changeset 7700:efccca5f2ad7

more QR & Cholesky updating functions
author Jaroslav Hajek <>
date Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:43:19 -0400
parents 27a5f578750c
children b9f5f281b54b
files libcruft/ChangeLog libcruft/qrupdate/ libcruft/qrupdate/dchdex.f libcruft/qrupdate/dchinx.f libcruft/qrupdate/dqrqhu.f libcruft/qrupdate/dqrshc.f libcruft/qrupdate/zchdex.f libcruft/qrupdate/zchinx.f libcruft/qrupdate/zqrqhu.f libcruft/qrupdate/zqrshc.f liboctave/ChangeLog liboctave/ liboctave/CmplxCHOL.h liboctave/ liboctave/CmplxQR.h liboctave/ liboctave/dbleCHOL.h liboctave/ liboctave/dbleQR.h src/ChangeLog src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/ src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/
diffstat 22 files changed, 1368 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libcruft/ChangeLog
+++ b/libcruft/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2008-04-07  Jaroslav Hajek <>
+	* qrupdate/dqrqhu.f, qrupdate/zqrqhu.f,
+	* qrupdate/dqrshc.f, qrupdate/zqrshc.f,
+	* qrupdate/dchinx.f, qrupdate/zchinx.f,
+	* qrupdate/dchdex.f, qrupdate/zchdex.f: New files.
 2008-04-02  Jaroslav Hajek <>
 	* blas-xtra/xzdotu.f: Turn into simple wrapper for zdotu.
--- a/libcruft/qrupdate/
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/
@@ -31,8 +31,12 @@
        dqrdec.f zqrdec.f \
        dqrinr.f zqrinr.f \
        dqrder.f zqrder.f \
+       dqrshc.f zqrshc.f \
        dch1up.f zch1up.f \
        dch1dn.f zch1dn.f \
+       dchinx.f zchinx.f \
+       dchdex.f zchdex.f \
+       dqrqhu.f zqrqhu.f \
        dqrqhv.f zqrqhv.f \
        dqhqr.f zqhqr.f 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/dchdex.f
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine dchdex(n,R,R1,j)
+c purpose:      given an upper triangular matrix R that is a Cholesky
+c               factor of a symmetric positive definite matrix A, i.e.
+c               A = R'*R, this subroutine updates R -> R1 so that
+c               R1'*R1 = A(jj,jj), where jj = [1:j-1,j+1:n+1].
+c               (real version)
+c arguments:
+c n (in)        the order of matrix R
+c R (in)        the original upper trapezoidal matrix R
+c R1 (out)      the updated matrix R1
+c j (in)        the position of the deleted row/column
+      integer n,j,info
+      double precision R(n,n),R1(n-1,n-1)
+      double precision Qdum,c,s,rr
+      external dlacpy,dqhqr,dlartg
+c quick return if possible
+      if (n == 1) return
+c check arguments      
+      info = 0
+      if (n <= 0) then
+        info = 1
+      else if (j < 1 .or. j > n) then
+        info = 4
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('DQRDEX',info)
+      end if
+c setup the new matrix R1
+      if (j > 1) then
+        call dlacpy('0',n-1,j-1,R(1,1),n,R1(1,1),n-1)
+      end if
+      if (j < n) then
+        call dlacpy('0',n-1,n-j,R(1,j+1),n,R1(1,j),n-1)
+        call dqhqr(0,n-j,n-j,Qdum,1,R1(j,j),n-1)
+c eliminate R(n,n)      
+        call dlartg(R1(n-1,n-1),R(n,n),c,s,rr)
+        R1(n-1,n-1) = rr
+      endif
+      end
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/dchinx.f
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine dchinx(n,R,R1,j,u,info)
+c purpose:      given an upper triangular matrix R that is a Cholesky
+c               factor of a symmetric positive definite matrix A, i.e.
+c               A = R'*R, this subroutine updates R -> R1 so that
+c               R1'*R1 = A1, A1(jj,jj) = A, A(j,:) = u', A(:,j) = u,
+c               jj = [1:j-1,j+1:n+1].
+c               (real version)
+c arguments:
+c n (in)        the order of matrix R
+c R (in)        the original upper trapezoidal matrix R
+c R1 (out)      the updated matrix R1
+c j (in)        the position of the inserted row/column
+c u (in)        the vector (n+1) determining the rank-1 update
+c info (out)    on exit, if info = 1, the 
+c               definiteness.
+      integer n,j,info
+      double precision R(n,n),R1(n+1,n+1),u(n+1)
+      double precision rho,Qdum,w,dnrm2
+      external dcopy,dlacpy,dtrsv,dnrm2
+      integer jj
+c quick return if possible
+      if (n == 0) then
+        if (u(1) <= 0) then
+          info = 1
+          return
+        else
+          R(1,1) = sqrt(u(1))
+        end if
+      end if
+c check arguments      
+      info = 0
+      if (n < 0) then
+        info = 1
+      else if (j < 1 .or. j > n+1) then
+        info = 4
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('DQRINX',info)
+      end if
+c copy shifted vector
+      if (j > 1) then
+        call dcopy(j-1,u,1,R1(1,j),1)
+      end if
+      w = u(j)
+      if (j < n+1) then
+        call dcopy(n-j+1,u(j+1),1,R1(j,j),1)
+      end if
+c check for singularity of R
+      do i = 1,n
+        if (R(i,i) == 0d0) then
+          info = 2
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+c form R' \ u
+      call dtrsv('U','T','N',n,R,n,R1(1,j),1)
+      rho = dnrm2(n,R1(1,j),1)
+c check positive definiteness      
+      rho = u(j) - rho**2
+      if (rho <= 0d0) then
+        info = 1
+        return
+      end if
+      R1(n+1,n+1) = sqrt(rho)
+c setup the new matrix R1
+      do i = 1,n+1
+        R1(n+1,i) = 0d0
+      end do
+      if (j > 1) then
+        call dlacpy('0',n,j-1,R(1,1),n,R1(1,1),n+1)
+      end if
+      if (j <= n) then
+        call dlacpy('0',n,n-j+1,R(1,j),n,R1(1,j+1),n+1)
+c retriangularize
+        jj = min(j+1,n)
+        call dqrqhu(0,n+1-j,n-j,Qdum,1,R1(j,jj),n+1,R1(j,j),w)
+        R1(j,j) = w
+        do jj = j+1,n
+          R1(jj,j) = 0d0
+        end do
+      end if
+      end
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/dqrqhu.f
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine dqrqhu(m,n,k,Q,ldq,R,ldr,u,rr)
+c purpose:      given an m-by-k matrix Q, an upper trapezoidal 
+c               k-by-n matrix R, and a k-vector u, 
+c               this subroutine updates the matrices Q -> Q1 and 
+c               R -> R1 so that Q1 = Q*G', R1 = G*R, u1(2:k) = 0 
+c               with G orthogonal, R1 upper Hessenberg, and u1 = G*u.
