changeset 5202:49de4e624020

[project @ 2005-03-14 20:51:59 by jwe]
author jwe
date Mon, 14 Mar 2005 20:51:59 +0000
parents 63c15a67612d
children dbeafbc0ff64
files liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/Makefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo2.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo2.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77cross.f liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77cross.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77demo.f liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77demo.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77simple.f liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77simple.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77wrapper.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_simple.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_simple.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/AMD_UserGuide.bib liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/AMD_UserGuide.pdf liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/AMD_UserGuide.tex liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/ChangeLog liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/License liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/Makefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Include/amd.h liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Lib/libamd.def liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/Contents.m liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/GNUmakefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/Makefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd.m liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_demo.m liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_demo.m.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_make.m liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_mex.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/can_24.mat liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.alpha liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.include liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.linux liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.rs6000 liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.sgi liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.solaris liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Makefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/GNUmakefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/Makefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/ liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/amd_demo.m liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/amd_demo.m.out liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/can_24.mat liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/README.txt liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/GNUmakefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/Makefile liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd.f liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_1.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_2.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_aat.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_control.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_defaults.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_dump.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_info.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_internal.h liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_order.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_post_tree.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_postorder.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_preprocess.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_valid.c liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amdbar.f liboctave/UMFPACK/README.txt
diffstat 63 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 11343 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# compile the AMD demo (for both GNU make or original make)
-all: amd_simple amd_demo amd_demo2
-include ../Make/Make.include
-C = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CONFIG) -I../Include
-INC = ../Include/amd.h
-	( cd ../Source ; make )
-	( cd ../Source ; make fortran )
-# Create the demo program, run it, and compare the output
-amd_demo: amd_demo.c ../Lib/libamd.a $(INC)
-	$(C) -DDINT -o amd_demo amd_demo.c ../Lib/libamd.a $(LIB)
-	./amd_demo > my_amd_demo.out
-	- diff amd_demo.out my_amd_demo.out
-amd_demo2: amd_demo2.c ../Lib/libamd.a $(INC)
-	$(C) -DDINT -o amd_demo2 amd_demo2.c ../Lib/libamd.a $(LIB)
-	./amd_demo2 > my_amd_demo2.out
-	- diff amd_demo2.out my_amd_demo2.out
-amd_simple: amd_simple.c ../Lib/libamd.a $(INC)
-	$(C) -DDINT -o amd_simple amd_simple.c ../Lib/libamd.a $(LIB)
-	./amd_simple > my_amd_simple.out
-	- diff amd_simple.out my_amd_simple.out
-# compile the Fortran demo
-fortran: amd_f77demo amd_f77simple
-cross: amd_f77cross
-amd_f77demo: amd_f77demo.f ../Lib/libamdf77.a
-	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) -o amd_f77demo amd_f77demo.f ../Lib/libamdf77.a \
-	    $(F77LIB)
-	./amd_f77demo > my_amd_f77demo.out
-	- diff amd_f77demo.out my_amd_f77demo.out
-amd_f77simple: amd_f77simple.f ../Lib/libamdf77.a
-	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) -o amd_f77simple amd_f77simple.f \
-	    ../Lib/libamdf77.a $(F77LIB)
-	./amd_f77simple > my_amd_f77simple.out
-	- diff amd_f77simple.out my_amd_f77simple.out
-amd_f77wrapper.o: amd_f77wrapper.c
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_f77wrapper.c
-amd_f77cross:  amd_f77cross.f amd_f77wrapper.o ../Lib/libamd.a
-	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) -o amd_f77cross amd_f77cross.f amd_f77wrapper.o \
-	    ../Lib/libamd.a $(F77LIB)
-	./amd_f77cross > my_amd_f77cross.out
-	- diff amd_f77cross.out my_amd_f77cross.out
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) amd_demo my_amd_demo.out
-	- $(RM) amd_demo2 my_amd_demo2.out
-	- $(RM) amd_simple my_amd_simple.out
-	- $(RM) amd_f77demo my_amd_f77demo.out
-	- $(RM) amd_f77simple my_amd_f77simple.out
-	- $(RM) amd_f77cross my_amd_f77cross.out
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD demo main program =============================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* A simple C main program that illustrates the use of the ANSI C interface
- * to AMD.
- */
-#include "amd.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    /* The symmetric can_24 Harwell/Boeing matrix, including upper and lower
-     * triangular parts, and the diagonal entries.  Note that this matrix is
-     * 0-based, with row and column indices in the range 0 to n-1. */
-    int n = 24, nz,
-    Ap [ ] = { 0, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 48, 57, 61, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94, 100,
-	106, 110, 119, 128, 137, 143, 152, 156, 160 },
-    Ai [ ] = {
-	/* column  0: */    0, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21,
-	/* column  1: */    1, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17,
-	/* column  2: */    2, 6, 11, 20, 21, 22,
-	/* column  3: */    3, 7, 10, 15, 18, 19,
-	/* column  4: */    4, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16,
-	/* column  5: */    0, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17,
-	/* column  6: */    0, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 19, 21, 23,
-	/* column  7: */    3, 4, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
-	/* column  8: */    1, 8, 9, 14,
-	/* column  9: */    1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18,
-	/* column 10: */    3, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21,
-	/* column 11: */    2, 6, 11, 12, 21, 23,
-	/* column 12: */    0, 5, 6, 11, 12, 23,
-	/* column 13: */    0, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17,
-	/* column 14: */    1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 14,
-	/* column 15: */    3, 4, 7, 15, 16, 18,
-	/* column 16: */    4, 7, 15, 16,
-	/* column 17: */    0, 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19,
-	/* column 18: */    0, 3, 7, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19,
-	/* column 19: */    0, 3, 6, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
-	/* column 20: */    2, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22,
-	/* column 21: */    0, 2, 6, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22,
-	/* column 22: */    2, 20, 21, 22,
-	/* column 23: */    6, 11, 12, 23 } ;
-    int P [24], Pinv [24], i, j, k, jnew, p, inew, result ;
-    double Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO] ;
-    char A [24][24] ;
-    printf ("AMD demo, with the 24-by-24 Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:\n") ;
-    /* get the default parameters, and print them */
-    amd_defaults (Control) ;
-    amd_control  (Control) ;
-    /* print the input matrix */
-    nz = Ap [n] ;
-    printf ("\nInput matrix:  %d-by-%d, with %d entries.\n"
-	   "   Note that for a symmetric matrix such as this one, only the\n"
-	   "   strictly lower or upper triangular parts would need to be\n"
-	   "   passed to AMD, since AMD computes the ordering of A+A'.  The\n"
-	   "   diagonal entries are also not needed, since AMD ignores them.\n"
-	   , n, n, nz) ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	printf ("\nColumn: %d, number of entries: %d, with row indices in"
-		" Ai [%d ... %d]:\n    row indices:",
-		j, Ap [j+1] - Ap [j], Ap [j], Ap [j+1]-1) ;
-	for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [p] ;
-	    printf (" %d", i) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    /* print a character plot of the input matrix.  This is only reasonable
-     * because the matrix is small. */
-    printf ("\nPlot of input matrix pattern:\n") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) A [i][j] = '.' ;
-	for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [p] ;
-	    A [i][j] = 'X' ;
-	}
-    }
-    printf ("    ") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1d", j % 10) ;
-    printf ("\n") ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	printf ("%2d: ", i) ;
-	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-	{
-	    printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    /* order the matrix */
-    result = amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ;
-    printf ("return value from amd_order: %d (should be %d)\n",
-	result, AMD_OK) ;
-    /* print the statistics */
-    amd_info (Info) ;
-    if (result != AMD_OK)
-    {
-	printf ("AMD failed\n") ;
-	exit (1) ;
-    }
-    /* print the permutation vector, P, and compute the inverse permutation */
-    printf ("Permutation vector:\n") ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	/* row/column j is the kth row/column in the permuted matrix */
-	j = P [k] ;
-	Pinv [j] = k ;
-	printf (" %2d", j) ;
-    }
-    printf ("\n\n") ;
-    printf ("Inverse permutation vector:\n") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	k = Pinv [j] ;
-	printf (" %2d", k) ;
-    }
-    printf ("\n\n") ;
-    /* print a character plot of the permuted matrix. */
-    printf ("\nPlot of permuted matrix pattern:\n") ;
-    for (jnew = 0 ; jnew < n ; jnew++)
-    {
-	j = P [jnew] ;
-	for (inew = 0 ; inew < n ; inew++) A [inew][jnew] = '.' ;
-	for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    inew = Pinv [Ai [p]] ;
-	    A [inew][jnew] = 'X' ;
-	}
-    }
-    printf ("    ") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1d", j % 10) ;
-    printf ("\n") ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	printf ("%2d: ", i) ;
-	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-	{
-	    printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    return (0) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-AMD demo, with the 24-by-24 Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:
-amd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, parameters:
-    dense row parameter: 10
-    (rows with more than max (10 * sqrt (n), 16) entries are
-    considered "dense", and placed last in output permutation)
-    aggressive absorption:  yes
-Input matrix:  24-by-24, with 160 entries.
-   Note that for a symmetric matrix such as this one, only the
-   strictly lower or upper triangular parts would need to be
-   passed to AMD, since AMD computes the ordering of A+A'.  The
-   diagonal entries are also not needed, since AMD ignores them.
-Column: 0, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [0 ... 8]:
-    row indices: 0 5 6 12 13 17 18 19 21
-Column: 1, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [9 ... 14]:
-    row indices: 1 8 9 13 14 17
-Column: 2, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [15 ... 20]:
-    row indices: 2 6 11 20 21 22
-Column: 3, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [21 ... 26]:
-    row indices: 3 7 10 15 18 19
-Column: 4, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [27 ... 32]:
-    row indices: 4 7 9 14 15 16
-Column: 5, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [33 ... 38]:
-    row indices: 0 5 6 12 13 17
-Column: 6, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [39 ... 47]:
-    row indices: 0 2 5 6 11 12 19 21 23
-Column: 7, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [48 ... 56]:
-    row indices: 3 4 7 9 14 15 16 17 18
-Column: 8, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [57 ... 60]:
-    row indices: 1 8 9 14
-Column: 9, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [61 ... 69]:
-    row indices: 1 4 7 8 9 13 14 17 18
-Column: 10, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [70 ... 75]:
-    row indices: 3 10 18 19 20 21
-Column: 11, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [76 ... 81]:
-    row indices: 2 6 11 12 21 23
-Column: 12, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [82 ... 87]:
-    row indices: 0 5 6 11 12 23
-Column: 13, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [88 ... 93]:
-    row indices: 0 1 5 9 13 17
-Column: 14, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [94 ... 99]:
-    row indices: 1 4 7 8 9 14
-Column: 15, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [100 ... 105]:
-    row indices: 3 4 7 15 16 18
-Column: 16, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [106 ... 109]:
-    row indices: 4 7 15 16
-Column: 17, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [110 ... 118]:
-    row indices: 0 1 5 7 9 13 17 18 19
-Column: 18, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [119 ... 127]:
-    row indices: 0 3 7 9 10 15 17 18 19
-Column: 19, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [128 ... 136]:
-    row indices: 0 3 6 10 17 18 19 20 21
-Column: 20, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [137 ... 142]:
-    row indices: 2 10 19 20 21 22
-Column: 21, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [143 ... 151]:
-    row indices: 0 2 6 10 11 19 20 21 22
-Column: 22, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [152 ... 155]:
-    row indices: 2 20 21 22
-Column: 23, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [156 ... 159]:
-    row indices: 6 11 12 23
-Plot of input matrix pattern:
-     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
- 0:  X . . . . X X . . . . . X X . . . X X X . X . .
- 1:  . X . . . . . . X X . . . X X . . X . . . . . .
- 2:  . . X . . . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . X X X .
- 3:  . . . X . . . X . . X . . . . X . . X X . . . .
- 4:  . . . . X . . X . X . . . . X X X . . . . . . .
- 5:  X . . . . X X . . . . . X X . . . X . . . . . .
- 6:  X . X . . X X . . . . X X . . . . . . X . X . X
- 7:  . . . X X . . X . X . . . . X X X X X . . . . .
- 8:  . X . . . . . . X X . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
- 9:  . X . . X . . X X X . . . X X . . X X . . . . .
-10:  . . . X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . X X X X . .
-11:  . . X . . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . X . X
-12:  X . . . . X X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X
-13:  X X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . . . .
-14:  . X . . X . . X X X . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
-15:  . . . X X . . X . . . . . . . X X . X . . . . .
-16:  . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . .
-17:  X X . . . X . X . X . . . X . . . X X X . . . .
-18:  X . . X . . . X . X X . . . . X . X X X . . . .
-19:  X . . X . . X . . . X . . . . . . X X X X X . .
-20:  . . X . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . X X X X .
-21:  X . X . . . X . . . X X . . . . . . . X X X X .
-22:  . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X X .
-23:  . . . . . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X
-return value from amd_order: 0 (should be 0)
-amd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, results:
-    status: OK
-    n, dimension of A:                                  24
-    nz, number of nonzeros in A:                        160
-    symmetry of A:                                      1.0000
-    number of nonzeros on diagonal:                     24
-    nonzeros in pattern of A+A' (excl. diagonal):       136
-    # dense rows/columns of A+A':                       0
-    memory used, in bytes:                              1516
-    # of memory compactions:                            0
-    The following approximate statistics are for a subsequent
-    factorization of A(P,P) + A(P,P)'.  They are slight upper
-    bounds if there are no dense rows/columns in A+A', and become
-    looser if dense rows/columns exist.
-    nonzeros in L (excluding diagonal):                 97
-    nonzeros in L (including diagonal):                 121
-    # divide operations for LDL' or LU:                 97
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LDL':            275
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LU:              453
-    max nz. in any column of L (incl. diagonal):        8
-    chol flop count for real A, sqrt counted as 1 flop: 671
-    LDL' flop count for real A:                         647
-    LDL' flop count for complex A:                      3073
-    LU flop count for real A (with no pivoting):        1003
-    LU flop count for complex A (with no pivoting):     4497
-Permutation vector:
- 22 20 10 23 12  5 16  8 14  4 15  7  1  9 13 17  0  2  3  6 11 18 21 19
-Inverse permutation vector:
- 16 12 17 18  9  5 19 11  7 13  2 20  4 14  8 10  6 15 21 23  1 22  0  3
-Plot of permuted matrix pattern:
-     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
- 0:  X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . X .
- 1:  X X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . X X
- 2:  . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . X X X
- 3:  . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . .
- 4:  . . . X X X . . . . . . . . . . X . . X X . . .
- 5:  . . . . X X . . . . . . . . X X X . . X . . . .
- 6:  . . . . . . X . . X X X . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 7:  . . . . . . . X X . . . X X . . . . . . . . . .
- 8:  . . . . . . . X X X . X X X . . . . . . . . . .
- 9:  . . . . . . X . X X X X . X . . . . . . . . . .
-10:  . . . . . . X . . X X X . . . . . . X . . X . .
-11:  . . . . . . X . X X X X . X . X . . X . . X . .
-12:  . . . . . . . X X . . . X X X X . . . . . . . .
-13:  . . . . . . . X X X . X X X X X . . . . . X . .
-14:  . . . . . X . . . . . . X X X X X . . . . . . .
-15:  . . . . . X . . . . . X X X X X X . . . . X . X
-16:  . . . . X X . . . . . . . . X X X . . X . X X X
-17:  X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . X X . X .
-18:  . . X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . X . . X . X
-19:  . . . X X X . . . . . . . . . . X X . X X . X X
-20:  . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . X . X X . X .
-21:  . . X . . . . . . . X X . X . X X . X . . X . X
-22:  X X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . X X . X X
-23:  . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . X X . X X X
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD demo main program (jumbled matrix version) ====================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* A simple C main program that illustrates the use of the ANSI C interface
- * to AMD.
- *
- * Identical to amd_demo.c, except that it operates on an input matrix that has
- * unsorted columns and duplicate entries.
- */
-#include "amd.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    /* The symmetric can_24 Harwell/Boeing matrix (jumbled, and not symmetric).
-     * Since AMD operates on A+A', only A(i,j) or A(j,i) need to be specified,
-     * or both.  The diagonal entries are optional (some are missing).
-     * There are many duplicate entries, which must be removed. */
-    int n = 24, nz,
-    Ap [ ] = { 0, 9, 14, 20, 28, 33, 37, 44, 53, 58, 63, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75,
-	      78, 82, 86, 91, 97, 101, 112, 112, 116 },
-    Ai [ ] = {
-	/* column  0: */    0, 17, 18, 21, 5, 12, 5, 0, 13,
-	/* column  1: */    14, 1, 8, 13, 17,
-	/* column  2: */    2, 20, 11, 6, 11, 22,
-	/* column  3: */    3, 3, 10, 7, 18, 18, 15, 19,
-	/* column  4: */    7, 9, 15, 14, 16,
-	/* column  5: */    5, 13, 6, 17,
-	/* column  6: */    5, 0, 11, 6, 12, 6, 23,
-	/* column  7: */    3, 4, 9, 7, 14, 16, 15, 17, 18,
-	/* column  8: */    1, 9, 14, 14, 14,
-	/* column  9: */    7, 13, 8, 1, 17,
-	/* column 10: */
-	/* column 11: */    2, 12, 23,
-	/* column 12: */    5, 11, 12,
-	/* column 13: */    0, 13, 17,
-	/* column 14: */    1, 9, 14,
-	/* column 15: */    3, 15, 16,
-	/* column 16: */    16, 4, 4, 15,
-	/* column 17: */    13, 17, 19, 17,
-	/* column 18: */    15, 17, 19, 9, 10,
-	/* column 19: */    17, 19, 20, 0, 6, 10,
-	/* column 20: */    22, 10, 20, 21,
-	/* column 21: */    6, 2, 10, 19, 20, 11, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22,
-	/* column 22: */
-	/* column 23: */    12, 11, 12, 23 } ;
-    int Rp [25], Ri [116] ;
-    int P [24], Pinv [24], i, j, k, jnew, p, inew, result ;
-    double Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO] ;
-    char A [24][24] ;
-    printf ("AMD demo, with a jumbled version of the 24-by-24\n") ;
-    printf ("Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:\n") ;
-    /* get the default parameters, and print them */
-    amd_defaults (Control) ;
-    amd_control  (Control) ;
-    /* print the input matrix */
-    nz = Ap [n] ;
-    printf ("\nJumbled input matrix:  %d-by-%d, with %d entries.\n"
-	   "   Note that for a symmetric matrix such as this one, only the\n"
-	   "   strictly lower or upper triangular parts would need to be\n"
-	   "   passed to AMD, since AMD computes the ordering of A+A'.  The\n"
-	   "   diagonal entries are also not needed, since AMD ignores them.\n"
-	   "   This version of the matrix has jumbled columns and duplicate\n"
-	   "   row indices, and must be fixed by amd_preprocess prior to\n"
-	   "   ordering it with amd_order.\n" , n, n, nz) ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	printf ("\nColumn: %d, number of entries: %d, with row indices in"
-		" Ai [%d ... %d]:\n    row indices:",
-		j, Ap [j+1] - Ap [j], Ap [j], Ap [j+1]-1) ;
-	for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [p] ;
-	    printf (" %d", i) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    /* print a character plot of the input matrix.  This is only reasonable
-     * because the matrix is small. */
-    printf ("\nPlot of (jumbled) input matrix pattern:\n") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) A [i][j] = '.' ;
-	for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [p] ;
-	    A [i][j] = 'X' ;
-	}
-    }
-    printf ("    ") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1d", j % 10) ;
-    printf ("\n") ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	printf ("%2d: ", i) ;
-	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-	{
-	    printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    /* sort, remove duplicates, and transpose A to get R */
-    result = amd_preprocess (n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) ;
-    printf ("return value from amd_preprocess: %d (should be %d)\n",
-	result, AMD_OK) ;
-    if (result != AMD_OK)
-    {
-	printf ("AMD failed\n") ;
-	exit (1) ;
-    }
-    /* print the sorted/transposed matrix R */
-    printf ("\nThe column-oriented form of the sorted/transposed matrix R:\n");
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	printf ("\nColumn: %d, number of entries: %d, with row indices in"
-		" Ri [%d ... %d]:\n    row indices:",
-		j, Rp [j+1] - Rp [j], Rp [j], Rp [j+1]-1) ;
-	for (p = Rp [j] ; p < Rp [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ri [p] ;
-	    printf (" %d", i) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    /* print a character plot of the matrix R. */
-    printf ("\nPlot of the sorted/transposed matrix R:\n") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) A [i][j] = '.' ;
-	for (p = Rp [j] ; p < Rp [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ri [p] ;
-	    A [i][j] = 'X' ;
-	}
-    }
-    printf ("    ") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1d", j % 10) ;
-    printf (" \n") ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	printf ("%2d: ", i) ;
-	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-	{
-	    printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ;
-	}
-	printf (" \n") ;
-    }
-    /* print a character plot of the matrix R+R'. */
-    printf ("\nPlot of symmetric matrix to be ordered by amd_order:\n") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) A [i][j] = '.' ;
-    }
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	A [j][j] = 'X' ;
-	for (p = Rp [j] ; p < Rp [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ri [p] ;
-	    A [i][j] = 'X' ;
-	    A [j][i] = 'X' ;
-	}
-    }
-    printf ("    ") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1d", j % 10) ;
-    printf ("\n") ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	printf ("%2d: ", i) ;
-	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-	{
-	    printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    /* order the matrix */
-    result = amd_order (n, Rp, Ri, P, Control, Info) ;
-    printf ("return value from amd_order: %d (should be %d)\n",
-	result, AMD_OK) ;
-    /* print the statistics */
-    amd_info (Info) ;
-    if (result != AMD_OK)
-    {
-	printf ("AMD failed\n") ;
-	exit (1) ;
-    }
-    /* print the permutation vector, P, and compute the inverse permutation */
-    printf ("Permutation vector:\n") ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	/* row/column j is the kth row/column in the permuted matrix */
-	j = P [k] ;
-	Pinv [j] = k ;
-	printf (" %2d", j) ;
-    }
-    printf ("\n\n") ;
-    printf ("Inverse permutation vector:\n") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	k = Pinv [j] ;
-	printf (" %2d", k) ;
-    }
-    printf ("\n\n") ;
-    /* print a character plot of the permuted matrix. */
-    printf ("\nPlot of (symmetrized) permuted matrix pattern:\n") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) A [i][j] = '.' ;
-    }
-    for (jnew = 0 ; jnew < n ; jnew++)
-    {
-	j = P [jnew] ;
-	A [jnew][jnew] = 'X' ;
-	for (p = Rp [j] ; p < Rp [j+1] ; p++)
-	{
-	    inew = Pinv [Ri [p]] ;
-	    A [inew][jnew] = 'X' ;
-	    A [jnew][inew] = 'X' ;
-	}
-    }
-    printf ("    ") ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1d", j % 10) ;
-    printf ("\n") ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	printf ("%2d: ", i) ;
-	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-	{
-	    printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ;
-	}
-	printf ("\n") ;
-    }
-    return (0) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_demo2.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-AMD demo, with a jumbled version of the 24-by-24
-Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:
-amd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, parameters:
-    dense row parameter: 10
-    (rows with more than max (10 * sqrt (n), 16) entries are
-    considered "dense", and placed last in output permutation)
-    aggressive absorption:  yes
-Jumbled input matrix:  24-by-24, with 116 entries.
-   Note that for a symmetric matrix such as this one, only the
-   strictly lower or upper triangular parts would need to be
-   passed to AMD, since AMD computes the ordering of A+A'.  The
-   diagonal entries are also not needed, since AMD ignores them.
-   This version of the matrix has jumbled columns and duplicate
-   row indices, and must be fixed by amd_preprocess prior to
-   ordering it with amd_order.
-Column: 0, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [0 ... 8]:
-    row indices: 0 17 18 21 5 12 5 0 13
-Column: 1, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ai [9 ... 13]:
-    row indices: 14 1 8 13 17
-Column: 2, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [14 ... 19]:
-    row indices: 2 20 11 6 11 22
-Column: 3, number of entries: 8, with row indices in Ai [20 ... 27]:
-    row indices: 3 3 10 7 18 18 15 19
-Column: 4, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ai [28 ... 32]:
-    row indices: 7 9 15 14 16
-Column: 5, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [33 ... 36]:
-    row indices: 5 13 6 17
-Column: 6, number of entries: 7, with row indices in Ai [37 ... 43]:
-    row indices: 5 0 11 6 12 6 23
-Column: 7, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ai [44 ... 52]:
-    row indices: 3 4 9 7 14 16 15 17 18
-Column: 8, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ai [53 ... 57]:
-    row indices: 1 9 14 14 14
-Column: 9, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ai [58 ... 62]:
-    row indices: 7 13 8 1 17
-Column: 10, number of entries: 0, with row indices in Ai [63 ... 62]:
-    row indices:
-Column: 11, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ai [63 ... 65]:
-    row indices: 2 12 23
-Column: 12, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ai [66 ... 68]:
-    row indices: 5 11 12
-Column: 13, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ai [69 ... 71]:
-    row indices: 0 13 17
-Column: 14, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ai [72 ... 74]:
-    row indices: 1 9 14
-Column: 15, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ai [75 ... 77]:
-    row indices: 3 15 16
-Column: 16, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [78 ... 81]:
-    row indices: 16 4 4 15
-Column: 17, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [82 ... 85]:
-    row indices: 13 17 19 17
-Column: 18, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ai [86 ... 90]:
-    row indices: 15 17 19 9 10
-Column: 19, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ai [91 ... 96]:
-    row indices: 17 19 20 0 6 10
-Column: 20, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [97 ... 100]:
-    row indices: 22 10 20 21
-Column: 21, number of entries: 11, with row indices in Ai [101 ... 111]:
-    row indices: 6 2 10 19 20 11 21 22 22 22 22
-Column: 22, number of entries: 0, with row indices in Ai [112 ... 111]:
-    row indices:
-Column: 23, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ai [112 ... 115]:
-    row indices: 12 11 12 23
-Plot of (jumbled) input matrix pattern:
-     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
- 0:  X . . . . . X . . . . . . X . . . . . X . . . .
- 1:  . X . . . . . . X X . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
- 2:  . . X . . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . X . .
- 3:  . . . X . . . X . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . .
- 4:  . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . X . . . . . . .
- 5:  X . . . . X X . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . .
- 6:  . . X . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . X . X . .
- 7:  . . . X X . . X . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 8:  . X . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 9:  . . . . X . . X X . . . . . X . . . X . . . . .
-10:  . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X X X . .
-11:  . . X . . . X . . . . . X . . . . . . . . X . X
-12:  X . . . . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X
-13:  X X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . . . .
-14:  . X . . X . . X X . . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
-15:  . . . X X . . X . . . . . . . X X . X . . . . .
-16:  . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . .
-17:  X X . . . X . X . X . . . X . . . X X X . . . .
-18:  X . . X . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-19:  . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X X . X . .
-20:  . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X X . .
-21:  X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . .
-22:  . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . .
-23:  . . . . . . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . X
-return value from amd_preprocess: 0 (should be 0)
-The column-oriented form of the sorted/transposed matrix R:
-Column: 0, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ri [0 ... 3]:
-    row indices: 0 6 13 19
-Column: 1, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ri [4 ... 7]:
-    row indices: 1 8 9 14
-Column: 2, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ri [8 ... 10]:
-    row indices: 2 11 21
-Column: 3, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ri [11 ... 13]:
-    row indices: 3 7 15
-Column: 4, number of entries: 2, with row indices in Ri [14 ... 15]:
-    row indices: 7 16
-Column: 5, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ri [16 ... 19]:
-    row indices: 0 5 6 12
-Column: 6, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ri [20 ... 24]:
-    row indices: 2 5 6 19 21
-Column: 7, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ri [25 ... 28]:
-    row indices: 3 4 7 9
-Column: 8, number of entries: 2, with row indices in Ri [29 ... 30]:
-    row indices: 1 9
-Column: 9, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ri [31 ... 35]:
-    row indices: 4 7 8 14 18
-Column: 10, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ri [36 ... 40]:
-    row indices: 3 18 19 20 21
-Column: 11, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ri [41 ... 45]:
-    row indices: 2 6 12 21 23
-Column: 12, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ri [46 ... 50]:
-    row indices: 0 6 11 12 23
-Column: 13, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ri [51 ... 56]:
-    row indices: 0 1 5 9 13 17
-Column: 14, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ri [57 ... 61]:
-    row indices: 1 4 7 8 14
-Column: 15, number of entries: 6, with row indices in Ri [62 ... 67]:
-    row indices: 3 4 7 15 16 18
-Column: 16, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ri [68 ... 71]:
-    row indices: 4 7 15 16
-Column: 17, number of entries: 9, with row indices in Ri [72 ... 80]:
-    row indices: 0 1 5 7 9 13 17 18 19
-Column: 18, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ri [81 ... 83]:
-    row indices: 0 3 7
-Column: 19, number of entries: 5, with row indices in Ri [84 ... 88]:
-    row indices: 3 17 18 19 21
-Column: 20, number of entries: 4, with row indices in Ri [89 ... 92]:
-    row indices: 2 19 20 21
-Column: 21, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ri [93 ... 95]:
-    row indices: 0 20 21
-Column: 22, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ri [96 ... 98]:
-    row indices: 2 20 21
-Column: 23, number of entries: 3, with row indices in Ri [99 ... 101]:
-    row indices: 6 11 23
-Plot of the sorted/transposed matrix R:
-     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
- 0:  X . . . . X . . . . . . X X . . . X X . . X . . 
- 1:  . X . . . . . . X . . . . X X . . X . . . . . . 
- 2:  . . X . . . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . X . X . 
- 3:  . . . X . . . X . . X . . . . X . . X X . . . . 
- 4:  . . . . . . . X . X . . . . X X X . . . . . . . 
- 5:  . . . . . X X . . . . . . X . . . X . . . . . . 
- 6:  X . . . . X X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X 
- 7:  . . . X X . . X . X . . . . X X X X X . . . . . 
- 8:  . X . . . . . . . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . 
- 9:  . X . . . . . X X . . . . X . . . X . . . . . . 
-10:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
-11:  . . X . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . X 
-12:  . . . . . X . . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . 
-13:  X . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . X . . . . . . 
-14:  . X . . . . . . . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . 
-15:  . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . 
-16:  . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . 
-17:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . X . X . . . . 
-18:  . . . . . . . . . X X . . . . X . X . X . . . . 
-19:  X . . . . . X . . . X . . . . . . X . X X . . . 
-20:  . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . X X X . 
-21:  . . X . . . X . . . X X . . . . . . . X X X X . 
-22:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
-23:  . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X 
-Plot of symmetric matrix to be ordered by amd_order:
-     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
- 0:  X . . . . X X . . . . . X X . . . X X X . X . .
- 1:  . X . . . . . . X X . . . X X . . X . . . . . .
- 2:  . . X . . . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . X X X .
- 3:  . . . X . . . X . . X . . . . X . . X X . . . .
- 4:  . . . . X . . X . X . . . . X X X . . . . . . .
- 5:  X . . . . X X . . . . . X X . . . X . . . . . .
- 6:  X . X . . X X . . . . X X . . . . . . X . X . X
- 7:  . . . X X . . X . X . . . . X X X X X . . . . .
- 8:  . X . . . . . . X X . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
- 9:  . X . . X . . X X X . . . X X . . X X . . . . .
-10:  . . . X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . X X X X . .
-11:  . . X . . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . X . X
-12:  X . . . . X X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X
-13:  X X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . . . .
-14:  . X . . X . . X X X . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
-15:  . . . X X . . X . . . . . . . X X . X . . . . .
-16:  . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . .
-17:  X X . . . X . X . X . . . X . . . X X X . . . .
-18:  X . . X . . . X . X X . . . . X . X X X . . . .
-19:  X . . X . . X . . . X . . . . . . X X X X X . .
-20:  . . X . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . X X X X .
-21:  X . X . . . X . . . X X . . . . . . . X X X X .
-22:  . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X X .
-23:  . . . . . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X
-return value from amd_order: 0 (should be 0)
-amd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, results:
-    status: OK
-    n, dimension of A:                                  24
-    nz, number of nonzeros in A:                        102
-    symmetry of A:                                      0.4000
-    number of nonzeros on diagonal:                     17
-    nonzeros in pattern of A+A' (excl. diagonal):       136
-    # dense rows/columns of A+A':                       0
-    memory used, in bytes:                              1516
-    # of memory compactions:                            0
-    The following approximate statistics are for a subsequent
-    factorization of A(P,P) + A(P,P)'.  They are slight upper
-    bounds if there are no dense rows/columns in A+A', and become
-    looser if dense rows/columns exist.
-    nonzeros in L (excluding diagonal):                 97
-    nonzeros in L (including diagonal):                 121
-    # divide operations for LDL' or LU:                 97
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LDL':            275
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LU:              453
-    max nz. in any column of L (incl. diagonal):        8
-    chol flop count for real A, sqrt counted as 1 flop: 671
-    LDL' flop count for real A:                         647
-    LDL' flop count for complex A:                      3073
-    LU flop count for real A (with no pivoting):        1003
-    LU flop count for complex A (with no pivoting):     4497
-Permutation vector:
- 22 20 10 23 12  5 16  8 14  4 15  7  1  9 13 17  0  2  3  6 11 18 21 19
-Inverse permutation vector:
- 16 12 17 18  9  5 19 11  7 13  2 20  4 14  8 10  6 15 21 23  1 22  0  3
-Plot of (symmetrized) permuted matrix pattern:
-     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
- 0:  X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . X .
- 1:  X X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . X X
- 2:  . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . X X X
- 3:  . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . .
- 4:  . . . X X X . . . . . . . . . . X . . X X . . .
- 5:  . . . . X X . . . . . . . . X X X . . X . . . .
- 6:  . . . . . . X . . X X X . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 7:  . . . . . . . X X . . . X X . . . . . . . . . .
- 8:  . . . . . . . X X X . X X X . . . . . . . . . .
- 9:  . . . . . . X . X X X X . X . . . . . . . . . .
-10:  . . . . . . X . . X X X . . . . . . X . . X . .
-11:  . . . . . . X . X X X X . X . X . . X . . X . .
-12:  . . . . . . . X X . . . X X X X . . . . . . . .
-13:  . . . . . . . X X X . X X X X X . . . . . X . .
-14:  . . . . . X . . . . . . X X X X X . . . . . . .
-15:  . . . . . X . . . . . X X X X X X . . . . X . X
-16:  . . . . X X . . . . . . . . X X X . . X . X X X
-17:  X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . X X . X .
-18:  . . X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . X . . X . X
-19:  . . . X X X . . . . . . . . . . X X . X X . X X
-20:  . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . X . X X . X .
-21:  . . X . . . . . . . X X . X . X X . X . . X . X
-22:  X X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . X X . X X
-23:  . X X . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . X X . X X X
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--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77cross.f
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-C ======================================================================
-C === AMD_cross ========================================================
-C ======================================================================
-C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-C AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A.
-C Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for
-C License.  email:    CISE Department, Univ. of
-C Florida.  web:
-C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-C This program provides an example of how to call the C version of AMD
-C from a Fortran program.  It is HIGHLY non-portable.
-C The amd_order routine returns PERM (1) < 0 if an error occurs.
-C (-1: out of memory, -2: invalid matrix)
-C Note that the input matrix is 0-based.  From Fortran, column j of the
-C matrix is in AI (AP (I)+1 ... AP (I+1)).  The row indices in this
-C set are in the range 0 to N-1.  To demonstrate this translation,
-C the input matrix is printed in 1-based form.  This program uses
-C the same 5-by-5 test matrix as amd_simple.c.
-        INTEGER N, NZ, K, P
-        PARAMETER (N = 5, NZ = 14)
-        INTEGER AP (N+1), AI (NZ), PERM (N)
-        DATA AP / 0,   2,       6,       10,  12, 14 /
-        DATA AI / 0,1, 0,1,2,4, 1,2,3,4, 2,3, 1,4    /
-C       print the input matrix
-        PRINT 10, N, N, NZ
-10      FORMAT ('Input matrix:', I2, '-by-', I2, ' with',I3,' entries')
-        DO 40 J = 1, N
-            PRINT 20, J, AP (J+1) - AP (J), AP (J)+1, AP (J+1)
-20          FORMAT ( /, 'Column: ', I2, ' number of entries: ', I2,
-     $          ' with row indices in AI (', I3, ' ... ', I3, ')')
-            PRINT 30, ((AI (P) + 1), P = AP (J) + 1, AP (J+1))
-30          FORMAT ('    row indices: ', 24I3)
-40      CONTINUE
-        DO 60 K = 1, N
-            PRINT 50, K, PERM (K) + 1
-50          FORMAT ('PERM (',I2,') = ', I2)
-60      CONTINUE
-        END
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--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77cross.out
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-Input matrix: 5-by- 5 with 14 entries
-Column:  1 number of entries:  2 with row indices in AI (  1 ...   2)
-    row indices:   1  2
-Column:  2 number of entries:  4 with row indices in AI (  3 ...   6)
-    row indices:   1  2  3  5
-Column:  3 number of entries:  4 with row indices in AI (  7 ...  10)
-    row indices:   2  3  4  5
-Column:  4 number of entries:  2 with row indices in AI ( 11 ...  12)
-    row indices:   3  4
-Column:  5 number of entries:  2 with row indices in AI ( 13 ...  14)
-    row indices:   2  5
-amd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, results:
-    status: OK
-    n, dimension of A:                                  5
-    nz, number of nonzeros in A:                        14
-    symmetry of A:                                      0.8889
-    number of nonzeros on diagonal:                     5
-    nonzeros in pattern of A+A' (excl. diagonal):       10
-    # dense rows/columns of A+A':                       0
-    memory used, in bytes:                              228
-    # of memory compactions:                            0
-    The following approximate statistics are for a subsequent
-    factorization of A(P,P) + A(P,P)'.  They are slight upper
-    bounds if there are no dense rows/columns in A+A', and become
-    looser if dense rows/columns exist.
-    nonzeros in L (excluding diagonal):                 5
-    nonzeros in L (including diagonal):                 10
-    # divide operations for LDL' or LU:                 5
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LDL':            6
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LU:              7
-    max nz. in any column of L (incl. diagonal):        3
-    chol flop count for real A, sqrt counted as 1 flop: 22
-    LDL' flop count for real A:                         17
-    LDL' flop count for complex A:                      93
-    LU flop count for real A (with no pivoting):        19
-    LU flop count for complex A (with no pivoting):     101
-PERM ( 1) =  1
-PERM ( 2) =  4
-PERM ( 3) =  3
-PERM ( 4) =  5
-PERM ( 5) =  2
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--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77demo.f
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-C ======================================================================
-C === Fortran AMD demo main program ====================================
-C ======================================================================
-C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-C AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A.
-C Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for
-C License.  email:    CISE Department, Univ. of
-C Florida.  web:
-C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-C A simple Fortran 77 main program that illustrates the use of the
-C Fortran version of AMD (both the AMD and AMDBAR routines).  Note
-C that aggressive absorption has no effect on this particular matrix.
-C       AP and AI contain the symmetric can_24 Harwell/Boeing matrix,
-C       including upper and lower triangular parts, but excluding the
-C       diagonal entries.  Note that this matrix is 1-based, with row
-C       and column indices in the range 1 to N.
-     $      METHOD, NCMPA
-        PARAMETER (N = 24, NZ = 136, IWLEN = 200)
-        INTEGER PE (N), DEGREE (N), NV (N), NEXT (N), PERM (N), W (N),
-     $      HEAD (N), PINV (N), LEN (N), AP (N+1), AI (NZ), IW (IWLEN)
-        CHARACTER A (24,24)
-        DATA AP
-     $      / 1, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 42, 50, 53, 61, 66, 71,
-     $       76, 81, 86, 91, 94, 102, 110, 118, 123, 131, 134, 137 /
-        DATA AI /
-     $      6, 7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22,
-     $      9, 10, 14, 15, 18,
-     $      7, 12, 21, 22, 23,
-     $      8, 11, 16, 19, 20,
-     $      8, 10, 15, 16, 17,
-     $      1, 7, 13, 14, 18,
-     $      1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 20, 22, 24,
-     $      4, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
-     $      2, 10, 15,
-     $      2, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 19,
-     $      4, 19, 20, 21, 22,
-     $      3, 7, 13, 22, 24,
-     $      1, 6, 7, 12, 24,
-     $      1, 2, 6, 10, 18,
-     $      2, 5, 8, 9, 10,
-     $      4, 5, 8, 17, 19,
-     $      5, 8, 16,
-     $      1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 19, 20,
-     $      1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 20,
-     $      1, 4, 7, 11, 18, 19, 21, 22,
-     $      3, 11, 20, 22, 23,
-     $      1, 3, 7, 11, 12, 20, 21, 23,
-     $      3, 21, 22,
-     $      7, 12, 13 /
-C       print the input matrix
-        PRINT 11, N, N, NZ
-11      FORMAT ('AMD Fortran 77 demo, with the 24-by-24',
-     $      ' Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:'
-     $      /, 'Input matrix: ', I2, '-by-', I2,' with ',I3,' entries',
-     $      /, 'Note that the Fortran version of AMD requires that'
-     $      /, 'no diagonal entries be present.')
-        DO 20 J = 1, N
-            PRINT 21, J, AP (J+1) - AP (J), AP (J), AP (J+1)-1
-21          FORMAT ( /, 'Column: ', I2, ' number of entries: ', I2,
-     $          ' with row indices in AI (', I3, ' ... ', I3, ')')
-            PRINT 10, ((AI (P)), P = AP (J), AP (J+1) - 1)
-10          FORMAT ('    row indices: ', 24I3)
-20      CONTINUE
-C       print a character plot of the input matrix.  This is only
-C       reasonable because the matrix is small.
-        PRINT 31
-31      FORMAT ('Plot of input matrix pattern:')
-        DO 50 J = 1,N
-            DO 30 I = 1,N
-                A (I, J) = '.'
-30          CONTINUE
-C           add the diagonal entry to the plot
-            A (J, J) = 'X'
-            DO 40 P = AP (J), AP (J+1) - 1
-                I = AI (P)
-                A (I, J) = 'X'
-40          CONTINUE
-50      CONTINUE
-        PRINT 60, ((MOD (J, 10)), J = 1,N)
-60      FORMAT ('     ', 24I2)
-        DO 80 I = 1,N
-            PRINT 70, I, (A (I, J), J = 1,N)
-70          FORMAT (' ', I2, ': ', 24A2)
-80      CONTINUE
-        DO 190 METHOD = 1,2
-C           load the matrix into AMD's workspace
-            DO 90 J = 1,N
-                PE (J) = AP (J)
-                LEN (J) = AP (J+1) - AP (J)
-90          CONTINUE
-            DO 100 P = 1,NZ
-                IW (P) = AI (P)
-100         CONTINUE
-            PFREE = NZ + 1
-C           order the matrix using AMD or AMDBAR
-            IF (METHOD .EQ. 1) THEN
-                PRINT 101 
-101             FORMAT (/, '------------------------------------------',
-     $                  /, 'ordering the matrix with AMD',
-     $                  /, '------------------------------------------')
-                CALL AMD (N, PE, IW, LEN, IWLEN, PFREE, NV, NEXT,
-     $              PERM, HEAD, PINV, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-            ELSE
-                PRINT 102 
-102             FORMAT (/, '------------------------------------------',
-     $                  /, 'ordering the matrix with AMDBAR',
-     $                  /, '------------------------------------------')
-                CALL AMDBAR (N, PE, IW, LEN, IWLEN, PFREE, NV, NEXT,
-     $              PERM, HEAD, PINV, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-            ENDIF
-C           print the permutation vector, PERM, and its inverse, PINV.
-C           row/column J = PERM (K) is the Kth row/column in the
-C           permuted matrix.
-            PRINT 110, (PERM (K), K = 1,N)
-110         FORMAT (/, 'Permutation vector: ', /, 24I3)
-            PRINT 120, (PINV (J), J = 1,N)
-120         FORMAT (/, 'Inverse permutation vector: ', /, 24I3)
-C           print a character plot of the permuted matrix.
-            PRINT 121
-121         FORMAT ('Plot of permuted matrix pattern:')
-            DO 150 JNEW = 1,N
-                J = PERM (JNEW)
-                DO 130 INEW = 1,N
-                    A (INEW, JNEW) = '.'
-130             CONTINUE
-C               add the diagonal entry to the plot
-                A (JNEW, JNEW) = 'X'
-                DO 140 P = AP (J), AP (J+1) - 1
-                    INEW = PINV (AI (P))
-                    A (INEW, JNEW) = 'X'
-140             CONTINUE
-150         CONTINUE
-            PRINT 60, ((MOD (J, 10)), J = 1,N)
-            DO 160 I = 1,N
-                PRINT 70, I, (A (I, J), J = 1,N)
-160         CONTINUE
-C           print the permuted matrix, PERM*A*PERM'
-            DO 180 JNEW = 1,N
-                J = PERM (JNEW)
-                PRINT 171, JNEW, J, AP (J+1) - AP (J)
-171             FORMAT (/, 'New column: ', I2, ' old column: ', I2,
-     $              ' number of entries: ', I2)
-                PRINT 170, (PINV (AI (P)), P = AP (J), AP (J+1) - 1)
-170             FORMAT ('    new row indices: ', 24I3)
-180         CONTINUE
-190     CONTINUE
-        END
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-AMD Fortran 77 demo, with the 24-by-24 Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:
-Input matrix: 24-by-24 with 136 entries
-Note that the Fortran version of AMD requires that
-no diagonal entries be present.
