changeset 16933:e39f00a32dc7

maint: Use parentheses around condition for switch(),while(),if() statements. * libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/octave-value/, liboctave/array/, scripts/image/rgb2ind.m, scripts/io/importdata.m, scripts/io/strread.m, scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m, scripts/optimization/sqp.m, scripts/plot/graphics_toolkit.m, scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m, scripts/plot/legend.m, scripts/plot/print.m, scripts/plot/printd.m, scripts/plot/private/__contour__.m, scripts/plot/private/__go_draw_axes__.m, scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m, scripts/polynomial/polyeig.m, scripts/sparse/bicg.m, scripts/specfun/ellipke.m, scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m, scripts/ui/errordlg.m, scripts/ui/helpdlg.m, scripts/ui/inputdlg.m, scripts/ui/listdlg.m, scripts/ui/questdlg.m, scripts/ui/warndlg.m: Use parentheses around condition for switch(),while(),if() statements.
author Rik <>
date Tue, 09 Jul 2013 14:04:05 -0700
parents c55df4e5e216
children 48f5b993b819
files libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/octave-value/ liboctave/array/ scripts/image/rgb2ind.m scripts/io/importdata.m scripts/io/strread.m scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m scripts/optimization/sqp.m scripts/plot/graphics_toolkit.m scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m scripts/plot/legend.m scripts/plot/print.m scripts/plot/printd.m scripts/plot/private/__contour__.m scripts/plot/private/__go_draw_axes__.m scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m scripts/polynomial/polyeig.m scripts/sparse/bicg.m scripts/specfun/ellipke.m scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m scripts/ui/errordlg.m scripts/ui/helpdlg.m scripts/ui/inputdlg.m scripts/ui/listdlg.m scripts/ui/questdlg.m scripts/ui/warndlg.m
diffstat 26 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
 %! if (mkdir (tmpdir))
 %!   cwd = pwd;
 %!   cd (tmpdir);
-%!   if strcmp (canonicalize_file_name (pwd), canonicalize_file_name (tmpdir))
+%!   if (strcmp (canonicalize_file_name (pwd), canonicalize_file_name (tmpdir)))
 %!     a = 0;
 %!     for n = 1:5
 %!       save (filename{n}, "a");
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/
@@ -1329,14 +1329,14 @@
 %!function fcn_handle_save_recurse (n, mode, nm, f2, g2, hm2, hdld2, hbi2)
-%!  if n == 0
+%!  if (n == 0)
 %!    save (mode, nm, "f2", "g2", "hm2", "hdld2", "hbi2");
 %!  else
 %!    fcn_handle_save_recurse (n - 1, mode, nm, f2, g2, hm2, hdld2, hbi2);
 %!  endif
 %!function [f2, g2, hm2, hdld2, hbi2] = fcn_handle_load_recurse (n, nm)
-%!  if n == 0
+%!  if (n == 0)
 %!    load (nm)
 %!  else
 %!    [f2, g2, hm2, hdld2, hbi2] = fcn_handle_load_recurse (n - 1, nm);
--- a/liboctave/array/
+++ b/liboctave/array/
@@ -2623,7 +2623,7 @@
 %!function x = set_slice (x, dim, slice, arg)
-%!  switch dim
+%!  switch (dim)
 %!    case 11
 %!      x(slice) = 2;
 %!    case 21
@@ -2636,7 +2636,7 @@
 %!function x = set_slice2 (x, dim, slice)
-%!  switch dim
+%!  switch (dim)
 %!    case 11
 %!      x(slice) = 2 * ones (size (slice));
 %!    case 21
--- a/scripts/image/rgb2ind.m
+++ b/scripts/image/rgb2ind.m
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     ## Test for dither_option, by checking if the final input is a string
-    if ischar (varargin{end})
+    if (ischar (varargin{end}))
       dither_option = varargin{end};
       dither_check  = true;
@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@
     ## If image is an ND array, convert it to a tiled 2D image
     ## before processing it with Graphicsmagick
-    if numel (sz)>3
+    if (numel (sz) > 3)
      rgb = reshape (rgb, [prod(sz(1:end-2)), sz(end-1), 3]);
     ## Prepare the Graphicsmagick dithering option
-    if strcmp (dither_option, "nodither")
+    if (strcmp (dither_option, "nodither"))
       ditherstr = "+dither";
-    elseif strcmp (dither_option, "dither")
+    elseif (strcmp (dither_option, "dither"))
       ditherstr = "-dither";