+c               (real version)
+c arguments:
+c m (in)        number of rows of the matrix Q.
+c n (in)        number of columns of the matrix R.
+c k (in)        number of columns of Q and rows of R.
+c Q (io)        on entry, the orthogonal matrix Q.
+c               on exit, the updated matrix Q1.
+c ldq (in)      leading dimension of Q.
+c R (io)        on entry, the upper triangular matrix R.
+c               on exit, the updated upper Hessenberg matrix R1.
+c ldr (in)      leading dimension of R.
+c u (in)        the k-vector u.
+c rr (out)      the first element of Q1'*u on exit.
+c               if Q is orthogonal, so is Q1. It is not strictly
+c               necessary, however.
+      integer m,n,k,ldq,ldr
+      double precision Q(ldq,*),R(ldr,*),u(*),rr
+      double precision c
+      double precision s,w
+      external dlartg,drot
+      integer i,info
+c quick return if possible.
+      if (k <= 0) return
+c check arguments.      
+      info = 0
+      if (ldq < 1) then
+        info = 5
+      else if (ldr < 1) then
+        info = 7
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('DQRQHU',info)
+      end if
+      rr = u(k)
+      do i = k-1,1,-1
+        w = rr
+        if (w /= 0d0) then
+          call dlartg(u(i),w,c,s,rr)
+c apply rotation to rows of R if necessary        
+          if (i <= n) then
+            call drot(n+1-i,R(i,i),ldr,R(i+1,i),ldr,c,s)
+          end if
+c apply rotation to columns of Q if necessary
+          if (m > 0) then
+            call drot(m,Q(1,i),1,Q(1,i+1),1,c,s)
+          end if
+        else
+c no rotation necessary
+          rr = u(i)
+        end if          
+      end do
+      end 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/dqrshc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine dqrshc(m,n,k,Q,R,i,j)
+c purpose:      updates a QR factorization after circular shift of
+c               columns.      
+c               i.e., given an m-by-k orthogonal matrix Q, an k-by-n
+c               upper trapezoidal matrix R and index j in the range 
+c               1:n+1, this subroutine updates the matrix Q -> Q1 and 
+c               R -> R1 so that Q1 is again unitary, R1 upper trapezoidal, 
+c               and 
+c               Q1*R1 = A(:,p), where A = Q*R and p is the permutation
+c               [1:i-1,shift(i:j,-1),j+1:n] if i < j  or
+c               [1:j-1,shift(j:i,+1),i+1:n] if j > i.
+c               if m == 0, the matrix Q is ignored.
+c               (real version)
+c arguments:
+c m (in)        number of rows of the matrix Q, or 0 if Q is not needed.
+c n (in)        number of columns of the matrix R.
+c k (in)        number of columns of Q, and rows of R.
+c Q (io)        on entry, the (orthogonal) matrix Q.
+c               on exit, the updated matrix Q1
+c R (io)        on entry, the upper trapezoidal m-by-n matrix R.
+c               on exit, the updated matrix R1.
+c i (in)        the first index determining the range (see above)
+c j (in)        the second index determining the range (see above)
+      integer m,n,k,i,j
+      double precision Q(m,k),R(k,n)
+      external dswap,dqhqr
+      double precision w
+      integer l,jj,kk,info
+c quick return if possible
+      if (k <= 0 .or. n <= 1) return
+      info = 0
+      if (m /= 0 .and. k > m) then
+        info = 3
+      else if (i < 1 .or. i > n) then
+        info = 6
+      else if (j < 1 .or. j > n) then
+        info = 7
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('DQRSHC',info)
+      end if
+      if (i < j) then
+c shift columns
+        do l = i,j-1
+          call dswap(min(k,l+1),R(1,l),1,R(1,l+1),1)
+        end do
+c retriangularize
+        if (i < k) then
+          kk = min(k,j)
+          if (m > 0) then
+            call dqhqr(m,n+1-i,kk+1-i,Q(1,i),m,R(i,i),k)
+          else
+            call dqhqr(0,n+1-i,kk+1-i,Q,1,R(i,i),k)
+          endif
+        end if
+      else if (j < i) then
+c shift columns
+        do l = i,j+1,-1
+          call dswap(min(k,i),R(1,l),1,R(1,l-1),1)
+        end do
+c retriangularize
+        if (j < k) then
+          jj = min(j+1,n)
+          kk = min(k,i)
+          if (m > 0) then
+            call dqrqhu(m,n-j,kk+1-j,Q(1,j),m,R(j,jj),k,R(j,j),w)
+          else
+            call dqrqhu(0,n-j,kk+1-j,Q,1,R(j,jj),k,R(j,j),w)
+          end if
+          R(j,j) = w
+          do jj = j+1,kk
+            R(jj,j) = 0
+          end do
+        end if
+      end if
+      end
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/zchdex.f
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine zchdex(n,R,R1,j)
+c purpose:      given an upper triangular matrix R that is a Cholesky
+c               factor of a symmetric positive definite matrix A, i.e.
