changeset 14867:97ce18b62d0f

New Functions; copyobj.m, hdl2struct.m, struct2hdl.m * copyobj.m: New File. * hdl2struct.m: New File. * struct2hdl.m: New File. * scripts/plot/ Add new files. * scripts/help/unimplmented.m: Remove copyobj.m from list.
author Pantxo Diribarne <>
date Mon, 16 Jul 2012 20:37:01 -0400
parents 2309812f428e
children 5d3a684236b0
files scripts/help/unimplemented.m scripts/plot/copyobj.m scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m scripts/plot/ scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m
diffstat 5 files changed, 911 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/help/unimplemented.m
+++ b/scripts/help/unimplemented.m
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@
-  "copyobj",
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/plot/copyobj.m
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2012 pdiribarne
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+## <>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn   {Function File} {@var{hnew} =} copyobj (@var{horig})
+## @deftypefnx  {Function File} {@var{hnew} =} copyobj (@var{horig}, @var{hparent})
+## Constructs a copy of the object associated with handle @var{horig}
+## and returns a handle, @var{hnew}, to the new object.
+## If a parent handle @var{hparent} (root, figure, axes or hggroup) is specified,
+## the copied object will be created as a child to @var{hparent}.
+## @seealso{findobj, get, set, struct2hdl, hdl2struct}
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: pdiribarne <pdiribarne@new-host.home>
+## Created: 2012-04-01
+function hout = copyobj (hin, hpar = 0)
+  partypes = {"root", "figure", "axes", "hggroup"};
+  othertypes = {"line", "patch", "surface", "image", "text"};
+  alltypes = [partypes othertypes];
+  if (! ishandle (hin) || nargin > 2)
+    print_usage ();
+  elseif (! ishandle (hpar))
+    hpar = figure (floor (hpar));
+  elseif (! any (strcmpi (get (hpar).type, partypes)))
+    print_usage ();
+  endif
+  ## compatibility of input handles
+  kididx = find (strcmp (alltypes, get (hin).type));
+  paridx = find (strcmp (alltypes, get (hpar).type));
+  if (kididx <= paridx)
+    error ("copyobj: %s object can't be children to %s.",
+           alltypes{kididx}, alltypes{paridx})
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    str = hdl2struct (hin);
+    hout = struct2hdl (str);
+  else
+    str = hdl2struct (hin);
+    hout = struct2hdl (str, hpar);
+  endif
+%! h1 = figure ();
+%! set (h1, "visible", "off")
+%! x = 0:0.1:2*pi;
+%! y1 = sin (x);
+%! y2 = exp (x - 1);
+%! ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy);
+%! xlabel ("X");
+%! ylabel (ax(1), "Axis 1");
+%! ylabel (ax(2), "Axis 2");
+%! axes (ax(1));
+%! text (0.5, 0.5, "Left Axis", ...
+%!       "color", [0 0 1], "horizontalalignment", "center");
+%! axes (ax(2));
+%! text (4.5, 80, "Right Axis", ...
+%!       "color", [0 0.5 0], "horizontalalignment", "center");
+%! s1 = hdl2struct (h1);
+%! h2 = struct2hdl (s1);
+%! s2 = hdl2struct (h2);
+%! png1 = strcat (tmpnam (), ".png");
+%! png2 = strcat (tmpnam (), ".png");
+%! unwind_protect
+%!   print (h1, png1)
+%!   [img1, map1, alpha1] = imread (png1);
+%!   print (h2, png2)
+%!   [img2, map2, alpha2] = imread (png2);
+%! unwind_protect_cleanup
+%!   unlink (png1);
+%!   unlink (png2);
+%! end_unwind_protect
+%! assert (img1, img2)
+%! assert (map1, map2)
+%! assert (alpha1, alpha2)
+%! hdl = figure (1234);
+%! clf ()
+%! hold on
+%! x = 1:10;
+%! y = x.^2;
+%! dy = 2 * (.2 * x);
+%! y2 = (x - 3).^2;
+%! hg = errorbar (x, y, dy,'#~');
+%! set (hg, 'marker', '^', 'markerfacecolor', rand(1,3))
+%! plot (x, y2, 'ok-')
+%! legend ('errorbar', 'line')
+%! hout = copyobj (1234);
+%! hdl = figure (1234);
+%! clf ()
+%! subplot (2, 2, 1);
+%! hold on
+%! [C, H] = contourf (rand(10, 10));
+%! colorbar
+%! subplot (2, 2, 2);
+%! hold on
+%! quiver (rand(10, 10), rand(10, 10))
+%! subplot (2, 2, 3);
+%! colormap (jet (64))
+%! sombrero;
+%! colorbar('peer', gca, 'NorthOutside')
+%! subplot (2, 2, 4);
+%! imagesc (rand (30, 30));
+%! text (15, 15, 'Rotated text', ...