--- a/scripts/io/importdata.m
+++ b/scripts/io/importdata.m
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
   ## Make sure file extension is in lower case.
   fileExt = lower (fileExt);
-  switch fileExt
+  switch (fileExt)
     case {".au", ".snd"}
       error ("importdata: not implemented for file format %s", fileExt);
     case ".avi"
--- a/scripts/io/strread.m
+++ b/scripts/io/strread.m
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
       iwrd = 1; iwrdp = 0; iwrdl = length (words{1});
       fwptr = zeros (1, numel (fmt_words));
       ii = 1;
-      while ii <= numel (fmt_words)
+      while (ii <= numel (fmt_words))
         nxt_wrd = 0;
         ## Keep track of which words nr. every fmt_words{} is (starts) in.
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
       ## Map to format
       ## FIXME - add support for formats like "<%s>", "%[a-zA-Z]"
       ##         Someone with regexp experience is needed.
-      switch fmt_words{m}(1:min (2, length (fmt_words{m})))
+      switch (fmt_words{m}(1:min (2, length (fmt_words{m}))))
         case "%s"
           if (pad_out)
             data(end+1:num_lines) = {""};
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
           ew = regexp (fmt_words{m}, '[nfudsq]') - 1;
           nfmt = ostrsplit (fmt_words{m}(2:ew), ".");
           swidth = str2double (nfmt{1});
-          switch fmt_words{m}(ew+1)
+          switch (fmt_words{m}(ew+1))
             case {"d", "u", "f", "n"}
               n = cellfun ("isempty", data);
               ### FIXME - erroneously formatted data lead to NaN, not an error
--- a/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
   iter(1).procedure = "initial";
   ## Handle the "Display" option
-  switch displ
+  switch (displ)
     case "iter"
       print_formatted_table (iter);
       print_exit_msg (info, struct("TolX", tolx, "fx", fval));
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
 ## Print either a success termination message or bad news
 function print_exit_msg (info, opt=struct())
   printf ("");
-  switch info
+  switch (info)
     case 1
       printf ("Optimization terminated:\n");
       printf (" the current x satisfies the termination criteria using OPTIONS.TolX of %e\n", opt.TolX);
--- a/scripts/optimization/sqp.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/sqp.m
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
       ## constraint inequality function only without any bounds
       ci_grd = @ (x) fd_ci_jac (x, globals.cifcn);
       if (iscell (cif))
-        switch length (cif)
+        switch (length (cif))
          case {1}
            ci_fun = cif{1};
          case {2}
--- a/scripts/plot/graphics_toolkit.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/graphics_toolkit.m
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 %!testif HAVE_FLTK
 %! old_toolkit = graphics_toolkit ();
-%! switch old_toolkit
+%! switch (old_toolkit)
 %!   case {"gnuplot"}
 %!     new_toolkit = "fltk";
 %!   otherwise
--- a/scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   nflds = length (fields);
   ii = 0;
-  while nflds
+  while (nflds)
     prop = fields{nflds};
     val = obj.(fields{nflds});
--- a/scripts/plot/legend.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/legend.m
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
       outerposition = get (h, "unmodified_axes_outerposition");
       units = get (hax, "units");
       set (hax, "units", "points");
-      switch get (hax, "activepositionproperty")
+      switch (get (hax, "activepositionproperty"))
       case "position"
         set (hax, "outerposition", outerposition);
         set (hax, "position", position);
--- a/scripts/plot/print.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/print.m
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
       if (opts.tight_flag)
         cmd = "--copy --bbox";
       elseif (! isempty (opts.preview))
-        switch opts.preview
+        switch (opts.preview)
         case "tiff"
           cmd = sprintf ("--add-%s-preview --device tiffg3", opts.preview);
         case {"tiff6u", "tiff6p", "metafile"}
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ =;
   latexfile = strcat (, ".tex");
-  switch opts.devopt
+  switch (opts.devopt)
   case {"pdflatexstandalone"}
     packages = "\\usepackage{graphicx,color}";
     graphicsfile = strcat (, "-inc.pdf");
--- a/scripts/plot/printd.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/printd.m
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   ## It seems best to only use convert for image output.  Its ps and pdf