+c               A = R'*R, this subroutine updates R -> R1 so that
+c               R1'*R1 = A(jj,jj), where jj = [1:j-1,j+1:n+1].
+c               (real version)
+c arguments:
+c n (in)        the order of matrix R
+c R (in)        the original upper trapezoidal matrix R
+c R1 (out)      the updated matrix R1
+c j (in)        the position of the deleted row/column
+      integer n,j,info
+      double complex R(n,n),R1(n-1,n-1)
+      double precision c
+      double complex Qdum,s,rr
+      external zlacpy,zqhqr,zlartg
+c quick return if possible
+      if (n == 1) return
+c check arguments      
+      info = 0
+      if (n <= 0) then
+        info = 1
+      else if (j < 1 .or. j > n) then
+        info = 4
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('ZQRDEX',info)
+      end if
+c setup the new matrix R1
+      if (j > 1) then
+        call zlacpy('0',n-1,j-1,R(1,1),n,R1(1,1),n-1)
+      end if
+      if (j < n) then
+        call zlacpy('0',n-1,n-j,R(1,j+1),n,R1(1,j),n-1)
+        call zqhqr(0,n-j,n-j,Qdum,1,R1(j,j),n-1)
+c eliminate R(n,n)      
+        call zlartg(R1(n-1,n-1),R(n,n),c,s,rr)
+        R1(n-1,n-1) = rr
+      endif
+      end
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/zchinx.f
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine zchinx(n,R,R1,j,u,info)
+c purpose:      given an upper triangular matrix R that is a Cholesky
+c               factor of a symmetric positive definite matrix A, i.e.
+c               A = R'*R, this subroutine updates R -> R1 so that
+c               R1'*R1 = A1, A1(jj,jj) = A, A(j,:) = u', A(:,j) = u,
+c               jj = [1:j-1,j+1:n+1].
+c               (complex version)
+c arguments:
+c n (in)        the order of matrix R
+c R (in)        the original upper trapezoidal matrix R
+c R1 (out)      the updated matrix R1
+c j (in)        the position of the inserted row/column
+c u (in)        the vector (n+1) determining the rank-1 update
+c info (out)    on exit, if info = 1, the 
+c               definiteness.
+      integer n,j,info
+      double complex R(n,n),R1(n+1,n+1),u(n+1)
+      double precision rho,dznrm2
+      double complex Qdum,w
+      external zcopy,zlacpy,ztrsv,dznrm2
+      integer jj
+c quick return if possible
+      if (n == 0) then
+        if (real(u(1)) <= 0) then
+          info = 1
+          return
+        else
+          R(1,1) = sqrt(real(u(1)))
+        end if
+      end if
+c check arguments      
+      info = 0
+      if (n < 0) then
+        info = 1
+      else if (j < 1 .or. j > n+1) then
+        info = 4
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('ZQRINX',info)
+      end if
+c copy shifted vector
+      if (j > 1) then
+        call zcopy(j-1,u,1,R1(1,j),1)
+      end if
+      w = u(j)
+      if (j < n+1) then
+        call zcopy(n-j+1,u(j+1),1,R1(j,j),1)
+      end if
+c check for singularity of R
+      do i = 1,n
+        if (R(i,i) == 0d0) then
+          info = 2
+          return
+        end if
+      end do
+c form R' \ u
+      call ztrsv('U','T','N',n,R,n,R1(1,j),1)
+      rho = dznrm2(n,R1(1,j),1)
+c check positive definiteness      
+      rho = u(j) - rho**2
+      if (rho <= 0d0) then
+        info = 1
+        return
+      end if
+      R1(n+1,n+1) = sqrt(rho)
+c setup the new matrix R1
+      do i = 1,n+1
+        R1(n+1,i) = 0d0
+      end do
+      if (j > 1) then
+        call zlacpy('0',j-1,n,R(1,1),n,R1(1,1),n+1)
+      end if
+      if (j <= n) then
+        call zlacpy('0',n,n-j+1,R(1,j),n,R1(1,j+1),n+1)
+c retriangularize
+        jj = min(j+1,n)
+        call zqrqhu(0,n+1-j,n-j,Qdum,1,R1(j,jj),n+1,R1(j,j),w)
+        R1(j,j) = w
+        do jj = j+1,n
+          R1(jj,j) = 0d0
+        end do
+      end if
+      end
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/zqrqhu.f
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine zqrqhu(m,n,k,Q,ldq,R,ldr,u,rr)
+c purpose:      given an m-by-k matrix Q, an upper trapezoidal 
+c               k-by-n matrix R, and a k-vector u, 
+c               this subroutine updates the matrices Q -> Q1 and 
+c               R -> R1 so that Q1 = Q*G', R1 = G*R, u1(2:k) = 0 
+c               with G unitary, R1 upper Hessenberg, and u1 = G*u.
+c               (complex version)
+c arguments:
+c m (in)        number of rows of the matrix Q.
+c n (in)        number of columns of the matrix R.
+c k (in)        number of columns of Q and rows of R.
+c Q (io)        on entry, the orthogonal matrix Q.
+c               on exit, the updated matrix Q1.
+c ldq (in)      leading dimension of Q.
+c R (io)        on entry, the upper triangular matrix R.
+c               on exit, the updated upper Hessenberg matrix R1.
+c ldr (in)      leading dimension of R.
+c u (in)        the k-vector u.
+c rr (out)      the first element of Q1'*u on exit.
+c               if Q is orthogonal, so is Q1. It is not strictly
+c               necessary, however.
+      integer m,n,k,ldq,ldr
+      double complex Q(ldq,*),R(ldr,*),u(*),rr
+      double precision c
+      double complex s,w
+      external zlartg,zrot
+      integer i,info
+c quick return if possible.
+      if (k <= 0) return
+c check arguments.      
