changeset 46:5481eff2aefc draft

Added code to deal with the available bug actions Splitted the bug functions into a new file Modified the template for confirmation messages
author marga
date Sat, 25 Aug 2007 21:53:19 +0000
parents 3491bd2c4c3d
children 900950c327aa
files bts_webui/amancay/ bts_webui/amancay/templates/activate_comment.txt bts_webui/amancay/ bts_webui/amancay/
diffstat 4 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bts_webui/amancay/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+import datetime
+# Needed to get_template, prepare context and output Response
+from django.template import Context, loader
+from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
+# Shortcut for rendering a response
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
+# Model clases
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from bts_webui.amancay.models import Pending_Messages
+# Needed for AJAX
+from django.utils import simplejson 
+# Needed for SOAP
+from bts_queries import soap_queries
+# Needed for sending emails
+from django.core.mail import send_mail
+from smtplib import SMTPRecipientsRefused
+# The bug page uses regular expresions to parse the log
+import re
+# The bug page uses rfc822 to parse emails, dates, etc.
+import email
+import email.Utils
+import email.Header
+def bug(request, bug_number):
+	# Process post
+	info = process_bug_post(request, bug_number)
+	user = request.user
+	queries = soap_queries()
+	bug_status = queries.get_bugs_status(bug_number)[0]
+	bug_originator = email.Utils.parseaddr(bug_status["originator"])
+	bug_log = queries.get_bug_log(bug_number)
+	# Regular expressions to parse the mails
+	from_re = re.compile('^From: ?(.+)$', re.MULTILINE)
+	subject_re = re.compile('^Subject: ?(.+)$', re.MULTILINE)
+	date_re = re.compile('^Date: ?(.+)$', re.MULTILINE)
+	bug_messages = []
+	for item in bug_log:
+		message = {}
+		# Parse the header
+		from_value = from_re.findall(item["header"])
+		subject_value = subject_re.findall(item["header"])
+		date_value = date_re.findall(item["header"])
+		# Filter the values
+		if (len(from_value) > 0):
+			e_from = email.Utils.parseaddr(from_value[0])
+			d_from = email.Header.decode_header(e_from[0])
+			if (d_from[0][1] != None):
+				message["from"] = [d_from[0][0].decode(d_from[0][1]), e_from[1]]
+			else:
+				message["from"] = [e_from[0], e_from[1]]
+			if (message["from"][0] == "" and message["from"][1] != ""):
+				message["from"][0] = message["from"][1]
+		if (len(subject_value) > 0):
+			message["subject"] = subject_value[0]
+		if (len(date_value) > 0):
+			message["date"] = email.Utils.mktime_tz(email.Utils.parsedate_tz(
+			                                         date_value[0]))
+		# Get the body
+		message["body"] = ""
+		content = item["header"] + "\n" + item["body"]
+		content = email.message_from_string(content)
+		if (content.is_multipart()):
+			for part in content.walk():
+				if (part.get_content_maintype() == "multipart"):
+					continue
+				if (part["content-disposition"] and 
+				    part["content-disposition"][:10] == "attachment"):
+					message["body"] += "[attach: %s]" % part.get_filename()
+				else:
+					message["body"] += part.get_payload(decode=1) + "\n"
+		else:
+			message["body"] = content.get_payload(decode=1)
+		bug_messages.append(message)
+	return render_to_response('bug.html', 
+	                          {'bug_number': bug_number,
+							   'info_to_user': info,
+							   'bug_originator': bug_originator,
+							   'bug_status': bug_status,
+	                           'bug_messages': bug_messages,
+	                           'current_user': user}
+	                         )
+# Function to process the different forms that are there.