+%!      'HorizontAlalignment', 'Center', 'Rotation', 30);
+%! hout = copyobj (1234);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2012 pdiribarne
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+## <>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{s} =} hdl2struct (@var{h})
+## Returns a structure, @var{s}, whose fields describe the properties
+## of the object, and its children, associated with the handle, @var{h}.
+## The fields of the structure, @var{s}, are "type", "handle", "properties",
+## "children" and "special".
+## @seealso{findobj, get, set, struct2hdl}
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: pdiribarne <pdiribarne@new-host.home>
+## Created: 2012-03-04
+function hgS = hdl2struct (h)
+  if (nargin != 1 || !ishandle (h))
+    print_usage ();
+  endif
+  hiddenh = get (0, "showhiddenhandles");
+  if strcmp (hiddenh, "on")
+    set (0, "showhiddenhandles", "off");
+  endif
+  ## main object
+  main = get (h);
+  hgS.handle = h;
+  hgS.type =  main.type;
+  = getprops (h);
+  hgS.children = [];
+  hgS.special = [];
+  ## sweep all children but legends, colorbars, uimenu and hggroup children
+  ## in reverse order
+  kids = main.children;
+  lg = findobj (h, "-depth", 1, "tag", "legend");
+  cb = findobj (h, "-depth", 1, "tag", "colorbar");
+  ui = findobj (h, "-depth", 1, "type", "uimenu");
+  nkids = length (kids);
+  ii = 0;
+  while nkids
+    if (! any (kids (nkids) == lg) && !any (kids (nkids) == cb)
+          && ! any (kids (nkids) == ui) && !strcmpi (main.type, "hggroup"))
+      ii++;
+      hgS.children(ii) = hdl2struct(kids(nkids));
+    endif
+    nkids--;
+  endwhile
+  ## add non "children" children objects (title, xlabel, ...) and
+  ## hggroup children and tag theim in "special"
+  special = [];
+  if (strcmpi (main.type, "hggroup"))
+    special = main.children;
+  endif
+  special = [special getspecial(h)];
+  nsp = length (special);
+  while nsp
+    ii++;
+    hgS.children(ii) = hdl2struct (special(nsp));
+    hgS.special(nsp) = ii;
+    nsp--;
+  endwhile
+  ## look for legends and colorbars among "main"'s brothers and add them
+  ## to the children list
+  if (strcmpi (main.type, "axes"))
+    par = main.parent;
+    lg = findobj (par, "-depth", 1, "tag", "legend");
+    if !isempty (lg)
+      idx = arrayfun (@(x) get(x).userdata.handle(end) == h, lg);
+      lg = lg(find(idx));
+    endif
+    nlg = length (lg);
+    if nlg == 1
+      ii++;
+      hgS.children(ii) = hdl2struct (lg);
+    elseif (nlg > 1)
+      error ("hdl2struct: more than one legend found")
+    endif
+    cb = findobj (par, "-depth", 1, "tag", "colorbar");
+    if (! isempty (cb))
+      idx = arrayfun (@(x) get(x).axes == h, cb);
+      cb = cb(find(idx));
+    endif
+    ncb = length (cb);
+    if (ncb == 1)
+      ii++;
+      hgS.children(ii) = hdl2struct(cb);
+    elseif (nlg > 1)
+      error ("hdl2struct: more than one colorbar found")
+    endif
+  endif
+  set (0, "showhiddenhandles", hiddenh);
+function hdlist = getspecial (h)
+  obj = get (h);
+  ## return handles to special children
+  fields = fieldnames (obj);
+  hdlist = [];
+  regkids = get ( h, "children");
+  set (0, "showhiddenhandles", "on")
+  allkids = get ( h, "children");
+  set (0, "showhiddenhandles", "off")
+  speckids = arrayfun (@(x) ! any (x == regkids), allkids);
+  hdlist = allkids (find (speckids));
+  hdlist = reshape (hdlist, 1, numel (hdlist));
+function prpstr = getprops (h)
+  obj = get (h);
+  ## get usefull properties rejecting readonly, children, handles ...