+      info = 0
+      if (ldq < 1) then
+        info = 5
+      else if (ldr < 1) then
+        info = 7
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('ZQRQHU',info)
+      end if
+      rr = u(k)
+      do i = k-1,1,-1
+        w = rr
+        if (w /= dcmplx(0d0,0d0)) then
+          call zlartg(u(i),w,c,s,rr)
+c apply rotation to rows of R if necessary        
+          if (i <= n) then
+            call zrot(n+1-i,R(i,i),ldr,R(i+1,i),ldr,c,s)
+          end if
+c apply rotation to columns of Q if necessary
+          if (m > 0) then
+            call zrot(m,Q(1,i),1,Q(1,i+1),1,c,conjg(s))
+          end if
+        else
+c no rotation necessary
+          rr = u(i)
+        end if          
+      end do
+      end 
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcruft/qrupdate/zqrshc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+c Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic
+c Author: Jaroslav Hajek <>
+c This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+c the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+c (at your option) any later version.
+c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+c GNU General Public License for more details.
+c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+c along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
+c <>.
+      subroutine zqrshc(m,n,k,Q,R,i,j)
+c purpose:      updates a QR factorization after circular shift of
+c               columns.      
+c               i.e., given an m-by-k orthogonal matrix Q, an k-by-n
+c               upper trapezoidal matrix R and index j in the range 
+c               1:n+1, this subroutine updates the matrix Q -> Q1 and 
+c               R -> R1 so that Q1 is again unitary, R1 upper trapezoidal, 
+c               and 
+c               Q1*R1 = A(:,p), where A = Q*R and p is the permutation
+c               [1:i-1,shift(i:j,-1),j+1:n] if i < j  or
+c               [1:j-1,shift(j:i,+1),i+1:n] if j > i.
+c               if m == 0, the matrix Q is ignored.
+c               (real version)
+c arguments:
+c m (in)        number of rows of the matrix Q, or 0 if Q is not needed.
+c n (in)        number of columns of the matrix R.
+c k (in)        number of columns of Q, and rows of R.
+c Q (io)        on entry, the (unitary) matrix Q.
+c               on exit, the updated matrix Q1
+c R (io)        on entry, the upper trapezoidal m-by-n matrix R.
+c               on exit, the updated matrix R1.
+c i (in)        the first index determining the range (see above)
+c j (in)        the second index determining the range (see above)
+      integer m,n,k,i,j
+      double complex Q(m,k),R(k,n)
+      external zswap,zqhqr
+      double complex w
+      integer l,jj,kk,info
+c quick return if possible
+      if (k <= 0 .or. n <= 1) return
+      info = 0
+      if (m /= 0 .and. k > m) then
+        info = 3
+      else if (i < 1 .or. i > n) then
+        info = 6
+      else if (j < 1 .or. j > n) then
+        info = 7
+      end if
+      if (info /= 0) then
+        call xerbla('ZQRSHC',info)
+      end if
+      if (i < j) then
+c shift columns
+        do l = i,j-1
+          call zswap(min(k,l+1),R(1,l),1,R(1,l+1),1)
+        end do
+c retriangularize
+        if (i < k) then
+          kk = min(k,j)
+          if (m > 0) then
+            call zqhqr(m,n+1-i,kk+1-i,Q(1,i),m,R(i,i),k)
+          else
+            call zqhqr(0,n+1-i,kk+1-i,Q,1,R(i,i),k)
+          endif
+        end if
+      else if (j < i) then
+c shift columns
+        do l = i,j+1,-1
+          call zswap(min(k,i),R(1,l),1,R(1,l-1),1)
+        end do
+c retriangularize
+        if (j < k) then
+          jj = min(j+1,n)
+          kk = min(k,i)
+          if (m > 0) then
+            call zqrqhu(m,n-j,kk+1-j,Q(1,j),m,R(j,jj),k,R(j,j),w)
+          else
+            call zqrqhu(0,n-j,kk+1-j,Q,1,R(j,jj),k,R(j,j),w)
+          end if
+          R(j,j) = w
+          do jj = j+1,kk
+            R(jj,j) = 0
+          end do
+        end if
+      end if
+      end
--- a/liboctave/ChangeLog
+++ b/liboctave/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2008-04-07  Jaroslav Hajek <>
+	* dbleQR.h, (QR::shift_cols): New method.
+	* CmplxQR.h, (ComplexQR::shift_cols): New method.
+	* dbleCHOL.h, (CHOL::insert_sym, CHOL::delete_sym,
+	CHOL::shift_sym): New methods.
+	* CmplxCHOL.h, (ComplexCHOL::insert_sym,
+	ComplexCHOL::delete_sym, ComplexCHOL::shift_sym): New methods.
 2008-04-03  John W. Eaton  <>
 	* [__WIN32__ && ! __CYGWIN__]: Include windows.h.
