changeset 11587:c792872f8942

all script files: untabify and strip trailing whitespace
author John W. Eaton <>
date Thu, 20 Jan 2011 17:35:29 -0500
parents 12df7854fa7c
children d5bd2766c640
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scripts/general/gradient.m scripts/general/idivide.m scripts/general/int2str.m scripts/general/interp1.m scripts/general/interp2.m scripts/general/interp3.m scripts/general/interpft.m scripts/general/interpn.m scripts/general/isdir.m scripts/general/loadobj.m scripts/general/logspace.m scripts/general/num2str.m scripts/general/pol2cart.m scripts/general/polyarea.m scripts/general/quadgk.m scripts/general/quadl.m scripts/general/quadv.m scripts/general/randi.m scripts/general/rat.m scripts/general/repmat.m scripts/general/rot90.m scripts/general/rotdim.m scripts/general/saveobj.m scripts/general/shift.m scripts/general/sortrows.m scripts/general/sph2cart.m scripts/general/structfun.m scripts/general/subsindex.m scripts/general/trapz.m scripts/general/triplequad.m scripts/geometry/convhull.m scripts/geometry/delaunay.m scripts/geometry/delaunay3.m scripts/geometry/delaunayn.m scripts/geometry/dsearch.m scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m scripts/geometry/griddata3.m scripts/geometry/griddatan.m 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scripts/image/summer.m scripts/image/winter.m scripts/io/dlmwrite.m scripts/io/fileread.m scripts/io/strread.m scripts/io/textread.m scripts/linear-algebra/cond.m scripts/linear-algebra/condest.m scripts/linear-algebra/cross.m scripts/linear-algebra/expm.m scripts/linear-algebra/isdefinite.m scripts/linear-algebra/krylov.m scripts/linear-algebra/logm.m scripts/linear-algebra/normest.m scripts/linear-algebra/onenormest.m scripts/linear-algebra/rref.m scripts/linear-algebra/subspace.m scripts/miscellaneous/ans.m scripts/miscellaneous/bincoeff.m scripts/miscellaneous/bunzip2.m scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m scripts/miscellaneous/copyfile.m scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m scripts/miscellaneous/getappdata.m scripts/miscellaneous/getfield.m scripts/miscellaneous/gunzip.m scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m scripts/miscellaneous/isappdata.m scripts/miscellaneous/ls.m scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m scripts/miscellaneous/movefile.m scripts/miscellaneous/namelengthmax.m scripts/miscellaneous/orderfields.m scripts/miscellaneous/private/__xzip__.m scripts/miscellaneous/rmappdata.m scripts/miscellaneous/setappdata.m scripts/miscellaneous/substruct.m scripts/miscellaneous/swapbytes.m scripts/miscellaneous/tar.m scripts/miscellaneous/unimplemented.m scripts/miscellaneous/unpack.m scripts/miscellaneous/untar.m scripts/miscellaneous/unzip.m scripts/miscellaneous/ver.m scripts/miscellaneous/warning_ids.m scripts/miscellaneous/what.m scripts/miscellaneous/zip.m scripts/optimization/__all_opts__.m scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m scripts/optimization/fminunc.m scripts/optimization/fsolve.m scripts/optimization/fzero.m scripts/optimization/glpk.m scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m scripts/optimization/optimget.m scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m scripts/optimization/qp.m scripts/optimization/sqp.m scripts/path/pathdef.m scripts/path/savepath.m scripts/pkg/pkg.m scripts/plot/__fltk_ginput__.m scripts/plot/__gnuplot_ginput__.m 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scripts/plot/feather.m scripts/plot/findobj.m scripts/plot/fplot.m scripts/plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m scripts/plot/gtext.m scripts/plot/hist.m scripts/plot/hold.m scripts/plot/ishghandle.m scripts/plot/isocolors.m scripts/plot/isonormals.m scripts/plot/isosurface.m scripts/plot/isprop.m scripts/plot/legend.m scripts/plot/loglog.m scripts/plot/loglogerr.m scripts/plot/meshc.m scripts/plot/meshz.m scripts/plot/ndgrid.m scripts/plot/orient.m scripts/plot/pareto.m scripts/plot/patch.m scripts/plot/pbaspect.m scripts/plot/pcolor.m scripts/plot/peaks.m scripts/plot/pie.m scripts/plot/pie3.m scripts/plot/plot.m scripts/plot/plot3.m scripts/plot/plotmatrix.m scripts/plot/plotyy.m scripts/plot/polar.m scripts/plot/print.m scripts/plot/private/__actual_axis_position__.m scripts/plot/private/__axis_label__.m scripts/plot/private/__bar__.m scripts/plot/private/__clabel__.m scripts/plot/private/__contour__.m scripts/plot/private/__errplot__.m scripts/plot/private/__ezplot__.m 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scripts/sparse/gplot.m scripts/sparse/pcg.m scripts/sparse/pcr.m scripts/sparse/spaugment.m scripts/sparse/spdiags.m scripts/sparse/speye.m scripts/sparse/spfun.m scripts/sparse/sprand.m scripts/sparse/sprandn.m scripts/sparse/sprandsym.m scripts/sparse/spstats.m scripts/sparse/spy.m scripts/sparse/svds.m scripts/sparse/treelayout.m scripts/sparse/treeplot.m scripts/specfun/bessel.m scripts/specfun/betaln.m scripts/specfun/factor.m scripts/specfun/legendre.m scripts/specfun/nchoosek.m scripts/specfun/nthroot.m scripts/specfun/primes.m scripts/specfun/reallog.m scripts/specfun/realpow.m scripts/specfun/realsqrt.m scripts/special-matrix/hadamard.m scripts/special-matrix/invhilb.m scripts/special-matrix/magic.m scripts/special-matrix/pascal.m scripts/special-matrix/toeplitz.m scripts/startup/__finish__.m scripts/statistics/base/cov.m scripts/statistics/base/histc.m scripts/statistics/base/iqr.m scripts/statistics/base/kendall.m scripts/statistics/base/kurtosis.m scripts/statistics/base/mean.m scripts/statistics/base/meansq.m scripts/statistics/base/median.m scripts/statistics/base/mode.m scripts/statistics/base/moment.m scripts/statistics/base/ols.m scripts/statistics/base/prctile.m scripts/statistics/base/qqplot.m scripts/statistics/base/quantile.m scripts/statistics/base/ranks.m scripts/statistics/base/run_count.m scripts/statistics/base/skewness.m scripts/statistics/base/statistics.m scripts/statistics/base/std.m scripts/statistics/base/studentize.m scripts/statistics/base/var.m scripts/statistics/distributions/betainv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/betapdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/betarnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/binoinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/binornd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/exprnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/fcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/frnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/gamrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/lognrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbincdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbininv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/normrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/poissrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/tpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/trnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unifcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unifrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/wblrnd.m scripts/statistics/tests/bartlett_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m scripts/strings/blanks.m scripts/strings/dec2base.m scripts/strings/dec2hex.m scripts/strings/findstr.m scripts/strings/index.m scripts/strings/isstrprop.m scripts/strings/mat2str.m scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m scripts/strings/str2num.m scripts/strings/strchr.m scripts/strings/strjust.m scripts/strings/strmatch.m scripts/strings/strsplit.m scripts/strings/strtok.m scripts/strings/untabify.m scripts/testfun/assert.m scripts/testfun/demo.m scripts/testfun/example.m scripts/testfun/fail.m scripts/testfun/speed.m scripts/testfun/test.m scripts/time/datenum.m scripts/time/datestr.m scripts/time/datetick.m scripts/time/datevec.m scripts/time/etime.m
diffstat 445 files changed, 2830 insertions(+), 2642 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/@ftp/dir.m
+++ b/scripts/@ftp/dir.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{lst} =} dir (@var{f})
-## List the current directory in verbose form for the FTP connection 
+## List the current directory in verbose form for the FTP connection
 ## @var{f}.  @var{f} is an FTP object returned by the @code{ftp} function.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/@ftp/mget.m
+++ b/scripts/@ftp/mget.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} mget (@dots{}, @var{target})
 ## Downloads a remote file @var{file} or directory @var{dir} to the local
 ## directory on the FTP connection @var{f}.  @var{f} is an FTP object
-## returned by the @code{ftp} function. 
+## returned by the @code{ftp} function.
 ## The arguments @var{file} and @var{dir} can include wildcards and any
 ## files or directories on the remote server that match will be downloaded.
--- a/scripts/@ftp/mput.m
+++ b/scripts/@ftp/mput.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} mput (@var{f}, @var{file})
 ## Upload the local file @var{file} into the current remote directory on
 ## the FTP connection @var{f}.  @var{f} is an FTP object returned by the
-## ftp function. 
+## ftp function.
 ## The argument @var{file} is passed by the @dfn{glob} function and any
 ## files that match the wildcards in @var{file} will be uploaded.
--- a/scripts/ChangeLog
+++ b/scripts/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,191 @@
+2011-01-20  John W. Eaton  <>
+	* @ftp/dir.m, @ftp/mget.m, @ftp/mput.m, ChangeLog,
+	audio/lin2mu.m, audio/setaudio.m, audio/wavread.m,
+	audio/wavwrite.m, deprecated/autocor.m, deprecated/autocov.m,
+	deprecated/betai.m, deprecated/create_set.m,
+	deprecated/dispatch.m, deprecated/gammai.m,
+	deprecated/intwarning.m, deprecated/replot.m, elfun/cosd.m,
+	elfun/sind.m, elfun/tand.m, general/accumarray.m,
+	general/accumdim.m, general/arrayfun.m, general/bicubic.m,
+	general/bitcmp.m, general/bitget.m, general/bitset.m,
+	general/cart2pol.m, general/cart2sph.m, general/cell2mat.m,
+	general/celldisp.m, general/circshift.m, general/cplxpair.m,
+	general/cumtrapz.m, general/curl.m, general/dblquad.m,
+	general/deal.m, general/del2.m, general/divergence.m,
+	general/flipud.m, general/gradient.m, general/idivide.m,
+	general/int2str.m, general/interp1.m, general/interp2.m,
+	general/interp3.m, general/interpft.m, general/interpn.m,
+	general/isdir.m, general/loadobj.m, general/logspace.m,
+	general/num2str.m, general/pol2cart.m, general/polyarea.m,
+	general/quadgk.m, general/quadl.m, general/quadv.m,
+	general/randi.m, general/rat.m, general/repmat.m,
+	general/rot90.m, general/rotdim.m, general/saveobj.m,
+	general/shift.m, general/sortrows.m, general/sph2cart.m,
+	general/structfun.m, general/subsindex.m, general/trapz.m,
+	general/triplequad.m, geometry/convhull.m, geometry/delaunay.m,
+	geometry/delaunay3.m, geometry/delaunayn.m, geometry/dsearch.m,
+	geometry/dsearchn.m, geometry/griddata3.m, geometry/griddatan.m,
+	geometry/inpolygon.m, geometry/rectint.m, geometry/trimesh.m,
+	geometry/trisurf.m, geometry/tsearchn.m, geometry/voronoi.m,
+	help/__makeinfo__.m, help/__strip_html_tags__.m, help/doc.m,
+	help/gen_doc_cache.m, help/get_first_help_sentence.m,
+	help/help.m, help/lookfor.m, help/print_usage.m, help/type.m,
+	image/autumn.m, image/bone.m, image/brighten.m, image/cool.m,
+	image/copper.m, image/flag.m, image/gmap40.m, image/gray.m,
+	image/hot.m, image/hsv.m, image/hsv2rgb.m, image/image.m,
+	image/imread.m, image/imshow.m, image/imwrite.m,
+	image/ind2rgb.m, image/jet.m, image/ntsc2rgb.m, image/ocean.m,
+	image/pink.m, image/prism.m, image/rainbow.m, image/rgb2hsv.m,
+	image/rgb2ind.m, image/rgb2ntsc.m, image/spring.m,
+	image/summer.m, image/winter.m, io/dlmwrite.m, io/fileread.m,
+	io/strread.m, io/textread.m, linear-algebra/cond.m,
+	linear-algebra/condest.m, linear-algebra/cross.m,
+	linear-algebra/expm.m, linear-algebra/isdefinite.m,
+	linear-algebra/krylov.m, linear-algebra/logm.m,
+	linear-algebra/normest.m, linear-algebra/onenormest.m,
+	linear-algebra/rref.m, linear-algebra/subspace.m,
+	miscellaneous/ans.m, miscellaneous/bincoeff.m,
+	miscellaneous/bunzip2.m, miscellaneous/bzip2.m,
+	miscellaneous/computer.m, miscellaneous/copyfile.m,
+	miscellaneous/debug.m, miscellaneous/edit.m,
+	miscellaneous/getappdata.m, miscellaneous/getfield.m,
+	miscellaneous/gunzip.m, miscellaneous/gzip.m,
+	miscellaneous/isappdata.m, miscellaneous/ls.m,
+	miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m, miscellaneous/movefile.m,
+	miscellaneous/namelengthmax.m, miscellaneous/orderfields.m,
+	miscellaneous/private/__xzip__.m, miscellaneous/rmappdata.m,
+	miscellaneous/setappdata.m, miscellaneous/substruct.m,
+	miscellaneous/swapbytes.m, miscellaneous/tar.m,
+	miscellaneous/unimplemented.m, miscellaneous/unpack.m,
+	miscellaneous/untar.m, miscellaneous/unzip.m,
+	miscellaneous/ver.m, miscellaneous/warning_ids.m,
+	miscellaneous/what.m, miscellaneous/zip.m,
+	optimization/__all_opts__.m, optimization/fminbnd.m,
+	optimization/fminunc.m, optimization/fsolve.m,
+	optimization/fzero.m, optimization/glpk.m,
+	optimization/lsqnonneg.m, optimization/optimget.m,
+	optimization/pqpnonneg.m, optimization/qp.m, optimization/sqp.m,
+	path/pathdef.m, path/savepath.m, pkg/pkg.m,
+	plot/__fltk_ginput__.m, plot/__gnuplot_ginput__.m,
+	plot/__gnuplot_has_feature__.m, plot/__gnuplot_open_stream__.m,
+	plot/__gnuplot_print__.m, plot/__go_draw_axes__.m,
+	plot/__go_draw_figure__.m, plot/__marching_cube__.m,
+	plot/__next_line_color__.m, plot/__next_line_style__.m,
+	plot/__plt_get_axis_arg__.m, plot/__print_parse_opts__.m,
+	plot/area.m, plot/axis.m, plot/bar.m, plot/barh.m, plot/caxis.m,
+	plot/cla.m, plot/clabel.m, plot/colorbar.m, plot/comet.m,
+	plot/comet3.m, plot/compass.m, plot/contour.m, plot/contour3.m,
+	plot/contourc.m, plot/cylinder.m, plot/daspect.m,
+	plot/diffuse.m, plot/ellipsoid.m, plot/errorbar.m,
+	plot/ezcontour.m, plot/ezcontourf.m, plot/ezmesh.m,
+	plot/ezmeshc.m, plot/ezplot.m, plot/ezplot3.m, plot/ezpolar.m,
+	plot/ezsurf.m, plot/ezsurfc.m, plot/feather.m, plot/findobj.m,
+	plot/fplot.m, plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m, plot/gtext.m, plot/hist.m,
+	plot/hold.m, plot/ishghandle.m, plot/isocolors.m,
+	plot/isonormals.m, plot/isosurface.m, plot/isprop.m,
+	plot/legend.m, plot/loglog.m, plot/loglogerr.m, plot/meshc.m,
+	plot/meshz.m, plot/ndgrid.m, plot/orient.m, plot/pareto.m,
+	plot/patch.m, plot/pbaspect.m, plot/pcolor.m, plot/peaks.m,
+	plot/pie.m, plot/pie3.m, plot/plot.m, plot/plot3.m,
+	plot/plotmatrix.m, plot/plotyy.m, plot/polar.m, plot/print.m,
+	plot/private/__actual_axis_position__.m,
+	plot/private/__axis_label__.m, plot/private/__bar__.m,
+	plot/private/__clabel__.m, plot/private/__contour__.m,
+	plot/private/__errplot__.m, plot/private/__ezplot__.m,
+	plot/private/__fltk_file_filter__.m,
+	plot/private/__ghostscript__.m,
+	plot/private/__gnuplot_has_terminal__.m,
+	plot/private/__patch__.m, plot/private/__pie__.m,
+	plot/private/__pltopt__.m, plot/private/__quiver__.m,
+	plot/private/__scatter__.m, plot/private/__stem__.m,
+	plot/private/__tight_eps_bbox__.m, plot/quiver.m,
+	plot/quiver3.m, plot/refreshdata.m, plot/rose.m, plot/saveas.m,
+	plot/scatter.m, plot/scatter3.m, plot/semilogx.m,
+	plot/semilogxerr.m, plot/semilogy.m, plot/semilogyerr.m,
+	plot/shading.m, plot/slice.m, plot/specular.m, plot/sphere.m,
+	plot/stairs.m, plot/stem.m, plot/stem3.m, plot/subplot.m,
+	plot/surface.m, plot/surfc.m, plot/surfl.m, plot/surfnorm.m,
+	plot/uigetdir.m, plot/uigetfile.m, plot/uimenu.m,
+	plot/uiputfile.m, plot/view.m, plot/waitforbuttonpress.m,
+	plot/whitebg.m, plot/xlim.m, plot/ylim.m, plot/zlim.m,
+	polynomial/mkpp.m, polynomial/mpoles.m, polynomial/pchip.m,
+	polynomial/poly.m, polynomial/polyaffine.m,
+	polynomial/polyderiv.m, polynomial/polyfit.m,
+	polynomial/polyreduce.m, polynomial/polyval.m,
+	polynomial/ppder.m, polynomial/ppint.m, polynomial/ppjumps.m,
+	polynomial/ppval.m, polynomial/residue.m, polynomial/roots.m,
+	polynomial/spline.m, polynomial/unmkpp.m, set/ismember.m,
+	set/private/validargs.m, set/setdiff.m, set/setxor.m,
+	set/union.m, set/unique.m, signal/arma_rnd.m, signal/fftconv.m,
+	signal/fftshift.m, signal/filter2.m, signal/freqz.m,
+	signal/ifftshift.m, signal/unwrap.m, sparse/bicgstab.m,
+	sparse/cgs.m, sparse/gplot.m, sparse/pcg.m, sparse/pcr.m,
+	sparse/spaugment.m, sparse/spdiags.m, sparse/speye.m,
+	sparse/spfun.m, sparse/sprand.m, sparse/sprandn.m,
+	sparse/sprandsym.m, sparse/spstats.m, sparse/spy.m,
+	sparse/svds.m, sparse/treelayout.m, sparse/treeplot.m,
+	specfun/bessel.m, specfun/betaln.m, specfun/factor.m,
+	specfun/legendre.m, specfun/nchoosek.m, specfun/nthroot.m,
+	specfun/primes.m, specfun/reallog.m, specfun/realpow.m,
+	specfun/realsqrt.m, special-matrix/hadamard.m,
+	special-matrix/invhilb.m, special-matrix/magic.m,
+	special-matrix/pascal.m, special-matrix/toeplitz.m,
+	startup/__finish__.m, statistics/base/cov.m,
+	statistics/base/histc.m, statistics/base/iqr.m,
+	statistics/base/kendall.m, statistics/base/kurtosis.m,
+	statistics/base/mean.m, statistics/base/meansq.m,
+	statistics/base/median.m, statistics/base/mode.m,
+	statistics/base/moment.m, statistics/base/ols.m,
+	statistics/base/prctile.m, statistics/base/qqplot.m,
+	statistics/base/quantile.m, statistics/base/ranks.m,
+	statistics/base/run_count.m, statistics/base/skewness.m,
+	statistics/base/statistics.m, statistics/base/std.m,
+	statistics/base/studentize.m, statistics/base/var.m,
+	statistics/distributions/betainv.m,
+	statistics/distributions/betapdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/betarnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/binoinv.m,
+	statistics/distributions/binornd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/cauchy_cdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/cauchy_inv.m,
+	statistics/distributions/cauchy_pdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/cauchy_rnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/chi2rnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/discrete_rnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/exprnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/fcdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/frnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/gamrnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/lognrnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/nbincdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/nbininv.m,
+	statistics/distributions/nbinpdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/nbinrnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/normrnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/poissrnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/stdnormal_rnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/tpdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/trnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/unifcdf.m,
+	statistics/distributions/unifrnd.m,
+	statistics/distributions/wblrnd.m,
+	statistics/tests/bartlett_test.m,
+	statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m,
+	statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m,
+	statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m, strings/blanks.m,
+	strings/dec2base.m, strings/dec2hex.m, strings/findstr.m,
+	strings/index.m, strings/isstrprop.m, strings/mat2str.m,
+	strings/regexptranslate.m, strings/str2num.m, strings/strchr.m,
+	strings/strjust.m, strings/strmatch.m, strings/strsplit.m,
+	strings/strtok.m, strings/untabify.m, testfun/assert.m,
+	testfun/demo.m, testfun/example.m, testfun/fail.m,
+	testfun/speed.m, testfun/test.m, time/datenum.m, time/datestr.m,
+	time/datetick.m, time/datevec.m, time/etime.m:
+	Strip trailing whitespace.
+	* statistics/distributions/betapdf.m: Untabify.
 2010-01-20  Petr Mikulik  <>
 	* plot/uigetdir.m: Use correct variable name for argument check.
--- a/scripts/audio/lin2mu.m
+++ b/scripts/audio/lin2mu.m
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} lin2mu (@var{x})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} lin2mu (@var{x}, @var{n})
 ## Convert audio data from linear to mu-law.  Mu-law values use 8-bit
-## unsigned integers.  Linear values use @var{n}-bit signed integers or 
+## unsigned integers.  Linear values use @var{n}-bit signed integers or
 ## floating point values in the range -1 @leq{} @var{x} @leq{} 1 if
-## @var{n} is 0.  
-## If @var{n} is not specified it defaults to 0, 8, or 16 depending on 
+## @var{n} is 0.
+## If @var{n} is not specified it defaults to 0, 8, or 16 depending on
 ## the range of values in @var{x}.
 ## @seealso{mu2lin, loadaudio, saveaudio}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/audio/setaudio.m
+++ b/scripts/audio/setaudio.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} setaudio ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} setaudio (@var{w_type})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} setaudio (@var{w_type}, @var{value})
-## Execute the shell command @samp{mixer}, possibly with optional 
+## Execute the shell command @samp{mixer}, possibly with optional
 ## arguments @var{w_type} and @var{value}.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/audio/wavread.m
+++ b/scripts/audio/wavread.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## @var{y} is a matrix with the channels represented as columns.
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{y}, @var{Fs}, @var{bits}] =} wavread (@var{filename})
-## Additionally return the sample rate (@var{fs}) in Hz and the number of bits 
+## Additionally return the sample rate (@var{fs}) in Hz and the number of bits
 ## per sample (@var{bits}).
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@dots{}] =} wavread (@var{filename}, @var{n})
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     error ("wavread: file contains no WAVE signature");
   riff_pos = riff_pos + 4;
-  riff_size = riff_size - 4; 
+  riff_size = riff_size - 4;
   ## Find format chunk inside the RIFF chunk.
   fseek (fid, riff_pos, "bof");
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
     fclose (fid);
     error ("wavread: file contains no format chunk");
   ## Find data chunk inside the RIFF chunk.
   ## We don't assume that it comes after the format chunk.
   fseek (fid, riff_pos, "bof");
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
     fclose (fid);
     error ("wavread: file contains no data chunk");
   ### Read format chunk.
   fseek (fid, fmt_pos, "bof");
   ## Sample format code.
   format_tag = fread (fid, 1, "uint16", 0, BYTEORDER);
   if (format_tag != FORMAT_PCM && format_tag != FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT)
@@ -123,17 +123,17 @@
   ### Read data chunk.
   fseek (fid, data_pos, "bof");
   ## Determine sample data type.
   if (format_tag == FORMAT_PCM)
     switch (bits_per_sample)
       case 8
         format = "uint8";
-      case 16 
+      case 16
         format = "int16";
       case 24
         format = "uint8";
-      case 32 
+      case 32
         format = "int32";
         fclose (fid);
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@
     switch (bits_per_sample)
-      case 32 
+      case 32
         format = "float32";
-      case 64 
+      case 64
         format = "float64";
         fclose (fid);
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   ## Parse arguments.
   if (nargin == 1)
     length = 8 * data_size / bits_per_sample;
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
         yi /= 2147483647;
   ## Deinterleave.
   nr = numel (yi) / channels;
   y = reshape (yi, channels, nr)';
 ## Given a chunk_id, scan through chunks from the current file position
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
     id = char (fread (fid, 4))';
     chunk_size = fread (fid, 1, "uint32", 0, "ieee-le");
     ## Chunk sizes must be word-aligned (2 byte)
-    chunk_size += rem (chunk_size, 2);  
+    chunk_size += rem (chunk_size, 2);
     offset = offset + 8 + chunk_size;
   if (! strcmp (id, chunk_id))
--- a/scripts/audio/wavwrite.m
+++ b/scripts/audio/wavwrite.m
@@ -78,33 +78,33 @@
   ## determine sample format
   switch (bits_per_sample)
-    case 8  
+    case 8
       format = "uint8";
-    case 16 
+    case 16
       format = "int16";
-    case 32 
+    case 32
       format = "int32";
       error ("wavwrite: sample resolution not supported");
   ## calculate filesize
   [n, channels] = size(y);
   ## size of data chunk
   ck_size = n*channels*(bits_per_sample/8);
   ## open file for writing binary
   if (! ischar (filename))
     error ("wavwrite: expecting FILENAME to be a character string");
   [fid, msg] = fopen (filename, "wb");
   if (fid < 0)
     error ("wavwrite: %s", msg);
   ## write RIFF/WAVE header
   c = 0;
   c += fwrite (fid, "RIFF", "uchar");
@@ -132,18 +132,18 @@
   ## block align
   c += fwrite (fid, channels*bits_per_sample/8, "uint16", 0, BYTEORDER);
-  c += fwrite (fid, bits_per_sample, "uint16", 0, BYTEORDER);   
+  c += fwrite (fid, bits_per_sample, "uint16", 0, BYTEORDER);
   c += fwrite (fid, "data", "uchar");
   c += fwrite (fid, ck_size, "uint32", 0, BYTEORDER);
   if (c < 25)
     fclose (fid);
     error ("wavwrite: writing to file failed");
   ## interleave samples
   yi = reshape (y', n*channels, 1);
   ## scale samples
   switch (bits_per_sample)
     case 8
@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@
     case 32
       yi = round (yi*2147483647);
   ## write to file
   c = fwrite (fid, yi, format, 0, BYTEORDER);
   fclose (fid);
--- a/scripts/deprecated/autocor.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/autocor.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## If @var{h} is omitted, all autocorrelations are computed.
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, the autocorrelations of each column are
 ## computed.
-## The particular algorithm used is from the field of statistics and 
+## The particular algorithm used is from the field of statistics and
 ## differs from the definition used in signal processing.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/deprecated/autocov.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/autocov.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## If @var{h} is omitted, all autocovariances are computed.
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, the autocovariances of each column are
 ## computed.
-## The particular algorithm used is from the field of statistics and 
+## The particular algorithm used is from the field of statistics and
 ## differs from the definition used in signal processing.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/deprecated/betai.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/betai.m
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 ## This function is provided for compatibility with older versions of
 ## Octave.  New programs should use betainc instead.
-## @code{betai (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{x})} is the same as 
-## @code{betainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, @var{b})}. 
+## @code{betai (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{x})} is the same as
+## @code{betainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, @var{b})}.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: jwe
--- a/scripts/deprecated/create_set.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/create_set.m
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
     print_usage ();
   if (nargin == 1)
     y = unique (x)(:)';
   elseif (strcmpi (rows_opt, "rows"))
--- a/scripts/deprecated/dispatch.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/dispatch.m
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 %!test # builtin function replacement
 %! dispatch('sin','length','string')
 %! assert(sin("abc"),3)
-%! assert(sin(0),0,10*eps); 
+%! assert(sin(0),0,10*eps);
 %!test # 'any' function
 %! dispatch('sin','exp','any')
--- a/scripts/deprecated/gammai.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/gammai.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## This function is provided for compatibility with older versions of
 ## Octave.  New programs should use @code{gammainc} instead.
-## @code{gammai (@var{a}, @var{x})} is the same as 
+## @code{gammai (@var{a}, @var{x})} is the same as
 ## @code{gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a})}.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/deprecated/intwarning.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/intwarning.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 ## The state of warning "Octave:int-convert-overflow" is "off"
 ## The state of warning "Octave:int-math-overflow" is "off"
 ## @end group
-## @end smallexample 
+## @end smallexample
 ## @item "on"
 ## @itemx "off"
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
       elseif (strcmpi (x, "off"))
         warning ("off", "Octave:int-convert-nan");
         warning ("off", "Octave:int-convert-non-int-val");
-        warning ("off", "Octave:int-convert-overflow");    
-        warning ("off", "Octave:int-math-overflow");    
+        warning ("off", "Octave:int-convert-overflow");
+        warning ("off", "Octave:int-math-overflow");
         error ("intwarning: unrecognized argument");
@@ -128,6 +128,6 @@
 function __print_int_warn_state__ (s)
-  fprintf ("The state of warning \"%s\" is \"%s\"\n", 
+  fprintf ("The state of warning \"%s\" is \"%s\"\n",
            s, warning ("query", s).state);
--- a/scripts/deprecated/replot.m
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/replot.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## Deprecated in version 3.4
 function replot ()
   persistent warned = false;
   if (! warned)
     warned = true;
--- a/scripts/elfun/cosd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/cosd.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} cosd (@var{x})
-## Compute the cosine for each element of @var{x} in degrees.  Returns zero 
+## Compute the cosine for each element of @var{x} in degrees.  Returns zero
 ## for elements where @code{(@var{x}-90)/180} is an integer.
 ## @seealso{acosd, cos}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/elfun/sind.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/sind.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} sind (@var{x})
-## Compute the sine for each element of @var{x} in degrees.  Returns zero 
+## Compute the sine for each element of @var{x} in degrees.  Returns zero
 ## for elements where @code{@var{x}/180} is an integer.
 ## @seealso{asind, sin}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/elfun/tand.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/tand.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} tand (@var{x})
-## Compute the tangent for each element of @var{x} in degrees.  Returns zero 
+## Compute the tangent for each element of @var{x} in degrees.  Returns zero
 ## for elements where @code{@var{x}/180} is an integer and @code{Inf} for
 ## elements where @code{(@var{x}-90)/180} is an integer.
 ## @seealso{atand, tan}
--- a/scripts/general/accumarray.m
+++ b/scripts/general/accumarray.m
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## The default action of @code{accumarray} is to sum the elements with the
 ## same subscripts.  This behavior can be modified by defining the @var{func}
-## function.  This should be a function or function handle that accepts a 
+## function.  This should be a function or function handle that accepts a
 ## column vector and returns a scalar.  The result of the function should not
 ## depend on the order of the subscripts.
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
 ## subscripts and M is the maximum subscript (linearized in multi-dimensional
 ## case).
 ## If @var{func} is one of @code{@@sum} (default), @code{@@max}, @code{@@min}
-## or @code{@@(x) @{x@}}, an optimized code path is used. 
+## or @code{@@(x) @{x@}}, an optimized code path is used.
 ## Note that for general reduction function the interpreter overhead can play a
 ## major part and it may be more efficient to do multiple accumarray calls and
 ## compute the results in a vectorized manner.
 ## @end deftypefn
-function A = accumarray (subs, vals, sz = [], func = [], fillval = [], issparse = [])  
+function A = accumarray (subs, vals, sz = [], func = [], fillval = [], issparse = [])
   if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 6)
     print_usage ();
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
       ## Reduce values. This is not needed if we're about to sum them, because
       ## "sparse" can do that.
       ## Sort indices.
       [subs, idx] = sortrows (subs);
       n = rows (subs);
@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@
-      ## The general case. Reduce values. 
+      ## The general case. Reduce values.
       n = rows (subs);
       if (numel (vals) == 1)
         vals = vals(ones (1, n), 1);
         vals = vals(:);
       ## Sort indices.
       [subs, idx] = sort (subs);
       ## Identify runs.
--- a/scripts/general/accumdim.m
+++ b/scripts/general/accumdim.m
@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} accumdim (@var{subs}, @var{vals}, @var{dim}, @var{n}, @var{func}, @var{fillval})
 ## Create an array by accumulating the slices of an array into the
-## positions defined by their subscripts along a specified dimension. 
+## positions defined by their subscripts along a specified dimension.
 ## The subscripts are defined by the index vector @var{subs}.
 ## The dimension is specified by @var{dim}.  If not given, it defaults
 ## to the first non-singleton dimension.
-## The extent of the result matrix in the working dimension will be determined 
+## The extent of the result matrix in the working dimension will be determined
 ## by the subscripts themselves.
 ## However, if @var{n} is defined it determines this extent.
 ## The default action of @code{accumdim} is to sum the subarrays with the
 ## same subscripts.  This behavior can be modified by defining the @var{func}
-## function.  This should be a function or function handle that accepts an 
+## function.  This should be a function or function handle that accepts an
 ## array and a dimension, and reduces the array along this dimension.
 ## As a special exception, the built-in @code{min} and @code{max} functions
 ## can be used directly, and @code{accumdim} accounts for the middle empty
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
     sz(end+1:dim) = 1;
   sz(dim) = n;
   if (isempty (func) || func == @sum)
     ## Fast summation case.
     A = __accumdim_sum__ (subs, vals, dim, n);
     ## Fill in nonzero fill value
     if (fillval != 0)
       mask = true (n, 1);
--- a/scripts/general/arrayfun.m
+++ b/scripts/general/arrayfun.m
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ## array, a structure array or a cell array.  By a call of the function
 ## @command{arrayfun} all elements of @var{A} are passed on to the named
 ## function @var{func} individually.
 ## The named function can also take more than two input arguments, with
 ## the input arguments given as third input argument @var{b}, fourth
 ## input argument @var{c}, @dots{}  If given more than one array input
--- a/scripts/general/bicubic.m
+++ b/scripts/general/bicubic.m
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   if (nargin <= 2)
     ## bicubic (z) or bicubic (z, 2)
-    if (nargin == 1) 
+    if (nargin == 1)
       n = 1;
       n = y;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     z = x;
     [rz, cz] = size (z);
   elseif (nargin == 5 || nargin == 6)
-    [rz, cz] = size (z) ; 
+    [rz, cz] = size (z) ;
     if (isvector (x) && isvector (y))
       if (rz != length (y) || cz != length (x))
         error ("bicubic: length of X and Y must match the size of Z");
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
       error ("bicubic: X, Y and Z must be equal size matrices of same size");
     ## Mark values outside the lookup table.
     xfirst_ind = find (xi < x(1));
-    xlast_ind  = find (xi > x(cz));    
+    xlast_ind  = find (xi > x(cz));
     yfirst_ind = find (yi < y(1));
     ylast_ind  = find (yi > y(rz));
     ## Set value outside the table preliminary to min max index.
@@ -102,31 +102,31 @@
     x = reshape (x, 1, cz);
     x(cz) *= 1 + sign (x(cz))*myeps;
-    if (x(cz) == 0) 
+    if (x(cz) == 0)
       x(cz) = myeps;
-    endif; 
+    endif;
     xi = reshape (xi, 1, length (xi));
     [m, i] = sort ([x, xi]);
     o = cumsum (i <= cz);
     xidx = o(find (i > cz));
     y = reshape (y, rz, 1);
     y(rz) *= 1 + sign (y(rz))*myeps;
-    if (y(rz) == 0) 
+    if (y(rz) == 0)
       y(rz) = myeps;
-    endif; 
+    endif;
     yi = reshape (yi, length (yi), 1);
     [m, i] = sort ([y; yi]);
     o = cumsum (i <= rz);
     yidx = o([find(i > rz)]);
     ## Set s and t used follow codes.
     s = xidx + ((xi .- x(xidx))./(x(xidx+1) .- x(xidx)));
     t = yidx + ((yi - y(yidx))./(y(yidx+1) - y(yidx)));
     print_usage ();
   if (rz < 3 || cz < 3)
     error ("bicubic: Z at least a 3 by 3 matrices");
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
   s = s - floor (s);
   inds(d) = cz-1;
   s(d) = 1.0;
   d = [];
   indt = floor (t);
   d = find (t == rz);
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
   lent = length (ct0);
   lens = columns (cs0);
   zi = zeros (lent, lens);
   for i = 1:lent
     it = indt(i);
     int = [it, it+1, it+2, it+3];
--- a/scripts/general/bitcmp.m
+++ b/scripts/general/bitcmp.m
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ## Liberally based on the version by Kai Habel from octave-forge
 function C = bitcmp (A, k)
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/general/bitget.m
+++ b/scripts/general/bitget.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## bitget (100, 8:-1:1)
-## @result{} 0  1  1  0  0  1  0  0 
+## @result{} 0  1  1  0  0  1  0  0
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @seealso{bitand, bitor, bitxor, bitset, bitcmp, bitshift, bitmax}
--- a/scripts/general/bitset.m
+++ b/scripts/general/bitset.m
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   if (nargin == 2)
     val = 1;
   if (isa (A, "double"))
     Bmax = bitmax;
     Amax = log2 (Bmax) + 1;
--- a/scripts/general/cart2pol.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cart2pol.m
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 ## @var{theta} describes the angle relative to the positive x-axis.
 ## @var{r} is the distance to the z-axis @w{(0, 0, z)}.
 ## @var{x}, @var{y} (and @var{z}) must be the same shape, or scalar.
-## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{c} 
+## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{c}
 ## represents the Cartesian coordinate (@var{x}, @var{y} (, @var{z})).
-## If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix 
+## If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix
 ## @var{p} where each row represents one polar/(cylindrical) coordinate
 ## (@var{theta}, @var{phi} (, @var{z})).
 ## @seealso{pol2cart, cart2sph, sph2cart}
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
         z = [];
       y = x(:,2);
-      x = x(:,1);    
+      x = x(:,1);
       error ("cart2pol: matrix input must have 2 or 3 columns [X, Y (, Z)]");
--- a/scripts/general/cart2sph.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cart2sph.m
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
 ## @var{phi} is the angle relative to the xy-plane.
 ## @var{r} is the distance to the origin @w{(0, 0, 0)}.
 ## @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z} must be the same shape, or scalar.
-## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{c} 
+## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{c}
 ## represents the Cartesian coordinate (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}).
-## If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix 
-## @var{s} where each row represents one spherical coordinate 
+## If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix
+## @var{s} where each row represents one spherical coordinate
 ## (@var{theta}, @var{phi}, @var{r}).
 ## @seealso{sph2cart, cart2pol, pol2cart}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
   if (nargin == 1)
     if (ismatrix (x) && columns (x) == 3)
-      z = x(:,3);    
-      y = x(:,2);    
-      x = x(:,1);    
+      z = x(:,3);
+      y = x(:,2);
+      x = x(:,1);
       error ("cart2sph: matrix input must have 3 columns [X, Y, Z]");
--- a/scripts/general/cell2mat.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cell2mat.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{m} =} cell2mat (@var{c})
 ## Convert the cell array @var{c} into a matrix by concatenating all
 ## elements of @var{c} into a hyperrectangle.  Elements of @var{c} must
-## be numeric, logical or char matrices, or cell arrays, and @code{cat} 
+## be numeric, logical or char matrices, or cell arrays, and @code{cat}
 ## must be able to concatenate them together.
 ## @seealso{mat2cell, num2cell}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   if (! iscell (c))
     error ("cell2mat: C is not a cell array");
   nb = numel (c);
   if (nb == 0)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
     ## n / (d1 * d2)
     ## n / (d1 * d2 * d3)
     ## etc.
-    ## This is minimized if d1 >= d2 >= d3... 
+    ## This is minimized if d1 >= d2 >= d3...
     sc = size (c);
     nd = ndims (c);
--- a/scripts/general/celldisp.m
+++ b/scripts/general/celldisp.m
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
 ## Recursively display the contents of a cell array.  By default the values
 ## are displayed with the name of the variable @var{c}.  However, this name
 ## can be replaced with the variable @var{name}.  For example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## c = @{1, 2, @{31, 32@}@};
 ## celldisp(c, "b")
 ##      @result{}
-##         b@{1@} = 
+##         b@{1@} =
 ##          1
-##         b@{2@} = 
+##         b@{2@} =
 ##          2
-##         b@{3@}@{1@} = 
+##         b@{3@}@{1@} =
 ##          31
-##         b@{3@}@{2@} = 
+##         b@{3@}@{2@} =
 ##          32
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
@@ -80,4 +80,4 @@
 %! c = {1, 2, {31, 32}};
-%! celldisp(c, "b") 
\ No newline at end of file
+%! celldisp(c, "b")
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/scripts/general/circshift.m
+++ b/scripts/general/circshift.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{y} =} circshift (@var{x}, @var{n})
 ## Circularly shifts the values of the array @var{x}.  @var{n} must be
-## a vector of integers no longer than the number of dimensions in 
+## a vector of integers no longer than the number of dimensions in
 ## @var{x}.  The values of @var{n} can be either positive or negative,
 ## which determines the direction in which the values or @var{x} are
 ## shifted.  If an element of @var{n} is zero, then the corresponding
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
       if (! isvector (n) && length (n) > nd)
         error ("circshift: N must be a vector, no longer than the number of dimension in X");
       if (any (n != floor (n)))
         error ("circshift: all values of N must be integers");
--- a/scripts/general/cplxpair.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cplxpair.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} cplxpair (@var{z})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} cplxpair (@var{z}, @var{tol})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} cplxpair (@var{z}, @var{tol}, @var{dim})
-## Sort the numbers @var{z} into complex conjugate pairs ordered by 
+## Sort the numbers @var{z} into complex conjugate pairs ordered by
 ## increasing real part.  Place the negative imaginary complex number
 ## first within each pair.  Place all the real numbers (those with
 ## @code{abs (imag (@var{z}) / @var{z}) < @var{tol})}) after the
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
   if (length (z) == 0)
     y = zeros (size (z));
-    return; 
+    return;
   if (nargin < 2 || isempty (tol))
     if (isa (z, "single"))
       tol = 100 * eps("single");
-      tol = 100*eps; 
+      tol = 100*eps;
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 %!assert (cplxpair([1+1i, 1+1i, 1, 1-1i, 1-1i, 2]), \
 %!        [1-1i, 1+1i, 1-1i, 1+1i, 1, 2])
 %!assert (cplxpair([1+1i; 1+1i; 1; 1-1i; 1-1i; 2]), \
-%!        [1-1i; 1+1i; 1-1i; 1+1i; 1; 2]) 
+%!        [1-1i; 1+1i; 1-1i; 1+1i; 1; 2])
 %!assert (cplxpair([0, 1, 2]), [0, 1, 2]);
 %!shared z
--- a/scripts/general/cumtrapz.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cumtrapz.m
@@ -20,23 +20,23 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{z} =} cumtrapz (@var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{z} =} cumtrapz (@var{x}, @var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{z} =} cumtrapz (@dots{}, @var{dim})
 ## Cumulative numerical integration using trapezoidal method.
-## @code{cumtrapz (@var{y})} computes the cumulative integral of the 
-## @var{y} along the first non-singleton dimension.  If the argument 
-## @var{x} is omitted an equally spaced vector is assumed.  @code{cumtrapz 
-## (@var{x}, @var{y})} evaluates the cumulative integral with respect 
+## @code{cumtrapz (@var{y})} computes the cumulative integral of the
+## @var{y} along the first non-singleton dimension.  If the argument
+## @var{x} is omitted an equally spaced vector is assumed.  @code{cumtrapz
+## (@var{x}, @var{y})} evaluates the cumulative integral with respect
 ## to @var{x}.
 ## @seealso{trapz,cumsum}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author:      Kai Habel <>
-## also: June 2000 Paul Kienzle (fixes,suggestions) 
+## also: June 2000 Paul Kienzle (fixes,suggestions)
 ## 2006-05-12 David Bateman - Modified for NDArrays
-function z = cumtrapz (x, y, dim)       
+function z = cumtrapz (x, y, dim)
   if (nargin < 1) || (nargin > 3)
     print_usage ();
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     idx1{i} = 1:sz(i);
   idx2 = idx1;
-  idx1{dim} = 2 : n;    
+  idx1{dim} = 2 : n;
   idx2{dim} = 1 : (n - 1);
   if (! have_x)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
     if (! size_equal (x, y))
       error ("cumtrapz: X and Y must have the same shape");
-    z = 0.5 * cumsum ((x(idx1{:}) - x(idx2{:})) .* 
+    z = 0.5 * cumsum ((x(idx1{:}) - x(idx2{:})) .*
                       (y(idx1{:}) + y(idx2{:})), dim);
--- a/scripts/general/curl.m
+++ b/scripts/general/curl.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@dots{}] =} curl (@var{fx}, @var{fy})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{v} =} curl (@dots{})
 ## Calculate curl of vector field given by the arrays @var{fx}, @var{fy}, and
-## @var{fz} or @var{fx}, @var{fy} respectively. 
+## @var{fz} or @var{fx}, @var{fy} respectively.
 ## @tex
 ## $$ curl F(x,y,z) = \left( {\partial{d} \over \partial{y}} F_z - {\partial{d} \over \partial{z}} F_y, {\partial{d} \over \partial{z}} F_x - {\partial{d} \over \partial{x}} F_z, {\partial{d} \over \partial{x}} F_y - {\partial{d} \over \partial{y}} F_x \right)$$
 ## @end tex
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
   if ((nargin == 4) || (nargin == 2))
     if (!size_equal (varargin{fidx}, varargin{fidx + 1}))
       error ("curl: size of X and Y must match.");
--- a/scripts/general/dblquad.m
+++ b/scripts/general/dblquad.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## integrate is defined by @code{@var{f}}, and the interval for the
 ## integration is defined by @code{[@var{xa}, @var{xb}, @var{ya},
 ## @var{yb}]}.  The function @var{f} must accept a vector @var{x} and a
-## scalar @var{y}, and return a vector of the same length as @var{x}. 
+## scalar @var{y}, and return a vector of the same length as @var{x}.
 ## If defined, @var{tol} defines the absolute tolerance to which to
 ## which to integrate each sub-integral.
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@
 ## @seealso{triplequad,quad,quadv,quadl,quadgk,quadcc,trapz}
 ## @end deftypefn
-function q = dblquad(f, xa, xb, ya, yb, tol, quadf, varargin) 
+function q = dblquad(f, xa, xb, ya, yb, tol, quadf, varargin)
   if (nargin < 5)
     print_usage ();
   if (nargin < 6 || isempty (tol))
-    tol = 1e-6; 
+    tol = 1e-6;
   if (nargin < 7 || isempty (quadf))
-    quadf = @quadgk; 
+    quadf = @quadgk;
   inner = @__dblquad_inner__;
--- a/scripts/general/deal.m
+++ b/scripts/general/deal.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Ariel Tankus
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/general/del2.m
+++ b/scripts/general/del2.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ##       1    / d^2            d^2         \
-## D  = --- * | ---  M(x,y) +  ---  M(x,y) | 
+## D  = --- * | ---  M(x,y) +  ---  M(x,y) |
 ##       4    \ dx^2           dy^2        /
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
 ## derivatives over the additional higher dimensions.
 ## The spacing between evaluation points may be defined by @var{h}, which is a
-## scalar defining the equidistant spacing in all dimensions.  Alternatively, 
+## scalar defining the equidistant spacing in all dimensions.  Alternatively,
 ## the spacing in each dimension may be defined separately by @var{dx},
-## @var{dy}, etc.  A scalar spacing argument defines equidistant spacing, 
+## @var{dy}, etc.  A scalar spacing argument defines equidistant spacing,
 ## whereas a vector argument can be used to specify variable spacing.  The
 ## length of the spacing vectors must match the respective dimension of
 ## @var{M}.  The default spacing value is 1.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 ## Author:  Kai Habel <>
 function D = del2 (M, varargin)
   if (nargin < 1)
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/general/divergence.m
+++ b/scripts/general/divergence.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{div} =} divergence (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{fx}, @var{fy})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{div} =} divergence (@var{fx}, @var{fy})
 ## Calculate divergence of a vector field given by the arrays @var{fx},
-## @var{fy}, and @var{fz} or @var{fx}, @var{fy} respectively. 
+## @var{fy}, and @var{fz} or @var{fx}, @var{fy} respectively.
 ## @tex
 ## $$
 ## div F(x,y,z) = \partial_x{F} + \partial_y{F} + \partial_z{F}
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## The coordinates of the vector field can be given by the arguments @var{x},
-## @var{y}, @var{z} or @var{x}, @var{y} respectively. 
+## @var{y}, @var{z} or @var{x}, @var{y} respectively.
 ## @seealso{curl, gradient, del2, cross, dot}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   if ((nargin == 4) || (nargin == 2))
     if (!size_equal (varargin{fidx},varargin{fidx + 1}))
       error ("divergence: size of X and Y must match.");
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     retval = gradient(varargin{fidx}, dx, dy);
     retval += gradient(varargin{fidx + 1}.', dy, dx).';
   elseif ((nargin == 6) || (nargin == 3))
     if (!size_equal (varargin{fidx},varargin{fidx + 1},varargin{fidx + 2}))
       error ("divergence: size of X, Y, and Z must match")
--- a/scripts/general/flipud.m
+++ b/scripts/general/flipud.m
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## Due to the difficulty of defining which axis about which to flip the 
+## Due to the difficulty of defining which axis about which to flip the
 ## matrix @code{flipud} only work with 2-d arrays.  To flip N-d arrays
 ## use @code{flipdim} instead.
 ## @seealso{fliplr, flipdim, rot90, rotdim}
--- a/scripts/general/gradient.m
+++ b/scripts/general/gradient.m
@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@
 ## A constant spacing between two points can be provided by the
 ## @var{s} parameter.  If @var{s} is a scalar, it is assumed to be the spacing
-## for all dimensions. 
+## for all dimensions.
 ## Otherwise, separate values of the spacing can be supplied by
 ## the @var{x}, @dots{} arguments.  Scalar values specify an equidistant
 ## spacing.
 ## Vector values for the @var{x}, @dots{} arguments specify the coordinate for
 ## that
 ## dimension.  The length must match their respective dimension of @var{m}.
 ## At boundary points a linear extrapolation is applied.  Interior points
 ## are calculated with the first approximation of the numerical gradient
 ## @example
 ## y'(i) = 1/(x(i+1)-x(i-1)) * (y(i-1)-y(i+1)).
 ## @end example
 ## If the first argument @var{f} is a function handle, the gradient of the
 ## function at the points in @var{x0} is approximated using central
 ## difference.  For example, @code{gradient (@@cos, 0)} approximates the
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 ## Modified: David Bateman <> Added NDArray support
 function varargout = gradient (m, varargin)
   if (nargin < 1)
     print_usage ()
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   if (nargin > 2 && nargin != nd + 1)
     print_usage ()
   ## cell d stores a spacing vector for each dimension
   d = cell (1, nd);
   if (nargin == 1)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
     mr = rows (m);
     mc = numel (m) / mr;
     Y = zeros (size (m), class (m));
     if (mr > 1)
       ## Top and bottom boundary.
       Y(1,:) = diff (m(1:2, :)) / d{i}(1);
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     num_points = p0_size (1);
     dim = p0_size (2);
   if (length (varargin) == 0)
     delta = 1;
   elseif (length (varargin) == 1 || length (varargin) == dim)
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@
     error ("gradient: incorrect number of spacing parameters");
   if (isscalar (delta))
     delta = repmat (delta, 1, dim);
   elseif (!isvector (delta))
     error ("gradient: spacing values must be scalars or a vector");
   ## Calculate the gradient
   p0 = mat2cell (p0, num_points, ones (1, dim));
   varargout = cell (1, dim);
--- a/scripts/general/idivide.m
+++ b/scripts/general/idivide.m
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} idivide (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{op})
-## Integer division with different rounding rules.  
+## Integer division with different rounding rules.
 ## The standard behavior of integer division such as @code{@var{a} ./ @var{b}}
-## is to round the result to the nearest integer.  This is not always the 
+## is to round the result to the nearest integer.  This is not always the
 ## desired behavior and @code{idivide} permits integer element-by-element
 ## division to be performed with different treatment for the fractional
 ## part of the division as determined by the @var{op} flag.  @var{op} is
-## a string with one of the values: 
+## a string with one of the values:
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item "fix"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 ## Calculate @code{@var{a} ./ @var{b}} with the fractional part rounded
 ## towards positive infinity.
 ## @end table
 ## @noindent
 ## If @var{op} is not given it defaults to @code{"fix"}.
 ## An example demonstrating these rounding rules is
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 %!shared a, af, b, bf
 %! a = int8(3);
 %! af = 3;
--- a/scripts/general/int2str.m
+++ b/scripts/general/int2str.m
@@ -28,20 +28,20 @@
 ##      @result{} "123"
 ## s = int2str ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6])
-##      @result{} s = 
+##      @result{} s =
 ##         1  2  3
 ##         4  5  6
 ## whos s
-##      @result{} s = 
+##      @result{} s =
 ##       Attr Name        Size                     Bytes  Class
-##       ==== ====        ====                     =====  ===== 
+##       ==== ====        ====                     =====  =====
 ##            s           2x7                         14  char
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## This function is not very flexible.  For better control over the
-## results, use @code{sprintf} (@pxref{Formatted Output}). 
+## results, use @code{sprintf} (@pxref{Formatted Output}).
 ## @seealso{sprintf, num2str, mat2str}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/interp1.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interp1.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{pp} =} interp1 (@dots{}, 'pp')
 ## One-dimensional interpolation.  Interpolate @var{y}, defined at the
-## points @var{x}, at the points @var{xi}.  The sample points @var{x} 
+## points @var{x}, at the points @var{xi}.  The sample points @var{x}
 ## must be monotonic.  If not specified, @var{x} is taken to be the
 ## indices of @var{y}.  If @var{y} is an array, treat the columns
 ## of @var{y} separately.
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
   if (isvector (y))
     y = y(:);
   elseif (isvector (xi))
-    szx = length (xi);    
+    szx = length (xi);
   szy = size (y);
   y = y(:,:);
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
       yi = bsxfun (@times, s, dy(idx,:)) + y(idx,:);
   case {"pchip", "*pchip"}
-    if (nx == 2 || starmethod) 
+    if (nx == 2 || starmethod)
       x = linspace (x(1), x(nx), ny);
     ## Note that pchip's arguments are transposed relative to interp1
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
     ## FIXME Is there a better way to treat pp return and *cubic
     if (starmethod && ! pp)
-      ## From: Miloje Makivic 
+      ## From: Miloje Makivic
       t = (xi - x(1))/dx + 1;
       idx = max (min (floor (t), ny-2), 2);
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
       + c(:,J) .* y(idx-1,:) + d(:,J) .* y(idx+2,:);
       if (starmethod)
-        x = linspace (x(1), x(nx), ny).'; 
+        x = linspace (x(1), x(nx), ny).';
         nx = ny;
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@
       if (pp)
         xs = [x(1);x(3:nx-2)];
-        yi = mkpp ([x(1);x(3:nx-2);x(nx)], 
-                   [a(:), (b(:) + 3.*xs(:,J).*a(:)), ... 
+        yi = mkpp ([x(1);x(3:nx-2);x(nx)],
+                   [a(:), (b(:) + 3.*xs(:,J).*a(:)), ...
                     (c(:) + 2.*xs(:,J).*b(:) + 3.*xs(:,J)(:).^2.*a(:)), ...
                     (d(:) + xs(:,J).*c(:) + xs(:,J).^2.*b(:) + ...
                      xs(:,J).^3.*a(:))], szy(2:end));
@@ -317,8 +317,8 @@
   case {"spline", "*spline"}
-    if (nx == 2 || starmethod) 
-      x = linspace(x(1), x(nx), ny); 
+    if (nx == 2 || starmethod)
+      x = linspace(x(1), x(nx), ny);
     ## Note that spline's arguments are transposed relative to interp1
     if (pp)
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
 ## confirm they are the correct values.
 %!shared xp, yp, xi, style
-%! xp=0:2:10;      yp = sin(2*pi*xp/5);  
+%! xp=0:2:10;      yp = sin(2*pi*xp/5);
 %! xi = [-1, 0, 2.2, 4, 6.6, 10, 11];
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
 ## The test for ppval of cubic has looser tolerance, but otherwise
 ## the tests are identical.
 ## Note that the block checks style and *style; if you add more tests
-## before to add them to both sections of each block.  One test, 
+## before to add them to both sections of each block.  One test,
 ## style vs. *style, occurs only in the first section.
 ## There is an ENDBLOCKTEST after the final block
 %!test style = "nearest";
--- a/scripts/general/interp2.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interp2.m
@@ -27,29 +27,29 @@
 ## Two-dimensional interpolation.  @var{x}, @var{y} and @var{z} describe a
 ## surface function.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors their length
 ## must correspondent to the size of @var{z}.  @var{x} and @var{y} must be
-## monotonic.  If they are matrices they must have the @code{meshgrid} 
-## format. 
+## monotonic.  If they are matrices they must have the @code{meshgrid}
+## format.
 ## @table @code
-## @item interp2 (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{Z}, @var{xi}, @var{yi}, @dots{}) 
+## @item interp2 (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{Z}, @var{xi}, @var{yi}, @dots{})
 ## Returns a matrix corresponding to the points described by the
-## matrices @var{xi}, @var{yi}.  
+## matrices @var{xi}, @var{yi}.
 ## If the last argument is a string, the interpolation method can
 ## be specified.  The method can be 'linear', 'nearest' or 'cubic'.
 ## If it is omitted 'linear' interpolation is assumed.
 ## @item interp2 (@var{z}, @var{xi}, @var{yi})
-## Assumes @code{@var{x} = 1:rows (@var{z})} and @code{@var{y} = 
+## Assumes @code{@var{x} = 1:rows (@var{z})} and @code{@var{y} =
 ## 1:columns (@var{z})}
-## @item interp2 (@var{z}, @var{n}) 
+## @item interp2 (@var{z}, @var{n})
 ## Interleaves the matrix @var{z} n-times.  If @var{n} is omitted a value
 ## of @code{@var{n} = 1} is assumed.
 ## @end table
 ## The variable @var{method} defines the method to use for the
-## interpolation.  It can take one of the following values 
+## interpolation.  It can take one of the following values
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 'nearest'
@@ -70,15 +70,15 @@
 ## @end table
 ## If a scalar value @var{extrapval} is defined as the final value, then
-## values outside the mesh as set to this value.  Note that in this case 
+## values outside the mesh as set to this value.  Note that in this case
 ## @var{method} must be defined as well.  If @var{extrapval} is not
-## defined then NA is assumed. 
+## defined then NA is assumed.
 ## @seealso{interp1}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author:      Kai Habel <>
-## 2005-03-02 Thomas Weber <> 
+## 2005-03-02 Thomas Weber <>
 ##     * Add test cases
 ## 2005-03-02 Paul Kienzle <>
 ##     * Simplify
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
         [X, Y, Z, XI, YI] = deal (varargin{:});
-    case 6 
+    case 6
         [X, Y, Z, XI, YI, method] = deal (varargin{:});
     case 7
         [X, Y, Z, XI, YI, method, extrapval] = deal (varargin{:});
@@ -135,13 +135,13 @@
   ## Type checking.
   if (!ismatrix (Z))
-    error ("interp2: Z must be a matrix"); 
+    error ("interp2: Z must be a matrix");
   if (!isempty (n) && !isscalar (n))
-    error ("interp2: N must be a scalar"); 
+    error ("interp2: N must be a scalar");
   if (!ischar (method))
-    error ("interp2: METHOD must be a string"); 
+    error ("interp2: METHOD must be a string");
   if (ischar (extrapval) || strcmp (extrapval, "extrap"))
     extrapval = [];
@@ -152,19 +152,19 @@
   ## Define X, Y, XI, YI if needed
   [zr, zc] = size (Z);
   if (isempty (X))
-    X = 1:zc; 
+    X = 1:zc;
     Y = 1:zr;
   if (! isnumeric (X) || ! isnumeric (Y))
-    error ("interp2: X, Y must be numeric matrices"); 
+    error ("interp2: X, Y must be numeric matrices");
   if (! isempty (n))
-    p = 2^n; 
-    XI = (p:p*zc)/p; 
-    YI = (p:p*zr)'/p; 
+    p = 2^n;
+    XI = (p:p*zc)/p;
+    YI = (p:p*zr)'/p;
   if (! isnumeric (XI) || ! isnumeric (YI))
-    error ("interp2: XI, YI must be numeric"); 
+    error ("interp2: XI, YI must be numeric");
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
       DY = __pchip_deriv__ (Y, Z, 1);
       ## Compute mixed derivatives row-wise and column-wise, use the average.
       DXY = (__pchip_deriv__ (X, DY, 2) + __pchip_deriv__ (Y, DX, 1))/2;
       ## do the bicubic interpolation
       hx = diff (X); hx = hx(xidx);
       hy = diff (Y); hy = hy(yidx);
@@ -352,14 +352,14 @@
       elseif (isgriddata (X) && isgriddata (Y'))
         ## Allocate output
         ZI = zeros (size (X));
         ## Find inliers
         inside = !(XI < X (1) | XI > X (end) | YI < Y (1) | YI > Y (end));
         ## Scale XI and YI to match indices of Z
         XI = (columns (Z) - 1) * (XI - X (1)) / (X (end) - X (1)) + 1;
         YI = (rows (Z) - 1) * (YI - Y (1)) / (Y (end) - Y (1)) + 1;
         ## Start the real work
         K = floor (XI);
         L = floor (YI);
@@ -393,14 +393,14 @@
            + AY1  .* AX0  .* Z (sym_sub2ind (sz, L-1, K))   ...
            + AY1  .* AX1  .* Z (sym_sub2ind (sz, L-1, K-1));
         ZI (!inside) = extrapval;
         error ("interp2: input data must have `meshgrid' format");
     elseif (strcmp (method, "spline"))
       if (isgriddata (XI) && isgriddata (YI'))
-        ZI = __splinen__ ({Y(:,1).', X(1,:)}, Z, {YI(:,1), XI(1,:)}, extrapval, 
+        ZI = __splinen__ ({Y(:,1).', X(1,:)}, Z, {YI(:,1), XI(1,:)}, extrapval,
         error ("interp2: input data must have `meshgrid' format");
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'linear'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),41);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),41)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'linear'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'nearest'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),41);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),41)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'nearest'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'pchip'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),41);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),41)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'pchip'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'cubic'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),41);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),41)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'cubic'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'spline'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),41);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),41)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interp2(x,y,A,xi,yi,'spline'));
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
 %!test % simple test
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
 %!  xi = [1:0.25:3]; yi = [4:0.25:7]';
 %!  Expected = interp2(x,y,Orig, xi, yi);
 %!  Result = interp2(Orig,2);
 %!  assert(Result, Expected, 10*eps);
 %!test % matrix slice
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
 %!test % for values at boundaries
 %!  A=[1,2;3,4];
-%!  x=[0,1]; 
+%!  x=[0,1];
 %!  y=[2,3]';
 %!  assert(interp2(x,y,A,x,y,'linear'), A);
 %!  assert(interp2(x,y,A,x,y,'nearest'), A);
--- a/scripts/general/interp3.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interp3.m
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{vi} =} interp3 (@dots{}, @var{method})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{vi} =} interp3 (@dots{}, @var{method}, @var{extrapval})
-## Perform 3-dimensional interpolation.  Each element of the 3-dimensional 
-## array @var{v} represents a value at a location given by the parameters 
-## @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z}.  The parameters @var{x}, @var{x}, and 
-## @var{z} are either 3-dimensional arrays of the same size as the array 
-## @var{v} in the 'meshgrid' format or vectors.  The parameters @var{xi}, etc. 
-## respect a similar format to @var{x}, etc., and they represent the points 
+## Perform 3-dimensional interpolation.  Each element of the 3-dimensional
+## array @var{v} represents a value at a location given by the parameters
+## @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z}.  The parameters @var{x}, @var{x}, and
+## @var{z} are either 3-dimensional arrays of the same size as the array
+## @var{v} in the 'meshgrid' format or vectors.  The parameters @var{xi}, etc.