+  fields = fieldnames (obj);
+  hdlist = [];
+  forbid = {"beingdeleted", "busyaction", "buttondownfcn", ...
+            "children", "clipping", "createfcn", ...
+            "deletefcn", "handlevisibility", "hittest", ...
+            "interruptible", "parent", "selected" ,...
+            "selectionhighlight", "type", "__modified__", ...
+            "uicontextmenu", "__graphics_toolkit__", "currentaxes", ...
+            "currentcharacter", "currentobject","tightinset", ...
+            "currentpoint", "extent"};
+  nflds = length (fields);
+  ii = 0;
+  while nflds
+    prop = fields{nflds};
+    val = obj.(fields{nflds});
+    ii++;
+    if !any (strcmp (prop, forbid))
+      prpstr.(prop) = val;
+    endif
+    nflds--;
+  endwhile
+  ## hidden properties
+  hidden = {"autopos_tag", "looseinset"};
+  for ii = 1:numel (hidden)
+    if (isprop (h, hidden{ii}))
+      prpstr.(hidden{ii}) = get (h, hidden{ii});
+    endif
+  endfor
--- a/scripts/plot/
+++ b/scripts/plot/
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
   plot/contour3.m \
   plot/contourc.m \
   plot/contourf.m \
+  plot/copyobj.m \
   plot/cylinder.m \
   plot/daspect.m \
   plot/diffuse.m \
@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@
   plot/gtext.m \
   plot/guidata.m \
   plot/guihandles.m \
+  plot/hdl2struct.m \
   plot/hggroup.m \
   plot/hidden.m \
   plot/hist.m \
@@ -172,6 +174,7 @@
   plot/stairs.m \
   plot/stem.m \
   plot/stem3.m \
+  plot/struct2hdl.m \
   plot/subplot.m \
   plot/surf.m \
   plot/surface.m \
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2012 pdiribarne
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+## <>.
+## -*- texinfo -*-
+## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{h} =} struct2hdl (@var{s})
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} struct2hdl (@var{s}, @var{p})
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} struct2hdl (@var{s}, @var{p}, @var{hilev})
+## Constructs an object from the structure @var{s}. The structure must
+## contain the fields "handle", "type", "children", "properties", and
+## "special".  If the handle of an existing figure or axes is specified,
+## @var{p}, the new object will be created as a child to that object.
+## If no object handle is provided, then a new figure and the necessary
+## children will be constructed using the default object values from
+## the root figure.
+## A third boolean argument @var{hilev} can be passed to specify wether
+## the function should try to preserve listeners/calbacks e.g for
+## legends or hggroups. Default is false.
+## @seealso{findobj, get, hdl2struct, set}
+## @end deftypefn
+## Author: pdiribarne <pdiribarne@new-host.home>
+## Created: 2012-03-04
+function [ h, matchout ] = struct2hdl (hgS, matchin=[], hilev = false)
+  fields = { "handle", "type", "children", "properties", "special"};
+  partypes = {"root", "figure", "axes", "hggroup"};
+  othertypes = {"line", "patch", "surface", "image", "text"};
+  alltypes = [partypes othertypes];
+  if (nargin > 3 || ! isstruct (hgS))
+    print_usage ();
+  elseif (! all (isfield (hgS, fields)))
+    print_usage ();
+  elseif (isscalar (matchin))
+    if (! ishandle (matchin))
+      error ("struct2hdl: argument #2 is not a handle to graphic object")
+    endif
+    if (any (strcmp (get (matchin).type, partypes)))
+      paridx = find (strcmp (get (matchin).type, alltypes));
+      kididx = find (strcmp (hgS.type, alltypes));
+      if (kididx <= paridx)
+        error ("struct2hdl: incompatible input handles")
+      endif
+    else
+      error ("struct2hdl: %s object can't be parent object", get (matchin).type)
+    endif
+    hpar = matchin;
+    matchin = [NaN; hpar];
+    ## create appropriate parent if needed
+    if (any (strcmp (hgS.type, othertypes)))
+      for ii = (paridx+1) : (numel (partypes)-1)
+        eval (["hpar = " partypes{ii} "(\"parent\", hpar);"]);
+        matchin = [matchin [NaN; hpar]];
+      endfor
+    elseif (any (strcmp (hgS.type, {"hggroup", "axes"})))
+      for ii = (paridx+1) : (kididx-1)
+        eval (["hpar = " partypes{ii} "(\"parent\", hpar);"]);
+        matchin = [matchin [NaN; hpar]];
+      endfor
+    else
+      par = NaN;
+    endif
+  elseif (isempty (matchin))
+    if (any (strcmp (hgS.type, othertypes)))
+      par = axes ();
+    elseif (any (strcmp (hgS.type, {"hggroup", "axes"})))
+      par = figure ();
+    else
+      par = NaN;
+    endif
+    matchin = [NaN; par];
+  endif
+  ## read parent (last column) in matchin and remove it if duplicate
+  par = matchin (2,end);
+  tst = find (matchin (2,:) == par);
+  if (numel (tst) > 1)
+    matchin = matchin (1:2, 1:(tst(end)-1));
+  endif
+  ## create object
+  if (strcmpi (hgS.type, "root"))
+    h = 0;
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                              {"callbackobject", "commandwindowsize", ...
