changeset 12023:ff22f50a0266 release-3-2-x

print.m: reimplement options -landscape and -portrait.
author Ben Abbott <>
date Thu, 25 Jun 2009 06:36:46 +0200
parents bf661469a039
children 6d6e703f467c
files scripts/ChangeLog scripts/plot/__go_draw_figure__.m scripts/plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m scripts/plot/print.m
diffstat 4 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/ChangeLog
+++ b/scripts/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+2009-06-24  Ben Abbott <>
+	* plot/__go_draw_figure__.m: Modify the implicit margin when gnuplot's
+	output is landscape.
+	* plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m: Simplify handling of the figure's paper
+	properties, and rely upon listeners for units conversion. Minor code
+	improvements.
+	* plot/print.m: Reimplement -landscape and -portrait to modify the
+	properties papersize and paperposition. Produce compatible results
+	when paperpositionmode=='auto'. Simplfy units conversion and
+	restoration of initial figure properties.
 2009-06-24  Marco Caliari  <>
 	* general/repmat.m: Call kron, not spkron.
--- a/scripts/plot/__go_draw_figure__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__go_draw_figure__.m
@@ -36,19 +36,26 @@
   if (nargin >= 4 && nargin <= 6)
     htype = get (h, "type");
     if (strcmp (htype, "figure"))
-      ## When printing, determine the paperposition in inches.
+      ## When printing, set paperunits to inches and rely on a listener to convert
+      ## the values for papersize and paperposition.
       if (output_to_paper)
 	orig_paper_units = get (h, "paperunits");
+	gpval_term = __gnuplot_get_var__ (h, "GPVAL_TERM");
+	gpval_termoptions = __gnuplot_get_var__ (h, "GPVAL_TERMOPTIONS");
 	  set (h, "paperunits", "inches");
           paper_size = get (h, "papersize");
           paper_position = get (h, "paperposition");
           paper_position = paper_position ./ paper_size([1, 2, 1, 2]);
-	  implicit_margin = implicit_margin ./ paper_size([1, 2]);
+	  implicit_margin = implicit_margin ./ paper_size;
 	  set (h, "paperunits", orig_paper_units);
+	if (strcmp (gpval_term, "postscript")
+	    && ! isempty (strfind (gpval_termoptions, "landscape")))
+	  ## This needed to obtain the expected result.
+	  implicit_margin(2) = -implicit_margin(2);
+	endif
 	implicit_margin = implicit_margin * [1 1];
--- a/scripts/plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gnuplot_drawnow.m
@@ -109,10 +109,8 @@
 function [enhanced, implicit_margin] = gnuplot_set_term (plot_stream, new_stream, h, term, file)
-  ## Generate the gnuplot "set terminal <term> ..." command.  Include
-  ## the subset of properties "position", "units", "paperposition",
-  ## "paperunits", "name", and "numbertitle".  When "term" originates
-  ## from print.m, it may include gnuplot terminal options.
+  ## Generate the gnuplot "set terminal <term> ..." command.
+  ## When "term" originates from print.m, it may include other options.
   if (nargin < 4)
     ## This supports the gnuplot backend.
     term = gnuplot_default_term ();
@@ -166,11 +164,27 @@
 	  || any (strfind (opts_str, "size ") == 1)))
         ## Convert position to units used by gnuplot.
         if (output_to_screen (term))
-          ## Get figure size in pixels.
-          [gnuplot_size, gnuplot_pos] = get_figsize (h);
+          ## Get figure size in pixels.  Rely on listener
+	  ## to handle coversion of position property.
+	  units = get (h, "units");
+	  unwind_protect
+	    set (h, "units", "pixels");
+	    position_in_pixesl = get (h, "position");
+	  unwind_protect_cleanup
+	    set (h, "units", units);
+	  end_unwind_protect
+	  gnuplot_pos = position_in_pixesl(1:2);
+	  gnuplot_size = position_in_pixesl(3:4);
-          ## Get size of the printed plot in inches.
-          gnuplot_size = get_papersize (h);
+          ## Get size of the printed plot in inches. Rely on listener
+	  ## to handle coversion of papersize property.