+## respect a similar format to @var{x}, etc., and they represent the points
 ## at which the array @var{vi} is interpolated.
-## If @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} are omitted, they are assumed to be 
+## If @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} are omitted, they are assumed to be
 ## @code{x = 1 : size (@var{v}, 2)}, @code{y = 1 : size (@var{v}, 1)} and
 ## @code{z = 1 : size (@var{v}, 3)}.  If @var{m} is specified, then
-## the interpolation adds a point half way between each of the interpolation 
-## points.  This process is performed @var{m} times.  If only @var{v} is 
+## the interpolation adds a point half way between each of the interpolation
+## points.  This process is performed @var{m} times.  If only @var{v} is
 ## specified, then @var{m} is assumed to be @code{1}.
 ## Method is one of:
--- a/scripts/general/interpft.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interpft.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 ## 2001-02-11
 ##    * initial version
 ## 2002-03-17 aadler
-##    * added code to work on matrices as well 
+##    * added code to work on matrices as well
 ## 2006-05-25 dbateman
 ##    * Make it matlab compatiable, cutting out the 2-D interpolation
--- a/scripts/general/interpn.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interpn.m
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{vi} =} interpn (@dots{}, @var{method})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{vi} =} interpn (@dots{}, @var{method}, @var{extrapval})
-## Perform @var{n}-dimensional interpolation, where @var{n} is at least two. 
-## Each element of the @var{n}-dimensional array @var{v} represents a value 
-## at a location given by the parameters @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xn}. 
-## The parameters @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xn} are either 
-## @var{n}-dimensional arrays of the same size as the array @var{v} in 
-## the 'ndgrid' format or vectors.  The parameters @var{y1}, etc. respect a 
+## Perform @var{n}-dimensional interpolation, where @var{n} is at least two.
+## Each element of the @var{n}-dimensional array @var{v} represents a value
+## at a location given by the parameters @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xn}.
+## The parameters @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xn} are either
+## @var{n}-dimensional arrays of the same size as the array @var{v} in
+## the 'ndgrid' format or vectors.  The parameters @var{y1}, etc. respect a
 ## similar format to @var{x1}, etc., and they represent the points at which
 ## the array @var{vi} is interpolated.
-## If @var{x1}, @dots{}, @var{xn} are omitted, they are assumed to be 
+## If @var{x1}, @dots{}, @var{xn} are omitted, they are assumed to be
 ## @code{x1 = 1 : size (@var{v}, 1)}, etc.  If @var{m} is specified, then
-## the interpolation adds a point half way between each of the interpolation 
-## points.  This process is performed @var{m} times.  If only @var{v} is 
+## the interpolation adds a point half way between each of the interpolation
+## points.  This process is performed @var{m} times.  If only @var{v} is
 ## specified, then @var{m} is assumed to be @code{1}.
 ## Method is one of:
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
     for i = 1 : nd;
       x{i} = 1 : sz(i);
-  elseif (rem (nargs, 2) == 1 && nargs ==  
+  elseif (rem (nargs, 2) == 1 && nargs ==
           (2 * ndims (varargin{ceil (nargs / 2)})) + 1)
     nv = ceil (nargs / 2);
     v = varargin{nv};
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
       idx |= y{i} < min (x{i}(:)) | y{i} > max (x{i}(:));
     vi(idx) = extrapval;
-    vi = reshape (vi, yshape); 
+    vi = reshape (vi, yshape);
   elseif (strcmp (method, "spline"))
     if (any (! cellfun (@isvector, y)))
       for i = 2 : nd
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
       vi = vi (cellfun (@(x) sub2ind (size(vi), x{:}), idx));
       vi = reshape (vi, size(y{1}));
-  elseif (strcmp (method, "cubic")) 
+  elseif (strcmp (method, "cubic"))
     error ("interpn: cubic interpolation not yet implemented");
     error ("interpn: unrecognized interpolation METHOD");
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interpn(x,y,A.',xi,yi,"linear").');
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interpn(x,y,A.',xi,yi,"nearest").');
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interpn(x,y,A.',xi,yi,"cubic").');
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 %! xi=linspace(min(x),max(x),17);
 %! yi=linspace(min(y),max(y),26)';
 %! mesh(xi,yi,interpn(x,y,A.',xi,yi,"spline").');
-%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); 
+%! [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3(x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
--- a/scripts/general/isdir.m
+++ b/scripts/general/isdir.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Alois Schloegl 
+## Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Alois Schloegl
 ## This file is part of Octave.
--- a/scripts/general/loadobj.m
+++ b/scripts/general/loadobj.m
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{b} =} loadobj (@var{a})
-## Method of a class to manipulate an object after loading it from a file. 
-## The function @code{loadobj} is called when the object @var{a} is loaded 
+## Method of a class to manipulate an object after loading it from a file.
+## The function @code{loadobj} is called when the object @var{a} is loaded
 ## using the @code{load} function.  An example of the use of @code{saveobj}
 ## might be to add fields to an object that don't make sense to be saved.
 ## For example:
--- a/scripts/general/logspace.m
+++ b/scripts/general/logspace.m
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 ## function.
 ## If @var{n} is unspecified it defaults to 50.
-## Also for compatibility with @sc{matlab}, return the second argument if 
+## Also for compatibility with @sc{matlab}, return the second argument if
 ## fewer than two values are requested.
 ## @seealso{linspace}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/num2str.m
+++ b/scripts/general/num2str.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## digits (@var{precision}) to be used in the output or a format
 ## template string (@var{format}) as in @code{sprintf} (@pxref{Formatted
 ## Output}).  @code{num2str} can also handle complex numbers.  For
-## example: 
+## example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 ## whos s
 ##      @result{}
 ##       Attr Name        Size                     Bytes  Class
-##       ==== ====        ====                     =====  ===== 
+##       ==== ====        ====                     =====  =====
 ##            s           2x8                         16  char
 ## num2str (1.234 + 27.3i)
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
 ## @end example
 ## The @code{num2str} function is not very flexible.  For better control
-## over the results, use @code{sprintf} (@pxref{Formatted Output}). 
+## over the results, use @code{sprintf} (@pxref{Formatted Output}).
 ## Note that for complex @var{x}, the format string may only contain one
 ## output conversion specification and nothing else.  Otherwise, you
-## will get unpredictable results.  
+## will get unpredictable results.
 ## @seealso{sprintf, int2str, mat2str}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
                                    max (abs (imag (x(:))))))) + 2;
         dgt2 = dgt1 - (min (real (x(:))) >= 0);
         if (length (abs (x) == x) > 0)
           fmt = sprintf("%%%dg%%+-%dgi  ", dgt2, dgt1);
--- a/scripts/general/pol2cart.m
+++ b/scripts/general/pol2cart.m
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 ## @var{theta}, @var{r}, (and @var{z}) must be the same shape, or scalar.
 ## @var{theta} describes the angle relative to the positive x-axis.
 ## @var{r} is the distance to the z-axis (0, 0, z).
-## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{p} 
+## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{p}
 ## represents the polar/(cylindrical) coordinate (@var{x}, @var{y} (, @var{z})).
-## If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix 
+## If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix
 ## @var{C} where each row represents one Cartesian coordinate
 ## (@var{x}, @var{y} (, @var{z})).
 ## @seealso{cart2pol, sph2cart, cart2sph}
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
         z = [];
       r = theta(:,2);
-      theta = theta(:,1);    
+      theta = theta(:,1);
       error ("pol2car: matrix input must have 2 or 3 columns [THETA, R (, Z)]");
--- a/scripts/general/polyarea.m
+++ b/scripts/general/polyarea.m
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
 ## todo:  Add moments for centroid, etc.
-## bugs and limitations:  
+## bugs and limitations:
 ##        Probably ought to be an optional check to make sure that
-##        traversing the vertices doesn't make any sides cross 
-##        (Is simple closed curve the technical definition of this?). 
+##        traversing the vertices doesn't make any sides cross
+##        (Is simple closed curve the technical definition of this?).
 ## Author: David M. Doolin <>
 ## Date: 1999-04-14
-## Modified-by: 
+## Modified-by:
 ##    2000-01-15 Paul Kienzle <>
 ##    * use matlab compatible interface
 ##    * return absolute value of area so traversal order doesn't matter
--- a/scripts/general/quadgk.m
+++ b/scripts/general/quadgk.m
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
     elseif (isinf (a) && isinf(b))
       ## Standard Infinite to finite integral transformation.
       ##   \int_{-\infinity_^\infinity f(x) dx = \int_-1^1 f (g(t)) g'(t) dt
-      ## where 
+      ## where
       ##   g(t)  = t / (1 - t^2)
       ##   g'(t) =  (1 + t^2) / (1 - t^2) ^ 2
       ## waypoint transform is then
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
         trans = @(x) (2 * x) ./ (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * x .^ 2));
         subs = [-1; trans(waypoints); 1];
-        subs = linspace (-1, 1, 11)'; 
+        subs = linspace (-1, 1, 11)';
       h = 2;
       h0 = b - a;
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@
       ## Formula defined in Shampine paper as two separate steps. One to
       ## weaken singularity at finite end, then a second to transform to
       ## a finite interval. The singularity weakening transform is
-      ##   \int_{-\infinity}^b f(x) dx = 
+      ##   \int_{-\infinity}^b f(x) dx =
       ##               - \int_{-\infinity}^0 f (b - t^2) 2 t dt
       ## (note minus sign) and the finite interval transform is
-      ##   \int_{-\infinity}^0 f(b - t^2)  2 t dt = 
+      ##   \int_{-\infinity}^0 f(b - t^2)  2 t dt =
       ##                  \int_{-1}^0 f (b - g(s) ^ 2) 2 g(s) g'(s) ds
-      ## where 
+      ## where
       ##   g(s)  = s / (1 + s)
       ##   g'(s) = 1 / (1 + s) ^ 2
       ## waypoint transform is then
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
         trans = @(x)  - x ./ (x + 1);
         subs = [0; trans(tmp); 1];
-        subs = linspace (0, 1, 11)'; 
+        subs = linspace (0, 1, 11)';
       h = 1;
       h0 = b - a;
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@
       ## a finite interval. The singularity weakening transform is
       ##   \int_a^\infinity f(x) dx = \int_0^\infinity f (a + t^2) 2 t dt
       ## and the finite interval transform is
-      ##  \int_0^\infinity f(a + t^2)  2 t dt = 
+      ##  \int_0^\infinity f(a + t^2)  2 t dt =
       ##           \int_0^1 f (a + g(s) ^ 2) 2 g(s) g'(s) ds
-      ## where 
+      ## where
       ##   g(s)  = s / (1 - s)
       ##   g'(s) = 1 / (1 - s) ^ 2
       ## waypoint transform is then
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
         trans = @(x) x ./ (x + 1);
         subs = [0; trans(tmp); 1];
-        subs = linspace (0, 1, 11)'; 
+        subs = linspace (0, 1, 11)';
       h = 1;
       h0 = b - a;
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
         trans = @__quadgk_finite_waypoint__;
         subs = [-1; trans(waypoints, a, b); 1];
-        subs = linspace(-1, 1, 11)'; 
+        subs = linspace(-1, 1, 11)';
       h = 2;
       h0 = b - a;
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
       [q_subs, q_errs] = __quadgk_eval__ (f, subs);
       q0 = sum (q_subs);
       err0 = sum (q_errs);
       if (isa (a, "single") || isa (b, "single") || isa (waypoints, "single"))
         myeps = eps ("single");
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
         ## Quit if any evaluations are not finite (Inf or NaN)
         if (any (! isfinite (q_subs)))
-          warning ("quadgk: non finite integrand encountered"); 
+          warning ("quadgk: non finite integrand encountered");
           q = q0;
           err = err0;
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
         warning ("quadgk: Error tolerance not met. Estimated error %g", err);
-      if (strcmp (warn_state.state, "on")) 
+      if (strcmp (warn_state.state, "on"))
         warning ("on", "Octave:divide-by-zero");
--- a/scripts/general/quadl.m
+++ b/scripts/general/quadl.m
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
 ## If defined, @var{tol} defines the relative tolerance to which to
 ## which to integrate @code{@var{f}(@var{x})}.  While if @var{trace} is
-## defined, displays the left end point of the current interval, the 
+## defined, displays the left end point of the current interval, the
 ## interval length, and the partial integral.
 ## Additional arguments @var{p1}, etc., are passed directly to @var{f}.
 ## To use default values for @var{tol} and @var{trace}, one may pass
 ## empty matrices.
-## Reference: W. Gander and W. Gautschi, @cite{Adaptive Quadrature - 
+## Reference: W. Gander and W. Gautschi, @cite{Adaptive Quadrature -
 ## Revisited}, BIT Vol. 40, No. 1, March 2000, pp. 84--101.
 ## @url{}
 ## @seealso{quad,quadv,quadgk,quadcc,trapz,dblquad,triplequad}
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@
 function Q = quadl (f, a, b, tol, trace, varargin)
   need_warning (1);
   if (nargin < 4)
-    tol = []; 
+    tol = [];
   if (nargin < 5)
-    trace = []; 
+    trace = [];
   if (isa (a, "single") || isa (b, "single"))
     myeps = eps ("single");
@@ -69,21 +69,21 @@
     myeps = eps;
   if (isempty (tol))
-    tol = myeps; 
+    tol = myeps;
   if (isempty (trace))
-    trace = 0; 
+    trace = 0;
   if (tol < myeps)
     tol = myeps;
-  m = (a+b)/2; 
+  m = (a+b)/2;
   h = (b-a)/2;
-  alpha = sqrt(2/3); 
+  alpha = sqrt(2/3);
   beta = 1/sqrt(5);
-  x1 = .942882415695480; 
+  x1 = .942882415695480;
   x2 = .641853342345781;
   x3 = .236383199662150;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
   y = feval (f, x, varargin{:});
-  fa = y(1); 
+  fa = y(1);
   fb = y(13);
   i2 = (h/6)*(y(1) + y(13) + 5*(y(5)+y(9)));
@@ -110,19 +110,19 @@
           + .224926465333340*(y(6)+y(8))
           + .242611071901408*y(7));
-  s = sign(is); 
+  s = sign(is);
   if (s == 0)
     s = 1;
   erri1 = abs(i1-is);
   erri2 = abs(i2-is);
-  R = 1; 
+  R = 1;
   if (erri2 != 0)
-    R = erri1/erri2; 
+    R = erri1/erri2;
   if (R > 0 && R < 1)
-    tol = tol/R; 
+    tol = tol/R;
   is = s*abs(is)*tol/myeps;
   if (is == 0)
@@ -142,20 +142,20 @@
 ##   Walter Gautschi, 08/03/98
 function Q = adaptlobstp (f, a, b, fa, fb, is, trace, varargin)
-  h = (b-a)/2; 
+  h = (b-a)/2;
   m = (a+b)/2;
-  alpha = sqrt(2/3); 
+  alpha = sqrt(2/3);
   beta = 1/sqrt(5);
-  mll = m-alpha*h; 
-  ml = m-beta*h; 
-  mr = m+beta*h; 
+  mll = m-alpha*h;
+  ml = m-beta*h;
+  mr = m+beta*h;
   mrr = m+alpha*h;
   x = [mll, ml, m, mr, mrr];
   y = feval(f, x, varargin{:});
-  fmll = y(1); 
-  fml = y(2); 
-  fm = y(3); 
-  fmr = y(4); 
+  fmll = y(1);
+  fml = y(2);
+  fm = y(3);
+  fmr = y(4);
   fmrr = y(5);
   i2 = (h/6)*(fa + fb + 5*(fml+fmr));
   i1 = (h/1470)*(77*(fa+fb) + 432*(fmll+fmrr) + 625*(fml+fmr) + 672*fm);
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
   persistent w = [];
   if (nargin == 0)
     r = w;
-  else 
-    w = v; 
+  else
+    w = v;
--- a/scripts/general/quadv.m
+++ b/scripts/general/quadv.m
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{q} =} quadv (@var{f}, @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{tol}, @var{trace}, @var{p1}, @var{p2}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{q}, @var{fcnt}] =} quadv (@dots{})
-## Numerically evaluate the integral of @var{f} from @var{a} to @var{b} 
+## Numerically evaluate the integral of @var{f} from @var{a} to @var{b}
 ## using adaptive Simpson's rule.
 ## @var{f} is either a function handle, inline function or string
-## containing the name of the function to evaluate. 
+## containing the name of the function to evaluate.
 ## The function defined by @var{f} may be a scalar, vector or array-valued.
-## If a value for @var{tol} is given, it defines the tolerance used to stop 
+## If a value for @var{tol} is given, it defines the tolerance used to stop
 ## the adaptation procedure, otherwise the default value of 1e-6 is used.
 ## The algorithm used by @code{quadv}, involves recursively subdividing the
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
     print_usage ();
   if (nargin < 4)
-    tol = []; 
+    tol = [];
   if (nargin < 5)
-    trace = []; 
+    trace = [];
   if (isa (a, "single") || isa (b, "single"))
     myeps = eps ("single");
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
     myeps = eps;
   if (isempty (tol))
-    tol = 1e-6; 
+    tol = 1e-6;
   if (isempty (trace))
-    trace = 0; 
+    trace = 0;
   ## Split the interval into 3 abscissa, and apply a 3 point Simpson's rule
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
   h = (b - a);
   q = (b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4 * fc + fb);
-  [q, fcnt, hmin] = simpsonstp (f, a, b, c, fa, fb, fc, q, fcnt, abs (h), 
+  [q, fcnt, hmin] = simpsonstp (f, a, b, c, fa, fb, fc, q, fcnt, abs (h),
                                 tol, trace, varargin{:});
   if (fcnt > 10000)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
-function [q, fcnt, hmin] = simpsonstp (f, a, b, c, fa, fb, fc, q0, 
+function [q, fcnt, hmin] = simpsonstp (f, a, b, c, fa, fb, fc, q0,
                                        fcnt, hmin, tol, trace, varargin)
   if (fcnt > 10000)
     q = q0;
--- a/scripts/general/randi.m
+++ b/scripts/general/randi.m
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} randi (@var{imax}, @var{m}, @var{n}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} randi ([@var{imin}, @var{imax}], @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} randi (@dots{}, "@var{class}")
-## Return random integers in the range 1:@var{imax}.  
+## Return random integers in the range 1:@var{imax}.
 ## Additional arguments determine the shape of the return matrix.  When no
 ## arguments are specified a single random integer is returned.  If one
 ## argument @var{n} is specified then a square matrix @w{(@var{n} x @var{n})} is
-## returned.  Two or more arguments will return a multi-dimensional 
+## returned.  Two or more arguments will return a multi-dimensional
 ## matrix @w{(@var{m} x @var{n} x @dots{})}.
 ## The integer range may optionally be described by a two element matrix
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 ## Implementation Note: @code{randi} relies internally on @code{rand} which
 ## uses class "double" to represent numbers.  This limits the maximum
-## integer (@var{imax}) and range (@var{imax} - @var{imin}) to the value 
+## integer (@var{imax}) and range (@var{imax} - @var{imin}) to the value
 ## returned by the @code{bitmax} function.  For IEEE floating point numbers
 ## this value is @w{@code{2^53 - 1}}.
@@ -69,15 +69,15 @@
     imax = fix (bounds);
     if (imax < 1)
       error ("randi: require IMAX >= 1");
-    endif  
+    endif
     imin = fix (bounds(1));
     imax = fix (bounds(2));
     if (imax < imin)
       error ("randi: require IMIN <= IMAX");
-    endif 
+    endif
   if (nargin > 1 && ischar (varargin{end}))
     rclass = varargin{end};
     varargin(end) = [];
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
   ## Limit set by use of class double in rand()
-  if (imax > bitmax) 
+  if (imax > bitmax)
     error ("randi: maximum integer IMAX must be smaller than bitmax ()");
   if ((imax - imin) > bitmax)
--- a/scripts/general/rat.m
+++ b/scripts/general/rat.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## rat(pi) = 3 + 1/(7 + 1/16) = 355/113
-## rat(e) = 3 + 1/(-4 + 1/(2 + 1/(5 + 1/(-2 + 1/(-7))))) 
+## rat(e) = 3 + 1/(-4 + 1/(2 + 1/(5 + 1/(-2 + 1/(-7)))))
 ##        = 1457/536
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
--- a/scripts/general/repmat.m
+++ b/scripts/general/repmat.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} repmat (@var{A}, [@var{m} @var{n}])
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} repmat (@var{A}, [@var{m} @var{n} @var{p} @dots{}])
 ## Form a block matrix of size @var{m} by @var{n}, with a copy of matrix
-## @var{A} as each element.  If @var{n} is not specified, form an 
+## @var{A} as each element.  If @var{n} is not specified, form an
 ## @var{m} by @var{m} block matrix.
 ## @seealso{repelems}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
       error ("repmat: with 3 arguments M and N must be scalar");
     idx = [m, n];
-  else 
+  else
     if (isscalar (m))
       idx = [m, m];
       n = m;
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
       error ("repmat: invalid dimensional argument");
   if (all (idx < 0))
     error ("repmat: invalid dimensions");
--- a/scripts/general/rot90.m
+++ b/scripts/general/rot90.m
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## Due to the difficulty of defining an axis about which to rotate the 
+## Due to the difficulty of defining an axis about which to rotate the
 ## matrix @code{rot90} only work with 2-D arrays.  To rotate N-d arrays
 ## use @code{rotdim} instead.
 ## @seealso{rotdim, flipud, fliplr, flipdim}
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 %! x2 = [2, 4; 1, 3];
 %! x3 = [4, 3; 2, 1];
 %! x4 = [3, 1; 4, 2];
 %! assert(rot90 (x1) == x2);
 %! assert(rot90 (x1, 2) == x3);
 %! assert(rot90 (x1, 3) == x4);
--- a/scripts/general/rotdim.m
+++ b/scripts/general/rotdim.m
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 function y = rotdim (x, n, plane)
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3)
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/general/saveobj.m
+++ b/scripts/general/saveobj.m
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{b} =} saveobj (@var{a})
-## Method of a class to manipulate an object prior to saving it to a file. 
-## The function @code{saveobj} is called when the object @var{a} is saved 
+## Method of a class to manipulate an object prior to saving it to a file.
+## The function @code{saveobj} is called when the object @var{a} is saved
 ## using the @code{save} function.  An example of the use of @code{saveobj}
 ## might be to remove fields of the object that don't make sense to be saved
 ## or it might be used to ensure that certain fields of the object are
--- a/scripts/general/shift.m
+++ b/scripts/general/shift.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## the elements of @var{x}.
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, do the same for each column of @var{x}.
-## If the optional @var{dim} argument is given, operate along this 
+## If the optional @var{dim} argument is given, operate along this
 ## dimension.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
 %! a = [1, 2, 3];
 %! b = [4, 5, 6];
 %! c = [7, 8, 9];
 %! r = [a, b, c];
 %! m = [a; b; c];
 %! assert((shift (r, 3) == [c, a, b]
 %! && shift (r, -6) == [c, a, b]
 %! && shift (r, -3) == [b, c, a]
--- a/scripts/general/sortrows.m
+++ b/scripts/general/sortrows.m
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} sortrows (@var{A}, @var{c})
 ## Sort the rows of the matrix @var{A} according to the order of the
 ## columns specified in @var{c}.  If @var{c} is omitted, a
-## lexicographical sort is used.  By default ascending order is used 
-## however if elements of @var{c} are negative then the corresponding  
+## lexicographical sort is used.  By default ascending order is used
+## however if elements of @var{c} are negative then the corresponding
 ## column is sorted in descending order.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/sph2cart.m
+++ b/scripts/general/sph2cart.m
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 ## @var{phi} is the angle relative to the xy-plane.
 ## @var{r} is the distance to the origin @w{(0, 0, 0)}.
 ## @var{theta}, @var{phi}, and @var{r} must be the same shape, or scalar.
-## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{s} 
+## If called with a single matrix argument then each row of @var{s}
 ## represents the spherical coordinate (@var{theta}, @var{phi}, @var{r}).
 ## If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix
 ## @var{C} where each row represents one Cartesian coordinate
 ## (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}).
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
   if (nargin == 1)
     if (ismatrix (theta) && columns (theta) == 3)
-      r = theta(:,3);    
-      phi = theta(:,2);    
-      theta = theta(:,1);    
+      r = theta(:,3);
+      phi = theta(:,2);
+      theta = theta(:,1);
       error ("sph2cart: matrix input must have 3 columns [THETA, PHI, R]");
--- a/scripts/general/structfun.m
+++ b/scripts/general/structfun.m
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{A}, @dots{}] =} structfun (@dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} structfun (@dots{}, "ErrorHandler", @var{errfunc})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} structfun (@dots{}, "UniformOutput", @var{val})
 ## Evaluate the function named @var{name} on the fields of the structure
 ## @var{S}.  The fields of @var{S} are passed to the function @var{func}
 ## individually.
-## @code{structfun} accepts an arbitrary function @var{func} in the form of 
-## an inline function, function handle, or the name of a function (in a 
-## character string).  In the case of a character string argument, the 
-## function must accept a single argument named @var{x}, and it must return 
+## @code{structfun} accepts an arbitrary function @var{func} in the form of
+## an inline function, function handle, or the name of a function (in a
+## character string).  In the case of a character string argument, the
+## function must accept a single argument named @var{x}, and it must return
 ## a string value.  If the function returns more than one argument, they are
 ## returned as separate output variables.
@@ -40,35 +40,35 @@
 ## return value.  If "UniformOutput" is false, the outputs are placed into a
 ## structure
 ## with the same fieldnames as the input structure.
 ## @example
 ## @group
-## s.name1 = "John Smith"; 
-## s.name2 = "Jill Jones"; 
-## structfun (@@(x) regexp (x, '(\w+)$', "matches")@{1@}, s, 
+## s.name1 = "John Smith";
+## s.name2 = "Jill Jones";
+## structfun (@@(x) regexp (x, '(\w+)$', "matches")@{1@}, s,
 ##            "UniformOutput", false)
 ##     @result{}
 ##    @{
 ##      name1 = Smith
 ##      name2 = Jones
-##    @} 
+##    @}
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## Given the parameter "ErrorHandler", @var{errfunc} defines a function to
 ## call in case @var{func} generates an error.  The form of the function is
 ## @example
 ## function [@dots{}] = errfunc (@var{se}, @dots{})
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## where there is an additional input argument to @var{errfunc} relative to
 ## @var{func}, given by @var{se}.  This is a structure with the elements
 ## "identifier", "message" and "index", giving respectively the error
 ## identifier, the error message, and the index into the input arguments
 ## of the element that caused the error.  For an example on how to use
-## an error handler, @pxref{doc-cellfun, @code{cellfun}}. 
+## an error handler, @pxref{doc-cellfun, @code{cellfun}}.
 ## @seealso{cellfun, arrayfun, spfun}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@
-%! s.name1 = "John Smith"; 
-%! s.name2 = "Jill Jones"; 
+%! s.name1 = "John Smith";
+%! s.name2 = "Jill Jones";
 %! l.name1 = "Smith";
 %! l.name2 = "Jones";
-%! o = structfun (@(x) regexp (x, '(\w+)$', "matches"){1}, s, 
+%! o = structfun (@(x) regexp (x, '(\w+)$', "matches"){1}, s,
 %!                "UniformOutput", false);
 %! assert (o, l);
--- a/scripts/general/subsindex.m
+++ b/scripts/general/subsindex.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{idx} =} subsindex (@var{a})
-## Convert an object to an index vector.  When @var{a} is a class object 
+## Convert an object to an index vector.  When @var{a} is a class object
 ## defined with a class constructor, then @code{subsindex} is the
 ## overloading method that allows the conversion of this class object to
 ## a valid indexing vector.  It is important to note that
--- a/scripts/general/trapz.m
+++ b/scripts/general/trapz.m
@@ -20,23 +20,23 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{z} =} trapz (@var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{z} =} trapz (@var{x}, @var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{z} =} trapz (@dots{}, @var{dim})
 ## Numerical integration using trapezoidal method.  @code{trapz
 ## (@var{y})} computes the integral of the @var{y} along the first
-## non-singleton dimension.  If the argument @var{x} is omitted a 
-## equally spaced vector is assumed.  @code{trapz (@var{x}, @var{y})} 
+## non-singleton dimension.  If the argument @var{x} is omitted a
+## equally spaced vector is assumed.  @code{trapz (@var{x}, @var{y})}
 ## evaluates the integral with respect to @var{x}.
 ## @seealso{cumtrapz}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author:      Kai Habel <>
-## also: June 2000 - Paul Kienzle (fixes,suggestions) 
+## also: June 2000 - Paul Kienzle (fixes,suggestions)
 ## 2006-05-12 David Bateman - Modified for NDArrays
 function z = trapz (x, y, dim)
   if (nargin < 1) || (nargin > 3)
     print_usage ();
@@ -71,14 +71,14 @@
       error ("trapz: invalid dimension DIM along which to sort");
   n = sz(dim);
   idx1 = cell ();
   for i = 1:nd
     idx1{i} = 1:sz(i);
   idx2 = idx1;
-  idx1{dim} = 2 : n;    
+  idx1{dim} = 2 : n;
   idx2{dim} = 1 : (n - 1);
   if (! have_x)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
     if (! size_equal (x, y))
       error ("trapz: X and Y must have same shape");
-    z = 0.5 * sum ((x(idx1{:}) - x(idx2{:})) .* 
+    z = 0.5 * sum ((x(idx1{:}) - x(idx2{:})) .*
                    (y(idx1{:}) + y(idx2{:})), dim);
--- a/scripts/general/triplequad.m
+++ b/scripts/general/triplequad.m
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
     print_usage ();
   if (nargin < 8 || isempty (tol))
-    tol = 1e-6; 
+    tol = 1e-6;
   if (nargin < 9 || isempty (quadf))
-    quadf = @quadgk; 
+    quadf = @quadgk;
   inner = @__triplequad_inner__;
--- a/scripts/geometry/convhull.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/convhull.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## data points are defined by the x and y vectors.
 ## A third optional argument, which must be a string, contains extra options
-## passed to the underlying qhull command.  See the documentation for the 
+## passed to the underlying qhull command.  See the documentation for the
 ## Qhull library for details.
 ## @seealso{delaunay, convhulln}
--- a/scripts/geometry/delaunay.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/delaunay.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## No other data point is in the circum-circle of the defining triangle.
 ## A third optional argument, which must be a string, contains extra options
-## passed to the underlying qhull command.  See the documentation for the 
+## passed to the underlying qhull command.  See the documentation for the
 ## Qhull library for details.
 ## @example
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
   if (nargin != 2 && nargin != 3)
     print_usage ();
   if ((isvector (x) && isvector (y) && length (x) == length (y))
       || size_equal (x, y))
     if (nargin == 2)
--- a/scripts/geometry/delaunay3.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/delaunay3.m
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{T} =} delaunay3 (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{T} =} delaunay3 (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{opt})
-## A matrix of size [n, 4] is returned.  Each row contains a 
+## A matrix of size [n, 4] is returned.  Each row contains a
 ## set of tetrahedron which are
 ## described by the indices to the data point vectors (x,y,z).
 ## A fourth optional argument, which must be a string or cell array of strings,
-## contains extra options passed to the underlying qhull command.  See the 
+## contains extra options passed to the underlying qhull command.  See the
 ## documentation for the Qhull library for details.
 ## @seealso{delaunay,delaunayn}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/geometry/delaunayn.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/delaunayn.m
@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@
 ## size @code{[m, dim+1]}.  It contains for each row a set of indices to
 ## the points, which describes a simplex of dimension dim.  For example,
 ## a 2-D simplex is a triangle and 3-D simplex is a tetrahedron.
 ## Extra options for the underlying Qhull command can be specified by the
 ## second argument.  This argument is a cell array of strings.  The default
-## options depend on the dimension of the input: 
-## @itemize 
+## options depend on the dimension of the input:
+## @itemize
 ## @item 2D and 3D: @var{opt} = @code{@{"Qt", "Qbb", "Qc"@}}
-## @item 4D and higher: @var{opt} = @code{@{"Qt", "Qbb", "Qc", "Qz"@}} 
+## @item 4D and higher: @var{opt} = @code{@{"Qt", "Qbb", "Qc", "Qz"@}}
 ## @end itemize
 ## If @var{opt} is [], then the default arguments are used.  If @var{opt}
-## is @code{@{"@w{}"@}}, then none of the default arguments are used by Qhull. 
-## See the Qhull documentation for the available options. 
+## is @code{@{"@w{}"@}}, then none of the default arguments are used by Qhull.
+## See the Qhull documentation for the available options.
 ## All options can also be specified as single string, for example
 ## @code{"Qt Qbb Qc Qz"}.
 ## @end deftypefn
 function t = delaunayn (p, varargin)
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@
   ## Try to remove the zero volume simplices. The volume of the i-th simplex is
-  ## given by abs(det(p(t(i,1:end-1),:)-p(t(i,2:end),:)))/prod(1:n) 
-  ## (reference Any simplex with a 
-  ## relative volume less than some arbitrary criteria is rejected. The 
-  ## criteria we use is the volume of the simplex corresponding to an 
-  ## orthogonal simplex is equal edge length all equal to the edge length of 
+  ## given by abs(det(p(t(i,1:end-1),:)-p(t(i,2:end),:)))/prod(1:n)
+  ## (reference Any simplex with a
+  ## relative volume less than some arbitrary criteria is rejected. The
+  ## criteria we use is the volume of the simplex corresponding to an
+  ## orthogonal simplex is equal edge length all equal to the edge length of
   ## the original simplex. If the relative volume is 1e3*eps then the simplex
-  ## is rejected. Note division of the two volumes means that the factor 
+  ## is rejected. Note division of the two volumes means that the factor
   ## prod(1:n) is dropped.
   idx = [];
   [nt, n] = size (t);
--- a/scripts/geometry/dsearch.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/dsearch.m
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@
 %!shared x, y, tri
 %! x = [-1;-1;1];
 %! y = [-1;1;-1];
-%! tri = [1,2,3]; 
+%! tri = [1,2,3];
 %!assert (dsearch(x,y,tri,1,1/3), 3);
 %!assert (dsearch(x,y,tri,1/3,1), 2);
--- a/scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{idx}, @var{d}] =} dsearchn (@dots{})
 ## Returns the index @var{idx} or the closest point in @var{x} to the elements
 ## @var{xi}.  If @var{outval} is supplied, then the values of @var{xi} that are
-## not contained within one of the simplices @var{tri} are set to 
-## @var{outval}.  Generally, @var{tri} is returned from @code{delaunayn 
+## not contained within one of the simplices @var{tri} are set to
+## @var{outval}.  Generally, @var{tri} is returned from @code{delaunayn
 ## (@var{x})}.
 ## @seealso{dsearch, tsearch}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 %!shared x, tri
-%! x = [-1,-1;-1,1;1,-1]; 
-%! tri = [1,2,3]; 
+%! x = [-1,-1;-1,1;1,-1];
+%! tri = [1,2,3];
 %!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1,1/3]), 3);
 %!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1,1/3],NaN), NaN);
 %!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1,1/3],NA), NA);
--- a/scripts/geometry/griddata3.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/griddata3.m
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{vi} =} griddata3 (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{v} @var{xi}, @var{yi}, @var{zi}, @var{method}, @var{options})
 ## Generate a regular mesh from irregular data using interpolation.
 ## The function is defined by @code{@var{y} = f (@var{x},@var{y},@var{z})}.
-## The interpolation points are all @var{xi}.  
+## The interpolation points are all @var{xi}.
 ## The interpolation method can be @code{"nearest"} or @code{"linear"}.
 ## If method is omitted it defaults to @code{"linear"}.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## Author: David Bateman <>
 function vi = griddata3 (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi, method, varargin)
   if (nargin < 7)
     print_usage ();
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   ## meshgrid xi, yi and zi if they are vectors unless they
-  ## are vectors of the same length 
+  ## are vectors of the same length
   if (isvector (xi) && isvector (yi) && isvector (zi)
       && (numel (xi) != numel (yi) || numel (xi) != numel (zi)))
     [xi, yi, zi] = meshgrid (xi, yi, zi);
--- a/scripts/geometry/griddatan.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/griddatan.m
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{yi} =} griddatan (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{xi}, @var{method}, @var{options})
 ## Generate a regular mesh from irregular data using interpolation.
 ## The function is defined by @code{@var{y} = f (@var{x})}.
-## The interpolation points are all @var{xi}.  
+## The interpolation points are all @var{xi}.
 ## The interpolation method can be @code{"nearest"} or @code{"linear"}.
 ## If method is omitted it defaults to @code{"linear"}.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   if (nargin == 3)
     method = "linear";
-  if (nargin < 3) 
+  if (nargin < 3)
     print_usage ();
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   [m, n] = size (x);
   [mi, ni] = size (xi);
   if (n != ni || size (y, 1) != m || size (y, 2) != 1)
     error ("griddatan: dimensional mismatch");
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   tri = delaunayn (x);
   yi = NaN (mi, 1);
   if (strcmp (method, "nearest"))
     ## search index of nearest point
     idx = dsearchn (x, tri, xi);
--- a/scripts/geometry/inpolygon.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/inpolygon.m
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
   npol = length (xv);
   do_boundary = (nargout >= 2);
   in = zeros (size(x), "logical");
-  if (do_boundary) 
-    on = zeros (size(x), "logical"); 
+  if (do_boundary)
+    on = zeros (size(x), "logical");
   j = npol;
   for i = 1 : npol
     delta_xv = xv(j) - xv(i);
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 %! ya=[0:0.1:1.4];
 %! [x,y]=meshgrid(xa,ya);
 %! [in,on]=inpolygon(x,y,xv,yv);
 %! inside=in & !on;
 %! plot(xv,yv)
 %! hold on
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 %! ya=[0:0.1:1.4];
 %! [x,y]=meshgrid(xa,ya);
 %! [in,on]=inpolygon(x,y,xv,yv);
 %! inside=in & ~ on;
 %! plot(xv,yv)
 %! hold on
--- a/scripts/geometry/rectint.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/rectint.m
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ## Author: Bill Denney <>
 function area = rectint (a, b)
   if (nargin != 2)
     print_usage ();
   elseif (ndims (a) != 2 || ndims (b) != 2)
--- a/scripts/geometry/trimesh.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/trimesh.m
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} trimesh (@var{tri}, @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} trimesh (@dots{})
 ## Plot a triangular mesh in 3D@.  The variable @var{tri} is the triangular
-## meshing of the points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})} which is returned 
-## from @code{delaunay}.  The variable @var{z} is value at the point 
-## @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})}.  The output argument @var{h} is the graphic 
+## meshing of the points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})} which is returned
+## from @code{delaunay}.  The variable @var{z} is value at the point
+## @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})}.  The output argument @var{h} is the graphic
 ## handle to the plot.
 ## @seealso{triplot, delaunay3}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@
     newplot ();
     if (nargout > 0)
-      h = patch ("Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)], "Faces", tri, 
-                 "FaceColor", "none", "EdgeColor", __next_line_color__(), 
+      h = patch ("Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)], "Faces", tri,
+                 "FaceColor", "none", "EdgeColor", __next_line_color__(),
-      patch ("Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)], "Faces", tri, 
-             "FaceColor", "none", "EdgeColor", __next_line_color__(), 
+      patch ("Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)], "Faces", tri,
+             "FaceColor", "none", "EdgeColor", __next_line_color__(),
--- a/scripts/geometry/trisurf.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/trisurf.m
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} trisurf (@var{tri}, @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} trisurf (@dots{})
 ## Plot a triangular surface in 3D@.  The variable @var{tri} is the triangular
-## meshing of the points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})} which is returned 
-## from @code{delaunay}.  The variable @var{z} is value at the point 
-## @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})}.  The output argument @var{h} is the graphic 
+## meshing of the points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})} which is returned
+## from @code{delaunay}.  The variable @var{z} is value at the point
+## @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})}.  The output argument @var{h} is the graphic
 ## handle to the plot.
 ## @seealso{triplot, delaunay3}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@
     newplot ();
     if (nargout > 0)
-      h = patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)],  
-             "FaceVertexCData", reshape (c, numel (c), 1), 
+      h = patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)],
+             "FaceVertexCData", reshape (c, numel (c), 1),
              "FaceColor", "flat", "EdgeColor", "none",
-      patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)],  
-             "FaceVertexCData", reshape (c, numel (c), 1), 
+      patch ("Faces", tri, "Vertices", [x(:), y(:), z(:)],
+             "FaceVertexCData", reshape (c, numel (c), 1),
              "FaceColor", "flat", "EdgeColor", "none",
--- a/scripts/geometry/tsearchn.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/tsearchn.m
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     b = cart2bary (x (t (i, :), :), xi(ni,:));
     ## Our points xi are in the current triangle if
-    ## (all(b >= 0) && all (b <= 1)). However as we impose that 
+    ## (all(b >= 0) && all (b <= 1)). However as we impose that
     ## sum(b,2) == 1 we only need to test all(b>=0). Note need to add
     ## a small margin for rounding errors
     intri = all (b >= -1e-12, 2);
--- a/scripts/geometry/voronoi.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/voronoi.m
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
       error ("voronoi: expecting first argument to be an axes object");
-    if (nargout < 2)    
+    if (nargout < 2)
       handl = gca ();
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
   x = varargin{narg++};
   y = varargin{narg++};
   opts = {};
-  if (narg <= nargin) 
+  if (narg <= nargin)
     if (iscell (varargin{narg}))
       opts = varargin(narg++);
     elseif (ismatrix (varargin{narg}))
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
   linespec = {"b"};
-  if (narg <= nargin) 
+  if (narg <= nargin)
     if (ischar (varargin{narg}))
       linespec = varargin(narg);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
   ll = length (idx);
   c = c(idx).';
   k = sum (cellfun ('length', c));
-  edges = cell2mat(cellfun (@(x) [x ; [x(end), x(1:end-1)]], c, 
+  edges = cell2mat(cellfun (@(x) [x ; [x(end), x(1:end-1)]], c,
                             "uniformoutput", false));
   ## Identify the unique edges of the Voronoi diagram
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
   vx = reshape (p (edges, 1), size(edges));
   vy = reshape (p (edges, 2), size(edges));
-  if (nargout < 2)    
+  if (nargout < 2)
     lim = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax];
     h = plot (handl, vx, vy, linespec{:}, x, y, '+');
     axis (lim + 0.1 * [[-1, 1] * (lim (2) - lim (1)), ...
--- a/scripts/help/__makeinfo__.m
+++ b/scripts/help/__makeinfo__.m
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@
   if (nargin == 0)
     print_usage ();
   if (!ischar (text))
     error ("__makeinfo__: first input argument must be a string");
   if (!ischar (output_type))
     error ("__makeinfo__: second input argument must be a string");
   ## Define the function which expands @seealso macro
   if (isempty (see_also))
     if (strcmpi (output_type, "plain text"))
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@
       see_also = @simple_see_also_with_refs;
   if (!isa (see_also, "function_handle"))
     error ("__makeinfo__: third input argument must be the empty matrix, or a function handle");
-  ## It seems like makeinfo sometimes gets angry if the first character 
+  ## It seems like makeinfo sometimes gets angry if the first character
   ## on a line is a space, so we remove these.
   text = strrep (text, "\n ", "\n");
   ## Handle @seealso macro
   SEE_ALSO = "@seealso";
   starts = strfind (text, SEE_ALSO);
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@
     retval = text;
   ## Create the final TeXinfo input string
   text = sprintf ("\\input texinfo\n\n%s\n\n@bye\n", text);
     ## Write Texinfo to tmp file
     template = "octave-help-XXXXXX";
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
         error ("__makeinfo__: unsupported output type: '%s'", output_type);
     ## Call makeinfo
     [status, retval] = system (cmd);
--- a/scripts/help/__strip_html_tags__.m
+++ b/scripts/help/__strip_html_tags__.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Remove HTML tags from text.  This is used as a simple HTML-to-text
-## function. 
+## function.
 function [text, status] = __strip_html_tags__ (html_text)
   start = find (html_text == "<");
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
   if (groups (1, 1) == 1)
     keep (1:groups (1, 2)) = false;
   ## Remove end-lines from the end
   if (sum (groups (end, :)) - 1 == length (text))
     keep (groups (end, 1):end) = false;
   ## Remove groups of end-lines with more than 3 end-lines next to each other
   idx = find (groups (:, 2) >= 3);
   for k = 1:length (idx)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     stop = start + groups (idx (k), 2) - 1;
     keep (start+2:stop) = false;
   ## Actually remove the elements
   text = text (keep);
--- a/scripts/help/doc.m
+++ b/scripts/help/doc.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Søren Hauberg
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
       info_dir = fileparts (ffile);
-    ## Determine if a file called exist in the same 
+    ## Determine if a file called exist in the same
     ## directory as the function.
     info_file_name = fullfile (info_dir, "");
--- a/scripts/help/gen_doc_cache.m
+++ b/scripts/help/gen_doc_cache.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} gen_doc_cache (@var{out_file}, @var{directory})
 ## Generate documentation caches for all functions in a given directory.
-## A documentation cache is generated for all functions in @var{directory}. 
+## A documentation cache is generated for all functions in @var{directory}.
 ## The
 ## resulting cache is saved in the file @var{out_file}.
 ## The cache is used to speed up @code{lookfor}.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   if (!ischar (out_file))
     print_usage ();
   ## Generate cache
   if (isempty (directory))
     cache = gen_builtin_cache ();
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     error ("gen_doc_cache: second input argument must be a string");
   ## Save cache
   if (! isempty (cache))
     save ("-text", out_file, "cache");
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
       status = 1;
   ## Did we get the help text?
   if (status != 0 || isempty (text))
     warning ("gen_doc_cache: unusable help text in '%s'. Ignoring function.", f);
@@ -84,21 +84,21 @@
 function cache = create_cache (list)
   cache = {};
   ## For each function:
   for n = 1:length (list)
     f = list {n};
     ## Get help text
     [text, format] = get_help_text (f);
     [text, first_sentence, status] = handle_function (f, text, format);
     ## Did we get the help text?
     if (status != 0)
     ## Store the help text
     cache (1, end+1) = f;
     cache (2, end) = text;
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
     prev_idx = idx (n) + 1;
   if (!dir_in_path)
     addpath (directory);
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
   ## Get list of functions in directory and create cache
   list = __list_functions__ (directory);
   cache = create_cache (list);
   if (!dir_in_path)
     rmpath (directory);
--- a/scripts/help/get_first_help_sentence.m
+++ b/scripts/help/get_first_help_sentence.m
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@
   if (nargin == 0)
     error ("get_first_help_sentence: not enough input arguments");
   if (!ischar (name))
     error ("get_first_help_sentence: first input must be a string");
   if (!isnumeric (max_len) || max_len <= 0 || max_len != round (max_len))
     error ("get_first_help_sentence: second input must be positive integer");
   ## First, we get the raw help text
   [help_text, format] = get_help_text (name);
   ## Then, we take action depending on the format
   switch (lower (format))
     case "plain text"
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
   ## Lines ending with "@\n" are continuation lines, so they should be concatenated
   ## with the following line.
   help_text = strrep (help_text, "@\n", " ");
   ## Find, and remove, lines that start with @def. This should remove things
   ## such as @deftypefn, @deftypefnx, @defvar, etc.
   keep = true (size (help_text));
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
         keep (def_idx (k):endl) = false;
     ## Remove the @end ... that corresponds to the @def we removed above
     def1 = def_idx (1);
     space_idx = find (help_text == " ");
@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@
       keep (end_idx:endl) = false;
     help_text = help_text (keep);
   ## Run makeinfo to generate plain text
   [help_text, status] = __makeinfo__ (help_text, "plain text");
   ## Extract first line with plain text method.
   retval = first_sentence_plain_text (help_text, max_len);
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 function [retval, status] = first_sentence_html (help_text, max_len)
   ## Strip tags
   [help_text, status] = strip_html_tags (help_text);
   ## Extract first line with plain text method.
   retval = first_sentence_plain_text (help_text, max_len);
--- a/scripts/help/help.m
+++ b/scripts/help/help.m
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     ## Get help text
     [text, format] = get_help_text (name);
     ## Take action depending on help text format
     switch (lower (format))
       case "plain text"
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
         error ("help: internal error: unsupported help text format: '%s'\n", format);
     ## Print text
     if (status != 0)
       warning ("help: Texinfo formatting filter exited abnormally; raw Texinfo source of help text follows...\n");
--- a/scripts/help/lookfor.m
+++ b/scripts/help/lookfor.m
@@ -21,22 +21,22 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Command} {} lookfor -all @var{str}
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{func}, @var{helpstring}] =} lookfor (@var{str})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{func}, @var{helpstring}] =} lookfor ('-all', @var{str})
-## Search for the string @var{str} in all functions found in the current 
+## Search for the string @var{str} in all functions found in the current
 ## function search path.  By default, @code{lookfor} searches for @var{str}
 ## in the first sentence of the help string of each function found.  The entire
-## help text of each function can be searched if the '-all' argument is 
+## help text of each function can be searched if the '-all' argument is
 ## supplied.  All searches are case insensitive.
-## Called with no output arguments, @code{lookfor} prints the list of 
-## matching functions to the terminal.  Otherwise, the output arguments 
-## @var{func} and @var{helpstring} define the matching functions and the 
+## Called with no output arguments, @code{lookfor} prints the list of
+## matching functions to the terminal.  Otherwise, the output arguments
+## @var{func} and @var{helpstring} define the matching functions and the
 ## first sentence of each of their help strings.
 ## The ability of @code{lookfor} to correctly identify the first
 ## sentence of the help text is dependent on the format of the
 ## function's help.  All Octave core functions are correctly
 ## formatted, but the same can not be guaranteed for external packages and
-## user-supplied functions.  Therefore, the use of the '-all' argument may 
+## user-supplied functions.  Therefore, the use of the '-all' argument may
 ## be necessary to find related functions that are not a part of Octave.
 ## @seealso{help, doc, which}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
     fun = help_text = {};
     had_core_cache = false;
   ## Search functions in new path dirs.
   orig_path = strsplit (__pathorig__ (), pathsep ());
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
       funs_in_f = __list_functions__ (elt);
       for m = 1:length (funs_in_f)
         fn = funs_in_f {m};
         ## Skip files that start with __
         if (length (fn) > 2 && strcmp (fn (1:2), "__"))
         ## Extract first sentence
           warn_state = warning ();
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
             status = 1;
           ## Take action depending on help text fmt
           switch (lower (fmt))
             case "plain text"
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
         elseif (status == 0) # only search the first sentence of the help text
           text = first_sentence;
         ## Search the help text, if we can
         if (status == 0 && !isempty (strfind (text, str)))
           fun (end+1) = fn;
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   if (nargout == 0)
     ## Print the results (FIXME: improve this to make it look better.
     indent = 20;
--- a/scripts/help/print_usage.m
+++ b/scripts/help/print_usage.m
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     fullname = name;
   ## Determine if we're called from top level.
   at_toplev = length (x) < 2 || (length (x) == 2 && strcmp (x(2).name, name));
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
       error ("print_usage: internal error: unsupported help text format: '%s'\n", format);
   ## Raise the final error
   if (status != 0)
     warning ("print_usage: Texinfo formatting filter exited abnormally");
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   ## Lines ending with "@\n" are continuation lines, so they should be
   ## concatenated with the following line.
   help_text = strrep (help_text, "@\n", " ");
   ## Find, and keep, lines that start with @def or @end def. This should include things
   ## such as @deftypefn, @deftypefnx, @defvar, etc. and their corresponding @end's
   def_idx = strfind (help_text, "@def");
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
         buffer = strcat (buffer, help_text (def_idx (k):endl));
     end_def_idx = strfind (help_text, "@end def");
     if (!isempty (end_def_idx))
       buffer = strcat (buffer, help_text (end_def_idx:end));
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 function [retval, status] = get_usage_html (help_text, max_len)
   ## Strip tags
   [help_text, status] = strip_html_tags (help_text);
   ## Extract first line with plain text method.
   retval = get_usage_plain_text (help_text, max_len);
--- a/scripts/help/type.m
+++ b/scripts/help/type.m
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Command} {} type -q @var{name} @dots{}
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {dfns =} type ("@var{name}", @dots{})
 ## Display the definition of each @var{name} that refers to a function.
 ## Normally also displays whether each @var{name} is user-defined or built-in;
 ## the @option{-q} option suppresses this behavior.
-## If an output argument is requested nothing is displayed.  Instead, a cell 
-## array of strings is returned, where each element corresponds to the 
+## If an output argument is requested nothing is displayed.  Instead, a cell
+## array of strings is returned, where each element corresponds to the
 ## definition of each requested function.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   if (!iscellstr (varargin))
     error ("type: input arguments must be strings");
   quiet = false;
   idx = strcmpi (varargin, "-q") | strcmpi (varargin, "-quiet");
   if (any (idx))
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
   if (nargout > 0)
     retval = cell (size (varargin));
   for n = 1:length (varargin)
     name = varargin {n};
     ## Find function and get its code
     text = "";
     cmd = sprintf ("exist ('%s')", name);
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
         ## FIXME: Should we just print it anyway?
         error ("type: `%s' undefined\n", name);
       ## Read the file
       fid = fopen (file, "r");
       if (fid < 0)
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@
       contents = char (fread (fid).');
       fclose (fid);
       if (quiet)
         text = contents;
         text = sprintf ("%s is the user-defined function defined from: %s\n\n%s",
                         name, file, contents);
-      endif    
+      endif
     elseif (e == 3)
       text = sprintf ("%s is a dynamically-linked function", name);
     elseif (e == 5)
--- a/scripts/image/autumn.m
+++ b/scripts/image/autumn.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} autumn (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap ranges from red through orange
 ## to yellow.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [1, 0, 0];  
+    map = [1, 0, 0];
   elseif (n > 1)
     r = ones (n, 1);
     g = (0:n - 1)' ./ (n - 1);
--- a/scripts/image/bone.m
+++ b/scripts/image/bone.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} bone (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap varies from black to white with
 ## gray-blue shades.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 0, 0];  
+    map = [0, 0, 0];
   elseif (n > 1)
     x = linspace (0, 1, n)';
--- a/scripts/image/brighten.m
+++ b/scripts/image/brighten.m
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map_out} =} brighten (@var{map}, @var{beta})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map_out} =} brighten (@var{h}, @var{beta})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map_out} =} brighten (@var{beta})
-## Darkens or brightens the given colormap.  If the @var{map} argument 
+## Darkens or brightens the given colormap.  If the @var{map} argument
 ## is omitted, the function is applied to the current colormap.  The first
-## argument can also be a valid graphics handle @var{h}, in which case 
+## argument can also be a valid graphics handle @var{h}, in which case
 ## @code{brighten} is applied to the colormap associated with this handle.
 ## Should the resulting colormap @var{map_out} not be assigned, it will be
--- a/scripts/image/cool.m
+++ b/scripts/image/cool.m
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} cool ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} cool (@var{n})
-## Create color colormap.  The colormap varies from cyan to magenta.  
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## Create color colormap.  The colormap varies from cyan to magenta.
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 1, 1];  
+    map = [0, 1, 1];
   elseif (n > 1)
     r = (0:n - 1)' ./ (n - 1);
     g = 1 - r;
--- a/scripts/image/copper.m
+++ b/scripts/image/copper.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} copper (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap varies from black to
 ## a light copper tone.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 0, 0];  
+    map = [0, 0, 0];
   elseif (n > 1)
     x = linspace (0, 1, n)';
     r = (x < 4/5) .* (5/4 * x) + (x >= 4/5);
--- a/scripts/image/flag.m
+++ b/scripts/image/flag.m
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} flag ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} flag (@var{n})
-## Create color colormap.  This colormap cycles through red, white, blue 
+## Create color colormap.  This colormap cycles through red, white, blue
 ## and black with each index change.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/image/gmap40.m
+++ b/scripts/image/gmap40.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## Create color colormap.  The colormap consists of red, green, blue, yellow,
 ## magenta and cyan.  This colormap is specifically designed for users of
 ## gnuplot 4.0 where these 6 colors are the allowable ones for patch objects.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar. 
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, a length of 6 is assumed.  Larger values
 ## of @var{n} result in a repetition of the above colors.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
--- a/scripts/image/gray.m
+++ b/scripts/image/gray.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} gray (@var{n})
 ## Create gray colormap.  This colormap varies from black to white with
 ## shades of gray.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/image/hot.m
+++ b/scripts/image/hot.m
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} hot ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} hot (@var{n})
-## Create color colormap.  This colormap ranges from black through dark red, 
-## red, orange, yellow, to white. 
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## Create color colormap.  This colormap ranges from black through dark red,
+## red, orange, yellow, to white.
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   if (nargin == 0)
     n = rows (colormap);
-  elseif (nargin == 1) 
+  elseif (nargin == 1)
     if (! isscalar (n))
       error ("hot: argument must be a scalar");
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 0, 0];  
+    map = [0, 0, 0];
   elseif (n > 1)
     x = linspace (0, 1, n)';
     r = (x < 2/5) .* (5/2 * x) + (x >= 2/5);
--- a/scripts/image/hsv.m
+++ b/scripts/image/hsv.m
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} hsv (@var{n})
-## Create color colormap.  This colormap begins with red, changes through 
-## yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta, before returning to red.  
+## Create color colormap.  This colormap begins with red, changes through
+## yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta, before returning to red.
 ## It is useful for displaying periodic functions.  It is obtained by linearly
 ## varying the hue through all possible values while keeping constant maximum
 ## saturation and value and is equivalent to
 ## @code{hsv2rgb ([linspace(0,1,N)', ones(N,2)])}.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [1, 0, 0];  
+    map = [1, 0, 0];
   elseif (n > 1)
     h = linspace (0, 1, n)';
     map = hsv2rgb ([h, ones(n, 1), ones(n, 1)]);
--- a/scripts/image/hsv2rgb.m
+++ b/scripts/image/hsv2rgb.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{rgb_map} =} hsv2rgb (@var{hsv_map})
-## Transform a colormap or image from the HSV space to the RGB space. 
+## Transform a colormap or image from the HSV space to the RGB space.
 ## @seealso{rgb2hsv}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
   rgb_map = kron ([1, 1, 1], hsv_map(:,3) .* (1 - hsv_map(:,2)));
   ## red(hue-2/3)=green(hue)=blue(hue-1/3)
-  ## apply modulo 1 for red and blue 
+  ## apply modulo 1 for red and blue
   t = hsv_map(:,1);
   tp = t';
   hue = [(tp - 2/3 - floor (t - 2/3)');
--- a/scripts/image/image.m
+++ b/scripts/image/image.m
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ## @var{x} and @var{y}.  If you're not using gnuplot 4.2 or later, these
 ## variables are ignored.
-## Implementation Note: The origin (0, 0) for images is located in the 
+## Implementation Note: The origin (0, 0) for images is located in the
 ## upper left.  For ordinary plots, the origin is located in the lower
 ## left.  Octave handles this inversion by plotting the data normally,
 ## and then reversing the direction of the y-axis by setting the
--- a/scripts/image/imread.m
+++ b/scripts/image/imread.m
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
-%!testif HAVE_MAGICK 
+%!testif HAVE_MAGICK
 %! vpng = [ ...
 %!  137,  80,  78,  71,  13,  10,  26,  10,   0,   0, ...
 %!    0,  13,  73,  72,  68,  82,   0,   0,   0,   3, ...
--- a/scripts/image/imshow.m
+++ b/scripts/image/imshow.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 1994-2011 John W. Eaton
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
     warning ("imshow: only showing real part of complex image");
     im = real (im);
   nans = isnan (im(:));
   if (any (nans))
     warning ("Octave:imshow-NaN",
--- a/scripts/image/imwrite.m
+++ b/scripts/image/imwrite.m
@@ -26,24 +26,24 @@
 ## If @var{fmt} is not supplied, the file extension of @var{filename} is used
 ## to determine the format.
-## The parameter-value pairs (@var{p1}, @var{v1}, @dots{}) are optional. 
+## The parameter-value pairs (@var{p1}, @var{v1}, @dots{}) are optional.
 ## Currently the following options are supported for @t{JPEG} images:
 ## @table @samp
 ## @item Quality
 ## Set the quality of the compression.  The value should be an
-## integer between 0 and 100, with larger values indicating higher visual 
+## integer between 0 and 100, with larger values indicating higher visual
 ## quality and lower compression.
 ## @end table
-## @strong{Supported Formats} 
+## @strong{Supported Formats}
 ## @multitable @columnfractions .33 .66
-## @headitem Extension @tab Format 
-## @item bmp @tab Windows Bitmap 
-## @item gif @tab Graphics Interchange Format 
+## @headitem Extension @tab Format
+## @item bmp @tab Windows Bitmap
+## @item gif @tab Graphics Interchange Format
 ## @item jpg and jpeg @tab Joint Photographic Experts Group
 ## @item pbm @tab Portable Bitmap
-## @item pcx @tab 
+## @item pcx @tab
 ## @item pgm @tab Portable Graymap
 ## @item png @tab Portable Network Graphics
 ## @item pnm @tab Portable Anymap
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 ## @item xwd @tab X11 Dump
 ## @end multitable
-## @strong{Unsupported Formats} 
+## @strong{Unsupported Formats}
 ## @multitable @columnfractions .33 .66
-## @headitem Extension @tab Format 
+## @headitem Extension @tab Format
 ## @item hdf @tab Hierarchical Data Format V4
 ## @item jp2 and jpx @tab Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000
 ## @end multitable
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 function imwrite (img, varargin)
   persistent imwrite_possible_formats = {
     "bmp"; "gif"; "jp2"; "jpg"; "jpx"; "jpeg"; "hdf"; "pbm"; "pcx";
     "pgm"; "png"; "pnm"; "ppm"; "ras"; "tif"; "tiff"; "xwd" };
   persistent accepted_formats = __magick_format_list__ (imwrite_possible_formats);
   if (nargin < 2 || ! (isnumeric (img) || islogical (img)))
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/image/ind2rgb.m
+++ b/scripts/image/ind2rgb.m
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   if (ndims (x) != 2 || any (x(:) != round (x(:))) || min (x(:)) < 1)
     error ("ind2rgb: X must be an indexed image");
   ## Check the color map.
   if (ndims (map) != 2 || columns (map) != 3)
     error ("ind2rgb: MAP must be a valid colormap");
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     pad = repmat (map(end,:), maxidx-rm, 1);
     map(end+1:maxidx, :) = pad;
   ## Compute result
   [hi, wi] = size (x);
   R = reshape (map (x(:), 1), hi, wi);
--- a/scripts/image/jet.m
+++ b/scripts/image/jet.m
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} jet ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} jet (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap ranges from dark blue through blue,
-## cyan, green, yellow, red, to dark red. 
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## cyan, green, yellow, red, to dark red.
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 0, 0.5];  
+    map = [0, 0, 0.5];
   elseif (n > 1)
     x = linspace(0, 1, n)';
     r = (x >= 3/8 & x < 5/8) .* (4 * x - 3/2)\
--- a/scripts/image/ntsc2rgb.m
+++ b/scripts/image/ntsc2rgb.m
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   if (! ismatrix (yiq) || columns (yiq) != 3)
     error ("ntsc2rgb: argument must be a matrix of size Nx3 or NxMx3");
   ## Convert data
   trans = [ 1.0,      1.0,      1.0;
             0.95617, -0.27269, -1.10374;
--- a/scripts/image/ocean.m
+++ b/scripts/image/ocean.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} ocean (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap varies from black to white with shades
 ## of blue.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/image/pink.m
+++ b/scripts/image/pink.m
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} pink ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} pink (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap varies from black to white with
-## shades of gray-pink.  It gives a sepia tone when used on grayscale images. 
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## shades of gray-pink.  It gives a sepia tone when used on grayscale images.
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 0, 0];  
+    map = [0, 0, 0];
   elseif (n > 1)
     x = linspace (0, 1, n)';
     r = (x < 3/8) .* (14/9 * x) + (x >= 3/8) .* (2/3 * x + 1/3);
--- a/scripts/image/prism.m
+++ b/scripts/image/prism.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} prism (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap cycles through red, orange, yellow,
 ## green, blue and violet with each index change.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/image/rainbow.m
+++ b/scripts/image/rainbow.m
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} rainbow ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} rainbow (@var{n})
-## Create color colormap.  This colormap ranges from red through orange, 
-## yellow, green, blue, to violet.  
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## Create color colormap.  This colormap ranges from red through orange,
+## yellow, green, blue, to violet.
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [1, 0, 0];  
+    map = [1, 0, 0];
   elseif (n > 1)
     x = linspace (0, 1, n)';
     r = (x < 2/5) + (x >= 2/5 & x < 3/5) .* (-5 * x + 3)\
--- a/scripts/image/rgb2hsv.m
+++ b/scripts/image/rgb2hsv.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## In the HSV space each color is represented by their hue, saturation
 ## and value (brightness).  Value gives the amount of light in the color.
-## Hue describes the dominant wavelength. 
+## Hue describes the dominant wavelength.
