changeset 11009:064aaf82222f

Print via a pipeline.
author Ben Abbott <>
date Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:22:44 -0400
parents 3622db30ff05
children 9478b216752e
files scripts/ChangeLog scripts/plot/__fltk_print__.m scripts/plot/__gnuplot_print__.m scripts/plot/__print_parse_opts__.m scripts/plot/print.m scripts/plot/private/__ghostscript__.m
diffstat 6 files changed, 541 insertions(+), 295 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/ChangeLog
+++ b/scripts/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2010-09-21  Ben Abbott <>
+	* plot/__fltk_print__.m, plot/private/__ghostscript__.m,
+	plot/__gnuplot_print__.m, plot/__print_parse_opts__.m,
+	plot/print.m: Print via a pipeline.
 2010-09-20  Ben Abbott <>
 	* plot/legend.m: Index location cellstr to obtain a string.
--- a/scripts/plot/__fltk_print__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__fltk_print__.m
@@ -23,22 +23,26 @@
 function opts = __fltk_print__ (opts)
+  dos_shell = (ispc () && ! isunix ());
   figure (opts.figure)
   drawnow ("expose")
   if (! isempty (opts.fig2dev_binary))
+    ## fig2dev is prefered for conversion to emf
     fig2dev_devices = {"pstex", "mf", "emf"};
-    ## If no fig2dev is present, support emf using pstoedit.
     fig2dev_devices = {"pstex", "mf"};
+  gl2ps_device = {};
+  pipeline = {};
   switch lower (opts.devopt)
   case {"eps", "eps2", "epsc", "epsc2"}
-    drawnow ("eps",;
-    if (opts.tight_flag)
-      __tight_eps_bbox__ (opts,;
-    endif
+    ## format GL2PS_EPS
+    gl2ps_device = {"eps"};
+    ## FIXME - use epstool to tighten bbox and provide preview.
+    pipeline = {opts.epstool_cmd(opts, "-",};
   case {"epslatex", "pslatex", "pdflatex", "epslatexstandalone", ...
         "pslatexstandalone", "pdflatexstandalone"}
     ## format GL2PS_TEX
@@ -57,143 +61,104 @@
     elseif (dot == numel (
       name =;
-    drawnow (strcat (lower (suffix), "notxt"), strcat (name, ".", suffix));
-    drawnow ("tex", strcat (name, ".tex"));
-    if (opts.tight_flag && strcmp (suffix, "eps"))
-      __tight_eps_bbox__ (opts, strcat (name, ".", suffix));
-    endif
-    if (! isempty (strfind (opts.devopt, "standalone")))
-      __latex_standalone__ (strcat (name, ".tex"));
+    gl2ps_device = {sprintf("%snotxt", lower (suffix))};
+    gl2ps_device{2} = "tex";
+    if (dos_shell)
+      pipeline = {sprintf("copy con %s.%s", name, suffix)};
+      pipeline{2} = sprintf ("copy con %s.tex", name);
+    else
+      pipeline = {sprintf("cat > %s.%s", name, suffix)};
+      pipeline{2} = sprintf ("cat > %s.tex", name);
   case {"tikz"}
     ## format GL2PS_PGF
-    drawnow ("pgf",;
+    gl2ps_device = {"pgf"};
+    pipeline = {sprintf("cat > %s",};
   case {"svg"}
     ## format GL2PS_SVG
-    drawnow ("svg",;
+    gl2ps_device = {"svg"};
+    pipeline = {sprintf("cat > %s",};
   case fig2dev_devices
-    tmp_figfile = strcat (tmpnam (), ".fig");
-    opts.unlink{end+1} = tmp_figfile;
-    status = __pstoedit__ (opts, "fig", tmp_figfile);
-    if (status == 0)
-      status = __fig2dev__ (opts, tmp_figfile);
-      if (strcmp (opts.devopt, "pstex") && status == 0)
-        if (strfind (, ".ps") == numel( - 2)
-          devfile = strcat (, "tex");
-        else
-          devfile = strcat (, ".tex");
-        endif
-        status = __fig2dev__ (opts, tmp_figfile, "pstex_t", devfile);
+    cmd_pstoedit = opts.pstoedit_cmd (opts, "fig");
+    cmd_fig2dev = opts.fig2dev_cmd (opts, opts.devopt);
+    if (strcmp (opts.devopt, "pstex"))
+      [~, ~, ext] = fileparts (;
+      if (any (strcmpi (ext, {".ps", ".tex", "."})))
+ =;
+ = strcat (, ".ps");
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s | %s > %s", cmd_pstoedit, cmd_fig2dev,;
+      gl2ps_device = {"eps"};
+      pipeline = {cmd};
+      cmd_fig2dev = opts.fig2dev_cmd (opts, "pstex_t");
+      gl2ps_device{2} = "eps";
+      pipeline{2} = sprintf ("%s | %s > %s", cmd_pstoedit,
+                             cmd_fig2dev, strrep(, ".ps", ".tex"));
+    else
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s | %s > %s", cmd_pstoedit, cmd_fig2dev,;
+      gl2ps_device = {"eps"};
+      pipeline = {cmd};
   case {"aifm"}
-    status = __pstoedit__ (opts, "ps2ai");
+    cmd = opts.pstoedit_cmd (opts, "ps2ai");
+    gl2ps_device = {"eps"};
+    pipeline = {sprintf("%s > %s", cmd,};
   case {"dxf", "emf", "fig", "hpgl"}
-    status = __pstoedit__ (opts);
+    cmd = opts.pstoedit_cmd (opts);
+    gl2ps_device = {"eps"};
+    pipeline = {sprintf("%s > %s", cmd,};
   case {"corel", "gif"}
     error ("print:unsupporteddevice",
            "print.m: %s output is not available for the FLTK backend.",
            upper (opts.devopt))
   case opts.ghostscript.device
-    drawnow ("eps", opts.ghostscript.source);
