changeset 14363:f3d52523cde1

Use Octave coding conventions in all m-file %!test blocks * wavread.m, acosd.m, acot.m, acotd.m, acoth.m, acsc.m, acscd.m, acsch.m, asec.m, asecd.m, asech.m, asind.m, atand.m, cosd.m, cot.m, cotd.m, coth.m, csc.m, cscd.m, csch.m, sec.m, secd.m, sech.m, sind.m, tand.m, accumarray.m, accumdim.m, bitcmp.m, bitget.m, bitset.m, blkdiag.m, cart2pol.m, cart2sph.m, celldisp.m, chop.m, circshift.m, colon.m, common_size.m, cplxpair.m, cumtrapz.m, curl.m, dblquad.m, deal.m, divergence.m, flipdim.m, fliplr.m, flipud.m, genvarname.m, gradient.m, idivide.m, int2str.m, interp1.m, interp1q.m, interp2.m, interp3.m, interpft.m, interpn.m, isa.m, isdir.m, isequal.m, isequalwithequalnans.m, issquare.m, logspace.m, nargchk.m, narginchk.m, nargoutchk.m, nextpow2.m, nthargout.m, num2str.m, pol2cart.m, polyarea.m, postpad.m, prepad.m, profile.m, profshow.m, quadgk.m, quadv.m, randi.m, rat.m, repmat.m, rot90.m, rotdim.m, shift.m, shiftdim.m, sph2cart.m, structfun.m, trapz.m, triplequad.m, convhull.m, dsearch.m, dsearchn.m, griddata3.m, griddatan.m, rectint.m, tsearchn.m, __makeinfo__.m, doc.m, get_first_help_sentence.m, help.m, type.m, unimplemented.m, which.m, imread.m, imwrite.m, dlmwrite.m, fileread.m, is_valid_file_id.m, strread.m, textread.m, textscan.m, commutation_matrix.m, cond.m, condest.m, cross.m, duplication_matrix.m, expm.m, housh.m, isdefinite.m, ishermitian.m, issymmetric.m, logm.m, normest.m, null.m, onenormest.m, orth.m, planerot.m, qzhess.m, rank.m, rref.m, trace.m, vech.m, ans.m, bincoeff.m, bug_report.m, bzip2.m, comma.m, compare_versions.m, computer.m, edit.m, fileparts.m, fullfile.m, getfield.m, gzip.m, info.m, inputname.m, isappdata.m, isdeployed.m, ismac.m, ispc.m, isunix.m, list_primes.m, ls.m, mexext.m, namelengthmax.m, news.m, orderfields.m, paren.m, recycle.m, rmappdata.m, semicolon.m, setappdata.m, setfield.m, substruct.m, symvar.m, ver.m, version.m, warning_ids.m, xor.m, fminbnd.m, fsolve.m, fzero.m, lsqnonneg.m, optimset.m, pqpnonneg.m, sqp.m, matlabroot.m, __gnuplot_drawnow__.m, __plt_get_axis_arg__.m, ancestor.m, cla.m, clf.m, close.m, colorbar.m, colstyle.m, comet3.m, contourc.m, figure.m, gca.m, gcbf.m, gcbo.m, gcf.m, ginput.m, graphics_toolkit.m, gtext.m, hggroup.m, hist.m, hold.m, isfigure.m, ishghandle.m, ishold.m, isocolors.m, isonormals.m, isosurface.m, isprop.m, legend.m, line.m, loglog.m, loglogerr.m, meshgrid.m, ndgrid.m, newplot.m, orient.m, patch.m, plot3.m, plotyy.m, __print_parse_opts__.m, quiver3.m, refreshdata.m, ribbon.m, semilogx.m, semilogxerr.m, semilogy.m, stem.m, stem3.m, subplot.m, title.m, uigetfile.m, view.m, whitebg.m, compan.m, conv.m, deconv.m, mkpp.m, mpoles.m, pchip.m, poly.m, polyaffine.m, polyder.m, polyfit.m, polygcd.m, polyint.m, polyout.m, polyval.m, polyvalm.m, ppder.m, ppint.m, ppjumps.m, ppval.m, residue.m, roots.m, spline.m, intersect.m, ismember.m, powerset.m, setdiff.m, setxor.m, union.m, unique.m, autoreg_matrix.m, bartlett.m, blackman.m, detrend.m, fftconv.m, fftfilt.m, fftshift.m, freqz.m, hamming.m, hanning.m, ifftshift.m, sinc.m, sinetone.m, sinewave.m, unwrap.m, bicg.m, bicgstab.m, gmres.m, gplot.m, nonzeros.m, pcg.m, pcr.m, spaugment.m, spconvert.m, spdiags.m, speye.m, spfun.m, spones.m, sprand.m, sprandsym.m, spstats.m, spy.m, svds.m, treelayout.m, bessel.m, beta.m, betaln.m, factor.m, factorial.m, isprime.m, lcm.m, legendre.m, nchoosek.m, nthroot.m, perms.m, pow2.m, primes.m, reallog.m, realpow.m, realsqrt.m, hadamard.m, hankel.m, hilb.m, invhilb.m, magic.m, rosser.m, vander.m, __finish__.m, center.m, cloglog.m, corr.m, cov.m, gls.m, histc.m, iqr.m, kendall.m, kurtosis.m, logit.m, mahalanobis.m, mean.m, meansq.m, median.m, mode.m, moment.m, ols.m, ppplot.m, prctile.m, probit.m, quantile.m, range.m, ranks.m, run_count.m, runlength.m, skewness.m, spearman.m, statistics.m, std.m, table.m, var.m, zscore.m, betacdf.m, betainv.m, betapdf.m, betarnd.m, binocdf.m, binoinv.m, binopdf.m, binornd.m, cauchy_cdf.m, cauchy_inv.m, cauchy_pdf.m, cauchy_rnd.m, chi2cdf.m, chi2inv.m, chi2pdf.m, chi2rnd.m, discrete_cdf.m, discrete_inv.m, discrete_pdf.m, discrete_rnd.m, empirical_cdf.m, empirical_inv.m, empirical_pdf.m, empirical_rnd.m, expcdf.m, expinv.m, exppdf.m, exprnd.m, fcdf.m, finv.m, fpdf.m, frnd.m, gamcdf.m, gaminv.m, gampdf.m, gamrnd.m, geocdf.m, geoinv.m, geopdf.m, geornd.m, hygecdf.m, hygeinv.m, hygepdf.m, hygernd.m, kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf.m, laplace_cdf.m, laplace_inv.m, laplace_pdf.m, laplace_rnd.m, logistic_cdf.m, logistic_inv.m, logistic_pdf.m, logistic_rnd.m, logncdf.m, logninv.m, lognpdf.m, lognrnd.m, nbincdf.m, nbininv.m, nbinpdf.m, nbinrnd.m, normcdf.m, norminv.m, normpdf.m, normrnd.m, poisscdf.m, poissinv.m, poisspdf.m, poissrnd.m, stdnormal_cdf.m, stdnormal_inv.m, stdnormal_pdf.m, stdnormal_rnd.m, tcdf.m, tinv.m, tpdf.m, trnd.m, unidcdf.m, unidinv.m, unidpdf.m, unidrnd.m, unifcdf.m, unifinv.m, unifpdf.m, unifrnd.m, wblcdf.m, wblinv.m, wblpdf.m, wblrnd.m, kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m, kruskal_wallis_test.m, base2dec.m, bin2dec.m, blanks.m, cstrcat.m, deblank.m, dec2base.m, dec2bin.m, dec2hex.m, findstr.m, hex2dec.m, index.m, isletter.m, mat2str.m, rindex.m, str2num.m, strcat.m, strjust.m, strmatch.m, strsplit.m, strtok.m, strtrim.m, strtrunc.m, substr.m, validatestring.m, demo.m, example.m, fail.m, speed.m, addtodate.m, asctime.m, clock.m, ctime.m, date.m, datenum.m, datetick.m, datevec.m, eomday.m, etime.m, is_leap_year.m, now.m: Use Octave coding conventions in all m-file %!test blocks
author Rik <>
date Mon, 13 Feb 2012 07:29:44 -0800
parents 8de863b7126b
children 721a4a83cba6
files scripts/audio/wavread.m scripts/elfun/acosd.m scripts/elfun/acot.m scripts/elfun/acotd.m scripts/elfun/acoth.m scripts/elfun/acsc.m scripts/elfun/acscd.m scripts/elfun/acsch.m scripts/elfun/asec.m scripts/elfun/asecd.m scripts/elfun/asech.m scripts/elfun/asind.m scripts/elfun/atand.m scripts/elfun/cosd.m scripts/elfun/cot.m scripts/elfun/cotd.m scripts/elfun/coth.m scripts/elfun/csc.m scripts/elfun/cscd.m scripts/elfun/csch.m scripts/elfun/sec.m scripts/elfun/secd.m scripts/elfun/sech.m scripts/elfun/sind.m scripts/elfun/tand.m scripts/general/accumarray.m scripts/general/accumdim.m scripts/general/bitcmp.m scripts/general/bitget.m scripts/general/bitset.m scripts/general/blkdiag.m scripts/general/cart2pol.m scripts/general/cart2sph.m scripts/general/celldisp.m scripts/general/chop.m scripts/general/circshift.m scripts/general/colon.m scripts/general/common_size.m scripts/general/cplxpair.m scripts/general/cumtrapz.m scripts/general/curl.m scripts/general/dblquad.m scripts/general/deal.m scripts/general/divergence.m scripts/general/flipdim.m scripts/general/fliplr.m scripts/general/flipud.m scripts/general/genvarname.m scripts/general/gradient.m scripts/general/idivide.m scripts/general/int2str.m scripts/general/interp1.m scripts/general/interp1q.m scripts/general/interp2.m scripts/general/interp3.m scripts/general/interpft.m scripts/general/interpn.m scripts/general/isa.m scripts/general/isdir.m scripts/general/isequal.m scripts/general/isequalwithequalnans.m scripts/general/issquare.m scripts/general/logspace.m scripts/general/nargchk.m scripts/general/narginchk.m scripts/general/nargoutchk.m scripts/general/nextpow2.m scripts/general/nthargout.m scripts/general/num2str.m scripts/general/pol2cart.m scripts/general/polyarea.m scripts/general/postpad.m scripts/general/prepad.m scripts/general/profile.m scripts/general/profshow.m scripts/general/quadgk.m scripts/general/quadv.m scripts/general/randi.m scripts/general/rat.m scripts/general/repmat.m scripts/general/rot90.m scripts/general/rotdim.m scripts/general/shift.m scripts/general/shiftdim.m scripts/general/sph2cart.m scripts/general/structfun.m scripts/general/trapz.m scripts/general/triplequad.m scripts/geometry/convhull.m scripts/geometry/dsearch.m scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m scripts/geometry/griddata3.m scripts/geometry/griddatan.m scripts/geometry/rectint.m scripts/geometry/tsearchn.m scripts/help/__makeinfo__.m scripts/help/doc.m scripts/help/get_first_help_sentence.m scripts/help/help.m scripts/help/type.m scripts/help/unimplemented.m scripts/help/which.m scripts/image/imread.m scripts/image/imwrite.m scripts/io/dlmwrite.m scripts/io/fileread.m scripts/io/is_valid_file_id.m scripts/io/strread.m scripts/io/textread.m scripts/io/textscan.m scripts/linear-algebra/commutation_matrix.m scripts/linear-algebra/cond.m scripts/linear-algebra/condest.m scripts/linear-algebra/cross.m scripts/linear-algebra/duplication_matrix.m scripts/linear-algebra/expm.m scripts/linear-algebra/housh.m scripts/linear-algebra/isdefinite.m scripts/linear-algebra/ishermitian.m scripts/linear-algebra/issymmetric.m scripts/linear-algebra/logm.m scripts/linear-algebra/normest.m scripts/linear-algebra/null.m scripts/linear-algebra/onenormest.m scripts/linear-algebra/orth.m scripts/linear-algebra/planerot.m scripts/linear-algebra/qzhess.m scripts/linear-algebra/rank.m scripts/linear-algebra/rref.m scripts/linear-algebra/trace.m scripts/linear-algebra/vech.m scripts/miscellaneous/ans.m scripts/miscellaneous/bincoeff.m scripts/miscellaneous/bug_report.m scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m scripts/miscellaneous/comma.m scripts/miscellaneous/compare_versions.m scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m scripts/miscellaneous/fileparts.m scripts/miscellaneous/fullfile.m scripts/miscellaneous/getfield.m scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m scripts/miscellaneous/info.m scripts/miscellaneous/inputname.m scripts/miscellaneous/isappdata.m scripts/miscellaneous/isdeployed.m scripts/miscellaneous/ismac.m scripts/miscellaneous/ispc.m scripts/miscellaneous/isunix.m scripts/miscellaneous/list_primes.m scripts/miscellaneous/ls.m scripts/miscellaneous/mexext.m scripts/miscellaneous/namelengthmax.m scripts/miscellaneous/news.m scripts/miscellaneous/orderfields.m scripts/miscellaneous/paren.m scripts/miscellaneous/recycle.m scripts/miscellaneous/rmappdata.m scripts/miscellaneous/semicolon.m scripts/miscellaneous/setappdata.m scripts/miscellaneous/setfield.m scripts/miscellaneous/substruct.m scripts/miscellaneous/symvar.m scripts/miscellaneous/ver.m scripts/miscellaneous/version.m scripts/miscellaneous/warning_ids.m scripts/miscellaneous/xor.m scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m scripts/optimization/fsolve.m scripts/optimization/fzero.m scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m scripts/optimization/optimset.m scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m scripts/optimization/sqp.m scripts/path/matlabroot.m scripts/plot/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m scripts/plot/__plt_get_axis_arg__.m scripts/plot/ancestor.m scripts/plot/cla.m scripts/plot/clf.m scripts/plot/close.m scripts/plot/colorbar.m scripts/plot/colstyle.m scripts/plot/comet3.m scripts/plot/contourc.m scripts/plot/figure.m scripts/plot/gca.m scripts/plot/gcbf.m scripts/plot/gcbo.m scripts/plot/gcf.m scripts/plot/ginput.m scripts/plot/graphics_toolkit.m scripts/plot/gtext.m scripts/plot/hggroup.m scripts/plot/hist.m scripts/plot/hold.m scripts/plot/isfigure.m scripts/plot/ishghandle.m scripts/plot/ishold.m scripts/plot/isocolors.m scripts/plot/isonormals.m scripts/plot/isosurface.m scripts/plot/isprop.m scripts/plot/legend.m scripts/plot/line.m scripts/plot/loglog.m scripts/plot/loglogerr.m scripts/plot/meshgrid.m scripts/plot/ndgrid.m scripts/plot/newplot.m scripts/plot/orient.m scripts/plot/patch.m scripts/plot/plot3.m scripts/plot/plotyy.m scripts/plot/private/__print_parse_opts__.m scripts/plot/quiver3.m scripts/plot/refreshdata.m scripts/plot/ribbon.m scripts/plot/semilogx.m scripts/plot/semilogxerr.m scripts/plot/semilogy.m scripts/plot/stem.m scripts/plot/stem3.m scripts/plot/subplot.m scripts/plot/title.m scripts/plot/uigetfile.m scripts/plot/view.m scripts/plot/whitebg.m scripts/polynomial/compan.m scripts/polynomial/conv.m scripts/polynomial/deconv.m scripts/polynomial/mkpp.m scripts/polynomial/mpoles.m scripts/polynomial/pchip.m scripts/polynomial/poly.m scripts/polynomial/polyaffine.m scripts/polynomial/polyder.m scripts/polynomial/polyfit.m scripts/polynomial/polygcd.m scripts/polynomial/polyint.m scripts/polynomial/polyout.m scripts/polynomial/polyval.m scripts/polynomial/polyvalm.m scripts/polynomial/ppder.m scripts/polynomial/ppint.m scripts/polynomial/ppjumps.m scripts/polynomial/ppval.m scripts/polynomial/residue.m scripts/polynomial/roots.m scripts/polynomial/spline.m scripts/set/intersect.m scripts/set/ismember.m scripts/set/powerset.m scripts/set/setdiff.m scripts/set/setxor.m scripts/set/union.m scripts/set/unique.m scripts/signal/autoreg_matrix.m scripts/signal/bartlett.m scripts/signal/blackman.m scripts/signal/detrend.m scripts/signal/fftconv.m scripts/signal/fftfilt.m scripts/signal/fftshift.m scripts/signal/freqz.m scripts/signal/hamming.m scripts/signal/hanning.m scripts/signal/ifftshift.m scripts/signal/sinc.m scripts/signal/sinetone.m scripts/signal/sinewave.m scripts/signal/unwrap.m scripts/sparse/bicg.m scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m scripts/sparse/gmres.m scripts/sparse/gplot.m scripts/sparse/nonzeros.m scripts/sparse/pcg.m scripts/sparse/pcr.m scripts/sparse/spaugment.m scripts/sparse/spconvert.m scripts/sparse/spdiags.m scripts/sparse/speye.m scripts/sparse/spfun.m scripts/sparse/spones.m scripts/sparse/sprand.m scripts/sparse/sprandsym.m scripts/sparse/spstats.m scripts/sparse/spy.m scripts/sparse/svds.m scripts/sparse/treelayout.m scripts/specfun/bessel.m scripts/specfun/beta.m scripts/specfun/betaln.m scripts/specfun/factor.m scripts/specfun/factorial.m scripts/specfun/isprime.m scripts/specfun/lcm.m scripts/specfun/legendre.m scripts/specfun/nchoosek.m scripts/specfun/nthroot.m scripts/specfun/perms.m scripts/specfun/pow2.m scripts/specfun/primes.m scripts/specfun/reallog.m scripts/specfun/realpow.m scripts/specfun/realsqrt.m scripts/special-matrix/hadamard.m scripts/special-matrix/hankel.m scripts/special-matrix/hilb.m scripts/special-matrix/invhilb.m scripts/special-matrix/magic.m scripts/special-matrix/rosser.m scripts/special-matrix/vander.m scripts/startup/__finish__.m scripts/statistics/base/center.m scripts/statistics/base/cloglog.m scripts/statistics/base/corr.m scripts/statistics/base/cov.m scripts/statistics/base/gls.m scripts/statistics/base/histc.m scripts/statistics/base/iqr.m scripts/statistics/base/kendall.m scripts/statistics/base/kurtosis.m scripts/statistics/base/logit.m scripts/statistics/base/mahalanobis.m scripts/statistics/base/mean.m scripts/statistics/base/meansq.m scripts/statistics/base/median.m scripts/statistics/base/mode.m scripts/statistics/base/moment.m scripts/statistics/base/ols.m scripts/statistics/base/ppplot.m scripts/statistics/base/prctile.m scripts/statistics/base/probit.m scripts/statistics/base/quantile.m scripts/statistics/base/range.m scripts/statistics/base/ranks.m scripts/statistics/base/run_count.m scripts/statistics/base/runlength.m scripts/statistics/base/skewness.m scripts/statistics/base/spearman.m scripts/statistics/base/statistics.m scripts/statistics/base/std.m scripts/statistics/base/table.m scripts/statistics/base/var.m scripts/statistics/base/zscore.m scripts/statistics/distributions/betacdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/betainv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/betapdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/betarnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/binocdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/binoinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/binopdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/binornd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/expcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/expinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/exppdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/exprnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/fcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/finv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/fpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/frnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/gamcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/gaminv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/gampdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/gamrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/geocdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/geoinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/geopdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/geornd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/hygecdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/hygeinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/hygepdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/hygernd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/logncdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/logninv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/lognpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/lognrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbincdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbininv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/normcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/norminv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/normpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/normrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/poisscdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/poissinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/poisspdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/poissrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_cdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_inv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_pdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_rnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/tcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/tinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/tpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/trnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unidcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unidinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unidpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unidrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unifcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unifinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unifpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/unifrnd.m scripts/statistics/distributions/wblcdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/wblinv.m scripts/statistics/distributions/wblpdf.m scripts/statistics/distributions/wblrnd.m scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m scripts/strings/base2dec.m scripts/strings/bin2dec.m scripts/strings/blanks.m scripts/strings/cstrcat.m scripts/strings/deblank.m scripts/strings/dec2base.m scripts/strings/dec2bin.m scripts/strings/dec2hex.m scripts/strings/findstr.m scripts/strings/hex2dec.m scripts/strings/index.m scripts/strings/isletter.m scripts/strings/mat2str.m scripts/strings/rindex.m scripts/strings/str2num.m scripts/strings/strcat.m scripts/strings/strjust.m scripts/strings/strmatch.m scripts/strings/strsplit.m scripts/strings/strtok.m scripts/strings/strtrim.m scripts/strings/strtrunc.m scripts/strings/substr.m scripts/strings/validatestring.m scripts/testfun/demo.m scripts/testfun/example.m scripts/testfun/fail.m scripts/testfun/speed.m scripts/time/addtodate.m scripts/time/asctime.m scripts/time/clock.m scripts/time/ctime.m scripts/time/date.m scripts/time/datenum.m scripts/time/datetick.m scripts/time/datevec.m scripts/time/eomday.m scripts/time/etime.m scripts/time/is_leap_year.m scripts/time/now.m
diffstat 479 files changed, 4034 insertions(+), 3676 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/audio/wavread.m
+++ b/scripts/audio/wavread.m
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@
-## Mark file as being tested.  Tests for wavread/wavwrite pair are in
-## wavwrite.m
+## Mark file as tested.  Tests for wavread/wavwrite pair are in wavwrite.m.
--- a/scripts/elfun/acosd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/acosd.m
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
-%!assert (acosd (0:0.1:1), 180/pi*acos (0:0.1:1), -10*eps)
+%!assert (acosd (0:0.1:1), 180/pi * acos (0:0.1:1), -10*eps)
 %!error acosd ()
 %!error acosd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/acot.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/acot.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 %! rt3 = sqrt (3);
 %! x = [rt3, 1, rt3/3, 0, -rt3/3, -1, -rt3];
 %! v = [pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, pi/2, -pi/3, -pi/4, -pi/6];
-%! assert (all (abs (acot (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (acot (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error acot ()
 %!error acot (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/acotd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/acotd.m
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
-%!assert (acotd (0:10:90), 180./pi.*acot (0:10:90), -10*eps)
+%!assert (acotd (0:10:90), 180/pi * acot (0:10:90), -10*eps)
 %!error acotd ()
 %!error acotd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/acoth.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/acoth.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 %! rt3 = sqrt (3);
 %! v = -i*[pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, -pi/3, -pi/4, -pi/6];
 %! x = i*[rt3, 1, rt3/3, -rt3/3, -1, -rt3];
-%! assert (all (abs (acoth (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (acoth (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error acoth ()
 %!error acoth (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/acsc.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/acsc.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 %! rt3 = sqrt (3);
 %! v = [pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, pi/2, pi/3, pi/4, pi/6];
 %! x = [2, rt2, 2*rt3/3, 1, 2*rt3/3, rt2, 2];
-%! assert (all (abs (acsc (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (acsc (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error acsc ()
 %!error acsc (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/acscd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/acscd.m
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
-%!assert (acscd (0:10:90), 180/pi*acsc (0:10:90), -10*eps)
+%!assert (acscd (0:10:90), 180/pi * acsc (0:10:90), -10*eps)
 %!error acscd ()
 %!error acscd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/acsch.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/acsch.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 %! v = [pi/2*i, -pi/2*i];
 %! x = [-i, i];
-%! assert (all (abs (acsch (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (acsch (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error acsch ()
 %!error acsch (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/asec.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/asec.m
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 %! rt3 = sqrt (3);
 %! v = [0, pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, 2*pi/3, 3*pi/4, 5*pi/6, pi];
 %! x = [1, 2*rt3/3, rt2, 2, -2, -rt2, -2*rt3/3, -1];
-%! assert (all (abs (asec (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (asec (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error asec ()
 %!error asec (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/asecd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/asecd.m
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
-%!assert (asecd (0:10:90), 180./pi.*asec (0:10:90), -10*eps)
+%!assert (asecd (0:10:90), 180/pi * asec (0:10:90), -10*eps)
 %!error asecd ()
 %!error asecd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/asech.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/asech.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 %! v = [0, pi*i];
 %! x = [1, -1];
-%! assert (all (abs (asech (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (asech (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error asech ()
 %!error asech (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/asind.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/asind.m
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
-%!assert (asind (0:0.1:1), 180/pi*asin (0:0.1:1), -10*eps)
+%!assert (asind (0:0.1:1), 180/pi * asin (0:0.1:1), -10*eps)
 %!error asind ()
 %!error asind (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/atand.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/atand.m
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
-%!assert (atand (0:10:90), 180./pi.*atan (0:10:90), -10*eps)
+%!assert (atand (0:10:90), 180/pi * atan (0:10:90), -10*eps)
 %!error atand ()
 %!error atand (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/cosd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/cosd.m
@@ -45,3 +45,4 @@
 %!error cosd ()
 %!error cosd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/cot.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/cot.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 %! rt3 = sqrt (3);
 %! x = [pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, pi/2, 2*pi/3, 3*pi/4, 5*pi/6];
 %! v = [rt3, 1, rt3/3, 0, -rt3/3, -1, -rt3];
-%! assert (all (abs (cot (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (cot (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error cot ()
 %!error cot (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/cotd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/cotd.m
@@ -41,3 +41,4 @@
 %!error cotd ()
 %!error cotd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/coth.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/coth.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 %! x = [pi/2*i, 3*pi/2*i];
 %! v = [0, 0];
-%! assert (all (abs (coth (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (coth (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error coth ()
 %!error coth (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/csc.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/csc.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 %! rt3 = sqrt (3);
 %! x = [pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, pi/2, 2*pi/3, 3*pi/4, 5*pi/6];
 %! v = [2, rt2, 2*rt3/3, 1, 2*rt3/3, rt2, 2];
-%! assert (all (abs (csc (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (csc (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error csc ()
 %!error csc (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/cscd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/cscd.m
@@ -41,3 +41,4 @@
 %!error cscd ()
 %!error cscd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/csch.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/csch.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 %! x = [pi/2*i, 3*pi/2*i];
 %! v = [-i, i];
-%! assert (all (abs (csch (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (csch (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error csch ()
 %!error csch (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/sec.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/sec.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 %! rt3 = sqrt (3);
 %! x = [0, pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, 2*pi/3, 3*pi/4, 5*pi/6, pi];
 %! v = [1, 2*rt3/3, rt2, 2, -2, -rt2, -2*rt3/3, -1];
-%! assert (all (abs (sec (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (sec (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error sec ()
 %!error sec (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/secd.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/secd.m
@@ -41,3 +41,4 @@
 %!error secd ()
 %!error secd (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/sech.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/sech.m
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 %! x = [0, pi*i];
 %! v = [1, -1];
-%! assert (all (abs (sech (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (sech (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %!error sech ()
 %!error sech (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/sind.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/sind.m
@@ -44,3 +44,4 @@
 %!error sind ()
 %!error sind (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/elfun/tand.m
+++ b/scripts/elfun/tand.m
@@ -47,3 +47,4 @@
 %!error tand ()
 %!error tand (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/general/accumarray.m
+++ b/scripts/general/accumarray.m
@@ -368,24 +368,23 @@
-%!error (accumarray (1:5))
-%!error (accumarray ([1,2,3],1:2))
 %!assert (accumarray ([1;2;4;2;4],101:105), [101;206;0;208])
-%!assert (accumarray ([1,1,1;2,1,2;2,3,2;2,1,2;2,3,2],101:105),cat(3, [101,0,0;0,0,0],[0,0,0;206,0,208]))
-%!assert (accumarray ([1,1,1;2,1,2;2,3,2;2,1,2;2,3,2],101:105,[],@(x)sin(sum(x))),sin(cat(3, [101,0,0;0,0,0],[0,0,0;206,0,208])))
-%!assert (accumarray ({[1 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 2],[3 4 2 1 4 3 4 2 2 4 3 4],[1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2]},101:112),cat(3,[0,0,207,0;0,108,0,0;0,109,0,317],[0,0,111,0;104,0,0,219;0,103,0,0]))
-%!assert (accumarray ([1,1;2,1;2,3;2,1;2,3],101:105,[2,4],@max,NaN),[101,NaN,NaN,NaN;104,NaN,105,NaN])
+%!assert (accumarray ([1,1,1;2,1,2;2,3,2;2,1,2;2,3,2],101:105), cat(3, [101,0,0;0,0,0],[0,0,0;206,0,208]))
+%!assert (accumarray ([1,1,1;2,1,2;2,3,2;2,1,2;2,3,2],101:105,[],@(x)sin(sum(x))), sin (cat (3, [101,0,0;0,0,0],[0,0,0;206,0,208])))
+%!assert (accumarray ({[1 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 2],[3 4 2 1 4 3 4 2 2 4 3 4],[1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2]},101:112), cat (3, [0,0,207,0;0,108,0,0;0,109,0,317], [0,0,111,0;104,0,0,219;0,103,0,0]))
+%!assert (accumarray ([1,1;2,1;2,3;2,1;2,3],101:105,[2,4],@max,NaN), [101,NaN,NaN,NaN;104,NaN,105,NaN])
 %!assert (accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3],101:105, [], @prod), [101, 0, 0; 10608, 0, 10815])
-%!assert (accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3],101:105,[2 4],@prod,0,true),sparse([1,2,2],[1,1,3],[101,10608,10815],2,4))
+%!assert (accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3],101:105,[2 4],@prod,0,true), sparse ([1,2,2],[1,1,3],[101,10608,10815],2,4))
 %!assert (accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3],1,[2,4]), [1,0,0,0;2,0,2,0])
-%!assert (accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3],101:105,[2,4],@(x)length(x)>1),[false,false,false,false;true,false,true,false])
+%!assert (accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3],101:105,[2,4],@(x)length(x)>1), [false,false,false,false;true,false,true,false])
 %!assert (accumarray ([1; 2], [3; 4], [2, 1], @min, [], 0), [3; 4])
 %!assert (accumarray ([1; 2], [3; 4], [2, 1], @min, [], 1), sparse ([3; 4]))
 %!assert (accumarray ([1; 2], [3; 4], [1, 2], @min, [], 0), [3, 4])
 %!assert (accumarray ([1; 2], [3; 4], [1, 2], @min, [], 1), sparse ([3, 4]))
-%! A = accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3],101:105,[2,4],@(x){x});
-%! assert (A{2},[102;104])
+%! A = accumarray ([1 1; 2 1; 2 3; 2 1; 2 3], 101:105, [2,4], @(x){x});
+%! assert (A{2},[102;104]);
 %! subs = ceil (rand (2000, 3)*10);
 %! vals = rand (2000, 1);
@@ -405,4 +404,6 @@
 %! vals = rand (2000, 1);
 %! assert (accumarray (subsc, vals, [], @max), accumarray (subs, vals, [], @max));
+%!error (accumarray (1:5))
+%!error (accumarray ([1,2,3],1:2))
--- a/scripts/general/accumdim.m
+++ b/scripts/general/accumdim.m
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
 %%test accumdim vs. accumarray
 %!shared a
@@ -157,3 +158,4 @@
 %!assert (accumdim ([2;3;2;2;2], a, 2, 4)(4,:,2), accumarray ([2;3;2;2;2], a(4,:,2), [1,4]))
 %!assert (accumdim ([2;3;2;1;2], a, 3, 3, @min)(1,5,:), accumarray ([2;3;2;1;2], a(1,5,:), [1,1,3], @min))
 %!assert (accumdim ([1;3;2;2;1], a, 2, 3, @median)(4,:,5), accumarray ([1;3;2;2;1], a(4,:,5), [1,3], @median))
--- a/scripts/general/bitcmp.m
+++ b/scripts/general/bitcmp.m
@@ -86,38 +86,38 @@
-%! Amax=53;
+%! Amax = 53;
 %! Bmax = bitmax;
-%! A = bitshift(Bmax,-2);
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax),bitor(bitshift(1,Amax-1),bitshift(1,Amax-2)));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-1),bitshift(1,Amax-2));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-2),0);
+%! A = bitshift (Bmax,-2);
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax),bitor (bitshift (1,Amax-1), bitshift (1,Amax-2)));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-1), bitshift (1,Amax-2));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-2), 0);
-%! Amax=8;
-%! Bmax = intmax('uint8');
-%! A = bitshift(Bmax,-2);
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax),bitor(bitshift(uint8(1),Amax-1),bitshift(uint8(1),Amax-2)));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-1),bitshift(uint8(1),Amax-2));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-2),uint8(0));
+%! Amax = 8;
+%! Bmax = intmax ("uint8");
+%! A = bitshift (Bmax,-2);
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax),bitor (bitshift (uint8 (1),Amax-1), bitshift (uint8 (1),Amax-2)));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-1), bitshift (uint8 (1),Amax-2));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-2), uint8 (0));
-%! Amax=16;
-%! Bmax = intmax('uint16');
-%! A = bitshift(Bmax,-2);
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax),bitor(bitshift(uint16(1),Amax-1),bitshift(uint16(1),Amax-2)));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-1),bitshift(uint16(1),Amax-2));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-2),uint16(0));
+%! Amax = 16;
+%! Bmax = intmax ("uint16");
+%! A = bitshift (Bmax,-2);
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax),bitor (bitshift (uint16 (1),Amax-1), bitshift (uint16 (1),Amax-2)));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-1), bitshift (uint16 (1),Amax-2));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-2), uint16 (0));
-%! Amax=32;
-%! Bmax = intmax('uint32');
-%! A = bitshift(Bmax,-2);
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax),bitor(bitshift(uint32(1),Amax-1),bitshift(uint32(1),Amax-2)));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-1),bitshift(uint32(1),Amax-2));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-2),uint32(0));
+%! Amax = 32;
+%! Bmax = intmax ("uint32");
+%! A = bitshift (Bmax,-2);
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax),bitor (bitshift (uint32 (1),Amax-1), bitshift (uint32 (1),Amax-2)));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-1), bitshift (uint32 (1),Amax-2));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-2), uint32 (0));
-%! Amax=64;
-%! Bmax = intmax('uint64');
-%! A = bitshift(Bmax,-2);
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax),bitor(bitshift(uint64(1),Amax-1),bitshift(uint64(1),Amax-2)));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-1),bitshift(uint64(1),Amax-2));
-%! assert(bitcmp(A,Amax-2),uint64(0));
+%! Amax = 64;
+%! Bmax = intmax ("uint64");
+%! A = bitshift (Bmax,-2);
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax),bitor (bitshift (uint64 (1),Amax-1), bitshift (uint64 (1),Amax-2)));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-1), bitshift (uint64 (1),Amax-2));
+%! assert (bitcmp (A,Amax-2), uint64 (0));
--- a/scripts/general/bitget.m
+++ b/scripts/general/bitget.m
@@ -80,8 +80,6 @@
-%!error bitget (1);
-%!error bitget (1, 2, 3);
 %! assert (bitget ([4, 14], [3, 3]), logical ([1, 1]));
@@ -93,17 +91,21 @@
 %!   endfor
 %! endfor
-%!error bitget (0, 0);
-%!error bitget (0, 55);
+%!error bitget (0, 0)
+%!error bitget (0, 55)
-%!error bitget (int8 (0), 9);
-%!error bitget (uint8 (0), 9);
+%!error bitget (int8 (0), 9)
+%!error bitget (uint8 (0), 9)
+%!error bitget (int16 (0), 17)
+%!error bitget (uint16 (0), 17)
-%!error bitget (int16 (0), 17);
-%!error bitget (uint16 (0), 17);
+%!error bitget (int32 (0), 33)
+%!error bitget (uint32 (0), 33)
-%!error bitget (int32 (0), 33);
-%!error bitget (uint32 (0), 33);
+%!error bitget (int64 (0), 65)
+%!error bitget (uint64 (0), 65)
-%!error bitget (int64 (0), 65);
-%!error bitget (uint64 (0), 65);
+%!error bitget (1)
+%!error bitget (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/general/bitset.m
+++ b/scripts/general/bitset.m
@@ -93,8 +93,6 @@
-%!error bitset (1);
-%!error bitset (1, 2, 3, 4);
 %! assert (bitset ([0, 10], [3, 3]), [4, 14]);
@@ -106,17 +104,17 @@
 %!   endfor
 %! endfor
-%!error bitset (0, 0);
-%!error bitset (0, 55);
-%!error bitset (int8 (0), 9);
-%!error bitset (uint8 (0), 9);
+%!error bitset (0, 0)
+%!error bitset (0, 55)
+%!error bitset (int8 (0), 9)
+%!error bitset (uint8 (0), 9)
+%!error bitset (int16 (0), 17)
+%!error bitset (uint16 (0), 17)
+%!error bitset (int32 (0), 33)
+%!error bitset (uint32 (0), 33)
+%!error bitset (int64 (0), 65)
+%!error bitset (uint64 (0), 65)
-%!error bitset (int16 (0), 17);
-%!error bitset (uint16 (0), 17);
+%!error bitset (1)
+%!error bitset (1, 2, 3, 4)
-%!error bitset (int32 (0), 33);
-%!error bitset (uint32 (0), 33);
-%!error bitset (int64 (0), 65);
-%!error bitset (uint64 (0), 65);
--- a/scripts/general/blkdiag.m
+++ b/scripts/general/blkdiag.m
@@ -63,19 +63,21 @@
 ## regular tests
+%!assert (blkdiag (1,ones (2),1), [1,0,0,0;0,1,1,0;0,1,1,0;0,0,0,1])
+%!assert (blkdiag ([1,2],[3,4],[5,6]), [1,2,0,0,0,0;0,0,3,4,0,0;0,0,0,0,5,6])
+%!assert (blkdiag ([1,2],[3;4],[5,6]), [1,2,0,0,0;0,0,3,0,0;0,0,4,0,0;0,0,0,5,6])
+%!assert (blkdiag ([1,2;3,4],[5,6,7]), [1,2,0,0,0;3,4,0,0,0;0,0,5,6,7])
 ## tests involving empty matrices
+%!assert (blkdiag ([],[],[]), [])
+%!assert (blkdiag ([],[1,2;3,4],[],5,[]), [1,2,0;3,4,0;0,0,5])
+%!assert (blkdiag (zeros (1,0,1),[1,2,3],1,0,5,zeros (0,1,1)), [0,0,0,0,0,0,0;1,2,3,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,1,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,5,0]);
 ## tests involving sparse matrices
-%!assert (blkdiag (sparse([1,2;3,4]),[5,6;7,8]), sparse([1,2,0,0;3,4,0,0;0,0,5,6;0,0,7,8]))
-%!assert (blkdiag (sparse([1,2;3,4]),[5,6]), sparse([1,2,0,0;3,4,0,0;0,0,5,6]))
+%!assert (blkdiag (sparse ([1,2;3,4]),[5,6;7,8]), sparse ([1,2,0,0;3,4,0,0;0,0,5,6;0,0,7,8]))
+%!assert (blkdiag (sparse ([1,2;3,4]),[5,6]), sparse ([1,2,0,0;3,4,0,0;0,0,5,6]))
 # sanity checks
 %! A = rand (round (rand (1, 2) * 10));
 %! assert (blkdiag (A), A);
--- a/scripts/general/cart2pol.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cart2pol.m
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
 %! x = [0, 1, 2];
 %! y = 0;
@@ -92,16 +93,16 @@
 %! x = [0, 1, 2];
 %! y = [0, 1, 2];
 %! [t, r] = cart2pol (x, y);
-%! assert (t, [0, pi/4, pi/4], sqrt(eps));
-%! assert (r, sqrt(2)*[0, 1, 2], sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (t, [0, pi/4, pi/4], sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (r, sqrt (2)*[0, 1, 2], sqrt (eps));
 %! x = [0, 1, 2];
 %! y = [0, 1, 2];
 %! z = [0, 1, 2];
 %! [t, r, z2] = cart2pol (x, y, z);
-%! assert (t, [0, pi/4, pi/4], sqrt(eps));
-%! assert (r, sqrt(2)*[0, 1, 2], sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (t, [0, pi/4, pi/4], sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (r, sqrt (2)*[0, 1, 2], sqrt (eps));
 %! assert (z, z2);
@@ -134,10 +135,10 @@
 %! C = [0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 2];
 %! P = [0, 0; pi/4, sqrt(2); pi/4, 2*sqrt(2)];
-%! assert (cart2pol (C), P, sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (cart2pol (C), P, sqrt (eps));
 %! C = [0, 0, 0; 1, 1, 1; 2, 2, 2];
 %! P = [0, 0, 0; pi/4, sqrt(2), 1; pi/4, 2*sqrt(2), 2];
-%! assert (cart2pol (C), P, sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (cart2pol (C), P, sqrt (eps));
--- a/scripts/general/cart2sph.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cart2sph.m
@@ -71,14 +71,15 @@
 %! x = [0, 1, 2];
 %! y = [0, 1, 2];
 %! z = [0, 1, 2];
 %! [t, p, r] = cart2sph (x, y, z);
 %! assert (t, [0, pi/4, pi/4], eps);
-%! assert (p, [0, 1, 1]*atan(sqrt(0.5)), eps);
-%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2]*sqrt(3), eps);
+%! assert (p, [0, 1, 1]*atan (sqrt (0.5)), eps);
+%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2]*sqrt (3), eps);
 %! x = 0;
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
 %! [t, p, r] = cart2sph (x, y, z);
 %! assert (t, [0, 1, 1] * pi/2, eps);
 %! assert (p, [0, 1, 1] * pi/4, eps);
-%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2] * sqrt(2), eps);
+%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2] * sqrt (2), eps);
 %! x = [0, 1, 2];
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@
 %! [t, p, r] = cart2sph (x, y, z);
 %! assert (t, [0, 0, 0]);
 %! assert (p, [0, 1, 1] * pi/4);
-%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2] * sqrt(2));
+%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2] * sqrt (2));
 %! x = [0, 1, 2];
@@ -105,9 +106,10 @@
 %! [t, p, r] = cart2sph (x, y, z);
 %! assert (t, [0, 1, 1] * pi/4);
 %! assert (p, [0, 0, 0]);
-%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2] * sqrt(2));
+%! assert (r, [0, 1, 2] * sqrt (2));
 %! C = [0, 0, 0; 1, 0, 1; 2, 0, 2];
 %! S = [0, 0, 0; 0, pi/4, sqrt(2); 0, pi/4, 2*sqrt(2)];
-%! assert (cart2sph(C), S, eps);
+%! assert (cart2sph (C), S, eps);
--- a/scripts/general/celldisp.m
+++ b/scripts/general/celldisp.m
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
 %! c = {1, 2, {31, 32}};
 %! celldisp (c, "b")
-%!error celldisp ();
-%!error celldisp ({}, "name", 1);
-%!error celldisp (1);
+%!error celldisp ()
+%!error celldisp ({}, "name", 1)
+%!error celldisp (1)
--- a/scripts/general/chop.m
+++ b/scripts/general/chop.m
@@ -78,3 +78,4 @@
 %!assert (chop (-e, 4, 7), -2.716)
 %!assert (chop (hilb (3), 3), [1,.5,.333;.5,.333,.25;.333,.25,.2])
 %!assert (chop (hilb (3), 2, 7), [.7,.49,.35;.49,.35,.28;.35,.28,.21], 2*eps)
--- a/scripts/general/circshift.m
+++ b/scripts/general/circshift.m
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 %!error circshift ()
 %!error circshift (1)
 %!error circshift (1,2,3)
-%!error circshift (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error circshift (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error circshift (1, [1 2 3])
 %!error circshift (1, 1.5)
--- a/scripts/general/colon.m
+++ b/scripts/general/colon.m
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 %!error colon (1)
 ## FIXME -- what does colon () mean since it doesn't set a return value?
--- a/scripts/general/common_size.m
+++ b/scripts/general/common_size.m
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
-%!error common_size ();
 %! m = [1,2;3,4];
@@ -88,3 +87,6 @@
 %! assert (a, m);
 %! assert (b, [3,3;3,3]);
 %! assert (c, [5,5;5,5]);
+%!error common_size ()
--- a/scripts/general/cplxpair.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cplxpair.m
@@ -163,4 +163,4 @@
 %!## tolerance test
 %!assert (cplxpair ([1i, -1i, 1+(1i*eps)],2*eps), [-1i, 1i, 1+(1i*eps)])
--- a/scripts/general/cumtrapz.m
+++ b/scripts/general/cumtrapz.m
@@ -117,18 +117,18 @@
 %! x1 = [0,0,0;2,2,2];
 %! x2 = [0,2,4;0,2,4];
 %! y = [1,2,3;4,5,6];
-%!assert (cumtrapz(y), [0,0,0;2.5,3.5,4.5])
-%!assert (cumtrapz(x1,y), [0,0,0;5,7,9])
-%!assert (cumtrapz(y,1), [0,0,0;2.5,3.5,4.5])
-%!assert (cumtrapz(x1,y,1), [0,0,0;5,7,9])
-%!assert (cumtrapz(y,2), [0,1.5,4;0,4.5,10])
-%!assert (cumtrapz(x2,y,2), [0,3,8;0,9,20])
+%!assert (cumtrapz (y), [0,0,0;2.5,3.5,4.5])
+%!assert (cumtrapz (x1,y), [0,0,0;5,7,9])
+%!assert (cumtrapz (y,1), [0,0,0;2.5,3.5,4.5])
+%!assert (cumtrapz (x1,y,1), [0,0,0;5,7,9])
+%!assert (cumtrapz (y,2), [0,1.5,4;0,4.5,10])
+%!assert (cumtrapz (x2,y,2), [0,3,8;0,9,20])
 %% Test ND-array implementation
 %!shared x1,x2,y
 %! x1 = 1:3;
 %! x2 = reshape ([0,2,4;0,2,4], [1 2 3]);
 %! y = reshape ([1,2,3;4,5,6], [1 2 3]);
-%!assert (cumtrapz(y,3), reshape([0,1.5,4;0,4.5,10],[1 2 3]))
-%!assert (cumtrapz(x1,y,3), reshape([0,1.5,4;0,4.5,10],[1 2 3]))
-%!assert (cumtrapz(x2,y,3), reshape([0,3,8;0,9,20],[1 2 3]))
+%!assert (cumtrapz (y,3), reshape ([0,1.5,4;0,4.5,10],[1 2 3]))
+%!assert (cumtrapz (x1,y,3), reshape ([0,1.5,4;0,4.5,10],[1 2 3]))
+%!assert (cumtrapz (x2,y,3), reshape ([0,3,8;0,9,20],[1 2 3]))
--- a/scripts/general/curl.m
+++ b/scripts/general/curl.m
@@ -129,14 +129,16 @@
-%! [X,Y]=meshgrid(-20:20,-22:22);
-%! av = curl(2*(X-Y),Y);
-%! assert(all(av(:)==1));
-%! [cz,av] = curl(2*(X-Y),Y);
-%! assert(all(cz(:)==2));
-%! assert(all(av(:)==1));
-%! [cz,av] = curl(X/2,Y/2,2*(X-Y),Y);
-%! assert(all(cz(:)==4));
-%! assert(all(av(:)==2));
-%! assert(size_equal(X,Y,cz,av));
+%! [X,Y] = meshgrid (-20:20,-22:22);
+%! av = curl (2*(X-Y), Y);
+%! assert (all (av(:) == 1));
+%! [cz,av] = curl (2*(X-Y), Y);
+%! assert (all (cz(:) == 2));
+%! assert (all (av(:) == 1));
+%! [cz,av] = curl (X/2, Y/2, 2*(X-Y), Y);
+%! assert (all (cz(:) == 4));
+%! assert (all (av(:) == 2));
+%! assert (size_equal (X,Y,cz,av));
--- a/scripts/general/dblquad.m
+++ b/scripts/general/dblquad.m
@@ -73,10 +73,11 @@
 %% Nasty integrand to show quadcc off
-%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) 1 ./ (x+y), 0, 1, 0, 1), 2*log(2), 1e-6)
+%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) 1 ./ (x+y), 0, 1, 0, 1), 2*log (2), 1e-6)
-%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) exp(-x.^2 - y.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, 1e-6, @quadgk), pi * erf(1).^2, 1e-6)
-%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) exp(-x.^2 - y.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, 1e-6, @quadl), pi * erf(1).^2, 1e-6)
-%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) exp(-x.^2 - y.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, 1e-6, @quadv), pi * erf(1).^2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) exp (-x.^2 - y.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, 1e-6, @quadgk), pi * erf (1).^2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) exp (-x.^2 - y.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, 1e-6, @quadl), pi * erf (1).^2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (dblquad (@(x,y) exp (-x.^2 - y.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, 1e-6, @quadv), pi * erf (1).^2, 1e-6)
--- a/scripts/general/deal.m
+++ b/scripts/general/deal.m
@@ -73,11 +73,13 @@
-%! [a,b]=deal(1,2);
-%! assert(a,1);
-%! assert(b,2);
+%! [a,b] = deal (1,2);
+%! assert (a, 1);
+%! assert (b, 2);
-%! [a,b]=deal(1);
-%! assert(a,1);
-%! assert(b,1);
+%! [a,b] = deal (1);
+%! assert (a, 1);
+%! assert (b, 1);
--- a/scripts/general/divergence.m
+++ b/scripts/general/divergence.m
@@ -105,8 +105,10 @@
-%! [X,Y]=meshgrid(-20:20,-22:22);
-%! div = divergence(X-Y,Y);
-%! assert(all(div(:)==2));
-%! assert(size_equal(X,Y,div));
+%! [X,Y] = meshgrid (-20:20,-22:22);
+%! div = divergence (X-Y,Y);
+%! assert (all (div(:) == 2));
+%! assert (size_equal (X,Y,div));
--- a/scripts/general/flipdim.m
+++ b/scripts/general/flipdim.m
@@ -57,11 +57,13 @@
-%!error flipdim ();
-%!error flipdim (1, 2, 3);
-%!assert (flipdim ([1,2;3,4]), flipdim ([1,2 ; 3,4], 1));
-%!assert (flipdim ([1,2;3,4], 2), [2,1;4,3]);
-%!assert (flipdim ([1,2;3,4], 3), [1,2;3,4]);
+%!assert (flipdim ([1,2;3,4]), flipdim ([1,2 ; 3,4], 1))
+%!assert (flipdim ([1,2;3,4], 2), [2,1;4,3])
+%!assert (flipdim ([1,2;3,4], 3), [1,2;3,4])
