diff scripts/testfun/test.m @ 14964:5d3a684236b0

maint: Use Octave coding conventions for cuddling parentheses in scripts directory * lin2mu.m, loadaudio.m, wavread.m, accumarray.m, bicubic.m, celldisp.m, colon.m, cplxpair.m, dblquad.m, divergence.m, genvarname.m, gradient.m, int2str.m, interp1.m, interp1q.m, interp2.m, interpn.m, loadobj.m, nthargout.m, __isequal__.m, __splinen__.m, quadgk.m, quadl.m, quadv.m, rat.m, rot90.m, rotdim.m, saveobj.m, subsindex.m, triplequad.m, delaunay3.m, griddata.m, inpolygon.m, tsearchn.m, voronoi.m, get_first_help_sentence.m, which.m, gray2ind.m, pink.m, dlmwrite.m, strread.m, textread.m, textscan.m, housh.m, ishermitian.m, issymmetric.m, krylov.m, logm.m, null.m, rref.m, compare_versions.m, copyfile.m, dump_prefs.m, edit.m, fileparts.m, getappdata.m, isappdata.m, movefile.m, orderfields.m, parseparams.m, __xzip__.m, rmappdata.m, setappdata.m, swapbytes.m, unpack.m, ver.m, fminbnd.m, fminunc.m, fsolve.m, glpk.m, lsqnonneg.m, qp.m, sqp.m, configure_make.m, copy_files.m, describe.m, get_description.m, get_forge_pkg.m, install.m, installed_packages.m, is_architecture_dependent.m, load_package_dirs.m, print_package_description.m, rebuild.m, repackage.m, save_order.m, shell.m, allchild.m, ancestor.m, area.m, axes.m, axis.m, clabel.m, close.m, colorbar.m, comet.m, comet3.m, contour.m, cylinder.m, ezmesh.m, ezsurf.m, findobj.m, fplot.m, hist.m, isocolors.m, isonormals.m, isosurface.m, isprop.m, legend.m, mesh.m, meshz.m, pareto.m, pcolor.m, peaks.m, plot3.m, plotmatrix.m, plotyy.m, polar.m, print.m, __add_datasource__.m, __add_default_menu__.m, __axes_limits__.m, __bar__.m, __clabel__.m, __contour__.m, __errcomm__.m, __errplot__.m, __ezplot__.m, __file_filter__.m, __fltk_print__.m, __ghostscript__.m, __gnuplot_print__.m, __go_draw_axes__.m, __go_draw_figure__.m, __interp_cube__.m, __marching_cube__.m, __patch__.m, __pie__.m, __plt__.m, __print_parse_opts__.m, __quiver__.m, __scatter__.m, __stem__.m, __tight_eps_bbox__.m, __uigetdir_fltk__.m, __uigetfile_fltk__.m, __uiputfile_fltk__.m, quiver.m, quiver3.m, rectangle.m, refreshdata.m, ribbon.m, scatter.m, semilogy.m, shading.m, slice.m, subplot.m, surface.m, surfl.m, surfnorm.m, text.m, uigetfile.m, uiputfile.m, whitebg.m, deconv.m, mkpp.m, pchip.m, polyaffine.m, polyder.m, polygcd.m, polyout.m, polyval.m, ppint.m, ppjumps.m, ppval.m, residue.m, roots.m, spline.m, splinefit.m, addpref.m, getpref.m, setpref.m, ismember.m, setxor.m, arch_fit.m, arch_rnd.m, arch_test.m, autoreg_matrix.m, diffpara.m, fftconv.m, filter2.m, hanning.m, hurst.m, periodogram.m, triangle_sw.m, sinc.m, spectral_xdf.m, spencer.m, stft.m, synthesis.m, unwrap.m, yulewalker.m, bicgstab.m, gmres.m, pcg.m, pcr.m, __sprand_impl__.m, speye.m, spfun.m, sprandn.m, spstats.m, svds.m, treelayout.m, treeplot.m, bessel.m, factor.m, legendre.m, perms.m, primes.m, magic.m, toeplitz.m, corr.m, cov.m, mean.m, median.m, mode.m, qqplot.m, quantile.m, ranks.m, zscore.m, logistic_regression_likelihood.m, bartlett_test.m, chisquare_test_homogeneity.m, chisquare_test_independence.m, kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m, run_test.m, u_test.m, wilcoxon_test.m, z_test.m, z_test_2.m, bin2dec.m, dec2base.m, mat2str.m, strcat.m, strchr.m, strjust.m, strtok.m, substr.m, untabify.m, assert.m, demo.m, example.m, fail.m, speed.m, test.m, now.m: Use Octave coding conventions for cuddling parentheses in scripts directory.
