterpretation'
-    '108' 'CellWidth' %
-    '109' 'CellLength' %
-    '10A' 'FillOrder' %
-    '10E' 'ImageDescription'
-    '10F' 'Make'
-    '110' 'Model'
-    '111' 'StripOffsets'
-    '112' 'Orientation'
-    '115' 'SamplesPerPixel'
-    '116' 'RowsPerStrip'
-    '117' 'StripByteCounts'
-    '118' 'MinSampleValue' %
-    '119' 'MaxSampleValue' %
-    '11A' 'XResolution'
-    '11B' 'YResolution'
-    '11C' 'PlanarConfiguration'
-    '120' 'FreeOffsets' %
-    '121' 'FreeByteCounts' %
-    '122' 'GrayResponseUnit' %
-    '123' 'GrayResponseCurve' %
-    '128' 'ResolutionUnit'
-    '12D' 'TransferFunction'
-    '131' 'Software'
-    '132' 'DateTime'
-    '13B' 'Artist'
-    '13C' 'HostComputer' %
-    '13E' 'WhitePoint'
-    '13F' 'PrimaryChromaticities'
-    '140' 'ColorMap' %
-    '152' 'ExtraSamples' %
-    '201' 'JPEGInterchangeFormat'
-    '202' 'JPEGInterchangeFormatLength'
-    '211' 'YCbCrCoefficients'
-    '212' 'YCbCrSubSampling'
-    '213' 'YCbCrPositioning'
-    '214' 'ReferenceBlackWhite'
-    '8298' 'Copyright'
-    '8769' 'Exif IFD Pointer'
-    '8825' 'GPS Info IFD Pointer'
-  };
-  dict = [];
-  for i=1:size(t,1)
-    key   = sprintf('K%04X', hex2dec(t{i,1}));
-    value = t{i,2};
-    dict.(key) = strrep(value, ' ', '_');
-  end
-% EXIF private tags
-function dict = exiftags()
-  t = {
-    % EXIF Tags
-    '829A' 'ExposureTime'
-    '829D' 'FNumber'
-    '8822' 'ExposureProgram'
-    '8824' 'SpectralSensitivity'
-    '8827' 'ISOSpeedRatings'
-    '8828' 'OECF'
-    '9000' 'ExifVersion'
-    '9003' 'DateTimeOriginal'
-    '9004' 'DateTimeDigitized'
-    '9101' 'ComponentsConfiguration'
-    '9102' 'CompressedBitsPerPixel'
-    '9201' 'ShutterSpeedValue'
-    '9202' 'ApertureValue'
-    '9203' 'BrightnessValue'
-    '9204' 'ExposureBiasValue'
-    '9205' 'MaxApertureValue'
-    '9206' 'SubjectDistance'
-    '9207' 'MeteringMode'
-    '9208' 'LightSource'
-    '9209' 'Flash'
-    '920A' 'FocalLength'
-    '9214' 'SubjectArea'
-    '927C' 'MakerNote'
-    '9286' 'UserComment'
-    '9290' 'SubsecTime'
-    '9291' 'SubsecTimeOriginal'
-    '9292' 'SubsecTimeDigitized'
-    'A000' 'FlashpixVersion'
-    'A001' 'ColorSpace'
-    'A002' 'PixelXDimension'
-    'A003' 'PixelYDimension'
-    'A004' 'RelatedSoundFile'
-    'A005' 'Interoperatibility IFD Pointer'
-    'A20B' 'FlashEnergy'
-    'A20C' 'SpatialFrequencyResponse'
-    'A20E' 'FocalPlaneXResolution'
-    'A20F' 'FocalPlaneYResolution'
-    'A210' 'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit'
-    'A214' 'SubjectLocation'
-    'A215' 'ExposureIndex'
-    'A217' 'SensingMethod'
-    'A300' 'FileSource'
-    'A301' 'SceneType'
-    'A302' 'CFAPattern'
-    'A401' 'CustomRendered'
-    'A402' 'ExposureMode'
-    'A403' 'WhiteBalance'
-    'A404' 'DigitalZoomRatio'
-    'A405' 'FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'
-    'A406' 'SceneCaptureType'
-    'A407' 'GainControl'
-    'A408' 'Contrast'