-Column:  1 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI (  1 ...   8)
-    row indices:   6  7 13 14 18 19 20 22
-Column:  2 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI (  9 ...  13)
-    row indices:   9 10 14 15 18
-Column:  3 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 14 ...  18)
-    row indices:   7 12 21 22 23
-Column:  4 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 19 ...  23)
-    row indices:   8 11 16 19 20
-Column:  5 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 24 ...  28)
-    row indices:   8 10 15 16 17
-Column:  6 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 29 ...  33)
-    row indices:   1  7 13 14 18
-Column:  7 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI ( 34 ...  41)
-    row indices:   1  3  6 12 13 20 22 24
-Column:  8 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI ( 42 ...  49)
-    row indices:   4  5 10 15 16 17 18 19
-Column:  9 number of entries:  3 with row indices in AI ( 50 ...  52)
-    row indices:   2 10 15
-Column: 10 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI ( 53 ...  60)
-    row indices:   2  5  8  9 14 15 18 19
-Column: 11 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 61 ...  65)
-    row indices:   4 19 20 21 22
-Column: 12 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 66 ...  70)
-    row indices:   3  7 13 22 24
-Column: 13 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 71 ...  75)
-    row indices:   1  6  7 12 24
-Column: 14 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 76 ...  80)
-    row indices:   1  2  6 10 18
-Column: 15 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 81 ...  85)
-    row indices:   2  5  8  9 10
-Column: 16 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI ( 86 ...  90)
-    row indices:   4  5  8 17 19
-Column: 17 number of entries:  3 with row indices in AI ( 91 ...  93)
-    row indices:   5  8 16
-Column: 18 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI ( 94 ... 101)
-    row indices:   1  2  6  8 10 14 19 20
-Column: 19 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI (102 ... 109)
-    row indices:   1  4  8 10 11 16 18 20
-Column: 20 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI (110 ... 117)
-    row indices:   1  4  7 11 18 19 21 22
-Column: 21 number of entries:  5 with row indices in AI (118 ... 122)
-    row indices:   3 11 20 22 23
-Column: 22 number of entries:  8 with row indices in AI (123 ... 130)
-    row indices:   1  3  7 11 12 20 21 23
-Column: 23 number of entries:  3 with row indices in AI (131 ... 133)
-    row indices:   3 21 22
-Column: 24 number of entries:  3 with row indices in AI (134 ... 136)
-    row indices:   7 12 13
-Plot of input matrix pattern:
-      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
-  1:  X . . . . X X . . . . . X X . . . X X X . X . .
-  2:  . X . . . . . . X X . . . X X . . X . . . . . .
-  3:  . . X . . . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . X X X .
-  4:  . . . X . . . X . . X . . . . X . . X X . . . .
-  5:  . . . . X . . X . X . . . . X X X . . . . . . .
-  6:  X . . . . X X . . . . . X X . . . X . . . . . .
-  7:  X . X . . X X . . . . X X . . . . . . X . X . X
-  8:  . . . X X . . X . X . . . . X X X X X . . . . .
-  9:  . X . . . . . . X X . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
- 10:  . X . . X . . X X X . . . X X . . X X . . . . .
- 11:  . . . X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . X X X X . .
- 12:  . . X . . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . X . X
- 13:  X . . . . X X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X
- 14:  X X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . X . . . . . .
- 15:  . X . . X . . X X X . . . . X . . . . . . . . .
- 16:  . . . X X . . X . . . . . . . X X . X . . . . .
- 17:  . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . .
- 18:  X X . . . X . X . X . . . X . . . X X X . . . .
- 19:  X . . X . . . X . X X . . . . X . X X X . . . .
- 20:  X . . X . . X . . . X . . . . . . X X X X X . .
- 21:  . . X . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . X X X X .
- 22:  X . X . . . X . . . X X . . . . . . . X X X X .
- 23:  . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X X .
- 24:  . . . . . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . X
-ordering the matrix with AMD
-Permutation vector: 
- 24 23 17  9 15  5 21 13  6 11 16  8  2 10 14 18  1  3  4 19  7 12 22 20
-Inverse permutation vector: 
- 17 13 18 19  6  9 21 12  4 14 10 22  8 15  5 11  3 16 20 24  7 23  2  1
-Plot of permuted matrix pattern:
-      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
-  1:  X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . .
-  2:  . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . X .
-  3:  . . X . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . .
-  4:  . . . X X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . .
-  5:  . . . X X X . . . . . X X X . . . . . . . . . .
-  6:  . . X . X X . . . . X X . X . . . . . . . . . .
-  7:  . X . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . X . . . . X X
-  8:  X . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . X . . . X X . .
-  9:  . . . . . . . X X . . . . . X X X . . . X . . .
- 10:  . . . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . . X X . . X X
- 11:  . . X . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . X X . . . .
- 12:  . . X . X X . . . . X X . X . X . . X X . . . .
- 13:  . . . X X . . . . . . . X X X X . . . . . . . .
- 14:  . . . X X X . . . . . X X X X X . . . X . . . .
- 15:  . . . . . . . . X . . . X X X X X . . . . . . .
- 16:  . . . . . . . . X . . X X X X X X . . X . . . X
- 17:  . . . . . . . X X . . . . . X X X . . X X . X X
- 18:  . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . X . . X X X .
- 19:  . . . . . . . . . X X X . . . . . . X X . . . X
- 20:  . . . . . . . . . X X X . X . X X . X X . . . X
- 21:  X . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . X X . . X X X X
- 22:  X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . X . . X X X .
- 23:  . X . . . . X . . X . . . . . . X X . . X X X X
- 24:  . . . . . . X . . X . . . . . X X . X X X . X X
-New column:  1 old column: 24 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:  21 22  8
-New column:  2 old column: 23 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:  18  7 23
-New column:  3 old column: 17 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:   6 12 11
-New column:  4 old column:  9 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:  13 14  5
-New column:  5 old column: 15 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  13  6 12  4 14
-New column:  6 old column:  5 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  12 14  5 11  3
-New column:  7 old column: 21 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  18 10 24 23  2
-New column:  8 old column: 13 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  17  9 21 22  1
-New column:  9 old column:  6 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  17 21  8 15 16
-New column: 10 old column: 11 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  19 20 24  7 23
-New column: 11 old column: 16 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  19  6 12  3 20
-New column: 12 old column:  8 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  19  6 14  5 11  3 16 20
-New column: 13 old column:  2 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:   4 14 15  5 16
-New column: 14 old column: 10 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  13  6 12  4 15  5 16 20
-New column: 15 old column: 14 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  17 13  9 14 16
-New column: 16 old column: 18 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 13  9 12 14 15 20 24
-New column: 17 old column:  1 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:   9 21  8 15 16 20 24 23
-New column: 18 old column:  3 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  21 22  7 23  2
-New column: 19 old column:  4 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  12 10 11 20 24
-New column: 20 old column: 19 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 19 12 14 10 11 16 24
-New column: 21 old column:  7 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 18  9 22  8 24 23  1
-New column: 22 old column: 12 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  18 21  8 23  1
-New column: 23 old column: 22 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 18 21 10 22 24  7  2
-New column: 24 old column: 20 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 19 21 10 16 20  7 23
-ordering the matrix with AMDBAR
-Permutation vector: 
- 24 23 17  9 15  5 21 13  6 11 16  8  2 10 14 18  1  3  4 19  7 12 22 20
-Inverse permutation vector: 
- 17 13 18 19  6  9 21 12  4 14 10 22  8 15  5 11  3 16 20 24  7 23  2  1
-Plot of permuted matrix pattern:
-      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
-  1:  X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . .
-  2:  . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . X .
-  3:  . . X . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . . .
-  4:  . . . X X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . .
-  5:  . . . X X X . . . . . X X X . . . . . . . . . .
-  6:  . . X . X X . . . . X X . X . . . . . . . . . .
-  7:  . X . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . X . . . . X X
-  8:  X . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . X . . . X X . .
-  9:  . . . . . . . X X . . . . . X X X . . . X . . .
- 10:  . . . . . . X . . X . . . . . . . . X X . . X X
- 11:  . . X . . X . . . . X X . . . . . . X X . . . .
- 12:  . . X . X X . . . . X X . X . X . . X X . . . .
- 13:  . . . X X . . . . . . . X X X X . . . . . . . .
- 14:  . . . X X X . . . . . X X X X X . . . X . . . .
- 15:  . . . . . . . . X . . . X X X X X . . . . . . .
- 16:  . . . . . . . . X . . X X X X X X . . X . . . X
- 17:  . . . . . . . X X . . . . . X X X . . X X . X X
- 18:  . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . X . . X X X .
- 19:  . . . . . . . . . X X X . . . . . . X X . . . X
- 20:  . . . . . . . . . X X X . X . X X . X X . . . X
- 21:  X . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . X X . . X X X X
- 22:  X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . X . . X X X .
- 23:  . X . . . . X . . X . . . . . . X X . . X X X X
- 24:  . . . . . . X . . X . . . . . X X . X X X . X X
-New column:  1 old column: 24 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:  21 22  8
-New column:  2 old column: 23 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:  18  7 23
-New column:  3 old column: 17 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:   6 12 11
-New column:  4 old column:  9 number of entries:  3
-    new row indices:  13 14  5
-New column:  5 old column: 15 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  13  6 12  4 14
-New column:  6 old column:  5 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  12 14  5 11  3
-New column:  7 old column: 21 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  18 10 24 23  2
-New column:  8 old column: 13 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  17  9 21 22  1
-New column:  9 old column:  6 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  17 21  8 15 16
-New column: 10 old column: 11 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  19 20 24  7 23
-New column: 11 old column: 16 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  19  6 12  3 20
-New column: 12 old column:  8 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  19  6 14  5 11  3 16 20
-New column: 13 old column:  2 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:   4 14 15  5 16
-New column: 14 old column: 10 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  13  6 12  4 15  5 16 20
-New column: 15 old column: 14 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  17 13  9 14 16
-New column: 16 old column: 18 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 13  9 12 14 15 20 24
-New column: 17 old column:  1 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:   9 21  8 15 16 20 24 23
-New column: 18 old column:  3 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  21 22  7 23  2
-New column: 19 old column:  4 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  12 10 11 20 24
-New column: 20 old column: 19 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 19 12 14 10 11 16 24
-New column: 21 old column:  7 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 18  9 22  8 24 23  1
-New column: 22 old column: 12 number of entries:  5
-    new row indices:  18 21  8 23  1
-New column: 23 old column: 22 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 18 21 10 22 24  7  2
-New column: 24 old column: 20 number of entries:  8
-    new row indices:  17 19 21 10 16 20  7 23
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77simple.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-C AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A.
-C Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for
-C License.  email:    CISE Department, Univ. of
-C Florida.  web:
-C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-C This program provides an example of how to call the Fortran version
-C of AMD.  It uses the same matrix as the amd_simple.c demo (in C).
-C Note that the diagonal entries are not present, and the matrix is
-C symmetric.
-        PARAMETER (N = 5, NZ = 10, IWLEN = 17)
-        INTEGER AP (N+1), AI (NZ), LAST (N), PE (N), LEN (N), ELEN (N),
-     $      IW (IWLEN), DEGREE (N), NV (N), NEXT (N), HEAD (N), W (N)
-        DATA AP / 1, 2,     5,     8,  9,  11/
-        DATA AI / 2, 1,3,5, 2,4,5, 3,  2,3   /
-C       load the matrix into the AMD workspace
-        DO 10 J = 1,N
-            PE (J) = AP (J)
-            LEN (J) = AP (J+1) - AP (J)
-10      CONTINUE
-        DO 20 P = 1,NZ
-            IW (P) = AI (P)
-20      CONTINUE
-        PFREE = NZ + 1
-C       order the matrix (destroys the copy of A in IW, PE, and LEN)
-     $      ELEN, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-        DO 60 K = 1, N
-            PRINT 50, K, LAST (K)
-50          FORMAT ('P (',I2,') = ', I2)
-60      CONTINUE
-        END
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77simple.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-P ( 1) =  4
-P ( 2) =  1
-P ( 3) =  3
-P ( 4) =  5
-P ( 5) =  2
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_f77wrapper.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === amd_f77wrapper ====================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Fortran interface for the C-callable AMD library (int version only).  This
- * is HIGHLY non-portable.  You will need to modify this depending on how your
- * Fortran and C compilers behave.  Two examples are provided.
- *
- * To avoid using I/O, and to avoid the extra porting step of a Fortran
- * function, the status code is returned as the first entry in P (P [0] in C
- * and P (1) in Fortran) if an error occurs.  The error codes are negative
- * (-1: out of memory, -2: invalid matrix).
- *
- * For some C and Fortran compilers, the Fortran compiler appends a single "_"
- * after each routine name.  C doesn't do this, so the translation is made
- * here.  Some Fortran compilers don't append an underscore (xlf on IBM AIX,
- * for * example).
- *
- * Tested with the following compilers:
- * Solaris with cc and f77 from Sun WorkShop 6 update 1.
- * SGI Irix with MIPSpro cc and f77 compilers version 7.4
- * Linux with GNU gcc or Intel's icc, and GNU g77 Intel's ifc Fortran compiler.
- *	(any combination).  Note that with g77, a call to amd_order in Fortran
- *	gets translated to a call to amd_order__, with two underscores ("_").
- *	Thus, the Fortran names do not include an underscore.
- */
-#include "amd.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Linux, Solaris, SGI */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void amdorder_ (int *n, const int *Ap, const int *Ai, int *P,
-    double *Control, double *Info)
-    int result = amd_order (*n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ;
-    if (result != AMD_OK && P) P [0] = result ;
-void amddefaults_ (double *Control)
-    amd_defaults (Control) ;
-void amdcontrol_ (double *Control)
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-    amd_control (Control) ;
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-void amdinfo_ (double *Info)
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-    amd_info (Info) ;
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-void amdpreproc_ (int *n, const int *Ap, const int *Ai, int *Rp, int *Ri)
-    int result = amd_preprocess (*n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) ;
-    if (result != AMD_OK && Rp) Rp [0] = result ;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* IBM AIX.  Probably Windows, Compaq Alpha, and HP Unix as well. */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void amdorder (int *n, const int *Ap, const int *Ai, int *P,
-    double *Control, double *Info)
-    int result = amd_order (*n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ;
-    if (result != AMD_OK && P) P [0] = result ;
-void amddefaults (double *Control)
-    amd_defaults (Control) ;
-void amdcontrol (double *Control)
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-    amd_control (Control) ;
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-void amdinfo (double *Info)
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-    amd_info (Info) ;
-    fflush (stdout) ;
-void amdpreproc (int *n, const int *Ap, const int *Ai, int *Rp, int *Ri)
-    int result = amd_preprocess (*n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) ;
-    if (result != AMD_OK && Rp) Rp [0] = result ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_simple.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "amd.h"
-int n = 5 ;
-int Ap [ ] = { 0,   2,       6,       10,  12, 14} ;
-int Ai [ ] = { 0,1, 0,1,2,4, 1,2,3,4, 2,3, 1,4   } ;
-int P [5] ;
-int main (void)
-    int k ;
-    (void) amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL) ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) printf ("P [%d] = %d\n", k, P [k]) ;
-    return (0) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Demo/amd_simple.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-P [0] = 0
-P [1] = 3
-P [2] = 2
-P [3] = 4
-P [4] = 1
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/AMD_UserGuide.bib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-@string{SIREV       = "{SIAM} Review"}
-@string{SIMAX       = "{SIAM} J. Matrix Anal. Applic."}
-@string{SIAMJSC     = "{SIAM} J. Sci. Comput."}
-@string{TOMS        = "{ACM} Trans. Math. Softw."}
-	author    = {J. Schulze},
-	title     = {Towards a tighter coupling of bottom-up and top-down sparse matrix ordering methods},
-	journal   = {BIT},
-	volume    = {41},
-	number    = {4},
-	pages     = "800--841",
-	year      = {2001}
-	}
-	author={George, A. and Liu, J. W. H.},
-	year={1989},
-	title={The Evolution of the Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm},
-	journal=SIREV,
-	volume={31},
-	number={1},
-	pages={1--19}}
-	author={Amestoy, P. R. and Davis, T. A. and Duff, I. S.},
-	title={An approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm},
-	journal=SIMAX,
-	year={1996}
-	,volume={17}
-	,number={4}
-	,pages={886-905}
-	}
- author = {HSL},
-  title = "{HSL} 2002: {A} collection of {F}ortran codes for large
-           scale scientific computation",
-  note = {{\tt}},
-  year = 2002}
-	author={Rothberg, E. and Eisenstat, S. C.},
-	title={Node selection strategies for bottom-up sparse matrix orderings},
-	journal=SIMAX,
-	year={1998}
-	,volume={19}
-	,number={3}
-	,pages={682-695}
-	}
-	author={Karypis, G. and Kumar, V.},
-	title={A fast and high quality multilevel scheme for partitioning irregular graphs},
-	journal=SIAMJSC,
-	year={1998}
-	,volume={20}
-	,pages={359-392}
-	}
-	author={B. Hendrickson and E. Rothberg},
-	title={Improving the runtime and quality of nested dissection ordering},
-	journal=SIAMJSC,
-	year={1999}
-	,volume={20}
-	,pages={468--489}
-	}
-	author={Pellegrini, F. and Roman, J. and Amestoy, P.},
-	title={Hybridizing nested dissection and halo approximate minimum degree for efficient sparse matrix ordering},
-	journal={Concurrency: Practice and Experience},
-	year={2000}
-	,volume={12}
-	,pages={68-84}
-	}
-	author={Davis, T. A. and Gilbert, J. R. and Larimore, S. I. and Ng, E. G.},
-	title={A column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm},
-	journal=TOMS,
-	year={(to appear)}
-	}
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literal 0
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-\newcommand{\m}[1]{{\bf{#1}}}       % for matrices and vectors
-\newcommand{\tr}{^{\sf T}}          % transpose
-\topmargin 0in
-\textheight 9in
-\oddsidemargin 0pt
-\evensidemargin 0pt
-\textwidth 6.5in
-\title{AMD Version 1.1 User Guide}
-\author{Patrick R. Amestoy\thanks{ENSEEIHT-IRIT,
-2 rue Camichel 31017 Toulouse, France.
-\and Timothy A. Davis\thanks{
-Dept.~of Computer and Information Science and Engineering,
-Univ.~of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
-This work was supported by the National
-Science Foundation, under grants ASC-9111263, DMS-9223088, and CCR-0203270.
-Portions of the work were done while on sabbatical at Stanford University
-and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (with funding from Stanford
-University and the SciDAC program).
-\and Iain S. Duff\thanks{Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, 
-Oxon OX11 0QX, England. email:  
-This work was supported by the EPSRC under grant GR/R46441.
-\date{January 29, 2004}
-AMD is a set of routines that implements the approximate minimum degree ordering
-algorithm to permute sparse matrices prior to
-numerical factorization.
-There are versions written in both C and Fortran 77.
-A MATLAB interface is included.
-Technical report TR-04-002, CISE Department, University of Florida,
-Gainesville, FL, 2004.
-AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright\copyright 2004 by Timothy A.
-Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  All Rights Reserved.
-{\bf AMD License:}
-    Your use or distribution of AMD or any modified version of
-    AMD implies that you agree to this License.
-    Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program, provided
-    that the Copyright, this License, and the Availability of the original
-    version is retained on all copies.  User documentation of any code that
-    uses AMD or any modified version of AMD code must cite the
-    Copyright, this License, the Availability note, and ``Used by permission.''
-    Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
-    provided the Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are
-    retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included.  This
-    software was developed with support from the National Science Foundation,
-    and is provided to you free of charge.
-{\bf Availability:}
-{\bf Acknowledgments:}
-    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, under
-    grants ASC-9111263 and DMS-9223088 and CCR-0203270.
-    The conversion to C, the addition of the elimination tree
-    post-ordering, and the handling of dense rows and columns
-    were done while Davis was on sabbatical at
-    Stanford University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
-AMD is a set of routines for preordering a sparse matrix prior to
-numerical factorization.  It uses an approximate minimum degree ordering
-algorithm \cite{AmestoyDavisDuff96} to find a permutation matrix $\m{P}$
-so that the Cholesky factorization $\m{PAP}\tr=\m{LL}\tr$ has fewer
-(often much fewer) nonzero entries than the Cholesky factorization of $\m{A}$.
-The algorithm is typically much faster than other ordering methods
-and  minimum degree ordering
-algorithms that compute an exact degree \cite{GeorgeLiu89}.
-Some methods, such as approximate deficiency
-\cite{RothbergEisenstat98} and graph-partitioning based methods
-can produce better orderings, depending on the matrix.
-The algorithm starts with an undirected graph representation of a
-symmetric sparse matrix $\m{A}$.  Node $i$ in the graph corresponds to row
-and column $i$ of the matrix, and there is an edge $(i,j)$ in the graph if
-$a_{ij}$ is nonzero.
-The degree of a node is initialized to the number of off-diagonal nonzeros
-in row $i$, which is the size of the set of nodes
-adjacent to $i$ in the graph.
-The selection of a pivot $a_{ii}$ from the diagonal of $\m{A}$ and the first
-step of Gaussian elimination corresponds to one step of graph elimination.
-Numerical fill-in causes new nonzero entries in the matrix
-(fill-in refers to
-nonzeros in $\m{L}$ that are not in $\m{A}$).
-Node $i$ is eliminated and edges are added to its neighbors
-so that they form a clique (or {\em element}).  To reduce fill-in,
-node $i$ is selected as the node of least degree in the graph.
-This process repeats until the graph is eliminated.
-The clique is represented implicitly.  Rather than listing all the
-new edges in the graph, a single list of nodes is kept which represents
-the clique.  This list corresponds to the nonzero pattern of the first
-column of $\m{L}$.  As the elimination proceeds, some of these cliques
-become subsets of subsequent cliques, and are removed.   This graph
-can be stored in place, that is
-using the same amount of memory as the original graph.
-The most costly part of the minimum degree algorithm is the recomputation
-of the degrees of nodes adjacent to the current pivot element.
-Rather than keep track of the exact degree, the approximate minimum degree
-algorithm finds an upper bound on the degree that is easier to compute.
-For nodes of least degree, this bound tends to be tight.  Using the
-approximate degree instead of the exact degree leads to a substantial savings
-in run time, particularly for very irregularly structured matrices.
-It has no effect on the quality of the ordering.
-In the C version of AMD, the elimination phase is followed by an
-elimination tree post-ordering.  This has no effect on fill-in, but
-reorganizes the ordering so that the subsequent numerical factorization is
-more efficient.  It also includes a pre-processing phase in which nodes of
-very high degree are removed (without causing fill-in), and placed last in the
-permutation $\m{P}$.  This reduces the run time substantially if the matrix
-has a few rows with many nonzero entries, and has little effect on the quality
-of the ordering.
-The C version operates on the
-symmetric nonzero pattern of $\m{A}+\m{A}\tr$, so it can be given
-an unsymmetric matrix, or either the lower or upper triangular part of
-a symmetric matrix.
-The two Fortran versions of AMD are essentially identical to two versions of
-the AMD algorithm discussed in an earlier paper \cite{AmestoyDavisDuff96}
-(approximate minimum external degree, both with and without aggressive
-For a discussion of the long history of the minimum degree algorithm,
-see \cite{GeorgeLiu89}.
-In addition to appearing as a Collected Algorithm of the ACM,
-AMD Version 1.1 is available at
-The Fortran version is available as the routine {\tt MC47} in HSL
-(formerly the Harwell Subroutine Library) \cite{hsl:2002}.
-\section{Using AMD in MATLAB}
-To use AMD in MATLAB, you must first compile the AMD mexFunction.
-Just type {\tt make} in the Unix system shell, while in the {\tt AMD}
-directory.  You can also type {\tt amd\_make} in MATLAB, while in the
-{\tt AMD/MATLAB} directory.  Place the {\tt AMD/MATLAB} directory in your
-MATLAB path.  This can be done on any system with MATLAB, including Windows.
-See Section~\ref{Install} for more details on how to install AMD.
-The MATLAB statement {\tt p=amd(A)} finds a permutation vector {\tt p} such
-that the Cholesky factorization {\tt chol(A(p,p))} is typically sparser than
-{\tt chol(A)}.
-If {\tt A} is unsymmetric, {\tt amd(A)} is identical to {\tt amd(A+A')}
-(ignoring numerical cancellation).
-If {\tt A} is not symmetric positive definite,
-but has substantial diagonal entries and a mostly symmetric nonzero pattern,
-then this ordering is also suitable for LU factorization.  A partial pivoting
-threshold may be required to prevent pivots from being selected off the
-diagonal, such as the statement {\tt [L,U,P] = lu (A (p,p), 0.1)}.
-Type {\tt help lu} for more details.
-The statement {\tt [L,U,P,Q] = lu (A (p,p))} in MATLAB 6.5 is
-not suitable, however, because it uses UMFPACK Version 4.0 and thus
-does not attempt to select pivots from the diagonal.  UMFPACK Version 4.1
-uses several strategies, including a symmetric pivoting strategy, and
-will give you better results if you want to factorize an unsymmetric matrix
-of this type.  Refer to the UMFPACK User Guide for more details, at
-The AMD mexFunction is much faster than the built-in MATLAB symmetric minimum
-degree ordering methods, SYMAMD and SYMMMD.  Its ordering quality is
-comparable to SYMAMD, and better than SYMMMD
-An optional input argument can be used to modify the control parameters for
-AMD (aggressive absorption, dense row/column handling, and printing of
-statistics).  An optional output
-argument provides statistics on the ordering, including an analysis of the
-fill-in and the floating-point operation count for a subsequent factorization.
-For more details (once AMD is installed),
-type {\tt help amd} in the MATLAB command window.
-\section{Using AMD in a C program}
-The C-callable AMD library consists of five user-callable routines and one
-include file.  There are two versions of each of the routines, with
-{\tt int} and {\tt long} integers.
-The routines with prefix
-{\tt amd\_l\_} use {\tt long} integer arguments; the others use
-{\tt int} integer arguments.  If you compile AMD in the standard
-ILP32 mode (32-bit {\tt int}'s, {\tt long}'s, and pointers) then the versions
-are essentially identical.  You will be able to solve problems using up to 2GB
-of memory.  If you compile AMD in the standard LP64 mode, the size of an
-{\tt int} remains 32-bits, but the size of a {\tt long} and a pointer both get
-promoted to 64-bits.
-The following routines are fully described in Section~\ref{Primary}:
-\item {\tt amd\_order}
-({\tt long} version: {\tt amd\_l\_order})
-    {\footnotesize
-    \begin{verbatim}
-    #include "amd.h"
-    int n, Ap [n+1], Ai [nz], P [n] ;
-    double Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO] ;
-    int result = amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ;
-    \end{verbatim}
-    }
-    Computes the approximate minimum degree ordering of an $n$-by-$n$ matrix
-    $\m{A}$.  Returns a permutation vector {\tt P} of size {\tt n}, where
-    {\tt P[k] = i} if row and column {\tt i} are the {\tt k}th row and
-    column in the permuted matrix.
-    This routine allocates its own memory of size $1.2e+9n$ integers,
-    where $e$ is the number of nonzeros in $\m{A}+\m{A}\tr$.
-    It computes statistics about the matrix $\m{A}$, such as the symmetry of
-    its nonzero pattern, the number of nonzeros in $\m{L}$,
-    and the number of floating-point operations required for Cholesky and LU
-    factorizations (which are returned in the {\tt Info} array).
-    The user's input matrix is not modified.
-    It returns {\tt AMD\_OK} if successful, {\tt AMD\_INVALID} if
-    the matrix is invalid, or {\tt AMD\_OUT\_OF\_MEMORY} if out of memory.
-\item {\tt amd\_defaults}
-({\tt long} version: {\tt amd\_l\_defaults})
-    {\footnotesize
-    \begin{verbatim}
-    #include "amd.h"
-    double Control [AMD_CONTROL] ;
-    amd_defaults (Control) ;
-    \end{verbatim}
-    }
-    Sets the default control parameters in the {\tt Control} array.  These can
-    then be modified as desired before passing the array to the other AMD
-    routines.
-\item {\tt amd\_control}
-({\tt long} version: {\tt amd\_l\_control})
-    {\footnotesize
-    \begin{verbatim}
-    #include "amd.h"
-    double Control [AMD_CONTROL] ;
-    amd_control (Control) ;
-    \end{verbatim}
-    }
-    Prints a description of the control parameters, and their values.
-\item {\tt amd\_info}
-({\tt long} version: {\tt amd\_l\_info})
-    {\footnotesize
-    \begin{verbatim}
-    #include "amd.h"
-    double Info [AMD_INFO] ;
-    amd_info (Info) ;
-    \end{verbatim}
-    }
-    Prints a description of the statistics computed by AMD, and their values.
-\item {\tt amd\_preprocess}
-({\tt long} version: {\tt amd\_l\_info})
-    {\footnotesize
-    \begin{verbatim}
-    #include "amd.h"
-    int n, Ap [n+1], Ai [nz], Rp [n+1], Ri [nz] ;
-    int result = amd_preprocess (n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) ;
-    \end{verbatim}
-    }
-    Removes duplicate entries and sorts each column of its input $\m{A}$,
-    and returns the nonzero pattern of the transpose, $\m{R}=\m{A}\tr$.
-    It returns the transpose because this is the simplest way to sort
-    a matrix and remove duplicate entries.  Either $\m{A}$ or $\m{A}\tr$
-    can be passed to {\tt amd\_order} with little effect on the
-    ordering (except for minor tie-breaking changes).
-The nonzero pattern of the matrix $\m{A}$ is represented in compressed column
-For an $n$-by-$n$ matrix $\m{A}$ with {\tt nz} nonzero entries, the
-representation consists of two arrays: {\tt Ap} of size {\tt n+1} and {\tt Ai}
-of size {\tt nz}.  The row indices of entries in column {\tt j} are stored in
-    {\tt Ai[Ap[j]} $\ldots$ {\tt Ap[j+1]-1]}.
-For {\tt amd\_order},
-no duplicate row indices may be present, and the row indices in any given
-column must be sorted in ascending order.
-The matrix is 0-based, and thus
-row indices must be in the range {\tt 0} to {\tt n-1}.
-The first entry {\tt Ap[0]} must be zero.
-The total number of entries in the matrix is thus {\tt nz = Ap[n]}.
-The matrix must be square, but it does not need to be symmetric.
-The {\tt amd\_order} routine constructs the nonzero pattern of
-$\m{B} = \m{A}+\m{A}\tr$ (without forming $\m{A}\tr$ explicitly),
-and then orders the matrix $\m{B}$.  Thus, either the
-lower triangular part of $\m{A}$, the upper triangular part,
-or any combination may be passed.  The transpose $\m{A}\tr$ may also be
-passed to {\tt amd\_order}.
-The diagonal entries may be present, but are ignored.
-The input to {\tt amd\_order} must have sorted columns because it uses
-an in-place algorithm to construct $\m{A}+\m{A}\tr$ without first constructing
-$\m{A}\tr$.  This saves memory, but places an additional restriction on
-the input.  If the input matrix has columns with unsorted and/or duplicate
-row indices, it is not valid as input to {\tt amd\_order}.  To handle this
-case, the {\tt amd\_preprocess} routine is provided.  It sorts, transposes,
-and removes duplicate entries from its input matrix, returning its result
-as another compressed-column matrix $\m{R}$ which can then be passed to
-{\tt amd\_order}.
-\subsection{Control parameters}
-Control parameters are set an optional {\tt Control} array.
-It is optional in the sense that if
-a {\tt NULL} pointer is passed for the {\tt Control} input argument,
-then default control parameters are used.
-\item {\tt Control[AMD\_DENSE]} (or {\tt Control(1)} in MATLAB):
-controls the threshold for ``dense''
-rows/columns.  A dense row/column in $\m{A}+\m{A}\tr$
-can cause AMD to spend significant time
-in ordering the matrix.  If {\tt Control[AMD\_DENSE]} $\ge 0$,
-rows/columns with
-more than {\tt Control[AMD\_DENSE]} $\sqrt{n}$ entries are ignored during
-the ordering, and placed last in the output order.  The default
-value of {\tt Control[AMD\_DENSE]} is 10.  If negative, no rows/columns
-are treated as ``dense.''  Rows/columns with 16 or fewer off-diagonal
-entries are never considered ``dense.''
-\item {\tt Control[AMD\_AGGRESSIVE]} (or {\tt Control(2)} in MATLAB):
-controls whether or not to use
-aggressive absorption, in which a prior element is absorbed into the current
-element if it is a subset of the current element, even if it is not
-adjacent to the current pivot element (refer to \cite{AmestoyDavisDuff96}
-for more details).  The default value is nonzero,
-which means that aggressive absorption will be performed.  This nearly always
-leads to a better ordering (because the approximate degrees are more
-accurate) and a lower execution time.  There are cases where it can
-lead to a slightly worse ordering, however.  To turn it off, set
-{\tt Control[AMD\_AGGRESSIVE]} to 0.
-Statistics are returned in the {\tt Info} array
-(if {\tt Info} is {\tt NULL}, then no statistics are returned).
-Refer to {\tt amd.h} file, for more details
-(14 different statistics are returned, so the list is not included here).
-\subsection{Sample C program}
-The following program, {\tt amd\_demo.c}, illustrates the basic use of AMD.
-See Section~\ref{Synopsis} for a short description
-of each calling sequence.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "amd.h"
-int n = 5 ;
-int Ap [ ] = { 0,   2,       6,       10,  12, 14} ;
-int Ai [ ] = { 0,1, 0,1,2,4, 1,2,3,4, 2,3, 1,4   } ;
-int P [5] ;
-int main (void)
-    int k ;
-    (void) amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL) ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) printf ("P [%d] = %d\n", k, P [k]) ;
-    return (0) ;
-The {\tt Ap} and {\tt Ai} arrays represent the binary matrix
-\m{A} = \left[
- 1 &  1 &  0 &  0 &  0 \\
- 1 &  1 &  1 &  0 &  1 \\
- 0 &  1 &  1 &  1 &  0 \\
- 0 &  0 &  1 &  1 &  0 \\
- 0 &  1 &  1 &  0 &  1 \\
-The diagonal entries are ignored.
-AMD constructs the pattern of $\m{A}+\m{A}\tr$,
-and returns a permutation vector of $(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)$.
-Since the matrix is unsymmetric but with a mostly symmetric nonzero
-pattern, this would be a suitable permutation for an LU factorization of a
-matrix with this nonzero pattern and whose diagonal entries are not too small.
-The program uses default control settings and does not return any statistics
-about the ordering, factorization, or solution ({\tt Control} and {\tt Info}
-are both {\tt (double *) NULL}).  It also ignores the status value returned by
-{\tt amd\_order}.
-More example programs are included with the AMD package.
-The {\tt amd\_demo.c} program provides a more detailed demo of AMD.
-Another example is the AMD mexFunction, {\tt amd\_mex.c}.
-\subsection{A note about zero-sized arrays}
-AMD uses several user-provided arrays of size {\tt n} or {\tt nz}.
-Either {\tt n} or {\tt nz} can be zero.
-If you attempt to {\tt malloc} an array of size zero,
-however, {\tt malloc} will return a null pointer which AMD will report
-as invalid.  If you {\tt malloc} an array of
-size {\tt n} or {\tt nz} to pass to AMD, make sure that you handle the
-{\tt n} = 0 and {\tt nz = 0} cases correctly.
-\section{Synopsis of C-callable routines}
-The matrix $\m{A}$ is {\tt n}-by-{\tt n} with {\tt nz} entries.
-#include "amd.h"
-int n, status, Ap [n+1], Ai [nz], P [n], Rp [n+1], Ri [nz] ;
-double Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO] ;
-amd_defaults (Control) ;
-status = amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ;
-amd_control (Control) ;
-amd_info (Info) ;
-amd_preprocess (n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) ;
-The {\tt amd\_l\_*} routines are identical, except that all {\tt int}
-arguments become {\tt long}:
-#include "amd.h"
-long n, status, Ap [n+1], Ai [nz], P [n], Rp [n+1], Ri [nz] ;
-double Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO] ;
-amd_l_defaults (Control) ;
-status = amd_l_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ;
-amd_l_control (Control) ;
-amd_l_info (Info) ;
-amd_l_preprocess (n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) ;
-\section{Using AMD in a Fortran program}
-Two Fortran versions of AMD are provided.  The {\tt AMD} routine computes the
-approximate minimum degree ordering, using aggressive absorption.  The
-{\tt AMDBAR} routine is identical, except that it does not perform aggressive
-absorption.  The {\tt AMD} routine is essentially identical to the HSL
-routine {\tt MC47B/BD}.
-Note that earlier versions of the Fortran
-{\tt AMD} and {\tt AMDBAR} routines included an {\tt IOVFLO} argument,
-which is no longer present.
-In contrast to the C version, the Fortran routines require a symmetric
-nonzero pattern, with no diagonal entries present although the {\tt MC47A/AD}
-wrapper in HSL allows duplicates, ignores out-of-range entries, and only
-uses entries from the upper triangular part of the matrix.  Although we
-have an experimental Fortran code for treating ``dense'' rows, the Fortran
-codes in this release do not treat
-``dense'' rows and columns of $\m{A}$ differently, and thus their run time
-can be high if there are a few dense rows and columns in the matrix.
-They do not perform a post-ordering of the elimination tree,
-compute statistics on the ordering, or check the validity of their input
-arguments. These facilities are provided by {\tt MC47A/AD} and other
-subroutines from HSL.
-Only one {\tt integer}
-version of each Fortran routine is provided.  
-Both Fortran routines overwrite the user's input
-matrix, in contrast to the C version.  
-The C version does not return the elimination or assembly tree.
-The Fortran version returns an assembly tree;
-refer to the User Guide for details.
-The following is the syntax of the {\tt AMD} Fortran routine.
-The {\tt AMDBAR} routine is identical except for the routine name.
-     $          NEXT (N), LAST (N), HEAD (N), ELEN (N), W (N), LEN (N)
-     $          LAST, HEAD, ELEN, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-     $          LAST, HEAD, ELEN, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-The input matrix is provided to {\tt AMD} and {\tt AMDBAR}
-in three arrays, {\tt PE}, of size {\tt N},
-{\tt LEN}, of size {\tt N}, and {\tt IW}, of size {\tt IWLEN}.  The size of
-{\tt IW} must be at least {\tt NZ+N}.  The recommended size is
-{\tt 1.2*NZ + N}.
-On input, the indices of nonzero entries in row {\tt I} are stored in {\tt IW}.
-{\tt PE(I)} is the index in {\tt IW} of the start of row {\tt I}.
-{\tt LEN(I)} is the number of entries in row {\tt I}.
-The matrix is 1-based, with row and column indices in the range 1 to {\tt N}.
-Row {\tt I} is contained in
-{\tt IW (PE(I)} $\ldots \:$ {\tt PE(I) + LEN(I) - 1)}.
-The diagonal entries must not be present.  The indices within each row must
-not contain any duplicates, but they need not be sorted.  The rows
-themselves need not be in any particular order, and there may be empty space
-between the rows.  If {\tt LEN(I)} is zero, then there are no off-diagonal
-entries in row {\tt I}, and {\tt PE(I)} is ignored.  The integer
-{\tt PFREE} defines what part of {\tt IW} contains the user's input matrix,
-which is held in {\tt IW(1}~$\ldots~\:${\tt PFREE-1)}.
-The contents of {\tt IW} and {\tt LEN} are undefined on output,
-and {\tt PE} is modified to contain information about the ordering.
-As the algorithm proceeds, it modifies the {\tt IW} array, placing the
-pattern of the partially eliminated matrix in
-{\tt IW(PFREE} $\ldots \:${\tt IWLEN)}.
-If this space is exhausted, the space is compressed.
-The number of compressions performed on the {\tt IW} array is
-returned in the scalar {\tt NCMPA}.  The value of {\tt PFREE} on output is the
-length of {\tt IW} required for no compressions to be needed.
-The output permutation is returned in the array {\tt LAST}, of size {\tt N}.
-If {\tt I=LAST(K)}, then {\tt I} is the {\tt K}th row in the permuted
-matrix.  The inverse permutation is returned in the array {\tt ELEN}, where
-{\tt K=ELEN(I)} if {\tt I} is the {\tt K}th row in the permuted matrix.
-On output, the {\tt PE} and {\tt NV} arrays hold the assembly tree,
-a supernodal elimination tree that represents the relationship between
-columns of the Cholesky factor $\m{L}$.
-If {\tt NV(I)} $> 0$, then {\tt I} is a node in the assembly
-tree, and the parent of {\tt I} is {\tt -PE(I)}.  If {\tt I} is a root of
-the tree, then {\tt PE(I)} is zero.  The value of {\tt NV(I)} is the
-number of entries in the corresponding column of $\m{L}$, including the
-If {\tt NV(I)} is zero, then {\tt I} is a non-principal node that is
-not in the assembly tree.  Node {\tt -PE(I)} is the parent of node {\tt I}
-in a subtree, the root of which is a node in the assembly tree.  All nodes
-in one subtree belong to the same supernode in the assembly tree.
-The other size {\tt N} arrays
-({\tt DEGREE}, {\tt HEAD}, {\tt NEXT}, and {\tt W}) are used as workspace,
-and are not defined on input or output.
-If you want to use a simpler user-interface and compute the elimination
-tree post-ordering, you should be able to call the C routines {\tt amd\_order}
-or {\tt amd\_l\_order} from a Fortran program.   Just be sure to take into
-account the 0-based indexing in the {\tt P}, {\tt Ap}, and {\tt Ai} arguments
-to {\tt amd\_order} and {\tt amd\_l\_order}.  A sample interface is provided
-in the files {\tt AMD/Demo/amd\_f77cross.f} and
-{\tt AMD/Demo/amd\_f77wrapper.c}.  To compile the {\tt amd\_f77cross} program,
-type {\tt make cross} in the {\tt AMD/Demo} directory.  The
-Fortran-to-C calling conventions are highly non-portable, so this example
-is not guaranteed to work with your compiler C and Fortran compilers.
-The output of {\tt amd\_f77cross} is in {\tt amd\_f77cross.out}.
-\section{Sample Fortran main program}
-The following program illustrates the basic usage of the Fortran version of AMD.
-The {\tt AP} and {\tt AI} arrays represent the binary matrix
-\m{A} = \left[
- 1 &  1 &  0 &  0 &  0 \\
- 1 &  1 &  1 &  0 &  1 \\
- 0 &  1 &  1 &  1 &  1 \\
- 0 &  0 &  1 &  1 &  0 \\
- 0 &  1 &  1 &  0 &  1 \\
-in a conventional 1-based column-oriented form,
-except that the diagonal entries are not present.
-The matrix has the same as nonzero pattern of $\m{A}+\m{A}\tr$ in the C
-program, in Section~\ref{Cversion}.
-The output permutation is $(4, 1, 3, 5, 2)$.
-It differs from the permutation returned by the C routine {\tt amd\_order}
-because a post-order of the elimination tree has not yet been performed.
-        PARAMETER (N = 5, NZ = 10, IWLEN = 17)
-        INTEGER AP (N+1), AI (NZ), LAST (N), PE (N), LEN (N), ELEN (N),
-     $      IW (IWLEN), DEGREE (N), NV (N), NEXT (N), HEAD (N), W (N)
-        DATA AP / 1, 2,     5,     8,  9,  11/
-        DATA AI / 2, 1,3,5, 2,4,5, 3,  2,3   /
-C       load the matrix into the AMD workspace
-        DO 10 J = 1,N
-            PE (J) = AP (J)
-            LEN (J) = AP (J+1) - AP (J)
-10      CONTINUE
-        DO 20 P = 1,NZ
-            IW (P) = AI (P)
-20      CONTINUE
-        PFREE = NZ + 1
-C       order the matrix (destroys the copy of A in IW, PE, and LEN)
-     $      ELEN, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-        DO 60 K = 1, N
-            PRINT 50, K, LAST (K)
-50          FORMAT ('P (',I2,') = ', I2)
-60      CONTINUE
-        END
-The {\tt Demo} directory contains an example of how the C version
-may be called from a Fortran program, but this is highly non-portable.
-For this reason, it is placed in the {\tt Demo} directory, not in the
-primary {\tt Source} directory.
-The following discussion assumes you have the {\tt make} program, either in
-Unix, or in Windows with Cygwin.
-System-dependent configurations are in the {\tt AMD/Make}
-directory.  You can edit the {\tt Make.include}
-file in that directory to customize the compilation.  The default
-settings will work on most systems.
-Sample configuration files are provided
-for Linux, Sun Solaris, SGI IRIX, IBM AIX, and the DEC/Compaq Alpha.
-To compile and install the C-callable AMD library,
-go to the {\tt AMD} directory and type {\tt make}.
-The library will be placed in {\tt AMD/Lib/libamd.a}.
-Two demo programs of the AMD ordering routine will be compiled and tested in
-the {\tt AMD/Demo} directory.
-The outputs of these demo programs will then be compared with output
-files in the distribution.  The AMD mexFunction for
-use in MATLAB will also be compiled.  If you do not have MATLAB
-type {\tt make lib} instead.
-To compile and install the Fortran-callable AMD library,
-go to the {\tt AMD} directory and type {\tt make fortran}.
-The library will be placed in {\tt AMD/Lib/libamdf77.a}.
-A demo program will be compiled and tested in the {\tt AMD/Demo} directory.
-The output will be compared with an output file in the distribution.
-Typing {\tt make clean} will remove all but the final compiled libraries
-and demo programs.  Typing {\tt make purge} removes all files not in the
-original distribution.
-If you compile AMD and then later change the {\tt Make.include}
-file or your system-specific configuration file such as {\tt Make.linux},
-then you should type {\tt make purge} and then {\tt make} to recompile.
-Here are the various parameters that you can control in your
-{\tt Make.include} file:
-\item {\tt CC = } your C compiler, such as {\tt cc}.
-\item {\tt RANLIB = } your system's {\tt ranlib} program, if needed.
-\item {\tt CFLAGS = } optimization flags, such as {\tt -O}.
-\item {\tt LIB = } your libraries, such as {\tt -lm} or {\tt -lblas}.
-\item {\tt RM =} the command to delete a file.
-\item {\tt MV =} the command to rename a file.