--- a/liboctave/
+++ b/liboctave/
@@ -57,6 +57,17 @@
   F77_FUNC (zch1dn, ZCH1DN) (const octave_idx_type&, Complex*, Complex*, double*, 
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (zqrshc, ZQRSHC) (const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&,
+                             Complex*, Complex*, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&);
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (zchinx, ZCHINX) (const octave_idx_type&, const Complex*, Complex*, const octave_idx_type&,
+                             const Complex*, octave_idx_type&);
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (zchdex, ZCHDEX) (const octave_idx_type&, const Complex*, Complex*, const octave_idx_type&);
@@ -210,6 +221,59 @@
   return info;
+ComplexCHOL::insert_sym (const ComplexMatrix& u, octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type info = -1;
+  octave_idx_type n = chol_mat.rows ();
+  if (u.length () != n+1)
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL insert dimension mismatch");
+  else if (j < 0 || j > n)
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL insert index out of range");
+  else
+    {
+      ComplexMatrix chol_mat1 (n+1, n+1);
+      F77_XFCN (zchinx, ZCHINX, (n, (), chol_mat1.fortran_vec (), 
+                                 j+1, (), info));
+      chol_mat = chol_mat1;
+    }
+  return info;
+ComplexCHOL::delete_sym (octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type n = chol_mat.rows ();
+  if (j < 0 || j > n-1)
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL insert index out of range");
+  else
+    {
+      ComplexMatrix chol_mat1 (n-1, n-1);
+      F77_XFCN (zchdex, ZCHDEX, (n, (), chol_mat1.fortran_vec (), j+1));
+      chol_mat = chol_mat1;
+    }
+ComplexCHOL::shift_sym (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type n = chol_mat.rows ();
+  Complex dummy;
+  if (i < 0 || i > n-1 || j < 0 || j > n-1) 
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL shift index out of range");
+  else
+    F77_XFCN (zqrshc, ZQRSHC, (0, n, n, &dummy, chol_mat.fortran_vec (), i+1, j+1));
 chol2inv (const ComplexMatrix& r)
--- a/liboctave/CmplxCHOL.h
+++ b/liboctave/CmplxCHOL.h
@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@
   octave_idx_type downdate (const ComplexMatrix& u);
+  octave_idx_type insert_sym (const ComplexMatrix& u, octave_idx_type j);
+  void delete_sym (octave_idx_type j);
+  void shift_sym (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j);
   friend OCTAVE_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const ComplexCHOL& a);
--- a/liboctave/
+++ b/liboctave/
@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@
   F77_FUNC (zqrder, ZQRDER) (const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&, 
                              const Complex*, Complex*, const Complex*, Complex *, 
                              const octave_idx_type&);
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (zqrshc, ZQRSHC) (const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&,
+                             Complex*, Complex*, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&);
 ComplexQR::ComplexQR (const ComplexMatrix& a, QR::type qr_type)
@@ -272,6 +276,19 @@
+ComplexQR::shift_cols (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type m = q.rows ();
+  octave_idx_type k = r.rows ();
+  octave_idx_type n = r.columns ();
+  if (i < 0 || i > n-1 || j < 0 || j > n-1) 
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("QR shift index out of range");
+  else
+    F77_XFCN (zqrshc, ZQRSHC, (m, n, k, q.fortran_vec (), r.fortran_vec (), i+1, j+1));
 ComplexQR::economize (void)
   octave_idx_type r_nc = r.columns ();
--- a/liboctave/CmplxQR.h
+++ b/liboctave/CmplxQR.h
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
   void delete_row (octave_idx_type j);
+  void shift_cols (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j);
   void economize();
   friend std::ostream&  operator << (std::ostream&, const ComplexQR&);
--- a/liboctave/
+++ b/liboctave/
@@ -57,6 +57,17 @@
   F77_FUNC (dch1dn, DCH1DN) (const octave_idx_type&, double*, double*, double*, 
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (dqrshc, DQRSHC) (const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&,
+                             double*, double*, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&);
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (dchinx, DCHINX) (const octave_idx_type&, const double*, double*, const octave_idx_type&,
+                             const double*, octave_idx_type&);
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (dchdex, DCHDEX) (const octave_idx_type&, const double*, double*, const octave_idx_type&);
@@ -214,6 +225,59 @@
   return info;
+CHOL::insert_sym (const Matrix& u, octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type info = -1;
+  octave_idx_type n = chol_mat.rows ();
+  if (u.length () != n+1)
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL insert dimension mismatch");
+  else if (j < 0 || j > n)
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL insert index out of range");
+  else
+    {
+      Matrix chol_mat1 (n+1, n+1);
+      F77_XFCN (dchinx, DCHINX, (n, (), chol_mat1.fortran_vec (), 
+                                 j+1, (), info));
+      chol_mat = chol_mat1;
+    }
+  return info;
+CHOL::delete_sym (octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type n = chol_mat.rows ();
+  if (j < 0 || j > n-1)
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL insert index out of range");
+  else
+    {
+      Matrix chol_mat1 (n-1, n-1);
+      F77_XFCN (dchdex, DCHDEX, (n, (), chol_mat1.fortran_vec (), j+1));
+      chol_mat = chol_mat1;
+    }
+CHOL::shift_sym (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type n = chol_mat.rows ();
+  double dummy;
+  if (i < 0 || i > n-1 || j < 0 || j > n-1) 
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("CHOL shift index out of range");
+  else
+    F77_XFCN (dqrshc, DQRSHC, (0, n, n, &dummy, chol_mat.fortran_vec (), i+1, j+1));
 chol2inv (const Matrix& r)
--- a/liboctave/dbleCHOL.h
+++ b/liboctave/dbleCHOL.h
@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@
   octave_idx_type downdate (const Matrix& u);
+  octave_idx_type insert_sym (const Matrix& u, octave_idx_type j);
+  void delete_sym (octave_idx_type j);
+  void shift_sym (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j);
   friend OCTAVE_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const CHOL& a);
--- a/liboctave/
+++ b/liboctave/
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
   F77_FUNC (dqrder, DQRDER) (const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&, 
                              const double*, double*, const double*, double *, 
                              const octave_idx_type&);
+  F77_RET_T
+  F77_FUNC (dqrshc, DQRSHC) (const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&,
+                             double*, double*, const octave_idx_type&, const octave_idx_type&);
 QR::QR (const Matrix& a, QR::type qr_type)
@@ -261,6 +265,19 @@
+QR::shift_cols (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)
+  octave_idx_type m = q.rows ();
+  octave_idx_type k = r.rows ();
+  octave_idx_type n = r.columns ();
+  if (i < 0 || i > n-1 || j < 0 || j > n-1) 
+    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("QR shift index out of range");
+  else
+    F77_XFCN (dqrshc, DQRSHC, (m, n, k, q.fortran_vec (), r.fortran_vec (), i+1, j+1));
 QR::economize (void)
   octave_idx_type r_nc = r.columns ();
--- a/liboctave/dbleQR.h
+++ b/liboctave/dbleQR.h
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
   void delete_row (octave_idx_type j);
+  void shift_cols (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j);
   void economize (void);
   friend std::ostream&  operator << (std::ostream&, const QR&);
--- a/src/ChangeLog
+++ b/src/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2008-04-07  Jaroslav Hajek <>
+	* DLD-FUNCTIONS/ (Fqrshift): New function.