-    'A409' 'Saturation'
-    'A40A' 'Sharpness'
-    'A40B' 'DeviceSettingDescription'
-    'A40C' 'SubjectDistanceRange'
-    'A420' 'ImageUniqueID'
-    % Interoperatibility tags
-    '001' 'InteroperatibilityIndex'
-    '002' 'InteroperatibilityVersion'
-    '1000' 'RelatedImageFileFormat'
-    '1001' 'RelatedImageWidth'
-    '1002' 'RelatedImageLength'
-  };
-  dict = [];
-  for i=1:size(t,1)
-    key   = sprintf('K%04X', hex2dec(t{i,1}));
-    value = t{i,2};
-    dict.(key) = strrep(value, ' ', '_');
-  end
-% EXIF GPS tags
-function dict = gpstags()
-  t = {
-    0 'GPSVersionID'
-    1 'GPSLatitudeRef'
-    2 'GPSLatitude'
-    3 'GPSLongitudeRef'
-    4 'GPSLongitude'
-    5 'GPSAltitudeRef'
-    6 'GPSAltitude'
-    7 'GPSTimeStamp'
-    8 'GPSSatellites'
-    9 'GPSStatus'
-    10 'GPSMeasureMode'
-    11 'GPSDOP'
-    12 'GPSSpeedRef'
-    13 'GPSSpeed'
-    14 'GPSTrackRef'
-    15 'GPSTrack'
-    16 'GPSImgDirectionRef'
-    17 'GPSImgDirection'
-    18 'GPSMapDatum'
-    19 'GPSDestLatitudeRef'
-    20 'GPSDestLatitude'
-    21 'GPSDestLongitudeRef'
-    22 'GPSDestLongitude'
-    23 'GPSDestBearingRef'
-    24 'GPSDestBearing'
-    25 'GPSDestDistanceRef'
-    26 'GPSDestDistance'
-  };
-  dict = [];
-  for i=1:size(t,1)
-    key   = sprintf('K%04X', t{i,1});
-    value = t{i,2};
-    dict.(key) = strrep(value, ' ', '_');
-  end
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/inst/uintlut.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2004 Josep Mones i Teixidor <>
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-## version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-## details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-## this program; if not, see <>.
-## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{B} =} uintlut (@var{A}, @var{LUT})
-## Computes matrix B by using A as an index to lookup table LUT.
-## This function has been deprecated. Use @code{intlut} instead.
-## B = uintlut(A, LUT) calculates a matrix B by using @var{LUT} as a
-## lookup table indexed by values in @var{A}.
-## B class is the same as @var{LUT}.
-## @end deftypefn
-function B = uintlut (A, LUT)
-  if (nargin != 2)
-    print_usage;
-  endif
-  persistent warned = false;
-  if (! warned)
-    warned = true;
-    warning ("Octave:deprecated-function",
-             ["`uintlut' has been deprecated in favor of `intlut'. This " ...
-              "function will be removed from future versions of the `image'" ...
-              " package"]);
-  endif
-  B = LUT(A);
-%! uintlut(uint8([1,2,3,4]),uint8([255:-1:0]));
-%! % Returns a uint8 array [255,254,253,252]
-%!assert(uintlut(uint8([1,2,3,4]),uint8([255:-1:0])), uint8([255:-1:252]));
-%!assert(uintlut(uint16([1,2,3,4]),uint16([255:-1:0])), uint16([255:-1:252]));
-%!assert(uintlut(uint32([1,2,3,4]),uint32([255:-1:0])), uint32([255:-1:252]));
-%!assert(uintlut(uint64([1,2,3,4]),uint64([255:-1:0])), uint64([255:-1:252]));