-\item {\tt MEX =} the command to compile a MATLAB mexFunction.
-\item {\tt F77 =} the command to compile a Fortran program (optional).
-\item {\tt F77FLAGS =} the Fortran compiler flags (optional).
-\item {\tt F77LIB =} the Fortran libraries (optional).
-The {\tt Make.include} includes some definitions regarding the BLAS.
-This is so that AMD and UMFPACK (which requires AMD) can share
-the same configuration files.  If you wish to use AMD only, then
-you can ignore any references to the BLAS (the -DNBLAS compile flag).
-When you compile your program that uses the C-callable AMD library,
-you need to add the {\tt AMD/Lib/libamd.a} library
-and you need to tell your compiler to look in the
-{\tt AMD/Include} directory for include
-files.   To compile a Fortran program that calls the Fortran AMD library,
-you need to add the {\tt AMD/Lib/libamdf77.a} library.
-See {\tt AMD/Demo/Makefile} for an example.
-If all you want to use is the AMD mexFunction in MATLAB, you can skip
-the use of the {\tt make} command entirely.  Simply type
-{\tt amd\_make} in MATLAB while in the {\tt AMD/MATLAB} directory.
-This works on any system with MATLAB, including Windows.
-If you are including AMD as a subset of a larger library and do not want
-to link the C standard I/O library, or if you simply do not need to use
-them, you can safely remove the {\tt amd\_control.c} and {\tt amd\_info.c}
-files.  Similarly, if you use default parameters (or define your
-own {\tt Control} array), then you can exclude the {\tt amd\_defaults.c}
-file.  The {\tt amd\_preprocess.c} file is optional as well, if you
-can ensure that the input matrix to {\tt amd\_order} is always sorted
-and has no duplicate entries.
-Each of these files contains the user-callable routines of the same
-name.  None of these auxiliary routines are directly called by
-{\tt amd\_order}.
-The {\tt amd\_dump.c} file contains debugging routines
-that are neither used nor compiled unless debugging is enabled.
-The {\tt amd\_internal.h} file must be edited to enable debugging;
-refer to the instructions in that file.  Thus, it too can be excluded
-if compiled into a larger production program or library.
-The bare minimum files required to use just {\tt amd\_order} are
-{\tt amd.h} in the {\tt Include} directory,
-{\tt amd\_1.c},
-{\tt amd\_2.c},
-{\tt amd\_aat.c},
-{\tt and\_order.c},
-{\tt amd\_postorder.c},
-{\tt amd\_post\_tree.c},
-{\tt amd\_valid.c},
-{\tt amd\_internal.h},
-in the {\tt Source} directory.
-\section{The AMD routines}
-The file {\tt AMD/Include/amd.h} listed below
-describes each user-callable routine in the C version of AMD,
-and gives details on their use.
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD:  approximate minimum degree ordering =========================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD finds a symmetric ordering P of a matrix A so that the Cholesky
- * factorization of P*A*P' has fewer nonzeros and takes less work than the
- * Cholesky factorization of A.  If A is not symmetric, then it performs its
- * ordering on the matrix A+A'.  Two sets of user-callable routines are
- * provided, one for "int" integers and the other for "long" integers.
- *
- * The method is based on the approximate minimum degree algorithm, discussed
- * in Amestoy, Davis, and Duff, "An approximate degree ordering algorithm",
- * SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp.
- * 886-905, 1996.  This package can perform both the AMD ordering (with
- * aggressive absorption), and the AMDBAR ordering (without aggressive
- * absorption) discussed in the above paper.  This package differs from the
- * Fortran codes discussed in the paper:
- *
- *      (1) it can ignore "dense" rows and columns, leading to faster run times
- *      (2) it computes the ordering of A+A' if A is not symmetric
- *      (3) it is followed by a depth-first post-ordering of the assembly tree
- *          (or supernodal elimination tree)
- *
- * For historical reasons, the Fortran versions, amd.f and amdbar.f, have
- * been left (nearly) unchanged.  They compute the identical ordering as
- * described in the above paper.
- */
-#ifndef AMD_H
-#define AMD_H
-int amd_order (             /* returns 0 if OK, negative value if error */
-    int n,                  /* A is n-by-n.  n must be >= 0. */
-    const int Ap [ ],       /* column pointers for A, of size n+1 */
-    const int Ai [ ],       /* row indices of A, of size nz = Ap [n] */
-    int P [ ],              /* output permutation, of size n */
-    double Control [ ],     /* input Control settings, of size AMD_CONTROL */
-    double Info [ ]         /* output Info statistics, of size AMD_INFO */
-) ;
-long amd_l_order (          /* see above for description of arguments */
-    long n,
-    const long Ap [ ],
-    const long Ai [ ],
-    long P [ ],
-    double Control [ ],
-    double Info [ ]
-) ;
-/* Input arguments (not modified):
- *
- *      n: the matrix A is n-by-n.
- *      Ap: an int/long array of size n+1, containing the column pointers of A.
- *      Ai: an int/long array of size nz, containing the row indices of A,
- *          where nz = Ap [n].
- *      Control:  a double array of size AMD_CONTROL, containing control
- *          parameters.  Defaults are used if Control is NULL.
- *
- * Output arguments (not defined on input):
- *
- *      P: an int/long array of size n, containing the output permutation. If
- *          row i is the kth pivot row, then P [k] = i.  In MATLAB notation,
- *          the reordered matrix is A (P,P).
- *      Info: a double array of size AMD_INFO, containing statistical
- *          information.  Ignored if Info is NULL.
- *
- * On input, the matrix A is stored in column-oriented form.  The row indices
- * of nonzero entries in column j are stored in Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1].
- * The row indices must appear in ascending order in each column, and there
- * must not be any duplicate entries.  Row indices must be in the range 0 to
- * n-1.  Ap [0] must be zero, and thus nz = Ap [n] is the number of nonzeros
- * in A.  The array Ap is of size n+1, and the array Ai is of size nz = Ap [n].
- * The matrix does not need to be symmetric, and the diagonal does not need to
- * be present (if diagonal entries are present, they are ignored except for
- * the output statistic Info [AMD_NZDIAG]).  The arrays Ai and Ap are not
- * modified.  This form of the Ap and Ai arrays to represent the nonzero
- * pattern of the matrix A is the same as that used internally by MATLAB.
- * If you wish to use a more flexible input structure, please see the
- * umfpack_*_triplet_to_col routines in the UMFPACK package, at
- *, or use the amd_preprocess
- * routine discussed below.
- *
- * Restrictions:  n >= 0.  Ap [0] = 0.  Ap [j] <= Ap [j+1] for all j in the
- *      range 0 to n-1.  nz = Ap [n] >= 0.  For all j in the range 0 to n-1,
- *      and for all p in the range Ap [j] to Ap [j+1]-2, Ai [p] < Ai [p+1] must
- *      hold.  Ai [] must be in the range 0 to n-1.  To avoid integer
- *      overflow, (2.4*nz + 8*n) < INT_MAX / sizeof (int) for must hold for the
- *      "int" version. (2.4*nz + 8*n) < LONG_MAX / sizeof (long) must hold
- *      for the "long" version.  Finally, Ai, Ap, and P must not be NULL.  If
- *      any of these restrictions are not met, AMD returns AMD_INVALID.
- *
- * AMD returns:
- *
- *      AMD_OK if the matrix is valid and sufficient memory can be allocated to
- *          perform the ordering.
- *
- *      AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY if not enough memory can be allocated.
- *
- *      AMD_INVALID if the input arguments n, Ap, Ai are invalid, or if P is
- *          NULL.
- *
- * The AMD routine first forms the pattern of the matrix A+A', and then
- * computes a fill-reducing ordering, P.  If P [k] = i, then row/column i of
- * the original is the kth pivotal row.  In MATLAB notation, the permuted
- * matrix is A (P,P), except that 0-based indexing is used instead of the
- * 1-based indexing in MATLAB.
- *
- * The Control array is used to set various parameters for AMD.  If a NULL
- * pointer is passed, default values are used.  The Control array is not
- * modified.
- *
- *      Control [AMD_DENSE]:  controls the threshold for "dense" rows/columns.
- *          A dense row/column in A+A' can cause AMD to spend a lot of time in
- *          ordering the matrix.  If Control [AMD_DENSE] >= 0, rows/columns
- *          with more than Control [AMD_DENSE] * sqrt (n) entries are ignored
- *          during the ordering, and placed last in the output order.  The
- *          default value of Control [AMD_DENSE] is 10.  If negative, no
- *          rows/columns are treated as "dense".  Rows/columns with 16 or
- *          fewer off-diagonal entries are never considered "dense".
- *
- *      Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE]: controls whether or not to use aggressive
- *          absorption, in which a prior element is absorbed into the current
- *          element if is a subset of the current element, even if it is not
- *          adjacent to the current pivot element (refer to Amestoy, Davis,
- *          & Duff, 1996, for more details).  The default value is nonzero,
- *          which means to perform aggressive absorption.  This nearly always
- *          leads to a better ordering (because the approximate degrees are
- *          more accurate) and a lower execution time.  There are cases where
- *          it can lead to a slightly worse ordering, however.  To turn it off,
- *          set Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] to 0.
- *
- *      Control [2..4] are not used in the current version, but may be used in
- *          future versions.
- *
- * The Info array provides statistics about the ordering on output.  If it is
- * not present, the statistics are not returned.  This is not an error
- * condition.
- * 
- *      Info [AMD_STATUS]:  the return value of AMD, either AMD_OK,
- *
- *      Info [AMD_N]: n, the size of the input matrix
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NZ]: the number of nonzeros in A, nz = Ap [n]
- *
- *      Info [AMD_SYMMETRY]:  the symmetry of the matrix A.  It is the number
- *          of "matched" off-diagonal entries divided by the total number of
- *          off-diagonal entries.  An entry A(i,j) is matched if A(j,i) is also
- *          an entry, for any pair (i,j) for which i != j.  In MATLAB notation,
- *              S = spones (A) ;
- *              B = tril (S, -1) + triu (S, 1) ;
- *              symmetry = nnz (B & B') / nnz (B) ;
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NZDIAG]: the number of entries on the diagonal of A.
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT]:  the number of nonzeros in A+A', excluding the
- *          diagonal.  If A is perfectly symmetric (Info [AMD_SYMMETRY] = 1)
- *          with a fully nonzero diagonal, then Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] = nz-n
- *          (the smallest possible value).  If A is perfectly unsymmetric
- *          (Info [AMD_SYMMETRY] = 0, for an upper triangular matrix, for
- *          example) with no diagonal, then Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] = 2*nz
- *          (the largest possible value).
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NDENSE]: the number of "dense" rows/columns of A+A' that were
- *          removed from A prior to ordering.  These are placed last in the
- *          output order P.
- *
- *      Info [AMD_MEMORY]: the amount of memory used by AMD, in bytes.  In the
- *          current version, this is 1.2 * Info  [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] + 9*n
- *          times the size of an integer.  This is at most 2.4nz + 9n.  This
- *          excludes the size of the input arguments Ai, Ap, and P, which have
- *          a total size of nz + 2*n + 1 integers.
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NCMPA]: the number of garbage collections performed.
- *
- *      Info [AMD_LNZ]: the number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal).
- *          This is a slight upper bound because mass elimination is combined
- *          with the approximate degree update.  It is a rough upper bound if
- *          there are many "dense" rows/columns.  The rest of the statistics,
- *          below, are also slight or rough upper bounds, for the same reasons.
- *          The post-ordering of the assembly tree might also not exactly
- *          correspond to a true elimination tree postordering.
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NDIV]: the number of divide operations for a subsequent LDL'
- *          or LU factorization of the permuted matrix A (P,P).
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LDL]:  the number of multiply-subtract pairs for a
- *          subsequent LDL' factorization of A (P,P).
- *
- *      Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU]:  the number of multiply-subtract pairs for a
- *          subsequent LU factorization of A (P,P), assuming that no numerical
- *          pivoting is required.
- *
- *      Info [AMD_DMAX]:  the maximum number of nonzeros in any column of L,
- *          including the diagonal.
- *
- *      Info [14..19] are not used in the current version, but may be used in
- *          future versions.
- */    
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD preprocess */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* amd_preprocess: sorts, removes duplicate entries, and transposes the
- * nonzero pattern of a column-form matrix A, to obtain the matrix R.
- *
- * Alternatively, you can consider this routine as constructing a row-form
- * matrix from a column-form matrix.  Duplicate entries are allowed in A (and
- * removed in R). The columns of R are sorted.  Checks its input A for errors.
- *
- * On input, A can have unsorted columns, and can have duplicate entries.
- * Ap [0] must still be zero, and Ap must be monotonically nondecreasing.
- * Row indices must be in the range 0 to n-1.
- *
- * On output, if this routine returns AMD_OK, then the matrix R is a valid
- * input matrix for AMD_order.  It has sorted columns, with no duplicate
- * entries in each column.  Since AMD_order operates on the matrix A+A', it
- * can just as easily use A or A', so the transpose has no significant effect
- * (except for minor tie-breaking, which can lead to a minor effect in the
- * quality of the ordering).  As an example, compare the output of amd_demo.c
- * and amd_demo2.c.
- *
- * This routine transposes A to get R because that's the simplest way to
- * sort and remove duplicate entries from a matrix.
- *
- * Allocates 2*n integer work arrays, and free's them when done.
- *
- * If you wish to call amd_order, but do not know if your matrix has unsorted
- * columns or duplicate entries, then you can use the following code, which is
- * fairly efficient.  amd_order will not allocate any internal matrix until
- * it checks that the input matrix is valid, so the method below is memory-
- * efficient as well.  This code snippet assumes that Rp and Ri are already
- * allocated, and are the same size as Ap and Ai respectively.
-    result = amd_order (n, p, Ap, Ai, Control, Info) ;
-    if (result == AMD_INVALID)
-    {
-        if (amd_preprocess (n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) == AMD_OK)
-        {
-            result = amd_order (n, p, Rp, Ri, Control, Info) ;
-        }
-    }
- * amd_preprocess will still return AMD_INVALID if any row index in Ai is out
- * of range or if the Ap array is invalid.  These errors are not corrected by
- * amd_preprocess since they represent a more serious error that should be
- * flagged with the AMD_INVALID error code.
- */ 
-int amd_preprocess
-    int n,
-    const int Ap [ ],
-    const int Ai [ ],
-    int Rp [ ],
-    int Ri [ ]
-) ;
-long amd_l_preprocess
-    long n,
-    const long Ap [ ],
-    const long Ai [ ],
-    long Rp [ ],
-    long Ri [ ]
-) ;
-/* Input arguments (not modified):
- *
- *      n: the matrix A is n-by-n.
- *      Ap: an int/long array of size n+1, containing the column pointers of A.
- *      Ai: an int/long array of size nz, containing the row indices of A,
- *          where nz = Ap [n].
- *      The nonzero pattern of column j of A is in Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1].
- *      Ap [0] must be zero, and Ap [j] <= Ap [j+1] must hold for all j in the
- *      range 0 to n-1.  Row indices in Ai must be in the range 0 to n-1.
- *      The row indices in any one column need not be sorted, and duplicates
- *      may exist.
- *
- * Output arguments (not defined on input):
- *
- *      Rp: an int/long array of size n+1, containing the column pointers of R.
- *      Ri: an int/long array of size rnz, containing the row indices of R,
- *          where rnz = Rp [n].  Note that Rp [n] will be less than Ap [n] if
- *          duplicates appear in A.  In general, Rp [n] <= Ap [n].
- *      The data structure for R is the same as A, except that each column of
- *      R contains sorted row indices, and no duplicates appear in any column.
- *
- * amd_preprocess returns:
- *
- *      AMD_OK if the matrix A is valid and sufficient memory can be allocated
- *          to perform the preprocessing.
- *
- *      AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY if not enough memory can be allocated.
- *
- *      AMD_INVALID if the input arguments n, Ap, Ai are invalid, or if Rp or
- *          Ri are NULL.
- */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Control and Info arrays */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* amd_defaults:  sets the default control settings */
-void amd_defaults   (double Control [ ]) ;
-void amd_l_defaults (double Control [ ]) ;
-/* amd_control: prints the control settings */
-void amd_control    (double Control [ ]) ;
-void amd_l_control  (double Control [ ]) ;
-/* amd_info: prints the statistics */
-void amd_info       (double Info [ ]) ;
-void amd_l_info     (double Info [ ]) ;
-#define AMD_CONTROL 5       /* size of Control array */
-#define AMD_INFO 20         /* size of Info array */
-/* contents of Control */
-#define AMD_DENSE 0         /* "dense" if degree > Control [0] * sqrt (n) */
-#define AMD_AGGRESSIVE 1    /* do aggressive absorption if Control [1] != 0 */
-/* default Control settings */
-#define AMD_DEFAULT_DENSE 10.0      /* default "dense" degree 10*sqrt(n) */
-#define AMD_DEFAULT_AGGRESSIVE 1    /* do aggressive absorption by default */
-/* contents of Info */
-#define AMD_STATUS 0        /* return value of amd_order and amd_l_order */
-#define AMD_N 1             /* A is n-by-n */
-#define AMD_NZ 2            /* number of nonzeros in A */ 
-#define AMD_SYMMETRY 3      /* symmetry of pattern (1 is sym., 0 is unsym.) */
-#define AMD_NZDIAG 4        /* # of entries on diagonal */
-#define AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT 5  /* nz in A+A' */
-#define AMD_NDENSE 6        /* number of "dense" rows/columns in A */
-#define AMD_MEMORY 7        /* amount of memory used by AMD */
-#define AMD_NCMPA 8         /* number of garbage collections in AMD */
-#define AMD_LNZ 9           /* approx. nz in L, excluding the diagonal */
-#define AMD_NDIV 10         /* number of fl. point divides for LU and LDL' */
-#define AMD_NMULTSUBS_LDL 11 /* number of fl. point (*,-) pairs for LDL' */
-#define AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU 12  /* number of fl. point (*,-) pairs for LU */
-#define AMD_DMAX 13          /* max nz. in any column of L, incl. diagonal */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* return values of AMD */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define AMD_OK 0                /* success */
-#define AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY -1    /* malloc failed */
-#define AMD_INVALID -2          /* input arguments are not valid */
-% References
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Jan. 21, 2004: AMD Version 1.1
-    * No bugs found or fixed - new features added, only
-    * amd_preprocess added, to allow for more general input of the matrix A.
-    * ME=0 added to amd*.f, unused DEXT variable removed from amdbar.f,
-	to avoid spurious compiler warnings (this was not a bug).
-    * amd_demo2.c and amd_demo2.out added, to test/demo amd_preprocess.
-    * option to allow compile-time redefinition of malloc, free, printf added
-    * amd_demo.c shortened slightly (removed printing of PAP')
-    * User Guide modified (more details added)
-    * linewidth reduced from 80 to 79 columns
-Oct. 7, 2003:  AMD version 1.0.1.
-    * MATLAB mexFunction modified, to remove call to mexCallMATLAB function.
-      This function can take a long time to call, particularly if you are
-      ordering many small matrices.
-May 6, 2003:  AMD Version 1.0 released.
-    * converted to C (compare amd.f and amdbar.f with amd_2.c)
-    * dense rows/column removed prior to ordering
-    * elimination tree post-ordering added
-    * demos, user guide written
-    * statistics added (nz in L, flop count, symmetry of A)
-    * computes the pattern of A+A' if A is unsymmetric
-    * user's input matrix no longer overwritten
-    * degree lists initialized differently
-    * IOVFLO argument removed from Fortran versions (amd.f and amdbar.f)
-    * parameters added (dense row/column detection, aggressive absorption)
-    * MATLAB mexFunction added
-Jan, 1996:
-    * amdbar.f posted at (with a restricted License)
-    * amd.f appears as MC47B/BD in the Harwell Subroutine Library
-	(without the IOVFLO argument)
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/License
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004),  Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A.
-Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  All Rights Reserved.
-AMD License:
-    Your use or distribution of AMD or any modified version of
-    AMD implies that you agree to this License.
-    Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program, provided
-    that the Copyright, this License, and the Availability of the original
-    version is retained on all copies.  User documentation of any code that
-    uses AMD or any modified version of AMD code must cite the
-    Copyright, this License, the Availability note, and "Used by permission."
-    Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
-    provided the Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are
-    retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included.  This
-    software was developed with support from the National Science Foundation,
-    and is provided to you free of charge.
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Doc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# AMD Makefile for compiling on Unix systems (for GNU or original make)
-all: dist
-include ../Make/Make.include
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.log *.toc
-# Create the User Guide and Quick Start Guide
-AMD_UserGuide.pdf: AMD_UserGuide.tex AMD_UserGuide.bib
-	pdflatex AMD_UserGuide
-	bibtex AMD_UserGuide
-	pdflatex AMD_UserGuide
-	pdflatex AMD_UserGuide
-dist:  AMD_UserGuide.pdf
-	- $(RM) *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.log *.toc
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Include/amd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD:  approximate minimum degree ordering =========================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD finds a symmetric ordering P of a matrix A so that the Cholesky
- * factorization of P*A*P' has fewer nonzeros and takes less work than the
- * Cholesky factorization of A.  If A is not symmetric, then it performs its
- * ordering on the matrix A+A'.  Two sets of user-callable routines are
- * provided, one for "int" integers and the other for "long" integers.
- *
- * The method is based on the approximate minimum degree algorithm, discussed
- * in Amestoy, Davis, and Duff, "An approximate degree ordering algorithm",
- * SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp.
- * 886-905, 1996.  This package can perform both the AMD ordering (with
- * aggressive absorption), and the AMDBAR ordering (without aggressive
- * absorption) discussed in the above paper.  This package differs from the
- * Fortran codes discussed in the paper:
- *
- *	(1) it can ignore "dense" rows and columns, leading to faster run times
- *	(2) it computes the ordering of A+A' if A is not symmetric
- *	(3) it is followed by a depth-first post-ordering of the assembly tree
- *	    (or supernodal elimination tree)
- *
- * For historical reasons, the Fortran versions, amd.f and amdbar.f, have
- * been left (nearly) unchanged.  They compute the identical ordering as
- * described in the above paper.
- */
-#ifndef AMD_H
-#define AMD_H
-int amd_order (		    /* returns 0 if OK, negative value if error */
-    int n,		    /* A is n-by-n.  n must be >= 0. */
-    const int Ap [ ],	    /* column pointers for A, of size n+1 */
-    const int Ai [ ],	    /* row indices of A, of size nz = Ap [n] */
-    int P [ ],		    /* output permutation, of size n */
-    double Control [ ],	    /* input Control settings, of size AMD_CONTROL */
-    double Info [ ]	    /* output Info statistics, of size AMD_INFO */
-) ;
-long amd_l_order (	    /* see above for description of arguments */
-    long n,
-    const long Ap [ ],
-    const long Ai [ ],
-    long P [ ],
-    double Control [ ],
-    double Info [ ]
-) ;
-/* Input arguments (not modified):
- *
- *	n: the matrix A is n-by-n.
- *	Ap: an int/long array of size n+1, containing the column pointers of A.
- *	Ai: an int/long array of size nz, containing the row indices of A,
- *	    where nz = Ap [n].
- *	Control:  a double array of size AMD_CONTROL, containing control
- *	    parameters.  Defaults are used if Control is NULL.
- *
- * Output arguments (not defined on input):
- *
- *	P: an int/long array of size n, containing the output permutation. If
- *	    row i is the kth pivot row, then P [k] = i.  In MATLAB notation,
- *	    the reordered matrix is A (P,P).
- *	Info: a double array of size AMD_INFO, containing statistical
- *	    information.  Ignored if Info is NULL.
- *
- * On input, the matrix A is stored in column-oriented form.  The row indices
- * of nonzero entries in column j are stored in Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1].
- * The row indices must appear in ascending order in each column, and there
- * must not be any duplicate entries.  Row indices must be in the range 0 to
- * n-1.  Ap [0] must be zero, and thus nz = Ap [n] is the number of nonzeros
- * in A.  The array Ap is of size n+1, and the array Ai is of size nz = Ap [n].
- * The matrix does not need to be symmetric, and the diagonal does not need to
- * be present (if diagonal entries are present, they are ignored except for
- * the output statistic Info [AMD_NZDIAG]).  The arrays Ai and Ap are not
- * modified.  This form of the Ap and Ai arrays to represent the nonzero
- * pattern of the matrix A is the same as that used internally by MATLAB.
- * If you wish to use a more flexible input structure, please see the
- * umfpack_*_triplet_to_col routines in the UMFPACK package, at
- *, or use the amd_preprocess
- * routine discussed below.
- *
- * Restrictions:  n >= 0.  Ap [0] = 0.  Ap [j] <= Ap [j+1] for all j in the
- *	range 0 to n-1.  nz = Ap [n] >= 0.  For all j in the range 0 to n-1,
- *	and for all p in the range Ap [j] to Ap [j+1]-2, Ai [p] < Ai [p+1] must
- *	hold.  Ai [] must be in the range 0 to n-1.  To avoid integer
- *	overflow, (2.4*nz + 8*n) < INT_MAX / sizeof (int) for must hold for the
- *	"int" version. (2.4*nz + 8*n) < LONG_MAX / sizeof (long) must hold
- *	for the "long" version.  Finally, Ai, Ap, and P must not be NULL.  If
- *	any of these restrictions are not met, AMD returns AMD_INVALID.
- *
- * AMD returns:
- *
- *	AMD_OK if the matrix is valid and sufficient memory can be allocated to
- *	    perform the ordering.
- *
- *	AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY if not enough memory can be allocated.
- *
- *	AMD_INVALID if the input arguments n, Ap, Ai are invalid, or if P is
- *	    NULL.
- *
- * The AMD routine first forms the pattern of the matrix A+A', and then
- * computes a fill-reducing ordering, P.  If P [k] = i, then row/column i of
- * the original is the kth pivotal row.  In MATLAB notation, the permuted
- * matrix is A (P,P), except that 0-based indexing is used instead of the
- * 1-based indexing in MATLAB.
- *
- * The Control array is used to set various parameters for AMD.  If a NULL
- * pointer is passed, default values are used.  The Control array is not
- * modified.
- *
- *	Control [AMD_DENSE]:  controls the threshold for "dense" rows/columns.
- *	    A dense row/column in A+A' can cause AMD to spend a lot of time in
- *	    ordering the matrix.  If Control [AMD_DENSE] >= 0, rows/columns
- *	    with more than Control [AMD_DENSE] * sqrt (n) entries are ignored
- *	    during the ordering, and placed last in the output order.  The
- *	    default value of Control [AMD_DENSE] is 10.  If negative, no
- *	    rows/columns are treated as "dense".  Rows/columns with 16 or
- *	    fewer off-diagonal entries are never considered "dense".
- *
- *	Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE]: controls whether or not to use aggressive
- *	    absorption, in which a prior element is absorbed into the current
- *	    element if is a subset of the current element, even if it is not
- *	    adjacent to the current pivot element (refer to Amestoy, Davis,
- *	    & Duff, 1996, for more details).  The default value is nonzero,
- *	    which means to perform aggressive absorption.  This nearly always
- *	    leads to a better ordering (because the approximate degrees are
- *	    more accurate) and a lower execution time.  There are cases where
- *	    it can lead to a slightly worse ordering, however.  To turn it off,
- *	    set Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] to 0.
- *
- *	Control [2..4] are not used in the current version, but may be used in
- *	    future versions.
- *
- * The Info array provides statistics about the ordering on output.  If it is
- * not present, the statistics are not returned.  This is not an error
- * condition.
- * 
- *	Info [AMD_STATUS]:  the return value of AMD, either AMD_OK,
- *
- *	Info [AMD_N]: n, the size of the input matrix
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NZ]: the number of nonzeros in A, nz = Ap [n]
- *
- *	Info [AMD_SYMMETRY]:  the symmetry of the matrix A.  It is the number
- *	    of "matched" off-diagonal entries divided by the total number of
- *	    off-diagonal entries.  An entry A(i,j) is matched if A(j,i) is also
- *	    an entry, for any pair (i,j) for which i != j.  In MATLAB notation,
- *		S = spones (A) ;
- *		B = tril (S, -1) + triu (S, 1) ;
- *		symmetry = nnz (B & B') / nnz (B) ;
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NZDIAG]: the number of entries on the diagonal of A.
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT]:  the number of nonzeros in A+A', excluding the
- *	    diagonal.  If A is perfectly symmetric (Info [AMD_SYMMETRY] = 1)
- *	    with a fully nonzero diagonal, then Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] = nz-n
- *	    (the smallest possible value).  If A is perfectly unsymmetric
- *	    (Info [AMD_SYMMETRY] = 0, for an upper triangular matrix, for
- *	    example) with no diagonal, then Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] = 2*nz
- *	    (the largest possible value).
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NDENSE]: the number of "dense" rows/columns of A+A' that were
- *	    removed from A prior to ordering.  These are placed last in the
- *	    output order P.
- *
- *	Info [AMD_MEMORY]: the amount of memory used by AMD, in bytes.  In the
- *	    current version, this is 1.2 * Info  [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] + 9*n
- *	    times the size of an integer.  This is at most 2.4nz + 9n.  This
- *	    excludes the size of the input arguments Ai, Ap, and P, which have
- *	    a total size of nz + 2*n + 1 integers.
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NCMPA]: the number of garbage collections performed.
- *
- *	Info [AMD_LNZ]: the number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal).
- *	    This is a slight upper bound because mass elimination is combined
- *	    with the approximate degree update.  It is a rough upper bound if
- *	    there are many "dense" rows/columns.  The rest of the statistics,
- *	    below, are also slight or rough upper bounds, for the same reasons.
- *	    The post-ordering of the assembly tree might also not exactly
- *	    correspond to a true elimination tree postordering.
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NDIV]: the number of divide operations for a subsequent LDL'
- *	    or LU factorization of the permuted matrix A (P,P).
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LDL]:  the number of multiply-subtract pairs for a
- *	    subsequent LDL' factorization of A (P,P).
- *
- *	Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU]:  the number of multiply-subtract pairs for a
- *	    subsequent LU factorization of A (P,P), assuming that no numerical
- *	    pivoting is required.
- *
- *	Info [AMD_DMAX]:  the maximum number of nonzeros in any column of L,
- *	    including the diagonal.
- *
- *	Info [14..19] are not used in the current version, but may be used in
- *	    future versions.
- */    
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD preprocess */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* amd_preprocess: sorts, removes duplicate entries, and transposes the
- * nonzero pattern of a column-form matrix A, to obtain the matrix R.
- *
- * Alternatively, you can consider this routine as constructing a row-form
- * matrix from a column-form matrix.  Duplicate entries are allowed in A (and
- * removed in R). The columns of R are sorted.  Checks its input A for errors.
- *
- * On input, A can have unsorted columns, and can have duplicate entries.
- * Ap [0] must still be zero, and Ap must be monotonically nondecreasing.
- * Row indices must be in the range 0 to n-1.
- *
- * On output, if this routine returns AMD_OK, then the matrix R is a valid
- * input matrix for AMD_order.  It has sorted columns, with no duplicate
- * entries in each column.  Since AMD_order operates on the matrix A+A', it
- * can just as easily use A or A', so the transpose has no significant effect
- * (except for minor tie-breaking, which can lead to a minor effect in the
- * quality of the ordering).  As an example, compare the output of amd_demo.c
- * and amd_demo2.c.
- *
- * This routine transposes A to get R because that's the simplest way to
- * sort and remove duplicate entries from a matrix.
- *
- * Allocates 2*n integer work arrays, and free's them when done.
- *
- * If you wish to call amd_order, but do not know if your matrix has unsorted
- * columns or duplicate entries, then you can use the following code, which is
- * fairly efficient.  amd_order will not allocate any internal matrix until
- * it checks that the input matrix is valid, so the method below is memory-
- * efficient as well.  This code snippet assumes that Rp and Ri are already
- * allocated, and are the same size as Ap and Ai respectively.
-    result = amd_order (n, p, Ap, Ai, Control, Info) ;
-    if (result == AMD_INVALID)
-    {
-	if (amd_preprocess (n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri) == AMD_OK)
-	{
-	    result = amd_order (n, p, Rp, Ri, Control, Info) ;
-	}
-    }
- * amd_preprocess will still return AMD_INVALID if any row index in Ai is out
- * of range or if the Ap array is invalid.  These errors are not corrected by
- * amd_preprocess since they represent a more serious error that should be
- * flagged with the AMD_INVALID error code.
- */ 
-int amd_preprocess
-    int n,
-    const int Ap [ ],
-    const int Ai [ ],
-    int Rp [ ],
-    int Ri [ ]
-) ;
-long amd_l_preprocess
-    long n,
-    const long Ap [ ],
-    const long Ai [ ],
-    long Rp [ ],
-    long Ri [ ]
-) ;
-/* Input arguments (not modified):
- *
- *	n: the matrix A is n-by-n.
- *	Ap: an int/long array of size n+1, containing the column pointers of A.
- *	Ai: an int/long array of size nz, containing the row indices of A,
- *	    where nz = Ap [n].
- *	The nonzero pattern of column j of A is in Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1].
- *	Ap [0] must be zero, and Ap [j] <= Ap [j+1] must hold for all j in the
- *	range 0 to n-1.  Row indices in Ai must be in the range 0 to n-1.
- *	The row indices in any one column need not be sorted, and duplicates
- *	may exist.
- *
- * Output arguments (not defined on input):
- *
- *	Rp: an int/long array of size n+1, containing the column pointers of R.
- *	Ri: an int/long array of size rnz, containing the row indices of R,
- *	    where rnz = Rp [n].  Note that Rp [n] will be less than Ap [n] if
- *	    duplicates appear in A.  In general, Rp [n] <= Ap [n].
- *      The data structure for R is the same as A, except that each column of
- *      R contains sorted row indices, and no duplicates appear in any column.
- *
- * amd_preprocess returns:
- *
- *	AMD_OK if the matrix A is valid and sufficient memory can be allocated
- *	    to perform the preprocessing.
- *
- *	AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY if not enough memory can be allocated.
- *
- *	AMD_INVALID if the input arguments n, Ap, Ai are invalid, or if Rp or
- *	    Ri are NULL.
- */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Control and Info arrays */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* amd_defaults:  sets the default control settings */
-void amd_defaults   (double Control [ ]) ;
-void amd_l_defaults (double Control [ ]) ;
-/* amd_control: prints the control settings */
-void amd_control    (double Control [ ]) ;
-void amd_l_control  (double Control [ ]) ;
-/* amd_info: prints the statistics */
-void amd_info       (double Info [ ]) ;
-void amd_l_info     (double Info [ ]) ;
-#define AMD_CONTROL 5	    /* size of Control array */
-#define AMD_INFO 20	    /* size of Info array */
-/* contents of Control */
-#define AMD_DENSE 0	    /* "dense" if degree > Control [0] * sqrt (n) */
-#define AMD_AGGRESSIVE 1    /* do aggressive absorption if Control [1] != 0 */
-/* default Control settings */
-#define AMD_DEFAULT_DENSE 10.0	    /* default "dense" degree 10*sqrt(n) */
-#define AMD_DEFAULT_AGGRESSIVE 1    /* do aggressive absorption by default */
-/* contents of Info */
-#define AMD_STATUS 0	    /* return value of amd_order and amd_l_order */
-#define AMD_N 1		    /* A is n-by-n */
-#define AMD_NZ 2	    /* number of nonzeros in A */ 
-#define AMD_SYMMETRY 3	    /* symmetry of pattern (1 is sym., 0 is unsym.) */
-#define AMD_NZDIAG 4	    /* # of entries on diagonal */
-#define AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT 5  /* nz in A+A' */
-#define AMD_NDENSE 6	    /* number of "dense" rows/columns in A */
-#define AMD_MEMORY 7	    /* amount of memory used by AMD */
-#define AMD_NCMPA 8	    /* number of garbage collections in AMD */
-#define AMD_LNZ 9	    /* approx. nz in L, excluding the diagonal */
-#define AMD_NDIV 10	    /* number of fl. point divides for LU and LDL' */
-#define AMD_NMULTSUBS_LDL 11 /* number of fl. point (*,-) pairs for LDL' */
-#define AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU 12  /* number of fl. point (*,-) pairs for LU */
-#define AMD_DMAX 13	     /* max nz. in any column of L, incl. diagonal */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* return values of AMD */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define AMD_OK 0		/* success */
-#define AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY -1	/* malloc failed */
-#define AMD_INVALID -2		/* input arguments are not valid */
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Lib/libamd.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-LIBRARY libamd.dll
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/Contents.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-%Contents of the AMD sparse matrix ordering package:
-% amd		    p = amd (A), the approximate minimum degree ordering of A
-% amd_demo	    a demo of amd, using the can_24 matrix
-% amd_make	    to comple amd for use in MATLAB
-% can_24.mat	    a sample sparse matrix from the Harwell/Boeing collection
-% See also:  amd, colamd, symamd, colmmd, symmmd, umfpack
-% AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,
-% Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  All Rights Reserved.
-help Contents
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/GNUmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# GNUmakefile for the AMD MATLAB mexFunction
-all: amd
-include ../Make/Make.include
-MX = $(MEX) -I../Include
-AMD = amd_aat amd_1 amd_2 amd_dump amd_postorder amd_post_tree amd_defaults \
-	amd_order amd_control amd_info amd_valid
-INC = ../Include/amd.h ../Source/amd_internal.h
-MEXAMD = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst amd_,amd_m_,$(AMD)))
-amd_m_%.o: ../Source/amd_%.c $(INC)
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c $<
-	- $(MV) amd_$*.o $@
-amd: amd_mex.c $(MEXAMD) $(INC)
-	$(MX) -output amd amd_mex.c $(MEXAMD)
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) amd.mex* amd.dll
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# compile the AMD mexFunction for MATLAB (original make only)
-# This is a very ugly Makefile, and is only provided for those who do not
-# have GNU make.  Note that it is not used if you have GNU make.  It ignores
-# dependency checking and just compiles everything.  It was created
-# automatically, via make -n using the GNUmakefile.  That way, I don't have
-# maintain two Makefiles.
-all: amd
-include ../Make/Make.include
-MX = $(MEX) -I../Include
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_aat.c
-	$(MV) amd_aat.o amd_m_aat.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_1.c
-	$(MV) amd_1.o amd_m_1.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_2.c
-	$(MV) amd_2.o amd_m_2.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_dump.c
-	$(MV) amd_dump.o amd_m_dump.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_postorder.c
-	$(MV) amd_postorder.o amd_m_postorder.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_post_tree.c
-	$(MV) amd_post_tree.o amd_m_post_tree.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_defaults.c
-	$(MV) amd_defaults.o amd_m_defaults.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_order.c
-	$(MV) amd_order.o amd_m_order.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_control.c
-	$(MV) amd_control.o amd_m_control.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_info.c
-	$(MV) amd_info.o amd_m_info.o
-	$(MX) -DDINT -c ../Source/amd_valid.c
-	$(MV) amd_valid.o amd_m_valid.o
-	$(MX) -output amd amd_mex.c amd_m_aat.o \
-	    amd_m_1.o amd_m_2.o amd_m_dump.o amd_m_postorder.o \
-	    amd_m_post_tree.o amd_m_defaults.o amd_m_order.o amd_m_control.o \
-	    amd_m_info.o amd_m_valid.o
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) amd.mex* amd.dll
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-function [p, Info] = amd (A, Control)
-%AMD Approximate minimum degree permutation.
-%    P = AMD (S) returns the approximate minimum degree permutation vector for
-%    the sparse matrix C = S+S'.  The Cholesky factorization of C (P,P), or
-%    S (P,P), tends to be sparser than that of C or S.  AMD tends to be faster
-%    than SYMMMD and SYMAMD, and tends to return better orderings than SYMMMD.
-%    S must be square. If S is full, amd (S) is equivalent to amd (sparse (S)).
-%    Usage:  P = amd (S) ;                   % finds the ordering
-%            [P, Info] = amd (S, Control) ;  % optional parameters & statistics
-%            Control = amd ;                 % returns default parameters
-%            amd ;                           % prints default parameters.
-%       Control (1); If S is n-by-n, then rows/columns with more than
-%           max (16, (Control (1))* sqrt(n)) entries in S+S' are considered
-%           "dense", and ignored during ordering.  They are placed last in the
-%           output permutation.  The default is 10.0 if Control is not present.
-%       Control (2): If nonzero, then aggressive absorption is performed.
-%           This is the default if Control is not present.
-%       Control (3): If nonzero, print statistics about the ordering.
-%       Info (1): status (0: ok, -1: out of memory, -2: matrix invalid)
-%       Info (2): n = size (A,1)
-%       Info (3): nnz (A)
-%       Info (4): the symmetry of the matrix S (0.0 means purely unsymmetric,
-%           1.0 means purely symmetric).  Computed as:
-%           B = tril (S, -1) + triu (S, 1) ; symmetry = nnz (B & B') / nnz (B);
-%       Info (5): nnz (diag (S))
-%       Info (6): nnz in S+S', excluding the diagonal (= nnz (B+B'))
-%       Info (7): number "dense" rows/columns in S+S'
-%       Info (8): the amount of memory used by AMD, in bytes
-%       Info (9): the number of memory compactions performed by AMD
-%    The following statistics are slight upper bounds because of the
-%    approximate degree in AMD.  The bounds are looser if "dense" rows/columns
-%    are ignored during ordering (Info (7) > 0).  The statistics are for a
-%    subsequent factorization of the matrix C (P,P).  The LU factorization
-%    statistics assume no pivoting.
-%       Info (10): the number of nonzeros in L, excluding the diagonal
-%       Info (11): the number of divide operations for LL', LDL', or LU
-%       Info (12): the number of multiply-subtract pairs for LL' or LDL'
-%       Info (13): the number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU
-%       Info (14): the max # of nonzeros in any column of L (incl. diagonal)
-%       Info (15:20): unused, reserved for future use
-%    An assembly tree post-ordering is performed, which is typically the same
-%    as an elimination tree post-ordering.  It is not always identical because
-%    of the approximate degree update used, and because "dense" rows/columns
-%    do not take part in the post-order.  It well-suited for a subsequent
-%    "chol", however.  If you require a precise elimination tree post-ordering,
-%    then do:
-%       P = amd (S) ;
-%       C = spones (S) + spones (S') ;  % skip this if S already symmetric
-%       [ignore, Q] = sparsfun ('symetree', C (P,P)) ;
-%       P = P (Q) ;
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,
-% Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.
-% email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.
-% web:
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%    Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science
-%       Foundation, under grants ASC-9111263, DMS-9223088, and CCR-0203270.
-more on
-help amd
-more off
-error ('amd mexFunction not found!  Type "amd_make" in MATLAB to compile amd');
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_demo.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-function amd_demo
-% A demo of AMD for MATLAB.
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,
-% Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.
-% email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.
-% web:
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% See also: amd, amd_make
-% This orders the same matrix as the ANSI C demo, amd_demo.c.  It includes an
-% additional analysis of the matrix via MATLAB's symbfact routine.
-% First, print the help information for AMD
-help amd
-% Get the Harwell/Boeing can_24 matrix.  This is an example matrix from the
-% MATLAB-accessible UF sparse matrix collection, and can be loaded into
-% MATLAB with the statment "Problem = UFget ('HB/can_24')", after obtaining
-% the UFget function and its supporting routines at
-% .
-load can_24
-A = Problem.A ;
-n = size (A,1) ;
-figure (1)
-hold off
-subplot (2,2,1) ;
-spy (A)
-% remove the "_" from the name before printing it in the plot title
-title (sprintf ('%s', strrep (, '_', '-'))) ;
-fprintf ('Matrix name:  %s\n', ;
-fprintf ('Matrix title: %s\n', Problem.title) ;
-% print the details during AMD ordering and SYMBFACT
-spparms ('spumoni', 1) ;
-% order the matrix.  Note that the Info argument is optional.
-fprintf ('\nIf the next step fails, then you have\n') ;
-fprintf ('not yet compiled the AMD mexFunction.\n') ;
-[p, Info] = amd (A) ;
-% order again, but this time print some statistics
-[p, Info] = amd (A, [10 1 1]) ;
-fprintf ('Permutation vector:\n') ;
-fprintf (' %2d', p) ;
-fprintf ('\n\n') ;
-subplot (2,2,2) ;
-spy (A (p,p))
-title ('Permuted matrix') ;
-% The amd_demo.c program stops here.
-fprintf ('Analyze A(p,p) with MATLAB''s symbfact routine:\n') ;
-[cn, height, parent, post, R] = symbfact (A (p,p)) ;
-subplot (2,2,3) ;
-spy (R') ; 
-title ('Cholesky factor, L') ;
-subplot (2,2,4) ;
-treeplot (parent) ;
-title ('elimination tree') ;
-% results from symbfact
-lnz = sum (cn) ;                % number of nonzeros in L, incl. diagonal
-cn = cn - 1 ;                   % get the count of off-diagonal entries
-fl = n + sum (cn.^2 + 2*cn) ;   % flop count for chol (A (p,p)
-fprintf ('number of nonzeros in L (including diagonal):      %d\n', lnz) ;
-fprintf ('floating point operation count for chol (A (p,p)): %d\n', fl) ;
-% approximations from amd:
-lnz2 = n + Info (10) ;
-fl2 = n + Info (11) + 2 * Info (12) ;
-fprintf ('\nResults from AMD''s approximate analysis:\n') ;
-fprintf ('number of nonzeros in L (including diagonal):      %d\n', lnz2) ;
-fprintf ('floating point operation count for chol (A (p,p)): %d\n\n', fl2) ;
-if (lnz2 ~= lnz | fl ~= fl2)
-    fprintf ('Note that the nonzero and flop counts from AMD are slight\n') ;
-    fprintf ('upper bounds.  This is due to the approximate minimum degree\n');
-    fprintf ('method used, in conjunction with "mass elimination".\n') ;
-    fprintf ('See the discussion about mass elimination in amd.h and\n') ;
-    fprintf ('amd_2.c for more details.\n') ;
-% turn off diagnostic output in MATLAB's sparse matrix routines
-spparms ('spumoni', 0) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_demo.m.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
->> amd_demo
- AMD Approximate minimum degree permutation.