 ## FIXME -- we need tests for multidimensional arrays.
+%!error flipdim ()
+%!error flipdim (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/general/fliplr.m
+++ b/scripts/general/fliplr.m
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
-%!assert((fliplr ([1, 2; 3, 4]) == [2, 1; 4, 3]
-%! && fliplr ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]) == [2, 1; 4, 3; 6, 5]
-%! && fliplr ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]) == [3, 2, 1; 6, 5, 4]));
-%!error fliplr();
+%!assert (fliplr ([1, 2; 3, 4]), [2, 1; 4, 3])
+%!assert (fliplr ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]), [2, 1; 4, 3; 6, 5])
+%!assert (fliplr ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]), [3, 2, 1; 6, 5, 4])
-%!error fliplr (1, 2);
+%!error fliplr()
+%!error fliplr (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/general/flipud.m
+++ b/scripts/general/flipud.m
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
-%!assert((flipud ([1, 2; 3, 4]) == [3, 4; 1, 2]
-%! && flipud ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]) == [5, 6; 3, 4; 1, 2]
-%! && flipud ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]) == [4, 5, 6; 1, 2, 3]));
-%!error flipud ();
+%!assert (flipud ([1, 2; 3, 4]), [3, 4; 1, 2])
+%!assert (flipud ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]), [5, 6; 3, 4; 1, 2])
+%!assert (flipud ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]), [4, 5, 6; 1, 2, 3])
-%!error flipud (1, 2);
+%!error flipud ()
+%!error flipud (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/general/genvarname.m
+++ b/scripts/general/genvarname.m
@@ -172,31 +172,31 @@
-## Tests
 ## a single argument
-%!assert(genvarname("a"), "a")
+%!assert (genvarname ("a"), "a")
 ## a single argument with a non-conflicting exception
-%!assert(genvarname("a", "b"), "a")
+%!assert (genvarname ("a", "b"), "a")
 ## a single argument with a conflicting exception
-%!assert(genvarname("a", "a"), "a1")
+%!assert (genvarname ("a", "a"), "a1")
 ## a single argument as a cell
-%!assert(genvarname({"a"}), {"a"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a"}, "b"), {"a"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a"}, {"b"}), {"a"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a"}, "a"), {"a1"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a"}, {"a"}), {"a1"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}), {"a"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, "b"), {"a"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, {"b"}), {"a"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, "a"), {"a1"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a"}, {"a"}), {"a1"})
 ## Test different arguments
 ## orientation
-%!assert(genvarname({"a" "b"}), {"a" "b"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a";"b"}), {"a";"b"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a" "a"}), {"a" "a1"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a" "b";"c" "d"}), {"a" "b";"c" "d"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a" "a" "a";"a" "a" "a"}), {"a" "a2" "a4";"a1" "a3" "a5"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "b"}), {"a" "b"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a";"b"}), {"a";"b"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a"}), {"a" "a1"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "b";"c" "d"}), {"a" "b";"c" "d"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a" "a";"a" "a" "a"}), {"a" "a2" "a4";"a1" "a3" "a5"})
 ## more than one repetition
-%!assert(genvarname({"a" "a" "a"}), {"a" "a1" "a2"})
-%!assert(genvarname({"a" "a" "a"}, {"a" "a1" "a2"}), {"a3" "a4" "a5"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a" "a"}), {"a" "a1" "a2"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "a" "a"}, {"a" "a1" "a2"}), {"a3" "a4" "a5"})
 ## more than one repetition not in order
-%!assert(genvarname({"a" "b" "a" "b" "a"}), {"a" "b" "a1" "b1" "a2"})
+%!assert (genvarname ({"a" "b" "a" "b" "a"}), {"a" "b" "a1" "b1" "a2"})
 ## Variable name munging
 %!assert (genvarname ("__x__"), "_x_")
 %!assert (genvarname ("123456789"), "_123456789")
@@ -206,3 +206,4 @@
 %!assert (genvarname ({"", "", ""}), {"x", "x1", "x2"})
 %!assert (genvarname ("if"), "_if")
 %!assert (genvarname ({"if", "if", "if"}), {"_if", "_if1", "_if2"})
--- a/scripts/general/gradient.m
+++ b/scripts/general/gradient.m
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
 %! data = [1, 2, 4, 2];
 %! dx = gradient (data);
@@ -228,63 +229,63 @@
 %! assert (dx, [1, 3/2, 0, -2]);
 %! assert (dx2, [4, 6, 0, -8]);
 %! assert (dx3, [4, 4, 0, -1]);
-%! assert (size_equal(data, dx));
+%! assert (size_equal (data, dx));
 %! [Y,X,Z,U] = ndgrid (2:2:8,1:5,4:4:12,3:5:30);
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (X);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==1));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==0));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 1));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 0));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (Y);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==2));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==0));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 2));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 0));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (Z);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==4));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==0));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 4));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 0));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (U);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==5));
-%! assert (size_equal(dX, dY, dZ, dU, X, Y, Z, U));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 5));
+%! assert (size_equal (dX, dY, dZ, dU, X, Y, Z, U));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (U, 5.0);
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==1));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 1));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (U, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.5);
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==2));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 2));
 %! [Y,X,Z,U] = ndgrid (2:2:8,1:5,4:4:12,3:5:30);
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (X+j*X);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==1+1j));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==0));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 1+1j));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 0));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (Y-j*Y);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==2-j*2));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==0));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 2-j*2));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 0));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (Z+j*1);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==4));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==0));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 4));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 0));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (U-j*1);
-%! assert (all(dX(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dY(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dZ(:)==0));
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==5));
+%! assert (all (dX(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dY(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dZ(:) == 0));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 5));
 %! assert (size_equal(dX, dY, dZ, dU, X, Y, Z, U));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (U, 5.0);
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==1));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 1));
 %! [dX,dY,dZ,dU] = gradient (U, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.5);
-%! assert (all(dU(:)==2));
+%! assert (all (dU(:) == 2));
 %! x = 0:10;
--- a/scripts/general/idivide.m
+++ b/scripts/general/idivide.m
@@ -100,25 +100,27 @@
 %!shared a, af, b, bf
-%! a = int8(3);
+%! a = int8 (3);
 %! af = 3;
-%! b = int8([-4, 4]);
+%! b = int8 ([-4, 4]);
 %! bf = [-4, 4];
 %!assert (idivide (a, b), int8 ([0, 0]))
-%!assert (idivide (a, b, "floor"), int8([-1, 0]))
+%!assert (idivide (a, b, "floor"), int8 ([-1, 0]))
 %!assert (idivide (a, b, "ceil"), int8 ([0, 1]))
 %!assert (idivide (a, b, "round"), int8 ([-1, 1]))
 %!assert (idivide (af, b), int8 ([0, 0]))
-%!assert (idivide (af, b, "floor"), int8([-1, 0]))
+%!assert (idivide (af, b, "floor"), int8 ([-1, 0]))
 %!assert (idivide (af, b, "ceil"), int8 ([0, 1]))
 %!assert (idivide (af, b, "round"), int8 ([-1, 1]))
 %!assert (idivide (a, bf), int8 ([0, 0]))
-%!assert (idivide (a, bf, "floor"), int8([-1, 0]))
+%!assert (idivide (a, bf, "floor"), int8 ([-1, 0]))
 %!assert (idivide (a, bf, "ceil"), int8 ([0, 1]))
 %!assert (idivide (a, bf, "round"), int8 ([-1, 1]))
-%!error (idivide (uint8(1), int8(1)))
+%!error (idivide (uint8 (1), int8 (1)))
--- a/scripts/general/int2str.m
+++ b/scripts/general/int2str.m
@@ -113,10 +113,12 @@
-%!assert (strcmp (int2str (-123), "-123") && strcmp (int2str (1.2), "1"));
-%!assert (all (int2str ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]) == ["1  2  3";"4  5  6"]));
-%!assert (int2str([]), "");
-%!error int2str ();
-%!error int2str (1, 2);
+%!assert (int2str (-123), "-123")
+%!assert (int2str (1.2), "1")
+%!assert (int2str ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]), ["1  2  3";"4  5  6"])
+%!assert (int2str ([]), "")
+%!error int2str ()
+%!error int2str (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/general/interp1.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interp1.m
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@
 %! clf;
-%! xf = 0:0.05:10; yf = sin (2*pi*xf/5);
-%! xp = 0:10;      yp = sin (2*pi*xp/5);
+%! xf = 0:0.05:10;  yf = sin (2*pi*xf/5);
+%! xp = 0:10;       yp = sin (2*pi*xp/5);
 %! lin = interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "linear");
 %! spl = interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "spline");
 %! cub = interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "pchip");
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@
 %! clf;
-%! xf = 0:0.05:10; yf = sin (2*pi*xf/5);
-%! xp = 0:10;      yp = sin (2*pi*xp/5);
+%! xf = 0:0.05:10;  yf = sin (2*pi*xf/5);
+%! xp = 0:10;       yp = sin (2*pi*xp/5);
 %! lin = interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "*linear");
 %! spl = interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "*spline");
 %! cub = interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "*cubic");
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@
 %! clf;
-%! xf = 0:0.05:10;               yf = sin (2*pi*xf/5) - (xf >= 5);
-%! xp = [0:.5:4.5,4.99,5:.5:10]; yp = sin (2*pi*xp/5) - (xp >= 5);
+%! xf = 0:0.05:10;                yf = sin (2*pi*xf/5) - (xf >= 5);
+%! xp = [0:.5:4.5,4.99,5:.5:10];  yp = sin (2*pi*xp/5) - (xp >= 5);
 %! lin = interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "linear");
 %! near= interp1 (xp,yp,xf, "nearest");
 %! plot (xf,yf,"r", xf,near,"g", xf,lin,"b", xp,yp,"r*");
@@ -372,204 +372,205 @@
 %!test style = "nearest";
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
-%!        interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps);
-%!test style=['*',style];
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
+%!        interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps)
+%!test style = ["*",style];
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
-%!test style='linear';
+%!test style = "linear";
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
-%!        interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps);
-%!test style=['*',style];
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
+%!        interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps)
+%!test style = ['*',style];
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
-%!test style='cubic';
+%!test style = "cubic";
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),100*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
-%!        interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps);
-%!test style=['*',style];
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),100*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),100*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
+%!        interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps)
+%!test style = ["*",style];
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),100*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
-%!test style='pchip';
+%!test style = "pchip";
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
-%!        interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps);
-%!test style=['*',style];
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
+%!        interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps)
+%!test style = ["*",style];
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
-%!test style='spline';
+%!test style = "spline";
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
-%!        interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps);
-%!test style=['*',style];
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp',yp',[],style)));
-%!assert (isempty(interp1(xp,yp,[],style)));
-%!assert (interp1(xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
-%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)]);
-%!assert (interp1(xp,yp,xi,style),...
-%!        interp1(fliplr(xp),fliplr(yp),xi,style),100*eps);
-%!assert (ppval(interp1(xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
-%!        interp1(xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, style);
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,style),
+%!        interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi,["*",style]),100*eps)
+%!test style = ["*",style];
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [min(xp)-1, max(xp)+1],style), [NA, NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp',style), yp', 100*eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp',yp',xp,style), yp, 100*eps)
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp',yp',[],style)))
+%!assert (isempty (interp1 (xp,yp,[],style)))
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,[yp',yp'],xi(:),style),...
+%!        [interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style),interp1(xp,yp,xi(:),style)])
+%!assert (interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style),...
+%!        interp1 (fliplr (xp),fliplr (yp),xi,style),100*eps)
+%!assert (ppval (interp1 (xp,yp,style,"pp"),xi),
+%!        interp1 (xp,yp,xi,style,"extrap"),10*eps)
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, style)
 %!# test linear extrapolation
-%!assert (interp1([1:5],[3:2:11],[0,6],"linear","extrap"), [1, 13], eps);
-%!assert (interp1(xp, yp, [-1, max(xp)+1],"linear",5), [5, 5]);
-%!error interp1
-%!error interp1(1:2,1:2,1,"bogus")
+%!assert (interp1 ([1:5],[3:2:11],[0,6],"linear","extrap"), [1, 13], eps)
+%!assert (interp1 (xp, yp, [-1, max(xp)+1],"linear",5), [5, 5])
-%!assert (interp1(1:2,1:2,1.4,"nearest"),1);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, "linear");
-%!assert (interp1(1:2,1:2,1.4,"linear"),1.4);
-%!assert (interp1(1:4,1:4,1.4,"cubic"),1.4);
-%!assert (interp1(1:2,1:2,1.1, "spline"), 1.1);
-%!assert (interp1(1:3,1:3,1.4,"spline"),1.4);
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2,1:2,1.4,"nearest"), 1)
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2,1:2,1.4,"linear"), 1.4)
+%!assert (interp1 (1:4,1:4,1.4,"cubic"), 1.4)
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2,1:2,1.1, "spline"), 1.1)
+%!assert (interp1 (1:3,1:3,1.4,"spline"), 1.4)
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, "*nearest");
-%!assert (interp1(1:2:4,1:2:4,1.4,"*nearest"),1);
-%!error interp1(1,1,1, "*linear");
-%!assert (interp1(1:2:4,1:2:4,[0,1,1.4,3,4],"*linear"),[NA,1,1.4,3,NA]);
-%!assert (interp1(1:2:8,1:2:8,1.4,"*cubic"),1.4);
-%!assert (interp1(1:2,1:2,1.3, "*spline"), 1.3);
-%!assert (interp1(1:2:6,1:2:6,1.4,"*spline"),1.4);
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2:4,1:2:4,1.4,"*nearest"), 1)
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2:4,1:2:4,[0,1,1.4,3,4],"*linear"), [NA,1,1.4,3,NA])
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2:8,1:2:8,1.4,"*cubic"), 1.4)
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2,1:2,1.3, "*spline"), 1.3)
+%!assert (interp1 (1:2:6,1:2:6,1.4,"*spline"), 1.4)
-%!assert (interp1([3,2,1],[3,2,2],2.5),2.5)
+%!assert (interp1 ([3,2,1],[3,2,2],2.5), 2.5)
 %!assert (interp1 ([1,2,2,3,4],[0,1,4,2,1],[-1,1.5,2,2.5,3.5], "linear", "extrap"), [-2,0.5,4,3,1.5])
 %!assert (interp1 ([4,4,3,2,0],[0,1,4,2,1],[1.5,4,4.5], "linear"), [1.75,1,NA])
 %!assert (interp1 (0:4, 2.5), 1.5)
+%!error interp1 ()
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, "linear")
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, "*nearest")
+%!error interp1 (1,1,1, "*linear")
+%!error interp1 (1:2,1:2,1, "bogus")
--- a/scripts/general/interp1q.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interp1q.m
@@ -57,14 +57,16 @@
 %!shared xp, yp, xi, yi
-%! xp=[0:2:10].';      yp = sin(2*pi*xp/5);
+%! xp = [0:2:10].';   yp = sin(2*pi*xp/5);
 %! xi = [-1; 0; 2.2; 4; 6.6; 10; 11];
 %! yi = interp1 (xp,yp,xi);
-%!assert (interp1q(xp, yp, [min(xp)-1; max(xp)+1]), [NA; NA]);
-%!assert (interp1q(xp,yp,xp), yp, 100*eps);
-%!assert (isempty(interp1q(xp,yp,[])));
-%!assert (interp1q(xp,yp,xi), yi);
-%!assert (interp1q(xp,[yp,yp],xi), [yi, yi]);
-%!assert (interp1q(xp,yp,[xi,xi]), [yi, yi]);
-%!assert (interp1q(xp,[yp,yp],[xi,xi]), cat (3, [yi, yi], [yi, yi]));
+%!assert (interp1q (xp,yp, [min(xp)-1; max(xp)+1]), [NA; NA]);
+%!assert (interp1q (xp,yp,xp), yp, 100*eps);
+%!assert (isempty (interp1q (xp,yp,[])));
+%!assert (interp1q (xp,yp,xi), yi);
+%!assert (interp1q (xp,[yp,yp],xi), [yi, yi]);
+%!assert (interp1q (xp,yp,[xi,xi]), [yi, yi]);
+%!assert (interp1q (xp,[yp,yp],[xi,xi]), cat (3, [yi, yi], [yi, yi]));
--- a/scripts/general/interp2.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interp2.m
@@ -449,9 +449,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,4]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,4];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "linear"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -460,9 +460,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! [x,y,A] = peaks (10);
-%! x = x(1,:)'; y = y(:,1);
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 41);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 41)';
+%! x = x(1,:)';  y = y(:,1);
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 41);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 41)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "linear"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,4]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,4];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "nearest"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -482,9 +482,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! [x,y,A] = peaks (10);
-%! x = x(1,:)'; y = y(:,1);
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 41);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 41)';
+%! x = x(1,:)';  y = y(:,1);
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 41);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 41)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "nearest"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,2]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,2];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "pchip"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -504,9 +504,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! [x,y,A] = peaks (10);
-%! x = x(1,:)'; y = y(:,1);
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 41);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 41)';
+%! x = x(1,:)';  y = y(:,1);
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 41);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 41)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "pchip"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -515,9 +515,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,2]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,2];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "cubic"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -526,9 +526,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! [x,y,A] = peaks (10);
-%! x = x(1,:)'; y = y(:,1);
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 41);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 41)';
+%! x = x(1,:)';  y = y(:,1);
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 41);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 41)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "cubic"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -537,9 +537,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,2]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,2];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "spline"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -548,83 +548,84 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! [x,y,A] = peaks (10);
-%! x = x(1,:)'; y = y(:,1);
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 41);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 41)';
+%! x = x(1,:)';  y = y(:,1);
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 41);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 41)';
 %! mesh (xi,yi,interp2 (x,y,A,xi,yi, "spline"));
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
 %!test % simple test
-%!  x = [1,2,3];
-%!  y = [4,5,6,7];
-%!  [X, Y] = meshgrid (x,y);
-%!  Orig = X.^2 + Y.^3;
-%!  xi = [1.2,2, 1.5];
-%!  yi = [6.2, 4.0, 5.0]';
+%! x = [1,2,3];
+%! y = [4,5,6,7];
+%! [X, Y] = meshgrid (x, y);
+%! Orig = X.^2 + Y.^3;
+%! xi = [1.2,2, 1.5];
+%! yi = [6.2, 4.0, 5.0]';
-%!  Expected = ...
-%!    [243,   245.4,  243.9;
-%!      65.6,  68,     66.5;
-%!     126.6, 129,    127.5];
-%!  Result = interp2 (x,y,Orig, xi, yi);
+%! Expected = ...
+%!   [243,   245.4,  243.9;
+%!     65.6,  68,     66.5;
+%!    126.6, 129,    127.5];
+%! Result = interp2 (x,y,Orig, xi, yi);
-%!  assert(Result, Expected, 1000*eps);
+%! assert (Result, Expected, 1000*eps);
 %!test % 2^n form
-%!  x = [1,2,3];
-%!  y = [4,5,6,7];
-%!  [X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
-%!  Orig = X.^2 + Y.^3;
-%!  xi = [1:0.25:3]; yi = [4:0.25:7]';
-%!  Expected = interp2(x,y,Orig, xi, yi);
-%!  Result = interp2(Orig,2);
+%! x = [1,2,3];
+%! y = [4,5,6,7];
+%! [X, Y] = meshgrid (x, y);
+%! Orig = X.^2 + Y.^3;
+%! xi = [1:0.25:3];  yi = [4:0.25:7]';
+%! Expected = interp2 (x,y,Orig, xi, yi);
+%! Result = interp2 (Orig, 2);
-%!  assert(Result, Expected, 10*eps);
+%! assert (Result, Expected, 10*eps);
 %!test % matrix slice
-%!  A = eye(4);
-%!  assert(interp2(A,[1:4],[1:4]),[1,1,1,1]);
+%! A = eye (4);
+%! assert (interp2 (A,[1:4],[1:4]), [1,1,1,1]);
 %!test % non-gridded XI,YI
-%!  A = eye(4);
-%!  assert(interp2(A,[1,2;3,4],[1,3;2,4]),[1,0;0,1]);
+%! A = eye (4);
+%! assert (interp2 (A,[1,2;3,4],[1,3;2,4]), [1,0;0,1]);
 %!test % for values outside of boundaries
-%!  x = [1,2,3];
-%!  y = [4,5,6,7];
-%!  [X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
-%!  Orig = X.^2 + Y.^3;
-%!  xi = [0,4];
-%!  yi = [3,8]';
-%!  assert(interp2(x,y,Orig, xi, yi),[NA,NA;NA,NA]);
-%!  assert(interp2(x,y,Orig, xi, yi,'linear', 0),[0,0;0,0]);
+%! x = [1,2,3];
+%! y = [4,5,6,7];
+%! [X, Y] = meshgrid (x,y);
+%! Orig = X.^2 + Y.^3;
+%! xi = [0,4];
+%! yi = [3,8]';
+%! assert (interp2 (x,y,Orig, xi, yi), [NA,NA;NA,NA]);
+%! assert (interp2 (x,y,Orig, xi, yi,"linear", 0), [0,0;0,0]);
 %!test % for values at boundaries
-%!  A=[1,2;3,4];
-%!  x=[0,1];
-%!  y=[2,3]';
-%!  assert(interp2(x,y,A,x,y,'linear'), A);
-%!  assert(interp2(x,y,A,x,y,'nearest'), A);
+%! A=[1,2;3,4];
+%! x=[0,1];
+%! y=[2,3]';
+%! assert (interp2 (x,y,A,x,y,"linear"), A);
+%! assert (interp2 (x,y,A,x,y,"nearest"), A);
 %!test % for Matlab-compatible rounding for 'nearest'
 %! X = meshgrid (1:4);
-%! assert (interp2 (X, 2.5, 2.5, 'nearest'), 3);
+%! assert (interp2 (X, 2.5, 2.5, "nearest"), 3);
 %!shared z, zout, tol
-%!  z = [1 3 5; 3 5 7; 5 7 9];
-%!  zout = [1 2 3 4 5; 2 3 4 5 6; 3 4 5 6 7; 4 5 6 7 8; 5 6 7 8 9];
-%!  tol = 2 * eps;
-%!assert (interp2 (z), zout, tol);
-%!assert (interp2 (z, "linear"), zout, tol);
-%!assert (interp2 (z, "pchip"), zout, tol);
-%!assert (interp2 (z, "cubic"), zout, 10 * tol);
-%!assert (interp2 (z, "spline"), zout, tol);
+%! z = [1 3 5; 3 5 7; 5 7 9];
+%! zout = [1 2 3 4 5; 2 3 4 5 6; 3 4 5 6 7; 4 5 6 7 8; 5 6 7 8 9];
+%! tol = 2 * eps;
+%!assert (interp2 (z), zout, tol)
+%!assert (interp2 (z, "linear"), zout, tol)
+%!assert (interp2 (z, "pchip"), zout, tol)
+%!assert (interp2 (z, "cubic"), zout, 10 * tol)
+%!assert (interp2 (z, "spline"), zout, tol)
 %!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2]', "linear"), repmat ([5, 7, 3], [3, 1]), tol) 
 %!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2]', "pchip"), repmat ([5, 7, 3], [3, 1]), tol) 
 %!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2]', "cubic"), repmat ([5, 7, 3], [3, 1]), 10 * tol) 
 %!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2]', "spline"), repmat ([5, 7, 3], [3, 1]), tol) 
-%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "linear"), [5 7 3], tol);
-%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "pchip"), [5 7 3], tol);
-%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "cubic"), [5 7 3], 10 * tol);
-%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "spline"), [5 7 3], tol);
+%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "linear"), [5 7 3], tol)
+%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "pchip"), [5 7 3], tol)
+%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "cubic"), [5 7 3], 10 * tol)
+%!assert (interp2 (z, [2 3 1], [2 2 2], "spline"), [5 7 3], tol)
--- a/scripts/general/interp3.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interp3.m
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
 %! x = y = z = -1:1;
 %! f = @(x,y,z) x.^2 - y - z.^2;
@@ -142,9 +143,9 @@
 %! v = f (xx,yy,zz);
 %! xi = yi = zi = -1:0.5:1;
 %! [xxi, yyi, zzi] = meshgrid (xi, yi, zi);
-%! vi = interp3(x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi);
+%! vi = interp3 (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi);
 %! [xxi, yyi, zzi] = ndgrid (xi, yi, zi);
-%! vi2 = interpn(x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi);
+%! vi2 = interpn (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi);
 %! assert (vi, vi2);
 %!shared z, zout, tol
@@ -164,3 +165,4 @@
 %!assert (interp3 (z), zout, tol)
 %!assert (interp3 (z, "linear"), zout, tol)
 %!assert (interp3 (z, "spline"), zout, tol)
--- a/scripts/general/interpft.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interpft.m
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
 %! clf;
-%! t = 0 : 0.3 : pi; dt = t(2)-t(1);
-%! n = length (t); k = 100;
+%! t = 0 : 0.3 : pi;  dt = t(2)-t(1);
+%! n = length (t);  k = 100;
 %! ti = t(1) + [0 : k-1]*dt*n/k;
 %! y = sin (4*t + 0.3) .* cos (3*t - 0.1);
 %! yp = sin (4*ti + 0.3) .* cos (3*ti - 0.1);
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 %! legend ("sin(4t+0.3)cos(3t-0.1)", "spline", "interpft", "data");
 %!shared n,y
-%! x = [0:10]'; y = sin(x); n = length (x);
+%! x = [0:10]';  y = sin(x);  n = length (x);
 %!assert (interpft (y, n), y, 20*eps);
 %!assert (interpft (y', n), y', 20*eps);
 %!assert (interpft ([y,y],n), [y,y], 20*eps);
--- a/scripts/general/interpn.m
+++ b/scripts/general/interpn.m
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,4]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,4];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi, yi, interpn (x,y,A.',xi,yi, "linear").');
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,4]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,4];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi, yi, interpn (x,y,A.',xi,yi, "nearest").');
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,2]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,2];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi, yi, interpn (x,y,A.',xi,yi, "cubic").');
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -247,9 +247,9 @@
 %! clf;
 %! colormap ("default");
 %! A = [13,-1,12;5,4,3;1,6,2];
-%! x = [0,1,2]; y = [10,11,12];
-%! xi = linspace (min(x), max(x), 17);
-%! yi = linspace (min(y), max(y), 26)';
+%! x = [0,1,2];  y = [10,11,12];
+%! xi = linspace (min (x), max (x), 17);
+%! yi = linspace (min (y), max (y), 26)';
 %! mesh (xi, yi, interpn (x,y,A.',xi,yi, "spline").');
 %! [x,y] = meshgrid (x,y);
 %! hold on; plot3 (x(:),y(:),A(:),"b*"); hold off;
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
 %! v = f (xx,yy,zz);
 %! xi = yi = zi = -1:0.1:1;
 %! [xxi, yyi, zzi] = ndgrid (xi, yi, zi);
-%! vi = interpn (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, 'spline');
+%! vi = interpn (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, "spline");
 %! mesh (yi, zi, squeeze (vi(1,:,:)));
--- a/scripts/general/isa.m
+++ b/scripts/general/isa.m
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 %!assert (isa ("char", "float"), false)
 %!assert (isa (logical (1), "float"), false)
 %!assert (isa (double (13), "float"), true)
@@ -76,20 +77,20 @@
 %!assert (isa (uint32 (13), "numeric"), true)
 %!assert (isa (uint64 (13), "numeric"), true)
-%!assert (isa (double (13), "double"));
-%!assert (isa (single (13), "single"));
-%!assert (isa (int8 (13), "int8"));
-%!assert (isa (int16 (13), "int16"));
-%!assert (isa (int32 (13), "int32"));
-%!assert (isa (int64 (13), "int64"));
-%!assert (isa (uint8 (13), "uint8"));
-%!assert (isa (uint16 (13), "uint16"));
-%!assert (isa (uint32 (13), "uint32"));
-%!assert (isa (uint64 (13), "uint64"));
-%!assert (isa ("string", "char"));
-%!assert (isa (true, "logical"));
-%!assert (isa (false, "logical"));
-%!assert (isa ({1, 2}, "cell"));
+%!assert (isa (double (13), "double"))
+%!assert (isa (single (13), "single"))
+%!assert (isa (int8 (13), "int8"))
+%!assert (isa (int16 (13), "int16"))
+%!assert (isa (int32 (13), "int32"))
+%!assert (isa (int64 (13), "int64"))
+%!assert (isa (uint8 (13), "uint8"))
+%!assert (isa (uint16 (13), "uint16"))
+%!assert (isa (uint32 (13), "uint32"))
+%!assert (isa (uint64 (13), "uint64"))
+%!assert (isa ("string", "char"))
+%!assert (isa (true, "logical"))
+%!assert (isa (false, "logical"))
+%!assert (isa ({1, 2}, "cell"))
 %! a.b = 1;
 %! assert (isa (a, "struct"));
--- a/scripts/general/isdir.m
+++ b/scripts/general/isdir.m
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@
-%!error isdir ();
-%!error isdir (1, 2);
+%!assert (isdir (pwd ()))
+%!assert (! isdir ("this is highly unlikely to be a directory name"))
-%!assert (isdir (pwd ()));
-%!assert (! isdir ("this is highly unlikely to be a directory name"));
+%!error isdir ()
+%!error isdir (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/general/isequal.m
+++ b/scripts/general/isequal.m
@@ -32,12 +32,13 @@
 ## test size and shape
-%!assert(isequal([1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]), true)
-%!assert(isequal([1;2;3;4],[1;2;3;4]), true)
-%!assert(isequal([1,2,3,4],[1;2;3;4]), false)
-%!assert(isequal([1,2,3,4],[1,2;3,4]), false)
-%!assert(isequal([1,2,3,4],[1,3;2,4]), false)
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]), true)
+%!assert (isequal ([1;2;3;4],[1;2;3;4]), true)
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,3,4],[1;2;3;4]), false)
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,3,4],[1,2;3,4]), false)
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,3,4],[1,3;2,4]), false)
 %! A = 1:8;
@@ -55,20 +56,21 @@
 %! assert (isequal (A, B), false);
 ## test for equality
-%!assert(isequal([1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]), true)
-%!assert(isequal(['a','b','c','d'],['a','b','c','d']), true)
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]), true)
+%!assert (isequal (['a','b','c','d'],['a','b','c','d']), true)
 ## Test multi-line strings
-%!assert(isequal(["test";"strings"],["test";"strings"],["test";"strings"]), true)
+%!assert (isequal (["test";"strings"],["test";"strings"],["test";"strings"]), true)
 ## test for inequality
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,3,4],[1;2;3;4]), false)
+%!assert (isequal ({1,2,3,4},[1,2,3,4]), false)
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,3,4],{1,2,3,4}), false)
+%!assert (isequal ([1,2,NaN,4],[1,2,NaN,4]), false)
+%!assert (isequal (['a','b','c','d'],['a';'b';'c';'d']), false)
+%!assert (isequal ({'a','b','c','d'},{'a';'b';'c';'d'}), false)
 ## test for equality (struct)
+%!assert (isequal (struct ('a',1,'b',2),struct ('a',1,'b',2)), true)
+%!assert (isequal (struct ('a',1,'b',2),struct ('a',1,'b',2),struct ('a',1,'b',2)), true)
+%!assert (isequal (struct ('a',"abc",'b',2),struct ('a',"abc",'b',2)), true)
 ## test for inequality (struct)
+%!assert (isequal (struct ('a',NaN,'b',2),struct ('a',NaN,'b',2),struct ('a',NaN,'b',2)), false)
--- a/scripts/general/isequalwithequalnans.m
+++ b/scripts/general/isequalwithequalnans.m
@@ -33,12 +33,14 @@
 ## test for equality
-%!assert(isequalwithequalnans({1,2,NaN,4},{1,2,NaN,4}), true)
-%!assert(isequalwithequalnans([1,2,NaN,4],[1,2,NaN,4]), true)
+%!assert (isequalwithequalnans ({1,2,NaN,4},{1,2,NaN,4}), true)
+%!assert (isequalwithequalnans ([1,2,NaN,4],[1,2,NaN,4]), true)
 ## test for inequality
+%!assert (isequalwithequalnans ([1,2,NaN,4],[1,NaN,3,4]), false)
+%!assert (isequalwithequalnans ([1,2,NaN,4],[1,2,3,4]), false)
 ## test for equality (struct)
-%!assert(isequalwithequalnans(1,2,1), false)
+%!assert (isequalwithequalnans (struct ('a',NaN,'b',2),struct ('a',NaN,'b',2),struct ('a',NaN,'b',2)), true)
+%!assert (isequalwithequalnans (1,2,1), false)
--- a/scripts/general/issquare.m
+++ b/scripts/general/issquare.m
@@ -41,22 +41,23 @@
-%!assert(issquare ([]));
-%!assert(issquare (1));
-%!assert(!(issquare ([1, 2])));
-%!assert(issquare ([1, 2; 3, 4]));
-%!assert(!(issquare ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6])));
-%!assert(!(issquare (ones (3,3,3))));
-%!assert(issquare ("t"));
-%!assert(!(issquare ("test")));
-%!assert(issquare (["test"; "ing"; "1"; "2"]));
+%!assert (issquare ([]))
+%!assert (issquare (1))
+%!assert (! issquare ([1, 2]))
+%!assert (issquare ([1, 2; 3, 4]))
+%!assert (! issquare ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]))
+%!assert (! issquare (ones (3,3,3)))
+%!assert (issquare ("t"))
+%!assert (! issquare ("test"))
+%!assert (issquare (["test"; "ing"; "1"; "2"]))
 %! s.a = 1;
-%! assert(issquare (s));
-%!assert(issquare ({1, 2; 3, 4}));
-%!assert(sparse (([1, 2; 3, 4])));
+%! assert (issquare (s));
+%!assert (issquare ({1, 2; 3, 4}))
+%!assert (sparse (([1, 2; 3, 4])))
 %% Test input validation
-%!error issquare ();
-%!error issquare ([1, 2; 3, 4], 2);
+%!error issquare ()
+%!error issquare ([1, 2; 3, 4], 2)
--- a/scripts/general/logspace.m
+++ b/scripts/general/logspace.m
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
 %! assert (size (x4) == [1, 10] && x4(1) == 10 && abs (x4(10) - pi) < sqrt (eps));
 %% Test input validation
-%!error logspace ();
-%!error logspace (1, 2, 3, 4);
-%!error logspace ([1, 2; 3, 4], 5, 6);
-%!error logspace (1, [1, 2; 3, 4], 6);
-%!error logspace (1, 2, [1, 2; 3, 4]);
+%!error logspace ()
+%!error logspace (1, 2, 3, 4)
+%!error logspace ([1, 2; 3, 4], 5, 6)
+%!error logspace (1, [1, 2; 3, 4], 6)
+%!error logspace (1, 2, [1, 2; 3, 4])
--- a/scripts/general/nargchk.m
+++ b/scripts/general/nargchk.m
@@ -63,18 +63,19 @@
 ## Tests
 %!shared stnul, stmin, stmax
-%!  stnul = resize (struct ("message", "", "identifier", ""), 0, 1);
-%!  stmin = struct ("message", "not enough input arguments",
-%!                  "identifier", "Octave:nargchk:not-enough-inputs");
-%!  stmax = struct ("message", "too many input arguments",
-%!                  "identifier", "Octave:nargchk:too-many-inputs");
+%! stnul = resize (struct ("message", "", "identifier", ""), 0, 1);
+%! stmin = struct ("message", "not enough input arguments",
+%!                 "identifier", "Octave:nargchk:not-enough-inputs");
+%! stmax = struct ("message", "too many input arguments",
+%!                 "identifier", "Octave:nargchk:too-many-inputs");
 %!assert (nargchk (0, 1, 0), "")
 %!assert (nargchk (0, 1, 1), "")
 %!assert (nargchk (1, 1, 0), "not enough input arguments")
 %!assert (nargchk (0, 1, 2), "too many input arguments")
 %!assert (nargchk (0, 1, 2, "string"), "too many input arguments")
 ## Struct outputs
-%!assert (isequal (nargchk (0, 1, 0, "struct"), stnul))
-%!assert (isequal (nargchk (0, 1, 1, "struct"), stnul))
+%!assert (nargchk (0, 1, 0, "struct"), stnul)
+%!assert (nargchk (0, 1, 1, "struct"), stnul)
 %!assert (nargchk (1, 1, 0, "struct"), stmin)
 %!assert (nargchk (0, 1, 2, "struct"), stmax)
--- a/scripts/general/narginchk.m
+++ b/scripts/general/narginchk.m
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 %!function f (nargs, varargin)
 %! narginchk (nargs(1), nargs(2));
@@ -64,6 +65,6 @@
 %! f([1,1])
 %! f([1,5], 2, 3, 4, 5)
--- a/scripts/general/nargoutchk.m
+++ b/scripts/general/nargoutchk.m
@@ -104,21 +104,21 @@
-## Tests
 %!shared stnul, stmin, stmax
-%!  stnul = resize (struct ("message", "", "identifier", ""), 0, 1);
-%!  stmin = struct ("message", "not enough output arguments",
-%!                  "identifier", "Octave:nargoutchk:not-enough-outputs");
-%!  stmax = struct ("message", "too many output arguments",
-%!                  "identifier", "Octave:nargoutchk:too-many-outputs");
+%! stnul = resize (struct ("message", "", "identifier", ""), 0, 1);
+%! stmin = struct ("message", "not enough output arguments",
+%!                 "identifier", "Octave:nargoutchk:not-enough-outputs");
+%! stmax = struct ("message", "too many output arguments",
+%!                 "identifier", "Octave:nargoutchk:too-many-outputs");
 %!assert (nargoutchk (0, 1, 0), "")
 %!assert (nargoutchk (0, 1, 1), "")
 %!assert (nargoutchk (1, 1, 0), "not enough output arguments")
 %!assert (nargoutchk (0, 1, 2), "too many output arguments")
 %!assert (nargoutchk (0, 1, 2, "string"), "too many output arguments")
 ## Struct outputs
-%!assert (isequal (nargoutchk (0, 1, 0, "struct"), stnul))
-%!assert (isequal (nargoutchk (0, 1, 1, "struct"), stnul))
+%!assert (nargoutchk (0, 1, 0, "struct"), stnul)
+%!assert (nargoutchk (0, 1, 1, "struct"), stnul)
 %!assert (nargoutchk (1, 1, 0, "struct"), stmin)
 %!assert (nargoutchk (0, 1, 2, "struct"), stmax)
--- a/scripts/general/nextpow2.m
+++ b/scripts/general/nextpow2.m
@@ -56,13 +56,15 @@
-%!error nexpow2 ();
-%!error nexpow2 (1, 2);
-%!assert (nextpow2 (16), 4);
-%!assert (nextpow2 (17), 5);
-%!assert (nextpow2 (31), 5);
-%!assert (nextpow2 (-16), 4);
-%!assert (nextpow2 (-17), 5);
-%!assert (nextpow2 (-31), 5);
-%!assert (nextpow2 (1:17), 5);
+%!assert (nextpow2 (16), 4)
+%!assert (nextpow2 (17), 5)
+%!assert (nextpow2 (31), 5)
+%!assert (nextpow2 (-16), 4)
+%!assert (nextpow2 (-17), 5)
+%!assert (nextpow2 (-31), 5)
+%!assert (nextpow2 (1:17), 5)
+%!error nexpow2 ()
+%!error nexpow2 (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/general/nthargout.m
+++ b/scripts/general/nthargout.m
@@ -107,7 +107,9 @@
 %!shared m
 %! m = magic (5);
-%!assert (nthargout ([1, 2], @ind2sub, size(m), nthargout (2, @max, m(:))), {5,3}) 
+%!assert (nthargout ([1,2], @ind2sub, size (m), nthargout (2, @max, m(:))), {5,3})
 %!assert (nthargout (3, @find, m(m>20)), [23, 24, 25, 21, 22]')
--- a/scripts/general/num2str.m
+++ b/scripts/general/num2str.m
@@ -177,10 +177,13 @@
-%!assert ((strcmp (num2str (123), "123") && strcmp (num2str (1.23), "1.23")));
-%!assert (num2str (123.456, 4), "123.5");
-%!assert (all (num2str ([1, 1.34; 3, 3.56], "%5.1f") == ["1.0  1.3"; "3.0  3.6"]));
-%!assert (num2str (1.234 + 27.3i), "1.234+27.3i");
-%!error num2str ();
-%!error num2str (1, 2, 3);
+%!assert (num2str (123), "123")
+%!assert (num2str (1.23), "1.23")
+%!assert (num2str (123.456, 4), "123.5")
+%!assert (num2str ([1, 1.34; 3, 3.56], "%5.1f"),  ["1.0  1.3"; "3.0  3.6"])
+%!assert (num2str (1.234 + 27.3i), "1.234+27.3i")
+%!error num2str ()
+%!error num2str (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/general/pol2cart.m
+++ b/scripts/general/pol2cart.m
@@ -80,27 +80,28 @@
 %! t = [0, 0.5, 1] * pi;
 %! r = 1;
 %! [x, y] = pol2cart (t, r);
-%! assert (x, [1, 0, -1], sqrt(eps));
-%! assert (y, [0, 1,  0], sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (x, [1, 0, -1], sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (y, [0, 1,  0], sqrt (eps));
 %! t = [0, 1, 1] * pi/4;
-%! r = sqrt(2) * [0, 1, 2];
+%! r = sqrt (2) * [0, 1, 2];
 %! [x, y] = pol2cart (t, r);
-%! assert (x, [0, 1, 2], sqrt(eps));
-%! assert (y, [0, 1, 2], sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (x, [0, 1, 2], sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (y, [0, 1, 2], sqrt (eps));
 %! t = [0, 1, 1] * pi/4;
-%! r = sqrt(2) * [0, 1, 2];
+%! r = sqrt (2) * [0, 1, 2];
 %! z = [0, 1, 2];
 %! [x, y, z2] = pol2cart (t, r, z);
-%! assert (x, [0, 1, 2], sqrt(eps));
-%! assert (y, [0, 1, 2], sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (x, [0, 1, 2], sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (y, [0, 1, 2], sqrt (eps));
 %! assert (z, z2);
@@ -108,8 +109,8 @@
 %! r = [0, 1, 2];
 %! z = [0, 1, 2];
 %! [x, y, z2] = pol2cart (t, r, z);
-%! assert (x, [0, 1, 2], sqrt(eps));
-%! assert (y, [0, 0, 0], sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (x, [0, 1, 2], sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (y, [0, 0, 0], sqrt (eps));
 %! assert (z, z2);
@@ -117,8 +118,8 @@
 %! r = 1;
 %! z = [0, 1, 2];
 %! [x, y, z2] = pol2cart (t, r, z);
-%! assert (x, [1, 1, 1] / sqrt(2), eps);
-%! assert (y, [1, 1, 1] / sqrt(2), eps);
+%! assert (x, [1, 1, 1] / sqrt (2), eps);
+%! assert (y, [1, 1, 1] / sqrt (2), eps);
 %! assert (z, z2);
@@ -127,16 +128,16 @@
 %! z = 1;
 %! [x, y, z2] = pol2cart (t, r, z);
 %! assert (x, [1, 2, 3], eps);
-%! assert (y, [0, 0, 0] / sqrt(2), eps);
+%! assert (y, [0, 0, 0] / sqrt (2), eps);
 %! assert (z, z2);
 %! P = [0, 0; pi/4, sqrt(2); pi/4, 2*sqrt(2)];
 %! C = [0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 2];
-%! assert (pol2cart(P), C, sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (pol2cart (P), C, sqrt (eps));
 %! P = [0, 0, 0; pi/4, sqrt(2), 1; pi/4, 2*sqrt(2), 2];
 %! C = [0, 0, 0; 1, 1, 1; 2, 2, 2];
-%! assert (pol2cart(P), C, sqrt(eps));
+%! assert (pol2cart (P), C, sqrt (eps));
--- a/scripts/general/polyarea.m
+++ b/scripts/general/polyarea.m
@@ -61,10 +61,12 @@
 %!shared x, y
 %! x = [1;1;3;3;1];
 %! y = [1;3;3;1;1];
-%!assert (polyarea(x,y), 4, eps)
-%!assert (polyarea([x,x],[y,y]), [4,4], eps)
-%!assert (polyarea([x,x],[y,y],1), [4,4], eps)
-%!assert (polyarea([x,x]',[y,y]',2), [4;4], eps)
+%!assert (polyarea (x,y), 4, eps)
+%!assert (polyarea ([x,x],[y,y]), [4,4], eps)
+%!assert (polyarea ([x,x],[y,y],1), [4,4], eps)
+%!assert (polyarea ([x,x]',[y,y]',2), [4;4], eps)
--- a/scripts/general/postpad.m
+++ b/scripts/general/postpad.m
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@
-%!error postpad ();
-%!error postpad (1);
-%!error postpad (1,2,3,4,5);
-%!error postpad ([1,2], 2, 2,3);
-%!assert (postpad ([1,2], 4), [1,2,0,0]);
-%!assert (postpad ([1;2], 4), [1;2;0;0]);
+%!assert (postpad ([1,2], 4), [1,2,0,0])
+%!assert (postpad ([1;2], 4), [1;2;0;0])
+%!assert (postpad ([1,2], 4, 2), [1,2,2,2])
+%!assert (postpad ([1;2], 4, 2), [1;2;2;2])
+%!assert (postpad ([1,2], 2, 2, 1), [1,2;2,2])
-%!assert (postpad ([1,2], 4, 2), [1,2,2,2]);
-%!assert (postpad ([1;2], 4, 2), [1;2;2;2]);
+%!error postpad ()
+%!error postpad (1)
+%!error postpad (1,2,3,4,5)
+%!error postpad ([1,2], 2, 2,3)
-%!assert (postpad ([1,2], 2, 2, 1), [1,2;2,2]);
--- a/scripts/general/prepad.m
+++ b/scripts/general/prepad.m
@@ -83,17 +83,19 @@
-%!error prepad ();
-%!error prepad (1);
-%!error prepad (1,2,3,4,5);
-%!error prepad ([1,2], 2, 2,3);
+%!assert (prepad ([1,2], 4), [0,0,1,2])
+%!assert (prepad ([1;2], 4), [0;0;1;2])
-%!assert (prepad ([1,2], 4), [0,0,1,2]);
-%!assert (prepad ([1;2], 4), [0;0;1;2]);
+%!assert (prepad ([1,2], 4, 2), [2,2,1,2])
+%!assert (prepad ([1;2], 4, 2), [2;2;1;2])
-%!assert (prepad ([1,2], 4, 2), [2,2,1,2]);
-%!assert (prepad ([1;2], 4, 2), [2;2;1;2]);
-%!assert (prepad ([1,2], 2, 2, 1), [2,2;1,2]);
+%!assert (prepad ([1,2], 2, 2, 1), [2,2;1,2])
 ## FIXME -- we need tests for multidimensional arrays.
+%!error prepad ()
+%!error prepad (1)
+%!error prepad (1,2,3,4,5)
+%!error prepad ([1,2], 2, 2,3)
--- a/scripts/general/profile.m
+++ b/scripts/general/profile.m
@@ -150,5 +150,5 @@
 %% Test input validation
 %!error profile ()
 %!error profile ("on", 2)
-%!error profile ("INVALID_OPTION");
+%!error profile ("INVALID_OPTION")
--- a/scripts/general/profshow.m
+++ b/scripts/general/profshow.m
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 %! profile off;
 %! profshow (profile ("info"), 5);
-%!error profshow ();
-%!error profshow (1, 2, 3);
-%!error profshow (struct (), 1.2);
+%!error profshow ()
+%!error profshow (1, 2, 3)
+%!error profshow (struct (), 1.2)
--- a/scripts/general/quadgk.m
+++ b/scripts/general/quadgk.m
@@ -440,22 +440,24 @@
   t = real ((sqrt(3) .* 1i * (1 - k .^ 2) - (1 + k .^ 2)) ./ 2 ./ k);
+%!assert (quadgk (@sin,-pi,pi), 0, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (inline ("sin"),-pi,pi), 0, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk ("sin",-pi,pi), 0, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@sin,-pi,pi, "waypoints", 0, "MaxIntervalCount", 100, "reltol", 1e-3, "abstol", 1e-6, "trace", false), 0, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@sin,-pi,pi, 1e-6,false), 0, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@sin,-pi,0), -2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@sin,0,pi), 2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@(x) 1./sqrt (x),0,1), 2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@(x) abs (1 - x.^2),0,2, "Waypoints", 1), 2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@(x) 1./(sqrt (x) .* (x+1)),0,Inf), pi, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@(z) log (z),1+1i,1+1i, "WayPoints", [1-1i, -1,-1i, -1+1i]), -pi * 1i, 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@(x) exp (-x .^ 2),-Inf,Inf), sqrt (pi), 1e-6)
+%!assert (quadgk (@(x) exp (-x .^ 2),-Inf,0), sqrt (pi)/2, 1e-6)
 %error (quadgk (@sin))
 %error (quadgk (@sin, -pi))
-%error (quadgk (@sin, -pi, pi, 'DummyArg'))
-%!assert (quadgk(@sin,-pi,pi), 0, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk(inline('sin'),-pi,pi), 0, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk('sin',-pi,pi), 0, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk(@sin,-pi,pi,'waypoints', 0, 'MaxIntervalCount', 100, 'reltol', 1e-3, 'abstol', 1e-6, 'trace', false), 0, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk(@sin,-pi,pi,1e-6,false), 0, 1e-6)
+%error (quadgk (@sin, -pi, pi, "DummyArg"))
-%!assert (quadgk(@sin,-pi,0), -2, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk(@sin,0,pi), 2, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk(@(x) 1./sqrt(x), 0, 1), 2, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk (@(x) abs (1 - x.^2), 0, 2, 'Waypoints', 1), 2, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk(@(x) 1./(sqrt(x).*(x+1)), 0, Inf), pi, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk (@(z) log (z), 1+1i, 1+1i, 'WayPoints', [1-1i, -1,-1i, -1+1i]), -pi * 1i, 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk (@(x) exp(-x .^ 2), -Inf, Inf), sqrt(pi), 1e-6)
-%!assert (quadgk (@(x) exp(-x .^ 2), -Inf, 0), sqrt(pi)/2, 1e-6)
--- a/scripts/general/quadv.m
+++ b/scripts/general/quadv.m
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
 %!assert (quadv (@sin, 0, 2 * pi), 0, 1e-5)
 %!assert (quadv (@sin, 0, pi), 2, 1e-5)
@@ -159,3 +160,4 @@
 %% Handles matrix-valued functions
 %!assert (quadv (@(x) [ x, x, x; x, 1./sqrt(x), x; x, x, x ], 0, 1 ), [0.5, 0.5, 0.5; 0.5, 2, 0.5; 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 1e-5)
--- a/scripts/general/randi.m
+++ b/scripts/general/randi.m
@@ -113,29 +113,29 @@
 %! ri = randi (10, 1000, 1);
-%! assert(isequal(ri, fix (ri)));
-%! assert(min(ri) == 1);
-%! assert(max(ri) == 10);
-%! assert(rows(ri) == 1000);
-%! assert(columns(ri) == 1);
-%! assert(strcmp (class (ri), "double"));
+%! assert (ri, fix (ri));
+%! assert (min (ri), 1);
+%! assert (max (ri), 10);
+%! assert (rows (ri), 1000);
+%! assert (columns (ri), 1);
+%! assert (class (ri), "double");
 %! ri = randi ([-5, 10], 1000, 1, "int8");
-%! assert(isequal(ri, fix (ri)));
-%! assert(min(ri) == -5);
-%! assert(max(ri) == 10);
-%! assert(strcmp (class (ri), "int8"));
+%! assert (ri, fix (ri));
+%! assert (min (ri), int8 (-5));
+%! assert (max (ri), int8 (10));
+%! assert (class (ri), "int8");
-%!assert(size (randi(10, 3,1,2)) == [3, 1, 2])
+%!assert (size (randi (10, 3,1,2)), [3, 1, 2])
 %% Test input validation
-%!error(randi([10, 1]))
-%!error(randi(256, "uint8"))
-%!error(randi(2^25, "single"))
-%!error(randi(bitmax() + 1))
-%!error(randi([-1, bitmax()]))
+%!error (randi ())
+%!error (randi ("test"))
+%!error (randi (10+2i))
+%!error (randi (0))
+%!error (randi ([10, 1]))
+%!error (randi (256, "uint8"))
+%!error (randi (2^25, "single"))
+%!error (randi (bitmax () + 1))
+%!error (randi ([-1, bitmax()]))
--- a/scripts/general/rat.m
+++ b/scripts/general/rat.m
@@ -151,10 +151,12 @@
-%!error rat ();
-%!error rat (1, 2, 3);
 %! [n, d] = rat ([0.5, 0.3, 1/3]);
 %! assert (n, [1, 3, 1]);
 %! assert (d, [2, 10, 3]);
+%!error rat ();
+%!error rat (1, 2, 3);
--- a/scripts/general/repmat.m
+++ b/scripts/general/repmat.m
@@ -101,63 +101,64 @@
 # Test various methods of providing size parameters
 %!shared x
 %! x = [1 2;3 4];
-%!assert(repmat(x, [1 1]), repmat(x, 1));
-%!assert(repmat(x, [3 3]), repmat(x, 3));
-%!assert(repmat(x, [1 1]), repmat(x, 1, 1));
-%!assert(repmat(x, [1 3]), repmat(x, 1, 3));
-%!assert(repmat(x, [3 1]), repmat(x, 3, 1));
-%!assert(repmat(x, [3 3]), repmat(x, 3, 3));
+%!assert (repmat (x, [1 1]), repmat (x, 1))
+%!assert (repmat (x, [3 3]), repmat (x, 3))
+%!assert (repmat (x, [1 1]), repmat (x, 1, 1))
+%!assert (repmat (x, [1 3]), repmat (x, 1, 3))
+%!assert (repmat (x, [3 1]), repmat (x, 3, 1))
+%!assert (repmat (x, [3 3]), repmat (x, 3, 3))
 # Tests for numel==1 case:
 %!shared x, r
 %! x = [ 65 ];
-%! r = kron(ones(2,2), x);
-%!assert(r, repmat(x, [2 2]));
-%!assert(char(r), repmat(char(x), [2 2]));
-%!assert(int8(r), repmat(int8(x), [2 2]));
+%! r = kron (ones (2,2), x);
+%!assert (r, repmat (x, [2 2]))
+%!assert (char (r), repmat (char (x), [2 2]))
+%!assert (int8 (r), repmat (int8 (x), [2 2]))
 # Tests for ndims==2 case:
 %!shared x, r
 %! x = [ 65 66 67 ];
-%! r = kron(ones(2,2), x);
-%!assert(r, repmat(x, [2 2]));
-%!assert(char(r), repmat(char(x), [2 2]));
-%!assert(int8(r), repmat(int8(x), [2 2]));
+%! r = kron (ones (2,2), x);
+%!assert (r, repmat (x, [2 2]))
+%!assert (char (r), repmat (char (x), [2 2]))
+%!assert (int8 (r), repmat (int8 (x), [2 2]))
 # Tests for dim>2 case:
 %!shared x, r
 %! x = [ 65 66 67 ];
-%! r = kron(ones(2,2), x);
+%! r = kron (ones (2,2), x);
 %! r(:,:,2) = r(:,:,1);
-%!assert(r, repmat(x, [2 2 2]));
-%!assert(char(r), repmat(char(x), [2 2 2]));
-%!assert(int8(r), repmat(int8(x), [2 2 2]));
+%!assert (r, repmat (x, [2 2 2]))
+%!assert (char (r), repmat (char (x), [2 2 2]))
+%!assert (int8 (r), repmat (int8 (x), [2 2 2]))
 # Test that sparsity is kept
-%!assert(sparse(4,4), repmat(sparse(2,2),[2 2]));
+%!assert (sparse (4,4), repmat (sparse (2,2),[2 2]))
+%!assert (size (repmat (".", -1, 1)), [0, 1])
+%!assert (size (repmat (".", 1, -1)), [1, 0])
-%!assert (size (repmat (".", -1, 1)), [0, 1]);
-%!assert (size (repmat (".", 1, -1)), [1, 0]);
-%!error (size (repmat (".", -1, -1)));
-%!assert (size (repmat (1, [1, 0])), [1, 0]);
-%!assert (size (repmat (1, [5, 0])), [5, 0]);
-%!assert (size (repmat (1, [0, 1])), [0, 1]);
-%!assert (size (repmat (1, [0, 5])), [0, 5]);
+%!assert (size (repmat (1, [1, 0])), [1, 0])
+%!assert (size (repmat (1, [5, 0])), [5, 0])
+%!assert (size (repmat (1, [0, 1])), [0, 1])
+%!assert (size (repmat (1, [0, 5])), [0, 5])
 %!shared x
 %! x = struct ("a", [], "b", []);
-%!assert (size (repmat (x, [1, 0])), [1, 0]);
-%!assert (size (repmat (x, [5, 0])), [5, 0]);
-%!assert (size (repmat (x, [0, 1])), [0, 1]);
-%!assert (size (repmat (x, [0, 5])), [0, 5]);
+%!assert (size (repmat (x, [1, 0])), [1, 0])
+%!assert (size (repmat (x, [5, 0])), [5, 0])
+%!assert (size (repmat (x, [0, 1])), [0, 1])
+%!assert (size (repmat (x, [0, 5])), [0, 5])
-%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [1, 0])), [1, 0]);
-%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [5, 0])), [5, 0]);
-%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [0, 1])), [0, 1]);
-%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [0, 5])), [0, 5]);
+%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [1, 0])), [1, 0])
+%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [5, 0])), [5, 0])
+%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [0, 1])), [0, 1])
+%!assert (size (repmat ({1}, [0, 5])), [0, 5])
+%!error (size (repmat (".", -1, -1)))
--- a/scripts/general/rot90.m
+++ b/scripts/general/rot90.m
@@ -95,8 +95,9 @@
 %! assert(rot90 (x1, -1), x4);
 %% Test input validation
-%!error rot90 ();
-%!error rot90 (1, 2, 3);
-%!error rot90 (1, ones(2));
-%!error rot90 (1, 1.5);
-%!error rot90 (1, 1+i);
+%!error rot90 ()
+%!error rot90 (1, 2, 3)
+%!error rot90 (1, ones(2))
+%!error rot90 (1, 1.5)
+%!error rot90 (1, 1+i)
--- a/scripts/general/rotdim.m
+++ b/scripts/general/rotdim.m
@@ -124,35 +124,37 @@
-%!error rotdim ();
-%!error rotdim (1, 2, 3, 4);
 %!shared r, rr
-%! r = [1,2,3]; rr = [3,2,1];
-%!assert (rotdim (r, 0), r);
-%!assert (rotdim (r, 1), rr');
-%!assert (rotdim (r, 2), rr);
-%!assert (rotdim (r, 3), r');
-%!assert (rotdim (r, 3), rotdim (r, -1));
-%!assert (rotdim (r, 1), rotdim (r));
+%! r = [1,2,3];  rr = [3,2,1];
+%!assert (rotdim (r, 0), r)
+%!assert (rotdim (r, 1), rr')
+%!assert (rotdim (r, 2), rr)
+%!assert (rotdim (r, 3), r')
+%!assert (rotdim (r, 3), rotdim (r, -1))
+%!assert (rotdim (r, 1), rotdim (r))
 %!shared c, cr
-%! c = [1;2;3]; cr = [3;2;1];
-%!assert (rotdim (c, 0), c);
-%!assert (rotdim (c, 1), c');
-%!assert (rotdim (c, 2), cr);
-%!assert (rotdim (c, 3), cr');
-%!assert (rotdim (c, 3), rotdim (c, -1));
-%!assert (rotdim (c, 1), rotdim (c));
+%! c = [1;2;3];  cr = [3;2;1];
+%!assert (rotdim (c, 0), c)
+%!assert (rotdim (c, 1), c')
+%!assert (rotdim (c, 2), cr)
+%!assert (rotdim (c, 3), cr')
+%!assert (rotdim (c, 3), rotdim (c, -1))
+%!assert (rotdim (c, 1), rotdim (c))
 %!shared m
 %! m = [1,2;3,4];
-%!assert (rotdim (m, 0), m);
-%!assert (rotdim (m, 1), [2,4;1,3]);
-%!assert (rotdim (m, 2), [4,3;2,1]);
-%!assert (rotdim (m, 3), [3,1;4,2]);
-%!assert (rotdim (m, 3), rotdim (m, -1));
-%!assert (rotdim (m, 1), rotdim (m));
+%!assert (rotdim (m, 0), m)
+%!assert (rotdim (m, 1), [2,4;1,3])
+%!assert (rotdim (m, 2), [4,3;2,1])
+%!assert (rotdim (m, 3), [3,1;4,2])
+%!assert (rotdim (m, 3), rotdim (m, -1))
+%!assert (rotdim (m, 1), rotdim (m))