   ## are badly rendered.
   opt = lower (opt);
-  switch opt
+  switch (opt)
     case {"pdf"}
       enscr = sprintf (
                        "enscript --no-header -o %s ; ps2pdf %s.pdf; mv %s.pdf %s;exit",...
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__contour__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__contour__.m
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
     delete (get (h, "children"));
-    switch prop
+    switch (prop)
     case "levellist"
       set (h, "levellistmode", "manual")
     case "levelstep"
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__go_draw_axes__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__go_draw_axes__.m
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
             num_lines = numel (obj.string);
-          switch valign
+          switch (valign)
             ## Text offset in characters. This relies on gnuplot for font metrics.
             case "top"
               dy = -0.5;
--- a/scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
     xudata =;
     udata =;
-    switch form
+    switch (form)
       case "xerr"
         h = errorbar (xdata, ydata, xldata, xudata, ">");
       case "yerr"
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyeig.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyeig.m
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
   n = zeros (1, nin);
   for cnt = 1 : nin
-    if ! ( issquare (varargin{cnt}) )
+    if (! issquare (varargin{cnt}))
        error ("polyeig: coefficients must be square matrices");
     n(cnt) = size (varargin{cnt}, 1);
-  if numel (unique (n)) > 1
+  if (numel (unique (n)) > 1)
        error ("polyeig: coefficients must have the same dimensions");
   n = unique (n);
--- a/scripts/sparse/bicg.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/bicg.m
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 %! assert (x, ones (size (b)), 1e-7);
 %!function y = afun (x, t, a)
-%!  switch t
+%!  switch (t)
 %!   case "notransp"
 %!     y = a * x;
 %!   case "transp"
--- a/scripts/specfun/ellipke.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/ellipke.m
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
   k = e = zeros (size (m));
   m = m(:);
-  if any (!isreal (m))
+  if (any (!isreal (m)))
     error ("ellipke must have real m");
-  if any (m > 1)
+  if (any (m > 1))
     error ("ellipke must have m <= 1");
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 %!          1.1047747327040733261;
 %!          1.0159935450252239356;
 %!          1.0 ];
-%! if k(7)==Inf, k(7)=0; endif;
+%! if (k(7)==Inf), k(7)=0; endif;
 %! assert (k, k_exp, 8*eps);
 %! assert (e, e_exp, 8*eps);
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@
   x = x(:);
   y = y(:);
-  ##  On next line, z = x'; A = z(ones(n,1),:) would be more efficient.
+  ##  FIXME: On next line, z = x'; A = z(ones(n,1),:) would be more efficient.
   A = ones (n, 1) * x';
   for j = 2:n
     A(1:j-1,j) = y(1:j-1);
@@ -1503,16 +1503,16 @@
   if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
     error ("gallery: 1 to 2 arguments are required for lauchli matrix.");
   elseif (! isnumeric (n) || ! isscalar (n) || fix (n) != n)
-    error("gallery: N must be an integer for lauchli matrix.")
+    error ("gallery: N must be an integer for lauchli matrix.")
   elseif (! isscalar (mu))
-    error("gallery: MU must be a scalar for lauchli matrix.")
+    error ("gallery: MU must be a scalar for lauchli matrix.")