+                               "screendepth", "screenpixelsperinch", ...
+                               "screensize"});
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "figure"))
+    h = figure ();
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "axes"))
+    ## legends and colorbars are "transformed" in normal axes
+    ## if hilev is not requested
+    if (! hilev)
+      if (strcmp (, "legend"))
+ = "";
+ = [];
+        par = gcf;
+      elseif (strcmp (, "colorbar"))
+ = "";
+ = [];
+        par = gcf;
+      endif
+    endif
+    [h, hgS] = createaxes (hgS, matchin, par);
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "line"))
+    h = createline (hgS, par);
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "patch"))
+    [h, hgS] = createpatch (hgS, par);
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "text"))
+    h = createtext (hgS, par);
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "image"))
+    h = createimage (hgS, par);
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "surface"))
+    h = createsurface (hgS, par);
+  elseif (strcmpi (hgS.type, "hggroup"))
+    [h, hgS, matchin] = createhg (hgS, matchin, par, hilev);
+  endif
+  ## children
+  matchin = [matchin [hgS.handle; h]]; # [original; new]
+  kids = hgS.children;
+  nkids = length (kids);
+  ii = 0;
+  while nkids
+    ii++;
+    if (! any (ii == hgS.special))
+      [h2, matchin] = struct2hdl (hgS.children(ii),
+                                  [matchin [hgS.handle; h]], hilev);
+    endif
+    nkids--;
+  endwhile
+  ## paste properties
+  setprops (hgS, h, matchin, hilev);
+  matchout = matchin;
+function [h, hgSout] = createaxes (hgS, matchin, par);
+  ## regular axes
+  if (strcmpi (, ""))
+    propval = {"position",};
+    hid = {"autopos_tag", "looseinset"};
+    for ii = 1:numel (hid)
+      prop = hid{ii};
+      if (isfield (, prop))
+        val =;
+        propval = [propval, prop, val];
+      endif
+    endfor
+    h = axes (propval{:}, "parent", par);
+    if isfield (, "__plotyy_axes__")
+      plty =;
+      addproperty ("__plotyy_axes__", h, "any")
+      tmp = [matchin [hgS.handle; h]];
+      tst = arrayfun (@(x) any (plty == x), tmp (1:2:end));
+      if sum (tst) == numel (plty)
+        for ii = 1:numel (plty)
+          plty(ii) = tmp (find (tmp == plty(ii)) + 1);
+        endfor
+        for ii = 1:numel (plty)
+          set (plty(ii), "__plotyy_axes__", plty);
+        endfor
+      endif
+ = rmfield (, "__plotyy_axes__");
+    endif
+    ## delete non-default and already set properties
+    fields = fieldnames (;
+    tst = cellfun (@(x) isprop (h, x), fields);
+ = rmfield (,  fields(find (tst == 0)));
+  elseif (strcmpi (, "legend"))
+    ## legends
+    oldax =;
+    idx = find (matchin == oldax);
+    newax = matchin(idx+1);
+    strings = {};
+    kids = hgS.children;
+    kids(hgS.special) = [];
+    oldh = unique (arrayfun (@(x), kids));
+    for ii = 1:length (oldh)
+      idx = find (matchin(1:2:end) == oldh(ii)) * 2;
+      if (! isempty (idx))
+        newh(ii) = matchin (idx);
+        if (! strcmp (get (newh(ii), "type"), "hggroup"))
+          str = get (newh(ii), "displayname");
+          strings = [strings str];
+        else
+          str = get (get (newh(ii), "children")(1), "displayname");
+          strings = [strings str];
+        endif
+      else
+        error ("struct2hdl: didn't find a legend item")
+      endif
+    endfor
+    location =;
+    orientation =;
+    textpos =;
+    box =;
+    h = legend (newax, newh, strings, "location", location, ...
