changeset 11441:d24570cd5dbb

Remove obsolete documentation files README.MSVC and INSTALL.Windows
author Rik <>
date Tue, 04 Jan 2011 14:23:11 -0800
parents bfbe441f3706
children 28c10478fa13
diffstat 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 387 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/INSTALL.Windows
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-*** PLEASE NOTE: This information is mostly out of date.  It would be
-*** useful for someone who uses Octave on Windows to take over
-*** mainenance of this and other files related to running Octave on
-*** Windows systems.
-Instructions for installing Octave on Windows NT/95 systems using the
-beta 18 release of the gnu-win32 tools from Cygnus Support.
-1. Install the Cygnus gnu-win32 tools.  You only need the user tools,
-   but you can install the full development kit instead (either will
-   work -- the development kit contains all the user tools plus the
-   GNU compilers and other development tools that are not needed to
-   just run Octave).  The gnu-win32 tools are available from
-, and also from
-     -- Download usertools.exe or cdk.exe.
-     -- Install the tools by running the file usertools.exe (or
-        cdk.exe) and following the directions.  The default install
-        location is /gnuwin32/b18 (the rest of the examples in this
-        document assume that you've used the default location).
-     -- Create a /bin directory and put a copy of sh.exe there.  You
-        can find the sh.exe file in /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin.
-     -- Create a /tmp directory.
-     -- Add
-          C:\gnuwin32\b18\H-i386-cygwin32\bin 
-        to your $PATH.
-     -- Create a /etc directory and put a copy of the termcap file
-        there.  You can find a suitable termcap file in the directory
-        /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/etc.
-     -- There is a bug in the main gnu-win32 dll that will cause
-        Octave to fail.  You need to fix it by either editing the file
-        (using an editor like Emacs that can handle binary files) or
-        by replacing it with the file cygwin-setpwent-fixed.dll from
-        To fix the problem by editing the file, open the file
-        /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/cygwin.dll and replace the
-        string setpwend with setpwent.  This change needs to be made
-        in three places in the same file.  Next, copy the fixed file to
-        /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/i386-cygwin32/lib/cygwin.dll.
-        To fix the problem by replacing the file with a version that's
-        already been fixed, download the file cygwin-setpwent-fixed.dll
-        from and
-        copy it to /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/cygwin.dll and
-        /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/i386-cygwin32/lib/cygwin.dll.
-2. Install less for gnuwin32.  A copy is available from
-     -- Download the file less-gnu-win32.tar.gz.
-     -- Install it along with the gnu-win32 tools.  Change your
-        directory to /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin and untar the
-        less-gnu-win32.tar.gz file (bash syntax):
-          tar zxf /path/to/less-gnu-win32.tar.gz
-     -- Set the environment variable TERM to linux.
-3. Install Octave.
-     -- Download the file octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32.tar.gz from 
-     -- Untar the distribution:
-          tar zxf octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32.tar.gz
-        The files will be unpacked into a subdirectory called
-        octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32.
-     -- Change your directory to octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32 and
-        install the files using the command ./install-octave (running
-        bash).
-     -- The default installation directory is /octave.  If you choose
-        a different installation directory, you will have to set the
-        environment variable OCTAVE_HOME to the name of that directory
-        (using Unix file name syntax) in order for Octave to work.
-     -- Add C:\octave\bin to your path.
-     -- Set the environment variable TERM to linux.
-     -- Optionally set the environment variables HOME (for your home
-        direoctory using Unix file name syntax) and USER (for your user
-        name).
-Note that Octave requires gnuplot for plotting, but the normal Windows
-version of gnuplot will not work because it only reads from the GUI
-and refuses to read input from stdin.  Mumit Khan has written a patch
-that fixes the problem, but the gnuplot license does not allow us to
-distribute modified versions of gnuplot in binary form.  The patch is
-available from
-Eventually, I hope to automate most of this process and make it much
-simpler.  Please contact me if you are interested in helping out with
-this task.
-John W. Eaton
-Fri Feb 13 19:24:01 1998
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
   README.Cygwin \
   README.Linux \
   README.Windows \
   README.kpathsea \
deleted file mode 100644
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-Compiling Octave with MSVC
-Starting with Octave 2.9.9, Octave source tree contains support for
-MSVC (Microsoft C/C++ compiler).  This file explains how to
-successfully compile Octave under such a system.