 ## Saturation is the amount of hue mixed into the color.
 ## @seealso{hsv2rgb}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
   ## set hue to zero for undefined values (gray has no hue)
   h = zeros (size (v));
   notgray = (s != v);
   ## blue hue
   idx = (v == rgb(:,3) & notgray);
   if (any (idx))
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
   s(notgray) = 1 - s(notgray) ./ v(notgray);
   hsv_map = [h, s, v];
   ## If input was an image, convert it back into one.
   if (is_image)
     hsv_map = reshape (hsv_map, Sz);
--- a/scripts/image/rgb2ind.m
+++ b/scripts/image/rgb2ind.m
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   if (nargin != 1 && nargin != 3)
     print_usage ();
   if (nargin == 1)
     rgb = R;
     if (length (size (rgb)) == 3 && size (rgb, 3) == 3)
--- a/scripts/image/rgb2ntsc.m
+++ b/scripts/image/rgb2ntsc.m
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   if (! ismatrix (rgb) || columns (rgb) != 3)
     error ("rgb2ntsc: argument must be a matrix of size Nx3 or NxMx3");
   ## Convert data
   trans = [ 0.299,  0.596,  0.211;
             0.587, -0.274, -0.523;
--- a/scripts/image/spring.m
+++ b/scripts/image/spring.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} spring ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} spring (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap varies from magenta to yellow.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [1, 0, 1];  
+    map = [1, 0, 1];
   elseif (n > 1)
     r = ones (n, 1);
     g = (0:n - 1)' ./ (n - 1);
--- a/scripts/image/summer.m
+++ b/scripts/image/summer.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} summer ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} summer (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap varies from green to yellow.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 0.5, 0.4];  
+    map = [0, 0.5, 0.4];
   elseif (n > 1)
     r = (0:n - 1)' ./ (n - 1);
     g = 0.5 + r ./ 2;
--- a/scripts/image/winter.m
+++ b/scripts/image/winter.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} winter ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} winter (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap varies from blue to green.
-## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.  
+## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   if (n == 1)
-    map = [0, 0, 1];  
+    map = [0, 0, 1];
   elseif (n > 1)
     r = zeros (n, 1);
     g = (0:n - 1)' ./ (n - 1);
--- a/scripts/io/dlmwrite.m
+++ b/scripts/io/dlmwrite.m
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: Paul Kienzle <>
 ## This program was originally granted to the public domain
 ## 2002-03-08 Paul Kienzle <>
 ## * Initial revision
 ## 2005-11-27 Bill Denney <>
--- a/scripts/io/fileread.m
+++ b/scripts/io/fileread.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
-    str = fread (fid, "*char");    
+    str = fread (fid, "*char");
     fclose (fid);
--- a/scripts/io/strread.m
+++ b/scripts/io/strread.m
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   if (nargin < 1)
     print_usage ();
   if (!ischar (str) || !ischar (format))
     error ("strread: STR and FORMAT arguments must be strings");
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
         ## XXX: We could synthesize this, but that just seems weird...
         warning ("strread: property \"bufsize\" is not implemented");
       case "whitespace"
-        white_spaces = varargin {n+1}; 
+        white_spaces = varargin {n+1};
       case "expchars"
         warning ("strread: property \"expchars\" is not implemented");
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@
   ## Split 'str' into words
   words = split_by (str, delimiter_str);
   num_words = numel (words);
   num_lines = ceil (num_words / num_words_per_line);
   ## For each specifier
   k = 1;
   for m = 1:num_words_per_line
--- a/scripts/io/textread.m
+++ b/scripts/io/textread.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   if (nargin < 1)
     print_usage ();
   if (!ischar (filename) || !ischar (format))
     error ("textread: first and second input arguments must be strings");
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
     fskipl (fid, headerlines);
     varargin(headerlines:headerlines+1) = [];
   str = fread (fid, "char=>char").';
   fclose (fid);
   ## Call strread to make it do the real work
   [varargout{1:max (nargout, 1)}] = strread (str, format, varargin {:});
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/cond.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/cond.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} cond (@var{A}, @var{p})
 ## Compute the @var{p}-norm condition number of a matrix.  @code{cond
 ## (@var{A})} is
-## defined as 
+## defined as
 ## @tex
 ## $ {\parallel A \parallel_p * \parallel A^{-1} \parallel_p .} $
 ## @end tex
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## By default @code{@var{p} = 2} is used which implies a (relatively slow)
-## singular value decomposition.  Other possible selections are 
+## singular value decomposition.  Other possible selections are
 ## @code{@var{p} = 1, Inf, "fro"} which are generally faster.  See
 ## @code{norm} for a full discussion of possible @var{p} values.
 ## @seealso{condest, rcond, norm, svd}
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-      retval = norm (A, p) * norm (inv (A), p);  
+      retval = norm (A, p) * norm (inv (A), p);
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/condest.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/condest.m
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} condest (@var{A}) 
-## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} condest (@var{A}, @var{t}) 
-## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{est}, @var{v}] =} condest (@dots{}) 
+## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} condest (@var{A})
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} condest (@var{A}, @var{t})
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{est}, @var{v}] =} condest (@dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{est}, @var{v}] =} condest (@var{A}, @var{solve}, @var{solve_t}, @var{t})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{est}, @var{v}] =} condest (@var{apply}, @var{apply_t}, @var{solve}, @var{solve_t}, @var{n}, @var{t})
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 ## using @var{t} test vectors using a randomized 1-norm estimator.
 ## If @var{t} exceeds 5, then only 5 test vectors are used.
-## If the matrix is not explicit, e.g., when estimating the condition 
-## number of @var{A} given an LU factorization, @code{condest} uses the 
+## If the matrix is not explicit, e.g., when estimating the condition
+## number of @var{A} given an LU factorization, @code{condest} uses the
 ## following functions:
 ## @table @var
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@
 ## (@var{v}, 1) / @var{est}}.  When @var{est} is large, @var{v} is an
 ## approximate null vector.
-## References: 
+## References:
 ## @itemize
-## @item 
+## @item
 ## N.J. Higham and F. Tisseur, @cite{A Block Algorithm
 ## for Matrix 1-Norm Estimation, with an Application to 1-Norm
 ## Pseudospectra}. SIMAX vol 21, no 4, pp 1185-1201.
 ## @url{}
-## @item 
+## @item
 ## N.J. Higham and F. Tisseur, @cite{A Block Algorithm
 ## for Matrix 1-Norm Estimation, with an Application to 1-Norm
 ## Pseudospectra}. @url{}
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/cross.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/cross.m
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## If @var{x} and @var{y} are matrices, the cross product is applied 
-## along the first dimension with 3 elements.  The optional argument 
+## If @var{x} and @var{y} are matrices, the cross product is applied
+## along the first dimension with 3 elements.  The optional argument
 ## @var{dim} forces the cross product to be calculated along
 ## the specified dimension.
 ## @seealso{dot}
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 ## Adapted-By: jwe
 function z = cross (x, y, dim)
   if (nargin != 2 && nargin != 3)
     print_usage ();
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   if (nargin == 2)
      dim = find (size (x) == 3, 1);
-     if (isempty (dim)) 
+     if (isempty (dim))
        error ("cross: must have at least one dimension with 3 elements");
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/expm.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/expm.m
@@ -26,30 +26,30 @@
 ## $$
 ## @end tex
 ## @ifnottex
 ## @example
 ## expm(A) = I + A + A^2/2! + A^3/3! + @dots{}
 ## @end example
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## The Taylor series is @emph{not} the way to compute the matrix
 ## exponential; see Moler and Van Loan, @cite{Nineteen Dubious Ways to
 ## Compute the Exponential of a Matrix}, SIAM Review, 1978.  This routine
-## uses Ward's diagonal Pad@'e approximation method with three step 
+## uses Ward's diagonal Pad@'e approximation method with three step
 ## preconditioning (SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 1977).  Diagonal
 ## Pad@'e approximations are rational polynomials of matrices
 ## @tex
 ## $D_q(A)^{-1}N_q(A)$
 ## @end tex
 ## @ifnottex
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ##      -1
 ## D (A)   N (A)
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## whose Taylor series matches the first
 ## @tex
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/isdefinite.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/isdefinite.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## Return 1 if @var{x} is symmetric positive definite within the
 ## tolerance specified by @var{tol} or 0 if @var{x} is symmetric
 ## positive semidefinite.  Otherwise, return -1.  If @var{tol}
-## is omitted, use a tolerance of 
+## is omitted, use a tolerance of
 ## @code{100 * eps * norm (@var{x}, "fro")}
 ## @seealso{issymmetric, ishermitian}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/krylov.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/krylov.m
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 ## to improve numerical behavior.  The default value is 0.
 ## Reference: A. Hodel, P. Misra, @cite{Partial Pivoting in the Computation of
-## Krylov Subspaces of Large Sparse Systems}, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE 
+## Krylov Subspaces of Large Sparse Systems}, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE
 ## Conference on Decision and Control, December 2003.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/logm.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/logm.m
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
-## Reference: N. J. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation 
+## Reference: N. J. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation
 ##            (SIAM, 2008.)
 function [s, iters] = logm (A, opt_iters = 100)
   if (nargin == 0 || nargin > 2)
     print_usage ();
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
 ################## ANCILLARY FUNCTIONS ################################
 ######  Taken from the mfttoolbox (GPL 3) by D. Higham.
-######  Reference: 
-######      D. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation 
+######  Reference:
+######      D. Higham, Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation
 ######      (SIAM, 2008.).
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/normest.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/normest.m
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
   if (! (isnumeric (A) && ndims (A) == 2))
     error ("normest: A must be a numeric 2-D matrix");
-  endif 
+  endif
   if (! (isscalar (tol) && isreal (tol)))
     error ("normest: TOL must be a real scalar");
-  endif 
+  endif
   if (! isfloat (A))
     A = double (A);
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/onenormest.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/onenormest.m
@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn  {Function File} {[@var{est}, @var{v}, @var{w}, @var{iter}] =} onenormest (@var{A}, @var{t}) 
+## @deftypefn  {Function File} {[@var{est}, @var{v}, @var{w}, @var{iter}] =} onenormest (@var{A}, @var{t})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{est}, @var{v}, @var{w}, @var{iter}] =} onenormest (@var{apply}, @var{apply_t}, @var{n}, @var{t})
 ## Apply Higham and Tisseur's randomized block 1-norm estimator to
 ## matrix @var{A} using @var{t} test vectors.  If @var{t} exceeds 5, then
 ## only 5 test vectors are used.
-## If the matrix is not explicit, e.g., when estimating the norm of 
-## @code{inv (@var{A})} given an LU factorization, @code{onenormest} applies 
-## @var{A} and its conjugate transpose through a pair of functions 
-## @var{apply} and @var{apply_t}, respectively, to a dense matrix of size 
-## @var{n} by @var{t}.  The implicit version requires an explicit dimension 
+## If the matrix is not explicit, e.g., when estimating the norm of
+## @code{inv (@var{A})} given an LU factorization, @code{onenormest} applies
+## @var{A} and its conjugate transpose through a pair of functions
+## @var{apply} and @var{apply_t}, respectively, to a dense matrix of size
+## @var{n} by @var{t}.  The implicit version requires an explicit dimension
 ## @var{n}.
 ## Returns the norm estimate @var{est}, two vectors @var{v} and
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ## and the number of iterations @var{iter}.  The number of
 ## iterations is limited to 10 and is at least 2.
-## References: 
+## References:
 ## @itemize
 ## @item
 ## N.J. Higham and F. Tisseur, @cite{A Block Algorithm
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
       replacements = 2*(rand (n,numpar) < 0.5) - 1;
       S(:,partest) = replacements;
     Z = feval (apply_t, S);
     ## Now find the largest non-previously-visted index per
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/rref.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/rref.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## to @code{eps * max (size (@var{A})) * norm (@var{A}, inf)}.
 ## Called with two return arguments, @var{k} returns the vector of
-## "bound variables", which are those columns on which elimination 
+## "bound variables", which are those columns on which elimination
 ## has been performed.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/subspace.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/subspace.m
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 ## reference:
 ## [1]  Andrew V. Knyazev, Merico E. Argentati:
-##   Principal Angles between Subspaces in an A-Based Scalar Product: 
-##  Algorithms and Perturbation Estimates.  
+##   Principal Angles between Subspaces in an A-Based Scalar Product:
+##  Algorithms and Perturbation Estimates.
 ##  SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 23 no. 6, pp. 2008-2040
 ## other texts are also around...
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ans.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ans.m
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 ## @defvr {Automatic Variable} ans
 ## The most recently computed result that was not
 ## explicitly assigned to a variable.  For example, after the expression
 ## @example
 ## 3^2 + 4^2
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## is evaluated, the value returned by @code{ans} is 25.
 ## @end defvr
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/bincoeff.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/bincoeff.m
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
   ind = (! (k >= 0) | (k != real (round (k))) | isnan (n));
   b(ind) = NaN;
   ind = (k == 0);
   b(ind) = 1;
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/bunzip2.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/bunzip2.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Bill Denney
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{entries} =} bzip2 (@var{files}, @var{outdir})
 ## Compress the list of files specified in @var{files}.
 ## Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a '.bz2' extension
-## is created.  The original files are not touched.  Existing compressed files 
-## are silently overwritten.If @var{outdir} is defined the compressed versions 
+## is created.  The original files are not touched.  Existing compressed files
+## are silently overwritten.If @var{outdir} is defined the compressed versions
 ## of the files are placed in this directory.
 ## @seealso{bunzip2, gzip, zip, tar}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
       __xzip__ ("bzip2", "bz2", "bzip2 %s", varargin{:});
       entries = __xzip__ ("bzip2", "bz2", "bzip2 %s", varargin{:});
-    endif      
+    endif
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
       endian = "L";
       endian = "?";
-    endif      
+    endif
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/copyfile.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/copyfile.m
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
     if (length(f1) > 1 && ! isdir)
       error ("copyfile: when copying multiple files, second argument must be a directory");
     ## Protect the file name(s).
     f1 = glob (f1);
     if (isempty (f1))
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@
       while (! isempty(f1))
         p1 = sprintf ("\"%s\" ", f1{1});
         f1(1) = [];
-        while (!isempty (f1) && (length(p1) + length(f1{1}) + l2 < 
+        while (!isempty (f1) && (length(p1) + length(f1{1}) + l2 <
           p1 = sprintf ("%s\"%s\" ", p1, f1{1});
           f1(1) = [];
-        endwhile 
+        endwhile
         if (ispc () && ! isunix ()
             && ! isempty (file_in_path (getenv ("PATH"), "cp.exe")))
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 ## @item debug_on_interrupt
 ## Flag whether to enter debug mode in case Octave encounters an interupt.
 ## @end table
 ## @noindent
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m
@@ -24,22 +24,22 @@
 ## If @code{edit} is called with the name of a file or function as
 ## its argument it will be opened in a text editor.
 ## @itemize @bullet
 ## @item
 ## If the function @var{name} is available in a file on your path and
-## that file is modifiable, then it will be edited in place.  If it 
+## that file is modifiable, then it will be edited in place.  If it
 ## is a system function, then it will first be copied to the directory
-## @env{HOME} (see further down) and then edited.  
-## If no file is found, then the m-file 
+## @env{HOME} (see further down) and then edited.
+## If no file is found, then the m-file
 ## variant, ending with ".m", will be considered.  If still no file
 ## is found, then variants with a leading "@@" and then with both a
 ## leading "@@" and trailing ".m" will be considered.
 ## @item
-## If @var{name} is the name of a function defined in the interpreter but 
+## If @var{name} is the name of a function defined in the interpreter but
 ## not in an m-file, then an m-file will be created in @env{HOME}
-## to contain that function along with its current definition.  
+## to contain that function along with its current definition.
 ## @item
 ## If @code{} is specified, then it will search for @code{}
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 ## the value of the control field @var{field} will be @var{value}.
 ## If an output argument is requested and the first argument is @code{get}
 ## then @code{edit} will return the value of the control field @var{field}.
-## If the control field does not exist, edit will return a structure 
+## If the control field does not exist, edit will return a structure
 ## containing all fields and values.  Thus, @code{edit get all} returns
 ## a complete control structure.
 ## The following control fields are used:
@@ -71,22 +71,22 @@
 ## @table @samp
 ## @item editor
 ## This is the editor to use to modify the functions.  By default it uses
-## Octave's @env{EDITOR} built-in function, which comes from 
+## Octave's @env{EDITOR} built-in function, which comes from
 ## @code{getenv("EDITOR")} and defaults to @code{emacs}.  Use @code{%s}
 ## In place of the function name.  For example,
 ## @table @samp
 ## @item [EDITOR, " %s"]
 ## Use the editor which Octave uses for @code{bug_report}.
-## @item "xedit %s &"           
+## @item "xedit %s &"
 ## pop up simple X11 editor in a separate window
-## @item "gnudoit -q \"(find-file \\\"%s\\\")\""   
+## @item "gnudoit -q \"(find-file \\\"%s\\\")\""
 ## Send it to current Emacs; must have @code{(gnuserv-start)} in @file{.emacs}.
 ## @end table
 ## See also field 'mode', which controls how the editor is run by Octave.
 ## On Cygwin, you will need to convert the Cygwin path to a Windows
 ## path if you are using a native Windows editor.  For example:
 ## @c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line in TeX
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 ## @item author
 ## This is the name to put after the "## Author:" field of new functions.
 ## By default it guesses from the @code{gecos} field of password database.
 ## @item email
 ## This is the e-mail address to list after the name in the author field.
 ## By default it guesses @code{<$LOGNAME@@$HOSTNAME>}, and if @code{$HOSTNAME}
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
 ## @item "text"
 ## Your own default copyright and license.
 ## @end table
-## Unless you specify @samp{pd}, edit will prepend the copyright statement 
+## Unless you specify @samp{pd}, edit will prepend the copyright statement
 ## with "Copyright (C) yyyy Function Author".
 ## @item mode
 ## This value determines whether the editor should be started in async mode
 ## (editor is started in the background and Octave continues) or sync mode
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 ## in async mode.  The default is "sync" (see also "system").
 ## @item editinplace
-## Determines whether files should be edited in place, without regard to 
+## Determines whether files should be edited in place, without regard to
 ## whether they are modifiable or not.  The default is @code{false}.
 ## @end table
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
   ## This functionality is needed for other functions as well (at least
   ## help and type; there may be more).  So the place to fix that is in
   ## file_in_loadpath, possibly with some help from the load_path class.
   ## The code below includes a portion that serves as a place-holder for
   ## the changes suggested above.
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/getappdata.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/getappdata.m
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 ## (at your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/getfield.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/getfield.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{v1}, @dots{}] =} getfield (@var{s}, @var{key}, @dots{}) 
+## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{v1}, @dots{}] =} getfield (@var{s}, @var{key}, @dots{})
 ## Extract a field from a structure (or a nested structure).  For example:
 ## @example
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ## i1 = @{1,2@}; i2 = "fd"; i3 = @{3@}; i4= "b";
 ## ss(i1@{:@}).(i2)(i3@{:@}).(i4)
 ##      @result{} ans = 5
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @seealso{setfield, rmfield, isfield, isstruct, fieldnames, struct}
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/gunzip.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/gunzip.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Bill Denney
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## Compress the list of files and/or directories specified in @var{files}.
 ## Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a '.gz' extension
 ## is created.  The original files are not touched.  Existing compressed
-## files are silently overwritten.  If @var{outdir} is defined the compressed 
+## files are silently overwritten.  If @var{outdir} is defined the compressed
 ## versions of the files are placed in this directory.
 ## @seealso{gunzip, bzip2, zip, tar}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 %!    endif
 %!    if ! exist(entry, "file")
 %!      error("gzipped file cannot be found!");
-%!    endif 
+%!    endif
 %!    gunzip(entry);
 %!    if (system(sprintf("diff %s %s%c%s%s", filename, dirname, filesep,
 %!                                          basename, extension)))
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/isappdata.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/isappdata.m
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 ## (at your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{V} =} isappdata (@var{h}, @var{name})
 ## Return true if the named application data, @var{name}, exists for the
-## object with handle @var{h}.  
+## object with handle @var{h}.
 ## @seealso{getappdata, setappdata, rmappdata}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ls.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ls.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Command} {} ls options
 ## List directory contents.  For example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## ls -l
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ##      @print{} -rw-r--r--   1 jwe  users  1315 Aug 17 23:14 bar.m
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## The @code{dir} and @code{ls} commands are implemented by calling your
 ## system's directory listing command, so the available options may vary
 ## from system to system.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
       ## we won't have to buffer all the output.
       system (cmd);
     error ("ls: expecting all arguments to be character strings");
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Command} {} mkoctfile [-options] file @dots{}
 ## The @code{mkoctfile} function compiles source code written in C,
 ## C++, or Fortran.  Depending on the options used with @code{mkoctfile}, the
 ## compiled code can be called within Octave or can be used as a stand-alone
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
 ## @item -l LIB
 ## Add the library LIB to the link command.
 ## @item -L DIR
 ## Add the library directory DIR to the link command.
 ## @item -M
-## @itemx --depend 
+## @itemx --depend
 ## Generate dependency files (.d) for C and C++ source files.
 ## @item -R DIR
@@ -65,35 +65,35 @@
 ## Enable debugging options for compilers.
 ## @item -o FILE
-## @itemx --output FILE  
+## @itemx --output FILE
 ## Output file name.  Default extension is .oct
 ## (or .mex if --mex is specified) unless linking
 ## a stand-alone executable.
 ## @item -p VAR
 ## @itemx --print VAR
-## Print the configuration variable VAR@.  Recognized variables are: 
+## Print the configuration variable VAR@.  Recognized variables are:
-## @example             
-##    ALL_CFLAGS                FFTW_LIBS     
-##    ALL_CXXFLAGS              FLIBS       
-##    ALL_FFLAGS                FPICFLAG      
-##    ALL_LDFLAGS               INCFLAGS      
-##    BLAS_LIBS                 LDFLAGS             
-##    CC                        LD_CXX              
+## @example
+##    ALL_CFLAGS                FFTW_LIBS
+##    ALL_CXXFLAGS              FLIBS
+##    ALL_FFLAGS                FPICFLAG
+##    ALL_LDFLAGS               INCFLAGS
+##    BLAS_LIBS                 LDFLAGS
+##    CC                        LD_CXX
 ##    CFLAGS                    LD_STATIC_FLAG
-##    CPICFLAG                  LFLAGS              
-##    CPPFLAGS                  LIBCRUFT      
-##    CXX                       LIBOCTAVE     
-##    CXXFLAGS                  LIBOCTINTERP  
-##    CXXPICFLAG                LIBREADLINE   
-##    DEPEND_FLAGS              OCTAVE_LIBS   
-##    DL_LD                     RDYNAMIC_FLAG 
-##    DL_LDFLAGS                RLD_FLAG      
-##    F2C                       SED         
-##    F2CFLAGS                  XTRA_CFLAGS   
-##    F77                       XTRA_CXXFLAGS 
+##    CPICFLAG                  LFLAGS
+##    CPPFLAGS                  LIBCRUFT
+##    CXX                       LIBOCTAVE
+##    CXXFLAGS                  LIBOCTINTERP
+##    CXXPICFLAG                LIBREADLINE
+##    DEPEND_FLAGS              OCTAVE_LIBS
+##    DL_LD                     RDYNAMIC_FLAG
+##    DL_LDFLAGS                RLD_FLAG
+##    F2C                       SED
+##    F2CFLAGS                  XTRA_CFLAGS
+##    F77                       XTRA_CXXFLAGS
 ##    FFLAGS
 ## @end example
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 ## Link a stand-alone executable file.
 ## @item --mex
-## Assume we are creating a MEX file.  Set the default output extension 
+## Assume we are creating a MEX file.  Set the default output extension
 ## to ".mex".
 ## @item -s
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
   for i = 1:nargin
     cmd = cstrcat (cmd, " \"", varargin{i}, "\"");
   status = system (cmd);
   if (status == 127)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/movefile.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/movefile.m
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@
     if (ischar (f1))
       f1 = cellstr (f1);
     ## If f1 has more than 1 element f2 must be a directory
     isdir = (exist (f2, "dir") != 0);
     if (length(f1) > 1 && ! isdir)
       error ("movefile: when moving multiple files, second argument must be a directory");
     ## Protect the file name(s).
     f1 = glob (f1);
     if (isempty (f1))
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
       while (! isempty(f1))
         p1 = sprintf ("\"%s\" ", f1{1});
         f1(1) = [];
-        while (!isempty (f1) && (length(p1) + length(f1{1}) + l2 < 
+        while (!isempty (f1) && (length(p1) + length(f1{1}) + l2 <
           p1 = sprintf ("%s\"%s\" ", p1, f1{1});
           f1(1) = [];
-        endwhile 
+        endwhile
         if (ispc () && ! isunix ()
             && ! isempty (file_in_path (getenv ("PATH"), "cp.exe")))
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/namelengthmax.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/namelengthmax.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} namelengthmax ()
 ## Returns the @sc{matlab} compatible maximum variable name length.  Octave is
-## capable of storing strings up to 
+## capable of storing strings up to
 ## @tex
 ## $2^{31} - 1$
 ## @end tex
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/orderfields.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/orderfields.m
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 ## @group
 ## s = struct("d", 4, "b", 2, "a", 1, "c", 3);
 ## t1 = orderfields(s)
-##      @result{} t1 = 
+##      @result{} t1 =
 ##         @{
 ##           a =  1
 ##           b =  2
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/private/__xzip__.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/private/__xzip__.m
@@ -22,22 +22,22 @@
 ## Undocumented internal function.
 ## @end deftypefn
-## Compress the list of files and/or directories specified in @var{files} 
-## with the external compression command @var{commandname}. The template 
+## Compress the list of files and/or directories specified in @var{files}
+## with the external compression command @var{commandname}. The template
 ## @var{commandtemplate} is used to actually start the command. Each file
-## is compressed separately and a new file with the extension @var{extension} 
-## is created and placed into the directory @var{outdir}. The original files 
-## are not touched. Existing compressed files are silently overwritten. 
+## is compressed separately and a new file with the extension @var{extension}
+## is created and placed into the directory @var{outdir}. The original files
+## are not touched. Existing compressed files are silently overwritten.
 ## This is an internal function. Do not use directly.
-function entries = __xzip__ (commandname, extension, 
+function entries = __xzip__ (commandname, extension,
                              commandtemplate, files, outdir)
   if (nargin == 4 || nargin == 5)
     if (! ischar (extension) || length (extension) == 0)
       error ("__xzip__: EXTENSION has to be a string with finite length");
     if (nargin == 5 && ! exist (outdir, "dir"))
       error ("__xzip__: output directory does not exist");
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
       files = glob (files);
       ## Ignore any file with the compress extension
-      files (cellfun (@(x) length(x) > length(extension) 
-        && strcmp (x((end - length(extension) + 1):end), extension), 
+      files (cellfun (@(x) length(x) > length(extension)
+        && strcmp (x((end - length(extension) + 1):end), extension),
         files)) = [];
       copyfile (files, outdir);
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@
         if (nargin == 5)
           compressed_files = cellfun(
-              @(x) fullfile (outdir, sprintf ("%s.%s", x, extension)), 
+              @(x) fullfile (outdir, sprintf ("%s.%s", x, extension)),
               f, "uniformoutput", false);
-          movefile (cellfun(@(x) sprintf ("%s.%s", x, extension), f, 
+          movefile (cellfun(@(x) sprintf ("%s.%s", x, extension), f,
                             "uniformoutput", false), cwd);
           ## FIXME this does not work when you try to compress directories
-          compressed_files  = cellfun(@(x) sprintf ("%s.%s", x, extension), 
+          compressed_files  = cellfun(@(x) sprintf ("%s.%s", x, extension),
                                       files, "uniformoutput", false);
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 function [d, f] = myfileparts (files)
   [d, f, ext] = cellfun (@(x) fileparts (x), files, "uniformoutput", false);
   f = cellfun (@(x, y) sprintf ("%s%s", x, y), f, ext,
-               "uniformoutput", false); 
+               "uniformoutput", false);
   idx = cellfun (@isdir, files);
   d(idx) = "";
   f(idx) = files(idx);
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 ## FIXME -- reinstate these tests if we invent a way to test private
 ## functions directly.
-## %!error <extension has to be a string with finite length> 
+## %!error <extension has to be a string with finite length>
 ## %!  __xzip__("gzip", "", "gzip -r %s", "bla");
 ## %!error <no files to move>
 ## %!  __xzip__("gzip", ".gz", "gzip -r %s", tmpnam);
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 ## %!    save(filename, "dummy");
 ## %!    dirname  = tmpnam;
 ## %!    mkdir(dirname);
-## %!    entry = __xzip__("gzip", ".gz", "xxxzipxxx -r %s 2>/dev/null", 
+## %!    entry = __xzip__("gzip", ".gz", "xxxzipxxx -r %s 2>/dev/null",
 ## %!                     filename, dirname);
 ## %!  unwind_protect_cleanup
 ## %!    delete(filename);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/rmappdata.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/rmappdata.m
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 ## (at your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/setappdata.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/setappdata.m
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 ## (at your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/substruct.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/substruct.m
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ##        @}
 ## x = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9];
 ## subsref(x, idx)
-##      @result{} ans = 
+##      @result{} ans =
 ##         7  8  9
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/swapbytes.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/swapbytes.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} swapbytes (@var{x})
-## Swaps the byte order on values, converting from little endian to big 
+## Swaps the byte order on values, converting from little endian to big
 ## endian and vice versa.  For example:
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/tar.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/tar.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Søren Hauberg
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
         error ("tar: tar exited with status = %d", status);
       error ("tar: expecting all arguments to be character strings");
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/unimplemented.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/unimplemented.m
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     txt = ["quad2d is not implemented.  Consider using dblquad."];
   case "gsvd"
-    txt = ["gsvd is not currently part of Octave.  See the linear-algebra",... 
+    txt = ["gsvd is not currently part of Octave.  See the linear-algebra",...
     "package at @url{}."];
   case "linprog"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     "For more information try @code{help lsode}.  ",...
     "Matlab-compatible ODE functions are provided by the odepkg package.  ",...
     "See @url{}."];
     if (ismember (fcn, missing_functions ()))
       txt = sprintf ("the `%s' function is not yet implemented in Octave", fcn);
@@ -71,361 +71,361 @@
 function list = missing_functions ()
   persistent list = {
-  "DelaunayTri", 
-  "MException", 
-  "RandStream", 
-  "TriRep", 
-  "TriScatteredInterp", 
-  "addpref", 
-  "align", 
-  "alim", 
-  "alpha", 
-  "alphamap", 
-  "annotation", 
-  "audiodevinfo", 
-  "audioplayer", 
-  "audiorecorder", 
-  "aufinfo", 
-  "auread", 
-  "auwrite", 
-  "avifile", 
-  "aviinfo", 
-  "aviread", 
-  "bar3", 
-  "bar3h", 
-  "bench", 
-  "betaincinv", 
-  "bicg", 
-  "bicgstabl", 
-  "brush", 
-  "builddocsearchdb", 
-  "bvp4c", 
-  "bvp5c", 
-  "bvpget", 
-  "bvpinit", 
-  "bvpset", 
-  "bvpxtend", 
-  "callSoapService", 
-  "calllib", 
-  "camdolly", 
-  "cameratoolbar", 
-  "camlight", 
-  "camlookat", 
-  "camorbit", 
-  "campan", 
-  "campos", 
-  "camproj", 
-  "camroll", 
-  "camtarget", 
-  "camup", 
-  "camva", 
-  "camzoom", 
-  "cdf2rdf", 
-  "cdfepoch", 
-  "cdfinfo", 
-  "cdfread", 
-  "cdfwrite", 
-  "cellplot", 
-  "checkin", 
-  "checkout", 
-  "cholinc", 
-  "clearvars", 
-  "clipboard", 
-  "cmopts", 
-  "cmpermute", 
-  "cmunique", 
-  "colordef", 
-  "colormapeditor", 
-  "commandhistory", 
-  "commandwindow", 
-  "condeig", 
-  "coneplot", 
-  "contourslice", 
-  "copyobj", 
-  "createClassFromWsdl", 
-  "createSoapMessage", 
-  "customverctrl", 
-  "daqread", 
-  "datacursormode", 
-  "datatipinfo", 
-  "dbmex", 
-  "dde23", 
-  "ddeget", 
-  "ddesd", 
-  "ddeset", 
-  "decic", 
-  "depdir", 
-  "depfun", 
-  "deval", 
-  "dialog", 
-  "dither", 
-  "docopt", 
-  "docsearch", 
-  "dragrect", 
-  "dynamicprops", 
-  "echodemo", 
-  "ellipj", 
-  "ellipke", 
-  "erfcinv", 
-  "errordlg", 
-  "evalc", 
-  "exifread", 
-  "expint", 
-  "export2wsdlg", 
-  "figurepalette", 
-  "filebrowser", 
-  "fill3", 
-  "findfigs", 
-  "fitsinfo", 
-  "fitsread", 
-  "flow", 
-  "fminsearch", 
-  "frame2im", 
-  "freqspace", 
-  "funm", 
-  "gallery", 
-  "gammaincinv", 
-  "gco", 
-  "getframe", 
-  "getpixelposition", 
-  "getpref", 
-  "gmres", 
-  "grabcode", 
-  "graymon", 
-  "gsvd", 
-  "guidata", 
-  "guide", 
-  "guihandles", 
-  "handle", 
-  "hdf", 
-  "hdf5", 
-  "hdf5info", 
-  "hdf5read", 
-  "hdf5write", 
-  "hdfinfo", 
-  "hdfread", 
-  "hdftool", 
-  "helpbrowser", 
-  "helpdesk", 
-  "helpdlg", 
-  "helpwin", 
-  "hgexport", 
-  "hgload", 
-  "hgsave", 
-  "hgsetget", 
-  "hgtransform", 
-  "hostid", 
-  "ilu", 
-  "im2frame", 
-  "im2java", 
-  "imapprox", 
-  "imformats", 
-  "import", 
-  "importdata", 
-  "inmem", 
-  "inputParser", 
-  "inputdlg", 
-  "inspect", 
-  "instrfind", 
-  "instrfindall", 
-  "interpstreamspeed", 
-  "iscom", 
-  "isinterface", 
-  "isjava", 
-  "isocaps", 
-  "ispref", 
-  "isstudent", 
-  "javaArray", 
-  "javaMethod", 
-  "javaMethodEDT", 
-  "javaObject", 
-  "javaObjectEDT", 
-  "javaaddpath", 
-  "javachk", 
-  "javaclasspath", 
-  "javarmpath", 
-  "ldl", 
-  "libfunctions", 
-  "libfunctionsview", 
-  "libisloaded", 
-  "libpointer", 
-  "libstruct", 
-  "light", 
-  "lightangle", 
-  "lighting", 
-  "linkaxes", 
-  "linkdata", 
-  "linsolve", 
-  "listdlg", 
-  "listfonts", 
-  "loadlibrary", 
-  "lscov", 
-  "lsqr", 
-  "makehgtform", 
-  "material", 
-  "matlabrc", 
-  "maxNumCompThreads", 
-  "memmapfile", 
-  "memory", 
-  "metaclass", 
-  "methodsview", 
-  "minres", 
-  "mlint", 
-  "mlintrpt", 
-  "mmfileinfo", 
-  "mmreader", 
-  "movegui", 
-  "movie", 
-  "movie2avi", 
-  "msgbox", 
-  "multibandread", 
-  "multibandwrite", 
-  "native2unicode", 
-  "noanimate", 
-  "ode113", 
-  "ode15i", 
-  "ode15s", 
-  "ode23", 
-  "ode23s", 
-  "ode23t", 
-  "ode23tb", 
-  "ode45", 
-  "odefile", 
-  "odeget", 
-  "odeset", 
-  "odextend", 
-  "open", 
-  "openfig", 
-  "opengl", 
-  "openvar", 
-  "ordeig", 
-  "ordqz", 
-  "ordschur", 
-  "padecoef", 
-  "pagesetupdlg", 
-  "pan", 
-  "parseSoapResponse", 
-  "path2rc", 
-  "pathtool", 
-  "pcode", 
-  "pdepe", 
-  "pdeval", 
-  "playshow", 
-  "plotbrowser", 
-  "plotedit", 
-  "plottools", 
-  "polyeig", 
-  "prefdir", 
-  "preferences", 
-  "printdlg", 
-  "printopt", 
-  "printpreview", 
-  "profile", 
-  "profsave", 
-  "propedit", 
-  "propertyeditor", 
-  "publish", 
-  "qmr", 
-  "quad2d", 
-  "questdlg", 
-  "rbbox", 
-  "rectangle", 
-  "recycle", 
-  "reducepatch", 
-  "reducevolume", 
-  "resample", 
-  "reset", 
-  "rgbplot", 
-  "rmpref", 
-  "root", 
-  "rotate", 
-  "rotate3d", 
-  "rsf2csf", 
-  "selectmoveresize", 
-  "sendmail", 
-  "serial", 
-  "setpixelposition", 
-  "setpref", 
-  "showplottool", 
-  "shrinkfaces", 
-  "smooth3", 
-  "snapnow", 
-  "sound", 
-  "soundsc", 
-  "ss2tf", 
-  "stream2", 
-  "stream3", 
-  "streamline", 
-  "streamparticles", 
-  "streamribbon", 
-  "streamslice", 
-  "streamtube", 
-  "strings", 
-  "subvolume", 
-  "superclasses", 
-  "support", 
-  "surf2patch", 
-  "symmlq", 
-  "syntax", 
-  "tetramesh", 
-  "texlabel", 
-  "textwrap", 
-  "tfqmr", 
-  "timer", 
-  "timerfind", 
-  "timerfindall", 
-  "timeseries", 
-  "toolboxdir", 
-  "tscollection", 
-  "tstool", 
-  "uibuttongroup", 
-  "uicontextmenu", 
-  "uicontrol",  
-  "uigetpref", 
-  "uiimport", 
-  "uiopen", 
-  "uipanel", 
-  "uipushtool", 
-  "uiresume", 
-  "uisave", 
-  "uisetcolor", 
-  "uisetfont", 
-  "uisetpref", 
-  "uistack", 
-  "uitable", 
-  "uitoggletool", 
-  "uitoolbar", 
-  "uiwait", 
-  "undocheckout", 
-  "unicode2native", 
-  "unloadlibrary", 
-  "unmesh", 
-  "usejava", 
-  "userpath", 
-  "validateattributes", 
-  "verLessThan", 
-  "viewmtx", 
-  "visdiff", 
-  "volumebounds", 
-  "waitbar", 
-  "waitfor", 
-  "warndlg", 
-  "waterfall", 
-  "wavfinfo", 
-  "wavplay", 
-  "wavrecord", 
-  "web", 
-  "whatsnew", 
-  "wk1finfo", 
-  "wk1read", 
-  "wk1write", 
-  "workspace", 
-  "xlsfinfo", 
-  "xlsread", 
-  "xlswrite", 
-  "xmlread", 
-  "xmlwrite", 
-  "xslt", 
+  "DelaunayTri",
+  "MException",
+  "RandStream",
+  "TriRep",
+  "TriScatteredInterp",
+  "addpref",
+  "align",
+  "alim",
+  "alpha",
+  "alphamap",
+  "annotation",
+  "audiodevinfo",
+  "audioplayer",
+  "audiorecorder",
+  "aufinfo",
+  "auread",
+  "auwrite",
+  "avifile",
+  "aviinfo",
+  "aviread",
+  "bar3",
+  "bar3h",
+  "bench",
+  "betaincinv",
+  "bicg",
+  "bicgstabl",
+  "brush",
+  "builddocsearchdb",
+  "bvp4c",
+  "bvp5c",
+  "bvpget",
+  "bvpinit",
+  "bvpset",
+  "bvpxtend",
+  "callSoapService",
+  "calllib",
+  "camdolly",
+  "cameratoolbar",
+  "camlight",
+  "camlookat",
+  "camorbit",
+  "campan",
+  "campos",
+  "camproj",
+  "camroll",
+  "camtarget",
+  "camup",
+  "camva",
+  "camzoom",
+  "cdf2rdf",
+  "cdfepoch",
+  "cdfinfo",
+  "cdfread",
+  "cdfwrite",
+  "cellplot",
+  "checkin",
+  "checkout",
+  "cholinc",
+  "clearvars",
+  "clipboard",
+  "cmopts",
+  "cmpermute",
+  "cmunique",
+  "colordef",
+  "colormapeditor",
+  "commandhistory",
+  "commandwindow",
+  "condeig",
+  "coneplot",
+  "contourslice",
+  "copyobj",
+  "createClassFromWsdl",
+  "createSoapMessage",
+  "customverctrl",
+  "daqread",
+  "datacursormode",
+  "datatipinfo",
+  "dbmex",
+  "dde23",
+  "ddeget",
+  "ddesd",
+  "ddeset",
+  "decic",
+  "depdir",
+  "depfun",
+  "deval",
+  "dialog",
+  "dither",
+  "docopt",
+  "docsearch",
+  "dragrect",
+  "dynamicprops",
+  "echodemo",
+  "ellipj",
+  "ellipke",
+  "erfcinv",
+  "errordlg",
+  "evalc",
+  "exifread",
+  "expint",
+  "export2wsdlg",
+  "figurepalette",
+  "filebrowser",
+  "fill3",
+  "findfigs",
+  "fitsinfo",
+  "fitsread",
+  "flow",
+  "fminsearch",
+  "frame2im",
+  "freqspace",
+  "funm",
+  "gallery",
+  "gammaincinv",
+  "gco",
+  "getframe",
+  "getpixelposition",
+  "getpref",
+  "gmres",
+  "grabcode",
+  "graymon",
+  "gsvd",
+  "guidata",
+  "guide",
+  "guihandles",
+  "handle",
+  "hdf",
+  "hdf5",
+  "hdf5info",
+  "hdf5read",
+  "hdf5write",
+  "hdfinfo",
+  "hdfread",
+  "hdftool",
+  "helpbrowser",
+  "helpdesk",
+  "helpdlg",
+  "helpwin",
+  "hgexport",
+  "hgload",
+  "hgsave",
+  "hgsetget",
+  "hgtransform",
+  "hostid",
+  "ilu",
+  "im2frame",
+  "im2java",
+  "imapprox",
+  "imformats",
+  "import",
+  "importdata",
+  "inmem",
+  "inputParser",
+  "inputdlg",
+  "inspect",
+  "instrfind",
+  "instrfindall",
+  "interpstreamspeed",
+  "iscom",
+  "isinterface",
+  "isjava",
+  "isocaps",
+  "ispref",
+  "isstudent",
+  "javaArray",
+  "javaMethod",
+  "javaMethodEDT",
+  "javaObject",
+  "javaObjectEDT",
+  "javaaddpath",
+  "javachk",
+  "javaclasspath",
+  "javarmpath",
+  "ldl",
+  "libfunctions",
+  "libfunctionsview",
+  "libisloaded",
+  "libpointer",
+  "libstruct",
+  "light",
+  "lightangle",
+  "lighting",
+  "linkaxes",
+  "linkdata",
+  "linsolve",
+  "listdlg",
+  "listfonts",
+  "loadlibrary",
+  "lscov",
+  "lsqr",
+  "makehgtform",
+  "material",
+  "matlabrc",
+  "maxNumCompThreads",
+  "memmapfile",
+  "memory",
+  "metaclass",
+  "methodsview",
+  "minres",
+  "mlint",
+  "mlintrpt",
+  "mmfileinfo",
+  "mmreader",
+  "movegui",
+  "movie",
+  "movie2avi",
+  "msgbox",
+  "multibandread",
+  "multibandwrite",
+  "native2unicode",
+  "noanimate",
+  "ode113",
+  "ode15i",
+  "ode15s",
+  "ode23",
+  "ode23s",
+  "ode23t",
+  "ode23tb",
+  "ode45",
+  "odefile",
+  "odeget",
+  "odeset",
+  "odextend",
+  "open",
+  "openfig",
+  "opengl",
+  "openvar",
+  "ordeig",
+  "ordqz",
+  "ordschur",
+  "padecoef",
+  "pagesetupdlg",
+  "pan",
+  "parseSoapResponse",
+  "path2rc",
+  "pathtool",
+  "pcode",
+  "pdepe",
+  "pdeval",
+  "playshow",
+  "plotbrowser",
+  "plotedit",
+  "plottools",
+  "polyeig",
+  "prefdir",
+  "preferences",
+  "printdlg",
+  "printopt",
+  "printpreview",
+  "profile",
+  "profsave",
+  "propedit",
+  "propertyeditor",
+  "publish",
+  "qmr",
+  "quad2d",
+  "questdlg",
+  "rbbox",
+  "rectangle",
+  "recycle",
+  "reducepatch",
+  "reducevolume",
+  "resample",
+  "reset",
+  "rgbplot",
+  "rmpref",
+  "root",
+  "rotate",
+  "rotate3d",
+  "rsf2csf",
+  "selectmoveresize",
+  "sendmail",
+  "serial",
+  "setpixelposition",
+  "setpref",
+  "showplottool",
+  "shrinkfaces",
+  "smooth3",
+  "snapnow",
+  "sound",
+  "soundsc",
+  "ss2tf",
+  "stream2",
+  "stream3",
+  "streamline",
+  "streamparticles",
+  "streamribbon",
+  "streamslice",
+  "streamtube",
+  "strings",
+  "subvolume",
+  "superclasses",
+  "support",
+  "surf2patch",
+  "symmlq",
+  "syntax",
+  "tetramesh",
+  "texlabel",
+  "textwrap",
+  "tfqmr",
+  "timer",
+  "timerfind",
+  "timerfindall",
+  "timeseries",
+  "toolboxdir",
+  "tscollection",
+  "tstool",
+  "uibuttongroup",
+  "uicontextmenu",
+  "uicontrol",
+  "uigetpref",
+  "uiimport",
+  "uiopen",
+  "uipanel",
+  "uipushtool",
+  "uiresume",
+  "uisave",
+  "uisetcolor",
+  "uisetfont",
+  "uisetpref",
+  "uistack",
+  "uitable",
+  "uitoggletool",
+  "uitoolbar",
+  "uiwait",
+  "undocheckout",
+  "unicode2native",
+  "unloadlibrary",
+  "unmesh",
+  "usejava",
+  "userpath",
+  "validateattributes",
+  "verLessThan",
+  "viewmtx",
+  "visdiff",
+  "volumebounds",
+  "waitbar",
+  "waitfor",
+  "warndlg",
+  "waterfall",
+  "wavfinfo",
+  "wavplay",
+  "wavrecord",
+  "web",
+  "whatsnew",
+  "wk1finfo",
+  "wk1read",
+  "wk1write",
+  "workspace",
+  "xlsfinfo",
+  "xlsread",
+  "xlswrite",
+  "xmlread",
+  "xmlwrite",
+  "xslt",
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/unpack.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/unpack.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Bill Denney
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
   nodotext = ext(! ismember (ext, "."));
   origdir = pwd ();
   if (isfield (commandlist, nodotext))
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/untar.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/untar.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Søren Hauberg
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/unzip.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/unzip.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Søren Hauberg
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ver.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ver.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} ver ()
 ## Display a header containing the current Octave version
-## number, license string and operating system, followed by 
+## number, license string and operating system, followed by
 ## the installed package names, versions, and installation
 ## directories.
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {v =} ver ()
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/warning_ids.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/warning_ids.m
@@ -23,84 +23,84 @@
 ## warn when an implicit conversion from an array to a scalar value is
 ## attempted.  By default, the @code{Octave:array-to-scalar} warning is
 ## disabled.
 ## @item Octave:array-to-vector
 ## If the @code{Octave:array-to-vector} warning is enabled, Octave will
 ## warn when an implicit conversion from an array to a vector value is
 ## attempted.  By default, the @code{Octave:array-to-vector} warning is
 ## disabled.
 ## @item Octave:assign-as-truth-value
 ## If the @code{Octave:assign-as-truth-value} warning is
 ## enabled, a warning is issued for statements like
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## if (s = t)
 ##   @dots{}
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## since such statements are not common, and it is likely that the intent
 ## was to write
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## if (s == t)
 ##   @dots{}
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## instead.
 ## There are times when it is useful to write code that contains
 ## assignments within the condition of a @code{while} or @code{if}
 ## statement.  For example, statements like
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## while (c = getc())
 ##   @dots{}
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## are common in C programming.
 ## It is possible to avoid all warnings about such statements by
 ## disabling the @code{Octave:assign-as-truth-value} warning,
 ## but that may also let real errors like
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## if (x = 1)  # intended to test (x == 1)!
 ##   @dots{}
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## slip by.
 ## In such cases, it is possible suppress errors for specific statements by
 ## writing them with an extra set of parentheses.  For example, writing the
 ## previous example as
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## while ((c = getc()))
 ##   @dots{}
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## will prevent the warning from being printed for this statement, while
 ## allowing Octave to warn about other assignments used in conditional
 ## contexts.
 ## By default, the @code{Octave:assign-as-truth-value} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:associativity-change
 ## If the @code{Octave:associativity-change} warning is
 ## enabled, Octave will warn about possible changes in the meaning of
@@ -108,75 +108,75 @@
 ## Associativity changes have typically been made for @sc{matlab}
 ## compatibility.  By default, the @code{Octave:associativity-change}
 ## warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:divide-by-zero
 ## If the @code{Octave:divide-by-zero} warning is enabled, a
 ## warning is issued when Octave encounters a division by zero.  By
 ## default, the @code{Octave:divide-by-zero} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:empty-list-elements
 ## If the @code{Octave:empty-list-elements} warning is enabled, a
 ## warning is issued when an empty matrix is found in a matrix list.
 ## For example:
 ## @example
 ## a = [1, [], 3, [], 5]
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## By default, the @code{Octave:empty-list-elements} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:fortran-indexing
 ## If the @code{Octave:fortran-indexing} warning is enabled, a warning is
 ## printed for expressions which select elements of a two-dimensional matrix
 ## using a single index.  By default, the @code{Octave:fortran-indexing}
 ## warning is disabled.
 ## @item Octave:function-name-clash
 ## If the @code{Octave:function-name-clash} warning is enabled, a
 ## warning is issued when Octave finds that the name of a function
 ## defined in a function file differs from the name of the file.  (If
 ## the names disagree, the name declared inside the file is ignored.)
 ## By default, the @code{Octave:function-name-clash} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:future-time-stamp
 ## If the @code{Octave:future-time-stamp} warning is enabled, Octave
 ## will print a warning if it finds a function file with a time stamp
 ## that is in the future.  By default, the
 ## @code{Octave:future-time-stamp} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:imag-to-real
 ## If the @code{Octave:imag-to-real} warning is enabled, a warning is
 ## printed for implicit conversions of complex numbers to real numbers.
 ## By default, the @code{Octave:imag-to-real} warning is disabled.
 ## @item Octave:matlab-incompatible
 ## Print warnings for Octave language features that may cause
 ## compatibility problems with @sc{matlab}.
 ## @item Octave:missing-semicolon
 ## If the @code{Octave:missing-semicolon} warning is enabled, Octave
 ## will warn when statements in function definitions don't end in
 ## semicolons.  By default the @code{Octave:missing-semicolon} warning
 ## is disabled.
 ## @item Octave:neg-dim-as-zero
 ## If the @code{Octave:neg-dim-as-zero} warning is enabled, print a warning
 ## for expressions like
 ## @example
 ## eye (-1)
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## By default, the @code{Octave:neg-dim-as-zero} warning is disabled.
 ## @item Octave:num-to-str
 ## If the @code{Octave:num-to-str} warning is enable, a warning is
 ## printed for implicit conversions of numbers to their ASCII character
 ## equivalents when strings are constructed using a mixture of strings and
 ## numbers in matrix notation.  For example,
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## [ "f", 111, 111 ]
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## elicits a warning if the @code{Octave:num-to-str} warning is
 ## enabled.  By default, the @code{Octave:num-to-str} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:precedence-change
 ## If the @code{Octave:precedence-change} warning is enabled, Octave
 ## will warn about possible changes in the meaning of some code due to
 ## changes in precedence for some operators.  Precedence changes have
 ## typically been made for @sc{matlab} compatibility.  By default, the
 ## @code{Octave:precedence-change} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:reload-forces-clear
 ## If several functions have been loaded from the same file, Octave must
 ## clear all the functions before any one of them can be reloaded.  If
@@ -202,21 +202,21 @@
 ## warn you when this happens, and print a list of the additional
 ## functions that it is forced to clear.  By default, the
 ## @code{Octave:reload-forces-clear} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:resize-on-range-error
 ## If the @code{Octave:resize-on-range-error} warning is enabled, print a
 ## warning when a matrix is resized by an indexed assignment with
 ## indices outside the current bounds.  By default, the
 ## @code{Octave:resize-on-range-error} warning is disabled.
 ## @item Octave:separator-insert
 ## Print warning if commas or semicolons might be inserted
 ## automatically in literal matrices.
 ## @item Octave:single-quote-string
 ## Print warning if a single quote character is used to introduce a
 ## string constant.
 ## @item Octave:str-to-num
 ## If the @code{Octave:str-to-num} warning is enabled, a warning is printed
 ## for implicit conversions of strings to their numeric ASCII equivalents.
@@ -232,18 +232,18 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## elicits a warning if the @code{Octave:str-to-num} warning is enabled.
 ## By default, the @code{Octave:str-to-num} warning is disabled.
 ## @item Octave:string-concat
 ## If the @code{Octave:string-concat} warning is enabled, print a
 ## warning when concatenating a mixture of double and single quoted strings.
 ## By default, the @code{Octave:string-concat} warning is disabled.
 ## @item Octave:undefined-return-values
 ## If the @code{Octave:undefined-return-values} warning is disabled,
 ## print a warning if a function does not define all the values in
 ## the return list which are expected.  By default, the
 ## @code{Octave:undefined-return-values} warning is enabled.
 ## @item Octave:variable-switch-label
 ## If the @code{Octave:variable-switch-label} warning is enabled, Octave
 ## will print a warning if a switch label is not a constant or constant
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/what.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/what.m
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn  {Command} {} what 
+## @deftypefn  {Command} {} what
 ## @deftypefnx {Command} {} what @var{dir}
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {w =} what (@var{dir})
 ## List the Octave specific files in a directory.  If the variable @var{dir}
 ## is given then check that directory rather than the current directory.  If
-## a return argument is requested, the files found are returned in the 
+## a return argument is requested, the files found are returned in the
 ## structure @var{w}.
 ## @seealso{which}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@
       ## Ignore mdl and p files
       [dummy, f, e] = fileparts (n);
       if (strcmp (e, ".m"))
-        w.m{end+1} = n; 
+        w.m{end+1} = n;
       elseif (strcmp (e, mexext ()))
-        w.mex{end+1} = n; 
+        w.mex{end+1} = n;
       elseif (strcmp (e, ".oct"))
         w.oct{end+1} = n;
       elseif (strcmp (e, ".mat"))
-        w.mat{end+1} = n; 
+        w.mat{end+1} = n;
       elseif(strcmp (n(1), "@"))
         w.classes{end+1} = n;
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 function __display_filenames__ (msg, p, f)
   if (length (f) > 0)
     printf ("%s %s:\n\n", msg, p)
     maxlen = max (cellfun (@length, f));
     ncols = max (1, floor (terminal_size()(2) / (maxlen + 3)));
     fmt = "";
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
     fmt = [fmt, "\n"];
-    nrows = ceil (length (f) / ncols); 
+    nrows = ceil (length (f) / ncols);
     for i = 1 : nrows
       args  = f(i:nrows:end);
       if (length (args) < ncols)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/zip.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/zip.m
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{entries} =} zip (@var{zipfile}, @var{files})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{entries} =} zip (@var{zipfile}, @var{files}, @var{rootdir})
-## Compress the list of files and/or directories specified in @var{files} 
-## into the archive @var{zipfiles} in the same directory.  If @var{rootdir} 
-## is defined the @var{files} is located relative to @var{rootdir} rather 
+## Compress the list of files and/or directories specified in @var{files}
+## into the archive @var{zipfiles} in the same directory.  If @var{rootdir}
+## is defined the @var{files} is located relative to @var{rootdir} rather
 ## than the current directory
 ## @seealso{unzip,tar}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
         error ("zip: zip failed with exit status = %d", status);
       error ("zip: expecting all arguments to be character strings");
--- a/scripts/optimization/__all_opts__.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/__all_opts__.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## list of possible values.
 function names = __all_opts__ (varargin)
   persistent saved_names = {};
   ## do not clear this function
--- a/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 ## is a
 ## structure specifying additional options.  Currently, @code{fminbnd}
 ## recognizes these options: @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"},
-## @code{"TolX"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}. 
+## @code{"TolX"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}.
 ## For description of these options, see @ref{doc-optimset,,optimset}.
 ## On exit, the function returns @var{x}, the approximate minimum point
 ## and @var{fval}, the function value thereof.
 ## @var{info} is an exit flag that can have these values:
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 ## @item -1
 ## The algorithm has been terminated from user output function.
 ## @end itemize
-## @seealso{optimset, fzero, fminunc} 
+## @seealso{optimset, fzero, fminunc}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## This is patterned after opt/fmin.f from Netlib, which in turn is taken from
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
      ## f must not be evaluated too close to x.
      u = x + max (abs (d), tol) * (sign (d) + (d == 0));
      fu = fun (u);
@@ -198,9 +198,9 @@
   fx = fun (x);
   fx = fx(1);
   if (! isreal (fx))
-    error ("fminbnd:notreal", "fminbnd: non-real value encountered"); 
+    error ("fminbnd:notreal", "fminbnd: non-real value encountered");
   elseif (isnan (fx))
-    error ("fminbnd:isnan", "fminbnd: NaN value encountered"); 
+    error ("fminbnd:isnan", "fminbnd: NaN value encountered");
--- a/scripts/optimization/fminunc.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fminunc.m
@@ -26,29 +26,29 @@
 ## @var{fcn}.
 ## @var{fcn} should accepts a vector (array) defining the unknown variables,
 ## and return the objective function value, optionally with gradient.
-## In other words, this function attempts to determine a vector @var{x} such 
+## In other words, this function attempts to determine a vector @var{x} such
 ## that @code{@var{fcn} (@var{x})} is a local minimum.
 ## @var{x0} determines a starting guess.  The shape of @var{x0} is preserved
 ## in all calls to @var{fcn}, but otherwise is treated as a column vector.
 ## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options.
 ## Currently, @code{fminunc} recognizes these options:
 ## @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"}, @code{"TolX"},
-## @code{"TolFun"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}, 
+## @code{"TolFun"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"},
 ## @code{"GradObj"}, @code{"FinDiffType"},
 ## @code{"TypicalX"}, @code{"AutoScaling"}.
 ## If @code{"GradObj"} is @code{"on"}, it specifies that @var{fcn},
 ## called with 2 output arguments, also returns the Jacobian matrix
 ## of right-hand sides at the requested point.  @code{"TolX"} specifies
-## the termination tolerance in the unknown variables, while 
+## the termination tolerance in the unknown variables, while
 ## @code{"TolFun"} is a tolerance for equations.  Default is @code{1e-7}
 ## for both @code{"TolX"} and @code{"TolFun"}.
 ## For description of the other options, see @code{optimset}.
 ## On return, @var{fval} contains the value of the function @var{fcn}
 ## evaluated at @var{x}, and @var{info} may be one of the following values:
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 1
 ## Converged to a solution point.  Relative gradient error is less than
@@ -59,20 +59,20 @@
 ## Last relative step size was less that TolX.
 ## @item 3
-## Last relative decrease in func value was less than TolF. 
+## Last relative decrease in func value was less than TolF.
 ## @item 0
 ## Iteration limit exceeded.
 ## @item -3
-## The trust region radius became excessively small. 
+## The trust region radius became excessively small.
 ## @end table
 ## Optionally, fminunc can also yield a structure with convergence statistics
 ## (@var{output}), the output gradient (@var{grad}) and approximate Hessian
 ## (@var{hess}).
-## Note: If you only have a single nonlinear equation of one variable, using 
+## Note: If you only have a single nonlinear equation of one variable, using
 ## @code{fminbnd} is usually a much better idea.
 ## @seealso{fminbnd, optimset}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
   if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3 || ! ismatrix (x0))
     print_usage ();
-  endif    
+  endif
   if (ischar (fcn))
     fcn = str2func (fcn, "global");
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
     if (niter == 1)
-      ## Initialize by identity matrix. 
+      ## Initialize by identity matrix.
       hesr = eye (n);
       ## Use the damped BFGS formula.
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
       ## Tests for termination conditions. A mysterious place, anything
       ## can happen if you change something here...
       ## The rule of thumb (which I'm not sure M*b is quite following)
       ## is that for a tolerance that depends on scaling, only 0 makes
       ## sense as a default value. But 0 usually means uselessly long
@@ -350,11 +350,11 @@
   if (! (isreal (fx) && isreal (jx)))
-    error ("fminunc:notreal", "fminunc: non-real value encountered"); 
+    error ("fminunc:notreal", "fminunc: non-real value encountered");
   elseif (complexeqn && ! (isnumeric (fx) && isnumeric(jx)))
     error ("fminunc:notnum", "fminunc: non-numeric value encountered");
   elseif (any (isnan (fx(:))))
-    error ("fminunc:isnan", "fminunc: NaN value encountered"); 
+    error ("fminunc:isnan", "fminunc: NaN value encountered");
--- a/scripts/optimization/fsolve.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fsolve.m
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@
 ## @var{fcn} should accept a vector (array) defining the unknown variables,
 ## and return a vector of left-hand sides of the equations.  Right-hand sides
 ## are defined to be zeros.
-## In other words, this function attempts to determine a vector @var{x} such 
+## In other words, this function attempts to determine a vector @var{x} such
 ## that @code{@var{fcn} (@var{x})} gives (approximately) all zeros.
 ## @var{x0} determines a starting guess.  The shape of @var{x0} is preserved
 ## in all calls to @var{fcn}, but otherwise it is treated as a column vector.
 ## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options.
 ## Currently, @code{fsolve} recognizes these options:
 ## @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"}, @code{"TolX"},
-## @code{"TolFun"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}, 
+## @code{"TolFun"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"},
 ## @code{"Jacobian"}, @code{"Updating"}, @code{"ComplexEqn"}
 ## @code{"TypicalX"}, @code{"AutoScaling"} and @code{"FinDiffType"}.
 ## If @code{"Jacobian"} is @code{"on"}, it specifies that @var{fcn},
 ## called with 2 output arguments, also returns the Jacobian matrix
 ## of right-hand sides at the requested point.  @code{"TolX"} specifies
-## the termination tolerance in the unknown variables, while 
+## the termination tolerance in the unknown variables, while
 ## @code{"TolFun"} is a tolerance for equations.  Default is @code{1e-7}
 ## for both @code{"TolX"} and @code{"TolFun"}.
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@
 ## according to the column norms of the (estimated) Jacobian.  As a result,
 ## TolF becomes scaling-independent.  By default, this option is off, because
 ## it may sometimes deliver unexpected (though mathematically correct) results.
 ## If @code{"Updating"} is "on", the function will attempt to use Broyden
 ## updates to update the Jacobian, in order to reduce the amount of Jacobian
 ## calculations.
 ## If your user function always calculates the Jacobian (regardless of number
 ## of output arguments), this option provides no advantage and should be set to
 ## false.
 ## @code{"ComplexEqn"} is @code{"on"}, @code{fsolve} will attempt to solve
 ## complex equations in complex variables, assuming that the equations possess a
-## complex derivative (i.e., are holomorphic).  If this is not what you want, 
+## complex derivative (i.e., are holomorphic).  If this is not what you want,
 ## should unpack the real and imaginary parts of the system to get a real
 ## system.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 ## On return, @var{fval} contains the value of the function @var{fcn}
 ## evaluated at @var{x}, and @var{info} may be one of the following values:
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 1
 ## Converged to a solution point.  Relative residual error is less than
@@ -75,16 +75,16 @@
 ## Last relative step size was less that TolX.
 ## @item 3
-## Last relative decrease in residual was less than TolF. 
+## Last relative decrease in residual was less than TolF.
 ## @item 0
 ## Iteration limit exceeded.
 ## @item -3
-## The trust region radius became excessively small. 
+## The trust region radius became excessively small.