 ## FIXME -- we need tests for multidimensional arrays and different
 ## values of PLANE.
+%!error rotdim ()
+%!error rotdim (1, 2, 3, 4)
--- a/scripts/general/shift.m
+++ b/scripts/general/shift.m
@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@
 %! r = [a, b, c];
 %! m = [a; b; c];
-%! assert(shift (r, 0), r);
-%! assert(shift (r, 3), [c, a, b]);
-%! assert(shift (r, -6), [c, a, b]);
-%! assert(shift (r, -3), [b, c, a]);
-%! assert(shift (m, 1), [c; a; b]);
-%! assert(shift (m, -2), [c; a; b]);
+%! assert (shift (r, 0), r);
+%! assert (shift (r, 3), [c, a, b]);
+%! assert (shift (r, -6), [c, a, b]);
+%! assert (shift (r, -3), [b, c, a]);
+%! assert (shift (m, 1), [c; a; b]);
+%! assert (shift (m, -2), [c; a; b]);
 %% Test input validation
 %!error shift ()
 %!error shift (1, 2, 3, 4)
 %!error shift ([], 1)
-%!error shift (ones(2), ones(2))
-%!error shift (ones(2), 1.5)
+%!error shift (ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error shift (ones (2), 1.5)
 %!error shift (1, 1, 1.5)
 %!error shift (1, 1, 0)
 %!error shift (1, 1, 3)
--- a/scripts/general/shiftdim.m
+++ b/scripts/general/shiftdim.m
@@ -90,11 +90,12 @@
 %! assert (ns, 2);
 %! assert (shiftdim (y, -2), x);
 %! assert (size (shiftdim (x, 2)), [4 2]);
-%!assert (size (shiftdim (rand (0, 1, 2))), [0 1 2]);
+%!assert (size (shiftdim (rand (0, 1, 2))), [0 1 2])
 %% Test input validation
-%!error(shiftdim ());
-%!error(shiftdim (1,2,3));
-%!error(shiftdim (1, ones (2)));
-%!error(shiftdim (1, 1.5));
+%!error (shiftdim ())
+%!error (shiftdim (1,2,3))
+%!error (shiftdim (1, ones (2)))
+%!error (shiftdim (1, 1.5))
--- a/scripts/general/sph2cart.m
+++ b/scripts/general/sph2cart.m
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
 %! t = [0, 0, 0];
 %! p = [0, 0, 0];
@@ -110,5 +111,5 @@
 %! S = [ 0, 0, 1; 0.5*pi, 0, 1; pi, 0, 1];
 %! C = [ 1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; -1, 0, 0];
-%! assert (sph2cart(S), C, eps);
+%! assert (sph2cart (S), C, eps);
--- a/scripts/general/structfun.m
+++ b/scripts/general/structfun.m
@@ -133,14 +133,15 @@
 %! d(1:2, 1, 1) = [1; 16];
 %! d(1:2, 1, 2) = [4; 25];
 %! d(1:2, 1, 3) = [9; 36];
-%! [aa, bb] = structfun(@__twoouts, s);
-%! assert(aa, c);
-%! assert(bb, d);
+%! [aa, bb] = structfun (@__twoouts, s);
+%! assert (aa, c);
+%! assert (bb, d);
 %! s = struct ("a", {1, 2, 3}, "b", {4, 5, 6});
 %! c = struct ("a", {2, 4, 6}, "b", {8, 10, 12});
 %! d = struct ("a", {1, 4, 9}, "b", {16, 25, 36});
-%! [aa, bb] = structfun(@__twoouts, s, "UniformOutput", false);
-%! assert(aa, c);
-%! assert(bb, d);
+%! [aa, bb] = structfun (@__twoouts, s, "UniformOutput", false);
+%! assert (aa, c);
+%! assert (bb, d);
--- a/scripts/general/trapz.m
+++ b/scripts/general/trapz.m
@@ -123,16 +123,16 @@
-%!assert (trapz(1:5), 12)
-%!assert (trapz(0:0.5:2,1:5), 6)
-%!assert (trapz([1:5;1:5].',1), [12,12])
-%!assert (trapz([1:5;1:5],2), [12;12])
-%!assert (trapz(repmat(reshape(1:5,1,1,5),2,2), 3), [12 12; 12 12])
-%!assert (trapz([0:0.5:2;0:0.5:2].',[1:5;1:5].',1), [6, 6])
-%!assert (trapz([0:0.5:2;0:0.5:2],[1:5;1:5],2), [6; 6])
-%!assert (trapz(repmat(reshape([0:0.5:2],1,1,5),2,2), ...
-%!              repmat(reshape(1:5,1,1,5),2,2), 3), [6 6; 6 6])
-%!assert (trapz(0:0.5:2,[(1:5)',(1:5)']), [6, 6])
-%!assert (trapz(0:0.5:2,[(1:5);(1:5)],2), [6; 6])
-%!assert (trapz(0:0.5:2,repmat(reshape(1:5,1,1,5),2,2),3), [6 6; 6 6])
+%!assert (trapz (1:5), 12)
+%!assert (trapz (0:0.5:2,1:5), 6)
+%!assert (trapz ([1:5;1:5].',1), [12,12])
+%!assert (trapz ([1:5;1:5],2), [12;12])
+%!assert (trapz (repmat (reshape (1:5,1,1,5),2,2), 3), [12 12; 12 12])
+%!assert (trapz ([0:0.5:2;0:0.5:2].',[1:5;1:5].',1), [6, 6])
+%!assert (trapz ([0:0.5:2;0:0.5:2],[1:5;1:5],2), [6; 6])
+%!assert (trapz (repmat (reshape ([0:0.5:2],1,1,5),2,2), ...
+%!               repmat (reshape (1:5,1,1,5),2,2), 3), [6 6; 6 6])
+%!assert (trapz (0:0.5:2,[(1:5)',(1:5)']), [6, 6])
+%!assert (trapz (0:0.5:2,[(1:5);(1:5)],2), [6; 6])
+%!assert (trapz (0:0.5:2,repmat (reshape (1:5,1,1,5),2,2),3), [6 6; 6 6])
--- a/scripts/general/triplequad.m
+++ b/scripts/general/triplequad.m
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@
-%!assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp(-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [],  @quadcc), pi ^ (3/2) * erf(1).^3, 1e-6)
+%!assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp (-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [], @quadcc), pi^(3/2) * erf (1).^3, 1e-6)
 %% These tests are too expensive to run normally (~30 sec each).  Disable them
-#%!assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp(-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [],  @quadgk), pi ^ (3/2) * erf(1).^3, 1e-6)
-#%!#assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp(-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [],  @quadl), pi ^ (3/2) * erf(1).^3, 1e-6)
-#%!#assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp(-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [],  @quadv), pi ^ (3/2) * erf(1).^3, 1e-6)
+#%!assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp (-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [], @quadgk), pi^(3/2) * erf (1).^3, 1e-6)
+#%!#assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp (-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [], @quadl), pi^(3/2) * erf (1).^3, 1e-6)
+#%!#assert (triplequad (@(x,y,z) exp (-x.^2 - y.^2 - z.^2) , -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, [], @quadv), pi^(3/2) * erf (1).^3, 1e-6)
--- a/scripts/geometry/convhull.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/convhull.m
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 %!testif HAVE_QHULL
 %! x = -3:0.5:3;
 %! y = abs (sin (x));
-%! assert (convhull (x, y), [1;7;13;12;11;10;4;3;2;1])
+%! assert (convhull (x, y), [1;7;13;12;11;10;4;3;2;1]);
 %% FIXME: Need input validation tests
--- a/scripts/geometry/dsearch.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/dsearch.m
@@ -32,9 +32,11 @@
   idx = __dsearchn__ ([x(:), y(:)], [xi(:), yi(:)]);
 %!shared x, y, tri
 %! x = [-1;-1;1];
 %! y = [-1;1;-1];
 %! tri = [1,2,3];
-%!assert (dsearch(x,y,tri,1,1/3), 3);
-%!assert (dsearch(x,y,tri,1/3,1), 2);
+%!assert (dsearch (x,y,tri,1,1/3), 3)
+%!assert (dsearch (x,y,tri,1/3,1), 2)
--- a/scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/dsearchn.m
@@ -46,12 +46,14 @@
 %!shared x, tri
 %! x = [-1,-1;-1,1;1,-1];
 %! tri = [1,2,3];
-%!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1,1/3]), 3);
-%!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1,1/3],NaN), NaN);
-%!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1,1/3],NA), NA);
-%!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1/3,1]), 2);
-%!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1/3,1],NaN), NaN);
-%!assert (dsearchn(x,tri,[1/3,1],NA), NA);
+%!assert (dsearchn (x,tri,[1,1/3]), 3)
+%!assert (dsearchn (x,tri,[1,1/3],NaN), NaN)
+%!assert (dsearchn (x,tri,[1,1/3],NA), NA)
+%!assert (dsearchn (x,tri,[1/3,1]), 2)
+%!assert (dsearchn (x,tri,[1/3,1],NaN), NaN)
+%!assert (dsearchn (x,tri,[1/3,1],NA), NA)
--- a/scripts/geometry/griddata3.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/griddata3.m
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 %! z = 2 * rand (1000, 1) - 1;
 %! v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;
 %! [xi, yi, zi] = meshgrid (-0.8:0.2:0.8);
-%! vi = griddata3 (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi, 'linear');
+%! vi = griddata3 (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi, "linear");
 %! vv = vi - xi.^2 - yi.^2 - zi.^2;
 %! assert (max (abs (vv(:))), 0, 0.1);
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
 %! z = 2 * rand (1000, 1) - 1;
 %! v = x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2;
 %! [xi, yi, zi] = meshgrid (-0.8:0.2:0.8);
-%! vi = griddata3 (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi, 'nearest');
+%! vi = griddata3 (x, y, z, v, xi, yi, zi, "nearest");
 %! vv = vi - xi.^2 - yi.^2 - zi.^2;
 %! assert (max (abs (vv(:))), 0, 0.1)
--- a/scripts/geometry/griddatan.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/griddatan.m
@@ -85,22 +85,24 @@
-%!testif HAVE_QHULL
-%! [xx,yy] = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,32));
-%! xi = [xx(:), yy(:)];
-%! x = (2 * rand(100,2) - 1);
-%! x = [x;1,1;1,-1;-1,-1;-1,1];
-%! y = sin(2*(sum(x.^2,2)));
-%! zz = griddatan(x,y,xi,'linear');
-%! zz2 = griddata(x(:,1),x(:,2),y,xi(:,1),xi(:,2),'linear');
-%! assert (zz, zz2, 1e-10)
 %!testif HAVE_QHULL
-%! [xx,yy] = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,32));
+%! [xx,yy] = meshgrid (linspace (-1,1,32));
 %! xi = [xx(:), yy(:)];
-%! x = (2 * rand(100,2) - 1);
+%! x = 2*rand (100,2) - 1;
 %! x = [x;1,1;1,-1;-1,-1;-1,1];
-%! y = sin(2*(sum(x.^2,2)));
-%! zz = griddatan(x,y,xi,'nearest');
-%! zz2 = griddata(x(:,1),x(:,2),y,xi(:,1),xi(:,2),'nearest');
-%! assert (zz, zz2, 1e-10)
+%! y = sin (2 * sum (x.^2,2));
+%! zz = griddatan (x,y,xi,"linear");
+%! zz2 = griddata (x(:,1),x(:,2),y,xi(:,1),xi(:,2),"linear");
+%! assert (zz, zz2, 1e-10);
+%!testif HAVE_QHULL
+%! [xx,yy] = meshgrid (linspace (-1,1,32));
+%! xi = [xx(:), yy(:)];
+%! x = 2*rand (100,2) - 1;
+%! x = [x;1,1;1,-1;-1,-1;-1,1];
+%! y = sin (2*sum (x.^2,2));
+%! zz = griddatan (x,y,xi,"nearest");
+%! zz2 = griddata (x(:,1),x(:,2),y,xi(:,1),xi(:,2),"nearest");
+%! assert (zz, zz2, 1e-10);
--- a/scripts/geometry/rectint.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/rectint.m
@@ -111,21 +111,22 @@
-## Tests
 ## Exactly overlapping
-%!assert(rectint([0 0 1 1], [0 0 1 1]), 1)
+%!assert (rectint ([0 0 1 1], [0 0 1 1]), 1)
 ## rect2 completely enclosed by rect1
-%!assert(rectint([-1 -1 3 3], [0 0 1 1]), 1)
+%!assert (rectint ([-1 -1 3 3], [0 0 1 1]), 1)
 ## rect1 completely enclosed by rect2
-%!assert(rectint([0 0 1 1], [-1 -1 3 3]), 1)
+%!assert (rectint ([0 0 1 1], [-1 -1 3 3]), 1)
 ## rect1 right and top in rect2
-%!assert(rectint([-1 -1 1.5 1.5], [0 0 1 1]), 0.25)
+%!assert (rectint ([-1 -1 1.5 1.5], [0 0 1 1]), 0.25)
 ## rect2 right and top in rect1
-%!assert(rectint([0 0 1 1], [-1 -1 1.5 1.5]), 0.25)
+%!assert (rectint ([0 0 1 1], [-1 -1 1.5 1.5]), 0.25)
 ## no overlap - shared corner
-%!assert(rectint([0 0 1 1], [1 1 2 2]), 0)
+%!assert (rectint ([0 0 1 1], [1 1 2 2]), 0)
 ## no overlap - shared edge
-%!assert(rectint([0 0 1 1], [0 1 2 2]), 0)
+%!assert (rectint ([0 0 1 1], [0 1 2 2]), 0)
 ## Correct orientation of output
-%!assert(rectint([0 0 1 1;0.5 0.5 1 1;-1 -1 2 2], [1 1 2 2]), [0;0.25;0])
-%!assert(rectint([1 1 2 2], [0 0 1 1;0.5 0.5 1 1;-1 -1 2 2]), [0 0.25 0])
+%!assert (rectint ([0 0 1 1;0.5 0.5 1 1;-1 -1 2 2], [1 1 2 2]), [0;0.25;0])
+%!assert (rectint ([1 1 2 2], [0 0 1 1;0.5 0.5 1 1;-1 -1 2 2]), [0 0.25 0])
--- a/scripts/geometry/tsearchn.m
+++ b/scripts/geometry/tsearchn.m
@@ -82,26 +82,28 @@
   Beta (:,end+1) = 1 - sum(Beta, 2);
 %!shared x, tri
 %! x = [-1,-1;-1,1;1,-1];
 %! tri = [1, 2, 3];
 %! [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[-1,-1]);
-%! assert (idx, 1)
-%! assert (p, [1,0,0], 1e-12)
+%! assert (idx, 1);
+%! assert (p, [1,0,0], 1e-12);
 %! [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[-1,1]);
-%! assert (idx, 1)
-%! assert (p, [0,1,0], 1e-12)
+%! assert (idx, 1);
+%! assert (p, [0,1,0], 1e-12);
 %! [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[1,-1]);
-%! assert (idx, 1)
-%! assert (p, [0,0,1], 1e-12)
+%! assert (idx, 1);
+%! assert (p, [0,0,1], 1e-12);
 %! [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[-1/3,-1/3]);
-%! assert (idx, 1)
-%! assert (p, [1/3,1/3,1/3], 1e-12)
+%! assert (idx, 1);
+%! assert (p, [1/3,1/3,1/3], 1e-12);
 %! [idx, p] = tsearchn (x,tri,[1,1]);
-%! assert (idx, NaN)
-%! assert (p, [NaN, NaN, NaN])
+%! assert (idx, NaN);
+%! assert (p, [NaN, NaN, NaN]);
--- a/scripts/help/__makeinfo__.m
+++ b/scripts/help/__makeinfo__.m
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
 ## No test needed for internal helper function.
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/help/doc.m
+++ b/scripts/help/doc.m
@@ -106,6 +106,10 @@
-%!test if exist( info_file ()) != 2 && exist (sprintf ("%s.gz", info_file ())) != 2
-%!       error ("Info file %s or %s.gz does not exist!", info_file (), info_file ());
-%!     endif
+%! ifile = info_file ();
+%! if (exist (ifile) != 2 && exist (sprintf ("%s.gz", ifile)) != 2)
+%!   error ("Info file %s or %s.gz does not exist!", ifile, ifile);
+%! endif
--- a/scripts/help/get_first_help_sentence.m
+++ b/scripts/help/get_first_help_sentence.m
@@ -153,7 +153,8 @@
   text = first_sentence_plain_text (help_text, max_len);
-%!assert (strcmp (get_first_help_sentence('get_first_help_sentence'), "Return the first sentence of a function's help text."));
+%!assert (get_first_help_sentence ('get_first_help_sentence'), "Return the first sentence of a function's help text.")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error get_first_help_sentence ()
--- a/scripts/help/help.m
+++ b/scripts/help/help.m
@@ -184,3 +184,4 @@
 %!assert (! isempty (strfind (help ("ls"), "List directory contents")))
 %!error <invalid input> help (42)
--- a/scripts/help/type.m
+++ b/scripts/help/type.m
@@ -111,14 +111,16 @@
 %! var = 1;
 %! typestr = type ("var");
 %! typestr = typestr{1}(1:17);
 %! assert (typestr, "var is a variable");
-%!assert (type ('dot'){1}, "dot is a dynamically-linked function")
-%!assert (type ('cat'){1}, "cat is a built-in function")
-%!assert (type ('+'){1}, "+ is an operator")
-%!assert (type ('end'){1}, "end is a keyword")
+%!assert (type ("dot"){1}, "dot is a dynamically-linked function")
+%!assert (type ("cat"){1}, "cat is a built-in function")
+%!assert (type ("+"){1}, "+ is an operator")
+%!assert (type ("end"){1}, "end is a keyword")
 %!error (type ('NO_NAME'))
--- a/scripts/help/unimplemented.m
+++ b/scripts/help/unimplemented.m
@@ -429,5 +429,4 @@
 %! assert (str(1:51), "quad2d is not implemented.  Consider using dblquad.");
 %! str = unimplemented ("MException");
 %! assert (str(1:58), "the `MException' function is not yet implemented in Octave");
--- a/scripts/help/which.m
+++ b/scripts/help/which.m
@@ -62,4 +62,5 @@
 %! str = which ("dot");
 %! assert (str(end-6:end), "dot.oct");
-%!assert (which ("NO_NAME"), "");
+%!assert (which ("_NO_SUCH_NAME_"), "")
--- a/scripts/image/imread.m
+++ b/scripts/image/imread.m
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
 %!testif HAVE_MAGICK
 %! vpng = [ ...
 %!  137,  80,  78,  71,  13,  10,  26,  10,   0,   0, ...
@@ -107,11 +108,12 @@
 %!   16,  28, 160,  16,   0, 197, 214,  13,  34,  74, ...
 %!  117, 213,  17,   0,   0,   0,   0,  73,  69,  78, ...
 %!   68, 174,  66,  96, 130];
-%! fid = fopen('test.png', 'wb');
-%! fwrite(fid, vpng);
-%! fclose(fid);
-%! A = imread('test.png');
-%! delete('test.png');
-%! assert(A(:,:,1), uint8 ([0, 255, 0; 255, 237, 255; 0, 255, 0]));
-%! assert(A(:,:,2), uint8 ([0, 255, 0; 255,  28, 255; 0, 255, 0]));
-%! assert(A(:,:,3), uint8 ([0, 255, 0; 255,  36, 255; 0, 255, 0]));
+%! fid = fopen ("test.png", "wb");
+%! fwrite (fid, vpng);
+%! fclose (fid);
+%! A = imread ("test.png");
+%! delete ("test.png");
+%! assert (A(:,:,1), uint8 ([0, 255, 0; 255, 237, 255; 0, 255, 0]));
+%! assert (A(:,:,2), uint8 ([0, 255, 0; 255,  28, 255; 0, 255, 0]));
+%! assert (A(:,:,3), uint8 ([0, 255, 0; 255,  36, 255; 0, 255, 0]));
--- a/scripts/image/imwrite.m
+++ b/scripts/image/imwrite.m
@@ -187,14 +187,15 @@
 %% Test input validation
-%!error imwrite ()                           # Wrong # of args
-%!error imwrite (1)                          # Wrong # of args
-%!error imwrite ({"cell"}, "filename.jpg")   # Wrong class for img
-%!error imwrite (1, [], "filename.jpg")      # Empty image map
-%!error imwrite (1, 2, 3)                    # No filename specified
-%!error imwrite (1, "filename")              # No fmt specified
-%!error imwrite (1, "filename", "junk")      # Invalid fmt specified
-%!error imwrite ([], "filename.jpg")         # Empty img matrix
-%!error imwrite (spones(2), "filename.jpg")  # Invalid sparse img
+%!error imwrite ()                            # Wrong # of args
+%!error imwrite (1)                           # Wrong # of args
+%!error imwrite ({"cell"}, "filename.jpg")    # Wrong class for img
+%!error imwrite (1, [], "filename.jpg")       # Empty image map
+%!error imwrite (1, 2, 3)                     # No filename specified
+%!error imwrite (1, "filename")               # No fmt specified
+%!error imwrite (1, "filename", "junk")       # Invalid fmt specified
+%!error imwrite ([], "filename.jpg")          # Empty img matrix
+%!error imwrite (spones (2), "filename.jpg")  # Invalid sparse img
--- a/scripts/io/dlmwrite.m
+++ b/scripts/io/dlmwrite.m
@@ -197,13 +197,13 @@
 %! f = tmpnam ();
-%! dlmwrite (f,[1,2;3,4],'precision','%5.2f','newline','unix','roffset',1,'coffset',1);
+%! dlmwrite (f,[1,2;3,4],"precision","%5.2f","newline","unix","roffset",1,"coffset",1);
 %! fid = fopen (f,"rt");
-%! f1 = char (fread (fid,Inf,'char')');
+%! f1 = char (fread (fid,Inf,"char")');
 %! fclose (fid);
-%! dlmwrite (f,[5,6],'precision','%5.2f','newline','unix','coffset',1,'delimiter',',','-append');
+%! dlmwrite (f,[5,6],"precision","%5.2f","newline","unix","coffset",1,"delimiter",",","-append");
 %! fid = fopen (f,"rt");
-%! f2 = char (fread (fid,Inf,'char')');
+%! f2 = char (fread (fid,Inf,"char")');
 %! fclose (fid);
 %! unlink (f);
--- a/scripts/io/fileread.m
+++ b/scripts/io/fileread.m
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 %! cstr = {"Hello World", "The answer is 42", "Goodbye World"};
 %! fname = tmpnam ();
 %! fid = fopen (fname, "w");
-%! fprintf (fid, "%s\n", cstr{:})
+%! fprintf (fid, "%s\n", cstr{:});
 %! fclose (fid);
 %! str = fileread (fname);
 %! assert (str', [cstr{1} "\n" cstr{2} "\n" cstr{3} "\n"]);
--- a/scripts/io/is_valid_file_id.m
+++ b/scripts/io/is_valid_file_id.m
@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@
 %!assert (is_valid_file_id (stdout))
 %!assert (! is_valid_file_id ([1,2;3,4]))
 %!assert (! is_valid_file_id ("not_a_file_id"))
 %!assert (! is_valid_file_id (-1))
 %!assert (! is_valid_file_id (pi))
--- a/scripts/io/strread.m
+++ b/scripts/io/strread.m
@@ -737,29 +737,29 @@
 %! assert (b, 2);
-%! str = '';
+%! str = "";
 %! a = rand (10, 1);
 %! b = char (randi ([65, 85], 10, 1));
 %! for k = 1:10
 %!   str = sprintf ('%s %.6f %s\n', str, a(k), b(k));
 %! endfor
-%! [aa, bb] = strread (str, '%f %s');
+%! [aa, bb] = strread (str, "%f %s");
 %! assert (a, aa, 1e-6);
 %! assert (cellstr (b), bb);
-%! str = '';
+%! str = "";
 %! a = rand (10, 1);
 %! b = char (randi ([65, 85], 10, 1));
 %! for k = 1:10
 %!   str = sprintf ('%s %.6f %s\n', str, a(k), b(k));
 %! endfor
-%! aa = strread (str, '%f %*s');
+%! aa = strread (str, "%f %*s");
 %! assert (a, aa, 1e-6);
 %! str = sprintf ('/* this is\nacomment*/ 1 2 3');
-%! a = strread (str, '%f', 'commentstyle', 'c');
+%! a = strread (str, "%f", "commentstyle", "c");
 %! assert (a, [1; 2; 3]);
@@ -783,9 +783,9 @@
 %! # Bug #33536
 %! [a, b, c] = strread ("1,,2", "%s%s%s", "delimiter", ",");
-%! assert (a{1}, '1');
-%! assert (b{1}, '');
-%! assert (c{1}, '2');
+%! assert (a{1}, "1");
+%! assert (b{1}, "");
+%! assert (c{1}, "2");
 %! # Bug #33536
@@ -794,17 +794,17 @@
 %! dat = "Data file.\r\n=  =  =  =  =\r\nCOMPANY    : <Company name>\r\n";
-%! a = strread (dat, "%s", 'delimiter', "\n", 'whitespace', '', 'endofline', "\r\n");
+%! a = strread (dat, "%s", "delimiter", "\n", "whitespace", "", "endofline", "\r\n");
 %! assert (a{2}, "=  =  =  =  =");
 %! assert (double (a{3}(end-5:end)), [32 110 97 109 101 62]);
-%! [a, b, c, d] = strread ("1,2,3,,5,6", "%d%f%d%f", 'delimiter', ',');
+%! [a, b, c, d] = strread ("1,2,3,,5,6", "%d%f%d%f", "delimiter", ",");
 %! assert (c, int32 (3));
 %! assert (d, NaN);
-%! [a, b, c, d] = strread ("1,2,3,,5,6\n", "%d%d%f%d", 'delimiter', ',');
+%! [a, b, c, d] = strread ("1,2,3,,5,6\n", "%d%d%f%d", "delimiter", ",");
 %! assert (c, [3; NaN]);
 %! assert (d, int32 ([0; 0]));
@@ -816,12 +816,12 @@
 %1 assert (c, 0.3567);
-%! [a, b] = strread('0.41 8.24 3.57 6.24 9.27', "%f%f", 2, 'delimiter', ' ');
+%! [a, b] = strread ("0.41 8.24 3.57 6.24 9.27", "%f%f", 2, "delimiter", " ");
 %1 assert (a, [0.41; 3.57]);
 %! # TreatAsEmpty
-%! [a, b, c, d] = strread ("1,2,3,NN,5,6\n", "%d%d%d%f", 'delimiter', ',', 'TreatAsEmpty', 'NN');
+%! [a, b, c, d] = strread ("1,2,3,NN,5,6\n", "%d%d%d%f", "delimiter", ",", "TreatAsEmpty", "NN");
 %! assert (c, int32 ([3; 0]));
 %! assert (d, [NaN; NaN]);
@@ -830,13 +830,13 @@
 %! str = "Text1Text2Text\nText398Text4Text\nText57Text";
 %! [a, b] = strread (str, "Text%dText%1sText");
 %! assert (a, int32 ([1; 398; 57]));
-%! assert (b(1:2), {'2'; '4'});
+%! assert (b(1:2), {"2"; "4"});
 %! assert (isempty (b{3}), true);
 %% MultipleDelimsAsOne
 %! str = "11, 12, 13,, 15\n21,, 23, 24, 25\n,, 33, 34, 35";
-%! [a b c d] = strread (str, "%f %f %f %f", 'delimiter', ',', 'multipledelimsasone', 1, 'endofline', "\n");
+%! [a b c d] = strread (str, "%f %f %f %f", "delimiter", ",", "multipledelimsasone", 1, "endofline", "\n");
 %! assert (a', [11, 21, NaN]);
 %! assert (b', [12, 23, 33]);
 %! assert (c', [13, 24, 34]);
@@ -887,3 +887,4 @@
 %! assert (a, [0.31; 0.60], 0.01)
 %! assert (b, [0.86; 0.72], 0.01)
 %! assert (c, [0.94; 0.87], 0.01)
--- a/scripts/io/textread.m
+++ b/scripts/io/textread.m
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@
-%! f = tmpnam();
+%! f = tmpnam ();
 %! d = rand (5, 3);
-%! dlmwrite (f, d, 'precision', '%5.2f');
+%! dlmwrite (f, d, "precision", "%5.2f");
 %! [a, b, c] = textread (f, "%f %f %f", "delimiter", ",", "headerlines", 3);
-%! unlink(f);
+%! unlink (f);
 %! assert (a, d(4:5, 1), 1e-2);
 %! assert (b, d(4:5, 2), 1e-2);
 %! assert (c, d(4:5, 3), 1e-2);
@@ -143,6 +143,6 @@
 %% Test input validation
 %!error textread ()
 %!error textread (1)
-%!error <arguments must be strings> textread (1, '%f')
+%!error <arguments must be strings> textread (1, "%f")
 %!error <arguments must be strings> textread ("fname", 1)
--- a/scripts/io/textscan.m
+++ b/scripts/io/textscan.m
@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
 %! str = "1,  2,  3,  4\n 5,  ,  ,  8\n 9, 10, 11, 12";
 %! fmtstr = "%f %d %f %s";
@@ -275,7 +276,7 @@
 #%! str = "13, 72, NA, str1, 25\r\n// Middle line\r\n36, na, 05, str3, 6";
-#%! a = textscan(str, '%d %n %f %s %n', 'delimiter', ',','treatAsEmpty', {'NA', 'na'},'commentStyle', '//');
+#%! a = textscan (str, "%d %n %f %s %n", "delimiter", ",","treatAsEmpty", {"NA", "na"},"commentStyle", "//");
 #%! assert (a{1}, int32([13; 36]));
 #%! assert (a{2}, [72; NaN]);
 #%! assert (a{3}, [NaN; 5]);
@@ -288,7 +289,7 @@
 %! str = [str "Km:2 = hhhRjjj miles3hour\r\n"];
 %! str = [str "Km:25 = hhhZ\r\n"];
 %! fmt = "Km:%d = hhh%1sjjj miles%dhour";
-%! a = textscan (str, fmt, 'delimiter', ' ');
+%! a = textscan (str, fmt, "delimiter", " ");
 %! assert (a{1}', int32([10 15 2 25]));
 %! assert (a{2}', {'B' 'J' 'R' 'Z'});
 %! assert (a{3}', int32([16 241 3 0]));
@@ -298,9 +299,9 @@
 %! c = textscan ("L1\nL2", "%s");
 %! assert (c{:}, {"L1"; "L2"});
-%% Test with endofline parameter set to '' (empty) - newline should be in word
+%% Test with endofline parameter set to "" (empty) - newline should be in word
-%! c = textscan ("L1\nL2", "%s", 'endofline', '');
+%! c = textscan ("L1\nL2", "%s", "endofline", "");
 %! assert (int8(c{:}{:}), int8([ 76,  49,  10,  76,  50 ]));
@@ -315,7 +316,7 @@
 %! b = [b; 8*b/5; 8*b*1000/5];
 %! str = sprintf ("%g miles/hr = %g (%g) kilometers (meters)/hr\n", b);
 %! fmt = "%f miles%s %s %f (%f) kilometers %*s";
-%! c = textscan (str, fmt, 'collectoutput', 1);
+%! c = textscan (str, fmt, "collectoutput", 1);
 %! assert (size(c{3}), [10, 2]);
 %! assert (size(c{2}), [10, 2]);
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/commutation_matrix.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/commutation_matrix.m
@@ -96,24 +96,26 @@
-%! c = commutation_matrix(1,1);
-%! assert(c,1);
+%! c = commutation_matrix (1,1);
+%! assert (c,1);
-%! A = rand(3,5);
-%! vc = vec(A);
-%! vr = vec(A');
-%! c = commutation_matrix(3,5);
-%! assert(c*vc,vr);
+%! A = rand (3,5);
+%! vc = vec (A);
+%! vr = vec (A');
+%! c = commutation_matrix (3,5);
+%! assert (c*vc, vr);
-%! A = rand(4,6);
-%! vc = vec(A);
-%! vr = vec(A');
-%! c = commutation_matrix(4,6);
-%! assert(c*vc,vr);
+%! A = rand (4,6);
+%! vc = vec (A);
+%! vr = vec (A');
+%! c = commutation_matrix (4,6);
+%! assert (c*vc, vr);
-%!error commutation_matrix(0,0);
-%!error commutation_matrix(1,0);
-%!error commutation_matrix(0,1);
+%!error <M must be a positive integer> commutation_matrix (0,0)
+%!error <N must be a positive integer> commutation_matrix (1,0)
+%!error <M must be a positive integer> commutation_matrix (0,1)
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/cond.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/cond.m
@@ -74,20 +74,19 @@
-%! y= [7, 2, 3; 1, 3, 4; 6, 4, 5];
+%! y = [7, 2, 3; 1, 3, 4; 6, 4, 5];
 %! tol = 1e-6;
-%! type = {1, 2, 'fro', 'inf', inf};
-%! for n = 1:numel(type)
+%! type = {1, 2, "fro", "inf", inf};
+%! for n = 1:numel (type)
 %!   rcondition(n) = 1 / cond (y, type{n});
 %! endfor
 %! assert (rcondition, [0.017460, 0.019597, 0.018714, 0.012022, 0.012022], tol);
-%!assert (abs (cond ([1, 2; 2, 1]) - 3) < sqrt (eps));
-%!assert (cond ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]) > 1.0e+16);
+%!assert (cond ([1, 2; 2, 1]), 3, sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (cond ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]) > 1.0e+16)
-%!error cond ();
+%!error cond ()
+%!error cond (1, 2, 3)
-%!error cond (1, 2, 3);
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/condest.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/condest.m
@@ -236,4 +236,5 @@
 %! A = hilb (N);
 %! [rcondA, v] = condest (A);
 %! x = A*v;
-%! assert (norm(x, inf), 0, eps);
+%! assert (norm (x, inf), 0, eps);
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/cross.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/cross.m
@@ -91,25 +91,26 @@
 %! x = [1 0 0];
 %! y = [0 1 0];
 %! r = [0 0 1];
-%! assert(cross(x, y), r, 2e-8);
+%! assert (cross (x, y), r, 2e-8);
 %! x = [1 2 3];
 %! y = [4 5 6];
 %! r = [(2*6-3*5) (3*4-1*6) (1*5-2*4)];
-%! assert(cross(x, y), r, 2e-8);
+%! assert (cross (x, y), r, 2e-8);
 %! x = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];
 %! y = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 0];
 %! r = [0 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 0];
-%! assert(cross(x, y, 2), r, 2e-8);
-%! assert(cross(x, y, 1), -r, 2e-8);
+%! assert (cross (x, y, 2), r, 2e-8);
+%! assert (cross (x, y, 1), -r, 2e-8);
-%!error cross(0,0);
-%!error cross();
+%!error cross (0,0)
+%!error cross ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/duplication_matrix.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/duplication_matrix.m
@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@
 %! N = 2;
-%! A = rand(N);
+%! A = rand (N);
 %! B = A * A';
 %! C = A + A';
 %! D = duplication_matrix (N);
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@
 %! N = 3;
-%! A = rand(N);
+%! A = rand (N);
 %! B = A * A';
 %! C = A + A';
 %! D = duplication_matrix (N);
@@ -107,14 +108,15 @@
 %! N = 4;
-%! A = rand(N);
+%! A = rand (N);
 %! B = A * A';
 %! C = A + A';
 %! D = duplication_matrix (N);
 %! assert (D * vech (B), vec (B), 1e-6);
 %! assert (D * vech (C), vec (C), 1e-6);
-%!error duplication_matrix ();
-%!error duplication_matrix (0.5);
-%!error duplication_matrix (-1);
-%!error duplication_matrix (ones(1,4));
+%!error duplication_matrix ()
+%!error duplication_matrix (0.5)
+%!error duplication_matrix (-1)
+%!error duplication_matrix (ones (1,4))
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/expm.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/expm.m
@@ -141,14 +141,16 @@
-%!assert(norm(expm([1 -1;0 1]) - [e -e; 0 e]) < 1e-5);
-%!assert(expm([1 -1 -1;0 1 -1; 0 0 1]), [e -e -e/2; 0 e -e; 0 0 e], 1e-5);
-%% Test input validation
-%!error expm ();
-%!error expm (1, 2);
-%!error <expm: A must be a square matrix> expm([1 0;0 1; 2 2]);
+%!assert (norm (expm ([1 -1;0 1]) - [e -e; 0 e]) < 1e-5);
+%!assert (expm ([1 -1 -1;0 1 -1; 0 0 1]), [e -e -e/2; 0 e -e; 0 0 e], 1e-5);
 %!assert (expm (10), expm (10))
 %!assert (full (expm (eye (3))), expm (full (eye (3))))
 %!assert (full (expm (10*eye (3))), expm (full (10*eye (3))), 8*eps)
+%% Test input validation
+%!error expm ()
+%!error expm (1, 2)
+%!error <expm: A must be a square matrix> expm ([1 0;0 1; 2 2])
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/housh.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/housh.m
@@ -92,42 +92,43 @@
 %! x = [1 2 3]';
 %! j = 3;
-%! [hv, b, z] = housh(x, j, 0);
-%! r = (eye(3) - b*hv*hv') * x;
-%! d = - norm(x) * [0 0 1]';
-%! assert(r, d, 2e-8);
-%! assert(z, 0, 2e-8);
+%! [hv, b, z] = housh (x, j, 0);
+%! r = (eye (3) - b*hv*hv') * x;
+%! d = - norm (x) * [0 0 1]';
+%! assert (r, d, 2e-8);
+%! assert (z, 0, 2e-8);
 %! x = [7 -3 1]';
 %! j = 2;
-%! [hv, b, z] = housh(x, j, 0);
-%! r = (eye(3) - b*hv*hv') * x;
-%! d = norm(x) * [0 1 0]';
-%! assert(r, d, 2e-8);
-%! assert(z, 0, 2e-8);
+%! [hv, b, z] = housh (x, j, 0);
+%! r = (eye (3) - b*hv*hv') * x;
+%! d = norm (x) * [0 1 0]';
+%! assert (r, d, 2e-8);
+%! assert (z, 0, 2e-8);
 %! x = [1 0 0]';
 %! j = 1;
-%! [hv, b, z] = housh(x, j, 10);
-%! r = (eye(3) - b*hv*hv') * x;
-%! d = norm(x) * [1 0 0]';
-%! assert(r, d, 2e-8);
-%! assert(z, 1, 2e-8);
+%! [hv, b, z] = housh (x, j, 10);
+%! r = (eye (3) - b*hv*hv') * x;
+%! d = norm (x) * [1 0 0]';
+%! assert (r, d, 2e-8);
+%! assert (z, 1, 2e-8);
 %! x = [5 0 4 1]';
 %! j = 2;
-%! [hv, b, z] = housh(x, j, 0);
-%! r = (eye(4) - b*hv*hv') * x;
-%! d = - norm(x) * [0 1 0 0]';
-%! assert(r, d, 2e-8);
-%! assert(z, 0, 2e-8);
+%! [hv, b, z] = housh (x, j, 0);
+%! r = (eye (4) - b*hv*hv') * x;
+%! d = - norm (x) * [0 1 0 0]';
+%! assert (r, d, 2e-8);
+%! assert (z, 0, 2e-8);
-%!error housh([0]);
-%!error housh();
+%!error housh ([0])
+%!error housh ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/isdefinite.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/isdefinite.m
@@ -67,19 +67,19 @@
 %! A = [-1 0; 0 -1];
-%! assert (isdefinite (A), -1)
+%! assert (isdefinite (A), -1);
 %! A = [1 0; 0 1];
-%! assert (isdefinite (A), 1)
+%! assert (isdefinite (A), 1);
 %! A = [2 -1 0; -1 2 -1; 0 -1 2];
-%! assert (isdefinite (A), 1)
+%! assert (isdefinite (A), 1);
 %! A = [1 0; 0 0];
-%! assert (isdefinite (A), 0)
+%! assert (isdefinite (A), 0);
 %!error isdefinite ()
 %!error isdefinite (1,2,3)
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/ishermitian.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/ishermitian.m
@@ -50,18 +50,21 @@
-%!assert(ishermitian (1));
-%!assert(!(ishermitian ([1, 2])));
-%!assert(ishermitian ([]));
-%!assert(ishermitian ([1, 2; 2, 1]));
-%!assert(!(ishermitian ("test")));
-%!assert(ishermitian ([1, 2.1; 2, 1.1], 0.2));
-%!assert(ishermitian ([1, -2i; 2i, 1]));
-%!assert(!(ishermitian ("t")));
-%!assert(!(ishermitian (["te"; "et"])));
-%!error ishermitian ([1, 2; 2, 1], 0, 0);
-%!error ishermitian ();
+%!assert (ishermitian (1))
+%!assert (! ishermitian ([1, 2]))
+%!assert (ishermitian ([]))
+%!assert (ishermitian ([1, 2; 2, 1]))
+%!assert (! ishermitian ("test"))
+%!assert (ishermitian ([1, 2.1; 2, 1.1], 0.2))
+%!assert (ishermitian ([1, -2i; 2i, 1]))
+%!assert (! ishermitian ("t"))
+%!assert (! ishermitian (["te"; "et"]))
 %! s.a = 1;
-%! assert(!(ishermitian (s)));
+%! assert(! ishermitian (s));
+%!error ishermitian ([1, 2; 2, 1], 0, 0)
+%!error ishermitian ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/issymmetric.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/issymmetric.m
@@ -49,18 +49,21 @@
-%!assert(issymmetric (1));
-%!assert(!(issymmetric ([1, 2])));
-%!assert(issymmetric ([]));
-%!assert(issymmetric ([1, 2; 2, 1]));
-%!assert(!(issymmetric ("test")));
-%!assert(issymmetric ([1, 2.1; 2, 1.1], 0.2));
-%!assert(issymmetric ([1, 2i; 2i, 1]));
-%!assert(!(issymmetric ("t")));
-%!assert(!(issymmetric (["te"; "et"])));
-%!error issymmetric ([1, 2; 2, 1], 0, 0);
-%!error issymmetric ();
+%!assert (issymmetric (1))
+%!assert (! issymmetric ([1, 2]))
+%!assert (issymmetric ([]))
+%!assert (issymmetric ([1, 2; 2, 1]))
+%!assert (! (issymmetric ("test")))
+%!assert (issymmetric ([1, 2.1; 2, 1.1], 0.2))
+%!assert (issymmetric ([1, 2i; 2i, 1]))
+%!assert (! (issymmetric ("t")))
+%!assert (! (issymmetric (["te"; "et"])))
 %! s.a = 1;
-%! assert(!(issymmetric (s)));
+%! assert(! issymmetric (s));
+%!error issymmetric ([1, 2; 2, 1], 0, 0)
+%!error issymmetric ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/logm.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/logm.m
@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@
-%!assert(norm(logm([1 -1;0 1]) - [0 -1; 0 0]) < 1e-5);
-%!assert(norm(expm(logm([-1 2 ; 4 -1])) - [-1 2 ; 4 -1]) < 1e-5);
-%!assert(logm([1 -1 -1;0 1 -1; 0 0 1]), [0 -1 -1.5; 0 0 -1; 0 0 0], 1e-5);
-%% Test input validation
-%!error logm ();
-%!error logm (1, 2, 3);
-%!error <logm: A must be a square matrix> logm([1 0;0 1; 2 2]);
+%!assert (norm (logm ([1 -1;0 1]) - [0 -1; 0 0]) < 1e-5)
+%!assert (norm (expm (logm ([-1 2 ; 4 -1])) - [-1 2 ; 4 -1]) < 1e-5)
+%!assert (logm ([1 -1 -1;0 1 -1; 0 0 1]), [0 -1 -1.5; 0 0 -1; 0 0 0], 1e-5)
 %!assert (logm (10), log (10))
 %!assert (full (logm (eye (3))), logm (full (eye (3))))
 %!assert (full (logm (10*eye (3))), logm (full (10*eye (3))), 8*eps)
+%% Test input validation
+%!error logm ()
+%!error logm (1, 2, 3)
+%!error <logm: A must be a square matrix> logm ([1 0;0 1; 2 2])
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/normest.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/normest.m
@@ -75,13 +75,14 @@
   rand ("state", v);    # restore state of random number generator
 %! A = toeplitz ([-2,1,0,0]);
-%! assert (normest(A), norm(A), 1e-6);
+%! assert (normest (A), norm (A), 1e-6);
 %! A = rand (10);
-%! assert (normest(A), norm(A), 1e-6);
+%! assert (normest (A), norm (A), 1e-6);
 %% Test input validation
 %!error normest ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/null.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/null.m
@@ -78,34 +78,38 @@
+%% FIXME: Need some tests for 'single' variables as well
 %! A = 0;
-%! assert(null(A), 1);
+%! assert (null (A), 1);
 %! A = 1;
-%! assert(null(A), zeros(1,0))
+%! assert (null (A), zeros (1,0));
 %! A = [1 0; 0 1];
-%! assert(null(A), zeros(2,0));
+%! assert (null (A), zeros (2,0));
 %! A = [1 0; 1 0];
-%! assert(null(A), [0 1]')
+%! assert (null (A), [0 1]');
 %! A = [1 1; 0 0];
-%! assert(null(A), [-1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)]', eps)
+%! assert (null (A), [-1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)]', eps);
 %! tol = 1e-4;
 %! A = [1 0; 0 tol-eps];
-%! assert(null(A,tol), [0 1]')
+%! assert (null (A,tol), [0; 1]);
 %! tol = 1e-4;
 %! A = [1 0; 0 tol+eps];
-%! assert(null(A,tol), zeros(2,0));
+%! assert (null (A,tol), zeros (2,0));
-%!error null()
+%!error null ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/onenormest.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/onenormest.m
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@
 %! [nminf, vinf, winf] = onenormest (A', 6);
 %! assert (nm1, N, -2*eps);
 %! assert (nminf, N, -2*eps);
-%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps)
-%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps)
+%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps);
+%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps);
 %! N = 10;
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@
 %! [nminf, vinf, winf] = onenormest (@(x) A'*x, @(x) A*x, N, 3);
 %! assert (nm1, N, -2*eps);
 %! assert (nminf, N, -2*eps);
-%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps)
-%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps)
+%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps);
+%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps);
 %! N = 5;
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@
 %! [nminf, vinf, winf] = onenormest (A', 6);
 %! assert (nm1, norm (A, 1), -2*eps);
 %! assert (nminf, norm (A, inf), -2*eps);
-%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps)
-%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps)
+%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps);
+%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps);