+	* DLD-FUNCTIONS/ (Fcholinsert, Fcholdelete, Fcholshift):
+	New functions.
 2008-04-04  John W. Eaton  <>
 	* parse.y (make_constant): Handle escape sequences in dq-strings.
--- a/src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/
+++ b/src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
-// The cholupdate function was written by Jaroslav Hajek
-// <>, Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech
-// Republic.
+// The cholupdate, cholinsert, choldelete and cholshift functions were
+//  written by Jaroslav Hajek <>, Copyright (C) 2008  
+//  VZLU Prague, a.s., Czech Republic.
 #include <config.h>
@@ -600,6 +600,350 @@
 %! assert(norm(R1 - R,Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+DEFUN_DLD (cholinsert, args, nargout,
+  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
+@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {[@var{R1}, @var{info}] =} cholinsert (@var{R}, @var{j}, @var{u})\n\
+Given a Cholesky@tie{}factorization of a real symmetric or complex hermitian\n\
+positive definite matrix @w{@var{A} = @var{R}'*@var{R}}, @var{R}@tie{}upper triangular,\n\
+return the QR@tie{}factorization of\n\
+@var{A1}, where @w{A1(p,p) = A}, @w{A1(:,j) = A1(j,:)' = u} and\n\
+@w{p = [1:j-1,j+1:n+1]}. @w{u(j)} should be positive.\n\
+On return, @var{info} is set to\n\
+@item 0 if the insertion was successful,\n\
+@item 1 if @var{A1} is not positive definite,\n\
+@item 2 if @var{R} is singular.\n\
+@end itemize\n\
+If @var{info} is not present, an error message is printed in cases 1 and 2.\n\
+@seealso{chol, cholupdate, choldelete}\n\
+@end deftypefn")
+  octave_idx_type nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 3)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+      return retval;
+    }
+  octave_value argr = args(0);
+  octave_value argj = args(1);
+  octave_value argu = args(2);
+  if (argr.is_matrix_type () && argu.is_matrix_type ()
+      && argj.is_real_scalar ())
+    {
+      octave_idx_type n = argr.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type j = argj.scalar_value ();
+      if (argr.columns () == n && argu.rows () == n+1 && argu.columns () == 1)
+        {
+          if (j > 0 && j <= n+1)
+            {
+              if (argr.is_real_matrix () && argu.is_real_matrix ())
+                {
+                  // real case
+                  Matrix R = argr.matrix_value ();
+                  Matrix u = argu.matrix_value ();
+                  CHOL fact;
+                  fact.set (R);
+                  int err = fact.insert_sym (u, j-1);
+                  if (nargout > 1)
+                    retval(1) = err;
+                  else if (err)
+                    error ("cholinsert: insertion violates positiveness");
+                  retval(0) = fact.chol_matrix ();
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  // complex case
+                  ComplexMatrix R = argr.complex_matrix_value ();
+                  ComplexMatrix u = argu.complex_matrix_value ();
+                  ComplexCHOL fact;
+                  fact.set (R);
+                  int err = fact.insert_sym (u, j-1);
+                  if (nargout > 1)
+                    retval(1) = err;
+                  else if (err)
+                    error ("cholinsert: insertion violates positiveness");
+                  retval(0) = fact.chol_matrix ();
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            error ("cholinsert: index out of range");
+        }
+      else
+        error ("cholinsert: dimension mismatch");
+    }
+  else
+    print_usage ();
+  return retval;
+%! A = [  0.436997  -0.131721   0.124120  -0.061673 ;
+%!       -0.131721   0.738529   0.019851  -0.140295 ;
+%!        0.124120   0.019851   0.354879  -0.059472 ;
+%!       -0.061673  -0.140295  -0.059472   0.600939 ];
+%! u = [  0.35080 ;
+%!        0.63930 ;
+%!        3.31057 ;
+%!       -0.13825 ;
+%!        0.45266 ];
+%! R = chol(A);
+%! j = 3; p = [1:j-1, j+1:5];
+%! R1 = cholinsert(R,j,u); A1 = R1'*R1;
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(A1(p,p) - A,Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! A = [  0.5585528 + 0.0000000i  -0.1662088 - 0.0315341i   0.0107873 + 0.0236411i  -0.0276775 - 0.0186073i ;
+%!       -0.1662088 + 0.0315341i   0.6760061 + 0.0000000i   0.0011452 - 0.0475528i   0.0145967 + 0.0247641i ;
+%!        0.0107873 - 0.0236411i   0.0011452 + 0.0475528i   0.6263149 - 0.0000000i  -0.1585837 - 0.0719763i ;
+%!       -0.0276775 + 0.0186073i   0.0145967 - 0.0247641i  -0.1585837 + 0.0719763i   0.6034234 - 0.0000000i ];
+%! u = [  0.35080  + 0.04298i;
+%!        0.63930  + 0.23778i;
+%!        3.31057  + 0.00000i;
+%!       -0.13825  + 0.19879i;
+%!        0.45266  + 0.50020i];
+%! R = chol(A);
+%! j = 3; p = [1:j-1, j+1:5];
+%! R1 = cholinsert(R,j,u); A1 = R1'*R1;
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(A1(p,p) - A,Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+DEFUN_DLD (choldelete, args, nargout,
+  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
+@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {@var{R1} =} choldelete (@var{R}, @var{j})\n\
+Given a Cholesky@tie{}factorization of a real symmetric or complex hermitian\n\
+positive definite matrix @w{@var{A} = @var{R}'*@var{R}}, @var{R}@tie{}upper triangular,\n\
+return the QR@tie{}factorization of @w{A(p,p)}, where @w{p = [1:j-1,j+1:n+1]}.\n\
+@seealso{chol, cholupdate, cholinsert}\n\
+@end deftypefn")
+  octave_idx_type nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 2)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+      return retval;
+    }
+  octave_value argr = args(0);
+  octave_value argj = args(1);
+  if (argr.is_matrix_type () && argj.is_real_scalar ())
+    {
+      octave_idx_type n = argr.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type j = argj.scalar_value ();
+      if (argr.columns () == n)
+        {
+          if (j > 0 && j <= n)
+            {
+              if (argr.is_real_matrix ())