-  A = (1:n)'*ones(1,n);
-  A = abs(A - A');
+  A = (1:n)'*ones (1,n);
+  A = abs (A - A');
   A = rho .^ A;
-  if imag(rho)
-    A = conj(tril(A,-1)) + triu(A);
+  if (imag (rho))
+    A = conj (tril (A,-1)) + triu (A);
@@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@
   a(1)   = 2*w;
   a(2:n) = sin (2*pi*w*(1:n-1)) ./ (pi*(1:n-1));
-  A = toeplitz(a);
+  A = toeplitz (a);
 function H = randhess (x)
@@ -2252,8 +2252,8 @@
     error ("gallery: K must be a numeric scalar for smoke matrix.");
-  w = exp(2*pi*i/n);
-  A = diag( [w.^(1:n-1) 1] ) + diag(ones(n-1,1),1);
+  w = exp (2*pi*i/n);
+  A = diag ( [w.^(1:n-1) 1] ) + diag (ones (n-1,1), 1);
   switch (k)
     case (0), A(n,1) = 1;
--- a/scripts/ui/errordlg.m
+++ b/scripts/ui/errordlg.m
@@ -40,10 +40,11 @@
-%!  disp('- test errordlg with prompt only.');
-%!  errordlg('Oops, an expected error occured');
-%!  disp('- test errordlg with prompt and caption.');
-%!  errordlg('Oops another error','This is a very long and informative caption');
+%! disp ('- test errordlg with prompt only.');
+%! errordlg ('Oops, an expected error occured');
+%! disp ('- test errordlg with prompt and caption.');
+%! errordlg ('Oops another error','This is a very long and informative caption');
--- a/scripts/ui/helpdlg.m
+++ b/scripts/ui/helpdlg.m
@@ -40,10 +40,12 @@
-%!  disp('- test helpdlg with a help message only.');
-%!  helpdlg("Below, you should see 3 lines:\nline #1\nline #2, and\nline #3.");
-%!  disp('- test helpdlg with help message and caption.');
-%!  helpdlg('You should see a single line.','A help dialog');
+%! disp ('- test helpdlg with a help message only.');
+%! helpdlg ("Below, you should see 3 lines:\nline #1\nline #2, and\nline #3.");
+%! disp ('- test helpdlg with help message and caption.');
+%! helpdlg ('You should see a single line.','A help dialog');
--- a/scripts/ui/inputdlg.m
+++ b/scripts/ui/inputdlg.m
@@ -142,64 +142,66 @@
-%!  disp('- test inputdlg with prompt and caption only.');
-%!  prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
-%!  dims = inputdlg ( prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions' );
-%!  if isempty(dims)
-%!     helpdlg('Canceled by user', 'Information');
-%!  else
-%!     volume  = str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3});
-%!     surface = 2 * (str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{3}));
-%!     helpdlg(sprintf('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
-%!  end
-%!  disp('- test inputdlg with prescribed scalar (2 lines per text field) and defaults.');
-%!  prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
-%!  default = {'1.1','2.2','3.3'};
-%!  rc = 2;
-%!  dims = inputdlg ( prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions',rc,default );
-%!  if isempty(dims)
-%!     helpdlg('Canceled by user', 'Information');
-%!  else
-%!     volume  = str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3});
-%!     surface = 2 * (str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{3}));
-%!     helpdlg(sprintf('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
-%!  end
+%! disp ('- test inputdlg with prompt and caption only.');
+%! prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
+%! dims = inputdlg (prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions');
+%! if (isempty (dims))
+%!   helpdlg ('Canceled by user', 'Information');
+%! else
+%!   volume  = str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3});
+%!   surface = 2 * (str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{3}));
+%!   helpdlg (sprintf ('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
+%! end
+%! disp ('- test inputdlg with prescribed scalar (2 lines per text field) and defaults.');
+%! prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
+%! default = {'1.1','2.2','3.3'};
+%! rc = 2;
