_______ ______ | | | /|| | | |__/ || | |_____..-' /| | / | | / | <---- real quick ASCII art | .:'| / | |\. \,| / | | \. \----/__ | | \ / |_______| '-._____'' KI_Flow3.TXT (Killer Instinct Flowchart FAQ. Version 3 - Ansi Version) by David Barrack (iw57@jove.acs.unt.edu) Version 3: What's new... 1) Made the whole thing a bit neater. 2) The first version was written for the expert player, but a lot of you are playing KI for the first time since it's SNES release, so I've tried to take that into acount and include the basics. 3) Turbo and slo-mo codes 4) Some neat arcade only glitch moves... 5) MORE COMBOS!!!! 6) Added list of quickest and longest combos. Quickest defined as whatever gets them into the air fastest, so they can't combo break you. Longest is just that. Keep in mind that any bounce move will hit 3 times instead of just once if you're powered up, and I included this number on everybody's ultras. This moves list is a little different than most other KI FAQs in that the combos are written in flowchart form. The reason I did this is so I can fit every single combo I know of in a very small space. I tried writing them out, but listing each individual combo would make the FAQ 90 pages long... Just look at Jago, I only got about 2/3 of his written down in a compressed format and they still take up over a page... Hopefully they'll be easy enough to follow... just remember, follow the branches without going backwards, (there are a few places I ran out of room, so whole path travels backwards, notated like ──<──<──<── but other wise, don't do it) and you should be okay. This FAQ is by far the most copmlete list of combos I'm aware of on the net... Granted, a lot of combos can be ended with a regular hit instead of a power move, and I've tried to include many of the good quick combo enders, but I'm sure there's still some goodies I've missed. This particular FAQ covers the SNES version. (Cause that's the one I had the money to practice on) The arcade and the SNES version are practically identical (as far as the moves go) except the 80 hit combo's have been taken out, all the "glitchy" moves like air Ultras and the extra bounces at the end of ultras are gone, and although the instruction book insists that shadow combos are in there, I've never managed to do one. Whenever there is some move that didn't make the final cut to the home version, I'll still methion it, cause they're still fun to do in the arcade. As far as the flowcharts go, I wrote them like this: This is a sample of Jago's chart. Move you start with | .----number of hits you get from the beginning move V V Sword Swipe(1)─┬─1(+2)─┐ Sword Swipe (+2)─┬─5(+3)─┬─┐ ┌──Uppercut2(+3) Jump 4 (1)─────┘ ^ ^ │ │ └─6(+3)─┘ └┐ ├──Uppercut1(+2) | | └─┴───────────────────────────┴──┴──HeelKick5(+3) Button you chain-' | ^ ^ ^ to. | `follow either path | | Number of hits gained Remember not to go backwards | from the chain. End the combo with these moves. Just follow the path for each combo, and you'll know all the moves and buttons required for it, and how many hits it'll produce. If you have a great deal of trouble with the flowcharts, I left a comprehensive list of Jago's combos in the FAQ spelled out move for move, so just pick a combo and read it, following the moves through the flowchart. You'll get the hang of it. There are some other variations not listed, like when you're powered up, most bounces will hit an extra 2 times. I believe that's universal for all the characters, so I didn't bother putting it in the FAQ, but you ought to be aware of it. Some of the charts got a little complex (as I'm sure you can imagine) so I had to break some of the lines... but if you do see a line that ends in ────* Don't freak out, just find another line that starts with a *, and just pretend the asterisk is a flow chart wormhole. One more note: Because this FAQ is in flowchart form, and the exact placement of the lines in the flowchart is very important, so you need to make sure you view it in the same format in which it was written. I did it in standard ANSI, so when you upload it and view it on your word processor, you need to use a font in which the "i" and "." and space take up exactly as much room as a "W" or "O" Basically, don't use a true type or kerned font... as soon as you see the flowcharts, you'll know wheter or not your font jives. The buttons: There's six buttons, quick, medium, and fierce punch, quick, medium and fierce kick. For brevity's sake, they're labeled 1-6 respectively. The Moves: HCF= Half Circle Forward HCB=Half Circle Back OHS=Overhead Strike=pull back and hit 3 when your opponent is ducking. Unless otherwise noted, B, F, means charge back for about 1 second, then push the joystick forward and hit whatever button is listed. Same thing for F, B, requires you to charge forward for 1 sec first. Transition moves: A transition move is a move that can be performed while another move (usually a charge) is going on. T. J. Combo, for instance, while he's running across the screen at you, he can either drop and roll, stop running, go into a backhand, or leap into a kneebutt. This is what I've labeled as a transition move. Reverse Moves: Reverse moves are moves which are not transition moves, but are normal moves simply performed backwards. If the move is listed alongside the character's regular moves, then it can be done at any time, like Riptor's Reverse Claw Leap. Just walk towards your opponent, then push back and 5. He'll jump in the air just like always. If the Reverse move is only listed inside a combo, then that's the only place it can be performed, like Orchid's Reverse Helicopter Kick. When you see these in a combo, just charge forward before you get to it, then pull back and hit the listed button. Glacius has a combo that would be listed like this on most other FAQ's: B, F3, 2, B2, etc... On my FAQ, it looks like this: Charge 3 (1)────2 (+3)───Rv. Charge 2 (+2)───etc... Get it? C- c- c- combo Breakers!: Each character has a