 ## @end table
-## Note: If you only have a single nonlinear equation of one variable, using 
+## Note: If you only have a single nonlinear equation of one variable, using
 ## @code{fzero} is usually a much better idea.
 ## @seealso{fzero, optimset}
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 ## endfunction
 ## ## @dots{}.
 ## fsolve (@@user_func, x0, optimset ("OutputFcn", @@user_func, @dots{}))
 ## @end example
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
   if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3 || ! ismatrix (x0))
     print_usage ();
-  endif    
+  endif
   if (ischar (fcn))
     fcn = str2func (fcn, "global");
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
       ## Tests for termination conditions. A mysterious place, anything
       ## can happen if you change something here...
       ## The rule of thumb (which I'm not sure M*b is quite following)
       ## is that for a tolerance that depends on scaling, only 0 makes
       ## sense as a default value. But 0 usually means uselessly long
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
       ## Compute the scaled Broyden update.
       if (useqr)
-        u = (fvec1 - q*w) / sn; 
+        u = (fvec1 - q*w) / sn;
         v = dg .* ((dg .* s) / sn);
         ## Update the QR factorization.
@@ -444,11 +444,11 @@
   if (! complexeqn && ! (isreal (fx) && isreal (jx)))
-    error ("fsolve:notreal", "fsolve: non-real value encountered"); 
+    error ("fsolve:notreal", "fsolve: non-real value encountered");
   elseif (complexeqn && ! (isnumeric (fx) && isnumeric(jx)))
     error ("fsolve:notnum", "fsolve: non-numeric value encountered");
   elseif (any (isnan (fx(:))))
-    error ("fsolve:isnan", "fsolve: NaN value encountered"); 
+    error ("fsolve:isnan", "fsolve: NaN value encountered");
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
-%!function retval = f (p) 
+%!function retval = f (p)
 %!  x = p(1);
 %!  y = p(2);
 %!  z = p(3);
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
 %! assert (norm (x - x_opt, Inf) < tol);
 %! assert (norm (fval) < tol);
-%!function retval = f (p) 
+%!function retval = f (p)
 %!  x = p(1);
 %!  y = p(2);
 %!  z = p(3);
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
 %! assert (norm (x - x_opt, Inf) < tol);
 %! assert (norm (fval) < tol);
-%!function retval = f (p) 
+%!function retval = f (p)
 %!  x = p(1);
 %!  y = p(2);
 %!  z = p(3);
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
 %! y = exp (-a0*x) + b0 + noise;
 %! c_opt = [a0, b0];
 %! tol = 1e-5;
 %! [c, fval, info, output] =  fsolve (@(c) (exp(-c(1)*x) + c(2) - y), [0, 0]);
 %! assert (info > 0);
 %! assert (norm (c - c_opt, Inf) < tol);
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
 %! x_opt = [-1+i, 1-i, 2+i];
 %! x = [i, 1, 1+i];
 %! [x, f, info] = fsolve (@cfun, x, optimset ("ComplexEqn", "on"));
 %! tol = 1e-5;
 %! assert (norm (f) < tol);
--- a/scripts/optimization/fzero.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fzero.m
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} fzero (@var{fun}, @var{x0})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} fzero (@var{fun}, @var{x0}, @var{options})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{fval}, @var{info}, @var{output}] =} fzero (@dots{})
-## Find a zero of a univariate function.  
+## Find a zero of a univariate function.
-## @var{fun} should be a function handle or name.  @var{x0} should be a 
+## @var{fun} should be a function handle or name.  @var{x0} should be a
 ## two-element vector specifying two points which bracket a zero.  In
 ## other words, there must be a change in sign of the function between
 ## @var{x0}(1) and @var{x0}(2).  More mathematically, the following must hold
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
 ## If @var{x0} is a single scalar then several nearby and distant
 ## values are probed in an attempt to obtain a valid bracketing.  If this
 ## is not successful, the function fails.
-## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options. 
+## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options.
 ## Currently, @code{fzero}
 ## recognizes these options: @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"},
-## @code{"TolX"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}. 
+## @code{"TolX"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}.
 ## For a description of these options, see @ref{doc-optimset,,optimset}.
 ## On exit, the function returns @var{x}, the approximate zero point
 ## and @var{fval}, the function value thereof.
 ## @var{info} is an exit flag that can have these values:
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 ## @item -5
 ## The algorithm may have converged to a singular point.
 ## @end itemize
 ## @var{output} is a structure containing runtime information about the
 ## @code{fzero} algorithm.  Fields in the structure are:
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 ## @item brackety
 ##  A two-element vector with the final bracketing of the zero along the y-axis.
 ## @end itemize
-## @seealso{optimset, fsolve} 
+## @seealso{optimset, fsolve}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## This is essentially the ACM algorithm 748: Enclosing Zeros of
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
   ## Prepare...
   a = x0(1);
-  fa = fun (a); 
+  fa = fun (a);
   nfev = 1;
   if (length (x0) > 1)
     b = x0(2);
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
     u = a;
     a = b;
     b = u;
     fu = fa;
     fa = fb;
     fb = fu;
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
-      itype += 1; 
+      itype += 1;
     case 4
       ## Double secant step.
       c = u - 2*(b - a)/(fb - fa)*fu;
@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@
     ## Calculate new point.
     x = c;
-    fval = fc = fun (c); 
+    fval = fc = fun (c);
     niter ++; nfev ++;
     ## Modification 2: skip inverse cubic interpolation if
     ## nonmonotonicity is detected.
     if (sign (fc - fa) * sign (fc - fb) >= 0)
-      ## The new point broke monotonicity. 
+      ## The new point broke monotonicity.
       ## Disable inverse cubic.
       fe = fc;
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@
   fx = fun (x);
   fx = fx(1);
   if (! isreal (fx))
-    error ("fzero:notreal", "fzero: non-real value encountered"); 
+    error ("fzero:notreal", "fzero: non-real value encountered");
   elseif (isnan (fx))
-    error ("fzero:isnan", "fzero: NaN value encountered"); 
+    error ("fzero:isnan", "fzero: NaN value encountered");
--- a/scripts/optimization/glpk.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/glpk.m
@@ -78,30 +78,30 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## Input arguments:
 ## @table @var
 ## @item c
 ## A column array containing the objective function coefficients.
 ## @item A
 ## A matrix containing the constraints coefficients.
 ## @item b
 ## A column array containing the right-hand side value for each constraint
 ## in the constraint matrix.
 ## @item lb
 ## An array containing the lower bound on each of the variables.  If
 ## @var{lb} is not supplied, the default lower bound for the variables is
 ## zero.
 ## @item ub
 ## An array containing the upper bound on each of the variables.  If
 ## @var{ub} is not supplied, the default upper bound is assumed to be
 ## infinite.
 ## @item ctype
 ## An array of characters containing the sense of each constraint in the
 ## constraint matrix.  Each element of the array may be one of the
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 ## An inequality constraint with both upper and lower bounds
 ## (@code{A(i,:)*x >= -b(i)} @emph{and} (@code{A(i,:)*x <= b(i)}).
 ## @end table
 ## @item vartype
 ## A column array containing the types of the variables.
 ## @table @code
@@ -133,19 +133,19 @@
 ## @item "I"
 ## An integer variable.
 ## @end table
 ## @item sense
 ## If @var{sense} is 1, the problem is a minimization.  If @var{sense} is
 ## -1, the problem is a maximization.  The default value is 1.
 ## @item param
 ## A structure containing the following parameters used to define the
 ## behavior of solver.  Missing elements in the structure take on default
 ## values, so you only need to set the elements that you wish to change
 ## from the default.
 ## Integer parameters:
 ## @table @code
 ## @item msglev (@w{@code{LPX_K_MSGLEV}}, default: 1)
 ## Level of messages output by solver routines:
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@
 ## @item 3
 ## Full output (includes informational messages).
 ## @end table
 ## @item scale (@w{@code{LPX_K_SCALE}}, default: 1)
-## Scaling option: 
+## Scaling option:
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 0
 ## No scaling.
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 ## @item 2
 ## Geometric mean scaling, then equilibration scaling.
 ## @end table
 ## @item dual    (@w{@code{LPX_K_DUAL}}, default: 0)
 ## Dual simplex option:
 ## @table @asis
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
 ## @item 1
 ## If initial basic solution is dual feasible, use the dual simplex.
 ## @end table
 ## @item price   (@w{@code{LPX_K_PRICE}}, default: 1)
 ## Pricing option (for both primal and dual simplex):
 ## @table @asis
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 ## @item 1
 ## Steepest edge pricing.
 ## @end table
 ## @item round   (@w{@code{LPX_K_ROUND}}, default: 0)
 ## Solution rounding option:
 ## @table @asis
@@ -205,18 +205,18 @@
 ## @item 1
 ## Replace tiny primal and dual values by exact zero.
 ## @end table
 ## @item itlim   (@w{@code{LPX_K_ITLIM}}, default: -1)
 ## Simplex iterations limit.  If this value is positive, it is decreased by
 ## one each time when one simplex iteration has been performed, and
 ## reaching zero value signals the solver to stop the search.  Negative
 ## value means no iterations limit.
 ## @item itcnt (@w{@code{LPX_K_OUTFRQ}}, default: 200)
 ## Output frequency, in iterations.  This parameter specifies how
 ## frequently the solver sends information about the solution to the
 ## standard output.
 ## @item branch (@w{@code{LPX_K_BRANCH}}, default: 2)
 ## Branching heuristic option (for MIP only):
 ## @table @asis
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
 ## @item 2
 ## Branch using a heuristic by Driebeck and Tomlin.
 ## @end table
 ## @item btrack (@w{@code{LPX_K_BTRACK}}, default: 2)
 ## Backtracking heuristic option (for MIP only):
 ## @table @asis
@@ -241,12 +241,12 @@
 ## @item 2
 ## Backtrack using the best projection heuristic.
-## @end table        
+## @end table
 ## @item presol (@w{@code{LPX_K_PRESOL}}, default: 1)
 ## If this flag is set, the routine lpx_simplex solves the problem using
 ## the built-in LP presolver.  Otherwise the LP presolver is not used.
 ## @item lpsolver (default: 1)
 ## Select which solver to use.  If the problem is a MIP problem this flag
 ## will be ignored.
@@ -263,9 +263,9 @@
 ## CPLEX LP format to the file @file{"outpb.lp"}.  There is currently no
 ## way to change the name of the output file.
 ## @end table
 ## Real parameters:
 ## @table @code
 ## @item relax (@w{@code{LPX_K_RELAX}}, default: 0.07)
 ## Relaxation parameter used in the ratio test.  If it is zero, the textbook
@@ -276,48 +276,48 @@
 ## to slightly violate their bounds, but not more than
 ## @code{relax*tolbnd} or @code{relax*toldj (thus, @code{relax} is a
 ## percentage of @code{tolbnd} or @code{toldj}}.
 ## @item tolbnd (@w{@code{LPX_K_TOLBND}}, default: 10e-7)
 ## Relative tolerance used to check if the current basic solution is primal
 ## feasible.  It is not recommended that you change this parameter unless you
 ## have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
 ## @item toldj (@w{@code{LPX_K_TOLDJ}}, default: 10e-7)
 ## Absolute tolerance used to check if the current basic solution is dual
 ## feasible.  It is not recommended that you change this parameter unless you
 ## have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
 ## @item tolpiv (@w{@code{LPX_K_TOLPIV}}, default: 10e-9)
 ## Relative tolerance used to choose eligible pivotal elements of the
 ## simplex table.  It is not recommended that you change this parameter unless
 ## you have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
 ## @item objll (@w{@code{LPX_K_OBJLL}}, default: -DBL_MAX)
 ## Lower limit of the objective function.  If on the phase II the objective
 ## function reaches this limit and continues decreasing, the solver stops
 ## the search.  This parameter is used in the dual simplex method only.
 ## @item objul (@w{@code{LPX_K_OBJUL}}, default: +DBL_MAX)
 ## Upper limit of the objective function.  If on the phase II the objective
 ## function reaches this limit and continues increasing, the solver stops
 ## the search.  This parameter is used in the dual simplex only.
 ## @item tmlim (@w{@code{LPX_K_TMLIM}}, default: -1.0)
 ## Searching time limit, in seconds.  If this value is positive, it is
 ## decreased each time when one simplex iteration has been performed by the
 ## amount of time spent for the iteration, and reaching zero value signals
 ## the solver to stop the search.  Negative value means no time limit.
 ## @item outdly (@w{@code{LPX_K_OUTDLY}}, default: 0.0)
 ## Output delay, in seconds.  This parameter specifies how long the solver
 ## should delay sending information about the solution to the standard
 ## output.  Non-positive value means no delay.
 ## @item tolint (@w{@code{LPX_K_TOLINT}}, default: 10e-5)
 ## Relative tolerance used to check if the current basic solution is integer
 ## feasible.  It is not recommended that you change this parameter unless
 ## you have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
 ## @item tolobj (@w{@code{LPX_K_TOLOBJ}}, default: 10e-7)
 ## Relative tolerance used to check if the value of the objective function
 ## is not better than in the best known integer feasible solution.  It is
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@
 ## detailed understanding of its purpose.
 ## @end table
 ## @end table
 ## Output values:
 ## @table @var
 ## @item xopt
 ## The optimizer (the value of the decision variables at the optimum).
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
 ## @item status
 ## Status of the optimization.
 ## Simplex Method:
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 180 (@w{@code{LPX_OPT}})
@@ -413,13 +413,13 @@
 ## Time (in seconds) used for solving LP/MIP problem.
 ## @item mem
-## Memory (in bytes) used for solving LP/MIP problem (this is not 
+## Memory (in bytes) used for solving LP/MIP problem (this is not
 ## available if the version of @sc{glpk} is 4.15 or later).
 ## @end table
 ## @end table
 ## Example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## c = [10, 6, 4]';
@@ -432,10 +432,10 @@
 ## ctype = "UUU";
 ## vartype = "CCC";
 ## s = -1;
 ## param.msglev = 1;
 ## param.itlim = 100;
 ## [xmin, fmin, status, extra] = ...
 ##    glpk (c, A, b, lb, ub, ctype, vartype, s, param);
 ## @end group
--- a/scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{resnorm}, @var{residual}, @var{exitflag}] =} lsqnonneg (@dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{resnorm}, @var{residual}, @var{exitflag}, @var{output}] =} lsqnonneg (@dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{resnorm}, @var{residual}, @var{exitflag}, @var{output}, @var{lambda}] =} lsqnonneg (@dots{})
-## Minimize @code{norm (@var{c}*@var{x} - d)} subject to 
+## Minimize @code{norm (@var{c}*@var{x} - d)} subject to
 ## @code{@var{x} >= 0}.  @var{c} and @var{d} must be real.  @var{x0} is an
 ## optional initial guess for @var{x}.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
       idx = find (xtmp < 0);
-      if (isempty (idx)) 
+      if (isempty (idx))
         ## LH7: tmp solution found, iterate.
         x(:) = 0;
         x(p) = xtmp;
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
     ## compute the gradient.
     w = c'*(d - c*x);
     w(p) = [];
--- a/scripts/optimization/optimget.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/optimget.m
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} optimget (@var{options}, @var{parname})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} optimget (@var{options}, @var{parname}, @var{default})
-## Return a specific option from a structure created by 
+## Return a specific option from a structure created by
 ## @code{optimset}.  If @var{parname} is not a field of the @var{options}
-## structure, return @var{default} if supplied, otherwise return an 
+## structure, return @var{default} if supplied, otherwise return an
 ## empty matrix.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 ## PKG_ADD: __all_opts__ ("pqpnonneg");
-## This is analogical to the lsqnonneg implementation, which is 
+## This is analogical to the lsqnonneg implementation, which is
 ## implemented from Lawson and Hanson's 1973 algorithm on page
 ## 161 of Solving Least Squares Problems.
 ## It shares the convergence guarantees.
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
       idx = find (xtmp < 0);
-      if (isempty (idx)) 
+      if (isempty (idx))
         ## LH7: tmp solution found, iterate.
         x(:) = 0;
         x(p) = xtmp;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     ## compute the gradient.
     w = -(d + c*x);
     w(p) = [];
--- a/scripts/optimization/qp.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/qp.m
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 ## @item info
 ## An integer indicating the status of the solution.
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 0
 ## The problem is feasible and convex.  Global solution found.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
           bin = [bin; -ub];
       if (! isempty (lb) && ! isempty (ub))
         rtol = sqrt (eps);
         for i = 1:n
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
             bin = [bin; -A_ub];
         if (! isempty (A_lb) && ! isempty (A_ub))
           rtol = sqrt (eps);
           for i = 1:dimA_in
--- a/scripts/optimization/sqp.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/sqp.m
@@ -114,14 +114,14 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## in which @var{x} is a vector and @var{r} is a vector.
 ## The third and fourth arguments may also be 2-element cell arrays of
 ## function handles.  The first element should point to the constraint
 ## function and the second should point to a function that computes the
 ## gradient of the constraint function:
 ## @tex
 ## $$
-##  \Bigg( {\partial f(x) \over \partial x_1}, 
+##  \Bigg( {\partial f(x) \over \partial x_1},
 ##         {\partial f(x) \over \partial x_2}, \ldots,
 ##         {\partial f(x) \over \partial x_N} \Bigg)^T
 ## $$
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 ## constraints @var{g} and @var{h}.  If the arguments are vectors then
 ## @var{x}(i) is bound by @var{lb}(i) and @var{ub}(i).  A bound can also
 ## be a scalar in which case all elements of @var{x} will share the same
-## bound.  If only one bound (lb, ub) is specified then the other will 
+## bound.  If only one bound (lb, ub) is specified then the other will
 ## default to (-@var{realmax}, +@var{realmax}).
 ## The seventh argument specifies the maximum number of iterations.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 101
-## The algorithm terminated normally.  
+## The algorithm terminated normally.
 ## Either all constraints meet the requested tolerance, or the stepsize,
 ## @tex
 ## $\Delta x,$
@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@
 ## delta @var{x},
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## is less than @code{tol * norm (x)}.
 ## @item 102
 ## The BFGS update failed.
 ## @item 103
-## The maximum number of iterations was reached. 
+## The maximum number of iterations was reached.
 ## @end table
 ## An example of calling @code{sqp}:
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## function r = g (x)
 ##   r = [ sumsq(x)-10;
-##         x(2)*x(3)-5*x(4)*x(5); 
+##         x(2)*x(3)-5*x(4)*x(5);
 ##         x(1)^3+x(2)^3+1 ];
 ## endfunction
@@ -190,19 +190,19 @@
 ## [x, obj, info, iter, nf, lambda] = sqp (x0, @@phi, @@g, [])
 ## x =
 ##   -1.71714
 ##    1.59571
 ##    1.82725
 ##   -0.76364
 ##   -0.76364
 ## obj = 0.053950
 ## info = 101
 ## iter = 8
 ## nf = 10
 ## lambda =
 ##   -0.0401627
 ##    0.0379578
 ##   -0.0052227
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
   ## ce_fun    -- equality constraint functions
   ## ci_fun    -- inequality constraint functions
   ## A == [grad_{x_1} cx_fun, grad_{x_2} cx_fun, ..., grad_{x_n} cx_fun]^T
-  x = x0; 
+  x = x0;
   obj = feval (obj_fun, x0);
   __sqp_nfun__ = 1;
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
   if (iscell (__sqp_cif__) && length (__sqp_cif__) > 1)
     cigradfcn = __sqp_cif__{2};
   if (isempty (cigradfcn))
     res = bgrad;
--- a/scripts/path/pathdef.m
+++ b/scripts/path/pathdef.m
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 ## Extact the path information from the script/function @var{file},
-## created by @file{savepath.m}.  If @var{file} is omitted, 
+## created by @file{savepath.m}.  If @var{file} is omitted,
 ## @file{~/.octaverc} is used.  If successful, @code{__extractpath__}
 ## returns the path specified in @var{file}.
@@ -133,4 +133,4 @@
     specifiedpath = "";
--- a/scripts/path/savepath.m
+++ b/scripts/path/savepath.m
@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@
   if (nargout == 1)
     varargout{1} = retval;
 function path_elements = parsepath (p)
   pat = sprintf ('([^%s]+[%s$])', pathsep, pathsep);
--- a/scripts/pkg/pkg.m
+++ b/scripts/pkg/pkg.m
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2005-2011 S�ren Hauberg
 ## Copyright (C) 2010 VZLU Prague, a.s.
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -40,16 +40,16 @@
 ## @table @code
 ## @item -nodeps
-## The package manager will disable the dependency checking.  That way it 
-## is possible to install a package even if it depends on another package 
+## The package manager will disable the dependency checking.  That way it
+## is possible to install a package even if it depends on another package
 ## that's not installed on the system.  @strong{Use this option with care.}
 ## @item -noauto
-## The package manager will not automatically load the installed package 
+## The package manager will not automatically load the installed package
 ## when starting Octave, even if the package requests that it is.
 ## @item -auto
-## The package manager will automatically load the installed package when 
+## The package manager will automatically load the installed package when
 ## starting Octave, even if the package requests that it isn't.
 ## @item -local
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 ## system privileges
 ## @item -verbose
-## The package manager will print the output of all of the commands that are 
+## The package manager will print the output of all of the commands that are
 ## performed.
 ## @end table
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @item rebuild
-## Rebuilds the package database from the installed directories.  This can 
+## Rebuilds the package database from the installed directories.  This can
 ## be used in cases where for some reason the package database is corrupted.
 ## It can also take the @option{-auto} and @option{-noauto} options to allow the
 ## autoloading state of a package to be changed.  For example,
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## where @code{builddir} is the name of a directory where the temporary
 ## installation will be produced and the binary packages will be found.
-## The options @option{-verbose} and @option{-nodeps} are respected, while 
+## The options @option{-verbose} and @option{-nodeps} are respected, while
 ## the other options are ignored.
 ## @end table
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
   available_actions = {"list", "install", "uninstall", "load", ...
                        "unload", "prefix", "local_list", ...
-                       "global_list", "rebuild", "build","describe"}; 
+                       "global_list", "rebuild", "build","describe"};
   ## Handle input
   if (length (varargin) == 0 || ! iscellstr (varargin))
     print_usage ();
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
-        install (files, deps, auto, prefix, archprefix, verbose, local_list, 
+        install (files, deps, auto, prefix, archprefix, verbose, local_list,
                  global_list, global_install);
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
       if (length (files) == 0)
         error ("you must specify at least one package when calling 'pkg uninstall'");
-      uninstall (files, deps, verbose, local_list, 
+      uninstall (files, deps, verbose, local_list,
                  global_list, global_install);
     case "load"
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
     case "rebuild"
       if (global_install)
-        global_packages = rebuild (prefix, archprefix, global_list, files, 
+        global_packages = rebuild (prefix, archprefix, global_list, files,
                                    auto, verbose);
         global_packages = save_order (global_packages);
         save (global_list, "global_packages");
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
           local_packages = global_packages;
-        local_packages = rebuild (prefix, archprefix, local_list, files, auto, 
+        local_packages = rebuild (prefix, archprefix, local_list, files, auto,
         local_packages = save_order (local_packages);
         save (local_list, "local_packages");
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
           error ("you can request at most two outputs when calling 'pkg describe'");
       error ("you must specify a valid action for 'pkg'. See 'help pkg' for details");
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@
     if (! isempty (dup))
       descriptions (dup) = [];
-    endif  
+    endif
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
   files(1) = [];
   buildlist = fullfile (builddir, "octave_packages");
-  install (files, handle_deps, autoload, installdir, installdir, verbose, 
+  install (files, handle_deps, autoload, installdir, installdir, verbose,
            buildlist, "", false);
     repackage (builddir, buildlist);
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
-function install (files, handle_deps, autoload, prefix, archprefix, verbose, 
+function install (files, handle_deps, autoload, prefix, archprefix, verbose,
                   local_list, global_list, global_install)
   ## Check that the directory in prefix exist. If it doesn't: create it!
@@ -617,10 +617,10 @@
   ## Get the list of installed packages.
-  [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages (local_list, 
+  [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages (local_list,
-  installed_pkgs_lst = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};        
+  installed_pkgs_lst = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};
   if (global_install)
     packages = global_packages;
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@
     ## Warn about non existent files.
     for i = 1:length (files)
-      if (isempty (glob(files{i}))) 
+      if (isempty (glob(files{i})))
         warning ("file %s does not exist", files{i});
@@ -686,32 +686,32 @@
           packdir = fullfile (pwd(), dirlist{3});
         packdirs{end+1} = packdir;
         ## Make sure the package contains necessary files.
         verify_directory (packdir);
         ## Read the DESCRIPTION file.
         filename = fullfile (packdir, "DESCRIPTION");
         desc = get_description (filename);
         ## Verify that package name corresponds with filename.
-        [dummy, nm] = fileparts (tgz); 
+        [dummy, nm] = fileparts (tgz);
         if ((length (nm) >= length (
             && ! strcmp (, nm(1:length(
-          error ("package name '%s' doesn't correspond to its filename '%s'", 
+          error ("package name '%s' doesn't correspond to its filename '%s'",
        , nm);
         ## Set default installation directory.
         desc.dir = fullfile (prefix, cstrcat (, "-", desc.version));
         ## Set default architectire dependent installation directory.
         desc.archprefix = fullfile (archprefix, cstrcat (, "-",
         ## Save desc.
         descriptions{end+1} = desc;
         ## Are any of the new packages already installed?
         ## If so we'll remove the old version.
         for j = 1:length (packages)
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@
         idx1 = setdiff (1:length(local_packages), packages_to_uninstall);
-        pseudo_installed_packages = {local_packages{idx1}, ... 
+        pseudo_installed_packages = {local_packages{idx1}, ...
                                      global_packages{:}, ...
@@ -787,10 +787,10 @@
     for i = packages_to_uninstall
       if (global_install)
-        uninstall ({global_packages{i}.name}, false, verbose, local_list, 
+        uninstall ({global_packages{i}.name}, false, verbose, local_list,
                    global_list, global_install);
-        uninstall ({local_packages{i}.name}, false, verbose, local_list, 
+        uninstall ({local_packages{i}.name}, false, verbose, local_list,
                    global_list, global_install);
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@
   ## requested that it is, then mark the package as autoloaded.
   for i = length (descriptions):-1:1
     if (autoload > 0 || (autoload == 0 && isautoload (descriptions(i))))
-      fclose (fopen (fullfile (descriptions{i}.dir, "packinfo", 
+      fclose (fopen (fullfile (descriptions{i}.dir, "packinfo",
                                ".autoload"), "wt"));
       descriptions{i}.autoload = 1;
@@ -904,10 +904,10 @@
-function uninstall (pkgnames, handle_deps, verbose, local_list, 
+function uninstall (pkgnames, handle_deps, verbose, local_list,
                     global_list, global_install)
   ## Get the list of installed packages.
-  [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages(local_list, 
+  [local_packages, global_packages] = installed_packages(local_list,
   if (global_install)
     installed_pkgs_lst = {local_packages{:}, global_packages{:}};
@@ -1028,13 +1028,13 @@
-function [pkg_desc_list, flag] = describe (pkgnames, verbose, 
+function [pkg_desc_list, flag] = describe (pkgnames, verbose,
                                            local_list, global_list)
   ## Get the list of installed packages.
   installed_pkgs_lst = installed_packages(local_list, global_list);
   num_packages = length (installed_pkgs_lst);
   describe_all = false;
   if (any (strcmp ("all", pkgnames)))
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@
       non_inst_str = sprintf (" %s ", pkgnames{non_inst});
       error ("some packages are not installed: %s", non_inst_str);
-      pkg_desc_list{non_inst} = struct ("name", {}, "description",  
+      pkg_desc_list{non_inst} = struct ("name", {}, "description",
                                         {}, "provides", {});
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@
     for i = 1:num_pkgnames
       print_package_description (pkg_desc_list{i}.name,
-                                 pkg_desc_list{i}.provides,  
+                                 pkg_desc_list{i}.provides,
                                  flag{i}, verbose);
@@ -1101,12 +1101,12 @@
   if (! exist (index_file, "file"))
     error ("could not find any INDEX file in directory %s, try 'pkg rebuild all' to generate missing INDEX files", packdir);
-  endif    
+  endif
   [fid, msg] = fopen (index_file, "r");
   if (fid == -1)
-    error ("the INDEX file %s could not be read: %s", 
+    error ("the INDEX file %s could not be read: %s",
            index_file, msg);
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@
   while (! feof (fid) || line != -1)
     if (! any (! isspace (line)) || line(1) == "#" || any (line == "="))
-      ## Comments,  blank lines or comments about unimplemented 
+      ## Comments,  blank lines or comments about unimplemented
       ## functions: do nothing
       ## FIXME: probably comments and pointers to external functions
       ## could be treated better when printing to screen?
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@
   fclose (fid);
-function print_package_description (pkg_name, pkg_ver, pkg_idx_struct, 
+function print_package_description (pkg_name, pkg_ver, pkg_idx_struct,
                                     pkg_desc, status, verbose)
   printf ("---\nPackage name:\n\t%s\n", pkg_name);
@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@
   printf ("Short description:\n\t%s\n", pkg_desc);
   printf ("Status:\n\t%s\n", status);
   if (verbose)
-    printf ("---\nProvides:\n");    
+    printf ("---\nProvides:\n");
     for i = 1:length(pkg_idx_struct)
       if (! isempty (pkg_idx_struct{i}.functions))
         printf ("%s\n", pkg_idx_struct{i}.category);
@@ -1209,26 +1209,26 @@
           unlink (fullfile (, "inst", "PKG_DEL"));
         if (exist (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_ADD"), "file"))
-          movefile (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_ADD"), 
+          movefile (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_ADD"),
                     fullfile (, "PKG_ADD"));
         if (exist (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_DEL"), "file"))
-          movefile (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_DEL"), 
-                    fullfile (, "PKG_DEL")); 
+          movefile (fullfile (archdir, "PKG_DEL"),
+                    fullfile (, "PKG_DEL"));
         if (exist (fullfile (, "inst", "PKG_ADD"), "file"))
-          movefile (fullfile (, "inst", "PKG_ADD"), 
+          movefile (fullfile (, "inst", "PKG_ADD"),
                     fullfile (, "PKG_ADD"));
-        endif 
+        endif
         if (exist (fullfile (, "inst", "PKG_DEL"), "file"))
-          movefile (fullfile (, "inst", "PKG_DEL"), 
-                    fullfile (, "PKG_DEL")); 
-        endif   
-      endif     
+          movefile (fullfile (, "inst", "PKG_DEL"),
+                    fullfile (, "PKG_DEL"));
+        endif
+      endif
       tfile = cstrcat (, "-", pack.version, ".tar");
       tar (tfile,;
-      try 
+      try
         gzip (tfile);
         unlink (tfile);
@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@
     wd = pwd ();
       cd (packdir);
-      pre_install (desc); 
+      pre_install (desc);
       cd (wd);
       cd (wd);
@@ -1277,13 +1277,13 @@
     [status, msg] = mkdir (inst_dir);
     if (status != 1)
       rm_rf (desc.dir);
-      error ("the 'inst' directory did not exist and could not be created: %s", 
+      error ("the 'inst' directory did not exist and could not be created: %s",
-function configure_make (desc, packdir, verbose)   
+function configure_make (desc, packdir, verbose)
   ## Perform ./configure, make, make install in "src".
   if (exist (fullfile (packdir, "src"), "dir"))
     src = fullfile (packdir, "src");
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@
     ## Copy the files.
     if (! all (isspace ([filenames{:}])))
-        if (! exist (instdir, "dir")) 
+        if (! exist (instdir, "dir"))
           mkdir (instdir);
         if (! all (isspace ([archindependent{:}])))
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@
             printf (" %s", archdependent{:});
             printf (" %s\n", archdir);
-          if (! exist (archdir, "dir")) 
+          if (! exist (archdir, "dir"))
             mkdir (archdir);
           [status, output] = copyfile (archdependent, archdir);
@@ -1430,8 +1430,8 @@
 function create_pkgadddel (desc, packdir, nm, global_install)
   instpkg = fullfile (desc.dir, nm);
   instfid = fopen (instpkg, "wt");
-  ## If it is exists, most of the  PKG_* file should go into the 
-  ## architecture dependent directory so that the autoload/mfilename 
+  ## If it is exists, most of the  PKG_* file should go into the
+  ## architecture dependent directory so that the autoload/mfilename
   ## commands work as expected. The only part that doesn't is the
   ## part in the main directory.
   archdir = fullfile (getarchprefix (desc), cstrcat (, "-",
@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@
   if (! exist (desc.dir, "dir"))
     [status, output] = mkdir (desc.dir);
     if (status != 1)
-      error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s", 
+      error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
       desc.dir, output);
@@ -1525,32 +1525,32 @@
               [status, output] = mkdir (octm3);
               if (status != 1)
                 rm_rf (desc.dir);
-                error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s", 
+                error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
                        octm3, output);
             [status, output] = mkdir (octm2);
             if (status != 1)
               rm_rf (desc.dir);
-              error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s", 
+              error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
                      octm2, output);
           [status, output] = mkdir (octm1);
           if (status != 1)
             rm_rf (desc.dir);
-            error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s", 
+            error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
                    octm1, output);
         [status, output] = mkdir (octfiledir);
         if (status != 1)
           rm_rf (desc.dir);
-          error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s", 
+          error ("couldn't create installation directory %s : %s",
           octfiledir, output);
-      [status, output] = movefile (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch (), "*"), 
+      [status, output] = movefile (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch (), "*"),
       rm_rf (fullfile (desc.dir, getarch ()));
@@ -1785,7 +1785,7 @@
       version  = fix_version (parts{2});
   ## If no version is specified for the dependency
-  ## we say that the version should be greater than 
+  ## we say that the version should be greater than
   ## or equal to "0.0.0".
     package = tolower (strip (dep));
@@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@
         error ("couldn't read directory %s: %s", class_dir, msg);
       files2 = strcat (class_name, filesep (), files2);
-      files = [files; files2];    
+      files = [files; files2];
@@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@
     if (err)
       error ("couldn't read directory %s: %s", tmpdir, msg);
-    files = [files; files2];    
+    files = [files; files2];
   functions = {};
@@ -1957,7 +1957,7 @@
   if (! isempty(dup))
     installed_pkgs_lst(dup) = [];
-  endif  
+  endif
   ## Now check if the package is loaded.
   tmppath = strrep (path(), "\\", "/");
@@ -2004,9 +2004,9 @@
   h1 = "Package Name";
   h2 = "Version";
   h3 = "Installation directory";
-  max_name_length = length (h1); 
+  max_name_length = length (h1);
   max_version_length = length (h2);
-  names = cell (num_packages, 1); 
+  names = cell (num_packages, 1);
   for i = 1:num_packages
     max_name_length = max (max_name_length,
                            length (installed_pkgs_lst{i}.name));
@@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@
       first_char = length (cur_dir) - max_dir_length + 4;
       first_filesep = strfind (cur_dir(first_char:end), filesep());
       if (! isempty (first_filesep))
-        cur_dir = cstrcat ("...", 
+        cur_dir = cstrcat ("...",
                           cur_dir((first_char + first_filesep(1) - 1):end));
         cur_dir = cstrcat ("...", cur_dir(first_char:end));
@@ -2073,7 +2073,7 @@
   if (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "all"))
     idx = [1:length(installed_pkgs_lst)];
   ## Load auto.
-  elseif (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "auto")) 
+  elseif (length (files) == 1 && strcmp (files{1}, "auto"))
     idx = [];
     for i = 1:length (installed_pkgs_lst)
       if (exist (fullfile (pdirs{i}, "packinfo", ".autoload"), "file"))
@@ -2209,7 +2209,7 @@
 function archprefix = getarchprefix (desc, global_install)
   if ((nargin == 2 && global_install) || (nargin < 2 && issuperuser ()))
-    archprefix = fullfile (octave_config_info ("libexecdir"), "octave", 
+    archprefix = fullfile (octave_config_info ("libexecdir"), "octave",
                            "packages", cstrcat(, "-", desc.version));
     archprefix = desc.dir;
@@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@
-      if (! isempty (tmpdesc))                                       
+      if (! isempty (tmpdesc))
         newdesc = {newdesc{:}, save_order(tmpdesc){:}, desc{i}};
         newdesc{end+1} = desc{i};
@@ -2336,7 +2336,7 @@
-          idx = load_package_dirs (tmplidx, idx, handle_deps, 
+          idx = load_package_dirs (tmplidx, idx, handle_deps,
--- a/scripts/plot/__fltk_ginput__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__fltk_ginput__.m
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
     orig_ginput_keypressfcn = get (f, "keypressfcn");
     set (f, "keypressfcn", @ginput_keypressfcn);
     while (true)
       __fltk_redraw__ ();
       ## release CPU
       sleep (0.01);
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     ## FIXME -- got to get the buttons somehow
     button = ones (size (x));
--- a/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_ginput__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_ginput__.m
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@
       if (nargin > 1)
         ## Input argument n was given => stop when k == n.
-        if (k == n) 
-          break; 
+        if (k == n)
+          break;
         ## Input argument n not given => stop when hitting a return key.
-        ## if (button(k) == 0x0D || button(k) == 0x0A) 
+        ## if (button(k) == 0x0D || button(k) == 0x0A)
         ##   ## hit Return or Enter
         if (button(k) == 0x0D)
           ## hit Return
--- a/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_has_feature__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_has_feature__.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_open_stream__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_open_stream__.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_print__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_print__.m
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
     opts.ghostscript.output =;
     opts.ghostscript.source = strcat (tmpnam (), ".eps");
     eps_drawnow (opts, opts.ghostscript.source, gp_opts);
-    [cmd_gs, cmd_cleanup] = __ghostscript__ (opts.ghostscript); 
+    [cmd_gs, cmd_cleanup] = __ghostscript__ (opts.ghostscript);
     if (opts.send_to_printer || isempty (
       cmd_lpr = opts.lpr_cmd (opts);
       cmd = sprintf ("%s | %s", cmd_gs, cmd_lpr);
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
     [status, output] = system (pipeline{n});
     if (status)
-      fprintf ("%s\n%s\n%s\n", 
+      fprintf ("%s\n%s\n%s\n",
                "---------- output begin ----------",
                "----------- output end -----------");
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
       f = sprintf ("%d", opts.fontsize);
   case {"eps", "eps2", "epsc", "epsc2"}
-    ## Gnuplot renders fonts as half their specification, which 
+    ## Gnuplot renders fonts as half their specification, which
     ## results in a tight spacing for the axes-labels and tick-labels.
     ## Compensate for the half scale. This will produce the proper
     ## spacing for the requested fontsize.
--- a/scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## Author: jwe
-function __go_draw_axes__ (h, plot_stream, enhanced, mono, 
+function __go_draw_axes__ (h, plot_stream, enhanced, mono,
                            bg_is_set, fg_is_set, hlgnd)
   if (nargin >= 4 && nargin <= 7)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     nd = __calc_dimensions__ (h);
-    if (strcmp (axis_obj.dataaspectratiomode, "manual") 
+    if (strcmp (axis_obj.dataaspectratiomode, "manual")
         && strcmp (axis_obj.xlimmode, "manual")
         && strcmp (axis_obj.ylimmode, "manual"))
       ## All can't be "manual"
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@
           pos(3:4) = pos(3:4) * 1.4;
           pos(1:2) = pos(1:2) - pos(3:4) * 0.125;
         fprintf (plot_stream, "set origin %.15g, %.15g;\n", pos(1), pos(2));
         if (strcmpi (axis_obj.dataaspectratiomode, "manual"))
           sz_str = sprintf ("set size ratio %.15g", -dr);
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
                                             rows(xdat), xaxisloc_using, yaxisloc_using);
-          style = do_linestyle_command (obj, obj.color, data_idx, mono, 
+          style = do_linestyle_command (obj, obj.color, data_idx, mono,
                                         plot_stream, errbars);
           withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s linestyle %d",
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
           if (length (style) > 1)
-            is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1); 
+            is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1);
             parametric(data_idx) = parametric(data_idx - 1);
             have_cdata(data_idx) = have_cdata(data_idx - 1);
             have_3d_patch(data_idx) = have_3d_patch(data_idx - 1);
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
           if (length (style) > 2)
-            is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1); 
+            is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1);
             parametric(data_idx) = parametric(data_idx - 1);
             have_cdata(data_idx) = have_cdata(data_idx - 1);
             have_3d_patch(data_idx) = have_3d_patch(data_idx - 1);
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
            if (! isnan (xcol) && ! isnan (ycol))
              ## Is the patch closed or not
-             if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)) 
+             if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4))
                hidden_removal = false;
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
                    if (isnan (data_3d_idx))
-                     data_3d_idx = data_idx; 
+                     data_3d_idx = data_idx;
                      is_image_data(data_idx) = false;
                      parametric(data_idx) = false;
                      have_cdata(data_idx) = true;
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
                      if (nd == 3 && numel (xcol) == 3)
                        ccdat = ccol;
                        if (! isvector (ccdat))
-                         tmp = rows(cmap) + rows(addedcmap) + ... 
+                         tmp = rows(cmap) + rows(addedcmap) + ...
                               [1 : rows(ccdat)];
                          addedcmap = [addedcmap; ccdat];
                          ccdat = tmp(:);
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@
            ## patch outline
            if (!(strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4)
-                  && (strncmp (obj.marker, "none", 4) 
+                  && (strncmp (obj.marker, "none", 4)
                       || (strncmp (obj.markeredgecolor, "none", 4)
                           && strncmp (obj.markerfacecolor, "none", 4)))))
@@ -846,11 +846,11 @@
              tmpwith = {};
              facesame = true;
-             if (! isequal (pt, pt2) && isfield (obj, "markerfacecolor") 
+             if (! isequal (pt, pt2) && isfield (obj, "markerfacecolor")
                  && !strncmp (obj.markerfacecolor, "none", 4))
                if (strncmp (obj.markerfacecolor, "auto", 4)
-                   || ! isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor) 
-                   || (isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor) 
+                   || ! isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor)
+                   || (isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor)
                        && isequal (color, obj.markerfacecolor)))
                  style = strcat (style, "points");
                  if (isfield (obj, "markersize"))
@@ -865,13 +865,13 @@
                  tmpwith{sidx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s %s %s",
-                                          style, lw, pt2, lt, ps, 
+                                          style, lw, pt2, lt, ps,
                  facesame = false;
-                 if (! isempty (style)) 
+                 if (! isempty (style))
                    tmpwith{sidx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s",
-                                            style, lw, lt, 
+                                            style, lw, lt,
                    sidx ++;
@@ -891,20 +891,20 @@
                    ps = "";
                  tmpwith{sidx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s %s %s",
-                                          style, lw, pt2, lt, ps, 
+                                          style, lw, pt2, lt, ps,
-             if (isfield (obj, "markeredgecolor") 
+             if (isfield (obj, "markeredgecolor")
                  && !strncmp (obj.markeredgecolor, "none", 4))
-               if (facesame && !isempty (pt) 
+               if (facesame && !isempty (pt)
                    && (strncmp (obj.markeredgecolor, "auto", 4)
-                       || ! isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor) 
-                       || (isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor) 
+                       || ! isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor)
+                       || (isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor)
                            && isequal (color, obj.markeredgecolor))))
-                 if (sidx == 1 && ((length (style) == 5 
-                          && strncmp (style, "lines", 5)) 
+                 if (sidx == 1 && ((length (style) == 5
+                          && strncmp (style, "lines", 5))
                          || isempty (style)))
                    style = strcat (style, "points");
                    if (isfield (obj, "markersize"))
@@ -918,20 +918,20 @@
                      ps = "";
                    tmpwith{sidx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s %s %s",
-                                            style, lw, pt, lt, ps, 
+                                            style, lw, pt, lt, ps,
-                 if (!isempty (style))  
+                 if (!isempty (style))
                    if (length(tmpwith) < sidx || isempty (tmpwith{sidx}))
                      tmpwith{sidx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s",
-                                              style, lw, lt, 
+                                              style, lw, lt,
                    sidx ++;
-                 if (!isempty (pt)) 
+                 if (!isempty (pt))
                    if (! mono)
                      if (strncmp (obj.markeredgecolor, "auto", 4))
                        colorspec = sprintf ("lc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"",
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@
                      ps = "";
                    tmpwith{sidx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s %s %s",
-                                            style, lw, pt, lt, ps, 
+                                            style, lw, pt, lt, ps,
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
              if (isempty (tmpwith))
                withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s %s",
-                                               style, lw, pt, lt, 
+                                               style, lw, pt, lt,
                withclause{data_idx} = tmpwith{1};
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@
              if (length (tmpwith) > 1)
-               is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1); 
+               is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1);
                parametric(data_idx) = parametric(data_idx - 1);
                have_cdata(data_idx) = have_cdata(data_idx - 1);
                have_3d_patch(data_idx) = have_3d_patch(data_idx - 1);
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@
              if (length (tmpwith) > 2)
-               is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1); 
+               is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1);
                parametric(data_idx) = parametric(data_idx - 1);
                have_cdata(data_idx) = have_cdata(data_idx - 1);
                have_3d_patch(data_idx) = have_3d_patch(data_idx - 1);
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
             have_cdata(data_idx) = true;
             have_3d_patch(data_idx) = false;
             style = do_linestyle_command (obj, obj.edgecolor,
-                                          data_idx, mono, 
+                                          data_idx, mono,
             if (isempty (obj.displayname))
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@
               fputs(plot_stream,"unset pm3d;\n");
               fputs(plot_stream,"set style increment user;\n");
               withpm3d = false;
-              withclause{data_idx} = sprintf("with %s linestyle %d", 
+              withclause{data_idx} = sprintf("with %s linestyle %d",
                                              style{1}, data_idx);
               fputs (plot_stream, "unset pm3d\n");
@@ -1140,23 +1140,23 @@
             if (flat_interp_face && strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4))
-              fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s %s %s corners2color c3;\n", 
+              fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s %s %s corners2color c3;\n",
                        interp_str, dord);
             elseif (!facecolor_none_or_white)
               if (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4))
-                if (__gnuplot_has_feature__ ("transparent_surface") 
+                if (__gnuplot_has_feature__ ("transparent_surface")
                     && isscalar (obj.facealpha))
                   fprintf (plot_stream,
                            "set style fill transparent solid %f;\n",
-                fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s %s corners2color c3;\n", 
+                fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s %s corners2color c3;\n",
                          interp_str, dord);
-                fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s hidden3d %d %s %s corners2color c3;\n", 
+                fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s hidden3d %d %s %s corners2color c3;\n",
                          data_idx, interp_str, dord);
-                if (__gnuplot_has_feature__ ("transparent_surface") 
+                if (__gnuplot_has_feature__ ("transparent_surface")
                     && isscalar (obj.facealpha))
                   fprintf (plot_stream,
                            "set style fill transparent solid %f;\n",
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@
             zz = [];
             if (length (style) > 1)
               len = 3 * xlen;
@@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@
               zz = zz.';
-              is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1); 
+              is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1);
               parametric(data_idx) = parametric(data_idx - 1);
               have_cdata(data_idx) = false;
               have_3d_patch(data_idx) = have_3d_patch(data_idx - 1);
@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@
             if (length (style) > 2)
-              is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1); 
+              is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1);
               parametric(data_idx) = parametric(data_idx - 1);
               have_cdata(data_idx) = false;
               have_3d_patch(data_idx) = have_3d_patch(data_idx - 1);
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@
                 zz = zz.';
-              is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1); 
+              is_image_data(data_idx) = is_image_data(data_idx - 1);
               parametric(data_idx) = parametric(data_idx - 1);
               have_cdata(data_idx) = false;
               have_3d_patch(data_idx) = have_3d_patch(data_idx - 1);
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@
             units = "";
           if (isnumeric (color))
             colorspec = get_text_colorspec (color, mono);
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@
       fprintf (plot_stream, "set zrange [%.15e:%.15e] %s;\n", zlim, zdir);
-    cmap = parent_figure_obj.colormap;    
+    cmap = parent_figure_obj.colormap;
     cmap_sz = rows(cmap);
     if (! any (isinf (clim)))
       if (truecolor || ! cdatadirect)
@@ -1364,13 +1364,13 @@
               data{i}(end,:) = clim(2) * (data{i}(end, :) - 0.5) / cmap_sz;
-          fprintf (plot_stream, "set cbrange [%g:%g];\n", clim(1), clim(2) * 
+          fprintf (plot_stream, "set cbrange [%g:%g];\n", clim(1), clim(2) *
                    (cmap_sz + rows(addedcmap)) / cmap_sz);
           fprintf (plot_stream, "set cbrange [%g:%g];\n", clim);
-        fprintf (plot_stream, "set cbrange [1:%d];\n", cmap_sz + 
+        fprintf (plot_stream, "set cbrange [1:%d];\n", cmap_sz +
                  rows (addedcmap));
@@ -1463,7 +1463,7 @@
           pos = "right bottom";
         case "southwest"
           pos = "left bottom";
-        case "best" 
+        case "best"
           pos = "";
           warning ("legend: 'Best' not yet implemented for location specifier.\n");
           ## Least conflict with data in plot.
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@
         fontspec = "";
-      fprintf (plot_stream, "set key %s %s;\nset key %s %s %s %s;\n", 
+      fprintf (plot_stream, "set key %s %s;\nset key %s %s %s %s;\n",
                inout, pos, box, reverse, horzvert, fontspec);
       fputs (plot_stream, "unset key;\n");
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@
         elseif (is_image_data (i))
           if (! is_image_data (i-1))
             fputs (plot_stream, "; ");
-            if (bg_is_set)      
+            if (bg_is_set)
               fputs (plot_stream, "unset obj 1; \\\n");
               bg_is_set = false;
@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@
           fprintf (plot_stream, "%s \"-\" %s %s %s \\\n", plot_cmd,
                    usingclause{i}, titlespec{i}, withclause{i});
         elseif (is_image_data (i-1))
-          if (bg_is_set)      
+          if (bg_is_set)
             fputs (plot_stream, "unset obj 1; \\\n");
             bg_is_set = false;
@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
       fputs (plot_stream, ";\n");
       for i = 1:data_idx
         if (have_3d_patch (i))
-          ## Can't write 3d patch data as binary as can't plot more than 
+          ## Can't write 3d patch data as binary as can't plot more than
           ## a single patch at a time and have to plot all patches together
           ## so that the gnuplot depth ordering is done correctly
           for j = 1 : 4 : columns(data{i})
@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@
         elseif (is_image_data(i))
           fwrite (plot_stream, data{i}, "float32");
-          __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data{i}, nd, parametric(i), 
+          __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data{i}, nd, parametric(i),
@@ -1592,8 +1592,8 @@
     if (view_map)
       fputs (plot_stream, "unset view;\n");
-    if (bg_is_set)      
+    if (bg_is_set)
       fputs (plot_stream, "unset obj 1;\n");
       bg_is_set = false;
@@ -1679,11 +1679,11 @@
     facesame = true;
-    if (! isequal (pt, pt2) && isfield (obj, "markerfacecolor") 
+    if (! isequal (pt, pt2) && isfield (obj, "markerfacecolor")
         && !strncmp (obj.markerfacecolor, "none", 4))
       if (strncmp (obj.markerfacecolor, "auto", 4)
-          || ! isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor) 
-          || (isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor) 
+          || ! isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor)
+          || (isnumeric (obj.markerfacecolor)
               && isequal (color, obj.markerfacecolor)))
         if (! isempty (pt2))
           fprintf (plot_stream, " pointtype %s", pt2);
@@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@
           fputs (plot_stream, " default");
         fputs (plot_stream, ";\n");
-        if (! isempty (style {sidx}))   
+        if (! isempty (style {sidx}))
           sidx ++;
           idx ++;
@@ -1719,14 +1719,14 @@
-    if (isfield (obj, "markeredgecolor") 
+    if (isfield (obj, "markeredgecolor")
         && !strncmp (obj.markeredgecolor, "none", 4))
       if (facesame && !isempty (pt)
           && (strncmp (obj.markeredgecolor, "auto", 4)
-              || ! isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor) 
-              || (isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor) 
+              || ! isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor)
+              || (isnumeric (obj.markeredgecolor)
                   && isequal (color, obj.markeredgecolor))))
-        if (sidx == 1 && ((length (style {sidx}) == 5 
+        if (sidx == 1 && ((length (style {sidx}) == 5
             && strncmp (style {sidx}, "lines", 5)) || isempty (style {sidx})))
           if (! isempty (pt))
             style {sidx} = strcat (style{sidx}, "points");
@@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@
           fputs (plot_stream, " default");
         fputs (plot_stream, ";\n");
-        if (!isempty (style {sidx}))    
+        if (!isempty (style {sidx}))
           sidx ++;
           idx ++;
@@ -1842,7 +1842,7 @@
 function __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data, nd, parametric, cdata)
   ## DATA is already transposed.
   ## FIXME -- this may need to be converted to C++ for speed.
@@ -1994,13 +1994,13 @@
         nlabels = numel (labels);
         fprintf (plot_stream, "set format %s \"%%s\";\n", ax);
         if (mirror)
-          fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s %s mirror (", ax, 
+          fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s %s mirror (", ax,
                    tickdir, ticklength, axispos);
           fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s %s nomirror (", ax,
                    tickdir, ticklength, axispos);
         labels = regexprep(labels, '%', "%%");
         for i = 1:ntics
           fprintf (plot_stream, " \"%s\" %.15g", labels{k++}, tics(i));
@@ -2040,10 +2040,10 @@
     fprintf (plot_stream, "set format %s \"%s\";\n", ax, fmt);
     if (mirror)
-      fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s %s mirror %s %s;\n", ax, 
+      fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s %s mirror %s %s;\n", ax,
                axispos, tickdir, ticklength, colorspec, fontspec);
-      fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s %s nomirror %s %s;\n", ax, 
+      fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s %s nomirror %s %s;\n", ax,
                tickdir, ticklength, axispos, colorspec, fontspec);
     if (strcmp (mtics, "on"))
@@ -2174,19 +2174,19 @@
       elseif (strncmp (f, "it", 2) || strncmp (f, "sl", 2))
         it = true;
         if (bld)
-          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bolditalic ', 
+          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bolditalic ',
                         str(s(i) + 3:end));
-          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-italic ', 
+          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-italic ',
                         str(s(i) + 3:end));
       elseif (strncmp (f, "bf", 2))
         bld = true;
         if (it)
-          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bolditalic ', 
+          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bolditalic ',
                         str(2(i) + 3:end));
-          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bold ', 
+          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bold ',
                         str(s(i) + 3:end));
       elseif (strcmpi (f, "color"))
@@ -2203,7 +2203,7 @@
         if (isempty(b1) || isempty(b2))
           warning ('syntax error in \fontname argument');
-          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', 
+          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/',
                         str(e(i)+b1(1) + 1:e(i)+b2(1)-1), '{}',
                         str(e(i) + b2(1) + 1:end));
@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@
         if (isempty(b1) || isempty(b2))
           warning ('syntax error in \fontname argument');
-          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/=', 
+          str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/=',
                         str(e(i)+b1(1) + 1:e(i)+b2(1)-1), '{}',
                         str(e(i) + b2(1) + 1:end));
@@ -2233,7 +2233,7 @@
             ##elseif (it)
             ##  g = regexprep (g, '/Symbol', '/Symbol-italic');
-            str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), g, 
+            str = cstrcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), g,
                           str(s(i) + length (flds{j}) + 1:end));
--- a/scripts/plot/__go_draw_figure__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__go_draw_figure__.m
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
                   ca = lh(1);
-                  ## Rely upon listener to convert axes position 
+                  ## Rely upon listener to convert axes position
                   ## to "normalized" units.
                   legend_axes_units = get (kids(i), "units");
                   legend_axes_position = get (kids(i), "position");
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
                     set (ca, "units", "normalized");
-                    set (kids(i), "units", "normalized", "box", "off", 
+                    set (kids(i), "units", "normalized", "box", "off",
                          "ylim", [-2, -1], "position", get (ca(1), "position"),
                          "outerposition", get (ca(1), "outerposition"));
-                    ## Create a new set of lines with the appropriate 
+                    ## Create a new set of lines with the appropriate
                     ## displaynames, etc
                     toberm = [];
                     hobj = get (kids(i), "children");
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
                         if (! strcmp (get (hobj(k), "type"), "line"))
-                        if (get (hobj(j), "userdata") 
+                        if (get (hobj(j), "userdata")
                             != get (hobj(k), "userdata"))
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
                     ## Return axes "units" and "position" back to
                     ## their original values.
                     set (ca, "units", orig_axes_units);
-                    set (kids(i), "units", legend_axes_units, 
-                         "box", legend_axes_box, 
-                         "ylim", legend_axes_ylim, 
+                    set (kids(i), "units", legend_axes_units,
+                         "box", legend_axes_box,
+                         "ylim", legend_axes_ylim,
                          "position", legend_axes_position,
                          "outerposition", legend_axes_outerposition);
                     delete (toberm);
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
-                ## Rely upon listener to convert axes position 
+                ## Rely upon listener to convert axes position
                 ## to "normalized" units.
                 orig_axes_units = get (kids(i), "units");
                 orig_axes_position = get (kids(i), "position");
@@ -153,11 +153,11 @@
                   hlegend = [];
                   fkids = get (h, "children");
                   for j = 1 : numel(fkids)
-                    if (ishandle (fkids (j)) 
-                        && strcmp (get (fkids (j), "type"), "axes") 
+                    if (ishandle (fkids (j))
+                        && strcmp (get (fkids (j), "type"), "axes")
                         && (strcmp (get (fkids (j), "tag"), "legend")))
                       udata = get (fkids (j), "userdata");
-                      if (isscalar(udata.handle) 
+                      if (isscalar(udata.handle)
                           && ! isempty (intersect (udata.handle, kids (i))))
                         hlegend = get (fkids (j));
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
     print_usage ();
-  endif    
+  endif
--- a/scripts/plot/__marching_cube__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__marching_cube__.m
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 ## Author: Martin Helm <>
 function [T, p, col] = __marching_cube__ (xx, yy, zz, c, iso, colors)
   persistent edge_table=[];
   persistent tri_table=[];
@@ -93,24 +93,24 @@
   if (isempty (tri_table) || isempty (edge_table))
     [edge_table, tri_table] = init_mc ();
   if ((nargin != 5 && nargin != 6) || (nargout != 2 && nargout != 3))
     print_usage ();
   if (!ismatrix (xx) || !ismatrix (yy) || !ismatrix (zz) || !ismatrix (c) || ...
     ndims (xx) != 3 || ndims (yy) != 3 || ndims (zz) != 3 || ndims (c) != 3)
     error ("__marching_cube__: XX, YY, ZZ, C must be matrices of dim 3");
   if (!size_equal (xx, yy, zz, c))
     error ("__marching_cube__: XX, YY, ZZ, C must be of equal size");
   if (any (size (xx) < [2 2 2]))
     error ("__marching_cube__: grid size must be at least 2x2x2");
   if (!isscalar (iso))
     error ("__marching_cube__: ISO must be scalar value");
@@ -122,14 +122,14 @@
     calc_cols = true;
     lindex = 5;
   n = size (c) - 1;
   ## phase I: assign information to each voxel which edges are intersected by
   ## the isosurface
   cc = zeros (n(1), n(2), n(3), "uint16");
   cedge = zeros (size (cc), "uint16");
   vertex_idx = {1:n(1), 1:n(2), 1:n(3); ...
     2:n(1)+1, 1:n(2), 1:n(3); ...
     2:n(1)+1, 2:n(2)+1, 1:n(3); ...
@@ -138,20 +138,20 @@
     2:n(1)+1, 1:n(2), 2:n(3)+1; ...
     2:n(1)+1, 2:n(2)+1, 2:n(3)+1; ...
     1:n(1), 2:n(2)+1, 2:n(3)+1 };
   ## calculate which vertices have values higher than iso
   for ii=1:8
     idx = c(vertex_idx{ii, :}) > iso;
     cc(idx) = bitset (cc(idx), ii);
-  endfor 
+  endfor
   cedge = edge_table(cc+1); # assign the info about intersected edges
   id =  find (cedge); # select only voxels which are intersected
   if (isempty (id))
     T = p = col = [];
   ## phase II: calculate the list of intersection points
   xyz_off = [1, 1, 1; 2, 1, 1; 2, 2, 1; 1, 2, 1; 1, 1, 2;  2, 1, 2; 2, 2, 2; 1, 2, 2];
   edges = [1 2; 2 3; 3 4; 4 1; 5 6; 6 7; 7 8; 8 5; 1 5; 2 6; 3 7; 4 8];
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@
     ix_offset += size (id_, 1);
-  ## phase III: calculate the triangulation from the point list 
+  ## phase III: calculate the triangulation from the point list
   T = [];
   tri = tri_table(cc(id)+1, :);
   for jj=1:3:15
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
       T = [T; pp(p1), pp(p2), pp(p3)];
   p = [];
   col = [];
   for jj = 1:12
@@ -207,12 +207,12 @@
 function p = vertex_interp(isolevel,p1x, p1y, p1z,...
   p2x, p2y, p2z,valp1,valp2, col1, col2)
   if (nargin == 9)
     p = zeros (length (p1x), 3);
   elseif (nargin == 11)
     p = zeros (length (p1x), 4);
-  else 
+  else
     error ("__marching_cube__: wrong number of arguments");
   mu = zeros (length (p1x), 1);
@@ -269,8 +269,8 @@
   0x69c, 0x795, 0x49f, 0x596, 0x29a, 0x393, 0x99 , 0x190, ...
   0xf00, 0xe09, 0xd03, 0xc0a, 0xb06, 0xa0f, 0x905, 0x80c, ...
   0x70c, 0x605, 0x50f, 0x406, 0x30a, 0x203, 0x109, 0x0   ];
-  tri_table =[ 
+  tri_table =[
   -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1;
   0, 8, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1;
   0, 1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1;
--- a/scripts/plot/__next_line_color__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__next_line_color__.m
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   persistent color_index;
   if (nargin < 2)
-    if (nargin == 1) 
+    if (nargin == 1)
       if (reset || isempty (color_rotation))
         color_rotation = get (gca (), "colororder");
         num_colors = rows (color_rotation);
--- a/scripts/plot/__next_line_style__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__next_line_style__.m
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
         style_index = 1;
     elseif (! isempty (style_rotation))
-      options = __pltopt__ ("__next_line_style__", 
+      options = __pltopt__ ("__next_line_style__",
                             style_rotation (style_index));
       linestyle = options.linestyle;
-      marker = options.marker;   
+      marker = options.marker;
       error ("__next_line_style__: style_rotation not initialized");
--- a/scripts/plot/__plt_get_axis_arg__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__plt_get_axis_arg__.m
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
   ## Figure handles are integers, but object handles are non integer,
   ## therefore ignore integer scalars.
-  if (nargin > 1 && length (varargin) > 0 && isnumeric (varargin{1}) 
-      && numel (varargin{1}) == 1 && ishandle (varargin{1}(1)) 
+  if (nargin > 1 && length (varargin) > 0 && isnumeric (varargin{1})
+      && numel (varargin{1}) == 1 && ishandle (varargin{1}(1))
       && varargin{1}(1) != 0 && ! isfigure (varargin{1}(1)))
     tmp = varargin{1};
     obj = get (tmp);
-    if ((strcmp (obj.type, "axes") && ! strcmp (obj.tag, "legend")) 
+    if ((strcmp (obj.type, "axes") && ! strcmp (obj.tag, "legend"))
         || strcmp (obj.type, "hggroup"))
       h = ancestor (tmp, "axes");
       varargin(1) = [];
--- a/scripts/plot/__print_parse_opts__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__print_parse_opts__.m
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     arg_st.lpr_options = "";
   arg_st.unlink = {};
   if (nargin > 0 && isfigure (varargin{1}))
     arg_st.figure = varargin{1};
     varargin(1) = [];
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
                                           "ps", "ps2", "psc", "psc2", "pdf"})))
       have_ghostscript = ! isempty (__ghostscript_binary__ ());
       if (have_ghostscript)
-        file_exists = ((numel (dir ( == 1) 
+        file_exists = ((numel (dir ( == 1)
                        && (! isdir (;
         if (! file_exists)
           arg_st.append_to_file = false;
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
   ## Aliases for other devices: "bmp", "png", "tiff", "tiffn", "pdf",
   ##                            "ps", "ps2", "psc", "psc2"
-  ## eps, epsc, eps2, epsc2 are not included here because those are 
+  ## eps, epsc, eps2, epsc2 are not included here because those are
   ## are generated by the graphics toolkit.
   aliases.bmp = "bmp32b";
   aliases.pdf = "pdfwrite";
--- a/scripts/plot/area.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/area.m
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} area (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} area (@dots{})
 ## Area plot of cumulative sum of the columns of @var{y}.  This shows the
-## contributions of a value to a sum, and is functionally similar to 
-## @code{plot (@var{x}, cumsum (@var{y}, 2))}, except that the area under 
+## contributions of a value to a sum, and is functionally similar to
+## @code{plot (@var{x}, cumsum (@var{y}, 2))}, except that the area under
 ## the curve is shaded.
 ## If the @var{x} argument is omitted it is assumed to be given by
 ## @code{1 : rows (@var{y})}.  A value @var{lvl} can be defined that determines
 ## where the base level of the shading under the curve should be defined.
-## Additional arguments to the @code{area} function are passed to the 
-## @code{patch}.  The optional return value @var{h} provides a handle to 
+## Additional arguments to the @code{area} function are passed to the
+## @code{patch}.  The optional return value @var{h} provides a handle to
 ## area series object representing the patches of the areas.
 ## @seealso{plot, patch}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
     y0 = y1;
     addproperty ("basevalue", hg, "data", bv);
-    addlistener (hg, "basevalue", @move_baseline); 
+    addlistener (hg, "basevalue", @move_baseline);
     addproperty ("edgecolor", hg, "patchedgecolor", get (h, "edgecolor"));
     addproperty ("linewidth", hg, "patchlinewidth", get (h, "linewidth"));
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
     addproperty ("facecolor", hg, "patchfacecolor", get (h, "facecolor"));
     addlistener (hg, "edgecolor", @update_props);
-    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props); 
-    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props); 
-    addlistener (hg, "facecolor", @update_props); 
+    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props);
+    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props);
+    addlistener (hg, "facecolor", @update_props);
     addproperty ("areagroup", hg, "data");
     set (retval, "areagroup", retval);
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 function update_props (h, d)
   kids = get (h, "children");
-  set (kids, "edgecolor", get (h, "edgecolor"), 
+  set (kids, "edgecolor", get (h, "edgecolor"),
        "linewidth", get (h, "linewidth"),
        "linestyle", get (h, "linestyle"),
        "facecolor", get (h, "facecolor"));
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
       y1 = y0 + y1;
       set (get (hh, "children"), "ydata", [y0(1); y1; flipud(y0)]);
-    endif      
+    endif
     y0 = y1;
--- a/scripts/plot/axis.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/axis.m
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## x-axis.  The third and fourth specify the limits for the y-axis, and the
 ## fifth and sixth specify the limits for the z-axis.
-## Without any arguments, @code{axis} turns autoscaling on.  