+                {
+                  // real case
+                  Matrix R = argr.matrix_value ();
+                  CHOL fact;
+                  fact.set (R);
+                  fact.delete_sym (j-1);
+                  retval(0) = fact.chol_matrix ();
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  // complex case
+                  ComplexMatrix R = argr.complex_matrix_value ();
+                  ComplexCHOL fact;
+                  fact.set (R);
+                  fact.delete_sym (j-1);
+                  retval(0) = fact.chol_matrix ();
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            error ("choldelete: index out of range");
+        }
+      else
+        error ("choldelete: dimension mismatch");
+    }
+  else
+    print_usage ();
+  return retval;
+%! A = [  0.436997  -0.131721   0.124120  -0.061673 ;
+%!       -0.131721   0.738529   0.019851  -0.140295 ;
+%!        0.124120   0.019851   0.354879  -0.059472 ;
+%!       -0.061673  -0.140295  -0.059472   0.600939 ];
+%! R = chol(A);
+%! j = 3; p = [1:j-1,j+1:4];
+%! R1 = choldelete(R,j);
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(R1'*R1 - A(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! A = [  0.5585528 + 0.0000000i  -0.1662088 - 0.0315341i   0.0107873 + 0.0236411i  -0.0276775 - 0.0186073i ;
+%!       -0.1662088 + 0.0315341i   0.6760061 + 0.0000000i   0.0011452 - 0.0475528i   0.0145967 + 0.0247641i ;
+%!        0.0107873 - 0.0236411i   0.0011452 + 0.0475528i   0.6263149 - 0.0000000i  -0.1585837 - 0.0719763i ;
+%!       -0.0276775 + 0.0186073i   0.0145967 - 0.0247641i  -0.1585837 + 0.0719763i   0.6034234 - 0.0000000i ];
+%! R = chol(A);
+%! j = 3; p = [1:j-1,j+1:4];
+%! R1 = choldelete(R,j);
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(R1'*R1 - A(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+DEFUN_DLD (cholshift, args, nargout,
+  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
+@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {@var{R1} =} cholshift (@var{R}, @var{i}, @var{j})\n\
+Given a Cholesky@tie{}factorization of a real symmetric or complex hermitian\n\
+positive definite matrix @w{@var{A} = @var{R}'*@var{R}}, @var{R}@tie{}upper triangular,\n\
+return the QR@tie{}factorization of\n\
+@w{@var{A}(p,p)}, where @w{p} is the permutation @*\n\
+@code{p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j, 1), j+1:n]} if @w{@var{i} < @var{j}} @*\n\
+ or @*\n\
+@code{p = [1:j-1, shift(j:i,-1), i+1:n]} if @w{@var{j} < @var{i}}. @*\n\
+@seealso{chol, cholinsert, choldelete}\n\
+@end deftypefn")
+  octave_idx_type nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 3)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+      return retval;
+    }
+  octave_value argr = args(0);
+  octave_value argi = args(1);
+  octave_value argj = args(2);
+  if (argr.is_matrix_type () && argi.is_real_scalar () && argj.is_real_scalar ())
+    {
+      octave_idx_type n = argr.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type i = argi.scalar_value ();
+      octave_idx_type j = argj.scalar_value ();
+      if (argr.columns () == n)
+        {
+          if (j > 0 && j <= n+1 && i > 0 && i <= n+1)
+            {
+              if (argr.is_real_matrix ())
+                {
+                  // real case
+                  Matrix R = argr.matrix_value ();
+                  CHOL fact;
+                  fact.set (R);
+                  fact.shift_sym (i-1, j-1);
+                  retval(0) = fact.chol_matrix ();
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  // complex case
+                  ComplexMatrix R = argr.complex_matrix_value ();
+                  ComplexCHOL fact;
+                  fact.set (R);
+                  fact.shift_sym (i-1, j-1);
+                  retval(0) = fact.chol_matrix ();
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            error ("cholshift: index out of range");
+        }
+      else
+        error ("cholshift: dimension mismatch");
+    }
+  else
+    print_usage ();
+  return retval;
+%! A = [  0.436997  -0.131721   0.124120  -0.061673 ;
+%!       -0.131721   0.738529   0.019851  -0.140295 ;
+%!        0.124120   0.019851   0.354879  -0.059472 ;
+%!       -0.061673  -0.140295  -0.059472   0.600939 ];
+%! R = chol(A);
+%! i = 1; j = 3; p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j,-1), j+1:4];
+%! R1 = cholshift(R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(R1'*R1 - A(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! j = 1; i = 3; p = [1:j-1, shift(j:i,+1), i+1:4];
+%! R1 = cholshift(R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(R1'*R1 - A(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! A = [  0.5585528 + 0.0000000i  -0.1662088 - 0.0315341i   0.0107873 + 0.0236411i  -0.0276775 - 0.0186073i ;
+%!       -0.1662088 + 0.0315341i   0.6760061 + 0.0000000i   0.0011452 - 0.0475528i   0.0145967 + 0.0247641i ;
+%!        0.0107873 - 0.0236411i   0.0011452 + 0.0475528i   0.6263149 - 0.0000000i  -0.1585837 - 0.0719763i ;
+%!       -0.0276775 + 0.0186073i   0.0145967 - 0.0247641i  -0.1585837 + 0.0719763i   0.6034234 - 0.0000000i ];
+%! R = chol(A);
+%! i = 1; j = 3; p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j,-1), j+1:4];
+%! R1 = cholshift(R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(R1'*R1 - A(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! j = 1; i = 3; p = [1:j-1, shift(j:i,+1), i+1:4];
+%! R1 = cholshift(R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(R1'*R1 - A(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
 ;;; Local Variables: ***
 ;;; mode: C++ ***
--- a/src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/
+++ b/src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-// The qrupdate, qrinsert, and qrdelete functions were written by
+// The qrupdate, qrinsert, qrdelete and qrshift functions were written by
 // Jaroslav Hajek <>, Copyright (C) 2008  VZLU
 // Prague, a.s., Czech Republic.