certain move that will break them out of a combo. I've listed each character's Combo Breaker in with the rest of their moves. But knowing the move isn't enough. There is a definite technique to applying it to your opponent's head. The manual outlines the exact method pretty well, but for those of you who didn't buy the game, or don't even have a SNES, or who lost the book straight out of the box (or whatever), here's basically what it says. (I'm paraphrasing here: ) "Think of it as a game of rock, sissors, paper... While they're pulling a power move on you, your quick Combo Breaker will beat their Medium Power Move, your med, CBreaker will beat their Feirce PMove, and your Feirce will beat their Quick." Now, that's only while they're throwing the move itself... during the 2-4 hit chain, any button will work, but there's still the matter of timing your breaker so it lands in between their hits.... Shadow Moves: I left these out of the FAQ, cause as far as I can tell, Nintendo left them out of the game, but basically, almost any move can be done by holding the button, doing the motion, and releasing the button. If you're not powered up, it'll usually make you pull the move a little faster, which if you plan correctly, can make for some blindingly fast combos. If you are, you'll usually do a shadow move. The big advantage here is that not only are they fast, but I've been told they do more damage and are harder to break if done inside a combo, but I can't confirm that, cause they're pretty tough to do, so it's difficult to practice making and breaking them. Finishing Moves: There are 6 ways to finish your opponent in KI. 1) Let them just fall over. 2) Hit 'em. 3) Ultra combo: Your charater goes to town on your opponent, hitting them 16 or more additional times at the end of a regular combo. Do the ultra combo move during a combo when your opponent's life bar is flashing red, or after it's totally gone, but they're still in the combo that finished them off. 4) Ultimate: timing is the same as above, only do the ultimate move. 5) No Mercy: While they're staggering about, pull this off at the right distance and finish 'em for good. 6) Humiliation: You have to still be on your first healthbar to do these... the distance isn't important. Your opponent will perform a funky dance to some odd music. Carefull if you do this in the arcade though... I've actually seen some people get angry at this... Believe it.... or not... STAGES: During two player or tournament mode, if the first person to chose a character puts in one of these codes, you'll fight on the stage listed. The second player can chose the stages music with the same codes. Glacius's Snow Temple (U1) Thunder's Canyon (D1) Dungeon (U2) Unfortunately, there are corners in this version. The arcade scrolled forever. Personally, since the only reason for the level is to have an endless level (besides it looks pretty neat), I would have left it out to make a little more room for better fighting sounds. Riptor's Arena (D2) Snow Shrine (U3) Eyedol's Bridge (D3) Spinal's Castle (U4) Street Below Orchid's Stage (D4) Orchid's Rooftop (U5) Saberwulf's Pad (D5) Floating Platform (D5 - both players have to do it) Cinder's Desert Rooftop (U6) Fulgore's Factory (D6) Combo's Boxing Gym (???) Eyedol's Lair ( ??? ) Jago's Tiger Shrine (???) And since we're on codes input during character select... Random Character Select (U + Start) Torbo and Slo-Mo codes: These are done on the vs. screen, after you pick your fighter. The codes have to be put in before each fight. These are comfirmed for the SNES, but I'm not sure about the Arcade. Turbo 1: Right + All Punches Turbo 2: Right + All Kicks Turbo 3: Left + All Punches Slo-Mo 1: Left + All Kick ..........ooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo............. And now, on to the good stuff... **************************************************************************** ************************************* Jago ********************************* **************************************************************************** Description: Height: 5' 6" Weight: 190 Age: 21 A Tibetan Warrior monk, who calls on the power of the Tiger to discover his destiny. Overseen by the Tiger Spirit, Jago must enter the contest and destroy the evil within. Moves: Heel Kick :F, D, D&B, Kick (Anti Projectile) Uppercut :F, D, F, Punch Sword Swipe :F, D, D&B, 3 Fireball :HCT + Punch Red Fireball :(H)3, HCT, (R)3 (When Powered up) Fast Fireball :(H)2, HCT, (R)2 (Only good for air juggle) Yellow Fireball :(H)1, HCT, (R)1 (Hits most anti projectile moves) Get up move :Uppercut 1 C-c-c-combo Breaker!:F, D, F + Punch Air Juggle :Red Fireball Air Combo :Jump 6, Heel Kick 5 Humiliation :HCB, 5 Groin Stab No Mercy :B, F, F, 1 (About 1 person away) Car Crash No Mercy :B, B, F, F, 2 (1 non scrolling screen length away) Ultimate :HCF, 3 Ultra (+18) :Heel Kick 4 Combos: Jump 3 (1)─────┐ ┌─5(+3)─┐ H.Kick 6 (1)─┴─4(+2)─┤ ╓──HCF,3(Ultimate) │ │ ╟──H.Kick4(Ultra+18) H.Kick 5 (1)───┘ │ ┌─2(+1)──┬──2(+1) ├──H.Kick 4(+1) │ ├─4(+2)──┤ ├─Uppercut 3(+4) S.Swipe (1)──┬─1(+2)─┤ S.Swipe (+2)──┼─5(+3)──┼──┐ ├─Uppercut 2(+3)─┐ Jump 4 (1)───┘ │ │ └─6(+3)──┘ └┐ ├─Uppercut 1(+2)─┴┐ ├───┴─────────────────────────┴────┼─H.Kick 5(+3) │ Jump(any)(1)-2,2(+2)─┤ └──Fireball 1(+3) │ │ │ 2,2 (2)──────────────┤ Red Fireball (+1)──<───<─┘ │ Jump 6 (1)────2 (+2)─┤ │ Jump 3 (1)────5 (+3)─┤ │ OHS (1)───────6 (+3)─┘ - or - 3 hit:(dizzy)Jump 6, Sword Swipe 3, Heel Kick 4 3 hit:(dizzy)Heel Kick 4 done 3 times quickly 4 hit: Sword Swipe, 1, Fireball 3 5 hit: Sword Swipe, ( 2, 5, or 6), (Heel Kick 5) or (UCut 3) or (HCT 1) or (UCut 1, Red FB) 6 hit: Sword Swipe, (2, 5, or 6), Uppercut 2, Red Fireball 6 hit: Sword Swipe, 1, (Heel Kick 5) or (HCT 1) or (Uppercut 1, Red Fireball) 6 hit: Jump 6, 2, (HCT 1) or (Heel Kick 5) or (Uppercut 1, Red Fireball) 6 hit: Heel Kick 5, 4, (Heel Kick 5) or (HCT 1) or (Uppercut 1, Red Fireball) 7 hit: Sword Swipe, 1, Uppercut 3 7 hit: Sword Swipe, 