+def process_bug_post(request, bug_number):
+	if (request.POST.has_key("subject") or request.POST.has_key("comment")):
+		return add_comment(request, bug_number)
+	elif (request.POST.has_key("reassign_to")):
+		return reassign(request, bug_number)
+	elif (request.POST.has_key("retitle_to")):
+		return retitle(request, bug_number)
+	elif (request.POST.has_key("close_version")):
+		return close(request, bug_number)
+	elif (request.POST.has_key("severity")):
+		return severity(request, bug_number)
+	else:
+		return None
+def add_comment(request, bug_number):
+	user = request.user
+	subject = request.POST.get("subject")
+	comment = request.POST.get("comment")
+	if (subject and comment):
+		to_address = ["" % bug_number]
+		# If the user is registered, we send the mail.  If not, we store it, and
+		# validate the email
+		return handle_email(request, to_address, subject, comment)
+	else:
+		return "You need to enter both the subject and the comment"
+def reassign(request, bug_number):
+	user = request.user
+	package = request.POST.get("reassign_to")
+	version = request.POST.get("reassign_version")
+	comment = request.POST.get("reassign_comment")
+	if (package):
+		to_address = ["", 
+		              "" % bug_number ]
+		text = "reassign %s %s" % (bug_number, package)
+		if (version):
+			text += " %s" % version
+		text += "\nthanks\n\n"
+		if (comment):
+			text += comment
+		subject = "Reassigning Debian Bug #%s to Package %s" % (bug_number, package)
+		return handle_email(request, to_address, subject, text)
+	else:
+		return None
+def retitle (request, bug_number):
+	new_title = request.POST.get("retitle_to")
+	comment = request.POST.get("retitle_comment")
+	if (new_title):
+		to_address = ["", 
+		              "" % bug_number ]
+		text = "retitle %s %s" % (bug_number, new_title)
+		text += "\nthanks\n\n"
+		if (comment):
+			text += comment
+		subject = "Retitling Debian Bug #%s " % bug_number
+		return handle_email(request, to_address, subject, text)
+	else:
+		return None
+def close (request, bug_number):
+	version = request.POST.get("close_version")
+	comment = request.POST.get("close_comment")
+	if (version):
+		to_address = ["" % bug_number ]
+		text = "Version: %s\n\n" % version
+		if (comment):
+			text += comment
+		subject = "Closing Debian Bug #%s " % bug_number
+		return handle_email(request, to_address, subject, text)
+	else:
+		return None
+def severity (request, bug_number):
+	new_severity = request.POST.get("severity")
+	comment = request.POST.get("severity_comment")
+	if (new_severity):
+		to_address = ["", 
+		              "" % bug_number ]
+		text = "severity %s %s" % (bug_number, new_severity)
+		text += "\nthanks\n\n"
+		if (comment):
+			text += comment
+		subject = "Changing Debian Bug #%s's severity to %s " % (bug_number, new_severity)
+		return handle_email(request, to_address, subject, text)
+	else:
+		return None
+def handle_email(request, to_address, subject, text):
+	user = request.user
+	if (user.is_authenticated()):
+		send_mail(subject, text,, to_address)
+		return "Your comment has been successfully sent"
+	else:
+		from_address = request.POST.get("from_email")
+		pending_message(from_address, to_address, subject, text)
+		return "A mail has been sent to your address to validate it"
+def pending_message (from_address, to_address, subject, comment):
+	""" Create a pending message and send the activation email """
+	import random, sha
+	from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+	from django.conf import settings
+	# Store the email in the pending message db
+	salt =[:5]
+	activation_key =
+	# Fix the to_address if necessary
+	to_address = ",".join(to_address)
+	# Prepare the message to send to the user
+	message = Pending_Messages(from_address=from_address, 
+				to_address=to_address, 
+				subject=subject,
+				comment=comment, 
+				digest=activation_key)
+	message_template = loader.get_template('activate_comment.txt')
+	message_context = Context({ 'activation_key': activation_key,
+								'subject': subject,
+								'text': comment,
+								'to_address': to_address,
+								'from_address': from_address,
+								'site_url': Site.objects.get_current().domain
+								})
+	message = message_template.render(message_context)
+	# Send the email to the user
+	subject = "Activate the bug actions you prepared at Amancay"
+	send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [from_address])
+def activate_message(request, activation_key):
+	# Make sure the key we're trying conforms to the pattern of a
+	# SHA1 hash; if it doesn't, no point even trying to look it up
+	# in the DB.