-     P = AMD (S) returns the approximate minimum degree permutation vector for
-     the sparse matrix C = S+S'.  The Cholesky factorization of C (P,P), or
-     S (P,P), tends to be sparser than that of C or S.  AMD tends to be faster
-     than SYMMMD and SYMAMD, and tends to return better orderings than SYMMMD.
-     S must be square. If S is full, amd (S) is equivalent to amd (sparse (S)).
-     Usage:  P = amd (S) ;                   % finds the ordering
-             [P, Info] = amd (S, Control) ;  % optional parameters & statistics
-             Control = amd ;                 % returns default parameters
-             amd ;                           % prints default parameters.
-        Control (1); If S is n-by-n, then rows/columns with more than
-            max (16, (Control (1))* sqrt(n)) entries in S+S' are considered
-            "dense", and ignored during ordering.  They are placed last in the
-            output permutation.  The default is 10.0 if Control is not present.
-        Control (2): If nonzero, then aggressive absorption is performed.
-            This is the default if Control is not present.
-        Control (3): If nonzero, print statistics about the ordering.
-        Info (1): status (0: ok, -1: out of memory, -2: matrix invalid)
-        Info (2): n = size (A,1)
-        Info (3): nnz (A)
-        Info (4): the symmetry of the matrix S (0.0 means purely unsymmetric,
-            1.0 means purely symmetric).  Computed as:
-            B = tril (S, -1) + triu (S, 1) ; symmetry = nnz (B & B') / nnz (B);
-        Info (5): nnz (diag (S))
-        Info (6): nnz in S+S', excluding the diagonal (= nnz (B+B'))
-        Info (7): number "dense" rows/columns in S+S'
-        Info (8): the amount of memory used by AMD, in bytes
-        Info (9): the number of memory compactions performed by AMD
-     The following statistics are slight upper bounds because of the
-     approximate degree in AMD.  The bounds are looser if "dense" rows/columns
-     are ignored during ordering (Info (7) > 0).  The statistics are for a
-     subsequent factorization of the matrix C (P,P).  The LU factorization
-     statistics assume no pivoting.
-        Info (10): the number of nonzeros in L, excluding the diagonal
-        Info (11): the number of divide operations for LL', LDL', or LU
-        Info (12): the number of multiply-subtract pairs for LL' or LDL'
-        Info (13): the number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU
-        Info (14): the max # of nonzeros in any column of L (incl. diagonal)
-        Info (15:20): unused, reserved for future use
-     An assembly tree post-ordering is performed, which is typically the same
-     as an elimination tree post-ordering.  It is not always identical because
-     of the approximate degree update used, and because "dense" rows/columns
-     do not take part in the post-order.  It well-suited for a subsequent
-     "chol", however.  If you require a precise elimination tree post-ordering,
-     then do:
-        P = amd (S) ;
-        C = spones (S) + spones (S') ;  % skip this if S already symmetric
-        [ignore, Q] = sparsfun ('symetree', C (P,P)) ;
-        P = P (Q) ;
-  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,
-  Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.
-  email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.
-  web:
-  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science
-        Foundation, under grants ASC-9111263, DMS-9223088, and CCR-0203270.
-Matrix name:  HB/can_24
-Matrix title: 1SYMMETRIC PATTERN FROM CANNES,LUCIEN MARRO,JUNE 1981.                  
-If the next step fails, then you have
-not yet compiled the AMD mexFunction.
-amd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, parameters:
-    dense row parameter: 10
-    (rows with more than max (10 * sqrt (n), 16) entries are
-    considered "dense", and placed last in output permutation)
-    aggressive absorption:  yes
-    input matrix A is 24-by-24
-    input matrix A has 160 nonzero entries
-amd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, results:
-    status: OK
-    n, dimension of A:                                  24
-    nz, number of nonzeros in A:                        160
-    symmetry of A:                                      1.0000
-    number of nonzeros on diagonal:                     24
-    nonzeros in pattern of A+A' (excl. diagonal):       136
-    # dense rows/columns of A+A':                       0
-    memory used, in bytes:                              1516
-    # of memory compactions:                            0
-    The following approximate statistics are for a subsequent
-    factorization of A(P,P) + A(P,P)'.  They are slight upper
-    bounds if there are no dense rows/columns in A+A', and become
-    looser if dense rows/columns exist.
-    nonzeros in L (excluding diagonal):                 97
-    nonzeros in L (including diagonal):                 121
-    # divide operations for LDL' or LU:                 97
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LDL':            275
-    # multiply-subtract operations for LU:              453
-    max nz. in any column of L (incl. diagonal):        8
-    chol flop count for real A, sqrt counted as 1 flop: 671
-    LDL' flop count for real A:                         647
-    LDL' flop count for complex A:                      3073
-    LU flop count for real A (with no pivoting):        1003
-    LU flop count for complex A (with no pivoting):     4497
-Permutation vector:
- 23 21 11 24 13  6 17  9 15  5 16  8  2 10 14 18  1  3  4  7 12 19 22 20
-Analyze A(p,p) with MATLAB's symbfact routine:
-predicted nonzeros:    120
-predicted flops:       656
-predicted height:      16
-predicted front size:  7
-number of nonzeros in L (including diagonal):      120
-floating point operation count for chol (A (p,p)): 656
-Results from AMD's approximate analysis:
-number of nonzeros in L (including diagonal):      121
-floating point operation count for chol (A (p,p)): 671
-Note that the nonzero and flop counts from AMD are slight
-upper bounds.  This is due to the approximate minimum degree
-method used, in conjunction with "mass elimination".
-See the discussion about mass elimination in amd.h and
-amd_2.c for more details.
->> diary off
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_make.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-function amd_make
-% AMD_MAKE:  compiles the AMD mexFunction for MATLAB
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,
-% Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.
-% email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.
-% web:
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% See also: amd, amd_demo
-help amd_make
-fprintf ('Compiling the AMD mexFunction:\n') ;
-cmd = sprintf ('mex -inline -O -output amd -I..%sInclude amd_mex.c', filesep) ;
-files = {'amd_order', 'amd_dump', 'amd_postorder', 'amd_post_tree', ...
-    'amd_aat', 'amd_2', 'amd_1', 'amd_defaults', 'amd_control', 'amd_info', ...
-    'amd_valid' } ;
-for i = 1 : length (files)
-    cmd = sprintf ('%s ..%sSource%s%s.c', cmd, filesep, filesep, files {i}) ;
-fprintf ('%s\n', cmd) ;
-    eval (cmd) ;
-    fprintf ('Compilation not successful.\n') ;
-input ('\nHit enter to run the AMD demo\n') ;
-more on
-more off
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/MATLAB/amd_mex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD mexFunction ===================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Usage:
- *	p = amd (A)
- *	p = amd (A, Control)
- *	[p, Info] = amd (A)
- *	[p, Info] = amd (A, Control)
- *	Control = amd ;	    % return the default Control settings for AMD
- *	amd ;		    % print the default Control settings for AMD
- *
- * Given a square matrix A, compute a permutation P suitable for a Cholesky
- * factorization of the matrix B (P,P), where B = spones (A) + spones (A').
- * The method used is the approximate minimum degree ordering method.  See
- * amd.m and amd.h for more information.
- */
-#include "amd.h"
-#include "mex.h"
-#include "matrix.h"
-void mexFunction
-    int	nlhs,
-    mxArray *plhs[],
-    int	nrhs,
-    const mxArray *prhs[]
-    int i, m, n, *Ap, *Ai, *P, nc, result, spumoni, full ;
-    double *Pout, *InfoOut, Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO], *ControlIn;
-    mxArray *A, *string, *parameter ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* get control parameters */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    spumoni = 0 ;
-    if (nrhs == 0)
-    {
-	/* get the default control parameters, and return */
-	plhs [0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (AMD_CONTROL, 1, mxREAL) ;
-	amd_defaults (mxGetPr (plhs [0])) ;
-	if (nlhs == 0)
-	{
-	    amd_control (mxGetPr (plhs [0])) ;
-	}
-	return ;
-    }
-    amd_defaults (Control) ;
-    if (nrhs > 1)
-    {
-	ControlIn = mxGetPr (prhs [1]) ;
-	nc = mxGetM (prhs [1]) * mxGetN (prhs [1]) ;
-	Control [AMD_DENSE]
-	    = (nc > 0) ? ControlIn [AMD_DENSE] : AMD_DEFAULT_DENSE ;
-	    = (nc > 1) ? ControlIn [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] : AMD_DEFAULT_AGGRESSIVE ;
-	spumoni = (nc > 2) ? (ControlIn [2] != 0) : 0 ;
-    }
-    if (spumoni > 0)
-    {
-	amd_control (Control) ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* get inputs */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if (nlhs > 2 || nrhs > 2)
-    {
-	mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: p = amd (A)\nor [p, Info] = amd (A, Control)") ;
-    }
-    A = (mxArray *) prhs [0] ;
-    n = mxGetN (A) ;
-    m = mxGetM (A) ;
-    if (spumoni > 0)
-    {
-	mexPrintf ("    input matrix A is %d-by-%d\n", m, n) ;
-    }
-    if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions (A) != 2)
-    {
-	mexErrMsgTxt ("amd: A must be 2-dimensional") ;
-    }
-    if (m != n)
-    {
-    	mexErrMsgTxt ("amd: A must be square") ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* allocate workspace for output permutation */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    P = mxMalloc ((n+1) * sizeof (int)) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* if A is full, convert to a sparse matrix */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    full = !mxIsSparse (A) ;
-    if (full)
-    {
-	if (spumoni > 0)
-	{
-	    mexPrintf (
-	    "    input matrix A is full (sparse copy of A will be created)\n");
-	}
-	mexCallMATLAB (1, &A, 1, (mxArray **) prhs, "sparse") ;
-    }
-    Ap = mxGetJc (A) ;
-    Ai = mxGetIr (A) ;
-    if (spumoni > 0)
-    {
-	mexPrintf ("    input matrix A has %d nonzero entries\n", Ap [n]) ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* order the matrix */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    result = amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* if A is full, free the sparse copy of A */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if (full)
-    {
-	mxDestroyArray (A) ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* print results (including return value) */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if (spumoni > 0)
-    {
-	amd_info (Info) ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* check error conditions */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if (result == AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
-    {
-	mexErrMsgTxt ("amd: out of memory") ;
-    }
-    else if (result == AMD_INVALID)
-    {
-	mexErrMsgTxt ("amd: input matrix A is corrupted") ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* copy the outputs to MATLAB */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* output permutation, P */
-    plhs [0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, n, mxREAL) ;
-    Pout = mxGetPr (plhs [0])  ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	Pout [i] = P [i] + 1 ;	    /* change to 1-based indexing for MATLAB */
-    }
-    mxFree (P) ;
-    /* Info */
-    if (nlhs > 1)
-    {
-	plhs [1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (AMD_INFO, 1, mxREAL) ;
-	InfoOut = mxGetPr (plhs [1]) ;
-	for (i = 0 ; i < AMD_INFO ; i++)
-	{
-	    InfoOut [i] = Info [i] ;
-	}
-    }
deleted file mode 100644
index a346d0d3fbdb93df3f2912c3be7c7ac2b56a8b2e..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Compaq Alpha configuration (for both AMD and UMFPACK)
-# 64-bit mode only
-CFLAGS = -O2 -std1 -DLP64
-# BLAS options (UMFPACK only):
-# 1: with the vendor-supplied BLAS
-LIB = -ldxml -lm
-# 2: with the vendor-supplied BLAS, including BLAS with 64-bit long integers
-# LIB = -ldxml -lm
-# 2: with no BLAS (this will be slow)
-# LIB = -lm
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.include
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Include file for GNU make or original make (for both AMD and UMFPACK)
-# You can edit these definitions, or select and and edit a specfic
-# Make.(architecture) file, below.  This same file is used for configuring
-# both AMD and UMFPACK.  AMD is a stand-alone package.  UMFPACK requires AMD,
-# and for simplicity of configuring both packages, UMFPACK and AMD share this
-# configuration file (and all files in the AMD/Make directory).  To configure
-# AMD, or both AMD and UMFPACK, you only need to edit this one file (and
-# optionaly, one of the ../Make/Make.<arch> files below).
-# NOTE: -DNBLAS and other BLAS configurations are ignored by AMD, since AMD
-# does not use the BLAS. This flag is here because this file, and the
-# ../Make/Make.* files, are shared by UMFPACK (which requires AMD).  If you
-# use AMD but not UMFPACK, then you can ignore any BLAS-related configuration
-# settings.
-RANLIB = ranlib
-LIB = -lm
-RM = rm -f
-MV = mv -f
-F77 = f77
-F77FLAGS = -O
-F77LIB =
-AR = ar
-# for the AMD and UMFPACK mexFunctions (-DNBLAS and -DNUTIL for UMFPACK only)
-# MATLAB 6.0 or later (default)
-MEX = mex -inline -O
-# MATLAB 6.0 or later (no divide-by-zero)
-# MEX = mex -inline -O -DNO_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
-# MATLAB 5 (no BLAS, do not try to use utMalloc, utFree, and utRealloc)
-# MEX = mex -inline -O -DNBLAS -DNUTIL
-# for UMFPACK only (BLAS configuration):
-# The default is to NOT use the BLAS.  UMFPACK will be slow, but this is more
-# portable.  Try this option first, then use your architecture-specific
-# configuration, below, to add the BLAS library.  AMD ignores the -DNBLAS flag.
-# Archicture-specific configuration (for both AMD and UMFPACK)
-# Select your architecture by un-commenting the appropriate line. The include
-# file can redefine any of the above definitions, or other definitions.  Use
-# CC = ... to redefine the name of your C compiler, for example.  Without
-# any specific changes, this Makefile should work on nearly all systems.
-# include ../Make/Make.linux
-# include ../Make/Make.sgi
-# include ../Make/Make.solaris
-# include ../Make/Make.alpha
-# include ../Make/Make.rs6000
-# remove object files and profile output
-	- $(RM) *.o *.obj *.ln *.bb *.bbg *.da *.c.tcov *.c.gcov gmon.out *.bak
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.linux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Linux configuration (for both AMD and UMFPACK)
-# You may also need to add -lunwind -lcprts to the LIB= string,
-# if you use the Intel compiler and the Fortran BLAS.
-# Using GNU gcc and f77 compilers:
-  CC = gcc
-  CFLAGS = -O3 -fPIC
-# Using Intel's icc and ifc compilers:
-# F77 = ifc
-# CC = icc
-# CFLAGS = -ansi -O3 -ip -tpp7 -xW -vec_report0
-# CFLAGS = -pg -g
-# Using gcc compiler with picky tests
-# CC = gcc
-# CFLAGS = -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall -Wno-parentheses -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Winline -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3 -fPIC
-# for gcc and gcov:
-# CC = gcc
-# CFLAGS = -pg -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs
-# Running splint
-# CC = - splint
-# CFLAGS = -weak -fixedformalarray -badflag -fileextensions +relaxtypes +posixlib -unrecog
-# BLAS options (for UMFPACK only)
-# 1: with no BLAS (this will be slow)
-# LIB = -lm
-# 2: with the ATLAS C-BLAS (
-# CONFIG = -DCBLAS -I../ATLAS/include
-# LIB = -lcblas -latlas -lm
-# 3: with Fortran interface to the ATLAS BLAS
-# LIB = -lf77blas -latlas -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lm
-# 4: with Fortran interface to the BLAS, and Goto's BLAS
-  LIB = -lgoto -lxerbla -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lm
-# 5: with Fortran interface to the BLAS, and Goto's BLAS, and no divide-by-zero
-# LIB = -lgoto -lxerbla -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lm
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.rs6000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# IBM RS 6000 configuration (for both AMD and UMFPACK)
-# 32-bit mode:
-CFLAGS   = -O4 -qipa -qmaxmem=16384 -qproto
-F77FLAGS = -O4 -qipa -qmaxmem=16384
-# 64-bit mode:
-# CFLAGS   = -O4 -qipa -qmaxmem=16384 -q64 -DLP64 -qproto
-# F77FLAGS = -O4 -qipa -qmaxmem=16384 -q64 -DLP64
-# AR = ar -X64
-# BLAS options (for UMFPACK only):
-# 1: with the vendor-supplied BLAS.  This is the default.
-LIB = -lessl -lm
-# 2: with no BLAS (this will be slow)
-# LIB = -lm
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.sgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# SGI IRIX configuration (for both AMD and UMFPACK)
-# Default: 32-bit mode
-# 64-bit mode (32 bit int's and 64-bit long's):
-# CFLAGS = -DLP64 -64
-# F77FLAGS = -64
-# SGI doesn't have ranlib
-RANLIB = echo
-# BLAS options (for UMFPACK only):
-# 1: Default: with 32-bit int's and long's, and the 32-bit SCSL BLAS
-LIB = -lscs -lm
-# 2,3: with no BLAS (32 bit or 64 bit mode)
-# LIB = -lm
-# 4: 64 bit mode, with 64-bit SCSL BLAS.
-# LIB = -lscs_i8 -lm
-# 5: 32 bit mode, with the Fortran interface to the vendor-supplied BLAS
-# LIB = -lblas -lm
-# 6: 32 bit mode, with the C-BLAS interface to the vendor-supplied BLAS
-# LIB = -lblas -lm
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Make/Make.solaris
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Sun Solaris configuration (for both AMD and UMFPACK)
-# 32-bit mode:
-CC = cc
-CFLAGS = -Xc -xO5 -KPIC -dalign -native
-F77FLAGS =   -xO5 -KPIC -dalign -native
-# 64-bit mode:
-# CC = cc
-# CFLAGS = -Xc -xO5 -KPIC -dalign -native -DLP64 -xtarget=ultra -xarch=v9
-# F77FLAGS =   -xO5 -KPIC -dalign -native -DLP64 -xtarget=ultra -xarch=v9
-# BLAS options (for UMFPACK only):
-# 1: Default: with the Sun Performance BLAS in 32-bit mode
-LIB = -lsunperf -lfai -lfsu -lfui -lsunperf -lm -lF77 -lm -lM77 -lsunmath
-# 2,3: with no BLAS (32-bit or 64-bit mode)
-# LIB = -lm
-# 4: the Sun Performance BLAS in 64-bit mode
-# LIB = -lsunperf -lfai -lfsu -lfui -lsunperf -lm
-# 5: with the C-BLAS ( in the ../ATLAS directory.
-# CONFIG = -DCBLAS -I../ATLAS/include
-# LIB = -L../ATLAS/lib/SunOS_SunUS1/ -lcblas -latlas -lm
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# AMD Makefile (for GNU Make or original make)
-# Compile everything, including the C-callable routine and the mexFunctions.
-# Do not compile the FORTRAN versions.
-	( cd Source ; make )
-	( cd Demo   ; make )
-	( cd MATLAB ; make )
-	- cat Doc/License
-# compile just the C-callable libraries and demo programs (not mexFunctions)
-	( cd Source ; make )
-	( cd Demo   ; make )
-	- cat Doc/License
-# compile the FORTRAN libraries and demo programs (not compiled by "make all")
-	( cd Source ; make fortran )
-	( cd Demo   ; make fortran )
-	- cat Doc/License
-# compile a FORTRAN demo program that calls the C version of AMD
-# (not compiled by "make all")
-	( cd Demo   ; make cross )
-	- cat Doc/License
-# compile a Octave version
-# (not compiled by "make all")
-	( cd OCTAVE ; make )
-	- cat Doc/License
-# remove object files, but keep the compiled programs and library archives
-	( cd Source ; make clean )
-	( cd Demo   ; make clean )
-	( cd MATLAB ; make clean )
-	( cd OCTAVE ; make clean )
-	( cd Doc    ; make clean )
-# clean, and then remove compiled programs and library archives
-	( cd Source ; make purge )
-	( cd Demo   ; make purge )
-	( cd MATLAB ; make purge )
-	( cd OCTAVE ; make purge )
-	( cd Doc    ; make purge )
-# create PDF documents for the original distribution
-	( cd Doc    ; make )
-# get ready for distribution
-dist: purge
-	( cd Demo   ; make dist )
-	( cd Doc    ; make )
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/GNUmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# GNUmakefile for the AMD MATLAB mexFunction
-all: amd
-include ../Make/Make.include
-MKOCT = mkoctfile -I../Include
-OCT_SPARSE_INC = -I../../../
-AMD = amd_aat amd_1 amd_2 amd_dump amd_postorder amd_post_tree amd_defaults \
-	amd_order amd_control amd_info amd_valid
-INC = ../Include/amd.h ../Source/amd_internal.h 
-OCTAMD = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst amd_,amd_o_,$(AMD)))
-amd_o_%.o: ../Source/amd_%.c $(INC)
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -c $< -o $@
-	- $(MV) ../Source/amd_$*.o
-# Note temporary addition of octave sparse path
-amd: $(OCTAMD) $(INC)
-	$(MKOCT) $(OCTAMD) $(OCT_SPARSE_INC) -o amd.oct
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) amd.oct
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# compile the AMD mexFunction for MATLAB (original make only)
-# This is a very ugly Makefile, and is only provided for those who do not
-# have GNU make.  Note that it is not used if you have GNU make.  It ignores
-# dependency checking and just compiles everything.  It was created
-# automatically, via make -n using the GNUmakefile.  That way, I don't have
-# maintain two Makefiles.
-all: amd
-include ../Make/Make.include
-MKOCT = mkoctfile -I../Include
-OCT_SPARSE_INC = ../../../
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_aat.o -c ../Source/amd_aat.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_1.o -c ../Source/amd_1.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_2.o -c ../Source/amd_2.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_dump.o -c ../Source/amd_dump.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_postorder.o -c ../Source/amd_postorder.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_post_tree.o -c ../Source/amd_post_tree.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_defaults.o -c ../Source/amd_defaults.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_order.o -c ../Source/amd_order.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_control.o -c ../Source/amd_control.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_info.o -c ../Source/amd_info.c
-	$(MKOCT) -DDINT -o amd_o_valid.o -c ../Source/amd_valid.c
-	$(MKOCT) -output amd.oct amd_mex.c amd_o_aat.o \
-	    amd_o_1.o amd_o_2.o amd_o_dump.o amd_o_postorder.o \
-	    amd_o_post_tree.o amd_o_defaults.o amd_o_order.o amd_o_control.o \
-	    amd_o_info.o amd_o_valid.o $(OCT_SPARSE_INC) -o amd.oct
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) amd.oct
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2004 David Bateman
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-In addition to the terms of the GPL, you are permitted to link
-this program with any Open Source program, as defined by the
-Open Source Initiative (
-This is the Octave interface to the UMFPACK AMD code, which bore the following
- AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,
- Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.
- email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.
- web:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science
-       Foundation, under grants ASC-9111263, DMS-9223088, and CCR-0203270.
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <string>
-#include <octave/config.h>
-#include <octave/ov.h>
-#include <octave/defun-dld.h>
-#include <octave/pager.h>
-#include <octave/ov-re-mat.h>
-#include "ov-re-sparse.h"
-#include "ov-cx-sparse.h"
-// External AMD functions in C
-extern "C" {
-#include "amd.h"
-DEFUN_DLD (amd, args, nargout,
-    "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
-@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {@var{p} =} amd (@var{s})\n\
-@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {@var{Control} =} amd ()\n\
-@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@var{p}, @var{info}] =} amd (@var{s})\n\
-AMD Approximate minimum degree permutation. Returns the approximate\n\
-minimum degree permutation vector for the sparse matrix\n\
-@code{@var{c} = @var{S} + @var{S}'}. The Cholesky factorization of\n\
-@code{@var{c} (@var{p}, @var{p})}, or @code{@var{s} (@var{p}, @var{p})},\n\
-tends to be sparser than that of @var{c} or @var{s}.\n\
-@var{s} must be square. If @var{s} is full, @code{amd (@var{S})} is\n\
-equivalent to  @code{amd (sparse (@var{s}))}.\n\
-@table @asis\n\
-@item @var{Control} (1)\n\
-If S is n-by-n, then rows/columns with more than\n\
-@code{@dfn{max} (16, (@var{Control} (1)) * @dfn{sqrt} (@var{n}))} entries\n\
-in @code{@var{s} + @var{S}'} are considered @emph{dense}, and ignored during\n\
-ordering.  They are placed last in the output permutation.  The default is\n\
-10.0 if @var{Control} is not present.\n\
-@item @var{Control} (2)\n\
-If nonzero, then aggressive absorption is performed. This is the default if\n\
-@var{Control} is not present.\n\
-@item @var{Control} (3)\n\
-If nonzero, print statistics about the ordering.\n\
-@end table\n\
-@table @asis\n\
-@item @var{Info} (1)\n\
-status (0: ok, -1: out of memory, -2: matrix invalid)\n\
-@item @var{Info} (2)\n\
-@code{@var{n} = size (@var{a}, 1)}\n\
-@item @var{Info} (3)\n\
-@code{nnz (A)}\n\
-@item @var{Info} (4)\n\
-The symmetry of the matrix @var{s} (0.0 means purely unsymmetric, 1.0 means\n\
-purely symmetric).  Computed as: @code{@var{b} = tril (@var{s}, -1) +\n\
-triu (@var{s}, 1); @var{symmetry} = nnz (@var{b} & @var{b}')\n\
-/ nnz (@var{b});}\n\
-@item @var{Info} (5)\n\
-@code{nnz (diag (@var{s}))}\n\
-@item @var{Info} (6)\n\
-@dfn{nnz} in @code{@var{s} + @var{s}'}, excluding the diagonal\n\
-(= @code{nnz (@var{b} + @var{b}')})\n\
-@item @var{Info} (7)\n\
-Number of @emph{dense} rows/columns in @code{@var{s} + @var{s}'}\n\
-@item @var{Info} (8)\n\
-The amount of memory used by AMD, in bytes\n\
-@item @var{Info} (9)\n\
-The number of memory compactions performed by AMD\n\
-@end table\n\
-The following statistics are slight upper bounds because of the\n\
-approximate degree in AMD. The bounds are looser if @emph{dense}\n\
-rows/columns are ignored during ordering @code{(@var{Info} (7) > 0)}.\n\
-The statistics are for a subsequent factorization of the matrix\n\
-@code{@var{c} (@var{p},@var{p})}.  The LU factorization statistics assume\n \
-no pivoting.\n\
-@table @asis\n\
-@item @var{Info} (10)\n\
-The number of nonzeros in L, excluding the diagonal\n\
-@item @var{Info} (11)\n\
-The number of divide operations for LL', LDL', or LU\n\
-@item @var{Info (12)}\n\
-The number of multiply-subtract pairs for LL' or LDL'\n\
-@item @var{Info} (13)\n\
-The number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU\n\
-@item @var{Info} (14)\n\
-The max number of nonzeros in any column of L (incl. diagonal)\n\
-@item @var{Info} (15:20)\n\
-unused, reserved for future use\n\
-@end table\n\
-An assembly tree post-ordering is performed, which is typically the same\n\
-as an elimination tree post-ordering.  It is not always identical because\n\
-of the approximate degree update used, and because @emph{dense} rows/columns\n\
-do not take part in the post-order.  It well-suited for a subsequent\n\
-@dfn{chol}, however.  If you require a precise elimination tree\n\
-post-ordering, then do:\n\
-   @var{p} = @dfn{amd} (@var{s});\n\
-   % skip this if S already symmetric\n\
-   @var{c} = spones (@var{s}) + spones (@var{s}');\n\
-   [@var{ignore}, @var{q}] = sparsfun ('symetree', @var{c} (@var{p}, @var{p}));\n\
-   @var{p} = @var{p} (@var{q});\n\
-@end group\n\
-AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright @copyright{} 2004 by\n\
-Timothy A. Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.\n\
-email:  (CISE Department, Univ. of Florida).\n\
-Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science\n\
-Foundation, under grants ASC-9111263, DMS-9223088, and CCR-0203270.\n\
-@end deftypefn")
-  int nargin = args.length (); 
-  octave_value_list retval; 
-  int spumoni = 0;
-  if (nargin > 2 || nargout > 2)
-    usage ("p = amd (A) or [p, Info] = amd (A, Control)");
-  else if (nargin == 0)
-    {
-      // Get the default control parameter, and return
-      NDArray control (dim_vector (AMD_CONTROL, 1));
-      double *control_ptr = control.fortran_vec ();
-      amd_defaults (control_ptr);
-      if (nargout == 0)
-	amd_control (control_ptr);
-      else
-	retval(0) = control;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      NDArray control (dim_vector (AMD_CONTROL, 1));
-      double *control_ptr = control.fortran_vec ();
-      amd_defaults (control_ptr);
-      if (nargin > 1)
-	{
-	  NDArray control_in = args(1).array_value();
-	  if (error_state)
-	    {	  
-	      error ("amd: could not read control vector");
-	      return retval;
-	    }
-	  dim_vector dv = control_in.dims ();
-	  if (dv.length() > 2 || (dv(0) != 1 && dv(1) != 1))
-	    {
-	      error ("amd: control vector isn't a vector");
-	      return retval;
-	    }
-	  int nc = dv.numel ();
-	  control (AMD_DENSE) = (nc > 0 ? control_in (AMD_DENSE) :
-	  control (AMD_AGGRESSIVE) = (nc > 1 ? control_in (AMD_AGGRESSIVE) :
-	  spumoni = (nc > 2 ? (control_in (2) != 0) : 0);
-	}
-      if (spumoni > 0)
-	amd_control (control_ptr);
-      int *Ap, *Ai;
-      int n, m, nz;
-      // These are here only so that the C++ destructors don't prematurally
-      // remove the underlying data we are interested in
-      SparseMatrix sm;
-      SparseComplexMatrix scm;
-      Matrix mm;
-      ComplexMatrix cm;
-      if (args(0).class_name () != "sparse" && spumoni > 0)
-	octave_stdout << "    input matrix A is full (sparse copy"
-		      << " of A will be created)" << std::endl;
-      if (args(0).is_complex_type ())
-	{
-	  scm = args(0).sparse_complex_matrix_value ();
-	  Ai = scm.ridx ();
-	  Ap = scm.cidx ();
-	  m = scm.rows ();
-	  n = scm.cols ();
-	  nz = scm.nnz ();
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  sm = args(0).sparse_matrix_value ();
-	  Ai = sm.ridx ();
-	  Ap = sm.cidx ();
-	  m = sm.rows ();
-	  n = sm.cols ();
-	  nz = sm.nnz ();
-	}
-      if (spumoni > 0)
-	octave_stdout << "    input matrix A is " << m << "-by-" << n 
-		      << std::endl;
-      if (m != n)
-	{
-	  error ("amd: A must be square");
-	  return retval;
-	}
-      if (spumoni > 0)
-	octave_stdout << "    input matrix A has " << nz << 
-	  " nonzero entries" << std::endl;
-      // allocate workspace for output permutation 
-      Array<int> P(n+1);
-      int *P_ptr = P.fortran_vec ();
-      NDArray info (dim_vector (AMD_INFO, 1));
-      double *info_ptr = info.fortran_vec ();
-      int result;
-      // order the matrix
-      result = amd_order (n, Ap, Ai, P_ptr, control_ptr, info_ptr);
-      // print results (including return value)
-      if (spumoni > 0)
-	amd_info (info_ptr);
-      // check error conditions
-      if (result == AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
-	error ("amd: out of memory");
-      else if (result == AMD_INVALID)
-	error ("amd: input matrix A is corrupted");
-      else
-	{
-	  // copy the outputs to Octave
-	  // output permutation, P
-	  NDArray perm (dim_vector (1, n));
-	  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	    perm (i) = double (P(i) + 1);  // 1-based indexing for Octave
-	  retval (0) = perm;
-	  // Info
-	  if (nargout > 1)
-	    retval (1) = info;
-	}
-    }
-  return retval;
-;;; Local Variables: ***
-;;; mode: C++ ***
-;;; End: ***
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/amd_demo.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-function amd_demo
-% A demo of AMD for OCTAVE.
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,
-% Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.
-% email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.
-% web:
-% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% See also: amd
-% Get the Harwell/Boeing can_24 matrix.  This is an example matrix from the
-% MATLAB-accessible UF sparse matrix collection, and can be loaded into
-% MATLAB with the statment "Problem = UFget ('HB/can_24')", after obtaining
-% the UFget function and its supporting routines at
-% .
-load can_24.mat
-A = Problem.A ;
-n = size (A,1) ;
-figure (1)
-hold off
-subplot (2,1,1) ;
-% remove the "_" from the name before printing it in the plot title
-title (sprintf ('%s', strrep (, '_', '-'))) ;
-fprintf ('Matrix name:  %s\n', ;
-fprintf ('Matrix title: %s\n', Problem.title) ;
-spy (A)
-% print the details during AMD ordering and SYMBFACT
-control = amd ();
-control (3) = 1;
-% order the matrix.  Note that the Info argument is optional.
-fprintf ('\nIf the next step fails, then you have\n') ;
-fprintf ('not yet compiled the AMD mexFunction.\n') ;
-[p, Info] = amd (A, control) ;
-% order again, but this time print some statistics
-[p, Info] = amd (A, [10 1 1]) ;
-fprintf ('Permutation vector:\n') ;
-fprintf (' %2d', p) ;
-fprintf ('\n\n') ;
-subplot (2,1,2) ;
-title ('Permuted matrix') ;
-spy (A (p,p))
-% approximations from amd:
-lnz2 = n + Info (10) ;
-fl2 = n + Info (11) + 2 * Info (12) ;
-fprintf ('\nResults from AMD''s approximate analysis:\n') ;
-fprintf ('number of nonzeros in L (including diagonal):      %d\n', lnz2) ;
-fprintf ('floating point operation count for chol (A (p,p)): %d\n\n', fl2) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/OCTAVE/amd_demo.m.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-octave:3> amd_demo
-ans = 1
-Matrix name:  HB/can_24
-If the next step fails, then you have
-not yet compiled the AMD mexFunction.
-    input matrix A is 24-by-24
-    input matrix A has 160 nonzero entries
-    input matrix A is 24-by-24
-    input matrix A has 160 nonzero entries
-Permutation vector:
- 23 21 11 24 13  6 17  9 15  5 16  8  2 10 14 18  1  3  4  7 12 19 22 20
-Results from AMD's approximate analysis:
-number of nonzeros in L (including diagonal):      121
-floating point operation count for chol (A (p,p)): 671
-octave:4> quit
deleted file mode 100644
index d0b9df09f2ad7bc03642d76256ef513af40583be..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
GIT binary patch
literal 0
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-AMD version 1.1:  a set of routines for permuting sparse matrices prior to
-    factorization.  Includes a version in C, a version in Fortran, and a MATLAB
-    mexFunction.
-Quick start (Unix, or Windows with Cygwin):
-    To compile, test, and install AMD, you may wish to first configure the
-    installation by editting the AMD/Make/Make.include file.  Next, cd to this
-    directory (AMD) and type "make" (or "make lib" if you do not have MATLAB).
-    To compile and run a demo program for the Fortran version, type
-    "make fortran".  When done, type "make clean" to remove unused *.o files
-    (keeps the compiled libraries and demo programs).  See the User Guide
-    (Doc/AMD_UserGuide.pdf), or AMD/Make/Make.include, for more details.
-Quick start (for MATLAB users);
-    To compile, test, and install the AMD mexFunction, cd to the
-    AMD/MATLAB directory and type amd_make at the MATLAB prompt.
-    This works on any system supported by MATLAB.
-AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004),  Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A.
-Davis, Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  All Rights Reserved.
-AMD License:
-    Your use or distribution of AMD or any modified version of
-    AMD implies that you agree to this License.
-    Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program, provided
-    that the Copyright, this License, and the Availability of the original
-    version is retained on all copies.  User documentation of any code that
-    uses AMD or any modified version of AMD code must cite the
-    Copyright, this License, the Availability note, and "Used by permission."
-    Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
-    provided the Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are
-    retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included.  This
-    software was developed with support from the National Science Foundation,
-    and is provided to you free of charge.
-This is the AMD Version 1.1 README file.  It is a terse overview of AMD.
-Refer to the User Guide (Doc/AMD_UserGuide.pdf) for how to install and use AMD.
-    AMD is a set of routines for pre-ordering sparse matrices prior to Cholesky
-    or LU factorization, using the approximate minimum degree ordering
-    algorithm.  Written in ANSI/ISO C with a MATLAB interface, and in
-    Fortran 77.
-    Timothy A. Davis (, University of Florida.
-    Patrick R. Amestory, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France.
-    Iain S. Duff, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK.
-    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, under
-    grants DMS-9504974, DMS-9803599, and CCR-0203270.
-    Portions of this work were done while on sabbatical at Stanford University
-    and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (with funding from the SciDAC
-    program).  I would like to thank Gene Golub, Esmond Ng, and Horst Simon
-    for making this sabbatical possible.
-Files and directories in the AMD v1.0 distribution:
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Subdirectories of the AMD directory:
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Doc		documentation
-    Make	for compiling AMD
-    Source	primary source code
-    Include	include file for use in your code that calls AMD
-    Demo	demo programs.  also serves as test of the AMD installation.
-    MATLAB	AMD mexFunction for MATLAB, and supporting m-files
-    Lib		where the compiled C-callable and Fortran-callable
-		AMD libraries placed.
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Files in the AMD directory:
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Makefile	top-level Makefile for GNU make or original make.
-		Windows users would require Cygwin to use "make"
-    README	this file
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Doc directory: documentation
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ChangeLog			change log
-    License			the AMD License
-    Makefile			for creating the documentation
-    AMD_UserGuide.bib		AMD User Guide (references)
-    AMD_UserGuide.tex		AMD User Guide (LaTeX)
-    AMD_UserGuide.pdf		AmD User Guide (PDF)
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Make directory: for compiling AMD (Lib/libamd.a and Lib/libamdf77.a)
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Make.include		overall configurations.  Can use one of: 
-    Make.alpha			Makefile additions for Compaq Alpha
-    Make.linux			Makefile additions for Linux
-    Make.rs6000			Makefile additions for RS 6000
-    Make.sgi			Makefile additions for SGI
-    Make.solaris		Makefile additions for Solaris
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Source directory:
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    GNUmakefile			a nice Makefile, for GNU make
-    Makefile			an ugly Unix Makefile (for older make's)
-    amd_order.c			user-callable, primary AMD ordering routine
-    amd_control.c		user-callable, prints the control parameters
-    amd_defaults.c		user-callable, sets default control parameters
-    amd_info.c			user-callable, prints the statistics from AMD
-    amd_1.c			non-user-callable, construct A+A'
-    amd_2.c			non-user-callable, primary ordering kernel
-				(a C version of amd.f and amdbar.f, with
-				post-ordering added)
-    amd_aat.c			non-user-callable, computes nnz (A+A')
-    amd_dump.c			non-user-callable, debugging routines
-    amd_internal.h		non-user-callable, include file for AMD
-    amd_mex.c			non-user-callable, MATLAB mexFunction
-    amd_postorder.c		non-user-callable, postorder
-    amd_post_tree.c		non-user-callable, postorder just one tree
-    amd_valid.c			non-user-callable, verifies a matrix
-    amd.f			user-callable Fortran 77 version
-    amdbar.f			user-callable Fortran 77 version
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Include directory:
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    amd.h			include file for C programs that use AMD
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Demo directory:
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Makefile			for GNU make or original make
-    amd_demo.c			C demo program for AMD
-    amd_demo.out		output of amd_demo.c
-    amd_simple.c		simple C demo program for AMD
-    amd_simple.out		output of amd_simple.c
-    amd_f77demo.f		Fortran 77 demo program for AMD
-    amd_f77demo.out		output of amd_f77demo.f
-    amd_f77simple.c		simple Fortran 77 demo program for AMD
-    amd_f77simple.out		output of amd_f77simple.f
-    amd_f77cross.f		Fortran 77 demo, calls the C version of AMD
-    amd_f77cross.out		output of amd_f77cross.f
-    amd_f77wrapper.c		Fortran-callable wrapper for C version of AMD
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    MATLAB directory:
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    GNUmakefile			a nice Makefile, for GNU make
-    Makefile			an ugly Unix Makefile (for older make's)
-    Contents.m			for "help amd" listing of toolbox contents
-    amd.m			MATLAB help file for AMD
-    amd_make.m			MATLAB m-file for compiling AMD mexFunction
-    amd_mex.c			AMD mexFunction for MATLAB
-    amd_demo.m			MATLAB demo for AMD
-    amd_demo.m.out		diary output of amd_demo.m
-    can_24.mat			input file for AMD demo
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Lib directory:  libamd.a and libamdf77.a libraries placed here
-    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    libamd.def			AMD definitions for Windows
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/GNUmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# AMD Makefile for compiling on Unix systems (for GNU make only)
-all: ../Lib/libamd.a
-include ../Make/Make.include
-C = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CONFIG) -I../Include
-# source files
-AMD = amd_aat amd_1 amd_2 amd_dump amd_postorder amd_post_tree amd_defaults \
-	amd_order amd_control amd_info amd_valid amd_preprocess
-INC = ../Include/amd.h amd_internal.h
-# object files for each version
-AMDI = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst amd_,amd_i_,$(AMD)))
-AMDL = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst amd_,amd_l_,$(AMD)))
-# compile each int and long routine (with no real/complex version)
-amd_i_%.o: amd_%.c $(INC)
-	$(C) -DDINT -c $< -o $@
-amd_l_%.o: amd_%.c $(INC)
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c $< -o $@
-# Create the libamd.a library (C versions only)
-../Lib/libamd.a: $(AMDI) $(AMDL)
-	$(AR) cr ../Lib/libamd.a $^
-	- $(RANLIB) ../Lib/libamd.a
-# compile the Fortran versions and the libamdf77.a library
-fortran: ../Lib/libamdf77.a
-AMDF77 = amd.o amdbar.o
-amd.o: amd.f
-	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) -c amd.f -o amd.o
-amdbar.o: amdbar.f
-	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) -c amdbar.f -o amdbar.o
-../Lib/libamdf77.a: $(AMDF77)
-	$(AR) cr ../Lib/libamdf77.a $^
-	- $(RANLIB) ../Lib/libamdf77.a
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) ../Lib/libamd.a ../Lib/libamdf77.a
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# AMD Makefile for compiling on Unix systems (for original Make ONLY)
-# This is a very ugly Makefile, and is only provided for those who do not
-# have GNU make.  Note that it is not used if you have GNU make.  It ignores
-# dependency checking and just compiles everything.  It was created
-# automatically, via make -n using the GNUmakefile.  That way, I don't have
-# maintain two Makefiles.
-all: everything
-include ../Make/Make.include
-C = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CONFIG) -I../Include
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_aat.c -o amd_i_aat.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_1.c -o amd_i_1.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_2.c -o amd_i_2.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_dump.c -o amd_i_dump.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_postorder.c -o amd_i_postorder.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_post_tree.c -o amd_i_post_tree.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_defaults.c -o amd_i_defaults.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_order.c -o amd_i_order.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_control.c -o amd_i_control.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_info.c -o amd_i_info.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_valid.c -o amd_i_valid.o
-	$(C) -DDINT -c amd_preprocess.c -o amd_i_preprocess.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_aat.c -o amd_l_aat.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_1.c -o amd_l_1.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_2.c -o amd_l_2.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_dump.c -o amd_l_dump.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_postorder.c -o amd_l_postorder.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_post_tree.c -o amd_l_post_tree.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_defaults.c -o amd_l_defaults.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_order.c -o amd_l_order.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_control.c -o amd_l_control.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_info.c -o amd_l_info.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_valid.c -o amd_l_valid.o
-	$(C) -DDLONG -c amd_preprocess.c -o amd_l_preprocess.o
-	$(AR) cr ../Lib/libamd.a amd_i_aat.o amd_i_1.o amd_i_2.o amd_i_dump.o \
-	    amd_i_postorder.o amd_i_post_tree.o amd_i_defaults.o amd_i_order.o \
-	    amd_i_control.o amd_i_info.o amd_i_valid.o amd_l_aat.o amd_l_1.o \
-	    amd_l_2.o amd_l_dump.o amd_l_postorder.o amd_l_post_tree.o \
-	    amd_l_defaults.o amd_l_order.o amd_l_control.o amd_l_info.o \
-	    amd_l_valid.o amd_i_preprocess.o amd_l_preprocess.o
-	- $(RANLIB) ../Lib/libamd.a
-# compile the Fortran versions and the libamdf77.a library
-	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) -c amd.f -o amd.o
-	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) -c amdbar.f -o amdbar.o
-	$(AR) cr ../Lib/libamdf77.a amd.o amdbar.o
-	- $(RANLIB) ../Lib/libamdf77.a
-# Remove all but the files in the original distribution
-purge: clean
-	- $(RM) ../Lib/libamd.a ../Lib/libamdf77.a
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1214 +0,0 @@
-C AMD:  approximate minimum degree, with aggressive absorption
-     $          (N, PE, IW, LEN, IWLEN, PFREE, NV, NEXT,
-     $          LAST, HEAD, ELEN, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-     $          DEGREE (N), NV (N), NEXT (N), LAST (N), HEAD (N),
-     $          ELEN (N), W (N), LEN (N)
-C Given a representation of the nonzero pattern of a symmetric matrix,
-C       A, (excluding the diagonal) perform an approximate minimum
-C       (UMFPACK/MA38-style) degree ordering to compute a pivot order
-C       such that the introduction of nonzeros (fill-in) in the Cholesky
-C       factors A = LL^T are kept low.  At each step, the pivot
-C       selected is the one with the minimum UMFPACK/MA38-style
-C       upper-bound on the external degree.
-C       Aggresive absorption is used to tighten the bound on the degree.
-C **********************************************************************
-C **********************************************************************
-C       References:
-C       [1] Timothy A. Davis and Iain Duff, "An unsymmetric-pattern
-C           multifrontal method for sparse LU factorization", SIAM J.