+                "orientation", orientation);
+    set (h, "textposition", textpos); # bug makes "textposition"
+                                # redefine the legend
+    h = legend (newax, newh, strings, "location", location, ...
+                "orientation", orientation);
+    ## box
+    if (strcmp (box, "on"))
+      legend boxon
+    endif
+    ## visibility
+    tst = arrayfun (@(x) strcmp (, "on"), kids);
+    if !any (tst)
+      legend ("hide");
+    endif
+    ## remove all properties such as "textposition" that redefines
+    ## the entire legend. Also remove chidren
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                                {"userdata", "xlabel",...
+                                 "ylabel", "zlabel", "location", ...
+                                 "title", "string","orientation", ...
+                                 "visible", "textposition"});
+    hgS.children = [];
+  elseif (strcmpi (, "colorbar"))
+    ## colorbar
+    oldax =;
+    if (! isempty (idx = find (oldax == matchin)))
+      ax = matchin(idx+1);
+      location =;
+      h = colorbar ("peer", ax, location);
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                              {"userdata", "xlabel" ...
+                               "ylabel", "zlabel", ...
+                               "title", "axes"});
+      hgS.children= [];
+    else
+      error ("hdl2struct: didn't find an object")
+    endif
+  endif
+  hgSout = hgS;
+function [h] = createline (hgS, par);
+  h = line ("parent", par);
+  addmissingprops (h,;
+function [h, hgSout] = createpatch (hgS, par);
+  prp.faces =;
+  prp.vertices =;
+  prp.facevertexcdata =;
+  h = patch (prp);
+  set (h, "parent", par);
+ = rmfield (,
+                            {"faces", "vertices", "facevertexcdata"});
+  addmissingprops (h,;
+  hgSout = hgS;
+function [h] = createtext (hgS, par);
+  h = text ("parent", par);
+  addmissingprops (h,
+function [h] = createimage (hgS, par);
+  h = image ("parent", par);
+  addmissingprops (h,
+function [h] = createsurface (hgS, par);
+  h = surface ("parent", par);
+  addmissingprops (h,
+function [h, hgSout, matchout] = createhg (hgS, matchin, par, hilev)
+  ## Here we infer from properties the type of hggroup we should build
+  ## an call corresponding high level functions
+  ## We manually set "hold on" to avoid next hggroup be deleted
+  ## the proper value of axes "nextplot" will finally be recovered
+  hold on;
+  if (hilev)
+    [h, hgS, matchin] = createhg_hilev (hgS, matchin, par);
+    if (numel (hgS.children) != numel (get (h).children))
+      warning (["struct2hdl: couldn't infer the hggroup type. ", ...
+                "Will build objects but listener/callback functions ", ...
+                "will be lost"]);
+      if isfield (h, "bargroup")
+        delete (get (h).bargroup);
+      else
+        delete (h);
+      endif
+      h = hggroup ("parent", par);
+      addmissingprops (h,;
+      hgS.special = [];
+    else
+      oldkids = hgS.children;
+      newkids = get (h).children;
+      nkids = numel (oldkids);
+      ii = 1;
+      while nkids
+        matchin = [matchin [oldkids(ii++).handle; newkids(nkids--)]];
+      endwhile
+    endif
+  else
+    h = hggroup ("parent", par);
+    addmissingprops (h,;
+    hgS.special = [];
+  endif
+  hgSout = hgS;
+  matchout = matchin;
+function [h, hgSout, matchout] = createhg_hilev (hgS, matchin, par)
+  fields =;
+  if (isfield (fields, "contourmatrix"))
+    ## contours
+    xdata =;
+    ydata =;
+    zdata =;
+    levellist =;
+    textlist =;
+    ## contour creation
+    if (isempty (hgS.children(1).properties.zdata))
+      if (strcmpi (, "on"))
+        [cm2, h] = contourf (xdata, ydata, zdata, levellist);
+      else
+        [cm2, h] = contour (xdata, ydata, zdata, levellist);
+      endif
+      ## labels
+      if (strcmpi (, "on"))
+        clabel (cm2, h, textlist);
+      endif
+    else
+      [cm2, h] = contour3 (xdata, ydata, zdata, levellist);
+    endif
+    ## delete already set properties and children
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                              {"xdata", "ydata", "zdata", ...