+	  paperunits = get (h, "paperunits");
+	  unwind_protect
+	    set (h, "paperunits", "inches");
+            gnuplot_size = get (h, "papersize");
+	  unwind_protect_cleanup
+	    set (h, "paperunits", paperunits);
+	  end_unwind_protect
           if (term_units_are_pixels (term))
 	    ## Convert to inches using the property set by print().
 	    gnuplot_size = gnuplot_size * get (h, "__pixels_per_inch__");
@@ -195,13 +209,19 @@
           if (any (strncmpi (term, terminals_with_size, 3)))
 	    if (term_units_are_pixels (term))
-              size_str = sprintf ("size %d,%d", gnuplot_size(1), gnuplot_size(2));
+              size_str = sprintf ("size %d,%d", gnuplot_size);
-              size_str = sprintf ("size %.15g,%.15g", gnuplot_size(1), gnuplot_size(2));
+              size_str = sprintf ("size %.15g,%.15g", gnuplot_size);
             if (strncmpi (term, "X11", 3) && __gnuplot_has_feature__ ("x11_figure_position"))
 	      ## X11 allows the window to be positioned as well.
-              screen_size = get (0, "screensize")(3:4);
+	      units = get (0, "units");
+	      unwind_protect
+	        set (0, "units", "pixels");
+	        screen_size = get (0, "screensize")(3:4);
+	      unwind_protect_cleanup
+	        set (0, "units", units);
+	      end_unwind_protect
               if (all (screen_size > 0))
                 ## For X11, set the figure positon as well as the size
                 ## gnuplot position is UL, Octave's is LL (same for screen/window)
@@ -213,13 +233,13 @@
           elseif (strncmpi (term, "aqua", 3))
             ## Aqua has size, but the format is different.
-            size_str = sprintf ("size %d %d", gnuplot_size(1), gnuplot_size(2));
+            size_str = sprintf ("size %d %d", gnuplot_size);
           elseif (strncmpi (term, "fig", 3))
             ## Fig also has size, but the format is different.
-            size_str = sprintf ("size %.15g %.15g", gnuplot_size(1), gnuplot_size(2));
+            size_str = sprintf ("size %.15g %.15g", gnuplot_size);
           elseif (any (strncmpi (term, {"corel", "hpgl"}, 3)))
             ## The size for corel and hpgl are goes at the end (implicit).
-            size_str = sprintf ("%.15g %.15g",gnuplot_size(1), gnuplot_size(2));
+            size_str = sprintf ("%.15g %.15g", gnuplot_size);
           elseif (any (strncmpi (term, {"dxf"}, 3)))
             ## DXF uses autocad units.
             size_str = "";
@@ -334,93 +354,3 @@
   ret = any (strncmpi ({"emf", "gif", "jpeg", "pbm", "png", "svg"}, term, 3));
-function [fig_size, fig_pos] = get_figsize (h)
-  ## Determine the size of the figure in pixels.
-  position = get (h, "position");
-  units = get (h, "units");
-  t.inches      = 1;
-  t.centimeters = 2.54;
-  t.pixels      = get (0, "screenpixelsperinch");
-  ## gnuplot treats pixels/points for the screen the same (?).
-  t.points      = t.pixels;
-  screensize    = get (0, "screensize")(3:4);
-  t.normalized  = screensize / t.pixels;
-  fig_size = position(3:4) * (t.pixels / t.(units));
-  fig_pos  = position(1:2) * (t.pixels / t.(units));
-  fig_pos(1) = max (min (fig_pos(1), screensize(1)), 10);
-  fig_pos(2) = max (min (fig_pos(2), screensize(2)), 10);
-  fig_size(1) = max (min (fig_size(1), screensize(1)), 10-fig_pos(1));
-  fig_size(2) = max (min (fig_size(2), screensize(2)), 10-fig_pos(2));
-function papersize = get_papersize (h)
-  ## Returns the papersize in inches
-  ## FIXME - a listener should hanlde this.
-  persistent papertypes papersizes
-  if (isempty (papertypes))
-    papertypes = {"usletter", "uslegal", ...
-                 "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", ...
-                 "b0", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", ...
-                 "arch-a", "arch-b", "arch-c", "arch-d", "arch-e", ...
-                 "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", ...
-                 "tabloid", "<custom>"};
-    papersizes = [ 8.500, 11.000;
-                   8.500, 14.000;
-                  33.135, 46.847;
-                  23.404, 33.135;
-                  16.548, 23.404;
-                  11.694, 16.528;
-                   8.268, 11.693;
-                   5.847,  8.264;
-                  40.543, 57.366;
-                  28.683, 40.503;
-                  20.252, 28.683;
-                  14.342, 20.252;
-                  10.126, 14.342;
-                   7.171, 10.126;
-                   9.000, 12.000;
-                  12.000, 18.000;
-                  18.000, 24.000;
-                  24.000, 36.000;
-                  36.000, 48.000;
-                   8.500, 11.000;
-                  11.000, 17.000;
-                  17.000, 22.000;
-                  22.000, 34.000;
-                  34.000, 44.000;
-                  11.000, 17.000;
-                   8.500, 11.000];
-    ## <custom> has a page size since we're not doing any checking here.