-C           Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp.
-C           140-158.  Discusses UMFPACK / MA38, which first introduced
-C           the approximate minimum degree used by this routine.
-C       [2] Patrick Amestoy, Timothy A. Davis, and Iain S. Duff, "An
-C           approximate degree ordering algorithm," SIAM J. Matrix
-C           Analysis and Applications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 886-905,
-C           1996.  Discusses AMD, AMDBAR, and MC47B.
-C       [3] Alan George and Joseph Liu, "The evolution of the minimum
-C           degree ordering algorithm," SIAM Review, vol. 31, no. 1,
-C           pp. 1-19, 1989.  We list below the features mentioned in
-C           that paper that this code includes:
-C       mass elimination:
-C               Yes.  MA27 relied on supervariable detection for mass
-C               elimination.
-C       indistinguishable nodes:
-C               Yes (we call these "supervariables").  This was also in
-C               the MA27 code - although we modified the method of
-C               detecting them (the previous hash was the true degree,
-C               which we no longer keep track of).  A supervariable is
-C               a set of rows with identical nonzero pattern.  All
-C               variables in a supervariable are eliminated together.
-C               Each supervariable has as its numerical name that of
-C               one of its variables (its principal variable).
-C       quotient graph representation:
-C               Yes.  We use the term "element" for the cliques formed
-C               during elimination.  This was also in the MA27 code.
-C               The algorithm can operate in place, but it will work
-C               more efficiently if given some "elbow room."
-C       element absorption:
-C               Yes.  This was also in the MA27 code.
-C       external degree:
-C               Yes.  The MA27 code was based on the true degree.
-C       incomplete degree update and multiple elimination:
-C               No.  This was not in MA27, either.  Our method of
-C               degree update within MC47B/BD is element-based, not
-C               variable-based.  It is thus not well-suited for use
-C               with incomplete degree update or multiple elimination.
-C Authors, and Copyright (C) 1995 by:
-C       Timothy A. Davis, Patrick Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, & John K. Reid.
-C Acknowledgements:
-C       This work (and the UMFPACK package) was supported by the
-C       National Science Foundation (ASC-9111263 and DMS-9223088).
-C       The UMFPACK/MA38 approximate degree update algorithm, the
-C       unsymmetric analog which forms the basis of MC47B/BD, was
-C       developed while Tim Davis was supported by CERFACS (Toulouse,
-C       France) in a post-doctoral position.
-C Date:  September, 1995
-C INPUT ARGUMENTS (unaltered):
-C n:    The matrix order.
-C       Restriction:  1 .le. n .lt. (iovflo/2)-2, where iovflo is
-C       the largest positive integer that your computer can represent.
-C iwlen:        The length of iw (1..iwlen).  On input, the matrix is
-C       stored in iw (1..pfree-1).  However, iw (1..iwlen) should be
-C       slightly larger than what is required to hold the matrix, at
-C       least iwlen .ge. pfree + n is recommended.  Otherwise,
-C       excessive compressions will take place.
-C       *** We do not recommend running this algorithm with ***
-C       ***      iwlen .lt. pfree + n.                      ***
-C       *** Better performance will be obtained if          ***
-C       ***      iwlen .ge. pfree + n                       ***
-C       *** or better yet                                   ***
-C       ***      iwlen .gt. 1.2 * pfree                     ***
-C       *** (where pfree is its value on input).            ***
-C       The algorithm will not run at all if iwlen .lt. pfree-1.
-C       Restriction: iwlen .ge. pfree-1
-C pe:   On input, pe (i) is the index in iw of the start of row i, or
-C       zero if row i has no off-diagonal non-zeros.
-C       During execution, it is used for both supervariables and
-C       elements:
-C       * Principal supervariable i:  index into iw of the
-C               description of supervariable i.  A supervariable
-C               represents one or more rows of the matrix
-C               with identical nonzero pattern.
-C       * Non-principal supervariable i:  if i has been absorbed
-C               into another supervariable j, then pe (i) = -j.
-C               That is, j has the same pattern as i.
-C               Note that j might later be absorbed into another
-C               supervariable j2, in which case pe (i) is still -j,
-C               and pe (j) = -j2.
-C       * Unabsorbed element e:  the index into iw of the description
-C               of element e, if e has not yet been absorbed by a
-C               subsequent element.  Element e is created when
-C               the supervariable of the same name is selected as
-C               the pivot.
-C       * Absorbed element e:  if element e is absorbed into element
-C               e2, then pe (e) = -e2.  This occurs when the pattern of
-C               e (that is, Le) is found to be a subset of the pattern
-C               of e2 (that is, Le2).  If element e is "null" (it has
-C               no nonzeros outside its pivot block), then pe (e) = 0.
-C       On output, pe holds the assembly tree/forest, which implicitly
-C       represents a pivot order with identical fill-in as the actual
-C       order (via a depth-first search of the tree).
-C       On output:
-C       If nv (i) .gt. 0, then i represents a node in the assembly tree,
-C       and the parent of i is -pe (i), or zero if i is a root.
-C       If nv (i) = 0, then (i,-pe (i)) represents an edge in a
-C       subtree, the root of which is a node in the assembly tree.
-C pfree:        On input the tail end of the array, iw (pfree..iwlen),
-C       is empty, and the matrix is stored in iw (1..pfree-1).
-C       During execution, additional data is placed in iw, and pfree
-C       is modified so that iw (pfree..iwlen) is always the unused part
-C       of iw.  On output, pfree is set equal to the size of iw that
-C       would have been needed for no compressions to occur.  If
-C       ncmpa is zero, then pfree (on output) is less than or equal to
-C       iwlen, and the space iw (pfree+1 ... iwlen) was not used.
-C       Otherwise, pfree (on output) is greater than iwlen, and all the
-C       memory in iw was used.
-C INPUT/MODIFIED (undefined on output):
-C len:  On input, len (i) holds the number of entries in row i of the
-C       matrix, excluding the diagonal.  The contents of len (1..n)
-C       are undefined on output.
-C iw:   On input, iw (1..pfree-1) holds the description of each row i
-C       in the matrix.  The matrix must be symmetric, and both upper
-C       and lower triangular parts must be present.  The diagonal must
-C       not be present.  Row i is held as follows:
-C               len (i):  the length of the row i data structure
-C               iw (pe (i) ... pe (i) + len (i) - 1):
-C                       the list of column indices for nonzeros
-C                       in row i (simple supervariables), excluding
-C                       the diagonal.  All supervariables start with
-C                       one row/column each (supervariable i is just
-C                       row i).
-C               if len (i) is zero on input, then pe (i) is ignored
-C               on input.
-C               Note that the rows need not be in any particular order,
-C               and there may be empty space between the rows.
-C       During execution, the supervariable i experiences fill-in.
-C       This is represented by placing in i a list of the elements
-C       that cause fill-in in supervariable i:
-C               len (i):  the length of supervariable i
-C               iw (pe (i) ... pe (i) + elen (i) - 1):
-C                       the list of elements that contain i.  This list
-C                       is kept short by removing absorbed elements.
-C               iw (pe (i) + elen (i) ... pe (i) + len (i) - 1):
-C                       the list of supervariables in i.  This list
-C                       is kept short by removing nonprincipal
-C                       variables, and any entry j that is also
-C                       contained in at least one of the elements
-C                       (j in Le) in the list for i (e in row i).
-C       When supervariable i is selected as pivot, we create an
-C       element e of the same name (e=i):
-C               len (e):  the length of element e
-C               iw (pe (e) ... pe (e) + len (e) - 1):
-C                       the list of supervariables in element e.
-C       An element represents the fill-in that occurs when supervariable
-C       i is selected as pivot (which represents the selection of row i
-C       and all non-principal variables whose principal variable is i).
-C       We use the term Le to denote the set of all supervariables
-C       in element e.  Absorbed supervariables and elements are pruned
-C       from these lists when computationally convenient.
-C       The contents of iw are undefined on output.
-C OUTPUT (need not be set on input):
-C nv:   During execution, abs (nv (i)) is equal to the number of rows
-C       that are represented by the principal supervariable i.  If i is
-C       a nonprincipal variable, then nv (i) = 0.  Initially,
-C       nv (i) = 1 for all i.  nv (i) .lt. 0 signifies that i is a
-C       principal variable in the pattern Lme of the current pivot
-C       element me.  On output, nv (e) holds the true degree of element
-C       e at the time it was created (including the diagonal part).
-C ncmpa:        The number of times iw was compressed.  If this is
-C       excessive, then the execution took longer than what could have
-C       been.  To reduce ncmpa, try increasing iwlen to be 10% or 20%
-C       larger than the value of pfree on input (or at least
-C       iwlen .ge. pfree + n).  The fastest performance will be
-C       obtained when ncmpa is returned as zero.  If iwlen is set to
-C       the value returned by pfree on *output*, then no compressions
-C       will occur.
-C elen: See the description of iw above.  At the start of execution,
-C       elen (i) is set to zero.  During execution, elen (i) is the
-C       number of elements in the list for supervariable i.  When e
-C       becomes an element, elen (e) = -nel is set, where nel is the
-C       current step of factorization.  elen (i) = 0 is done when i
-C       becomes nonprincipal.
-C       For variables, elen (i) .ge. 0 holds until just before the
-C       permutation vectors are computed.  For elements,
-C       elen (e) .lt. 0 holds.
-C       On output elen (1..n) holds the inverse permutation (the same
-C       as the 'INVP' argument in Sparspak).  That is, if k = elen (i),
-C       then row i is the kth pivot row.  Row i of A appears as the
-C       (elen(i))-th row in the permuted matrix, PAP^T.
-C last: In a degree list, last (i) is the supervariable preceding i,
-C       or zero if i is the head of the list.  In a hash bucket,
-C       last (i) is the hash key for i.  last (head (hash)) is also
-C       used as the head of a hash bucket if head (hash) contains a
-C       degree list (see head, below).
-C       On output, last (1..n) holds the permutation (the same as the
-C       'PERM' argument in Sparspak).  That is, if i = last (k), then
-C       row i is the kth pivot row.  Row last (k) of A is the k-th row
-C       in the permuted matrix, PAP^T.
-C LOCAL (not input or output - used only during execution):
-C degree:       If i is a supervariable, then degree (i) holds the
-C       current approximation of the external degree of row i (an upper
-C       bound).  The external degree is the number of nonzeros in row i,
-C       minus abs (nv (i)) (the diagonal part).  The bound is equal to
-C       the external degree if elen (i) is less than or equal to two.
-C       We also use the term "external degree" for elements e to refer
-C       to |Le \ Lme|.  If e is an element, then degree (e) holds |Le|,
-C       which is the degree of the off-diagonal part of the element e
-C       (not including the diagonal part).
-C head: head is used for degree lists.  head (deg) is the first
-C       supervariable in a degree list (all supervariables i in a
-C       degree list deg have the same approximate degree, namely,
-C       deg = degree (i)).  If the list deg is empty then
-C       head (deg) = 0.
-C       During supervariable detection head (hash) also serves as a
-C       pointer to a hash bucket.
-C       If head (hash) .gt. 0, there is a degree list of degree hash.
-C               The hash bucket head pointer is last (head (hash)).
-C       If head (hash) = 0, then the degree list and hash bucket are
-C               both empty.
-C       If head (hash) .lt. 0, then the degree list is empty, and
-C               -head (hash) is the head of the hash bucket.
-C       After supervariable detection is complete, all hash buckets
-C       are empty, and the (last (head (hash)) = 0) condition is
-C       restored for the non-empty degree lists.
-C next: next (i) is the supervariable following i in a link list, or
-C       zero if i is the last in the list.  Used for two kinds of
-C       lists:  degree lists and hash buckets (a supervariable can be
-C       in only one kind of list at a time).
-C w:    The flag array w determines the status of elements and
-C       variables, and the external degree of elements.
-C       for elements:
-C          if w (e) = 0, then the element e is absorbed
-C          if w (e) .ge. wflg, then w (e) - wflg is the size of
-C               the set |Le \ Lme|, in terms of nonzeros (the
-C               sum of abs (nv (i)) for each principal variable i that
-C               is both in the pattern of element e and NOT in the
-C               pattern of the current pivot element, me).
-C          if wflg .gt. w (e) .gt. 0, then e is not absorbed and has
-C               not yet been seen in the scan of the element lists in
-C               the computation of |Le\Lme| in loop 150 below.
-C       for variables:
-C          during supervariable detection, if w (j) .ne. wflg then j is
-C          not in the pattern of variable i
-C       The w array is initialized by setting w (i) = 1 for all i,
-C       and by setting wflg = 2.  It is reinitialized if wflg becomes
-C       too large (to ensure that wflg+n does not cause integer
-C       overflow).
-     $          ILAST, INEXT, J, JLAST, JNEXT, K, KNT1, KNT2, KNT3,
-     $          LENJ, LN, MAXMEM, ME, MEM, MINDEG, NEL, NEWMEM,
-     $          NLEFT, NVI, NVJ, NVPIV, SLENME, WE, WFLG, WNVI, X
-C deg:          the degree of a variable or element
-C degme:        size, |Lme|, of the current element, me (= degree (me))
-C dext:         external degree, |Le \ Lme|, of some element e
-C dmax:         largest |Le| seen so far
-C e:            an element
-C elenme:       the length, elen (me), of element list of pivotal var.
-C eln:          the length, elen (...), of an element list
-C hash:         the computed value of the hash function
-C hmod:         the hash function is computed modulo hmod = max (1,n-1)
-C i:            a supervariable
-C ilast:        the entry in a link list preceding i
-C inext:        the entry in a link list following i
-C j:            a supervariable
-C jlast:        the entry in a link list preceding j
-C jnext:        the entry in a link list, or path, following j
-C k:            the pivot order of an element or variable
-C knt1:         loop counter used during element construction
-C knt2:         loop counter used during element construction
-C knt3:         loop counter used during compression
-C lenj:         len (j)
-C ln:           length of a supervariable list
-C maxmem:       amount of memory needed for no compressions
-C me:           current supervariable being eliminated, and the
-C                       current element created by eliminating that
-C                       supervariable
-C mem:          memory in use assuming no compressions have occurred
-C mindeg:       current minimum degree
-C nel:          number of pivots selected so far
-C newmem:       amount of new memory needed for current pivot element
-C nleft:        n - nel, the number of nonpivotal rows/columns remaining
-C nvi:          the number of variables in a supervariable i (= nv (i))
-C nvj:          the number of variables in a supervariable j (= nv (j))
-C nvpiv:        number of pivots in current element
-C slenme:       number of variables in variable list of pivotal variable
-C we:           w (e)
-C wflg:         used for flagging the w array.  See description of iw.
-C wnvi:         wflg - nv (i)
-C x:            either a supervariable or an element
-        INTEGER P, P1, P2, P3, PDST, PEND, PJ, PME, PME1, PME2, PN, PSRC
-C               Any parameter (pe (...) or pfree) or local variable
-C               starting with "p" (for Pointer) is an index into iw,
-C               and all indices into iw use variables starting with
-C               "p."  The only exception to this rule is the iwlen
-C               input argument.
-C p:            pointer into lots of things
-C p1:           pe (i) for some variable i (start of element list)
-C p2:           pe (i) + elen (i) -  1 for some var. i (end of el. list)
-C p3:           index of first supervariable in clean list
-C pdst:         destination pointer, for compression
-C pend:         end of memory to compress
-C pj:           pointer into an element or variable
-C pme:          pointer into the current element (pme1...pme2)
-C pme1:         the current element, me, is stored in iw (pme1...pme2)
-C pme2:         the end of the current element
-C pn:           pointer into a "clean" variable, also used to compress
-C psrc:         source pointer, for compression
-        WFLG = 2
-        MINDEG = 1
-        NCMPA = 0
-        NEL = 0
-        HMOD = MAX (1, N-1)
-        DMAX = 0
-        MEM = PFREE - 1
-        MAXMEM = MEM
-	ME = 0
-        DO 10 I = 1, N
-           LAST (I) = 0
-           HEAD (I) = 0
-           NV (I) = 1
-           W (I) = 1
-           ELEN (I) = 0
-           DEGREE (I) = LEN (I)
-10         CONTINUE
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       initialize degree lists and eliminate rows with no off-diag. nz.
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO 20 I = 1, N
-           DEG = DEGREE (I)
-           IF (DEG .GT. 0) THEN
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             place i in the degree list corresponding to its degree
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              INEXT = HEAD (DEG)
-              IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = I
-              NEXT (I) = INEXT
-              HEAD (DEG) = I
-           ELSE
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             we have a variable that can be eliminated at once because
-C             there is no off-diagonal non-zero in its row.
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              NEL = NEL + 1
-              ELEN (I) = -NEL
-              PE (I) = 0
-              W (I) = 0
-              ENDIF
-20         CONTINUE
-C  WHILE (selecting pivots) DO
-30      CONTINUE
-        IF (NEL .LT. N) THEN
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          find next supervariable for elimination
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DO 40 DEG = MINDEG, N
-              ME = HEAD (DEG)
-              IF (ME .GT. 0) GOTO 50
-40            CONTINUE
-50         CONTINUE
-           MINDEG = DEG
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          remove chosen variable from link list
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           INEXT = NEXT (ME)
-           IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = 0
-           HEAD (DEG) = INEXT
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          me represents the elimination of pivots nel+1 to nel+nv(me).
-C          place me itself as the first in this set.  It will be moved
-C          to the nel+nv(me) position when the permutation vectors are
-C          computed.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           ELENME = ELEN (ME)
-           ELEN (ME) = - (NEL + 1)
-           NVPIV = NV (ME)
-           NEL = NEL + NVPIV
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          At this point, me is the pivotal supervariable.  It will be
-C          converted into the current element.  Scan list of the
-C          pivotal supervariable, me, setting tree pointers and
-C          constructing new list of supervariables for the new element,
-C          me.  p is a pointer to the current position in the old list.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          flag the variable "me" as being in Lme by negating nv (me)
-           NV (ME) = -NVPIV
-           DEGME = 0
-           IF (ELENME .EQ. 0) THEN
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             construct the new element in place
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              PME1 = PE (ME)
-              PME2 = PME1 - 1
-              DO 60 P = PME1, PME1 + LEN (ME) - 1
-                 I = IW (P)
-                 NVI = NV (I)
-                 IF (NVI .GT. 0) THEN
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme.
-C                   store i in new list
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    DEGME = DEGME + NVI
-C                   flag i as being in Lme by negating nv (i)
-                    NV (I) = -NVI
-                    PME2 = PME2 + 1
-                    IW (PME2) = I
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   remove variable i from degree list.
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    ILAST = LAST (I)
-                    INEXT = NEXT (I)
-                    IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = ILAST
-                    IF (ILAST .NE. 0) THEN
-                       NEXT (ILAST) = INEXT
-                    ELSE
-C                      i is at the head of the degree list
-                       HEAD (DEGREE (I)) = INEXT
-                       ENDIF
-                    ENDIF
-60               CONTINUE
-C             this element takes no new memory in iw:
-              NEWMEM = 0
-           ELSE
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             construct the new element in empty space, iw (pfree ...)
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              P = PE (ME)
-              PME1 = PFREE
-              SLENME = LEN (ME) - ELENME
-              DO 120 KNT1 = 1, ELENME + 1
-                 IF (KNT1 .GT. ELENME) THEN
-C                   search the supervariables in me.
-                    E = ME
-                    PJ = P
-                    LN = SLENME
-                 ELSE
-C                   search the elements in me.
-                    E = IW (P)
-                    P = P + 1
-                    PJ = PE (E)
-                    LN = LEN (E)
-                    ENDIF
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                search for different supervariables and add them to the
-C                new list, compressing when necessary. this loop is
-C                executed once for each element in the list and once for
-C                all the supervariables in the list.
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 DO 110 KNT2 = 1, LN
-                    I = IW (PJ)
-                    PJ = PJ + 1
-                    NVI = NV (I)
-                    IF (NVI .GT. 0) THEN
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      compress iw, if necessary
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       IF (PFREE .GT. IWLEN) THEN
-C                         prepare for compressing iw by adjusting
-C                         pointers and lengths so that the lists being
-C                         searched in the inner and outer loops contain
-C                         only the remaining entries.
-                          PE (ME) = P
-                          LEN (ME) = LEN (ME) - KNT1
-                          IF (LEN (ME) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                            nothing left of supervariable me
-                             PE (ME) = 0
-                             ENDIF
-                          PE (E) = PJ
-                          LEN (E) = LN - KNT2
-                          IF (LEN (E) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                            nothing left of element e
-                             PE (E) = 0
-                             ENDIF
-                          NCMPA = NCMPA + 1
-C                         store first item in pe
-C                         set first entry to -item
-                          DO 70 J = 1, N
-                             PN = PE (J)
-                             IF (PN .GT. 0) THEN
-                                PE (J) = IW (PN)
-                                IW (PN) = -J
-                                ENDIF
-70                           CONTINUE
-C                         psrc/pdst point to source/destination
-                          PDST = 1
-                          PSRC = 1
-                          PEND = PME1 - 1
-C                         while loop:
-80                        CONTINUE
-                          IF (PSRC .LE. PEND) THEN
-C                            search for next negative entry
-                             J = -IW (PSRC)
-                             PSRC = PSRC + 1
-                             IF (J .GT. 0) THEN
-                                IW (PDST) = PE (J)
-                                PE (J) = PDST
-                                PDST = PDST + 1
-C                               copy from source to destination
-                                LENJ = LEN (J)
-                                DO 90 KNT3 = 0, LENJ - 2
-                                   IW (PDST + KNT3) = IW (PSRC + KNT3)
-90                                 CONTINUE
-                                PDST = PDST + LENJ - 1
-                                PSRC = PSRC + LENJ - 1
-                                ENDIF
-                             GOTO 80
-                             ENDIF
-C                         move the new partially-constructed element
-                          P1 = PDST
-                          DO 100 PSRC = PME1, PFREE - 1
-                             IW (PDST) = IW (PSRC)
-                             PDST = PDST + 1
-100                          CONTINUE
-                          PME1 = P1
-                          PFREE = PDST
-                          PJ = PE (E)
-                          P = PE (ME)
-                          ENDIF
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme
-C                      store i in new list
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       DEGME = DEGME + NVI
-C                      flag i as being in Lme by negating nv (i)
-                       NV (I) = -NVI
-                       IW (PFREE) = I
-                       PFREE = PFREE + 1
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      remove variable i from degree link list
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       ILAST = LAST (I)
-                       INEXT = NEXT (I)
-                       IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = ILAST
-                       IF (ILAST .NE. 0) THEN
-                          NEXT (ILAST) = INEXT
-                       ELSE
-C                         i is at the head of the degree list
-                          HEAD (DEGREE (I)) = INEXT
-                          ENDIF
-                       ENDIF
-110                 CONTINUE
-                 IF (E .NE. ME) THEN
-C                   set tree pointer and flag to indicate element e is
-C                   absorbed into new element me (the parent of e is me)
-                    PE (E) = -ME
-                    W (E) = 0
-                    ENDIF
-120              CONTINUE
-              PME2 = PFREE - 1
-C             this element takes newmem new memory in iw (possibly zero)
-              NEWMEM = PFREE - PME1
-              MEM = MEM + NEWMEM
-              MAXMEM = MAX (MAXMEM, MEM)
-              ENDIF
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          me has now been converted into an element in iw (pme1..pme2)
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          degme holds the external degree of new element
-           DEGREE (ME) = DEGME
-           PE (ME) = PME1
-           LEN (ME) = PME2 - PME1 + 1
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          make sure that wflg is not too large.  With the current
-C          value of wflg, wflg+n must not cause integer overflow
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           IF (WFLG + N .LE. WFLG) THEN
-              DO 130 X = 1, N
-                 IF (W (X) .NE. 0) W (X) = 1
-130              CONTINUE
-              WFLG = 2
-              ENDIF
-C  COMPUTE (w (e) - wflg) = |Le\Lme| FOR ALL ELEMENTS
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          Scan 1:  compute the external degrees of previous elements
-C          with respect to the current element.  That is:
-C               (w (e) - wflg) = |Le \ Lme|
-C          for each element e that appears in any supervariable in Lme.
-C          The notation Le refers to the pattern (list of
-C          supervariables) of a previous element e, where e is not yet
-C          absorbed, stored in iw (pe (e) + 1 ... pe (e) + iw (pe (e))).
-C          The notation Lme refers to the pattern of the current element
-C          (stored in iw (pme1..pme2)).   If (w (e) - wflg) becomes
-C          zero, then the element e will be absorbed in scan 2.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DO 150 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              ELN = ELEN (I)
-              IF (ELN .GT. 0) THEN
-C                note that nv (i) has been negated to denote i in Lme:
-                 NVI = -NV (I)
-                 WNVI = WFLG - NVI
-                 DO 140 P = PE (I), PE (I) + ELN - 1
-                    E = IW (P)
-                    WE = W (E)
-                    IF (WE .GE. WFLG) THEN
-C                      unabsorbed element e has been seen in this loop
-                       WE = WE - NVI
-                    ELSE IF (WE .NE. 0) THEN
-C                      e is an unabsorbed element
-C                      this is the first we have seen e in all of Scan 1
-                       WE = DEGREE (E) + WNVI
-                       ENDIF
-                    W (E) = WE
-140                 CONTINUE
-                 ENDIF
-150           CONTINUE
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          Scan 2:  for each i in Lme, sum up the degree of Lme (which
-C          is degme), plus the sum of the external degrees of each Le
-C          for the elements e appearing within i, plus the
-C          supervariables in i.  Place i in hash list.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DO 180 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              P1 = PE (I)
-              P2 = P1 + ELEN (I) - 1
-              PN = P1
-              HASH = 0
-              DEG = 0
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             scan the element list associated with supervariable i
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              DO 160 P = P1, P2
-                 E = IW (P)
-C                dext = | Le \ Lme |
-                 DEXT = W (E) - WFLG
-                 IF (DEXT .GT. 0) THEN
-                    DEG = DEG + DEXT
-                    IW (PN) = E
-                    PN = PN + 1
-                    HASH = HASH + E
-                 ELSE IF (DEXT .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                   aggressive absorption: e is not adjacent to me, but
-C                   the |Le \ Lme| is 0, so absorb it into me
-                    PE (E) = -ME
-                    W (E) = 0
-                 ELSE
-C                   element e has already been absorbed, due to
-C                   regular absorption, in do loop 120 above. Ignore it.
-                    CONTINUE
-                    ENDIF
-160              CONTINUE
-C             count the number of elements in i (including me):
-              ELEN (I) = PN - P1 + 1
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             scan the supervariables in the list associated with i
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              P3 = PN
-              DO 170 P = P2 + 1, P1 + LEN (I) - 1
-                 J = IW (P)
-                 NVJ = NV (J)
-                 IF (NVJ .GT. 0) THEN
-C                   j is unabsorbed, and not in Lme.
-C                   add to degree and add to new list
-                    DEG = DEG + NVJ
-                    IW (PN) = J
-                    PN = PN + 1
-                    HASH = HASH + J
-                    ENDIF
-170              CONTINUE
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             update the degree and check for mass elimination
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              IF (DEG .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                mass elimination
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                There is nothing left of this node except for an
-C                edge to the current pivot element.  elen (i) is 1,
-C                and there are no variables adjacent to node i.
-C                Absorb i into the current pivot element, me.
-                 PE (I) = -ME
-                 NVI = -NV (I)
-                 DEGME = DEGME - NVI
-                 NVPIV = NVPIV + NVI
-                 NEL = NEL + NVI
-                 NV (I) = 0
-                 ELEN (I) = 0
-              ELSE
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                update the upper-bound degree of i
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                the following degree does not yet include the size
-C                of the current element, which is added later:
-                 DEGREE (I) = MIN (DEGREE (I), DEG)
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                add me to the list for i
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                move first supervariable to end of list
-                 IW (PN) = IW (P3)
-C                move first element to end of element part of list
-                 IW (P3) = IW (P1)
-C                add new element to front of list.
-                 IW (P1) = ME
-C                store the new length of the list in len (i)
-                 LEN (I) = PN - P1 + 1
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                place in hash bucket.  Save hash key of i in last (i).
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 HASH = MOD (HASH, HMOD) + 1
-                 J = HEAD (HASH)
-                 IF (J .LE. 0) THEN
-C                   the degree list is empty, hash head is -j
-                    NEXT (I) = -J
-                    HEAD (HASH) = -I
-                 ELSE
-C                   degree list is not empty
-C                   use last (head (hash)) as hash head
-                    NEXT (I) = LAST (J)
-                    LAST (J) = I
-                    ENDIF
-                 LAST (I) = HASH
-                 ENDIF
-180           CONTINUE
-           DEGREE (ME) = DEGME
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          Clear the counter array, w (...), by incrementing wflg.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DMAX = MAX (DMAX, DEGME)
-           WFLG = WFLG + DMAX
-C          make sure that wflg+n does not cause integer overflow
-           IF (WFLG + N .LE. WFLG) THEN
-              DO 190 X = 1, N
-                 IF (W (X) .NE. 0) W (X) = 1
-190              CONTINUE
-              WFLG = 2
-              ENDIF
-C          at this point, w (1..n) .lt. wflg holds
-           DO 250 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              IF (NV (I) .LT. 0) THEN
-C                i is a principal variable in Lme
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                examine all hash buckets with 2 or more variables.  We
-C                do this by examing all unique hash keys for super-
-C                variables in the pattern Lme of the current element, me
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 HASH = LAST (I)
-C                let i = head of hash bucket, and empty the hash bucket
-                 J = HEAD (HASH)
-                 IF (J .EQ. 0) GOTO 250
-                 IF (J .LT. 0) THEN
-C                   degree list is empty
-                    I = -J
-                    HEAD (HASH) = 0
-                 ELSE
-C                   degree list is not empty, restore last () of head
-                    I = LAST (J)
-                    LAST (J) = 0
-                    ENDIF
-                 IF (I .EQ. 0) GOTO 250
-C                while loop:
-200              CONTINUE
-                 IF (NEXT (I) .NE. 0) THEN
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   this bucket has one or more variables following i.
-C                   scan all of them to see if i can absorb any entries
-C                   that follow i in hash bucket.  Scatter i into w.
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    LN = LEN (I)
-                    ELN = ELEN (I)
-C                   do not flag the first element in the list (me)
-                    DO 210 P = PE (I) + 1, PE (I) + LN - 1
-                       W (IW (P)) = WFLG
-210                    CONTINUE
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   scan every other entry j following i in bucket
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    JLAST = I
-                    J = NEXT (I)
-C                   while loop:
-220                 CONTINUE
-                    IF (J .NE. 0) THEN
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      check if j and i have identical nonzero pattern
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       IF (LEN (J) .NE. LN) THEN
-C                         i and j do not have same size data structure
-                          GOTO 240
-                          ENDIF
-                       IF (ELEN (J) .NE. ELN) THEN
-C                         i and j do not have same number of adjacent el
-                          GOTO 240
-                          ENDIF
-C                      do not flag the first element in the list (me)
-                       DO 230 P = PE (J) + 1, PE (J) + LN - 1
-                          IF (W (IW (P)) .NE. WFLG) THEN
-C                            an entry (iw(p)) is in j but not in i
-                             GOTO 240
-                             ENDIF
-230                       CONTINUE
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      found it!  j can be absorbed into i
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       PE (J) = -I
-C                      both nv (i) and nv (j) are negated since they
-C                      are in Lme, and the absolute values of each
-C                      are the number of variables in i and j:
-                       NV (I) = NV (I) + NV (J)
-                       NV (J) = 0
-                       ELEN (J) = 0
-C                      delete j from hash bucket
-                       J = NEXT (J)
-                       NEXT (JLAST) = J
-                       GOTO 220
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-240                    CONTINUE
-C                      j cannot be absorbed into i
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       JLAST = J
-                       J = NEXT (J)
-                       GOTO 220
-                       ENDIF
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   no more variables can be absorbed into i
-C                   go to next i in bucket and clear flag array
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    WFLG = WFLG + 1
-                    I = NEXT (I)
-                    IF (I .NE. 0) GOTO 200
-                    ENDIF
-                 ENDIF
-250           CONTINUE
-           P = PME1
-           NLEFT = N - NEL
-           DO 260 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              NVI = -NV (I)
-              IF (NVI .GT. 0) THEN
-C                i is a principal variable in Lme
-C                restore nv (i) to signify that i is principal
-                 NV (I) = NVI
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                compute the external degree (add size of current elem)
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 DEG = MIN (DEGREE (I) + DEGME - NVI, NLEFT - NVI)
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                place the supervariable at the head of the degree list
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 INEXT = HEAD (DEG)
-                 IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = I
-                 NEXT (I) = INEXT
-                 LAST (I) = 0
-                 HEAD (DEG) = I
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                save the new degree, and find the minimum degree
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 MINDEG = MIN (MINDEG, DEG)
-                 DEGREE (I) = DEG
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                place the supervariable in the element pattern
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 IW (P) = I
-                 P = P + 1
-                 ENDIF
-260           CONTINUE
-           NV (ME) = NVPIV + DEGME
-C          nv (me) is now the degree of pivot (including diagonal part)
-C          save the length of the list for the new element me
-           LEN (ME) = P - PME1
-           IF (LEN (ME) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C             there is nothing left of the current pivot element
-              PE (ME) = 0
-              W (ME) = 0
-              ENDIF
-           IF (NEWMEM .NE. 0) THEN
-C             element was not constructed in place: deallocate part
-C             of it (final size is less than or equal to newmem,
-C             since newly nonprincipal variables have been removed).
-              PFREE = P
-              MEM = MEM - NEWMEM + LEN (ME)
-              ENDIF
-C          END WHILE (selecting pivots)
-           GOTO 30
-           ENDIF
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       The time taken by the following code is O(n).  At this
-C       point, elen (e) = -k has been done for all elements e,
-C       and elen (i) = 0 has been done for all nonprincipal
-C       variables i.  At this point, there are no principal
-C       supervariables left, and all elements are absorbed.
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       compute the ordering of unordered nonprincipal variables
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO 290 I = 1, N
-           IF (ELEN (I) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             i is an un-ordered row.  Traverse the tree from i until
-C             reaching an element, e.  The element, e, was the
-C             principal supervariable of i and all nodes in the path
-C             from i to when e was selected as pivot.
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              J = -PE (I)
-C             while (j is a variable) do:
-270           CONTINUE
-              IF (ELEN (J) .GE. 0) THEN
-                 J = -PE (J)
-                 GOTO 270
-                 ENDIF
-              E = J
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             get the current pivot ordering of e
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              K = -ELEN (E)
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             traverse the path again from i to e, and compress the
-C             path (all nodes point to e).  Path compression allows
-C             this code to compute in O(n) time.  Order the unordered
-C             nodes in the path, and place the element e at the end.
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              J = I
-C             while (j is a variable) do:
-280           CONTINUE
-              IF (ELEN (J) .GE. 0) THEN
-                 JNEXT = -PE (J)
-                 PE (J) = -E
-                 IF (ELEN (J) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                   j is an unordered row
-                    ELEN (J) = K
-                    K = K + 1
-                    ENDIF
-                 J = JNEXT
-                 GOTO 280
-                 ENDIF
-C             leave elen (e) negative, so we know it is an element
-              ELEN (E) = -K
-              ENDIF
-290        CONTINUE
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       reset the inverse permutation (elen (1..n)) to be positive,
-C       and compute the permutation (last (1..n)).
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO 300 I = 1, N
-           K = ABS (ELEN (I))
-           LAST (K) = I
-           ELEN (I) = K
-300        CONTINUE
-C       If maxmem is less than or equal to iwlen, then no compressions
-C       occurred, and iw (maxmem+1 ... iwlen) was unused.  Otherwise
-C       compressions did occur, and iwlen would have had to have been
-C       greater than or equal to maxmem for no compressions to occur.
-C       Return the value of maxmem in the pfree argument.
-        PFREE = MAXMEM
-        RETURN
-        END
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_1 =============================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD_1: Construct A+A' for a sparse matrix A and perform the AMD ordering.
- *
- * The n-by-n sparse matrix A can be unsymmetric.  It is stored in MATLAB-style
- * compressed-column form, with sorted row indices in each column, and no
- * duplicate entries.  Diagonal entries may be present, but they are ignored.
- * Row indices of column j of A are stored in Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1].
- * Ap [0] must be zero, and nz = Ap [n] is the number of entries in A.  The
- * size of the matrix, n, must be greater than or equal to zero.
- *
- * This routine must be preceded by a call to AMD_aat, which computes the
- * number of entries in each row/column in A+A', excluding the diagonal.
- * Len [j], on input, is the number of entries in row/column j of A+A'.  This
- * routine constructs the matrix A+A' and then calls AMD_2.  No error checking
- * is performed (this was done in AMD_aat).
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL void AMD_1
-    Int n,		/* n > 0 */
-    const Int Ap [ ],	/* input of size n+1, not modified */
-    const Int Ai [ ],	/* input of size nz = Ap [n], not modified */
-    Int P [ ],		/* size n output permutation */
-    Int Pinv [ ],	/* size n output inverse permutation */
-    Int Len [ ],	/* size n input, undefined on output */
-    Int slen,		/* slen >= sum (Len [0..n-1]) + 7n,
-			 * ideally slen = 1.2 * sum (Len) + 8n */
-    Int S [ ],		/* size slen workspace */
-    double Control [ ],	/* input array of size AMD_CONTROL */
-    double Info [ ]	/* output array of size AMD_INFO */
-    Int i, j, k, p, pfree, iwlen, pj, p1, p2, pj2, *Iw, *Pe, *Nv, *Head,
-	*Elen, *Degree, *s, *W, *Sp, *Tp ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* construct the matrix for AMD_2 */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    ASSERT (n > 0) ;
-    iwlen = slen - 6*n ;
-    s = S ;
-    Pe = s ;	    s += n ;
-    Nv = s ;	    s += n ;
-    Head = s ;	    s += n ;
-    Elen = s ;	    s += n ;
-    Degree = s ;    s += n ;
-    W = s ;	    s += n ;
-    Iw = s ;	    s += iwlen ;
-    ASSERT (AMD_valid (n, n, Ap, Ai)) ;
-    /* construct the pointers for A+A' */
-    Sp = Nv ;			/* use Nv and W as workspace for Sp and Tp [ */
-    Tp = W ;
-    pfree = 0 ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	Pe [j] = pfree ;
-	Sp [j] = pfree ;
-	pfree += Len [j] ;
-    }
-    /* Note that this restriction on iwlen is slightly more restrictive than
-     * what is strictly required in AMD_2.  AMD_2 can operate with no elbow
-     * room at all, but it will be very slow.  For better performance, at
-     * least size-n elbow room is enforced. */
-    ASSERT (iwlen >= pfree + n) ;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    for (p = 0 ; p < iwlen ; p++) Iw [p] = EMPTY ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("Construct row/column k= "ID" of A+A'\n", k))  ;
-	p1 = Ap [k] ;
-	p2 = Ap [k+1] ;
-	/* construct A+A' */
-	for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; )
-	{
-	    /* scan the upper triangular part of A */
-	    j = Ai [p] ;
-	    ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
-	    if (j < k)
-	    {
-		/* entry A (j,k) in the strictly upper triangular part */
-		ASSERT (Sp [j] < (j == n-1 ? pfree : Pe [j+1])) ;
-		ASSERT (Sp [k] < (k == n-1 ? pfree : Pe [k+1])) ;
-		Iw [Sp [j]++] = k ;
-		Iw [Sp [k]++] = j ;
-		p++ ;
-	    }
-	    else if (j == k)
-	    {
-		/* skip the diagonal */
-		p++ ;
-		break ;
-	    }
-	    else /* j > k */
-	    {
-		/* first entry below the diagonal */
-		break ;
-	    }
-	    /* scan lower triangular part of A, in column j until reaching
-	     * row k.  Start where last scan left off. */
-	    ASSERT (Ap [j] <= Tp [j] && Tp [j] <= Ap [j+1]) ;
-	    pj2 = Ap [j+1] ;
-	    for (pj = Tp [j] ; pj < pj2 ; )
-	    {
-		i = Ai [pj] ;
-		ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
-		if (i < k)
-		{
-		    /* A (i,j) is only in the lower part, not in upper */
-		    ASSERT (Sp [i] < (i == n-1 ? pfree : Pe [i+1])) ;
-		    ASSERT (Sp [j] < (j == n-1 ? pfree : Pe [j+1])) ;
-		    Iw [Sp [i]++] = j ;
-		    Iw [Sp [j]++] = i ;
-		    pj++ ;
-		}
-		else if (i == k)
-		{
-		    /* entry A (k,j) in lower part and A (j,k) in upper */
-		    pj++ ;
-		    break ;
-		}
-		else /* i > k */
-		{
-		    /* consider this entry later, when k advances to i */
-		    break ;
-		}
-	    }
-	    Tp [j] = pj ;
-	}
-	Tp [k] = p ;
-    }
-    /* clean up, for remaining mismatched entries */
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	for (pj = Tp [j] ; pj < Ap [j+1] ; pj++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [pj] ;
-	    ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
-	    /* A (i,j) is only in the lower part, not in upper */
-	    ASSERT (Sp [i] < (i == n-1 ? pfree : Pe [i+1])) ;
-	    ASSERT (Sp [j] < (j == n-1 ? pfree : Pe [j+1])) ;
-	    Iw [Sp [i]++] = j ;
-	    Iw [Sp [j]++] = i ;
-	}
-    }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n-1 ; j++) ASSERT (Sp [j] == Pe [j+1]) ;
-    ASSERT (Sp [n-1] == pfree) ;
-    /* Tp and Sp no longer needed ] */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* order the matrix */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    AMD_2 (n, Pe, Iw, Len, iwlen, pfree,
-	Nv, Pinv, P, Head, Elen, Degree, W, Control, Info) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1823 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_2 =============================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD_2:  performs the AMD ordering on a symmetric sparse matrix A, followed
- * by a postordering (via depth-first search) of the assembly tree using the
- * AMD_postorder routine.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL void AMD_2
-    Int n,		/* A is n-by-n, where n > 0 */
-    Int Pe [ ],		/* Pe [0..n-1]: index in Iw of row i on input */
-    Int Iw [ ],		/* workspace of size iwlen. Iw [0..pfree-1]
-			 * holds the matrix on input */
-    Int Len [ ],	/* Len [0..n-1]: length for row/column i on input */
-    Int iwlen,		/* length of Iw. iwlen >= pfree + n */
-    Int pfree,		/* Iw [pfree ... iwlen-1] is empty on input */
-    /* 7 size-n workspaces, not defined on input: */
-    Int Nv [ ],		/* the size of each supernode on output */
-    Int Next [ ],	/* the output inverse permutation */
-    Int Last [ ],	/* the output permutation */
-    Int Head [ ],
-    Int Elen [ ],	/* the size columns of L for each supernode */
-    Int Degree [ ],
-    Int W [ ],
-    /* control parameters and output statistics */
-    double Control [ ],	/* array of size AMD_CONTROL */
-    double Info [ ]	/* array of size AMD_INFO */
- * Given a representation of the nonzero pattern of a symmetric matrix, A, 
- * (excluding the diagonal) perform an approximate minimum (UMFPACK/MA38-style)
- * degree ordering to compute a pivot order such that the introduction of
- * nonzeros (fill-in) in the Cholesky factors A = LL' is kept low.  At each
- * step, the pivot selected is the one with the minimum UMFAPACK/MA38-style
- * upper-bound on the external degree.  This routine can optionally perform
- * aggresive absorption (as done by MC47B in the Harwell Subroutine
- * Library).
- * 
- * The approximate degree algorithm implemented here is the symmetric analog of
- * the degree update algorithm in MA38 and UMFPACK (the Unsymmetric-pattern
- * MultiFrontal PACKage, both by Davis and Duff).  The routine is based on the
- * MA27 minimum degree ordering algorithm by Iain Duff and John Reid.
- * 
- * This routine is a translation of the original AMDBAR and MC47B routines,
- * in Fortran, with the following modifications:
- * 
- * (1) dense rows/columns are removed prior to ordering the matrix, and placed
- *	last in the output order.  The presence of a dense row/column can
- *	increase the ordering time by up to O(n^2), unless they are removed
- *	prior to ordering.
- *
- * (2) the minimum degree ordering is followed by a postordering (depth-first
- *	search) of the assembly tree.  Note that mass elimination (discussed
- *	below) combined with the approximate degree update can lead to the mass
- *	elimination of nodes with lower exact degree than the current pivot
- *	element.  No additional fill-in is caused in the representation of the
- *	Schur complement.  The mass-eliminated nodes merge with the current
- *	pivot element.  They are ordered prior to the current pivot element.
- *	Because they can have lower exact degree than the current element, the
- *	merger of two or more of these nodes in the current pivot element can
- *	lead to a single element that is not a "fundamental supernode".  The
- *	diagonal block can have zeros in it.  Thus, the assembly tree used here
- *	is not guaranteed to be the precise supernodal elemination tree (with
- *	"funadmental" supernodes), and the postordering performed by this
- *	routine is not guaranteed to be a precise postordering of the
- *	elimination tree.
- *
- * (3) input parameters are added, to control aggressive absorption and the
- *	detection of "dense" rows/columns of A.
- *
- * (4) additional statistical information is returned, such as the number of
- *	nonzeros in L, and the flop counts for subsequent LDL' and LU
- *	factorizations.  These are slight upper bounds, because of the mass
- *	elimination issue discussed above.
- *
- * (5) additional routines are added to interface this routine to MATLAB
- *	to provide a simple C-callable user-interface, to check inputs for
- *	errors, compute the symmetry of the pattern of A and the number of
- *	nonzeros in each row/column of A+A', to compute the pattern of A+A',
- *	to perform the assembly tree postordering, and to provide debugging
- *	ouput.  Many of these functions are also provided by the Fortran
- *	Harwell Subroutine Library routine MC47A.
- *
- * (6) both "int" and "long" versions are provided.  In the descriptions below
- *	and integer is and "int" or "long", depending on which version is
- *	being used.