+%! dims = inputdlg (prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions',rc,default);
+%! if (isempty (dims))
+%!   helpdlg ('Canceled by user', 'Information');
+%! else
+%!   volume  = str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3});
+%!   surface = 2 * (str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{3}));
+%!    helpdlg (sprintf ('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
+%! end
-%!  disp('- test inputdlg with prescribed vector [1,2,3] for # of lines per text field and defaults.');
-%!  prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
-%!  default = {'1.10', '2.10', '3.10'};
-%!  rc = [1,2,3];  % NOTE: must be an array
-%!  dims = inputdlg ( prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions',rc,default );
-%!  if isempty(dims)
-%!     helpdlg('Canceled by user', 'Information');
-%!  else
-%!     volume  = str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3});
-%!     surface = 2 * (str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{3}));
-%!     helpdlg(sprintf('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
-%!  end
+%! disp ('- test inputdlg with prescribed vector [1,2,3] for # of lines per text field and defaults.');
+%! prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
+%! default = {'1.10', '2.10', '3.10'};
+%! rc = [1,2,3];  % NOTE: must be an array
+%! dims = inputdlg (prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions',rc,default);
+%! if (isempty (dims))
+%!   helpdlg ('Canceled by user', 'Information');
+%! else
+%!   volume  = str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3});
+%!   surface = 2 * (str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{3}));
+%!   helpdlg (sprintf ('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
+%! end
-%!  disp('- test inputdlg with prescribed row by column sizes and defaults.');
-%!  prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
-%!  default = {'1.10', '2.20', '3.30'};
-%!  rc = [1,10; 2,20; 3,30];  % NOTE: must be an array
-%!  dims = inputdlg ( prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions',rc,default );
-%!  if isempty(dims)
-%!     helpdlg('Canceled by user', 'Information');
-%!  else
-%!     volume  = str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3});
-%!     surface = 2 * (str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{2}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{2}) * str2num(dims{3}) + ...
-%!                    str2num(dims{1}) * str2num(dims{3}));
-%!     helpdlg(sprintf('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
-%!  end
+%! disp ('- test inputdlg with prescribed row by column sizes and defaults.');
+%! prompt = {'Width','Height','Depth'};
+%! default = {'1.10', '2.20', '3.30'};
+%! rc = [1,10; 2,20; 3,30];  % NOTE: must be an array
+%! dims = inputdlg (prompt, 'Enter Box Dimensions',rc,default);
+%! if (isempty (dims))
+%!   helpdlg ('Canceled by user', 'Information');
+%! else
+%!   volume  = str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3});
+%!   surface = 2 * (str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{2}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{2}) * str2num (dims{3}) + ...
+%!                  str2num (dims{1}) * str2num (dims{3}));
+%!   helpdlg (sprintf ('Results:\nVolume = %.3f\nSurface = %.3f', volume, surface), 'Box Dimensions');
+%! end
--- a/scripts/ui/listdlg.m
+++ b/scripts/ui/listdlg.m
@@ -94,21 +94,21 @@
   ## handle key, value pairs
   for i = 1:2:nargin-1
-    if strcmp (varargin{i}, "ListString")
+    if (strcmp (varargin{i}, "ListString"))
       listcell = varargin{i+1};
-    elseif strcmp (varargin{i}, "SelectionMode")
+    elseif (strcmp (varargin{i}, "SelectionMode"))
       selmode = varargin{i+1};
-    elseif strcmp (varargin{i}, "ListSize")
+    elseif (strcmp (varargin{i}, "ListSize"))