author Rik <octave@nomad.inbox5.com>
date Tue, 17 Jul 2012 07:08:39 -0700
parents 460a3c6d8bf1
children d8acad691f26
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/testfun/test.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/test.m
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
     fprintf (__fid, "# success (in which case no error will be reported).\n");
     fflush (__fid);
     if (__close_fid)
-      fclose(__fid);
+      fclose (__fid);
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
     if (__close_fid)
-      fclose(__fid);
+      fclose (__fid);
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@
     if (__close_fid)
-      fclose(__fid);
+      fclose (__fid);
     ## Add a dummy comment block to the end for ease of indexing.
-    if (__body (length(__body)) == "\n")
+    if (__body (length (__body)) == "\n")
       __body = sprintf ("\n%s#", __body);
       __body = sprintf ("\n%s\n#", __body);
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
   __shared = " ";
   __shared_r = " ";
   __clear = "";
-  for __i = 1:length(__blockidx)-1
+  for __i = 1:length (__blockidx)-1
     ## Extract the block.
     __block = __body(__blockidx(__i):__blockidx(__i+1)-2);
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
       __code = "";
       __type = __block(1:__idx(1)-1);
-      __code = __block(__idx(1):length(__block));
+      __code = __block(__idx(1):length (__block));
     ## Assume the block will succeed.
@@ -270,11 +270,11 @@
       __istest = 0;
       if (__grabdemo && __isdemo)
-        if (isempty(__demo_code))
+        if (isempty (__demo_code))
           __demo_code = __code;
           __demo_idx = [1, length(__demo_code)+1];
-          __demo_code = cstrcat(__demo_code, __code);
+          __demo_code = cstrcat (__demo_code, __code);
           __demo_idx = [__demo_idx, length(__demo_code)+1];
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
         __code = "";
         __vars = __code (1:__idx(1)-1);
-        __code = __code (__idx(1):length(__code));
+        __code = __code (__idx(1):length (__code));
       ## Strip comments off the variables.
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
         __name = __block(__name_position(1):__name_position(2));
         __code = __block;
-          eval(__code); ## Define the function
+          eval (__code); ## Define the function
           __clear = sprintf ("%sclear %s;\n", __clear, __name);
           __success = 0;
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
-    elseif (strcmp (__type, "error") || strcmp(__type, "warning"))
+    elseif (strcmp (__type, "error") || strcmp (__type, "warning"))
       __istest = 1;
       __warning = strcmp (__type, "warning");
       [__pattern, __id, __code] = getpattern (__code);
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
           __ret1 = __ret2 = 0;
         if (__close_fid)
-          fclose(__fid);
+          fclose (__fid);
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
 ## Strip leading blanks from string.
 function str = trimleft (str)
   idx = find (isspace (str));
-  leading = find (idx == 1:length(idx));
+  leading = find (idx == 1:length (idx));
   if (! isempty (leading))
     str = str(leading(end)+1:end);
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@
       ln = fgetl (fid);
       if (length (ln) >= 2 && strcmp (ln(1:2), "%!"))
         body = [body, "\n"];
-        if (length(ln) > 2)
+        if (length (ln) > 2)
           body = cstrcat (body, ln(3:end));
@@ -683,29 +683,29 @@
 ### Disable this test to avoid spurious skipped test for "make check"
 % !testif HAVE_FOOBAR
 % ! ## missing feature. Fail if this test is run
-% ! error("Failed missing feature test");
+% ! error ("Failed missing feature test");
 ### Test for a known failure
-%!xtest error("This test is known to fail")
+%!xtest error ("This test is known to fail")
 ### example from toeplitz
 %!shared msg1,msg2
 %! msg1="C must be a vector";
 %! msg2="C and R must be vectors";
-%!fail ('toeplitz([])', msg1);
-%!fail ('toeplitz([1,2;3,4])', msg1);
-%!fail ('toeplitz([1,2],[])', msg2);
-%!fail ('toeplitz([1,2],[1,2;3,4])', msg2);
+%!fail ('toeplitz ([])', msg1);
+%!fail ('toeplitz ([1,2;3,4])', msg1);
+%!fail ('toeplitz ([1,2],[])', msg2);
+%!fail ('toeplitz ([1,2],[1,2;3,4])', msg2);
 %!fail ('toeplitz ([1,2;3,4],[1,2])', msg2);
 % !fail ('toeplitz','usage: toeplitz'); # usage doesn't generate an error
-% !fail ('toeplitz(1, 2, 3)', 'usage: toeplitz');
+% !fail ('toeplitz (1, 2, 3)', 'usage: toeplitz');
 %!test  assert (toeplitz ([1,2,3], [1,4]), [1,4; 2,1; 3,2]);
 %!demo  toeplitz ([1,2,3,4],[1,5,6])
 ### example from kron
 %!#error kron  # FIXME suppress these until we can handle output
 %!#error kron(1,2,3)
-%!test assert (isempty (kron ([], rand(3, 4))))
+%!test assert (isempty (kron ([], rand (3, 4))))
 %!test assert (isempty (kron (rand (3, 4), [])))
 %!test assert (isempty (kron ([], [])))
 %!shared A, B
@@ -729,16 +729,16 @@
 ### an extended demo from specgram
 %! ## Speech spectrogram
-%! [x, Fs] = auload(file_in_loadpath("sample.wav")); # audio file
-%! step = fix(5*Fs/1000);     # one spectral slice every 5 ms
-%! window = fix(40*Fs/1000);  # 40 ms data window
-%! fftn = 2^nextpow2(window); # next highest power of 2
-%! [S, f, t] = specgram(x, fftn, Fs, window, window-step);
-%! S = abs(S(2:fftn*4000/Fs,:)); # magnitude in range 0<f<=4000 Hz.