- **********************************************************************
- **********************************************************************
- ** If you want error checking, a more versatile input format, and a **
- ** simpler user interface, use amd_order or amd_l_order instead.    **
- ** This routine is not meant to be user-callable.                   **
- **********************************************************************
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * References:
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- *  [1] Timothy A. Davis and Iain Duff, "An unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal
- *	method for sparse LU factorization", SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and
- *	Applications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 140-158.  Discusses UMFPACK / MA38,
- *	which first introduced the approximate minimum degree used by this
- *	routine.
- *
- *  [2] Patrick Amestoy, Timothy A. Davis, and Iain S. Duff, "An approximate
- *	minimum degree ordering algorithm," SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and
- *	Applications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 886-905, 1996.  Discusses AMDBAR and
- *	MC47B, which are the Fortran versions of this routine.
- *
- *  [3] Alan George and Joseph Liu, "The evolution of the minimum degree
- *	ordering algorithm," SIAM Review, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 1989.
- *	We list below the features mentioned in that paper that this code
- *	includes:
- *
- *	mass elimination:
- *	    Yes.  MA27 relied on supervariable detection for mass elimination.
- *
- *	indistinguishable nodes:
- *	    Yes (we call these "supervariables").  This was also in the MA27
- *	    code - although we modified the method of detecting them (the
- *	    previous hash was the true degree, which we no longer keep track
- *	    of).  A supervariable is a set of rows with identical nonzero
- *	    pattern.  All variables in a supervariable are eliminated together.
- *	    Each supervariable has as its numerical name that of one of its
- *	    variables (its principal variable).
- *
- *	quotient graph representation:
- *	    Yes.  We use the term "element" for the cliques formed during
- *	    elimination.  This was also in the MA27 code.  The algorithm can
- *	    operate in place, but it will work more efficiently if given some
- *	    "elbow room."
- *
- *	element absorption:
- *	    Yes.  This was also in the MA27 code.
- *
- *	external degree:
- *	    Yes.  The MA27 code was based on the true degree.
- *
- *	incomplete degree update and multiple elimination:
- *	    No.  This was not in MA27, either.  Our method of degree update
- *	    within MC47B is element-based, not variable-based.  It is thus
- *	    not well-suited for use with incomplete degree update or multiple
- *	    elimination.
- *
- * Authors, and Copyright (C) 2004 by:
- * Timothy A. Davis, Patrick Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, John K. Reid.
- *
- * Acknowledgements: This work (and the UMFPACK package) was supported by the
- * National Science Foundation (ASC-9111263, DMS-9223088, and CCR-0203270).
- * The UMFPACK/MA38 approximate degree update algorithm, the unsymmetric analog
- * which forms the basis of AMD, was developed while Tim Davis was supported by
- * CERFACS (Toulouse, France) in a post-doctoral position.  This C version, and
- * the etree postorder, were written while Tim Davis was on sabbatical at
- * Stanford University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * INPUT ARGUMENTS (unaltered):
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * n:  The matrix order.  Restriction:  n >= 1.
- *
- * iwlen:  The size of the Iw array.  On input, the matrix is stored in
- *	Iw [0..pfree-1].  However, Iw [0..iwlen-1] should be slightly larger
- *	than what is required to hold the matrix, at least iwlen >= pfree + n.
- *	Otherwise, excessive compressions will take place.  The recommended
- *	value of iwlen is 1.2 * pfree + n, which is the value used in the
- *	user-callable interface to this routine (amd_order.c).  The algorithm
- *	will not run at all if iwlen < pfree.  Restriction: iwlen >= pfree + n.
- *	Note that this is slightly more restrictive than the actual minimum
- *	(iwlen >= pfree), but AMD_2 will be very slow with no elbow room.
- *	Thus, this routine enforces a bare minimum elbow room of size n.
- *
- * pfree: On input the tail end of the array, Iw [pfree..iwlen-1], is empty,
- *	and the matrix is stored in Iw [0..pfree-1].  During execution,
- *	additional data is placed in Iw, and pfree is modified so that
- *	Iw [pfree..iwlen-1] is always the unused part of Iw.
- *
- * Control:  A double array of size AMD_CONTROL containing input parameters
- *	that affect how the ordering is computed.  If NULL, then default
- *	settings are used.
- *
- *	Control [AMD_DENSE] is used to determine whether or not a given input
- *	row is "dense".  A row is "dense" if the number of entries in the row
- *	exceeds Control [AMD_DENSE] times sqrt (n), except that rows with 16 or
- *	fewer entries are never considered "dense".  To turn off the detection
- *	of dense rows, set Control [AMD_DENSE] to a negative number, or to a
- *	number larger than sqrt (n).  The default value of Control [AMD_DENSE]
- *	is AMD_DEFAULT_DENSE, which is defined in amd.h as 10.
- *
- *	Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] is used to determine whether or not aggressive
- *	absorption is to be performed.  If nonzero, then aggressive absorption
- *	is performed (this is the default).
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Pe:  An integer array of size n.  On input, Pe [i] is the index in Iw of
- *	the start of row i.  Pe [i] is ignored if row i has no off-diagonal
- *	entries.  Thus Pe [i] must be in the range 0 to pfree-1 for non-empty
- *	rows.
- *
- *	During execution, it is used for both supervariables and elements:
- *
- *	Principal supervariable i:  index into Iw of the description of
- *	    supervariable i.  A supervariable represents one or more rows of
- *	    the matrix with identical nonzero pattern.  In this case,
- *	    Pe [i] >= 0.
- *
- *	Non-principal supervariable i:  if i has been absorbed into another
- *	    supervariable j, then Pe [i] = FLIP (j), where FLIP (j) is defined
- *	    as (-(j)-2).  Row j has the same pattern as row i.  Note that j
- *	    might later be absorbed into another supervariable j2, in which
- *	    case Pe [i] is still FLIP (j), and Pe [j] = FLIP (j2) which is
- *	    < EMPTY, where EMPTY is defined as (-1) in amd_internal.h.
- *
- *	Unabsorbed element e:  the index into Iw of the description of element
- *	    e, if e has not yet been absorbed by a subsequent element.  Element
- *	    e is created when the supervariable of the same name is selected as
- *	    the pivot.  In this case, Pe [i] >= 0.
- *
- *	Absorbed element e:  if element e is absorbed into element e2, then
- *	    Pe [e] = FLIP (e2).  This occurs when the pattern of e (which we
- *	    refer to as Le) is found to be a subset of the pattern of e2 (that
- *	    is, Le2).  In this case, Pe [i] < EMPTY.  If element e is "null"
- *	    (it has no nonzeros outside its pivot block), then Pe [e] = EMPTY,
- *	    and e is the root of an assembly subtree (or the whole tree if
- *	    there is just one such root).
- *
- *	Dense variable i:  if i is "dense", then Pe [i] = EMPTY.
- *
- *	On output, Pe holds the assembly tree/forest, which implicitly
- *	represents a pivot order with identical fill-in as the actual order
- *	(via a depth-first search of the tree), as follows.  If Nv [i] > 0,
- *	then i represents a node in the assembly tree, and the parent of i is
- *	Pe [i], or EMPTY if i is a root.  If Nv [i] = 0, then (i, Pe [i])
- *	represents an edge in a subtree, the root of which is a node in the
- *	assembly tree.  Note that i refers to a row/column in the original
- *	matrix, not the permuted matrix.
- *
- * Info:  A double array of size AMD_INFO.  If present, (that is, not NULL),
- *	then statistics about the ordering are returned in the Info array.
- *	See amd.h for a description.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * INPUT/MODIFIED (undefined on output):
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Len:  An integer array of size n.  On input, Len [i] holds the number of
- *	entries in row i of the matrix, excluding the diagonal.  The contents
- *	of Len are undefined on output.
- *
- * Iw:  An integer array of size iwlen.  On input, Iw [0..pfree-1] holds the
- *	description of each row i in the matrix.  The matrix must be symmetric,
- *	and both upper and lower triangular parts must be present.  The
- *	diagonal must not be present.  Row i is held as follows:
- *
- *	    Len [i]:  the length of the row i data structure in the Iw array.
- *	    Iw [Pe [i] ... Pe [i] + Len [i] - 1]:
- *		the list of column indices for nonzeros in row i (simple
- *		supervariables), excluding the diagonal.  All supervariables
- *		start with one row/column each (supervariable i is just row i).
- *		If Len [i] is zero on input, then Pe [i] is ignored on input.
- *
- *	    Note that the rows need not be in any particular order, and there
- *	    may be empty space between the rows.
- *
- *	During execution, the supervariable i experiences fill-in.  This is
- *	represented by placing in i a list of the elements that cause fill-in
- *	in supervariable i:
- *
- *	    Len [i]:  the length of supervariable i in the Iw array.
- *	    Iw [Pe [i] ... Pe [i] + Elen [i] - 1]:
- *		the list of elements that contain i.  This list is kept short
- *		by removing absorbed elements.
- *	    Iw [Pe [i] + Elen [i] ... Pe [i] + Len [i] - 1]:
- *		the list of supervariables in i.  This list is kept short by
- *		removing nonprincipal variables, and any entry j that is also
- *		contained in at least one of the elements (j in Le) in the list
- *		for i (e in row i).
- *
- *	When supervariable i is selected as pivot, we create an element e of
- *	the same name (e=i):
- *
- *	    Len [e]:  the length of element e in the Iw array.
- *	    Iw [Pe [e] ... Pe [e] + Len [e] - 1]:
- *		the list of supervariables in element e.
- *
- *	An element represents the fill-in that occurs when supervariable i is
- *	selected as pivot (which represents the selection of row i and all
- *	non-principal variables whose principal variable is i).  We use the
- *	term Le to denote the set of all supervariables in element e.  Absorbed
- *	supervariables and elements are pruned from these lists when
- *	computationally convenient.
- *
- *  The contents of Iw are undefined on output.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * OUTPUT (need not be set on input):
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Nv:  An integer array of size n.  During execution, ABS (Nv [i]) is equal to
- *	the number of rows that are represented by the principal supervariable
- *	i.  If i is a nonprincipal or dense variable, then Nv [i] = 0.
- *	Initially, Nv [i] = 1 for all i.  Nv [i] < 0 signifies that i is a
- *	principal variable in the pattern Lme of the current pivot element me.
- *	After element me is constructed, Nv [i] is set back to a positive
- *	value.
- *
- *	On output, Nv [i] holds the number of pivots represented by super
- *	row/column i of the original matrix, or Nv [i] = 0 for non-principal
- *	rows/columns.  Note that i refers to a row/column in the original
- *	matrix, not the permuted matrix.
- *
- * Elen:  An integer array of size n.  See the description of Iw above.  At the
- *	start of execution, Elen [i] is set to zero for all rows i.  During
- *	execution, Elen [i] is the number of elements in the list for
- *	supervariable i.  When e becomes an element, Elen [e] = FLIP (esize) is
- *	set, where esize is the size of the element (the number of pivots, plus
- *	the number of nonpivotal entries).  Thus Elen [e] < EMPTY.
- *	Elen (i) = EMPTY set when variable i becomes nonprincipal.
- *
- *	For variables, Elen (i) >= EMPTY holds until just before the
- *	postordering and permutation vectors are computed.  For elements,
- *	Elen [e] < EMPTY holds.
- *
- *	On output, Elen [i] is the degree of the row/column in the Cholesky
- *	factorization of the permuted matrix, corresponding to the original row
- *	i, if i is a super row/column.  It is equal to EMPTY if i is
- *	non-principal.  Note that i refers to a row/column in the original
- *	matrix, not the permuted matrix.
- *
- *	Note that the contents of Elen on output differ from the Fortran
- *	version (Elen holds the inverse permutation in the Fortran version,
- *	which is instead returned in the Next array in this C version,
- *	described below).
- *
- * Last: In a degree list, Last [i] is the supervariable preceding i, or EMPTY
- *	if i is the head of the list.  In a hash bucket, Last [i] is the hash
- *	key for i.
- *
- *	Last [Head [hash]] is also used as the head of a hash bucket if
- *	Head [hash] contains a degree list (see the description of Head,
- *	below).
- *
- *	On output, Last [0..n-1] holds the permutation.  That is, if
- *	i = Last [k], then row i is the kth pivot row (where k ranges from 0 to
- *	n-1).  Row Last [k] of A is the kth row in the permuted matrix, PAP'.
- *
- * Next: Next [i] is the supervariable following i in a link list, or EMPTY if
- *	i is the last in the list.  Used for two kinds of lists:  degree lists
- *	and hash buckets (a supervariable can be in only one kind of list at a
- *	time).
- *
- *	On output Next [0..n-1] holds the inverse permutation. 	That is, if
- *	k = Next [i], then row i is the kth pivot row. Row i of A appears as
- *	the (Next[i])-th row in the permuted matrix, PAP'.
- *
- *	Note that the contents of Next on output differ from the Fortran
- *	version (Next is undefined on output in the Fortran version).
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * LOCAL WORKSPACE (not input or output - used only during execution):
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Degree:  An integer array of size n.  If i is a supervariable, then
- *	Degree [i] holds the current approximation of the external degree of
- *	row i (an upper bound).  The external degree is the number of nonzeros
- *	in row i, minus ABS (Nv [i]), the diagonal part.  The bound is equal to
- *	the exact external degree if Elen [i] is less than or equal to two.
- *
- *	We also use the term "external degree" for elements e to refer to
- *	|Le \ Lme|.  If e is an element, then Degree [e] is |Le|, which is the
- *	degree of the off-diagonal part of the element e (not including the
- *	diagonal part).
- *
- * Head:   An integer array of size n.  Head is used for degree lists.
- *	Head [deg] is the first supervariable in a degree list.  All
- *	supervariables i in a degree list Head [deg] have the same approximate
- *	degree, namely, deg = Degree [i].  If the list Head [deg] is empty then
- *	Head [deg] = EMPTY.
- *
- *	During supervariable detection Head [hash] also serves as a pointer to
- *	a hash bucket.  If Head [hash] >= 0, there is a degree list of degree
- *	hash.  The hash bucket head pointer is Last [Head [hash]].  If
- *	Head [hash] = EMPTY, then the degree list and hash bucket are both
- *	empty.  If Head [hash] < EMPTY, then the degree list is empty, and
- *	FLIP (Head [hash]) is the head of the hash bucket.  After supervariable
- *	detection is complete, all hash buckets are empty, and the
- *	(Last [Head [hash]] = EMPTY) condition is restored for the non-empty
- *	degree lists.
- *
- * W:  An integer array of size n.  The flag array W determines the status of
- *	elements and variables, and the external degree of elements.
- *
- *	for elements:
- *	    if W [e] = 0, then the element e is absorbed.
- *	    if W [e] >= wflg, then W [e] - wflg is the size of the set
- *		|Le \ Lme|, in terms of nonzeros (the sum of ABS (Nv [i]) for
- *		each principal variable i that is both in the pattern of
- *		element e and NOT in the pattern of the current pivot element,
- *		me).
- *	    if wflg > W [e] > 0, then e is not absorbed and has not yet been
- *		seen in the scan of the element lists in the computation of
- *		|Le\Lme| in Scan 1 below.
- *
- *	for variables:
- *	    during supervariable detection, if W [j] != wflg then j is
- *	    not in the pattern of variable i.
- *
- *	The W array is initialized by setting W [i] = 1 for all i, and by
- *	setting wflg = 2.  It is reinitialized if wflg becomes too large (to
- *	ensure that wflg+n does not cause integer overflow).
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-    Int deg, degme, dext, lemax, e, elenme, eln, i, ilast, inext, j,
-	jlast, jnext, k, knt1, knt2, knt3, lenj, ln, me, mindeg, nel, nleft,
-	nvi, nvj, nvpiv, slenme, wbig, we, wflg, wnvi, x, ok, ndense, ncmpa,
-	dense, aggressive ;
-    unsigned Int hash ;	    /* unsigned, so that hash % n is well defined.*/
- * deg:		the degree of a variable or element
- * degme:	size, |Lme|, of the current element, me (= Degree [me])
- * dext:	external degree, |Le \ Lme|, of some element e
- * lemax:	largest |Le| seen so far (called dmax in Fortran version)
- * e:		an element
- * elenme:	the length, Elen [me], of element list of pivotal variable
- * eln:		the length, Elen [...], of an element list
- * hash:	the computed value of the hash function
- * i:		a supervariable
- * ilast:	the entry in a link list preceding i
- * inext:	the entry in a link list following i
- * j:		a supervariable
- * jlast:	the entry in a link list preceding j
- * jnext:	the entry in a link list, or path, following j
- * k:		the pivot order of an element or variable
- * knt1:	loop counter used during element construction
- * knt2:	loop counter used during element construction
- * knt3:	loop counter used during compression
- * lenj:	Len [j]
- * ln:		length of a supervariable list
- * me:		current supervariable being eliminated, and the current
- *		    element created by eliminating that supervariable
- * mindeg:	current minimum degree
- * nel:		number of pivots selected so far
- * nleft:	n - nel, the number of nonpivotal rows/columns remaining
- * nvi:		the number of variables in a supervariable i (= Nv [i])
- * nvj:		the number of variables in a supervariable j (= Nv [j])
- * nvpiv:	number of pivots in current element
- * slenme:	number of variables in variable list of pivotal variable
- * wbig:	= INT_MAX - n for the "int" version, LONG_MAX - n for the
- *		    "long" version.  wflg is not allowed to be >= wbig.
- * we:		W [e]
- * wflg:	used for flagging the W array.  See description of Iw.
- * wnvi:	wflg - Nv [i]
- * x:		either a supervariable or an element
- *
- * ok:		true if supervariable j can be absorbed into i
- * ndense:	number of "dense" rows/columns
- * dense:	rows/columns with initial degree > dense are considered "dense"
- * aggressive:	true if aggressive absorption is being performed
- * ncmpa:	number of garbage collections
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * LOCAL DOUBLES, used for statistical output only (except for alpha):
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-    double f, r, ndiv, s, nms_lu, nms_ldl, dmax, alpha, lnz, lnzme ;
- * f:		nvpiv
- * r:		degme + nvpiv
- * ndiv:	number of divisions for LU or LDL' factorizations
- * s:		number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU factorization, for the
- *		    current element me
- * nms_lu	number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU factorization
- * nms_ldl	number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' factorization
- * dmax:	the largest number of entries in any column of L, including the
- *		    diagonal
- * alpha:	"dense" degree ratio
- * lnz:		the number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal)
- * lnzme:	the number of nonzeros in L (excl. the diagonal) for the
- *		    current element me
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * LOCAL "POINTERS" (indices into the Iw array)
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Int p, p1, p2, p3, p4, pdst, pend, pj, pme, pme1, pme2, pn, psrc ;
- * Any parameter (Pe [...] or pfree) or local variable starting with "p" (for
- * Pointer) is an index into Iw, and all indices into Iw use variables starting
- * with "p."  The only exception to this rule is the iwlen input argument.
- *
- * p:           pointer into lots of things
- * p1:          Pe [i] for some variable i (start of element list)
- * p2:          Pe [i] + Elen [i] -  1 for some variable i
- * p3:          index of first supervariable in clean list
- * p4:		
- * pdst:        destination pointer, for compression
- * pend:        end of memory to compress
- * pj:          pointer into an element or variable
- * pme:         pointer into the current element (pme1...pme2)
- * pme1:        the current element, me, is stored in Iw [pme1...pme2]
- * pme2:        the end of the current element
- * pn:          pointer into a "clean" variable, also used to compress
- * psrc:        source pointer, for compression
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-    /* Note that this restriction on iwlen is slightly more restrictive than
-     * what is actually required in AMD_2.  AMD_2 can operate with no elbow
-     * room at all, but it will be slow.  For better performance, at least
-     * size-n elbow room is enforced. */
-    ASSERT (iwlen >= pfree + n) ;
-    ASSERT (n > 0) ;
-    /* initialize output statistics */
-    lnz = 0 ;
-    ndiv = 0 ;
-    nms_lu = 0 ;
-    nms_ldl = 0 ;
-    dmax = 1 ;
-    me = EMPTY ;
-    wflg = 2 ;
-    mindeg = 0 ;
-    ncmpa = 0 ;
-    nel = 0 ;
-    lemax = 0 ;		/* this is called dmax in the Fortran version */
-    /* for testing only */
-    wbig = 3*n ;
-    /* normal operation */
-    wbig = Int_MAX - n ;
-    /* get control parameters */
-    if (Control != (double *) NULL)
-    {
-	alpha = Control [AMD_DENSE] ;
-	aggressive = (Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] != 0) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-    }
-    if (alpha < 0)
-    {
-	/* no dense rows/columns */
-	dense = n ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	dense = alpha * sqrt ((double) n) ;
-    }
-    dense = MAX (16, dense) ;
-    dense = MIN (n,  dense) ;
-    AMD_DEBUG1 (("AMD (debug), alpha %g, aggr. "ID"\n", alpha, aggressive)) ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	Last [i] = EMPTY ;
-	Head [i] = EMPTY ;
-	Next [i] = EMPTY ;
-	/* if seperate Hhead array is used for hash buckets: *
-	Hhead [i] = EMPTY ;
-	*/
-	Nv [i] = 1 ;
-	W [i] = 1 ;
-	Elen [i] = 0 ;
-	Degree [i] = Len [i] ;
-    }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n======Nel "ID"\n", nel)) ;
-    AMD_dump (n, Pe, Iw, Len, iwlen, pfree, Nv, Next, Last,
-		Head, Elen, Degree, W, -1) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* initialize degree lists and eliminate dense and empty rows */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    ndense = 0 ;
-    /* for (i = n-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) */
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	deg = Degree [i] ;
-	ASSERT (deg >= 0 && deg < n) ;
-	if (deg == 0)
-	{
-	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------
-	     * we have a variable that can be eliminated at once because
-	     * there is no off-diagonal non-zero in its row.  Note that
-	     * Nv [i] = 1 for an empty variable i.  It is treated just
-	     * the same as an eliminated element i.
-	     * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    Elen [i] = FLIP (1) ;
-	    nel++ ;
-	    Pe [i] = EMPTY ;
-	    W [i] = 0 ;
-	}
-	else if (deg > dense)
-	{
-	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------
-	     * Dense variables are not treated as elements, but as unordered,
-	     * non-principal variables that have no parent.  They do not take
-	     * part in the postorder, since Nv [i] = 0.  Note that the Fortran
-	     * version does not have this option.
-	     * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 (("Dense node "ID" degree "ID"\n", i, deg)) ;
-	    ndense++ ;
-	    Nv [i] = 0 ;		/* do not postorder this node */
-	    Elen [i] = EMPTY ;
-	    nel++ ;
-	    Pe [i] = EMPTY ;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------
-	     * place i in the degree list corresponding to its degree
-	     * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    inext = Head [deg] ;
-	    ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
-	    if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = i ;
-	    Next [i] = inext ;
-	    Head [deg] = i ;
-	}
-    }
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* WHILE (selecting pivots) DO */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-    while (nel < n)
-    {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n======Nel "ID"\n", nel)) ;
-	if (AMD_debug >= 2) AMD_dump (n, Pe, Iw, Len, iwlen, pfree, Nv, Next,
-	    Last, Head, Elen, Degree, W, nel) ;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* find next supervariable for elimination */
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	ASSERT (mindeg >= 0 && mindeg < n) ;
-	for (deg = mindeg ; deg < n ; deg++)
-	{
-	    me = Head [deg] ;
-	    if (me != EMPTY) break ;
-	}
-	mindeg = deg ;
-	ASSERT (me >= 0 && me < n) ;
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("=================me: "ID"\n", me)) ;
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* remove chosen variable from link list */
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	inext = Next [me] ;
-	ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
-	if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = EMPTY ;
-	Head [deg] = inext ;
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* me represents the elimination of pivots nel to nel+Nv[me]-1. */
-	/* place me itself as the first in this set. */
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	elenme = Elen [me] ;
-	nvpiv = Nv [me] ;
-	ASSERT (nvpiv > 0) ;
-	nel += nvpiv ;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-	/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
-	 * At this point, me is the pivotal supervariable.  It will be
-	 * converted into the current element.  Scan list of the pivotal
-	 * supervariable, me, setting tree pointers and constructing new list
-	 * of supervariables for the new element, me.  p is a pointer to the
-	 * current position in the old list.
-	 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* flag the variable "me" as being in Lme by negating Nv [me] */
-	Nv [me] = -nvpiv ;
-	degme = 0 ;
-	ASSERT (Pe [me] >= 0 && Pe [me] < iwlen) ;
-	if (elenme == 0)
-	{
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    /* construct the new element in place */
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    pme1 = Pe [me] ;
-	    pme2 = pme1 - 1 ;
-	    for (p = pme1 ; p <= pme1 + Len [me] - 1 ; p++)
-	    {
-		i = Iw [p] ;
-		ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n && Nv [i] >= 0) ;
-		nvi = Nv [i] ;
-		if (nvi > 0)
-		{
-		    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-		    /* i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme. */
-		    /* store i in new list */
-		    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-                    /* flag i as being in Lme by negating Nv [i] */
-		    degme += nvi ;
-		    Nv [i] = -nvi ;
-		    Iw [++pme2] = i ;
-		    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-		    /* remove variable i from degree list. */
-		    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-		    ilast = Last [i] ;
-		    inext = Next [i] ;
-		    ASSERT (ilast >= EMPTY && ilast < n) ;
-		    ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
-		    if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = ilast ;
-		    if (ilast != EMPTY)
-		    {
-			Next [ilast] = inext ;
-		    }
-		    else
-		    {
-                        /* i is at the head of the degree list */
-			ASSERT (Degree [i] >= 0 && Degree [i] < n) ;
-			Head [Degree [i]] = inext ;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    /* construct the new element in empty space, Iw [pfree ...] */
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    p = Pe [me] ;
-	    pme1 = pfree ;
-	    slenme = Len [me] - elenme ;
-	    for (knt1 = 1 ; knt1 <= elenme + 1 ; knt1++)
-	    {
-		if (knt1 > elenme)
-		{
-		    /* search the supervariables in me. */
-		    e = me ;
-		    pj = p ;
-		    ln = slenme ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG2 (("Search sv: "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", me,pj,ln)) ;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-                    /* search the elements in me. */
-		    e = Iw [p++] ;
-		    ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
-		    pj = Pe [e] ;
-		    ln = Len [e] ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG2 (("Search element e "ID" in me "ID"\n", e,me)) ;
-		    ASSERT (Elen [e] < EMPTY && W [e] > 0 && pj >= 0) ;
-		}
-		ASSERT (ln >= 0 && (ln == 0 || (pj >= 0 && pj < iwlen))) ;
-		/* ---------------------------------------------------------
-		 * search for different supervariables and add them to the
-		 * new list, compressing when necessary. this loop is
-		 * executed once for each element in the list and once for
-		 * all the supervariables in the list.
-		 * --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		for (knt2 = 1 ; knt2 <= ln ; knt2++)
-		{
-		    i = Iw [pj++] ;
-		    ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n && (i == me || Elen [i] >= EMPTY));
-		    nvi = Nv [i] ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG2 ((": "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
-				i, Elen [i], Nv [i], wflg)) ;
-		    if (nvi > 0)
-		    {
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-			/* compress Iw, if necessary */
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-			if (pfree >= iwlen)
-			{
-			    /* prepare for compressing Iw by adjusting pointers
-			     * and lengths so that the lists being searched in
-			     * the inner and outer loops contain only the
-			     * remaining entries. */
-			    Pe [me] = p ;
-			    Len [me] -= knt1 ;
-                            /* check if nothing left of supervariable me */
-			    if (Len [me] == 0) Pe [me] = EMPTY ;
-			    Pe [e] = pj ;
-			    Len [e] = ln - knt2 ;
-                            /* nothing left of element e */
-			    if (Len [e] == 0) Pe [e] = EMPTY ;
-			    ncmpa++ ;	/* one more garbage collection */
-                            /* store first entry of each object in Pe */
-                            /* FLIP the first entry in each object */
-			    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-			    {
-				pn = Pe [j] ;
-				if (pn >= 0)
-				{
-				    ASSERT (pn >= 0 && pn < iwlen) ;
-				    Pe [j] = Iw [pn] ;
-				    Iw [pn] = FLIP (j) ;
-				}
-			    }
-                            /* psrc/pdst point to source/destination */
-			    psrc = 0 ;
-			    pdst = 0 ;
-			    pend = pme1 - 1 ;
-			    while (psrc <= pend)
-			    {
-				/* search for next FLIP'd entry */
-				j = FLIP (Iw [psrc++]) ;
-				if (j >= 0)
-				{
-				    AMD_DEBUG2 (("Got object j: "ID"\n", j)) ;
-				    Iw [pdst] = Pe [j] ;
-				    Pe [j] = pdst++ ;
-				    lenj = Len [j] ;
-				    /* copy from source to destination */
-				    for (knt3 = 0 ; knt3 <= lenj - 2 ; knt3++)
-				    {
-					Iw [pdst++] = Iw [psrc++] ;
-				    }
-				}
-			    }
-                            /* move the new partially-constructed element */
-			    p1 = pdst ;
-			    for (psrc = pme1 ; psrc <= pfree-1 ; psrc++)
-			    {
-				Iw [pdst++] = Iw [psrc] ;
-			    }
-			    pme1 = p1 ;
-			    pfree = pdst ;
-			    pj = Pe [e] ;
-			    p = Pe [me] ;
-			}
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-			/* i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme */
-			/* store i in new list */
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-                        /* flag i as being in Lme by negating Nv [i] */
-			degme += nvi ;
-			Nv [i] = -nvi ;
-			Iw [pfree++] = i ;
-			AMD_DEBUG2 (("     s: "ID"     nv "ID"\n", i, Nv [i]));
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-			/* remove variable i from degree link list */
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-			ilast = Last [i] ;
-			inext = Next [i] ;
-			ASSERT (ilast >= EMPTY && ilast < n) ;
-			ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
-			if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = ilast ;
-			if (ilast != EMPTY)
-			{
-			    Next [ilast] = inext ;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-                            /* i is at the head of the degree list */
-			    ASSERT (Degree [i] >= 0 && Degree [i] < n) ;
-			    Head [Degree [i]] = inext ;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-		if (e != me)
-		{
-                    /* set tree pointer and flag to indicate element e is
-                     * absorbed into new element me (the parent of e is me) */
-		    AMD_DEBUG1 ((" Element "ID" => "ID"\n", e, me)) ;
-		    Pe [e] = FLIP (me) ;
-		    W [e] = 0 ;
-		}
-	    }
-	    pme2 = pfree - 1 ;
-	}
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* me has now been converted into an element in Iw [pme1..pme2] */
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-        /* degme holds the external degree of new element */
-	Degree [me] = degme ;
-	Pe [me] = pme1 ;
-	Len [me] = pme2 - pme1 + 1 ;
-	ASSERT (Pe [me] >= 0 && Pe [me] < iwlen) ;
-	Elen [me] = FLIP (nvpiv + degme) ;
-        /* FLIP (Elen (me)) is now the degree of pivot (including
-	 * diagonal part). */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("New element structure: length= "ID"\n", pme2-pme1+1)) ;
-	for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++) AMD_DEBUG3 ((" "ID"", Iw[pme]));
-	AMD_DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* make sure that wflg is not too large. */
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* With the current value of wflg, wflg+n must not cause integer
-	 * overflow */
-	if (wflg >= wbig)
-	{
-	    for (x = 0 ; x < n ; x++)
-	    {
-		if (W [x] != 0) W [x] = 1 ;
-	    }
-	    wflg = 2 ;
-	}
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* COMPUTE (W [e] - wflg) = |Le\Lme| FOR ALL ELEMENTS */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-	/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
-	 * Scan 1:  compute the external degrees of previous elements with
-	 * respect to the current element.  That is:
-	 *       (W [e] - wflg) = |Le \ Lme|
-	 * for each element e that appears in any supervariable in Lme.  The
-	 * notation Le refers to the pattern (list of supervariables) of a
-	 * previous element e, where e is not yet absorbed, stored in
-	 * Iw [Pe [e] + 1 ... Pe [e] + Iw [Pe [e]]].  The notation Lme
-	 * refers to the pattern of the current element (stored in
-	 * Iw [pme1..pme2]).   If aggressive absorption is enabled, and
-	 * (W [e] - wflg) becomes zero, then the element e will be absorbed
-	 * in Scan 2.
-	 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("me: ")) ;
-	for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
-	{
-	    i = Iw [pme] ;
-	    ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
-	    eln = Elen [i] ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 ((""ID" Elen "ID": \n", i, eln)) ;
-	    if (eln > 0)
-	    {
-                /* note that Nv [i] has been negated to denote i in Lme: */
-		nvi = -Nv [i] ;
-		ASSERT (nvi > 0 && Pe [i] >= 0 && Pe [i] < iwlen) ;
-		wnvi = wflg - nvi ;
-		for (p = Pe [i] ; p <= Pe [i] + eln - 1 ; p++)
-		{
-		    e = Iw [p] ;
-		    ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
-		    we = W [e] ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG4 (("    e "ID" we "ID" ", e, we)) ;
-		    if (we >= wflg)
-		    {
-                        /* unabsorbed element e has been seen in this loop */
-			AMD_DEBUG4 (("    unabsorbed, first time seen")) ;
-			we -= nvi ;
-		    }
-		    else if (we != 0)
-		    {
-                        /* e is an unabsorbed element */
-                        /* this is the first we have seen e in all of Scan 1 */
-			AMD_DEBUG4 (("    unabsorbed")) ;
-			we = Degree [e] + wnvi ;
-		    }
-		    AMD_DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
-		    W [e] = we ;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-	/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
-	 * Scan 2:  for each i in Lme, sum up the degree of Lme (which is
-	 * degme), plus the sum of the external degrees of each Le for the
-	 * elements e appearing within i, plus the supervariables in i.
-	 * Place i in hash list.
-	 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
-	{
-	    i = Iw [pme] ;
-	    ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n && Nv [i] < 0 && Elen [i] >= 0) ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG2 (("Updating: i "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", i, Elen[i], Len [i]));
-	    p1 = Pe [i] ;
-	    p2 = p1 + Elen [i] - 1 ;
-	    pn = p1 ;
-	    hash = 0 ;
-	    deg = 0 ;
-	    ASSERT (p1 >= 0 && p1 < iwlen && p2 >= -1 && p2 < iwlen) ;
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    /* scan the element list associated with supervariable i */
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-            /* UMFPACK/MA38-style approximate degree: */
-	    if (aggressive)
-	    {
-		for (p = p1 ; p <= p2 ; p++)
-		{
-		    e = Iw [p] ;
-		    ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
-		    we = W [e] ;
-		    if (we != 0)
-		    {
-			/* e is an unabsorbed element */
-			/* dext = | Le \ Lme | */
-			dext = we - wflg ;
-			if (dext > 0)
-			{
-			    deg += dext ;
-			    Iw [pn++] = e ;
-			    hash += e ;
-			    AMD_DEBUG4 ((" e: "ID" hash = "ID"\n",e,hash)) ;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    /* external degree of e is zero, absorb e into me*/
-			    AMD_DEBUG1 ((" Element "ID" =>"ID" (aggressive)\n",
-				e, me)) ;
-			    ASSERT (dext == 0) ;
-			    Pe [e] = FLIP (me) ;
-			    W [e] = 0 ;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		for (p = p1 ; p <= p2 ; p++)
-		{
-		    e = Iw [p] ;
-		    ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
-		    we = W [e] ;
-		    if (we != 0)
-		    {
-			/* e is an unabsorbed element */
-			dext = we - wflg ;
-			ASSERT (dext >= 0) ;
-			deg += dext ;
-			Iw [pn++] = e ;
-			hash += e ;
-			AMD_DEBUG4 (("	e: "ID" hash = "ID"\n",e,hash)) ;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-            /* count the number of elements in i (including me): */
-	    Elen [i] = pn - p1 + 1 ;
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    /* scan the supervariables in the list associated with i */
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    /* The bulk of the AMD run time is typically spent in this loop,
-	     * particularly if the matrix has many dense rows that are not
-	     * removed prior to ordering. */
-	    p3 = pn ;
-	    p4 = p1 + Len [i] ;
-	    for (p = p2 + 1 ; p < p4 ; p++)
-	    {
-		j = Iw [p] ;
-		ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
-		nvj = Nv [j] ;
-		if (nvj > 0)
-		{
-                    /* j is unabsorbed, and not in Lme. */
-                    /* add to degree and add to new list */
-		    deg += nvj ;
-		    Iw [pn++] = j ;
-		    hash += j ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG4 (("  s: "ID" hash "ID" Nv[j]= "ID"\n",
-				j, hash, nvj)) ;
-		}
-	    }
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    /* update the degree and check for mass elimination */
-	    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    /* with aggressive absorption, deg==0 is identical to the 
-	     * Elen [i] == 1 && p3 == pn test, below. */
-	    ASSERT (IMPLIES (aggressive, (deg==0) == (Elen[i]==1 && p3==pn))) ;
-	    if (Elen [i] == 1 && p3 == pn)
-	    {
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-	        /* mass elimination */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* There is nothing left of this node except for an edge to
-		 * the current pivot element.  Elen [i] is 1, and there are
-		 * no variables adjacent to node i.  Absorb i into the
-		 * current pivot element, me.  Note that if there are two or
-		 * more mass eliminations, fillin due to mass elimination is
-		 * possible within the nvpiv-by-nvpiv pivot block.  It is this
-		 * step that causes AMD's analysis to be an upper bound.
-		 *
-		 * The reason is that the selected pivot has a lower
-		 * approximate degree than the true degree of the two mass
-		 * eliminated nodes.  There is no edge between the two mass
-		 * eliminated nodes.  They are merged with the current pivot
-		 * anyway.
-		 *
-		 * No fillin occurs in the Schur complement, in any case,
-		 * and this effect does not decrease the quality of the
-		 * ordering itself, just the quality of the nonzero and
-		 * flop count analysis.  It also means that the post-ordering
-		 * is not an exact elimination tree post-ordering. */
-		AMD_DEBUG1 (("  MASS i "ID" => parent e "ID"\n", i, me)) ;
-		Pe [i] = FLIP (me) ;
-		nvi = -Nv [i] ;
-		degme -= nvi ;
-		nvpiv += nvi ;
-		nel += nvi ;
-		Nv [i] = 0 ;
-		Elen [i] = EMPTY ;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* update the upper-bound degree of i */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-                /* the following degree does not yet include the size
-                 * of the current element, which is added later: */
-		Degree [i] = MIN (Degree [i], deg) ;
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* add me to the list for i */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-                /* move first supervariable to end of list */
-		Iw [pn] = Iw [p3] ;
-                /* move first element to end of element part of list */
-		Iw [p3] = Iw [p1] ;
-                /* add new element, me, to front of list. */
-		Iw [p1] = me ;
-                /* store the new length of the list in Len [i] */
-		Len [i] = pn - p1 + 1 ;
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* place in hash bucket.  Save hash key of i in Last [i]. */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* NOTE: this can fail if hash is negative, because the ANSI C
-		 * standard does not define a % b when a and/or b are negative.
-		 * That's why hash is defined as an unsigned Int, to avoid this
-		 * problem. */
-		hash = hash % n ;
-		ASSERT (((Int) hash) >= 0 && ((Int) hash) < n) ;
-		/* if the Hhead array is not used: */
-		j = Head [hash] ;
-		if (j <= EMPTY)
-		{
-		    /* degree list is empty, hash head is FLIP (j) */
-		    Next [i] = FLIP (j) ;
-		    Head [hash] = FLIP (i) ;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /* degree list is not empty, use Last [Head [hash]] as
-		     * hash head. */
-		    Next [i] = Last [j] ;
-		    Last [j] = i ;
-		}
-		/* if a seperate Hhead array is used: *
-		Next [i] = Hhead [hash] ;
-		Hhead [hash] = i ;
-		*/
-		Last [i] = hash ;
-	    }
-	}
-	Degree [me] = degme ;
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* Clear the counter array, W [...], by incrementing wflg. */
-	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
-        /* make sure that wflg+n does not cause integer overflow */
-	lemax =  MAX (lemax, degme) ;
-	wflg += lemax ;
-	if (wflg >= wbig)
-	{
-	    for (x = 0 ; x < n ; x++)
-	    {
-		if (W [x] != 0) W [x] = 1 ;
-	    }
-	    wflg = 2 ;
-	}
-        /*  at this point, W [0..n-1] < wflg holds */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("Detecting supervariables:\n")) ;
-	for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
-	{
-	    i = Iw [pme] ;
-	    ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG2 (("Consider i "ID" nv "ID"\n", i, Nv [i])) ;
-	    if (Nv [i] < 0)
-	    {
-                /* i is a principal variable in Lme */
-		/* ---------------------------------------------------------
-		 * examine all hash buckets with 2 or more variables.  We do
-		 * this by examing all unique hash keys for supervariables in
-		 * the pattern Lme of the current element, me
-		 * --------------------------------------------------------- */
-                /* let i = head of hash bucket, and empty the hash bucket */
-		ASSERT (Last [i] >= 0 && Last [i] < n) ;
-		hash = Last [i] ;
-		/* if Hhead array is not used: */
-		j = Head [hash] ;
-		if (j == EMPTY)
-		{
-		    /* hash bucket and degree list are both empty */
-		    i = EMPTY ;
-		}
-		else if (j < EMPTY)
-		{
-		    /* degree list is empty */
-		    i = FLIP (j) ;
-		    Head [hash] = EMPTY ;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /* degree list is not empty, restore Last [j] of head j */
-		    i = Last [j] ;
-		    Last [j] = EMPTY ;
-		}
-		/* if seperate Hhead array is used: *
-		i = Hhead [hash] ;
-		Hhead [hash] = EMPTY ;
-		*/
-		ASSERT (i >= EMPTY && i < n) ;
-		AMD_DEBUG2 (("----i "ID" hash "ID"\n", i, hash)) ;
-		while (i != EMPTY && Next [i] != EMPTY)
-		{
-		    /* -----------------------------------------------------
-		     * this bucket has one or more variables following i.
-		     * scan all of them to see if i can absorb any entries
-		     * that follow i in hash bucket.  Scatter i into w.
-		     * ----------------------------------------------------- */
-		    ln = Len [i] ;
-		    eln = Elen [i] ;
-		    ASSERT (ln >= 0 && eln >= 0) ;
-		    ASSERT (Pe [i] >= 0 && Pe [i] < iwlen) ;
-                    /* do not flag the first element in the list (me) */
-		    for (p = Pe [i] + 1 ; p <= Pe [i] + ln - 1 ; p++)
-		    {
-			ASSERT (Iw [p] >= 0 && Iw [p] < n) ;
-			W [Iw [p]] = wflg ;
-		    }
-		    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-		    /* scan every other entry j following i in bucket */
-		    /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-		    jlast = i ;
-		    j = Next [i] ;
-		    ASSERT (j >= EMPTY && j < n) ;
-		    while (j != EMPTY)
-		    {
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-			/* check if j and i have identical nonzero pattern */
-			/* ------------------------------------------------- */
-			AMD_DEBUG3 (("compare i "ID" and j "ID"\n", i,j)) ;
-			/* check if i and j have the same Len and Elen */
-			ASSERT (Len [j] >= 0 && Elen [j] >= 0) ;
-			ASSERT (Pe [j] >= 0 && Pe [j] < iwlen) ;
-			ok = (Len [j] == ln) && (Elen [j] == eln) ;
-                        /* skop the first element in the list (me) */
-			for (p = Pe [j] + 1 ; ok && p <= Pe [j] + ln - 1 ; p++)
-			{
-			    ASSERT (Iw [p] >= 0 && Iw [p] < n) ;
-			    if (W [Iw [p]] != wflg) ok = 0 ;
-			}
-			if (ok)
-			{
-			    /* --------------------------------------------- */
-			    /* found it!  j can be absorbed into i */
-			    /* --------------------------------------------- */
-			    AMD_DEBUG1 (("found it! j "ID" => i "ID"\n", j,i));
-			    Pe [j] = FLIP (i) ;
-			    /* both Nv [i] and Nv [j] are negated since they */
-			    /* are in Lme, and the absolute values of each */
-			    /* are the number of variables in i and j: */
-			    Nv [i] += Nv [j] ;
-			    Nv [j] = 0 ;
-			    Elen [j] = EMPTY ;
-			    /* delete j from hash bucket */
-			    ASSERT (j != Next [j]) ;
-			    j = Next [j] ;
-			    Next [jlast] = j ;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    /* j cannot be absorbed into i */
-			    jlast = j ;
-			    ASSERT (j != Next [j]) ;
-			    j = Next [j] ;
-			}
-			ASSERT (j >= EMPTY && j < n) ;
-		    }
-		    /* -----------------------------------------------------
-		     * no more variables can be absorbed into i
-		     * go to next i in bucket and clear flag array
-		     * ----------------------------------------------------- */
-		    wflg++ ;
-		    i = Next [i] ;
-		    ASSERT (i >= EMPTY && i < n) ;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("detect done\n")) ;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-	p = pme1 ;
-	nleft = n - nel ;
-	for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
-	{
-	    i = Iw [pme] ;
-	    ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
-	    nvi = -Nv [i] ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("Restore i "ID" "ID"\n", i, nvi)) ;
-	    if (nvi > 0)
-	    {
-                /* i is a principal variable in Lme */
-                /* restore Nv [i] to signify that i is principal */
-		Nv [i] = nvi ;
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* compute the external degree (add size of current element) */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		deg = Degree [i] + degme - nvi ;
-		deg = MIN (deg, nleft - nvi) ;
-		ASSERT (IMPLIES (aggressive, deg > 0) && deg >= 0 && deg < n) ;
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* place the supervariable at the head of the degree list */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		inext = Head [deg] ;
-		ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
-		if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = i ;
-		Next [i] = inext ;
-		Last [i] = EMPTY ;
-		Head [deg] = i ;
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* save the new degree, and find the minimum degree */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		mindeg = MIN (mindeg, deg) ;
-		Degree [i] = deg ;
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		/* place the supervariable in the element pattern */
-		/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
-		Iw [p++] = i ;
-	    }
-	}
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("restore done\n")) ;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("ME = "ID" DONE\n", me)) ;
-	Nv [me] = nvpiv ;
-        /* save the length of the list for the new element me */
-	Len [me] = p - pme1 ;
-	if (Len [me] == 0)
-	{
-            /* there is nothing left of the current pivot element */
-	    /* it is a root of the assembly tree */
-	    Pe [me] = EMPTY ;
-	    W [me] = 0 ;
-	}
-	if (elenme != 0)
-	{
-	    /* element was not constructed in place: deallocate part of */
-	    /* it since newly nonprincipal variables may have been removed */
-	    pfree = p ;
-	}
-	/* The new element has nvpiv pivots and the size of the contribution
-	 * block for a multifrontal method is degme-by-degme, not including
-	 * the "dense" rows/columns.  If the "dense" rows/columns are included,
-	 * the frontal matrix is no larger than
-	 * (degme+ndense)-by-(degme+ndense).