 ## Only likely to be within a factor of 10.
@@ -287,5 +287,6 @@
 %! [nminf, vinf, winf] = onenormest (A', 6);
 %! assert (nm1, norm (A, 1), -.1);
 %! assert (nminf, norm (A, inf), -.1);
-%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps)
-%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps)
+%! assert (norm (w1, 1), nm1 * norm (v1, 1), -2*eps);
+%! assert (norm (winf, 1), nminf * norm (vinf, 1), -2*eps);
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/orth.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/orth.m
@@ -80,11 +80,13 @@
-%! for ii=1:20
+%! for i = 1:20
 %!   A = rand (10, 10);
 %!   V = orth (A);
 %!   if (det (A) != 0)
-%!     assert (V'*V, eye (10), 100*eps)
+%!     assert (V'*V, eye (10), 100*eps);
 %!   endif
 %! endfor
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/planerot.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/planerot.m
@@ -35,13 +35,14 @@
   y = G * x(:);
 %! x = [3 4];
-%! [g y] = planerot(x);
-%! assert(g - [x(1) x(2); -x(2) x(1)] / sqrt(x(1)^2 + x(2)^2), zeros(2), 2e-8);
-%! assert(y(2), 0, 2e-8);
+%! [g y] = planerot (x);
+%! assert (g, [x(1) x(2); -x(2) x(1)] / sqrt (x(1)^2 + x(2)^2), 2e-8);
+%! assert (y(2), 0, 2e-8);
-%!error planerot([0]);
-%!error planerot([0 0 0]);
-%!error planerot();
+%!error planerot ([0])
+%!error planerot ([0 0 0])
+%!error planerot ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/qzhess.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/qzhess.m
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
 %! a = [1 2 1 3;
 %!      2 5 3 2;
@@ -104,13 +105,13 @@
 %!         0 0 0 0;
 %!         1 0 0 0;
 %!         1 1 0 0];
-%! [aa, bb, q, z] = qzhess(a, b);
-%! assert(inv(q) - q', zeros(4), 2e-8);
-%! assert(inv(z) - z', zeros(4), 2e-8);
-%! assert(q * a * z, aa, 2e-8);
-%! assert(aa .* mask, zeros(4), 2e-8);
-%! assert(q * b * z, bb, 2e-8);
-%! assert(bb .* mask, zeros(4), 2e-8);
+%! [aa, bb, q, z] = qzhess (a, b);
+%! assert (inv (q) - q', zeros (4), 2e-8);
+%! assert (inv (z) - z', zeros (4), 2e-8);
+%! assert (q * a * z, aa, 2e-8);
+%! assert (aa .* mask, zeros (4), 2e-8);
+%! assert (q * b * z, bb, 2e-8);
+%! assert (bb .* mask, zeros (4), 2e-8);
 %! a = [1 2 3 4 5;
@@ -128,14 +129,14 @@
 %!         1 0 0 0 0;
 %!         1 1 0 0 0;
 %!         1 1 1 0 0];
-%! [aa, bb, q, z] = qzhess(a, b);
-%! assert(inv(q) - q', zeros(5), 2e-8);
-%! assert(inv(z) - z', zeros(5), 2e-8);
-%! assert(q * a * z, aa, 2e-8);
-%! assert(aa .* mask, zeros(5), 2e-8);
-%! assert(q * b * z, bb, 2e-8);
-%! assert(bb .* mask, zeros(5), 2e-8);
+%! [aa, bb, q, z] = qzhess (a, b);
+%! assert (inv (q) - q', zeros (5), 2e-8);
+%! assert (inv (z) - z', zeros (5), 2e-8);
+%! assert (q * a * z, aa, 2e-8);
+%! assert (aa .* mask, zeros (5), 2e-8);
+%! assert (q * b * z, bb, 2e-8);
+%! assert (bb .* mask, zeros (5), 2e-8);
-%!error qzhess([0]);
-%!error qzhess();
+%!error qzhess ([0])
+%!error qzhess ()
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/rank.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/rank.m
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 %! A = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
 %!      4 5 6 7 8 9 12;
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
 %!      3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
 %!      4 5 6 7 8 9 10;
 %!      5 6 7 8 9 10 11];
-%! assert(rank(A),4);
+%! assert (rank (A), 4);
 %! A = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
 %!      3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
 %!      4 5 6 7 8 9 10;
 %!      5 6 7 8 9 10 11];
-%! assert(rank(A),4);
+%! assert (rank (A), 4);
 %! A = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
 %!      3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
 %!      4 5 6 7 8 9 10;
 %!      5 6 7 8 9 10 11];
-%! assert(rank(A),3);
+%! assert (rank (A), 3);
 %! A = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
@@ -97,15 +98,16 @@
 %!      3 4 5 6 7 8 9;
 %!      4 5 6 7 8 9 10;
 %!      5 6 7 8 9 10 11];
-%! assert(rank(A),3);
+%! assert (rank (A), 3);
-%! A = eye(100);
-%! assert(rank(A),100);
+%! A = eye (100);
+%! assert (rank (A), 100);
 %! A = [1, 2, 3; 1, 2.001, 3; 1, 2, 3.0000001];
-%! assert(rank(A),3)
-%! assert(rank(A,0.0009),1)
-%! assert(rank(A,0.0006),2)
-%! assert(rank(A,0.00000002),3)
\ No newline at end of file
+%! assert (rank (A), 3);
+%! assert (rank (A,0.0009), 1);
+%! assert (rank (A,0.0006), 2);
+%! assert (rank (A,0.00000002), 3);
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/rref.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/rref.m
@@ -87,42 +87,42 @@
 %! a = [1];
-%! [r k] = rref(a);
-%! assert(r, [1], 2e-8);
-%! assert(k, [1], 2e-8);
+%! [r k] = rref (a);
+%! assert (r, [1], 2e-8);
+%! assert (k, [1], 2e-8);
 %! a = [1 3; 4 5];
-%! [r k] = rref(a);
-%! assert(rank(a), rank(r), 2e-8);
-%! assert(r, eye(2), 2e-8);
-%! assert(k == [1, 2] || k == [2, 1]);
+%! [r k] = rref (a);
+%! assert (rank (a), rank (r), 2e-8);
+%! assert (r, eye (2), 2e-8);
+%! assert (k == [1, 2] || k == [2, 1]);
 %! a = [1 3; 4 5; 7 9];
-%! [r k] = rref(a);
-%! assert(rank(a), rank(r), 2e-8);
-%! assert(r, eye(3)(:,1:2), 2e-8);
-%! assert(k, [1 2], 2e-8);
+%! [r k] = rref (a);
+%! assert (rank (a), rank (r), 2e-8);
+%! assert (r, eye(3)(:,1:2), 2e-8);
+%! assert (k, [1 2], 2e-8);
 %! a = [1 2 3; 2 4 6; 7 2 0];
-%! [r k] = rref(a);
-%! assert(rank(a), rank(r), 2e-8);
-%! assert(r, [1 0 (3-7/2); 0 1 (7/4); 0 0 0], 2e-8);
-%! assert(k, [1 2], 2e-8);
+%! [r k] = rref (a);
+%! assert (rank (a), rank (r), 2e-8);
+%! assert (r, [1 0 (3-7/2); 0 1 (7/4); 0 0 0], 2e-8);
+%! assert (k, [1 2], 2e-8);
 %! a = [1 2 1; 2 4 2.01; 2 4 2.1];
 %! tol = 0.02;
-%! [r k] = rref(a, tol);
-%! assert(rank(a, tol), rank(r, tol), 2e-8);
+%! [r k] = rref (a, tol);
+%! assert (rank (a, tol), rank (r, tol), 2e-8);
 %! tol = 0.2;
-%! [r k] = rref(a, tol);
-%! assert(rank(a, tol), rank(r, tol), 2e-8);
+%! [r k] = rref (a, tol);
+%! assert (rank (a, tol), rank (r, tol), 2e-8);
-%!error rref();
+%!error rref ();
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/trace.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/trace.m
@@ -41,12 +41,14 @@
-%!assert(trace ([1, 2; 3, 4]) == 5);
-%!assert(trace ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]) == 5);
-%!assert(trace ([1, 3, 5; 2, 4, 6]) == 5);
-%!assert(trace ([]), 0);
-%!assert(trace (randn(1,0)), 0);
-%!error trace ();
-%!error trace (1, 2);
-%!error <only valid on 2-D objects> trace(reshape(1:9,[1,3,3]));
+%!assert (trace ([1, 2; 3, 4]), 5)
+%!assert (trace ([1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]), 5)
+%!assert (trace ([1, 3, 5; 2, 4, 6]), 5)
+%!assert (trace ([]), 0)
+%!assert (trace (randn (1,0)), 0)
+%!error trace ()
+%!error trace (1, 2)
+%!error <only valid on 2-D objects> trace (reshape (1:9,[1,3,3]))
--- a/scripts/linear-algebra/vech.m
+++ b/scripts/linear-algebra/vech.m
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
-%!assert(all (vech ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]) == [1; 4; 7; 5; 8; 9]));
+%!assert (vech ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]), [1; 4; 7; 5; 8; 9])
-%!error vech ();
+%!error vech ()
+%!error vech (1, 2)
-%!error vech (1, 2);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ans.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ans.m
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 ## is evaluated, the value returned by @code{ans} is 25.
 ## @end defvr
 ## Mark file as being tested.  No real test needed for a documentation .m file
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/bincoeff.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/bincoeff.m
@@ -103,18 +103,18 @@
-%!assert(bincoeff (4, 2), 6)
-%!assert(bincoeff (2, 4), 0)
-%!assert(bincoeff (-4, 2), 10)
-%!assert(bincoeff (5, 2), 10)
-%!assert(bincoeff (50, 6), 15890700)
-%!assert(bincoeff (0.4, 2), -.12, 8*eps)
+%!assert (bincoeff (4, 2), 6)
+%!assert (bincoeff (2, 4), 0)
+%!assert (bincoeff (-4, 2), 10)
+%!assert (bincoeff (5, 2), 10)
+%!assert (bincoeff (50, 6), 15890700)
+%!assert (bincoeff (0.4, 2), -.12, 8*eps)
-%!assert(bincoeff ([4 NaN 4], [-1, 2, 2.5]), NaN (1, 3))
+%!assert (bincoeff ([4 NaN 4], [-1, 2, 2.5]), NaN (1, 3))
 %% Test input validation
-%!error bincoeff ();
-%!error bincoeff (1, 2, 3);
-%!error bincoeff (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error bincoeff (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error bincoeff ()
+%!error bincoeff (1, 2, 3)
+%!error bincoeff (ones (3),ones (2))
+%!error bincoeff (ones (2),ones (3))
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/bug_report.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/bug_report.m
@@ -44,5 +44,6 @@
 ## Mark file as being tested.  No real test needed for this function.
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m
@@ -42,20 +42,22 @@
-%!  # test for correct cleanup of temporary files
-%!  unwind_protect
-%!    filename = tmpnam;
-%!    dummy    = 1;
-%!    save(filename, "dummy");
-%!    n_tmpfiles_before = length(find(strncmp("oct-", cellstr(ls(P_tmpdir)), 4)));
-%!    entry = bzip2(filename);
-%!    n_tmpfiles_after = length(find(strncmp("oct-", cellstr(ls(P_tmpdir)), 4)));
-%!    if (n_tmpfiles_before != n_tmpfiles_after)
-%!      error("bzip2 has not cleaned up temporary files correctly!");
-%!    endif
-%!  unwind_protect_cleanup
-%!    delete(filename);
-%!    [path, basename, extension] = fileparts(filename);
-%!    delete([basename, extension, ".bz2"]);
-%!  end_unwind_protect
+%! # test for correct cleanup of temporary files
+%! unwind_protect
+%!   filename = tmpnam;
+%!   dummy    = 1;
+%!   save (filename, "dummy");
+%!   n_tmpfiles_before = length (find (strncmp ("oct-", cellstr (ls (P_tmpdir)), 4)));
+%!   entry = bzip2 (filename);
+%!   n_tmpfiles_after = length (find (strncmp ("oct-", cellstr (ls (P_tmpdir)), 4)));
+%!   if (n_tmpfiles_before != n_tmpfiles_after)
+%!     error ("bzip2 has not cleaned up temporary files correctly!");
+%!   endif
+%! unwind_protect_cleanup
+%!   delete (filename);
+%!   [path, basename, extension] = fileparts (filename);
+%!   delete ([basename, extension, ".bz2"]);
+%! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/comma.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/comma.m
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 ## @seealso{semicolon}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Mark file as being tested.  No real test needed for a documentation .m file
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/compare_versions.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/compare_versions.m
@@ -200,54 +200,54 @@
 ## tests
 ## test both equality symbols
 ## test arbitrarily long equality
-%!assert(compare_versions("", "1.1", "=="), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1", "1.1", "<"), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1", "1.1", "<="), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1", "1.1.1", "<="), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.23", "1.24", "=<"), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("", "1.1", "=="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1", "1.1", "<"), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1", "1.1", "<="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1", "1.1.1", "<="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.23", "1.24", "=<"), true)
 ## test different length numbers
-%!assert(compare_versions("23.2000", "23.1", ">"), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("0.0.2", "0.0.1", ">="), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("0.2", "0.0.100", "=>"), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("0.1", "0.2", "!="), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("0.1", "0.2", "~="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("23.2000", "23.1", ">"), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("0.0.2", "0.0.1", ">="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("0.2", "0.0.100", "=>"), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.2", "!="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.2", "~="), true)
 ## test alphanumeric strings
-%!assert(compare_versions("1a", "1b", "<"), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("a", "1", "<"), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1a", "1b", ">"), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("a", "1", ">"), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1.0a", "1.1.0b", "=="), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1.0a", "1.1.0b", "!="), true)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1.0test", "1.1.0b", "=="), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1.0test", "1.1.0test", "=="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1a", "1b", "<"), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("a", "1", "<"), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1a", "1b", ">"), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("a", "1", ">"), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1.0a", "1.1.0b", "=="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1.0a", "1.1.0b", "!="), true)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1.0test", "1.1.0b", "=="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1.0test", "1.1.0test", "=="), true)
 ## make sure that it won't just give true output
-%!assert(compare_versions("1", "0", "=="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1", "0", "=="), false)
 ## test arbitrarily long equality
-%!assert(compare_versions("", "1.1", "=="), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1", "1", "<"), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("2", "1.1", "<="), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.1.1", "1.1", "<="), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("1.25", "1.24", "=<"), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("", "1.1", "=="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1", "1", "<"), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("2", "1.1", "<="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.1.1", "1.1", "<="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("1.25", "1.24", "=<"), false)
 ## test different length numbers
-%!assert(compare_versions("23.2", "23.100", ">"), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("", "0.0.1", ">="), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("0.0.20", "0.10.2", "=>"), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("0.1", "0.1", "!="), false)
-%!assert(compare_versions("0.1", "0.1", "~="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("23.2", "23.100", ">"), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("", "0.0.1", ">="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("0.0.20", "0.10.2", "=>"), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.1", "!="), false)
+%!assert (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.1", "~="), false)
 %% Test input validation
-%!error(compare_versions(0.1, "0.1", "=="))
-%!error(compare_versions("0.1", 0.1, "=="))
-%!error(compare_versions(["0";".";"1"], "0.1", "=="))
-%!error(compare_versions("0.1", ["0";".";"1"], "=="))
-%!error(compare_versions("0.1", "0.1", "<>"))
-%!error(compare_versions("0.1", "0.1", "!>"))
-%!error(compare_versions("0.1", "0.1", "="))
-%!error(compare_versions("0.1", "0.1", "aa"))
+%!error (compare_versions (0.1, "0.1", "=="))
+%!error (compare_versions ("0.1", 0.1, "=="))
+%!error (compare_versions (["0";".";"1"], "0.1", "=="))
+%!error (compare_versions ("0.1", ["0";".";"1"], "=="))
+%!error (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.1", "<>"))
+%!error (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.1", "!>"))
+%!error (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.1", "="))
+%!error (compare_versions ("0.1", "0.1", "aa"))
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m
@@ -85,7 +85,10 @@
-%!assert((ischar (computer ())
-%! && computer () == octave_config_info ("canonical_host_type")));
-%!assert(ischar (computer ("arch")));
-%!error computer (2);
+%!assert (ischar (computer ()))
+%!assert (computer (), octave_config_info ("canonical_host_type"))
+%!assert (ischar (computer ("arch")))
+%!error computer (2)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m
@@ -504,6 +504,7 @@
 %! s.editor = edit ("get", "editor");
 %! s.home = edit ("get", "home");
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/fileparts.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/fileparts.m
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 %! [d, n, e] = fileparts ("file");
 %! assert (strcmp (d, "") && strcmp (n, "file") && strcmp (e, ""));
@@ -94,3 +95,4 @@
 %! [d, n, e] = fileparts (".ext");
 %! assert (strcmp (d, "") && strcmp (n, char (zeros (1, 0))) && strcmp (e, ".ext"));
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/fullfile.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/fullfile.m
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 %!shared fs, fsx, xfs, fsxfs, xfsy
 %! fs = filesep ();
 %! fsx = cstrcat (fs, "x");
@@ -78,3 +79,4 @@
 %!assert (fullfile (fs, xfs), fsxfs)
 %!assert (fullfile (fsx, fs), fsxfs)
 %!assert (fullfile (fs, "x", fs), fsxfs)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/getfield.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/getfield.m
@@ -60,9 +60,11 @@
 %! x.a = "hello";
-%! assert(getfield(x,"a"),"hello");
+%! assert (getfield (x, "a"), "hello");
 %! ss(1,2).fd(3).b = 5;
-%! assert(getfield(ss,{1,2},'fd',{3},'b'),5)
+%! assert (getfield (ss,{1,2},"fd",{3},"b"), 5);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m
@@ -40,33 +40,36 @@
-%!error <Invalid call to gzip.  Correct usage is> gzip("1", "2", "3");
-%!error <Invalid call to gzip.  Correct usage is> gzip();
-%!error <output directory does not exist> gzip("1", tmpnam);
-%!error <FILES must be a character array or cellstr> gzip(1);
-%!  # test gzip together with gunzip
-%!  unwind_protect
-%!    filename = tmpnam;
-%!    dummy    = 1;
-%!    save(filename, "dummy");
-%!    dirname  = tmpnam;
-%!    mkdir(dirname);
-%!    entry = gzip(filename, dirname);
-%!    [path, basename, extension] = fileparts(filename);
-%!    if ! strcmp(entry, [dirname, filesep, basename, extension, ".gz"])
-%!      error("gzipped file does not match expected name!");
-%!    endif
-%!    if ! exist(entry, "file")
-%!      error("gzipped file cannot be found!");
-%!    endif
-%!    gunzip(entry);
-%!    if (system(sprintf("diff %s %s%c%s%s", filename, dirname, filesep,
-%!                                          basename, extension)))
-%!      error("unzipped file not equal to original file!");
-%!    end
-%!  unwind_protect_cleanup
-%!    delete(filename);
-%!    delete([dirname, filesep, basename, extension]);
-%!    rmdir(dirname);
-%!  end_unwind_protect
+%! # test gzip together with gunzip
+%! unwind_protect
+%!   filename = tmpnam;
+%!   dummy    = 1;
+%!   save (filename, "dummy");
+%!   dirname  = tmpnam;
+%!   mkdir (dirname);
+%!   entry = gzip (filename, dirname);
+%!   [path, basename, extension] = fileparts (filename);
+%!   if ! strcmp (entry, [dirname, filesep, basename, extension, ".gz"])
+%!     error ("gzipped file does not match expected name!");
+%!   endif
+%!   if ! exist (entry, "file")
+%!     error ("gzipped file cannot be found!");
+%!   endif
+%!   gunzip (entry);
+%!   if (system (sprintf ("diff %s %s%c%s%s", filename, dirname, filesep,
+%!                                            basename, extension)))
+%!     error ("unzipped file not equal to original file!");
+%!   end
+%! unwind_protect_cleanup
+%!   delete (filename);
+%!   delete ([dirname, filesep, basename, extension]);
+%!   rmdir (dirname);
+%! end_unwind_protect
+%!error gzip ()
+%!error gzip ("1", "2", "3")
+%!error <output directory does not exist> gzip ("1", tmpnam)
+%!error <FILES must be a character array or cellstr> gzip (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/info.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/info.m
@@ -44,5 +44,7 @@
 ## Mark file as being tested.  No real test needed for this function.
 %! assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/inputname.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/inputname.m
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 ## Warning: heap big magic in the following tests!!!
 ## The test function builds a private context for each
 ## test, with only the specified values shared between
@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@
 ## To test inputname, I need a function context invoked
 ## with known parameter names.  So define a couple of
 ## shared parameters, et voila!, the test is trivial.
-%!shared hello,worldly
+%!shared hello, worldly
+%!assert (inputname (1), "hello")
+%!assert (inputname (2), "worldly")
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/isappdata.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/isappdata.m
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@
-%! setappdata (0, "hello", "world")
-%! assert (isappdata (0, "hello"), true)
-%!assert (isappdata (0, "foobar"), false)
+%! setappdata (0, "hello", "world");
+%! assert (isappdata (0, "hello"), true);
+%! assert (isappdata (0, "foobar"), false);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/isdeployed.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/isdeployed.m
@@ -28,4 +28,5 @@
   retval = false;
 %!assert (isdeployed (), false)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ismac.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ismac.m
@@ -32,5 +32,7 @@
-%!error ismac (1);
-%!assert (islogical (ismac ()));
+%!assert (islogical (ismac ()))
+%!error ismac (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ispc.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ispc.m
@@ -32,5 +32,8 @@
-%!error ispc (1);
-%!assert (islogical (ispc ()));
+%!assert (islogical (ispc ()))
+%!error ispc (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/isunix.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/isunix.m
@@ -32,5 +32,8 @@
-%!error isunix (1);
-%!assert (islogical (isunix ()));
+%!assert (islogical (isunix ()))
+%!error isunix (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/list_primes.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/list_primes.m
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
-%! assert (list_primes(), [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41,\
-%!                        43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]);
-%! assert (list_primes(5), [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]);
+%!assert (list_primes (), [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, ...
+%!                         43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97])
+%!assert (list_primes (5), [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ls.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ls.m
@@ -90,5 +90,5 @@
 %! assert (ischar (list));
 %! assert (! isempty (list));
-%!error ls (1);
+%!error ls (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/mexext.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/mexext.m
@@ -26,4 +26,5 @@
   retval = "mex";
 %!assert (mexext (), "mex")
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/namelengthmax.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/namelengthmax.m
@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@
-%!assert (namelengthmax, 63)
+%!assert (namelengthmax (), 63)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/news.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/news.m
@@ -68,3 +68,4 @@
 %!error news (1, 2)
 %!error <PACKAGE must be a string> news (1)
 %!error <Package .* is not installed> news ("__NOT_A_VALID_PKG_NAME__")
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/orderfields.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/orderfields.m
@@ -162,27 +162,28 @@
 %!shared a, b, c
 %! a = struct ("foo", {1, 2}, "bar", {3, 4});
 %! b = struct ("bar", 6, "foo", 5);
 %! c = struct ("bar", {7, 8}, "foo", 9);
 %! a(2) = orderfields (b, a);
-%! assert (a(2).foo, 5)
-%! assert (a(2).bar, 6)
+%! assert (a(2).foo, 5);
+%! assert (a(2).bar, 6);
 %! [a(2), p] = orderfields (b, [2 1]);
-%! assert (a(2).foo, 5)
-%! assert (a(2).bar, 6)
+%! assert (a(2).foo, 5);
+%! assert (a(2).bar, 6);
 %! assert (p, [2; 1]);
 %! a(2) = orderfields (b, fieldnames (a));
-%! assert (a(2).foo, 5)
-%! assert (a(2).bar, 6)
+%! assert (a(2).foo, 5);
+%! assert (a(2).bar, 6);
 %! a(1:2) = orderfields (c, fieldnames (a));
-%! assert (a(2).foo, 9)
-%! assert (a(2).bar, 8)
+%! assert (a(2).foo, 9);
+%! assert (a(2).bar, 8);
 %! aa.x = {1, 2};
@@ -193,3 +194,4 @@
 %! aa(2) = orderfields (bb, aa);
 %! assert (aa(2).x, 8);
 %! assert (aa(2).y{1}, 6);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/paren.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/paren.m
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 ## Array index or function argument delimeter.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Mark file as being tested.  No real test needed for a documentation .m file
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/recycle.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/recycle.m
@@ -51,16 +51,18 @@
         error ("recycle: invalid value of STATE = `%s'", state);
-      error ("recycle: expecting STATE to be a character string");
+      error ("recycle: STATE must be a character string");
-%!error recycle ("on");
-%!error recycle ("on", "and I mean it");
-%!error recycle (1);
 %! recycle ("off");
 %! assert (recycle ("off"), "off");
+%!error <recycling files is not implemented> recycle ("on")
+%!error recycle ("on", "and I mean it")
+%!error <STATE must be a character string> recycle (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/rmappdata.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/rmappdata.m
@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@
-%! setappdata (0, "hello", "world")
-%! rmappdata (0, "hello")
-%! assert (isappdata (0, "hello"), false)
+%! setappdata (0, "hello", "world");
+%! rmappdata (0, "hello");
+%! assert (isappdata (0, "hello"), false);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/semicolon.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/semicolon.m
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 ## @seealso{comma}
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Mark file as being tested.  No real test needed for a documentation .m file
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/setappdata.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/setappdata.m
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@
-%! setappdata (0, "hello", "world")
-%! assert (isappdata (0, "hello"), true)
-%!assert (getappdata (0, "hello"), "world")
+%! setappdata (0, "hello", "world");
+%! assert (isappdata (0, "hello"), true);
+%! assert (getappdata (0, "hello"), "world");
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/setfield.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/setfield.m
@@ -60,12 +60,14 @@
 %! x.a = "hello";
-%! x = setfield(x,"b","world");
-%! y = struct("a","hello","b","world");
-%! assert(x,y);
+%! x = setfield (x, "b", "world");
+%! y = struct ("a", "hello", "b", "world");
+%! assert (x,y);
-%! oo(1,1).f0= 1;
-%! oo = setfield(oo,{1,2},"fd",{3},"b", 6);
-%! assert (oo(1,2).fd(3).b, 6)
+%! oo(1,1).f0 = 1;
+%! oo = setfield (oo,{1,2},"fd",{3},"b", 6);
+%! assert (oo(1,2).fd(3).b, 6);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/substruct.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/substruct.m
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
 %! x(1,1).type = "()";
 %! x(1,2).type = "{}";
@@ -81,9 +82,11 @@
 %! x(1,2).subs = {":"};
 %! x(1,3).subs = "foo";
 %! y = substruct ("()", {1,2,3}, "{}", {":"}, ".", "foo");
-%! assert(x,y);
-%!error assert(substruct);
-%!error assert(substruct (1, 2, 3));
-%!error assert(substruct ("x", 1));
-%!error assert(substruct ("()", [1,2,3]));
-%!error assert(substruct (".", {1,2,3}));
+%! assert (x,y);
+%!error substruct ()
+%!error substruct (1, 2, 3)
+%!error substruct ("x", 1)
+%!error substruct ("()", [1,2,3])
+%!error substruct (".", {1,2,3})
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/symvar.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/symvar.m
@@ -29,5 +29,7 @@
   args = argnames (inline (s));
 ## This function is tested by the tests for argnames().
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/ver.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/ver.m
@@ -107,17 +107,18 @@
 %! result = ver;
-%! assert (result(1).Name, "Octave")
-%! assert (result(1).Version, version)
+%! assert (result(1).Name, "Octave");
+%! assert (result(1).Version, version);
 %! result = ver ("octave");
-%! assert (result(1).Name, "Octave")
-%! assert (result(1).Version, version)
+%! assert (result(1).Name, "Octave");
+%! assert (result(1).Version, version);
 %! lst = pkg ("list");
-%! for n=1:numel(lst)
+%! for n = 1:numel (lst)
 %!   expected = lst{n}.name;
 %!   result = ver (expected);
 %!   assert (result.Name, expected);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/version.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/version.m
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
-%!assert(ischar (version ()) && strcmp (version (), OCTAVE_VERSION));
+%!assert (ischar (version ()))
+%!assert (version (), OCTAVE_VERSION)
 %!warning version (1);
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/warning_ids.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/warning_ids.m
@@ -320,5 +320,7 @@
   help ("warning_ids");
 ## Remove from test statistics.  No real tests possible
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/xor.m
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/xor.m
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
-%!assert((xor ([1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]) == [1, 0, 0, 1]
-%! && xor ([i, i, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0]) == [0, 1, 1, 0]));
-%!assert(all (all (xor (eye (2), fliplr (eye (2))) == ones (2))));
+%!assert (xor ([1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]), logical ([1, 0, 0, 1]))
+%!assert (xor ([i, i, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0]), logical ([0, 1, 1, 0]))
-%!error xor ();
+%!assert (xor (eye (2), fliplr (eye (2))), logical (ones (2)))
-%!error xor (1, 2, 3);
+%!error xor ()
+%!error xor (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m
@@ -205,9 +205,11 @@
 %!shared opt0
 %! opt0 = optimset ("tolx", 0);
-%!assert (fminbnd (@cos, pi/2, 3*pi/2, opt0), pi, 10*sqrt(eps))
-%!assert (fminbnd (@(x) (x - 1e-3)^4, -1, 1, opt0), 1e-3, 10e-3*sqrt(eps))
-%!assert (fminbnd (@(x) abs(x-1e7), 0, 1e10, opt0), 1e7, 10e7*sqrt(eps))
-%!assert (fminbnd (@(x) x^2 + sin(2*pi*x), 0.4, 1, opt0), fzero (@(x) 2*x + 2*pi*cos(2*pi*x), [0.4, 1], opt0), sqrt(eps))
+%!assert (fminbnd (@cos, pi/2, 3*pi/2, opt0), pi, 10*sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (fminbnd (@(x) (x - 1e-3)^4, -1, 1, opt0), 1e-3, 10e-3*sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (fminbnd (@(x) abs (x-1e7), 0, 1e10, opt0), 1e7, 10e7*sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (fminbnd (@(x) x^2 + sin (2*pi*x), 0.4, 1, opt0), fzero (@(x) 2*x + 2*pi*cos (2*pi*x), [0.4, 1], opt0), sqrt (eps))
--- a/scripts/optimization/fsolve.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fsolve.m
@@ -465,14 +465,14 @@
 %!  y = p(2);
 %!  z = p(3);
 %!  retval = zeros (3, 1);
-%!  retval(1) = sin(x) + y**2 + log(z) - 7;
-%!  retval(2) = 3*x + 2**y -z**3 + 1;
+%!  retval(1) = sin (x) + y^2 + log (z) - 7;
+%!  retval(2) = 3*x + 2^y -z^3 + 1;
 %!  retval(3) = x + y + z - 5;
 %! x_opt = [ 0.599054;
-%! 2.395931;
-%! 2.005014 ];
+%!           2.395931;
+%!           2.005014 ];
 %! tol = 1.0e-5;
 %! [x, fval, info] = fsolve (@__f, [ 0.5; 2.0; 2.5 ]);
 %! assert (info > 0);
@@ -491,7 +491,8 @@
 %!  retval(4) = x^2 + 2*y^3 + z - w - 4;
-%! x_opt = [ -0.767297326653401, 0.590671081117440, 1.47190018629642, -1.52719341133957 ];
+%! x_opt = [ -0.767297326653401, 0.590671081117440, ...
+%!            1.47190018629642, -1.52719341133957 ];
 %! tol = 1.0e-5;
 %! [x, fval, info] = fsolve (@__f, [-1, 1, 2, -1]);
 %! assert (info > 0);
@@ -503,15 +504,15 @@
 %!  y = p(2);
 %!  z = p(3);
 %!  retval = zeros (3, 1);
-%!  retval(1) = sin(x) + y**2 + log(z) - 7;
-%!  retval(2) = 3*x + 2**y -z**3 + 1;
+%!  retval(1) = sin (x) + y^2 + log (z) - 7;
+%!  retval(2) = 3*x + 2^y -z^3 + 1;
 %!  retval(3) = x + y + z - 5;
-%!  retval(4) = x*x + y - z*log(z) - 1.36;
+%!  retval(4) = x*x + y - z*log (z) - 1.36;
 %! x_opt = [ 0.599054;
-%! 2.395931;
-%! 2.005014 ];
+%!           2.395931;
+%!           2.005014 ];
 %! tol = 1.0e-5;
 %! [x, fval, info] = fsolve (@__f, [ 0.5; 2.0; 2.5 ]);
 %! assert (info > 0);
@@ -523,14 +524,14 @@
 %!  y = p(2);
 %!  z = p(3);
 %!  retval = zeros (3, 1);
-%!  retval(1) = sin(x) + y**2 + log(z) - 7;
-%!  retval(2) = 3*x + 2**y -z**3 + 1;
+%!  retval(1) = sin (x) + y^2 + log (z) - 7;
+%!  retval(2) = 3*x + 2^y -z^3 + 1;
 %!  retval(3) = x + y + z - 5;
 %! x_opt = [ 0.599054;
-%! 2.395931;
-%! 2.005014 ];
+%!           2.395931;
+%!           2.005014 ];
 %! tol = 1.0e-5;
 %! opt = optimset ("Updating", "qrp");
 %! [x, fval, info] = fsolve (@__f, [ 0.5; 2.0; 2.5 ], opt);
@@ -552,7 +553,6 @@
 %! assert (norm (c - c_opt, Inf) < tol);
 %! assert (norm (fval) < norm (noise));
 %!function y = cfun (x)
 %!  y(1) = (1+i)*x(1)^2 - (1-i)*x(2) - 2;
 %!  y(2) = sqrt (x(1)*x(2)) - (1-2i)*x(3) + (3-4i);
--- a/scripts/optimization/fzero.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fzero.m
@@ -359,5 +359,6 @@
 %!shared opt0
 %! opt0 = optimset ("tolx", 0);
-%!assert(fzero(@cos, [0, 3], opt0), pi/2, 10*eps)
-%!assert(fzero(@(x) x^(1/3) - 1e-8, [0,1], opt0), 1e-24, 1e-22*eps)
+%!assert (fzero (@cos, [0, 3], opt0), pi/2, 10*eps)
+%!assert (fzero (@(x) x^(1/3) - 1e-8, [0,1], opt0), 1e-24, 1e-22*eps)
--- a/scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m
@@ -198,14 +198,15 @@
-## Tests
 %! C = [1 0;0 1;2 1];
 %! d = [1;3;-2];
-%! assert (lsqnonneg (C, d), [0;0.5], 100*eps)
+%! assert (lsqnonneg (C, d), [0;0.5], 100*eps);
 %! C = [0.0372 0.2869;0.6861 0.7071;0.6233 0.6245;0.6344 0.6170];
 %! d = [0.8587;0.1781;0.0747;0.8405];
 %! xnew = [0;0.6929];
-%! assert (lsqnonneg (C, d), xnew, 0.0001)
+%! assert (lsqnonneg (C, d), xnew, 0.0001);
--- a/scripts/optimization/optimset.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/optimset.m
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@
-%!assert (optimget (optimset ('tolx', 1e-2), 'tOLx'), 1e-2)
-%!assert (isfield (optimset ('tolFun', 1e-3), 'TolFun'))
+%!assert (optimget (optimset ("tolx", 1e-2), "tOLx"), 1e-2)
+%!assert (isfield (optimset ("tolFun", 1e-3), "TolFun"))
 %!error (optimset ("%NOT_A_REAL_FUNCTION_NAME%"))
--- a/scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m
@@ -198,14 +198,15 @@
-## Tests
 %! C = [5 2;2 2];
 %! d = [3; -1];
-%! assert (pqpnonneg (C, d), [0;0.5], 100*eps)
+%! assert (pqpnonneg (C, d), [0;0.5], 100*eps);
 ## Test equivalence of lsq and pqp
 %! C = rand (20, 10);
 %! d = rand (20, 1);
-%! assert (pqpnonneg (C'*C, -C'*d), lsqnonneg (C, d), 100*eps)
+%! assert (pqpnonneg (C'*C, -C'*d), lsqnonneg (C, d), 100*eps);
--- a/scripts/optimization/sqp.m
+++ b/scripts/optimization/sqp.m
@@ -733,6 +733,7 @@
 %% Test Code
@@ -743,7 +744,7 @@
 %!function obj = __phi (x)
-%!  obj = exp(prod(x)) - 0.5*(x(1)^3+x(2)^3+1)^2;
+%!  obj = exp (prod (x)) - 0.5*(x(1)^3 + x(2)^3 + 1)^2;
@@ -760,22 +761,23 @@
 %! obj_opt = 0.0539498477702739;
-%! assert (all (abs (x-x_opt) < 5*sqrt (eps)) && abs (obj-obj_opt) < sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (x, x_opt, 5*sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (obj, obj_opt, sqrt (eps));
 %% Test input validation
 %!error sqp ()
 %!error sqp (1)
 %!error sqp (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
 %!error sqp (1,2,3,4,5)
-%!error sqp (ones(2,2))
-%!error sqp (1,cell(4,1))
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(3,1))
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(3,1))
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),ones(2,2),[])
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),[],ones(2,2))
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),1,-1)
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),[],[],ones(2,2))
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),[],[],-1)
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),[],[],1.5)
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),[],[],[],ones(2,2))
-%!error sqp (1,cell(3,1),cell(2,1),cell(2,1),[],[],[],-1)
+%!error sqp (ones (2,2))
+%!error sqp (1, cell (4,1))
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (3,1))
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (3,1))
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1), ones (2,2),[])
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1),[], ones (2,2))
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1),1,-1)
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1),[],[], ones (2,2))
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1),[],[],-1)
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1),[],[],1.5)
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1),[],[],[], ones (2,2))
+%!error sqp (1, cell (3,1), cell (2,1), cell (2,1),[],[],[],-1)
--- a/scripts/path/matlabroot.m
+++ b/scripts/path/matlabroot.m
@@ -32,5 +32,6 @@
-%!assert (matlabroot(), OCTAVE_HOME())
+%!assert (matlabroot (), OCTAVE_HOME ())
--- a/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m
@@ -390,3 +390,4 @@
 ## No test needed for internal helper function.
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/plot/__plt_get_axis_arg__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/__plt_get_axis_arg__.m
@@ -80,3 +80,4 @@
 ## No test needed for internal helper function.
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/plot/ancestor.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ancestor.m
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
@@ -84,3 +85,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/cla.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/cla.m
@@ -89,14 +89,16 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
-%!   plot (1:10)
-%!   cla ()
+%!   plot (1:10);
+%!   cla ();
 %!   kids = get (gca, "children");
-%!   cla ()
+%!   cla ();
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
-%!   close (hf)
+%!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
-%! assert (numel (kids), 0)
+%! assert (numel (kids), 0);
--- a/scripts/plot/clf.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/clf.m
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
 %!   l = line;
-%!   assert (!isempty (get (gcf, "children")));
+%!   assert (! isempty (get (gcf, "children")));
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/close.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/close.m
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
@@ -91,3 +92,4 @@
 %!     close (hf);
 %!   endif
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/colorbar.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/colorbar.m
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
 %! colormap ('default');
 %! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
 %! imagesc (x);
-%! colorbar ('peer', gca (), 'northoutside');
+%! colorbar ('peer', gca, 'northoutside');
 %! clf;
--- a/scripts/plot/colstyle.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/colstyle.m
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
 %! [l, c, m, msg] = colstyle ("r:x");
 %! assert (isempty (msg));
--- a/scripts/plot/comet3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/comet3.m
@@ -84,5 +84,5 @@
 %! clf;
 %! t = 0:pi/20:5*pi;
-%! comet3 (cos(t), sin(t), t, 0.01);
+%! comet3 (cos (t), sin (t), t, 0.01);
--- a/scripts/plot/contourc.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/contourc.m
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
 %! x = 0:2;
 %! y = x;
@@ -147,7 +148,6 @@
 %! [c_actual, lev_actual]= contourc (x, y, z, 2:3);
 %! c_expected = [2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1.5, 2; 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1.5];
 %! lev_expected = [2 3];
-%! assert (c_actual, c_expected, eps)
-%! assert (lev_actual, lev_expected, eps)
+%! assert (c_actual, c_expected, eps);
+%! assert (lev_actual, lev_expected, eps);
--- a/scripts/plot/figure.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/figure.m
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
@@ -104,3 +105,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/gca.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gca.m
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! ax = axes;
@@ -58,3 +59,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/gcbf.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gcbf.m
@@ -32,5 +32,6 @@
-%! assert (isempty (gcbf ));
+%!assert (isempty (gcbf))
--- a/scripts/plot/gcbo.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gcbo.m
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
-%! assert (isempty (gcbo ));
+%! assert (isempty (gcbo));
--- a/scripts/plot/gcf.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gcf.m
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
@@ -61,3 +62,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/ginput.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ginput.m
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
 ## Remove from test statistics.  No real tests possible.
 %! assert (1);
--- a/scripts/plot/graphics_toolkit.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/graphics_toolkit.m
@@ -90,6 +90,6 @@
 %!   otherwise
 %!     new_toolkit = "gnuplot";
 %! endswitch
-%! assert (graphics_toolkit (new_toolkit), old_toolkit)
-%! assert (graphics_toolkit (old_toolkit), new_toolkit)
+%! assert (graphics_toolkit (new_toolkit), old_toolkit);
+%! assert (graphics_toolkit (old_toolkit), new_toolkit);
--- a/scripts/plot/gtext.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/gtext.m
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 ## Remove from test statistics.  No real tests possible.