+## Without any arguments, @code{axis} turns autoscaling on.
 ## With one output argument, @code{x = axis} returns the current axes.
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
 ## The following options control the way axis limits are interpreted.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "auto" 
+## @item "auto"
 ## Set the specified axes to have nice limits around the data
 ## or all if no axes are specified.
-## @item "manual" 
+## @item "manual"
 ## Fix the current axes limits.
 ## @item "tight"
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 ## The following options affect the appearance of tic marks.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "on" 
+## @item "on"
 ## Turn tic marks and labels on for all axes.
 ## @item "off"
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 ## specified axes and off for the remainder.
 ## @item "label[xyz]"
-## Turn tic labels on for all axes, or turn them on for the 
+## Turn tic labels on for all axes, or turn them on for the
 ## specified axes and off for the remainder.
 ## @item "nolabel"
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
 ## @item "ij"
 ## Reverse y-axis, so lower values are nearer the top.
-## @item "xy" 
-## Restore y-axis, so higher values are nearer the top. 
+## @item "xy"
+## Restore y-axis, so higher values are nearer the top.
 ## @end table
 ## If an axes handle is passed as the first argument, then operate on
 ## this axes rather than the current axes.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
       if (strcmp (get (get (ca, "parent"), "__graphics_toolkit__"), "gnuplot"))
         ## FIXME - gnuplot applies the aspect ratio activepostionproperty.
         set (ca, "activepositionproperty", "position");
-        ## The following line is a trick used to trigger the recalculation of 
+        ## The following line is a trick used to trigger the recalculation of
         ## aspect related magnitudes even if the aspect ratio is the same
         ## (useful with the x11 gnuplot terminal after a window resize)
         set (ca, "dataaspectratiomode", "auto");
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@
     if (iscell (data))
       data = data (find (! cellfun (@isempty, data)));
       if (! isempty (data))
-        lims_min = min (cellfun (@min, cellfun (@min, data, 'uniformoutput', false)(:))); 
-        lims_max = max (cellfun (@max, cellfun (@max, data, 'uniformoutput', false)(:))); 
-        lims = [lims_min, lims_max]; 
+        lims_min = min (cellfun (@min, cellfun (@min, data, 'uniformoutput', false)(:)));
+        lims_max = max (cellfun (@max, cellfun (@max, data, 'uniformoutput', false)(:)));
+        lims = [lims_min, lims_max];
         lims = [0, 1];
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 %! plot(t, x);
 %! title("equal plot");
 %! axis("equal");
 %! subplot(224);
 %! plot(t, x);
 %! title("normal plot again");
--- a/scripts/plot/bar.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/bar.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## If only one argument is given, @var{y}, it is taken as a vector of y-values
 ## and the x coordinates are taken to be the indices of the elements.
-## The default width of 0.8 for the bars can be changed using @var{w}. 
+## The default width of 0.8 for the bars can be changed using @var{w}.
 ## If @var{y} is a matrix, then each column of @var{y} is taken to be a
 ## separate bar graph plotted on the same graph.  By default the columns
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## @seealso{barh, plot} 
+## @seealso{barh, plot}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: jwe
--- a/scripts/plot/barh.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/barh.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## If only one argument is given, it is taken as a vector of y-values
 ## and the x coordinates are taken to be the indices of the elements.
-## The default width of 0.8 for the bars can be changed using @var{w}. 
+## The default width of 0.8 for the bars can be changed using @var{w}.
 ## If @var{y} is a matrix, then each column of @var{y} is taken to be a
 ## separate bar graph plotted on the same graph.  By default the columns
--- a/scripts/plot/caxis.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/caxis.m
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} caxis (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## Set color axis limits for plots.
-## The argument @var{limits} should be a 2-element vector specifying the 
+## The argument @var{limits} should be a 2-element vector specifying the
 ## lower and upper limits to assign to the first and last value in the
 ## colormap.  Values outside this range are clamped to the first and last
-## colormap entries. 
+## colormap entries.
 ## If @var{limits} is 'auto', then automatic colormap scaling is applied,
 ## whereas if @var{limits} is 'manual' the colormap scaling is set to manual.
@@ -85,4 +85,4 @@
--- a/scripts/plot/cla.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/cla.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/plot/clabel.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/clabel.m
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
   if (have_hg)
     if (! isempty (v))
       if (have_labelspacing)
-        set (hg, "textlistmode", "manual", "textlist", v, 
+        set (hg, "textlistmode", "manual", "textlist", v,
              "labelspacing", label_spacing, "showtext", "on");
         set (hg, "textlistmode", "manual", "textlist", v, "showtext", "on");
--- a/scripts/plot/colorbar.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/colorbar.m
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@
         __position_colorbox__ (loc, obj, ancestor (ax, "figure"));
     set (ax, "position", pos);
-    cax = __go_axes__ (get (ax, "parent"), "tag", "colorbar", 
-                       "handlevisibility", "on", 
-                       "activepositionproperty", "position", 
+    cax = __go_axes__ (get (ax, "parent"), "tag", "colorbar",
+                       "handlevisibility", "on",
+                       "activepositionproperty", "position",
                        "position", cpos);
     addproperty ("location", cax, "radio",
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
-    ctext = text (0, 0, "", "tag", "colorbar","visible", "off", 
-                  "handlevisibility", "off", "xliminclude", "off",  
+    ctext = text (0, 0, "", "tag", "colorbar","visible", "off",
+                  "handlevisibility", "off", "xliminclude", "off",
                   "yliminclude", "off", "zliminclude", "off",
                   "deletefcn", {@deletecolorbar, cax, obj});
@@ -363,25 +363,25 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar();
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar("westoutside");
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar("peer", gca (), "northoutside");
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar("southoutside");
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(2,2,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar();
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(1,2,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! axis square;
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(1,2,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! axis square;
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(2,1,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! axis square;
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(2,1,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! axis square;
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(1,2,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar();
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(1,2,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar("northoutside");
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(2,1,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar();
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(2,1,1)
 %! imagesc(x)
 %! colorbar("northoutside");
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! subplot(1,2,1)
 %! contour(x)
 %! axis square;
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! contour (x)
 %! xlim ([1, 64])
 %! ylim ([1, 64])
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.'); 
+%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n,ones(n,1)); x = abs(x - x.');
 %! contour (x)
 %! xlim ([1, 64])
 %! ylim ([1, 64])
@@ -557,17 +557,17 @@
 %! clf
-%! n=5;x=linspace(0,5,n);y=linspace(0,1,n); 
-%! imagesc(1./hilb(n)); axis equal; colorbar 
+%! n=5;x=linspace(0,5,n);y=linspace(0,1,n);
+%! imagesc(1./hilb(n)); axis equal; colorbar
 %! clf
-%! n=5;x=linspace(0,5,n);y=linspace(0,1,n); 
-%! imagesc(x,y,1./hilb(n)); axis equal; colorbar 
+%! n=5;x=linspace(0,5,n);y=linspace(0,1,n);
+%! imagesc(x,y,1./hilb(n)); axis equal; colorbar
 %! clf
-%! n=5;x=linspace(0,5,n);y=linspace(0,1,n); 
+%! n=5;x=linspace(0,5,n);y=linspace(0,1,n);
 %! imagesc(y,x,1./hilb(n)); axis equal; colorbar
 ## This requires that the axes position be properly determined for "axes equal"
--- a/scripts/plot/comet.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/comet.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} comet (@var{x}, @var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} comet (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{p})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} comet (@var{ax}, @dots{})
-## Produce a simple comet style animation along the trajectory provided by 
+## Produce a simple comet style animation along the trajectory provided by
 ## the input coordinate vectors (@var{x}, @var{y}), where @var{x} will default
 ## to the indices of @var{y}.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     y = varargin{2};
     p = varargin{3};
   oldh = gca ();
     axes (h);
--- a/scripts/plot/comet3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/comet3.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott and John W. Eaton
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} comet3 (@var{z})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} comet3 (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{p})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} comet3 (@var{ax}, @dots{})
-## Produce a simple comet style animation along the trajectory provided by 
+## Produce a simple comet style animation along the trajectory provided by
 ## the input coordinate vectors (@var{x}, @var{y}), where @var{x} will default
 ## to the indices of @var{y}.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     z = varargin{3};
     p = varargin{4};
   oldh = gca ();
     axes (h);
--- a/scripts/plot/compass.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/compass.m
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} compass (@dots{})
 ## Plot the @code{(@var{u}, @var{v})} components of a vector field emanating
-## from the origin of a polar plot.  If a single complex argument @var{z} is 
-## given, then @code{@var{u} = real (@var{z})} and @code{@var{v} = imag 
+## from the origin of a polar plot.  If a single complex argument @var{z} is
+## given, then @code{@var{u} = real (@var{z})} and @code{@var{v} = imag
 ## (@var{z})}.
 ## The style to use for the plot can be defined with a line style @var{style}
 ## in a similar manner to the line styles used with the @code{plot} command.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
-  ## Matlab draws compass plots, with the arrow head as one continous 
-  ## line, and each arrow separately. This is completely different than 
+  ## Matlab draws compass plots, with the arrow head as one continous
+  ## line, and each arrow separately. This is completely different than
   ## quiver and quite ugly.
   n = length (u);
   xend = u;
--- a/scripts/plot/contour.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/contour.m
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 ## in a similar manner to the line styles used with the @code{plot} command.
 ## Any markers defined by @var{style} are ignored.
-## The optional input and output argument @var{h} allows an axis handle to 
+## The optional input and output argument @var{h} allows an axis handle to
 ## be passed to @code{contour} and the handles to the contour objects to be
 ## returned.
 ## @seealso{contourc, patch, plot}
--- a/scripts/plot/contour3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/contour3.m
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 ## in a similar manner to the line styles used with the @code{plot} command.
 ## Any markers defined by @var{style} are ignored.
-## The optional input and output argument @var{h} allows an axis handle to 
+## The optional input and output argument @var{h} allows an axis handle to
 ## be passed to @code{contour} and the handles to the contour objects to be
 ## returned.
 ## @seealso{contourc, patch, plot}
--- a/scripts/plot/contourc.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/contourc.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{c}, @var{lev}] =} contourc (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{vn})
-## Compute isolines (contour lines) of the matrix @var{z}. 
+## Compute isolines (contour lines) of the matrix @var{z}.
 ## Parameters @var{x}, @var{y} and @var{vn} are optional.
 ## The return value @var{lev} is a vector of the contour levels.
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## @group
-## @var{c} = [lev1, x1, x2, @dots{}, levn, x1, x2, ... 
+## @var{c} = [lev1, x1, x2, @dots{}, levn, x1, x2, ...
 ##      len1, y1, y2, @dots{}, lenn, y1, y2, @dots{}]
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## in which contour line @var{n} has a level (height) of @var{levn} and
 ## length of @var{lenn}.
-## If @var{x} and @var{y} are omitted they are taken as the row/column 
-## index of @var{z}.  @var{vn} is either a scalar denoting the number of lines 
-## to compute or a vector containing the values of the lines.  If only one 
+## If @var{x} and @var{y} are omitted they are taken as the row/column
+## index of @var{z}.  @var{vn} is either a scalar denoting the number of lines
+## to compute or a vector containing the values of the lines.  If only one
 ## value is wanted, set @code{@var{vn} = [val, val]};
 ## If @var{vn} is omitted it defaults to 10.
@@ -101,19 +101,19 @@
   if (isvector (x) && isvector (y))
     c = __contourc__ (x(:)', y(:)', z, vv);
-    ## Indexes x,y for the purpose of __contourc__.    
+    ## Indexes x,y for the purpose of __contourc__.
     ii = 1:size (z,2);
     jj = 1:size (z,1);
     ## Now call __contourc__ for the real work...
     c = __contourc__ (ii, jj, z, vv);
-    ## Map the contour lines from index space (i,j) back 
+    ## Map the contour lines from index space (i,j) back
     ## to the original grid (x,y)
     i = 1;
     while (i < size (c,2))
-      clen = c(2, i);      
+      clen = c(2, i);
       ind = i + [1 : clen];
       ci = c(1, ind);
@@ -121,19 +121,19 @@
       ## due to rounding errors some elements of ci and cj
       ## can fall out of the range of ii and jj and interp2 would
-      ## return NA for those values. 
-      ## The permitted range is enforced here: 
+      ## return NA for those values.
+      ## The permitted range is enforced here:
       ci = max (ci, 1); ci = min (ci, size (z, 2));
       cj = max (cj, 1); cj = min (cj, size (z, 1));
       c(1, ind) = interp2 (ii, jj, x, ci, cj);
       c(2, ind) = interp2 (ii, jj, y, ci, cj);
       i = i + clen + 1;
   if (nargout > 0)
     cout = c;
     lev = vv;
--- a/scripts/plot/cylinder.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/cylinder.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} cylinder (@var{ax}, @dots{})
 ## Generates three matrices in @code{meshgrid} format, such that
 ## @code{surf (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})} generates a unit cylinder.
-## The matrices are of size @code{@var{n}+1}-by-@code{@var{n}+1}. 
+## The matrices are of size @code{@var{n}+1}-by-@code{@var{n}+1}.
 ## @var{r} is a vector containing the radius along the z-axis.
 ## If @var{n} or @var{r} are omitted then default values of 20 or [1 1]
 ## are assumed.
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 function [xx, yy, zz] = cylinder (varargin)
-  [ax, args, nargs] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 0), "cylinder", 
+  [ax, args, nargs] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 0), "cylinder",
   if (nargs == 0)
--- a/scripts/plot/daspect.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/daspect.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} daspect (@var{data_aspect_ratio})
 ## Set the data aspect ratio of the current axes.  The aspect ratio is
-## a normalized 3-element vector representing the span of the x, y, and 
+## a normalized 3-element vector representing the span of the x, y, and
 ## z-axes limits.
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{data_aspect_ratio} =} daspect ( )
 ## Return the data aspect ratio of the current axes.
--- a/scripts/plot/diffuse.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/diffuse.m
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} diffuse (@var{sx}, @var{sy}, @var{sz}, @var{lv})
 ## Calculate diffuse reflection strength of a surface defined by the normal
-## vector elements @var{sx}, @var{sy}, @var{sz}. 
+## vector elements @var{sx}, @var{sy}, @var{sz}.
 ## The light vector can be specified using parameter @var{lv}.  It can be
 ## given as 2-element vector [azimuth, elevation] in degrees or as 3-element
-## vector [lx, ly, lz]. 
+## vector [lx, ly, lz].
 ## @seealso{specular, surfl}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
   if (!size_equal (sx, sy, sz))
     error ("diffuse: SX, SY, and SZ must have same size");
   ## check for light vector (lv) argument
   if (length (lv) < 2 || length (lv) > 3)
     error ("diffuse: light vector LV must be a 2- or 3-element vector");
@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@
   ns = sqrt (sx.^2 + sy.^2 + sz.^2);
   retval = (sx * lv(1) + sy * lv(2) + sz * lv(3)) ./ ns;
   retval(retval < 0) = 0;
--- a/scripts/plot/ellipsoid.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ellipsoid.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 function [xx, yy, zz] = ellipsoid (varargin)
-  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 0), "ellipsoid", 
+  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 0), "ellipsoid",
   if (nargin != 6 && nargin != 7)
--- a/scripts/plot/errorbar.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/errorbar.m
@@ -148,24 +148,24 @@
 %! errorbar(0:10, rand_1x11_data3, rand_1x11_data4, ">");
-%! x = 0:0.5:2*pi; 
-%! err = x/100; 
-%! y1 = sin (x); 
-%! y2 = cos (x); 
+%! x = 0:0.5:2*pi;
+%! err = x/100;
+%! y1 = sin (x);
+%! y2 = cos (x);
 %! hg = errorbar (x, y1, err, "~", x, y2, err, ">");
-%! x = 0:0.5:2*pi; 
-%! err = x/100; 
-%! y1 = sin (x); 
-%! y2 = cos (x); 
+%! x = 0:0.5:2*pi;
+%! err = x/100;
+%! y1 = sin (x);
+%! y2 = cos (x);
 %! hg = errorbar (x, y1, err, err, "#r", x, y2, err, err, "#~");
-%! x = 0:0.5:2*pi; 
-%! err = x/100; 
-%! y1 = sin (x); 
-%! y2 = cos (x); 
+%! x = 0:0.5:2*pi;
+%! err = x/100;
+%! y1 = sin (x);
+%! y2 = cos (x);
 %! hg = errorbar (x, y1, err, err, err, err, "~>", ...
 %!                x, y2, err, err, err, err, "#~>-*");
--- a/scripts/plot/ezcontour.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezcontour.m
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 ## Plots the contour lines of a function.  @var{f} is a string, inline function
 ## or function handle with two arguments defining the function.  By default the
-## plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi} and @code{-2*pi < 
-## @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension. 
+## plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi} and @code{-2*pi <
+## @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of both @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{dom} is a four element vector,
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/ezcontourf.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezcontourf.m
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} ezcontourf (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} ezcontourf (@dots{})
-## Plots the filled contour lines of a function.  @var{f} is a string, inline 
-## function or function handle with two arguments defining the function.  By 
-## default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi} and 
-## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension. 
+## Plots the filled contour lines of a function.  @var{f} is a string, inline
+## function or function handle with two arguments defining the function.  By
+## default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi} and
+## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of both @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{dom} is a four element vector,
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/ezmesh.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezmesh.m
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} ezmesh (@dots{})
 ## Plots the mesh defined by a function.  @var{f} is a string, inline
-## function or function handle with two arguments defining the function.  By 
+## function or function handle with two arguments defining the function.  By
 ## default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi} and
-## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension. 
+## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of both @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{dom} is a four element vector,
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined 
-## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}), 
-## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}. 
+## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined
+## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}),
+## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}.
 ## If the argument 'circ' is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
 ## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/ezmeshc.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezmeshc.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## Plots the mesh and contour lines defined by a function.  @var{f} is a string,
 ## inline function or function handle with two arguments defining the function.
 ## By default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi} and
-## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension. 
+## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of both @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{dom} is a four element vector,
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined 
-## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}), 
-## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}. 
+## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined
+## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}),
+## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}.
 ## If the argument 'circ' is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
 ## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/ezplot.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezplot.m
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 ## Plots in two-dimensions the curve defined by @var{f}.  The function
 ## @var{f} may be a string, inline function or function handle and can
-## have either one or two variables.  If @var{f} has one variable, then 
-## the function is plotted over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi}  
-## with 500 points. 
+## have either one or two variables.  If @var{f} has one variable, then
+## the function is plotted over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi}
+## with 500 points.
 ## If @var{f} has two variables then @code{@var{f}(@var{x},@var{y}) = 0}
 ## is calculated over the meshed domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} | @var{y}
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## is plotted over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{t} < 2*pi} with 500
-## points. 
+## points.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of @var{x}, @var{y} and @var{t}.  If it is a four element
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in plotting
 ## the function.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the line objects plotted.
 ## @seealso{plot, ezplot3}
--- a/scripts/plot/ezplot3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezplot3.m
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} ezplot3 (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} ezplot3 (@dots{})
-## Plots in three-dimensions the curve defined parametrically. 
+## Plots in three-dimensions the curve defined parametrically.
 ## @var{fx}, @var{fy}, and @var{fz} are strings, inline functions
-## or function handles with one arguments defining the function.  By 
-## default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi}  
-## with 60 points. 
+## or function handles with one arguments defining the function.  By
+## default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi}
+## with 60 points.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of @var{t}.  @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/ezpolar.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezpolar.m
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} ezpolar (@dots{})
 ## Plots in polar plot defined by a function.  The function @var{f} is either
-## a string, inline function or function handle with one arguments defining 
-## the function.  By default the plot is over the domain @code{0 < @var{x} < 
-## 2*pi} with 60 points. 
+## a string, inline function or function handle with one arguments defining
+## the function.  By default the plot is over the domain @code{0 < @var{x} <
+## 2*pi} with 60 points.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
-## value of both @var{t}.  @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to 
+## value of both @var{t}.  @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to
 ## use.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/ezsurf.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezsurf.m
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} ezsurf (@dots{})
 ## Plots the surface defined by a function.  @var{f} is a string, inline
-## function or function handle with two arguments defining the function.  By 
+## function or function handle with two arguments defining the function.  By
 ## default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} < 2*pi} and
-## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension. 
+## @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of both @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{dom} is a four element vector,
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined 
-## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}), 
-## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}. 
+## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined
+## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}),
+## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}.
 ## If the argument 'circ' is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
 ## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/ezsurfc.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezsurfc.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## Plots the surface and contour lines defined by a function.  @var{f} is a
 ## string, inline function or function handle with two arguments defining the
 ## function.  By default the plot is over the domain @code{-2*pi < @var{x} <
-## 2*pi} and @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension. 
+## 2*pi} and @code{-2*pi < @var{y} < 2*pi} with 60 points in each dimension.
 ## If @var{dom} is a two element vector, it represents the minimum and maximum
 ## value of both @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{dom} is a four element vector,
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined 
-## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}), 
-## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}. 
+## If three functions are passed, then plot the parametrically defined
+## function @code{[@var{fx} (@var{s}, @var{t}), @var{fy} (@var{s}, @var{t}),
+## @var{fz} (@var{s}, @var{t})]}.
 ## If the argument 'circ' is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
 ## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/feather.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/feather.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## The style to use for the plot can be defined with a line style @var{style}
 ## in a similar manner to the line styles used with the @code{plot} command.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
 ## @example
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
-  ## Matlab draws feather plots, with the arrow head as one continous 
-  ## line, and each arrow separately. This is completely different than 
+  ## Matlab draws feather plots, with the arrow head as one continous
+  ## line, and each arrow separately. This is completely different than
   ## quiver and quite ugly.
   n = length (u);
   xend = [1 : n] + u;
--- a/scripts/plot/findobj.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/findobj.m
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
-## which returns all of the handles to the objects with the name 
+## which returns all of the handles to the objects with the name
 ## @var{prop_name} and the name @var{prop_Value}.  The search can be limited
-## to a particular object or set of objects and their descendants by 
-## passing a handle or set of handles @var{h} as the first argument to 
+## to a particular object or set of objects and their descendants by
+## passing a handle or set of handles @var{h} as the first argument to
 ## @code{findobj}.
 ## The depth of hierarchy of objects to which to search to can be limited
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@
 ## Specifying a depth @var{d} of 0, limits the search to the set of object
 ## passed in @var{h}.  A depth @var{d} of 0 is equivalent to the '-flat'
-## argument. 
+## argument.
 ## A specified logical operator may be applied to the pairs of @var{prop_Name}
-## and @var{prop_Value}.  The supported logical operators are '-and', '-or', 
+## and @var{prop_Value}.  The supported logical operators are '-and', '-or',
 ## '-xor', '-not'.
-## The objects may also be matched by comparing a regular expression to the 
-## property values, where property values that match @code{regexp 
-## (@var{prop_Value}, @var{pattern})} are returned.  Finally, objects may be 
+## The objects may also be matched by comparing a regular expression to the
+## property values, where property values that match @code{regexp
+## (@var{prop_Value}, @var{pattern})} are returned.  Finally, objects may be
 ## matched by property name only, using the '-property' option.
 ## @seealso{get, set}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
   numpairs = np - 1;
   ## Load all objects which qualify for being searched.
   idepth = 0;
   h = handles;
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
     children = [];
     for n = 1 : numel (handles)
       children = union (children, get(handles(n), "children"));
-    endfor 
+    endfor
     handles = children;
     h = union (h, children);
     idepth = idepth + 1;
--- a/scripts/plot/fplot.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/fplot.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## The limits of the plot are given by @var{limits} of the form
 ## @code{[@var{xlo}, @var{xhi}]} or @code{[@var{xlo}, @var{xhi},
 ## @var{ylo}, @var{yhi}]}.  @var{tol} is the default tolerance to use for the
-## plot, and if @var{tol} is an integer it is assumed that it defines the 
+## plot, and if @var{tol} is an integer it is assumed that it defines the
 ## number points to use in the plot.  The @var{fmt} argument is passed
 ## to the plot command.
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@
     error ("fplot: second input argument must be a real vector with 2 or 4 elements");
-  if (nargin < 3) 
-    n = 0.002; 
+  if (nargin < 3)
+    n = 0.002;
   have_linespec = true;
-  if (nargin < 4) 
+  if (nargin < 4)
     have_linespec = false;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
       n = 2 * (n - 1) + 1;
       x = linspace (limits(1), limits(2), n)';
       y = feval (fn, x);
-    endwhile 
+    endwhile
     x = linspace (limits(1), limits(2), n)';
     y = feval (fn, x);
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
     plot (x, y);
-  if (length (limits) > 2) 
+  if (length (limits) > 2)
     axis (limits);
--- a/scripts/plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
     ## Get the one word terminal id and save the remaining as options to
     ## be passed on to gnuplot.  The terminal may respect the graphics
-    ## toolkit. 
+    ## toolkit.
     [term, opts_str] = gnuplot_trim_term (term);
     term = lower (term);
     if (strcmpi (term, "lua"))
-      ## Replace "lau tikz" with 
+      ## Replace "lau tikz" with
       term = "tikz";
       opts_str = strrep (opts_str, "tikz", "");
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
         if (strcmp (term, "aqua"))
           ## Adjust axes-label and tick-label spacing.
-          opts_str = sprintf ("%s font \"%s,%d\"", opts_str, 
+          opts_str = sprintf ("%s font \"%s,%d\"", opts_str,
                               get (0, "defaultaxesfontname"),
                               get (0, "defaultaxesfontsize") / 1.5);
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
         title_str = "";
-      if (! (any (strfind (opts_str, " size ") > 0) 
+      if (! (any (strfind (opts_str, " size ") > 0)
           || any (strfind (opts_str, "size ") == 1)))
         ## Get figure size in pixels.  Rely on listener to handle coversion.
         units = get (h, "units");
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
               ## gnuplot position is UL, Octave's is LL (same for screen/window)
               gnuplot_pos(2) = screen_size(2) - gnuplot_pos(2) - gnuplot_size(2);
               gnuplot_pos = max (gnuplot_pos, 1);
-              size_str = sprintf ("%s position %d,%d", size_str, 
+              size_str = sprintf ("%s position %d,%d", size_str,
                                   gnuplot_pos(1), gnuplot_pos(2));
--- a/scripts/plot/gtext.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gtext.m
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
       error ("gtext: expecting a string or cell array of strings");
-    endif 
+    endif
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/plot/hist.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/hist.m
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@
 ## Produce histogram counts or plots.
-## With one vector input argument, @var{y}, plot a histogram of the values 
-## with 10 bins.  The range of the histogram bins is determined by the 
+## With one vector input argument, @var{y}, plot a histogram of the values
+## with 10 bins.  The range of the histogram bins is determined by the
 ## range of the data.  With one matrix input argument, @var{y}, plot a
 ## histogram where each bin contains a bar per input column.
 ## Given a second vector argument, @var{x}, use that as the centers of
-## the bins, with the width of the bins determined from the adjacent 
+## the bins, with the width of the bins determined from the adjacent
 ## values in the vector.
 ## If scalar, the second argument, @var{nbins}, defines the number of bins.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 ## that @code{bar (@var{xx}, @var{nn})} will plot the histogram.
 ## The histogram's appearance may be modified by specifying property/value
-## pairs, @var{prop} and @var{val} pairs.  For example the face and edge 
+## pairs, @var{prop} and @var{val} pairs.  For example the face and edge
 ## color may be modified.
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/plot/hold.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/hold.m
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} hold (@var{hax}, @dots{})
 ## Toggle or set the 'hold' state of the plotting engine which determines
 ## whether new graphic objects are added to the plot or replace the existing
-## objects.  
+## objects.
 ## @table @code
 ## @item hold on
 ## Retain plot data and settings so that subsequent plot commands are displayed
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 ## @item hold
 ## Toggle the current 'hold' state.
 ## @end table
 ## When given the additional argument @var{hax}, the hold state is modified
 ## only for the given axis handle.
--- a/scripts/plot/ishghandle.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ishghandle.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 function retval = ishghandle (h)
-  ## This function is just included for compatibility as Octave has 
+  ## This function is just included for compatibility as Octave has
   ## no simulink equivalent.
   retval = ishandle (h);
--- a/scripts/plot/isocolors.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isocolors.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## @var{c} is a three--dimensional array that contains color values and
 ## the second input argument @var{v} keeps the vertices of a geometry
 ## then return a matrix @var{cd} with color data information for the
-## geometry at computed points 
+## geometry at computed points
 ## @command{[x, y, z] = meshgrid (1:l, 1:m, 1:n)}.  The output argument
 ## @var{cd} can be taken to manually set FaceVertexCData of a patch.
@@ -56,35 +56,35 @@
 ##   ## set (p, "FaceLighting", "flat");
 ##   ## light ("Position", [1 1 5]); ## Available with JHandles
 ## endfunction
 ## N = 15;    ## Increase number of vertices in each direction
 ## iso = .4;  ## Change isovalue to .1 to display a sphere
 ## lin = linspace (0, 2, N);
 ## [x, y, z] = meshgrid (lin, lin, lin);
-## c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2); 
+## c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
 ## figure (); ## Open another figure window
-## subplot (2, 2, 1); view (-38, 20); 
+## subplot (2, 2, 1); view (-38, 20);
 ## [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, iso);
 ## p = patch ("Faces", f, "Vertices", v, "EdgeColor", "none");
 ## cdat = rand (size (c));       ## Compute random patch color data
 ## isocolors (x, y, z, cdat, p); ## Directly set colors of patch
 ## isofinish (p);                ## Call user function isofinish
-## subplot (2, 2, 2); view (-38, 20); 
+## subplot (2, 2, 2); view (-38, 20);
 ## p = patch ("Faces", f, "Vertices", v, "EdgeColor", "none");
 ## [r, g, b] = meshgrid (lin, 2-lin, 2-lin);
 ## cdat = isocolors (x, y, z, c, v); ## Compute color data vertices
 ## set (p, "FaceVertexCData", cdat); ## Set color data manually
 ## isofinish (p);
-## subplot (2, 2, 3); view (-38, 20); 
+## subplot (2, 2, 3); view (-38, 20);
 ## p = patch ("Faces", f, "Vertices", v, "EdgeColor", "none");
 ## cdat = isocolors (r, g, b, c, p); ## Compute color data patch
 ## set (p, "FaceVertexCData", cdat); ## Set color data manually
 ## isofinish (p);
-## subplot (2, 2, 4); view (-38, 20); 
+## subplot (2, 2, 4); view (-38, 20);
 ## p = patch ("Faces", f, "Vertices", v, "EdgeColor", "none");
 ## r = g = b = repmat ([1:N] / N, [N, 1, N]); ## Black to white
 ## cdat = isocolors (x, y, z, r, g, b, v);
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
       G = varargin{5};
       B = varargin{6};
       vp = varargin{7};
-    otherwise 
+    otherwise
       print_usage ();
   if (ismatrix (vp) && size (vp,2) == 3)
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 %!  [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
-%!  c = (x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2; 
+%!  c = (x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2;
 %!  [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4);
 %!  cdat = isocolors (x, y, z, c, v);
 %!  assert (size (cdat, 1) == size (v, 1));
--- a/scripts/plot/isonormals.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isonormals.m
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
       z = varargin{3};
       c = varargin{4};
       vp = varargin{5};
-    otherwise 
+    otherwise
       print_usage ();
   if (ismatrix (vp) && size (vp,2) == 3)
@@ -149,13 +149,13 @@
 %!  [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
-%!  c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2); 
+%!  c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
 %!  [f, v, cdat] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4, y);
 %!  n = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v);
 %!  assert (size (v), size (n));
 %!  [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
-%!  c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2); 
+%!  c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
 %!  [f, v, cdat] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4, y);
 %!  np = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v);
 %!  nn = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v, "negate");
--- a/scripts/plot/isosurface.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isosurface.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## isovalue as a scalar value then return a structure array @var{fv}
 ## that contains the fields @var{Faces} and @var{Vertices} at computed
 ## points @command{[x, y, z] = meshgrid (1:l, 1:m, 1:n)}.  The output
-## argument @var{fv} can directly be taken as an input argument for the 
+## argument @var{fv} can directly be taken as an input argument for the
 ## @command{patch} function.
 ## If called with further input arguments @var{x}, @var{y} and @var{z}
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@
 ## iso = .4;  ## Change isovalue to .1 to display a sphere
 ## lin = linspace (0, 2, N);
 ## [x, y, z] = meshgrid (lin, lin, lin);
-## c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2); 
+## c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
 ## figure (); ## Open another figure window
-## subplot (2, 2, 1); view (-38, 20); 
+## subplot (2, 2, 1); view (-38, 20);
 ## [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, iso);
 ## p = patch ("Faces", f, "Vertices", v, "EdgeColor", "none");
 ## set (gca, "PlotBoxAspectRatioMode","manual", "PlotBoxAspectRatio", [1 1 1]);
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
     [fvc.faces, fvc.vertices] = __marching_cube__ (x, y, z, val, iso);
   if (isempty (fvc.vertices) || isempty (fvc.faces))
     warning ( "The resulting triangulation is empty" );
@@ -163,10 +163,10 @@
       newplot ();
       if (calc_colors)
         pa = patch ("Faces", fvc.faces, "Vertices", fvc.vertices,
-                    "FaceVertexCData", fvc.facevertexcdata, 
+                    "FaceVertexCData", fvc.facevertexcdata,
                     "FaceColor", "flat", "EdgeColor", "none");
-        pa = patch ("Faces", fvc.faces, "Vertices", fvc.vertices, 
+        pa = patch ("Faces", fvc.faces, "Vertices", fvc.vertices,
                     "FaceColor", "g", "EdgeColor", "k");
       if (! ishold ())
@@ -218,4 +218,4 @@
 %! clf
 %! [x,y,z] = meshgrid(-2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2, -2:0.5:2);
 %! v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;
-%! isosurface (x, y, z, v, 1) 
+%! isosurface (x, y, z, v, 1)
--- a/scripts/plot/isprop.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isprop.m
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
     print_usage ();
   if (! ishandle (h))
     error ("isprop: first input argument must be a handle");
   elseif (! ischar (prop))
--- a/scripts/plot/legend.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/legend.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} legend ("@var{option}")
 ## Display a legend for the axes with handle @var{hax}, or the current axes,
-## using the specified strings as labels.  Legend entries may be specified 
+## using the specified strings as labels.  Legend entries may be specified
 ## as individual character string arguments, a character array, or a cell
 ## array of character strings.  If the handles, @var{hobjs}, are not specified
 ## then the legend's strings will be associated with the axes' descendants.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 ## @item @tab southwest @tab
 ##   left bottom
-## @item 
+## @item
 ## @item @tab outside @tab
 ##   can be appended to any location string
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
     plty = get(ca (strcmp (get (ca, "tag"), "plotyy")), "userdata");
     if (isscalar (plty))
       ca = [ca, plty];
-    else 
+    else
       ca = [ca, plty{:}];
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
   while (nargs > 1)
     pos = varargin{nargs-1};
     str = varargin{nargs};
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
-  ## Validate the orientation 
+  ## Validate the orientation
   switch (orientation)
     case {"vertical", "horizontal","default"}
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
   hlegend = [];
   fkids = get (fig, "children");
   for i = 1 : numel(fkids)
-    if (ishandle (fkids (i)) && strcmp (get (fkids (i), "type"), "axes") 
+    if (ishandle (fkids (i)) && strcmp (get (fkids (i), "type"), "axes")
         && (strcmp (get (fkids (i), "tag"), "legend")))
       udata = get (fkids (i), "userdata");
       if (! isempty (intersect (udata.handle, ca)))
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
             hgkids = get (kids(k), "children");
             for j = 1 : length (hgkids)
               hgobj = get (hgkids (j));
-              if (isfield (hgobj, "displayname") 
+              if (isfield (hgobj, "displayname")
                   && ! isempty (hgobj.displayname))
                 hplots = [hplots, hgkids(j)];
                 text_strings = {text_strings{:}, hbobj.displayname};
@@ -422,8 +422,8 @@
         box = "off";
-      ## Get axis size and fontsize in points.  
+      ## Get axis size and fontsize in points.
       ## Rely on listener to handle coversion.
       units = get (ca(1), "units");
       fontunits = get (ca(1), "fontunits");
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
           hlegend = axes ("tag", "legend", "userdata", struct ("handle", ud),
                           "box", box, "outerposition", [0, 0, 0, 0],
                           "xtick", [], "ytick", [], "xticklabel", "",
-                          "yticklabel", "", "zticklabel", "", 
+                          "yticklabel", "", "zticklabel", "",
                           "xlim", [0, 1], "ylim", [0, 1], "visible", "off",
                           "activepositionproperty", "position");
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
         maxheight = 0;
         for k = 1 : nentries
           if (strcmp (textpos, "right"))
-            texthandle = [texthandle, text(0, 0, text_strings {k}, 
+            texthandle = [texthandle, text(0, 0, text_strings {k},
                                            "horizontalalignment", "left",
                                            "userdata", hplots(k))];
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
           case "southeast"
             if (outside)
-              lpos = [ca_outpos(1) + ca_outpos(3) - lpos(3), ca_outpos(2), 
+              lpos = [ca_outpos(1) + ca_outpos(3) - lpos(3), ca_outpos(2),
                       lpos(3), lpos(4)];
               new_pos = [ca_pos(1), ca_pos(2) + lpos(4), ...
                          ca_pos(3) - lpos(3), ca_pos(4) - lpos(4)];
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@
             style = get (hplots(k), "linestyle");
             if (! strcmp (style, "none"))
               l1 = line ("xdata", ([xoffset, xoffset + linelength] + xk * xstep) / lpos(3),
-                         "ydata", [1, 1] .* (lpos(4) - yoffset - yk * ystep) / lpos(4), 
+                         "ydata", [1, 1] .* (lpos(4) - yoffset - yk * ystep) / lpos(4),
                          "color", color, "linestyle", style, "marker", "none",
                          "userdata", hplots (k));
               hobjects = [hobjects, l1];
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
             marker = get (hplots(k), "marker");
             if (! strcmp (marker, "none"))
               l1 = line ("xdata", (xoffset + 0.5 * linelength  + xk * xstep) / lpos(3),
-                         "ydata", (lpos(4) - yoffset - yk * ystep) / lpos(4), 
+                         "ydata", (lpos(4) - yoffset - yk * ystep) / lpos(4),
                          "color", color, "linestyle", "none", "marker", marker,
                          "markeredgecolor", get (hplots (k), "markeredgecolor"),
                          "markerfacecolor", get (hplots (k), "markerfacecolor"),
@@ -699,14 +699,14 @@
         ## Add an invisible text object to original axis
         ## that when it is destroyed will remove the legend
-        t1 = text (0, 0, "", "parent", ca(1), "tag", "legend", 
+        t1 = text (0, 0, "", "parent", ca(1), "tag", "legend",
                    "handlevisibility", "off", "visible", "off",
                    "xliminclude", "off", "yliminclude", "off");
         set (t1, "deletefcn", {@deletelegend1, hlegend});
         ## Resize the axis the legend is attached to if the
-        ## legend is "outside" the plot and create listener to 
-        ## resize axis to original size if the legend is deleted, 
+        ## legend is "outside" the plot and create listener to
+        ## resize axis to original size if the legend is deleted,
         ## hidden or shown
         if (outside)
           for i = 1 : numel (ca)
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
           addproperty ("edgecolor", hlegend, "color", [0, 0, 0]);
           addproperty ("textcolor", hlegend, "color", [0, 0, 0]);
           addproperty ("location", hlegend, "radio", "north|south|east|west|{northeast}|southeast|northwest|southwest|northoutside|southoutside|eastoutside|westoutside|northeastoutside|southeastoutside|northwestoutside|southwestoutside");
-          addproperty ("orientation", hlegend, "radio", 
+          addproperty ("orientation", hlegend, "radio",
           addproperty ("string", hlegend, "any", text_strings);
           addproperty ("textposition", hlegend, "radio", "{left}|right");
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
         if (outside)
-          set (hlegend, "location", strcat (position, "outside"), 
+          set (hlegend, "location", strcat (position, "outside"),
                "orientation", orientation, "textposition", textpos);
           set (hlegend, "location", position, "orientation", orientation,
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
   ll = [];
   kids = get (hlegend, "children");
   for i = 1 : numel (kids)
-    if (get (kids (i), "userdata") == h 
+    if (get (kids (i), "userdata") == h
         && strcmp (get (kids(i), "type"), "line"))
       if (strcmp (get (kids (i), "marker"), "none"))
         ll = kids (i);
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@
   marker = get (h, "marker");
   displayname = get (h, "displayname");
-  if ((isempty (displayname) 
+  if ((isempty (displayname)
        || (strcmp (marker, "none") && strcmp (linestyle, "none")))
        && (! isempty (lm) || isempty (ll)))
     ## An element was removed from the legend. Need to recall the
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@
     legend (hplots, text_strings);
-  elseif ((!isempty (displayname) 
+  elseif ((!isempty (displayname)
            && (! strcmp (marker, "none") || ! strcmp (linestyle, "none")))
           && isempty (lm) && isempty (ll))
     ## An element was added to the legend. Need to recall the
@@ -931,12 +931,12 @@
       delete (lm);
     if (! strcmp (linestyle, "none"))
-      line ("xdata", xpos1, "ydata", ypos1, "color", get (h, "color"), 
+      line ("xdata", xpos1, "ydata", ypos1, "color", get (h, "color"),
             "linestyle", get (h, "linestyle"), "marker", "none",
             "userdata", h, "parent", hlegend);
     if (! strcmp (marker, "none"))
-      line ("xdata", xpos2, "ydata", ypos2, "color", get (h, "color"), 
+      line ("xdata", xpos2, "ydata", ypos2, "color", get (h, "color"),
             "marker", marker, "markeredgecolor", get (h, "markeredgecolor"),
             "markerfacecolor", get (h, "markerfacecolor"),
             "markersize", get (h, "markersize"), "linestyle", "none",
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@
         hgkids = get (kids(k), "children");
         for j = 1 : length (hgkids)
           hgobj = get (hgkids (j));
-          if (isfield (hgobj, "displayname") 
+          if (isfield (hgobj, "displayname")
               && ! isempty (hgobj.displayname))
             hplots = [hplots, hgkids(j)];
             text_strings = {text_strings{:}, hbobj.displayname};
--- a/scripts/plot/loglog.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/loglog.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   [h, varargin, nargs] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("loglog", varargin{:});
   if (nargs < 1)
-    print_usage(); 
+    print_usage();
   oldh = gca ();
--- a/scripts/plot/loglogerr.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/loglogerr.m
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
-## which produces a double logarithm plot of @var{y} versus @var{x} 
+## which produces a double logarithm plot of @var{y} versus @var{x}
 ## with errors in the @var{y}-scale defined by @var{ey} and the plot
-## format defined by @var{fmt}.  See errorbar for available formats and 
+## format defined by @var{fmt}.  See errorbar for available formats and
 ## additional information.
 ## @seealso{errorbar, semilogxerr, semilogyerr}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/meshc.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/meshc.m
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} meshc (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})
-## Plot a mesh and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from 
-## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and 
-## @var{y} coordinates of the mesh.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors, 
-## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus, 
-## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of 
+## Plot a mesh and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
+## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and
+## @var{y} coordinates of the mesh.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors,
+## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus,
+## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of
 ## @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## @seealso{meshgrid, mesh, contour}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/meshz.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/meshz.m
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} meshz (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})
-## Plot a curtain mesh given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from 
-## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and 
-## @var{y} coordinates of the mesh.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors, 
-## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus, 
-## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of 
+## Plot a curtain mesh given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
+## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and
+## @var{y} coordinates of the mesh.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors,
+## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus,
+## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of
 ## @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## @seealso{meshgrid, mesh, contour}
 ## @end deftypefn
 function retval = meshz (varargin)
   [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("meshz", varargin{:});
@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@
     x = [x(1, 1), x(1, :), x(1, end);
          x(:, 1), x, x(:, end);
-         x(end, 1), x(end, :), x(end, end)]; 
+         x(end, 1), x(end, :), x(end, end)];
     y = [y(1, 1), y(1, :), y(1, end);
          y(:, 1), y, y(:, end);
-         y(end, 1), y(end, :), y(end, end)]; 
+         y(end, 1), y(end, :), y(end, end)];
   zref = min(z(isfinite(z)));
   z = [zref .* ones(1, size(z, 2) + 2);
-       zref .* ones(size(z, 1), 1), z, zref .* ones(size(z, 1), 1); 
+       zref .* ones(size(z, 1), 1), z, zref .* ones(size(z, 1), 1);
        zref.* ones(1, size(z, 2) + 2)];
   oldh = gca ();
--- a/scripts/plot/ndgrid.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ndgrid.m
@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@
 function varargout = ndgrid (varargin)
   if (nargin == 1)
-    n = max ([nargout, 2]);  
+    n = max ([nargout, 2]);
     ## If only one input argument is given, repeat it n-times
     varargin(1:n) = varargin(1);
   elseif (nargin >= nargout)
-    n = max ([nargin, 2]);  
+    n = max ([nargin, 2]);
     error ("ndgrid: wrong number of input arguments");
   ## Determine the size of the output arguments
   shape = zeros (1, n);
   for i = 1:n
--- a/scripts/plot/orient.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/orient.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} orient (@var{orientation})
 ## Set the default print orientation.  Valid values for
-## @var{orientation} include @code{"landscape"}, @code{"portrait"}, 
+## @var{orientation} include @code{"landscape"}, @code{"portrait"},
 ## and @code{"tall"}.
 ## The @code{"tall"} option sets the orientation to portait and fills
--- a/scripts/plot/pareto.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/pareto.m
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} pareto (@var{x}, @var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} pareto (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} pareto (@dots{})
-## Draw a Pareto chart, also called ABC chart.  A Pareto chart is a bar graph 
-## used to arrange information in such a way that priorities for process 
-## improvement can be established.  It organizes and displays information 
-## to show the relative importance of data.  The chart is similar to the 
-## histogram or bar chart, except that the bars are arranged in decreasing 
+## Draw a Pareto chart, also called ABC chart.  A Pareto chart is a bar graph
+## used to arrange information in such a way that priorities for process
+## improvement can be established.  It organizes and displays information
+## to show the relative importance of data.  The chart is similar to the
+## histogram or bar chart, except that the bars are arranged in decreasing
 ## order from left to right along the abscissa.
-## The fundamental idea (Pareto principle) behind the use of Pareto 
+## The fundamental idea (Pareto principle) behind the use of Pareto
 ## diagrams is that the majority of an effect is due to a small subset of the
-## causes, so for quality improvement the first few (as presented on the 
-## diagram) contributing causes to a problem usually account for the majority 
-## of the result.  Thus, targeting these "major causes" for elimination 
+## causes, so for quality improvement the first few (as presented on the
+## diagram) contributing causes to a problem usually account for the majority
+## of the result.  Thus, targeting these "major causes" for elimination
 ## results in the most cost-effective improvement scheme.
 ## The data are passed as @var{x} and the abscissa as @var{y}.  If @var{y} is
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-    y = cellfun (@int2str, num2cell (1 : numel(x)), 
+    y = cellfun (@int2str, num2cell (1 : numel(x)),
                  "uniformoutput", false);
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@
   cdf95 = cdf - 0.95;
   idx95 = find(sign(cdf95(1:end-1)) != sign(cdf95(2:end)))(1);
-  [ax, hbar, hline] = plotyy (1 : idx95, x (1 : idx95), 
-                              1 : length(cdf), 100 .* cdf, 
+  [ax, hbar, hline] = plotyy (1 : idx95, x (1 : idx95),
+                              1 : length(cdf), 100 .* cdf,
                               @bar, @plot);
   axis (ax(1), [1 - 0.6, idx95 + 0.6, 0, maxcdf]);
   axis (ax(2), [1 - 0.6, idx95 + 0.6, 0, 100]);
-  set (ax(2), "ytick", [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100], 
+  set (ax(2), "ytick", [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100],
        "yticklabel", {"0%", "20%", "40%", "60%", "80%", "100%"});
   set (ax(1), "xtick", 1 : idx95, "xticklabel", y (1: idx95));
   set (ax(2), "xtick", 1 : idx95, "xticklabel", y (1: idx95));
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
   if (nargout > 0)
     h = [hbar; hline];
--- a/scripts/plot/patch.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/patch.m
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 ## example, "r" or "red").
 ## If passed a structure @var{fv} contain the fields "vertices", "faces"
-## and optionally "facevertexcdata", create the patch based on these 
+## and optionally "facevertexcdata", create the patch based on these
 ## properties.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/pbaspect.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/pbaspect.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/plot/pcolor.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/pcolor.m
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 ## parent axis.
 ## The face color of each cell of the mesh is determined by interpolating
-## the values of @var{c} for the cell's vertices.  Contrast this with 
+## the values of @var{c} for the cell's vertices.  Contrast this with
 ## @code{imagesc} which renders one cell for each element of @var{c}.
 ## @code{shading} modifies an attribute determining the manner by which the
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
   set (tmp, "facecolor", "flat");
   set (ax, "box", "on");
   if (! ishold ())
     set (ax, "view", [0, 90]);
--- a/scripts/plot/peaks.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/peaks.m
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
 ## @end verbatim
 ## @end ifnottex
-## Called without a return argument, @code{peaks} plots the surface of the 
+## Called without a return argument, @code{peaks} plots the surface of the
 ## above function using @code{mesh}.  If @var{n} is a scalar, the @code{peaks}
 ## returns the values of the above function on a @var{n}-by-@var{n} mesh over
 ## the range @code{[-3,3]}.  The default value for @var{n} is 49.
 ## If @var{n} is a vector, then it represents the @var{x} and @var{y} values
-## of the grid on which to calculate the above function.  The @var{x} and 
+## of the grid on which to calculate the above function.  The @var{x} and
 ## @var{y} values can be specified separately.
 ## @seealso{surf, mesh, meshgrid}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/pie.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/pie.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} pie (@dots{}, @var{labels})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} pie (@var{h}, @dots{});
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} pie (@dots{});
-## Produce a pie chart. 
+## Produce a pie chart.
 ## Called with a single vector argument, produces a pie chart of the
 ## elements in @var{x}, with the size of the slice determined by percentage
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## if non zero 'explodes' the slice from the pie chart.
 ## If given @var{labels} is a cell array of strings of the same length as
-## @var{x}, giving the labels of each of the slices of the pie chart. 
+## @var{x}, giving the labels of each of the slices of the pie chart.
 ## The optional return value @var{h} provides a handle to the patch object.
--- a/scripts/plot/pie3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/pie3.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} pie3 (@dots{}, @var{labels})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} pie3 (@var{h}, @dots{});
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} pie3 (@dots{});
-## Draw a a 3-D pie chart. 
+## Draw a a 3-D pie chart.
 ## Called with a single vector argument, produces a 3-D pie chart of the
 ## elements in @var{x}, with the size of the slice determined by percentage
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 ## if non zero 'explodes' the slice from the pie chart.
 ## If given @var{labels} is a cell array of strings of the same length as
-## @var{x}, giving the labels of each of the slices of the pie chart. 
+## @var{x}, giving the labels of each of the slices of the pie chart.
 ## The optional return value @var{h} provides a handle list to patch, surface
 ## and text objects generating this plot.
--- a/scripts/plot/plot.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/plot.m
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} plot (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{fmt})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} plot (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} plot (@dots{})
-## Produce two-dimensional plots. 
+## Produce two-dimensional plots.
 ## Many different combinations of arguments are possible.  The simplest
 ## form is
@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@
 ## This will plot the cosine and sine functions and label them accordingly
 ## in the key.
-## If the first argument is an axis handle, then plot into these axes, 
-## rather than the current axis handle returned by @code{gca}. 
+## If the first argument is an axis handle, then plot into these axes,
+## rather than the current axis handle returned by @code{gca}.
 ## @seealso{semilogx, semilogy, loglog, polar, mesh, contour, bar,
 ## stairs, errorbar, xlabel, ylabel, title, print}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
   [h, varargin, nargs] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("plot", varargin{:});
   if (nargs < 1)
-    print_usage(); 
+    print_usage();
   oldh = gca ();
--- a/scripts/plot/plot3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/plot3.m
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## plot3 (@var{x1}, @var{y1}, @var{z1}, @var{x2}, @var{y2}, @var{z2}, @dots{})
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
 ## in which each set of three arguments is treated as a separate line or
 ## set of lines in three dimensions.
--- a/scripts/plot/plotmatrix.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/plotmatrix.m
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## plot (@var{x} (:, i), @var{y} (:, j)
 ## @end example
-## Given a single argument @var{x}, then this is equivalent to 
+## Given a single argument @var{x}, then this is equivalent to
 ## @example
 ## plotmatrix (@var{x}, @var{x})
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 ## except that the diagonal of the set of axes will be replaced with the
 ## histogram @code{hist (@var{x} (:, i))}.
-## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a 
+## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a
 ## string defining a marker in the same manner as the @code{plot}
 ## command.  If a leading axes handle @var{h} is passed to
 ## @code{plotmatrix}, then this axis will be used for the plot.
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 ## The optional return value @var{h} provides handles to the individual
 ## graphics objects in the scatter plots, whereas @var{ax} returns the
 ## handles to the scatter plot axis objects.  @var{bigax} is a hidden
-## axis object that surrounds the other axes, such that the commands 
+## axis object that surrounds the other axes, such that the commands
 ## @code{xlabel}, @code{title}, etc., will be associated with this hidden
 ## axis.  Finally @var{p} returns the graphics objects associated with
 ## the histogram and @var{pax} the corresponding axes objects.
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
         pax = pax2;
       axes (bigax2);
-      ctext = text (0, 0, "", "visible", "off", 
-                    "handlevisibility", "off", "xliminclude", "off",  
+      ctext = text (0, 0, "", "visible", "off",
+                    "handlevisibility", "off", "xliminclude", "off",
                     "yliminclude", "off", "zliminclude", "off",
                     "deletefcn", {@plotmatrixdelete, [ax2; pax2]});
       set (bigax2, "visible", "off");
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
     if (ischar (arg) || iscell (arg))
       [linespec, valid] = __pltopt__ ("plotmatrix", varargin{i}, false);
       if (valid)
-        have_line_spec = true;      
+        have_line_spec = true;
         linespec = varargin(i);
         varargin(i) = [];
         nargin = nargin - 1;
--- a/scripts/plot/plotyy.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/plotyy.m
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{ax}, @var{h1}, @var{h2}] =} plotyy (@dots{})
 ## Plots two sets of data with independent y-axes.  The arguments @var{x1} and
 ## @var{y1} define the arguments for the first plot and @var{x1} and @var{y2}
-## for the second. 
+## for the second.
-## By default the arguments are evaluated with 
+## By default the arguments are evaluated with
 ## @code{feval (@@plot, @var{x}, @var{y})}.  However the type of plot can be
 ## modified with the @var{fun} argument, in which case the plots are
-## generated by @code{feval (@var{fun}, @var{x}, @var{y})}.  @var{fun} can be 
+## generated by @code{feval (@var{fun}, @var{x}, @var{y})}.  @var{fun} can be
 ## a function handle, an inline function or a string of a function name.
-## The function to use for each of the plots can be independently defined 
+## The function to use for each of the plots can be independently defined
 ## with @var{fun1} and @var{fun2}.
 ## If given, @var{h} defines the principal axis in which to plot the @var{x1}
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## @group
-## x = 0:0.1:2*pi; 
+## x = 0:0.1:2*pi;
 ## y1 = sin (x);
 ## y2 = exp (x - 1);
 ## ax = plotyy (x, y1, x - 1, y2, @@plot, @@semilogy);
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 function [Ax, H1, H2] = plotyy (varargin)
   ## Don't use __plt_get_axis_arg__ here as ax is a two vector for plotyy
-  if (nargin > 1 && length (varargin{1}) == 2 && ishandle(varargin{1}(1)) 
+  if (nargin > 1 && length (varargin{1}) == 2 && ishandle(varargin{1}(1))
       && ishandle(varargin{1}(2))
       && all (floor (varargin{1}) != varargin{1}))
     obj1 = get (varargin{1}(1));
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
     if (nargin < 2)
       varargin = {};
-  endif 
+  endif
   if (nargin < 4)
     print_usage ();
@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@
   set (ax(2), "xlim", xlim);
   set (ax(2), "color", "none");
-  ## Add invisible text objects that when destroyed, 
+  ## Add invisible text objects that when destroyed,
   ## also remove the other axis
-  t1 = text (0, 0, "", "parent", ax(1), "tag", "plotyy", 
+  t1 = text (0, 0, "", "parent", ax(1), "tag", "plotyy",
              "handlevisibility", "off", "visible", "off",
              "xliminclude", "off", "yliminclude", "off");
-  t2 = text (0, 0, "", "parent", ax(2), "tag", "plotyy", 
+  t2 = text (0, 0, "", "parent", ax(2), "tag", "plotyy",
              "handlevisibility", "off", "visible", "off",
              "xliminclude", "off", "yliminclude", "off");
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@
   set (ax(2), "userdata", ax(1));
   ## Store the axes handles for the sister axes.
-  try 
+  try
     addproperty ("__plotyy_axes__", ax(1), "data", ax);
     set (ax(1), "__plotyy_axes__", ax);
-  try 
+  try
     addproperty ("__plotyy_axes__", ax(2), "data", ax);
     set (ax(2), "__plotyy_axes__", ax);
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
 %! clf
-%! x = 0:0.1:2*pi; 
+%! x = 0:0.1:2*pi;
 %! y1 = sin (x);
 %! y2 = exp (x - 1);
 %! ax = plotyy (x, y1, x - 1, y2, @plot, @semilogy);
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
       if (! (isequal (position, oldposition) && isequal (view, oldview)))
         set (ax2, "position", position, "view", view)
-      if (! (isequal (plotboxaspectratio, oldplotboxaspectratio) 
+      if (! (isequal (plotboxaspectratio, oldplotboxaspectratio)
              && isequal (plotboxaspectratiomode, oldplotboxaspectratiomode)))
         set (ax2, "plotboxaspectratio", plotboxaspectratio);
         set (ax2, "plotboxaspectratiomode", plotboxaspectratiomode);
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
       recursion = false;
-  endif  
+  endif
 function color = getcolor (ax)
--- a/scripts/plot/polar.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/polar.m
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   [h, varargin, nargs] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("polar", varargin{:});
   if (nargs < 1)
-    print_usage(); 
+    print_usage();
   oldh = gca ();
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     set (h, "xlim", [-maxr, maxr], "ylim", [-maxr, maxr],
          "xaxislocation", "zero", "yaxislocation", "zero",
-         "plotboxaspectratio", [1, 1, 1]); 
+         "plotboxaspectratio", [1, 1, 1]);
     if (nargout > 0)
       retval = tmp;
--- a/scripts/plot/print.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/print.m
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 ##     XFig.  For the Gnuplot graphics toolkit, the additional options
 ##     @option{-textspecial} or @option{-textnormal} can be used to control
 ##     whether the special flag should be set for the text in
-##     the figure (default is @option{-textnormal}). 
+##     the figure (default is @option{-textnormal}).
 ##   @item hpgl
 ##     HP plotter language
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@
 ## Some examples are;
 ##   @table @code
-##   @item ljet2p 
+##   @item ljet2p
 ##     HP LaserJet IIP
-##   @item ljet3 
+##   @item ljet3
 ##     HP LaserJet III
 ##   @item deskjet
@@ -180,16 +180,16 @@
 ## and devices are available.
 ##   When Ghostscript output is sent to a printer the size is determined
-## by the figure's "papersize" property.  When the output 
+## by the figure's "papersize" property.  When the output
 ## is sent to a file the size is determined by the plot box defined by
 ## the figure's "paperposition" property.
 ## @itemx -append
-##   Appends the PS, or PDF output to a pre-existing file of the 
+##   Appends the PS, or PDF output to a pre-existing file of the
 ## same type.
 ## @itemx -r@var{NUM}
-##   Resolution of bitmaps in pixels per inch.  For both metafiles and 
+##   Resolution of bitmaps in pixels per inch.  For both metafiles and
 ## SVG the default is the screen resolution, for other it is 150 dpi.
 ## To specify screen resolution, use "-r0".
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__actual_axis_position__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__actual_axis_position__.m
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
     pos_in_pixels = axis_obj.position .* fig_position([3, 4, 3, 4]);
   nd = __calc_dimensions__ (h);
   if (strcmp (axis_obj.plotboxaspectratiomode, "manual")
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__axis_label__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__axis_label__.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Copyright (C) 1996-2011 John W. Eaton 
+## Copyright (C) 1996-2011 John W. Eaton
 ## This file is part of Octave.
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__bar__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__bar__.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   [h, varargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 1), func, varargin{:});
   ## Slightly smaller than 0.8 to avoid clipping issue in gnuplot 4.0
-  width = 0.8 - 10 * eps; 
+  width = 0.8 - 10 * eps;
   group = true;
   bv = 0;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     x = [1:size(y,1)]';
     idx = 2;
   newargs = {};
   have_line_spec = false;
   while (idx <= nargin - 2)
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     hg = hggroup ();
     tmp = [tmp; hg];
     args = __add_datasource__ ("bar", hg, {"x", "y"}, varargin{:});
     if (vertical)
       if (! have_color_spec)
         if (ycols == 1)
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
           lev = (i - 1) * (clim(2) - clim(1)) / (ycols - 1) - clim(1);
-        h = patch(xb(:,:,i), yb(:,:,i), "FaceColor", "flat", 
+        h = patch(xb(:,:,i), yb(:,:,i), "FaceColor", "flat",
                   "cdata", lev, "parent", hg);
         h = patch(xb(:,:,i), yb(:,:,i), "parent", hg);
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
           lev = (i - 1) * (clim(2) - clim(1)) / (ycols - 1) - clim(1);
-        h = patch(yb(:,:,i), xb(:,:,i), "FaceColor", "flat", 
+        h = patch(yb(:,:,i), xb(:,:,i), "FaceColor", "flat",
                   "cdata", lev, "parent", hg);
         h = patch(yb(:,:,i), xb(:,:,i), "parent", hg);
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
     addproperty ("baseline", hg, "data", h_baseline);
     addlistener (hg, "showbaseline", @show_baseline);
-    addlistener (hg, "basevalue", @move_baseline); 
+    addlistener (hg, "basevalue", @move_baseline);
     addproperty ("barwidth", hg, "data", width);
     if (group)
@@ -253,9 +253,9 @@
     addproperty ("facecolor", hg, "patchfacecolor", get (h, "facecolor"));
     addlistener (hg, "edgecolor", @update_props);
-    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props); 
-    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props); 
-    addlistener (hg, "facecolor", @update_props); 
+    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props);
+    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props);
+    addlistener (hg, "facecolor", @update_props);
     if (isvector (x))
       addproperty ("xdata", hg, "data", x);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
       addproperty ("xdata", hg, "data", x(:, i));
     addproperty ("ydata", hg, "data", y(:, i));
     addlistener (hg, "xdata", @update_data);
     addlistener (hg, "ydata", @update_data);
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
   kids = get (get (h, "parent"), "children");
   for i = 1 : length (kids)
     obj = get (kids (i));
-    if (strcmp (obj.type, "hggroup") && isfield (obj, "baseline") 
+    if (strcmp (obj.type, "hggroup") && isfield (obj, "baseline")
         && obj.baseline == h)
       ## Only alter if changed to avoid recursion of the listener functions
       if (! strcmpi (get (kids(i), "showbaseline"), visible))
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
 function update_props (h, d)
   kids = get (h, "children");
-  set (kids, "edgecolor", get (h, "edgecolor"), 
+  set (kids, "edgecolor", get (h, "edgecolor"),
        "linewidth", get (h, "linewidth"),
        "linestyle", get (h, "linestyle"),
        "facecolor", get (h, "facecolor"));
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__clabel__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__clabel__.m
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     while (i1 < length (c))
       clev = c(1,i1);
       clen = c(2,i1);
-      p = c(:, i1+1:i1+clen)      
+      p = c(:, i1+1:i1+clen)
       xmin = min (c(1,:));
       xmax = max (c(1,:));
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     tlabel = sprintf ("%g", clev);
     for i = 1 : ntag
       tagpos = pos(i);
       while (j1 < clen && cumd(j1) < tagpos)
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
                                  diff (c(1,i1+j1-1:i1+j1)));
         if (ischar (z))
-          ht = text (tpos(1), tpos(2), clev, tlabel, "rotation", trot, 
+          ht = text (tpos(1), tpos(2), clev, tlabel, "rotation", trot,
                      "parent", hparent, "horizontalalignment", "center",
                      "userdata", clev, varargin{:});
         elseif (!isempty (z))
-          ht = text (tpos(1), tpos(2), z, tlabel, "rotation", trot, 
+          ht = text (tpos(1), tpos(2), z, tlabel, "rotation", trot,
                      "parent", hparent, "horizontalalignment", "center",
                      "userdata", clev, varargin{:});
@@ -112,4 +112,4 @@
     i1 += clen+1;
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__contour__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__contour__.m
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
     vnauto = false;
     vnauto = true;
-    vn = 10; 
+    vn = 10;
   if (isscalar (vn))
-    lvl = linspace (min (z1(!isinf(z1))), max (z1(!isinf(z1))), 
+    lvl = linspace (min (z1(!isinf(z1))), max (z1(!isinf(z1))),
                     vn + 2)(1:end-1);
     lvl = vn;
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
   addproperty ("fill", hg, "radio", "on|{off}", filled);
   ## The properties zlevel and zlevelmode don't exist in matlab, but
-  ## allow the use of contourgroups with the contour3, meshc and surfc 
-  ## functions. 