-	 */
-	if (Info != (double *) NULL)
-	{
-	    f = nvpiv ;
-	    r = degme + ndense ;
-	    dmax = MAX (dmax, f + r) ;
-	    /* number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal) */
-	    lnzme = f*r + (f-1)*f/2 ;
-	    lnz += lnzme ;
-	    /* number of divide operations for LDL' and for LU */
-	    ndiv += lnzme ;
-	    /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU */
-	    s = f*r*r + r*(f-1)*f + (f-1)*f*(2*f-1)/6 ;
-	    nms_lu += s ;
-	    /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' */
-	    nms_ldl += (s + lnzme)/2 ;
-	}
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("finalize done nel "ID" n "ID"\n   ::::\n", nel, n)) ;
-	for (pme = Pe [me] ; pme <= Pe [me] + Len [me] - 1 ; pme++)
-	{
-	      AMD_DEBUG3 ((" "ID"", Iw [pme])) ;
-	}
-	AMD_DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
-    }
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-    if (Info != (double *) NULL)
-    {
-	/* count the work to factorize the ndense-by-ndense submatrix */
-	f = ndense ;
-	dmax = MAX (dmax, (double) ndense) ;
-	/* number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal) */
-	lnzme = (f-1)*f/2 ;
-	lnz += lnzme ;
-	/* number of divide operations for LDL' and for LU */
-	ndiv += lnzme ;
-	/* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU */
-	s = (f-1)*f*(2*f-1)/6 ;
-	nms_lu += s ;
-	/* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' */
-	nms_ldl += (s + lnzme)/2 ;
-	/* number of nz's in L (excl. diagonal) */
-	Info [AMD_LNZ] = lnz ;
-	/* number of divide ops for LU and LDL' */
-	Info [AMD_NDIV] = ndiv ;
-	/* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' */
-	Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LDL] = nms_ldl ;
-	/* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU */
-	Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU] = nms_lu ;
-	/* number of "dense" rows/columns */
-	Info [AMD_NDENSE] = ndense ;
-	/* largest front is dmax-by-dmax */
-	Info [AMD_DMAX] = dmax ;
-	/* number of garbage collections in AMD */
-	Info [AMD_NCMPA] = ncmpa ;
-	/* successful ordering */
-	Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OK ;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Variables at this point:
- *
- * Pe: holds the elimination tree.  The parent of j is FLIP (Pe [j]),
- *	or EMPTY if j is a root.  The tree holds both elements and
- *	non-principal (unordered) variables absorbed into them.
- *	Dense variables are non-principal and unordered.
- *
- * Elen: holds the size of each element, including the diagonal part.
- *	FLIP (Elen [e]) > 0 if e is an element.  For unordered
- *	variables i, Elen [i] is EMPTY.
- *
- * Nv: Nv [e] > 0 is the number of pivots represented by the element e.
- *	For unordered variables i, Nv [i] is zero.
- *
- * Contents no longer needed:
- *	W, Iw, Len, Degree, Head, Next, Last.
- *
- * The matrix itself has been destroyed.
- *
- * n: the size of the matrix.
- * No other scalars needed (pfree, iwlen, etc.)
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	Pe [i] = FLIP (Pe [i]) ;
-	Elen [i] = FLIP (Elen [i]) ;
-    }
-/* Now the parent of j is Pe [j], or EMPTY if j is a root.  Elen [e] > 0
- * is the size of element e.  Elen [i] is EMPTY for unordered variable i. */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nTree:\n")) ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	AMD_DEBUG2 ((" "ID" parent: "ID"   ", i, Pe [i])) ;
-	ASSERT (Pe [i] >= EMPTY && Pe [i] < n) ;
-	if (Nv [i] > 0)
-	{
-	    /* this is an element */
-	    e = i ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG2 ((" element, size is "ID"\n", Elen [i])) ;
-	    ASSERT (Elen [e] > 0) ;
-	}
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
-    }
-    AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nelements:\n")) ;
-    for (e = 0 ; e < n ; e++)
-    {
-	if (Nv [e] > 0)
-	{
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("Element e= "ID" size "ID" nv "ID" \n", e,
-		Elen [e], Nv [e])) ;
-	}
-    }
-    AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nvariables:\n")) ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	Int cnt ;
-	if (Nv [i] == 0)
-	{
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("i unordered: "ID"\n", i)) ;
-	    j = Pe [i] ;
-	    cnt = 0 ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("  j: "ID"\n", j)) ;
-	    if (j == EMPTY)
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("	i is a dense variable\n")) ;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
-		while (Nv [j] == 0)
-		{
-		    AMD_DEBUG3 (("	j : "ID"\n", j)) ;
-		    j = Pe [j] ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG3 (("	j:: "ID"\n", j)) ;
-		    cnt++ ;
-		    if (cnt > n) break ;
-		}
-		e = j ;
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("	got to e: "ID"\n", e)) ;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* compress the paths of the variables */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	if (Nv [i] == 0)
-	{
-	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------
-	     * i is an un-ordered row.  Traverse the tree from i until
-	     * reaching an element, e.  The element, e, was the principal
-	     * supervariable of i and all nodes in the path from i to when e
-	     * was selected as pivot.
-	     * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 (("Path compression, i unordered: "ID"\n", i)) ;
-	    j = Pe [i] ;
-	    ASSERT (j >= EMPTY && j < n) ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("	j: "ID"\n", j)) ;
-	    if (j == EMPTY)
-	    {
-		/* Skip a dense variable.  It has no parent. */
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("      i is a dense variable\n")) ;
-		continue ;
-	    }
-	    /* while (j is a variable) */
-	    while (Nv [j] == 0)
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("		j : "ID"\n", j)) ;
-		j = Pe [j] ;
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("		j:: "ID"\n", j)) ;
-		ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
-	    }
-	    /* got to an element e */
-	    e = j ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("got to e: "ID"\n", e)) ;
-	    /* -------------------------------------------------------------
-	     * traverse the path again from i to e, and compress the path
-	     * (all nodes point to e).  Path compression allows this code to
-	     * compute in O(n) time.
-	     * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	    j = i ;
-	    /* while (j is a variable) */
-	    while (Nv [j] == 0)
-	    {
-		jnext = Pe [j] ;
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("j "ID" jnext "ID"\n", j, jnext)) ;
-		Pe [j] = e ;
-		j = jnext ;
-		ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* postorder the assembly tree */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-    AMD_postorder (n, Pe, Nv, Elen,
-	W,			/* output order */
-	Head, Next, Last) ;	/* workspace */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* compute output permutation and inverse permutation */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-    /* W [e] = k means that element e is the kth element in the new
-     * order.  e is in the range 0 to n-1, and k is in the range 0 to
-     * the number of elements.  Use Head for inverse order. */
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	Head [k] = EMPTY ;
-	Next [k] = EMPTY ;
-    }
-    for (e = 0 ; e < n ; e++)
-    {
-	k = W [e] ;
-	ASSERT ((k == EMPTY) == (Nv [e] == 0)) ;
-	if (k != EMPTY)
-	{
-	    ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n) ;
-	    Head [k] = e ;
-	}
-    }
-    /* construct output inverse permutation in Next,
-     * and permutation in Last */
-    nel = 0 ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	e = Head [k] ;
-	if (e == EMPTY) break ;
-	ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n && Nv [e] > 0) ;
-	Next [e] = nel ;
-	nel += Nv [e] ;
-    }
-    ASSERT (nel == n - ndense) ;
-    /* order non-principal variables (dense, & those merged into supervar's) */
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	if (Nv [i] == 0)
-	{
-	    e = Pe [i] ;
-	    ASSERT (e >= EMPTY && e < n) ;
-	    if (e != EMPTY)
-	    {
-		/* This is an unordered variable that was merged
-		 * into element e via supernode detection or mass
-		 * elimination of i when e became the pivot element.
-		 * Place i in order just before e. */
-		ASSERT (Next [i] == EMPTY && Nv [e] > 0) ;
-		Next [i] = Next [e] ;
-		Next [e]++ ;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		/* This is a dense unordered variable, with no parent.
-		 * Place it last in the output order. */
-		Next [i] = nel++ ;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    ASSERT (nel == n) ; 
-    AMD_DEBUG2 (("\n\nPerm:\n")) ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	k = Next [i] ;
-	ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n) ;
-	Last [k] = i ;
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("   perm ["ID"] = "ID"\n", k, i)) ;
-    }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_aat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_aat ============================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD_aat:  compute the symmetry of the pattern of A, and count the number of
- * nonzeros each column of A+A' (excluding the diagonal).  Assume the input
- * matrix has no errors.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL Int AMD_aat	/* returns nz in A+A' */
-    Int n,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ],
-    Int Len [ ],	/* Len [j]: length of column j of A+A', excl diagonal*/
-    Int Tp [ ],		/* workspace of size n */
-    double Info [ ]
-    Int p1, p2, p, i, j, pj, pj2, k, nzdiag, nzboth, nz, nzaat ;
-    double sym ;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    AMD_debug_init ("AMD AAT") ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) Tp [k] = EMPTY ;
-    ASSERT (AMD_valid (n, n, Ap, Ai)) ;
-    if (Info != (double *) NULL)
-    {
-	/* clear the Info array, if it exists */
-	for (i = 0 ; i < AMD_INFO ; i++)
-	{
-	    Info [i] = EMPTY ;
-	}
-	Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OK ;
-    }
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	Len [k] = 0 ;
-    }
-    nzdiag = 0 ;
-    nzboth = 0 ;
-    nz = Ap [n] ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	p1 = Ap [k] ;
-	p2 = Ap [k+1] ;
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nAAT Column: "ID" p1: "ID" p2: "ID"\n", k, p1, p2)) ;
-	/* construct A+A' */
-	for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; )
-	{
-	    /* scan the upper triangular part of A */
-	    j = Ai [p] ;
-	    if (j < k)
-	    {
-		/* entry A (j,k) is in the strictly upper triangular part,
-		 * add both A (j,k) and A (k,j) to the matrix A+A' */
-		Len [j]++ ;
-		Len [k]++ ;
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("    upper ("ID","ID") ("ID","ID")\n", j,k, k,j));
-		p++ ;
-	    }
-	    else if (j == k)
-	    {
-		/* skip the diagonal */
-		p++ ;
-		nzdiag++ ;
-		break ;
-	    }
-	    else /* j > k */
-	    {
-		/* first entry below the diagonal */
-		break ;
-	    }
-	    /* scan lower triangular part of A, in column j until reaching
-	     * row k.  Start where last scan left off. */
-	    ASSERT (Tp [j] != EMPTY) ;
-	    ASSERT (Ap [j] <= Tp [j] && Tp [j] <= Ap [j+1]) ;
-	    pj2 = Ap [j+1] ;
-	    for (pj = Tp [j] ; pj < pj2 ; )
-	    {
-		i = Ai [pj] ;
-		if (i < k)
-		{
-		    /* A (i,j) is only in the lower part, not in upper.
-		     * add both A (i,j) and A (j,i) to the matrix A+A' */
-		    Len [i]++ ;
-		    Len [j]++ ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG3 (("    lower ("ID","ID") ("ID","ID")\n",
-			i,j, j,i)) ;
-		    pj++ ;
-		}
-		else if (i == k)
-		{
-		    /* entry A (k,j) in lower part and A (j,k) in upper */
-		    pj++ ;
-		    nzboth++ ;
-		    break ;
-		}
-		else /* i > k */
-		{
-		    /* consider this entry later, when k advances to i */
-		    break ;
-		}
-	    }
-	    Tp [j] = pj ;
-	}
-	/* Tp [k] points to the entry just below the diagonal in column k */
-	Tp [k] = p ;
-    }
-    /* clean up, for remaining mismatched entries */
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	for (pj = Tp [j] ; pj < Ap [j+1] ; pj++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [pj] ;
-	    /* A (i,j) is only in the lower part, not in upper.
-	     * add both A (i,j) and A (j,i) to the matrix A+A' */
-	    Len [i]++ ;
-	    Len [j]++ ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("    lower cleanup ("ID","ID") ("ID","ID")\n",
-		i,j, j,i)) ;
-	}
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* compute the symmetry of the nonzero pattern of A */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* Given a matrix A, the symmetry of A is:
-     *	B = tril (spones (A), -1) + triu (spones (A), 1) ;
-     *  sym = nnz (B & B') / nnz (B) ;
-     *  or 1 if nnz (B) is zero.
-     */
-    if (nz == nzdiag)
-    {
-	sym = 1 ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	sym = ((double) (2 * nzboth)) / ((double) (nz - nzdiag)) ;
-    }
-    nzaat = 0 ;
-    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
-    {
-	nzaat += Len [k] ;
-    }
-    AMD_DEBUG1 (("AMD nz in A+A', excluding diagonal (nzaat) = "ID"\n",nzaat));
-    AMD_DEBUG1 (("   nzboth: "ID" nz: "ID" nzdiag: "ID" symmetry: %g\n",
-		nzboth, nz, nzdiag, sym)) ;
-    if (Info != (double *) NULL)
-    {
-	Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OK ;
-	Info [AMD_N] = n ;
-	Info [AMD_NZ] = nz ;
-	Info [AMD_SYMMETRY] = sym ;	    /* symmetry of pattern of A */
-	Info [AMD_NZDIAG] = nzdiag ;	    /* nonzeros on diagonal of A */
-	Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] = nzaat ;   /* nonzeros in A+A' */
-    }
-    return (nzaat) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_control.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_control ========================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* User-callable.  Prints the control parameters for AMD.  See amd.h
- * for details.  If the Control array is not present, the defaults are
- * printed instead.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL void AMD_control
-    double Control [ ]
-    double alpha ;
-    Int aggressive ;
-    if (Control != (double *) NULL)
-    {
-	alpha = Control [AMD_DENSE] ;
-	aggressive = Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] != 0 ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-    }
-    PRINTF (("\namd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, parameters:\n"
-	"    dense row parameter: %g\n", alpha)) ;
-    if (alpha < 0)
-    {
-	PRINTF (("    no rows treated as dense\n")) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	"    (rows with more than max (%g * sqrt (n), 16) entries are\n"
-	"    considered \"dense\", and placed last in output permutation)\n",
-	alpha)) ;
-    }
-    if (aggressive)
-    {
-	PRINTF (("    aggressive absorption:  yes\n\n")) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	PRINTF (("    aggressive absorption:  no\n\n")) ;
-    }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_defaults.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_defaults ======================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* User-callable.  Sets default control parameters for AMD.  See amd.h
- * for details.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL void AMD_defaults
-    double Control [ ]
-    Int i ;
-    if (Control != (double *) NULL)
-    {
-	for (i = 0 ; i < AMD_CONTROL ; i++)
-	{
-	    Control [i] = 0 ;
-	}
-    }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_dump.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_dump ============================================================ */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Debugging routines for AMD.  Not used if NDEBUG is not defined at compile-
- * time (the default).  See comments in amd_internal.h on how to enable
- * debugging.  Not user-callable.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-/* This global variable is present only when debugging */
-GLOBAL Int AMD_debug = -999 ;		/* default is no debug printing */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_debug_init ====================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* Sets the debug print level, by reading the file debug.amd (if it exists) */
-GLOBAL void AMD_debug_init ( char *s )
-    FILE *f ;
-    f = fopen ("debug.amd", "r") ;
-    if (f == (FILE *) NULL)
-    {
-	AMD_debug = -999 ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	fscanf (f, ID, &AMD_debug) ;
-	fclose (f) ;
-    }
-    if (AMD_debug >= 0) printf ("%s: AMD_debug_init, D= "ID"\n", s, AMD_debug);
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_dump ============================================================ */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* Dump AMD's data structure, except for the hash buckets.  This routine
- * cannot be called when the hash buckets are non-empty.
- */
-GLOBAL void AMD_dump (
-    Int n,	    /* A is n-by-n */
-    Int Pe [ ],	    /* pe [0..n-1]: index in iw of start of row i */
-    Int Iw [ ],	    /* workspace of size iwlen, iwlen [0..pfree-1]
-		     * holds the matrix on input */
-    Int Len [ ],    /* len [0..n-1]: length for row i */
-    Int iwlen,	    /* length of iw */
-    Int pfree,	    /* iw [pfree ... iwlen-1] is empty on input */
-    Int Nv [ ],	    /* nv [0..n-1] */
-    Int Next [ ],   /* next [0..n-1] */
-    Int Last [ ],   /* last [0..n-1] */
-    Int Head [ ],   /* head [0..n-1] */
-    Int Elen [ ],   /* size n */
-    Int Degree [ ], /* size n */
-    Int W [ ],	    /* size n */
-    Int nel
-    Int i, pe, elen, nv, len, e, p, k, j, deg, w, cnt, ilast ;
-    if (AMD_debug < 0) return ;
-    ASSERT (pfree <= iwlen) ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	pe = Pe [i] ;
-	elen = Elen [i] ;
-	nv = Nv [i] ;
-	len = Len [i] ;
-	w = W [i] ;
-	if (elen >= EMPTY)
-	{
-	    if (nv == 0)
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("\nI "ID": nonprincipal:    ", i)) ;
-		ASSERT (elen == EMPTY) ;
-		if (pe == EMPTY)
-		{
-		    AMD_DEBUG3 ((" dense node\n")) ;
-		    ASSERT (w == 1) ;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    ASSERT (pe < EMPTY) ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG3 ((" i "ID" -> parent "ID"\n", i, FLIP (Pe[i])));
-		}
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("\nI "ID": active principal supervariable:\n",i));
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("   nv(i): "ID"  Flag: %d\n", nv, (nv < 0))) ;
-		ASSERT (elen >= 0) ;
-		ASSERT (nv > 0 && pe >= 0) ;
-		p = pe ;
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("   e/s: ")) ;
-		if (elen == 0) AMD_DEBUG3 ((" : ")) ;
-		ASSERT (pe < pfree) ;
-		for (k = 0 ; k < len ; k++)
-		{
-		    j = Iw [p] ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG3 (("  "ID"", j)) ;
-		    ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
-		    if (k == elen-1) AMD_DEBUG3 ((" : ")) ;
-		    p++ ;
-		}
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
-	    }
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    e = i ;
-	    if (w == 0)
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("\nE "ID": absorbed element: w "ID"\n", e, w)) ;
-		ASSERT (nv > 0 && pe < 0) ;
-		AMD_DEBUG3 ((" e "ID" -> parent "ID"\n", e, FLIP (Pe [e]))) ;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("\nE "ID": unabsorbed element: w "ID"\n", e, w)) ;
-		ASSERT (nv > 0 && pe >= 0) ;
-		p = pe ;
-		AMD_DEBUG3 ((" : ")) ;
-		ASSERT (pe < pfree) ;
-		for (k = 0 ; k < len ; k++)
-		{
-		    j = Iw [p] ;
-		    AMD_DEBUG3 (("  "ID"", j)) ;
-		    ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
-		    p++ ;
-		}
-		AMD_DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* this routine cannot be called when the hash buckets are non-empty */
-    AMD_DEBUG3 (("\nDegree lists:\n")) ;
-    if (nel >= 0)
-    {
-	cnt = 0 ;
-	for (deg = 0 ; deg < n ; deg++)
-	{
-	    if (Head [deg] == EMPTY) continue ;
-	    ilast = EMPTY ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 ((ID": ", deg)) ;
-	    for (i = Head [deg] ; i != EMPTY ; i = Next [i])
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG3 ((" "ID" : next "ID" last "ID" deg "ID"\n",
-		    i, Next [i], Last [i], Degree [i])) ;
-		ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n && ilast == Last [i] &&
-		    deg == Degree [i]) ;
-		cnt += Nv [i] ;
-		ilast = i ;
-	    }
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
-	}
-	ASSERT (cnt == n - nel) ;
-    }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_info.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_info ============================================================ */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* User-callable.  Prints the output statistics for AMD.  See amd.h
- * for details.  If the Info array is not present, nothing is printed.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-#define PRI(format,x) { if (x >= 0) { PRINTF ((format, x)) ; }}
-GLOBAL void AMD_info
-    double Info [ ]
-    double n, ndiv, nmultsubs_ldl, nmultsubs_lu, lnz, lnzd ;
-    if (!Info)
-    {
-	return ;
-    }
-    n = Info [AMD_N] ;
-    ndiv = Info [AMD_NDIV] ;
-    nmultsubs_ldl = Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LDL] ;
-    nmultsubs_lu = Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU] ;
-    lnz = Info [AMD_LNZ] ;
-    lnzd = (n >= 0 && lnz >= 0) ? (n + lnz) : (-1) ;
-    /* AMD return status */
-    PRINTF ((
-	"\namd:  approximate minimum degree ordering, results:\n"
-	"    status: ")) ;
-    if (Info [AMD_STATUS] == AMD_OK)
-    {
-	PRINTF (("OK\n")) ;
-    }
-    else if (Info [AMD_STATUS] == AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
-    {
-	PRINTF (("out of memory\n")) ;
-    }
-    else if (Info [AMD_STATUS] == AMD_INVALID)
-    {
-	PRINTF (("invalid matrix\n")) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	PRINTF (("unknown\n")) ;
-    }
-    /* statistics about the input matrix */
-    PRI ("    n, dimension of A:                                  %.20g\n", n);
-    PRI ("    nz, number of nonzeros in A:                        %.20g\n",
-	Info [AMD_NZ]) ;
-    PRI ("    symmetry of A:                                      %.4f\n",
-	Info [AMD_SYMMETRY]) ;
-    PRI ("    number of nonzeros on diagonal:                     %.20g\n",
-	Info [AMD_NZDIAG]) ;
-    PRI ("    nonzeros in pattern of A+A' (excl. diagonal):       %.20g\n",
-	Info [AMD_NZ_A_PLUS_AT]) ;
-    PRI ("    # dense rows/columns of A+A':                       %.20g\n",
-	Info [AMD_NDENSE]) ;
-    /* statistics about AMD's behavior  */
-    PRI ("    memory used, in bytes:                              %.20g\n",
-	Info [AMD_MEMORY]) ;
-    PRI ("    # of memory compactions:                            %.20g\n",
-	Info [AMD_NCMPA]) ;
-    /* statistics about the ordering quality */
-    PRINTF (("\n"
-	"    The following approximate statistics are for a subsequent\n"
-	"    factorization of A(P,P) + A(P,P)'.  They are slight upper\n"
-	"    bounds if there are no dense rows/columns in A+A', and become\n"
-	"    looser if dense rows/columns exist.\n\n")) ;
-    PRI ("    nonzeros in L (excluding diagonal):                 %.20g\n",
-	lnz) ;
-    PRI ("    nonzeros in L (including diagonal):                 %.20g\n",
-	lnzd) ;
-    PRI ("    # divide operations for LDL' or LU:                 %.20g\n",
-	ndiv) ;
-    PRI ("    # multiply-subtract operations for LDL':            %.20g\n",
-	nmultsubs_ldl) ;
-    PRI ("    # multiply-subtract operations for LU:              %.20g\n",
-	nmultsubs_lu) ;
-    PRI ("    max nz. in any column of L (incl. diagonal):        %.20g\n",
-	Info [AMD_DMAX]) ;
-    /* total flop counts for various factorizations */
-    if (n >= 0 && ndiv >= 0 && nmultsubs_ldl >= 0 && nmultsubs_lu >= 0)
-    {
-	PRINTF (("\n"
-	"    chol flop count for real A, sqrt counted as 1 flop: %.20g\n"
-	"    LDL' flop count for real A:                         %.20g\n"
-	"    LDL' flop count for complex A:                      %.20g\n"
-	"    LU flop count for real A (with no pivoting):        %.20g\n"
-	"    LU flop count for complex A (with no pivoting):     %.20g\n\n",
-	n + ndiv + 2*nmultsubs_ldl,
-	    ndiv + 2*nmultsubs_ldl,
-	  9*ndiv + 8*nmultsubs_ldl,
-	    ndiv + 2*nmultsubs_lu,
-	  9*ndiv + 8*nmultsubs_lu)) ;
-    }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === amd_internal.h ====================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* This file is for internal use in AMD itself, and does not normally need to
- * be included in user code.  Use amd.h instead.
- *
- * The following compile-time definitions affect how AMD is compiled.
- *
- *
- *	    This flag is turned on when compiling the amd mexFunction for
- *	    use in MATLAB.
- *
- *
- *	    This flag is turned on when compiling amd as a built-in routine
- *	    in MATLAB.  Internal routines utMalloc, utFree, utRealloc, and
- *	    utPrintf are used, and the MathWorks "util.h" file is included.  
- *	    This option is intended for use by The MathWorks, Inc., only.
- *
- *
- *	    Debugging mode (if NDEBUG is not defined).  The default, of course,
- *	    is no debugging.  Turning on debugging takes some work (see below).
- *	    If you do not edit this file, then debugging is turned off anyway,
- *	    regardless of whether or not -DNDEBUG is specified in your compiler
- *	    options.
- *
- *	-DALLOCATE=allocation_routine
- *	-DFREE=free_routine
- *
- *	    If you do not wish to use malloc or free, you can define the
- *	    routines to be used here.  You must specify both of them, or
- *	    neither.
- *
- *	-DPRINTF=printf_routine
- *
- *	    If you wish to use a routine other than printf, you can define it
- *	    with -DPRINTF= followed by the name of the printf replacement.
- */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === NDEBUG ============================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-    AMD will be exceedingly slow when running in debug mode.  The next three
-    lines ensure that debugging is turned off.
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#define NDEBUG
-    To enable debugging, uncomment the following line:
-#undef NDEBUG
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ANSI include files */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* from stdlib.h:  malloc, free, realloc (when not compiling for MATLAB) */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* from stdio.h:  printf.  When in debug mode:  fopen, fscanf */
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* from limits.h:  INT_MAX and LONG_MAX */
-#include <limits.h>
-/* from math.h: sqrt */
-#include <math.h>
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* MATLAB include files (only if being used in or via MATLAB) */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "util.h"
-#include "matrix.h"
-#include "mex.h"
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* basic definitions */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifdef FLIP
-#undef FLIP
-#ifdef MAX
-#undef MAX
-#ifdef MIN
-#undef MIN
-#ifdef EMPTY
-#undef EMPTY
-#ifdef GLOBAL
-#undef GLOBAL
-#ifdef PRIVATE
-#undef PRIVATE
-/* FLIP is a "negation about -1", and is used to mark an integer i that is
- * normally non-negative.  FLIP (EMPTY) is EMPTY.  FLIP of a number > EMPTY
- * is negative, and FLIP of a number < EMTPY is positive.  FLIP (FLIP (i)) = i
- * for all integers i.  UNFLIP (i) is >= EMPTY. */
-#define EMPTY (-1)
-#define FLIP(i) (-(i)-2)
-#define UNFLIP(i) ((i < EMPTY) ? FLIP (i) : (i))
-/* for integer MAX/MIN, or for doubles when we don't care how NaN's behave: */
-#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-/* logical expression of p implies q: */
-#define IMPLIES(p,q) (!(p) || (q))
-/* Note that the IBM RS 6000 xlc predefines TRUE and FALSE in <types.h>. */
-/* The Compaq Alpha also predefines TRUE and FALSE. */
-#ifdef TRUE
-#undef TRUE
-#ifdef FALSE
-#undef FALSE
-#define TRUE (1)
-#define FALSE (0)
-#define PRIVATE static
-#define GLOBAL
-#define EMPTY (-1)
-/* Note that Linux's gcc 2.96 defines NULL as ((void *) 0), but other */
-/* compilers (even gcc 2.95.2 on Solaris) define NULL as 0 or (0).  We */
-/* need to use the ANSI standard value of 0. */
-#ifdef NULL
-#undef NULL
-#define NULL 0
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* integer type for AMD: int or long */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (DLONG) || defined (ZLONG)
-#define Int long
-#define ID "%ld"
-#define Int_MAX LONG_MAX
-#define Int_MIN LONG_MIN
-#define AMD_order amd_l_order
-#define AMD_defaults amd_l_defaults
-#define AMD_control amd_l_control
-#define AMD_info amd_l_info
-#define AMD_1 amd_l1
-#define AMD_2 amd_l2
-#define AMD_valid amd_l_valid
-#define AMD_aat amd_l_aat
-#define AMD_postorder amd_l_postorder
-#define AMD_post_tree amd_l_post_tree
-#define AMD_dump amd_l_dump
-#define AMD_debug amd_l_debug
-#define AMD_debug_init amd_l_debug_init
-#define AMD_wpreprocess amd_l_wpreprocess
-#define AMD_preprocess amd_l_preprocess
-#define AMD_preprocess_valid amd_l_preprocess_valid
-#define Int int
-#define ID "%d"
-#define Int_MAX INT_MAX
-#define Int_MIN INT_MIN
-#define AMD_order amd_order
-#define AMD_defaults amd_defaults
-#define AMD_control amd_control
-#define AMD_info amd_info
-#define AMD_1 amd_1
-#define AMD_2 amd_2
-#define AMD_valid amd_valid
-#define AMD_aat amd_aat
-#define AMD_postorder amd_postorder
-#define AMD_post_tree amd_post_tree
-#define AMD_dump amd_dump
-#define AMD_debug amd_debug
-#define AMD_debug_init amd_debug_init
-#define AMD_wpreprocess amd_wpreprocess
-#define AMD_preprocess amd_preprocess
-#define AMD_preprocess_valid amd_preprocess_valid
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === Memory allocator ==================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* The MATLAB mexFunction uses MATLAB's memory manager, while the C-callable */
-/* AMD routine uses the ANSI C malloc, free, and realloc routines. */
-#ifndef ALLOCATE
-#define ALLOCATE mxMalloc
-#define FREE mxFree
-/* Compiling as a built-in routine.  Since out-of-memory conditions are checked
- * after every allocation, we can use ut* routines here. */
-#define ALLOCATE utMalloc
-#define FREE utFree
-/* use the ANSI C memory allocation routines */
-#define ALLOCATE malloc
-#define FREE free
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === PRINTF macro ======================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* All output goes through the PRINTF macro.  */
-#ifndef PRINTF
-#define PRINTF(params) { (void) mexPrintf params ; }
-#define PRINTF(params) { (void) utPrintf params ; }
-#define PRINTF(params) { (void) printf params ; }
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD routine definitions (user-callable) */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "amd.h"
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD routine definitions (not user-callable) */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-GLOBAL Int AMD_valid
-    Int n_row,
-    Int n_col,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ]
-) ;
-    Int n,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ],
-    Int Len [ ],
-    Int Tp [ ],	
-    double Info [ ]
-) ;
-GLOBAL void AMD_1
-    Int n,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ],
-    Int P [ ],
-    Int Pinv [ ],
-    Int Len [ ],
-    Int slen,
-    Int S [ ],
-    double Control [ ],
-    double Info [ ]
-) ;
-GLOBAL void AMD_2 (
-    Int n,
-    Int Pe [ ],
-    Int Iw [ ],
-    Int Len [ ],
-    Int iwlen,
-    Int pfree,
-    Int Nv [ ],
-    Int Next [ ], 
-    Int Last [ ],
-    Int Head [ ],
-    Int Elen [ ],
-    Int Degree [ ],
-    Int W [ ],
-    double Control [ ],
-    double Info [ ]
-) ;
-GLOBAL void AMD_postorder
-    Int nn,
-    Int Parent [ ],
-    Int Npiv [ ],
-    Int Fsize [ ],
-    Int Order [ ],
-    Int Child [ ],
-    Int Sibling [ ],
-    Int Stack [ ]
-) ;
-GLOBAL Int AMD_post_tree
-    Int root,
-    Int k,
-    Int Child [ ],
-    const Int Sibling [ ],
-    Int Order [ ],
-    Int Stack [ ]
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    , Int nn
-) ;
-GLOBAL void AMD_wpreprocess
-    Int n,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ],
-    Int Rp [ ],
-    Int Ri [ ],
-    Int W [ ],
-    Int Flag [ ]
-) ;
-GLOBAL Int AMD_preprocess_valid
-    Int n,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ]
-) ;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* debugging definitions */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* from assert.h:  assert macro */
-#if !defined (MATHWORKS) && !defined (MATLAB_MEX_FILE)
-#include <assert.h>
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-GLOBAL Int AMD_debug ;
-GLOBAL void AMD_debug_init ( char *s ) ;
-GLOBAL void AMD_dump (
-    Int n,
-    Int Pe [ ],
-    Int Iw [ ],
-    Int Len [ ],
-    Int iwlen,
-    Int pfree,
-    Int Nv [ ],
-    Int Next [ ],
-    Int Last [ ],
-    Int Head [ ],
-    Int Elen [ ],
-    Int Degree [ ],
-    Int W [ ],
-    Int nel
-) ;
-#ifdef ASSERT
-#undef ASSERT
-#define ASSERT(expression) (mxAssert ((expression), ""))
-#define ASSERT(expression) (utAssert (expression))
-#define ASSERT(expression) (assert (expression))
-#endif /* MATLAB_MEX_FILE */
-#define AMD_DEBUG0(params) { PRINTF (params) ; }
-#define AMD_DEBUG1(params) { if (AMD_debug >= 1) PRINTF (params) ; }
-#define AMD_DEBUG2(params) { if (AMD_debug >= 2) PRINTF (params) ; }
-#define AMD_DEBUG3(params) { if (AMD_debug >= 3) PRINTF (params) ; }
-#define AMD_DEBUG4(params) { if (AMD_debug >= 4) PRINTF (params) ; }
-#define AMD_DEBUG0(params)
-#define AMD_DEBUG1(params)
-#define AMD_DEBUG2(params)
-#define AMD_DEBUG3(params)
-#define AMD_DEBUG4(params)
-#define ASSERT(expression)
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_order.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_order =========================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* User-callable AMD minimum degree ordering routine.  See amd.h for
- * documentation.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL Int AMD_order
-    Int n,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ],
-    Int P [ ],
-    double Control [ ],
-    double Info [ ]
-    Int slen, *Len, *S, nz, nzaat, i, *Pinv, info ;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    AMD_debug_init ("amd") ;
-    /* clear the Info array, if it exists */
-    info = Info != (double *) NULL ;
-    if (info)
-    {
-	for (i = 0 ; i < AMD_INFO ; i++)
-	{
-	    Info [i] = EMPTY ;
-	}
-	Info [AMD_N] = n ;
-	Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OK ;
-    }
-    /* make sure inputs exist and n is >= 0 */
-    if (Ai == (Int *) NULL || Ap == (Int *) NULL || P == (Int *) NULL || n < 0)
-    {
-	if (info) Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_INVALID ;
-	return (AMD_INVALID) ;	    /* arguments are invalid */
-    }
-    if (n == 0)
-    {
-	return (AMD_OK) ;	    /* n is 0 so there's nothing to do */
-    }
-    nz = Ap [n] ;
-    if (info)
-    {
-	Info [AMD_NZ] = nz ;
-    }
-    if (nz < 0)
-    {
-	if (info) Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_INVALID ;
-	return (AMD_INVALID) ;
-    }
-    /* Avoid integer overflow in memory size calculations.  The space required
-     * by AMD is at most 2.4nz + 8n for S, and n for Len.
-     * Note nz - n <= nzaat <= 2*nz, below. */
-    if ((2.4 * (double) nz + 8 * (double) n) > (double) Int_MAX / sizeof (Int))
-    {
-	/* :: int overflow :: */
-	if (info) Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY ;
-	return (AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
-    }
-    if (!AMD_valid (n, n, Ap, Ai))
-    {
-	if (info) Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_INVALID ;
-	return (AMD_INVALID) ;	    /* matrix is invalid */
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* determine the symmetry and count off-diagonal nonzeros in A+A' */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* allocate size-n integer workspace */
-    Len = (Int *) ALLOCATE (n * sizeof (Int)) ;
-    if (!Len)
-    {
-	/* :: out of memory :: */
-	if (info) Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY ;
-	return (AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
-    }
-    nzaat = AMD_aat (n, Ap, Ai, Len, P, Info) ;
-    AMD_DEBUG1 (("nzaat: "ID"\n", nzaat)) ;
-    ASSERT (nz-n <= nzaat && nzaat <= 2*nz) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* allocate workspace for matrix, elbow room, and 7 size-n vectors */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    slen = (nzaat + nzaat/5 + n) + 7*n ;
-    if (info)
-    {
-	/* memory usage (Len and S), in bytes. */
-	Info [AMD_MEMORY] = ((double) slen + n) * sizeof (Int) ;
-    }
-    S = (Int *) ALLOCATE (slen * sizeof (Int)) ;
-    AMD_DEBUG1 ((" S "ID" Len "ID" n "ID" nzaat "ID" slen "ID"\n",
-	(Int) S, (Int) Len, n, nzaat, slen)) ;
-    if (S == (Int *) NULL)
-    {
-	/* :: out of memory :: */
-	FREE (Len) ;
-	if (Info != (double *) NULL) Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY ;
-	return (AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
-    }
-    /* allocate space from S for Pinv */
-    Pinv = S + slen - n ;
-    slen -= n ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* order the matrix */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    AMD_1 (n, Ap, Ai, P, Pinv, Len, slen, S, Control, Info) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* free the workspace */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    FREE (Len) ;
-    FREE (S) ;
-    return (AMD_OK) ;	    /* successful ordering */
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_post_tree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_post_tree ======================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Post-ordering of a supernodal elimination tree.  */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL Int AMD_post_tree
-    Int root,			/* root of the tree */
-    Int k,			/* start numbering at k */
-    Int Child [ ],		/* input argument of size nn, undefined on
-				 * output.  Child [i] is the head of a link
-				 * list of all nodes that are children of node
-				 * i in the tree. */
-    const Int Sibling [ ],	/* input argument of size nn, not modified.
-				 * If f is a node in the link list of the
-				 * children of node i, then Sibling [f] is the
-				 * next child of node i.
-				 */
-    Int Order [ ],		/* output order, of size nn.  Order [i] = k
-				 * if node i is the kth node of the reordered
-				 * tree. */
-    Int Stack [ ]		/* workspace of size nn */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    , Int nn			/* nodes are in the range 0..nn-1. */
-    Int f, head, h, i ;
-#if 0
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* recursive version (Stack [ ] is not used): */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* this is simple, but can caouse stack overflow if nn is large */
-    i = root ;
-    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
-    {
-	k = AMD_post_tree (f, k, Child, Sibling, Order, Stack, nn) ;
-    }
-    Order [i] = k++ ;
-    return (k) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* non-recursive version, using an explicit stack */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* push root on the stack */
-    head = 0 ;
-    Stack [0] = root ;
-    while (head >= 0)
-    {
-	/* get head of stack */
-	ASSERT (head < nn) ;
-	i = Stack [head] ;
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("head of stack "ID" \n", i)) ;
-	ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < nn) ;
-	if (Child [i] != EMPTY)
-	{
-	    /* the children of i are not yet ordered */
-	    /* push each child onto the stack in reverse order */
-	    /* so that small ones at the head of the list get popped first */
-	    /* and the biggest one at the end of the list gets popped last */
-	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
-	    {
-		head++ ;
-		ASSERT (head < nn) ;
-		ASSERT (f >= 0 && f < nn) ;
-	    }
-	    h = head ;
-	    ASSERT (head < nn) ;
-	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
-	    {
-		ASSERT (h > 0) ;
-		Stack [h--] = f ;
-		AMD_DEBUG1 (("push "ID" on stack\n", f)) ;
-		ASSERT (f >= 0 && f < nn) ;
-	    }
-	    ASSERT (Stack [h] == i) ;
-	    /* delete child list so that i gets ordered next time we see it */
-	    Child [i] = EMPTY ;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    /* the children of i (if there were any) are already ordered */
-	    /* remove i from the stack and order it.  Front i is kth front */
-	    head-- ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 (("pop "ID" order "ID"\n", i, k)) ;
-	    Order [i] = k++ ;
-	    ASSERT (k <= nn) ;
-	}
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("\nStack:")) ;
-	for (h = head ; h >= 0 ; h--)
-	{
-	    Int j = Stack [h] ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 ((" "ID, j)) ;
-	    ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < nn) ;
-	}
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n\n")) ;
-	ASSERT (head < nn) ;
-    }
-    return (k) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_postorder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_postorder ======================================================= */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Perform a postordering (via depth-first search) of an assembly tree. */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL void AMD_postorder
-    /* inputs, not modified on output: */
-    Int nn,		/* nodes are in the range 0..nn-1 */
-    Int Parent [ ],	/* Parent [j] is the parent of j, or EMPTY if root */
-    Int Nv [ ],		/* Nv [j] > 0 number of pivots represented by node j,
-			 * or zero if j is not a node. */
-    Int Fsize [ ],	/* Fsize [j]: size of node j */
-    /* output, not defined on input: */
-    Int Order [ ],	/* output post-order */
-    /* workspaces of size nn: */
-    Int Child [ ],
-    Int Sibling [ ],
-    Int Stack [ ]
-    Int i, j, k, parent, frsize, f, fprev, maxfrsize, bigfprev, bigf, fnext ;
-    for (j = 0 ; j < nn ; j++)
-    {
-	Child [j] = EMPTY ;
-	Sibling [j] = EMPTY ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* place the children in link lists - bigger elements tend to be last */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for (j = nn-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
-    {
-	if (Nv [j] > 0)
-	{
-	    /* this is an element */
-	    parent = Parent [j] ;
-	    if (parent != EMPTY)
-	    {
-		/* place the element in link list of the children its parent */
-		/* bigger elements will tend to be at the end of the list */
-		Sibling [j] = Child [parent] ;
-		Child [parent] = j ;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    {
-	Int nels, ff, nchild ;
-	AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n\n================================ AMD_postorder:\n"));
-	nels = 0 ;
-	for (j = 0 ; j < nn ; j++)
-	{
-	    if (Nv [j] > 0)
-	    {
-		AMD_DEBUG1 (( ""ID" :  nels "ID" npiv "ID" size "ID
-		    " parent "ID" maxfr "ID"\n", j, nels,
-		    Nv [j], Fsize [j], Parent [j], Fsize [j])) ;
-		/* this is an element */
-		/* dump the link list of children */
-		nchild = 0 ;
-		AMD_DEBUG1 (("    Children: ")) ;
-		for (ff = Child [j] ; ff != EMPTY ; ff = Sibling [ff])
-		{
-		    AMD_DEBUG1 ((ID" ", ff)) ;
-		    ASSERT (Parent [ff] == j) ;
-		    nchild++ ;
-		    ASSERT (nchild < nn) ;
-		}
-		AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n")) ;
-		parent = Parent [j] ;
-		if (parent != EMPTY)
-		{
-		    ASSERT (Nv [parent] > 0) ;
-		}
-		nels++ ;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n\nGo through the children of each node, and put\n"
-		 "the biggest child last in each list:\n")) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* place the largest child last in the list of children for each node */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for (i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
-    {
-	if (Nv [i] > 0 && Child [i] != EMPTY)
-	{
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	    Int nchild ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 (("Before partial sort, element "ID"\n", i)) ;
-	    nchild = 0 ;
-	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
-	    {
-		ASSERT (f >= 0 && f < nn) ;
-		AMD_DEBUG1 (("      f: "ID"  size: "ID"\n", f, Fsize [f])) ;
-		nchild++ ;
-		ASSERT (nchild <= nn) ;
-	    }
-	    /* find the biggest element in the child list */
-	    fprev = EMPTY ;
-	    maxfrsize = EMPTY ;
-	    bigfprev = EMPTY ;
-	    bigf = EMPTY ;
-	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
-	    {
-		ASSERT (f >= 0 && f < nn) ;
-		frsize = Fsize [f] ;
-		if (frsize >= maxfrsize)
-		{
-		    /* this is the biggest seen so far */
-		    maxfrsize = frsize ;
-		    bigfprev = fprev ;
-		    bigf = f ;
-		}
-		fprev = f ;
-	    }
-	    ASSERT (bigf != EMPTY) ;
-	    fnext = Sibling [bigf] ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 (("bigf "ID" maxfrsize "ID" bigfprev "ID" fnext "ID
-		" fprev " ID"\n", bigf, maxfrsize, bigfprev, fnext, fprev)) ;
-	    if (fnext != EMPTY)
-	    {
-		/* if fnext is EMPTY then bigf is already at the end of list */
-		if (bigfprev == EMPTY)
-		{
-		    /* delete bigf from the element of the list */
-		    Child [i] = fnext ;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    /* delete bigf from the middle of the list */
-		    Sibling [bigfprev] = fnext ;
-		}
-		/* put bigf at the end of the list */
-		Sibling [bigf] = EMPTY ;
-		ASSERT (Child [i] != EMPTY) ;
-		ASSERT (fprev != bigf) ;
-		ASSERT (fprev != EMPTY) ;
-		Sibling [fprev] = bigf ;
-	    }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 (("After partial sort, element "ID"\n", i)) ;
-	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
-	    {
-		ASSERT (f >= 0 && f < nn) ;
-		AMD_DEBUG1 (("        "ID"  "ID"\n", f, Fsize [f])) ;
-		ASSERT (Nv [f] > 0) ;
-		nchild-- ;
-	    }
-	    ASSERT (nchild == 0) ;
-	}
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* postorder the assembly tree */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for (i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
-    {
-	Order [i] = EMPTY ;
-    }
-    k = 0 ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
-    {
-	if (Parent [i] == EMPTY && Nv [i] > 0)
-	{
-	    AMD_DEBUG1 (("Root of assembly tree "ID"\n", i)) ;
-	    k = AMD_post_tree (i, k, Child, Sibling, Order, Stack
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-		, nn
-		) ;
-	}
-    }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_preprocess.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_preprocess ====================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Sorts, removes duplicate entries, and transposes from the nonzero pattern of
- * a column-form matrix A, to obtain the matrix R.