-%! assert (1);
+%!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/plot/hggroup.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/hggroup.m
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
@@ -51,3 +52,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/hist.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/hist.m
@@ -168,30 +168,31 @@
-%!  [nn,xx]=hist([1:4],3);
-%!  assert(xx, [1.5,2.5,3.5]);
-%!  assert(nn, [2,1,1]);
+%! [nn,xx] = hist ([1:4], 3);
+%! assert (xx, [1.5,2.5,3.5]);
+%! assert (nn, [2,1,1]);
-%!  [nn,xx]=hist([1:4]',3);
-%!  assert(xx, [1.5,2.5,3.5]);
-%!  assert(nn, [2,1,1]);
+%! [nn,xx] = hist ([1:4]', 3);
+%! assert (xx, [1.5,2.5,3.5]);
+%! assert (nn, [2,1,1]);
-%!  [nn,xx]=hist([1 1 1 NaN NaN NaN 2 2 3],[1 2 3]);
-%!  assert(xx, [1,2,3]);
-%!  assert(nn, [3,2,1]);
+%! [nn,xx] = hist ([1 1 1 NaN NaN NaN 2 2 3],[1 2 3]);
+%! assert (xx, [1,2,3]);
+%! assert (nn, [3,2,1]);
-%!  [nn,xx]=hist([[1:4]',[1:4]'],3);
-%!  assert(xx, [1.5;2.5;3.5]);
-%!  assert(nn, [[2,1,1]',[2,1,1]']);
+%! [nn,xx] = hist ([[1:4]', [1:4]'], 3);
+%! assert (xx, [1.5;2.5;3.5]);
+%! assert (nn, [[2,1,1]',[2,1,1]']);
-%!  for n = [10, 30, 100, 1000]
-%!    assert(sum(hist([1:n], n)), n);
-%!    assert(sum(hist([1:n], [2:n-1])), n);
-%!    assert(sum(hist([1:n], [1:n])), n);
-%!    assert(sum(hist([1:n], 29)), n);
-%!    assert(sum(hist([1:n], 30)), n);
-%!  endfor
-%!  assert (size (hist(randn(750,240), 200)), [200,240]);
+%! for n = [10, 30, 100, 1000]
+%!   assert (sum (hist ([1:n], n)), n);
+%!   assert (sum (hist ([1:n], [2:n-1])), n);
+%!   assert (sum (hist ([1:n], [1:n])), n);
+%!   assert (sum (hist ([1:n], 29)), n);
+%!   assert (sum (hist ([1:n], 30)), n);
+%! endfor
+%!assert (hist (1,1), 1)
+%!assert (size (hist (randn (750,240), 200)), [200,240])
--- a/scripts/plot/hold.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/hold.m
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 %!   assert (! ishold);
 %!   hold on;
 %!   assert (ishold);
-%!   p1 = fill ([0 1 1], [0 0 1],"black");
+%!   p1 = fill ([0 1 1], [0 0 1], "black");
 %!   p2 = fill ([0 1 0], [0 1 1], "red");
 %!   assert (length (get (hf, "children")), 1);
 %!   assert (length (get (gca, "children")), 3);
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 %!   assert (! ishold);
 %!   hold on;
 %!   assert (ishold);
-%!   p1 = fill ([0 1 1], [0 0 1],"black");
+%!   p1 = fill ([0 1 1], [0 0 1], "black");
 %!   hold off;
 %!   p2 = fill ([0 1 0], [0 1 1], "red");
 %!   assert (length (get (hf, "children")), 1);
--- a/scripts/plot/isfigure.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isfigure.m
@@ -35,11 +35,13 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
 %!   assert (isfigure (hf));
-%!   assert (!isfigure (-hf));
+%!   assert (! isfigure (-hf));
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/ishghandle.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ishghandle.m
@@ -27,32 +27,33 @@
   retval = ishandle (h);
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
 %!   assert (ishghandle (hf));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-hf));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-hf));
 %!   l = line;
-%!   ax = gca();
+%!   ax = gca;
 %!   assert (ishghandle (ax));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-ax));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-ax));
 %!   assert (ishghandle (l));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-l));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-l));
 %!   p = patch;
 %!   assert (ishghandle (p));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-p));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-p));
 %!   s = surface;
 %!   assert (ishghandle (s));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-s));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-s));
 %!   t = text;
 %!   assert (ishghandle (t));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-t));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-t));
 %!   i = image;
 %!   assert (ishghandle (i));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-i));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-i));
 %!   hg = hggroup;
 %!   assert (ishghandle (hg));
-%!   assert (!ishghandle (-hg));
+%!   assert (! ishghandle (-hg));
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/ishold.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ishold.m
@@ -55,15 +55,16 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
-%!   assert (!ishold);
+%!   assert (! ishold);
 %!   assert (isempty (get (hf, "currentaxes")));
 %!   assert (get (hf, "NextPlot"), "add");
 %!   l = plot ([0 1]);
-%!   assert (!ishold);
-%!   assert (!ishold (gca));
+%!   assert (! ishold);
+%!   assert (! ishold (gca));
 %!   assert (get (gca, "NextPlot"), "replace");
 %!   assert (get (hf, "NextPlot"), "add");
 %!   hold;
@@ -77,3 +78,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/isocolors.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isocolors.m
@@ -163,10 +163,12 @@
-%!  [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
-%!  c = (x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2;
-%!  [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4);
-%!  cdat = isocolors (x, y, z, c, v);
-%!  assert (size (cdat, 1) == size (v, 1));
+%! [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
+%! c = (x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2;
+%! [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4);
+%! cdat = isocolors (x, y, z, c, v);
+%! assert (rows (cdat) == rows (v));
 ## Can't create a patch handle for tests without a figure
--- a/scripts/plot/isonormals.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isonormals.m
@@ -148,16 +148,18 @@
-%!  [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
-%!  c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
-%!  [f, v, cdat] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4, y);
-%!  n = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v);
-%!  assert (size (v), size (n));
+%! [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
+%! c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
+%! [f, v, cdat] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4, y);
+%! n = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v);
+%! assert (size (v), size (n));
-%!  [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
-%!  c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
-%!  [f, v, cdat] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4, y);
-%!  np = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v);
-%!  nn = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v, "negate");
-%!  assert (all (np == -nn));
+%! [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2);
+%! c = abs ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2);
+%! [f, v, cdat] = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4, y);
+%! np = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v);
+%! nn = isonormals (x, y, z, c, v, "negate");
+%! assert (np, -nn);
--- a/scripts/plot/isosurface.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isosurface.m
@@ -197,30 +197,30 @@
 %! isosurface (x, y, z, v, 1);
 %!shared x, y, z, val
-%!  [x, y, z]  = meshgrid (0:1, 0:1, 0:1); %% Points for single
-%!  val        = [0, 0; 0, 0];             %% cube and a 3-D
-%!  val(:,:,2) = [0, 0; 1, 0];             %% array of values
+%! [x, y, z]  = meshgrid (0:1, 0:1, 0:1); %% Points for single
+%! val        = [0, 0; 0, 0];             %% cube and a 3-D
+%! val(:,:,2) = [0, 0; 1, 0];             %% array of values
-%!  fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 0.3);
-%!  assert (isfield (fv, "vertices"), true);
-%!  assert (isfield (fv, "faces"), true);
-%!  assert (size (fv.vertices), [3 3]);
-%!  assert (size (fv.faces), [1 3]);
+%! fv = isosurface (x, y, z, val, 0.3);
+%! assert (isfield (fv, "vertices"), true);
+%! assert (isfield (fv, "faces"), true);
+%! assert (size (fv.vertices), [3 3]);
+%! assert (size (fv.faces), [1 3]);
-%!  fvc = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .3, y);
-%!  assert (isfield (fvc, "vertices"), true);
-%!  assert (isfield (fvc, "faces"), true);
-%!  assert (isfield (fvc, "facevertexcdata"), true);
-%!  assert (size (fvc.vertices), [3 3]);
-%!  assert (size (fvc.faces), [1 3]);
-%!  assert (size (fvc.facevertexcdata), [3 1]);
+%! fvc = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .3, y);
+%! assert (isfield (fvc, "vertices"), true);
+%! assert (isfield (fvc, "faces"), true);
+%! assert (isfield (fvc, "facevertexcdata"), true);
+%! assert (size (fvc.vertices), [3 3]);
+%! assert (size (fvc.faces), [1 3]);
+%! assert (size (fvc.facevertexcdata), [3 1]);
-%!  [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .3);
-%!  assert (size (f), [1 3]);
-%!  assert (size (v), [3 3]);
+%! [f, v] = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .3);
+%! assert (size (f), [1 3]);
+%! assert (size (v), [3 3]);
-%!  [f, v, c] = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .3, y);
-%!  assert (size (f), [1 3]);
-%!  assert (size (v), [3 3]);
-%!  assert (size (c), [3 1]);
+%! [f, v, c] = isosurface (x, y, z, val, .3, y);
+%! assert (size (f), [1 3]);
+%! assert (size (v), [3 3]);
+%! assert (size (c), [3 1]);
--- a/scripts/plot/isprop.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/isprop.m
@@ -47,9 +47,8 @@
 %!assert (isprop (0, "foobar"), false)
 %!assert (isprop (0, "screenpixelsperinch"), true)
 %!assert (isprop (zeros (2, 3), "visible"), true (2, 3))
--- a/scripts/plot/legend.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/legend.m
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@
 %! labels = {};
 %! colororder = get (gca, 'colororder');
 %! for i = 1:5
-%!   h = plot (1:100, i + rand(100,1)); hold on;
+%!   h = plot (1:100, i + rand (100,1)); hold on;
 %!   set (h, 'color', colororder(i,:));
 %!   labels = {labels{:}, ['Signal ', num2str(i)]};
 %! end
@@ -1101,24 +1101,24 @@
 %! x = 0:0.1:7;
 %! h = plot (x,sin(x), x,cos(x), x,sin(x.^2/10), x,cos(x.^2/10));
 %! title ('Only the sin() objects have keylabels');
-%! legend (h([1, 3]), {'sin(x)', 'sin(x^2/10)'}, 'location', 'southwest');
+%! legend (h([1, 3]), {'sin (x)', 'sin (x^2/10)'}, 'location', 'southwest');
 %! clf;
 %! x = 0:0.1:10;
-%! plot (x, sin(x), ';sin(x);');
+%! plot (x, sin (x), ';sin (x);');
 %! hold all;
-%! plot (x, cos(x), ';cos(x);');
+%! plot (x, cos (x), ';cos (x);');
 %! hold off;
 %! clf;
 %! x = 0:0.1:10;
-%! plot (x, sin(x), ';sin(x);');
+%! plot (x, sin (x), ';sin (x);');
 %! hold all;
-%! plot (x, cos(x), ';cos(x);');
+%! plot (x, cos (x), ';cos (x);');
 %! hold off;
-%! legend ({'sin(x)', 'cos(x)'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside');
+%! legend ({'sin (x)', 'cos (x)'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside');
 %! clf;
@@ -1134,19 +1134,19 @@
 %! clf;
 %! x = (1:5)';
-%! subplot (2, 2, 1);
+%! subplot (2,2,1);
 %!  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
 %!  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'northwestoutside');
 %!  legend boxon;
-%! subplot (2, 2, 2);
+%! subplot (2,2,2);
 %!  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
 %!  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'northeastoutside');
 %!  legend boxon;
-%! subplot (2, 2, 3);
+%! subplot (2,2,3);
 %!  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
 %!  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'southwestoutside');
 %!  legend boxon;
-%! subplot (2, 2, 4);
+%! subplot (2,2,4);
 %!  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
 %!  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'southeastoutside');
 %!  legend boxon;
--- a/scripts/plot/line.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/line.m
@@ -57,3 +57,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/loglog.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/loglog.m
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 %! clf;
 %! t = 1:0.01:10;
 %! x = sort ((t .* (1 + rand (size (t)))) .^ 2);
-%! y = ((t .* (1 + rand (size (t)))) .^ 2);
+%! y = (t .* (1 + rand (size (t)))) .^ 2;
 %! loglog (x, y);
--- a/scripts/plot/loglogerr.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/loglogerr.m
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 %! clf;
-%! x = exp (log(0.01):0.2:log(10));
+%! x = exp (log (0.01):0.2:log (10));
 %! y = wblpdf (x, 3, 2);
 %! eyu = 2*rand (size (y)) .* y;
 %! eyl = 0.5*rand (size (y)) .* y;
--- a/scripts/plot/meshgrid.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/meshgrid.m
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
 %! x = 1:2;
 %! y = 1:3;
@@ -100,4 +101,5 @@
 %! assert (ndims (XX1), 2);
 %! assert (size (XX1), [3, 3]);
 %! assert (XX1, XX2);
-%! assert (YY1, YY2);
\ No newline at end of file
+%! assert (YY1, YY2);
--- a/scripts/plot/ndgrid.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ndgrid.m
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
 %! x = 1:2;
 %! y = 1:3;
@@ -95,3 +96,4 @@
 %! assert (XX2(end) * YY2(end), x(end) * y(end));
 %! assert (XX1, XX2.');
 %! assert (YY1, YY2.');
--- a/scripts/plot/newplot.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/newplot.m
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
@@ -74,3 +75,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/orient.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/orient.m
@@ -70,40 +70,42 @@
 %!shared papersize, paperposition, tallpaperposition, hfig
-%!  papersize = [8.5, 11];
-%!  paperposition = [0.25, 2.5, 8, 6];
-%!  tallpaperposition = [0.25, 0.25, (papersize-0.5)];
-%!  hfig = figure ();
-%!  set (hfig, "visible", "off")
-%!  set (hfig, "paperorientation", "portrait")
-%!  set (hfig, "papersize", papersize)
-%!  set (hfig, "paperposition", paperposition)
+%! papersize = [8.5, 11];
+%! paperposition = [0.25, 2.5, 8, 6];
+%! tallpaperposition = [0.25, 0.25, (papersize-0.5)];
+%! hfig = figure ();
+%! set (hfig, "visible", "off");
+%! set (hfig, "paperorientation", "portrait");
+%! set (hfig, "papersize", papersize);
+%! set (hfig, "paperposition", paperposition);
-%!  orient portrait
-%!  assert (orient, "portrait") # default
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize)
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), paperposition)
+%! orient portrait;
+%! assert (orient, "portrait")   # default
+%! assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize);
+%! assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), paperposition);
-%!  orient landscape
-%!  assert (orient,"landscape") # change to landscape
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize([2, 1]))
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), paperposition([2, 1, 4, 3]))
+%! orient landscape;
+%! assert (orient,"landscape")   # change to landscape
+%! assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize([2, 1]));
+%! assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), paperposition([2, 1, 4, 3]));
-%!  orient portrait # change back to portrait
-%!  assert (orient, "portrait")
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize)
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), paperposition)
+%! orient portrait   # change back to portrait
+%! assert (orient, "portrait");
+%! assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize);
+%! assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), paperposition);
-%!  orient landscape
-%!  orient tall
-%!  assert (orient, "portrait")
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize)
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), tallpaperposition)
+%! orient landscape;
+%! orient tall;
+%! assert (orient, "portrait");
+%! assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize);
+%! assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), tallpaperposition);
 %!fail ("orient ('nobody')", "unknown ORIENTATION")
-%!  orient portrait # errors don't change the state
-%!  assert (orient, "portrait")
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize)
-%!  assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), tallpaperposition)
-%!  close (hfig)
+%! orient portrait   # errors don't change the state
+%! assert (orient, "portrait");
+%! assert (get (hfig, "papersize"), papersize);
+%! assert (get (hfig, "paperposition"), tallpaperposition);
+%! close (hfig);
--- a/scripts/plot/patch.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/patch.m
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 %! y2 = cos (t2);
 %! vert = [x1, y1; x2, y2];
 %! fac = [1:8,NaN(1,8);9:24];
-%! patch ('Faces',fac, 'Vertices',vert, 'FaceVertexCData', [0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]);
+%! patch ('Faces',fac, 'Vertices',vert, 'FaceVertexCData',[0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]);
 %! %% Property change on multiple patches
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 %! y1 = cos (t1);
 %! x2 = sin (t2) + 0.8;
 %! y2 = cos (t2);
-%! h = patch ([x1,x2], [y1,y2], cat (3,[0,0],[1,0],[0,1]));
+%! h = patch ([x1,x2], [y1,y2], cat (3, [0,0],[1,0],[0,1]));
 %! pause (1);
 %! set (h, 'FaceColor', 'r');
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 %! colormap (jet (64));
 %! x = [0 1 1 0];
 %! y = [0 0 1 1];
-%! subplot (2, 1, 1);
+%! subplot (2,1,1);
 %!  title ('Blue, Light-Green, and Red Horizontal Bars');
 %!  patch (x, y + 0, 1);
 %!  patch (x, y + 1, 2);
 %!  patch (x, y + 2, 3);
-%! subplot (2, 1, 2);
+%! subplot (2,1,2);
 %!  title ('Blue, Light-Green, and Red Vertical Bars');
 %!  patch (x + 0, y, 1 * ones (size (x)));
 %!  patch (x + 1, y, 2 * ones (size (x)));
@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@
 %! colormap (jet (64));
 %! x = [0 1 1 0];
 %! y = [0 0 1 1];
-%! subplot (2, 1, 1);
+%! subplot (2,1,1);
 %!  title ('Blue horizontal bars: Dark to Light');
 %!  patch (x, y + 0, 1, 'cdatamapping', 'direct');
 %!  patch (x, y + 1, 9, 'cdatamapping', 'direct');
 %!  patch (x, y + 2, 17, 'cdatamapping', 'direct');
-%! subplot (2, 1, 2);
+%! subplot (2,1,2);
 %!  title ('Blue vertical bars: Dark to Light');
 %!  patch (x + 0, y, 1 * ones (size (x)), 'cdatamapping', 'direct');
 %!  patch (x + 1, y, 9 * ones (size (x)), 'cdatamapping', 'direct');
--- a/scripts/plot/plot3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/plot3.m
@@ -342,6 +342,6 @@
 %! clf;
 %! z = [0:0.05:5];
-%! plot3 (cos(2*pi*z), sin(2*pi*z), z, ';helix;');
-%! plot3 (z, exp(2i*pi*z), ';complex sinusoid;');
+%! plot3 (cos (2*pi*z), sin (2*pi*z), z, ';helix;');
+%! plot3 (z, exp (2i*pi*z), ';complex sinusoid;');
--- a/scripts/plot/plotyy.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/plotyy.m
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
 %! clf;
 %! x = linspace (-1, 1, 201);
-%! hax = plotyy (x, sin(pi*x), x, cos(pi*x));
+%! hax = plotyy (x, sin (pi*x), x, cos (pi*x));
 %! ylabel ('Blue on the Left');
 %! ylabel (hax(2), 'Green on the Right');
 %! xlabel ('xlabel');
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__print_parse_opts__.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__print_parse_opts__.m
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
 %! assert (opts.use_color, 1);
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
 %! assert (opts.canvas_size, [576, 432]);
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "pswrite")
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "pswrite");
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("test.pdf", "-S640,480");
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
 %! assert (opts.use_color, 1);
 %! assert (opts.append_to_file, false);
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "pswrite")
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "pswrite");
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.epscrop, false);
@@ -391,13 +391,13 @@
 %! assert (opts.tight_flag, true);
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
 %! assert (opts.use_color, -1);
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "")
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "");
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("-djpg", "foobar", "-mono", "-loose");
-%! assert (opts.devopt, "jpeg")
-%! assert (, "foobar.jpg")
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "jpeg")
+%! assert (opts.devopt, "jpeg");
+%! assert (, "foobar.jpg");
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "jpeg");
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.epscrop, true);
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.papersize, "");
 %! assert (opts.ghostscript.pageoffset, [0, 0]);
@@ -407,20 +407,20 @@
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("-ddeskjet", "foobar", "-mono", "-Pmyprinter");
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.output, "foobar.deskjet")
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "deskjet")
-%! assert (opts.devopt, "deskjet")
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.output, "foobar.deskjet");
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "deskjet");
+%! assert (opts.devopt, "deskjet");
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
 %! assert (opts.printer, "-Pmyprinter");
 %! assert (opts.use_color, -1);
 %! opts = __print_parse_opts__ ("-f5", "-dljet3");
-%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "ljet3")
-%! assert (strfind (opts.ghostscript.output, ".ljet3"))
-%! assert (opts.devopt, "ljet3")
+%! assert (opts.ghostscript.device, "ljet3");
+%! assert (strfind (opts.ghostscript.output, ".ljet3"));
+%! assert (opts.devopt, "ljet3");
 %! assert (opts.send_to_printer, true);
-%! assert (opts.figure, 5)
+%! assert (opts.figure, 5);
 function cmd = __quote_path__ (cmd)
   if (any (cmd == " ") && ! (cmd(1) == """" && cmd(end) == """"))
--- a/scripts/plot/quiver3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/quiver3.m
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 %! theta = 2*pi * sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2) + pi/2;
 %! quiver3 (x, y, z, sin (theta), cos (theta), ones (size (z)));
 %! hold on;
-%! mesh (x,y,z);
+%! mesh (x, y, z);
 %! hold off;
--- a/scripts/plot/refreshdata.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/refreshdata.m
@@ -115,6 +115,6 @@
 %! for i = 1 : 100
 %!   pause (0.1);
 %!   y = sin (x + 0.1 * i);
-%!   refreshdata (gcf (), 'caller');
+%!   refreshdata (gcf, 'caller');
 %! end
--- a/scripts/plot/ribbon.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/ribbon.m
@@ -93,3 +93,4 @@
 %! ribbon (y, z);
 %!FIXME: Could have some input validation tests here
--- a/scripts/plot/semilogx.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/semilogx.m
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 %! unwind_protect
 %!   a = logspace (-5, 1, 10);
 %!   b = logspace (-5, 1, 10);
-%!   semilogx (a, b)
+%!   semilogx (a, b);
 %!   assert (get (gca, "xscale"), "log");
 %!   assert (get (gca, "yscale"), "linear");
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
--- a/scripts/plot/semilogxerr.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/semilogxerr.m
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 %! clf;
-%! x = exp (log(0.01):0.2:log(10));
+%! x = exp (log (0.01):0.2:log (10));
 %! y = wblpdf (x, 2, 2);
 %! ey = 0.5*rand (size (y)) .* y;
 %! semilogxerr (x, y, ey, '#~x-');
--- a/scripts/plot/semilogy.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/semilogy.m
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@
 %! x = logspace (-5, 1, 10);
 %! y = logspace (-5, 1, 10);
-%! subplot (2, 1, 1);
+%! subplot (2,1,1);
 %! semilogy (x, y);
 %! ylabel ('semilogy (x, y)');
-%! subplot (2, 1, 2);
+%! subplot (2,1,2);
 %! semilogy (x, -y);
 %! ylabel ('semilogy (x, -y)');
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
 %! x = logspace (-5, 1, 10);
 %! y = logspace (-5, 1, 10);
-%! subplot (2, 1, 1);
+%! subplot (2,1,1);
 %! semilogy (x, y);
 %! set (gca, 'ydir', 'reverse', 'activepositionproperty', 'outerposition');
 %! ylabel ({'semilogy (x, y)', 'ydir = reversed'});
-%! subplot (2, 1, 2);
+%! subplot (2,1,2);
 %! semilogy (x, -y);
 %! set (gca, 'ydir', 'reverse', 'activepositionproperty', 'outerposition');
 %! ylabel ({'semilogy (x, -y)', 'ydir = reversed'});
--- a/scripts/plot/stem.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/stem.m
@@ -128,5 +128,5 @@
 %! y = [sin(x), cos(x)];
 %! h = stem (x, y);
 %! set (h(2), 'color', 'g');
-%! set (h(1), 'basevalue', -1)
+%! set (h(1), 'basevalue', -1);
--- a/scripts/plot/stem3.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/stem3.m
@@ -56,5 +56,5 @@
 %! clf;
 %! theta = 0:0.2:6;
-%! stem3 (cos(theta), sin(theta), theta);
+%! stem3 (cos (theta), sin (theta), theta);
--- a/scripts/plot/subplot.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/subplot.m
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@
 %! clf;
 %! r = 3;
@@ -351,13 +352,13 @@
 %! clf;
 %! x = 0:1;
 %! for n = 1:4
-%!   subplot (2, 2, n, 'align');
+%!   subplot (2,2,n, 'align');
 %!   plot (x, x);
 %!   xlabel (sprintf ('xlabel (2,2,%d)', n));
 %!   ylabel (sprintf ('ylabel (2,2,%d)', n));
 %!   title (sprintf ('title (2,2,%d)', n));
 %! end
-%! subplot (1, 2, 1, 'align');
+%! subplot (1,2,1, 'align');
 %! plot (x, x);
 %! xlabel ('xlabel (1,2,1)');
 %! ylabel ('ylabel (1,2,1)');
--- a/scripts/plot/title.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/title.m
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@
 %! clf;
 %! ax = axes ();
-%! xl = get (ax,'title');
+%! xl = get (ax, 'title');
 %! title ('Testing title');
 %! assert (get (xl, 'string'), 'Testing title');
 %! clf;
 %! plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]);
-%! xl = get (gca (), 'title');
+%! xl = get (gca, 'title');
 %! title ('Testing title');
 %! assert (get (xl, 'string'), 'Testing title');
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
-%!   ax = axes();
-%!   xl = get (ax,"title");
+%!   ax = axes ();
+%!   xl = get (ax, "title");
 %!   title ("Testing title");
 %!   assert (get (xl, "string"), "Testing title");
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
 %!   plot3 ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]);
-%!   xl = get (gca (), "title");
+%!   xl = get (gca, "title");
 %!   title ("Testing title");
 %!   assert (get (xl, "string"), "Testing title");
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
--- a/scripts/plot/uigetfile.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/uigetfile.m
@@ -191,5 +191,5 @@
 %! uigetfile ({'*.gif;*.png;*.jpg', 'Supported Picture Formats'});
 ## Remove from test statistics.  No real tests possible.
-%!assert (1);
+%!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/plot/view.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/view.m
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 %! hf = figure ("visible", "off");
 %! unwind_protect
@@ -122,3 +123,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/plot/whitebg.m
+++ b/scripts/plot/whitebg.m
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
 %! dac = get (0, "defaultaxescolor");
 %! dfc = get (0, "defaultfigurecolor");
@@ -162,3 +163,4 @@
 %! unwind_protect_cleanup
 %!   close (hf);
 %! end_unwind_protect
--- a/scripts/polynomial/compan.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/compan.m
@@ -79,15 +79,12 @@
-%!assert(all (all (compan ([1, 2, 3]) == [-2, -3; 1, 0])));
-%!assert(all (all (compan ([1; 2; 3]) == [-2, -3; 1, 0])));
-%!assert(isempty (compan (4)));
-%!assert(all (all (compan ([3, 2, 1]) == [-2/3, -1/3; 1, 0])));
+%!assert (compan ([1, 2, 3]), [-2, -3; 1, 0])
+%!assert (compan ([1; 2; 3]), [-2, -3; 1, 0])
+%!assert (isempty (compan (4)))
+%!assert (compan ([3, 2, 1]), [-2/3, -1/3; 1, 0])
-%!error compan ([1,2;3,4]);
+%!error compan ([1,2;3,4])
+%!error compan ([])
-%!error compan ([]);
--- a/scripts/polynomial/conv.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/conv.m
@@ -109,32 +109,32 @@
 %! a = 1:10;
 %! b = 1:3;
-%!assert (size (conv (a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1]);
-%!assert (size (conv (b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1]);
+%!assert (size (conv (a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
+%!assert (size (conv (b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
 %! a = (1:10).';
-%!assert (size (conv (a,b)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1]);
-%!assert (size (conv (b,a)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1]);
+%!assert (size (conv (a,b)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1])
+%!assert (size (conv (b,a)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1])
 %! a = 1:10;
 %! b = (1:3).';
-%!assert (size (conv (a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1]);
-%!assert (size (conv (b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1]);
+%!assert (size (conv (a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
+%!assert (size (conv (b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
 %! a = 1:10;
 %! b = 1:3;
-%!assert (conv (a,b,"full"), conv (a,b));
-%!assert (conv (b,a,"full"), conv (b,a));
+%!assert (conv (a,b,"full"), conv (a,b))
+%!assert (conv (b,a,"full"), conv (b,a))
-%!assert (conv (a,b,"same"), [4, 10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, 47]);
-%!assert (conv (b,a,"same"), [28, 34, 40]);
+%!assert (conv (a,b,"same"), [4, 10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, 47])
+%!assert (conv (b,a,"same"), [28, 34, 40])
-%!assert (conv (a,b,"valid"), [10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52]);
-%!assert (conv (b,a,"valid"), zeros (1,0));
+%!assert (conv (a,b,"valid"), [10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52])
+%!assert (conv (b,a,"valid"), zeros (1,0))
 %% Test input validation
--- a/scripts/polynomial/deconv.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/deconv.m
@@ -81,30 +81,34 @@
 %! [b, r] = deconv ([3, 6, 9, 9], [1, 2, 3]);
-%! assert(all (all (b == [3, 0])) && all (all (r == [0, 0, 0, 9])));
+%! assert (b, [3, 0]);
+%! assert (r, [0, 0, 0, 9]);
 %! [b, r] = deconv ([3, 6], [1, 2, 3]);
-%! assert(b == 0 && all (all (r == [3, 6])));
+%! assert (b, 0);
+%! assert (r, [3, 6]);
 %! [b, r] = deconv ([3, 6], [1; 2; 3]);
-%! assert(b == 0 && all (all (r == [3, 6])));
+%! assert (b, 0);
+%! assert (r, [3, 6]);
 %! [b,r] = deconv ([3; 6], [1; 2; 3]);
-%! assert (b == 0 && all (all (r == [3; 6])))
+%! assert (b, 0);
+%! assert (r, [3; 6]);
 %! [b, r] = deconv ([3; 6], [1, 2, 3]);
-%! assert (b == 0 && all (all (r == [3; 6])))
-%! assert (deconv ((1:3)',[1, 1]), [1; 1])
+%! assert (b, 0);
+%! assert (r, [3; 6]);
-%!error [b, r] = deconv ([3, 6], [1, 2; 3, 4]);
+%!assert (deconv ((1:3)',[1, 1]), [1; 1])
-%!error [b, r] = deconv ([3, 6; 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]);
+%!error [b, r] = deconv ([3, 6], [1, 2; 3, 4])
+%!error [b, r] = deconv ([3, 6; 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/mkpp.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/mkpp.m
@@ -88,27 +88,27 @@
 %! pp = mkpp (x, [m(:),b(:)]);
 %! xi = linspace (0,pi,50);
 %! plot (x,t,"x", xi,ppval (pp,xi));
-%! legend ("control","interp");
+%! legend ("control", "interp");
 %!shared b,c,pp
 %! b = 1:3; c = 1:24; pp = mkpp (b,c);
-%!assert (pp.pieces, 2);
-%!assert (pp.order, 12);
-%!assert (pp.dim, 1);
-%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [2,12]);
+%!assert (pp.pieces, 2)
+%!assert (pp.order, 12)
+%!assert (pp.dim, 1)
+%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [2,12])
 %! pp = mkpp(b,c,2);
-%!assert (pp.pieces, 2);
-%!assert (pp.order, 6);
-%!assert (pp.dim, 2);
-%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [4,6]);
+%!assert (pp.pieces, 2)
+%!assert (pp.order, 6)
+%!assert (pp.dim, 2)
+%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [4,6])
 %! pp = mkpp(b,c,3);
-%!assert (pp.pieces, 2);
-%!assert (pp.order, 4);
-%!assert (pp.dim, 3);
-%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [6,4]);
+%!assert (pp.pieces, 2)
+%!assert (pp.order, 4)
+%!assert (pp.dim, 3)
+%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [6,4])
 %! pp = mkpp(b,c,[2,3]);
-%!assert (pp.pieces, 2);
-%!assert (pp.order, 2);
-%!assert (pp.dim, [2,3]);
-%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [12,2]);
+%!assert (pp.pieces, 2)
+%!assert (pp.order, 2)
+%!assert (pp.dim, [2,3])
+%!assert (size (pp.coefs), [12,2])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/mpoles.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/mpoles.m
@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@
 %! [mp, n] = mpoles ([0 0], 0.01);
-%! assert (mp, [1; 2])
+%! assert (mp, [1; 2]);
--- a/scripts/polynomial/pchip.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/pchip.m
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 %!assert (pchip (x',[y;y],x), [pchip(x,y,x);pchip(x,y,x)])
 %!assert (pchip (x',[y;y],x'), [pchip(x,y,x);pchip(x,y,x)])
-%! x = (0:8)*pi/4; y = [sin(x);cos(x)];
+%! x = (0:8)*pi/4; y = [sin(x); cos(x)];
 %! y2(:,:,1) = y; y2(:,:,2) = y+1; y2(:,:,3) = y-1;
 %! pp = pchip (x, shiftdim (y2,2));
 %! yi1 = ppval (pp, (1:4)*pi/4);
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 %!assert (pp.order, 4)
 %!assert (pp.dim, [3,2])
 %!assert (ppval (pp,pi), [0,-1;1,0;-1,-2], 1e-14)
-%!assert (yi3(:,:,2), ppval(pp,pi), 1e-14)
+%!assert (yi3(:,:,2), ppval (pp,pi), 1e-14)
 %!assert (yi3(:,:,1), [1,0;2,1;0,-1], 1e-14)
 %!assert (squeeze (yi1(1,2,:)), [1/sqrt(2); 0; -1/sqrt(2);-1], 1e-14)
 %!assert (size (yi2), [3,2,5,4])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/poly.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/poly.m
@@ -81,11 +81,10 @@
-%!assert(all (all (poly ([1, 2, 3]) == [1, -6, 11, -6])));
-%!assert(all (all (abs (poly ([1, 2; 3, 4]) - [1, -5, -2]) < sqrt (eps))));
-%!error poly ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]);
+%!assert (poly ([]), 1)
+%!assert (poly ([1, 2, 3]), [1, -6, 11, -6])
+%!assert (poly ([1, 2; 3, 4]), [1, -5, -2], sqrt (eps))
-%!assert(poly ([]),1);
+%!error poly ([1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyaffine.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyaffine.m
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 ## @seealso{polyval, polyfit}
 ## @end deftypefn
 function g = polyaffine (f, mu)
    if (nargin != 2)
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyder.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyder.m
@@ -91,9 +91,10 @@
-%!assert(all (all (polyder ([1, 2, 3]) == [2, 2])));
-%!assert(polyder (13) == 0);
+%!assert (polyder ([1, 2, 3], [2, 2]))
+%!assert (polyder (13), 0)
-%!error polyder ([]);
-%!error polyder ([1, 2; 3, 4]);
+%!error polyder ([])
+%!error polyder (1,2,3)
+%!error <argument must be a vector> polyder ([1, 2; 3, 4])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyfit.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyfit.m
@@ -116,23 +116,13 @@
-%! x = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2];
-%! assert(all (all (abs (polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1, 2) - [1, 1, 1]) < sqrt (eps))));
-%!error(polyfit ([1, 2; 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], 2))
+%!shared x
 %! x = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2];
-%! assert(all (all (abs (polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1, 3) - [0, 1, 1, 1]) < sqrt (eps))));
-%! x = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2];
-%! fail("polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1)");
-%! x = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2];
-%! fail("polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1, [])");
+%!assert (polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1, 2), [1, 1, 1], sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1, 3), [0, 1, 1, 1], sqrt (eps))
+%!fail ("polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1)")
+%!fail ("polyfit (x, x.^2+x+1, [])")
 ## Test difficult case where scaling is really needed. This example
 ## demonstrates the rather poor result which occurs when the dependent
@@ -146,32 +136,33 @@
 %!       315600.7143, 315602.9508, 315605.1765 ];
 %! [p1, s1] = polyfit (x, y, 10);
 %! [p2, s2, mu] = polyfit (x, y, 10);
-%! assert (s2.normr < s1.normr)
+%! assert (s2.normr < s1.normr);
 %! x = 1:4;
 %! p0 = [1i, 0, 2i, 4];
 %! y0 = polyval (p0, x);
-%! p = polyfit (x, y0, numel(p0)-1);
-%! assert (p, p0, 1000*eps)
+%! p = polyfit (x, y0, numel (p0) - 1);
+%! assert (p, p0, 1000*eps);
 %! x = 1000 + (-5:5);
 %! xn = (x - mean (x)) / std (x);
 %! pn = ones (1,5);
 %! y = polyval (pn, xn);
-%! [p, s, mu] = polyfit (x, y, numel(pn)-1);
-%! [p2, s2] = polyfit (x, y, numel(pn)-1);
-%! assert (p, pn, s.normr)
-%! assert (s.yf, y, s.normr)
-%! assert (mu, [mean(x), std(x)])
-%! assert (s.normr/s2.normr < sqrt(eps))
+%! [p, s, mu] = polyfit (x, y, numel (pn) - 1);
+%! [p2, s2] = polyfit (x, y, numel (pn) - 1);
+%! assert (p, pn, s.normr);
+%! assert (s.yf, y, s.normr);
+%! assert (mu, [mean(x), std(x)]);
+%! assert (s.normr/s2.normr < sqrt (eps));
 %! x = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6];
 %! y = [0, 0, 1; 1, 0, 0];
 %! p = polyfit (x, y, 5);
-%! expected = [0, 1, -14, 65, -112, 60]/12;
-%! assert (p, expected, sqrt(eps))
+%! expected = [0, 1, -14, 65, -112, 60] / 12;
+%! assert (p, expected, sqrt (eps));
+%!error <vectors of the same size> polyfit ([1, 2; 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], 2)
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polygcd.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polygcd.m
@@ -82,21 +82,19 @@
-%! poly1 = [1 6 11 6]; % (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)
-%! poly2 = [1 3 2]; % (x+1)(x+2)
+%! poly1 = [1 6 11 6]; # (x+1)(x+2)(x+3);
+%! poly2 = [1 3 2];    # (x+1)(x+2);
 %! poly3 = polygcd (poly1, poly2);
-%! assert (poly3, poly2, sqrt (eps))
+%! assert (poly3, poly2, sqrt (eps));
-%! assert (polygcd (poly(1:8), poly(3:12)), poly(3:8), sqrt (eps))
-%! assert (deconv (poly(1:8), polygcd (poly(1:8), poly(3:12))), poly(1:2), sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (polygcd (poly (1:8), poly (3:12)), poly (3:8), sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (deconv (poly (1:8), polygcd (poly (1:8), poly (3:12))), poly (1:2), sqrt (eps))
 %! for ii=1:10
 %!   p  = (unique (randn (10, 1)) * 10).';
 %!   p1 = p(3:end);
 %!   p2 = p(1:end-2);
-%!   assert (polygcd (poly (-p1), poly (-p2)), poly (- intersect (p1, p2)), sqrt (eps))
+%!   assert (polygcd (poly (-p1), poly (-p2)), poly (- intersect (p1, p2)), sqrt (eps));
 %! endfor
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyint.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyint.m
@@ -61,17 +61,19 @@
 %! A = [3, 2, 1];
-%! assert (polyint(A),polyint(A,0));
-%! assert (polyint(A),polyint(A'));
-%! assert (polyint(A),[1, 1, 1, 0]);
-%! assert (polyint(A,1),ones(1,4));
+%! assert (polyint (A), polyint (A,0));
+%! assert (polyint (A), polyint (A'));
+%! assert (polyint (A), [1, 1, 1, 0]);
+%! assert (polyint (A,1), ones (1,4));
-%! A = ones(1,8);
+%! A = ones (1,8);
 %! B = [length(A):-1:1];
-%! assert (polyint(A),[1./B, 0]);
+%! assert (polyint (A), [1./B, 0]);
-%!error polyint()
-%!error polyint(ones(2,2))
+%!error polyint ()
+%!error polyint (ones (2,2))
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyout.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyout.m
@@ -96,8 +96,11 @@
-%!assert (polyout ([3 2 1]), '3*s^2 + 2*s^1 + 1')
-%!assert (polyout ([3 2 1], 'x'), '3*x^2 + 2*x^1 + 1')
-%!assert (polyout ([3 2 1], 'wxyz'), '3*wxyz^2 + 2*wxyz^1 + 1')
-%!assert (polyout ([5 4 3 2 1], '1'),'5*1^4 + 4*1^3 + 3*1^2 + 2*1^1 + 1')
+%!assert (polyout ([3 2 1]), "3*s^2 + 2*s^1 + 1")
+%!assert (polyout ([3 2 1], "x"), "3*x^2 + 2*x^1 + 1")
+%!assert (polyout ([3 2 1], "wxyz"), "3*wxyz^2 + 2*wxyz^1 + 1")
+%!assert (polyout ([5 4 3 2 1], "1"),"5*1^4 + 4*1^3 + 3*1^2 + 2*1^1 + 1")
 %!error polyout ([])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyval.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyval.m
@@ -93,20 +93,20 @@
-%! fail("polyval([1,0;0,1],0:10)");
+%!fail ("polyval ([1,0;0,1],0:10)")
 %! r = 0:10:50;
 %! p = poly (r);
-%! p = p / max(abs(p));
-%! x = linspace(0,50,11);
-%! y = polyval(p,x) + 0.25*sin(100*x);
-%! [pf, s] = polyfit (x, y, numel(r));
+%! p = p / max (abs (p));
+%! x = linspace (0,50,11);
+%! y = polyval (p,x) + 0.25*sin (100*x);
+%! [pf, s] = polyfit (x, y, numel (r));
 %! [y1, delta] = polyval (pf, x, s);
 %! expected = [0.37235, 0.35854, 0.32231, 0.32448, 0.31328, ...
 %!    0.32036, 0.31328, 0.32448, 0.32231, 0.35854, 0.37235];
-%! assert (delta, expected, 0.00001)
+%! assert (delta, expected, 0.00001);
 %! x = 10 + (-2:2);
@@ -115,38 +115,39 @@
 %! [pn, s, mu] = polyfit (x, y, numel (x) - 1);
 %! y1 = polyval (p, x);
 %! yn = polyval (pn, x, [], mu);
-%! assert (y1, y, sqrt(eps))
-%! assert (yn, y, sqrt(eps))
+%! assert (y1, y, sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (yn, y, sqrt (eps));
 %! p = [0, 1, 0];
 %! x = 1:10;
-%! assert (x, polyval(p,x), eps)
+%! assert (x, polyval (p,x), eps);
 %! x = x(:);
-%! assert (x, polyval(p,x), eps)
+%! assert (x, polyval (p,x), eps);
 %! x = reshape(x, [2, 5]);
-%! assert (x, polyval(p,x), eps)
+%! assert (x, polyval (p,x), eps);
 %! x = reshape(x, [5, 2]);
-%! assert (x, polyval(p,x), eps)
-%! x = reshape(x, [1, 1, 5, 2]);
-%! assert (x, polyval(p,x), eps)
+%! assert (x, polyval (p,x), eps);
+%! x = reshape (x, [1, 1, 5, 2]);
+%! assert (x, polyval (p,x), eps);
 %! p = [1];
 %! x = 1:10;
-%! y = ones(size(x));
-%! assert (y, polyval(p,x), eps)
+%! y = ones (size (x));
+%! assert (y, polyval (p,x), eps);
 %! x = x(:);
-%! y = ones(size(x));
-%! assert (y, polyval(p,x), eps)
-%! x = reshape(x, [2, 5]);
-%! y = ones(size(x));
-%! assert (y, polyval(p,x), eps)
-%! x = reshape(x, [5, 2]);
-%! y = ones(size(x));
-%! assert (y, polyval(p,x), eps)
-%! x = reshape(x, [1, 1, 5, 2]);
+%! y = ones (size (x));
+%! assert (y, polyval (p,x), eps);
+%! x = reshape (x, [2, 5]);
+%! y = ones (size (x));
+%! assert (y, polyval (p,x), eps);
+%! x = reshape (x, [5, 2]);
+%! y = ones (size (x));
+%! assert (y, polyval (p,x), eps);
+%! x = reshape (x, [1, 1, 5, 2]);
 %!assert (zeros (1, 10), polyval ([], 1:10))
 %!assert ([], polyval (1, []))
 %!assert ([], polyval ([], []))
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyvalm.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyvalm.m
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-%!assert(! any (polyvalm ([], [1, 2; 3, 4]))(:));
-%!assert(polyvalm ([1, 2, 3, 4], [3, -4, 1; -2, 0, 2; -1, 4, -3]), [117, -124, 11; -70, 36, 38; -43, 92, -45])
+%!assert (! any (polyvalm ([], [1, 2; 3, 4]))(:));
+%!assert (polyvalm ([1, 2, 3, 4], [3, -4, 1; -2, 0, 2; -1, 4, -3]), [117, -124, 11; -70, 36, 38; -43, 92, -45])
-%!error polyvalm ([1, 1, 1], [1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6]);
+%!error <must be a square matrix> polyvalm ([1, 1, 1], [1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppder.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppder.m
@@ -51,20 +51,24 @@
   ppd = mkpp (x, pd, d);
 %!shared x,y,pp,ppd
-%! x=0:8;y=[x.^2;x.^3+1];pp=spline(x,y);
-%! ppd=ppder(pp);
-%! ppd=ppder(pp,2);
-%! ppd=ppder(pp,3);
-%! ppd=ppder(pp,4);
+%! x = 0:8;
+%! y = [x.^2; x.^3+1];
+%! pp = spline (x, y);
+%! ppd = ppder (pp);
+%!assert (ppval (ppd, x), [2*x; 3*x.^2], 1e-14)
+%!assert (ppd.order, 3)
+%! ppd = ppder (pp, 2);
+%!assert (ppval (ppd, x), [2*ones(size (x)); 6*x], 1e-14)
+%!assert (ppd.order, 2)
+%! ppd = ppder (pp, 3);
+%!assert (ppd.order, 1)
+%!assert (ppd.pieces, 8)
+%!assert (size (ppd.coefs), [16, 1])
+%! ppd = ppder (pp, 4);
+%!assert (ppd.order, 1)
+%!assert (ppd.pieces, 1)
+%!assert (size (ppd.coefs), [2, 1])
+%!assert (ppval (ppd,x), zeros (size (y)), 1e-14)
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppint.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppint.m
@@ -51,8 +51,12 @@
 %!shared x,y,pp,ppi
-%! x=0:8;y=[ones(size(x));x+1];pp=spline(x,y);
-%! ppi=ppint(pp);
+%! x = 0:8;
+%! y = [ ones(size(x)); x+1 ];
+%! pp = spline (x, y);
+%! ppi = ppint (pp);
+%!assert (ppval (ppi, x), [x; 0.5*x.^2 + x], 1e-14)
+%!assert (ppi.order, 5)
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppjumps.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppjumps.m
@@ -64,21 +64,20 @@
 %! y = polyval (p, x);
 %! pp = spline (x, y);
 %! jj = ppjumps (pp);
-%! assert (jj, [0 0], eps)
+%! assert (jj, [0 0], eps);
 %! breaks = [0 1 2];
 %! pp1 = poly (-[1 2 3]);
 %! pp2 = poly (-([1 2 3]+1));
 %! pp = mkpp (breaks, [pp1;pp2]);
-%! assert (ppjumps (pp), 0, eps)
+%! assert (ppjumps (pp), 0, eps);
 %! breaks = [0 1 2];
 %! pp1 = poly (-[1 2 3]);
 %! pp2 = poly (([1 2 3]+1));
 %! pp = mkpp (breaks, [pp1;pp2]);
 %! j  = - 2 * polyval (pp1, 1);
-%! assert (ppjumps (pp), j, eps)
+%! assert (ppjumps (pp), j, eps);
--- a/scripts/polynomial/ppval.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/ppval.m
@@ -102,15 +102,21 @@
 %!shared b,c,pp,pp2,xi,abserr
-%! b = 1:3; c = ones(2); pp=mkpp(b,c);abserr = 1e-14;pp2=mkpp(b,[c;c],2);
+%! b = 1:3;
+%! c = ones (2);
+%! pp = mkpp (b, c);
+%! abserr = 1e-14;
+%! pp2 = mkpp (b, [c;c], 2);
 %! xi = [1.1 1.3 1.9 2.1];
-%!assert (ppval(pp,1.1), 1.1, abserr);
-%!assert (ppval(pp,2.1), 1.1, abserr);
-%!assert (ppval(pp,xi), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1], abserr);
-%!assert (ppval(pp,xi.'), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1].', abserr);
-%!assert (ppval(pp2,1.1), [1.1;1.1], abserr);
-%!assert (ppval(pp2,2.1), [1.1;1.1], abserr);
-%!assert (ppval(pp2,xi), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1;1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1], abserr);
-%!assert (ppval(pp2,xi'), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1;1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1], abserr);
-%!assert (size(ppval(pp2,[xi;xi])), [2 2 4]);
+%!assert (ppval (pp, 1.1), 1.1, abserr)
+%!assert (ppval (pp, 2.1), 1.1, abserr)
+%!assert (ppval (pp, xi), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1], abserr)
+%!assert (ppval (pp, xi.'), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1].', abserr)
+%!assert (ppval (pp2, 1.1), [1.1;1.1], abserr)
+%!assert (ppval (pp2, 2.1), [1.1;1.1], abserr)
+%!assert (ppval (pp2, xi), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1;1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1], abserr)