+    opts.ghostscript.source = "-";
+    opts.ghostscript.output =;
+    if (opts.send_to_printer)
+      opts.unlink(strcmp (opts.unlink, opts.ghostscript.output)) = [];
+      opts.ghostscript.output = "-";
+    endif
+    [cmd_gs, cmd_cleanup] = __ghostscript__ (opts.ghostscript);
+    if (opts.send_to_printer || isempty (
+      cmd_lpr = opts.lpr_cmd (opts);
+      cmd = sprintf("%s | %s", cmd_gs, cmd_lpr);
+    else
+      cmd = sprintf("%s", cmd_gs);
+    endif
+    if (! isempty (cmd_cleanup))
+      gl2ps_device = {"eps"};
+      if (dos_shell)
+        pipeline = {sprintf("%s & %s", cmd, cmd_cleanup)};
+      else
+        pipeline = {sprintf("%s ; %s", cmd, cmd_cleanup)};
+      endif
+    else
+      gl2ps_device = {"eps"};
+      pipeline = {cmd};
+    endif
+  otherwise
+    error (sprintf ("print:no%soutput", opts.devopt),
+           "print.m: %s output is not available for GL2PS output.",
+           upper (opts.devopt))
+  opts.pipeline = pipeline;
+  for n = 1:numel(pipeline)
+    if (opts.debug)
+      fprintf ("fltk-pipeline: '%s'\n", pipeline{n})
+    endif
+    pid = popen (pipeline{n}, "w");
+    if (pid < 0)
+      error ("print:popenfailed", "print.m: failed to open pipe.");
+    endif
+    unwind_protect
+      drawnow (gl2ps_device{n} , sprintf ("%d" , pid));
+      waitpid (pid);
+    unwind_protect_cleanup
+      pclose (pid);
+    end_unwind_protect
+  endfor
-function status = __fig2dev__ (opts, figfile, devopt, devfile)
-  persistent warn_on_absence = true
-  if (nargin < 4)
-    devfile =;
-  endif
-  if (nargin < 3)
-    devopt =  opts.devopt;
-  endif
-  if (! isempty (opts.fig2dev_binary))
-    cmd = sprintf ("%s -L %s %s %s 2>&1", opts.fig2dev_binary, devopt,
-                   figfile, devfile);
-    [status, output] = system (cmd);
-    if (opts.debug || status != 0)
-      fprintf ("fig2dev command: %s", cmd)
-    endif
-    if (status != 0)
-      disp (output)
-      warning ("print:fig2devfailed", "print.m: error running fig2dev.")
-    endif
-  elseif (isempty (opts.fig2dev_binary) && warn_on_absence)
-    warning ("print:nofig2dev", "print.m: 'fig2dev' not found in EXEC_PATH.")
-    warn_on_absence = false;
-  endif
-function status = __pstoedit__ (opts, devopt, name)
-  persistent warn_on_absence = true
-  if (nargin < 3)
-    name =;
-  endif
-  if (nargin < 2)
-    devopt =  opts.devopt;
-  endif
-  if (! isempty (opts.pstoedit_binary))
-    tmp_epsfile = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
-    unwind_protect
-      drawnow ("eps", tmp_epsfile)
-      if (opts.tight_flag)
-        __tight_eps_bbox__ (opts, tmp_epsfile);
-      endif
-      cmd = sprintf ("%s -f %s %s %s 2>&1", opts.pstoedit_binary, devopt,
-                     tmp_epsfile, name);
-      [status, output] = system (cmd);
-      if (opts.debug || status != 0)
-        fprintf ("pstoedit command: %s", cmd)
-      endif
-      if (status != 0)
-        disp (output)
-        warning ("print:pstoeditfailed", "print.m: error running pstoedit.")
-      endif
-    unwind_protect_cleanup
-      [status, output] = unlink (tmp_epsfile);
-      if (status != 0)
-        warning ("print.m: %s, '%s'.", output, tmp_epsfile)
-      endif
-    end_unwind_protect
-  elseif (isempty (opts.pstoedit_binary) && warn_on_absence)
-    warning ("print:nopstoedit", "print.m: 'pstoedit' not found in EXEC_PATH.")
-    warn_on_absence = false;
-  endif
-function __latex_standalone__ (latexfile)
-  prepend = {"\\documentclass{minimal}";
-             "\\usepackage{epsfig,color}";
-             "\\begin{document}";
-             "\\centering"};
-  postpend = {"\\end{document}"};
-  fid = fopen (latexfile, "r");
-  if (fid >= 0)
-    latex = fscanf (fid, "%c", Inf);
-    status = fclose (fid);
-    if (status != 0)
-      error ("print:errorclosingfile",
-             "print.m: error closing file '%s'", latexfile)
-    endif
-  else
-    error ("print:erroropeningfile",
-           "print.m: error opening file '%s'", latexfile)
-  endif
-  fid = fopen (latexfile, "w");
-  if (fid >= 0)
-    fprintf (fid, "%s\n", prepend{:});
-    fprintf (fid, "%s", latex);
-    fprintf (fid, "%s\n", postpend{:});
-    status = fclose (fid);
-    if (status != 0)
-      error ("print:errorclosingfile",
-             "print.m: error closing file '%s'", latexfile)
-    endif
-  else
-    error ("print:erroropeningfile",
-           "print.m: error opening file '%s'", latexfile)
-  endif
--- a/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_print__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_print__.m
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
 function opts = __gnuplot_print__ (opts)
+  dos_shell = (ispc () && ! isunix ());
   if (isempty (opts.fontsize))