       listsize = varargin{i+1};
-    elseif strcmp (varargin{i}, "InitialValue")
+    elseif (strcmp (varargin{i}, "InitialValue"))
       initialvalue = varargin{i+1};
-    elseif strcmp (varargin{i}, "Name")
+    elseif (strcmp (varargin{i}, "Name"))
       name = varargin{i+1};
-    elseif strcmp (varargin{i}, "PromptString")
+    elseif (strcmp (varargin{i}, "PromptString"))
       prompt = varargin{i+1};
-    elseif strcmp (varargin{i}, "OKString")
+    elseif (strcmp (varargin{i}, "OKString"))
       okstring = varargin{i+1};
-    elseif strcmp (varargin{i}, "CancelString")
+    elseif (strcmp (varargin{i}, "CancelString"))
       cancelstring = varargin{i+1};
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
     ## swap width and height to correct calling format for JDialogBox
     listsize = {num2str(listsize(2)), num2str(listsize(1))};
     initialvalue = arrayfun (@num2str, initialvalue, "UniformOutput", false);
-    if isempty(prompt)
+    if (isempty (prompt))
       prompt = {""};
@@ -158,35 +158,37 @@
-%!  disp('- test listdlg with selectionmode single. No caption, no prompt.');
-%!  itemlist = {'An item \\alpha', 'another', 'yet another'};
-%!  s = listdlg ( 'ListString',itemlist, 'SelectionMode','Single' );
-%!  imax = numel (s);
-%!  for i=1:1:imax
-%!     disp(['Selected: ',num2str(i),': ', itemlist{s(i)}]);
-%!  end
+%! disp ('- test listdlg with selectionmode single. No caption, no prompt.');
+%! itemlist = {'An item \\alpha', 'another', 'yet another'};
+%! s = listdlg ('ListString',itemlist, 'SelectionMode','Single');
+%! imax = numel (s);
+%! for i=1:1:imax
+%!   disp (['Selected: ',num2str (i),': ', itemlist{s (i)}]);
+%! end
-%!  disp('- test listdlg with selectionmode and preselection. Has caption and two lines prompt.');
-%!  itemlist = {'An item \\alpha', 'another', 'yet another'};
-%!  s = listdlg ( 'ListString',itemlist, ...
-%!                'SelectionMode','Multiple', ...
-%!                'Name','Selection Dialog', ...
-%!                'InitialValue',[1,2,3,4],
-%!                'PromptString',{'Select <b>an</b> item...', '...or <b>multiple</b> items'} );
-%!  imax = numel (s);
-%!  for i=1:1:imax
-%!     disp(['Selected: ',num2str(i),': ', itemlist{s(i)}]);
-%!  end
+%! disp ('- test listdlg with selectionmode and preselection. Has caption and two lines prompt.');
+%! itemlist = {'An item \\alpha', 'another', 'yet another'};
+%! s = listdlg ('ListString',itemlist, ...
+%!              'SelectionMode','Multiple', ...
+%!              'Name','Selection Dialog', ...
+%!              'InitialValue',[1,2,3,4],
+%!              'PromptString',{'Select <b>an</b> item...', '...or <b>multiple</b> items'} );
+%! imax = numel (s);
+%! for i=1:1:imax
+%!   disp (['Selected: ',num2str (i),': ', itemlist{s (i)}]);
+%! end
-%!  disp('- test listdlg with listsize.');
-%!  itemlist = {"Neutron","Electron","Quark","Proton","Neutrino"};
-%!  s = listdlg ( "ListString",itemlist,
-%!                "Name","Bits and Pieces",
-%!                "ListSize",[200 75] );
-%!  imax = numel (s);
-%!  for i=1:1:imax
-%!     disp(['Selected: ',num2str(i),': ', itemlist{s(i)}]);
-%!  end
+%! disp ('- test listdlg with listsize.');
+%! itemlist = {"Neutron","Electron","Quark","Proton","Neutrino"};
+%! s = listdlg ("ListString",itemlist,
+%!              "Name","Bits and Pieces",
+%!              "ListSize",[200 75] );
+%! imax = numel (s);
+%! for i=1:1:imax
+%!   disp (['Selected: ',num2str (i),': ', itemlist{s (i)}]);
+%! end
--- a/scripts/ui/questdlg.m
+++ b/scripts/ui/questdlg.m
@@ -120,55 +120,56 @@
-%!  disp('- test questdlg with two buttons');
-%!  a = questdlg('Would you like some free money?',...
+%! disp ('- test questdlg with two buttons');
+%! a = questdlg ('Would you like some free money?',...
 %!               '$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $',...