+  ## allow the use of contourgroups with the contour3, meshc and surfc
+  ## functions.
   if (isnumeric (zlevel))
     addproperty ("zlevelmode", hg, "radio", "{none}|auto|manual", "manual");
     addproperty ("zlevel", hg, "data", zlevel);
@@ -319,11 +319,11 @@
         ## Special case unclosed contours
-      h = [h; __go_patch__(ca, "xdata", ctmp(1, :)(:), "ydata", ctmp(2, :)(:), 
+      h = [h; __go_patch__(ca, "xdata", ctmp(1, :)(:), "ydata", ctmp(2, :)(:),
                            "vertices", ctmp.', "faces", 1:(cont_len(idx)-1),
                            "facevertexcdata", cont_lev(idx),
                            "facecolor", "flat", "cdata", cont_lev(idx),
-                           "edgecolor", lc, "linestyle", ls, 
+                           "edgecolor", lc, "linestyle", ls,
                            "linewidth", lw, "parent", hg)];
@@ -349,25 +349,25 @@
       switch (zmode)
         case "none"
           h = [h; __go_patch__(ca, "xdata", p(:,1), "ydata", p(:,2),
-                               "zdata", [], "facecolor", "none", 
+                               "zdata", [], "facecolor", "none",
                                "vertices", p, "faces", 1:rows(p),
                                "facevertexcdata", clev,
                                "edgecolor", lc, "linestyle", ls,
                                "linewidth", lw,
-                               "cdata", clev, "parent", hg)]; 
+                               "cdata", clev, "parent", hg)];
         case "auto"
           h = [h; __go_patch__(ca, "xdata", p(:,1), "ydata", p(:,2),
                                "zdata", clev * ones(rows(p),1),
-                               "vertices", [p, clev * ones(rows(p),1)], 
+                               "vertices", [p, clev * ones(rows(p),1)],
                                "faces", 1:rows(p),
                                "facevertexcdata", clev,
-                               "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", lc, 
+                               "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", lc,
                                "linestyle", ls, "linewidth", lw,
                                "cdata", clev, "parent", hg)];
           h = [h; __go_patch__(ca, "xdata", p(:,1), "ydata", p(:,2),
                                "zdata", zlev * ones (rows(p), 1),
-                               "vertices", [p, zlev * ones(rows(p),1)], 
+                               "vertices", [p, zlev * ones(rows(p),1)],
                                "faces", 1:rows(p),
                                "facevertexcdata", clev,
                                "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", lc,
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
       set (kids, "zdata", []);
     case "auto"
       for i = 1 : length (kids)
-        set (kids(i), "zdata", get (kids (i), "cdata") .* 
+        set (kids(i), "zdata", get (kids (i), "cdata") .*
              ones (size (get (kids (i), "xdata"))));
@@ -460,8 +460,8 @@
       Z0(2:nr+1, 2:nc+1) = Z;
       [c, lev] = contourc (X0, Y0, Z0, lvl);
-      [c, lev] = contourc (get (h, "xdata"), get (h, "ydata"), 
-                           get (h, "zdata"), lvl); 
+      [c, lev] = contourc (get (h, "xdata"), get (h, "ydata"),
+                           get (h, "zdata"), lvl);
     set (h, "contourmatrix", c);
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
     if (strcmpi (get (h, "showtext"), "on"))
       switch (get (h, "zlevelmode"))
         case "manual"
-          __clabel__ (get (h, "contourmatrix"), lvl, h, 
+          __clabel__ (get (h, "contourmatrix"), lvl, h,
                       get (h, "labelspacing"), get (h, "zlevel"));
         case "auto"
           __clabel__ (get (h, "contourmatrix"), lvl, h,
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
     lvl_eps = abs (lev) * sqrt (eps);
     tmp = min (abs (diff (lev)));
-    if (tmp < 10*eps) 
+    if (tmp < 10*eps)
       lvl_eps = sqrt (eps);
       lvl_eps = tmp / 1000.0;
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__errplot__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__errplot__.m
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     hg = hggroup ("parent", p);
     h = [h; hg];
-    args = __add_datasource__ ("__errplot__", hg, 
+    args = __add_datasource__ ("__errplot__", hg,
                                {"x", "y", "l", "u", "xl", "xu"});
     if (isempty (fmt.color))
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
           udata = varargin{6}(:,i);
           error ("errorbar: error plot with 6 columns only valid for boxxy and xyerr");
-        endif        
+        endif
         error ("errorbar: error plot requires 2, 3, 4 or 6 arguments.");
@@ -161,19 +161,19 @@
     addproperty ("linewidth", hg, "linelinewidth", get (hl(1), "linewidth"))
     addproperty ("linestyle", hg, "linelinestyle", get (hl(1), "linestyle"))
     addproperty ("marker", hg, "linemarker", get (hl(1), "marker"))
-    addproperty ("markerfacecolor", hg, "linemarkerfacecolor", 
+    addproperty ("markerfacecolor", hg, "linemarkerfacecolor",
                  get (hl(1), "markerfacecolor"))
-    addproperty ("markeredgecolor", hg, "linemarkerfacecolor", 
+    addproperty ("markeredgecolor", hg, "linemarkerfacecolor",
                  get (hl(1), "markeredgecolor"))
-    addproperty ("markersize", hg, "linemarkersize", 
+    addproperty ("markersize", hg, "linemarkersize",
                  get (hl(1), "markersize"))
     fcn = {@update_props, hl};
     addlistener (hg, "color", fcn);
-    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", fcn); 
-    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", fcn); 
-    addlistener (hg, "marker", fcn); 
-    addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", fcn); 
+    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", fcn);
+    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", fcn);
+    addlistener (hg, "marker", fcn);
+    addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", fcn);
     addlistener (hg, "markersize", fcn);
     fcn = {@update_data, hl};
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
-function [xdata, ydata] = errorbar_data (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata, 
+function [xdata, ydata] = errorbar_data (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata,
                                          xldata, xudata, ifmt,
                                          xscale, yscale)
   if (strcmp (xscale, "linear"))
@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@
     ydata = [ydata-ldata, ydata-ldata, ydata+udata, ydata+udata, ...
              ydata-ldata, nans];
   elseif (strcmp (ifmt, "xyerr"))
-    [x1, y1] = errorbar_data (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata, 
+    [x1, y1] = errorbar_data (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata,
                               xldata, xudata, "xerr", xscale, yscale);
-    [x2, y2] = errorbar_data (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata, 
+    [x2, y2] = errorbar_data (xdata, ydata, ldata, udata,
                               xldata, xudata, "yerr", xscale, yscale);
     xdata = [x1; x2];
     ydata = [y1; y2];
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@
 function update_props (hg, dummy, hl)
-  set (hl, "color", get (hg, "color"), 
+  set (hl, "color", get (hg, "color"),
            "linewidth", get (hg, "linewidth"));,
-  set (hl(1), "linestyle", get (hg, "linestyle"), 
+  set (hl(1), "linestyle", get (hg, "linestyle"),
               "marker", get (hg, "marker"),
               "markersize", get (hg, "markersize"),
               "markerfacecolor", get (hg, "markerfacecolor"),
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__ezplot__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__ezplot__.m
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
   elseif (isa (fun, "function_handle"))
     fstr = func2str (fun);
     if (length (findstr (fstr, ")")) != 0)
-      args = regexp (substr (fstr, 3, findstr (fstr, ")")(1) - 3), 
+      args = regexp (substr (fstr, 3, findstr (fstr, ")")(1) - 3),
                      '(\w+)', 'tokens');
     fstr = substr (fstr, findstr (fstr, ")")(1) + 1);
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
       parametric = true;
       fstry = func2str (funy);
       if (length (findstr (fstry, ")")) != 0)
-        args = regexp (substr (fstry, 3, findstr (fstry, ")")(1) - 3), 
+        args = regexp (substr (fstry, 3, findstr (fstry, ")")(1) - 3),
                        '(\w+)', 'tokens');
         fstry = substr (fstry, findstr (fstry, ")")(1) + 1);
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
         fstrz = formula (funz);
       elseif (isa (funz, "function_handle"))
         fstrz = func2str (funz);
-        args = regexp (substr (fstrz, 3, findstr (fstrz, ")")(1) - 3), 
+        args = regexp (substr (fstrz, 3, findstr (fstrz, ")")(1) - 3),
                        '(\w+)', 'tokens');
         if (length (args) != nargs)
           error ("%s: excepting a function of %d arguments", func, nargs);
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
   if (isplot && nargs != 2)
-    n = 500; 
+    n = 500;
     n = 60;
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     if (parametric)
-      error ("%s: can not have both circular domain and parametric function", 
+      error ("%s: can not have both circular domain and parametric function",
     cent = [domain(1) + domain(2), domain(3) + domain(4)] / 2;
@@ -330,14 +330,14 @@
       Z = __eliminate_sing__ (Z);
-    fstrx = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstrx,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'), 
+    fstrx = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstrx,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'),
                       '\./', '/'), '\.?\*', '');
-    fstry = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstry,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'), 
+    fstry = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstry,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'),
                       '\./', '/'), '\.?\*', '');
     if (isplot)
       fstr = cstrcat ("x = ",fstrx,", y = ",fstry);
-      fstrz = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstrz,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'), 
+      fstrz = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstrz,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'),
                                     '\./', '/'), '\.?\*', '');
       fstr = cstrcat ("x = ",fstrx,",y = ",fstry,", z = ",fstrz);
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
-    fstr = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstr,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'), '\./', '/'), 
+    fstr = regexprep (regexprep (regexprep (fstr,'\s*\.?\^\s*','^'), '\./', '/'),
                       '\.?\*', '');
     if (isplot && nargs == 2)
       if (strcmp (typeinfo (fun), "inline function")
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
       Z = feval (fun, X, Y);
-      ## Matlab returns line objects for this case and so can't call 
+      ## Matlab returns line objects for this case and so can't call
       ## contour directly as it returns patch objects to allow colormaps
       ## to work with contours. Therefore recreate the lines from the
       ## output for contourc, and store in cell arrays.
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
         YY = [YY, {c(2, i1+1:i1+clen)}];
         i1 += clen+1;
-    else  
+    else
       if (ispolar)
         Z = feval (fun, X);
       elseif (isplot)
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
         idx = find (((Z(idx) > yrange(2) / 2) & (Z(idx-1) < yrange(1) / 2)) |
                  ((Z(idx) < yrange(1) / 2) & (Z(idx-1) > yrange (2) / 2)));
         if (any(idx))
-          Z(idx) = NaN; 
+          Z(idx) = NaN;
         Z = feval (fun, X, Y);
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
-  oldax = gca (); 
+  oldax = gca ();
     axes (ax);
     if (iscontour)
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__fltk_file_filter__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__fltk_file_filter__.m
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     fltk_str = "";
     for idx = 1 : r
-      curr_ext = file_filter{idx, 1};                    
+      curr_ext = file_filter{idx, 1};
       curr_ext = strsplit (curr_ext, ";");
       if (length (curr_ext) > 1)
@@ -68,5 +68,5 @@
         retval = strcat ("*", fext, "\t*");
-  endif  
+  endif
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__ghostscript__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__ghostscript__.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__gnuplot_has_terminal__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__gnuplot_has_terminal__.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__patch__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__patch__.m
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
   if (any (t1(:)))
     t2 = find (t1 != t1([2:end,end],:));
     idx (t1) = idx (t2 (cell2mat (cellfun (@(x) x(1)*ones(1,x(2)),
-                mat2cell ([1 : nc; sum(t1)], 2, ones(1,nc)), 
+                mat2cell ([1 : nc; sum(t1)], 2, ones(1,nc)),
                                            "uniformoutput", false))));
   x = reshape (vert(:,1)(idx), size (idx));
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
     fvc = c(:).';
   args = {"faces", faces, "vertices", vert, "facevertexcdata", fvc, args{:}};
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__pie__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__pie__.m
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
   normalize = true;
   if (sum (x(:)) < 1)
     normalize = false;
-  endif 
+  endif
   if (! have_labels)
     if (normalize)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
     xphi = cumsum (x * 360);
-  for i = 1:len 
+  for i = 1:len
     if (i == 1)
       xn = 0 : 360 / refinement : xphi(i);
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
     xt = - 1.2 * sind (xn2);
     yt = 1.2 * cosd (xn2);
     if (len == 1)
       set (h, "clim", [1, 2]);
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
       sc = i * ones (size (sz));
       hlist = [hlist;
-        patch(xoff + [0, - sind(xn)], yoff + [0, cosd(xn)], zeros (1, ln + 1), i);      
+        patch(xoff + [0, - sind(xn)], yoff + [0, cosd(xn)], zeros (1, ln + 1), i);
         surface(sx, sy, sz, sc);
         patch(xoff + [0, - sind(xn)], yoff + [0, cosd(xn)], zlvl * ones (1, ln + 1), i);
         text(xt, yt, zlvl, labels{i})];
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
   addlistener(gca, "view", {@update_text_pos, hlist});
-  if (strncmp (caller, "pie3", 4))    
+  if (strncmp (caller, "pie3", 4))
     axis ([-1.25, 1.25, -1.25, 1.25, -0.05, 0.4], "equal", "off")
     view (-37.5, 30);
   elseif (strncmp (caller, "pie", 3))
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__pltopt__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__pltopt__.m
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
       n = 3;
     elseif (strncmp (opt, "#~", 2) || strncmp (opt, "~>", 2))
       n = 2;
-    elseif (strncmp (opt, "~", 1) || strncmp (opt, ">", 1) 
+    elseif (strncmp (opt, "~", 1) || strncmp (opt, ">", 1)
             || strncmp (opt, "#", 1))
       n = 1;
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__quiver__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__quiver__.m
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
       z = varargin{ioff++};
     u = varargin{ioff++};
-    v = varargin{ioff++}; 
+    v = varargin{ioff++};
     if (is3d)
       w = varargin{ioff++};
       if (isvector (x) && isvector (y) && isvector (z)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
       dz = 0;
     if (len > 0)
-      s = 2 * autoscale / sqrt (2) * sqrt (dx.^2 + dy.^2 + dz.^2) / len; 
+      s = 2 * autoscale / sqrt (2) * sqrt (dx.^2 + dy.^2 + dz.^2) / len;
       uu = s * u;
       vv = s * v;
       if (is3d)
@@ -137,10 +137,10 @@
     hg = hggroup ();
     if (is3d)
-      args = __add_datasource__ ("quiver3", hg, 
+      args = __add_datasource__ ("quiver3", hg,
                                  {"x", "y", "z", "u", "v", "w"}, args{:});
-      args = __add_datasource__ ("quiver", hg, 
+      args = __add_datasource__ ("quiver", hg,
                                  {"x", "y", "z", "u", "v", "w"}, args{:});
     hold on;
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@
         h1 = plot3 ([x.'; xend.'; NaN(1, length (x))](:),
                     [y.'; yend.'; NaN(1, length (y))](:),
                     [z.'; zend.'; NaN(1, length (z))](:),
-                    "linestyle", linespec.linestyle, 
+                    "linestyle", linespec.linestyle,
                     "color", linespec.color, "parent", hg);
         h1 = plot ([x.'; xend.'; NaN(1, length (x))](:),
                    [y.'; yend.'; NaN(1, length (y))](:),
-                   "linestyle", linespec.linestyle, 
+                   "linestyle", linespec.linestyle,
                     "color", linespec.color, "parent", hg);
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
         || (isfield (linespec, "marker")
             && strncmp (linespec.marker, "none", 4)))
       if (is3d)
-        h3 = plot3 (x, y, z, "linestyle", "none", "marker", "none", 
+        h3 = plot3 (x, y, z, "linestyle", "none", "marker", "none",
                     "parent", hg);
         h3 = plot (x, y, "linestyle", "none", "marker", "none", "parent", hg);
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
     if (have_filled)
       ## FIXME gnuplot doesn't respect the markerfacecolor field
-      set (h3, "markerfacecolor", get (h1, "color")); 
+      set (h3, "markerfacecolor", get (h1, "color"));
     ## Set up the hggroup properties and listeners
@@ -298,10 +298,10 @@
     addproperty ("markersize", hg, "linemarkersize", get (h3, "markersize"));
     addlistener (hg, "color", @update_props);
-    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props); 
-    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props); 
-    addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props); 
-    addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props); 
+    addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props);
+    addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props);
+    addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props);
+    addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props);
     addlistener (hg, "markersize", @update_props);
     if (! isempty (args))
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
       dz = 0;
     if (len > 0)
-      s = 2 * s / sqrt (2) * sqrt (dx.^2 + dy.^2 + dz.^2) / len; 
+      s = 2 * s / sqrt (2) * sqrt (dx.^2 + dy.^2 + dz.^2) / len;
       u = s * u;
       v = s * v;
       if (is3d)
@@ -403,10 +403,10 @@
 function update_props (h, d)
   kids = get (h, "children");
-  set (kids(3), "color", get (h, "color"), 
+  set (kids(3), "color", get (h, "color"),
        "linewidth", get (h, "linewidth"),
        "linestyle", get (h, "linestyle"));
-  set (kids(2), "color", get (h, "color"), 
+  set (kids(2), "color", get (h, "color"),
        "linewidth", get (h, "linewidth"),
        "linestyle", get (h, "linestyle"));
   if (strcmpi (get (h, "showarrowhead"), "on"))
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
     set (kids (2), "visible", "off");
-  set (kids(1), "color", get (h, "color"), 
+  set (kids(1), "color", get (h, "color"),
        "marker", get (h, "marker"),
        "markerfacecolor", get (h, "markerfacecolor"),
        "markersize", get (h, "markersize"));
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__scatter__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__scatter__.m
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
   hg = hggroup ();
-  newargs = __add_datasource__ (fcn, hg, {"x", "y", "z", "c", "size"}, 
+  newargs = __add_datasource__ (fcn, hg, {"x", "y", "z", "c", "size"},
   addproperty ("xdata", hg, "data", x);
@@ -144,16 +144,16 @@
       for i = 1 : numel (x)
         if (filled)
           h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
-                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)], 
-                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                            "marker", marker,  "markersize", s(i), 
+                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
+                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                            "marker", marker,  "markersize", s(i),
                             "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", c,
                             "linestyle", "none");
           h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
-                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)], 
-                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                            "marker", marker,  "markersize", s(i), 
+                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
+                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                            "marker", marker,  "markersize", s(i),
                             "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", "none",
                             "linestyle", "none");
@@ -162,18 +162,18 @@
       for i = 1 : numel (x)
         if (filled)
           h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
-                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)], 
-                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                            "marker", marker, "markersize", s(i), 
-                            "markeredgecolor", "none", 
+                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
+                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                            "marker", marker, "markersize", s(i),
+                            "markeredgecolor", "none",
                             "markerfacecolor", "flat",
                             "cdata", c(i,:), "linestyle", "none");
           h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
-                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)], 
-                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                            "marker", marker, "markersize", s(i), 
-                            "markeredgecolor", "flat", 
+                            "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
+                            "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                            "marker", marker, "markersize", s(i),
+                            "markeredgecolor", "flat",
                             "markerfacecolor", "none",
                             "cdata", c(i,:), "linestyle", "none");
@@ -188,19 +188,19 @@
     vert = [x, y, z];
     if (ischar (c) || rows (c) == 1)
-      h = render_size_color (hg, vert, s, c, marker, filled, false); 
+      h = render_size_color (hg, vert, s, c, marker, filled, false);
     elseif (columns (c) == 1)
-      h = render_size_color (hg, vert, s, c, marker, filled, true); 
+      h = render_size_color (hg, vert, s, c, marker, filled, true);
       [cc, idx] = unique_idx (c, "rows");
       if (isscalar (s))
         for i = 1:rows (x)
-          h = render_size_color (hg, vert(idx{i},:), s, cc(i,:), 
+          h = render_size_color (hg, vert(idx{i},:), s, cc(i,:),
                                  marker, filled, true);
         for i = 1:rows (x)
-          h = render_size_color (hg, vert(idx{i},:), s(idx{i}), cc(i,:), 
+          h = render_size_color (hg, vert(idx{i},:), s(idx{i}), cc(i,:),
                                  marker, filled, true);
@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@
       addproperty ("markeredgecolor", hg, "patchmarkeredgecolor", "flat");
-  addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props); 
-  addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props); 
-  addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props); 
+  addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props);
+  addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props);
+  addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props);
   addlistener (hg, "markeredgecolor", @update_props);
   if (! isempty (newargs))
@@ -277,18 +277,18 @@
     if (ischar (c) || !isflat)
       if (filled)
         h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
-                          "faces", 1, "vertices", vert, 
-                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                          "marker", marker, 
-                          "markeredgecolor", "none", 
+                          "faces", 1, "vertices", vert,
+                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                          "marker", marker,
+                          "markeredgecolor", "none",
                           "markerfacecolor", c,
                           "markersize", s, "linestyle", "none");
         h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
-                          "faces", 1, "vertices", vert, 
-                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                          "marker", marker, 
-                          "markeredgecolor", c, 
+                          "faces", 1, "vertices", vert,
+                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                          "marker", marker,
+                          "markeredgecolor", c,
                           "markerfacecolor", "none",
                           "markersize", s, "linestyle", "none");
@@ -296,17 +296,17 @@
       if (filled)
         h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
                           "faces", 1, "vertices", vert,
-                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                          "marker", marker, "markersize", s, 
-                          "markeredgecolor", "none", 
+                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                          "marker", marker, "markersize", s,
+                          "markeredgecolor", "none",
                           "markerfacecolor", "flat",
                           "cdata", c, "linestyle", "none");
         h = __go_patch__ (hg, "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
                           "faces", 1, "vertices", vert,
-                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none", 
-                          "marker", marker, "markersize", s, 
-                          "markeredgecolor", "flat", 
+                          "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
+                          "marker", marker, "markersize", s,
+                          "markeredgecolor", "flat",
                           "markerfacecolor", "none",
                           "cdata", c, "linestyle", "none");
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
     ## FIXME: round the size to one decimal place. It's not quite right, though.
     [ss, idx] = unique_idx (ceil (s*10) / 10);
     for i = 1:rows (ss)
-      h = render_size_color (hg, vert(idx{i},:), ss(i), c, 
+      h = render_size_color (hg, vert(idx{i},:), ss(i), c,
                              marker, filled, isflat);
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
   kids = get (h, "children");
   for i = 1 : numel (kids)
-    set (kids (i), "linewidth", lw, "marker", m, "markerfacecolor", fc, 
+    set (kids (i), "linewidth", lw, "marker", m, "markerfacecolor", fc,
          "edgecolor", ec)
@@ -362,12 +362,12 @@
     if (isempty (z1))
       for i = 1 : length (hlist)
-        set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x1(i), y1(i)], "cdata", 
+        set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x1(i), y1(i)], "cdata",
              reshape(c1(i,:),[1, size(c1)(2:end)]), "markersize", size1(i));
       for i = 1 : length (hlist)
-        set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x1(i), y1(i), z1(i)], "cdata", 
+        set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x1(i), y1(i), z1(i)], "cdata",
              reshape(c1(i,:),[1, size(c1)(2:end)]), "markersize", size1(i));
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__stem__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__stem__.m
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
       hg  = hggroup ();
       h = [h; hg];
       args = __add_datasource__ (caller, hg, {"x", "y", "z"}, varargin{:});
       if (i == 1)
         set (ax, "nextplot", "add");
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
       if (have_z)
-        h_stems = plot3 (xt, yt, zt, "color", lc, "linestyle", ls, 
+        h_stems = plot3 (xt, yt, zt, "color", lc, "linestyle", ls,
                          "parent", hg, x, y, z, "color", mc,
                          "marker",  ms, "linestyle", "none",
                          "markerfacecolor", fc, "parent", hg);
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
         h_stems = plot (xt, yt, "color", lc, "linestyle", ls,
                         "parent", hg, x(:,i), y(:, i), "color", mc, "marker",
                         ms, "linestyle", "none", "markerfacecolor",
-                        fc, "parent", hg); 
+                        fc, "parent", hg);
         x_axis_range = get (ax, "xlim");
         h_baseline = line (x_axis_range, [0, 0], "color", [0, 0, 0]);
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
       if (!have_z)
         addlistener (hg, "showbaseline", @show_baseline);
-        addlistener (hg, "basevalue", @move_baseline); 
+        addlistener (hg, "basevalue", @move_baseline);
       addproperty ("color", hg, "linecolor", lc);
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@
       addproperty ("markersize", hg, "linemarkersize", 6);
       addlistener (hg, "color", @update_props);
-      addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props); 
-      addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props); 
-      addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props); 
-      addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props); 
+      addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props);
+      addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props);
+      addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props);
+      addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props);
       addlistener (hg, "markersize", @update_props);
       addproperty ("xdata", hg, "data", x(:, i));
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
         x = 1:length (y);
       elseif (ismatrix (y))
         x = 1:rows (y);
-      else 
+      else
         error ("stem: Y must be a matrix");
       endif # in each case, x & y will be defined
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
   kids = get (get (h, "parent"), "children");
   for i = 1 : length (kids)
     obj = get (kids (i));
-    if (strcmp (obj.type, "hggroup") && isfield (obj, "baseline") 
+    if (strcmp (obj.type, "hggroup") && isfield (obj, "baseline")
         && obj.baseline == h)
       ## Only alter if changed to avoid recursion of the listener functions
       if (! strcmpi (get (kids(i), "showbaseline"), visible))
@@ -516,10 +516,10 @@
 function update_props (h, d)
   kids = get (h, "children");
-  set (kids(2), "color", get (h, "color"), 
+  set (kids(2), "color", get (h, "color"),
        "linewidth", get (h, "linewidth"),
        "linestyle", get (h, "linestyle"));
-  set (kids(1), "color", get (h, "color"), 
+  set (kids(1), "color", get (h, "color"),
        "marker", get (h, "marker"),
        "markerfacecolor", get (h, "markerfacecolor"),
        "markersize", get (h, "markersize"));
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__tight_eps_bbox__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__tight_eps_bbox__.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
--- a/scripts/plot/quiver.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/quiver.m
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} quiver (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} quiver (@dots{})
-## Plot the @code{(@var{u}, @var{v})} components of a vector field in 
-## an @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})} meshgrid.  If the grid is uniform, you can 
+## Plot the @code{(@var{u}, @var{v})} components of a vector field in
+## an @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})} meshgrid.  If the grid is uniform, you can
 ## specify @var{x} and @var{y} as vectors.
 ## If @var{x} and @var{y} are undefined they are assumed to be
-## @code{(1:@var{m}, 1:@var{n})} where @code{[@var{m}, @var{n}] = 
+## @code{(1:@var{m}, 1:@var{n})} where @code{[@var{m}, @var{n}] =
 ## size(@var{u})}.
 ## The variable @var{s} is a scalar defining a scaling factor to use for
-##  the arrows of the field relative to the mesh spacing.  A value of 0 
+##  the arrows of the field relative to the mesh spacing.  A value of 0
 ## disables all scaling.  The default value is 1.
 ## The style to use for the plot can be defined with a line style @var{style}
--- a/scripts/plot/quiver3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/quiver3.m
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} quiver3 (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} quiver3 (@dots{})
-## Plot the @code{(@var{u}, @var{v}, @var{w})} components of a vector field in 
-## an @code{(@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{z}} meshgrid.  If the grid is uniform, you 
+## Plot the @code{(@var{u}, @var{v}, @var{w})} components of a vector field in
+## an @code{(@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{z}} meshgrid.  If the grid is uniform, you
 ## can specify @var{x}, @var{y} @var{z} as vectors.
 ## If @var{x}, @var{y} and @var{z} are undefined they are assumed to be
-## @code{(1:@var{m}, 1:@var{n}, 1:@var{p})} where @code{[@var{m}, @var{n}] = 
+## @code{(1:@var{m}, 1:@var{n}, 1:@var{p})} where @code{[@var{m}, @var{n}] =
 ## size(@var{u})} and @code{@var{p} = max (size (@var{w}))}.
 ## The variable @var{s} is a scalar defining a scaling factor to use for
-##  the arrows of the field relative to the mesh spacing.  A value of 0 
+##  the arrows of the field relative to the mesh spacing.  A value of 0
 ## disables all scaling.  The default value is 1.
 ## The style to use for the plot can be defined with a line style @var{style}
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@
 %! clf
 %! colormap (jet (64))
-%! [x,y]=meshgrid (-1:0.1:1); 
-%! z=sin(2*pi*sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)); 
+%! [x,y]=meshgrid (-1:0.1:1);
+%! z=sin(2*pi*sqrt(x.^2+y.^2));
 %! theta=2*pi*sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)+pi/2;
 %! quiver3(x,y,z,sin(theta),cos(theta),ones(size(z)));
-%! hold on; 
-%! mesh(x,y,z); 
+%! hold on;
+%! mesh(x,y,z);
 %! hold off;
--- a/scripts/plot/refreshdata.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/refreshdata.m
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     if (nargin < 2)
       workspace = "base";
-      if (   !ischar (workspace) 
+      if (   !ischar (workspace)
           || !(strcmpi (workspace, "base")
           || strcmpi (workspace, "caller")))
         error ("refreshdata: expecting WORKSPACE to be \"base\" or ""caller\"");
--- a/scripts/plot/rose.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/rose.m
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
 ## of @var{th} produces a separate histogram.
 ## If @var{r} is given and is a scalar, then the histogram is produced with
-## @var{r} bins.  If @var{r} is a vector, then the center of each bin are 
+## @var{r} bins.  If @var{r} is a vector, then the center of each bin are
 ## defined by the values of @var{r}.
-## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the 
+## The optional return value @var{h} provides a list of handles to the
 ## the parts of the vector field (body, arrow and marker).
-## If two output arguments are requested, then rather than plotting the 
-## histogram, the polar vectors necessary to plot the histogram are 
+## If two output arguments are requested, then rather than plotting the
+## histogram, the polar vectors necessary to plot the histogram are
 ## returned.
 ## @example
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 function [thout, rout] = rose (varargin)
-  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 1), "rose", 
+  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 1), "rose",
   if (nargin < 1)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
   if (nargin > 1)
     x = varargin {2};
     if (isscalar (x))
-      x = [0.5/x : 1/x : 1] * 2 * pi; 
+      x = [0.5/x : 1/x : 1] * 2 * pi;
       ## Force theta to [0,2*pi] range
       x = atan2  (sin (x), cos (x)) + pi;
--- a/scripts/plot/saveas.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/saveas.m
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} saveas (@var{h}, @var{filename})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} saveas (@var{h}, @var{filename}, @var{fmt})
 ## Save graphic object @var{h} to the file @var{filename} in graphic
-## format @var{fmt}. 
+## format @var{fmt}.
 ## @var{fmt} should be one of the following formats:
 ## @table @code
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     error ("saveas: first argument H must be a graphics handle");
   if (!ischar (filename))
     error ("saveas: FILENAME must be a string");
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
   prt_opt = strcat ("-d", tolower (fmt));
   print (filename, prt_opt);
--- a/scripts/plot/scatter.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/scatter.m
@@ -27,21 +27,21 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} scatter (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} scatter (@dots{})
-## Plot a scatter plot of the data.  A marker is plotted at each point 
+## Plot a scatter plot of the data.  A marker is plotted at each point
 ## defined by the points in the vectors @var{x} and @var{y}.  The size of
-## the markers used is determined by the @var{s}, which can be a scalar, 
-## a vector of the same length of @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{s} is not 
+## the markers used is determined by the @var{s}, which can be a scalar,
+## a vector of the same length of @var{x} and @var{y}.  If @var{s} is not
 ## given or is an empty matrix, then the default value of 8 points is used.
 ## The color of the markers is determined by @var{c}, which can be a string
-## defining a fixed color; a 3-element vector giving the red, green,and blue 
+## defining a fixed color; a 3-element vector giving the red, green,and blue
 ## components of the color; a vector of the same length as @var{x} that gives
 ## a scaled index into the current colormap; or a @var{n}-by-3 matrix defining
 ## the colors of each of the markers individually.
-## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a 
-## string defining a marker in the same manner as the @code{plot} command. 
-## If the argument 'filled' is given then the markers as filled.  All 
+## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a
+## string defining a marker in the same manner as the @code{plot} command.
+## If the argument 'filled' is given then the markers as filled.  All
 ## additional arguments are passed to the underlying patch command.
 ## The optional return value @var{h} provides a handle to the patch object
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 %! h = scatter (x, y, s, s, "s", "filled");
-%! rand_10x1_data3 = [0.42262, 0.51623, 0.65992, 0.14999, 0.68385, 0.55929, 0.52251, 0.92204, 0.19762, 0.93726]; 
+%! rand_10x1_data3 = [0.42262, 0.51623, 0.65992, 0.14999, 0.68385, 0.55929, 0.52251, 0.92204, 0.19762, 0.93726];
 %! rand_10x1_data4 = [0.020207, 0.527193, 0.443472, 0.061683, 0.370277, 0.947349, 0.249591, 0.666304, 0.134247, 0.920356];
 %! x = rand_10x1_data3;
 %! y = rand_10x1_data4;
--- a/scripts/plot/scatter3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/scatter3.m
@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} scatter3 (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} scatter3 (@dots{})
-## Plot a scatter plot of the data in 3D@.  A marker is plotted at each point 
+## Plot a scatter plot of the data in 3D@.  A marker is plotted at each point
 ## defined by the points in the vectors @var{x}, @var{y} and @var{z}.  The size
 ## of the markers used is determined by @var{s}, which can be a scalar or
 ## a vector of the same length of @var{x}, @var{y} and @var{z}.  If @var{s} is
 ## not given or is an empty matrix, then the default value of 8 points is used.
 ## The color of the markers is determined by @var{c}, which can be a string
-## defining a fixed color; a 3-element vector giving the red, green, and blue 
+## defining a fixed color; a 3-element vector giving the red, green, and blue
 ## components of the color; a vector of the same length as @var{x} that gives
 ## a scaled index into the current colormap; or a @var{n}-by-3 matrix defining
 ## the colors of each of the markers individually.
-## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a 
-## string defining a marker in the same manner as the @code{plot} command. 
-## If the argument 'filled' is given then the markers as filled.  All 
+## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a
+## string defining a marker in the same manner as the @code{plot} command.
+## If the argument 'filled' is given then the markers as filled.  All
 ## additional arguments are passed to the underlying patch command.
 ## The optional return value @var{h} provides a handle to the patch object
--- a/scripts/plot/semilogx.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/semilogx.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   [h, varargin, nargs] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("semilogx", varargin{:});
   if (nargs < 1)
-    print_usage(); 
+    print_usage();
   oldh = gca ();
--- a/scripts/plot/semilogxerr.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/semilogxerr.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} semilogxerr (@var{args})
 ## Produce two-dimensional plots using a logarithmic scale for the @var{x}
-## axis and errorbars at each data point.  Many different combinations of 
+## axis and errorbars at each data point.  Many different combinations of
 ## arguments are possible.  The most used form is
 ## @example
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## which produces a semi-logarithmic plot of @var{y} versus @var{x}
 ## with errors in the @var{y}-scale defined by @var{ey} and the plot
-## format defined by @var{fmt}.  See @code{errorbar} for available formats and 
+## format defined by @var{fmt}.  See @code{errorbar} for available formats and
 ## additional information.
 ## @seealso{errorbar, loglogerr semilogyerr}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/semilogy.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/semilogy.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   [h, varargin, nargs] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("semilogy", varargin{:});
   if (nargs < 1)
-    print_usage(); 
+    print_usage();
   oldh = gca ();
--- a/scripts/plot/semilogyerr.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/semilogyerr.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} semilogyerr (@var{args})
 ## Produce two-dimensional plots using a logarithmic scale for the @var{y}
-## axis and errorbars at each data point.  Many different combinations of 
+## axis and errorbars at each data point.  Many different combinations of
 ## arguments are possible.  The most used form is
 ## @example
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## which produces a semi-logarithmic plot of @var{y} versus @var{x}
 ## with errors in the @var{y}-scale defined by @var{ey} and the plot
-## format defined by @var{fmt}.  See @code{errorbar} for available formats and 
+## format defined by @var{fmt}.  See @code{errorbar} for available formats and
 ## additional information.
 ## @seealso{errorbar, loglogerr semilogxerr}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/shading.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/shading.m
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
   obj = [h1(:); h2(:)];
   for n = 1:numel(obj)
-    h = obj(n); 
+    h = obj(n);
     if (strcmpi (mode, "flat"))
       set (h, "facecolor", "flat");
       set (h, "edgecolor", "none");
--- a/scripts/plot/slice.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/slice.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} slice (@var{v}, @var{xi}, @var{yi}, @var{zi})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} slice (@dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} slice (@dots{}, @var{method})
-## Plot slices of 3-D data/scalar fields.  Each element of the 3-dimensional 
+## Plot slices of 3-D data/scalar fields.  Each element of the 3-dimensional
 ## array @var{v} represents a scalar value at a location given by the
 ## parameters @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z}.  The parameters @var{x},
 ## @var{x}, and @var{z} are either 3-dimensional arrays of the same size
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
 ## interpolated using interp3.  The vectors @var{sx}, @var{sy}, and
 ## @var{sz} contain points of orthogonal slices of the respective axes.
-## If @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} are omitted, they are assumed to be 
+## If @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} are omitted, they are assumed to be
 ## @code{x = 1:size (@var{v}, 2)}, @code{y = 1:size (@var{v}, 1)} and
-## @code{z = 1:size (@var{v}, 3)}. 
+## @code{z = 1:size (@var{v}, 3)}.
 ## @var{Method} is one of:
--- a/scripts/plot/specular.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/specular.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} specular (@var{sx}, @var{sy}, @var{sz}, @var{lv}, @var{vv})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} specular (@var{sx}, @var{sy}, @var{sz}, @var{lv}, @var{vv}, @var{se})
 ## Calculate specular reflection strength of a surface defined by the normal
-## vector elements @var{sx}, @var{sy}, @var{sz} using Phong's approximation. 
+## vector elements @var{sx}, @var{sy}, @var{sz} using Phong's approximation.
 ## The light and view vectors can be specified using parameter @var{lv} and
 ## @var{vv} respectively.
 ## Both can be given as 2-element vectors [azimuth, elevation] in degrees or as
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   if (!size_equal (sx, sy, sz))
     error ("specular: SX, SY, and SZ must have same size");
   ## Check for light vector (lv) argument.
   if (length (lv) < 2 || length (lv) > 3)
     error ("specular: light vector LV must be a 2- or 3-element vector");
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
   ## Calculate specular reflection using Phong's approximation.
   retval = 2 * l_dot_n .* v_dot_n - dot (lv, vv);
   ## Set zero if light is on the other side.
   retval(l_dot_n < 0) = 0;
   ## Allow postive values only.
   retval(retval < 0) = 0;
   retval = retval .^ se;
--- a/scripts/plot/sphere.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/sphere.m
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}] =} sphere (@var{n})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} sphere (@var{h}, @dots{})
-## Generates three matrices in @code{meshgrid} format, such that 
-## @code{surf (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})} generates a unit sphere. 
-## The matrices of @code{@var{n}+1}-by-@code{@var{n}+1}.  If @var{n} is 
+## Generates three matrices in @code{meshgrid} format, such that
+## @code{surf (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})} generates a unit sphere.
+## The matrices of @code{@var{n}+1}-by-@code{@var{n}+1}.  If @var{n} is
 ## omitted then a default value of 20 is assumed.
-## Called with no return arguments, @code{sphere} call directly 
+## Called with no return arguments, @code{sphere} call directly
 ## @code{surf (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})}.  If an axes handle is passed
 ## as the first argument, the surface is plotted to this set of axes.
 ## @seealso{peaks}
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 function [xx, yy, zz] = sphere (varargin)
-  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 0), "sphere", 
+  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout > 0), "sphere",
   if (nargin > 1)
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/plot/stairs.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/stairs.m
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
-  endfor 
+  endfor
   if (doplot)
     h = [];
@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@
                      get (tmp, "markersize"));
         addlistener (hg, "color", @update_props);
-        addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props); 
-        addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props); 
-        addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props); 
-        addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props); 
-        addlistener (hg, "markeredgecolor", @update_props); 
-        addlistener (hg, "markersize", @update_props); 
+        addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props);
+        addlistener (hg, "linestyle", @update_props);
+        addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props);
+        addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props);
+        addlistener (hg, "markeredgecolor", @update_props);
+        addlistener (hg, "markersize", @update_props);
         if (! isempty (args))
           set (hg, args{:});
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
 function update_props (h, d)
-  set (get (h, "children"), "color", get (h, "color"), 
+  set (get (h, "children"), "color", get (h, "color"),
        "linewidth", get (h, "linewidth"),
        "linestyle", get (h, "linestyle"),
        "marker", get (h, "marker"),
--- a/scripts/plot/stem.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/stem.m
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## plots 10 stems with heights from 2 to 20 in red;
 ## The return value of @code{stem} is a vector of "stem series" graphics
 ## handles, with one handle per column of the variable @var{y}.  This
 ## handle regroups the elements of the stem graph together as the
--- a/scripts/plot/stem3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/stem3.m
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
 ## @example
 ## @group
-## theta = 0:0.2:6; 
-## stem3 (cos (theta), sin (theta), theta) 
+## theta = 0:0.2:6;
+## stem3 (cos (theta), sin (theta), theta)
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
-## plots 31 stems with heights from 0 to 6 lying on a circle.  Color 
+## plots 31 stems with heights from 0 to 6 lying on a circle.  Color
 ## definitions with RGB-triples are not valid!
 ## @seealso{bar, barh, stem, plot}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -53,5 +53,5 @@
-%! theta = 0:0.2:6; 
-%! stem3 (cos (theta), sin (theta), theta) 
+%! theta = 0:0.2:6;
+%! stem3 (cos (theta), sin (theta), theta)
--- a/scripts/plot/subplot.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/subplot.m
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
           x0 = pos(1);
           x1 = x0 + pos(3);
           y0 = pos(2);
-          y1 = y0 + pos(4);     
+          y1 = y0 + pos(4);
           objx0 = objpos(1);
           objx1 = objx0 + objpos(3);
           objy0 = objpos(2);
--- a/scripts/plot/surface.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/surface.m
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} surface (@dots{}, @var{prop}, @var{val})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} surface (@var{h}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} surface (@dots{})
-## Plot a surface graphic object given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from 
-## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and 
+## Plot a surface graphic object given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
+## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and
 ## @var{y} coordinates of the surface.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors,
-## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus, 
-## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of 
+## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus,
+## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of
 ## @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  If @var{x} and @var{y}
 ## are missing, they are constructed from size of the matrix @var{z}.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
       error ("surface: X and Y must be vectors and Z must be a matrix");
-  elseif (firststring == 3)    
+  elseif (firststring == 3)
     z = varargin{1};
     c = varargin{2};
     if (ismatrix (z) && !isvector (z) && !isscalar (z))
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
       error ("surface: Z argument must be a matrix");
-  elseif (firststring == 2)    
+  elseif (firststring == 2)
     z = varargin{1};
     c = z;
     if (ismatrix (z) && !isvector (z) && !isscalar (z))
--- a/scripts/plot/surfc.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/surfc.m
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} surfc (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})
-## Plot a surface and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from 
-## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and 
-## @var{y} coordinates of the mesh.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors, 
-## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus, 
-## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of 
+## Plot a surface and contour given matrices @var{x}, and @var{y} from
+## @code{meshgrid} and a matrix @var{z} corresponding to the @var{x} and
+## @var{y} coordinates of the mesh.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are vectors,
+## then a typical vertex is (@var{x}(j), @var{y}(i), @var{z}(i,j)).  Thus,
+## columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows of
 ## @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## @seealso{meshgrid, surf, contour}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/surfl.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/surfl.m
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ## The material properties of the surface can specified using a 4-element vector
 ## @var{P} = [@var{AM} @var{D} @var{SP} @var{exp}] which defaults to
-## @var{p} = [0.55 0.6 0.4 10]. 
+## @var{p} = [0.55 0.6 0.4 10].
 ## @table @code
 ## @item "AM" strength of ambient light
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 ## @item "EXP" specular exponent
 ## @end table
 ## The default lighting mode "cdata", changes the cdata property to give the
 ## impression
 ## of a lighted surface.  Please note: the alternative "light" mode, which
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     ## r = [ambient light strength,
     ##      diffuse reflection strength,
     ##      specular reflection strength,
-    ##      specular shine] 
+    ##      specular shine]
     if (length (varargin{end}) == 4 && isnumeric (varargin{end}))
       r = varargin{end};
       varargin(end) = [];
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
         have_lv = true;
     tmp = surface (varargin{:});
     if (! ishold ())
       set (h, "view", [-37.5, 30],
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
              + r(3) * specular (vn(:,:,1), vn(:,:,2), vn(:,:,3), lv, vv, r(4)));
     set (tmp, "cdata", cdata ./ sum (r(1:3)));
     axes (oldh);
--- a/scripts/plot/surfnorm.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/surfnorm.m
@@ -21,26 +21,26 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} surfnorm (@var{z})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{nx}, @var{ny}, @var{nz}] =} surfnorm (@dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} surfnorm (@var{h}, @dots{})
-## Find the vectors normal to a meshgridded surface.  The meshed gridded 
-## surface is defined by @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z}.  If @var{x} and 
+## Find the vectors normal to a meshgridded surface.  The meshed gridded
+## surface is defined by @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z}.  If @var{x} and
 ## @var{y} are not defined, then it is assumed that they are given by
 ## @example
 ## @group
-## [@var{x}, @var{y}] = meshgrid (1:size(@var{z}, 1), 
+## [@var{x}, @var{y}] = meshgrid (1:size(@var{z}, 1),
 ##                      1:size(@var{z}, 2));
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## If no return arguments are requested, a surface plot with the normal 
+## If no return arguments are requested, a surface plot with the normal
 ## vectors to the surface is plotted.  Otherwise the components of the normal
 ## vectors at the mesh gridded points are returned in @var{nx}, @var{ny},
 ## and @var{nz}.
-## The normal vectors are calculated by taking the cross product of the 
-## diagonals of each of the quadrilaterals in the meshgrid to find the 
+## The normal vectors are calculated by taking the cross product of the
+## diagonals of each of the quadrilaterals in the meshgrid to find the
 ## normal vectors of the centers of these quadrilaterals.  The four nearest
-## normal vectors to the meshgrid points are then averaged to obtain the 
+## normal vectors to the meshgrid points are then averaged to obtain the
 ## normal to the surface at the meshgridded points.
 ## An example of the use of @code{surfnorm} is
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 function [Nx, Ny, Nz] = surfnorm (varargin)
-  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout != 0), "surfnorm", 
+  [h, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ((nargout != 0), "surfnorm",
   if (nargin != 1 && nargin != 3)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   if (! size_equal (x, y, z))
     error ("surfnorm: X, Y, and Z must have the same dimensions");
-  endif 
+  endif
   ## Make life easier, and avoid having to do the extrapolation later, do
   ## a simpler linear extrapolation here. This is approximative, and works
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
   ## Create normal vectors as mesh vectices from normals at mesh centers
   nx = (w.x(1:end-1,1:end-1) + w.x(1:end-1,2:end) +
-        w.x(2:end,1:end-1) + w.x(2:end,2:end)) ./ 4; 
+        w.x(2:end,1:end-1) + w.x(2:end,2:end)) ./ 4;
   ny = (w.y(1:end-1,1:end-1) + w.y(1:end-1,2:end) +
-        w.y(2:end,1:end-1) + w.y(2:end,2:end)) ./ 4; 
+        w.y(2:end,1:end-1) + w.y(2:end,2:end)) ./ 4;
   nz = (w.z(1:end-1,1:end-1) + w.z(1:end-1,2:end) +
-        w.z(2:end,1:end-1) + w.z(2:end,2:end)) ./ 4; 
+        w.z(2:end,1:end-1) + w.z(2:end,2:end)) ./ 4;
   ## Normalize the normal vectors
   len = sqrt (nx.^2 + ny.^2 + nz.^2);
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
         set (h, "nextplot", "add");
         plot3 ([x(:)'; x(:).' + nx(:).' ; NaN(size(x(:).'))](:),
                [y(:)'; y(:).' + ny(:).' ; NaN(size(y(:).'))](:),
-               [z(:)'; z(:).' + nz(:).' ; NaN(size(z(:).'))](:), 
+               [z(:)'; z(:).' + nz(:).' ; NaN(size(z(:).'))](:),
         set (h, "nextplot", old_hold_state);
--- a/scripts/plot/uigetdir.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/uigetdir.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   if (!ischar(init_path) || !ischar(dialog_name))
     error ("uigetdir: INIT_PATH and DIALOG_NAME must be string arguments");
   if (any (strcmp (available_graphics_toolkits (), "fltk")))
       if (!isdir (init_path))
         init_path = fileparts (init_path);
--- a/scripts/plot/uigetfile.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/uigetfile.m
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 ## @end table
 ## @var{dialog_name} can be used to customize the dialog title.
-## If @var{default_file} is given it is selected in the GUI dialog. 
+## If @var{default_file} is given it is selected in the GUI dialog.
 ## If in addtion a path is given it is also used as current path.
 ## The screen position of the GUI dialog can be set using the "Position" key
 ## and a 2-element vector containing the pixel coordinates.
 ## Two or more files can be selected when setting the "Multiselect" key to "on".
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
         outargs{3} = file_filter;
     if (len > 1)
       outargs{2} = args{2};
@@ -158,5 +158,5 @@
 %! uigetfile({"*.gif;*.png;*.jpg", "Supported Picture Formats"})
--- a/scripts/plot/uimenu.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/uimenu.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## Create an uimenu object and return a handle to it.  If @var{h} is ommited
 ## then a top level menu entry for the current figure is created.  If @var{h}
 ## is given then a submenu relative to @var{h} is created.
 ## Uimenu objects have the following specific properties:
 ## @table @code
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## menu entry (e.g., "x" for CTRL+x).
 ## @item "callback"
-## Is the function called when this menu entry is executed.  It can be either a 
+## Is the function called when this menu entry is executed.  It can be either a
 ## function string (e.g., "myfun"), a function handle (e.g., @@myfun) or a cell
 ## array containing the function handle and arguments for the callback
 ## function (e.g., @{@@myfun, arg1, arg2@}).
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 ## @item "enable"
 ## Can be set "on" or "off".  If disabled the menu entry cannot be selected
 ## and it is grayed out.
 ## @item "foregroundcolor"
 ## A color value setting the text color for this menu entry.
--- a/scripts/plot/uiputfile.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/uiputfile.m
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
 ## @table @code
 ## @item "/path/to/filename.ext"
-## If a filename is given the file extension is 
+## If a filename is given the file extension is
 ## extracted and used as filter.
 ## In addtion the path is selected as current path and the filname is selected
 ## as default file.
 ## Example: uiputfile("myfun.m");
 ## @item "*.ext"
-## A single file extension. 
+## A single file extension.
 ## Example: uiputfile("*.ext");
 ## @item @{"*.ext","My Description"@}
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
 ## a brief description in the 2nd column.
 ## Example: uiputfile(@{"*.ext","My Description";"*.xyz","XYZ-Format"@});
 ## @end table
 ## The filter string can also contain a semicolon separated list of filter
 ## extensions.
 ## Example: uiputfile(@{"*.gif;*.png;*.jpg", "Supported Picture Formats"@});
 ## @var{dialog_name} can be used to customize the dialog title.
-## If @var{default_file} is given it is preselected in the GUI dialog. 
+## If @var{default_file} is given it is preselected in the GUI dialog.
 ## If in addtion a path is given it is also used as current path.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/view.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/view.m
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} view ([@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}])
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} view (@var{dims})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} view (@var{ax}, @dots{})
-## Query or set set the viewpoint for the current axes.  The parameters 
+## Query or set set the viewpoint for the current axes.  The parameters
 ## @var{azimuth} and @var{elevation} can be given as two arguments or as
-## 2-element vector. 
-## The viewpoint can also be given with Cartesian coordinates @var{x}, 
-## @var{y}, and @var{z}. 
+## 2-element vector.
+## The viewpoint can also be given with Cartesian coordinates @var{x},
+## @var{y}, and @var{z}.
 ## The call @code{view (2)} sets the viewpoint to @var{azimuth} = 0
 ## and @var{elevation} = 90, which is the default for 2-D graphs.
 ## The call @code{view (3)} sets the viewpoint to @var{azimuth} = -37.5
--- a/scripts/plot/waitforbuttonpress.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/waitforbuttonpress.m
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
   [x, y, k] = ginput (1);
   if (nargout == 1)
-    if (k <= 5) 
+    if (k <= 5)
       a = 0;
-    else 
+    else
       a = 1;
--- a/scripts/plot/whitebg.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/whitebg.m
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ## If defined, @var{fig} is the handle to the figure to be inverted.  In
 ## this case only this figure has its color properties changed
-## The background colors of the figure and its children can be set 
+## The background colors of the figure and its children can be set
 ## specifically if @var{color} is defined.  @var{color} must be a valid
 ## color set as a string or an RGB triplet, or the value "none".
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
       children = [];
       for n = 1 : numel (handles)
         children = union (children, get(handles(n), "children"));
-      endfor 
+      endfor
       handles = children;
       h = union (h, children);
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
     set (findall (fig, "type", "axes"), "color", color);
     if (isroot)
       defs = get (0, "defaults");
-      if (isfield (defs, "defaultaxescolor") 
+      if (isfield (defs, "defaultaxescolor")
           && strcmp (defs.defaultaxescolor, "none"))
         set (0, "defaultaxescolor", color);
--- a/scripts/plot/xlim.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/xlim.m
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 ## to this value.
 ## The current mode for calculation of the x-axis can be returned with a
-## call @code{xlim ('mode')}, and can be either 'auto' or 'manual'.  The 
-## current plotting mode can be set by passing either 'auto' or 'manual' 
+## call @code{xlim ('mode')}, and can be either 'auto' or 'manual'.  The
+## current plotting mode can be set by passing either 'auto' or 'manual'
 ## as the argument.
 ## If passed a handle as the first argument, then operate on this handle
--- a/scripts/plot/ylim.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ylim.m
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 ## to this value.
 ## The current mode for calculation of the y-axis can be returned with a
-## call @code{ylim ('mode')}, and can be either 'auto' or 'manual'.  The 
-## current plotting mode can be set by passing either 'auto' or 'manual' 
+## call @code{ylim ('mode')}, and can be either 'auto' or 'manual'.  The
+## current plotting mode can be set by passing either 'auto' or 'manual'
 ## as the argument.
 ## If passed a handle as the first argument, then operate on this handle
--- a/scripts/plot/zlim.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/zlim.m
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 ## to this value.
 ## The current mode for calculation of the z-axis can be returned with a
-## call @code{zlim ('mode')}, and can be either 'auto' or 'manual'.  The 
-## current plotting mode can be set by passing either 'auto' or 'manual' 
+## call @code{zlim ('mode')}, and can be either 'auto' or 'manual'.  The
+## current plotting mode can be set by passing either 'auto' or 'manual'
 ## as the argument.
 ## If passed a handle as the first argument, then operate on this handle
--- a/scripts/polynomial/mkpp.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/mkpp.m
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{pp} =} mkpp (@var{x}, @var{p})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{pp} =} mkpp (@var{x}, @var{p}, @var{d})
 ## Construct a piecewise polynomial structure from sample points
 ## @var{x} and coefficients @var{p}.  The i-th row of @var{p},
 ## @code{@var{p} (@var{i},:)}, contains the coefficients for the polynomial
-## over the @var{i}-th interval, ordered from highest to 
-## lowest.  There must be one row for each interval in @var{x}, so 
-## @code{rows (@var{p}) == length (@var{x}) - 1}.  
+## over the @var{i}-th interval, ordered from highest to
+## lowest.  There must be one row for each interval in @var{x}, so
+## @code{rows (@var{p}) == length (@var{x}) - 1}.
 ## @var{p} may also be a multi-dimensional array, specifying a vector-valued
 ## or array-valued polynomial.  The shape is determined by @var{d}.  If @var{d}
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
 %!demo # linear interpolation
-%! x=linspace(0,pi,5)'; 
+%! x=linspace(0,pi,5)';
 %! t=[sin(x),cos(x)];
-%! m=diff(t)./(x(2)-x(1)); 
+%! m=diff(t)./(x(2)-x(1));
 %! b=t(1:4,:);
 %! pp = mkpp(x, [m(:),b(:)]);
 %! xi=linspace(0,pi,50);
--- a/scripts/polynomial/mpoles.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/mpoles.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{multp}, @var{indx}] =} mpoles (@var{p}, @var{tol}, @var{reorder})
 ## Identify unique poles in @var{p} and associates their multiplicity,
 ## ordering them from largest to smallest.
 ## If the relative difference of the poles is less than @var{tol}, then
 ## they are considered to be multiples.  The default value for @var{tol}
 ## is 0.001.
--- a/scripts/polynomial/pchip.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/pchip.m
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ## @code{[@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @dots{}, @var{sk}, @var{n}]}
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## The array is then reshaped internally to a matrix where the leading
-## dimension is given by 
+## dimension is given by
 ## @tex
 ## $$s_1 s_2 \cdots s_k$$
 ## @end tex
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 ## is exactly the opposite treatment than @code{interp1} and is done
 ## for compatibility.
-## Called with a third input argument, @code{pchip} evaluates the 
+## Called with a third input argument, @code{pchip} evaluates the
 ## piecewise polynomial at the points @var{xi}.  There is an equivalence
 ## between @code{ppval (pchip (@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{xi})} and
 ## @code{pchip (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{xi})}.
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
   d1 = d(:,1:n-1);
   d2 = d(:,2:n);
-  ## This is taken from SLATEC. 
+  ## This is taken from SLATEC.
   h = diag (h);
   delta = diff (y, 1, 2) / h;
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@
-%! x = 0:8; 
+%! x = 0:8;
 %! y = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0];
-%! xi = 0:0.01:8; 
+%! xi = 0:0.01:8;
 %! yspline = spline(x,y,xi);
 %! ypchip = pchip(x,y,xi);
 %! title("pchip and spline fit to discontinuous function");
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 %! % confirm that pchip agreed better to discontinuous data than spline
 %!shared x,y
-%! x = 0:8; 
+%! x = 0:8;
 %! y = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0];
 %!assert (pchip(x,y,x), y);
 %!assert (pchip(x,y,x'), y');
--- a/scripts/polynomial/poly.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/poly.m
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} poly (@var{x})
 ## If @var{A} is a square @math{N}-by-@math{N} matrix, @code{poly (@var{A})}
 ## is the row vector of the coefficients of @code{det (z * eye (N) - A)},
-## the characteristic polynomial of @var{A}.  For example, 
-## the following code finds the eigenvalues of @var{A} which are the roots of 
+## the characteristic polynomial of @var{A}.  For example,
+## the following code finds the eigenvalues of @var{A} which are the roots of
 ## @code{poly (@var{A})}.
 ## @example
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## In fact, all three eigenvalues are exactly 1 which emphasizes that for 
+## In fact, all three eigenvalues are exactly 1 which emphasizes that for
 ## numerical performance the @code{eig} function should be used to compute
 ## eigenvalues.
 ## If @var{x} is a vector, @code{poly (@var{x})} is a vector of the coefficients
 ## of the polynomial whose roots are the elements of @var{x}.  That is,
-## if @var{c} is a polynomial, then the elements of 
+## if @var{c} is a polynomial, then the elements of
 ## @code{@var{d} = roots (poly (@var{c}))} are contained in @var{c}.
 ## The vectors @var{c} and @var{d} are not identical, however, due to sorting
 ## and numerical errors.
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyaffine.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyaffine.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## g(x) = f((x-@var{mu}(1))/@var{mu}(2)).
 ## @end example
 ## @seealso{polyval}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyderiv.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyderiv.m
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 ## Return the coefficients of the derivative of the polynomial whose
 ## coefficients are given by the vector @var{p}.  If a pair of polynomials
 ## is given, return the derivative of the product @math{@var{a}*@var{b}}.
-## If two inputs and two outputs are given, return the derivative of the 
-## polynomial quotient @math{@var{b}/@var{a}}.  The quotient numerator is 
+## If two inputs and two outputs are given, return the derivative of the
+## polynomial quotient @math{@var{b}/@var{a}}.  The quotient numerator is
 ## in @var{q} and the denominator in @var{d}.
 ## @seealso{poly, polyint, polyreduce, roots, conv, deconv, residue,
 ## filter, polygcd, polyval, polyvalm}
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
       if (! isvector (a))
         error ("polyderiv: argument must be a vector");
-      if (nargout == 1) 
+      if (nargout == 1)
         ## derivative of p*a returns a single polynomial
         q = polyderiv (conv (p, a));
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyfit.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyfit.m
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 ## The values of the polynomial for each value of @var{x}.
 ## @end table
-## The second output may be used by @code{polyval} to calculate the 
+## The second output may be used by @code{polyval} to calculate the
 ## statistical error limits of the predicted values.
-## When the third output, @var{mu}, is present the 
+## When the third output, @var{mu}, is present the
 ## coefficients, @var{p}, are associated with a polynomial in
 ## @var{xhat} = (@var{x}-@var{mu}(1))/@var{mu}(2).
 ## Where @var{mu}(1) = mean (@var{x}), and @var{mu}(2) = std (@var{x}).
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyreduce.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyreduce.m
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
     index = find (c != 0);
     if (isempty (index))
       p = 0;
       p = c(index (1):length (c));
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyval.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyval.m
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{y} =} polyval (@var{p}, @var{x})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{y} =} polyval (@var{p}, @var{x}, [], @var{mu})
-## Evaluate the polynomial @var{p} at the specified values of @var{x}.  When 
-## @var{mu} is present evaluate the polynomial for 
+## Evaluate the polynomial @var{p} at the specified values of @var{x}.  When
+## @var{mu} is present evaluate the polynomial for
 ## (@var{x}-@var{mu}(1))/@var{mu}(2).
 ## If @var{x} is a vector or matrix, the polynomial is evaluated for each of
 ## the elements of @var{x}.
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{y}, @var{dy}] =} polyval (@var{p}, @var{x}, @var{s})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{y}, @var{dy}] =} polyval (@var{p}, @var{x}, @var{s}, @var{mu})
-## In addition to evaluating the polynomial, the second output 
+## In addition to evaluating the polynomial, the second output
 ## represents the prediction interval, @var{y} +/- @var{dy}, which
 ## contains at least 50% of the future predictions.  To calculate the
 ## prediction interval, the structured variable @var{s}, originating
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppder.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppder.m
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2008-2011 VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 ## (at your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppint.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppint.m
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2008-2011 VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 ## (at your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   [x, p, n, k, d] = unmkpp (pp);
   p = reshape (p, [], k);
   ## Get piecewise antiderivatives
   pi = p / diag (k:-1:1);
   k += 1;
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppjumps.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppjumps.m
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2008-2011 VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 ## (at your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppval.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppval.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{yi} =} ppval (@var{pp}, @var{xi})
-## Evaluate piecewise polynomial @var{pp} at the points @var{xi}.  