     ## If no fontsize, determine the nominal axes fontsize.
     defaultfontsize = get (0, "defaultaxesfontsize");
@@ -44,12 +46,27 @@
   ## the font spec given in "set terminal ..."
   gp_opts = font_spec (opts);
+  pipeline = "";
   switch lower (opts.devopt)
   case {"eps", "eps2", "epsc", "epsc2"}
     if (any (strcmp (opts.devopt, {"eps", "epsc"})))
       gp_opts = sprintf ("%s level1", gp_opts);
-    eps_drawnow (opts,, gp_opts);
+    if (opts.tight_flag || ! isempty (opts.preview))
+      tmp_file = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
+      eps_drawnow (opts, tmp_file, gp_opts);
+      if (dos_shell)
+        cleanup = sprintf (" & delete %s", tmp_file);
+      else
+        cleanup = sprintf (" ; rm %s", tmp_file);
+      endif
+      pipeline = {sprintf("%s %s",
+                          opts.epstool_cmd (opts, tmp_file,,
+                          cleanup)};
+    else
+      eps_drawnow (opts,, gp_opts);
+    endif
   case {"epslatex", "pslatex", "pstex", "epslatexstandalone"}
     dot = find ( == ".", 1, "last");
     if ((! isempty (dot))
@@ -71,30 +88,77 @@
     local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", term, gp_opts),
                    strcat (name, ".", suffix), opts)
-    if (opts.tight_flag && strncmpi (opts.devopt, "eps", 3))
-      __tight_eps_bbox__ (opts, strcat (name, "-inc.eps"));
+  case {"tikz"}
+    if (__gnuplot_has_terminal__ ("tikz"))
+      local_drawnow (sprintf ("lua tikz %s", gp_opts),, opts);
+    else
+      error (sprintf ("print:no%soutput", opts.devopt),
+             "print.m: '%s' output is not available for Gnuplot-%s.",
+             upper (opts.devopt), __gnuplot_version__ ())
-  case {"tikz"}
-    local_drawnow (sprintf ("lua tikz %s", gp_opts),, opts);
   case {"svg"}
     local_drawnow (sprintf ("svg dynamic %s", gp_opts),, opts);
-  case {"aifm", "corel", "eepic", "emf", "fig", "pdfcairo", "pngcairo"}
+  case {"aifm", "corel", "eepic", "emf", "fig"}
     local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", opts.devopt, gp_opts),, opts);
+  case {"pdfcairo", "pngcairo"}
+    if (__gnuplot_has_terminal__ (opts.devopt))
+      local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", opts.devopt, gp_opts),, opts);
+    else
+      error (sprintf ("print:no%soutput", opts.devopt),
+             "print.m: '%s' output is not available for Gnuplot-%s.",
+             upper (opts.devopt), __gnuplot_version__ ())
+    endif
   case {"canvas", "dxf", "hpgl", "mf", "gif", "pstricks", "texdraw"}
     local_drawnow (sprintf ("%s %s", opts.devopt, gp_opts),, opts)
   case opts.ghostscript.device
-    if (opts.formatted_for_printing)
-      ## Gnuplot's BBox LLHC is located at [50,50]
-      opts.ghostscript.pageoffset = opts.ghostscript.pageoffset - 50;
+    gp_opts = font_spec (opts, "devopt", "eps");
+    opts.ghostscript.output =;
+    opts.ghostscript.source = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
+    eps_drawnow (opts, opts.ghostscript.source, gp_opts);
+    [cmd_gs, cmd_cleanup] = __ghostscript__ (opts.ghostscript); 
+    if (opts.send_to_printer || isempty (
+      cmd_lpr = opts.lpr_cmd (opts);
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s | %s", cmd_gs, cmd_lpr);
+    else
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s", cmd_gs);
-    gp_opts = font_spec (opts, "devopt", "eps");
-    eps_drawnow (opts, opts.ghostscript.source, gp_opts);
+    if (dos_shell)
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s & delete %s", cmd, opts.ghostscript.source);
+    else
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s ; rm %s", cmd, opts.ghostscript.source);
+    endif
+    if (! isempty (cmd_cleanup))
+      if (dos_shell)
+        pipeline = {sprintf("%s & %s", cmd, cmd_cleanup)};
+      else
+        pipeline = {sprintf("%s ; %s", cmd, cmd_cleanup)};
+      endif
+    else
+      pipeline = {cmd};
+    endif
     error (sprintf ("print:no%soutput", opts.devopt),
-           "print.m: %s output is not available for the GNUPLOT backend.",
+           "print.m: %s output is not available for the Gnuplot backend.",
            upper (opts.devopt))
+  opts.pipeline = pipeline;
+  for n = 1:numel(pipeline)
+    if (opts.debug)
+      fprintf ("gnuplot-pipeline: '%s'\n", pipeline{n})
+    endif
+    [status, output] = system (pipeline{n});
+    if (status)
+      fprintf ("%s\n%s\n%s\n", 
+               "---------- output begin ----------",
+               output,
+               "----------- output end -----------");
+      error ("gnuplot:failedpipe", "print: Failed to print.")