+	if re.match('[a-f0-9]{40}', activation_key):
+		try:
+			message = Pending_Messages.objects.filter(digest=activation_key)[0]
+			to_address = message.to_address.split(",")
+			send_mail(message.subject, message.comment, message.from_address, message.to_address)
+			message.delete()
+			status = "Your message has now been successfully sent"
+		except SMTPRecipientsRefused:
+			status = "Invalid destination: %s." % message.to_address
+		except IndexError:
+			status = "Invalid activation key"
+	else:
+		status = "Malformed activation key"
+	return render_to_response('search.html', 
+	                          {'info_to_user': status,
+	                           'current_user': request.user}
+	                         )
--- a/bts_webui/amancay/templates/activate_comment.txt
+++ b/bts_webui/amancay/templates/activate_comment.txt
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-Someone, hopefully you, added a comment to a Debian bug in the Amancay Bug
-System, using this email address. If it was you, and you'd like that
-comment to be sent, click the link below or copy and paste it into your web
-browser's address bar: 
+Someone, hopefully you, modified a Debian bug in the Amancay Bug System
+using this email address. If it was you, and you'd like that comment to be
+sent, click the link below or copy and paste it into your web browser's
+address bar: 
-http://{{ site_url }}/activate_message/{{ activation_key }}/
+http://{{ site_url }}/send_message/{{ activation_key }}/
 If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't
-receive any more email from us.
+receive any more emails from us.
-This is the comment that was sent with your email address:
+This is the message that will be sent if you activate it:
-{{ subject }}
+From:    {{ from_address }}
+To:      {{ to_address }}
+Subject: {{ subject }}
-{{ comment }}
+{{ text }}
--- a/bts_webui/amancay/
+++ b/bts_webui/amancay/
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 	# Inside pages
 	(r'^package/(?P<package_name>\w+)', 'bts_webui.amancay.views.package',),
-	(r'^bug/(?P<bug_number>\d+)', 'bts_webui.amancay.views.bug',),
-	(r'^(?P<bug_number>\d+)/?$', 'bts_webui.amancay.views.bug',),
+	(r'^bug/(?P<bug_number>\d+)', 'bts_webui.amancay.bugs.bug',),
+	(r'^(?P<bug_number>\d+)/?$', 'bts_webui.amancay.bugs.bug',),
 	# Small pieces
 	(r'^add_package', 'bts_webui.amancay.views.add_package',),
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 	(r'^account_settings', 'bts_webui.amancay.views.account_settings',),
 	# Activate a pending message
-	(r'^activate_message/(?P<activation_key>\w+)/$', 'bts_webui.amancay.views.activate_message',),
+	(r'^send_message/(?P<activation_key>\w+)/$', 'bts_webui.amancay.bugs.activate_message',),
 	# MochiKit and other static pages
 	(r'^static/(.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root':
--- a/bts_webui/amancay/
+++ b/bts_webui/amancay/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # Model clases
 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from bts_webui.amancay.models import Package, Pending_Messages
+from bts_webui.amancay.models import Package
 # Needed for AJAX
 from django.utils import simplejson 
@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
 from tables import process_post, selected_bugs
 from search import search
-# Needed for sending emails
-from django.core.mail import send_mail
-from smtplib import SMTPRecipientsRefused
 # The index page doesn't really do much.
 def index(request):
 	item_list = process_post(request)
@@ -58,146 +54,4 @@
 		                           'current_user': user}
-# The bug page uses regular expresions to parse the log
-import re
-# The bug page uses rfc822 to parse emails, dates, etc.