-1. Requirements
-Depending whether you are compiling Octave from a release package or
-from CVS source tree, various additional tools are required.
-1.1 Shell
-The compilation process requires a working UNIX-like shell under
-Windows.  Such shell is provided either by Cygwin or MSYS (MinGW).
-The choice of the actual shell will have an impact on the rest of the
-procedure.  Altough both shell can be used, the procedure has been
-mainly tested under the MSYS shell.
-1.1.1 Cygwin shell
-The use of the Cygwin shell has the advantage of installation
-simplicity, as all required packages can be easily installed through
-the setup program.  However it presents some annoying compile-time
-problems.  The Cygwin shell can be installed via the setup program
-  You should at least select the
-following packages
-  bash  grep  sed  make
-If you are building the CVS sources of Octave, you will also need
-  gawk  bison  flex  autoconf  tetex  texinfo  ghostscript
-When building from CVS, you need also gperf.  However, the version
-available under Cygwin is too old, so you should grab a more recent
-one.  You can either build gperf from the sources found at
- or use the package from the GunWin32 project
-(  Either way, get the gperf package,
-install it and make sure the executable is in your PATH under the
-Cygwin shell.
-1.1.2 MSYS shell
-The use of the MSYS shell requires more manual installation, but
-currently results in fewer compile-time problem.  Download and install
-the following packages from the MinGW download page
-  MSYS-1.0.10.exe
-  msysDTK-1.0.1.exe
-If you are building the CVS sources of Octave, you will also need
-  msys-autoconf-2.59.tar.bz2
-from the MinGW site.
-  NOTE: the autoconf version included in msysDTK is too old (2.56).
-        Grab the newer one and simply uncompress it in the root
-        directory of the MSYS installation directory.
-If you are building from CVS, you will need the following
-additional tools that are not part of the MSYS packages
-  bison  flex  gperf
-You can find these packages as part of the GnuWin32 project
-( or you can build them from sources
-found at  Download and install these packages and
-make sure the executables are in your PATH under the MSYS shell.
-Building the documentation from CVS also requires additional tools,
-mainly TeX, texinfo and ghostscript.  MiKTeX (
-provides a user-friendly TeX implementation under Windows, with an
-easy-to-use installer.  Download and install MiKTeX if you're building
-from CVS, and make sure the executables (located in
-<MiKTeX_install>\Main\miktex\bin) are in your PATH under the MSYS shell.
-MiKTeX also provides texinfo.  However, the msysDTK package provides
-an out-dated version that cannot be used to build Octave
-documentation.  So you should make sure that you're using the MiKTeX
-implementation, by either playing with your PATH variable or renaming
-the makeinfo.exe, texi2dvi and texi2pdf files located in the directory
-Ghostscript is available from
-Download and install the package gsxxxw32.exe, where xxx stands for
-the actual release or ghostscript (as of writing this documentation,
-version is 8.54; hence the package is named gs854w32.exe).  Again,
-make sure the gswin32.exe executable is in your PATH under the MSYS
-1.2 Gnuplot
-Octave relies on gnuplot for plotting.  It is not necessary to install
-gnuplot just to build the Octave executable, but it is needed to
-create some figures for the documentation if you are building the CVS
-sources of Octave.
-A Windows version of Gnuplot can be found at
-Download and install it, and make sure the pgnuplot.exe executable is
-in your PATH under the shell.
-1.3 MSVC compiler
-You'll need a recent MSVC compiler.  This compiler is available for
-free (as in beer) from Microsoft MSDN web site.  Octave has been
-successfully compiled using version 8 of the compiler (AKA Visual
-Studio 2005).  To start a command prompt with the correct compilation
-environment, use the corresponding menu entry in your start menu.
-If you're using the free version of Visual Studio (Express edition),
-you'll need to install the Platform SDK package, also available from
-MSDN.  In that case, you'll also need to run the "SetEnv.cmd" script
-found in the SDK installation directory for the required additional
-1.4 Unix-to-MSVC compilation scripts
-These scripts provide a UNIX-like compilation interface, based on the
-Microsoft compilation tools.  The package is available from the Octave
-web site.  Download and install the package, and make sure the scripts
-are in your PATH under the shell.
