# HG changeset patch # User tron # Date 1170533470 0 # Node ID 954d8d1dd04a7ba10bb2ce63c0d93090ea0ebd16 # Parent 3ec99e7f084d8298f711b539f3f3d50ecf2d942e (svn r8563) -Fix Replace very old tabs which should be spaces by spaces diff --git a/src/lang/american.txt b/src/lang/american.txt --- a/src/lang/american.txt +++ b/src/lang/american.txt @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tonne force STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Operating profit graph STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Income graph STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Delivered cargo graph @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Cargo payment rates STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Company league table STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detailed performance rating -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Save game @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Name STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1st STR_01AD_2ND :2nd STR_01AE_3RD :3rd @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29th STR_01C9_30TH :30th STR_01CA_31ST :31st -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Save customized vehicle design names STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Game options STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Difficulty settings STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configure patches @@ -778,16 +778,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Full detail STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Transparent buildings STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Transparent station signs -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Land area information STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Toggle Console STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Giant Screenshot (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :About 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Off STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}On @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Select 'toyland' landscape style STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industry Directory STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fund new industry ############ range ends here @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turkish STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italian STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalan -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pounds (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollars ($) @@ -1854,11 +1854,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Toffee Quarry STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sugar Mine -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Production last month: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transported) @@ -1931,8 +1931,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...you already own it! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Unnamed @@ -1975,7 +1975,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Forest -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Difficulty Level diff --git a/src/lang/brazilian_portuguese.txt b/src/lang/brazilian_portuguese.txt --- a/src/lang/brazilian_portuguese.txt +++ b/src/lang/brazilian_portuguese.txt @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton/força STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Lucros operacionais STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Receita STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Cargas entregues @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Tarifas por carga STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Classificação das empresas STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Avaliação detalhada -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Sobre o OpenTTD... STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Salvar jogo @@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nome STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Salvar nomes dos veículos personalizados STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opções do Jogo STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Configurações de dificuldade STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configurar correções @@ -784,16 +784,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Máximo de detalhes STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Edifícios transparentes STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Nomes de estações transparentes -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informações do terreno STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Ativar/desativar console STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Captura de tela (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Captura gigante (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Sobre o OpenTTD... -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Desativar STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Ativar @@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Selecionar cenário do estilo 'toyland' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Financiar construção de uma nova indústria -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Lista de Indústrias STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Financiar nova indústria ############ range ends here @@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turco STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiano STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalão -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Libras (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dólar ($) @@ -1864,11 +1864,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :{G=f}Extração de Caramelo STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :{G=f}Mina de Açúcar -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessário: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessário: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessário: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produção no mês passado: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportado) @@ -1941,8 +1941,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...já a possui! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Sem nome @@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :Heliporto de {STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :Floresta de {STRING} -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :Nível de Dificuldade{WHITE} diff --git a/src/lang/bulgarian.txt b/src/lang/bulgarian.txt --- a/src/lang/bulgarian.txt +++ b/src/lang/bulgarian.txt @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} тон{P "" а} STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Графика на капитала STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Графика на приходите STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Графика на доставките @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Тарифи за доставка на стоки STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Класиране на компаниите STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Рейтинг на представянето в детайли -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Относно OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Запази игра @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Име STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1-ви STR_01AD_2ND :2-ри STR_01AE_3RD :3-ти @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29-и STR_01C9_30TH :30-ти STR_01CA_31ST :31-ви -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Запис на имена на превозни средства STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Игрови опции STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Опции за трудност STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Конфигурирай патчове @@ -780,16 +780,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Пълни подробности STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Прозрачни сгради STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Прозрачни табели на станциите -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Информация за терена STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Показване/скриване на конзола STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Огромен Screenshot (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :За 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Изключен STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Включен @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Избери "играчков" тип на картата STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Инвестирай в нова индустрия -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Списък на индустриите STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Инвестирай в нова индустрия ############ range ends here @@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :турски STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :италиански STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :каталонски -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :британска лира (£) STR_CURR_USD :долар ($) @@ -1858,11 +1858,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Карамелоломна STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Захарна мина -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Нуждае се от: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Нуждае се от: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Нуждае се от: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Произведено миналия месец: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% превозено) @@ -1935,8 +1935,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...вие вече притежавате това! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Неименован @@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Хелипорт STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Дървета -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Ниво на трудност diff --git a/src/lang/catalan.txt b/src/lang/catalan.txt --- a/src/lang/catalan.txt +++ b/src/lang/catalan.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} força per tona STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Gràfic de benefici operatiu STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Gràfic d'ingressos STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Gràfic d'entrega de càrrega @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Tarifes de pagament per càrrega STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Taula de la Lliga d'Empreses STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detall de ratis de rendiment -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Quant a OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Desa el joc @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nom STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Desa els noms de disseny de vehicles personalitzats al disc STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opcions del Joc STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Paràmetres de dificultat STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configura pedaços @@ -782,16 +782,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Detall complet STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Edificis Transparents STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Signes d'estació transparents -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informació de l'àrea de terreny STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Canvia a cònsola STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Còpia de Pantalla (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Còpia de Pantalla Gran (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Quant a 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Inactiu STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Actiu @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Selecciona l'estil de paisatge 'toyland' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Patrocina la construcció d'una nova indústria -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Directori d'indústries STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Patrocina una nova indústria ############ range ends here @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turc STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italià STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Català -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Lliures (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dòlars ($) @@ -1860,11 +1860,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Cantera de Caramel STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Mina de Sucre -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessita: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessita: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessita: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Producció del darrer mes: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportat) @@ -1937,8 +1937,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...ja és propietat teva! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Sense Nom @@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Bosc -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Nivell de Dificultat diff --git a/src/lang/czech.txt b/src/lang/czech.txt --- a/src/lang/czech.txt +++ b/src/lang/czech.txt @@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} megapond{P "" y ů} STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Graf provozního zisku STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Graf příjmů STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf doručeného zboží @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Graf přepravních sazeb STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Tabulka společností STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Podrobné hodnocení výkonu -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}O OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Uložit hru @@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Jméno STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Uložit uživatelské názvy dopravních prostředků na disk STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Možnosti hry STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Nastavení obtížnosti STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Nastavení patchů @@ -896,16 +896,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Plné detaily STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Průhledné budovy STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Průhledná jména stanic -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informace o zemi STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Zobrazit / skrýt konzoli STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Obrovský screenshot (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :O 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Vypnuto STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Zapnuto @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Země hraček STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Průmysl -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Seznam průmyslu STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Investovat do průmyslu ############ range ends here @@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turecká STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italská STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalánská -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Libra (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dolar ($) @@ -1974,11 +1974,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Karamelolom STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Cukerný důl -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vyžaduje: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vyžaduje: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vyžaduje: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produkce minulý měsíc: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA} % přepraveno) @@ -2051,8 +2051,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}... již ji vlastníš! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Beze jména @@ -2095,7 +2095,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} les -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Obtížnost diff --git a/src/lang/danish.txt b/src/lang/danish.txt --- a/src/lang/danish.txt +++ b/src/lang/danish.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton kraft STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Graf over afkast STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Graf over indkomster STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf over leveret last @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Graf over lastudbetalingsrater STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Selskabsoversigt STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Præstations oversigt -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Om OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Gem spil @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Navn STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Gem brugerdefinerede køretøjsdesignnavne STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spilvalg STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Sværhedsgrad STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Indstil programrettelser @@ -780,16 +780,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Fuld detalje STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Gennemsigtige bygninger STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Gennemsigtige stationsskilte -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Landområde information STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Tænd/Sluk konsol STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Skærmbillede (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Kæmpe skærmbillede (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Om 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Fra STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Til @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Vælg 'legetøjsland' landskab STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Financiér opførelse af ny industri -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industrioversigt STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Opfør ny industri ############ range ends here @@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Tyrkiske STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italienske STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalanske -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pund (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollar ($) @@ -1858,11 +1858,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Karamelbrud STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sukkermine -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Kræver: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Kræver: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Kræver: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produktion sidste måned: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transporteret) @@ -1935,8 +1935,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...du ejer det allerede! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Ikke navngivet @@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Helikopterplads STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Skov -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Sværhedsgrad diff --git a/src/lang/dutch.txt b/src/lang/dutch.txt --- a/src/lang/dutch.txt +++ b/src/lang/dutch.txt @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton trekkracht STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Winstgrafiek STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Inkomenstegrafiek STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Afgeleverde lading-grafiek @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Ladingsprijzen STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Bedrijfscompetitietabel STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detail prestatiewaarde -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Spel opslaan @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Naam STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Sla aangepaste voertuignamen op STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spelopties STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Moeilijkheidsgraad STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Kies patches @@ -778,16 +778,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Alle details STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Transparante gebouwen STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Transparant station bord -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Info over blok land STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Schakel console aan/uit STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Grote screenshot (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Over OpenTTD -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Uit STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Aan @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Kies 'speelgoedland' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Betaal plaatsing van nieuwe industrie -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industrielijst STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Subsidieer nieuwe industrie ############ range ends here @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turks STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiaans STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalaans -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pond (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollar ($) @@ -1856,11 +1856,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Toffeegroeve STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Suikermijn -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vereist: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vereist: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vereist: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Productie vorige maand: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% getransporteerd) @@ -1933,8 +1933,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...het is al van jou! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Geen naam @@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Helihaven STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Bossen -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Moeilijksheidsgraad diff --git a/src/lang/english.txt b/src/lang/english.txt --- a/src/lang/english.txt +++ b/src/lang/english.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton force STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Operating profit graph STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Income graph STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Delivered cargo graph @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Cargo payment rates STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Company league table STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detailed performance rating -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}About OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Save game @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Name STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1st STR_01AD_2ND :2nd STR_01AE_3RD :3rd @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29th STR_01C9_30TH :30th STR_01CA_31ST :31st -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Save customised vehicle design names STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Game options STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Difficulty settings STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configure patches @@ -782,16 +782,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Full detail STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Transparent buildings STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Transparent station signs -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Land area information STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Toggle Console STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Giant Screenshot (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :About 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Off STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}On @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Select 'toyland' landscape style STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industry Directory STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fund new industry ############ range ends here @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turkish STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italian STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalan -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pounds (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollars ($) @@ -1860,11 +1860,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Toffee Quarry STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sugar Mine -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Production last month: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transported) @@ -1937,8 +1937,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...you already own it! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Unnamed @@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING1} Heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING1} Forest -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Difficulty Level diff --git a/src/lang/esperanto.txt b/src/lang/esperanto.txt --- a/src/lang/esperanto.txt +++ b/src/lang/esperanto.txt @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tuna forto STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Gajna grafiko STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Enspeza grafiko STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Liveriteca grafiko @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Ŝarĝpaga grafiko STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Kompaniara tabelo STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detala rendimento -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Pri OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Konservu ludon @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nomo STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1a de STR_01AD_2ND :2a de STR_01AE_3RD :3a de @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29a de STR_01C9_30TH :30a de STR_01CA_31ST :31a de -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Konservu ŝanĝitajn veturilajn nomojn STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Ludaj opcioj STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Malfacilec-agordoj STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Agordu flikojn @@ -783,16 +783,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Plenaj detaloj STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Travideblaj konstruaĵoj STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Travideblaj staciaj afiŝoj -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Landkvadrataj informoj STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Ŝaltu Tekstmodon STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Ekranfoto (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Giganta Ekranfoto (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Pri 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Malaktiva STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Aktiva @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Elektu 'ludlandan' landstilon STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fondu konstruadon de nova industrio -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industriaro STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fondu novan industrion ############ range ends here @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turke STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Itale STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalune -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pundoj (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dolaroj ($) @@ -1861,11 +1861,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Tofeminejo STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sukerminejo -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Bezonas: {YELLOW}{STRING.n} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Bezonas: {YELLOW}{STRING.n}, {STRING.n} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Bezonas: {YELLOW}{STRING.n}, {STRING.n}, {STRING.n} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Lastmonata produktado: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportiĝis) @@ -1938,8 +1938,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...vi jam posedas ĝin! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Sennoma @@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Helikopterejo STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :Arbaro de {STRING} -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Malfacilec-nivelo diff --git a/src/lang/estonian.txt b/src/lang/estonian.txt --- a/src/lang/estonian.txt +++ b/src/lang/estonian.txt @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tonnine jõud STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Opereerimiskasumi graafik STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Sissetulekute graafik STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Transporditud kauba graafik @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Veotasude määrad STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Ettevõtete edetabel STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Üksikasjalik tulemusreiting -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD lisainfo STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Salvesta mäng @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nimi STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Salvesta omatehtud disaininimed STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Mängu seaded STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Raskusastme seaded STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Paranduste seaded @@ -878,16 +878,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Kõik üksikasjad STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Läbipaistvad hooned STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Läbinähtavad jaama nimesildid -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Maapinna informatsioon STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Lülita konsool sisse/välja STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Ekraanitõmmis (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Hiiglaslik ekraanitõmmis (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :'OpenTTD' kohta -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Väljas STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Sees @@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Vali 'mänguasjamaa' maastik STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Rahasta uute ehitiste konstrueerimist -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Tööstuste nimistu STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Rahasta uue tööstuse ehitamist ############ range ends here @@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Türgi STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Itaalia STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalaani -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Naelad (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollarid ($) @@ -1956,11 +1956,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :iirisekaevandus STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :suhkrukaevandus -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vajab: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vajab: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vajab: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Eelmise kuu toodang: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% veetud) @@ -2033,8 +2033,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...see on juba sinu oma! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Nimetu @@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} helikopteri maandumisplats STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} mets -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Raskusaste diff --git a/src/lang/finnish.txt b/src/lang/finnish.txt --- a/src/lang/finnish.txt +++ b/src/lang/finnish.txt @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tf STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Liikevoitto STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Tulot STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Kuljetettu rahti @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Rahtimaksutaksat STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Yhtiökilpataulukko STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Suoritearviointi -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Tietoa OpenTTD:stä STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Tallenna peli @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nimi STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Tallenna omat liikennevälineiden mallien nimet levylle. STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Pelin asetukset STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Vaikeusasetukset STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Muokkaa paikkauksia @@ -774,16 +774,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Kaikki yksityiskohdat STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Läpinäkyvät rakennukset STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Läpinäkyvät asemakyltit -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Maa-alueen tiedot STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Konsoli STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Kuvakaappaus (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Valtava kuvakaapp. (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Tietoja "OpenTTD":stä -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}pois STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}päällä @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Valitse 'lelumaan' ilmasto. STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Rahoita uuden teollisuuden rakentamista. -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Teollisuushakemisto STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Rakenna uutta teollisuutta ############ range ends here @@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :turkkilainen STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italialainen STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalonialainen -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Punta (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollari ($) @@ -1850,11 +1850,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Toffeelouhos STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sokerikaivos -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Tarvitsee: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Tarvitsee: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Tarvitsee: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Tuotto viime kuussa: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}{NBSP}% kuljetettu) @@ -1927,8 +1927,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...omistat sen jo! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Nimetön @@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING}, helikopterikenttä STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING}, metsä -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Vaikeusaste diff --git a/src/lang/french.txt b/src/lang/french.txt --- a/src/lang/french.txt +++ b/src/lang/french.txt @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton-force STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Profit d'opération STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Revenu STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Cargaison livrée @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Valeur des marchandises STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Classement des compagnies STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Détail des performances -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Sauvegarder la partie @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nom STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1er STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Sauvegarder noms personnalisés de conception de véhicule STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Options du Jeu STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Niveau de Difficulté STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configuration Avancée @@ -783,16 +783,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Détails maximums STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Édifices transparents STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Nom de station transparent -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Outil d'Inspection STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Inverser Console STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Copie d'écran (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Copie géante d'écran (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :À Propos de 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Inactif STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Actif @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Sélectionner l'environnement 'Jouets' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Financer la construction de nouvelles industries -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Annuaire des industries STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Financer une nouvelle industrie ############ range ends here @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turques STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italien STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalan -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Livre (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollar ($) @@ -1861,11 +1861,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :{G=f}Carrière de caramel STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :{G=f}Mine de sucre -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Nécessite: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Nécessite: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Nécessite: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Production le mois dernier: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transporté) @@ -1938,8 +1938,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...il vous appartient déjà! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Non nommé @@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Héliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Forêt -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Niveau de difficulté diff --git a/src/lang/galician.txt b/src/lang/galician.txt --- a/src/lang/galician.txt +++ b/src/lang/galician.txt @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_IMPERIAL :{COMMA}x10³ lbf STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :G. beneficios operativos STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Gráfica de ingresos STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Gráfica de carga entregada @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Taxas de pago polas cargas STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Táboa da Liga de compañías STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Puntuación de rendemento detallado -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Acerca de OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Grabar Partida @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nome STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1º STR_01AD_2ND :2º STR_01AE_3RD :3º @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29º STR_01C9_30TH :30º STR_01CA_31ST :31º -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Graba-los nomes dos deseños dos vehículos persoalizados no disco STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opcións da Partida STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Configuración de Dificultade STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configuración dos Parches @@ -760,16 +760,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Detalle completo STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Edificios transparentes STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Sinais de estación transparentes -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Información de área de terreo STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Des/Activar Consola STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Captura de Pantalla (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Capt.Pant. Xigante (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Acerca de 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Off STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}On @@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Selecciona-lo estilo da paisaxe 'Xoguetelandia' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fundar unha nova industria -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Directorio de Industrias STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fundar unha nova industria ############ range ends here @@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turco STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiano STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalán -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Libras (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dólares ($) @@ -1801,11 +1801,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Canteira de Toffee STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Mina de Azucre -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Require: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Require: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Require: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Producción no último mes: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportado) @@ -1878,8 +1878,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...¡xa é da túa propiedade! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Sen Nome @@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliporto STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Bosque -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Nivel de Dificultade diff --git a/src/lang/german.txt b/src/lang/german.txt --- a/src/lang/german.txt +++ b/src/lang/german.txt @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} t Zugkraft STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Betriebsgewinndiagramm STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Einkommensdiagramm STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Frachtlieferungsdiagramm @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Frachtratendiagramm STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Firmentabelle STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Leistungsaufschlüsselung -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Spiel speichern @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Name STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Eigene Namen abspeichern STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spieleinstellungen STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Schwierigkeitsgrad STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Einstellungen der Patches @@ -783,16 +783,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Vollständige Detailansicht STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Durchsichtige Gebäude STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Durchsichtige Stationsnamen -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Gebietsinformation STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Konsole öffnen/schließen STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Strg-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Riesiger Screenshot (Strg-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Über 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}aus STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}an @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}'fantastische' Landschaft auswählen STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Errichtung und Finanzierung einer neuen Industrie -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industrieverzeichnis STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Neue Industrie finanzieren ############ range ends here @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Türkisch STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :italienisch STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalanisch -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Engl. Pfund (GBP) STR_CURR_USD :US-Dollar (USD) @@ -1861,11 +1861,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :{G=w}Karamellgrube STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :{G=w}Zuckermine -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Benötigt: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Benötigt: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Benötigt: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produktion im letzten Monat: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% befördert) @@ -1938,8 +1938,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...Sie besitzen es bereits! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Unbenannt @@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Wald -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Schwierigkeitsgrad diff --git a/src/lang/hungarian.txt b/src/lang/hungarian.txt --- a/src/lang/hungarian.txt +++ b/src/lang/hungarian.txt @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} 9.81*10³ N STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Működési nyereség grafikon STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Jövedelem grafikon STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Elszállított rakomány grafikon @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Rakományok szállítási díja STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :A cégek helyezése STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Teljesítményértékelések részletezése -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Játék mentése @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Név STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}A saját jármű-márkanevek elmentése lemezre STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Beállítások STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Nehézségi beállítások STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Foltok beállítása @@ -844,16 +844,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Minden részlet STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Átlátszó épületek STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Állomásnevek keret nélkül -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Terület-információ STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Átváltás Konzolra STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Képmentés (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Óriás képmentés (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Az 'OpenTTD'-ről -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Ki STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Be @@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Játékvilág táj kiválasztása STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Gazdasági épület építése -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Gazdasági épületek listája STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Új gazdasági épület építése ############ range ends here @@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Török STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Olasz STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalán -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Font (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollár ($) @@ -1959,11 +1959,11 @@ STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :cukorbánya STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE.t :cukorbányát -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Felhasznál: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Felhasznál: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Felhasznál: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Múlt havi termelés: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% elszállítva) @@ -2036,8 +2036,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...már a tiéd! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Névtelen @@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING}i helikopter-leszálló STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING}i erdőség -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Nehézségi szint diff --git a/src/lang/icelandic.txt b/src/lang/icelandic.txt --- a/src/lang/icelandic.txt +++ b/src/lang/icelandic.txt @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tonnkraftur STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Línurit: Rekstrarhagnaður STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Línurit: Tekjur STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Línurit: Fluttur farmur @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Línurit: Flutningsgróði STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Stigatafla fyrirtækja STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Nákvæm frammistöðumæling -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Um OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Vista leik @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nafn STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Vista breytt tegundanöfn farartækja STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Stillingar STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Erfiðleikastig STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Viðbætur @@ -755,16 +755,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Full nákvæmni STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Gegnsæjar byggingar STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Gegnsæ stöðvanöfn -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Landssvæðisupplýsingar STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Kveikja á stjórnborði STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Skjámynd (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Risa skjámynd (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Um 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Fela STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Sýna @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Leikfangalandslag STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Fjármagna byggingu nýs iðnaðars -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Iðnaðalisti STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fjármagna nýjan iðnað ############ range ends here @@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_DANISH :Dönsk STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Tyrknesk STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Ítölsk -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pund (£) STR_CURR_USD :Bandaríkjadalur ($) @@ -1798,11 +1798,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Karamellunáma STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sykurnáma -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Tekur við: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Tekur við: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Tekur við: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Framleiðsla síðasta mánaðar: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% flutt) @@ -1875,8 +1875,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...þú átt það nú þegar! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Ónefnt @@ -1919,7 +1919,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Þyrlupallur STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Skógur -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Erfiðleikastig diff --git a/src/lang/italian.txt b/src/lang/italian.txt --- a/src/lang/italian.txt +++ b/src/lang/italian.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton. forza STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Grafico profitto operativo STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Grafico incassi STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Grafico merce consegnata @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Grafico % pagamento merce STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Classifica società STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Dettagli prestazionali -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Informazioni su OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Salva partita @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nome STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Salva nomi personalizzati dei veicoli STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opzioni gioco STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Impostazioni difficoltà STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configura patch @@ -782,16 +782,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Massimo dettaglio STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Edifici trasparenti STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Nomi stazioni trasparenti -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informazioni sull'area STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Linea di comando STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Screenshot Gigante (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Info su 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Off STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}On @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Seleziona paesaggio 'Città dei giocattoli' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Finanzia la costruzione di nuove industrie -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Elenco Industrie STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Finanzia nuove industrie ############ range ends here @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turco STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiano STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalano -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Sterlina (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollaro USA ($) @@ -1860,11 +1860,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Estrattore di Toffee STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Miniera di Zucchero -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Richiede: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Richiede: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Richiede: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produzione ultimo mese: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% trasportato) @@ -1937,8 +1937,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...lo possiedi già! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Senza nome @@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Eliporto STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Foresta -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Livello di difficoltà diff --git a/src/lang/japanese.txt b/src/lang/japanese.txt --- a/src/lang/japanese.txt +++ b/src/lang/japanese.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA}重量トン STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :営業利益 STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :収入グラフ STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :運送済み貨物のグラフ @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :貨物運送料 STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :会社の成績表 STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :詳しい成績表 -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD について STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :ゲームを保存 @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}名称 STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1日 STR_01AD_2ND :2日 STR_01AE_3RD :3日 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29日 STR_01C9_30TH :30日 STR_01CA_31ST :31日 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}カスタマイズした車両の名称を保存します STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :ゲームの設定 STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :難易度の設定 STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :パッチの設定 @@ -782,16 +782,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}高級の画像 STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}建物を半透明で表示 STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}標示を半透明で表示 -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :地域情報 STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :コンソールの切り替え STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :スクリーンショット(Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :大型スクリーンショット(Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :OpenTTDについて -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}切 STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}入 @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}玩具国を選択します STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}新規産業の建設を出資 -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :産業リスト STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :新規産業の建設を出資 ############ range ends here @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :トルコ STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :イタリア STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :カタラン -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :英ポンド(£) STR_CURR_USD :米ドラー($) @@ -1860,11 +1860,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :タフィー鉱山 STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :砂糖鉱山 -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}必要な原料:{YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}必要な原料:{YELLOW}{STRING}と{STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}必要な原料:{YELLOW}{STRING}、{STRING}、{STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}先月の生産量: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK}({COMMA}%運送済み) @@ -1937,8 +1937,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...すでに所有しています! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :名前無し @@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING}ヘリポート STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING}森林 -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}難易度 diff --git a/src/lang/korean.txt b/src/lang/korean.txt --- a/src/lang/korean.txt +++ b/src/lang/korean.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} 톤중 STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :경영 수익 그래프 STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :수입 그래프 STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :수송 화물량 그래프 @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :화물 지불량 그래프 STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :회사 리그 순위 STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :상세 성취도 -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD에 대해서 STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :게임 저장하기 @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}이름 STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}사용자 차량 디자인명 저장 STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :게임 옵션 STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :난이도 설정 STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :패치 구성 @@ -779,16 +779,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}아주 상세하게 STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}건물 안보이기 STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}역이름 팻말 안보이기 -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :지형 정보 STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :콘솔 켜기/끄기 STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :스크린 샷 (Ctrl+S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :거대 스크린샷 (Ctrl+G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :'OpenTTD'에 대해서 -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}끄기 STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}켜기 @@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}장난감나라 선택 STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}새로운 산업시설에 투자 -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :산업시설 목록 STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :새로운 산업시설 건설 ############ range ends here @@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :터키어 STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :이탈리아어 STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :카탈로니아어 -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :파운드 (£) STR_CURR_USD :달러 ($) @@ -1855,11 +1855,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :태피 채취장 STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :설탕 광산 -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}필요함: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}필요함: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}필요함: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}지난달 생산량: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% 수송됨) @@ -1932,8 +1932,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...이미 소유중입니다! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :이름 없음 @@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} 헬리포트 STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} 삼림 -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}난이도 diff --git a/src/lang/lithuanian.txt b/src/lang/lithuanian.txt --- a/src/lang/lithuanian.txt +++ b/src/lang/lithuanian.txt @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton{P os ų ų} jėga STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Įprastinės veiklos pelno diagrama STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Pajamų diagrama STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Krovinių pristatymo diagrama @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Krovinių apmokėjimo lygis STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Kompanijos užimama vieta STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Issamus veiklos ivertinimas -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Apie OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Išsaugoti žaidimą @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Vardas STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Išsaugoti transporto priemonių pavadinimus STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Žaidimo nustatymai STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Sunkumo lygio nustatymai STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Papildomi nustatymai @@ -808,16 +808,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Visos smulkmenos STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Permatomi pastatai STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Permatomi stociu zenklai -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Langelio informacija STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Konsole STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Fotografuoti ekrano vaizdą (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Fotografuoti viso ekrano vaizdą (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Apie „OpenTTD“ -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Išjungta STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Įjungta @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Pasirink žemėlapio tipą 'žaislų šalis' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Finansuoti pramonės įmonės statybas -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Pramones katalogas STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Finansuoti naują pramonės įmonę ############ range ends here @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turkiški STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italų STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalonų -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Svarai sterlingai (£) STR_CURR_USD :Doleriai ($) @@ -1883,11 +1883,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :saldainiu fabrike STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :cukraus kasykloje -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Reikalauja: {YELLOW}{STRING.ko} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Reikalauja: {YELLOW}{STRING.ko}, {STRING.ko} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Reikalauja: {YELLOW}{STRING.ko}, {STRING.ko}, {STRING.ko} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Praėjusio mėnesio produkcija: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportuota) @@ -1960,8 +1960,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...jis ir taip priklauso jums! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Bevardis @@ -2004,7 +2004,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Sraigtasparniu Aikstele STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Miškas -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Sunkumo lygis diff --git a/src/lang/norwegian_bokmal.txt b/src/lang/norwegian_bokmal.txt --- a/src/lang/norwegian_bokmal.txt +++ b/src/lang/norwegian_bokmal.txt @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tonn kraft STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Fortjenestegraf STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Inntektsgraf STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf over leverte varer @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Prisliste for varer STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Firmarangeringstabell STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detaljert prestasjonsnivå -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Om OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Lagre spill @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Navn STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Lagre egendefinerte navn på kjøretøy STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spillinnstillinger STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Vanskelighetsgrad STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Konfigurer patcher @@ -774,16 +774,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Maksimalt med detaljer STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Gjennomsiktige bygninger STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Gjennomsiktige stasjonsnavn -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informasjon om felt STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Vis/skjul konsoll STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Skjermdump (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Stor skjermdump (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Om 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Av STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}På @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Velg leketøyland-miljø STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Finansier bygging av ny industri -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Oversikt over industrier STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Finansier ny industri ############ range ends here @@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Tyrkisk STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiensk STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalansk -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pund (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollar ($) @@ -1850,11 +1850,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Karamellbrudd STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sukkergruve -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Trenger: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Trenger: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Trenger: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produksjon forrige måned: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA} % transportert) @@ -1927,8 +1927,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...du eier det allerede! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Uten navn @@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} helikopterstasjon STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING}skogen -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Vanskelighetsgrad diff --git a/src/lang/norwegian_nynorsk.txt b/src/lang/norwegian_nynorsk.txt --- a/src/lang/norwegian_nynorsk.txt +++ b/src/lang/norwegian_nynorsk.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tonn kraft STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Fortenestegraf STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Inntektsgraf STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf over leverte varer @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Prisliste for varer STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Firmarangeringstabell STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detaljert prestasjonsnivå -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Om OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Lagre spel @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Namn STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Lagre eigendefinerte namn på kjøretøy STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spelinstillingar STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Vanskegrad STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Konfigurer patcher @@ -779,16 +779,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Maksimalt med detaljar STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Gjennomsiktige bygningar STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Gjennomsiktige stasjonsnamn -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informasjon om felt STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Vis/gjøym konsoll STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Skjermfoto (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Stort skjermfoto (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Om 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Av STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}På @@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Vel leiketøyland-miljø STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Finansier bygging av ny industri -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Oversikt over industriar STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Finansier ny industri ############ range ends here @@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Tyrkisk STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiensk STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalansk -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pund (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollar ($) @@ -1855,11 +1855,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Karamellbrudd STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sukkergruve -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Treng: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Treng: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Treng: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produksjon førre månad: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA} % transportert) @@ -1932,8 +1932,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...du eig det alt! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Utan namn @@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} helikopterstasjon STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING}skogen -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Vanskegrad diff --git a/src/lang/polish.txt b/src/lang/polish.txt --- a/src/lang/polish.txt +++ b/src/lang/polish.txt @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} kilonewtony STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Wykres obrotu STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Wykres przychodów STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Wykres przewożonego ładunku @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Stawki za ładunek STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Wykres Ligi Firm STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Szczegółowa tabela efektywności -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Zapisz grę @@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nazwa STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1szy STR_01AD_2ND :2gi STR_01AE_3RD :3ci @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29ty STR_01C9_30TH :30ty STR_01CA_31ST :31szy -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Zapisz niestandardowe nazwy pojazdów na dysk STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opcje gry STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Ustawienia trudności STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Konfiguracja wtyczek @@ -869,16 +869,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Wszystkie detale STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Przezroczyste budynki STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Przezroczyste nazwy stacji -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Info o terenie STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Przełącz konsolę STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Zrzut ekranu (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Gigantyczny zrzut(Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Info o 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Wył. STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Wł. @@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Wybierz krajobraz 'Zabawkowy' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Ufunduj budowę nowego przedsiębiorstwa -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Katalog przedsiębiorstw STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Ufunduj nowe przedsięb. ############ range ends here @@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Tureckie STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Włoskie STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalońskie -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Funty (ÂŁ) STR_CURR_USD :Dolar ($) @@ -1983,11 +1983,11 @@ STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :{G=f}Kopalnia Cukru STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE.d :{G=f}kopalni cukru -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Wymaga: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Wymaga: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Wymaga: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Wyprodukowano w ostatnim miesiącu: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% przetransportowano) @@ -2060,8 +2060,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...to już jest Twoje! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Bez nazwy @@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Lądowisko STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Las -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Poziom Trudności diff --git a/src/lang/portuguese.txt b/src/lang/portuguese.txt --- a/src/lang/portuguese.txt +++ b/src/lang/portuguese.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton force STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Benefícios operativos STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Rendimentos STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Carga entregue @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Tarifas por carga STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Classificação de empresas STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Avaliação detalhada -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Sobre o OpenTTD... STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Guardar jogo @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nome STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Guardar nomes dos veículos personalizados no disco STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opções do Jogo STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Configurações de dificuldade STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configurar correcções @@ -780,16 +780,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Máximo de detalhes STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Edifícios transparentes STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Sinais transparentes nas estações -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informações do terreno STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Activar Consola STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Captura de ecrã (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Captura gigante (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Sobre o OpenTTD... -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Off STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}On @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Seleccionar cenário do estilo 'toyland' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Financiar a construção de uma nova indústria -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Lista de Indústrias STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Financiar nova indústria ############ range ends here @@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turco STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiano STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalão -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Libras (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dólar ($) @@ -1858,11 +1858,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Extracção de Caramelo STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Mina de Açúcar -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessário: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessário: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Necessário: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produção no último mês: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportado) @@ -1935,8 +1935,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...já a possui! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Sem nome @@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :Heliporto de {STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :Floresta de {STRING} -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :Nível de Dificuldade{WHITE} diff --git a/src/lang/romanian.txt b/src/lang/romanian.txt --- a/src/lang/romanian.txt +++ b/src/lang/romanian.txt @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} tone fortã STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Profitul operational STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Cifra de afaceri STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Numãr încãrcãturi livrate @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Valorile plãtilor pe încãrcãturi STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Clasamentul companiilor STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Rating de performantã detaliat -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Despre OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Salveazã jocul (F3) @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nume STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Salveazã pe disc numele personalizate de mãrci si modele STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Optiunile jocului (F2) STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Setãri dificultate STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configurare patch @@ -778,16 +778,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Detalii grafice complete STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Peisaj transparent (X) STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Numele statiilor transparente -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informatii despre teren STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Consola On/Off STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Screenshot gigant(Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Despre 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}inactiv STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}activ @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Alege peisajul 'tara jucãriilor' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Finanteazã constructia de industrii noi -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Lista industriilor STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Obiectiv industrial nou ############ range ends here @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turcã STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italian STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalan -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Lira sterlina (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dolar ($) @@ -1854,11 +1854,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Carierã de caramel STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Minã de zahãr -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Are nevoie de: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Are nevoie de: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Are nevoie de: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Productia luna trecutã: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportat) @@ -1931,8 +1931,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...este deja in posesia ta! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :NoName @@ -1975,7 +1975,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :Heliportul {STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :Pãdurea {STRING} -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Nivel de dificultate diff --git a/src/lang/russian.txt b/src/lang/russian.txt --- a/src/lang/russian.txt +++ b/src/lang/russian.txt @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} тонн силы STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Текущий график доходов STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :График дохода STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Доставленные грузы @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Оплата перевозок STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Порядковая таблица компаний STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Подробные данные -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Об OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Сохранить игру @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Имя STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1ое STR_01AD_2ND :2ое STR_01AE_3RD :3е @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29ое STR_01C9_30TH :30ое STR_01CA_31ST :31ое -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Сохранить свои названия транспортных средств STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Настройки игры STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Настройки сложности STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Настройки патчей @@ -783,16 +783,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Полная детализация STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Прозрачные здания STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Прозрачный фон названий станций -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Информация о земле STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Переключатель Консоли STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Снимок экрана (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Полный снимок экрана (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Об игре -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Выкл STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Вкл @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Выбрать игрушечный климат STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Профинансировать создание нового предприятия -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Список предприятий STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Создать новое предприятие ############ range ends here @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Турецкие STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Итальянские STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Каталанские -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Английский фунт (£) STR_CURR_USD :Доллар США ($) @@ -1861,11 +1861,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Карьер ирисок STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Сахарная шахта -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Требуется: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Требуется: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Требуется: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Произведено за прошлый месяц: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% перевезено) @@ -1938,8 +1938,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...вы и так уже владеете этим! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Без имени @@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :Площадка {STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Лес -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Сложность diff --git a/src/lang/simplified_chinese.txt b/src/lang/simplified_chinese.txt --- a/src/lang/simplified_chinese.txt +++ b/src/lang/simplified_chinese.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA}吨力 STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA}千牛顿 -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :利润图表 STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :收入图表 STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :运输货物图表 @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :货物运费图表 STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :公司评价表 STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :详细的表现率 -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}关于 OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :保存游戏 @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}名称 STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1日 STR_01AD_2ND :2日 STR_01AE_3RD :3日 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29日 STR_01C9_30TH :30日 STR_01CA_31ST :31日 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}保存自定义的车辆名称 STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :游戏选项 STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :难度设定 STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :配置补丁 @@ -782,16 +782,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}完全细节 STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}透明建筑 STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}透明车站标志 -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :地块信息 STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :切换到终端 STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :屏幕截图 (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :大型截图 (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :关于 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}关闭 STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}开启 @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}选择 '玩具' 景观风格 STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}建设新的工业设施 -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :工业列表 STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :新的工业设施 ############ range ends here @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :土耳其 STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :意大利 STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :加泰罗尼亚 -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :磅 (£) STR_CURR_USD :美元 ($) @@ -1860,11 +1860,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :太妃场 STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :蔗糖矿 -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}需要:{YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}需要:{YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}需要:{YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}上月产量: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% 已运输) @@ -1937,8 +1937,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}它已经是你的了! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :未命名 @@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} 停机楼 STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} 林场 -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}难度登记 diff --git a/src/lang/slovak.txt b/src/lang/slovak.txt --- a/src/lang/slovak.txt +++ b/src/lang/slovak.txt @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} megapond{P "" y ov} STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Graf prevadzkoveho zisku STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Graf trzieb STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf prepraveneho nakladu @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Ceny prepravy STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Hodnotenie spolocnosti STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detailny rating vykonu -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Ulozit hru @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Meno STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Ulozit vlastne nazvy vozidiel na disk STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Nastavenia hry STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Nastavenia obtiaznosti STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Nastavenia patchov @@ -842,16 +842,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Plne detaily STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Priesvitne budovy STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Transparentne nazvy stanic -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informacie o pozemku STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Zobrazit / skryt konzolu STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :ScreenShot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Velky ScreenShot (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :O hre 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Vyp. STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Zap. @@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Detska krajina STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Financovat vystavbu noveho priemyslu -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Zoznam priemyslu STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Financovat novy priemysel ############ range ends here @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turecké STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Talianske STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalanske -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Libry (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dolare ($) @@ -1918,11 +1918,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Karamelovy lom STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Cukrova bana -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Potrebuje: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Potrebuje: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Potrebuje: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produkcia za posledny mesiac: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% prepravenych) @@ -1995,8 +1995,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}... uz to vlastnis! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Bez mena @@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Les -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Uroven obtiaznosti diff --git a/src/lang/slovenian.txt b/src/lang/slovenian.txt --- a/src/lang/slovenian.txt +++ b/src/lang/slovenian.txt @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton sile STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Graf dobička STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Graf prihodkov STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf dostavljenega tovora @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Graf plačila za tovore STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Tabela lige podjetij STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Podrobna ocena uspeha -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}O OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Shrani igro @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Ime STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Shrani poljubna imena oblik vozil STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Možnosti igre STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Nastavitve težavnosti STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Urejanje popravkov @@ -824,16 +824,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Vse podrobnosti STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Prosojne stavbe STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Prosojni napisi postaj -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Informacije o terenu STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Vklopi/Izklopi konzolo STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Zajemi sliko (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Zajemi celostno sliko (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :O 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Izključeno STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Vključeno @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Izberi ozemlje v svetu igrač STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Financiraj izgradnjo nove industrije -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Imenik industrij STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Financiraj novo industrijo ############ range ends here @@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turška STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italijanska STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalonska -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Funt (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dolar ($) @@ -1941,11 +1941,11 @@ STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Rudnik sladkorja STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE.r :Rudnika sladkorja -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Potrebuje: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Potrebuje: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Potrebuje: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Proizvodnja prejšnjega meseca: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% prepeljano) @@ -2018,8 +2018,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE} ... imaš ga že v lasti! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Neimenovano @@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Pristajališče STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Gozd -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Težavnostna stopnja diff --git a/src/lang/spanish.txt b/src/lang/spanish.txt --- a/src/lang/spanish.txt +++ b/src/lang/spanish.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton. fuerza STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Gráfico de benefício operativo STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Gráfico de ingresos STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Gráfico de carga entregada @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Tarifas de pagos por carga STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Tabla de ranking de empresas STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detalles del rendimiento -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Acerca de OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Guardar juego @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Nombre STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Guardar nombres personalizados en disco STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opciones de juego STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Configuración de dificultad STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Configurar parches @@ -779,16 +779,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Detalle completo STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Edificios transparentes STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Señales transparentes -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Información sobre terreno STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Activar consola STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Captura de pantalla (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Captura Gigante (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Acerca de 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Apagado STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Encendido @@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Elegir estilo de escenario 'fantasía' STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Aportar fondos para construir una nueva industria -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Directorio de Industrias STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Fundar nueva industria ############ range ends here @@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turco STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italiano STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Catalán -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Libras (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dólares ($) @@ -1855,11 +1855,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Cantera de caramelos STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Mina de Azúcar -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requiere: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requiere: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Requiere: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Producción mes anterior: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportado) @@ -1932,8 +1932,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...ya es de su propiedad! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Sin nombre @@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :Helipuerto de {STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :Bosque de {STRING} -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Nivel de dificultad diff --git a/src/lang/swedish.txt b/src/lang/swedish.txt --- a/src/lang/swedish.txt +++ b/src/lang/swedish.txt @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Graf över gångbar inkomst STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Graf över inkomster STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf över levererat gods @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Fraktförtjänster STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Tabell över ledande företag STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detaljerade prestandabetyg -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Spara spelet @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Namn STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Spara egna modellnamn för fordon till disk STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spelinställningar STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Svårighetsgrad STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Ändra Patchar @@ -778,16 +778,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Full detaljnivå STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Genomskinliga byggnader STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Genomskinliga stationsskyltar -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Information om mark STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Visa/dölj konsolen STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Screenshot (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Gigantisk Screenshot (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Om 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Av STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}På @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Välj 'leksaksland' som typ av landskap STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Bekosta bygget av en ny industri -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industriförteckning STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Bekosta ny industri ############ range ends here @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turkiska STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italienska STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalanska -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pund (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dollar ($) @@ -1854,11 +1854,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Knäckbrott STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sockergruva -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Kräver: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Kräver: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Kräver: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produktion förra månaden: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transporterat) @@ -1931,8 +1931,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...du äger den redan! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Inget namn @@ -1975,7 +1975,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Helikopterplats STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Skog -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Svårighetsgrad diff --git a/src/lang/turkish.txt b/src/lang/turkish.txt --- a/src/lang/turkish.txt +++ b/src/lang/turkish.txt @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Kar grafiği STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Gelir grafiği STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Taşınan kargo grafiği @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Kargo ödeme tablosu STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Şirketler ligi STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Ayrıntılı Performans -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}OpenTTD Hakkinda STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Kaydet @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}İsim STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Özelleştirilmiş araç isimlerini kaydet STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Seçenekler STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Zorluk Ayarları STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Yamaları Düzenle @@ -782,16 +782,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Tam detay STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Transparan binalar STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Transparan istasyon tabelaları -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Arazi bilgisi STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Konsol Aç/Kapa STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Ekran Görüntüsü (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Dev Ekran Görüntüsü (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :'OpenTTD' Hakkında -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Kapalı STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Açık @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}'oyuncak' yer stilini seç STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Yeni bir fabrika aç -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Fabrika Listesi STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Yeni fabrika aç ############ range ends here @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Türkçe STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Italyanca STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalanca -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Sterlin (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dolar ($) @@ -1860,11 +1860,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Bonbon Madeni STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Şeker Madeni -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}İstenen: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}İstenenler: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}İstenenler: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Geçen ayki üretim: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} (%{COMMA} tasindi) @@ -1937,8 +1937,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...zaten senin! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :İsimsiz @@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliport STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Ormanı -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Zorluk seviyesi diff --git a/src/lang/ukrainian.txt b/src/lang/ukrainian.txt --- a/src/lang/ukrainian.txt +++ b/src/lang/ukrainian.txt @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} ton force STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Прибуток виробництва STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Графік доходів STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Доставлення вантажів @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Вартість перевезень STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Таблиця компаній STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Продуктивність -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Про OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Зберегти гру @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Назва STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Зберегти задані назви транспортних засобів STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Налаштування гри STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Налаштування складності STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Розширені налаштування @@ -890,16 +890,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Повна деталізація STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Прозорі будівлі STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Прозорі назви станцій -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Інформація про ділянку STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Вкл/викл консоль STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Копія екрану (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Копія всієї карти (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Про гру 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Ні STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Вкл @@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Вибрати 'іграшковий' варіант STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Фінансувати будівництво нової промисловості -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Каталог промисловості STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Нова промисловість ############ range ends here @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Турецькі STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Італійські STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Каталанські -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Фунт (£) STR_CURR_USD :Долар ($) @@ -2005,11 +2005,11 @@ STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Цукрова копальня STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE.z :цукрову копальню -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Потребує: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Потребує: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Потребує: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Вироблено за місяць: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% перевезено) @@ -2082,8 +2082,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...це вже ваша власність! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Без назви @@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} ГелМайданчик STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Ліс -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Рівень складності diff --git a/src/lang/unfinished/afrikaans.txt b/src/lang/unfinished/afrikaans.txt --- a/src/lang/unfinished/afrikaans.txt +++ b/src/lang/unfinished/afrikaans.txt @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Opereer profyt grafiek STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Inkoms grafiek STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Afgelewerde vrag grafiek @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ STR_0158_COMPANY_VALUE_GRAPH :Maatskappy waarde grafiek STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Vrag betaaling grade STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Maatskappy verbond tafel -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Omtrent OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Bewaar spel @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Naam STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1ste STR_01AD_2ND :2de STR_01AE_3RD :3de @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29ste STR_01C9_30TH :30ste STR_01CA_31ST :31ste -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Bewaar doelgeboude voertuig ontwerp naame STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spel opsies STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Moeilikheid stellings STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS :Newgrf stellings @@ -663,16 +663,16 @@ STR_02D0_FULL_ANIMATION :{SETX 12}Volle animasie STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Volle aanwyse STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Deurskynend geboue -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Land area inligting STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Skakel troos STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Skermskut (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Reuse Skermskut (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Rakend 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Af STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}An @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Kies 'speelgoedland' landerye styl STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Befonds gebou van nuwe nywerheid -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Nywerheid Indeks STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Befonds nuwe nywerheid ############ range ends here @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ STR_0336_7 :{BLACK}7 ############ start of townname region -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Pounds () STR_CURR_USD :Dollars ($) @@ -1602,11 +1602,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Tamletjie Prooi STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Suiker Myn -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vereis: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vereis: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Vereis: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produksie verlede maand: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% uitgevoer) @@ -1679,12 +1679,12 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...jy besit dit alreeds! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Moeilikheids Vlakte diff --git a/src/lang/unfinished/croatian.txt b/src/lang/unfinished/croatian.txt --- a/src/lang/unfinished/croatian.txt +++ b/src/lang/unfinished/croatian.txt @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ STR_UNITS_FORCE_METRIC :{COMMA} sila britanske tone STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI :{COMMA} kN -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Graf dobiti od poslovanja STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Graf prihoda STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Graf isporučenog tereta @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Iznosi plaćanja tereta STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Tablica lige tvrtki STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detaljna ocjena učinka -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}O OpenTTD-u STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Spremi igru @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Ime STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1. STR_01AD_2ND :2. STR_01AE_3RD :3. @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Spremi prilagođena imena dizajna vozila STR_CHECKMARK :{CHECKMARK} -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Opcije igre STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Postavke težine STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Konfiguriraj zakrpe @@ -770,16 +770,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Svi detalji STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Prozirne građevine STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Prozirni znakovi stanica -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Podatci o zemljištu STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Otvori konzolu STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Slika zaslona (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Ogromna slika zaslona (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :O 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Isključeno STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Uključeno @@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Odaberi 'zemlju igračka' za stil krajolika STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Financiraj izgradnju nove industrije -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Lista gospodarstava STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Financiraj novo gospodarstvo ############ range ends here @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_TURKISH :Turski STR_TOWNNAME_ITALIAN :Talijanski STR_TOWNNAME_CATALAN :Katalonski -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Funte (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dolari ($) @@ -1795,11 +1795,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Iskop mliječne karamele STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Rudnik šećera -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Treba: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Treba: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Treba: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Prošlomjesečna proizvodnja: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% prevezeno) @@ -1872,8 +1872,8 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...već je u tvom vlasništvu! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_UNNAMED :Neimenovan @@ -1916,7 +1916,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT :{STRING} Heliodrom STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Šuma -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Težina igre diff --git a/src/lang/unfinished/frisian.txt b/src/lang/unfinished/frisian.txt --- a/src/lang/unfinished/frisian.txt +++ b/src/lang/unfinished/frisian.txt @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Fertsjinst grafyk STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Ynkomsten grafyk STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Ôflevere fracht grafyk @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ STR_0158_COMPANY_VALUE_GRAPH :Bedriuwswearde grafyk STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Fracht ôfbetelling grafyk STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Bedriuwskompetysje tabel -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Oer OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Spul opslaan @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Namme STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1 STR_01AD_2ND :2 STR_01AE_3RD :3 @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29 STR_01C9_30TH :30 STR_01CA_31ST :31 -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ STR_02C1_VEHICLE_DESIGN_NAMES_SELECTION :{BLACK}Reau ûntwerp nammen seleksje STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Sla eigen reau ûntwerp nammen op -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spul Opsjes STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Swierrichheid ynstellings STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Patches Ynstellings @@ -616,15 +616,15 @@ STR_02D0_FULL_ANIMATION :{SETX 12}Folle animaasje STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Folle detail STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Trochsichtige gebouwen -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Gebiet Ynformaasje STR_02D6 : STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Skermfoto (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Grutte Skermfoto (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Oer 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Ut STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Oan @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Selektear 'boartersguodlân' lânskip STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Betelje de bou fan in nije yndustry -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Betelje nije yndustry ############ range ends here @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ STR_0336_7 :{BLACK}7 ############ start of townname region -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region @@ -1090,11 +1090,11 @@ STR_4824_BUBBLE_GENERATOR :Bubbelgenerator STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Sûkermyn -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Nedich: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Nedich: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Nedich: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Produksje lêste moanne: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transportearre) @@ -1105,12 +1105,12 @@ ##id 0x5800 -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 diff --git a/src/lang/unfinished/greek.txt b/src/lang/unfinished/greek.txt --- a/src/lang/unfinished/greek.txt +++ b/src/lang/unfinished/greek.txt @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Γράφημα λειτουργικού κέρδους STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Γράφημα εισοδήματος STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Γράφημα παραδοθέντος φορτίου @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ STR_0158_COMPANY_VALUE_GRAPH :Γράφημα εταιρικής αξίας STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Ποσοστά πληρωμής φορτίου STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Πίνακας κατάταξης επιχείρησης -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Σχετικά με το OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Αποθήκευση παιχνιδιού @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Όνομα STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :1{G ος η ο} STR_01AD_2ND :2{G ος η ο} STR_01AE_3RD :3{G ος η ο} @@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29{G ος η ο} STR_01C9_30TH :30{G ος η ο} STR_01CA_31ST :31{G ος η ο} -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ STR_02C1_VEHICLE_DESIGN_NAMES_SELECTION :{BLACK}Επιλογή ονομάτων σχεδίασης οχημάτων STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Αποθήκευση προσαρμοσμένων ονομάτων σχεδίασης οχημάτων -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Επιλογές παιχνιδιού STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Ρυθμίσεις δυσκολίας STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Ρύθμιση διορθώσεων @@ -667,15 +667,15 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Πλήρης λεπτομέρεια STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Διαφανή κτίρια STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Διαφανές ταμπέλες σταθμών -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Πληροφορίες περιοχής εδάφους STR_02D6 : STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Φωτογραφία εικόνας (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Γιγαντιαία Φωτογραφία Εικόνας (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Σχετικά με το 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Ανενεργό STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Ενεργό @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Επιλογή 'παιχνιδούπολης' στυλ τοπίου STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Χρηματοδοτήστε την κατασκευή νέας βιομηχανίας -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Χρηματοδότηση νέας βιομηχανίας ############ range ends here @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ STR_0336_7 :{BLACK}7 ############ start of townname region -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Αγγλική Λίρα (£) STR_CURR_GRD :Δραχμή(δρχ.) @@ -1266,11 +1266,11 @@ STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY :Λατομείο Τόφυ STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE :Ορυχείο Ζάχαρης -############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires starts STR_4827_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Απαιτεί: {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_4828_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Απαιτεί: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING} STR_4829_REQUIRES :{BLACK}Απαιτεί: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING} -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires ends STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH :{BLACK}Παραγωγή προηγούμενου μήνα: STR_482B_TRANSPORTED :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% μεταφέρθηκαν) @@ -1340,12 +1340,12 @@ STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT :{WHITE}...είστε ήδη ιδιοκτήτης! -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL :{WHITE}Βαθμός Δυσκολίας diff --git a/src/lang/unfinished/latvian.txt b/src/lang/unfinished/latvian.txt --- a/src/lang/unfinished/latvian.txt +++ b/src/lang/unfinished/latvian.txt @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ STR_0152_TOWN_DIRECTORY :Pilse'tu saraksts STR_0153_SUBSIDIES :Subsi'dijas -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH :Pana'kumu grafiks STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH :Iena'kumu grafiks STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH :Transporte'ta's kravas grafiks @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES :Kravas apmaksas cenas STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE :Kompa'nijas li'gu tabula STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MENU :Detalize'ti uzn'e'me'jdarbi'bas rezulta'ti -############ range for menu ends +############ range for menu ends STR_015B_OPENTTD :{WHITE}Par OpenTTD STR_015C_SAVE_GAME :Saglaba't spe'li @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ STR_01AA_NAME :{BLACK}Va'rds STR_01AB :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING} -############ range for days starts +############ range for days starts STR_01AC_1ST :Pirmais STR_01AD_2ND :Otrais STR_01AE_3RD :Tres'ais @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ STR_01C8_29TH :29. STR_01C9_30TH :30. STR_01CA_31ST :31. -############ range for days ends +############ range for days ends STR_01CB :{TINYFONT}{COMMA} @@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ STR_02C1_VEHICLE_DESIGN_NAMES_SELECTION :{BLACK}Transporta li'dzekl'u dizaina nosaukumu izve'le STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE :{BLACK}Saglaba't specia'los transporta li'dzekl'a dizaina nosaukumus -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS :Spe'les rez'i'mi STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS :Gru'ti'bas paka'pes STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES :Konfigure't labojumus (pac'us) @@ -713,16 +713,16 @@ STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL :{SETX 12}Pilnas detal'as STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS :{SETX 12}Caurspi'di'gas e'kas STR_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS :{SETX 12}Caurspidi'gas staciju zi'mes -############ range ends here +############ range ends here -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO :Zemes apgabala informa'cija STR_02D6 : STR_CONSOLE_SETTING :Pa'rsle'gt konsoli STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S :Ekra'na kopija (Ctrl-S) STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G :Liela ekra'na kopija (Ctrl-G) STR_02D9_ABOUT_OPENTTD :Par 'OpenTTD' -############ range ends here +############ range ends here STR_02DB_OFF :{BLACK}Nav STR_02DA_ON :{BLACK}Ir @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE :{BLACK}Izve'le'ties ' rotal'u ' zemes stilu STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW :{BLACK}Finanse't jaunas industrijas bu'vnieci'bu -############ range for menu starts +############ range for menu starts STR_INDUSTRY_DIR :Industriju saraksts STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY :Finanse't jaunu industriju ############ range ends here @@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ STR_TOWNNAME_CZECH :C'ehijas STR_TOWNNAME_SWISS :S'veices STR_TOWNNAME_DANISH :Da'n'u -############ end of townname region +############ end of townname region STR_CURR_GBP :Ma'rcin'as (£) STR_CURR_USD :Dola'ri ($) @@ -1190,8 +1190,8 @@ STR_4812_BANK :Banka STR_4819_FACTORY :Rûpnîca -############ range for requires starts -############ range for requires ends +############ range for requires starts +############ range for requires ends ##id 0x5000 @@ -1203,8 +1203,8 @@ STR_5803_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS :Firmas Ofiss -############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame -############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! +############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame +############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break! ##id 0x6000 STR_SV_EMPTY : STR_SV_TRAIN_NAME :Vilciens {COMMA} @@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ STR_SV_STNAME :{STRING} STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST :{STRING} Mežs -############ end of savegame specific region! +############ end of savegame specific region! ##id 0x6800 STR_OPTIONS_SAVE_CHANGES :{BLACK}Saglabât