+                               "contourmatrix", "levellist", ...
+                               "fill", "labelspacing", ...
+                               "levellistmode", "levelstep", ...
+                               "levelstepmode", "textlist"...
+                               "textlistmode" , "textstep", ...
+                               "textstepmode", "zlevel", ...
+                               "zlevelmode"});
+  elseif (isfield (fields, "udata") && isfield (fields, "vdata"))
+    ## quiver
+    xdata =;
+    ydata =;
+    udata =;
+    vdata =;
+    h = quiver (xdata, ydata, udata, vdata);
+    ## delete already set properties and children
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                              {"xdata", "ydata", "zdata", ...
+                               "xdatasource", "ydatasource", "zdatasource", ...
+                               "udata", "vdata", "wdata", ...
+                               "udatasource", "vdatasource", "wdatasource"});
+  elseif (isfield (fields, "format"))
+    ##errorbar
+    form =;
+    xdata =;
+    ydata =;
+    xldata =;
+    ldata =;
+    xudata =;
+    udata =;
+    switch form
+      case "xerr"
+        h = errorbar (xdata, ydata, xldata, xudata, ">");
+      case "yerr"
+        h = errorbar (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata, "~");
+      case "xyerr"
+        h = errorbar (xdata, ydata, xldata, xudata, ldata, udata, "~>");
+      case "box"
+        h = errorbar (xdata, ydata, xldata, xudata, "#");
+      case "boxy"
+        h = errorbar (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata, "#~");
+      case "boxxy"
+        h = errorbar (xdata, ydata, xldata, xudata, ldata, udata, "#~>");
+      otherwise
+        error ("struct2hdl: couldn't guess the errorbar format")
+    endswitch
+    ## delete already set properties
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                              {"xdata", "ydata", ...
+                               "xldata", "ldata", ...
+                               "xudata", "udata", ...
+                               "xldatasource", "ldatasource", ...
+                               "xudatasource", "udatasource", ...
+                               "format"});
+  elseif (isfield (fields, "bargroup"))
+    ## bar plot
+    ## FIXME - here we don't have access to brothers so we first create all
+    ## the barseries of the bargroup (but the last), then retrieve information,
+    ## and rebuild the whole bargroup.
+    ## The duplicate are deleted after calling "setprops"
+    bargroup =;
+    oldh = hgS.handle;
+    temp = arrayfun (@(x) any(x == bargroup), [matchin(1:2:end) oldh]);
+    tst = sum (temp) == length (bargroup);
+    if (isscalar (bargroup) || !tst)
+      xdata =;
+      ydata =;
+      h = bar (xdata, ydata);
+      ## delete already set properties,
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                                {"xdata", "ydata", ...
+                                 "xdatasource", "ydatasource", ...
+                                 "bargroup", ...
+                                 "barwidth", "baseline"});
+    else
+      xdata = [];
+      ydata = [];
+      ##build x/y matrix
+      nbar = length (bargroup);
+      tmp = struct ("handle", NaN,"type", "", "children", [], "special", []);
+      for ii = 1:(nbar - 1)
+        idx = find (matchin(1:2:end) == bargroup(ii)) * 2;
+        hdl = matchin (idx);
+        xdata = [xdata get(hdl).xdata];
+        ydata = [ydata get(hdl).ydata];
+        tmp.children(ii) = hdl2struct (hdl);
+      endfor
+      xdata = [xdata];
+      ydata = [ydata];
+      width =;
+      h = bar (ydata, width);
+      ## replace previous handles in "match", copy props and delete redundant
+      for ii = 1:(nbar - 1)
+        props = tmp.children(ii).properties;
+        bl = props.baseline;
+        tmp.children(ii).properties = rmfield (props, {"baseline", "bargroup"});
+        setprops (tmp.children(ii), h(ii), matchin, 1);
+        delete (tmp.children(ii).handle);
+        delete (bl);
+        idxpar = find (matchin == tmp.children(ii).handle);
+        matchin (idxpar) = h(ii);
+        idxkid = idxpar - 2;
+        matchin (idxkid) = get (h(ii), "children");
+      endfor
+      matchin (2,((end-nbar+2):end)) = h (1:(end-1));
+      h = h (end);
+      ## delete already set properties ,
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                                {"xdata", "ydata", "bargroup"...