+    endif
+  endfor
 function eps_drawnow (opts, epsfile, gp_opts)
@@ -104,9 +168,6 @@
       set (h(n), "fontsize", 2 * fontsize{n});
     local_drawnow (sprintf ("postscript eps %s", gp_opts), epsfile, opts);
-    if (opts.tight_flag)
-      __tight_eps_bbox__ (opts, epsfile);
-    endif
     for n = 1:numel(h)
       set (h(n), "fontsize", fontsize{n});
--- a/scripts/plot/__print_parse_opts__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__print_parse_opts__.m
@@ -26,11 +26,14 @@
 function arg_st = __print_parse_opts__ (varargin)
+  persistent warn_on_missing_binary = true
   arg_st.append_to_file = false;
   arg_st.canvas_size = [];
   arg_st.debug = false;
   arg_st.debug_file = "octave-print-commands.log";
   arg_st.devopt = "";
+  arg_st.epstool_binary = __quote_path__ (__find_binary__ ("epstool"));
   arg_st.figure = get (0, "currentfigure");
   arg_st.fig2dev_binary = __quote_path__ (__find_binary__ ("fig2dev"));
   arg_st.fontsize = "";
@@ -48,15 +51,17 @@
   arg_st.ghostscript.resolution = 150;
   arg_st.ghostscript.antialiasing = false;
   arg_st.loose = false;
+  arg_st.lpr_binary = __quote_path__ (__find_binary__ ("lpr")); = "";
   arg_st.orientation = "";
   arg_st.pstoedit_binary = __quote_path__ (__find_binary__ ("pstoedit"));
+  arg_st.preview = "";
   arg_st.printer = "";
   arg_st.send_to_printer = false;
   arg_st.special_flag = "textnormal";
   arg_st.tight_flag = false;
   arg_st.use_color = 0; # 0=default, -1=mono, +1=color
   if (isunix ())
     arg_st.lpr_options = "-l";
   elseif (ispc ())
@@ -67,7 +72,7 @@
   arg_st.unlink = {};
   for i = 1:nargin
-    arg = varargin{i};
+    arg = strtrim (varargin{i});
     if (ischar (arg))
       if (strcmp (arg, "-color"))
         arg_st.use_color = 1;
@@ -91,6 +96,8 @@
         arg_st.tight_flag = false;
       elseif (strcmp (arg, "-textspecial"))
         arg_st.special_flag = "textspecial";
+      elseif (any (strcmp (arg, {"-interchange", "-metafile", "-pict", "-tiff"})))
+        arg_st.preview = arg(2:end);
       elseif (strncmp (arg, "-debug", 6))
         arg_st.debug = true;
         arg_st.ghostscript.debug = true;
@@ -101,6 +108,12 @@
         arg_st.devopt = tolower (arg(3:end));
       elseif (length (arg) > 2 && arg(1:2) == "-P")
         arg_st.printer = arg;
+      elseif (strncmp (arg, "-EPSTOOL:", 9))
+        arg_st.epstool_binary = arg{10:end};
+      elseif (strncmp (arg, "-FIG2DEV:", 9))
+        arg_st.fig2dev_binary = arg{10:end};
+      elseif (strncmp (arg, "-PSTOEDIT:", 9))
+        arg_st.pstoedit_binary = arg{10:end};
       elseif ((length (arg) > 2) && arg(1:2) == "-G")
         arg_st.ghostscript.binary = file_in_path (EXEC_PATH, arg(3:end));
         if (isempty (arg_st.ghostscript.binary))
@@ -198,7 +211,8 @@
               "pslatexstandalone", "pdflatexstandalone", ...
               "pstex", "tiff", "tiffn" "tikz", "pcxmono", ...
               "pcx24b", "pcx256", "pcx16", "pgm", "pgmraw", ...
-              "ppm", "ppmraw", "pdflatex"};
+              "ppm", "ppmraw", "pdflatex", "texdraw", ...
+              "pdfcairo", "pngcairo", "pstricks"};
   suffixes = {"ai", "cdr", "fig", "png", "jpg", ...
               "gif", "pbm", "pbm", "dxf", "mf", ...
@@ -208,7 +222,8 @@
               "tex", "tex", ...
               "ps", "tiff", "tiff", "tikz", "pcx", ...
               "pcx", "pcx", "pcx", "pgm", "pgm", ...
-              "ppm", "ppm", "tex"};
+              "ppm", "ppm", "tex", "tex", ...
+              "pdf", "png", "tex"};
   if (isfigure (arg_st.figure)
       && strcmp (get (arg_st.figure, "__backend__"), "gnuplot")
@@ -238,7 +253,8 @@
                                           "ps", "ps2", "psc", "psc2", "pdf"})))
       have_ghostscript = ! isempty (__ghostscript_binary__ ());
       if (have_ghostscript)
-        file_exists = ((numel (dir ( == 1) && (! isdir (;
+        file_exists = ((numel (dir ( == 1) 
+                       && (! isdir (;
         if (! file_exists)
           arg_st.append_to_file = false;
@@ -247,17 +263,14 @@
         warning ("print.m: appended output requires ghostscript to be installed.")
-      warning ("print.m: appended output is not supported for device '%s'", arg_st.devopt)
+      warning ("print.m: appended output is not supported for device '%s'",
+               arg_st.devopt)
       arg_st.append_to_file = false;
   if (! isempty (arg_st.printer) || isempty (
     arg_st.send_to_printer = true;
-    if (isempty (
- = strcat (tmpnam (), ".", default_suffix);
-      arg_st.unlink{end+1} =;
-    endif
   aliases = gs_aliases ();
@@ -290,8 +303,8 @@
   if (isempty (arg_st.canvas_size))
     if (isfigure (arg_st.figure))
-      [arg_st.ghostscript.papersize, paperposition] = gs_papersize (arg_st.figure,
-                                                             arg_st.orientation);
+      [arg_st.ghostscript.papersize, paperposition] = ...
+                           gs_papersize (arg_st.figure, arg_st.orientation);
       ## allows tests to be run
       arg_st.ghostscript.papersize = "letter";
@@ -309,6 +322,25 @@
   if (arg_st.formatted_for_printing)
     arg_st.ghostscript.resolution = [];
+  else
+    arg_st.ghostscript.papersize = "";
+    arg_st.ghostscript.pageoffset = [0, 0];
+  endif
+  if (warn_on_missing_binary)
+    if (isempty (arg_st.ghostscript.binary))
+      warning ("print:missinggs", "print.m: Ghostscript binary is not available.")