- * See amd.h for a complete description of AMD_preprocess 
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL Int AMD_preprocess   /* returns AMD_OK if input is OK, AMD_INVALID
-			     * if the matrix is invalid, or AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY
-			     * if out of memory for the 2n workspace. */
-    Int n,		/* input matrix: A is n-by-n */
-    const Int Ap [ ],	/* size n+1 */
-    const Int Ai [ ],	/* size nz = Ap [n] */
-    /* output matrix R: */
-    Int Rp [ ],		/* size n+1 */
-    Int Ri [ ]		/* size nz (or less, if duplicates present) */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* local variables */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    Int *Flag, *W ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* check inputs (note: fewer restrictions than AMD_order) */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if (!AMD_preprocess_valid (n, Ap, Ai) || !Ri || !Rp)
-    {
-	return (AMD_INVALID) ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* allocate workspace */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    W = (Int *) ALLOCATE (MAX (n,1) * sizeof (Int)) ;
-    if (!W)
-    {
-	return (AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
-    }
-    Flag = (Int *) ALLOCATE (MAX (n,1) * sizeof (Int)) ;
-    if (!Flag)
-    {
-	FREE (W) ;
-	return (AMD_OUT_OF_MEMORY) ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* preprocess the matrix:  sort, remove duplicates, and transpose */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    AMD_wpreprocess (n, Ap, Ai, Rp, Ri, W, Flag) ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* free the workspace */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    FREE (W) ;
-    FREE (Flag) ;
-    return (AMD_OK) ;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_wpreprocess ===================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* The AMD_wpreprocess routine is not user-callable.  It does not check its
- * input for errors or allocate workspace (that is done by the user-callable
- * AMD_preprocess routine).  It does handle the n=0 case. */
-GLOBAL void AMD_wpreprocess
-    Int n,		/* input matrix: A is n-by-n */
-    const Int Ap [ ],	/* size n+1 */
-    const Int Ai [ ],	/* size nz = Ap [n] */
-    /* output matrix R: */
-    Int Rp [ ],		/* size n+1 */
-    Int Ri [ ],		/* size nz (or less, if duplicates present) */
-    Int W [ ],		/* workspace of size n */
-    Int Flag [ ]	/* workspace of size n */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* local variables */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    Int i, j, p, p2 ;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* count the entries in each row of A (excluding duplicates) */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	W [i] = 0 ;		/* # of nonzeros in row i (excl duplicates) */
-	Flag [i] = EMPTY ;	/* Flag [i] = j if i appears in column j */
-    }
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	p2 = Ap [j+1] ;
-	for (p = Ap [j] ; p < p2 ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [p] ;
-	    if (Flag [i] != j)
-	    {
-		/* row index i has not yet appeared in column j */
-		W [i]++ ;	    /* one more entry in row i */
-		Flag [i] = j ;	    /* flag row index i as appearing in col j*/
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* compute the row pointers for R */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    Rp [0] = 0 ;
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	Rp [i+1] = Rp [i] + W [i] ;
-    }
-    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
-    {
-	W [i] = Rp [i] ;
-	Flag [i] = EMPTY ;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* construct the row form matrix R */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* R = row form of pattern of A */
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	p2 = Ap [j+1] ;
-	for (p = Ap [j] ; p < p2 ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [p] ;
-	    if (Flag [i] != j)
-	    {
-		/* row index i has not yet appeared in column j */
-		Ri [W [i]++] = j ;  /* put col j in row i */
-		Flag [i] = j ;	    /* flag row index i as appearing in col j*/
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	ASSERT (W [j] == Rp [j+1]) ;
-    }
-    ASSERT (AMD_valid (n, n, Rp, Ri)) ;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_preprocess_valid ================================================ */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* Not user-callable.  Checks a matrix and returns TRUE if it is valid as input
- * to AMD_wpreprocess, FALSE otherwise. */
-GLOBAL Int AMD_preprocess_valid
-    Int n,
-    const Int Ap [ ],
-    const Int Ai [ ]
-    Int i, j, p, nz ;
-    if (n < 0 || !Ai || !Ap)
-    {
-	return (FALSE) ;
-    }
-    nz = Ap [n] ;
-    if (Ap [0] != 0 || nz < 0)
-    {
-	/* column pointers must start at Ap [0] = 0, and Ap [n] must be >= 0 */
-	AMD_DEBUG0 (("column 0 pointer bad or nz < 0\n")) ;
-	return (FALSE) ;
-    }
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
-    {
-	if (Ap [j] > Ap [j+1])
-	{
-	    /* column pointers must be ascending */
-	    AMD_DEBUG0 (("column "ID" pointer bad\n", j)) ;
-	    return (FALSE) ;
-	}
-    }
-    for (p = 0 ; p < nz ; p++)
-    {
-	i = Ai [p] ;
-	AMD_DEBUG3 (("row: "ID"\n", i)) ;
-	if (i < 0 || i >= n)
-	{
-	    /* row index out of range */
-	    AMD_DEBUG0 (("index out of range, col "ID" row "ID"\n", j, i)) ;
-	    return (FALSE) ;
-	}
-    }
-    return (TRUE) ;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amd_valid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* === AMD_valid =========================================================== */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* AMD Version 1.1 (Jan. 21, 2004), Copyright (c) 2004 by Timothy A. Davis,  */
-/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README for License.         */
-/* email:    CISE Department, Univ. of Florida.           */
-/* web:                          */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Check if a column-form matrix is valid or not.  The matrix A is
- * n_row-by-n_col.  The row indices of entries in column j are in
- * Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1].  Required conditions are:
- *
- *	n_row >= 0
- *	n_col >= 0
- *	nz = Ap [n_col] >= 0	    number of entries in the matrix
- *	Ap [0] == 0
- *	Ap [j] <= Ap [j+1] for all j in the range 0 to n_col.
- *	row indices in Ai [Ap [j] ... Ap [j+1]-1] must be sorted in ascending
- *	    order, must be in the range 0 to n_row-1, and no duplicate entries
- *	    can exist.
- *
- * Not user-callable.
- */
-#include "amd_internal.h"
-GLOBAL Int AMD_valid
-    /* inputs, not modified on output: */
-    Int n_row,		/* A is n_row-by-n_col */
-    Int n_col,
-    const Int Ap [ ],	/* column pointers of A, of size n_col+1 */
-    const Int Ai [ ]	/* row indices of A, of size nz = Ap [n_col] */
-    Int nz, j, p1, p2, ilast, i, p ;
-    if (n_row < 0 || n_col < 0)
-    {
-	AMD_DEBUG0 (("n must be >= 0: "ID" "ID"\n", n_row, n_col)) ;
-	return (FALSE) ;
-    }
-    nz = Ap [n_col] ;
-    if (Ap [0] != 0 || nz < 0)
-    {
-	/* column pointers must start at Ap [0] = 0, and Ap [n] must be >= 0 */
-	AMD_DEBUG0 (("column 0 pointer bad or nz < 0\n")) ;
-	return (FALSE) ;
-    }
-    for (j = 0 ; j < n_col ; j++)
-    {
-	p1 = Ap [j] ;
-	p2 = Ap [j+1] ;
-	AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nColumn: "ID" p1: "ID" p2: "ID"\n", j, p1, p2)) ;
-	if (p1 > p2)
-	{
-	    /* column pointers must be ascending */
-	    AMD_DEBUG0 (("column "ID" pointer bad\n", j)) ;
-	    return (FALSE) ;
-	}
-	ilast = EMPTY ;
-	for (p = p1 ; p < p2 ; p++)
-	{
-	    i = Ai [p] ;
-	    AMD_DEBUG3 (("row: "ID"\n", i)) ;
-	    if (i <= ilast || i >= n_row)
-	    {
-		/* row index out of range, or unsorted */
-		AMD_DEBUG0 (("index out of range, col "ID" row "ID"\n", j, i));
-		return (FALSE) ;
-	    }
-	    ilast = i ;
-	}
-    }
-    return (TRUE) ;
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--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/AMD/Source/amdbar.f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1206 +0,0 @@
-C AMDBAR:  approximate minimum degree, without aggressive absorption
-     $          (N, PE, IW, LEN, IWLEN, PFREE, NV, NEXT,
-     $          LAST, HEAD, ELEN, DEGREE, NCMPA, W)
-     $          DEGREE (N), NV (N), NEXT (N), LAST (N), HEAD (N),
-     $          ELEN (N), W (N), LEN (N)
-C Given a representation of the nonzero pattern of a symmetric matrix,
-C       A, (excluding the diagonal) perform an approximate minimum
-C       (UMFPACK/MA38-style) degree ordering to compute a pivot order
-C       such that the introduction of nonzeros (fill-in) in the Cholesky
-C       factors A = LL^T are kept low.  At each step, the pivot
-C       selected is the one with the minimum UMFPACK/MA38-style
-C       upper-bound on the external degree.
-C       This routine does not do aggresive absorption (as done by AMD).
-C **********************************************************************
-C **********************************************************************
-C       References:
-C       [1] Timothy A. Davis and Iain Duff, "An unsymmetric-pattern
-C           multifrontal method for sparse LU factorization", SIAM J.
-C           Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp.
-C           140-158.  Discusses UMFPACK / MA38, which first introduced
-C           the approximate minimum degree used by this routine.
-C       [2] Patrick Amestoy, Timothy A. Davis, and Iain S. Duff, "An
-C           approximate degree ordering algorithm," SIAM J. Matrix
-C           Analysis and Applications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 886-905,
-C           1996.  Discusses AMD, AMDBAR, and MC47B.
-C       [3] Alan George and Joseph Liu, "The evolution of the minimum
-C           degree ordering algorithm," SIAM Review, vol. 31, no. 1,
-C           pp. 1-19, 1989.  We list below the features mentioned in
-C           that paper that this code includes:
-C       mass elimination:
-C               Yes.  MA27 relied on supervariable detection for mass
-C               elimination.
-C       indistinguishable nodes:
-C               Yes (we call these "supervariables").  This was also in
-C               the MA27 code - although we modified the method of
-C               detecting them (the previous hash was the true degree,
-C               which we no longer keep track of).  A supervariable is
-C               a set of rows with identical nonzero pattern.  All
-C               variables in a supervariable are eliminated together.
-C               Each supervariable has as its numerical name that of
-C               one of its variables (its principal variable).
-C       quotient graph representation:
-C               Yes.  We use the term "element" for the cliques formed
-C               during elimination.  This was also in the MA27 code.
-C               The algorithm can operate in place, but it will work
-C               more efficiently if given some "elbow room."
-C       element absorption:
-C               Yes.  This was also in the MA27 code.
-C       external degree:
-C               Yes.  The MA27 code was based on the true degree.
-C       incomplete degree update and multiple elimination:
-C               No.  This was not in MA27, either.  Our method of
-C               degree update within MC47B/BD is element-based, not
-C               variable-based.  It is thus not well-suited for use
-C               with incomplete degree update or multiple elimination.
-C Authors, and Copyright (C) 1995 by:
-C       Timothy A. Davis, Patrick Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, & John K. Reid.
-C Acknowledgements:
-C       This work (and the UMFPACK package) was supported by the
-C       National Science Foundation (ASC-9111263 and DMS-9223088).
-C       The UMFPACK/MA38 approximate degree update algorithm, the
-C       unsymmetric analog which forms the basis of MC47B/BD, was
-C       developed while Tim Davis was supported by CERFACS (Toulouse,
-C       France) in a post-doctoral position.
-C Date:  September, 1995
-C INPUT ARGUMENTS (unaltered):
-C n:    The matrix order.
-C       Restriction:  1 .le. n .lt. (iovflo/2)-2, where iovflo is
-C       the largest positive integer that your computer can represent.
-C iwlen:        The length of iw (1..iwlen).  On input, the matrix is
-C       stored in iw (1..pfree-1).  However, iw (1..iwlen) should be
-C       slightly larger than what is required to hold the matrix, at
-C       least iwlen .ge. pfree + n is recommended.  Otherwise,
-C       excessive compressions will take place.
-C       *** We do not recommend running this algorithm with ***
-C       ***      iwlen .lt. pfree + n.                      ***
-C       *** Better performance will be obtained if          ***
-C       ***      iwlen .ge. pfree + n                       ***
-C       *** or better yet                                   ***
-C       ***      iwlen .gt. 1.2 * pfree                     ***
-C       *** (where pfree is its value on input).            ***
-C       The algorithm will not run at all if iwlen .lt. pfree-1.
-C       Restriction: iwlen .ge. pfree-1
-C pe:   On input, pe (i) is the index in iw of the start of row i, or
-C       zero if row i has no off-diagonal non-zeros.
-C       During execution, it is used for both supervariables and
-C       elements:
-C       * Principal supervariable i:  index into iw of the
-C               description of supervariable i.  A supervariable
-C               represents one or more rows of the matrix
-C               with identical nonzero pattern.
-C       * Non-principal supervariable i:  if i has been absorbed
-C               into another supervariable j, then pe (i) = -j.
-C               That is, j has the same pattern as i.
-C               Note that j might later be absorbed into another
-C               supervariable j2, in which case pe (i) is still -j,
-C               and pe (j) = -j2.
-C       * Unabsorbed element e:  the index into iw of the description
-C               of element e, if e has not yet been absorbed by a
-C               subsequent element.  Element e is created when
-C               the supervariable of the same name is selected as
-C               the pivot.
-C       * Absorbed element e:  if element e is absorbed into element
-C               e2, then pe (e) = -e2.  This occurs when the pattern of
-C               e (that is, Le) is found to be a subset of the pattern
-C               of e2 (that is, Le2).  If element e is "null" (it has
-C               no nonzeros outside its pivot block), then pe (e) = 0.
-C       On output, pe holds the assembly tree/forest, which implicitly
-C       represents a pivot order with identical fill-in as the actual
-C       order (via a depth-first search of the tree).
-C       On output:
-C       If nv (i) .gt. 0, then i represents a node in the assembly tree,
-C       and the parent of i is -pe (i), or zero if i is a root.
-C       If nv (i) = 0, then (i,-pe (i)) represents an edge in a
-C       subtree, the root of which is a node in the assembly tree.
-C pfree:        On input the tail end of the array, iw (pfree..iwlen),
-C       is empty, and the matrix is stored in iw (1..pfree-1).
-C       During execution, additional data is placed in iw, and pfree
-C       is modified so that iw (pfree..iwlen) is always the unused part
-C       of iw.  On output, pfree is set equal to the size of iw that
-C       would have been needed for no compressions to occur.  If
-C       ncmpa is zero, then pfree (on output) is less than or equal to
-C       iwlen, and the space iw (pfree+1 ... iwlen) was not used.
-C       Otherwise, pfree (on output) is greater than iwlen, and all the
-C       memory in iw was used.
-C INPUT/MODIFIED (undefined on output):
-C len:  On input, len (i) holds the number of entries in row i of the
-C       matrix, excluding the diagonal.  The contents of len (1..n)
-C       are undefined on output.
-C iw:   On input, iw (1..pfree-1) holds the description of each row i
-C       in the matrix.  The matrix must be symmetric, and both upper
-C       and lower triangular parts must be present.  The diagonal must
-C       not be present.  Row i is held as follows:
-C               len (i):  the length of the row i data structure
-C               iw (pe (i) ... pe (i) + len (i) - 1):
-C                       the list of column indices for nonzeros
-C                       in row i (simple supervariables), excluding
-C                       the diagonal.  All supervariables start with
-C                       one row/column each (supervariable i is just
-C                       row i).
-C               if len (i) is zero on input, then pe (i) is ignored
-C               on input.
-C               Note that the rows need not be in any particular order,
-C               and there may be empty space between the rows.
-C       During execution, the supervariable i experiences fill-in.
-C       This is represented by placing in i a list of the elements
-C       that cause fill-in in supervariable i:
-C               len (i):  the length of supervariable i
-C               iw (pe (i) ... pe (i) + elen (i) - 1):
-C                       the list of elements that contain i.  This list
-C                       is kept short by removing absorbed elements.
-C               iw (pe (i) + elen (i) ... pe (i) + len (i) - 1):
-C                       the list of supervariables in i.  This list
-C                       is kept short by removing nonprincipal
-C                       variables, and any entry j that is also
-C                       contained in at least one of the elements
-C                       (j in Le) in the list for i (e in row i).
-C       When supervariable i is selected as pivot, we create an
-C       element e of the same name (e=i):
-C               len (e):  the length of element e
-C               iw (pe (e) ... pe (e) + len (e) - 1):
-C                       the list of supervariables in element e.
-C       An element represents the fill-in that occurs when supervariable
-C       i is selected as pivot (which represents the selection of row i
-C       and all non-principal variables whose principal variable is i).
-C       We use the term Le to denote the set of all supervariables
-C       in element e.  Absorbed supervariables and elements are pruned
-C       from these lists when computationally convenient.
-C       The contents of iw are undefined on output.
-C OUTPUT (need not be set on input):
-C nv:   During execution, abs (nv (i)) is equal to the number of rows
-C       that are represented by the principal supervariable i.  If i is
-C       a nonprincipal variable, then nv (i) = 0.  Initially,
-C       nv (i) = 1 for all i.  nv (i) .lt. 0 signifies that i is a
-C       principal variable in the pattern Lme of the current pivot
-C       element me.  On output, nv (e) holds the true degree of element
-C       e at the time it was created (including the diagonal part).
-C ncmpa:        The number of times iw was compressed.  If this is
-C       excessive, then the execution took longer than what could have
-C       been.  To reduce ncmpa, try increasing iwlen to be 10% or 20%
-C       larger than the value of pfree on input (or at least
-C       iwlen .ge. pfree + n).  The fastest performance will be
-C       obtained when ncmpa is returned as zero.  If iwlen is set to
-C       the value returned by pfree on *output*, then no compressions
-C       will occur.
-C elen: See the description of iw above.  At the start of execution,
-C       elen (i) is set to zero.  During execution, elen (i) is the
-C       number of elements in the list for supervariable i.  When e
-C       becomes an element, elen (e) = -nel is set, where nel is the
-C       current step of factorization.  elen (i) = 0 is done when i
-C       becomes nonprincipal.
-C       For variables, elen (i) .ge. 0 holds until just before the
-C       permutation vectors are computed.  For elements,
-C       elen (e) .lt. 0 holds.
-C       On output elen (1..n) holds the inverse permutation (the same
-C       as the 'INVP' argument in Sparspak).  That is, if k = elen (i),
-C       then row i is the kth pivot row.  Row i of A appears as the
-C       (elen(i))-th row in the permuted matrix, PAP^T.
-C last: In a degree list, last (i) is the supervariable preceding i,
-C       or zero if i is the head of the list.  In a hash bucket,
-C       last (i) is the hash key for i.  last (head (hash)) is also
-C       used as the head of a hash bucket if head (hash) contains a
-C       degree list (see head, below).
-C       On output, last (1..n) holds the permutation (the same as the
-C       'PERM' argument in Sparspak).  That is, if i = last (k), then
-C       row i is the kth pivot row.  Row last (k) of A is the k-th row
-C       in the permuted matrix, PAP^T.
-C LOCAL (not input or output - used only during execution):
-C degree:       If i is a supervariable, then degree (i) holds the
-C       current approximation of the external degree of row i (an upper
-C       bound).  The external degree is the number of nonzeros in row i,
-C       minus abs (nv (i)) (the diagonal part).  The bound is equal to
-C       the external degree if elen (i) is less than or equal to two.
-C       We also use the term "external degree" for elements e to refer
-C       to |Le \ Lme|.  If e is an element, then degree (e) holds |Le|,
-C       which is the degree of the off-diagonal part of the element e
-C       (not including the diagonal part).
-C head: head is used for degree lists.  head (deg) is the first
-C       supervariable in a degree list (all supervariables i in a
-C       degree list deg have the same approximate degree, namely,
-C       deg = degree (i)).  If the list deg is empty then
-C       head (deg) = 0.
-C       During supervariable detection head (hash) also serves as a
-C       pointer to a hash bucket.
-C       If head (hash) .gt. 0, there is a degree list of degree hash.
-C               The hash bucket head pointer is last (head (hash)).
-C       If head (hash) = 0, then the degree list and hash bucket are
-C               both empty.
-C       If head (hash) .lt. 0, then the degree list is empty, and
-C               -head (hash) is the head of the hash bucket.
-C       After supervariable detection is complete, all hash buckets
-C       are empty, and the (last (head (hash)) = 0) condition is
-C       restored for the non-empty degree lists.
-C next: next (i) is the supervariable following i in a link list, or
-C       zero if i is the last in the list.  Used for two kinds of
-C       lists:  degree lists and hash buckets (a supervariable can be
-C       in only one kind of list at a time).
-C w:    The flag array w determines the status of elements and
-C       variables, and the external degree of elements.
-C       for elements:
-C          if w (e) = 0, then the element e is absorbed
-C          if w (e) .ge. wflg, then w (e) - wflg is the size of
-C               the set |Le \ Lme|, in terms of nonzeros (the
-C               sum of abs (nv (i)) for each principal variable i that
-C               is both in the pattern of element e and NOT in the
-C               pattern of the current pivot element, me).
-C          if wflg .gt. w (e) .gt. 0, then e is not absorbed and has
-C               not yet been seen in the scan of the element lists in
-C               the computation of |Le\Lme| in loop 150 below.
-C       for variables:
-C          during supervariable detection, if w (j) .ne. wflg then j is
-C          not in the pattern of variable i
-C       The w array is initialized by setting w (i) = 1 for all i,
-C       and by setting wflg = 2.  It is reinitialized if wflg becomes
-C       too large (to ensure that wflg+n does not cause integer
-C       overflow).
-     $          ILAST, INEXT, J, JLAST, JNEXT, K, KNT1, KNT2, KNT3,
-     $          LENJ, LN, MAXMEM, ME, MEM, MINDEG, NEL, NEWMEM,
-     $          NLEFT, NVI, NVJ, NVPIV, SLENME, WE, WFLG, WNVI, X
-C deg:          the degree of a variable or element
-C degme:        size, |Lme|, of the current element, me (= degree (me))
-C dext:         external degree, |Le \ Lme|, of some element e
-C dmax:         largest |Le| seen so far
-C e:            an element
-C elenme:       the length, elen (me), of element list of pivotal var.
-C eln:          the length, elen (...), of an element list
-C hash:         the computed value of the hash function
-C hmod:         the hash function is computed modulo hmod = max (1,n-1)
-C i:            a supervariable
-C ilast:        the entry in a link list preceding i
-C inext:        the entry in a link list following i
-C j:            a supervariable
-C jlast:        the entry in a link list preceding j
-C jnext:        the entry in a link list, or path, following j
-C k:            the pivot order of an element or variable
-C knt1:         loop counter used during element construction
-C knt2:         loop counter used during element construction
-C knt3:         loop counter used during compression
-C lenj:         len (j)
-C ln:           length of a supervariable list
-C maxmem:       amount of memory needed for no compressions
-C me:           current supervariable being eliminated, and the
-C                       current element created by eliminating that
-C                       supervariable
-C mem:          memory in use assuming no compressions have occurred
-C mindeg:       current minimum degree
-C nel:          number of pivots selected so far
-C newmem:       amount of new memory needed for current pivot element
-C nleft:        n - nel, the number of nonpivotal rows/columns remaining
-C nvi:          the number of variables in a supervariable i (= nv (i))
-C nvj:          the number of variables in a supervariable j (= nv (j))
-C nvpiv:        number of pivots in current element
-C slenme:       number of variables in variable list of pivotal variable
-C we:           w (e)
-C wflg:         used for flagging the w array.  See description of iw.
-C wnvi:         wflg - nv (i)
-C x:            either a supervariable or an element
-        INTEGER P, P1, P2, P3, PDST, PEND, PJ, PME, PME1, PME2, PN, PSRC
-C               Any parameter (pe (...) or pfree) or local variable
-C               starting with "p" (for Pointer) is an index into iw,
-C               and all indices into iw use variables starting with
-C               "p."  The only exception to this rule is the iwlen
-C               input argument.
-C p:            pointer into lots of things
-C p1:           pe (i) for some variable i (start of element list)
-C p2:           pe (i) + elen (i) -  1 for some var. i (end of el. list)
-C p3:           index of first supervariable in clean list
-C pdst:         destination pointer, for compression
-C pend:         end of memory to compress
-C pj:           pointer into an element or variable
-C pme:          pointer into the current element (pme1...pme2)
-C pme1:         the current element, me, is stored in iw (pme1...pme2)
-C pme2:         the end of the current element
-C pn:           pointer into a "clean" variable, also used to compress
-C psrc:         source pointer, for compression
-        WFLG = 2
-        MINDEG = 1
-        NCMPA = 0
-        NEL = 0
-        HMOD = MAX (1, N-1)
-        DMAX = 0
-        MEM = PFREE - 1
-        MAXMEM = MEM
-	ME = 0
-        DO 10 I = 1, N
-           LAST (I) = 0
-           HEAD (I) = 0
-           NV (I) = 1
-           W (I) = 1
-           ELEN (I) = 0
-           DEGREE (I) = LEN (I)
-10         CONTINUE
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       initialize degree lists and eliminate rows with no off-diag. nz.
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO 20 I = 1, N
-           DEG = DEGREE (I)
-           IF (DEG .GT. 0) THEN
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             place i in the degree list corresponding to its degree
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              INEXT = HEAD (DEG)
-              IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = I
-              NEXT (I) = INEXT
-              HEAD (DEG) = I
-           ELSE
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             we have a variable that can be eliminated at once because
-C             there is no off-diagonal non-zero in its row.
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              NEL = NEL + 1
-              ELEN (I) = -NEL
-              PE (I) = 0
-              W (I) = 0
-              ENDIF
-20         CONTINUE
-C  WHILE (selecting pivots) DO
-30      CONTINUE
-        IF (NEL .LT. N) THEN
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          find next supervariable for elimination
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DO 40 DEG = MINDEG, N
-              ME = HEAD (DEG)
-              IF (ME .GT. 0) GOTO 50
-40            CONTINUE
-50         CONTINUE
-           MINDEG = DEG
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          remove chosen variable from link list
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           INEXT = NEXT (ME)
-           IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = 0
-           HEAD (DEG) = INEXT
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          me represents the elimination of pivots nel+1 to nel+nv(me).
-C          place me itself as the first in this set.  It will be moved
-C          to the nel+nv(me) position when the permutation vectors are
-C          computed.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           ELENME = ELEN (ME)
-           ELEN (ME) = - (NEL + 1)
-           NVPIV = NV (ME)
-           NEL = NEL + NVPIV
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          At this point, me is the pivotal supervariable.  It will be
-C          converted into the current element.  Scan list of the
-C          pivotal supervariable, me, setting tree pointers and
-C          constructing new list of supervariables for the new element,
-C          me.  p is a pointer to the current position in the old list.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          flag the variable "me" as being in Lme by negating nv (me)
-           NV (ME) = -NVPIV
-           DEGME = 0
-           IF (ELENME .EQ. 0) THEN
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             construct the new element in place
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              PME1 = PE (ME)
-              PME2 = PME1 - 1
-              DO 60 P = PME1, PME1 + LEN (ME) - 1
-                 I = IW (P)
-                 NVI = NV (I)
-                 IF (NVI .GT. 0) THEN
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme.
-C                   store i in new list
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    DEGME = DEGME + NVI
-C                   flag i as being in Lme by negating nv (i)
-                    NV (I) = -NVI
-                    PME2 = PME2 + 1
-                    IW (PME2) = I
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   remove variable i from degree list.
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    ILAST = LAST (I)
-                    INEXT = NEXT (I)
-                    IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = ILAST
-                    IF (ILAST .NE. 0) THEN
-                       NEXT (ILAST) = INEXT
-                    ELSE
-C                      i is at the head of the degree list
-                       HEAD (DEGREE (I)) = INEXT
-                       ENDIF
-                    ENDIF
-60               CONTINUE
-C             this element takes no new memory in iw:
-              NEWMEM = 0
-           ELSE
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             construct the new element in empty space, iw (pfree ...)
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              P = PE (ME)
-              PME1 = PFREE
-              SLENME = LEN (ME) - ELENME
-              DO 120 KNT1 = 1, ELENME + 1
-                 IF (KNT1 .GT. ELENME) THEN
-C                   search the supervariables in me.
-                    E = ME
-                    PJ = P
-                    LN = SLENME
-                 ELSE
-C                   search the elements in me.
-                    E = IW (P)
-                    P = P + 1
-                    PJ = PE (E)
-                    LN = LEN (E)
-                    ENDIF
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                search for different supervariables and add them to the
-C                new list, compressing when necessary. this loop is
-C                executed once for each element in the list and once for
-C                all the supervariables in the list.
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 DO 110 KNT2 = 1, LN
-                    I = IW (PJ)
-                    PJ = PJ + 1
-                    NVI = NV (I)
-                    IF (NVI .GT. 0) THEN
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      compress iw, if necessary
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       IF (PFREE .GT. IWLEN) THEN
-C                         prepare for compressing iw by adjusting
-C                         pointers and lengths so that the lists being
-C                         searched in the inner and outer loops contain
-C                         only the remaining entries.
-                          PE (ME) = P
-                          LEN (ME) = LEN (ME) - KNT1
-                          IF (LEN (ME) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                            nothing left of supervariable me
-                             PE (ME) = 0
-                             ENDIF
-                          PE (E) = PJ
-                          LEN (E) = LN - KNT2
-                          IF (LEN (E) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                            nothing left of element e
-                             PE (E) = 0
-                             ENDIF
-                          NCMPA = NCMPA + 1
-C                         store first item in pe
-C                         set first entry to -item
-                          DO 70 J = 1, N
-                             PN = PE (J)
-                             IF (PN .GT. 0) THEN
-                                PE (J) = IW (PN)
-                                IW (PN) = -J
-                                ENDIF
-70                           CONTINUE
-C                         psrc/pdst point to source/destination
-                          PDST = 1
-                          PSRC = 1
-                          PEND = PME1 - 1
-C                         while loop:
-80                        CONTINUE
-                          IF (PSRC .LE. PEND) THEN
-C                            search for next negative entry
-                             J = -IW (PSRC)
-                             PSRC = PSRC + 1
-                             IF (J .GT. 0) THEN
-                                IW (PDST) = PE (J)
-                                PE (J) = PDST
-                                PDST = PDST + 1
-C                               copy from source to destination
-                                LENJ = LEN (J)
-                                DO 90 KNT3 = 0, LENJ - 2
-                                   IW (PDST + KNT3) = IW (PSRC + KNT3)
-90                                 CONTINUE
-                                PDST = PDST + LENJ - 1
-                                PSRC = PSRC + LENJ - 1
-                                ENDIF
-                             GOTO 80
-                             ENDIF
-C                         move the new partially-constructed element
-                          P1 = PDST
-                          DO 100 PSRC = PME1, PFREE - 1
-                             IW (PDST) = IW (PSRC)
-                             PDST = PDST + 1
-100                          CONTINUE
-                          PME1 = P1
-                          PFREE = PDST
-                          PJ = PE (E)
-                          P = PE (ME)
-                          ENDIF
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme
-C                      store i in new list
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       DEGME = DEGME + NVI
-C                      flag i as being in Lme by negating nv (i)
-                       NV (I) = -NVI
-                       IW (PFREE) = I
-                       PFREE = PFREE + 1
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      remove variable i from degree link list
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       ILAST = LAST (I)
-                       INEXT = NEXT (I)
-                       IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = ILAST
-                       IF (ILAST .NE. 0) THEN
-                          NEXT (ILAST) = INEXT
-                       ELSE
-C                         i is at the head of the degree list
-                          HEAD (DEGREE (I)) = INEXT
-                          ENDIF
-                       ENDIF
-110                 CONTINUE
-                 IF (E .NE. ME) THEN
-C                   set tree pointer and flag to indicate element e is
-C                   absorbed into new element me (the parent of e is me)
-                    PE (E) = -ME
-                    W (E) = 0
-                    ENDIF
-120              CONTINUE
-              PME2 = PFREE - 1
-C             this element takes newmem new memory in iw (possibly zero)
-              NEWMEM = PFREE - PME1
-              MEM = MEM + NEWMEM
-              MAXMEM = MAX (MAXMEM, MEM)
-              ENDIF
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          me has now been converted into an element in iw (pme1..pme2)
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          degme holds the external degree of new element
-           DEGREE (ME) = DEGME
-           PE (ME) = PME1
-           LEN (ME) = PME2 - PME1 + 1
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          make sure that wflg is not too large.  With the current
-C          value of wflg, wflg+n must not cause integer overflow
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           IF (WFLG + N .LE. WFLG) THEN
-              DO 130 X = 1, N
-                 IF (W (X) .NE. 0) W (X) = 1
-130              CONTINUE
-              WFLG = 2
-              ENDIF
-C  COMPUTE (w (e) - wflg) = |Le\Lme| FOR ALL ELEMENTS
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          Scan 1:  compute the external degrees of previous elements
-C          with respect to the current element.  That is:
-C               (w (e) - wflg) = |Le \ Lme|
-C          for each element e that appears in any supervariable in Lme.
-C          The notation Le refers to the pattern (list of
-C          supervariables) of a previous element e, where e is not yet
-C          absorbed, stored in iw (pe (e) + 1 ... pe (e) + iw (pe (e))).
-C          The notation Lme refers to the pattern of the current element
-C          (stored in iw (pme1..pme2)).   If (w (e) - wflg) becomes
-C          zero, then the element e will be absorbed in scan 2.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DO 150 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              ELN = ELEN (I)
-              IF (ELN .GT. 0) THEN
-C                note that nv (i) has been negated to denote i in Lme:
-                 NVI = -NV (I)
-                 WNVI = WFLG - NVI
-                 DO 140 P = PE (I), PE (I) + ELN - 1
-                    E = IW (P)
-                    WE = W (E)
-                    IF (WE .GE. WFLG) THEN
-C                      unabsorbed element e has been seen in this loop
-                       WE = WE - NVI
-                    ELSE IF (WE .NE. 0) THEN
-C                      e is an unabsorbed element
-C                      this is the first we have seen e in all of Scan 1
-                       WE = DEGREE (E) + WNVI
-                       ENDIF
-                    W (E) = WE
-140                 CONTINUE
-                 ENDIF
-150           CONTINUE
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          Scan 2:  for each i in Lme, sum up the degree of Lme (which
-C          is degme), plus the sum of the external degrees of each Le
-C          for the elements e appearing within i, plus the
-C          supervariables in i.  Place i in hash list.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DO 180 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              P1 = PE (I)
-              P2 = P1 + ELEN (I) - 1
-              PN = P1
-              HASH = 0
-              DEG = 0
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             scan the element list associated with supervariable i
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             UMFPACK/MA38-style approximate degree:
-              DO 160 P = P1, P2
-                 E = IW (P)
-                 WE = W (E)
-                 IF (WE .NE. 0) THEN
-C                   e is an unabsorbed element
-                    DEG = DEG + WE - WFLG
-                    IW (PN) = E
-                    PN = PN + 1
-                    HASH = HASH + E
-                    ENDIF
-160              CONTINUE
-C             count the number of elements in i (including me):
-              ELEN (I) = PN - P1 + 1
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             scan the supervariables in the list associated with i
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              P3 = PN
-              DO 170 P = P2 + 1, P1 + LEN (I) - 1
-                 J = IW (P)
-                 NVJ = NV (J)
-                 IF (NVJ .GT. 0) THEN
-C                   j is unabsorbed, and not in Lme.
-C                   add to degree and add to new list
-                    DEG = DEG + NVJ
-                    IW (PN) = J
-                    PN = PN + 1
-                    HASH = HASH + J
-                    ENDIF
-170              CONTINUE
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             update the degree and check for mass elimination
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              IF (ELEN (I) .EQ. 1 .AND. P3 .EQ. PN) THEN
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                mass elimination
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                There is nothing left of this node except for an
-C                edge to the current pivot element.  elen (i) is 1,
-C                and there are no variables adjacent to node i.
-C                Absorb i into the current pivot element, me.
-                 PE (I) = -ME
-                 NVI = -NV (I)
-                 DEGME = DEGME - NVI
-                 NVPIV = NVPIV + NVI
-                 NEL = NEL + NVI
-                 NV (I) = 0
-                 ELEN (I) = 0
-              ELSE
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                update the upper-bound degree of i
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                the following degree does not yet include the size
-C                of the current element, which is added later:
-                 DEGREE (I) = MIN (DEGREE (I), DEG)
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                add me to the list for i
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                move first supervariable to end of list
-                 IW (PN) = IW (P3)
-C                move first element to end of element part of list
-                 IW (P3) = IW (P1)
-C                add new element to front of list.
-                 IW (P1) = ME
-C                store the new length of the list in len (i)
-                 LEN (I) = PN - P1 + 1
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                place in hash bucket.  Save hash key of i in last (i).
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 HASH = MOD (HASH, HMOD) + 1
-                 J = HEAD (HASH)
-                 IF (J .LE. 0) THEN
-C                   the degree list is empty, hash head is -j
-                    NEXT (I) = -J
-                    HEAD (HASH) = -I
-                 ELSE
-C                   degree list is not empty
-C                   use last (head (hash)) as hash head
-                    NEXT (I) = LAST (J)
-                    LAST (J) = I
-                    ENDIF
-                 LAST (I) = HASH
-                 ENDIF
-180           CONTINUE
-           DEGREE (ME) = DEGME
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-C          Clear the counter array, w (...), by incrementing wflg.
-C          -------------------------------------------------------------
-           DMAX = MAX (DMAX, DEGME)
-           WFLG = WFLG + DMAX
-C          make sure that wflg+n does not cause integer overflow
-           IF (WFLG + N .LE. WFLG) THEN
-              DO 190 X = 1, N
-                 IF (W (X) .NE. 0) W (X) = 1
-190              CONTINUE
-              WFLG = 2
-              ENDIF
-C          at this point, w (1..n) .lt. wflg holds
-           DO 250 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              IF (NV (I) .LT. 0) THEN
-C                i is a principal variable in Lme
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                examine all hash buckets with 2 or more variables.  We
-C                do this by examing all unique hash keys for super-
-C                variables in the pattern Lme of the current element, me
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 HASH = LAST (I)
-C                let i = head of hash bucket, and empty the hash bucket
-                 J = HEAD (HASH)
-                 IF (J .EQ. 0) GOTO 250
-                 IF (J .LT. 0) THEN
-C                   degree list is empty
-                    I = -J
-                    HEAD (HASH) = 0
-                 ELSE
-C                   degree list is not empty, restore last () of head
-                    I = LAST (J)
-                    LAST (J) = 0
-                    ENDIF
-                 IF (I .EQ. 0) GOTO 250
-C                while loop:
-200              CONTINUE
-                 IF (NEXT (I) .NE. 0) THEN
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   this bucket has one or more variables following i.
-C                   scan all of them to see if i can absorb any entries
-C                   that follow i in hash bucket.  Scatter i into w.
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    LN = LEN (I)
-                    ELN = ELEN (I)
-C                   do not flag the first element in the list (me)
-                    DO 210 P = PE (I) + 1, PE (I) + LN - 1
-                       W (IW (P)) = WFLG
-210                    CONTINUE
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   scan every other entry j following i in bucket
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    JLAST = I
-                    J = NEXT (I)
-C                   while loop:
-220                 CONTINUE
-                    IF (J .NE. 0) THEN
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      check if j and i have identical nonzero pattern
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       IF (LEN (J) .NE. LN) THEN
-C                         i and j do not have same size data structure
-                          GOTO 240
-                          ENDIF
-                       IF (ELEN (J) .NE. ELN) THEN
-C                         i and j do not have same number of adjacent el
-                          GOTO 240
-                          ENDIF
-C                      do not flag the first element in the list (me)
-                       DO 230 P = PE (J) + 1, PE (J) + LN - 1
-                          IF (W (IW (P)) .NE. WFLG) THEN
-C                            an entry (iw(p)) is in j but not in i
-                             GOTO 240
-                             ENDIF
-230                       CONTINUE
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-C                      found it!  j can be absorbed into i
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       PE (J) = -I
-C                      both nv (i) and nv (j) are negated since they
-C                      are in Lme, and the absolute values of each
-C                      are the number of variables in i and j:
-                       NV (I) = NV (I) + NV (J)
-                       NV (J) = 0
-                       ELEN (J) = 0
-C                      delete j from hash bucket
-                       J = NEXT (J)
-                       NEXT (JLAST) = J
-                       GOTO 220
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-240                    CONTINUE
-C                      j cannot be absorbed into i
-C                      -------------------------------------------------
-                       JLAST = J
-                       J = NEXT (J)
-                       GOTO 220
-                       ENDIF
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-C                   no more variables can be absorbed into i
-C                   go to next i in bucket and clear flag array
-C                   ----------------------------------------------------
-                    WFLG = WFLG + 1
-                    I = NEXT (I)
-                    IF (I .NE. 0) GOTO 200
-                    ENDIF
-                 ENDIF
-250           CONTINUE
-           P = PME1
-           NLEFT = N - NEL
-           DO 260 PME = PME1, PME2
-              I = IW (PME)
-              NVI = -NV (I)
-              IF (NVI .GT. 0) THEN
-C                i is a principal variable in Lme
-C                restore nv (i) to signify that i is principal
-                 NV (I) = NVI
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                compute the external degree (add size of current elem)
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 DEG = MAX (1, MIN (DEGREE (I) + DEGME-NVI, NLEFT-NVI))
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                place the supervariable at the head of the degree list
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 INEXT = HEAD (DEG)
-                 IF (INEXT .NE. 0) LAST (INEXT) = I
-                 NEXT (I) = INEXT
-                 LAST (I) = 0
-                 HEAD (DEG) = I
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                save the new degree, and find the minimum degree
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 MINDEG = MIN (MINDEG, DEG)
-                 DEGREE (I) = DEG
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-C                place the supervariable in the element pattern
-C                -------------------------------------------------------
-                 IW (P) = I
-                 P = P + 1
-                 ENDIF
-260           CONTINUE
-           NV (ME) = NVPIV + DEGME
-C          nv (me) is now the degree of pivot (including diagonal part)
-C          save the length of the list for the new element me
-           LEN (ME) = P - PME1
-           IF (LEN (ME) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C             there is nothing left of the current pivot element
-              PE (ME) = 0
-              W (ME) = 0
-              ENDIF
-           IF (NEWMEM .NE. 0) THEN
-C             element was not constructed in place: deallocate part
-C             of it (final size is less than or equal to newmem,
-C             since newly nonprincipal variables have been removed).
-              PFREE = P
-              MEM = MEM - NEWMEM + LEN (ME)
-              ENDIF
-C          END WHILE (selecting pivots)
-           GOTO 30
-           ENDIF
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       The time taken by the following code is O(n).  At this
-C       point, elen (e) = -k has been done for all elements e,
-C       and elen (i) = 0 has been done for all nonprincipal
-C       variables i.  At this point, there are no principal
-C       supervariables left, and all elements are absorbed.
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       compute the ordering of unordered nonprincipal variables
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO 290 I = 1, N
-           IF (ELEN (I) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             i is an un-ordered row.  Traverse the tree from i until
-C             reaching an element, e.  The element, e, was the
-C             principal supervariable of i and all nodes in the path
-C             from i to when e was selected as pivot.
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              J = -PE (I)
-C             while (j is a variable) do:
-270           CONTINUE
-              IF (ELEN (J) .GE. 0) THEN
-                 J = -PE (J)
-                 GOTO 270
-                 ENDIF
-              E = J
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             get the current pivot ordering of e
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              K = -ELEN (E)
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-C             traverse the path again from i to e, and compress the
-C             path (all nodes point to e).  Path compression allows
-C             this code to compute in O(n) time.  Order the unordered
-C             nodes in the path, and place the element e at the end.
-C             ----------------------------------------------------------
-              J = I
-C             while (j is a variable) do:
-280           CONTINUE
-              IF (ELEN (J) .GE. 0) THEN
-                 JNEXT = -PE (J)
-                 PE (J) = -E
-                 IF (ELEN (J) .EQ. 0) THEN
-C                   j is an unordered row
-                    ELEN (J) = K
-                    K = K + 1
-                    ENDIF
-                 J = JNEXT
-                 GOTO 280
-                 ENDIF
-C             leave elen (e) negative, so we know it is an element
-              ELEN (E) = -K
-              ENDIF
-290        CONTINUE
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-C       reset the inverse permutation (elen (1..n)) to be positive,
-C       and compute the permutation (last (1..n)).
-C       ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        DO 300 I = 1, N
-           K = ABS (ELEN (I))
-           LAST (K) = I
-           ELEN (I) = K
-300        CONTINUE
-C       If maxmem is less than or equal to iwlen, then no compressions
-C       occurred, and iw (maxmem+1 ... iwlen) was unused.  Otherwise
-C       compressions did occur, and iwlen would have had to have been
-C       greater than or equal to maxmem for no compressions to occur.
-C       Return the value of maxmem in the pfree argument.
-        PFREE = MAXMEM
-        RETURN
-        END
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--- a/liboctave/UMFPACK/README.txt
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-UMFPACK v4.4 and AMD v1.1.
-See UMFPACK/README.txt and AMD/README.txt for details.  Documention is in
-UMFPACK/Doc and AMD/Doc.