1, Uppercut 2, Red Fireball 7 hit: Heel Kick 5, 4, (Uppercut 2, Red Fireball) or (Uppercut 3) 7 hit: Jump6, 2, (Uppercut 2, Red Fireball) or (Uppercut 3) 7 hit: Heel Kick 6, 5, (HCT 1) or (Uppercut 1, Red Fireball) 8 hit: Heel Kick 6, 5, Uppercut 2, Red Fireball 8 hit: Heel Kick 6, 5, Sword Swipe, 2, 2 10 hit: Heel Kick 6, 5, Sword Swipe, (5 or 6), Fireball 3 11 hit: Sword Swipe, 1, Sword Swipe, (5 or 6), (Heel Kick 5) or (HCT 1) or (Uppercut 1, Red FB) 11 hit: Heel Kick 5, 4, S Swipe, (5 or 6), (UCut 3) or (HK 5) or (UCut 1, Red FB) or (HCT 1) 12 hit: Heel Kick 5, 4, Sword Swipe, (5 or 6), Uppercut 2, Red Fireball 12 hit: Heel kick 6, 5, Sword Swipe, (5 or 6), (HCT 1) or (Uppercut 1, Red FB) or (Heel Kick 5) 12 hit: Sword Swipe, 1, Sword Swipe, (5 or 6), (Uppercut 3) or (Uppercut 2, Red Fireball) 13 hit: Heel Kick 5, 4, Sword Swipe, (5 or 6), Uppercut 3 Words from the Master: Jago is a pretty tough character to use, mostly because both of his combo starting power moves are slow to pull off. Except for the fact that hitting 2, 2 will start most of his combos, the best thing to do is just Uppercut or leg sweep. Another disadvantage is that his range is a little limited, what being one of the shortest characters in the game, (which personally, I think is kinda cool) His big plus is that if someone is a little fireball happy at you, his Heel Kick will usually get you to them before they recover from throwing it. Beware though, the clever player who will goad you into doing a Heel Kick by filling the screen with fireballs, knowing that, if you're far enough away, the only Heel Kick that will work is a 6, so they will know how to break it once you get there... Jago is one of my personal favorites, even though I usually lose with him. I like the fact that he's short, and IMHO, I think he's got the coolest looking combos. *************************************************************************** ********************************* T.J. Combo ****************************** *************************************************************************** Description: Height: 6' 1" Weight: 220 Age: 25 Undisputed heavyweight champion for Five years, stripped of his title when found using cybernetically enhanced arms. Now broke, he enters the Ultratech contest for the love of money. Moves: Charge and Punch :B for 2 seconds or more, F3 Charge and Knockdown :B for 1 second, F3 (no good for starting combos) Transition moves (done after either Charge) Stop :B3 Tumble Punch :B2 Dbl Backhand :B1 Kneebutt :B6 Backhand :B, F1 Double Backhand :F, B1 Tumble Punch (2 hits) :B for 1 second, F2 (Anti Projectile) Tumble Punch (3 hits) :B for 2 or more seconds, F2 (Anti Projectile) Kneebutt :B, F4 or 6 Vertical Knee :B, F5 Punching Bag :1, 1, 1, 1, etc (Must be close) Winding Uppercut :Hold 3 for about 3 seconds, then release. He'll spin his arm till you hit 3 again, then he'll uppercut. It looks neat, but it's not very useful. Getup move :B, F + Kick C- c- c- combo Breaker!:B, F + Kick Air Juggle :Charge 3 Air Combo :Jump, F6, B5, Charge 3 Ultimate :HCB, 5 Humiliation :D, D, D, 1 Neckbreak No Mercy :B, B, F, F, 2 (Close) Screen Splat No Mercy :HCT, 6 (Close) Ultra (+18 +1 hits) :F, B3 Combos: ┌────────┐ Charge (1)─┴┬─5(+3)─┤ * Down,3────┐ Jump 3 (1)─┬┴───────┤ │ │ │ ┌──────────────────────┬──Vertical Knee──┐ │ Dbl.BHand(2)────────┤ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─Backhand(+4)──┤ │ Jump 1 (1)─┴──4(+2)─┤ │ │ ├─Kneebutt1(+1)─┤ │ ┌────────┼──┼──────────────────────┼─┼─Tumble (+3)───┼─Charge(+1) Jump 6 (1)─┴──2(+2)─┤ │ ┌─* ┌┘ ├─Kneebutt6(+3)─┘ │ │ └─Dbl.BHand(+2)──┴────┤ ╟──F,B1(+18ultra)──┘ K.Butt6(1)──┐ │ └──5(+3)───────────┤ ╙───HCB,3(Ultimate) Backhand(1)─┼─1(+3)─┤ └─Dbl.BHand(+2)─┤ Jump 4 (1)──┘ │ ┌─> ║ └─* │ *─<─┐┌──────┤ │ ╙─5(+3)──────┤ Tumble(2or3)┴┼─6(+3)┘ │ └─DBH(+2)──┴──5 (+3) Jump 2 (1)───┤ │ OHS (1)──────┘ └───Note: you can only continue beyond this point if you started the combo with a 3 hit Tumble and went straight to a Dbl. Backhand. Just the way it is. Combos: Quickest: Tumble, then Down and 3, Bounce. 2, 3, 5, or 6, then Vertical Knee, Bounce. Tumble, Vertical Knee or Kneebutt 6, then Bounce. Longest: 20 hits: 3 hit Tumble, Double Backhand, 5, Double Backhand, 5, Double Backhand, Backhand, Bounce. 32/34 hits: Same as above, but end with F, B3, instead of Backhand, then Bounce. Words from the Master: Combo is just about the best character in the game. His combos are fast, and he has a whole bunch of really quick ones, in addition to the longest non-ultra besides Orchid. His Kneebutts give him excellent up defense, he can charge across the screen quickly, and dodge fireballs while he's at it with his roll. His only particular weakness is his lack of a distance attack, but, comeon, he needs some kind of disadvantage, and antways, I like that, cause it gives the characters variety, (unlike a certain Midway game)... Although I dislike corner fighting, those of you who do will love him. Between his Projectile dodge, fast attacks, and killer up defense, he's really dangerous if he can pin you in the corner. I like him because, besides all the above reasons, there's a little more satisfaction in bouncing your opponent with your fist than with a fireball. **************************************************************************** ****************************** Glacius ************************************* **************************************************************************** Description: Height: 6' 3" Weight: 300 Age: Unknown An alien being from a distant planet. Crash landing on Earth, he was captured by Ultratech, hoping to prove the aliens are inferior, they force Glacius to fight for his life. Moves: Ice Pick :F, D, D&B, 1 Puddleport :HCT, 4 Puddle Uppercut :HCT, (5 or 6) Changeup Uppercut :HCT, 6 then HCT, 5 Snowball :HCT, Punch Speed Snowball :(H)1, HCT, (R)1 (only when powered up) Shoulder Charge :B, F, Punch Getup Move :Puddle Uppercut C- c- c- combo Breaker! :B, F, Punch Air