+    endif
+    if (isempty (arg_st.epstool_binary))
+      warning ("print:missinggs", "print.m: epstool binary is not available.")
+    endif
+    if (isempty (arg_st.fig2dev_binary))
+      warning ("print:missinggs", "print.m: fig2dev binary is not available.")
+    endif
+    if (isempty (arg_st.pstoedit_binary))
+      warning ("print:missinggs", "print.m: pstoedit binary is not available.")
+    endif
+    warn_on_missing_binary = false;
@@ -318,12 +350,8 @@
 %! assert (opts.devopt, "pswrite");
 %! assert (opts.use_color, 1);
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
-%! assert (, opts.unlink{1})
 %! assert (opts.canvas_size, [576, 432]);
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "pswrite")
-%! for n = 1:numel(opts.unlink)
-%!   unlink (opts.unlink{n});
-%! endfor
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("test.pdf", "-S640,480");
@@ -332,26 +360,18 @@
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("-dpsc", "-append", "-loose");
 %! assert (opts.devopt, "pswrite");
-%! assert (, ".ps");
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
 %! assert (opts.use_color, 1);
 %! assert (opts.append_to_file, false);
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "pswrite")
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.epscrop, false);
-%! for n = 1:numel(opts.unlink)
-%!   unlink (opts.unlink{n});
-%! endfor
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("-deps", "-tight");
-%! assert (, opts.unlink{1})
 %! assert (opts.tight_flag, true);
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
 %! assert (opts.use_color, -1);
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "")
-%! for n = 1:numel(opts.unlink)
-%!   unlink (opts.unlink{n});
-%! endfor
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("-djpg", "foobar", "-mono", "-loose");
@@ -359,6 +379,8 @@
 %! assert (, "foobar.jpg")
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "jpeg")
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.epscrop, true);
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.papersize, "");
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.pageoffset, [0, 0]);
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, false);
 %! assert (opts.printer, "");
 %! assert (opts.use_color, -1);
@@ -374,16 +396,11 @@
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("-f5", "-dljet3");
-%! assert (, opts.unlink{1})
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.output, opts.unlink{1})
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "ljet3")
 %! assert (strfind (opts.ghostscript.output, ".ljet3"))
 %! assert (opts.devopt, "ljet3")
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
 %! assert (opts.figure, 5)
-%! for n = 1:numel(opts.unlink)
-%!   unlink (opts.unlink{n});
-%! endfor
 function cmd = __quote_path__ (cmd)
   if (any (cmd == " ") && ! (cmd(1) == """" && cmd(end) == """"))
--- a/scripts/plot/print.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/print.m
@@ -194,9 +194,24 @@
 ## To specify screen resolution, use "-r0".
 ## @item -tight
-##   Forces a tight bounding box for eps-files.  Since Ghostscript
-## is used to produce other devices, this option works for those
-## devices as well.
+##   Forces a tight bounding box for eps-files.
+## @item -@var{preview}
+##   Adds a preview to eps-files. Supported formats are;
+##   @table @code
+##   @item -interchange
+##     Provides a interchange preview.
+##   @item -metalfile
+##     Provides a metafile preview.
+##   @item -pict
+##     Provides pict preview.
+##   @item -tiff
+##     Provides a tiff preview.
+##   @end table
 ## @item -S@var{xsize},@var{ysize}
 ##   Plot size in pixels for EMF, GIF, JPEG, PBM, PNG and SVG. For
@@ -220,6 +235,12 @@
   opts = __print_parse_opts__ (varargin{:});
+  opts.pstoedit_cmd = @pstoedit;
+  opts.fig2dev_cmd = @fig2dev;
+  opts.latex_standalone = @latex_standalone;
+  opts.lpr_cmd = @lpr;
+  opts.epstool_cmd = @epstool;
   if (! isfigure (opts.figure))
     error ("print: no figure to print.")
@@ -227,21 +248,15 @@
   orig_figure = get (0, "currentfigure");
   figure (opts.figure)
-  if (opts.append_to_file && ! (strncmp (opts.devopt, "pdf", 3)
-         || strncmp (opts.devopt(1:2), "ps", 2)))
-    warning ("print:cannotappendfile", 
-             "print.m: Cannot append files of type '%s'.", opts.devopt)
-    opts.append_to_file = false;
+  if (opts.append_to_file)
+    [~, ~, ext] = fileparts (opts.ghostscript.output);
+    opts.ghostscript.prepend = strcat (tmpnam (), ext);
+    movefile (opts.ghostscript.output, opts.ghostscript.prepend);
+    opts.unlink{end+1} = opts.ghostscript.prepend;
-    if (opts.append_to_file)
-      saved_original_file = strcat (tmpnam (), ".", opts.devopt);
-      opts.unlink(end+1) = {saved_original_file};
-      movefile (, saved_original_file);
-    endif
     ## Modify properties as specified by options
     props = [];
@@ -328,81 +343,13 @@
-    if (strcmp (opts.devopt, opts.ghostscript.device))
-      opts.ghostscript.output =;
-      opts.ghostscript.source = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
-      opts.unlink{end+1} = opts.ghostscript.source;
-    endif
     ## call the backend print script
-    opts = feval (strcat ("__", get (opts.figure, "__backend__"), "_print__"),
-                  opts);
-    if (strcmp (opts.devopt, opts.ghostscript.device))
-      if (opts.tight_flag && ! opts.formatted_for_printing)
-        __tight_eps_bbox__ (opts, opts.ghostscript.source);
-      endif
-      status = __ghostscript__ (opts.ghostscript);
-      if (status != 0)
-        warning ("print.m:gsfailed", "print.m: ghostscript failure")
-      endif
-    endif
-    ## Send to the printer
-    if (opts.send_to_printer)
-      if (isempty (opts.ghostscript.output))
-        prn_datafile =;
-      else
-        prn_datafile = opts.ghostscript.output;
-      endif
-      if (isempty (opts.printer))
-        prn_cmd = sprintf ("lpr %s '%s' 2>&1", opts.lpr_options, prn_datafile);
-      else
-        prn_cmd = sprintf ("lpr %s -P %s '%s' 2>&1", opts.lpr_options,
-                           opts.printer, prn_datafile);
-      endif
-      if (opts.debug)
-        fprintf ("lpr command: %s\n", prn_cmd)
-        [status, output] = system ("lpq");
-        disp (output)
-      endif
-      [status, output] = system (prn_cmd);
-      if (status != 0)
-        disp (output)
-        warning ("print.m: printing failed.")