+%!assert (ppval (pp2, xi'), [1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1;1.1 1.3 1.9 1.1], abserr)
+%!assert (size (ppval (pp2, [xi;xi])), [2 2 4])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/residue.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/residue.m
@@ -351,23 +351,24 @@
 %! b = [1, 1, 1];
 %! a = [1, -5, 8, -4];
 %! [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a);
-%! assert (abs (r - [-2; 7; 3]) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (p - [2; 2; 1]) < 1e-12
-%!   && isempty (k)
-%!   && e == [1; 2; 1]);
+%! assert (r, [-2; 7; 3], 1e-12);
+%! assert (p, [2; 2; 1], 1e-12);
+%! assert (isempty (k));
+%! assert (e, [1; 2; 1]);
 %! k = [1 0];
 %! b = conv (k, a) + prepad (b, numel (k) + numel (a) - 1, 0);
 %! a = a;
 %! [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k);
-%! assert ((abs (br - b) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (ar - a) < 1e-12));
+%! assert (br, b, 1e-12);
+%! assert (ar, a, 1e-12);
 %! [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k, e);
-%! assert ((abs (br - b) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (ar - a) < 1e-12));
+%! assert (br, b, 1e-12);
+%! assert (ar, a, 1e-12);
 %! b = [1, 0, 1];
@@ -375,12 +376,13 @@
 %! [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a);
 %! r1 = [-5i; 12; +5i; 12]/54;
 %! p1 = [+3i; +3i; -3i; -3i];
-%! assert (abs (r - r1) < 1e-12 && abs (p - p1) < 1e-12
-%!   && isempty (k)
-%!   && e == [1; 2; 1; 2]);
+%! assert (r, r1, 1e-12);
+%! assert (p, p1, 1e-12);
+%! assert (isempty (k));
+%! assert (e, [1; 2; 1; 2]);
 %! [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k);
-%! assert ((abs (br - b) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (ar - a) < 1e-12));
+%! assert (br, b, 1e-12);
+%! assert (ar, a, 1e-12);
 %! r = [7; 3; -2];
@@ -388,14 +390,14 @@
 %! k = [1 0];
 %! e = [2; 1; 1];
 %! [b, a] = residue (r, p, k, e);
-%! assert ((abs (b - [1, -5, 9, -3, 1]) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (a - [1, -5, 8, -4]) < 1e-12));
+%! assert (b, [1, -5, 9, -3, 1], 1e-12);
+%! assert (a, [1, -5, 8, -4], 1e-12);
 %! [rr, pr, kr, er] = residue (b, a);
-%! [jnk, n] = mpoles(p);
-%! assert ((abs (rr - r(n)) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (pr - p(n)) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (kr - k) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (er - e(n)) < 1e-12));
+%! [jnk, n] = mpoles (p);
+%! assert (rr, r(n), 1e-12);
+%! assert (pr, p(n), 1e-12);
+%! assert (kr, k, 1e-12);
+%! assert (er, e(n), 1e-12);
 %! b = [1];
@@ -403,12 +405,13 @@
 %! [r, p, k, e] = residue (b, a);
 %! r1 = [0; 1];
 %! p1 = [-5; -5];
-%! assert (abs (r - r1) < 1e-12 && abs (p - p1) < 1e-12
-%!   && isempty (k)
-%!   && e == [1; 2]);
+%! assert (r, r1, 1e-12);
+%! assert (p, p1, 1e-12);
+%! assert (isempty (k));
+%! assert (e, [1; 2]);
 %! [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k);
-%! assert ((abs (br - b) < 1e-12
-%!   && abs (ar - a) < 1e-12));
+%! assert (br, b, 1e-12);
+%! assert (ar, a, 1e-12);
 ## The following test is due to Bernard Grung (bug #34266)
@@ -428,3 +431,4 @@
 %! [br, ar] = residue (r, p, k, e);
 %! assert (br, b, 1e-8);
 %! assert (ar, a, 1e-8);
--- a/scripts/polynomial/roots.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/roots.m
@@ -118,24 +118,22 @@
 %! p = [poly([3 3 3 3]), 0 0 0 0];
 %! r = sort (roots (p));
-%! assert (r, [0; 0; 0; 0; 3; 3; 3; 3], 0.001)
-%!assert(all (all (abs (roots ([1, -6, 11, -6]) - [3; 2; 1]) < sqrt (eps))));
-%!assert(isempty (roots ([])));
-%!error roots ([1, 2; 3, 4]);
+%! assert (r, [0; 0; 0; 0; 3; 3; 3; 3], 0.001);
-%!assert(isempty (roots (1)));
-%!error roots ([1, 2; 3, 4]);
-%!error roots ([1 Inf 1]);
-%!error roots ([1 NaN 1]);
+%!assert (isempty (roots ([])))
+%!assert (isempty (roots (1)))
+%!assert (roots ([1, -6, 11, -6]), [3; 2; 1], sqrt (eps))
 %!assert(roots ([1e-200, -1e200, 1]), 1e-200)
 %!assert(roots ([1e-200, -1e200 * 1i, 1]), -1e-200 * 1i)
+%!error roots ()
+%!error roots (1,2)
+%!error roots ([1, 2; 3, 4])
+%!error <inputs must not contain Inf or NaN> roots ([1 Inf 1])
+%!error <inputs must not contain Inf or NaN> roots ([1 NaN 1])
--- a/scripts/polynomial/spline.m
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/spline.m
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@
 %! x = 0:10; y = sin (x);
-%! xspline = 0:0.1:10; yspline = spline (x,y,xspline);
-%! title ("spline fit to points from sin(x)");
+%! xspline = 0:0.1:10;  yspline = spline (x,y,xspline);
+%! title ("spline fit to points from sin (x)");
 %! plot (xspline,sin(xspline),"r", xspline,yspline,"g-", x,y,"b+");
 %! legend ("original", "interpolation", "interpolation points");
 %! %--------------------------------------------------------
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 %!assert (spline (x,[y;y],x'), [spline(x,y,x);spline(x,y,x)], abserr)
 %!assert (spline (x',[y;y],x), [spline(x,y,x);spline(x,y,x)], abserr)
 %!assert (spline (x',[y;y],x'), [spline(x,y,x);spline(x,y,x)], abserr)
-%! y = cos(x) + i*sin(x);
+%! y = cos (x) + i*sin (x);
 %!assert (spline (x,y,x), y, abserr)
 %!assert (real (spline (x,y,x)), real (y), abserr)
 %!assert (real (spline (x,y,x.')), real (y).', abserr)
--- a/scripts/set/intersect.m
+++ b/scripts/set/intersect.m
@@ -87,29 +87,30 @@
 %! a = [3 2 4 5 7 6 5 1 0 13 13];
 %! b = [3 5 12 1 1 7];
-%! [c,ia,ib] = intersect(a,b);
-%! assert(c,[1 3 5 7]);
-%! assert(ia,[8 1 7 5]);
-%! assert(ib,[5 1 2 6]);
-%! assert(a(ia),c);
-%! assert(b(ib),c);
+%! [c,ia,ib] = intersect (a, b);
+%! assert (c, [1 3 5 7]);
+%! assert (ia, [8 1 7 5]);
+%! assert (ib, [5 1 2 6]);
+%! assert (a(ia), c);
+%! assert (b(ib), c);
 %! a = [1,1,2;1,4,5;2,1,7];
 %! b = [1,4,5;2,3,4;1,1,2;9,8,7];
-%! [c,ia,ib] = intersect(a,b,'rows');
-%! assert(c,[1,1,2;1,4,5]);
-%! assert(ia,[1;2]);
-%! assert(ib,[3;1]);
-%! assert(a(ia,:),c);
-%! assert(b(ib,:),c);
+%! [c,ia,ib] = intersect (a, b, "rows");
+%! assert (c, [1,1,2;1,4,5]);
+%! assert (ia, [1;2]);
+%! assert (ib, [3;1]);
+%! assert (a(ia,:), c);
+%! assert (b(ib,:), c);
 %! a = [1 1 1 2 2 2];
 %! b = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
-%! c = intersect(a,b);
+%! c = intersect (a, b);
 %! assert(c, [1,2]);
 %! a = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12];
-%! [b, ia, ib] = intersect(a, a, "rows");
-%! assert(b, a);
-%! assert(ia, [1:3]');
-%! assert(ib, [1:3]');
+%! [b, ia, ib] = intersect (a, a, "rows");
+%! assert (b, a);
+%! assert (ia, [1:3]');
+%! assert (ib, [1:3]');
--- a/scripts/set/ismember.m
+++ b/scripts/set/ismember.m
@@ -133,29 +133,30 @@
-%!assert (ismember ({''}, {'abc', 'def'}), false);
-%!assert (ismember ('abc', {'abc', 'def'}), true);
-%!assert (isempty (ismember ([], [1, 2])), true);
-%!assert (isempty (ismember ({}, {'a', 'b'})), true);
-%!assert (ismember ('', {'abc', 'def'}), false);
-%!fail ('ismember ([], {1, 2})');
-%!fail ('ismember ({[]}, {1, 2})');
-%!fail ('ismember ({}, {1, 2})');
-%!fail ('ismember ({1}, {''1'', ''2''})');
-%!fail ('ismember (1, ''abc'')');
-%!fail ('ismember ({''1''}, {''1'', ''2''},''rows'')');
-%!fail ('ismember ([1 2 3], [5 4 3 1], ''rows'')');
-%!assert (ismember ({'foo', 'bar'}, {'foobar'}), logical ([0, 0]));
-%!assert (ismember ({'foo'}, {'foobar'}), false);
-%!assert (ismember ({'bar'}, {'foobar'}), false);
-%!assert (ismember ({'bar'}, {'foobar', 'bar'}), true);
-%!assert (ismember ({'foo', 'bar'}, {'foobar', 'bar'}), logical ([0, 1]));
-%!assert (ismember ({'xfb', 'f', 'b'}, {'fb', 'b'}), logical ([0, 0, 1]));
-%!assert (ismember ("1", "0123456789."), true);
+%!assert (ismember ({""}, {"abc", "def"}), false)
+%!assert (ismember ("abc", {"abc", "def"}), true)
+%!assert (isempty (ismember ([], [1, 2])), true)
+%!assert (isempty (ismember ({}, {'a', 'b'})), true)
+%!assert (ismember ("", {"abc", "def"}), false)
+%!fail ("ismember ([], {1, 2})")
+%!fail ("ismember ({[]}, {1, 2})")
+%!fail ("ismember ({}, {1, 2})")
+%!fail ("ismember ({1}, {'1', '2'})")
+%!fail ("ismember (1, 'abc')")
+%!fail ("ismember ({'1'}, {'1' '2'},'rows')")
+%!fail ("ismember ([1 2 3], [5 4 3 1], 'rows')")
+%!assert (ismember ({"foo", "bar"}, {"foobar"}), [false false])
+%!assert (ismember ({"foo"}, {"foobar"}), false)
+%!assert (ismember ({"bar"}, {"foobar"}), false)
+%!assert (ismember ({"bar"}, {"foobar", "bar"}), true)
+%!assert (ismember ({"foo", "bar"}, {"foobar", "bar"}), [false true])
+%!assert (ismember ({"xfb", "f", "b"}, {"fb", "b"}), [false false true])
+%!assert (ismember ("1", "0123456789."), true)
 %! [result, a_idx] = ismember ([1, 2], []);
-%! assert (result, logical ([0, 0]))
+%! assert (result, [false false])
 %! assert (a_idx, [0, 0]);
@@ -164,46 +165,52 @@
 %! assert (a_idx, []);
-%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ({'a', 'b'}, '');
-%! assert (result, logical ([0, 0]))
+%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ({"a", "b"}, "");
+%! assert (result, [false false])
 %! assert (a_idx, [0, 0]);
-%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ({'a', 'b'}, {});
-%! assert (result, logical ([0, 0]))
+%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ({"a", "b"}, {});
+%! assert (result, [false false])
 %! assert (a_idx, [0, 0]);
-%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ('', {'a', 'b'});
+%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ("", {"a", "b"});
 %! assert (result, false)
 %! assert (a_idx, 0);
-%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ({}, {'a', 'b'});
+%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ({}, {"a", "b"});
 %! assert (result, logical ([]))
 %! assert (a_idx, []);
 %! [result, a_idx] = ismember([1 2 3 4 5], [3]);
-%! assert (all (result == logical ([0 0 1 0 0])) && all (a_idx == [0 0 1 0 0]));
+%! assert (result, logical ([0 0 1 0 0]))
+%! assert (a_idx , [0 0 1 0 0]);
 %! [result, a_idx] = ismember([1 6], [1 2 3 4 5 1 6 1]);
-%! assert (all (result == logical ([1 1])) && a_idx(2) == 7);
+%! assert (result, [true true]);
+%! assert (a_idx(2), 7);
 %! [result, a_idx] = ismember ([3,10,1], [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);
-%! assert (all (result == logical ([1, 0, 1])) && all (a_idx == [4, 0, 2]));
+%! assert (result, [true false true]);
+%! assert (a_idx, [4, 0, 2]);
 %! [result, a_idx] = ismember ("1.1", "0123456789.1");
-%! assert (all (result == logical ([1, 1, 1])) && all (a_idx == [12, 11, 12]));
+%! assert (result, [true true true]);
+%! assert (a_idx, [12, 11, 12]);
-%! [result, a_idx] = ismember([1:3; 5:7; 4:6], [0:2; 1:3; 2:4; 3:5; 4:6], 'rows');
-%! assert (all (result == logical ([1; 0; 1])) && all (a_idx == [2; 0; 5]));
+%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ([1:3; 5:7; 4:6], [0:2; 1:3; 2:4; 3:5; 4:6], "rows");
+%! assert (result, [true; false; true]);
+%! assert (a_idx, [2; 0; 5]);
-%! [result, a_idx] = ismember([1.1,1.2,1.3; 2.1,2.2,2.3; 10,11,12], [1.1,1.2,1.3; 10,11,12; 2.12,2.22,2.32], 'rows');
-%! assert (all (result == logical ([1; 0; 1])) && all (a_idx == [1; 0; 2]));
+%! [result, a_idx] = ismember ([1.1,1.2,1.3; 2.1,2.2,2.3; 10,11,12], [1.1,1.2,1.3; 10,11,12; 2.12,2.22,2.32], "rows");
+%! assert (result, [true; false; true]);
+%! assert (a_idx, [1; 0; 2]);
--- a/scripts/set/powerset.m
+++ b/scripts/set/powerset.m
@@ -81,3 +81,4 @@
 %! c = sort (cellstr ({ [], [1], [2], [3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]}));
 %! p = sort (cellstr (powerset ([1, 2, 3])));
 %! assert (p, c);
--- a/scripts/set/setdiff.m
+++ b/scripts/set/setdiff.m
@@ -90,16 +90,18 @@
-%!assert(setdiff(["bb";"zz";"bb";"zz"],["bb";"cc";"bb"],"rows"), "zz")
-%!assert(setdiff(["b";"z";"b";"z"],["b";"c";"b"],"rows"), "z")
-%!assert(setdiff(["b";"z";"b";"z"],["b";"c";"b"]), "z")
-%!assert(setdiff([1, 1; 2, 2; 3, 3; 4, 4], [1, 1; 2, 2; 4, 4], "rows"), [3 3])
-%!assert(setdiff([1; 2; 3; 4], [1; 2; 4], "rows"), 3)
-%!assert(setdiff([1, 2; 3, 4], [1, 2; 3, 6], "rows"), [3, 4])
-%!assert(setdiff({"one","two";"three","four"},{"one","two";"three","six"}), {"four"})
+%!assert (setdiff (["bb";"zz";"bb";"zz"], ["bb";"cc";"bb"], "rows"), "zz")
+%!assert (setdiff (["b";"z";"b";"z"], ["b";"c";"b"], "rows"), "z")
+%!assert (setdiff (["b";"z";"b";"z"], ["b";"c";"b"]), "z")
+%!assert (setdiff ([1, 1; 2, 2; 3, 3; 4, 4], [1, 1; 2, 2; 4, 4], "rows"), [3 3])
+%!assert (setdiff ([1; 2; 3; 4], [1; 2; 4], "rows"), 3)
+%!assert (setdiff ([1, 2; 3, 4], [1, 2; 3, 6], "rows"), [3, 4])
+%!assert (setdiff ({"one","two";"three","four"}, {"one","two";"three","six"}), {"four"})
-%! a = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]; b = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+%! a = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5];  b = [1, 2, 3, 4];
 %! [y, i] = setdiff (a, b.');
-%! assert(y, [5]);
-%! assert(y, a(i));
+%! assert (y, [5]);
+%! assert (y, a(i));
--- a/scripts/set/setxor.m
+++ b/scripts/set/setxor.m
@@ -91,11 +91,12 @@
-%!assert(setxor({'a'}, {'a', 'b'}), {'b'});
+%!assert (setxor ([1,2,3],[2,3,4]),[1,4])
+%!assert (setxor ({'a'}, {'a', 'b'}), {'b'})
-%! a = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]; b = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+%! a = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5];  b = [1, 2, 3, 4];
 %! [y, ia, ib] = setxor (a, b.');
-%! assert(y, [2, 5]);
-%! assert(y, sort([a(ia), b(ib)]));
+%! assert (y, [2, 5]);
+%! assert (y, sort([a(ia), b(ib)]));
--- a/scripts/set/union.m
+++ b/scripts/set/union.m
@@ -83,18 +83,17 @@
-%!assert(all (all (union ([1, 2, 4], [2, 3, 5]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])));
-%!assert(all (all (union ([1; 2; 4], [2, 3, 5]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])));
-%!assert(all (all (union ([1, 2, 3], [5; 7; 9]) == [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9])));
-%!error union (1);
-%!error union (1, 2, 3);
+%!assert (union ([1, 2, 4], [2, 3, 5]), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
+%!assert (union ([1; 2; 4], [2, 3, 5]), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
+%!assert (union ([1, 2, 3], [5; 7; 9]), [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9]);
-%! a = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]; b = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+%! a = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5];  b = [1, 2, 3, 4];
 %! [y, ia, ib] = union (a, b.');
-%! assert(y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
-%! assert(y, sort([a(ia), b(ib)]));
+%! assert (y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
+%! assert (y, sort ([a(ia), b(ib)]));
+%!error union (1)
+%!error union (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/set/unique.m
+++ b/scripts/set/unique.m
@@ -163,52 +163,54 @@
-%!assert(unique([1 1 2; 1 2 1; 1 1 2]),[1;2])
-%!assert(unique([1 1 2; 1 0 1; 1 1 2],'rows'),[1 0 1; 1 1 2])
-%!assert(unique([1 2]),[1 2])
-%!assert(unique(zeros(1,0)), zeros(0,1))
-%!assert(unique(zeros(1,0), 'rows'), zeros(1,0))
-%!assert(unique(cell(1,0)), cell(0,1))
-%!assert(unique({}), {})
-%!assert(unique([1,2,2,3,2,4], 'rows'), [1,2,2,3,2,4])
-%!assert(unique([1,2,2,3,2,4]), [1,2,3,4])
-%!assert(unique([1,2,2,3,2,4]', 'rows'), [1,2,3,4]')
-%!assert(unique(sparse([2,0;2,0])), [0,2]')
-%!assert(unique(sparse([1,2;2,3])), [1,2,3]')
-%!assert(unique([1,2,2,3,2,4]', 'rows'), [1,2,3,4]')
-%!assert(unique(single([1,2,2,3,2,4]), 'rows'), single([1,2,2,3,2,4]))
-%!assert(unique(single([1,2,2,3,2,4])), single([1,2,3,4]))
-%!assert(unique(single([1,2,2,3,2,4]'), 'rows'), single([1,2,3,4]'))
-%!assert(unique(uint8([1,2,2,3,2,4]), 'rows'), uint8([1,2,2,3,2,4]))
-%!assert(unique(uint8([1,2,2,3,2,4])), uint8([1,2,3,4]))
-%!assert(unique(uint8([1,2,2,3,2,4]'), 'rows'), uint8([1,2,3,4]'))
+%!assert (unique ([1 1 2; 1 2 1; 1 1 2]),[1;2])
+%!assert (unique ([1 1 2; 1 0 1; 1 1 2],"rows"),[1 0 1; 1 1 2])
+%!assert (unique ([]),[])
+%!assert (unique ([1]),[1])
+%!assert (unique ([1 2]),[1 2])
+%!assert (unique ([1;2]),[1;2])
+%!assert (unique ([1,NaN,Inf,NaN,Inf]),[1,Inf,NaN,NaN])
+%!assert (unique ({"Foo","Bar","Foo"}),{"Bar","Foo"})
+%!assert (unique ({"Foo","Bar","FooBar"}'),{"Bar","Foo","FooBar"}')
+%!assert (unique (zeros (1,0)), zeros (0,1))
+%!assert (unique (zeros (1,0), "rows"), zeros (1,0))
+%!assert (unique (cell (1,0)), cell (0,1))
+%!assert (unique ({}), {})
+%!assert (unique ([1,2,2,3,2,4], "rows"), [1,2,2,3,2,4])
+%!assert (unique ([1,2,2,3,2,4]), [1,2,3,4])
+%!assert (unique ([1,2,2,3,2,4]', "rows"), [1,2,3,4]')
+%!assert (unique (sparse ([2,0;2,0])), [0,2]')
+%!assert (unique (sparse ([1,2;2,3])), [1,2,3]')
+%!assert (unique ([1,2,2,3,2,4]', "rows"), [1,2,3,4]')
+%!assert (unique (single ([1,2,2,3,2,4]), "rows"), single ([1,2,2,3,2,4]))
+%!assert (unique (single ([1,2,2,3,2,4])), single ([1,2,3,4]))
+%!assert (unique (single ([1,2,2,3,2,4]'), "rows"), single ([1,2,3,4]'))
+%!assert (unique (uint8 ([1,2,2,3,2,4]), "rows"), uint8 ([1,2,2,3,2,4]))
+%!assert (unique (uint8 ([1,2,2,3,2,4])), uint8 ([1,2,3,4]))
+%!assert (unique (uint8 ([1,2,2,3,2,4]'), "rows"), uint8 ([1,2,3,4]'))
-%! [a,i,j] = unique([1,1,2,3,3,3,4]);
-%! assert(a,[1,2,3,4])
-%! assert(i,[2,3,6,7])
-%! assert(j,[1,1,2,3,3,3,4])
+%! [a,i,j] = unique ([1,1,2,3,3,3,4]);
+%! assert (a, [1,2,3,4]);
+%! assert (i, [2,3,6,7]);
+%! assert (j, [1,1,2,3,3,3,4]);
-%! [a,i,j] = unique([1,1,2,3,3,3,4]','first');
-%! assert(a,[1,2,3,4]')
-%! assert(i,[1,3,4,7]')
-%! assert(j,[1,1,2,3,3,3,4]')
+%! [a,i,j] = unique ([1,1,2,3,3,3,4]', "first");
+%! assert (a, [1,2,3,4]');
+%! assert (i, [1,3,4,7]');
+%! assert (j, [1,1,2,3,3,3,4]');
-%! [a,i,j] = unique({'z'; 'z'; 'z'});
-%! assert(a,{'z'})
-%! assert(i,[3]')
-%! assert(j,[1,1,1]')
+%! [a,i,j] = unique ({"z"; "z"; "z"});
+%! assert (a, {"z"});
+%! assert (i, [3]');
+%! assert (j, [1;1;1]);
-%! A=[1,2,3;1,2,3];
-%! [a,i,j] = unique(A,'rows');
-%! assert(a,[1,2,3])
-%! assert(A(i,:),a)
-%! assert(a(j,:),A)
+%! A = [1,2,3;1,2,3];
+%! [a,i,j] = unique (A, "rows");
+%! assert (a, [1,2,3]);
+%! assert (A(i,:), a);
+%! assert (a(j,:), A);
--- a/scripts/signal/autoreg_matrix.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/autoreg_matrix.m
@@ -50,13 +50,14 @@
-%! K=4;
+%! K = 4;
 %! A = zeros(1,K+1);
 %! A(1) = 1;
 %! B = eye(K+1);
 %! B(:,1) = 1;
-%! assert (autoreg_matrix(A,K),B);
+%! assert (autoreg_matrix (A,K), B);
-%!error autoreg_matrix()
-%!error autoreg_matrix(1)
-%!error autoreg_matrix(ones(4,1),5)
+%!error autoreg_matrix ()
+%!error autoreg_matrix (1)
+%!error autoreg_matrix (ones (4,1), 5)
--- a/scripts/signal/bartlett.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/bartlett.m
@@ -48,16 +48,18 @@
-%!assert (bartlett (1), 1);
-%!assert (bartlett (2), zeros (2,1));
-%!assert (bartlett (16), fliplr (bartlett (16)));
-%!assert (bartlett (15), fliplr (bartlett (15)));
+%!assert (bartlett (1), 1)
+%!assert (bartlett (2), zeros (2,1))
+%!assert (bartlett (16), fliplr (bartlett (16)))
+%!assert (bartlett (15), fliplr (bartlett (15)))
 %! N = 9;
 %! A = bartlett (N);
-%! assert (A (ceil (N/2)), 1);
+%! assert (A(ceil (N/2)), 1);
-%!error bartlett ();
-%!error bartlett (0.5);
-%!error bartlett (-1);
-%!error bartlett (ones(1,4));
+%!error bartlett ()
+%!error bartlett (0.5)
+%!error bartlett (-1)
+%!error bartlett (ones (1,4))
--- a/scripts/signal/blackman.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/blackman.m
@@ -47,17 +47,19 @@
-%!assert (blackman (1), 1);
-%!assert (blackman (2), zeros(2,1), 1e-6);
-%!assert (blackman (16), fliplr (blackman (16)));
-%!assert (blackman (15), fliplr (blackman (15)));
+%!assert (blackman (1), 1)
+%!assert (blackman (2), zeros (2,1), 1e-6)
+%!assert (blackman (16), fliplr (blackman (16)))
+%!assert (blackman (15), fliplr (blackman (15)))
 %! N = 9;
 %! A = blackman (N);
 %! assert (A (ceil (N/2)), 1, 1e-6);
 %! assert ([A(1), A(length (A))], zeros (1, 2), 1e-6);
-%!error blackman ();
-%!error blackman (0.5);
-%!error blackman (-1);
-%!error blackman (ones(1,4));
+%!error blackman ()
+%!error blackman (0.5)
+%!error blackman (-1)
+%!error blackman (ones (1,4))
--- a/scripts/signal/detrend.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/detrend.m
@@ -67,23 +67,24 @@
-%! N=32;
-%! x = (0:1:N-1)/N + 2;
-%! y = detrend(x);
-%! assert(all (all (abs (y) < 20*eps)));
-%! N=32;
+%! N = 32;
+%! x = (0:1:N-1)/N + 2;
+%! y = detrend (x);
+%! assert (abs (y(:)) < 20*eps);
+%! N = 32;
 %! t = (0:1:N-1)/N;
 %! x = t .* t + 2;
-%! y = detrend(x,2);
-%! assert(all (all (abs (y) < 30*eps)));
+%! y = detrend (x,2);
+%! assert (abs (y(:)) < 30*eps);
-%! N=32;
+%! N = 32;
 %! t = (0:1:N-1)/N;
 %! x = [t;4*t-3]';
-%! y = detrend(x);
-%! assert(all (all (abs (y) < 20*eps)));
+%! y = detrend (x);
+%! assert (abs (y(:)) < 20*eps);
--- a/scripts/signal/fftconv.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/fftconv.m
@@ -84,23 +84,24 @@
 %!  a = 1:10;
 %!  b = 1:3;
-%!  assert (size(conv(a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
-%!  assert (size(conv(b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
+%!  assert (size (conv (a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
+%!  assert (size (conv (b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
 %!  a = (1:10).';
 %!  b = 1:3;
-%!  assert (size(conv(a,b)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1])
-%!  assert (size(conv(b,a)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1])
+%!  assert (size (conv (a,b)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1])
+%!  assert (size (conv (b,a)), [numel(a)+numel(b)-1, 1])
 %!  a = 1:10;
 %!  b = (1:3).';
-%!  assert (size(conv(a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
-%!  assert (size(conv(b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
+%!  assert (size (conv (a,b)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
+%!  assert (size (conv (b,a)), [1, numel(a)+numel(b)-1])
 %% Test input validation
-%!error fftconv (1);
-%!error fftconv (1,2,3,4);
-%!error fftconv ([1, 2; 3, 4], 3);
-%!error fftconv (2, []);
-%!error fftconv ([1,1], [2,2] , [3, 4]);
+%!error fftconv (1)
+%!error fftconv (1,2,3,4)
+%!error fftconv ([1, 2; 3, 4], 3)
+%!error fftconv (2, [])
+%!error fftconv ([1,1], [2,2] , [3, 4])
--- a/scripts/signal/fftfilt.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/fftfilt.m
@@ -114,33 +114,33 @@
 %!shared b, x, r
-%!  b = [1 1];
-%!  x = [1, zeros(1,9)];
-%!  assert(fftfilt(b,  x  ), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]  , eps);
-%!  assert(fftfilt(b,  x.'), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].', eps);
-%!  assert(fftfilt(b.',x  ), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]  , eps);
-%!  assert(fftfilt(b.',x.'), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].', eps);
+%! b = [1 1];
+%! x = [1, zeros(1,9)];
+%! assert (fftfilt (b,  x  ), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]  , eps);
+%! assert (fftfilt (b,  x.'), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].', eps);
+%! assert (fftfilt (b.',x  ), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]  , eps);
+%! assert (fftfilt (b.',x.'), [1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].', eps);
-%!  r = sqrt(1/2) * (1+i);
-%!  b = b*r;
-%!  assert(fftfilt(b, x  ), r*[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]  , eps);
-%!  assert(fftfilt(b, r*x), r*r*[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], eps);
-%!  assert(fftfilt(b, x.'), r*[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].', eps);
+%! r = sqrt (1/2) * (1+i);
+%! b = b*r;
+%! assert (fftfilt (b, x  ), r*[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]  , eps);
+%! assert (fftfilt (b, r*x), r*r*[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], eps);
+%! assert (fftfilt (b, x.'), r*[1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0].', eps);
-%!  b = [1 1];
-%!  x = zeros (10,3); x(1,1)=-1; x(1,2)=1;
-%!  y0 = zeros (10,3); y0(1:2,1)=-1; y0(1:2,2)=1;
-%!  y = fftfilt (b, x);
-%!  assert (y,y0);
+%! b = [1 1];
+%! x = zeros (10,3); x(1,1)=-1; x(1,2)=1;
+%! y0 = zeros (10,3); y0(1:2,1)=-1; y0(1:2,2)=1;
+%! y = fftfilt (b, x);
+%! assert (y,y0);
-%!  b  = rand (10, 1);
-%!  x  = rand (10, 1);
-%!  y0 = filter (b, 1, x);
-%!  y  = filter (b, 1, x);
-%!  assert (y, y0);
+%! b  = rand (10, 1);
+%! x  = rand (10, 1);
+%! y0 = filter (b, 1, x);
+%! y  = filter (b, 1, x);
+%! assert (y, y0);
 %% Test input validation
 %!error fftfilt (1)
--- a/scripts/signal/fftshift.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/fftshift.m
@@ -87,45 +87,45 @@
 %!  x = [0:7];
 %!  y = fftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3]);
-%!  assert(fftshift (y), x);
+%!  assert (y, [4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3]);
+%!  assert (fftshift (y), x);
 %!  x = [0:6];
 %!  y = fftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [4 5 6 0 1 2 3]);
-%!  assert(fftshift (y), [1 2 3 4 5 6 0]);
+%!  assert (y, [4 5 6 0 1 2 3]);
+%!  assert (fftshift (y), [1 2 3 4 5 6 0]);
 %!  x = [0:7]';
 %!  y = fftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3]);
-%!  assert(fftshift (y), x);
+%!  assert (y, [4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3]);
+%!  assert (fftshift (y), x);
 %!  x = [0:6]';
 %!  y = fftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [4;5;6;0;1;2;3]);
-%!  assert(fftshift (y), [1;2;3;4;5;6;0]);
+%!  assert (y, [4;5;6;0;1;2;3]);
+%!  assert (fftshift (y), [1;2;3;4;5;6;0]);
 %!  x = [0:3];
 %!  x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
 %!  y = fftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5];[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2]]);
-%!  assert(fftshift (y), x);
+%!  assert (y, [[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5];[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2]]);
+%!  assert (fftshift (y), x);
 %!  x = [0:3];
 %!  x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
 %!  y = fftshift (x,1);
-%!  assert(y, [[1 4 7 10];[1 5 9 13];[0 1 2 3];[0 2 4 6]]);
-%!  assert(fftshift (y,1), x);
+%!  assert (y, [[1 4 7 10];[1 5 9 13];[0 1 2 3];[0 2 4 6]]);
+%!  assert (fftshift (y,1), x);
 %!  x = [0:3];
 %!  x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
 %!  y = fftshift (x,2);
-%!  assert(y, [[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2];[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5]]);
-%!  assert(fftshift (y,2), x);
+%!  assert (y, [[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2];[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5]]);
+%!  assert (fftshift (y,2), x);
--- a/scripts/signal/freqz.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/freqz.m
@@ -169,29 +169,30 @@
 %!test # correct values and fft-polyval consistency
 %! # butterworth filter, order 2, cutoff pi/2 radians
 %! b = [0.292893218813452  0.585786437626905  0.292893218813452];
 %! a = [1  0  0.171572875253810];
-%! [h,w] = freqz(b,a,32);
-%! assert(h(1),1,10*eps);
-%! assert(abs(h(17)).^2,0.5,10*eps);
-%! assert(h,freqz(b,a,w),10*eps); # fft should be consistent with polyval
+%! [h,w] = freqz (b,a,32);
+%! assert (h(1),1,10*eps);
+%! assert (abs (h(17)).^2,0.5,10*eps);
+%! assert (h,freqz (b,a,w),10*eps); # fft should be consistent with polyval
 %!test # whole-half consistency
 %! b = [1 1 1]/3; # 3-sample average
-%! [h,w] = freqz(b,1,32,'whole');
-%! assert(h(2:16),conj(h(32:-1:18)),20*eps);
-%! [h2,w2] = freqz(b,1,16,'half');
-%! assert(h(1:16),h2,20*eps);
-%! assert(w(1:16),w2,20*eps);
+%! [h,w] = freqz (b,1,32,"whole");
+%! assert (h(2:16),conj (h(32:-1:18)),20*eps);
+%! [h2,w2] = freqz (b,1,16,"half");
+%! assert (h(1:16),h2,20*eps);
+%! assert (w(1:16),w2,20*eps);
 %!test # Sampling frequency properly interpreted
 %! b = [1 1 1]/3; a = [1 0.2];
-%! [h,f] = freqz(b,a,16,320);
-%! assert(f,[0:15]'*10,10*eps);
-%! [h2,f2] = freqz(b,a,[0:15]*10,320);
-%! assert(f2,[0:15]*10,10*eps);
-%! assert(h,h2.',20*eps);
-%! [h3,f3] = freqz(b,a,32,'whole',320);
-%! assert(f3,[0:31]'*10,10*eps);
+%! [h,f] = freqz (b,a,16,320);
+%! assert (f,[0:15]'*10,10*eps);
+%! [h2,f2] = freqz (b,a,[0:15]*10,320);
+%! assert (f2,[0:15]*10,10*eps);
+%! assert (h,h2.',20*eps);
+%! [h3,f3] = freqz (b,a,32,"whole",320);
+%! assert (f3,[0:31]'*10,10*eps);
--- a/scripts/signal/hamming.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/hamming.m
@@ -46,16 +46,18 @@
-%!assert (hamming (1), 1);
-%!assert (hamming (2), (0.54 - 0.46)*ones(2,1));
-%!assert (hamming (16), fliplr (hamming (16)));
-%!assert (hamming (15), fliplr (hamming (15)));
+%!assert (hamming (1), 1)
+%!assert (hamming (2), (0.54 - 0.46)*ones (2,1))
+%!assert (hamming (16), fliplr (hamming (16)))
+%!assert (hamming (15), fliplr (hamming (15)))
 %! N = 15;
 %! A = hamming (N);
 %! assert (A (ceil (N/2)), 1);
-%!error hamming ();
-%!error hamming (0.5);
-%!error hamming (-1);
-%!error hamming (ones(1,4));
+%!error hamming ()
+%!error hamming (0.5)
+%!error hamming (-1)
+%!error hamming (ones (1,4))
--- a/scripts/signal/hanning.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/hanning.m
@@ -46,16 +46,18 @@
 %!assert (hanning (1), 1);
-%!assert (hanning (2), zeros(2,1));
+%!assert (hanning (2), zeros (2,1));
 %!assert (hanning (16), fliplr (hanning (16)));
 %!assert (hanning (15), fliplr (hanning (15)));
 %! N = 15;
 %! A = hanning (N);
-%! assert (A (ceil (N/2)), 1);
+%! assert (A(ceil (N/2)), 1);
-%!error hanning ();
-%!error hanning (0.5);
-%!error hanning (-1);
-%!error hanning (ones(1,4));
+%!error hanning ()
+%!error hanning (0.5)
+%!error hanning (-1)
+%!error hanning (ones(1,4))
--- a/scripts/signal/ifftshift.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/ifftshift.m
@@ -69,48 +69,49 @@
-%!  x = [0:7];
-%!  y = ifftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3]);
-%!  assert(ifftshift (y), x);
+%! x = [0:7];
+%! y = ifftshift (x);
+%! assert (y, [4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3]);
+%! assert (ifftshift (y), x);
-%!  x = [0:6];
-%!  y = ifftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [3 4 5 6 0 1 2]);
-%!  assert(ifftshift (y), [6 0 1 2 3 4 5]);
+%! x = [0:6];
+%! y = ifftshift (x);
+%! assert (y, [3 4 5 6 0 1 2]);
+%! assert (ifftshift (y), [6 0 1 2 3 4 5]);
-%!  x = [0:7]';
-%!  y = ifftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3]);
-%!  assert(ifftshift (y), x);
+%! x = [0:7]';
+%! y = ifftshift (x);
+%! assert (y, [4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3]);
+%! assert (ifftshift (y), x);
-%!  x = [0:6]';
-%!  y = ifftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [3;4;5;6;0;1;2]);
-%!  assert(ifftshift (y), [6;0;1;2;3;4;5]);
+%! x = [0:6]';
+%! y = ifftshift (x);
+%! assert (y, [3;4;5;6;0;1;2]);
+%! assert (ifftshift (y), [6;0;1;2;3;4;5]);
-%!  x = [0:3];
-%!  x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
-%!  y = ifftshift (x);
-%!  assert(y, [[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5];[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2]]);
-%!  assert(ifftshift (y), x);
+%! x = [0:3];
+%! x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
+%! y = ifftshift (x);
+%! assert (y, [[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5];[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2]]);
+%! assert (ifftshift (y), x);
-%!  x = [0:3];
-%!  x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
-%!  y = ifftshift (x,1);
-%!  assert(y, [[1 4 7 10];[1 5 9 13];[0 1 2 3];[0 2 4 6]]);
-%!  assert(ifftshift (y,1), x);
+%! x = [0:3];
+%! x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
+%! y = ifftshift (x,1);
+%! assert (y, [[1 4 7 10];[1 5 9 13];[0 1 2 3];[0 2 4 6]]);
+%! assert (ifftshift (y,1), x);
-%!  x = [0:3];
-%!  x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
-%!  y = ifftshift (x,2);
-%!  assert(y, [[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2];[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5]]);
-%!  assert(ifftshift (y,2), x);
+%! x = [0:3];
+%! x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1];
+%! y = ifftshift (x,2);
+%! assert (y, [[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2];[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5]]);
+%! assert (ifftshift (y,2), x);
--- a/scripts/signal/sinc.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/sinc.m
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@
-%!assert (sinc (0), 1);
-%!assert (sinc (1), 0,1e-6);
+%!assert (sinc (0), 1)
+%!assert (sinc (1), 0,1e-6)
 %!assert (sinc (1/2), 2/pi, 1e-6)
 %!error sinc()
--- a/scripts/signal/sinetone.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/sinetone.m
@@ -64,4 +64,5 @@
-%!assert (size (sinetone (18e6, 150e6, 19550/150e6, 1)), [19550, 1]);
+%!assert (size (sinetone (18e6, 150e6, 19550/150e6, 1)), [19550, 1])
--- a/scripts/signal/sinewave.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/sinewave.m
@@ -44,12 +44,14 @@
-%!assert (sinewave (1), 0);
-%!assert (sinewave (1, 4, 1), 1);
-%!assert (sinewave (1, 12, 1), 1/2, 1e-6);
-%!assert (sinewave (1, 12, 2), sqrt (3)/2, 1e-6);
-%!assert (sinewave (1, 20, 1), (sqrt (5)-1)/4, 1e-6);
-%!assert (sinewave (1), sinewave (1, 1,0));
-%!assert (sinewave (3, 4), sinewave(3, 4, 0));
-%!error sinewave ();
+%!assert (sinewave (1), 0)
+%!assert (sinewave (1, 4, 1), 1)
+%!assert (sinewave (1, 12, 1), 1/2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (sinewave (1, 12, 2), sqrt (3)/2, 1e-6)
+%!assert (sinewave (1, 20, 1), (sqrt (5)-1)/4, 1e-6)
+%!assert (sinewave (1), sinewave (1, 1,0))
+%!assert (sinewave (3, 4), sinewave (3, 4, 0))
+%!error sinewave ()
--- a/scripts/signal/unwrap.m
+++ b/scripts/signal/unwrap.m
@@ -89,16 +89,17 @@
 %!function t = __xassert(a,b,tol)
 %!  if (nargin == 1)
-%!    t = all(a(:));
+%!    t = all (a(:));
 %!  else
 %!    if (nargin == 2)
 %!      tol = 0;
 %!    endif
-%!    if (any (size(a) != size(b)))
+%!    if (any (size (a) != size (b)))
 %!      t = 0;
-%!    elseif (any (abs(a(:) - b(:)) > tol))
+%!    elseif (any (abs (a(:) - b(:)) > tol))
 %!      t = 0;
 %!    else
 %!      t = 1;
@@ -112,29 +113,29 @@
 %! t = [];
 %! r = [0:100];                        # original vector
-%! w = r - 2*pi*floor((r+pi)/(2*pi));  # wrapped into [-pi,pi]
+%! w = r - 2*pi*floor ((r+pi)/(2*pi)); # wrapped into [-pi,pi]
 %! tol = 1e3*eps;                      # maximum expected deviation
-%! t(++i) = __xassert(r, unwrap(w), tol);               #unwrap single row
-%! t(++i) = __xassert(r', unwrap(w'), tol);             #unwrap single column
-%! t(++i) = __xassert([r',r'], unwrap([w',w']), tol);   #unwrap 2 columns
-%! t(++i) = __xassert([r;r], unwrap([w;w],[],2), tol);  #check that dim works
-%! t(++i) = __xassert(r+10, unwrap(10+w), tol);         #check r(1)>pi works
+%! t(++i) = __xassert (r, unwrap (w), tol);              #unwrap single row
+%! t(++i) = __xassert (r', unwrap (w'), tol);            #unwrap single column
+%! t(++i) = __xassert ([r',r'], unwrap ([w',w']), tol);  #unwrap 2 columns
+%! t(++i) = __xassert ([r;r], unwrap ([w;w],[],2), tol); #check that dim works
+%! t(++i) = __xassert (r+10, unwrap (10+w), tol);        #check r(1)>pi works
-%! t(++i) = __xassert(w', unwrap(w',[],2));  #unwrap col by rows should not change it
-%! t(++i) = __xassert(w, unwrap(w,[],1));    #unwrap row by cols should not change it
-%! t(++i) = __xassert([w;w], unwrap([w;w])); #unwrap 2 rows by cols should not change them
+%! t(++i) = __xassert (w', unwrap (w',[],2));  #unwrap col by rows should not change it
+%! t(++i) = __xassert (w, unwrap (w,[],1));    #unwrap row by cols should not change it
+%! t(++i) = __xassert ([w;w], unwrap ([w;w])); #unwrap 2 rows by cols should not change them
 %! ## verify that setting tolerance too low will cause bad results.
-%! t(++i) = __xassert(any(abs(r - unwrap(w,0.8)) > 100));
+%! t(++i) = __xassert (any (abs (r - unwrap (w,0.8)) > 100));
-%! assert(all(t));
+%! assert (all (t));
 %! A = [pi*(-4), pi*(-2+1/6), pi/4, pi*(2+1/3), pi*(4+1/2), pi*(8+2/3), pi*(16+1), pi*(32+3/2), pi*64];
-%! assert (unwrap(A), unwrap(A, pi));
-%! assert (unwrap(A, pi), unwrap(A, pi, 2));
-%! assert (unwrap(A', pi), unwrap(A', pi, 1));
+%! assert (unwrap (A), unwrap (A, pi));
+%! assert (unwrap (A, pi), unwrap (A, pi, 2));
+%! assert (unwrap (A', pi), unwrap (A', pi, 1));
 %! A = [pi*(-4); pi*(2+1/3); pi*(16+1)];
@@ -145,12 +146,13 @@
 %! E(:, :, 2) = [A+B, B+C, C+D, D+A];
 %! F(:, :, 1) = [unwrap(A), unwrap(B), unwrap(C), unwrap(D)];
 %! F(:, :, 2) = [unwrap(A+B), unwrap(B+C), unwrap(C+D), unwrap(D+A)];
-%! assert (unwrap(E), F);
+%! assert (unwrap (E), F);
 %! A = [0, 2*pi, 4*pi, 8*pi, 16*pi, 65536*pi];
 %! B = [pi*(-2+1/6), pi/4, pi*(2+1/3), pi*(4+1/2), pi*(8+2/3), pi*(16+1), pi*(32+3/2), pi*64];
-%! assert (unwrap(A), zeros(1, length(A)));
-%! assert (diff(unwrap(B), 1)<2*pi, true(1, length(B)-1));
+%! assert (unwrap (A), zeros (1, length (A)));
+%! assert (diff (unwrap (B), 1) < 2*pi, true (1, length (B)-1));
 %!error unwrap()
--- a/scripts/sparse/bicg.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/bicg.m
@@ -228,7 +228,6 @@
 %! M2 = spdiags ([4*ones(n,1) -ones(n,1)], 0:1, n, n);
 %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = bicg (A, b, tol, maxit, M1, M2);
 %! assert (x, ones (size (b)), 1e-7);
 %!function y = afun (x, t, a)
 %!  switch t
@@ -260,3 +259,4 @@
 %! b = sum (A, 2);
 %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = bicg (A, b, tol, [], diag (diag (A)));
 %! assert (x, ones (size (b)), 1e-7);
--- a/scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m
@@ -246,3 +246,4 @@
 %! b = sum (A, 2);
 %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = bicgstab (A, b, tol, [], diag (diag (A)));
 %! assert (x, ones (size (b)), 1e-7);
--- a/scripts/sparse/gmres.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/gmres.m
@@ -197,22 +197,23 @@
 %! dim = 100;
 %! A = spdiags ([-ones(dim,1) 2*ones(dim,1) ones(dim,1)], [-1:1], dim, dim);
-%! b = ones(dim, 1);
-%! x = gmres (A, b, 10, 1e-10, dim, @(x) x./diag(A), [],  b);
-%! assert(x, A\b, 1e-9*norm(x,inf));
+%! b = ones (dim, 1);
+%! x = gmres (A, b, 10, 1e-10, dim, @(x) x ./ diag (A), [], b);
+%! assert (x, A\b, 1e-9*norm (x, Inf));
-%! x = gmres (A, b, dim, 1e-10, 1e4, @(x) diag(diag(A))\x, [],  b);
-%! assert(x, A\b, 1e-7*norm(x,inf));
+%! x = gmres (A, b, dim, 1e-10, 1e4, @(x) diag (diag (A)) \ x, [], b);
+%! assert(x, A\b, 1e-7*norm (x, Inf));
 %! A = spdiags ([[1./(2:2:2*(dim-1)) 0]; 1./(1:2:2*dim-1); [0 1./(2:2:2*(dim-1))]]', -1:1, dim, dim);
 %! A = A'*A;
 %! b = rand (dim, 1);
-%! [x, resids] = gmres (@(x) A*x, b, dim, 1e-10, dim, @(x) x./diag(A), [],  []);
-%! assert(x, A\b, 1e-9*norm(x,inf))
-%! x = gmres (@(x) A*x, b, dim, 1e-10, 1e6, @(x) diag(diag(A))\x, [],  []);
-%! assert(x, A\b, 1e-9*norm(x,inf));
+%! [x, resids] = gmres (@(x) A*x, b, dim, 1e-10, dim, @(x) x./diag (A), [], []);
+%! assert (x, A\b, 1e-9*norm (x, Inf));
+%! x = gmres (@(x) A*x, b, dim, 1e-10, 1e6, @(x) diag (diag (A)) \ x, [], []);
+%! assert (x, A\b, 1e-9*norm (x, Inf));
-%! x =  gmres (@(x) A*x, b, dim, 1e-10, 1e6, @(x) x./diag(A), [],  []);
-%! assert(x, A\b, 1e-7*norm(x,inf));
+%! x = gmres (@(x) A*x, b, dim, 1e-10, 1e6, @(x) x./diag(A), [], []);
+%! assert (x, A\b, 1e-7*norm (x, Inf));
--- a/scripts/sparse/gplot.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/gplot.m
@@ -80,5 +80,5 @@
 %! title ("gplot() of Binary Tree Adjacency matrix");
 %% Mark graphical function as tested by demo block
-%!assert (1);
+%!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/sparse/nonzeros.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/nonzeros.m
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
+%!assert (nonzeros ([1,2;3,0]), [1;3;2])
+%!assert (nonzeros ([1,2,3,0]), [1;2;3])
+%!assert (nonzeros (sparse ([1,2;3,0])), [1;3;2])
+%!assert (nonzeros (sparse ([1,2,3,0])), [1;2;3])
--- a/scripts/sparse/pcg.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/pcg.m
@@ -433,7 +433,6 @@
 %!  legend ("absolute residual", "absolute preconditioned residual");
 %!  # Full output from pcg, including the eigenvalue estimates
 %!  # We use the 1-D Laplacian matrix for A, and cond(A) = O(N^2)
 %!  # and that's the reason we need some preconditioner; here we take
--- a/scripts/sparse/pcr.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/pcr.m
@@ -303,100 +303,100 @@
-%!  # Simplest usage of PCR (see also 'help pcr')
+%! # Simplest usage of PCR (see also 'help pcr')
-%!  N = 20;
-%!  A = diag (linspace (-3.1,3,N)); b = rand (N,1);
-%!  y = A \ b;  # y is the true solution
-%!  x = pcr (A,b);
-%!  printf ("The solution relative error is %g\n", norm (x-y) / norm (y));
+%! N = 20;
+%! A = diag (linspace (-3.1,3,N)); b = rand (N,1);
+%! y = A \ b;  # y is the true solution
+%! x = pcr (A,b);
+%! printf ("The solution relative error is %g\n", norm (x-y) / norm (y));
-%!  # You shouldn't be afraid if PCR issues some warning messages in this
-%!  # example: watch out in the second example, why it takes N iterations
-%!  # of PCR to converge to (a very accurate, by the way) solution
+%! # You shouldn't be afraid if PCR issues some warning messages in this
+%! # example: watch out in the second example, why it takes N iterations
+%! # of PCR to converge to (a very accurate, by the way) solution
-%!  # Full output from PCR
-%!  # We use this output to plot the convergence history
+%! # Full output from PCR
+%! # We use this output to plot the convergence history
-%!  N = 20;
-%!  A = diag (linspace(-3.1,30,N)); b = rand (N,1);
-%!  X = A \ b;  # X is the true solution
-%!  [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b);
-%!  printf ("The solution relative error is %g\n", norm (x-X) / norm (X));
-%!  clf;
-%!  title ("Convergence history");
-%!  xlabel ("Iteration"); ylabel ("log(||b-Ax||/||b||)");
-%!  semilogy ([0:iter], resvec/resvec(1), "o-g;relative residual;");
+%! N = 20;
+%! A = diag (linspace (-3.1,30,N)); b = rand (N,1);
+%! X = A \ b;  # X is the true solution
+%! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b);
+%! printf ("The solution relative error is %g\n", norm (x-X) / norm (X));
+%! clf;
+%! title ("Convergence history");
+%! xlabel ("Iteration"); ylabel ("log(||b-Ax||/||b||)");
+%! semilogy ([0:iter], resvec/resvec(1), "o-g;relative residual;");
-%!  # Full output from PCR
-%!  # We use indefinite matrix based on the Hilbert matrix, with one
-%!  # strongly negative eigenvalue
-%!  # Hilbert matrix is extremely ill conditioned, so is ours,
-%!  # and that's why PCR WILL have problems
+%! # Full output from PCR
+%! # We use indefinite matrix based on the Hilbert matrix, with one
+%! # strongly negative eigenvalue
+%! # Hilbert matrix is extremely ill conditioned, so is ours,
+%! # and that's why PCR WILL have problems
-%!  N = 10;
-%!  A = hilb (N); A(1,1) = -A(1,1); b = rand (N,1);
-%!  X = A \ b;  # X is the true solution
-%!  printf ("Condition number of A is   %g\n", cond (A));
-%!  [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],200);
-%!  if (flag == 3)
-%!    printf ("PCR breakdown.  System matrix is [close to] singular\n");
-%!  end
-%!  clf;
-%!  title ("Convergence history");
-%!  xlabel ("Iteration"); ylabel ("log(||b-Ax||)");
-%!  semilogy ([0:iter], resvec, "o-g;absolute residual;");
+%! N = 10;
+%! A = hilb (N); A(1,1) = -A(1,1); b = rand (N,1);
+%! X = A \ b;  # X is the true solution
+%! printf ("Condition number of A is   %g\n", cond (A));
+%! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],200);
+%! if (flag == 3)
+%!   printf ("PCR breakdown.  System matrix is [close to] singular\n");
+%! end
+%! clf;
+%! title ("Convergence history");
+%! xlabel ("Iteration"); ylabel ("log(||b-Ax||)");
+%! semilogy ([0:iter], resvec, "o-g;absolute residual;");
-%!  # Full output from PCR
-%!  # We use an indefinite matrix based on the 1-D Laplacian matrix for A,
-%!  # and here we have cond(A) = O(N^2)
-%!  # That's the reason we need some preconditioner; here we take
-%!  # a very simple and not powerful Jacobi preconditioner,
-%!  # which is the diagonal of A
+%! # Full output from PCR
+%! # We use an indefinite matrix based on the 1-D Laplacian matrix for A,
+%! # and here we have cond(A) = O(N^2)
+%! # That's the reason we need some preconditioner; here we take
+%! # a very simple and not powerful Jacobi preconditioner,
+%! # which is the diagonal of A
-%!  # Note that we use here indefinite preconditioners!
+%! # Note that we use here indefinite preconditioners!
-%!  N = 100;
-%!  A = zeros (N,N);
-%!  for i=1:N-1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
-%!    A(i:i+1,i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
-%!  endfor
-%!  A = [A, zeros(size(A)); zeros(size(A)), -A];
-%!  b = rand (2*N,1);
-%!  X = A \ b;  # X is the true solution
-%!  maxit = 80;
-%!  printf ("System condition number is %g\n", cond (A));
-%!  # No preconditioner: the convergence is very slow!
+%! N = 100;
+%! A = zeros (N,N);
+%! for i=1:N-1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix
+%!   A(i:i+1,i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2];
+%! endfor
+%! A = [A, zeros(size(A)); zeros(size(A)), -A];
+%! b = rand (2*N,1);
+%! X = A \ b;  # X is the true solution
+%! maxit = 80;
+%! printf ("System condition number is %g\n", cond (A));
+%! # No preconditioner: the convergence is very slow!
-%!  [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],maxit);
-%!  clf;
-%!  title ("Convergence history");
-%!  xlabel ("Iteration"); ylabel ("log(||b-Ax||)");
-%!  semilogy ([0:iter], resvec, "o-g;NO preconditioning: absolute residual;");
+%! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],maxit);
+%! clf;
+%! title ("Convergence history");
+%! xlabel ("Iteration"); ylabel ("log(||b-Ax||)");
+%! semilogy ([0:iter], resvec, "o-g;NO preconditioning: absolute residual;");
-%!  pause (1);
-%!  # Test Jacobi preconditioner: it will not help much!!!
+%! pause (1);
+%! # Test Jacobi preconditioner: it will not help much!!!
-%!  M = diag (diag (A)); # Jacobi preconditioner
-%!  [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],maxit,M);
-%!  hold on;
-%!  semilogy ([0:iter],resvec,"o-r;JACOBI preconditioner: absolute residual;");
+%! M = diag (diag (A)); # Jacobi preconditioner
+%! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],maxit,M);
+%! hold on;
+%! semilogy ([0:iter],resvec,"o-r;JACOBI preconditioner: absolute residual;");
-%!  pause (1);
-%!  # Test nonoverlapping block Jacobi preconditioner: this one should give
-%!  # some convergence speedup!
+%! pause (1);
+%! # Test nonoverlapping block Jacobi preconditioner: this one should give
+%! # some convergence speedup!