Juggle :Puddle Uppercut Air Combo :Jump, F6, B5 Ultra (+18 +1 hits) :B, F, 3 Ultimate :F, D, D&B, 1 Humiliation :F, F, B, 4 Ice Needle No Mercy :HCT, 2 (About half the screen away) Blob No Mercy :HCB, 5 (Just outside striking range, but is apparently not in the SNES version) Puddle No Mercy :B, B, B, 6 (Anywhere) Combos: Puddlecut5(1)┬─6(+3)┐ Jump 2 (1)───┤ │ ┌┘ │ Charge1(1)──┼───────┤ Jump 6 (1)──┤ │ ┌─6(+3)─┐ OHS (1)─────┤ │ ├─1(+2)─┤ ╓─F,D,D&B1(Ultimate) Charge3(1)─┬┴─2(+3)─┤ ┌──Rv.Charge2(+2)┌┴─2(+3)─┤ ╟─B,F3(+18ultra) └┐ │ │ └┐ └┐ ├─Icepick (+4)─┐ Jump 4 (1)──┴─1(+2)─┼─┴─────────────────┴───┬────┴─┼─PCut6(+3)────┼─PCut6(+1) │ ┌┘ ├─Snowbal3(+3)─┘ Charge 2(1)─┬─3(+2)─┤ │ └─HCT, 5 (+3) └─2(+3)─┤ │ │ ┌────────────────┐│┌─1 (+2) Jump 1 (1)────4(+3)─┤ │ ││├─2 (+2) │ ├─Rv.Charge2(+2)─┴┴┴─6 (+3) Jump 3 (1)────5(+2)─┘ │ │ In addition to those │ combos, any of the above │ moves (with the exception│ of the Puddlecut 5 and │ Jump 2) can be chained to│ 6 with the following │ results:─────────────────┘ (It's kinda hard to time, but it works) Combos: Quickest: Charge 3, 6, Snowball 3, Bounce. Charge 3, Icepick, Bounce. Longest: 14 hits:Charge 2 or 3, 2, Reverse Charge 2, 2, Icepick, Bounce. 29/32 ultra:"------------same---------------", B, F3, Bounce. 32/34 arcade bonus bounce ultra:Do the ultra as listed above. After you launch them do a Reverse Charge 2, and wait. When they come down, bounce then with a Snowball 3, then Bounce them again with the Puddlecut 6. Words from the Master: I'm partial to Glacius cause he's the guy I figured out the combo system on. If Glacius is the an average member of his race, I'll tell you, they're certainly not inferior to us! He's one of the best in the game! His Puddle Uppercuts and Icepick give him great up defense, he has a distance weapon, his Puddle moves get him under distance attacks, and they get him across the screen quickly. His regular attacks have extended range cause he can stretch his arms out. His combos are generally pretty quick, especially doing a charge, chaining it to 6, then throwing a Snowball 3. It's a fast 5 hit combo that you can bounce afterwards and it gets them off the ground in 3 hits so they can't combo break you. The only problem I have with him is that some of his combos are a little hard to time, especially anything following the quick 6 combos. **************************************************************************** **********************************Spinal************************************ **************************************************************************** Description: Height: 5' 5" Weight: 110 Age: 2650 An unprecedented discovery in cell regeneration, Ultratech have recreated an ancient warrior from the past. Having no memory, and lacking in purpose he fights regardless. Infinite Powerup: With only 1 skull, (H) 1, HCT, 2 + (R)1. If this is done right, Spinal will throw 2 Skulls. You can now throw 2 skulls at any time with this move, and you can also throw 1 skull like normal. Careful not to absorb any more skulls..... Note: This does NOT work on the SNES version. Moves: Absorption Shield :B1 (hold till hit with a projectile or power move) Flaming Skull :HCT punch (only when powered up) Red Skull :(H)1, HCT,(R)1 Teleport Front :D, D, D, Punch - Teleports in front of his opponent. Teleport Back :D, D, D, Kick - Teleports behind his opponent. Air Teleport Front :(H)1, Jump, D, D, D, (R)1 Air Teleport Back :(H)4, Jump, D, D, D, (R)4 Charge :F, F, Punch Slide :D,6 Sword Slash :B, F2 (Spins twice if he's powered up) Reverse Sword Slash :F, B2 (Spins twice if done during a combo) Morph :D, D, D + any button during a combo C- c- c- combo Breaker! :F, F + Punch Air Juggle :Flaming Skull 1 Air Combo :Jump, F6, B5 Ultra (+18 hits) :HCF, 3 Humiliation :HCT, 6 Lightning/Skeleton No Mercy :B, B, B, 5 (anywhere) Shield Stab No Mercy :B, B, F, 4 (close) Combos: OHS (1)────┐ Jump6 (1)──┴┬──2(+3)─┐ Charge3 (1)─┴┬─6(+2)─┤ Jump 2 (1)───┘ │ │ ┌─4 (+2)─┐ Jump 3 (1)───┐ │ ├─5 (+2)─┤ Charge 2 (1)─┴─5(+2)─┤ ┌──Rv.Sword Slash(+2)─┼─3 (+3)─┤ ╒══HCF3(+18ultra) │ │ └┐ └┐ ├──Charge3 (+4) Jump 5(1)────┐ │──┴──────────────────────┴────────┴──┼─Charge2(+3) Charge 1(1)──┼─3(+3)─┤ ├─Charge1(+3) S.Slash(1)───┘ │ └─Morph (+3or4) │ (Plus Jump 1 (1)────4 (+2)─┤ possible │ bounce Jump 4 (1)────1 (+3)─┘ (HCT 1)) Combos: Quickest: Spinal's combos are pretty fast to begin with, but I don't know of any really quick ones. Just end with a morph that lifts them off the ground quickly, or with Charge 1. Longest: 13 hits: Sword Slash, 3, Reverse Sword Slash, 3, Charge 3. other: Same as above, only Morph instead of Charge 3. Spinal's the oddball character, so you'll have to play around a bit to find his best combos. Words from the Master: Spinal is actually is one of the easiest characters to use once you get down the charge move. I say that because if ever you're pulling a combo and you can't remember what comes next, no problem, just Morph, and WAM, 3 or 4 more hits. Also, his combos are pretty fast, making them hard to break. Another good thing about him is his slide. People just don't seem to like blocking their feet. Also, he's just about the easiest character to power up, next to Wolfboy, of course. His Absorption Shield will power him up if he blocks any kind of power move, not just projectiles. His only real weakness that I can think of is that he has pretty sorry air defense, unless they jump early, in which case you can catch them with a slide. **************************************************************************** ************************************ B. Orchid ***************************** **************************************************************************** Description: Height: 5' 6" Weight: 125 Age: 23 A secret agent sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances that surround the Ultratech contest. Her true identity and abilities are shrouded in secret. Moves: Helicopter Kick (HK) :B, F, Kick Backflip Kick :B6 Tiger Morph (T) :B, F, Punch (Tiger 3 must be done from pretty far away if you want to start a combo with it) Laser Thing (L) :HCT, Punch Windmill :F, D, D&B, 3 Helicopter Charge (HC) :F, D, D&B, (1 or 2) Backflip Kick :B6 Getup Move :B, F6 C- c- c- combo Breaker! :Helicopter Kick Air Juggle :HCT, 1 Air Combo :Jump, F6, B2 Ultra (+18 +1) :B, F2 Humiliation :HCB, 3 Frog No Mercy :D, F, B, 4 pause, 6 (for the stomp) (Stand about 1 person away) Flasher No Mercy :B, B, F, F, 1 (close in arcade, just outside striking range on the SNES) Ultimate :F, D, D&B, 5 Combos: OHS (1)───┬─& ┌─HK4(+4)────────┐ Tiger3(1)─┼───6(+3)─┐ ├─Tiger(+1) │ Jump2(1)──┘ │ ├─L3(+4) │ ├─┬────────────┬─────┬────┬────┬─┬──┼─Windmill(+4)───┤ Jump1(1)────┐ │ │ ┌┘ ┌┘ ┌┘ ┌┘┌┘ ├─HK5(+3)────────┤ HC 1(1)──┬─┴─4(+3)─┤ ├─HK6(+3)-#─┤ @──┘ │ %─┘ │ ╟─F,D,DB6(Ultim) ├┐ T2(2)─┬───┴┬┬─5(+3)─┤ │ └┬─1(+3)───┤ │ ╙─B,F2(+18ultra)─┘│ └─* ││ │ │ ┌┘ │ │ │ Jump 3 (1)─┘│ │ ├─Rv.HK5(+2)┴──2(+2)-#─┤ └─<──┬─-<───┐ │ HC 2(1)────┬┘ │ │ ├─┐ │ │ │ H Kick6(3)─┴┬─1(+3)─┤ ├─HC2(+1)─┬───┐ │ ├─HC2(+1)─┴─5(+3)│ │ Jump 4 (1)──┘ │ │ ├─@ ├─5(+3)──┘ └─HK6(+3)─┬─1(+3─┴─HK6(+2) │ │ └─HC1(+1)─┴───┘ └──% │ Jump 6 (1)─┬─2 (+2)─┤ Laser1(+1)<─<─┘ &──────┘ │ # = note: the combo will end here │ *─┐ │ if it was started with │ Jump 5 (1)──┼─3(+3)─┘ Tiger 2 │ Tiger 1 (1)─┘ │ │ Windmill (2)───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Combos: Quickest: Windmill, Bounce. Helicopter Charge, B6. Longest: 28 hits:Heli Kick 6, 1, Reverse Heli Kick 5, 1, Heli Kick 6, 1, Heli Kick 6, 1, Helicopter Slash, Bounce. 42/44 ultra:Same as above, but in place of the Heli Slash, do a B, F2, then Bounce. Words from the Master: If anyone's chart needs some work., I'm sure it's Orchid's. She has the highest hit combos of anyone, which makes her a little harder to map out... What I do have down should be prety close though... the highest hit combo I've gotten with her is (excluding ultras) 26. I've found though, that the hits just stop doing damage after about 16 or 18. That's bad if you're trying to avoid combo breakers, but it doesn't really matter if you're just trying to look cool. Orchid is a pretty good character; good air defense with the Windmill and her backflip kick (B6). Her tiger is good for dodging projectiles and getting across the screen pretty fast. Really the only drawback I see to her, as a competitive character goes, is it's hard to resist the temptation to pull 20 hit + combos with her, which of course gives your opponent a lot of time to throw a breaker in. ***************************************************************************** ********************************* Chief Thunder ***************************** ***************************************************************************** Description: Height: 6' 2" Weight: 280 Age: 42 Mystical defender of native Americans, Thunder enters the contest in order to uncover the mystery surrounding his brother's disappearance in the previous year's tournament. Moves: Flying Headbutt :F, D, B, Punch (Anti projectile) Tomahawk Dive :F, D, B, 3 (Can be done after a jump or Headbutt 3) Phoenix :HCB + Kick (You can guide the phoenix up or down.) Tomahawk Chop :B, F + Punch (Anti projectile) Reverse Tomahawk Chop:F, B2 Reverse Chop :F, B2 Red Phoenix :(H)5, HCT, (R)5 C- c- c- combo Breaker! :HCB, 2 Air Juggle :Phoenix 4 Air Combo :Jump 6, Headbutt 2 Humiliation :D, D, D, F, 4 Raindance No Mercy :HCT, 3 (About halfway across the screen) Tomahawk Slam No Mercy:HCA, 6 (Right next to them) Ultimate :HCB, 2 Ultra (+18 +1) :B, F1 Combos: OHS (1)───┬──& Jump 2 (1)┴┬─6(+3)───┐ └┐ │ Jump 5 (1)──┴─F3(+2)─┤ │ ┌──Rv.Chop (+3) Jump 6 (1)───┐ │ ┌─Rv.Chop(+3)┐F6(+3)─┤ T.Chop 3 (3)─┼─2(+2)─┤ │ │ │ T.Dive (1)──┬┘ │ │ └┐ └┐ ┌─Headbutt3(+4)─┐ └┐ ├─┴─────────────┴───────┴─┼─Headbutt2(+4)─┼─Phoenix4(+1) Jump 1 (1)─┬─┴─4(+2)─┤ ├─Chop 3 (+3)───┘ │ &────┘ │ ├─Phoenix6(+3) │ T.Chop 2 (3)─┬─5(+2)─┤ ╟─B, F1 (+18 ultra)──┘ Jump 3 (1)───┘ │ ╙─HCB, 3 (ultimate) │ │ Headbutt 1(1)┬─1(+3)─┘ Jump 4 (1)───┘ Combos: Quickest: F3, Headbutt 2, bounce. Any Tomahawk chop, any ender, bounce. Longest: 17 hits: Tomahawk Chop 3, 6, Rv.Tomahawk Chop 2, 6, Headbutt 2 or 3, Bounce (This only works on the home version, in the arcade, they fall out of it at the second 6) 31/33 ultra:Same up to the second 6, then B, F1, bounce. 35/37 arcade bonus bounce ultra:Same as above, but after you launch them in the air, do 2 Reverse Tomahawk Chops to get under them. As they come down, hit them with a Headbutt 2, for 4 extra hits, then bounce. Words from the Master: Thunder's pretty cool. At first he doesn't look too impressive cause he doesn't have many moves, but they all hit multiple times, and or go through fireballs. His headbutt is great air defense, and his combo breaker is one of the easiest in game... Just twirl the joystick like mad and pound on the button. The only real drawback is that he doesn't have a lot of combo enders, so it's easy to get tired of playing him. ***************************************************************************** ************************************* Fulgore ******************************* ***************************************************************************** Description: Height: 6' 5" Weight: 560 Age: 1 A prototype cybernetic soldier developed by Ultratech, entered into the contest as a final tests of it's capabilities before mass production can begin. Moves: 1 Bolt :HCT + Punch 2 Bolts :B + HCT, 1 3 Bolts :B, F + HCT, 1 Charge :B, F + Kick Transition move :Uppercut 1 Uppercut :F, D, F + Punch Taser :F, D, D&B, 6 Reflector :HCB + Punch Teleport Front :B, D, B, Punch (1=far, 2=near, 3=close) Teleport Back :B, D, B, Kick (4= far, 5=near, 6=close) Axe Kick :F6 (close) Getup Move :Uppercut C- c- c- combo Breaker! :Uppercut Air Juggle :2 or 3 Bolts Air Combo :Jump ,F6, D, F2 (Uppercut 2) Ultra (+18 +2) :Uppercut 1 Ultimate :F, D, D&B, 2 Humiliation :HCF, 5 Laser No Mercy :F, D, D&B, 3 (Real hard to space... about sweep range) Turret No Mercy :HCT, 6 Combos: ┌─6 (+3) Taser (1)──┬───6(+2)──────┬─Taser (+2)─┬──┼─1 (+3) &──┐ └┬──1(+3)─┐ │ └┐ └─5 (+2) Jump 3(1)┴─┐└┐ │ └─────────────┴──────┐ Charge6(1─┬┴─┴─5(+2)─┤ │ └──┬─6(+3)─┤ ┌─5(+2)──┐ │ ┌─Bolt 2 (+4) Jump 2 (1)───┘ │ ┌─Taser(+2)─┼─1(+3)──┤ │ ├─Uppercut 1(+1) ┌──* │ │ └┐ └┐ └┐ ├─Uppercut 2(+1) Charge 5 (1)─┴┐3(+2)─┼─┴────────────┴────────┴──┴─┼─Uppercut 3(+4) Jump 5 (1)────┘ │ ├─HCF 5(+3)──────3Bolts(+2) *─┐ │ ├─Teleport 1(+4) │ Jump 6 (1)──┴┬─2(+3)─┤ ╟─Ucut 1 (+18 ultra)──┘ ┌┘ │ ╙─F,D,D&B 2 (Ultimate) Charge 4(1)─┴┬─1(+3)─┤ Jump 4 (1)───┘ │ │ Jump 1 (1)──┬──4(+2)─┤ ┌┘ │ OHS (1)────┴───& │ │ Axe Kick (2)─────────┘ Combos: Quickest: Charge 6, 5, Uppercut 1, 2 or 3. Axe Kick, Uppercut 1, 2 or 3. Longest: Charge 6──6─┐ ┌─Bolt 2 13 hits: Charge 4──1─┼─ Taser──1─┼─Uppercut 3 Jump 2──6───┤ └─Teleport 1 Jump 4──1───┘ 14 hits: " " " " "───HCT 5───3 bolts 29 ultra: " " " " "───Uppercut 1── " Words from the Master: Fulgore, IMHO, is the best character in the game. He can throw 3 fireballs at a time, can control his teleport destination , and reflect projectiles. His uppercuts give him great air defense, and his sliding uppercut works just like Glacius's Puddleport, only it's a lot faster. Plus, I think he looks cool and has the neatest looking combos next to Jago. (What else is there...?) The only disadvantage I can think of with him is that since he can already throw 3 bolts at a time, he gains no particular advantage from being powered up. That and his bounce attacks are hard to time. Another good thing about Fulgore is his medium powered slides are good for tempting people into trying to hit you, but you'll usually have time block before they can get to you. ***************************************************************************** ********************************* Cinder ************************************ ***************************************************************************** Description: Height: 6' 2" Weight: 195 Age: 31 A convict, experimented on by Ultratech. A failed chemical weapon test mutated his body turning him into living flame. Promised freedom if he defeats Glacius, he enters the fray. Moves: Fireball :F, F, Punch (Air move) ComboBall :B, F, Punch (Same thing, only it can be used to start combos) Flame Thrower :F, F, Kick or B, F, Kick Upperkick :F, D, F, Kick Flaming Palm :B, B, 1 Invisible :HCA, 3 Transparent :HCA, 2 (Anti projectile) Invisible Teleport Front :HCB, 1 (when powered up) Invisible Teleport Back :(H)1, HCB, (R)1 (when powered up) Air Juggle :F, F, 3 Air Combo :Jump, F6, B2 Ultra (+18 +1) :F, F, 3 Ultimate :HCB, 5 Humiliation :B, B, B, 6 Lava Pool No Mercy :B, B, B, 2 Flame-thrower No Mercy :HCT, 4 ┌──────────┐ Combos: │ See Note │ ┌──* └────┬─────┘ │┌────────────Fireball2(2)─┼─1(+3)─┬──Rv.CBall 1(+2)─┬─2(+3)──┐ CBall 2 (2)┴┼───1(+3)─┐ │ │ │ │ ┌┘ │ │ │ │ │ OHS (1)────┴─┐ │ │ └┐ │ │ │ │ └────────┤ │ │ AirFBall2(1)─┴┐ │ │ │ │ Jump 1 (1)──┬─┴─4(+2)─┤ ├─<────<────<────┘ │ ┌┘ │ │ │ CBall3 (1)─┴────3(+2)─┤ ┌─Rv.Cball 1(+2)┐2(+3)─┤ │ │ │ └┐ └┐ ┌─Fireball 2(+4)──┐ │ ├─┴────────────────┴──────┴─┼─Upperkick 4(+4)─┤ │ Air Fball3(1)─┐ │ ├─Upperkick 5(+4)─┼─F,F3(+1) Jump 6 (1)────┼─2(+3)─┤ ├─Upperkick 6(+4)─┤ Air FBall1(1)─┘ │ ╟─F, F3(+18ultra)─┘ *────┐ │ ╙─HCB, 5 (Ultimate) Jump 3 (1)────┴─5(+2)─┘ Combos: Quickest: Upperkick 5 or 6, Bounce Fireball 2, Upperkick 5 Fireball 3, 3, Upperkick 5 (good if you're invis to fireballs and they lob one at you from far away.) Longest: 15 hits: CBall 2, 1, Reverse CBall 1, 2, any ender, bounce. 30/32 ultra: "----------same----------", F, F3, bounce. Max 80 hit arcade:"---------same------", any ender, FF1, Upperkick 5, FF1, Upperkick 5, FF1, Upperkick 5, etc... Max 80 hit arcade ultra:same as above, only end with the ultra move, then, FF1, FF1, FF1, Upperkick 5, FF1, Upperkick 5, etc... Other notes:A good tactic to use against the computer is to walk backwards, and just as he gets in range, kick him in the head with 6, then instantly Fireball 3, then either hit 3 again, or do an ender on him. Or after you kick, Fireball 2, then you can follow the top line on the flowchart, starting from where it says "See Note" (I hope that's not too confusing, but I thought I should put it in, cause the computer's a real sucker for it.) If you have trouble with his combos, then just hit FF2 a lot. If you do it fast enough, you'll pull a 8 hit combo. Words from the Master: Cinder is just about the easiest character to beat the game with, for if no other reason, the computer opponent doesn't know if you're invisible to fireballs or not, and Cinder can go through ANY projectile, including Eyedol's. Other pluses with Cinder are that, although he can't teleport (unless he's powered up), he still can get out of corners pretty easily, just do his Flame Charge in the air. Also, his Upperkick is practically unbeatable air defense. On the down side, his Combo breaker's kinda hard (I've always found the uppercut combo breakers difficult), and if you use his flamethrower, you're just begging to get hit... it can be countered even if you hit with it. ****************************************************************************** *********************************** Sabrewulf ******************************** ****************************************************************************** Description: Height: 5' 11" Weight: 400 Age: 45 Afflicted with the disease Lycanthropy. Spending most of his life as a recluse, Sabrewulf enters the tournament on the promise of a cure if victorious. Moves: Spinning Claw :B, F + Punch Howl :F, D, D&B, 6 (This will power him up) Attack Bat :HCB, Punch (Careful! Fulgore can steal all your bats by reflecting them. At least he could in the arcade...) Roll :B, F4 (Anti Projectile) Lunge :B, F6 (Anti Projectile) Charge :B, F5 (Charge for 1 sec to knock them off their feet, 2 or more to start a combo) Transition moves :Reverse Roll :Reverse Leap :Reverse Charge (Doesn't give a 1 hit dizzy on the SNES) C-c-c-combo Breaker! :B, F + Kick Air Juggle :Leaping Slash Air Combo :Jump, F6, B5, Leaping Slash Ultra (+18) :F, B4 Ultimate :HCF, 3 Humiliation :F, F, 1 Claw No Mercy :B, B, B, 5 (About 2 people away) Screen Splat No Mercy 2 :B, B, F, 2 (Just outside striking distance) Combos: Jump 5 (1)──┐ Dbl.Ch.