 %!               'No', 'Cancel', 'Cancel');
-%!  if strcmp (a, 'No')
-%!    msgbox('Suit yourself.', 'Message Box');
-%!  endif
+%! if (strcmp (a, 'No'))
+%!   msgbox ('Suit yourself.', 'Message Box');
+%! endif
-%!  disp('- test questdlg with message and title only.');
-%!  a = 'No';
-%!  c = 0;
-%!  while (strcmp(a, 'No') || !c)
-%!    a = questdlg('Close this Question Dialog?', 'Reductio Ad Absurdum');
-%!    if strcmp(a, 'Yes')
-%!      q = 'Are you sure?';
-%!      while (strcmp(a, 'Yes') && !c)
-%!        a = questdlg(q, 'Reductio Ad Absurdum');
-%!        word = ' really';
-%!        i = strfind(q, word);
-%!        if isempty( i )
-%!          i = strfind(q, ' sure');
-%!          q = [q '!'];
-%!        else
-%!          word = [word ','];
-%!        endif
-%!        q = [q(1:i-1) word q(i:end)];
-%!      endwhile
-%!    endif
-%!    if strcmp(a, 'Cancel')
-%!      warndlg('Answer "Yes" or "No".', 'Warning Dialog');
-%!      a = 'No';
-%!      c = 1;
-%!    endif
-%!  endwhile
-%!  msgbox('Whew!');
+%! disp ('- test questdlg with message and title only.');
+%! a = 'No';
+%! c = 0;
+%! while (strcmp (a, 'No') || !c)
+%!   a = questdlg ('Close this Question Dialog?', 'Reductio Ad Absurdum');
+%!   if (strcmp (a, 'Yes'))
+%!     q = 'Are you sure?';
+%!     while (strcmp (a, 'Yes') && !c)
+%!       a = questdlg (q, 'Reductio Ad Absurdum');
+%!       word = ' really';
+%!       i = strfind (q, word);
+%!       if (isempty (i))
+%!         i = strfind (q, ' sure');
+%!         q = [q '!'];
+%!       else
+%!         word = [word ','];
+%!       endif
+%!       q = [q(1:i-1) word q(i:end)];
+%!     endwhile
+%!   endif
+%!   if (strcmp (a, 'Cancel'))
+%!     warndlg ('Answer "Yes" or "No".', 'Warning Dialog');
+%!     a = 'No';
+%!     c = 1;
+%!   endif
+%! endwhile
+%! msgbox ('Whew!');
-%!  disp('- test questdlg with five inputs');
-%!  ans = questdlg('Are you ready Steve?', 'Brian', 'No', 'Uh huh', 'Uh huh');
-%!  if !strcmp (ans, 'No')
-%!    ans = questdlg ('Andy?', 'Brian', 'No', 'Yeah', 'Yeah');
-%!    if !strcmp (ans, 'No')
-%!      ans = questdlg ('Mick?', 'Brian', 'No', 'Okay', 'Okay');
-%!      if !strcmp (ans, 'No')
-%!        ans = msgbox ("Well all right, fellas.    \n\n     Let''s GO!!!!!",...
-%!                      'Ballroom Blitz', 'none');
-%!      endif
-%!    endif
-%!  endif
+%! disp ('- test questdlg with five inputs');
+%! ans = questdlg ('Are you ready Steve?', 'Brian', 'No', 'Uh huh', 'Uh huh');
+%! if (! strcmp (ans, 'No'))
+%!   ans = questdlg ('Andy?', 'Brian', 'No', 'Yeah', 'Yeah');
+%!   if (! strcmp (ans, 'No'))
+%!     ans = questdlg ('Mick?', 'Brian', 'No', 'Okay', 'Okay');
+%!     if (! strcmp (ans, 'No'))
+%!       ans = msgbox ("Well all right, fellas.    \n\n     Let''s GO!!!!!",...
+%!                     'Ballroom Blitz', 'none');
+%!     endif
+%!   endif
+%! endif
--- a/scripts/ui/warndlg.m
+++ b/scripts/ui/warndlg.m
@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@
-%!  disp('- test warndlg with prompt only.');
-%!  warndlg('Oh, a warning occured');
-%!  disp('- test warndlg with prompt and caption.');
-%!  warndlg('Oh, No...','This is the last Warning');
+%! disp ('- test warndlg with prompt only.');
+%! warndlg ('Oh, a warning occured');
+%! disp ('- test warndlg with prompt and caption.');
+%! warndlg ('Oh, No...','This is the last Warning');