changeset 12980:421f2030bb76

Merge in Daniel's changes
author Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <>
date Fri, 19 Aug 2011 12:39:55 -0500
parents 6a9fbeff3368 (diff) f89449967f0d (current diff)
children 4ec4096f65d1
diffstat 2 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/interpreter/debug.txi
+++ b/doc/interpreter/debug.txi
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 * Breakpoints::
 * Debug Mode::
 * Call Stack::
+* Profiling::
+* Profiler Example::
 @end menu
 @node Entering Debug Mode
@@ -182,3 +184,256 @@
+@node Profiling
+@section Profiling
+@cindex profiler
+@cindex code profiling
+Octave supports profiling of code execution on a per-function level. If
+profiling is enabled, each call to a function (supporting built-ins,
+operators, functions in oct- and mex-files, user-defined functions in
+Octave code and anonymous functions) is recorded while running Octave
+code. After that, this data can aid in analyzing the code behaviour, and
+is in particular helpful for finding ``hot spots'' in the code which use
+up a lot of computation time and are the best targets to spend
+optimization efforts on.
+The main command for profiling is @code{profile}, which can be used to
+start or stop the profiler and also to query collected data afterwards.
+The data is returned in an Octave data structure which can then be
+examined or further processed by other routines or tools.
+An easy way to get an overview over the collected data is
+@code{profshow}. This function takes the profiler data returned by
+@code{profile} as input and prints a flat profile, for instance:
+ Function Attr     Time (s)        Calls
+   >myfib    R        2.195        13529
+binary <=             0.061        13529
+ binary -             0.050        13528
+ binary +             0.026         6764
+@end group
+@end example
+This shows that most of the runtime was spent executing the function
+@samp{myfib}, and some minor proportion evaluating the listed binary
+operators. Furthermore, it is shown how often the function was called
+and the profiler also records that it is recursive.
+@node Profiler Example
+@section Profiler Example
+Below, we will give a short example of a profiler session. See also
+@ref{Profiling} for the documentation of the profiler functions in
+detail. Consider the code:
+global N A;
+N = 300;
+A = rand (N, N);
+function xt = timesteps (steps, x0, expM)
+  global N;
+  if (steps == 0)
+    xt = NA (N, 0);
+  else
+    xt = NA (N, steps);
+    x1 = expM * x0;
+    xt(:, 1) = x1;
+    xt(:, 2 : end) = timesteps (steps - 1, x1, expM);
+  endif
+function foo ()
+  global N A;
+  initial = @@(x) sin (x);
+  x0 = (initial (linspace (0, 2 * pi, N)))';
+  expA = expm (A);
+  xt = timesteps (100, x0, expA);
+function fib = bar (N)
+  if (N <= 2)
+    fib = 1;
+  else
+    fib = bar (N - 1) + bar (N - 2);
+  endif
+@end group
+@end example
+If we execute the two main functions, we get:
+tic; foo; toc;
+@result{} Elapsed time is 2.37338 seconds.
+tic; bar (20); toc;
+@result{} Elapsed time is 2.04952 seconds.
+@end group
+@end example
+But this does not give much information about where this time is spent;
+for instance, whether the single call to @code{expm} is more expensive
+or the recursive time-stepping itself. To get a more detailed picture,
+we can use the profiler.
+profile on;
+profile off;
+data = profile ('info');
+profshow (data, 10);
+@end group
+@end example
+This prints a table like:
+   #  Function Attr     Time (s)        Calls
+   7      expm             1.034            1
+   3  binary *             0.823          117
+  41  binary \             0.188            1
+  38  binary ^             0.126            2
+  43 timesteps    R        0.111          101
+  44        NA             0.029          101
+  39  binary +             0.024            8
+  34      norm             0.011            1
+  40  binary -             0.004          101
+  33   balance             0.003            1
+@end group
+@end example
+The entries are the individual functions which have been executed (only
+the 10 most important ones), together with some information for each of
+them. The entries like @samp{binary *} denote operators, while other
+entries are ordinary functions. They include both built-ins like
+@code{expm} and our own routines (for instance @code{timesteps}). From
+this profile, we can immediately deduce that @code{expm} uses up the
+largest proportion of the processing time, even though it is only called
+once. The second expensive operation is the matrix-vector product in the
+routine @code{timesteps}. @footnote{We only know it is the binary
+multiplication operator, but fortunately this operator appears only at
+one place in the code and thus we know which occurence takes so much
+time. If there were multiple places, we would have to use the
+hierarchical profile to find out the exact place which uses up the time
+which is not covered in this example.}
+Timing, however, is not the only information available from the profile.