(2)─┬┴────3(+3)─┐ Charge (1)─┘ ┌───2(+3)─┤ Jump 4 (1)───┤ & │ Lunge (1)──┬─┴─┴─1(+1)─┤ └┐ │ ┌──Spin 2(+2)─┐ ┌─1(+3)─┐ Roll (2)────┴──┬─2(+3)─┤┌─┤ ├┬┼─6(+3)─┼─┐ ┌─Spin1(+3)─┐ Jump 6 (1)────┬┘ ││ └─RvSpin2(+2)─┘│└─2(+3)─┘ │ ├─Spin2(+2) │ Rv.Spin2(2)─┐ │ ││ └┐ └┐ ├─Spin3(+2) │ Spin 2 (2)──┴─┤ ├┴─────────────────┴──────────┴─┼─Roll (+4) └─Lunge(+1) └┐ │ ├─Charge(+4)────┤ Spin 3 (2)─────┼─6(+3)─┤ ├─Lunge(+3) ────┤ Jump 2 (1)─────┘ │ ╟─F, B4 (+18ultra) │ ╙─HCF, 3 (Ultimate) Spin 1 (2)────┬──5(+2)─┤ Jump 3 (1)────┘ │ │ Jump 1 (1)───────4(+2)─┤ OHS (1)────┬───────────┘ └──& Note: Any power move or jump attack can be instantly chained to Saber's Charge, then bounced with his Lunge. Combos: Quickest: Any jump or power move, 2, 3, 5, or 6───Charge──Lunge Longest: ┌─Roll───┐ ┌─1─┐ ┌─Lunge──┐ 16 hits: Howl──┼─Spin 2─┴─2─┬─Reverse Spin─┼─2─┼─┴─Spin 1─┴─Lunge └─Spin 3───6─┘ └─6─┘ 17 hits: "------------------same-------------"────Charge───Lunge 31/33 ultra: "------------------same-------------"────F, B4────Lunge Words from the Master: Saberwulf is just plain fun. He makes silly dog noises while he's taking a beating, and sounds vicious while he's wiping the ceiling with you. Plus, it looks cool to smack your opponent into the air and let loose with a howl. The astute will notice that he's the only character in a fighting game with a severe case of gingivitis, what with all that blood spraying out of his mouth all the time. (At least in the arcade... sigh). As far as a competitor, he's right up there. He has a distance attack with his viciously trained attack bats (it just doesn't sound scary, does it?), and he has good air defense with his Charge. His howl will tack on 2 hits to any combo, and if you want to practice shadow moves, he's your man. (I think his humiliation should be that he piddles on your leg...) **************************************************************************** *********************************** Riptor ********************************* **************************************************************************** Description: Height: 7' 0" Weight: 700 Age: 4 A product of Ultratech's DNA manipulation project. By mixing human and reptilian genes, they hope to cross intelligence and ferocity in a lethal fighting machine. Moves: Fireball :HCB, Punch Fireball (air) :HCB, Punch Fast Fireball :HCB, 1 (only after a combo to bounce) Low Flame :F, D, D&B, 3 Charge :B, F, Punch Leaping Claw :B, F, Kick, or F, B, (4 or 5) Tail Flip :F, D, D&B, Kick Tail Flip (air) :F, D, D&B, 6 Uppercut Slash :F, D, D&B, 1 Blue Fireball :(H)2, HCB,(R)2 (When powered up) C- c- c- combo Breaker! :B, F + kick Air Juggle :Fast Fireball Air Combo :Jump, F6, B5, Fast Fireball Ultimate :HCT, 1 Humiliation :D, D, F, F, 3 Chowdown No Mercy :B,D,F,2 Acid No Mercy :B,B,B,5 Tail Impale No Mercy:F,F,B,6 (Just outside striking distance) Ultra (+16 +1 hits) :Leaping Claw 4 Combos: Jump 3 (1)───┐ ┌─Tail Flip 5 (+3) ┌─6(+2) T.Flip4(2)─┐ │ ├─Tail Flip 4 (+2)─┬─┴─5(+3) Charge3(1)─┼─┼─5(+3)─┐ │ └┬──────┐ Charge2(1)─┘┌┘ │ │ ┌┘ │ ├┬─6(+2)─┤ ┌─Low Flame(+1) ├─Tail Flip 6(+2)──┴─2(+2) │ Jump 2 (1)──┘│ │ ├───────────────┴────────────┐ ┌──<───<──┘ #────┤ │ │ ┌─* │ │ ┌─┘ │ │ ┌─LeapClaw4(+2)┬─1(+1)─┤ ├─<─┘ Fast Fireball(+1) L.Claw4(2)─┴─┬─1(+3)─┤ │ │ └┐ └┐ │ │ Jump 4 (1)─┬─┤ ├─┼─┼───────────────┴┬──────┴┬─┼─Fireball 3(+4)─────┤ @───┘┌┘ │ │ │ ┌┘ │ │ │ L.Claw 5(2)─┴┬─3(+3)─┤ │ └─LeapClaw5(+2)─┼─3(+3) ┌┘ ├─Leaping Claw 6(+3)─┤ TFlip 5(2)───┤ │ │ └─1(+1) │ ├─Leaping Claw 5(+2)─┤ Jump 5 (1)───┤ │ │ │ ├─Charge (any) (+1)──┤ ┌─┘ │ │ ┌─6(+2) │ ├─Uppercut Slash(+4)─┤ Charge1(1)─┴─┬─2(+2)─┤ │ ┌─Charge3(+1)─┼─5(+3) │ ╟─HCT1(Ultimate) │ Jump 6 (1)───┤ │ │ │ └─┐ │ ╙─B,F4(+16ultra)─────┘ TFlip 6 (2)──┴──@ │ └─┤ ┌─┴───────┤ │ ├─Charge1(+1)─┴──3(+1) │ OHS (1)────┬──# │ └─Charge2(+1)──┬─2(+1) │ Jump 1 (1)─┴───4(+3)─┘ ├─5(+3) │ ├─1(+3) │ *_Tail Flip (any) (+2) └────────┘ Combos: Quickest: (Charge 2 or 3) or (Leaping Claw 4), Uppercut Slash, Fast Fireball Charge 2 or 3, 5, Fireball 3, Fast Fireball Longest: 14 hits:Charge 2 or 3, 5, Rv.LClaw 4, 1, (Fireball 3) or (UpperSlash), Fast Fireball 28/30 ultra:Charge 2 or 3, 5 Rv.LClaw 4, 1, B, F4, Fast Fireball. Words from the Master: Riptor's pretty fun to play, and pretty well balanced. His air defense is a little weak, his slash is a little hard to aim, and his Leaping Claw needs a little room to get going, but who cares, he looks cool. His reverse Leaping Claw is really useful, as it lets you continually advance through an onslaught of projectiles. If you want to play someone who will make you look like you really know what you're doing, learn Riptor. He has (I think) the most combos of anyone in the game. ***************************************************************************** ***************************** Eyedol *************************************** ***************************************************************************** Play As Eyedol: Two different ways... depends on the version you're playing... Method 1: (For some arcade machines) Pick Riptor and hold 1,2,4 and left till the VS screen pops up, then hold right and 2,3,6 and the announcer dude will say "Eyedol!" Method 2: (For SNES and some arcade machines) Pick Cinder. On the Vs. screen, hold right and push 1, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, and you'll hear Eyedol. Known Moves: Note: You don't need to charge his stuff, just BF button. Fireball :HCT, punch Triple Fireball :Hoof Stomp, then HCT, punch Headbutt Charge :BF1 Fast Headbutt :Hoof Stomp, then F1 Transition move :B1 = stops charge Club Swing :BF2 Golf Club Swing :BF3 Hoof Stomp :B2 (Player can't regain energy) Transition move :2 = stops stomping ---On the SNES version, all Eyedol's jumps are the same, a leap