+## Evaluate piecewise polynomial @var{pp} at the points @var{xi}.
 ## If @var{pp} is scalar-valued, the result is an array of the same shape as
 ## @var{xi}.
 ## Otherwise, the size of the result is @code{[pp.d, length(@var{xi})]} if
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## @code{[pp.d, length(@var{xi})]} and @code{[pp.d, size(@var{xi})]}
 ## respectively.
 ## @seealso{mkpp, unmkpp, spline}
-## @end deftypefn 
+## @end deftypefn
 function yi = ppval (pp, xi)
--- a/scripts/polynomial/residue.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/residue.m
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
   p = p (indx);
   ## For each group of pole multiplicity, set the value of each
-  ## pole to the average of the group. This reduces the error in 
+  ## pole to the average of the group. This reduces the error in
   ## the resulting poles.
   p_group = cumsum (e == 1);
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
   if (nargin < 3)
     k = [];
   if numel (e)
     indx = 1:numel(p);
--- a/scripts/polynomial/roots.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/roots.m
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
 %!assert(isempty (roots ([])));
 %!error roots ([1, 2; 3, 4]);
 %!assert(isempty (roots (1)));
 %!error roots ([1, 2; 3, 4]);
 %!error roots ([1 Inf 1]);
 %!error roots ([1 NaN 1]);
--- a/scripts/polynomial/spline.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/spline.m
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{pp} =} spline (@var{x}, @var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{yi} =} spline (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{xi})
-## Return the cubic spline interpolant of @var{y} at points @var{x}. 
+## Return the cubic spline interpolant of @var{y} at points @var{x}.
 ## If called with two arguments, @code{spline} returns the piecewise
 ## polynomial @var{pp} that may later be used with @code{ppval} to
 ## evaluate the polynomial at specific points.
-## If called with a third input argument, @code{spline} evaluates the 
+## If called with a third input argument, @code{spline} evaluates the
 ## spline at the points @var{xi}.  There is an equivalence
 ## between @code{ppval (spline (@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{xi})} and
 ## @code{spline (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{xi})}.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 ## @code{[@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @dots{}, @var{sk}, @var{n} + 2]}.
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## The array is then reshaped internally to a matrix where the leading
-## dimension is given by 
+## dimension is given by
 ## @tex
 ## $$s_1 s_2 \cdots s_k$$
 ## @end tex
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   x = x(:);
   n = length (x);
   if (n < 3)
-    error ("spline: requires at least 3 points"); 
+    error ("spline: requires at least 3 points");
   ## Check the size and shape of y
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@
     a = reshape (y, [prod(szy(1:end-1)), szy(end)]).';
-  for k = (1:columns (a))(any (isnan (a))) 
-    ok = ! isnan (a(:,k)); 
-    a(!ok,k) = spline (x(ok), a(ok,k), x(!ok)); 
-  endfor 
+  for k = (1:columns (a))(any (isnan (a)))
+    ok = ! isnan (a(:,k));
+    a(!ok,k) = spline (x(ok), a(ok,k), x(!ok));
+  endfor
   complete = false;
   if (size (a, 1) == n + 2)
     complete = true;
--- a/scripts/polynomial/unmkpp.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/unmkpp.m
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## Polynomial coefficients for points in sample interval.  @code{@var{p}
 ## (@var{i}, :)} contains the coefficients for the polynomial over
 ## interval @var{i} ordered from highest to lowest.  If @code{@var{d} >
-## 1}, @code{@var{p} (@var{r}, @var{i}, :)} contains the coefficients for 
+## 1}, @code{@var{p} (@var{r}, @var{i}, :)} contains the coefficients for
 ## the r-th polynomial defined on interval @var{i}.
 ## @item @var{n}
--- a/scripts/set/ismember.m
+++ b/scripts/set/ismember.m
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{tf} =} ismember (@var{A}, @var{s}) 
-## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{tf}, @var{S_idx}] =} ismember (@var{A}, @var{s}) 
+## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{tf} =} ismember (@var{A}, @var{s})
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{tf}, @var{S_idx}] =} ismember (@var{A}, @var{s})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{tf}, @var{S_idx}] =} ismember (@var{A}, @var{s}, "rows")
-## Return a logical matrix @var{tf} with the same shape as @var{A} which is 
+## Return a logical matrix @var{tf} with the same shape as @var{A} which is
 ## true (1) if @code{A(i,j)} is in @var{s} and false (0) if it is not.  If a
 ## second output argument is requested, the index into @var{s} of each of the
-## matching elements is also returned. 
+## matching elements is also returned.
 ## @example
 ## @group
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## With the optional third argument @code{"rows"}, and matrices 
+## With the optional third argument @code{"rows"}, and matrices
 ## @var{A} and @var{s} with the same number of columns, compare rows in
 ## @var{A} with the rows in @var{s}.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 ## Adapted-by: jwe
 ## Reimplemented using lookup & unique: Jaroslav Hajek <>
-function [tf, a_idx] = ismember (A, s, varargin) 
+function [tf, a_idx] = ismember (A, s, varargin)
   if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3)
     print_usage ();
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
     if (isreal (s) && ! isempty (s) && isnan (s(end)))
         s = s(1:end - sum (isnan (s)));
     if (nargout > 1)
       a_idx = lookup (s, A, "m");
       tf = logical (a_idx);
--- a/scripts/set/private/validargs.m
+++ b/scripts/set/private/validargs.m
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
         error ("%s: cell array of strings cannot be combined with a nonstring value", caller);
     elseif (! (ismatrix (x) && ismatrix (y)))
-      error ("%s: input arguments must be arrays or cell arrays of strings", caller); 
+      error ("%s: input arguments must be arrays or cell arrays of strings", caller);
   elseif (nargin == 4)
     if (strcmpi (byrows_arg, "rows"))
       if (iscell (x) || iscell (y))
         error ("%s: cells not supported with ""rows""");
       elseif (! (ismatrix (x) && ismatrix (y)))
-        error ("%s: input arguments must be arrays or cell arrays of strings", caller); 
+        error ("%s: input arguments must be arrays or cell arrays of strings", caller);
         if (ndims (x) > 2 || ndims (y) > 2)
           error ("%s: need 2-dimensional matrices for ""rows""", caller);
--- a/scripts/set/setdiff.m
+++ b/scripts/set/setdiff.m
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
 %!assert(setdiff(["bb";"zz";"bb";"zz"],["bb";"cc";"bb"],"rows"), "zz")
 %!assert(setdiff(["b";"z";"b";"z"],["b";"c";"b"],"rows"), "z")
 %!assert(setdiff(["b";"z";"b";"z"],["b";"c";"b"]), "z")
--- a/scripts/set/setxor.m
+++ b/scripts/set/setxor.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## Return index vectors @var{ia} and @var{ib} such that @code{a(ia)} and
 ## @code{b(ib)} are
 ## disjoint sets whose union is @var{c}.
 ## @seealso{unique, union, intersect, setdiff, ismember}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
       [c, i] = sort ([a(:); b(:)]);
       n = length (c);
       if (iscell (c))
-        idx = find (strcmp (c(1:n-1), c(2:n)));   
+        idx = find (strcmp (c(1:n-1), c(2:n)));
         idx = find (c(1:n-1) == c(2:n));
--- a/scripts/set/union.m
+++ b/scripts/set/union.m
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 ## Return index vectors @var{ia} and @var{ib} such that @code{a(ia)} and
 ## @code{b(ib)} are
 ## disjoint sets whose union is @var{c}.
 ## @seealso{intersect, setdiff, unique}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/set/unique.m
+++ b/scripts/set/unique.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{y}, @var{i}, @var{j}] =} unique (@dots{})
 ## Return the unique elements of @var{x}, sorted in ascending order.
 ## If the input @var{x} is a vector then the output is also a vector with the
-## same orientation (row or column) as the input.  For a matrix input the 
+## same orientation (row or column) as the input.  For a matrix input the
 ## output is always a column vector.  @var{x} may also be a cell array of
 ## strings.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 ## @code{x(i)==y} and @code{y(j)==x}.
 ## Additionally, if @var{i} is a requested output then one of @code{"first"} or
-## @code{"last"} may be given as an input.  If @code{"last"} is specified, 
+## @code{"last"} may be given as an input.  If @code{"last"} is specified,
 ## return the highest possible indices in @var{i}, otherwise, if @code{"first"}
 ## is specified, return the lowest.  The default is @code{"last"}.
 ## @seealso{union, intersect, setdiff, setxor, ismember}
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
   ## sparse array as long as we are not operating on rows.
   if (issparse (x) && ! optrows && nargout <= 1)
-    if (nnz (x) < numel (x)) 
+    if (nnz (x) < numel (x))
       y = unique ([0; (full (nonzeros (x)))], varargin{:});
       ## Corner case where sparse matrix is actually full
--- a/scripts/signal/arma_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/arma_rnd.m
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ## The optional parameter @var{n} gives the number of dummy
 ## @var{x}(@var{i}) used for initialization, i.e., a sequence of length
 ## @var{t}+@var{n} is generated and @var{x}(@var{n}+1:@var{t}+@var{n})
-## is returned.  If @var{n} is omitted, @var{n} = 100 is used. 
+## is returned.  If @var{n} is omitted, @var{n} = 100 is used.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: FL <>
--- a/scripts/signal/fftconv.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/fftconv.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} fftconv (@var{x}, @var{y})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} fftconv (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{n})
 ## Convolve two vectors using the FFT for computation.
 ## @code{c = fftconv (@var{x}, @var{y})} returns a vector of length equal to
 ## @code{length (@var{x}) + length (@var{y}) - 1}.
 ## If @var{x} and @var{y} are the coefficient vectors of two polynomials, the
@@ -103,4 +103,4 @@
 %!error fftconv (1,2,3,4);
 %!error fftconv ([1, 2; 3, 4], 3);
 %!error fftconv (2, []);
-%!error fftconv ([1,1], [2,2] , [3, 4]); 
+%!error fftconv ([1,1], [2,2] , [3, 4]);
--- a/scripts/signal/fftshift.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/fftshift.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## f = ((1:N) - ceil(N/2)) / N / Dt
 ## @end example
-## If @var{x} is a matrix, the same holds for rows and columns.  If 
+## If @var{x} is a matrix, the same holds for rows and columns.  If
 ## @var{x} is an array, then the same holds along each dimension.
 ## The optional @var{dim} argument can be used to limit the dimension
--- a/scripts/signal/filter2.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/filter2.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{y} =} filter2 (@var{b}, @var{x}, @var{shape})
 ## Apply the 2-D FIR filter @var{b} to @var{x}.  If the argument
 ## @var{shape} is specified, return an array of the desired shape.
-## Possible values are: 
+## Possible values are:
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 'full'
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: Paul Kienzle <>
-## 2001-02-08 
+## 2001-02-08
 ##    * initial release
 function y = filter2 (b, x, shape)
--- a/scripts/signal/freqz.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/freqz.m
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@dots{}] =} freqz (@dots{}, @var{Fs})
 ## Return frequencies in Hz instead of radians assuming a sampling rate
-## @var{Fs}.  If you are evaluating the response at specific frequencies 
+## @var{Fs}.  If you are evaluating the response at specific frequencies
 ## @var{w}, those frequencies should be requested in Hz rather than radians.
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} freqz (@dots{})
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
   elseif (nargin == 4)
     Fs = [];
     if (! ischar (region) && ! isempty (region))
-      Fs = region; 
+      Fs = region;
       region = [];
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@
   if (isempty (b))
     b = 1;
-  if (isempty (a)) 
-    a = 1; 
+  if (isempty (a))
+    a = 1;
   if (isempty (n))
-    n = 512; 
+    n = 512;
   if (isempty (region))
     if (isreal (b) && isreal (a))
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@
       region = "whole";
-  if (isempty (Fs)) 
-    if (nargout == 0) 
-      Fs = 2; 
-    else 
-      Fs = 2*pi; 
+  if (isempty (Fs))
+    if (nargout == 0)
+      Fs = 2;
+    else
+      Fs = 2*pi;
--- a/scripts/signal/ifftshift.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/ifftshift.m
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} ifftshift (@var{x})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} ifftshift (@var{x}, @var{dim})
-## Undo the action of the @code{fftshift} function.  For even length 
-## @var{x}, @code{fftshift} is its own inverse, but odd lengths differ 
+## Undo the action of the @code{fftshift} function.  For even length
+## @var{x}, @code{fftshift} is its own inverse, but odd lengths differ
 ## slightly.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/signal/unwrap.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/unwrap.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{b} =} unwrap (@var{x})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{b} =} unwrap (@var{x}, @var{tol})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{b} =} unwrap (@var{x}, @var{tol}, @var{dim})
 ## Unwrap radian phases by adding multiples of 2*pi as appropriate to
 ## remove jumps greater than @var{tol}.  @var{tol} defaults to pi.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## Author: Bill Lash <>
 function retval = unwrap (x, tol, dim)
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3)
     print_usage ();
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@
   ## Handle case where we are trying to unwrap a scalar, or only have
   ## one sample in the specified dimension.
-  if (m == 1)       
-    retval = x;     
-    return;         
+  if (m == 1)
+    retval = x;
+    return;
   ## Take first order difference to see so that wraps will show up
@@ -112,26 +112,26 @@
 %!  endif
 %! i = 0;
 %! t = [];
 %! r = [0:100];                        # original vector
 %! w = r - 2*pi*floor((r+pi)/(2*pi));  # wrapped into [-pi,pi]
 %! tol = 1e3*eps;                      # maximum expected deviation
 %! t(++i) = xassert(r, unwrap(w), tol);               #unwrap single row
 %! t(++i) = xassert(r', unwrap(w'), tol);             #unwrap single column
 %! t(++i) = xassert([r',r'], unwrap([w',w']), tol);   #unwrap 2 columns
 %! t(++i) = xassert([r;r], unwrap([w;w],[],2), tol);  #verify that dim works
 %! t(++i) = xassert(r+10, unwrap(10+w), tol);         #verify that r(1)>pi works
 %! t(++i) = xassert(w', unwrap(w',[],2));  #unwrap col by rows should not change it
 %! t(++i) = xassert(w, unwrap(w,[],1));    #unwrap row by cols should not change it
 %! t(++i) = xassert([w;w], unwrap([w;w])); #unwrap 2 rows by cols should not change them
 %! ## verify that setting tolerance too low will cause bad results.
 %! t(++i) = xassert(any(abs(r - unwrap(w,0.8)) > 100));
 %! assert(all(t));
--- a/scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
     shat = precon (s);
-    t = A * shat; 
+    t = A * shat;
     omega = (t' * s) / (t' * t);
     x = x + alpha * phat + omega * shat;
     res = s - omega * t;
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
       ## We reach tolerance tol within maxit iterations.
       flag = 0;
-    elseif (resvec (end) == resvec (end - 1)) 
+    elseif (resvec (end) == resvec (end - 1))
       ## The method stagnates.
       flag = 3;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   if (nargout < 2)
-    if (flag == 0) 
+    if (flag == 0)
       printf (["bicgstab converged at iteration %i ",
       "to a solution with relative residual %e\n"],iter,relres);
     elseif (flag == 3)
--- a/scripts/sparse/cgs.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/cgs.m
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
   if (nargout < 1)
-    if ( flag == 0 ) 
+    if ( flag == 0 )
       printf (["cgs converged at iteration %i ",
       "to a solution with relative residual %e\n"],iter,relres);
     elseif (flag == 3)
--- a/scripts/sparse/gplot.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/gplot.m
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   ycoord = [xy(i,2), xy(j,2), NaN(length(i),1) ]'(:);
   if (nargout == 0)
-    plot (xcoord, ycoord, line_style); 
+    plot (xcoord, ycoord, line_style);
     x = xcoord;
     y = ycoord;
--- a/scripts/sparse/pcg.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/pcg.m
@@ -32,23 +32,23 @@
 ## @var{A} should be symmetric and positive definite; if @code{pcg}
 ## finds @var{A} to not be positive definite, you will get a warning
 ## message and the @var{flag} output parameter will be set.
 ## @item
 ## @var{b} is the right hand side vector.
 ## @item
 ## @var{tol} is the required relative tolerance for the residual error,
 ## @code{@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}}.  The iteration stops if
-## @code{norm (@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}) <= 
+## @code{norm (@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}) <=
 ##       @var{tol} * norm (@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x0})}.
 ## If @var{tol} is empty or is omitted, the function sets
 ## @code{@var{tol} = 1e-6} by default.
 ## @item
 ## @var{maxit} is the maximum allowable number of iterations; if
 ## @code{[]} is supplied for @code{maxit}, or @code{pcg} has less
 ## arguments, a default value equal to 20 is used.
 ## @item
 ## @var{m} = @var{m1} * @var{m2} is the (left) preconditioning matrix, so that
 ## the iteration is (theoretically) equivalent to solving by @code{pcg}
@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@
 ## @var{x} = @var{m} \ @var{b}}, with @code{@var{P} = @var{m} \ @var{A}}.
 ## Note that a proper choice of the preconditioner may dramatically
 ## improve the overall performance of the method.  Instead of matrices
-## @var{m1} and @var{m2}, the user may pass two functions which return 
-## the results of applying the inverse of @var{m1} and @var{m2} to 
-## a vector (usually this is the preferred way of using the preconditioner). 
-## If @code{[]} is supplied for @var{m1}, or @var{m1} is omitted, no 
+## @var{m1} and @var{m2}, the user may pass two functions which return
+## the results of applying the inverse of @var{m1} and @var{m2} to
+## a vector (usually this is the preferred way of using the preconditioner).
+## If @code{[]} is supplied for @var{m1}, or @var{m1} is omitted, no
 ## preconditioning is applied.  If @var{m2} is omitted, @var{m} = @var{m1}
 ## will be used as preconditioner.
 ## @item
-## @var{x0} is the initial guess.  If @var{x0} is empty or omitted, the 
+## @var{x0} is the initial guess.  If @var{x0} is empty or omitted, the
 ## function sets @var{x0} to a zero vector by default.
 ## @end itemize
 ## The arguments which follow @var{x0} are treated as parameters, and
 ## passed in a proper way to any of the functions (@var{A} or @var{m})
 ## which are passed to @code{pcg}.  See the examples below for further
@@ -77,22 +77,22 @@
 ## @item
 ## @var{x} is the computed approximation to the solution of
 ## @code{@var{A} * @var{x} = @var{b}}.
 ## @item
 ## @var{flag} reports on the convergence.  @code{@var{flag} = 0} means
 ## the solution converged and the tolerance criterion given by @var{tol}
 ## is satisfied.  @code{@var{flag} = 1} means that the @var{maxit} limit
 ## for the iteration count was reached.  @code{@var{flag} = 3} reports that
 ## the (preconditioned) matrix was found not positive definite.
 ## @item
 ## @var{relres} is the ratio of the final residual to its initial value,
 ## measured in the Euclidean norm.
 ## @item
 ## @var{iter} is the actual number of iterations performed.
-## @item 
+## @item
 ## @var{resvec} describes the convergence history of the method.
 ## @code{@var{resvec} (i,1)} is the Euclidean norm of the residual, and
 ## @code{@var{resvec} (i,2)} is the preconditioned residual norm,
@@ -103,47 +103,47 @@
 ## @code{@var{r} = @var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}}, see also the
 ## description of @var{m}.  If @var{eigest} is not required, only
 ## @code{@var{resvec} (:,1)} is returned.
 ## @item
 ## @var{eigest} returns the estimate for the smallest @code{@var{eigest}
 ## (1)} and largest @code{@var{eigest} (2)} eigenvalues of the
-## preconditioned matrix @code{@var{P} = @var{m} \ @var{A}}.  In 
+## preconditioned matrix @code{@var{P} = @var{m} \ @var{A}}.  In
 ## particular, if no preconditioning is used, the estimates for the
 ## extreme eigenvalues of @var{A} are returned.  @code{@var{eigest} (1)}
-## is an overestimate and @code{@var{eigest} (2)} is an underestimate, 
+## is an overestimate and @code{@var{eigest} (2)} is an underestimate,
 ## so that @code{@var{eigest} (2) / @var{eigest} (1)} is a lower bound
 ## for @code{cond (@var{P}, 2)}, which nevertheless in the limit should
-## theoretically be equal to the actual value of the condition number. 
+## theoretically be equal to the actual value of the condition number.
 ## The method which computes @var{eigest} works only for symmetric positive
 ## definite @var{A} and @var{m}, and the user is responsible for
-## verifying this assumption. 
+## verifying this assumption.
 ## @end itemize
 ## Let us consider a trivial problem with a diagonal matrix (we exploit the
-## sparsity of A) 
+## sparsity of A)
 ## @example
 ## @group
-##      n = 10; 
+##      n = 10;
 ##      A = diag (sparse (1:n));
 ##      b = rand (n, 1);
 ##      [l, u, p, q] = luinc (A, 1.e-3);
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @sc{Example 1:} Simplest use of @code{pcg}
 ## @example
 ##   x = pcg(A,b)
 ## @end example
 ## @sc{Example 2:} @code{pcg} with a function which computes
 ## @code{@var{A} * @var{x}}
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ##   function y = apply_a (x)
-##     y = [1:N]'.*x; 
+##     y = [1:N]'.*x;
 ##   endfunction
 ##   x = pcg ("apply_a", b)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @sc{Example 4:} @code{pcg} with a preconditioner: @var{l} * @var{u}.
-## Faster than @sc{Example 3} since lower and upper triangular matrices 
+## Faster than @sc{Example 3} since lower and upper triangular matrices
 ## are easier to invert
 ## @example
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 ## @sc{Example 5:} Preconditioned iteration, with full diagnostics.  The
 ## preconditioner (quite strange, because even the original matrix
 ## @var{A} is trivial) is defined as a function
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ##   function y = apply_m (x)
@@ -175,36 +175,36 @@
 ##     y = x;
 ##     y(1:k) = x(1:k)./[1:k]';
 ##   endfunction
 ##   [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec, eigest] = ...
 ##                      pcg (A, b, [], [], "apply_m");
 ##   semilogy (1:iter+1, resvec);
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @sc{Example 6:} Finally, a preconditioner which depends on a
 ## parameter @var{k}.
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ##   function y = apply_M (x, varargin)
-##   K = varargin@{1@}; 
+##   K = varargin@{1@};
 ##   y = x;
 ##   y(1:K) = x(1:K)./[1:K]';
 ##   endfunction
 ##   [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec, eigest] = ...
 ##        pcg (A, b, [], [], "apply_m", [], [], 3)
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## References:
 ## @enumerate
 ## @item
 ## C.T. Kelley, @cite{Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations},
 ## SIAM, 1995. (the base PCG algorithm)
 ## @item
 ## Y. Saad, @cite{Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems}, PWS 1996.
 ## (condition number estimate from PCG) Revised version of this book is
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@
   matrix_positive_definite = true;
   p = zeros (size (b));
-  oldtau = 1; 
+  oldtau = 1;
   if (isnumeric (A))
     ## A is a matrix.
-    r = b - A*x; 
+    r = b - A*x;
     ## A should be a function.
     r = b - feval (A, x, varargin{:});
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
       z = y;
-    tau = z' * r; 
+    tau = z' * r;
     resvec (iter-1,2) = sqrt (tau);
     beta = tau / oldtau;
     oldtau = tau;
@@ -393,20 +393,20 @@
 %!      # Simplest usage of pcg (see also 'help pcg')
-%!      N = 10; 
+%!      N = 10;
 %!      A = diag ([1:N]); b = rand (N, 1); y =  A \ b; #y is the true solution
 %!      x = pcg (A, b);
 %!      printf('The solution relative error is %g\n', norm (x - y) / norm (y));
 %!      # You shouldn't be afraid if pcg issues some warning messages in this
-%!      # example: watch out in the second example, why it takes N iterations 
+%!      # example: watch out in the second example, why it takes N iterations
 %!      # of pcg to converge to (a very accurate, by the way) solution
 %!      # Full output from pcg, except for the eigenvalue estimates
-%!      # We use this output to plot the convergence history  
+%!      # We use this output to plot the convergence history
-%!      N = 10; 
+%!      N = 10;
 %!      A = diag ([1:N]); b = rand (N, 1); X =  A \ b; #X is the true solution
 %!      [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcg (A, b);
 %!      printf('The solution relative error is %g\n', norm (x - X) / norm (X));
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
 %!      # Full output from pcg, including the eigenvalue estimates
 %!      # Hilbert matrix is extremely ill conditioned, so pcg WILL have problems
-%!      N = 10; 
+%!      N = 10;
 %!      A = hilb (N); b = rand (N, 1); X = A \ b; #X is the true solution
 %!      [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec, eigest] = pcg (A, b, [], 200);
 %!      printf('The solution relative error is %g\n', norm (x - X) / norm (X));
@@ -432,10 +432,10 @@
 %!      # Full output from pcg, including the eigenvalue estimates
 %!      # We use the 1-D Laplacian matrix for A, and cond(A) = O(N^2)
 %!      # and that's the reasone we need some preconditioner; here we take
-%!      # a very simple and not powerful Jacobi preconditioner, 
+%!      # a very simple and not powerful Jacobi preconditioner,
 %!      # which is the diagonal of A
-%!      N = 100; 
+%!      N = 100;
 %!      A = zeros (N, N);
 %!      for i=1 : N - 1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
 %!              A (i:i+1, i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
 %!      #solve small diagonal system
-%!      N = 10; 
+%!      N = 10;
 %!      A = diag ([1:N]); b = rand (N, 1); X = A \ b; #X is the true solution
 %!      [x, flag] = pcg (A, b, [], N+1);
 %!      assert(norm (x - X) / norm (X), 0, 1e-10);
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
 %!      #despite A is indefinite, the iteration continues and converges
 %!      #indefiniteness of A is detected
-%!      N = 10; 
+%!      N = 10;
 %!      A = diag([1:N] .* (-ones(1, N) .^ 2)); b = rand (N, 1); X = A \ b; #X is the true solution
 %!      [x, flag] = pcg (A, b, [], N+1);
 %!      assert(norm (x - X) / norm (X), 0, 1e-10);
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
 %!      #solve tridiagonal system, do not converge in default 20 iterations
-%!      N = 100; 
+%!      N = 100;
 %!      A = zeros (N, N);
 %!      for i = 1 : N - 1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
 %!              A (i:i+1, i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
 %!      #converges in one iteration, so the eigest does not work
 %!      #and issues a warning
-%!      N = 100; 
+%!      N = 100;
 %!      A = zeros (N, N);
 %!      for i = 1 : N - 1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
 %!              A (i:i+1, i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
--- a/scripts/sparse/pcr.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/pcr.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{x} =} pcr (@var{A}, @var{b}, @var{tol}, @var{maxit}, @var{m}, @var{x0}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{flag}, @var{relres}, @var{iter}, @var{resvec}] =} pcr (@dots{})
 ## Solves the linear system of equations @code{@var{A} * @var{x} = @var{b}}
 ## by means of the Preconditioned Conjugate Residuals iterative
 ## method.  The input arguments are
@@ -32,18 +32,18 @@
 ## @var{A} should be symmetric and non-singular; if @code{pcr}
 ## finds @var{A} to be numerically singular, you will get a warning
 ## message and the @var{flag} output parameter will be set.
 ## @item
 ## @var{b} is the right hand side vector.
 ## @item
 ## @var{tol} is the required relative tolerance for the residual error,
-## @code{@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}}.  The iteration stops if 
-## @code{norm (@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}) <= 
+## @code{@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}}.  The iteration stops if
+## @code{norm (@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}) <=
 ##       @var{tol} * norm (@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x0})}.
 ## If @var{tol} is empty or is omitted, the function sets
 ## @code{@var{tol} = 1e-6} by default.
 ## @item
 ## @var{maxit} is the maximum allowable number of iterations; if
 ## @code{[]} is supplied for @code{maxit}, or @code{pcr} has less
@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@
 ## @var{x} = @var{m} \ @var{b}}, with @code{@var{P} = @var{m} \ @var{A}}.
 ## Note that a proper choice of the preconditioner may dramatically
 ## improve the overall performance of the method.  Instead of matrix
-## @var{m}, the user may pass a function which returns the results of 
+## @var{m}, the user may pass a function which returns the results of
 ## applying the inverse of @var{m} to a vector (usually this is the
 ## preferred way of using the preconditioner).  If @code{[]} is supplied
 ## for @var{m}, or @var{m} is omitted, no preconditioning is applied.
 ## @item
-## @var{x0} is the initial guess.  If @var{x0} is empty or omitted, the 
+## @var{x0} is the initial guess.  If @var{x0} is empty or omitted, the
 ## function sets @var{x0} to a zero vector by default.
 ## @end itemize
 ## The arguments which follow @var{x0} are treated as parameters, and
 ## passed in a proper way to any of the functions (@var{A} or @var{m})
 ## which are passed to @code{pcr}.  See the examples below for further
@@ -74,70 +74,70 @@
 ## @item
 ## @var{x} is the computed approximation to the solution of
 ## @code{@var{A} * @var{x} = @var{b}}.
 ## @item
 ## @var{flag} reports on the convergence.  @code{@var{flag} = 0} means
 ## the solution converged and the tolerance criterion given by @var{tol}
 ## is satisfied.  @code{@var{flag} = 1} means that the @var{maxit} limit
 ## for the iteration count was reached.  @code{@var{flag} = 3} reports t
 ## @code{pcr} breakdown, see [1] for details.
 ## @item
 ## @var{relres} is the ratio of the final residual to its initial value,
 ## measured in the Euclidean norm.
 ## @item
 ## @var{iter} is the actual number of iterations performed.
-## @item 
+## @item
 ## @var{resvec} describes the convergence history of the method,
-## so that @code{@var{resvec} (i)} contains the Euclidean norms of the 
+## so that @code{@var{resvec} (i)} contains the Euclidean norms of the
 ## residual after the (@var{i}-1)-th iteration, @code{@var{i} =
 ## 1,2, @dots{}, @var{iter}+1}.
 ## @end itemize
 ## Let us consider a trivial problem with a diagonal matrix (we exploit the
-## sparsity of A) 
+## sparsity of A)
 ## @example
 ## @group
-##      n = 10; 
+##      n = 10;
 ##      A = sparse (diag (1:n));
 ##      b = rand (N, 1);
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @sc{Example 1:} Simplest use of @code{pcr}
 ## @example
 ##   x = pcr(A, b)
 ## @end example
 ## @sc{Example 2:} @code{pcr} with a function which computes
 ## @code{@var{A} * @var{x}}.
 ## @example
 ## @group
-##   function y = apply_a (x) 
-##     y = [1:10]'.*x; 
+##   function y = apply_a (x)
+##     y = [1:10]'.*x;
 ##   endfunction
 ##   x = pcr ("apply_a", b)
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @sc{Example 3:}  Preconditioned iteration, with full diagnostics.  The
 ## preconditioner (quite strange, because even the original matrix
 ## @var{A} is trivial) is defined as a function
 ## @example
 ## @group
-##   function y = apply_m (x)           
-##     k = floor (length(x)-2); 
-##     y = x; 
-##     y(1:k) = x(1:k)./[1:k]'; 
+##   function y = apply_m (x)
+##     k = floor (length(x)-2);
+##     y = x;
+##     y(1:k) = x(1:k)./[1:k]';
 ##   endfunction
 ##   [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = ...
 ##                      pcr (A, b, [], [], "apply_m")
 ##   semilogy([1:iter+1], resvec);
@@ -146,21 +146,21 @@
 ## @sc{Example 4:} Finally, a preconditioner which depends on a
 ## parameter @var{k}.
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ##   function y = apply_m (x, varargin)
-##     k = varargin@{1@}; 
-##     y = x; y(1:k) = x(1:k)./[1:k]';   
+##     k = varargin@{1@};
+##     y = x; y(1:k) = x(1:k)./[1:k]';
 ##   endfunction
 ##   [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = ...
 ##                      pcr (A, b, [], [], "apply_m"', [], 3)
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## References:
 ##      [1] W. Hackbusch, @cite{Iterative Solution of Large Sparse Systems of
 ##      Equations}, section 9.5.4; Springer, 1994
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@
   else                          # then A should be a function!
     q = feval (A, p, varargin{:});
-  resvec(1) = abs (norm (r)); 
+  resvec(1) = abs (norm (r));
   ## iteration
   while (resvec(iter-1) > tol*resvec(1) && iter < maxit)
@@ -241,36 +241,36 @@
     b_top = r' * s;
     b_bot = q' * s;
     if (b_bot == 0.0)
       breakdown = true;
     lambda = b_top / b_bot;
     x += lambda*p;
     r -= lambda*q;
     if (isnumeric(A))           # is A a matrix?
       t = A*s;
     else                        # then A should be a function!
       t = feval (A, s, varargin{:});
     alpha0 = (t'*s) / b_bot;
     alpha1 = (t'*s_old) / b_bot_old;
     p_temp = p;
     q_temp = q;
     p = s - alpha0*p - alpha1*p_old;
     q = t - alpha0*q - alpha1*q_old;
     s_old = s;
     p_old = p_temp;
     q_old = q_temp;
     b_bot_old = b_bot;
     resvec(iter) = abs (norm (r));
@@ -304,20 +304,20 @@
 %!      # Simplest usage of PCR (see also 'help pcr')
-%!      N = 20; 
+%!      N = 20;
 %!      A = diag(linspace(-3.1,3,N)); b = rand(N,1); y = A\b; #y is the true solution
 %!      x = pcr(A,b);
 %!      printf('The solution relative error is %g\n', norm(x-y)/norm(y));
 %!      # You shouldn't be afraid if PCR issues some warning messages in this
-%!      # example: watch out in the second example, why it takes N iterations 
+%!      # example: watch out in the second example, why it takes N iterations
 %!      # of PCR to converge to (a very accurate, by the way) solution
 %!      # Full output from PCR
-%!      # We use this output to plot the convergence history  
+%!      # We use this output to plot the convergence history
-%!      N = 20; 
+%!      N = 20;
 %!      A = diag(linspace(-3.1,30,N)); b = rand(N,1); X = A\b; #X is the true solution
 %!      [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr(A,b);
 %!      printf('The solution relative error is %g\n', norm(x-X)/norm(X));
@@ -328,10 +328,10 @@
 %!      # Full output from PCR
 %!      # We use indefinite matrix based on the Hilbert matrix, with one
 %!      # strongly negative eigenvalue
-%!      # Hilbert matrix is extremely ill conditioned, so is ours, 
+%!      # Hilbert matrix is extremely ill conditioned, so is ours,
 %!      # and that's why PCR WILL have problems
-%!      N = 10; 
+%!      N = 10;
 %!      A = hilb(N); A(1,1)=-A(1,1); b = rand(N,1); X = A\b; #X is the true solution
 %!      printf('Condition number of A is   %g\n', cond(A));
 %!      [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr(A,b,[],200);
@@ -343,15 +343,15 @@
 %!      # Full output from PCR
-%!      # We use an indefinite matrix based on the 1-D Laplacian matrix for A, 
+%!      # We use an indefinite matrix based on the 1-D Laplacian matrix for A,
 %!      # and here we have cond(A) = O(N^2)
 %!      # That's the reason we need some preconditioner; here we take
-%!      # a very simple and not powerful Jacobi preconditioner, 
+%!      # a very simple and not powerful Jacobi preconditioner,
 %!      # which is the diagonal of A
 %!      # Note that we use here indefinite preconditioners!
-%!      N = 100; 
+%!      N = 100;
 %!      A = zeros(N,N);
 %!      for i=1:N-1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
 %!              A(i:i+1,i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
 %!      #solve small indefinite diagonal system
-%!      N = 10; 
+%!      N = 10;
 %!      A = diag(linspace(-10.1,10,N)); b = ones(N,1); X = A\b; #X is the true solution
 %!      [x, flag] = pcr(A,b,[],N+1);
 %!      assert(norm(x-X)/norm(X)<1e-10);
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
 %!      #solve tridiagonal system, do not converge in default 20 iterations
 %!      #should perform max allowable default number of iterations
-%!      N = 100; 
+%!      N = 100;
 %!      A = zeros(N,N);
 %!      for i=1:N-1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
 %!              A(i:i+1,i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
 %!      #solve tridiagonal system with 'prefect' preconditioner
 %!      #converges in one iteration
-%!      N = 100; 
+%!      N = 100;
 %!      A = zeros(N,N);
 %!      for i=1:N-1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
 %!              A(i:i+1,i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
--- a/scripts/sparse/spaugment.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spaugment.m
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
-## This is related to the least squares solution of 
+## This is related to the least squares solution of
 ## @code{@var{A} \\ @var{b}}, by
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## @var{s} * [ @var{r} / @var{c}; x] = [@var{b}, zeros(@var{n},
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 ## with @code{lu}, and the minimum norm solution can therefore be found
 ## without the need for a @code{qr} factorization.  As the residual
 ## error will be @code{zeros (@var{m}, @var{m})} for under determined
-## problems, and example can be 
+## problems, and example can be
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/sparse/spdiags.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spdiags.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{b} =} spdiags (@var{v}, @var{c}, @var{m}, @var{n})
 ## A generalization of the function @code{diag}.  Called with a single
 ## input argument, the non-zero diagonals @var{c} of @var{A} are extracted.
-## With two arguments the diagonals to extract are given by the vector 
+## With two arguments the diagonals to extract are given by the vector
 ## @var{c}.
 ## The other two forms of @code{spdiags} modify the input matrix by
--- a/scripts/sparse/speye.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/speye.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## Called with a single argument a square matrix of size @var{m} by
 ## @var{m} is created.  Otherwise a matrix of @var{m} by @var{n} is
-## created.  If called with a single vector argument, this argument 
+## created.  If called with a single vector argument, this argument
 ## is taken to be the size of the matrix to create.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/sparse/spfun.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spfun.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{y} =} spfun (@var{f}, @var{S})
 ## Compute @code{f(@var{S})} for the non-zero values of @var{S}.
-## This results in a sparse matrix with the same structure as 
+## This results in a sparse matrix with the same structure as
 ## @var{S}.  The function @var{f} can be passed as a string, a
 ## function handle, or an inline function.
 ## @seealso{arrayfun, cellfun, structfun}
--- a/scripts/sparse/sprand.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/sprand.m
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ## @var{d} should be between 0 and 1.  Values will be uniformly
 ## distributed between 0 and 1.
-## Note: sometimes the actual density may be a bit smaller than @var{d}. 
+## Note: sometimes the actual density may be a bit smaller than @var{d}.
 ## This is unlikely to happen for large, truly sparse, matrices.
 ## If called with a single matrix argument, a random sparse matrix is
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 ## Piotr Krzyzanowski <>
 ##      2004-09-27      use Paul's hint to allow larger random matrices
 ##                      at the price of sometimes lower density than desired
-## David Bateman 
-##      2004-10-20      Texinfo help and copyright message 
+## David Bateman
+##      2004-10-20      Texinfo help and copyright message
 function S = sprand (m, n, d)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
   mn = m*n;
   ## how many entries in S would be satisfactory?
   k = round (d*mn);
-  idx = unique (fix (rand (min (k*1.01, k+10), 1) * mn)) + 1; 
+  idx = unique (fix (rand (min (k*1.01, k+10), 1) * mn)) + 1;
   ## idx contains random numbers in [1,mn]
   ## generate 1% or 10 more random values than necessary in order to
   ## reduce the probability that there are less than k distinct
--- a/scripts/sparse/sprandn.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/sprandn.m
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ## @var{d} should be between 0 and 1. Values will be normally
 ## distributed with mean of zero and variance 1.
-## Note: sometimes the actual density may be a bit smaller than @var{d}. 
+## Note: sometimes the actual density may be a bit smaller than @var{d}.
 ## This is unlikely to happen for large really sparse matrices.
 ## If called with a single matrix argument, a random sparse matrix is
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   elseif (nargin == 3)
     mn = m*n;
     k = round (d*mn);
-    idx = unique (fix (rand (min (k*1.01, k+10), 1) * mn)) + 1; 
+    idx = unique (fix (rand (min (k*1.01, k+10), 1) * mn)) + 1;
     ## idx contains random numbers in [1,mn]
     ## generate 1% or 10 more random values than necessary in order to
     ## reduce the probability that there are less than k distinct
--- a/scripts/sparse/sprandsym.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/sprandsym.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## @var{d} should be between 0 and 1. Values will be normally
 ## distributed with mean of zero and variance 1.
-## Note: sometimes the actual density may be a bit smaller than @var{d}. 
+## Note: sometimes the actual density may be a bit smaller than @var{d}.
 ## This is unlikely to happen for large really sparse matrices.
 ## If called with a single matrix argument, a random sparse matrix is
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     n1 = m1 + rem (n, 2);
     mn1 = m1*n1;
     k1 = round (d*mn1);
-    idx1 = unique (fix (rand (min (k1*1.01, k1+10), 1) * mn1)) + 1; 
+    idx1 = unique (fix (rand (min (k1*1.01, k1+10), 1) * mn1)) + 1;
     ## idx contains random numbers in [1,mn] generate 1% or 10 more
     ## random values than necessary in order to reduce the probability
     ## that there are less than k distinct values; maybe a better
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
     n2 = ceil (n/2);
     nn2 = n2*n2;
     k2 = round (d*nn2);
-    idx2 = unique (fix (rand (min (k2*1.01, k1+10), 1) * nn2)) + 1; 
+    idx2 = unique (fix (rand (min (k2*1.01, k1+10), 1) * nn2)) + 1;
     k2 = min (length (idx2), k2);
     j2 = floor ((idx2(1:k2)-1)/n2);
     i2 = idx2(1:k2) - j2*n2;
--- a/scripts/sparse/spstats.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spstats.m
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{count}, @var{mean}, @var{var}] =} spstats (@var{S}, @var{j})
 ## Return the stats for the non-zero elements of the sparse matrix @var{S}.
 ## @var{count} is the number of non-zeros in each column, @var{mean}
-## is the mean of the non-zeros in each column, and @var{var} is the  
+## is the mean of the non-zeros in each column, and @var{var} is the
 ## variance of the non-zeros in each column.
 ## Called with two input arguments, if @var{S} is the data and @var{j}
-## is the bin number for the data, compute the stats for each bin.  In 
-## this case, bins can contain data values of zero, whereas with 
+## is the bin number for the data, compute the stats for each bin.  In
+## this case, bins can contain data values of zero, whereas with
 ## @code{spstats (@var{S})} the zeros may disappear.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@
   if (nargin == 1)
     [i, j, v] = find (S);
-    v = S;    
+    v = S;
     i = 1:length (v);
     S = sparse (i, j, v);
-  endif 
+  endif
   [n, m] = size (S);
   count = sum (sparse (i, j, 1, n, m));
-  if (nargout > 1) 
-    mean = sum (S) ./ count; 
+  if (nargout > 1)
+    mean = sum (S) ./ count;
-  if (nargout > 2) 
+  if (nargout > 2)
     ## FIXME Variance with count = 0 or 1?
-    diff = S - sparse (i, j, mean(j), n, m); 
+    diff = S - sparse (i, j, mean(j), n, m);
     var = sum (diff .* diff) ./ (count - 1);
--- a/scripts/sparse/spy.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spy.m
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ## @seealso{plot}
 ## @end deftypefn
-function spy (x, varargin) 
+function spy (x, varargin)
   if (nargin < 1)
     print_usage ();
--- a/scripts/sparse/svds.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/svds.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{u}, @var{s}, @var{v}, @var{flag}] =} svds (@dots{})
 ## Find a few singular values of the matrix @var{A}.  The singular values
-## are calculated using 
+## are calculated using
 ## @example
 ## @group
@@ -35,33 +35,33 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## The eigenvalues returned by @code{eigs} correspond to the singular values 
+## The eigenvalues returned by @code{eigs} correspond to the singular values
 ## of @var{A}.  The number of singular values to calculate is given by @var{k}
 ## and defaults to 6.
-## The argument @var{sigma} specifies which singular values to find.  When 
-## @var{sigma} is the string 'L', the default, the largest singular values of 
-## @var{A} are found.  Otherwise, @var{sigma} must be a real scalar and the 
-## singular values closest to @var{sigma} are found.  As a corollary, 
-## @code{@var{sigma} = 0} finds the smallest singular values.  Note that for 
+## The argument @var{sigma} specifies which singular values to find.  When
+## @var{sigma} is the string 'L', the default, the largest singular values of
+## @var{A} are found.  Otherwise, @var{sigma} must be a real scalar and the
+## singular values closest to @var{sigma} are found.  As a corollary,
+## @code{@var{sigma} = 0} finds the smallest singular values.  Note that for
 ## relatively small values of @var{sigma}, there is a chance that the requested
-## number of singular values will not be found.  In that case @var{sigma} 
+## number of singular values will not be found.  In that case @var{sigma}
 ## should be increased.
 ## @var{opts} is a structure defining options that @code{svds} will pass
-## to @code{eigs}.  The possible fields of this structure are documented in 
+## to @code{eigs}.  The possible fields of this structure are documented in
 ## @code{eigs}.  By default, @code{svds} sets the following three fields:
 ## @table @code
 ## @item tol
-## The required convergence tolerance for the singular values.  The default 
+## The required convergence tolerance for the singular values.  The default
 ## value is 1e-10.  @code{eigs} is passed @code{@var{tol} / sqrt(2)}.
 ## @item maxit
 ## The maximum number of iterations.  The default is 300.
 ## @item disp
-## The level of diagnostic printout (0|1|2).  If @code{disp} is 0 then 
+## The level of diagnostic printout (0|1|2).  If @code{disp} is 0 then
 ## diagnostics are disabled.  The default value is 0.
 ## @end table
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## where @var{A}_approx is a matrix of size @var{A} but only rank @var{k}.
-## @var{flag} returns 0 if the algorithm has succesfully converged, and 1 
+## @var{flag} returns 0 if the algorithm has succesfully converged, and 1
 ## otherwise.  The test for convergence is
 ## @example
@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@
     if (b_sigma == 0)
       ## Find the smallest eigenvalues
-      ## The eigenvalues returns by eigs for sigma=0 are symmetric about 0. 
+      ## The eigenvalues returns by eigs for sigma=0 are symmetric about 0.
       ## As we are only interested in the positive eigenvalues, we have to
-      ## double k and then throw out the k negative eigenvalues. 
-      ## Separately, if sigma is non-zero, but smaller than the smallest 
-      ## singular value, ARPACK may not return k eigenvalues. However, as 
-      ## computation scales with k we'd like to avoid doubling k for all 
+      ## double k and then throw out the k negative eigenvalues.
+      ## Separately, if sigma is non-zero, but smaller than the smallest
+      ## singular value, ARPACK may not return k eigenvalues. However, as
+      ## computation scales with k we'd like to avoid doubling k for all
       ## scalar values of sigma.
-      b_k = 2 * k; 
+      b_k = 2 * k;
       b_k = k;  # Normal case, find just the k largest eigenvalues
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@
       norma = normest (A);
     ## We wish to exclude all eigenvalues that are less than zero as these
-    ## are artifacts of the way the matrix passed to eigs is formed. There 
-    ## is also the possibility that the value of sigma chosen is exactly 
-    ## a singular value, and in that case we're dead!! So have to rely on 
+    ## are artifacts of the way the matrix passed to eigs is formed. There
+    ## is also the possibility that the value of sigma chosen is exactly
+    ## a singular value, and in that case we're dead!! So have to rely on
     ## the warning from eigs. We exclude the singular values which are
     ## less than or equal to zero to within some tolerance scaled by the
     ## norm since if we don't we might end up with too many singular
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
     tol = norma * opts.tol;
     ind = find(s > tol);
     if (length (ind) < k)
-      ## Too few eigenvalues returned.  Add in any zero eigenvalues of B, 
+      ## Too few eigenvalues returned.  Add in any zero eigenvalues of B,
       ## including the nominally negative ones.
       zind = find (abs (s) <= tol);
       p = min (length (zind), k - length (ind));
@@ -251,26 +251,26 @@
 %! v = v(:,idx);
 %! randn('state',42);      % Initialize to make normest function reproducible
 %! rand('state',42)
-%! opts.v0 = rand (2*n,1); % Initialize eigs ARPACK starting vector 
+%! opts.v0 = rand (2*n,1); % Initialize eigs ARPACK starting vector
 %!                         % to guarantee reproducible results
 %!testif HAVE_ARPACK
 %! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds(A,k);
 %! s2 = diag(s2);
 %! assert(flag,!1);
-%! assert(s2, s(end:-1:end-k+1), 1e-10); 
+%! assert(s2, s(end:-1:end-k+1), 1e-10);
 %!testif HAVE_ARPACK
 %! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds(A,k,0,opts);
 %! s2 = diag(s2);
 %! assert(flag,!1);
-%! assert(s2, s(k:-1:1), 1e-10); 
+%! assert(s2, s(k:-1:1), 1e-10);
 %!testif HAVE_ARPACK
 %! idx = floor(n/2);
-%! % Don't put sigma right on a singular value or there are convergence issues 
-%! sigma = 0.99*s(idx) + 0.01*s(idx+1); 
+%! % Don't put sigma right on a singular value or there are convergence issues
+%! sigma = 0.99*s(idx) + 0.01*s(idx+1);
 %! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds(A,k,sigma,opts);
 %! s2 = diag(s2);
 %! assert(flag,!1);
-%! assert(s2, s((idx+floor(k/2)):-1:(idx-floor(k/2))), 1e-10); 
+%! assert(s2, s((idx+floor(k/2)):-1:(idx-floor(k/2))), 1e-10);
 %!testif HAVE_ARPACK
 %! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds(zeros (10), k);
 %! assert (isequal(u2, eye (10, k)) && isequal (s2, zeros(k)) && isequal (v2, eye(10, 7)))
--- a/scripts/sparse/treelayout.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/treelayout.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 function [x_coordinate, y_coordinate, height, s] = treelayout (tree, permutation)
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2 || nargout > 4)
     print_usage ();
-  elseif (! isvector (tree) || rows (tree) != 1 || ! isnumeric (tree) 
+  elseif (! isvector (tree) || rows (tree) != 1 || ! isnumeric (tree)
           ||  any (tree > length (tree)) || any (tree < 0))
     error ("treelayout: the first input argument must be a vector of predecessors");
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     if (nargin == 1)
       for i = 1:num_nodes
-        vec_of_child(xhelp(tree(i)+1)) = i;  
+        vec_of_child(xhelp(tree(i)+1)) = i;
         xhelp(tree(i)+1) = xhelp(tree(i)+1) + 1;
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
       ## If there is not any descendant of "parent node":
       if (stk(end,2) != par_number)
-       x_coordinate_r(par_number) = left_most;           
+       x_coordinate_r(par_number) = left_most;
        max_ht = min (max_ht, level);
        if (length(stk) > 1 && find ((shift(stk,1)-stk) == 0) > 1
            && stk(end,2) != stk(end-1,2))
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
           x_coordinate_r(par_number_vec) = left_most;
           stk(position:end,:) = [];
-        endif   
+        endif
         ## Remove the next node from "searched branch".
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
         par_number = stk(end,1);
         ## If there is another branch start to search it.
         if (par_number != -1)
-          y_coordinate(par_number) = level;     
+          y_coordinate(par_number) = level;
           x_coordinate_l(par_number) = left_most + 1;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
         ## them and go on through it.
         par_number = stk(end,1);
-        y_coordinate(par_number) = level;     
+        y_coordinate(par_number) = level;
         x_coordinate_l(par_number) = left_most + 1;
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@
-%! % Compute a simple tree layout 
+%! % Compute a simple tree layout
 %! [x,y,h,s]=treelayout([0 1 2 2])
 %! % Compute a simple tree layout with defined postorder permutation
-%! [x,y,h,s]=treelayout([0 1 2 2],[1 2 3 4]) 
+%! [x,y,h,s]=treelayout([0 1 2 2],[1 2 3 4])
--- a/scripts/sparse/treeplot.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/treeplot.m
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3 || nargout > 0)
     print_usage ();
-    if (! ismatrix (tree) || rows (tree) != 1 || ! isnumeric (tree) 
+    if (! ismatrix (tree) || rows (tree) != 1 || ! isnumeric (tree)
         || ! isvector (tree) || any (tree > length (tree)))
       error ("treeplot: the first input argument must be a vector of predecessors");
       ## The initialization of node end edge style.
       node_style = "k*";
-      edge_style = "r";      
+      edge_style = "r";
       if (nargin > 2)
         edge_style = edge_s;
-        if (nargin > 1) 
+        if (nargin > 1)
           if (length (findstr (node_s, "*")) == 0
               && length (findstr (node_s, "+")) == 0
               && length (findstr (node_s, "x")) == 0)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
       ## The number of children.
       num_children = zeros (1, num_nodes+1);
       for i = 1:num_nodes
         ## VEC_OF_CHILD is helping vector which is used to speed up the
         ## choose of descendant nodes.
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
         pos += num_children(i);
         stop(i) = pos;
-      for i = 1:num_nodes        
-        vec_of_child(xhelp(tree(i)+1)) = i;  
+      for i = 1:num_nodes
+        vec_of_child(xhelp(tree(i)+1)) = i;
         xhelp(tree(i)+1) = xhelp(tree(i)+1)+1;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
         ## If there is not any descendant of "parent node":
         if (stk(end,2) != par_number)
-          x_coordinate_r(par_number) = left_most;           
+          x_coordinate_r(par_number) = left_most;
           max_ht = min (max_ht, level);
           if (length(stk) > 1 && find ((shift(stk,1)-stk) == 0) > 1
               && stk(end,2) != stk(end-1,2))
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
             ## The level have to be decreased.
             x_coordinate_r(par_number_vec) = left_most;
             stk(position:end,:) = [];
-          endif 
+          endif
           ## Remove the next node from "searched branch".
           stk(end,:) = [];
           ## Choose new "parent node".
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
           ## If there is another branch start to search it.
           if (par_number != -1)
             skelet = [skelet; stk(end,2); par_number];
-            y_coordinate(par_number) = level;   
+            y_coordinate(par_number) = level;
             x_coordinate_l(par_number) = left_most + 1;
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
           ## them and go on through it.
           par_number = stk(end,1);
-          y_coordinate(par_number) = level;     
+          y_coordinate(par_number) = level;
           x_coordinate_l(par_number) = left_most + 1;
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
           istart = idx(i-1) + 1;
           ## Tree component end.
           istop = idx(i) - 1;
-          if (istop - istart < 1)                          
+          if (istop - istart < 1)
           plot (x_coordinate(skelet(istart:istop)),
@@ -201,15 +201,15 @@
           hold ("off");
-%! % Plot a simple tree plot 
+%! % Plot a simple tree plot
 %! treeplot([2 4 2 0 6 4 6])
 %! % Plot a simple tree plot defining the edge and node styles
-%! treeplot([2 4 2 0 6 4 6], "b+", "g") 
+%! treeplot([2 4 2 0 6 4 6], "b+", "g")
--- a/scripts/specfun/bessel.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/bessel.m
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@var{k}, @var{ierr}] =} besselk (@var{alpha}, @var{x}, @var{opt})
 ## @deftypefnx {Loadable Function} {[@var{h}, @var{ierr}] =} besselh (@var{alpha}, @var{k}, @var{x}, @var{opt})
 ## Compute Bessel or Hankel functions of various kinds:
 ## @table @code
 ## @item besselj
-## Bessel functions of the first kind.  If the argument @var{opt} is supplied, 
+## Bessel functions of the first kind.  If the argument @var{opt} is supplied,
 ## the result is multiplied by @code{exp(-abs(imag(x)))}.
 ## @item bessely
@@ -50,20 +50,20 @@
 ## @code{exp (-I*@var{x})} for @var{k} = 1 or @code{exp (I*@var{x})} for
 ## @var{k} = 2.
 ## @end table
 ## If @var{alpha} is a scalar, the result is the same size as @var{x}.
 ## If @var{x} is a scalar, the result is the same size as @var{alpha}.
 ## If @var{alpha} is a row vector and @var{x} is a column vector, the
 ## result is a matrix with @code{length (@var{x})} rows and
 ## @code{length (@var{alpha})} columns.  Otherwise, @var{alpha} and
 ## @var{x} must conform and the result will be the same size.
 ## The value of @var{alpha} must be real.  The value of @var{x} may be
 ## complex.
 ## If requested, @var{ierr} contains the following status information
 ## and is the same size as the result.
 ## @enumerate 0
 ## @item
 ## Normal return.
--- a/scripts/specfun/betaln.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/betaln.m
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## betaln (a, b) = gammaln (a) + gammaln (b) - gammaln (a + b)
 ## @end example
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## @seealso{beta, betainc, gammaln}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/specfun/factor.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/factor.m
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{p} =} factor (@var{q})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{p}, @var{n}] =} factor (@var{q})
-## Return prime factorization of @var{q}.  That is, 
+## Return prime factorization of @var{q}.  That is,
 ## @code{prod (@var{p}) == @var{q}} and every element of @var{p} is a prime
-## number.  If @code{@var{q} == 1}, return 1. 
+## number.  If @code{@var{q} == 1}, return 1.
 ## With two output arguments, return the unique primes @var{p} and
 ## their multiplicities.  That is, @code{prod (@var{p} .^ @var{n}) ==
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     x = q;
     n = 1;
-  endif 
+  endif
   x = [];
   ## There is at most one prime greater than sqrt(q), and if it exists,
--- a/scripts/specfun/legendre.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/legendre.m
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{l} =} legendre (@var{n}, @var{x})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{l} =} legendre (@var{n}, @var{x}, @var{normalization})
-## Compute the Legendre function of degree @var{n} and order 
-## @var{m} = 0 @dots{} N@.  The optional argument, @var{normalization}, 
+## Compute the Legendre function of degree @var{n} and order
+## @var{m} = 0 @dots{} N@.  The optional argument, @var{normalization},
 ## may be one of @code{"unnorm"}, @code{"sch"}, or @code{"norm"}.
-## The default is @code{"unnorm"}.  The value of @var{n} must be a 
-## non-negative scalar integer.  
+## The default is @code{"unnorm"}.  The value of @var{n} must be a
+## non-negative scalar integer.
 ## If the optional argument @var{normalization} is missing or is
 ## @code{"unnorm"}, compute the Legendre function of degree @var{n} and
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@
 ## m=0 | -1.00000 | -0.47250 | -0.08000
 ## m=1 |  0.00000 | -1.99420 | -1.98000
 ## m=2 |  0.00000 | -2.56500 | -4.32000
-## m=3 |  0.00000 | -1.24229 | -3.24000 
+## m=3 |  0.00000 | -1.24229 | -3.24000
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## If the optional argument @code{normalization} is @code{"sch"}, 
+## If the optional argument @code{normalization} is @code{"sch"},
 ## compute the Schmidt semi-normalized associated Legendre function.
 ## The Schmidt semi-normalized associated Legendre function is related
 ## to the unnormalized Legendre functions by the following:
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
-## If the optional argument @var{normalization} is @code{"norm"}, 
+## If the optional argument @var{normalization} is @code{"norm"},
 ## compute the fully normalized associated Legendre function.
 ## The fully normalized associated Legendre function is related
 ## to the unnormalized Legendre functions by the following:
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 ## @group
 ##   m       m          m    (n+0.5)(n-m)! 0.5
 ## NP (x) = P (x) * (-1)  * [-------------]
-##   n       n                   (n+m)!    
+##   n       n                   (n+m)!
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
   overflow = false;
   for m = 1:n
     lpm1 = scale;
-    lpm2 = (2*m-1) .* x .* scale;      
+    lpm2 = (2*m-1) .* x .* scale;
     lpm3 = lpm2;
     for k = m+1:n
       lpm3a = (2*k-1) .* x .* lpm2;
--- a/scripts/specfun/nchoosek.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/nchoosek.m
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## If @var{n} is a vector generate all combinations of the elements
-## of @var{n}, taken @var{k} at a time, one row per combination.  The 
-## resulting @var{c} has size @code{[nchoosek (length (@var{n}), 
+## of @var{n}, taken @var{k} at a time, one row per combination.  The
+## resulting @var{c} has size @code{[nchoosek (length (@var{n}),
 ## @var{k}), @var{k}]}.
 ## @code{nchoosek} works only for non-negative integer arguments; use
--- a/scripts/specfun/nthroot.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/nthroot.m
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} nthroot (@var{x}, @var{n})
-## Compute the n-th root of @var{x}, returning real results for real 
+## Compute the n-th root of @var{x}, returning real results for real
 ## components of @var{x}.  For example:
 ## @example
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ## @result{} 0.50000 - 0.86603i
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @var{n} must be a scalar.  If @var{n} is not an even integer and @var{X} has
 ## negative entries, an error is produced.
 ## @seealso{realsqrt, sqrt, cbrt}
--- a/scripts/specfun/primes.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/primes.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} primes (@var{n})
-## Return all primes up to @var{n}.  
+## Return all primes up to @var{n}.
 ## The algorithm used is the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
--- a/scripts/specfun/reallog.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/reallog.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} reallog (@var{x})
-## Return the real-valued natural logarithm of each element of @var{x}.  Report 
+## Return the real-valued natural logarithm of each element of @var{x}.  Report
 ## an error if any element results in a complex return value.
 ## @seealso{log, realpow, realsqrt}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     print_usage ();
   elseif (iscomplex (x) || any (x(:) < 0))
     error ("reallog: produced complex result");
-  else    
+  else
     y = log (x);
--- a/scripts/specfun/realpow.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/realpow.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} realpow (@var{x}, @var{y})
-## Compute the real-valued, element-by-element power operator.  This is 
+## Compute the real-valued, element-by-element power operator.  This is
 ## equivalent to @w{@code{@var{x} .^ @var{y}}}, except that @code{realpow}
 ## reports an error if any return value is complex.
 ## @seealso{reallog, realsqrt}
--- a/scripts/specfun/realsqrt.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/realsqrt.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     print_usage ();
   elseif (iscomplex (x) || any (x(:) < 0))
     error ("realsqrt: produced complex result");
-  else    
+  else
     y = sqrt (x);
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/hadamard.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/hadamard.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} hadamard (@var{n})
-## Construct a Hadamard matrix @var{Hn} of size @var{n}-by-@var{n}.  The 
+## Construct a Hadamard matrix @var{Hn} of size @var{n}-by-@var{n}.  The
 ## size @var{n} must be of the form @code{2 ^ @var{k} * @var{p}} in which
 ## @var{p} is one of 1, 12, 20 or 28.  The returned matrix is normalized,
 ## meaning @code{Hn(:,1) == 1} and @code{Hn(1,:) == 1}.
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## @itemize @bullet
 ## @item
-## @code{kron (@var{Hm}, @var{Hn})} is a Hadamard matrix of size 
+## @code{kron (@var{Hm}, @var{Hn})} is a Hadamard matrix of size
 ## @var{m}-by-@var{n}.
 ## @item
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Reference [1] contains a list of Hadamard matrices up to n=256.
 ## See code for h28 in hadamard.m for an example of how to extend
 ## this function for additional p.
 ## References:
-## [1] A Library of Hadamard Matrices, N. J. A. Sloane 
+## [1] A Library of Hadamard Matrices, N. J. A. Sloane
 function h = hadamard (n)
   if (nargin != 1)
     print_usage ();
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@
   ## Find k if n = 2^k*p.
   k = 0;
   while (n > 1 && floor (n/2) == n/2)
-    k++; 
-    n = n/2; 
+    k++;
+    n = n/2;
   ## Find base hadamard.
   ## Except for n=2^k, need a multiple of 4.
   if (n != 1)
-    k -= 2; 
+    k -= 2;
   ## Trigger error if not a multiple of 4.
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@
   h2 = [1,1;1,-1];
   while (true)
     if (floor (k/2) != k/2)
-      h = kron (h2, h); 
+      h = kron (h2, h);
     k = floor (k/2);
-    if (k == 0) 
-      break; 
+    if (k == 0)
+      break;
     h2 = kron (h2, h2);
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/invhilb.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/invhilb.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} invhilb (@var{n})
-## Return the inverse of the Hilbert matrix of order @var{n}.  This can be 
+## Return the inverse of the Hilbert matrix of order @var{n}.  This can be
 ## computed exactly using
 ## @tex
 ## $$\eqalign{
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @end ifnottex
-## The validity of this formula can easily be checked by expanding 
-## the binomial coefficients in both formulas as factorials.  It can 
-## be derived more directly via the theory of Cauchy matrices. 
+## The validity of this formula can easily be checked by expanding
+## the binomial coefficients in both formulas as factorials.  It can
+## be derived more directly via the theory of Cauchy matrices.