+The attribute column shows us that @code{timesteps} calls itself
+recursively. This may not be that remarkable in this example (since it's
+clear anyway), but could be helpful in a more complex setting. As to the
+question of why is there a @samp{binary \} in the output, we can easily
+shed some light on that too. Note that @code{data} is a structure array
+(@ref{Structure Arrays}) which contains the field @code{FunctionTable}.
+This stores the raw data for the profile shown. The number in the first
+column of the table gives the index under which the shown function can
+be found there. Looking up @code{data.FunctionTable(41)} gives:
+  scalar structure containing the fields:
+    FunctionName = binary \
+    TotalTime =  0.18765
+    NumCalls =  1
+    IsRecursive = 0
+    Parents =  7
+    Children = [](1x0)
+@end group
+@end example
+Here we see the information from the table again, but have additional
+fields @code{Parents} and @code{Children}. Those are both arrays, which
+contain the indices of functions which have directly called the function
+in question (which is entry 7, @code{expm}, in this case) or been called
+by it (no functions). Hence, the backslash operator has been used
+internally by @code{expm}.
+Now let's take a look at @code{bar}. For this, we start a fresh
+profiling session (@code{profile on} does this; the old data is removed
+before the profiler is restarted):
+profile on;
+bar (20);
+profile off;
+profshow (profile ('info'));
+@end group
+@end example
+This gives:
+   #            Function Attr     Time (s)        Calls
+   1                 bar    R        2.091        13529
+   2           binary <=             0.062        13529
+   3            binary -             0.042        13528
+   4            binary +             0.023         6764
+   5             profile             0.000            1
+   8               false             0.000            1
+   6              nargin             0.000            1
+   7           binary !=             0.000            1
+   9 __profiler_enable__             0.000            1
+@end example
+Unsurprisingly, @code{bar} is also recursive. It has been called 13,529
+times in the course of recursively calculating the Fibonacci number in a
+suboptimal way, and most of the time was spent in @code{bar} itself.
+Finally, let's say we want to profile the execution of both @code{foo}
+and @code{bar} together. Since we already have the runtime data
+collected for @code{bar}, we can restart the profiler without clearing
+the existing data and collect the missing statistics about @code{foo}.
+This is done by:
+profile resume;
+profile off;
+profshow (profile ('info'), 10);
+@end group
+@end example
+As you can see in the table below, now we have both profiles mixed
+   #  Function Attr     Time (s)        Calls
+   1       bar    R        2.091        13529
+  16      expm             1.122            1
+  12  binary *             0.798          117
+  46  binary \             0.185            1
+  45  binary ^             0.124            2
+  48 timesteps    R        0.115          101
+   2 binary <=             0.062        13529
+   3  binary -             0.045        13629
+   4  binary +             0.041         6772
+  49        NA             0.036          101
+@end group
+@end example
--- a/scripts/general/profshow.m
+++ b/scripts/general/profshow.m
@@ -63,18 +63,19 @@
   for i = 1 : n
     nameLen = max (nameLen, length (data.FunctionTable(p(i)).FunctionName));
-  headerFormat = sprintf ("%%%ds %%4s %%12s %%12s\n", nameLen);
-  rowFormat = sprintf ("%%%ds %%4s %%12.3f %%12d\n", nameLen);
+  headerFormat = sprintf ("%%4s %%%ds %%4s %%12s %%12s\n", nameLen);
+  rowFormat = sprintf ("%%4d %%%ds %%4s %%12.3f %%12d\n", nameLen);
-  printf (headerFormat, "Function", "Attr", "Time (s)", "Calls");
-  printf ("%s\n", repmat ("-", 1, nameLen + 2 * 13 + 5));
+  printf (headerFormat, "#", "Function", "Attr", "Time (s)", "Calls");
+  printf ("%s\n", repmat ("-", 1, nameLen + 2 * 5 + 2 * 13));
   for i = 1 : n
     row = data.FunctionTable(p(i));
     attr = "";
     if (row.IsRecursive)
       attr = "R";
-    printf (rowFormat, row.FunctionName, attr, row.TotalTime, row.NumCalls);
+    printf (rowFormat, p(i), row.FunctionName, attr, ...
+            row.TotalTime, row.NumCalls);