-import email
-import email.Utils
-import email.Header
-def bug(request, bug_number):
-	# Process post
-	info = add_comment(request, bug_number)
-	user = request.user
-	queries = soap_queries()
-	bug_status = queries.get_bugs_status(bug_number)[0]
-	bug_originator = email.Utils.parseaddr(bug_status["originator"])
-	bug_log = queries.get_bug_log(bug_number)
-	# Regular expressions to parse the mails
-	from_re = re.compile('^From: ?(.+)$', re.MULTILINE)
-	subject_re = re.compile('^Subject: ?(.+)$', re.MULTILINE)
-	date_re = re.compile('^Date: ?(.+)$', re.MULTILINE)
-	bug_messages = []
-	for item in bug_log:
-		message = {}
-		# Parse the header
-		from_value = from_re.findall(item["header"])
-		subject_value = subject_re.findall(item["header"])
-		date_value = date_re.findall(item["header"])
-		# Filter the values
-		if (len(from_value) > 0):
-			e_from = email.Utils.parseaddr(from_value[0])
-			d_from = email.Header.decode_header(e_from[0])
-			if (d_from[0][1] != None):
-				message["from"] = [d_from[0][0].decode(d_from[0][1]), e_from[1]]
-			else:
-				message["from"] = [e_from[0], e_from[1]]
-			if (message["from"][0] == "" and message["from"][1] != ""):
-				message["from"][0] = message["from"][1]
-		if (len(subject_value) > 0):
-			message["subject"] = subject_value[0]
-		if (len(date_value) > 0):
-			message["date"] = email.Utils.mktime_tz(email.Utils.parsedate_tz(
-			                                         date_value[0]))
-		# Get the body
-		message["body"] = ""
-		content = item["header"] + "\n" + item["body"]
-		content = email.message_from_string(content)
-		if (content.is_multipart()):
-			for part in content.walk():
-				if (part.get_content_maintype() == "multipart"):
-					continue
-				if (part["content-disposition"] and 
-				    part["content-disposition"][:10] == "attachment"):
-					message["body"] += "[attach: %s]" % part.get_filename()
-				else:
-					message["body"] += part.get_payload(decode=1) + "\n"
-		else:
-			message["body"] = content.get_payload(decode=1)
-		bug_messages.append(message)
-	return render_to_response('bug.html', 
-	                          {'bug_number': bug_number,
-							   'info_to_user': info,
-							   'bug_originator': bug_originator,
-							   'bug_status': bug_status,
-	                           'bug_messages': bug_messages,
-	                           'current_user': user}
-	                         )
-# Function to add a comment to bug
-def add_comment(request, bug_number):
-	user = request.user
-	subject = request.POST.get("subject")
-	comment = request.POST.get("comment")
-	if (subject and comment):
-		to_address = "" % bug_number
-		#to_address = "" % bug_number
-		# If the user is registered, we send the mail.  If not, we store it, and
-		# validate the email
-		if (user.is_authenticated()):
-			send_mail(subject, comment,, [to_address])
-			return "Your comment has been successfully sent"
-		else:
-			import random, sha
-			from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
-			from django.conf import settings
-			# Store the email in the pending message db
-			from_address = request.POST.get("from_email")
-			salt =[:5]
-			activation_key =
-			# Prepare the message to send to the user
-			message = Pending_Messages(from_address=from_address, 
-						to_address=to_address, 
-						subject=subject,
-						comment=comment, 
-						digest=activation_key)
-			message_template = loader.get_template('activate_comment.txt')
-			message_context = Context({ 'activation_key': activation_key,
-			                            'subject': subject,
-										'comment': comment,
-										'site_url': Site.objects.get_current().domain
-										})
-			message = message_template.render(message_context)
-			# Send the email to the user
-			subject = "Activate the comment you prepared at Amancay"
-			send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [from_address])
-			return "A mail has been sent to your address to validate it"
-	else:
-		if (subject or comment):
-			return "You need to enter both the subject and the comment"
-		else:
-			return None
-def activate_message(request, activation_key):
-	# Make sure the key we're trying conforms to the pattern of a
-	# SHA1 hash; if it doesn't, no point even trying to look it up
-	# in the DB.
-	if re.match('[a-f0-9]{40}', activation_key):
-		try:
-			message = Pending_Messages.objects.filter(digest=activation_key)[0]
-			send_mail(message.subject, message.comment, message.from_address, [message.to_address])
-			message.delete()
-			status = "Your message has now been successfully sent"
-		except SMTPRecipientsRefused:
-			status = "Invalid destination: %s." % message.to_address
-		except IndexError:
-			status = "Invalid activation key"
-	else:
-		status = "Malformed activation key"
-	return render_to_response('search.html', 
-	                          {'info_to_user': status,
-	                           'current_user': request.user}
-	                         )