-      endif
-    endif
-    ## Append to file using GS
-    if (opts.append_to_file)
-      if (strncmp (opts.devopt, "pdf", 3))
-        suffix = "pdf";
-        device = suffix;
-      elseif (strncmp (opts.devopt(1:2), "ps", 2))
-        ## FIXME - For FLTK & Gnuplot the fonts get mangled
-        ##         See "How to concatenate several PS files" at the link,
-        ##
-        suffix = "ps";
-        device = suffix;
-      endif
-      tmp_combined_file = strcat (tmpnam (), ".", suffix);
-      opts.unlink{end+1} = tmp_combined_file;
-      gs_opts = "-dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dFIXEDMEDIA";
-      gs_cmd = sprintf ("%s %s -sDEVICE=%swrite -sOutputFile=%s %s %s", 
-               opts.ghostscript.binary, gs_opts, device, tmp_combined_file,
-               saved_original_file,;
-      [status, output] = system (gs_cmd);
-      if (opts.debug)
-        fprintf ("Append files: %s\n", gs_cmd);
-      endif
-      if (status != 0)
-        warning ("print:failedtoappendfile", 
-                 "print.m: failed to append output to file '%s'.",
-        copyfile (saved_original_file,;
-      else
-        copyfile (tmp_combined_file,;
-      endif
-    endif
+    switch get (opts.figure, "__backend__")
+    case "gnuplot"
+      opts = __gnuplot_print__ (opts);
+    otherwise
+      opts = __fltk_print__ (opts);
+    endswitch
     ## restore modified properties
@@ -426,3 +373,236 @@
+function cmd = epstool (opts, filein, fileout)
+  ## As epstool does not work with pipes, a subshell is used to
+  ## permit piping. Since this solution does not work with the DOS
+  ## command shell, the -tight and -preview options are disabled if
+  ## output must be piped.
+  ## DOS Shell:
+  ##   copy con <filein> & epstool -bbox -preview-tiff <filein> <fileout> & delete <filein>
+  ## Unix Shell;
+  ##   cat > <filein> ; epstool -bbox -preview-tiff <filein> <fileout> ; rm <filein>
+  dos_shell = (ispc () && ! isunix ());
+  cleanup = "";
+  if (nargin < 3)
+    fileout =;
+  elseif (isempty (fileout))
+    fileout = "-";
+  endif
+  if (nargin < 2 || strcmp (filein, "-") || isempty (filein))
+    pipein = true;
+    filein = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
+    if (dos_shell)
+      cleanup = sprintf ("& delete %s ", filein);
+    else
+      cleanup = sprintf ("; rm %s ", filein);
+    endif
+  else
+    pipein = false;
+    filein = strcat ("'", strtrim (filein), "'");
+  endif
+  if (strcmp (fileout, "-"))
+    pipeout = true;
+    fileout = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
+    if (dos_shell)
+      cleanup = horzcat (cleanup, sprintf ("& delete %s ", fileout));
+    else
+      cleanup = horzcat (cleanup, sprintf ("; rm %s ", fileout));
+    endif
+  else
+    pipeout = false;
+    fileout = strcat ("'", strtrim (fileout), "'");
+  endif
+  if (! isempty (opts.preview) && opts.tight_flag)
+    warning ("print:previewandtight",
+             "print.m: eps preview may not be combined with -tight.")
+  endif
+  if (! isempty (opts.preview) || opts.tight_flag)
+    if (! isempty (opts.epstool_binary))
+      if (opts.tight_flag)
+        cmd = "--copy --bbox";
+      elseif (! isempty (opts.preview))
+        switch opts.preview
+        case "tiff"
+          cmd = sprintf ("--add-%s-preview --device tiffg3", opts.preview);
+        case {"tiff6u", "tiff6p", "metafile"}
+          cmd = sprintf ("--add-%s-preview --device bmpgray", opts.preview);
+        case {"tiff4", "interchange"}
+          cmd = sprintf ("--add-%s-preview", opts.preview);
+        case "pict"
+          cmd = sprintf ("--add-%s-preview --mac-single", opts.preview);
+        otherwise
+          error ("print:invalidpreview",
+                 "print.m: epstool cannot include preview for format '%s'",
+                 opts.preview);
+        endswitch
+        if (! isempty (opts.ghostscript.resolution))
+          cmd = sprintf ("%s --dpi %d", cmd, opts.ghostscript.resolution);
+        endif
+      else
+        cmd = "";
+      endif
+      if (! isempty (cmd))
+        cmd = sprintf ("%s --quiet %s %s %s ", opts.epstool_binary,
+                       cmd, filein, fileout);
+      endif
+      if (pipein)
+        if (dos_shell)
+          cmd = sprintf ("copy con %s & %s", filein, cmd);
+        else
+          cmd = sprintf ("cat > %s ; %s", filein, cmd);
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (pipeout)
+        if (dos_shell)
+          cmd = sprintf ("%s & type %s", cmd, fileout);
+        else
+          cmd = sprintf ("%s ; cat %s", cmd, fileout);
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (! isempty (cleanup))
+        if (pipeout && dos_shell)
+          error ("print:epstoolpipe",
+                 "print.m: cannot pipe output of 'epstool' for DOS shell.")