-As those scripts calls the Microsoft compilation tools, those tools
-should also be in your PATH.  I've found that the easiest way to get a
-correct environment is to start the shell from the command prompt that
-is already configured for MSVC.
-Hence the following steps:
-  * start command prompt from Visual Studio menu entry
-  * run "SetEnv.cmd" if required
-  * additional setup (like adding Gnuplot, GnuWin32 bin
-    directory... to the PATH)
-  * start the shell:
-    - MSYS:    start <MSYS_install>\bin\rxvt.exe -e /bin/sh --login -i
-    - Cygwin:  start <Cygwin_install>\cygwin.bat
-1.5 Readline library
-While not mandatory to compile Octave, the readline library is very
-useful to make Octave really usable.  A patched version of the
-readline library can be found in the Octave website.  This patched
-version is intended to be compiled from the shell using the
-Unix-to-MSVC compilation scripts:
- * download and decompress the sources (and apply the patch, if required)
- * follow the instructions in the file README.msvc
-As for the glob library, adapt the INCLUDE and LIB environment
-variables.  Note that as Octave will be linked to the readline DLL,
-you should also add the path of readline.dll to your PATH variable.
-1.6 F2C
-As there exist no free MSVC-like fortran compiler, the compilation
-process makes use of the f2c utility and the libf2c library.  Those
-components can be downloaded from and
-To compile libf2c, use and NMAKE.EXE.  To be usable within
-Octave, the following modifications needs to be done:
-  1) edit and add "-MD" as compilation flag (to
-     the CFLAGS variable).
-  2) edit fio.h and comment the declaration of isatty (around line 112).
-     This means replacing the line:
-		extern int isatty(int);
-     with
-		/* extern int isatty(int); */
-After compilation, install f2c.h and vcf2c.lib at locations where they
-can be found by the MSVC tools (adjust the INCLUDE and LIB variables).
-Note that you must rename vcf2c.lib into f2c.lib so that Octave's
-configure script will find it.
-2. Compilation
-Copy the following lines into a shell script and execute it (note that
-you can use whatever you want as installation directory):
---- BEGIN (cut me)
-if ! grep "__declspec(noreturn dllimport)" configure 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
-  echo "Pre-processing configure script..."
-  sed -e "s/'extern \"C\" void exit (int);'/'extern \"C\" __declspec(noreturn dllimport) void exit (int);' 'extern \"C\" void exit (int);'/g" configure \
-    > configure.tmp
-  mv configure.tmp configure
-CC=cc-msvc CXX=cc-msvc NM="dumpbin -symbols" AR=ar-msvc RANLIB=ranlib-msvc \
-  ./configure --build=i686-pc-msdosmsvc --prefix=/usr/local/octave-vc8-debug --with-f2c
---- END (cut me)
-Then run the usual:
-  make
-  make install
-2.1 MSYS
-When building from the MSYS shell and CVS, everything should run fine
-until building the doc.  At some point, TeX might ask you for the
-location of the file conf.texi.  If this happens, simply type
-"../conf.texi" and the process should continue.
-2.2 Cygwin
-Building from the Cygwin shell and CVS produces more compile-time
-errors when generating the documentation.  Here are some fixes that
-should work around most problems:
-  * edit "run-octave" and add the 2 lines right after the definition of
-      LOADPATH=`cygpath -d -p $LOADPATH`
-      IMAGEPATH=`cygpath -d $IMAGEPATH`
-  * if texi2dvi fails with the error "Fatal error: I'm stymied", defines TEX
-    variable to "tex" as in: "TEX=tex make"
-  * if pdftex fails in doc/refcard with the same error as above, edit
-  the Makefile and replace "pdftex" calls with "pdfetex"
-3. Installation
-The compiled Octave is relocatable.  This means that whatever
-installation dir you chose at configure time, you can move the whole
-installation directory to another location without any problem.  Octave
-should still run OK.
-4. Notes
-This procedure has been successfully tested under Windows XP with
-Visual Studio 2005 Express edition, Platform SDK for Windows Server
-2003 R2, patched readline version 5.2, APFL ghostscript 8.54, Gnuplot
-4.0, MSYS-1.0.10, msysDTK-1.0.1, MiKTeX-2.4.  Depending on your
-configuration, it may or may not work for you.
-Please send questions, comments or suggestions to
-Michael Goffioul
-michael dot goffioul at swing dot be
-Thu Nov  2 11:30:50 2006