@@ -913,6 +913,132 @@
 %! assert(norm(vec(Q*R - [A(1:2,:);A(4:5,:)]),Inf) < norm(A)*1e1*eps)
+DEFUN_DLD (qrshift, args, ,
+  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
+@deftypefn {Loadable Function} {[@var{Q1}, @var{R1}] =} qrshift (@var{Q}, @var{R}, @var{i}, @var{j})\n\
+Given a QR@tie{}factorization of a real or complex matrix\n\
+@w{@var{A} = @var{Q}*@var{R}}, @var{Q}@tie{}unitary and\n\
+@var{R}@tie{}upper trapezoidal, return the QR@tie{}factorization\n\
+of @w{@var{A}(:,p)}, where @w{p} is the permutation @*\n\
+@code{p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j, 1), j+1:n]} if @w{@var{i} < @var{j}} @*\n\
+ or @*\n\
+@code{p = [1:j-1, shift(j:i,-1), i+1:n]} if @w{@var{j} < @var{i}}. @*\n\
+@seealso{qr, qrinsert, qrdelete}\n\
+@end deftypefn")
+  octave_idx_type nargin = args.length ();
+  octave_value_list retval;
+  if (nargin != 4)
+    {
+      print_usage ();
+      return retval;
+    }
+  octave_value argq = args(0);
+  octave_value argr = args(1);
+  octave_value argi = args(2);
+  octave_value argj = args(3);
+  if (argq.is_matrix_type () && argr.is_matrix_type () 
+      && argi.is_real_scalar () && argj.is_real_scalar ())
+    {
+      octave_idx_type m = argq.rows ();
+      octave_idx_type n = argr.columns ();
+      octave_idx_type k = argq.columns ();
+      if (argr.rows () == k)
+        {
+          octave_idx_type i = argi.scalar_value ();
+          octave_idx_type j = argj.scalar_value ();
+          if (i > 1 && i <= n && j > 1 && j <= n)
+            {
+              if (argq.is_real_matrix () 
+                  && argr.is_real_matrix ())
+                {
+                  // all real case
+                  Matrix Q = argq.matrix_value ();
+                  Matrix R = argr.matrix_value ();
+                  QR fact (Q, R);
+                  fact.shift_cols (i-1, j-1);
+                  retval(1) = fact.R ();
+                  retval(0) = fact.Q ();
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  // complex case
+                  ComplexMatrix Q = argq.complex_matrix_value ();
+                  ComplexMatrix R = argr.complex_matrix_value ();
+                  ComplexQR fact (Q, R);
+                  fact.shift_cols (i-1, j-1);
+                  retval(1) = fact.R ();
+                  retval(0) = fact.Q ();
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            error ("qrshift: index out of range");
+        }
+      else
+	error ("qrshift: dimensions mismatch");
+    }
+  else
+    print_usage ();
+  return retval;
+%! A = [0.091364  0.613038  0.999083;
+%!      0.594638  0.425302  0.603537;
+%!      0.383594  0.291238  0.085574;
+%!      0.265712  0.268003  0.238409;
+%!      0.669966  0.743851  0.445057 ].';
+%! i = 2; j = 4; p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j,-1), j+1:5];
+%! [Q,R] = qr(A);
+%! [Q,R] = qrshift(Q,R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q'*Q - eye(3)),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! assert(norm(vec(triu(R)-R),Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q*R - A(:,p)),Inf) < norm(A)*1e1*eps)
+%! j = 2; i = 4; p = [1:j-1, shift(j:i,+1), i+1:5];
+%! [Q,R] = qr(A);
+%! [Q,R] = qrshift(Q,R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q'*Q - eye(3)),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! assert(norm(vec(triu(R)-R),Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q*R - A(:,p)),Inf) < norm(A)*1e1*eps)
+%! A = [0.620405 + 0.956953i  0.480013 + 0.048806i  0.402627 + 0.338171i;
+%!      0.589077 + 0.658457i  0.013205 + 0.279323i  0.229284 + 0.721929i;
+%!      0.092758 + 0.345687i  0.928679 + 0.241052i  0.764536 + 0.832406i;
+%!      0.912098 + 0.721024i  0.049018 + 0.269452i  0.730029 + 0.796517i;
+%!      0.112849 + 0.603871i  0.486352 + 0.142337i  0.355646 + 0.151496i ].';
+%! i = 2; j = 4; p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j,-1), j+1:5];
+%! [Q,R] = qr(A);
+%! [Q,R] = qrshift(Q,R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q'*Q - eye(3)),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! assert(norm(vec(triu(R)-R),Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q*R - A(:,p)),Inf) < norm(A)*1e1*eps)
+%! j = 2; i = 4; p = [1:j-1, shift(j:i,+1), i+1:5];
+%! [Q,R] = qr(A);
+%! [Q,R] = qrshift(Q,R,i,j);
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q'*Q - eye(3)),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
+%! assert(norm(vec(triu(R)-R),Inf) == 0)
+%! assert(norm(vec(Q*R - A(:,p)),Inf) < norm(A)*1e1*eps)
 ;;; Local Variables: ***
 ;;; mode: C++ ***