+        elseif (pipeout)
+          cmd = sprintf ("( %s %s )", cmd, cleanup);
+        else
+          cmd = sprintf ("%s %s", cmd, cleanup);
+        endif
+      endif
+    elseif (isempty (opts.epstool_binary))
+      error ("print:noepstool", "print.m: 'epstool' not found in EXEC_PATH.")
+    endif
+  else
+    if (pipein && pipeout)
+      if (dos_shell)
+        cmd = sprintf ("copy con %s & type %s", filein, fileout);
+      else
+        cmd = " cat ";
+      endif
+    elseif (pipein && ! pipeout)
+      if (dos_shell)
+        cmd = sprintf (" copy con %s ", fileout);
+      else
+        cmd = sprintf (" cat > %s ", fileout);
+      endif
+    elseif (! pipein && pipeout)
+      if (dos_shell)
+        cmd = sprintf (" type %s ", filein);
+      else
+        cmd = sprintf (" cat %s ", filein);
+      endif
+    else
+      if (dos_shell)
+        cmd = sprintf (" copy %s %s ", filein, fileout);
+      else
+        cmd = sprintf (" cp %s %s ", filein, fileout);
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  if (opts.debug)
+    fprintf ("epstool command: '%s'\n", cmd)
+  endif
+function cmd = fig2dev (opts, devopt)
+  if (nargin < 2)
+    devopt =  opts.devopt;
+  endif
+  dos_shell = (ispc () && ! isunix ());
+  if (! isempty (opts.fig2dev_binary))
+    if (dos_shell)
+      ## FIXME - is this the right thing to do for DOS?
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s -L %s 2> /dev/null", opts.fig2dev_binary, devopt);
+    else
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s -L %s 2> /dev/null", opts.fig2dev_binary, devopt);
+    endif
+  elseif (isempty (opts.fig2dev_binary))
+    error ("print:nofig2dev", "print.m: 'fig2dev' not found in EXEC_PATH.")
+  endif
+  if (opts.debug)
+    fprintf ("fig2dev command: '%s'\n", cmd)
+  endif
+function latex_standalone (latexfile)
+  prepend = {"\\documentclass{minimal}";
+             "\\usepackage{epsfig,color}";
+             "\\begin{document}";
+             "\\centering"};
+  postpend = {"\\end{document}"};
+  fid = fopen (latexfile, "r");
+  if (fid >= 0)
+    latex = fscanf (fid, "%c", Inf);
+    status = fclose (fid);
+    if (status != 0)
+      error ("print:errorclosingfile",
+             "print.m: error closing file '%s'", latexfile)
+    endif
+  else
+    error ("print:erroropeningfile",
+           "print.m: error opening file '%s'", latexfile)
+  endif
+  fid = fopen (latexfile, "w");
+  if (fid >= 0)
+    fprintf (fid, "%s\n", prepend{:});
+    fprintf (fid, "%s", latex);
+    fprintf (fid, "%s\n", postpend{:});
+    status = fclose (fid);
+    if (status != 0)
+      error ("print:errorclosingfile",
+             "print.m: error closing file '%s'", latexfile)
+    endif
+  else
+    error ("print:erroropeningfile",
+           "print.m: error opening file '%s'", latexfile)
+  endif
+function cmd = lpr (opts)
+  if (nargin < 2)
+    devopt =  opts.devopt;
+  endif
+  if (! isempty (opts.lpr_binary))
+    cmd = opts.lpr_binary;
+    if (! isempty (opts.lpr_options))
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s %s", cmd, opts.lpr_options);
+    end
+    if (! isempty (opts.printer))
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s -P %s", cmd, opts.printer);
+    end
+  elseif (isempty (opts.lpr_binary))
+    error ("print:nolpr", "print.m: 'lpr' not found in EXEC_PATH.")
+  endif
+  if (opts.debug)
+    fprintf ("lpr command: '%s'\n", cmd)
+  endif
+function cmd = pstoedit (opts, devopt)
+  if (nargin < 2)
+    devopt =  opts.devopt;
+  endif
+  dos_shell = (ispc () && ! isunix ());
+  if (! isempty (opts.pstoedit_binary))
+    if (dos_shell)
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s -f %s 2> /dev/null", opts.pstoedit_binary, devopt);
+    else
+      ## FIXME - is this the right thing to do for DOS?
+      cmd = sprintf ("%s -f %s 2> /dev/null", opts.pstoedit_binary, devopt);
+    endif
+  elseif (isempty (opts.pstoedit_binary))
+    error ("print:nopstoedit", "print.m: 'pstoedit' not found in EXEC_PATH.")
+  endif
+  if (opts.debug)
+    fprintf ("pstoedit command: '%s'\n", cmd)
+  endif
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__ghostscript__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__ghostscript__.m
@@ -22,21 +22,24 @@
 ## Author: Ben Abbott <>
 ## Created: 2010-07-26
-function status = __ghostscript__ (varargin);
+function [gs_cmd, cleanup_cmd] = __ghostscript__ (varargin);
   opts.binary = "";
-  opts.source = "";
-  opts.output = "";
+  opts.source = "-";
+  opts.output = "-";
   opts.device = "";
   opts.epscrop = false;
   opts.antialiasing  = false;
-  opts.resolution = [];
+  opts.resolution = 150;
   opts.papersize = "";
   opts.pageoffset = [0 0];
   opts.debug = false;
   opts.level = [];
+  opts.prepend = "";
   offsetfile = "";
+  offset_ps = {};
+  cleanup_cmd = "";
   args = varargin;
   n = find (cellfun (@isstruct, args));
@@ -51,23 +54,22 @@
     opts.(args{n}) = args{n+1};
-  gs_opts = sprintf ("-dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=%s",
-                     opts.device);
+  if (isempty (opts.papersize))
+    format_for_printer = false;
+  else
+    format_for_printer = true;
+  endif
+  gs_opts = sprintf ("-dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=%s", opts.device);
   if (! isempty (opts.level) && ismember (opts.level, [1, 2, 3]))
     gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -dLanguageLevel=%d", gs_opts, round (opts.level));
-  if (isempty (strfind (opts.device, "write")))
-    ## Empirical observation: "-dpxlcolor" requires a sign change as
-    ##                        compared to pdfwrite, or pswrite output.