-    papersizes = round (1000 * papersizes);
-  endif
-  paperunits = get (h, "paperunits");
-  if (strcmpi (paperunits, "normalized"))
-    papertype = get (h, "papertype");
-    n = find (strcmpi (papertypes, papertype));
-    papersize = 0.001 * papersizes(n, :);
-    paperunits = "inches";
-  else
-    t.points      = 72;
-    t.centimeters = 2.54;
-    t.inches      = 1.00;
-    ## FIXME -- this papersize/type administration should be done at a
-    ## lower level.
-    if (strcmpi (get (h, "papertype"), "<custom>"))
-      ## If the type is custom but the size is a standard, then set the
-      ## standard type.
-      papersize = get (h, "papersize");
-      papersize = papersize * t.(paperunits);
-      n = find (all ((ones ([size(papersizes, 1), 1])
-		      * round (1000*papersize) - papersizes) == 0, 2));
-      if (! isempty (n))
-        set (h, "papertype", papertypes{n});
-      endif
-    else
-      papertype = get (h, "papertype");
-      n = find (strcmpi (papertypes, papertype));
-      papersize = papersizes(n,:) * 0.001;
-      set (h, "papersize", papersize * t.(paperunits));
-    endif
-  endif
--- a/scripts/plot/print.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/print.m
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {} print (@var{filename}, @var{options})
+## @deftypefn {Function File} {} print ()
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} print (@var{options})
+## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} print (@var{filename}, @var{options})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} print (@var{h}, @var{filename}, @var{options})
 ## Print a graph, or save it to a file
 ## @var{filename} defines the file name of the output file.  If no
-## filename is specified, output is sent to the printer.
+## filename is specified, the output is sent to the printer.
 ## @var{h} specifies the figure handle.  If no handle is specified
 ## the handle for the current figure is used.
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@
 ##   Solid or dashed lines.
 ## @item -portrait
 ## @itemx -landscape
-##   Plot orientation, as returned by "orient".
+##   Specify the orientation of the plot for printed output.
 ## @item -d@var{device}
 ##   Output device, where @var{device} is one of:
 ##   @table @code
@@ -130,9 +132,10 @@
 ##   For a complete list, type `system ("gs -h")' to see what formats
 ## and devices are available.
-##   For output sent to a printer, the size is determined by the
-## figure's "papersize" property.  For output to a file the, size
-## is determined by the "paperposition" property.
+##   When the ghostscript is sent to a printer the size is determined
+## by the figure's "papersize" property.  When the ghostscript output 
+## is sent to a file the size is determined by the figure's
+## "paperposition" property.
 ## @itemx -r@var{NUM}
 ##   Resolution of bitmaps in pixels per inch.  For both metafiles and 
@@ -169,7 +172,8 @@
 function print (varargin)
-  orientation = orient ();
+  persistent warn_on_inconsistent_orientation = true
+  orientation = "";
   use_color = 0; # 0=default, -1=mono, +1=color
   force_solid = 0; # 0=default, -1=dashed, +1=solid
   fontsize = "";
@@ -314,8 +318,15 @@
     if (! any (strcmp (dev, dev_list)) && have_ghostscript)
       ghostscript_output = name;
       ghostscript_device = dev;
-      dev = "epsc";
-      name = cstrcat (tmpnam, ".eps");
+      if (doprint)
+	## If printing, use color postscript.
+        dev = "psc";
+        name = cstrcat (tmpnam, ".ps");
+      else
+	## If saving to a file, use color encapsulated postscript.
+        dev = "epsc";
+        name = cstrcat (tmpnam, ".eps");
+      endif
       ghostscript_output = "";
@@ -344,7 +355,7 @@
         if (dev(1) == "e")
 	  options = "eps ";
-	  options = cstrcat (orientation, " ");
+	  options = "";
         termn = "postscript";
@@ -426,7 +437,6 @@
       if (isempty (canvas_size) && isempty (resolution) 
 	  && any (strcmp (dev, {"pbm", "gif", "jpeg", "png"})))
-        ##options = "large";
 	options = "";
       elseif (strcmp (dev, "svg"))
 	## Referring to size, either "dynamic" or "fixed"
@@ -503,19 +513,51 @@
         name = cstrcat (tmpnam, ".ps");
         termn = "postscript";
-	options = cstrcat (options, " portrait");