 ## See J. W. Demmel, @cite{Applied Numerical Linear Algebra}, p. 92.
 ## Compare this with the numerical calculation of @code{inverse (hilb (n))},
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
   if (nmax == 1)
     ## The point about the second formula above is that when vectorized,
-    ## p(k) is evaluated for k=1:n which involves O(n) calls to bincoeff 
+    ## p(k) is evaluated for k=1:n which involves O(n) calls to bincoeff
     ## instead of O(n^2).
     ## We evaluate the expression as (-1)^(i+j)*(p(i)*p(j))/(i+j-1) except
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@
     ## (-1)^(i+j)*p(i)*(p(j)/(i+j-1)).
     ## The Octave bincoeff routine uses transcendental functions (gammaln
-    ## and exp) rather than multiplications, for the sake of speed.  
-    ## However, it rounds the answer to the nearest integer, which 
+    ## and exp) rather than multiplications, for the sake of speed.
+    ## However, it rounds the answer to the nearest integer, which
     ## justifies the claim about exactness made above.
-    retval = zeros (n); 
-    k = [1:n]; 
+    retval = zeros (n);
+    k = [1:n];
     p = k .* bincoeff (k+n-1, k-1) .* bincoeff (n, k);
     p(2:2:n) = -p(2:2:n);
     if (n < 203)
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 %! -120, 1200, -2700, 1680;
 %! 240, -2700, 6480, -4200;
 %! -140, 1680, -4200, 2800];
 %! assert((invhilb (1) == 1 && invhilb (2) == [4, -6; -6, 12]
 %! && invhilb (4) == result4
 %! && abs (invhilb (7) * hilb (7) - eye (7)) < sqrt (eps)));
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/magic.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/magic.m
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
     A([I,I+m],1) = A([I+m,I],1);
     I = k + 1;
     A([I,I+m],I) = A([I+m,I],I);
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/pascal.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/pascal.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} pascal (@var{n})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} pascal (@var{n}, @var{t})
 ## Return the Pascal matrix of order @var{n} if @code{@var{t} = 0}.
-## @var{t} defaults to 0.  Return lower triangular Cholesky factor of 
+## @var{t} defaults to 0.  Return lower triangular Cholesky factor of
 ## the Pascal matrix if @code{@var{t} = 1}.  This matrix is its own
 ## inverse, that is @code{pascal (@var{n}, 1) ^ 2 == eye (@var{n})}.
 ## If @code{@var{t} = -1}, return its absolute value.  This is the
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/toeplitz.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/toeplitz.m
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
     ## Form matrix.
     retval = spdiags(repmat(c(cidx),nr,1),1-cidx,nr,nc)+...
-  else  
+  else
     ## Concatenate data into a single column vector.
     data = [r(end:-1:2)(:); c(:)];
--- a/scripts/startup/__finish__.m
+++ b/scripts/startup/__finish__.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## Undocumented internal function.
 ## @end deftypefn
-## Check for the existence of the function/script, @file{finish}, in the 
+## Check for the existence of the function/script, @file{finish}, in the
 ## path or current working directory and execute it.  This function is
 ## intended to be excecuted upon a clean exit form Octave.  This is
 ## accomplished in the system script @file{startup/octaverc} by use of
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/cov.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/cov.m
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 ## If called with one argument, compute @code{cov (@var{x}, @var{x})}, the
 ## covariance between the columns of @var{x}.
-## The argument @var{opt} determines the type of normalization to use.  
+## The argument @var{opt} determines the type of normalization to use.
 ## Valid values are
 ## @table @asis
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
     x = x';
   n = rows (x);
   if (nargin == 1 || isscalar(y))
     x = center (x, 1);
     c = conj (x' * x / (n - 1 + opt));
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/histc.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/histc.m
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   nsz = sz;
   nsz(dim) = num_edges;
   ## the splitting point is 3 bins
   if (num_edges <= 3)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
     if (nargout > 1)
       idx = zeros (sz);
     ## Prepare indices
     idx1 = cell (1, dim-1);
     for k = 1:length (idx1)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     for k = 1:length (idx2)
       idx2 {k} = 1:sz(k+dim);
     ## Compute the histograms
     for k = 1:num_edges-1
       b = (edges (k) <= x & x < edges (k+1));
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
     ## Look-up indices.
     idx = lookup (edges, x);
-    ## Zero invalid ones (including NaNs). x < edges(1) are already zero. 
+    ## Zero invalid ones (including NaNs). x < edges(1) are already zero.
     idx(! (x <= edges(end))) = 0;
     iidx = idx;
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/iqr.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/iqr.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} iqr (@var{x}, @var{dim})
 ## Return the interquartile range, i.e., the difference between the upper
 ## and lower quartile of the input data.  If @var{x} is a matrix, do the
-## above for first non-singleton dimension of @var{x}.  
+## above for first non-singleton dimension of @var{x}.
 ## If the optional argument @var{dim} is given, operate along this dimension.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
-  ## This code is a bit heavy, but is needed until empirical_inv 
+  ## This code is a bit heavy, but is needed until empirical_inv
   ## takes other than vector arguments.
   c = sz(dim);
   sz(dim) = 1;
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/kendall.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/kendall.m
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ## @example
 ## @group
-##          1    
+##          1
 ## tau = -------   SUM sign (q(i) - q(j)) * sign (r(i) - r(j))
 ##       n (n-1)   i,j
 ## @end group
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 ## @ifnottex
 ## @code{(2 * (2@var{n}+5)) / (9 * @var{n} * (@var{n}-1))}.
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## @code{kendall (@var{x})} is equivalent to @code{kendall (@var{x},
 ## @var{x})}.
 ## @seealso{ranks, spearman}
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/kurtosis.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/kurtosis.m
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, return the kurtosis over the
 ## first non-singleton dimension of the matrix.  If the optional
 ## @var{dim} argument is given, operate along this dimension.
 ## Note: The definition of kurtosis above yields a kurtosis of zero for the
-## stdnormal distribution and is sometimes referred to as "excess kurtosis".  
+## stdnormal distribution and is sometimes referred to as "excess kurtosis".
 ## To calculate kurtosis without the normalization factor of @math{-3} use
 ## @code{moment (@var{x}, 4, 'c') / std (@var{x})^4}.
 ## @seealso{var,skewness,moment}
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
       error ("kurtosis: DIM must be an integer and a valid dimension");
   c = sz(dim);
   sz(dim) = 1;
   idx = ones (1, nd);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/mean.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/mean.m
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
   if (dim > nd)
     n = 1;
-  else 
+  else
     n = sz(dim);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/meansq.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/meansq.m
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## For matrix arguments, return a row vector containing the mean square
-## of each column. 
+## of each column.
 ## If the optional argument @var{dim} is given, operate along this dimension.
 ## @seealso{var,std,moment}
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   nd = ndims (x);
-  sz = size (x); 
+  sz = size (x);
   if (nargin < 2)
     ## Find the first non-singleton dimension.
     dim = find (sz > 1, 1);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/median.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/median.m
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 %! x2 = x';
 %! y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
 %! y2 = y';
 %! assert(median (x) == median (x2) && median (x) == 3.5);
 %! assert(median (y) == median (y2) && median (y) == 4);
 %! assert(median ([x2, 2*x2]) == [3.5, 7]);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/mode.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/mode.m
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} mode (@var{x})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} mode (@var{x}, @var{dim})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{m}, @var{f}, @var{c}] =} mode (@dots{})
-## Compute the most frequently occurring value in a dataset (mode).  
+## Compute the most frequently occurring value in a dataset (mode).
 ## @code{mode} determines the frequency of values along the first non-singleton
-## dimension and returns the value with the highest frequency.  If two, or 
+## dimension and returns the value with the highest frequency.  If two, or
 ## more, values have the same frequency @code{mode} returns the smallest.
 ## If the optional argument @var{dim} is given, operate along this dimension.
 ## The return variable @var{f} is the number of occurrences of the mode in
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/moment.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/moment.m
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
       dim = 1;
-    if (!(isscalar (dim) && dim == fix (dim)) || 
+    if (!(isscalar (dim) && dim == fix (dim)) ||
         !(1 <= dim && dim <= nd))
       error ("moment: DIM must be an integer and a valid dimension");
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/ols.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/ols.m
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 ## @var{beta} is calculated directly via @code{inv (x'*x) * x' * y} if the
 ## matrix @code{x'*x} is of full rank.
 ## @end ifnottex
-## Otherwise, @code{@var{beta} = pinv (@var{x}) * @var{y}} where 
+## Otherwise, @code{@var{beta} = pinv (@var{x}) * @var{y}} where
 ## @code{pinv (@var{x})} denotes the pseudoinverse of @var{x}.
 ## @item sigma
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/prctile.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/prctile.m
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
 ## For a sample @var{x}, compute the quantiles, @var{y}, corresponding
 ## to the cumulative probability values, @var{p}, in percent.  All non-numeric
 ## values (NaNs) of @var{x} are ignored.
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, compute the percentiles for each column and
-## return them in a matrix, such that the i-th row of @var{y} contains the 
+## return them in a matrix, such that the i-th row of @var{y} contains the
 ## @var{p}(i)th percentiles of each column of @var{x}.
 ## The optional argument @var{dim} determines the dimension along which
 ## the percentiles are calculated.  If @var{dim} is omitted, and @var{x} is
 ## a vector or matrix, it defaults to 1 (column-wise quantiles).  When
-## @var{x} is an N-d array, @var{dim} defaults to the first non-singleton 
+## @var{x} is an N-d array, @var{dim} defaults to the first non-singleton
 ## dimension.
 ## @seealso{quantile}
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
     if (nd == 2)
       ## If a matrix or vector, use the 1st dimension.
       dim = 1;
-    else 
+    else
       ## If an N-d array, find the first non-singleton dimension.
       dim = find (size(v) > 1, 1);
       if (isempty (dim))
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-    if (!(isscalar (dim) && dim == fix (dim)) || 
+    if (!(isscalar (dim) && dim == fix (dim)) ||
         !(1 <= dim && dim <= nd))
       error ("prctile: DIM must be an integer and a valid dimension");
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/qqplot.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/qqplot.m
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
     q = feval (f, t, varargin{:});
     if (nargin > 3)
       tmp = sprintf (", %g", varargin{2:end});
-    else 
+    else
       tmp = "";
-    q_label = sprintf ("%s with parameter(s) %g%s", 
+    q_label = sprintf ("%s with parameter(s) %g%s",
                         func2str (f),        varargin{1}, tmp);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/quantile.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/quantile.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Ben Abbott and Jaroslav Hajek
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, compute the quantiles for each column and
 ## return them in a matrix, such that the i-th row of @var{q} contains
 ## the @var{p}(i)th quantiles of each column of @var{x}.
-## The optional argument @var{dim} determines the dimension along which 
+## The optional argument @var{dim} determines the dimension along which
 ## the quantiles are calculated.  If @var{dim} is omitted, and @var{x} is
-## a vector or matrix, it defaults to 1 (column-wise quantiles).  If 
-## @var{x} is an N-d array, @var{dim} defaults to the first non-singleton 
+## a vector or matrix, it defaults to 1 (column-wise quantiles).  If
+## @var{x} is an N-d array, @var{dim} defaults to the first non-singleton
 ## dimension.
 ## The methods available to calculate sample quantiles are the nine methods
 ## used by R (  The default value is METHOD = 5.
 ## Discontinuous sample quantile methods 1, 2, and 3
 ## @enumerate 1
 ## @item Method 1: Inverse of empirical distribution function.
@@ -46,37 +46,37 @@
 ## @item Method 3: SAS definition: nearest even order statistic.
 ## @end enumerate
 ## Continuous sample quantile methods 4 through 9, where p(k) is the linear
 ## interpolation function respecting each methods' representative cdf.
 ## @enumerate 4
 ## @item Method 4: p(k) = k / n. That is, linear interpolation of the
 ## empirical cdf.
-## @item Method 5: p(k) = (k - 0.5) / n. That is a piecewise linear function 
-## where the knots are the values midway through the steps of the empirical 
-## cdf. 
+## @item Method 5: p(k) = (k - 0.5) / n. That is a piecewise linear function
+## where the knots are the values midway through the steps of the empirical
+## cdf.
 ## @item Method 6: p(k) = k / (n + 1).
 ## @item Method 7: p(k) = (k - 1) / (n - 1).
-## @item Method 8: p(k) = (k - 1/3) / (n + 1/3).  The resulting quantile 
-## estimates are approximately median-unbiased regardless of the distribution 
+## @item Method 8: p(k) = (k - 1/3) / (n + 1/3).  The resulting quantile
+## estimates are approximately median-unbiased regardless of the distribution
 ## of @var{x}.
-## @item Method 9: p(k) = (k - 3/8) / (n + 1/4).  The resulting quantile 
-## estimates are approximately unbiased for the expected order statistics if 
+## @item Method 9: p(k) = (k - 3/8) / (n + 1/4).  The resulting quantile
+## estimates are approximately unbiased for the expected order statistics if
 ## @var{x} is normally distributed.
 ## @end enumerate
 ## Hyndman and Fan (1996) recommend method 8.  Maxima, S, and R
 ## (versions prior to 2.0.0) use 7 as their default.  Minitab and SPSS
 ## use method 6.  @sc{matlab} uses method 5.
 ## References:
 ## @itemize @bullet
 ## @item Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New
 ## S Language.  Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
     p = [0.00 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00];
-  if (!(isscalar (dim) && dim == fix (dim)) || 
+  if (!(isscalar (dim) && dim == fix (dim)) ||
       !(1 <= dim && dim <= ndims (x)))
     error ("quantile: DIM must be an integer and a valid dimension");
@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@
 %!error quantile (1, 1, 0)
 %!error quantile (1, 1, 3)
-## For the cumulative probability values in @var{p}, compute the 
+## For the cumulative probability values in @var{p}, compute the
 ## quantiles, @var{q} (the inverse of the cdf), for the sample, @var{x}.
 ## The optional input, @var{method}, refers to nine methods available in R
-## ( The default is @var{method} = 7. For more 
+## ( The default is @var{method} = 7. For more
 ## detail, see `help quantile'.
 ## @seealso{prctile, quantile, statistics}
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/ranks.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/ranks.m
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@
       len = diff (find (diff ([Inf; eq_el; -Inf]) != 1)) + 1;
       [eq_el, y] = sort (xi);
       for i = 1 : length(runs)
-        y (xi (runs (i) + [0:(len(i)-1)]) + floor (runs (i) ./ sz(1)) 
+        y (xi (runs (i) + [0:(len(i)-1)]) + floor (runs (i) ./ sz(1))
            * sz(1)) = eq_el(runs(i)) + (len(i) - 1) / 2;
-    endif  
+    endif
     if (dim != 1)
       y = permute (y, perm);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/run_count.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/run_count.m
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} run_count (@var{x}, @var{n})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} run_count (@var{x}, @var{n}, @var{dim})
 ## Count the upward runs along the first non-singleton dimension of
-## @var{x} of length 1, 2, @dots{}, @var{n}-1 and greater than or equal 
-## to @var{n}.  
+## @var{x} of length 1, 2, @dots{}, @var{n}-1 and greater than or equal
+## to @var{n}.
 ## If the optional argument @var{dim} is given then operate
 ## along this dimension.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   if (!(isscalar (n) && n == fix (n) && n > 0))
     error ("run_count: N must be a positive integer");
   nd = ndims (x);
   sz = size (x);
   if (nargin != 3)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   for i = 1 : nd
     idx{i} = 1 : sz(i);
-  c = sz(1); 
+  c = sz(1);
   tmp = zeros ([c + 1, sz(2 : end)]);
   infvec = Inf ([1, sz(2 : end)]);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/skewness.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/skewness.m
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
   ind = find (s > 0);
   x = sum (x .^ 3, dim);
   retval(ind) = x(ind) ./ (c * s(ind) .^ 3);
 %!assert(skewness ([-1,0,1]), 0);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/statistics.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/statistics.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## maximum, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of the elements of
 ## the vector @var{x}.
-## If @var{x} is a matrix, calculate statistics over the first 
+## If @var{x} is a matrix, calculate statistics over the first
 ## non-singleton dimension.
 ## If the optional argument @var{dim} is given, operate along this dimension.
 ## @seealso{min,max,median,mean,std,skewness,kurtosis}
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
       error ("statistics: DIM must be an integer and a valid dimension");
   if (sz(dim) < 2)
     error ("statistics: dimension of X is too small (<2)");
-  endif    
+  endif
   emp_inv = quantile (x, [0.25; 0.5; 0.75], dim, 7);
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/std.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/std.m
@@ -38,20 +38,20 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## where @math{N} is the number of elements.
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, compute the standard deviation for
 ## each column and return them in a row vector.
-## The argument @var{opt} determines the type of normalization to use.  
+## The argument @var{opt} determines the type of normalization to use.
 ## Valid values are
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item 0:
-##   normalize with @math{N-1}, provides the square root of the best unbiased 
+##   normalize with @math{N-1}, provides the square root of the best unbiased
 ## estimator of the variance [default]
 ## @item 1:
-##   normalize with @math{N}, this provides the square root of the second 
+##   normalize with @math{N}, this provides the square root of the second
 ## moment around the mean
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/studentize.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/studentize.m
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## deviation.
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, do the above along the first non-singleton
-## dimension.  
+## dimension.
 ## If the optional argument @var{dim} is given, operate along this dimension.
 ## @seealso{center}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/var.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/var.m
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## If @var{x} is a matrix, compute the variance for each column
 ## and return them in a row vector.
 ## The argument @var{opt} determines the type of normalization to use.
 ## Valid values are
-## @table @asis 
+## @table @asis
 ## @item 0:
 ##   normalize with @math{N-1}, provides the best unbiased estimator of the
 ## variance [default]
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/betainv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/betainv.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
       error ("betainv: X, A and B must be of common size or scalars");
   sz = size (x);
   inv = zeros (sz);
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/betapdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/betapdf.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   if (nargin != 3)
     print_usage ();
   if (!isscalar (a) || !isscalar(b))
     [retval, x, a, b] = common_size (x, a, b);
     if (retval > 0)
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
   if (any (k))
     if (isscalar(a) && isscalar(b))
       pdf(k) = exp ((a - 1) .* log (x(k))
-		            + (b - 1) .* log (1 - x(k))
+                            + (b - 1) .* log (1 - x(k))
                     + lgamma(a + b) - lgamma(a) - lgamma(b));
       pdf(k) = exp ((a(k) - 1) .* log (x(k))
-		            + (b(k) - 1) .* log (1 - x(k))
+                            + (b(k) - 1) .* log (1 - x(k))
                     + lgamma(a(k) + b(k)) - lgamma(a(k)) - lgamma(b(k)));
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/betarnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/betarnd.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} betarnd (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} betarnd (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{sz})
-## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of 
+## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
 ## random samples from the Beta distribution with parameters @var{a} and
 ## @var{b}.  Both @var{a} and @var{b} must be scalar or of size @var{r}
 ##  by @var{c}.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 function rnd = betarnd (a, b, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(a) || !isscalar(b)) 
+    if (!isscalar(a) || !isscalar(b))
       [retval, a, b] = common_size (a, b);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("betarnd: A and B must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     if (find (!(a > 0) | !(a < Inf) | !(b > 0) | !(b < Inf)))
       rnd = NaN (sz);
-      r1 = randg(a,sz); 
+      r1 = randg(a,sz);
       rnd = r1 ./ (r1 + randg(b,sz));
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
     k = find ((a > 0) & (a < Inf) & (b > 0) & (b < Inf));
     if (any (k))
-      r1 = randg(a(k),size(k)); 
+      r1 = randg(a(k),size(k));
       rnd(k) = r1 ./ (r1 + randg(b(k),size(k)));
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/binoinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/binoinv.m
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
       error ("binoinv: X, N and P must be of common size or scalars");
   sz = size (x);
   inv = zeros (sz);
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
-    else 
+    else
       cdf = binopdf (0, n(k), p(k));
       while (any (inv(k) < n(k)))
         m = find (cdf < x(k));
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/binornd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/binornd.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} binornd (@var{n}, @var{p}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} binornd (@var{n}, @var{p}, @var{sz})
-## Return an @var{r} by @var{c}  or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of 
+## Return an @var{r} by @var{c}  or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
 ## random samples from the binomial distribution with parameters @var{n}
 ## and @var{p}.  Both @var{n} and @var{p} must be scalar or of size
 ## @var{r} by @var{c}.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 function rnd = binornd (n, p, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p)) 
+    if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p))
       [retval, n, p] = common_size (n, p);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("binornd: N and P must be of common size or scalar");
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_cdf.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## For each element of @var{x}, compute the cumulative distribution
 ## function (CDF) at @var{x} of the Cauchy distribution with location
 ## parameter @var{location} and scale parameter @var{scale}.  Default
-## values are @var{location} = 0, @var{scale} = 1. 
+## values are @var{location} = 0, @var{scale} = 1.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: KH <>
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     scale = 1;
-  if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale)) 
+  if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale))
     [retval, x, location, scale] = common_size (x, location, scale);
     if (retval > 0)
       error ("cauchy_cdf: X, LOCATION and SCALE must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   k = find ((x > -Inf) & (x < Inf) & (location > -Inf) &
             (location < Inf) & (scale > 0) & (scale < Inf));
   if (any (k))
-    if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale)) 
+    if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale))
       cdf(k) = 0.5 + atan ((x(k) - location) ./ scale) / pi;
       cdf(k) = 0.5 + atan ((x(k) - location(k)) ./ scale(k)) / pi;
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_inv.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## For each element of @var{x}, compute the quantile (the inverse of the
 ## CDF) at @var{x} of the Cauchy distribution with location parameter
 ## @var{location} and scale parameter @var{scale}.  Default values are
-## @var{location} = 0, @var{scale} = 1. 
+## @var{location} = 0, @var{scale} = 1.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: KH <>
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     scale = 1;
-  if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale)) 
+  if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale))
     [retval, x, location, scale] = common_size (x, location, scale);
     if (retval > 0)
       error ("cauchy_inv: X, LOCATION and SCALE must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   k = find ((x > 0) & (x < 1) & ok);
   if (any (k))
-    if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale)) 
+    if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale))
       inv(k) = location - scale .* cot (pi * x(k));
       inv(k) = location(k) - scale(k) .* cot (pi * x(k));
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_pdf.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## For each element of @var{x}, compute the probability density function
 ## (PDF) at @var{x} of the Cauchy distribution with location parameter
 ## @var{location} and scale parameter @var{scale} > 0.  Default values are
-## @var{location} = 0, @var{scale} = 1. 
+## @var{location} = 0, @var{scale} = 1.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: KH <>
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     scale = 1;
-  if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale)) 
+  if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale))
     [retval, x, location, scale] = common_size (x, location, scale);
     if (retval > 0)
       error ("cauchy_pdf: X, LOCATION and SCALE must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   k = find ((x > -Inf) & (x < Inf) & (location > -Inf) &
             (location < Inf) & (scale > 0) & (scale < Inf));
   if (any (k))
-    if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale)) 
+    if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale))
       pdf(k) = ((1 ./ (1 + ((x(k) - location) ./ scale) .^ 2))
                 / pi ./ scale);
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_rnd.m
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} cauchy_rnd (@var{location}, @var{scale}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} cauchy_rnd (@var{location}, @var{scale}, @var{sz})
-## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of 
-## random samples from the Cauchy distribution with parameters @var{location} 
+## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
+## random samples from the Cauchy distribution with parameters @var{location}
 ## and @var{scale} which must both be scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 function rnd = cauchy_rnd (location, scale, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale)) 
+    if (!isscalar (location) || !isscalar (scale))
       [retval, location, scale] = common_size (location, scale);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("cauchy_rnd: LOCATION and SCALE must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     print_usage ();
-  if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale)) 
+  if (isscalar (location) && isscalar (scale))
     if (find (!(location > -Inf) | !(location < Inf)
                 | !(scale > 0) | !(scale < Inf)))
       rnd = NaN (sz);
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     rnd = NaN (sz);
-    k = find ((location > -Inf) & (location < Inf) 
+    k = find ((location > -Inf) & (location < Inf)
               & (scale > 0) & (scale < Inf));
     if (any (k))
       rnd(k) = location(k)(:) - cot (pi * rand (size (k))) .* scale(k)(:);
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2rnd.m
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} chi2rnd (@var{n}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} chi2rnd (@var{n}, @var{sz})
-## Return an @var{r} by @var{c}  or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of 
-## random samples from the chisquare distribution with @var{n} degrees 
+## Return an @var{r} by @var{c}  or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
+## random samples from the chisquare distribution with @var{n} degrees
 ## of freedom.  @var{n} must be a scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_rnd.m
@@ -73,5 +73,5 @@
     error ("discrete_rnd: P must be a nonzero, nonnegative vector");
-  rnd = v (lookup (cumsum (p (1 : end-1)) / sum(p), rand (sz)) + 1); 
+  rnd = v (lookup (cumsum (p (1 : end-1)) / sum(p), rand (sz)) + 1);
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/exprnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/exprnd.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} exprnd (@var{lambda}, @var{sz})
 ## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} matrix of random samples from the
 ## exponential distribution with mean @var{lambda}, which must be a
-## scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.  Or if @var{sz} is a vector, 
+## scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.  Or if @var{sz} is a vector,
 ## create a matrix of size @var{sz}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/fcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/fcdf.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} fcdf (@var{x}, @var{m}, @var{n})
 ## For each element of @var{x}, compute the CDF at @var{x} of the F
 ## distribution with @var{m} and @var{n} degrees of freedom, i.e.,
-## PROB (F (@var{m}, @var{n}) @leq{} @var{x}). 
+## PROB (F (@var{m}, @var{n}) @leq{} @var{x}).
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: KH <>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     if (isscalar (m) && isscalar (n))
       cdf(k) = 1 - betainc (1 ./ (1 + m .* x(k) ./ n), n / 2, m / 2);
-      cdf(k) = 1 - betainc (1 ./ (1 + m(k) .* x(k) ./ n(k)), n(k) / 2, 
+      cdf(k) = 1 - betainc (1 ./ (1 + m(k) .* x(k) ./ n(k)), n(k) / 2,
                             m(k) / 2);
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/frnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/frnd.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} matrix of random samples from the F
 ## distribution with @var{m} and @var{n} degrees of freedom.  Both
 ## @var{m} and @var{n} must be scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.
-## If @var{sz} is a vector the random samples are in a matrix of 
+## If @var{sz} is a vector the random samples are in a matrix of
 ## size @var{sz}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 function rnd = frnd (m, n, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(m) || !isscalar(n)) 
+    if (!isscalar(m) || !isscalar(n))
       [retval, m, n] = common_size (m, n);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("frnd: M and N must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
         rnd = 2 ./ m .* randg(m / 2, sz);
       if (! isinf (n))
-        rnd = 0.5 .* n .* rnd ./ randg (n / 2, sz); 
+        rnd = 0.5 .* n .* rnd ./ randg (n / 2, sz);
     elseif ((m > 0) && (m < Inf) && (n > 0) && (n < Inf))
       rnd = n ./ m .* randg (m / 2, sz) ./ randg (n / 2, sz);
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/gamrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/gamrnd.m
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} gamrnd (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} gamrnd (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{sz})
-## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of 
+## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
 ## random samples from the Gamma distribution with parameters @var{a}
-## and @var{b}.  Both @var{a} and @var{b} must be scalar or of size 
+## and @var{b}.  Both @var{a} and @var{b} must be scalar or of size
 ## @var{r} by @var{c}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 function rnd = gamrnd (a, b, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(a) || !isscalar(b)) 
+    if (!isscalar(a) || !isscalar(b))
       [retval, a, b] = common_size (a, b);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("gamrnd: A and B must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
       rnd = b .* randg(a, sz);
-  else 
+  else
     k = find (!(a > 0) | !(a < Inf) | !(b > 0) | !(b < Inf));
     if (any (k))
       rnd(k) = NaN;
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/lognrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/lognrnd.m
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 function rnd = lognrnd (mu, sigma, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(mu) || !isscalar(sigma)) 
+    if (!isscalar(mu) || !isscalar(sigma))
       [retval, mu, sigma] = common_size (mu, sigma);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("lognrnd: MU and SIGMA must be of common size or scalar");
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
     if  (!(sigma > 0) || !(sigma < Inf))
       rnd = NaN (sz);
-      rnd = exp(mu + sigma .* randn (sz)); 
+      rnd = exp(mu + sigma .* randn (sz));
     rnd = exp (mu + sigma .* randn (sz));
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbincdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbincdf.m
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
     print_usage ();
-  if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p)) 
+  if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p))
     [retval, x, n, p] = common_size (x, n, p);
     if (retval > 0)
       error ("nbincdf: X, N and P must be of common size or scalar");
   cdf = zeros (size (x));
   k = find (isnan (x) | (n < 1) | (n == Inf) | (n != round (n))
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbininv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbininv.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     print_usage ();
-  if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p)) 
+  if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p))
     [retval, x, n, p] = common_size (x, n, p);
     if (retval > 0)
       error ("nbininv: X, N and P must be of common size or scalar");
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinpdf.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## The number of failures in a Bernoulli experiment with success
 ## probability @var{p} before the @var{n}-th success follows this
-## distribution. 
+## distribution.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: KH <>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     print_usage ();
-  if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p)) 
+  if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p))
     [retval, x, n, p] = common_size (x, n, p);
     if (retval > 0)
       error ("nbinpdf: X, N and P must be of common size or scalar");
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinrnd.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## Both @var{n} and @var{p} must be scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
-## the common size of @var{n} and @var{p}.  Or if @var{sz} is a vector, 
+## the common size of @var{n} and @var{p}.  Or if @var{sz} is a vector,
 ## create a matrix of size @var{sz}.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 function rnd = nbinrnd (n, p, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p)) 
+    if (!isscalar(n) || !isscalar(p))
       [retval, n, p] = common_size (n, p);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("nbinrnd: N and P must be of common size or scalar");
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/normrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/normrnd.m
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} normrnd (@var{m}, @var{s}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} normrnd (@var{m}, @var{s}, @var{sz})
 ## Return an @var{r} by @var{c}  or @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
-## random samples from the normal distribution with parameters mean @var{m} 
-## and standard deviation @var{s}.  Both @var{m} and @var{s} must be scalar 
+## random samples from the normal distribution with parameters mean @var{m}
+## and standard deviation @var{s}.  Both @var{m} and @var{s} must be scalar
 ## or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 function rnd = normrnd (m, s, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar (m) || !isscalar (s)) 
+    if (!isscalar (m) || !isscalar (s))
       [retval, m, s] = common_size (m, s);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("normrnd: M and S must be of common size or scalar");
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/poissrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/poissrnd.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} poissrnd (@var{lambda}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} matrix of random samples from the
-## Poisson distribution with parameter @var{lambda}, which must be a 
+## Poisson distribution with parameter @var{lambda}, which must be a
 ## scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_rnd.m
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} stdnormal_rnd (@var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} stdnormal_rnd (@var{sz})
-## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of 
+## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
 ## random numbers from the standard normal distribution.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/tpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/tpdf.m
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} tpdf (@var{x}, @var{n})
 ## For each element of @var{x}, compute the probability density function
 ## (PDF) at @var{x} of the @var{t} (Student) distribution with @var{n}
-## degrees of freedom. 
+## degrees of freedom.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: KH <>
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/trnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/trnd.m
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     if (!(n > 0) || !(n < Inf))
       rnd = NaN (sz);
     elseif ((n > 0) && (n < Inf))
-      rnd = randn(sz) ./ sqrt(2*randg(n/2,sz)./n); 
+      rnd = randn(sz) ./ sqrt(2*randg(n/2,sz)./n);
       rnd = zeros (size (n));
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     k = find ((n > 0) & (n < Inf));
     if (any (k))
-      rnd(k) = randn(size(k)) ./ sqrt(2*randg(n(k)/2,size(k))./n(k)); 
+      rnd(k) = randn(size(k)) ./ sqrt(2*randg(n(k)/2,size(k))./n(k));
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifcdf.m
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   if (any (k))
     cdf(k) = 1;
   k = find ((x > a) & (x < b));
   if (any (k))
     if (isscalar (a) && isscalar(b))
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifrnd.m
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} unifrnd (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{r}, @var{c})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} unifrnd (@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{sz})
-## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of 
-## random samples from the uniform distribution on [@var{a}, @var{b}]. 
+## Return an @var{r} by @var{c} or a @code{size (@var{sz})} matrix of
+## random samples from the uniform distribution on [@var{a}, @var{b}].
 ## Both @var{a} and @var{b} must be scalar or of size @var{r} by @var{c}.
 ## If @var{r} and @var{c} are omitted, the size of the result matrix is
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 function rnd = unifrnd (a, b, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(a) || !isscalar(b)) 
+    if (!isscalar(a) || !isscalar(b))
       [retval, a, b] = common_size (a, b);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("unifrnd: A and B must be of common size or scalar");
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblrnd.m
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 function rnd = wblrnd (scale, shape, r, c)
   if (nargin > 1)
-    if (!isscalar(scale) || !isscalar(shape)) 
+    if (!isscalar(scale) || !isscalar(shape))
       [retval, scale, shape] = common_size (scale, shape);
       if (retval > 0)
         error ("wblrnd: SCALE and SHAPE must be of common size or scalar");
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/bartlett_test.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/bartlett_test.m
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{chisq}, @var{df}] =} bartlett_test (@var{x1}, @dots{}) 
+## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{chisq}, @var{df}] =} bartlett_test (@var{x1}, @dots{})
 ## Perform a Bartlett test for the homogeneity of variances in the data
 ## vectors @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xk}, where @var{k} > 1.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     elems = [find(ds); n_x+n_y];
     z = z(elems);
   if (strcmp (alt, "!=") || strcmp (alt, "<>"))
     d    = max (abs (z));
     ks   = sqrt (n) * d;
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## If the data contains ties (some value appears more than once)
 ## @var{k} is divided by
 ## 1 - @var{sum_ties} / (@var{n}^3 - @var{n})
 ## where @var{sum_ties} is the sum of @var{t}^2 - @var{t} over each group
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## @code{@var{rr} * @var{b} != @var{r}}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
 ## one-sided alternative @code{@var{rr} * @var{b} > @var{r}} is used.
 ## Similarly for @var{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{@var{rr} *
-## @var{b} < @var{r}} is used.  The default is the two-sided case. 
+## @var{b} < @var{r}} is used.  The default is the two-sided case.
 ## The p-value of the test is returned in @var{pval}.
--- a/scripts/strings/blanks.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/blanks.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## whos ans;
 ##      @result{}
 ##       Attr Name        Size                     Bytes  Class
-##       ==== ====        ====                     =====  ===== 
+##       ==== ====        ====                     =====  =====
 ##            ans         1x10                        10  char
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
--- a/scripts/strings/dec2base.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/dec2base.m
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
   elseif (base < 2 || base > length (symbols))
     error ("dec2base: BASE must be between 2 and 36, or a string of symbols");
   ## determine number of digits required to handle all numbers, can overflow
   ## by 1 digit
   max_len = round (log (max (max (d), 1)) ./ log (base)) + 1;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
   if (nargin == 3)
     max_len = max (max_len, len);
   ## determine digits for each number
   digits = zeros (length (d), max_len);
   for k = max_len:-1:1
--- a/scripts/strings/dec2hex.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/dec2hex.m
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} dec2hex (@var{d}, @var{len})
-## Return the hexadecimal string corresponding to the non-negative 
+## Return the hexadecimal string corresponding to the non-negative
 ## integer @var{d}.  For example:
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/strings/findstr.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/findstr.m
@@ -60,22 +60,22 @@
     s = t;
     t = tmp;
   l_s = length (s);
   l_t = length (t);
   if (l_t == 0)
     ## zero length target: return empty set
     v = [];
   elseif (l_t == 1)
     ## length one target: simple find
     v = find (s == t);
   elseif (l_t == 2)
     ## length two target: find first at i and second at i+1
     v = find (s(1:l_s-1) == t(1) & s(2:l_s) == t(2));
     ## length three or more: match the first three by find then go through
     ## the much smaller list to determine which of them are real matches
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     if (all (size (s) != size (t)))
       t = t.';
     ## determine which ones to keep
     keep = zeros (size (v));
     ind = 0:l_t-1;
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
   ## Always return a column vector, because that's what the old one did.
-  if (rows (v) > 1) 
+  if (rows (v) > 1)
     v = v.';
--- a/scripts/strings/index.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/index.m
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 %!assert(index("astringbstringcstring", "st"), 2)
 %!assert(index("astringbstringcstring", "str"), 2)
 %!assert(index("astringbstringcstring", "string"), 2)
-%!assert(index("abc---", "abc+++"), 0) 
+%!assert(index("abc---", "abc+++"), 0)
 ## test everything out in reverse
 %!assert(index("astringbstringcstring", "s", "last"), 16)
--- a/scripts/strings/isstrprop.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/isstrprop.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## @result{} [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## If @var{str} is a cell array, @code{isstrpop} is applied recursively
 ## to each element of the cell array.
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 ## @item "upper"
 ## True for upper-case letters.
 ## @item "digit"
 ## True for decimal digits (0-9).
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 ## @itemx "wspace"
 ## True for whitespace characters (space, formfeed, newline, carriage
 ## return, tab, vertical tab).
 ## @item "punct"
 ## True for punctuation characters (printing characters except space
 ## or letter or digit).
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 ## @item "ascii"
 ## True for characters that are in the range of ASCII encoding.
 ## @end table
 ## @seealso{isalpha, isalnum, islower, isupper, isdigit, isxdigit,
--- a/scripts/strings/mat2str.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/mat2str.m
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3 || ! (isnumeric (x) || islogical (x)))
     print_usage ();
   if (ndims (x) > 2)
     error ("mat2str: X must be two dimensional");
--- a/scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## @table @asis
 ## @item "wildcard"
 ## The wildcard characters @code{.}, @code{*} and @code{?} are replaced
-## with wildcards that are appropriate for a regular expression. 
+## with wildcards that are appropriate for a regular expression.
 ## For example:
 ## @example
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ##      @result{} ".*\.m"
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @item "escape"
 ## The characters @code{$.?[]}, that have special meaning for regular
 ## expressions are escaped so that they are treated literally.  For example:
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
 ## @end deftypefn
 function y = regexptranslate (op, s)
   if nargin != 2
     print_usage ();
-  endif 
+  endif
   if (ischar (op))
     op = tolower (op);
     if (strcmp ("wildcard", op))
--- a/scripts/strings/str2num.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/str2num.m
@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} str2num (@var{s})
 ## Convert the string (or character array) @var{s} to a number (or an
-## array).  Examples:  
+## array).  Examples:
 ## @example
 ## @group
 ## str2num("3.141596")
 ##      @result{} 3.141596
 ## str2num(["1, 2, 3"; "4, 5, 6"]);
 ##      @result{} ans =
 ##         1  2  3
 ##         4  5  6
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @strong{Caution:} As @code{str2num} uses the @code{eval} function
 ## to do the conversion, @code{str2num} will execute any code contained
 ## in the string @var{s}.  Use @code{str2double} instead if you want to
-## avoid the use of @code{eval}. 
+## avoid the use of @code{eval}.
 ## @seealso{str2double, eval}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/strings/strchr.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strchr.m
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
   varargout = cell (1, nargout);
   varargout{1} = [];
   [varargout{:}] = find (mask, varargin{:});
 %!assert(strchr("Octave is the best software",""),zeros(1,0))
 %!assert(strchr("Octave is the best software","best"),[3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 27])
--- a/scripts/strings/strjust.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strjust.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} strjust (@var{s}, @var{pos})
 ## Return the text, @var{s}, justified according to @var{pos}, which may
 ## be @samp{"left"}, @samp{"center"}, or @samp{"right"}.  If @var{pos}
-## is omitted, @samp{"right"} is assumed. 
+## is omitted, @samp{"right"} is assumed.
 ## Null characters are replaced by spaces.  All other character
 ## data are treated as non-white space.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
       mins(flipud (idx(:))) = flipud (jdx(:));
       maxs = nc * ones (nr, 1);
       maxs(idx) = jdx;
-      shift = floor ((nc + 1 - maxs - mins) / 2); 
+      shift = floor ((nc + 1 - maxs - mins) / 2);
     ## Adjust the column indices.
--- a/scripts/strings/strmatch.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strmatch.m
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## strings.  If the third argument @code{"exact"} is not given, then
 ## @var{s} only needs to match @var{A} up to the length of @var{s}.
 ## Trailing whitespace is ignored.
-## Results are returned as a column vector. 
+## Results are returned as a column vector.
 ## For example:
 ## @example
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   if (! ischar (s))
     error ("strmatch: S must be a string");
   ## Truncate trailing whitespace.
   s = strtrimr (s);
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
     error ("strmatch: A must be a string or cell array of strings");
 ## Removes nuls and blanks from the end of the array
 function s = strtrimr (s)
--- a/scripts/strings/strsplit.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strsplit.m
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
       sizes = [idx(1)-1, diff(idx)-1, numel(p)-idx(end)];
     ## Remove separators.
-    p(idx) = []; 
+    p(idx) = [];
     if (strip_empty)
       ## Omit zero lengths.
-      sizes = sizes (sizes != 0); 
+      sizes = sizes (sizes != 0);
     ## Convert!
     s = mat2cell (p, 1, sizes);
--- a/scripts/strings/strtok.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strtok.m
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{tok}, @var{rem}] =} strtok (@var{str}, @var{delim})
 ## Find all characters up to but not including the first character which
 ## is in the string delim.  If @var{rem} is requested, it contains the
 ## remainder of the string, starting at the first delimiter.  Leading
 ## delimiters are ignored.  If @var{delim} is not specified, space is
-## assumed.  For example: 
+## assumed.  For example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
   if (nargin < 2 || isempty (delim))
-    delim = "\t\n\v\f\r "; 
+    delim = "\t\n\v\f\r ";
   if (isempty (str))
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
     len = length (str);
     while (start <= len)
       if (all (str(start) != delim))
-        break; 
+        break;
     stop = start;
     while (stop <= len)
       if (any (str(stop) == delim))
-        break; 
+        break;
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 %! printf("\n");
 %! % ----------------------------------------------------
 %! % Demonstrates processing of an entire string split on
-%! % a variety of delimiters. Tokens and delimiters are 
+%! % a variety of delimiters. Tokens and delimiters are
 %! % printed one after another in angle brackets.  The
 %! % string is:
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 %!assert(strtok("this is", "i "), "th");
 %!assert(strtok("this is", "ij "), "th");
-%!# test all cases for 4 delimiters since a different 
+%!# test all cases for 4 delimiters since a different
 %!# algorithm is used when more than 3 delimiters
 %!assert(strtok("","jkl "), "");
 %!assert(strtok("this","jkl "), "this");
--- a/scripts/strings/untabify.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/untabify.m
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 ## Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Ben Abbott
 ## This file is part of Octave.
 ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
 ## your option) any later version.
 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 ## <>.
--- a/scripts/testfun/assert.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/assert.m
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
 ## arguments are passed to the @code{error} function.
 ## @item assert (@var{observed}, @var{expected})
-## Produce an error if observed is not the same as expected.  Note that 
-## observed and expected can be strings, scalars, vectors, matrices, 
+## Produce an error if observed is not the same as expected.  Note that
+## observed and expected can be strings, scalars, vectors, matrices,
 ## lists or structures.
 ## @item assert(@var{observed}, @var{expected}, @var{tol})
-## Accept a tolerance when comparing numbers. 
+## Accept a tolerance when comparing numbers.
 ## If @var{tol} is positive use it as an absolute tolerance, will produce an
 ## error if
 ## @code{abs(@var{observed} - @var{expected}) > abs(@var{tol})}.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
         error (varargin{:});
-    endif  
+    endif
     if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3)
       print_usage ();
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
           elseif (tol >= 0)
             err = max (abs (A - B));
             errtype = "maximum absolute error %g exceeds tolerance %g";
-          else 
+          else
             abserr = max (abs (A(B == 0)));
             A = A(B != 0);
             B = B(B != 0);
@@ -285,9 +285,9 @@
 %!error assert(3, 3+2*eps, eps);
 ## must give a little space for floating point errors on relative
-%!assert(100+100*eps, 100, -2*eps); 
+%!assert(100+100*eps, 100, -2*eps);
 %!assert(100, 100+100*eps, -2*eps);
-%!error assert(100+300*eps, 100, -2*eps); 
+%!error assert(100+300*eps, 100, -2*eps);
 %!error assert(100, 100+300*eps, -2*eps);
 %!error assert(3, [3,3]);
 %!error assert(3,4);
--- a/scripts/testfun/demo.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/demo.m
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} demo ('@var{name}', @var{n})
-## Runs any examples associated with the function '@var{name}'.  
-## Examples are stored in the script file, or in a file with the same 
-## name but no extension somewhere on your path.  To keep them separate 
+## Runs any examples associated with the function '@var{name}'.
+## Examples are stored in the script file, or in a file with the same
+## name but no extension somewhere on your path.  To keep them separate
 ## from the usual script code, all lines are prefixed by @code{%!}.  Each
 ## example is introduced by the keyword 'demo' flush left to the prefix,
-## with no intervening spaces.  The remainder of the example can contain 
+## with no intervening spaces.  The remainder of the example can contain
 ## arbitrary Octave code.  For example:
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/testfun/example.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/example.m
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} example ('@var{name}', @var{n})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{x}, @var{idx}] =} example ('@var{name}', @var{n})
-##  Display the code for example @var{n} associated with the function 
-## '@var{name}', but do not run it.  If @var{n} is not given, all examples 
+##  Display the code for example @var{n} associated with the function
+## '@var{name}', but do not run it.  If @var{n} is not given, all examples
 ## are displayed.
 ## Called with output arguments, the examples are returned in the form of
-## a string @var{x}, with @var{idx} indicating the ending position of the 
+## a string @var{x}, with @var{idx} indicating the ending position of the
 ## various examples.
 ## See @code{demo} for a complete explanation.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 %!assert (example('example',1), "\n example('example');");
 %! [code, idx] = example('example');
-%! assert (code, ... 
+%! assert (code, ...
 %!         "\n example('example');\n t=0:0.01:2*pi; x=sin(t);\n plot(t,x)")
 %! assert (idx, [1, 22, 59]);
--- a/scripts/testfun/fail.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/fail.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ## is a string and if @var{code} runs successfully, the error produced is:
 ## @example
-##           expected error but got none  
+##           expected error but got none
 ## @end example
 ## If the code fails with a different error, the message produced is:
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 ## The angle brackets are not part of the output.
-## Called with three arguments, the behavior is similar to 
-## @code{fail(@var{code}, @var{pattern})}, but produces an error if no 
+## Called with three arguments, the behavior is similar to
+## @code{fail(@var{code}, @var{pattern})}, but produces an error if no
 ## warning is given during code execution or if the code fails.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   ## allow assert(fail())
   if (nargout)
     ret = 1;
-  endif  
+  endif
   if (test_warning)
     ## Perform the warning test.
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
       err = lastwarn ();
       warning (state.state, "quiet");
       if (isempty (err))
-        msg = sprintf ("expected warning <%s> but got none", pattern); 
+        msg = sprintf ("expected warning <%s> but got none", pattern);
         ## Transform "warning: ...\n" to "...".
         err([1:9, end]) = [];
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
       err([1:7, end]) = [];
       msg = sprintf ("expected warning <%s> but got error <%s>", pattern, err);
     ## Perform the error test.
--- a/scripts/testfun/speed.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/speed.m
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} speed (@var{f}, @var{init}, @var{max_n}, @var{f2}, @var{tol})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{order}, @var{n}, @var{T_f}, @var{T_f2}] =} speed (@dots{})
-## Determine the execution time of an expression (@var{f}) for various input 
+## Determine the execution time of an expression (@var{f}) for various input
 ## values (@var{n}).  The @var{n} are log-spaced from 1 to @var{max_n}.  For
-## each @var{n}, an initialization expression (@var{init}) is computed to 
+## each @var{n}, an initialization expression (@var{init}) is computed to
 ## create any data needed for the test.  If a second expression (@var{f2}) is
 ## given then the execution times of the two expressions are compared.  When
 ## called without output arguments the results are displayed graphically.
@@ -33,15 +33,15 @@
 ## @item @var{max_n}
 ## The maximum test length to run.  Default value is 100.  Alternatively,
-## use @code{[min_n, max_n]} or specify the @var{n} exactly with 
+## use @code{[min_n, max_n]} or specify the @var{n} exactly with
 ## @code{[n1, n2, @dots{}, nk]}.
 ## @item @var{init}
-## Initialization expression for function argument values.  Use @var{k} 
+## Initialization expression for function argument values.  Use @var{k}
 ## for the test number and @var{n} for the size of the test.  This should
 ## compute values for all variables used by @var{f}.  Note that @var{init} will
 ## be evaluated first for @math{k = 0}, so things which are constant throughout
-## the test series can be computed once.  The default value is 
+## the test series can be computed once.  The default value is
 ## @code{@var{x} = randn (@var{n}, 1)}.
 ## @item @var{f2}
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
 ## power is plotted for the region over which it is approximated
 ## (the latter half of the graph).  The estimated power is not
 ## very accurate, but should be sufficient to determine the
-## general order of an algorithm.  It should indicate if, for 
-## example, the implementation is unexpectedly @math{O(n^2)} 
-## rather than @math{O(n)} because it extends a vector each 
+## general order of an algorithm.  It should indicate if, for
+## example, the implementation is unexpectedly @math{O(n^2)}
+## rather than @math{O(n)} because it extends a vector each
 ## time through the loop rather than pre-allocating storage.
 ## In the current version of Octave, the following is not the
 ## expected @math{O(n)}.
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## An attempt is made to approximate the cost of individual 
+## An attempt is made to approximate the cost of individual
 ## operations, but it is wildly inaccurate.  You can improve the
 ## stability somewhat by doing more work for each @code{n}.  For
 ## example:
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
 ## When comparing two different expressions (@var{f}, @var{f2}), the slope
 ## of the line on the speedup ratio graph should be larger than 1 if the new
-## expression is faster.  Better algorithms have a shallow slope.  Generally, 
-## vectorizing an algorithm will not change the slope of the execution 
+## expression is faster.  Better algorithms have a shallow slope.  Generally,
+## vectorizing an algorithm will not change the slope of the execution
 ## time graph, but will shift it relative to the original.  For
 ## example:
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@
 ##        "v = 0; for i = 1:length (x), v += x(i); end")
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## The following is a more complex example.  If there was an original version
-## of @code{xcorr} using for loops and a second version using an FFT, then 
+## of @code{xcorr} using for loops and a second version using an FFT, then
 ## one could compare the run speed for various lags as follows, or for a fixed
 ## lag with varying vector lengths as follows:
@@ -138,11 +138,11 @@
 ## would compare their speed and their output values.  Note that the
 ## FFT version is not exact, so we specify an acceptable tolerance on
 ## the comparison @code{100*eps}, and that the errors should be computed
-## relatively, as @code{abs ((@var{x} - @var{y}) ./ @var{y})} rather than 
+## relatively, as @code{abs ((@var{x} - @var{y}) ./ @var{y})} rather than
 ## absolutely as @code{abs (@var{x} - @var{y})}.
-## Type @code{example('speed')} to see some real examples.  Note that for 
-## obscure reasons, examples 1 and 2 can not be run directly using 
+## Type @code{example('speed')} to see some real examples.  Note that for
+## obscure reasons, examples 1 and 2 can not be run directly using
 ## @code{demo('speed')}.  Instead use, @code{eval ( example('speed', 1) )}
 ## or @code{eval ( example('speed', 2) )}.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
   for k = 1:length (__test_n)
     n = __test_n(k);
     eval (cstrcat (__init, ";"));
     printf ("n%i = %i  ",k, n);
     fflush (stdout);
     eval (cstrcat ("__t = time();", __f1, "; __v1=ans; __t = time()-__t;"));
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
   ## Drop times of zero.
   if (! isempty (__f2))
     zidx = (__tnew < 100*eps |  __torig < 100*eps);
@@ -246,21 +246,21 @@
   ## Approximate time complexity and return it if requested.
   tailidx = ceil(length(__test_n)/2):length(__test_n);
   p = polyfit (log (__test_n(tailidx)), log (__tnew(tailidx)), 1);
-  if (nargout > 0) 
+  if (nargout > 0)
     __order.p = p(1);
     __order.a = exp (p(2));
   ## Plot the data if no output is requested.
   doplot = (nargout == 0);
   if (doplot)
   if (doplot && ! isempty (__f2))
     subplot (1, 2, 1);
-    semilogx (__test_n, __torig./__tnew, 
+    semilogx (__test_n, __torig./__tnew,
               cstrcat ("-*r;", strrep (__f1, ";", "."), "/",
                       strrep (__f2, ";", "."), ";"),
                __test_n, __tnew./__torig,
@@ -272,10 +272,10 @@
     subplot (1, 2, 2);
     loglog (__test_n, __tnew*1000,
-            cstrcat ("*-g;", strrep (__f1, ";", "."), ";"), 
+            cstrcat ("*-g;", strrep (__f1, ";", "."), ";"),
             __test_n, __torig*1000,
             cstrcat ("*-r;", strrep (__f2,";","."), ";"));
     xlabel ("test length");
     ylabel ("best execution time (ms)");
     title (cstrcat ("init: ", __init));
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
     order = sprintf ("O(n^%g)", round (10*p(1))/10);
     v = polyval (p, log (__test_n(tailidx)));
-    loglog (__test_n(tailidx), exp(v)*1000, sprintf ("b;%s;", order)); 
+    loglog (__test_n(tailidx), exp(v)*1000, sprintf ("b;%s;", order));
     ## Get base time to 1 digit of accuracy.
     dt = exp (p(2));
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
     ## Display nicely formatted complexity.
     printf ("\nFor %s:\n", __f1);
     printf ("  asymptotic power: %s\n", order);
-    printf ("  approximate time per operation: %s\n", time); 
+    printf ("  approximate time per operation: %s\n", time);
--- a/scripts/testfun/test.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/test.m
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{code}, @var{idx}] =} test ('@var{name}', 'grabdemo')
 ## Perform tests from the first file in the loadpath matching @var{name}.
-## @code{test} can be called as a command or as a function.  Called with 
+## @code{test} can be called as a command or as a function.  Called with
 ## a single argument @var{name}, the tests are run interactively and stop
 ## after the first error is encountered.
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 ##  Don't report all the tests as they happen, just the errors.
 ## @item 'normal'
-## Report all tests as they happen, but don't do tests which require 
+## Report all tests as they happen, but don't do tests which require
 ## user interaction.
 ## @item 'verbose'
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
 ## @end table
 ## The argument @var{fid} can be used to allow batch processing.  Errors
-## can be written to the already open file defined by @var{fid}, and 
+## can be written to the already open file defined by @var{fid}, and
 ## hopefully when Octave crashes this file will tell you what was happening
 ## when it did.  You can use @code{stdout} if you want to see the results as
 ## they happen.  You can also give a file name rather than an @var{fid}, in
-## which case the contents of the file will be replaced with the log from 
+## which case the contents of the file will be replaced with the log from
 ## the current test.
 ## Called with a single output argument @var{success}, @code{test} returns
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
     __flag = "quiet";
   if (nargin < 3)
-    __fid = []; 
+    __fid = [];
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3
       || (! ischar (__name) && ! isempty (__name)) || ! ischar (__flag))
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@
     ## Add a dummy comment block to the end for ease of indexing.
     if (__body (length(__body)) == "\n")
-      __body = sprintf ("\n%s#", __body); 
+      __body = sprintf ("\n%s#", __body);
-      __body = sprintf ("\n%s\n#", __body); 
+      __body = sprintf ("\n%s\n#", __body);
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
       ## Code already processed.
       __code = "";
     elseif (strcmp (__type, "shared"))
@@ -304,13 +304,13 @@
         __vars = __code (1:__idx(1)-1);
         __code = __code (__idx(1):length(__code));
       ## Strip comments off the variables.
       __idx = find (__vars == "%" | __vars == "#");
       if (! isempty (__idx))
         __vars = __vars(1:__idx(1)-1);
       ## Assign default values to variables.
         __vars = deblank (__vars);
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@
       ## Clear shared function definitions.
       eval (__clear, "");
       __clear = "";
       ## Initialization code will be evaluated below.
     elseif (strcmp (__type, "function"))
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
       __code = "";
     elseif (strcmp (__type, "assert") || strcmp (__type, "fail"))
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
       ## Put the keyword back on the code.
       __code = __block;
       ## The code will be evaluated below as a test block.
     elseif (strcmp (__type, "error") || strcmp(__type, "warning"))
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
         __msg = sprintf ("%stest failed: syntax error\n%s",
                          __signal_fail, __error_text__);
       if (__success)
         __success = 0;
         __warnstate = warning ("query", "quiet");
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
       ## Code already processed.
       __code = "";
     elseif (strcmp (__type, "testif"))
@@ -491,12 +491,12 @@
            __success = 0;
         if (isempty (__error_text__))
-          error ("empty error text, probably Ctrl-C --- aborting"); 
+          error ("empty error text, probably Ctrl-C --- aborting");
       clear __test__;
     ## All done.  Remember if we were successful and print any messages.
     if (! isempty (__msg))
       ## Make sure the user knows what caused the error.
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
       if (! strcmp (__type, "error") && ! strcmp (__type, "testif")
           && ! all (__shared == " "))
         fputs (__fid, "shared variables ");
-        eval (sprintf ("fdisp(__fid,bundle(%s));", __shared)); 
+        eval (sprintf ("fdisp(__fid,bundle(%s));", __shared));
         fflush (__fid);
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
     __ret1 = __demo_code;
     __ret2 = __demo_idx;
   elseif (nargout == 1)
-    __ret1 = __all_success; 
+    __ret1 = __all_success;
     __ret1 = __successes;
     __ret2 = __tests;
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
 function [pattern, id, rest] = getpattern (str)
   pattern = ".";
   id = [];
-  rest = str; 
+  rest = str;
   str = trimleft (str);
   if (! isempty (str) && str(1) == "<")
     close = index (str, ">");
@@ -685,14 +685,14 @@
 %!test assert (isempty (kron ([], [])))
 %!shared A, B
-%! A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]; 
+%! A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6];
 %! B = [1, -1; 2, -2];
 %!assert (size (kron (zeros (3, 0), A)), [ 3*rows(A), 0 ])
 %!assert (size (kron (zeros (0, 3), A)), [ 0, 3*columns(A) ])
 %!assert (size (kron (A, zeros (3, 0))), [ 3*rows(A), 0 ])
 %!assert (size (kron (A, zeros (0, 3))), [ 0, 3*columns(A) ])
 %!assert (kron (pi, e), pi*e)
-%!assert (kron (pi, A), pi*A) 
+%!assert (kron (pi, A), pi*A)
 %!assert (kron (A, e), e*A)
 %!assert (kron ([1, 2, 3], A), [ A, 2*A, 3*A ])
 %!assert (kron ([1; 2; 3], A), [ A; 2*A; 3*A ])
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
 %! assert (kron (A, B), res)
 ### an extended demo from specgram
 %! ## Speech spectrogram
 %! [x, Fs] = auload(file_in_loadpath("sample.wav")); # audio file
 %! step = fix(5*Fs/1000);     # one spectral slice every 5 ms
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@
 %!## test of shared variables
 %!shared a                # create a shared variable
 %!test   a=3;             # assign to a shared variable
-%!test   assert(a,3)      # variable should equal 3    
+%!test   assert(a,3)      # variable should equal 3
 %!shared b,c              # replace shared variables
 %!test assert (!exist("a"));   # a no longer exists
 %!test assert (isempty(b));    # variables start off empty
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@
 %! z = 3*y;
 %!test                   # Test a test function with multiple returns
 %! [x,z] = __test_a(3);
-%! assert(x,6); 
+%! assert(x,6);
 %! assert(z,9);
 %!## test of assert block
@@ -801,12 +801,12 @@
 % !error  "succeeds.";       # error test fails if code succeeds
 % !error <wrong pattern> error("message")  # error pattern must match
 % !demo   with syntax error  # syntax errors in demo fail properly
-% !shared a,b,c              
+% !shared a,b,c
 % !demo                      # shared variables not available in demo
 % ! assert(exist("a"))
-% !error  
+% !error
 % ! test('/etc/passwd');
 % ! test("nonexistent file");
-% ! ## These don't signal an error, so the test for an error fails. Note 
+% ! ## These don't signal an error, so the test for an error fails. Note
 % ! ## that the call doesn't reference the current fid (it is unavailable),
 % ! ## so of course the informational message is not printed in the log.
--- a/scripts/time/datenum.m
+++ b/scripts/time/datenum.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} datenum (@code{"date"})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} datenum (@code{"date"}, @var{p})
 ## Returns the specified local time as a day number, with Jan 1, 0000
-## being day 1.  By this reckoning, Jan 1, 1970 is day number 719529.  
+## being day 1.  By this reckoning, Jan 1, 1970 is day number 719529.
 ## The fractional portion, @var{p}, corresponds to the portion of the
 ## specified day.
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
 ## @strong{Warning:} this function does not attempt to handle Julian
 ## calendars so dates before Octave 15, 1582 are wrong by as much
 ## as eleven days.  Also be aware that only Roman Catholic countries
-## adopted the calendar in 1582.  It took until 1924 for it to be 
-## adopted everywhere.  See the Wikipedia entry on the Gregorian 
+## adopted the calendar in 1582.  It took until 1924 for it to be
+## adopted everywhere.  See the Wikipedia entry on the Gregorian
 ## calendar for more details.
 ## @strong{Warning:} leap seconds are ignored.  A table of leap seconds
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
       day = year(:,3);
       month = year(:,2);
       year = year(:,1);
-    endif 
+    endif
   month(month<1) = 1; ## For compatibility.  Otherwise allow negative months.
--- a/scripts/time/datestr.m
+++ b/scripts/time/datestr.m
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
       df = strrep (df, "HH", "%H");
       df = strrep (df, "HH", sprintf ("%2d", v(i,4)));
-    endif  
+    endif
     df = regexprep (df, '[Yy][Yy][Yy][Yy]', "%Y");
--- a/scripts/time/datetick.m
+++ b/scripts/time/datetick.m
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
     N = 3;
     if (xmax - xmin < N)
       ## Day scale or less
-      if (xmax - xmin < N / 24 / 60 / 60) 
+      if (xmax - xmin < N / 24 / 60 / 60)
         scl = 1 / 24 / 60 / 60;
       elseif (xmax - xmin < N / 24 / 6)
         scl = 1 / 24 / 60;
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
       [ymin, mmin, dmin] = datevec (xmin);
       [ymax, mmax, dmax] = datevec (xmax);
-      minyear = ymin + (mmin - 1) / 12 + (dmin - 1) / 12 / 30;    
-      maxyear = ymax + (mmax - 1) / 12 + (dmax - 1) / 12 / 30;    
-      minmonth = mmin + (dmin - 1) / 30;    
-      maxmonth = (ymax  - ymin) * 12 + mmax + (dmax - 1) / 30;    
+      minyear = ymin + (mmin - 1) / 12 + (dmin - 1) / 12 / 30;
+      maxyear = ymax + (mmax - 1) / 12 + (dmax - 1) / 12 / 30;
+      minmonth = mmin + (dmin - 1) / 30;
+      maxmonth = (ymax  - ymin) * 12 + mmax + (dmax - 1) / 30;
       if (maxmonth - minmonth < N)
         sep = __calc_tick_sep__ (xmin, xmax);
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
       sticks = strvcat (datestr (ticks(1:end-1) - ticks(1) + startdate, form),
       datestr (ticks(end) - ticks(1) + startdate, form));
-      sticks = strvcat (datestr (ticks(1:end-1), form), 
+      sticks = strvcat (datestr (ticks(1:end-1), form),
       datestr (ticks(end), form));
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
     if (keeplimits)
       set (gca(), strcat (ax, "ticklabel"), sticks);
-      set (gca(), strcat (ax, "ticklabel"), sticks, strcat (ax, "lim"), 
+      set (gca(), strcat (ax, "ticklabel"), sticks, strcat (ax, "lim"),
       [min(ticks), max(ticks)]);
--- a/scripts/time/datevec.m
+++ b/scripts/time/datevec.m
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     std_formats{++nfmt} = "HH:MM";                  # 15
     std_formats{++nfmt} = "HH:MM PM";               # 16
     std_formats{++nfmt} = "mm/dd/yyyy";             # 23
-    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm-dd-yyyy HH:MM:SS"; 
+    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm-dd-yyyy HH:MM:SS";
     std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm-dd-yyyy";
     std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd mmm yyyy HH:MM:SS";
     std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd mmm yyyy";
--- a/scripts/time/etime.m
+++ b/scripts/time/etime.m
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 %! t3 = [1993, 8, 20, 5, 56, 1];
 %! t4 = [1993, 8, 20, 4, 57, 1];
 %! t5 = [1993, 8, 20, 4, 56, 14];
 %! assert((etime (t2, t1) == 86400 && etime (t3, t1) == 3600
 %! && etime (t4, t1) == 60 && etime (t5, t1) == 13));