with a ground pound after. These jump moves were sucked off another FAQ. I've never played Eyedol in the arcade, so I can't confirm these. All his jumps will go through ANY projectile. Forward Jump Smash :BF4 Straight Up Jump Smash :BF5 Backward Jump Smash :BF6 C- c- c- combo Breaker! :BF + punch Air juggle move :Headbutt Charge Charge(1)──3 (+3)──┐ │ ┌───Charge(1)─┬─3 (+3)─┐ ┌─Fireball (any) (+1) Jump (1)─┬─6 (+3)──┼──┴─────────────┴────────┴───┴─Charge (+1) └─1 (+2)──┘ Words from the Master: There's really not all that much to say about Eyedol... What few combos he does have are blindingly fast, making them hard to break, but as you can see, he doesn't have much in the way of choices. Once he jumps, you can't hit him with a projectile, but he can't attack till he hits the ground, making him a grand target for a simple jump kick. *************************Miscelleneous Other Stuff************************ Endings: You want to know all the endings? You know all the combos, so go find 'em out for yourself... My Wish List for Future Installments of Killer Instinct This is just some stuff I think would be cool for the next game... of course, not all of it's serious, but it'd make the next game pretty funny if they put it in there... 1) Don't take anyone out! The more the merrier I say... (well, maybe Eyedol, unless...) 2) Make Eyedol better as a player... Give him Fatali... er, no mercies and humiliations, Ultra and Ultimate, etc... and something besides 3 combos. 3) Give each character more charge moves, i.e., more ways to start a combo... Look at Orchid, she's got three, but poor Jago and Cinder and Thunder etc... At least one more power move each... 4) Custom Fatalities: No mercies that would either work only against a certain character, like each person could crush Glacius into ice cubes and stick some in a drink and sip it down, or one that everyone can do only to T.J. They lift him over their head and do a back breaker on him, and the announcer yells C- c- c- combo Breaker! Or put in No Mercies that would only work if a certain character did it to a certain other character, like Sabrewolf sniffs at Spinal, and then either bites out his legbone and gnaws at it, leaving Spinal to crumple into a pile of bones, or he digs a hole and buries him. Or make Spinal a hidden character... Each person would have a fatality where they tear off their opponents skin, and, viola! There's Spinal, ready to fight! 5) Make Cinder a little less of a wuss. That Flame-thrower move of his is just an invitation to get slain. Even if it hits, it can still be countered. 6) Make Chief Thunder a lot less of a wuss... He's only got 3 friggin' moves! 7) More obligatory female characters... Like maybe Chief Thunder's Queen, Squaw Lightning... heh heh heh. But seriously, I mean, why not have more ladies in the game? 8) Let me direct the movie! You probably think I'm kidding, don't you? (I don't want to start any roumors flying, so I'll say right now that as far as I know, there is no movie in the works, but if they do make one, they really, really need to come to me :) 9) Keep the throws out of the game! It would be kind of neat to have a wrestler character in the game, and to have some of his combos end with a suplex or something, but otherwise, just say no to throws. 10) Have an endurance match where everyone you don't perform a death move on comes back to haunt you... (or something like that) 11) Leave in the 80 hit combos. I understand taking them out so people can't kill each other with two combos, but they're fun to do... Maybe make it so you can do them only after either of their health bars are depleted, so you don't win unfairly. 12) Fix Eyedol's friggin neck! When he looks up, there's no throat, just a slab of meat. 13) When Orchid and any other female characters they add get an 11 hit combo, the announcer should yell QUEEN COMBO! 14) Put more intermediate combos moves in, like Jago's only option after a power move and a chain button is either to end the combo or use his Sword Swipe... It'd be nice if there were more options besides just the Sword Swipe... 15) Have a variable storyline. Since Cinder's objective in the tournament is to defeat Glacius, whenever you play Cinder, Glacius should be the boss, just speed up his movement and attacks and maybe give each character a boss move that only the computer can pull when that character is at the top of the totem pole. 16) Put in taunts and poses. Sure, they do nothing, but they're fun. My Rating of Killer Instinct for the SNES: out of 5 Music :4.5 (good quality, but none of it made me want to kill...) Graphics :4.5 Backgrounds :4 Animation :4.9 Sound :2.5 (They really should have cut something out to make room for better sound) Overall :One of the best games I own for the SNES. 4.75 Credits: David Barrack (Me) :iw57@jove.acs.unt.edu and all the people who directly or indirectly taught me how to play the game in the first place: Chris Suh :I basically learned the whole combo system from Chris's excellent ki_glac.txt FAQ, available at ftp.netcom.com /pub/vi/vidgames/faqs. If anyone is having trouble with the combo system, Chris lays it out in the long form. Bbob :Who sparred against me and basically taught me Saberwolf. Brian L. Smolik :floyd@ripco.com (Wrote KInst5_4.FAQ available at ftp.netcom.com /pub/vi/vidgames/faqs) Chris Nyman & Matt Marini (Have a WWW page with a really good FAQ) :(Can't recall the web addy, but their Emails are subzero@peter.atw.fullfeed.com, and matt_marini@Fastnet.co.uk) (I think) And basically all the guys at the arcade who got me going, but whose names I never found out.... BTW: This FAQ and it's predecessors contents are copyrighted to me. So don't use it without giving credit. I don't mind if you add it to an archive, but let me know you're doing it, so I can tell people where they can find it. No animals were harmed during the making of this FAQ, and any similarities to other FAQs, living or dead, is purely coincidental. So there.