 	## All "options" for pdf work for postscript as well.
         error ("print: the device, \"%s\", is not available.", dev)
+    is_eps_file = strncmp (dev, "eps", 3);
+    p.units = get (gcf, "units");
+    p.paperunits = get (gcf, "paperunits");
+    p.papersize = get (gcf, "papersize");
+    p.paperposition = get (gcf, "paperposition");
+    p.paperpositionmode = get (gcf, "paperpositionmode");
+    p.paperorientation = get (gcf, "paperorientation");
+    if (p.papersize(1) > p.papersize(2))
+      paperorientation = "landscape";
+    else
+      paperorientation = "portrait";
+    endif
+    if (! strcmp (paperorientation, get (gcf, "paperorientation"))
+        && warn_on_inconsistent_orientation)
+       msg = {"print.m - inconsistent papersize and paperorientation properties.\n",
+	       sprintf("         papersize = %.2f, %.2f\n", p.papersize),
+	       sprintf("         paperorientation = \"%s\"\n", p.paperorientation),
+	               "         the paperorientation property has been ignored"};
+      warning ("%s",msg{:})
+      warn_on_inconsistent_orientation = false;
+    endif
+    if (strcmp (termn, "postscript") && ! strncmp (dev, "eps", 3))
+      if (isempty (orientation))
+	orientation = paperorientation;
+      endif
+      ## This is done here to accommodate ghostscript conversion.
+      options = cstrcat (orientation, " ", options);
+    end
     new_terminal = cstrcat (termn, " ", options);
-    mono = use_color < 0;
+    mono = (use_color < 0);
+    terminals_for_prn = {"postscript", "pdf", "pdfcairo"};
+    output_for_printer = any (strncmp (termn, terminals_for_prn, numel(termn)));
     if (isempty (resolution))
-      if (any (strcmp (dev, {"emf", "svg"})))
+      if (any (strcmp (dev, {"emf", "svg"})) || output_for_printer)
         resolution = get (0, "screenpixelsperinch");
         resolution = 150;
@@ -533,21 +575,13 @@
     set (gcf, "__pixels_per_inch__", resolution)
-      paper_position_mode = get (gcf, "paperpositionmode");
-      terminals_for_prn = {"postscript", "pdf", "pdfcairo"};
-      restore_properties = false;
-      is_eps_file = strncmp (dev, "eps", 3);
-      output_for_printer = any (strncmp (termn, terminals_for_prn, numel(termn)));
+      set (gcf, "paperunits", "inches");
+      set (gcf, "units", "pixels");
+      restore_properties = true;
       if ((! output_for_printer || is_eps_file) && ! doprint)
 	## If not PDF or PostScript, and the result is not being sent to a printer,
         ## render an image the size of the paperposition box.
-        restore_properties = true;
-        p.paperunits = get (gcf, "paperunits");
-        p.papertype = get (gcf, "papertype");
-        p.papersize = get (gcf, "papersize");
-        p.paperposition = get (gcf, "paperposition");
-        p.paperpositionmode = get (gcf, "paperpositionmode");
-        set (gcf, "paperunits", "inches");
+	## Trigger the listener to convert all paper props to inches.
 	if (! isempty (canvas_size))
           size_in_pixels = sscanf (canvas_size ,"%d, %d");
           size_in_pixels = reshape (size_in_pixels, [1, numel(size_in_pixels)]);
@@ -558,10 +592,26 @@
           paperposition_in_inches(1:2) = 0;
           papersize_in_inches = paperposition_in_inches(3:4);
-        set (gcf, "papertype", "<custom>");
         set (gcf, "papersize", papersize_in_inches);
         set (gcf, "paperposition", paperposition_in_inches);
         set (gcf, "paperpositionmode", "manual");
+      else
+	if (strcmp (p.paperpositionmode, "auto"))
+	  size_in_pixels = get (gcf, "position")(3:4);
+	  paperposition_in_inches(3:4) = size_in_pixels ./ resolution;
+	  paperposition_in_inches(1:2) = (p.papersize - paperposition_in_inches(3:4))/2;
+	else
+	  paperposition_in_inches = p.paperposition;
+	endif
+	if (! isempty (orientation) && ! strcmp (orientation, paperorientation))
+	  ## When -landscape/portrait changes the orientation, flip both the
+	  ## papersize and paperposition.
+	  restore_properties = true;
+	  set (gcf, "papersize", p.papersize([2, 1]));
+	  set (gcf, "paperposition", paperposition_in_inches([2, 1, 4, 3]));
+	else
+	  set (gcf, "paperposition", paperposition_in_inches);
+	endif
       if (use_color < 0)
 	[objs_with_color, color_of_objs] = convert_color2mono (gcf);