-%!  M = zeros (N,N); k = 4;
-%!  for i=1:k:N # get k x k diagonal blocks of A
-%!    M(i:i+k-1,i:i+k-1) = A(i:i+k-1,i:i+k-1);
-%!  endfor
-%!  M = [M, zeros(size (M)); zeros(size(M)), -M];
-%!  [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],maxit,M);
-%!  semilogy ([0:iter], resvec, "o-b;BLOCK JACOBI preconditioner: absolute residual;");
-%!  hold off;
+%! M = zeros (N,N); k = 4;
+%! for i=1:k:N # get k x k diagonal blocks of A
+%!   M(i:i+k-1,i:i+k-1) = A(i:i+k-1,i:i+k-1);
+%! endfor
+%! M = [M, zeros(size (M)); zeros(size(M)), -M];
+%! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = pcr (A,b,[],maxit,M);
+%! semilogy ([0:iter], resvec, "o-b;BLOCK JACOBI preconditioner: absolute residual;");
+%! hold off;
 %! # solve small indefinite diagonal system
--- a/scripts/sparse/spaugment.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spaugment.m
@@ -90,12 +90,14 @@
   s = [ c * speye(m, m), A; A', sparse(n, n)];
 %!testif HAVE_UMFPACK
-%! m = 11; n = 10; mn = max(m ,n);
+%! m = 11; n = 10; mn = max (m ,n);
 %! A = spdiags ([ones(mn,1), 10*ones(mn,1), -ones(mn,1)],[-1,0,1], m, n);
 %! x0 = A \ ones (m,1);
 %! s = spaugment (A);
 %! [L, U, P, Q] = lu (s);
 %! x1 = Q * (U \ (L \ (P  * [ones(m,1); zeros(n,1)])));
 %! x1 = x1(end - n + 1 : end);
-%! assert (x1, x0, 1e-6)
+%! assert (x1, x0, 1e-6);
--- a/scripts/sparse/spconvert.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spconvert.m
@@ -65,3 +65,4 @@
 %!error spconvert ([1 2])
 %!error spconvert ([1 2 3i])
 %!error spconvert ([1 2 3 4 5])
--- a/scripts/sparse/spdiags.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spdiags.m
@@ -87,8 +87,7 @@
+%!assert (spdiags (zeros (1,0),1,1,1), sparse (0))
+%!assert (spdiags (zeros (0,1),1,1,1), sparse (0))
--- a/scripts/sparse/speye.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/speye.m
@@ -50,8 +50,10 @@
   s = sparse (1:lo, 1:lo, 1, m, n);
+%!assert (issparse (speye (4)))
+%!assert (speye (4), sparse (1:4,1:4,1))
+%!assert (speye (2,4), sparse (1:2,1:2,1,2,4))
+%!assert (speye (4,2), sparse (1:2,1:2,1,4,2))
+%!assert (speye ([4,2]), sparse (1:2,1:2,1,4,2))
--- a/scripts/sparse/spfun.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spfun.m
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@
+%!assert (spfun ("exp", [1,2;3,0]), sparse ([exp(1),exp(2);exp(3),0]))
+%!assert (spfun ("exp", sparse ([1,2;3,0])), sparse ([exp(1),exp(2);exp(3),0]))
+%!assert (spfun (@exp, [1,2;3,0]), sparse ([exp(1),exp(2);exp(3),0]))
+%!assert (spfun (@exp, sparse ([1,2;3,0])), sparse ([exp(1),exp(2);exp(3),0]))
--- a/scripts/sparse/spones.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spones.m
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
+%!assert (issparse (spones ([1,2;3,0])))
+%!assert (spones ([1,2;3,0]), sparse ([1,1;1,0]))
+%!assert (spones (sparse ([1,2;3,0])), sparse ([1,1;1,0]))
--- a/scripts/sparse/sprand.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/sprand.m
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 %! s = sprand (4, 10, 0.1);
 %! assert (size (s), [4, 10]);
@@ -71,10 +72,10 @@
 %!error sprand ()
 %!error sprand (1, 2)
 %!error sprand (1, 2, 3, 4)
-%!error sprand (ones(3), 3, 0.5)
+%!error sprand (ones (3), 3, 0.5)
 %!error sprand (3.5, 3, 0.5)
 %!error sprand (0, 3, 0.5)
-%!error sprand (3, ones(3), 0.5)
+%!error sprand (3, ones (3), 0.5)
 %!error sprand (3, 3.5, 0.5)
 %!error sprand (3, 0, 0.5)
 %!error sprand (3, 3, -1)
--- a/scripts/sparse/sprandsym.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/sprandsym.m
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@
 %! s = sprandsym (10, 0.1);
 %! assert (issparse (s));
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@
 %% Test input validation
 %!error sprandsym ()
 %!error sprandsym (1, 2, 3)
-%!error sprandsym (ones(3), 0.5)
+%!error sprandsym (ones (3), 0.5)
 %!error sprandsym (3.5, 0.5)
 %!error sprandsym (0, 0.5)
 %!error sprandsym (3, -1)
--- a/scripts/sparse/spstats.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spstats.m
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
-%! [n,m,v] = spstats([1 2 1 2 3 4],[2 2 1 1 1 1]);
-%! assert(n,sparse([4,2]));
-%! assert(m,sparse([10/4,3/2]),10*eps);
-%! assert(v,sparse([5/3,1/2]),10*eps);
+%! [n,m,v] = spstats ([1 2 1 2 3 4],[2 2 1 1 1 1]);
+%! assert (n, sparse ([4,2]));
+%! assert (m, sparse ([10/4,3/2]), 10*eps);
+%! assert (v, sparse ([5/3,1/2]), 10*eps);
--- a/scripts/sparse/spy.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/spy.m
@@ -72,4 +72,5 @@
 %! spy (sprand (10,10, 0.2));
 %% Mark graphical function as tested by demo block
-%!assert (1);
+%!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/sparse/svds.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/svds.m
@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@
 %!shared n, k, A, u, s, v, opts, rand_state, randn_state
 %! n = 100;
 %! k = 7;
--- a/scripts/sparse/treelayout.m
+++ b/scripts/sparse/treelayout.m
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
 %! % Compute a simple tree layout
 %! [x, y, h, s] = treelayout ([0, 1, 2, 2]);
@@ -225,3 +226,4 @@
 %! assert (y, [0, 0, 0, 3]);
 %! assert (h, 0);
 %! assert (s, 1);
--- a/scripts/specfun/bessel.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/bessel.m
@@ -91,4 +91,5 @@
   error ("bessel: you must use besselj, bessely, besseli, or besselk");
 %!error bessel ()
--- a/scripts/specfun/beta.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/beta.m
@@ -55,28 +55,30 @@
-%! a=[1, 1.5, 2, 3];
-%! b=[4, 3, 2, 1];
-%! v1=beta(a,b);
-%! v2=beta(b,a);
-%! v3=gamma(a).*gamma(b)./gamma(a+b);
-%! assert(all(abs(v1-v2)<sqrt(eps)) && all(abs(v2-v3)<sqrt(eps)));
+%! a = [1, 1.5, 2, 3];
+%! b = [4, 3, 2, 1];
+%! v1 = beta (a,b);
+%! v2 = beta (b,a);
+%! v3 = gamma (a).*gamma (b) ./ gamma (a+b);
+%! assert (v1, v2, sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (v2, v3, sqrt (eps));
-%!error beta();
-%!error beta(1);
-%!assert (1, beta (1, 1))
+%!assert (beta (1, 1), 1)
 %! a = 2:10;
 %! tol = 10 * max (a) * eps;
-%! assert (-a, beta (-1./a, 1), tol)
-%! assert (-a, beta (1, -1./a), tol)
+%! assert (-a, beta (-1./a, 1), tol);
+%! assert (-a, beta (1, -1./a), tol);
 %! a = 0.25 + (0:5) * 0.5;
 %! tol = 10 * max (a) * eps;
-%! assert (zeros (size (a)), beta (a, -a), tol)
-%! assert (zeros (size (a)), beta (-a, a), tol)
+%! assert (zeros (size (a)), beta (a, -a), tol);
+%! assert (zeros (size (a)), beta (-a, a), tol);
+%!error beta ()
+%!error beta (1)
--- a/scripts/specfun/betaln.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/betaln.m
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
-%!assert (betaln (3,4), log (beta(3,4)),eps);
+%!assert (betaln (3,4), log (beta (3,4)), eps)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error (betaln (1))
--- a/scripts/specfun/factor.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/factor.m
@@ -82,14 +82,15 @@
+%!assert (factor (1), 1)
-%!  assert(factor(1),1);
-%!  for i=2:20
-%!     p = factor(i);
-%!     assert(prod(p),i);
-%!     assert(all(isprime(p)));
-%!     [p,n] = factor(i);
-%!     assert(prod(p.^n),i);
-%!     assert(all([0,p]!=[p,0]));
-%!  endfor
+%! for i = 2:20
+%!   p = factor (i);
+%!   assert (prod (p), i);
+%!   assert (all (isprime (p)));
+%!   [p,n] = factor (i);
+%!   assert (prod (p.^n), i);
+%!   assert (all ([0,p] != [p,0]));
+%! endfor
--- a/scripts/specfun/factorial.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/factorial.m
@@ -35,8 +35,11 @@
   x = round (gamma (n+1));
-%!assert (factorial(5), prod(1:5))
-%!assert (factorial([1,2;3,4]), [1,2;6,24])
-%!assert (factorial(70), exp(sum(log(1:70))), -128*eps)
-%!fail ('factorial(5.5)', "must all be non-negative integers")
-%!fail ('factorial(-3)', "must all be non-negative integers")
+%!assert (factorial (5), prod (1:5))
+%!assert (factorial ([1,2;3,4]), [1,2;6,24])
+%!assert (factorial (70), exp (sum (log (1:70))), -128*eps)
+%!fail ("factorial (5.5)", "must all be non-negative integers")
+%!fail ("factorial (-3)", "must all be non-negative integers")
--- a/scripts/specfun/isprime.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/isprime.m
@@ -80,8 +80,10 @@
-%!assert (isprime (4), logical (0));
-%!assert (isprime (3), logical (1));
-%!assert (isprime (magic (3)), logical ([0, 0, 0; 1, 1, 1; 0, 0, 1]));
+%!assert (isprime (3), true)
+%!assert (isprime (4), false)
+%!assert (isprime (magic (3)), logical ([0, 0, 0; 1, 1, 1; 0, 0, 1]))
 %!error isprime ()
 %!error isprime (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/specfun/lcm.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/lcm.m
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
-%!assert(lcm (3, 5, 7, 15) == 105);
+%!assert (lcm (3, 5, 7, 15), 105)
 %!error lcm ();
 %! s.a = 1;
-%! fail("lcm (s)");
+%! fail ("lcm (s)");
--- a/scripts/specfun/legendre.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/legendre.m
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
 %! result = legendre (0, 0:0.1:1);
-%! assert (result, full(ones(1,11)));
+%! assert (result, full (ones (1,11)));
 %! result = legendre (3, [-1,0,1;1,0,-1]);
@@ -303,13 +303,14 @@
 %! assert (result, expected);
 %% Check correct invocation
-%!error legendre ();
-%!error legendre (1);
-%!error legendre (1,2,3,4);
-%!error legendre ([1, 2], [-1, 0, 1]);
-%!error legendre (-1, [-1, 0, 1]);
-%!error legendre (1.1, [-1, 0, 1]);
-%!error legendre (1, [-1+i, 0, 1]);
-%!error legendre (1, [-2, 0, 1]);
-%!error legendre (1, [-1, 0, 2]);
-%!error legendre (1, [-1, 0, 1], "badnorm");
+%!error legendre ()
+%!error legendre (1)
+%!error legendre (1,2,3,4)
+%!error legendre ([1, 2], [-1, 0, 1])
+%!error legendre (-1, [-1, 0, 1])
+%!error legendre (1.1, [-1, 0, 1])
+%!error legendre (1, [-1+i, 0, 1])
+%!error legendre (1, [-2, 0, 1])
+%!error legendre (1, [-1, 0, 2])
+%!error legendre (1, [-1, 0, 1], "badnorm")
--- a/scripts/specfun/nchoosek.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/nchoosek.m
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 %!assert (nchoosek (80,10), bincoeff (80,10))
-%!assert (nchoosek(1:5,3), [1:3;1,2,4;1,2,5;1,3,4;1,3,5;1,4,5;2:4;2,3,5;2,4,5;3:5])
+%!assert (nchoosek (1:5,3), [1:3;1,2,4;1,2,5;1,3,4;1,3,5;1,4,5;2:4;2,3,5;2,4,5;3:5])
 %% Test input validation
 %!warning nchoosek (100,45);
--- a/scripts/specfun/nthroot.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/nthroot.m
@@ -81,11 +81,12 @@
-%!assert (nthroot(-32,5), -2);
-%!assert (nthroot(81,4), 3);
-%!assert (nthroot(Inf,4), Inf);
-%!assert (nthroot(-Inf,7), -Inf);
-%!assert (nthroot(-Inf,-7), 0);
+%!assert (nthroot (-32,5), -2);
+%!assert (nthroot (81,4), 3);
+%!assert (nthroot (Inf,4), Inf);
+%!assert (nthroot (-Inf,7), -Inf);
+%!assert (nthroot (-Inf,-7), 0);
 %% Test input validation
 %!error (nthroot ())
--- a/scripts/specfun/perms.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/perms.m
@@ -64,10 +64,11 @@
-%!error perms ();
-%!error perms (1, 2);
-%!assert (perms ([1,2,3]), [1,2,3;2,1,3;1,3,2;2,3,1;3,1,2;3,2,1]);
-%!assert (perms (1:3), perms ([1,2,3]));
+%!assert (perms ([1,2,3]), [1,2,3;2,1,3;1,3,2;2,3,1;3,1,2;3,2,1])
+%!assert (perms (1:3), perms ([1,2,3]))
+%!assert (perms (int8 ([1,2,3])), int8 ([1,2,3;2,1,3;1,3,2;2,3,1;3,1,2;3,2,1]))
-%!assert (perms (int8([1,2,3])), int8([1,2,3;2,1,3;1,3,2;2,3,1;3,1,2;3,2,1]));
+%!error perms ()
+%!error perms (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/specfun/pow2.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/pow2.m
@@ -54,16 +54,17 @@
 %! x = [3, 0, -3];
 %! v = [8, 1, .125];
-%! assert(all (abs (pow2 (x) - v) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (pow2 (x), v, sqrt (eps));
 %! x = [3, 0, -3, 4, 0, -4, 5, 0, -5];
 %! y = [-2, -2, -2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3];
 %! z = x .* (2 .^ y);
-%! assert(all (abs (pow2 (x,y) - z) < sqrt (eps)));
+%! assert (pow2 (x,y), z, sqrt (eps));
-%!error pow2();
+%!error pow2 ()
--- a/scripts/specfun/primes.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/primes.m
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@
-%!error primes ();
-%!error primes (1, 2);
+%!assert (size (primes (350)), [1, 70])
+%!assert (primes (357)(end), 353)
-%!assert (size (primes (350)), [1, 70]);
-%!assert (size (primes (350)), [1, 70]);
+%!error primes ()
+%!error primes (1, 2)
-%!assert (primes (357)(end), 353);
--- a/scripts/specfun/reallog.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/reallog.m
@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@
-%!assert (log(1:5),reallog(1:5))
+%!assert (log (1:5), reallog (1:5))
 %! x = rand (10,10);
-%! assert (log(x),reallog(x))
-%!error (reallog(-1))
+%! assert (log (x),reallog (x));
+%!error <produced complex result> reallog (-1)
--- a/scripts/specfun/realpow.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/realpow.m
@@ -35,11 +35,14 @@
 %!assert (power (1:10, 0.5:0.5:5), realpow (1:10, 0.5:0.5:5))
 %!assert ([1:10] .^ [0.5:0.5:5], realpow (1:10, 0.5:0.5:5))
 %! x = rand (10,10);
 %! y = randn (10,10);
-%! assert (x.^y,realpow(x,y))
-%!assert (realpow(1i,2),-1)
-%!error (realpow(-1, 1/2))
+%! assert (x.^y, realpow (x,y));
+%!assert (realpow (1i,2), -1)
+%!error <produced complex result> realpow (-1, 1/2)
--- a/scripts/specfun/realsqrt.m
+++ b/scripts/specfun/realsqrt.m
@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@
-%!assert (sqrt(1:5),realsqrt(1:5))
+%!assert (sqrt (1:5), realsqrt (1:5))
 %! x = rand (10,10);
-%! assert (sqrt(x),realsqrt(x))
-%!error (realsqrt(-1))
+%! assert (sqrt (x), realsqrt (x));
+%!error <produced complex result> realsqrt (-1)
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/hadamard.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/hadamard.m
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 %!assert (hadamard (2), [1,1;1,-1])
 %! for n = [1,2,4,8,12,24,48,20,28,2^9]
-%!   h = hadamard(n);
+%!   h = hadamard (n);
 %!   assert (norm (h*h' - n*eye (n)), 0);
 %! endfor
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/hankel.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/hankel.m
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
 %!assert (hankel (1:3,3:4), [1,2;2,3;3,4])
 %!assert (hankel (1:3,4:6), [1,2,3;2,3,5;3,5,6])
-%!error hankel ();
-%!error hankel (1, 2, 3);
+%!error hankel ()
+%!error hankel (1, 2, 3)
 %!error <C must be a vector> hankel ([1, 2; 3, 4])
 %!error <C and R must be vectors> hankel (1:4, [1, 2; 3, 4])
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/hilb.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/hilb.m
@@ -75,5 +75,5 @@
 %!error hilb ()
 %!error hilb (1, 2)
-%!error <N must be a scalar integer> hilb (ones(2))
+%!error <N must be a scalar integer> hilb (ones (2))
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/invhilb.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/invhilb.m
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 %!            240 , -2700, 6480 , -4200;
 %!            -140, 1680 , -4200, 2800];
 %! assert (invhilb (4), result4);
-%!assert (abs (invhilb (7) * hilb (7) - eye (7)) < sqrt (eps))
+%!assert (invhilb (7) * hilb (7), eye (7), sqrt (eps))
 %!error invhilb ()
 %!error invhilb (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/magic.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/magic.m
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
-%! for i=3:30
+%! for i = 3:30
 %!   A = magic (i);
 %!   assert (norm(diff([sum(diag(A)),sum(diag(flipud(A))),sum(A),sum(A')])),0);
 %! endfor
 %!assert (isempty (magic (0)))
-%!assert (magic(1), 1)
+%!assert (magic (1), 1)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error magic ()
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/rosser.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/rosser.m
@@ -44,5 +44,9 @@
-%!assert (size(rosser()), [8,8])
-%!error (rosser(1))
+%!assert (size (rosser ()), [8,8])
+%!assert (rosser ()([1, end]), [611, 99])
+%!error (rosser (1))
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/vander.m
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/vander.m
@@ -79,17 +79,17 @@
 %! c = [0,1,2,3];
 %! expect = [0,0,0,1; 1,1,1,1; 8,4,2,1; 27,9,3,1];
-%! assert(vander (c), expect);
+%! assert (vander (c), expect);
 %!assert (vander (1), 1)
 %!assert (vander ([1, 2, 3]), vander ([1; 2; 3]))
 %!assert (vander ([1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 1; 4, 2, 1; 9, 3, 1])
 %!assert (vander ([1, 2, 3]*i), [-1, i, 1; -4, 2i, 1; -9, 3i, 1])
-%!assert(vander (2, 3), [4, 2, 1])
-%!assert(vander ([2, 3], 3), [4, 2, 1; 9, 3, 1])
+%!assert (vander (2, 3), [4, 2, 1])
+%!assert (vander ([2, 3], 3), [4, 2, 1; 9, 3, 1])
-%!error vander ();
-%!error vander (1, 2, 3);
-%!error <polynomial C must be a vector> vander ([1, 2; 3, 4]);
+%!error vander ()
+%!error vander (1, 2, 3)
+%!error <polynomial C must be a vector> vander ([1, 2; 3, 4])
--- a/scripts/startup/__finish__.m
+++ b/scripts/startup/__finish__.m
@@ -37,5 +37,6 @@
 ## No test needed for internal helper function.
 %!assert (1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/center.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/center.m
@@ -65,19 +65,21 @@
-%!assert(center ([1,2,3]), [-1,0,1])
-%!assert(center (single([1,2,3])), single([-1,0,1]))
-%!assert(center (int8 ([1,2,3])), [-1,0,1])
-%!assert(center (logical ([1, 0, 0, 1])), [0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5])
-%!assert(center (ones (3,2,0,2)), zeros (3,2,0,2))
-%!assert(center (ones (3,2,0,2, "single")), zeros (3,2,0,2, "single"))
-%!assert(center (magic (3)), [3,-4,1;-2,0,2;-1,4,-3])
-%!assert(center ([1 2 3; 6 5 4], 2), [-1 0 1; 1 0 -1])
+%!assert (center ([1,2,3]), [-1,0,1])
+%!assert (center (single ([1,2,3])), single ([-1,0,1]))
+%!assert (center (int8 ([1,2,3])), [-1,0,1])
+%!assert (center (logical ([1, 0, 0, 1])), [0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5])
+%!assert (center (ones (3,2,0,2)), zeros (3,2,0,2))
+%!assert (center (ones (3,2,0,2, "single")), zeros (3,2,0,2, "single"))
+%!assert (center (magic (3)), [3,-4,1;-2,0,2;-1,4,-3])
+%!assert (center ([1 2 3; 6 5 4], 2), [-1 0 1; 1 0 -1])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error center ()
 %!error center (1, 2, 3)
-%!error center (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error center (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error center (1, 1.5)
 %!error center (1, 0)
 %!error center (1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/cloglog.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/cloglog.m
@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@
-%!assert(cloglog(0), -Inf)
-%!assert(cloglog(1), Inf)
-%!assert(cloglog(1/e), 0)
+%!assert (cloglog (0), -Inf)
+%!assert (cloglog (1), Inf)
+%!assert (cloglog (1/e), 0)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error cloglog ()
 %!error cloglog (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/corr.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/corr.m
@@ -89,24 +89,24 @@
 %! x = [1:3]';
 %! y = [3:-1:1]';
-%! assert (corr (x,y), -1, 5*eps)
-%! assert (corr (x,flipud (y)), 1, 5*eps)
-%! assert (corr ([x, y]), [1 -1; -1 1], 5*eps)
+%! assert (corr (x, y), -1, 5*eps);
+%! assert (corr (x, flipud (y)), 1, 5*eps);
+%! assert (corr ([x, y]), [1 -1; -1 1], 5*eps);
 %! x = single ([1:3]');
 %! y = single ([3:-1:1]');
-%! assert (corr (x,y), single (-1), 5*eps)
-%! assert (corr (x,flipud (y)), single (1), 5*eps)
-%! assert (corr ([x, y]), single ([1 -1; -1 1]), 5*eps)
+%! assert (corr (x, y), single (-1), 5*eps);
+%! assert (corr (x, flipud (y)), single (1), 5*eps);
+%! assert (corr ([x, y]), single ([1 -1; -1 1]), 5*eps);
-%!assert (corr (5), 1);
-%!assert (corr (single(5)), single(1));
+%!assert (corr (5), 1)
+%!assert (corr (single(5)), single(1))
 %% Test input validation
-%!error corr ();
-%!error corr (1, 2, 3);
-%!error corr ([1; 2], ["A", "B"]);
-%!error corr (ones (2,2,2));
-%!error corr (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2));
+%!error corr ()
+%!error corr (1, 2, 3)
+%!error corr ([1; 2], ["A", "B"])
+%!error corr (ones (2,2,2))
+%!error corr (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/cov.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/cov.m
@@ -121,22 +121,22 @@
 %! x = rand (10);
 %! cx1 = cov (x);
 %! cx2 = cov (x, x);
-%! assert(size (cx1) == [10, 10] && size (cx2) == [10, 10]);
-%! assert(cx1, cx2, 1e1*eps);
+%! assert (size (cx1) == [10, 10] && size (cx2) == [10, 10]);
+%! assert (cx1, cx2, 1e1*eps);
 %! x = [1:3]';
 %! y = [3:-1:1]';
-%! assert (cov (x,y), -1, 5*eps)
-%! assert (cov (x,flipud (y)), 1, 5*eps)
-%! assert (cov ([x, y]), [1 -1; -1 1], 5*eps)
+%! assert (cov (x, y), -1, 5*eps);
+%! assert (cov (x, flipud (y)), 1, 5*eps);
+%! assert (cov ([x, y]), [1 -1; -1 1], 5*eps);
 %! x = single ([1:3]');
 %! y = single ([3:-1:1]');
-%! assert (cov (x,y), single (-1), 5*eps)
-%! assert (cov (x,flipud (y)), single (1), 5*eps)
-%! assert (cov ([x, y]), single ([1 -1; -1 1]), 5*eps)
+%! assert (cov (x, y), single (-1), 5*eps);
+%! assert (cov (x, flipud (y)), single (1), 5*eps);
+%! assert (cov ([x, y]), single ([1 -1; -1 1]), 5*eps);
 %! x = [1:5];
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
 %! assert (isscalar (c));
 %! assert (c, 2.5);
-%!assert(cov (5), 0);
-%!assert(cov (single(5)), single(0));
+%!assert(cov (5), 0)
+%!assert(cov (single(5)), single(0))
 %! x = [1:5];
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@
 %! assert(c, 2);
 %% Test input validation
-%!error cov ();
-%!error cov (1, 2, 3, 4);
-%!error cov ([1; 2], ["A", "B"]);
-%!error cov (ones (2,2,2));
-%!error cov (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2));
-%!error cov (1, 3);
-%!error cov (ones (2,2), ones (3,2));
+%!error cov ()
+%!error cov (1, 2, 3, 4)
+%!error cov ([1; 2], ["A", "B"])
+%!error cov (ones (2,2,2))
+%!error cov (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
+%!error cov (1, 3)
+%!error cov (ones (2,2), ones (3,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/gls.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/gls.m
@@ -140,6 +140,6 @@
 %!error gls (ones (2,2,2), ones (2,2), ones (4,4))
 %!error gls (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2), ones (4,4))
 %!error gls (ones (2,2), ones (2,2), ones (4,4,4))
-%!error gls (ones(1,2), ones(2,2), ones (2,2))
-%!error gls (ones(2,2), ones(2,2), ones (2,2))
+%!error gls (ones (1,2), ones (2,2), ones (2,2))
+%!error gls (ones (2,2), ones (2,2), ones (2,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/histc.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/histc.m
@@ -168,9 +168,10 @@
 %! n = histc (x, 0:10, 2);
 %! assert (n, repmat ([repmat(100, 1, 10), 1], [2, 1, 3]));
-%!error histc ();
-%!error histc (1);
-%!error histc (1, 2, 3, 4);
-%!error histc ([1:10 1+i], 2);
-%!error histc (1:10, []);
-%!error histc (1, 1, 3);
+%!error histc ()
+%!error histc (1)
+%!error histc (1, 2, 3, 4)
+%!error histc ([1:10 1+i], 2)
+%!error histc (1:10, [])
+%!error histc (1, 1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/iqr.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/iqr.m
@@ -82,17 +82,17 @@
-%!assert (iqr (1:101), 50);
-%!assert (iqr (single(1:101)), single(50));
+%!assert (iqr (1:101), 50)
+%!assert (iqr (single (1:101)), single (50))
 %%! x = [1:100];
 %%! n = iqr (x, 0:10);
 %%! assert (n, [repmat(100, 1, 10), 1]);
-%!error iqr ();
-%!error iqr (1, 2, 3);
-%!error iqr (1);
-%!error iqr (['A'; 'B']);
-%!error iqr (1:10, 3);
+%!error iqr ()
+%!error iqr (1, 2, 3)
+%!error iqr (1)
+%!error iqr (['A'; 'B'])
+%!error iqr (1:10, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/kendall.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/kendall.m
@@ -121,14 +121,15 @@
 %! assert (kendall (x,y), 1, 5*eps);
 %! assert (kendall (x,fliplr (y)), -1, 5*eps);
-%!assert (kendall (logical(1)), 1);
-%!assert (kendall (single(1)), single(1));
+%!assert (kendall (logical (1)), 1)
+%!assert (kendall (single (1)), single (1))
 %% Test input validation
-%!error kendall ();
-%!error kendall (1, 2, 3);
-%!error kendall (['A'; 'B']);
-%!error kendall (ones(2,1), ['A'; 'B']);
-%!error kendall (ones (2,2,2));
-%!error kendall (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2));
-%!error kendall (ones (2,2), ones (3,2));
+%!error kendall ()
+%!error kendall (1, 2, 3)
+%!error kendall (['A'; 'B'])
+%!error kendall (ones (2,1), ['A'; 'B'])
+%!error kendall (ones (2,2,2))
+%!error kendall (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
+%!error kendall (ones (2,2), ones (3,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/kurtosis.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/kurtosis.m
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@
 %! y = [x, 2*x];
 %! assert (kurtosis (y), [-1.4, -1.4], sqrt (eps));
-%!assert (kurtosis (single(1)), single(0));
+%!assert (kurtosis (single (1)), single (0))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error kurtosis ()
 %!error kurtosis (1, 2, 3)
 %!error kurtosis (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error kurtosis (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error kurtosis (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error kurtosis (1, 1.5)
 %!error kurtosis (1, 0)
 %!error kurtosis (1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/logit.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/logit.m
@@ -50,10 +50,11 @@
 %! p = [0.01:0.01:0.99];
-%! assert(logit (p), log (p ./ (1-p)), 25*eps)
+%! assert (logit (p), log (p ./ (1-p)), 25*eps);
-%!assert(logit ([-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]), [NaN, -Inf, 0, +Inf, NaN])
+%!assert (logit ([-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]), [NaN, -Inf, 0, +Inf, NaN])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error logit ()
 %!error logit (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/mahalanobis.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/mahalanobis.m
@@ -71,10 +71,11 @@
 %% Test input validation
-%!error mahalanobis ();
-%!error mahalanobis (1, 2, 3);
-%!error mahalanobis ('A', 'B');
-%!error mahalanobis ([1, 2], ['A', 'B']);
-%!error mahalanobis (ones (2,2,2));
-%!error mahalanobis (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2));
-%!error mahalanobis (ones (2,2), ones (2,3));
+%!error mahalanobis ()
+%!error mahalanobis (1, 2, 3)
+%!error mahalanobis ('A', 'B')
+%!error mahalanobis ([1, 2], ['A', 'B'])
+%!error mahalanobis (ones (2,2,2))
+%!error mahalanobis (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
+%!error mahalanobis (ones (2,2), ones (2,3))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/mean.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/mean.m
@@ -127,25 +127,25 @@
 %! x = -10:10;
 %! y = x';
 %! z = [y, y+10];
-%! assert(mean (x) == 0);
-%! assert(mean (y) == 0);
-%! assert(mean (z) == [0, 10]);
+%! assert (mean (x), 0);
+%! assert (mean (y), 0);
+%! assert (mean (z), [0, 10]);
-%!assert(mean (magic(3), 1), [5, 5, 5]);
-%!assert(mean (magic(3), 2), [5; 5; 5]);
-%!assert(mean ([2 8], 'g'), 4);
-%!assert(mean ([4 4 2], 'h'), 3);
-%!assert(mean (logical ([1 0 1 1])), 0.75);
-%!assert(mean (single ([1 0 1 1])), single (0.75));
+%!assert (mean (magic (3), 1), [5, 5, 5])
+%!assert (mean (magic (3), 2), [5; 5; 5])
+%!assert (mean ([2 8], "g"), 4)
+%!assert (mean ([4 4 2], "h"), 3)
+%!assert (mean (logical ([1 0 1 1])), 0.75)
+%!assert (mean (single ([1 0 1 1])), single (0.75))
 %% Test input validation
-%!error mean ();
-%!error mean (1, 2, 3, 4);
-%!error mean ({1:5});
-%!error mean (1, 2, 3);
-%!error mean (1, ones(2,2));
-%!error mean (1, 1.5);
-%!error mean (1, 0);
-%!error mean (1, 3);
-%!error mean (1, 'b');
+%!error mean ()
+%!error mean (1, 2, 3, 4)
+%!error mean ({1:5})
+%!error mean (1, 2, 3)
+%!error mean (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error mean (1, 1.5)
+%!error mean (1, 0)
+%!error mean (1, 3)
+%!error mean (1, "b")
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/meansq.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/meansq.m
@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@
-%!assert(meansq (1:5), 11);
-%!assert(meansq (single(1:5)), single(11));
-%!assert(meansq (magic (4)), [94.5, 92.5, 92.5, 94.5]);
-%!assert(meansq (magic (4), 2), [109.5; 77.5; 77.5; 109.5]);
+%!assert (meansq (1:5), 11)
+%!assert (meansq (single (1:5)), single (11))
+%!assert (meansq (magic (4)), [94.5, 92.5, 92.5, 94.5])
+%!assert (meansq (magic (4), 2), [109.5; 77.5; 77.5; 109.5])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error meansq ()
 %!error meansq (1, 2, 3)
-%!error meansq (['A'; 'B']);
-%!error meansq (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error meansq (['A'; 'B'])
+%!error meansq (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error meansq (1, 1.5)
 %!error meansq (1, 0)
 %!error meansq (1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/median.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/median.m
@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@
 %! y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
 %! y2 = y';
-%! assert(median (x) == median (x2) && median (x) == 3.5);
-%! assert(median (y) == median (y2) && median (y) == 4);
-%! assert(median ([x2, 2*x2]) == [3.5, 7]);
-%! assert(median ([y2, 3*y2]) == [4, 12]);
+%! assert (median (x) == median (x2) && median (x) == 3.5);
+%! assert (median (y) == median (y2) && median (y) == 4);
+%! assert (median ([x2, 2*x2]), [3.5, 7]);
+%! assert (median ([y2, 3*y2]), [4, 12]);
-%!assert(median (single([1,2,3])), single(2));
-%!assert(median ([1,2,NaN;4,5,6;NaN,8,9]), [NaN, 5, NaN]);
+%!assert (median (single ([1,2,3])), single (2))
+%!assert (median ([1,2,NaN;4,5,6;NaN,8,9]), [NaN, 5, NaN])
 %% Test input validation
-%!error median ();
-%!error median (1, 2, 3);
-%!error median ({1:5});
-%!error median (['A'; 'B']);
-%!error median (1, ones(2,2));
-%!error median (1, 1.5);
-%!error median (1, 0);
+%!error median ()
+%!error median (1, 2, 3)
+%!error median ({1:5})
+%!error median (['A'; 'B'])
+%!error median (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error median (1, 1.5)
+%!error median (1, 0)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/mode.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/mode.m
@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@
 %! assert (c ,c_exp);
 %! assert (c2,c_exp );
-%!assert(mode ([2,3,1,2,3,4],1),[2,3,1,2,3,4]);
-%!assert(mode ([2,3,1,2,3,4],2),2);
-%!assert(mode ([2,3,1,2,3,4]),2);
-%!assert(mode (single([2,3,1,2,3,4])), single(2));
-%!assert(mode (int8([2,3,1,2,3,4])), int8(2));
+%!assert (mode ([2,3,1,2,3,4],1),[2,3,1,2,3,4])
+%!assert (mode ([2,3,1,2,3,4],2),2)
+%!assert (mode ([2,3,1,2,3,4]),2)
+%!assert (mode (single ([2,3,1,2,3,4])), single (2))
+%!assert (mode (int8 ([2,3,1,2,3,4])), int8 (2))
-%!assert(mode ([2;3;1;2;3;4],1),2);
-%!assert(mode ([2;3;1;2;3;4],2),[2;3;1;2;3;4]);
-%!assert(mode ([2;3;1;2;3;4]),2);
+%!assert (mode ([2;3;1;2;3;4],1),2)
+%!assert (mode ([2;3;1;2;3;4],2),[2;3;1;2;3;4])
+%!assert (mode ([2;3;1;2;3;4]),2)
 %!shared x
 %! x(:,:,1) = toeplitz (1:3);
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 %!error mode (1, 2, 3)
 %!error mode ({1 2 3})
 %!error mode (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error mode (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error mode (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error mode (1, 1.5)
 %!error mode (1, 0)
 %!error mode (1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/moment.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/moment.m
@@ -179,21 +179,21 @@
 %! assert (moment (x,1), mean (x), 1e1*eps);
 %! assert (moment (x,2), meansq (x), 1e1*eps);
 %! assert (moment (x,1,2), mean (x,2), 1e1*eps);
-%! assert (moment (x,1,'c'), mean (center (x)), 1e1*eps);
-%! assert (moment (x,1,'a'), mean (abs (x)), 1e1*eps);
+%! assert (moment (x,1,"c"), mean (center (x)), 1e1*eps);
+%! assert (moment (x,1,"a"), mean (abs (x)), 1e1*eps);
-%!assert (moment (single([1 2 3]),1), single(2));
+%!assert (moment (single ([1 2 3]), 1), single (2))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error moment ()
 %!error moment (1)
 %!error moment (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
 %!error moment (['A'; 'B'], 2)
-%!error moment (ones(2,0,3), 2)
+%!error moment (ones (2,0,3), 2)
 %!error moment (1, true)
-%!error moment (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error moment (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error moment (1, 2, 3, 4)
-%!error moment (1, 2, ones(2,2))
+%!error moment (1, 2, ones (2,2))
 %!error moment (1, 2, 1.5)
 %!error moment (1, 2, 4)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/ols.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/ols.m
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 %! x = [1:5]';
 %! y = 3*x + 2;
 %! x = [x, ones(5,1)];
-%! assert (ols(y,x), [3; 2], 50*eps)
+%! assert (ols (y,x), [3; 2], 50*eps)
 %! x = [1, 2; 3, 4];
@@ -163,11 +163,12 @@
 %! assert (b, [1.4, 2], 2*eps);
 %% Test input validation
-%!error ols ();
-%!error ols (1);
-%!error ols (1, 2, 3);
-%!error ols ([true, true], [1, 2]);
-%!error ols ([1, 2], [true, true]);
-%!error ols (ones (2,2,2), ones (2,2));
-%!error ols (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2));
-%!error ols (ones(1,2), ones(2,2));
+%!error ols ()
+%!error ols (1)
+%!error ols (1, 2, 3)
+%!error ols ([true, true], [1, 2])
+%!error ols ([1, 2], [true, true])
+%!error ols (ones (2,2,2), ones (2,2))
+%!error ols (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
+%!error ols (ones (1,2), ones (2,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/ppplot.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/ppplot.m
@@ -79,6 +79,6 @@
 %% Test input validation
-%!error ppplot ();
-%!error ppplot (ones(2,2));
+%!error ppplot ()
+%!error ppplot (ones (2,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/prctile.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/prctile.m
@@ -173,3 +173,4 @@
 %!error prctile (1, 1, 1.5)
 %!error prctile (1, 1, 0)
 %!error prctile (1, 1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/probit.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/probit.m
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
-%!assert(probit([-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]), [NaN, -Inf, 0, Inf, NaN]);
+%!assert (probit ([-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2]), [NaN, -Inf, 0, Inf, NaN])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error probit ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/quantile.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/quantile.m
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 %! p = 0.5;
 %! x = sort (rand (11));
 %! q = quantile (x, p);
-%! assert (q, x(6,:))
+%! assert (q, x(6,:));
 %! x = x.';
 %! q = quantile (x, p, 2);
 %! assert (q, x(:,6));
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@
 %!      1.0000   1.7500   2.5000   3.2500   4.0000
 %!      1.0000   1.4167   2.5000   3.5833   4.0000
 %!      1.0000   1.4375   2.5000   3.5625   4.0000];
-%! for m = (1:9)
+%! for m = 1:9
 %!   q = quantile (x, p, 1, m).';
-%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001)
+%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001);
 %! endfor
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@
 %!      1.0000   2.0000   3.0000   4.0000   5.0000
 %!      1.0000   1.6667   3.0000   4.3333   5.0000
 %!      1.0000   1.6875   3.0000   4.3125   5.0000];
-%! for m = (1:9)
+%! for m = 1:9
 %!   q = quantile (x, p, 1, m).';
-%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001)
+%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001);
 %! endfor
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
 %!      1.0000   1.7500   3.5000   6.0000   9.0000
 %!      1.0000   1.4167   3.5000   7.3333   9.0000
 %!      1.0000   1.4375   3.5000   7.2500   9.0000];
-%! for m = (1:9)
+%! for m = 1:9
 %!   q = quantile (x, p, 1, m).';
-%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001)
+%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001);
 %! endfor
@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@
 %!      1.0000    2.0000    5.0000    9.0000   11.0000
 %!      1.0000    1.6667    5.0000    9.6667   11.0000
 %!      1.0000    1.6875    5.0000    9.6250   11.0000];
-%! for m = (1:9)
+%! for m = 1:9
 %!   q = quantile (x, p, 1, m).';
-%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001)
+%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001);
 %! endfor
@@ -242,9 +242,9 @@
 %!      6.0000   10.2500   11.5000   14.2500   16.0000
 %!      6.0000    9.8333   11.5000   15.0000   16.0000
 %!      6.0000    9.8750   11.5000   15.0000   16.0000];
-%! for m = (1:9)
+%! for m = 1:9
 %!   q = quantile (x, p, 1, m).';
-%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001)
+%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001);
 %! endfor
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@
 %!      -2.551474  -0.571522  -0.067751   0.106855   0.495271
 %!      -2.551474  -0.591566  -0.067751   0.146459   0.495271
 %!      -2.551474  -0.590801  -0.067751   0.140686   0.495271];
-%! for m = (1:9)
+%! for m = 1:9
 %!   q = quantile (x, p, 1, m).';
-%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001)
+%!   assert (q, a(m,:), 0.0001);
 %! endfor
@@ -274,11 +274,11 @@
 %!      0.933100, 0.931200, 0.963500, 0.779600, 0.846100];
 %! tol = 0.00001;
 %! x(5,5) = NaN;
-%! assert (quantile(x, p, 1), [0.27950, 0.79780, 0.32960, 0.55670, 0.44460], tol);
+%! assert (quantile (x, p, 1), [0.27950, 0.79780, 0.32960, 0.55670, 0.44460], tol);
 %! x(1,1) = NaN;
-%! assert (quantile(x, p, 1), [0.35415, 0.79780, 0.32960, 0.55670, 0.44460], tol);
+%! assert (quantile (x, p, 1), [0.35415, 0.79780, 0.32960, 0.55670, 0.44460], tol);
 %! x(3,3) = NaN;
-%! assert (quantile(x, p, 1), [0.35415, 0.79780, 0.42590, 0.55670, 0.44460], tol);
+%! assert (quantile (x, p, 1), [0.35415, 0.79780, 0.42590, 0.55670, 0.44460], tol);
 %! sx = [2, 3, 4];
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/range.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/range.m
@@ -50,12 +50,13 @@
-%!assert(range (1:10), 9);
-%!assert(range (single(1:10)), single(9));
-%!assert(range (magic (3)), [5, 8, 5]);
-%!assert(range (magic (3), 2), [7; 4; 7]);
-%!assert(range (2), 0);
+%!assert (range (1:10), 9)
+%!assert (range (single (1:10)), single (9))
+%!assert (range (magic (3)), [5, 8, 5])
+%!assert (range (magic (3), 2), [7; 4; 7])
+%!assert (range (2), 0)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error range ()
 %!error range (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/ranks.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/ranks.m
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@
-%!assert(ranks (1:2:10), 1:5);
-%!assert(ranks (10:-2:1), 5:-1:1);
-%!assert(ranks ([2, 1, 2, 4]), [2.5, 1, 2.5, 4]);
-%!assert(ranks (ones(1, 5)), 3*ones(1, 5));
-%!assert(ranks (1e6*ones(1, 5)), 3*ones(1, 5));
-%!assert(ranks (rand (1, 5), 1), ones(1, 5));
+%!assert (ranks (1:2:10), 1:5)
+%!assert (ranks (10:-2:1), 5:-1:1)
+%!assert (ranks ([2, 1, 2, 4]), [2.5, 1, 2.5, 4])
+%!assert (ranks (ones (1, 5)), 3*ones (1, 5))
+%!assert (ranks (1e6*ones (1, 5)), 3*ones (1, 5))
+%!assert (ranks (rand (1, 5), 1), ones (1, 5))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error ranks ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/run_count.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/run_count.m
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@
-%!assert(run_count (magic(3), 4), [1,0,1;1,0,1;0,1,0;0,0,0])
-%!assert(run_count (magic(3), 4, 2), [1,0,1;1,0,1;0,1,0;0,0,0]')
-%!assert(run_count (5:-1:1, 5), [5, 0, 0, 0, 0])
-%!assert(run_count (ones(3), 4), [0,0,0;0,0,0;1,1,1;0,0,0])
+%!assert (run_count (magic (3), 4), [1,0,1;1,0,1;0,1,0;0,0,0])
+%!assert (run_count (magic (3), 4, 2), [1,0,1;1,0,1;0,1,0;0,0,0]')
+%!assert (run_count (5:-1:1, 5), [5, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+%!assert (run_count (ones (3), 4), [0,0,0;0,0,0;1,1,1;0,0,0])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error run_count ()
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
 %!error run_count (1, 2, 3, 4)
 %!error run_count ({1, 2}, 3)
 %!error run_count (['A'; 'A'; 'B'], 3)
-%!error run_count (1:5, ones(2,2))
+%!error run_count (1:5, ones (2,2))
 %!error run_count (1:5, 1.5)
 %!error run_count (1:5, -2)
-%!error run_count (1:5, 3, ones(2,2))
+%!error run_count (1:5, 3, ones (2,2))
 %!error run_count (1:5, 3, 1.5)
 %!error run_count (1:5, 3, 0)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/runlength.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/runlength.m
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
-%!assert (runlength([2 2 0 4 4 4 0 1 1 1 1]), [2 1 3 1 4]);
-%!assert (runlength([2 2 0 4 4 4 0 1 1 1 1]'), [2 1 3 1 4]);
+%!assert (runlength ([2 2 0 4 4 4 0 1 1 1 1]), [2 1 3 1 4])
+%!assert (runlength ([2 2 0 4 4 4 0 1 1 1 1]'), [2 1 3 1 4])
 %! [c, v] = runlength ([2 2 0 4 4 4 0 1 1 1 1]);
 %! assert (c, [2 1 3 1 4]);
@@ -63,4 +63,5 @@
 %!error runlength ()
 %!error runlength (1, 2)
 %!error runlength (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error runlength (ones(2,2))
+%!error runlength (ones (2,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/skewness.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/skewness.m
@@ -79,22 +79,23 @@
-%!assert(skewness ([-1,0,1]), 0);
-%!assert(skewness ([-2,0,1]) < 0);
-%!assert(skewness ([-1,0,2]) > 0);
-%!assert(skewness ([-3,0,1]) == -1*skewness([-1,0,3]));
+%!assert (skewness ([-1,0,1]), 0)
+%!assert (skewness ([-2,0,1]) < 0)
+%!assert (skewness ([-1,0,2]) > 0)
+%!assert (skewness ([-3,0,1]) == -1*skewness ([-1,0,3]))
 %! x = [0; 0; 0; 1];
 %! y = [x, 2*x];
 %! assert(all (abs (skewness (y) - [0.75, 0.75]) < sqrt (eps)));
-%!assert (skewness (single(1)), single(0));
+%!assert (skewness (single (1)), single (0))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error skewness ()
 %!error skewness (1, 2, 3)
 %!error skewness (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error skewness (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error skewness (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error skewness (1, 1.5)
 %!error skewness (1, 0)
 %!error skewness (1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/spearman.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/spearman.m
@@ -82,13 +82,14 @@
 %! assert (spearman (x,y), 1, 5*eps);
 %! assert (spearman (x,-y), -1, 5*eps);
-%!assert(spearman ([1 2 3], [-1 1 -2]), -0.5, 5*eps)
+%!assert (spearman ([1 2 3], [-1 1 -2]), -0.5, 5*eps)
 %% Test input validation
-%!error spearman ();
-%!error spearman (1, 2, 3);
-%!error spearman (['A'; 'B']);
-%!error spearman (ones(1,2), {1, 2});
-%!error spearman (ones (2,2,2));
-%!error spearman (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2));
-%!error spearman (ones (2,2), ones (3,2));
+%!error spearman ()
+%!error spearman (1, 2, 3)
+%!error spearman (['A'; 'B'])
+%!error spearman (ones (1,2), {1, 2})
+%!error spearman (ones (2,2,2))
+%!error spearman (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2))
+%!error spearman (ones (2,2), ones (3,2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/statistics.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/statistics.m
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 %!error statistics ()
 %!error statistics (1, 2, 3)
 %!error statistics (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error statistics (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error statistics (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error statistics (1, 1.5)
 %!error statistics (1, 0)
 %!error statistics (1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/std.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/std.m
@@ -107,21 +107,21 @@
 %! x = ones (10, 2);
 %! y = [1, 3];
-%! assert(std (x) == [0, 0]);
-%! assert(std (y), sqrt (2), sqrt (eps));
-%! assert(std (x, 0, 2), zeros (10, 1));
+%! assert (std (x), [0, 0]);
+%! assert (std (y), sqrt (2), sqrt (eps));
+%! assert (std (x, 0, 2), zeros (10, 1));
-%!assert(std (ones (3, 1, 2), 0, 2), zeros (3, 1, 2));
-%!assert(std ([1 2], 0), sqrt(2)/2, 5*eps);
-%!assert(std ([1 2], 1), 0.5, 5*eps);
-%!assert(std(1), 0);
-%!assert(std(single(1)), single(0));
-%!assert(std([]), []);
-%!assert(std(ones (1,3,0,2)), ones (1,3,0,2));
+%!assert (std (ones (3, 1, 2), 0, 2), zeros (3, 1, 2));
+%!assert (std ([1 2], 0), sqrt (2)/2, 5*eps);
+%!assert (std ([1 2], 1), 0.5, 5*eps);
+%!assert (std (1), 0);
+%!assert (std (single (1)), single (0));
+%!assert (std ([]), []);
+%!assert (std (ones (1,3,0,2)), ones (1,3,0,2));
 %% Test input validation
-%!error std ();
-%!error std (1, 2, 3, 4);
+%!error std ()
+%!error std (1, 2, 3, 4)
 %!error std (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error std (1, -1);
+%!error std (1, -1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/table.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/table.m
@@ -71,3 +71,4 @@
 %!error table (ones (2,2), ones (2,1))
 %!error table (ones (2,1), ones (2,2))
 %!error table (ones (2,1), ones (3,1))
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/var.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/var.m
@@ -106,16 +106,16 @@
-%!assert(var (13), 0);
-%!assert(var (single(13)), single(0));
-%!assert(var ([1,2,3]), 1);
-%!assert(var ([1,2,3], 1), 2/3, eps);
-%!assert(var ([1,2,3], [], 1), [0,0,0]);
+%!assert (var (13), 0)
+%!assert (var (single (13)), single (0))
+%!assert (var ([1,2,3]), 1)
+%!assert (var ([1,2,3], 1), 2/3, eps)
+%!assert (var ([1,2,3], [], 1), [0,0,0])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error var ()
 %!error var (1,2,3,4)
 %!error var (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error var (1, -1);
-%!error var ([],1)
+%!error var (1, -1)
+%!error var ([], 1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/zscore.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/zscore.m
@@ -89,17 +89,17 @@
-%!assert(zscore ([1,2,3]), [-1,0,1])
-%!assert(zscore (single([1,2,3])), single([-1,0,1]))
-%!assert(zscore (int8([1,2,3])), [-1,0,1])
-%!assert(zscore (ones (3,2,2,2)), zeros (3,2,2,2))
-%!assert(zscore ([2,0,-2;0,2,0;-2,-2,2]), [1,0,-1;0,1,0;-1,-1,1])
+%!assert (zscore ([1,2,3]), [-1,0,1])
+%!assert (zscore (single ([1,2,3])), single ([-1,0,1]))
+%!assert (zscore (int8 ([1,2,3])), [-1,0,1])
+%!assert (zscore (ones (3,2,2,2)), zeros (3,2,2,2))
+%!assert (zscore ([2,0,-2;0,2,0;-2,-2,2]), [1,0,-1;0,1,0;-1,-1,1])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error zscore ()
 %!error zscore (1, 2, 3)
 %!error zscore (['A'; 'B'])
-%!error zscore (1, ones(2,2))
+%!error zscore (1, ones (2,2))
 %!error zscore (1, 1.5)
 %!error zscore (1, 1, 0)
 %!error zscore (1, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/betacdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/betacdf.m
@@ -69,25 +69,25 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
 %! y = [0 0 0.75 1 1];
-%!assert(betacdf (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(betacdf (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(betacdf (x, ones(1,5), 2), y);
-%!assert(betacdf (x, [0 1 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1]);
-%!assert(betacdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1]);
-%!assert(betacdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)]);
+%!assert (betacdf (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (betacdf (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (betacdf (x, ones (1,5), 2), y)
+%!assert (betacdf (x, [0 1 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1])
+%!assert (betacdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1])
+%!assert (betacdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(betacdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(betacdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(betacdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(betacdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (betacdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (betacdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (betacdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (betacdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error betacdf ()
 %!error betacdf (1)
 %!error betacdf (1,2)
 %!error betacdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error betacdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error betacdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error betacdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error betacdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error betacdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error betacdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/betainv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/betainv.m
@@ -109,27 +109,27 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.75 1 2];
-%!assert(betainv (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN]);
-%!assert(betainv (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN]);
-%!assert(betainv (x, ones(1,5), 2), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN]);
-%!assert(betainv (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN]);
-%!assert(betainv (x, 1, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN]);
-%!assert(betainv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN 0 NaN 1 NaN]);
+%!assert (betainv (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN])
+%!assert (betainv (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN])
+%!assert (betainv (x, ones (1,5), 2), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN])
+%!assert (betainv (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN])
+%!assert (betainv (x, 1, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN])
+%!assert (betainv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN 0 NaN 1 NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(betainv ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(betainv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(betainv ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(betainv ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (betainv ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN])
+%!assert (betainv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (betainv ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (betainv ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([NaN 0 0.5 1 NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error betainv ()
 %!error betainv (1)
 %!error betainv (1,2)
 %!error betainv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error betainv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error betainv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error betainv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error betainv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error betainv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error betainv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error betainv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error betainv (2, i, 2)
 %!error betainv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/betapdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/betapdf.m
@@ -95,35 +95,35 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
 %! y = [0 2 1 0 0];
-%!assert(betapdf (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(betapdf (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(betapdf (x, ones(1,5), 2), y);
-%!assert(betapdf (x, [0 NaN 1 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN y(3:5)]);
-%!assert(betapdf (x, 1, 2*[0 NaN 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:5)]);
-%!assert(betapdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (betapdf (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (betapdf (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (betapdf (x, ones (1,5), 2), y)
+%!assert (betapdf (x, [0 NaN 1 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN y(3:5)])
+%!assert (betapdf (x, 1, 2*[0 NaN 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:5)])
+%!assert (betapdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(betapdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(betapdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(betapdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (betapdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (betapdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (betapdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Beta (1/2,1/2) == arcsine distribution
 %! x = rand (10,1);
 %! y = 1./(pi * sqrt (x.*(1-x)));
-%! assert(betapdf (x, 1/2, 1/2), y, 50*eps);
+%! assert (betapdf (x, 1/2, 1/2), y, 50*eps);
 %% Test large input values to betapdf
-%!assert (betapdf(0.5, 1000, 1000), 35.678, 1e-3)
+%!assert (betapdf (0.5, 1000, 1000), 35.678, 1e-3)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error betapdf ()
 %!error betapdf (1)
 %!error betapdf (1,2)
 %!error betapdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error betapdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error betapdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error betapdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error betapdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error betapdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error betapdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error betapdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error betapdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error betapdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/betarnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/betarnd.m
@@ -103,35 +103,35 @@
-%!assert(size (betarnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (betarnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (betarnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (betarnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (betarnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (betarnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (betarnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (betarnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (betarnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (betarnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (betarnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (betarnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (betarnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (betarnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (betarnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (betarnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (betarnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (betarnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (betarnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (betarnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (betarnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (betarnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (betarnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (betarnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (betarnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (betarnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error betarnd ()
 %!error betarnd (1)
-%!error betarnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error betarnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error betarnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error betarnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error betarnd (i, 2)
 %!error betarnd (2, i)
 %!error betarnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error betarnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error betarnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error binornd (1,2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error betarnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error betarnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error betarnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error betarnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error betarnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error betarnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error betarnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error betarnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error betarnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/binocdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/binocdf.m
@@ -71,27 +71,27 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 3];
 %! y = [0 1/4 3/4 1 1];
-%!assert(binocdf (x, 2*ones(1,5), 0.5*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(binocdf (x, 2, 0.5*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(binocdf (x, 2*ones(1,5), 0.5), y);
-%!assert(binocdf (x, 2*[0 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 0.5), [0 NaN NaN NaN 1]);
-%!assert(binocdf (x, 2, 0.5*[0 -1 NaN 3 1]), [0 NaN NaN NaN 1]);
-%!assert(binocdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2, 0.5), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)]);
+%!assert (binocdf (x, 2*ones (1,5), 0.5*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (binocdf (x, 2, 0.5*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (binocdf (x, 2*ones (1,5), 0.5), y)
+%!assert (binocdf (x, 2*[0 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 0.5), [0 NaN NaN NaN 1])
+%!assert (binocdf (x, 2, 0.5*[0 -1 NaN 3 1]), [0 NaN NaN NaN 1])
+%!assert (binocdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2, 0.5), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(binocdf ([x, NaN], 2, 0.5), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(binocdf (single([x, NaN]), 2, 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(binocdf ([x, NaN], single(2), 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(binocdf ([x, NaN], 2, single(0.5)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (binocdf ([x, NaN], 2, 0.5), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (binocdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2, 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (binocdf ([x, NaN], single (2), 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (binocdf ([x, NaN], 2, single (0.5)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error binocdf ()
 %!error binocdf (1)
 %!error binocdf (1,2)
 %!error binocdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error binocdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error binocdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error binocdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error binocdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error binocdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error binocdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error binocdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error binocdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error binocdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/binoinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/binoinv.m
@@ -88,27 +88,27 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(binoinv (x, 2*ones(1,5), 0.5*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(binoinv (x, 2, 0.5*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(binoinv (x, 2*ones(1,5), 0.5), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(binoinv (x, 2*[0 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 0.5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(binoinv (x, 2, 0.5*[0 -1 NaN 3 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(binoinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2, 0.5), [NaN 0 NaN 2 NaN]);
+%!assert (binoinv (x, 2*ones (1,5), 0.5*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN])
+%!assert (binoinv (x, 2, 0.5*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN])
+%!assert (binoinv (x, 2*ones (1,5), 0.5), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN])
+%!assert (binoinv (x, 2*[0 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 0.5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (binoinv (x, 2, 0.5*[0 -1 NaN 3 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (binoinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2, 0.5), [NaN 0 NaN 2 NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(binoinv ([x, NaN], 2, 0.5), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(binoinv (single([x, NaN]), 2, 0.5), single([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(binoinv ([x, NaN], single(2), 0.5), single([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(binoinv ([x, NaN], 2, single(0.5)), single([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (binoinv ([x, NaN], 2, 0.5), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN])
+%!assert (binoinv (single ([x, NaN]), 2, 0.5), single ([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (binoinv ([x, NaN], single (2), 0.5), single ([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (binoinv ([x, NaN], 2, single (0.5)), single ([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error binoinv ()
 %!error binoinv (1)
 %!error binoinv (1,2)
 %!error binoinv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error binoinv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error binoinv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error binoinv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error binoinv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error binoinv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error binoinv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error binoinv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error binoinv (2, i, 2)
 %!error binoinv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/binopdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/binopdf.m
@@ -75,26 +75,26 @@
 %! endif
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 3];
 %! y = [0 1/4 1/2 1/4 0];
-%!assert(binopdf (x, 2*ones(1,5), 0.5*ones(1,5)), y, tol);
-%!assert(binopdf (x, 2, 0.5*ones(1,5)), y, tol);
-%!assert(binopdf (x, 2*ones(1,5), 0.5), y, tol);
-%!assert(binopdf (x, 2*[0 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 0.5), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0]);
-%!assert(binopdf (x, 2, 0.5*[0 -1 NaN 3 1]), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0]);
-%!assert(binopdf ([x, NaN], 2, 0.5), [y, NaN], tol);
+%!assert (binopdf (x, 2*ones (1,5), 0.5*ones (1,5)), y, tol)
+%!assert (binopdf (x, 2, 0.5*ones (1,5)), y, tol)
+%!assert (binopdf (x, 2*ones (1,5), 0.5), y, tol)
+%!assert (binopdf (x, 2*[0 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 0.5), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0])
+%!assert (binopdf (x, 2, 0.5*[0 -1 NaN 3 1]), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0])
+%!assert (binopdf ([x, NaN], 2, 0.5), [y, NaN], tol)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(binopdf (single([x, NaN]), 2, 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(binopdf ([x, NaN], single(2), 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(binopdf ([x, NaN], 2, single(0.5)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (binopdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2, 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (binopdf ([x, NaN], single (2), 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (binopdf ([x, NaN], 2, single (0.5)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error binopdf ()
 %!error binopdf (1)
 %!error binopdf (1,2)
 %!error binopdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error binopdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error binopdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error binopdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error binopdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error binopdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error binopdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error binopdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error binopdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error binopdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/binornd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/binornd.m
@@ -120,35 +120,35 @@
 %!assert (binornd (0, 0, 1), 0)
 %!assert (binornd ([0, 0], [0, 0], 1, 2), [0, 0])
-%!assert(size (binornd (2, 1/2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (binornd (2*ones(2,1), 1/2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (binornd (2*ones(2,2), 1/2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (binornd (2, 1/2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (binornd (2, 1/2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (binornd (2, 1/2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (binornd (2, 1/2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (binornd (2, 1/2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (binornd (2, 1/2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (binornd (2*ones (2,1), 1/2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (binornd (2*ones (2,2), 1/2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (binornd (2, 1/2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (binornd (2, 1/2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (binornd (2, 1/2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (binornd (2, 1/2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (binornd (2, 1/2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (binornd (2, 0.5)), "double");
-%!assert(class (binornd (single(2), 0.5)), "single");
-%!assert(class (binornd (single([2 2]), 0.5)), "single");
-%!assert(class (binornd (2, single(0.5))), "single");
-%!assert(class (binornd (2, single([0.5 0.5]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (binornd (2, 0.5)), "double")
+%!assert (class (binornd (single (2), 0.5)), "single")
+%!assert (class (binornd (single ([2 2]), 0.5)), "single")
+%!assert (class (binornd (2, single (0.5))), "single")
+%!assert (class (binornd (2, single ([0.5 0.5]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error binornd ()
 %!error binornd (1)
-%!error binornd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error binornd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error binornd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error binornd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error binornd (i, 2)
 %!error binornd (2, i)
 %!error binornd (1,2, -1)
-%!error binornd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error binornd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error binornd (1,2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error binornd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error binornd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error binornd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error binornd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error binornd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error binornd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error binornd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error binornd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error binornd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_cdf.m
@@ -65,26 +65,26 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
 %! y = 1/pi * atan ((x-1) / 2) + 1/2;
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf (x, ones(1,5), 2), y);
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf (x, [-Inf 1 NaN 1 Inf], 2), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN]);
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 Inf]), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN]);
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)]);
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf (x, ones (1,5), 2), y)
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf (x, [-Inf 1 NaN 1 Inf], 2), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN])
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 Inf]), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN])
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(cauchy_cdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (cauchy_cdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error cauchy_cdf ()
 %!error cauchy_cdf (1,2)
 %!error cauchy_cdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error cauchy_cdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error cauchy_cdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error cauchy_cdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error cauchy_cdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error cauchy_cdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error cauchy_cdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error cauchy_cdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error cauchy_cdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error cauchy_cdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_inv.m
@@ -72,26 +72,26 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(cauchy_inv (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(cauchy_inv (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(cauchy_inv (x, ones(1,5), 2), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(cauchy_inv (x, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(cauchy_inv (x, 1, 2*[1 0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(cauchy_inv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN -Inf NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (cauchy_inv (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (cauchy_inv (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (cauchy_inv (x, ones (1,5), 2), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (cauchy_inv (x, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (cauchy_inv (x, 1, 2*[1 0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (cauchy_inv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN -Inf NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(cauchy_inv ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps);
-%!assert(cauchy_inv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(cauchy_inv ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(cauchy_inv ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (cauchy_inv ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps)
+%!assert (cauchy_inv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (cauchy_inv ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (cauchy_inv ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error cauchy_inv ()
 %!error cauchy_inv (1,2)
 %!error cauchy_inv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error cauchy_inv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error cauchy_inv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error cauchy_inv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error cauchy_inv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error cauchy_inv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error cauchy_inv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error cauchy_inv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error cauchy_inv (2, i, 2)
 %!error cauchy_inv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_pdf.m
@@ -67,30 +67,30 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
 %! y = 1/pi * ( 2 ./ ((x-1).^2 + 2^2) );
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf (x, ones(1,5), 2), y);
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf (x, [-Inf 1 NaN 1 Inf], 2), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN]);
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 Inf]), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN]);
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf (x, ones (1,5), 2), y)
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf (x, [-Inf 1 NaN 1 Inf], 2), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN])
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 Inf]), [NaN y(2) NaN y(4) NaN])
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(cauchy_pdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (cauchy_pdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Cauchy (0,1) == Student's T distribution with 1 DOF
 %! x = rand (10, 1);
-%! assert(cauchy_pdf (x, 0, 1), tpdf (x, 1), eps);
+%! assert (cauchy_pdf (x, 0, 1), tpdf (x, 1), eps);
 %% Test input validation
 %!error cauchy_pdf ()
 %!error cauchy_pdf (1,2)
 %!error cauchy_pdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error cauchy_pdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error cauchy_pdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error cauchy_pdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error cauchy_pdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error cauchy_pdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error cauchy_pdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error cauchy_pdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error cauchy_pdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error cauchy_pdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/cauchy_rnd.m
@@ -98,35 +98,35 @@
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (cauchy_rnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (cauchy_rnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (cauchy_rnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (cauchy_rnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (cauchy_rnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (cauchy_rnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (cauchy_rnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (cauchy_rnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (cauchy_rnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (cauchy_rnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (cauchy_rnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error cauchy_rnd ()
 %!error cauchy_rnd (1)
-%!error cauchy_rnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error cauchy_rnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error cauchy_rnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error cauchy_rnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error cauchy_rnd (i, 2)
 %!error cauchy_rnd (2, i)
 %!error cauchy_rnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error cauchy_rnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error cauchy_rnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error cauchy_rnd (1,2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error cauchy_rnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error cauchy_rnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error cauchy_rnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error cauchy_rnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error cauchy_rnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error cauchy_rnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error cauchy_rnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error cauchy_rnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error cauchy_rnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2cdf.m
@@ -52,22 +52,22 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
 %! y = [0, 1 - exp(-x(2:end)/2)];
-%!assert(chi2cdf (x, 2*ones(1,5)), y, eps);
-%!assert(chi2cdf (x, 2), y, eps);
-%!assert(chi2cdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps);
-%!assert(chi2cdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)], eps);
+%!assert (chi2cdf (x, 2*ones (1,5)), y, eps)
+%!assert (chi2cdf (x, 2), y, eps)
+%!assert (chi2cdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps)
+%!assert (chi2cdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(chi2cdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN], eps);
-%!assert(chi2cdf (single([x, NaN]), 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(chi2cdf ([x, NaN], single(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (chi2cdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN], eps)
+%!assert (chi2cdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (chi2cdf ([x, NaN], single (2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error chi2cdf ()
 %!error chi2cdf (1)
 %!error chi2cdf (1,2,3)
-%!error chi2cdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error chi2cdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error chi2cdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error chi2cdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error chi2cdf (i, 2)
 %!error chi2cdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2inv.m
@@ -51,22 +51,22 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.3934693402873666 1 2];
-%!assert(chi2inv (x, 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], 5*eps);
-%!assert(chi2inv (x, 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], 5*eps);
-%!assert(chi2inv (x, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN], 5*eps);
-%!assert(chi2inv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN], 5*eps);
+%!assert (chi2inv (x, 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], 5*eps)
+%!assert (chi2inv (x, 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], 5*eps)
+%!assert (chi2inv (x, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN], 5*eps)
+%!assert (chi2inv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN], 5*eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(chi2inv ([x, NaN], 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], 5*eps);
-%!assert(chi2inv (single([x, NaN]), 2), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), 5*eps("single"));
-%!assert(chi2inv ([x, NaN], single(2)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), 5*eps("single"));
+%!assert (chi2inv ([x, NaN], 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], 5*eps)
+%!assert (chi2inv (single ([x, NaN]), 2), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), 5*eps ("single"))
+%!assert (chi2inv ([x, NaN], single (2)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), 5*eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error chi2inv ()
 %!error chi2inv (1)
 %!error chi2inv (1,2,3)
-%!error chi2inv (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error chi2inv (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error chi2inv (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error chi2inv (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error chi2inv (i, 2)
 %!error chi2inv (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2pdf.m
@@ -52,21 +52,21 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0, 1/2 * exp(-x(2:5)/2)];
-%!assert(chi2pdf (x, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(chi2pdf (x, 2), y);
-%!assert(chi2pdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(chi2pdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (chi2pdf (x, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (chi2pdf (x, 2), y)
+%!assert (chi2pdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (chi2pdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(chi2pdf (single([x, NaN]), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(chi2pdf ([x, NaN], single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (chi2pdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (chi2pdf ([x, NaN], single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error chi2pdf ()
 %!error chi2pdf (1)
 %!error chi2pdf (1,2,3)
-%!error chi2pdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error chi2pdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error chi2pdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error chi2pdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error chi2pdf (i, 2)
 %!error chi2pdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/chi2rnd.m
@@ -94,27 +94,27 @@
-%!assert(size (chi2rnd (2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (chi2rnd (ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (chi2rnd (ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (chi2rnd (1, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (chi2rnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (chi2rnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (chi2rnd (2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (chi2rnd (ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (chi2rnd (ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (chi2rnd (1, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (chi2rnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (chi2rnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (chi2rnd (2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (chi2rnd (single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (chi2rnd (single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (chi2rnd (2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (chi2rnd (single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (chi2rnd (single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error chi2rnd ()
-%!error chi2rnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error chi2rnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error chi2rnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error chi2rnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error chi2rnd (i)
 %!error chi2rnd (1, -1)
-%!error chi2rnd (1, ones(2))
+%!error chi2rnd (1, ones (2))
 %!error chi2rnd (1, [2 -1 2])
-%!error chi2rnd (ones(2,2), 3)
-%!error chi2rnd (ones(2,2), [3, 2])
-%!error chi2rnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error chi2rnd (ones (2,2), 3)
+%!error chi2rnd (ones (2,2), [3, 2])
+%!error chi2rnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_cdf.m
@@ -58,24 +58,24 @@
 %!shared x,v,p,y
 %! x = [-1 0.1 1.1 1.9 3];
 %! v = 0.1:0.2:1.9;
-%! p = 1/length(v) * ones(1, length(v));
+%! p = 1/length(v) * ones (1, length(v));
 %! y = [0 0.1 0.6 1 1];
-%!assert(discrete_cdf ([x, NaN], v, p), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (discrete_cdf ([x, NaN], v, p), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(discrete_cdf (single([x, NaN]), v, p), single([y, NaN]), 2*eps("single"));
-%!assert(discrete_cdf ([x, NaN], single(v), p), single([y, NaN]), 2*eps("single"));
-%!assert(discrete_cdf ([x, NaN], v, single(p)), single([y, NaN]), 2*eps("single"));
+%!assert (discrete_cdf (single ([x, NaN]), v, p), single ([y, NaN]), 2*eps ("single"))
+%!assert (discrete_cdf ([x, NaN], single (v), p), single ([y, NaN]), 2*eps ("single"))
+%!assert (discrete_cdf ([x, NaN], v, single (p)), single ([y, NaN]), 2*eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error discrete_cdf ()
 %!error discrete_cdf (1)
 %!error discrete_cdf (1,2)
 %!error discrete_cdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones(2), ones(2,1))
-%!error discrete_cdf (1, [1 ; NaN], ones(2,1))
-%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones(2,1), ones(1,1))
-%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones(2,1), [1 -1])
-%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones(2,1), [1 NaN])
-%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones(2,1), [0  0])
+%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones (2), ones (2,1))
+%!error discrete_cdf (1, [1 ; NaN], ones (2,1))
+%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones (2,1), ones (1,1))
+%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones (2,1), [1 -1])
+%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones (2,1), [1 NaN])
+%!error discrete_cdf (1, ones (2,1), [0  0])
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_inv.m
@@ -73,23 +73,23 @@
 %!shared x,v,p,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.1 0.5 1 2];
 %! v = 0.1:0.2:1.9;
-%! p = 1/length(v) * ones(1, length(v));
+%! p = 1/length(v) * ones (1, length(v));
 %! y = [NaN v(1) v(1) v(end/2) v(end) NaN];
-%!assert(discrete_inv ([x, NaN], v, p), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (discrete_inv ([x, NaN], v, p), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(discrete_inv (single([x, NaN]), v, p), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(discrete_inv ([x, NaN], single(v), p), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(discrete_inv ([x, NaN], v, single(p)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (discrete_inv (single ([x, NaN]), v, p), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (discrete_inv ([x, NaN], single (v), p), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (discrete_inv ([x, NaN], v, single (p)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error discrete_inv ()
 %!error discrete_inv (1)
 %!error discrete_inv (1,2)
 %!error discrete_inv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error discrete_inv (1, ones(2), ones(2,1))
-%!error discrete_inv (1, ones(2,1), ones(1,1))
-%!error discrete_inv (1, ones(2,1), [1 NaN])
-%!error discrete_inv (1, ones(2,1), [1 -1])
-%!error discrete_inv (1, ones(2,1), [0  0])
+%!error discrete_inv (1, ones (2), ones (2,1))
+%!error discrete_inv (1, ones (2,1), ones (1,1))
+%!error discrete_inv (1, ones (2,1), [1 NaN])
+%!error discrete_inv (1, ones (2,1), [1 -1])
+%!error discrete_inv (1, ones (2,1), [0  0])
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_pdf.m
@@ -62,24 +62,24 @@
 %!shared x,v,p,y
 %! x = [-1 0.1 1.1 1.9 3];
 %! v = 0.1:0.2:1.9;
-%! p = 1/length(v) * ones(1, length(v));
+%! p = 1/length (v) * ones (1, length (v));
 %! y = [0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0];
-%!assert(discrete_pdf ([x, NaN], v, p), [y, NaN], 5*eps);
+%!assert (discrete_pdf ([x, NaN], v, p), [y, NaN], 5*eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(discrete_pdf (single([x, NaN]), v, p), single([y, NaN]), 5*eps("single"));
-%!assert(discrete_pdf ([x, NaN], single(v), p), single([y, NaN]), 5*eps("single"));
-%!assert(discrete_pdf ([x, NaN], v, single(p)), single([y, NaN]), 5*eps("single"));
+%!assert (discrete_pdf (single ([x, NaN]), v, p), single ([y, NaN]), 5*eps ("single"))
+%!assert (discrete_pdf ([x, NaN], single (v), p), single ([y, NaN]), 5*eps ("single"))
+%!assert (discrete_pdf ([x, NaN], v, single (p)), single ([y, NaN]), 5*eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error discrete_pdf ()
 %!error discrete_pdf (1)
 %!error discrete_pdf (1,2)
 %!error discrete_pdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones(2), ones(2,1))
-%!error discrete_pdf (1, [1 ; NaN], ones(2,1))
-%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones(2,1), ones(1,1))
-%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones(2,1), [1 -1])
-%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones(2,1), [1 NaN])
-%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones(2,1), [0  0])
+%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones (2), ones (2,1))
+%!error discrete_pdf (1, [1 ; NaN], ones (2,1))
+%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones (2,1), ones (1,1))
+%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones (2,1), [1 -1])
+%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones (2,1), [1 NaN])
+%!error discrete_pdf (1, ones (2,1), [0  0])
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/discrete_rnd.m
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@
-%!assert(size (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (discrete_rnd (single(1:2), 1:2)), "single");
+%!assert (class (discrete_rnd (1:2, 1:2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (discrete_rnd (single (1:2), 1:2)), "single")