-%! S = S/max(max(S));         # normalize magnitude so that max is 0 dB.
-%! S = max(S, 10^(-40/10));   # clip below -40 dB.
-%! S = min(S, 10^(-3/10));    # clip above -3 dB.
-%! imagesc(flipud(20*log10(S)), 1);
+%! [x, Fs] = auload (file_in_loadpath ("sample.wav")); # audio file
+%! step = fix (5*Fs/1000);     # one spectral slice every 5 ms
+%! window = fix (40*Fs/1000);  # 40 ms data window
+%! fftn = 2^nextpow2 (window); # next highest power of 2
+%! [S, f, t] = specgram (x, fftn, Fs, window, window-step);
+%! S = abs (S (2:fftn*4000/Fs,:)); # magnitude in range 0<f<=4000 Hz.
+%! S = S/max(max(S));          # normalize magnitude so that max is 0 dB.
+%! S = max (S, 10^(-40/10));   # clip below -40 dB.
+%! S = min (S, 10^(-3/10));    # clip above -3 dB.
+%! imagesc (flipud (20*log10 (S)), 1);
 %! % you should now see a spectrogram in the image window
@@ -746,62 +746,62 @@
 %!## usage and error testing
 % !fail ('test','usage.*test')           # no args, generates usage()
-% !fail ('test(1,2,3,4)','usage.*test')  # too many args, generates usage()
-%!fail ('test("test", "bogus")','unknown flag')      # incorrect args
+% !fail ('test (1,2,3,4)','usage.*test') # too many args, generates usage()
+%!fail ('test ("test", "bogus")','unknown flag')  # incorrect args
 %!fail ('garbage','garbage.*undefined')  # usage on nonexistent function should be
 %!error test                     # no args, generates usage()
-%!error test(1,2,3,4)            # too many args, generates usage()
-%!error <unknown flag> test("test", 'bogus');  # incorrect args, generates error()
+%!error test (1,2,3,4)           # too many args, generates usage()
+%!error <unknown flag> test ("test", 'bogus'); # incorrect args, generates error()
 %!error <garbage' undefined> garbage           # usage on nonexistent function should be
-%!error test("test", 'bogus');           # test without pattern
+%!error test ("test", 'bogus');  # test without pattern
 %! lastwarn();            # clear last warning just in case
-%!warning <warning message> warning('warning message');
+%!warning <warning message> warning ('warning message');
 %!## test of shared variables
 %!shared a                # create a shared variable
 %!test   a=3;             # assign to a shared variable
-%!test   assert(a,3)      # variable should equal 3
+%!test   assert (a,3)     # variable should equal 3
 %!shared b,c              # replace shared variables
-%!test assert (!exist("a"));   # a no longer exists
-%!test assert (isempty(b));    # variables start off empty
+%!test assert (!exist ("a"));  # a no longer exists
+%!test assert (isempty (b));   # variables start off empty
 %!shared a,b,c            # recreate a shared variable
-%!test assert (isempty(a));    # value is empty even if it had a previous value
+%!test assert (isempty (a));   # value is empty even if it had a previous value
 %!test a=1; b=2; c=3;   # give values to all variables
 %!test assert ([a,b,c],[1,2,3]); # test all of them together
 %!test c=6;             # update a value
-%!test assert([a, b, c],[1, 2, 6]); # show that the update sticks
-%!shared                    # clear all shared variables
-%!test assert(!exist("a"))  # show that they are cleared
-%!shared a,b,c              # support for initializer shorthand
+%!test assert ([a, b, c],[1, 2, 6]); # show that the update sticks
+%!shared                     # clear all shared variables
+%!test assert (!exist ("a")) # show that they are cleared
+%!shared a,b,c               # support for initializer shorthand
 %! a=1; b=2; c=4;
-%!function x = __test_a(y)
+%!function x = __test_a (y)
 %! x = 2*y;
-%!assert(__test_a(2),4);       # Test a test function
+%!assert (__test_a (2),4);       # Test a test function
 %!function __test_a (y)
 %! x = 2*y;
-%! __test_a(2);                # Test a test function with no return value
+%! __test_a (2);                # Test a test function with no return value
 %!function [x,z] = __test_a (y)
 %! x = 2*y;
 %! z = 3*y;
 %!test                   # Test a test function with multiple returns
-%! [x,z] = __test_a(3);
-%! assert(x,6);
-%! assert(z,9);
+%! [x,z] = __test_a (3);
+%! assert (x,6);
+%! assert (z,9);
 %!## test of assert block
-%!assert (isempty([]))      # support for test assert shorthand
+%!assert (isempty ([]))      # support for test assert shorthand
 %!## demo blocks
 %!demo                   # multiline demo block