+                                 "barwidth", "baseline"});
+    endif
+  elseif (isfield (fields, "baseline"))
+    ## stem plot
+    xdata =;
+    ydata =;
+    h = stem (xdata, ydata);
+    ## delete already set properties,
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                              {"xdata", "ydata", ...
+                               "xdatasource", "ydatasource", ...
+                               "baseline"});
+  elseif (isfield (fields, "basevalue"))
+    ## area plot
+    xdata =;
+    ydata =;
+    level =;
+    h = area (xdata, ydata, level);
+    ## delete already set properties,
+ = rmfield (, ...
+                              {"xdata", "ydata", ...
+                               "xdatasource", "ydatasource"});
+  else
+    warning ("struct2hdl: couldn't infer the hggroup type. Will build objects but listener/callback functions will be lost");
+    h = hggroup ("parent", par);
+    addmissingprops (h,;
+    hgS.special = [];           # children will be treated as normal children
+  endif
+  hgSout = hgS;
+  matchout = matchin;
+function setprops (hgS, h, matchin, hilev)
+  more off
+  if (strcmpi (, ""))
+    specs = hgS.children(hgS.special);
+    hdls = arrayfun (@(x) x.handle, specs);
+    nh = length(hdls);
+    msg = "";
+    if (! nh)
+      set (h,;
+    else
+      ## Specials are objects that where automatically constructed with
+      ## current object. Among them are "x(yz)labels", "title", high
+      ## level hggroup children
+      fields = fieldnames (;
+      vals = struct2cell (;
+      idx = find (cellfun (@(x) valcomp(x, hdls) , vals));
+ = rmfield (, fields(idx));
+      ## set all properties but special handles
+      set (h,;
+      ## find  props with val == (one of special handles)
+      nf = length (idx);
+      fields = fields(idx);
+      vals = vals(idx);
+      while nf
+        field = fields{nf};
+        idx = find (hdls == vals{nf});
+        spec = specs(idx);
+        if (isprop (h, field))
+           h2 = get (h , field);
+           set (h2,;
+        endif
+        nf--;
+      endwhile
+      ## If hggroup children  were created by high level functions,
+      ## copy only usefull properties.
+      if (hilev)
+        if (strcmpi (hgS.type, "hggroup"))
+          nold = numel (hgS.children);
+          nnew = numel (get(h).children);
+          if (nold == nnew)
+            hnew = get(h).children;
+            ii = 1;
+            while ii <= nnew
+              try
+                set (hnew (ii), "displayname", ...
+                     hgS.children(ii).properties.displayname);
+              catch
+                sprintf ("struct2hdl: couldn't set hggroup children #%d props.", ii)
+              end_try_catch
+              ii ++;
+            endwhile
+          else
+            error ("struct2hdl: non-conformant number of children in hgggroup")
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  elseif (strcmpi (, "legend")
+          || strcmpi (, "colorbar"))
+    set (h,;
+  endif
+function out = valcomp (x, hdls)
+  if (isfloat(x) && isscalar(x))
+    out = any (x == hdls);
+  else
+    out = 0;
+  endif
+function addmissingprops (h, props)
+  hid = {"autopos_tag", "looseinset"};
+  oldfields = fieldnames (props);
+  curfields = fieldnames (get (h));
+  missing = cellfun (@(x) !any (strcmp (x, curfields)), oldfields);
+  idx = find (missing);
+  for ii = 1:length(idx)
+    prop = oldfields{idx(ii)};
+    if (! any (strcmp (prop, hid)))
+      addproperty (prop, h, "any");
+    endif
+  endfor