-    opts.pageoffset = opts.pageoffset .* [1, -1];
-    if (! isempty (opts.resolution))
-      gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -r%dx%d", gs_opts, [1, 1] * opts.resolution);
-    endif
-    if (opts.antialiasing)
-      gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4", gs_opts);
-    endif
+  if (opts.antialiasing && isempty (strfind (opts.device, "write")))
+    ## Apply anti-aliasing to all bitmap formats/devices
+    gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4", gs_opts);
+    gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -r%dx%d", gs_opts, [1, 1] * opts.resolution);
   elseif (any (strcmp (opts.device, {"pswrite", "ps2write", "pdfwrite"})))
     gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -dEmbedAllFonts=true", gs_opts);
     if (strcmp (opts.device, "pdfwrite"))
@@ -79,7 +81,8 @@
   if (opts.epscrop)
     ## papersize is specified by the eps bbox
     gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -dEPSCrop", gs_opts);
-  elseif (! isempty (opts.papersize))
+  endif
+  if (format_for_printer)
     if (ischar (opts.papersize))
       gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -sPAPERSIZE=%s", gs_opts, opts.papersize);
     elseif (isnumeric (opts.papersize) && numel (opts.papersize) == 2)
@@ -88,25 +91,30 @@
       if (opts.papersize(1) > opts.papersize(2))
         ## Lanscape mode: This option will result in automatic rotation of the
         ##                document page if the requested page size matches one
-        ##                of the default page sizes.
+        ##                of the default page sizes
         gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -dNORANGEPAGESIZE", gs_opts);
       error ("print:badpapersize", "__ghostscript__.m: invalid 'papersize'")
     gs_opts = sprintf ("%s -dFIXEDMEDIA", gs_opts);
-    offsetfile = strcat (tmpnam (), ".ps");
+    ## "pageoffset" is relative to the coordinates, not the BBox LLHC.
+    str = sprintf ("%s [%d %d] %s", "<< /Margins [0 0] /.HWMargins [0 0 0 0] /PageOffset",
+                   opts.pageoffset, ">> setpagedevice");
+    offset_ps = {"%!PS-Adobe-3.0", str, "%%EOF"};
+    if (isfield (opts, "offsetfile"))
+      offsetfile = opts.offsetfile;
+      cleanup_cmd = "";
+    else
+      offsetfile = strcat (tmpnam (), ".ps");
+      cleanup_cmd = sprintf ("rm %s", offsetfile);
+    endif
       fid = fopen (offsetfile, "w");
-      onCleanup (@() unlink (offsetfile));
       if (fid == -1)
         error ("print:fopenfailed", "__ghostscript__.m: fopen() failed.");
-      fprintf (fid, "%s\n", "%!PS-Adobe-3.0")
-      ## "pageoffset" is relative to the coordinates, not the BBox LLHC.
-      fprintf (fid, "%s [%d %d] %s\n", "<< /Margins [0 0] /.HWMargins [0 0 0 0] /PageOffset",
-               opts.pageoffset, ">> setpagedevice");
-      fprintf (fid, "%%EOF");
+      fprintf (fid, "%s\n", offset_ps{:})
       status = fclose (fid);
       if (status == -1)
@@ -114,27 +122,36 @@
     if (opts.debug)
-      [~,output] = system (sprintf ("cat %s", offsetfile));
       fprintf ("---- begin %s ----\n", offsetfile)
-      disp (output)
+      fprintf ("%s\n", offset_ps{:})
       fprintf ("----- end %s -----\n", offsetfile)
-  cmd = sprintf ("%s %s -sOutputFile=%s %s %s 2>&1", 
-                 opts.binary, gs_opts,
-                 opts.output, offsetfile, opts.source);
+  if (isempty (opts.output))
+    cmd = sprintf ("%s %s", opts.binary, gs_opts);
+  else
+    cmd = sprintf ("%s %s -sOutputFile=%s", opts.binary, gs_opts, opts.output);
+  endif
+  if (! isempty (opts.prepend)
+      && any (strcmpi (opts.device, {"pswrite", "ps2write", "pdfwrite"})))
+    ## FIXME - Fonts get may be mangled when appending ps/ps2.
+    ##         See "How to concatenate several PS files" at the link,
+    ##
+    cmd = sprintf ("%s %s", cmd, opts.prepend);
+  endif
+  if (! isempty (offsetfile) && format_for_printer)
+    cmd = sprintf ("%s %s", cmd, offsetfile);
+  endif
+  if (! isempty (opts.source))
+    cmd = sprintf ("%s %s", cmd, opts.source);
+  endif
   if (opts.debug)
-    fprintf ("Ghostscript command: %s\n", cmd);
+    fprintf ("Ghostscript command: '%s'\n", cmd);
-  [status, output] = system (cmd);
-  if (status != 0)
-    warning ("print:ghostscripterror", 
-             "print.m: %s, '%s'.", output, opts.output)
-  endif
+  gs_cmd = cmd;