 ## FIXME: Maybe this should work, maybe it shouldn't.
 #%!assert(class (discrete_rnd (1:2, single(1:2))), "single");
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@
 %!error discrete_rnd ()
 %!error discrete_rnd (1)
 %!error discrete_rnd (1:2,1:2, -1)
-%!error discrete_rnd (1:2,1:2, ones(2))
+%!error discrete_rnd (1:2,1:2, ones (2))
 %!error discrete_rnd (1:2,1:2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error discrete_rnd (1:2,1:2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error discrete_rnd (1:2,1:2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error discrete_rnd (1:2,1:2, 1, -1)
 %% test v,p verification
-%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones(2), ones(2,1))
-%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones(2,1), ones(1,1))
-%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones(2,1), [1 -1])
-%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones(2,1), [1 NaN])
-%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones(2,1), [0  0])
+%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones (2), ones (2,1))
+%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones (2,1), ones (1,1))
+%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones (2,1), [1 -1])
+%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones (2,1), [1 NaN])
+%!error discrete_rnd (1, ones (2,1), [0  0])
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_cdf.m
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@
 %! x = [-1 0.1 1.1 1.9 3];
 %! v = 0.1:0.2:1.9;
 %! y = [0 0.1 0.6 1 1];
-%!assert(empirical_cdf (x, v), y, eps);
-%!assert(empirical_cdf ([x(1) NaN x(3:5)], v), [0 NaN 0.6 1 1], eps);
+%!assert (empirical_cdf (x, v), y, eps)
+%!assert (empirical_cdf ([x(1) NaN x(3:5)], v), [0 NaN 0.6 1 1], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(empirical_cdf ([x, NaN], v), [y, NaN], eps);
-%!assert(empirical_cdf (single([x, NaN]), v), single([y, NaN]), eps);
-%!assert(empirical_cdf ([x, NaN], single(v)), single([y, NaN]), eps);
+%!assert (empirical_cdf ([x, NaN], v), [y, NaN], eps)
+%!assert (empirical_cdf (single ([x, NaN]), v), single ([y, NaN]), eps)
+%!assert (empirical_cdf ([x, NaN], single (v)), single ([y, NaN]), eps)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error empirical_cdf ()
 %!error empirical_cdf (1)
 %!error empirical_cdf (1,2,3)
-%!error empirical_cdf (1, ones(2))
+%!error empirical_cdf (1, ones (2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_inv.m
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@
 %! x = [-1 0 0.1 0.5 1 2];
 %! v = 0.1:0.2:1.9;
 %! y = [NaN v(1) v(1) v(end/2) v(end) NaN];
-%!assert(empirical_inv (x, v), y, eps);
+%!assert (empirical_inv (x, v), y, eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(empirical_inv ([x, NaN], v), [y, NaN], eps);
-%!assert(empirical_inv (single([x, NaN]), v), single([y, NaN]), eps);
-%!assert(empirical_inv ([x, NaN], single(v)), single([y, NaN]), eps);
+%!assert (empirical_inv ([x, NaN], v), [y, NaN], eps)
+%!assert (empirical_inv (single ([x, NaN]), v), single ([y, NaN]), eps)
+%!assert (empirical_inv ([x, NaN], single (v)), single ([y, NaN]), eps)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error empirical_inv ()
 %!error empirical_inv (1)
 %!error empirical_inv (1,2,3)
-%!error empirical_inv (1, ones(2))
+%!error empirical_inv (1, ones (2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_pdf.m
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@
 %! x = [-1 0.1 1.1 1.9 3];
 %! v = 0.1:0.2:1.9;
 %! y = [0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0];
-%!assert(empirical_pdf (x, v), y);
+%!assert (empirical_pdf (x, v), y)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(empirical_pdf (single(x), v), single (y));
-%!assert(empirical_pdf (x, single(v)), single (y));
+%!assert (empirical_pdf (single (x), v), single (y))
+%!assert (empirical_pdf (x, single (v)), single (y))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error empirical_pdf ()
 %!error empirical_pdf (1)
 %!error empirical_pdf (1,2,3)
-%!error empirical_inv (1, ones(2))
+%!error empirical_inv (1, ones (2))
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/empirical_rnd.m
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@
-%!assert(size (empirical_rnd (ones (3, 1))), [3, 1]);
-%!assert(size (empirical_rnd (1:2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (empirical_rnd (1:2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (empirical_rnd (ones (3, 1))), [3, 1])
+%!assert (size (empirical_rnd (1:2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (empirical_rnd (1:2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (empirical_rnd (1:2, 1)), "double");
-%!assert(class (empirical_rnd (single(1:2), 1)), "single");
+%!assert (class (empirical_rnd (1:2, 1)), "double")
+%!assert (class (empirical_rnd (single (1:2), 1)), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error empirical_rnd ()
-%!error empirical_rnd (ones(2), 1)
+%!error empirical_rnd (ones (2), 1)
 %% test data verification
-%!error empirical_rnd (ones(2), 1, 1)
+%!error empirical_rnd (ones (2), 1, 1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/expcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/expcdf.m
@@ -71,21 +71,21 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0, 1 - exp(-x(2:end)/2)];
-%!assert(expcdf (x, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(expcdf (x, 2), y);
-%!assert(expcdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
+%!assert (expcdf (x, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (expcdf (x, 2), y)
+%!assert (expcdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(expcdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(expcdf (single([x, NaN]), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(expcdf ([x, NaN], single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (expcdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (expcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (expcdf ([x, NaN], single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error expcdf ()
 %!error expcdf (1)
 %!error expcdf (1,2,3)
-%!error expcdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error expcdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error expcdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error expcdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error expcdf (i, 2)
 %!error expcdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/expinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/expinv.m
@@ -74,22 +74,22 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.3934693402873666 1 2];
-%!assert(expinv (x, 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(expinv (x, 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(expinv (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(expinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN], eps);
+%!assert (expinv (x, 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (expinv (x, 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (expinv (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (expinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(expinv ([x, NaN], 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps);
-%!assert(expinv (single([x, NaN]), 2), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps);
-%!assert(expinv ([x, NaN], single(2)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps);
+%!assert (expinv ([x, NaN], 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps)
+%!assert (expinv (single ([x, NaN]), 2), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps)
+%!assert (expinv ([x, NaN], single (2)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error expinv ()
 %!error expinv (1)
 %!error expinv (1,2,3)
-%!error expinv (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error expinv (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error expinv (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error expinv (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error expinv (i, 2)
 %!error expinv (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/exppdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/exppdf.m
@@ -65,20 +65,20 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 Inf];
 %! y = gampdf (x, 1, 2);
-%!assert(exppdf (x, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(exppdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(exppdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (exppdf (x, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (exppdf (x, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (exppdf ([x, NaN], 2), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(exppdf (single([x, NaN]), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(exppdf ([x, NaN], single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (exppdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (exppdf ([x, NaN], single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error exppdf ()
 %!error exppdf (1)
 %!error exppdf (1,2,3)
-%!error exppdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error exppdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error exppdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error exppdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error exppdf (i, 2)
 %!error exppdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/exprnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/exprnd.m
@@ -91,27 +91,27 @@
-%!assert(size (exprnd (2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (exprnd (ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (exprnd (ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (exprnd (1, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (exprnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (exprnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (exprnd (2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (exprnd (ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (exprnd (ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (exprnd (1, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (exprnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (exprnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (exprnd (1)), "double");
-%!assert(class (exprnd (single(1))), "single");
-%!assert(class (exprnd (single([1 1]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (exprnd (1)), "double")
+%!assert (class (exprnd (single (1))), "single")
+%!assert (class (exprnd (single ([1 1]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error exprnd ()
 %!error exprnd (1, -1)
-%!error exprnd (1, ones(2))
+%!error exprnd (1, ones (2))
 %!error exprnd (i)
 %!error exprnd (1, [2 -1 2])
 %!error exprnd (1, 2, -1)
-%!error exprnd (1, 2, ones(2))
-%!error exprnd (ones(2,2), 3)
-%!error exprnd (ones(2,2), [3, 2])
-%!error exprnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error exprnd (1, 2, ones (2))
+%!error exprnd (ones (2,2), 3)
+%!error exprnd (ones (2,2), [3, 2])
+%!error exprnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/fcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/fcdf.m
@@ -69,27 +69,27 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2 Inf];
 %! y = [0 0 1/3 1/2 2/3 1];
-%!assert(fcdf (x, 2*ones(1,6), 2*ones(1,6)), y, eps);
-%!assert(fcdf (x, 2, 2*ones(1,6)), y, eps);
-%!assert(fcdf (x, 2*ones(1,6), 2), y, eps);
-%!assert(fcdf (x, [0 NaN Inf 2 2 2], 2), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:6)], eps);
-%!assert(fcdf (x, 2, [0 NaN Inf 2 2 2]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:6)], eps);
-%!assert(fcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:6)], 2, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:6)], eps);
+%!assert (fcdf (x, 2*ones (1,6), 2*ones (1,6)), y, eps)
+%!assert (fcdf (x, 2, 2*ones (1,6)), y, eps)
+%!assert (fcdf (x, 2*ones (1,6), 2), y, eps)
+%!assert (fcdf (x, [0 NaN Inf 2 2 2], 2), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:6)], eps)
+%!assert (fcdf (x, 2, [0 NaN Inf 2 2 2]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:6)], eps)
+%!assert (fcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:6)], 2, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:6)], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(fcdf ([x, NaN], 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps);
-%!assert(fcdf (single([x, NaN]), 2, 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(fcdf ([x, NaN], single(2), 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(fcdf ([x, NaN], 2, single(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (fcdf ([x, NaN], 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps)
+%!assert (fcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2, 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (fcdf ([x, NaN], single (2), 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (fcdf ([x, NaN], 2, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error fcdf ()
 %!error fcdf (1)
 %!error fcdf (1,2)
 %!error fcdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error fcdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error fcdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error fcdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error fcdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error fcdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error fcdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error fcdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error fcdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error fcdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/finv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/finv.m
@@ -66,27 +66,27 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(finv (x, 2*ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(finv (x, 2, 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(finv (x, 2*ones(1,5), 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(finv (x, [2 -Inf NaN Inf 2], 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(finv (x, 2, [2 -Inf NaN Inf 2]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(finv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2, 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (finv (x, 2*ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (finv (x, 2, 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (finv (x, 2*ones (1,5), 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (finv (x, [2 -Inf NaN Inf 2], 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (finv (x, 2, [2 -Inf NaN Inf 2]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (finv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 2, 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(finv ([x, NaN], 2, 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(finv (single([x, NaN]), 2, 2), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(finv ([x, NaN], single(2), 2), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(finv ([x, NaN], 2, single(2)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (finv ([x, NaN], 2, 2), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (finv (single ([x, NaN]), 2, 2), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (finv ([x, NaN], single (2), 2), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (finv ([x, NaN], 2, single (2)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error finv ()
 %!error finv (1)
 %!error finv (1,2)
 %!error finv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error finv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error finv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error finv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error finv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error finv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error finv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error finv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error finv (2, i, 2)
 %!error finv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/fpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/fpdf.m
@@ -74,31 +74,31 @@
 %! x = rand (10,1);
 %! x = x(x > 0.1 & x < 0.9);
 %! y = tpdf (sqrt (x), 2) ./ sqrt (x);
-%! assert(fpdf (x, 1, 2), y, 5*eps);
+%! assert (fpdf (x, 1, 2), y, 5*eps);
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
 %! y = [0 0 4/9 1/4 1/9];
-%!assert(fpdf (x, 2*ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), y, eps);
-%!assert(fpdf (x, 2, 2*ones(1,5)), y, eps);
-%!assert(fpdf (x, 2*ones(1,5), 2), y, eps);
-%!assert(fpdf (x, [0 NaN Inf 2 2], 2), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps);
-%!assert(fpdf (x, 2, [0 NaN Inf 2 2]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps);
-%!assert(fpdf ([x, NaN], 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (fpdf (x, 2*ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), y, eps)
+%!assert (fpdf (x, 2, 2*ones (1,5)), y, eps)
+%!assert (fpdf (x, 2*ones (1,5), 2), y, eps)
+%!assert (fpdf (x, [0 NaN Inf 2 2], 2), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps)
+%!assert (fpdf (x, 2, [0 NaN Inf 2 2]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps)
+%!assert (fpdf ([x, NaN], 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(fpdf (single([x, NaN]), 2, 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(fpdf ([x, NaN], single(2), 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(fpdf ([x, NaN], 2, single(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (fpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 2, 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (fpdf ([x, NaN], single (2), 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (fpdf ([x, NaN], 2, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error fpdf ()
 %!error fpdf (1)
 %!error fpdf (1,2)
 %!error fpdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error fpdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error fpdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error fpdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error fpdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error fpdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error fpdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error fpdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error fpdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error fpdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/frnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/frnd.m
@@ -98,35 +98,35 @@
-%!assert(size (frnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (frnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (frnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (frnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (frnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (frnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (frnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (frnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (frnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (frnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (frnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (frnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (frnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (frnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (frnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (frnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (frnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (frnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (frnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (frnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (frnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (frnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (frnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (frnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (frnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (frnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error frnd ()
 %!error frnd (1)
-%!error frnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error frnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error frnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error frnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error frnd (i, 2)
 %!error frnd (2, i)
 %!error frnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error frnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error frnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error frnd (1, 2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error frnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error frnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error frnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error frnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error frnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error frnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error frnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error frnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error frnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/gamcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/gamcdf.m
@@ -66,25 +66,25 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2 Inf];
 %! y = [0, gammainc(x(2:end), 1)];
-%!assert(gamcdf (x, ones(1,6), ones(1,6)), y);
-%!assert(gamcdf (x, 1, ones(1,6)), y);
-%!assert(gamcdf (x, ones(1,6), 1), y);
-%!assert(gamcdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN y(5:6)]);
-%!assert(gamcdf (x, 1, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN y(5:6)]);
-%!assert(gamcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:6)], 1, 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:6)]);
+%!assert (gamcdf (x, ones (1,6), ones (1,6)), y)
+%!assert (gamcdf (x, 1, ones (1,6)), y)
+%!assert (gamcdf (x, ones (1,6), 1), y)
+%!assert (gamcdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN y(5:6)])
+%!assert (gamcdf (x, 1, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN y(5:6)])
+%!assert (gamcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:6)], 1, 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:6)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(gamcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(gamcdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (gamcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (gamcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error gamcdf ()
 %!error gamcdf (1)
 %!error gamcdf (1,2)
 %!error gamcdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error gamcdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error gamcdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error gamcdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error gamcdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error gamcdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error gamcdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error gamcdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error gamcdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error gamcdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/gaminv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/gaminv.m
@@ -102,27 +102,27 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.63212055882855778 1 2];
-%!assert(gaminv (x, ones(1,5), ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(gaminv (x, 1, ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(gaminv (x, ones(1,5), 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(gaminv (x, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(gaminv (x, 1, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(gaminv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (gaminv (x, ones (1,5), ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (gaminv (x, 1, ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (gaminv (x, ones (1,5), 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (gaminv (x, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (gaminv (x, 1, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (gaminv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(gaminv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps);
-%!assert(gaminv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(gaminv ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(gaminv ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (gaminv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps)
+%!assert (gaminv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (gaminv ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (gaminv ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error gaminv ()
 %!error gaminv (1)
 %!error gaminv (1,2)
 %!error gaminv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error gaminv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error gaminv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error gaminv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error gaminv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error gaminv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error gaminv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error gaminv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error gaminv (2, i, 2)
 %!error gaminv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/gampdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/gampdf.m
@@ -77,26 +77,26 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0 exp(-x(2:end))];
-%!assert(gampdf (x, ones(1,5), ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(gampdf (x, 1, ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(gampdf (x, ones(1,5), 1), y);
-%!assert(gampdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN y(5)]);
-%!assert(gampdf (x, 1, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 0 y(5)]);
-%!assert(gampdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (gampdf (x, ones (1,5), ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (gampdf (x, 1, ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (gampdf (x, ones (1,5), 1), y)
+%!assert (gampdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN y(5)])
+%!assert (gampdf (x, 1, [0 -Inf NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 0 y(5)])
+%!assert (gampdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(gampdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(gampdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(gampdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (gampdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (gampdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (gampdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error gampdf ()
 %!error gampdf (1)
 %!error gampdf (1,2)
 %!error gampdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error gampdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error gampdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error gampdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error gampdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error gampdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error gampdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error gampdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error gampdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error gampdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/gamrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/gamrnd.m
@@ -101,35 +101,35 @@
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (gamrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (gamrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (gamrnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (gamrnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (gamrnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (gamrnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (gamrnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (gamrnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (gamrnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (gamrnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (gamrnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (gamrnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error gamrnd ()
 %!error gamrnd (1)
-%!error gamrnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error gamrnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error gamrnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error gamrnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error gamrnd (i, 2)
 %!error gamrnd (2, i)
 %!error gamrnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error gamrnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error gamrnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error gamrnd (1, 2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error gamrnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error gamrnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error gamrnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error gamrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error gamrnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error gamrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error gamrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error gamrnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error gamrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/geocdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/geocdf.m
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0 0.5 0.75 1];
-%!assert(geocdf (x, 0.5*ones(1,4)), y);
-%!assert(geocdf (x, 0.5), y);
-%!assert(geocdf (x, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4)]);
-%!assert(geocdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4)], 0.5), [y(1:2) NaN y(4)]);
+%!assert (geocdf (x, 0.5*ones (1,4)), y)
+%!assert (geocdf (x, 0.5), y)
+%!assert (geocdf (x, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4)])
+%!assert (geocdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4)], 0.5), [y(1:2) NaN y(4)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(geocdf ([x, NaN], 0.5), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(geocdf (single([x, NaN]), 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(geocdf ([x, NaN], single(0.5)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (geocdf ([x, NaN], 0.5), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (geocdf (single ([x, NaN]), 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (geocdf ([x, NaN], single (0.5)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error geocdf ()
 %!error geocdf (1)
 %!error geocdf (1,2,3)
-%!error geocdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error geocdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error geocdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error geocdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error geocdf (i, 2)
 %!error geocdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/geoinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/geoinv.m
@@ -64,22 +64,22 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.75 1 2];
-%!assert(geoinv (x, 0.5*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(geoinv (x, 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(geoinv (x, 0.5*[1 -1 NaN 4 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(geoinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 0.5), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (geoinv (x, 0.5*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (geoinv (x, 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (geoinv (x, 0.5*[1 -1 NaN 4 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (geoinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 0.5), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(geoinv ([x, NaN], 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(geoinv (single([x, NaN]), 0.5), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(geoinv ([x, NaN], single(0.5)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (geoinv ([x, NaN], 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (geoinv (single ([x, NaN]), 0.5), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (geoinv ([x, NaN], single (0.5)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error geoinv ()
 %!error geoinv (1)
 %!error geoinv (1,2,3)
-%!error geoinv (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error geoinv (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error geoinv (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error geoinv (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error geoinv (i, 2)
 %!error geoinv (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/geopdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/geopdf.m
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0, 1/2, 1/4, NaN];
-%!assert(geopdf (x, 0.5*ones(1,4)), y);
-%!assert(geopdf (x, 0.5), y);
-%!assert(geopdf (x, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4)]);
-%!assert(geopdf ([x, NaN], 0.5), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (geopdf (x, 0.5*ones (1,4)), y)
+%!assert (geopdf (x, 0.5), y)
+%!assert (geopdf (x, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4)])
+%!assert (geopdf ([x, NaN], 0.5), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(geopdf (single([x, NaN]), 0.5), single([y, NaN]), 5*eps("single"));
-%!assert(geopdf ([x, NaN], single(0.5)), single([y, NaN]), 5*eps("single"));
+%!assert (geopdf (single ([x, NaN]), 0.5), single ([y, NaN]), 5*eps ("single"))
+%!assert (geopdf ([x, NaN], single (0.5)), single ([y, NaN]), 5*eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error geopdf ()
 %!error geopdf (1)
 %!error geopdf (1,2,3)
-%!error geopdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error geopdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error geopdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error geopdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error geopdf (i, 2)
 %!error geopdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/geornd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/geornd.m
@@ -98,28 +98,28 @@
-%!assert(size (geornd (0.5)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (geornd (0.5*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (geornd (0.5*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (geornd (0.5, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (geornd (0.5, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (geornd (0.5, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (geornd (0.5)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (geornd (0.5*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (geornd (0.5*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (geornd (0.5, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (geornd (0.5, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (geornd (0.5, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (geornd (0.5)), "double");
-%!assert(class (geornd (single(0.5))), "single");
-%!assert(class (geornd (single([0.5 0.5]))), "single");
-%!assert(class (geornd (single(0))), "single");
-%!assert(class (geornd (single(1))), "single");
+%!assert (class (geornd (0.5)), "double")
+%!assert (class (geornd (single (0.5))), "single")
+%!assert (class (geornd (single ([0.5 0.5]))), "single")
+%!assert (class (geornd (single (0))), "single")
+%!assert (class (geornd (single (1))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error geornd ()
-%!error geornd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error geornd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error geornd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error geornd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error geornd (i)
 %!error geornd (1, -1)
-%!error geornd (1, ones(2))
+%!error geornd (1, ones (2))
 %!error geornd (1, [2 -1 2])
-%!error geornd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error geornd (ones(2,2), 3, 2)
+%!error geornd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error geornd (ones (2,2), 3, 2)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygecdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygecdf.m
@@ -76,22 +76,22 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 3];
 %! y = [0 1/6 5/6 1 1];
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4*ones(1,5), 2, 2), y, eps);
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4, 2*ones(1,5), 2), y, eps);
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4, 2, 2*ones(1,5)), y, eps);
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2, 2), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN y(5)], eps);
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN y(5)], eps);
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4, 5, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4, 2, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN y(5)], eps);
-%!assert(hygecdf (x, 4, 2, 5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygecdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 4, 2, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)], eps);
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4*ones (1,5), 2, 2), y, eps)
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4, 2*ones (1,5), 2), y, eps)
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4, 2, 2*ones (1,5)), y, eps)
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2, 2), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN y(5)], eps)
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN y(5)], eps)
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4, 5, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4, 2, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN y(5)], eps)
+%!assert (hygecdf (x, 4, 2, 5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygecdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 4, 2, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(hygecdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps);
-%!assert(hygecdf (single([x, NaN]), 4, 2, 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(hygecdf ([x, NaN], single(4), 2, 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(hygecdf ([x, NaN], 4, single(2), 2), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(hygecdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, single(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (hygecdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps)
+%!assert (hygecdf (single ([x, NaN]), 4, 2, 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (hygecdf ([x, NaN], single (4), 2, 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (hygecdf ([x, NaN], 4, single (2), 2), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (hygecdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error hygecdf ()
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
 %!error hygecdf (1,2)
 %!error hygecdf (1,2,3)
 %!error hygecdf (1,2,3,4,5)
-%!error hygecdf (ones(2), ones(3), 1, 1)
-%!error hygecdf (1, ones(2), ones(3), 1)
-%!error hygecdf (1, 1, ones(2), ones(3))
+%!error hygecdf (ones (2), ones (3), 1, 1)
+%!error hygecdf (1, ones (2), ones (3), 1)
+%!error hygecdf (1, 1, ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error hygecdf (i, 2, 2, 2)
 %!error hygecdf (2, i, 2, 2)
 %!error hygecdf (2, 2, i, 2)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygeinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygeinv.m
@@ -80,23 +80,23 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4*ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4*ones(1,5), 2, 2), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4, 2*ones(1,5), 2), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4, 2, 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4, 5, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4, 2, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (x, 4, 2, 5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 4, 2, 2), [NaN 0 NaN 2 NaN]);
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4*ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4*ones (1,5), 2, 2), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4, 2*ones (1,5), 2), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4, 2, 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4, 5, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4, 2, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (x, 4, 2, 5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 4, 2, 2), [NaN 0 NaN 2 NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(hygeinv ([x, NaN], 4, 2, 2), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygeinv (single([x, NaN]), 4, 2, 2), single([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(hygeinv ([x, NaN], single(4), 2, 2), single([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(hygeinv ([x, NaN], 4, single(2), 2), single([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(hygeinv ([x, NaN], 4, 2, single(2)), single([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (hygeinv ([x, NaN], 4, 2, 2), [NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygeinv (single ([x, NaN]), 4, 2, 2), single ([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (hygeinv ([x, NaN], single (4), 2, 2), single ([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (hygeinv ([x, NaN], 4, single (2), 2), single ([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (hygeinv ([x, NaN], 4, 2, single (2)), single ([NaN 0 1 2 NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error hygeinv ()
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
 %!error hygeinv (1,2)
 %!error hygeinv (1,2,3)
 %!error hygeinv (1,2,3,4,5)
-%!error hygeinv (ones(2), ones(3), 1, 1)
-%!error hygeinv (1, ones(2), ones(3), 1)
-%!error hygeinv (1, 1, ones(2), ones(3))
+%!error hygeinv (ones (2), ones (3), 1, 1)
+%!error hygeinv (1, ones (2), ones (3), 1)
+%!error hygeinv (1, 1, ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error hygeinv (i, 2, 2, 2)
 %!error hygeinv (2, i, 2, 2)
 %!error hygeinv (2, 2, i, 2)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygepdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygepdf.m
@@ -80,21 +80,21 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 3];
 %! y = [0 1/6 4/6 1/6 0];
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4*ones(1,5), 2, 2), y);
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4, 2*ones(1,5), 2), y);
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4, 2, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2, 2), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0]);
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0]);
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4, 5, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4, 2, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1]), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0]);
-%!assert(hygepdf (x, 4, 2, 5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(hygepdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4*ones (1,5), 2, 2), y)
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4, 2*ones (1,5), 2), y)
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4, 2, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2, 2), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0])
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1], 2), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0])
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4, 5, 2), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4, 2, 2*[1 -1 NaN 1.1 1]), [0 NaN NaN NaN 0])
+%!assert (hygepdf (x, 4, 2, 5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (hygepdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, 2), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(hygepdf (single([x, NaN]), 4, 2, 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(hygepdf ([x, NaN], single(4), 2, 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(hygepdf ([x, NaN], 4, single(2), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(hygepdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (hygepdf (single ([x, NaN]), 4, 2, 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (hygepdf ([x, NaN], single (4), 2, 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (hygepdf ([x, NaN], 4, single (2), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (hygepdf ([x, NaN], 4, 2, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error hygepdf ()
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
 %!error hygepdf (1,2)
 %!error hygepdf (1,2,3)
 %!error hygepdf (1,2,3,4,5)
-%!error hygepdf (1, ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error hygepdf (1, ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error hygepdf (1, ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error hygepdf (1, ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error hygepdf (1, ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error hygepdf (1, ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error hygepdf (i, 2, 2, 2)
 %!error hygepdf (2, i, 2, 2)
 %!error hygepdf (2, 2, i, 2)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygernd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/hygernd.m
@@ -110,39 +110,39 @@
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4,2,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4*ones(2,1), 2,2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4*ones(2,2), 2,2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4, 2*ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4, 2*ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4, 2, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4, 2, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4, 2, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4, 2, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (hygernd (4, 2, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4,2,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4*ones (2,1), 2,2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4*ones (2,2), 2,2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4, 2*ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4, 2*ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4, 2, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4, 2, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4, 2, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4, 2, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (hygernd (4, 2, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
-%!assert(class (hygernd (4,2,2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (hygernd (single(4),2,2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (hygernd (single([4 4]),2,2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (hygernd (4,single(2),2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (hygernd (4,single([2 2]),2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (hygernd (4,2,single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (hygernd (4,2,single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (hygernd (4,2,2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (hygernd (single (4),2,2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (hygernd (single ([4 4]),2,2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (hygernd (4,single (2),2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (hygernd (4,single ([2 2]),2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (hygernd (4,2,single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (hygernd (4,2,single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error hygernd ()
 %!error hygernd (1)
 %!error hygernd (1,2)
-%!error hygernd (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2), 2)
-%!error hygernd (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2), 2)
-%!error hygernd (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3), 2)
+%!error hygernd (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2), 2)
+%!error hygernd (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2), 2)
+%!error hygernd (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3), 2)
 %!error hygernd (i, 2, 2)
 %!error hygernd (2, i, 2)
 %!error hygernd (2, 2, i)
 %!error hygernd (4,2,2, -1)
-%!error hygernd (4,2,2, ones(2))
+%!error hygernd (4,2,2, ones (2))
 %!error hygernd (4,2,2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error hygernd (4*ones(2),2,2, 3)
-%!error hygernd (4*ones(2),2,2, [3, 2])
-%!error hygernd (4*ones(2),2,2, 3, 2)
+%!error hygernd (4*ones (2),2,2, 3)
+%!error hygernd (4*ones (2),2,2, [3, 2])
+%!error hygernd (4*ones (2),2,2, 3, 2)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf.m
@@ -90,6 +90,6 @@
 %% Test input validation
 %!error kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf ()
 %!error kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf (1,2,3)
-%!error kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf (1, ones(2))
+%!error kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf (1, ones (2))
 %!error kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf ([], 1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_cdf.m
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf -log(2) 0 log(2) Inf];
 %! y = [0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1]; 
-%!assert(laplace_cdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (laplace_cdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(laplace_cdf (single([x, NaN])), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (laplace_cdf (single ([x, NaN])), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error laplace_cdf ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_inv.m
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(laplace_inv (x), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (laplace_inv (x), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(laplace_inv ([x, NaN]), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(laplace_inv (single([x, NaN])), single([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (laplace_inv ([x, NaN]), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (laplace_inv (single ([x, NaN])), single ([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error laplace_inv ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_pdf.m
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf -log(2) 0 log(2) Inf];
 %! y = [0, 1/4, 1/2, 1/4, 0]; 
-%!assert(laplace_pdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (laplace_pdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(laplace_pdf (single([x, NaN])), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (laplace_pdf (single ([x, NaN])), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error laplace_pdf ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/laplace_rnd.m
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@
-%!assert(size (laplace_rnd (3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (laplace_rnd ([4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (laplace_rnd (4,1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (laplace_rnd (3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (laplace_rnd ([4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (laplace_rnd (4,1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error laplace_rnd ()
 %!error laplace_rnd (-1)
-%!error laplace_rnd (ones(2))
+%!error laplace_rnd (ones (2))
 %!error laplace_rnd ([2 -1 2])
-%!error laplace_rnd (1, ones(2))
+%!error laplace_rnd (1, ones (2))
 %!error laplace_rnd (1, -1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_cdf.m
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf -log(3) 0 log(3) Inf];
 %! y = [0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1]; 
-%!assert(logistic_cdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (logistic_cdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(logistic_cdf (single([x, NaN])), single([y, NaN]), eps ("single"));
+%!assert (logistic_cdf (single ([x, NaN])), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error logistic_cdf ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_inv.m
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(logistic_inv (x), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (logistic_inv (x), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(logistic_inv ([x, NaN]), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(logistic_inv (single([x, NaN])), single([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (logistic_inv ([x, NaN]), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (logistic_inv (single ([x, NaN])), single ([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error logistic_inv ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_pdf.m
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf -log(4) 0 log(4) Inf];
 %! y = [0, 0.16, 1/4, 0.16, 0]; 
-%!assert(logistic_pdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (logistic_pdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(logistic_pdf (single([x, NaN])), single([y, NaN]), eps ("single"));
+%!assert (logistic_pdf (single ([x, NaN])), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error logistic_pdf ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/logistic_rnd.m
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@
-%!assert(size (logistic_rnd (3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (logistic_rnd ([4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (logistic_rnd (4,1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (logistic_rnd (3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (logistic_rnd ([4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (logistic_rnd (4,1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error logistic_rnd ()
 %!error logistic_rnd (-1)
-%!error logistic_rnd (ones(2))
+%!error logistic_rnd (ones (2))
 %!error logistic_rnd ([2 -1 2])
-%!error logistic_rnd (1, ones(2))
+%!error logistic_rnd (1, ones (2))
 %!error logistic_rnd (1, -1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/logncdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/logncdf.m
@@ -74,26 +74,26 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 e Inf];
 %! y = [0, 0, 0.5, 1/2+1/2*erf(1/2), 1];
-%!assert(logncdf (x, zeros(1,5), sqrt(2)*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(logncdf (x, 0, sqrt(2)*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(logncdf (x, zeros(1,5), sqrt(2)), y);
-%!assert(logncdf (x, [0 1 NaN 0 1], sqrt(2)), [0 0 NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(logncdf (x, 0, sqrt(2)*[0 NaN Inf 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(logncdf ([x(1:3) NaN x(5)], 0, sqrt(2)), [y(1:3) NaN y(5)]);
+%!assert (logncdf (x, zeros (1,5), sqrt(2)*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (logncdf (x, 0, sqrt(2)*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (logncdf (x, zeros (1,5), sqrt(2)), y)
+%!assert (logncdf (x, [0 1 NaN 0 1], sqrt(2)), [0 0 NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (logncdf (x, 0, sqrt(2)*[0 NaN Inf 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (logncdf ([x(1:3) NaN x(5)], 0, sqrt(2)), [y(1:3) NaN y(5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(logncdf ([x, NaN], 0, sqrt(2)), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(logncdf (single([x, NaN]), 0, sqrt(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(logncdf ([x, NaN], single(0), sqrt(2)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(logncdf ([x, NaN], 0, single(sqrt(2))), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (logncdf ([x, NaN], 0, sqrt(2)), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (logncdf (single ([x, NaN]), 0, sqrt(2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (logncdf ([x, NaN], single (0), sqrt(2)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (logncdf ([x, NaN], 0, single (sqrt(2))), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error logncdf ()
 %!error logncdf (1,2)
 %!error logncdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error logncdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error logncdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error logncdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error logncdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error logncdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error logncdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error logncdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error logncdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error logncdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/logninv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/logninv.m
@@ -73,26 +73,26 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(logninv (x, ones(1,5), ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(logninv (x, 1, ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(logninv (x, ones(1,5), 1), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(logninv (x, [1 1 NaN 0 1], 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(logninv (x, 1, [1 0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(logninv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (logninv (x, ones (1,5), ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN])
+%!assert (logninv (x, 1, ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN])
+%!assert (logninv (x, ones (1,5), 1), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN])
+%!assert (logninv (x, [1 1 NaN 0 1], 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
+%!assert (logninv (x, 1, [1 0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (logninv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(logninv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(logninv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(logninv ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(logninv ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (logninv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (logninv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (logninv ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (logninv ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([NaN 0 e Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error logninv ()
 %!error logninv (1,2)
 %!error logninv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error logninv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error logninv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error logninv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error logninv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error logninv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error logninv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error logninv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error logninv (2, i, 2)
 %!error logninv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/lognpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/lognpdf.m
@@ -71,25 +71,25 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 e Inf];
 %! y = [0, 0, 1/(e*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-1/2), 0];
-%!assert(lognpdf (x, zeros(1,4), ones(1,4)), y, eps);
-%!assert(lognpdf (x, 0, ones(1,4)), y, eps);
-%!assert(lognpdf (x, zeros(1,4), 1), y, eps);
-%!assert(lognpdf (x, [0 1 NaN 0], 1), [0 0 NaN y(4)], eps);
-%!assert(lognpdf (x, 0, [0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4)], eps);
-%!assert(lognpdf ([x, NaN], 0, 1), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (lognpdf (x, zeros (1,4), ones (1,4)), y, eps)
+%!assert (lognpdf (x, 0, ones (1,4)), y, eps)
+%!assert (lognpdf (x, zeros (1,4), 1), y, eps)
+%!assert (lognpdf (x, [0 1 NaN 0], 1), [0 0 NaN y(4)], eps)
+%!assert (lognpdf (x, 0, [0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4)], eps)
+%!assert (lognpdf ([x, NaN], 0, 1), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(lognpdf (single([x, NaN]), 0, 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(lognpdf ([x, NaN], single(0), 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(lognpdf ([x, NaN], 0, single(1)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (lognpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 0, 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (lognpdf ([x, NaN], single (0), 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (lognpdf ([x, NaN], 0, single (1)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error lognpdf ()
 %!error lognpdf (1,2)
 %!error lognpdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error lognpdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error lognpdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error lognpdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error lognpdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error lognpdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error lognpdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error lognpdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error lognpdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error lognpdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/lognrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/lognrnd.m
@@ -98,35 +98,35 @@
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (lognrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (lognrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (lognrnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (lognrnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (lognrnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (lognrnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (lognrnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (lognrnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (lognrnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (lognrnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (lognrnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (lognrnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error lognrnd ()
 %!error lognrnd (1)
-%!error lognrnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error lognrnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error lognrnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error lognrnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error lognrnd (i, 2)
 %!error lognrnd (2, i)
 %!error lognrnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error lognrnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error lognrnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error lognrnd (1, 2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error lognrnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error lognrnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error lognrnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error lognrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error lognrnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error lognrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error lognrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error lognrnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error lognrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbincdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbincdf.m
@@ -78,27 +78,27 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 Inf];
 %! y = [0 1/2 3/4 7/8 1];
-%!assert(nbincdf (x, ones(1,5), 0.5*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(nbincdf (x, 1, 0.5*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(nbincdf (x, ones(1,5), 0.5), y);
-%!assert(nbincdf ([x(1:3) 0 x(5)], [0 1 NaN 1.5 Inf], 0.5), [NaN 1/2 NaN nbinpdf(0,1.5,0.5) NaN], eps);
-%!assert(nbincdf (x, 1, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(nbincdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 0.5), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)]);
+%!assert (nbincdf (x, ones (1,5), 0.5*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (nbincdf (x, 1, 0.5*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (nbincdf (x, ones (1,5), 0.5), y)
+%!assert (nbincdf ([x(1:3) 0 x(5)], [0 1 NaN 1.5 Inf], 0.5), [NaN 1/2 NaN nbinpdf(0,1.5,0.5) NaN], eps)
+%!assert (nbincdf (x, 1, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (nbincdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 0.5), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(nbincdf ([x, NaN], 1, 0.5), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(nbincdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(nbincdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(nbincdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(0.5)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (nbincdf ([x, NaN], 1, 0.5), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (nbincdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (nbincdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (nbincdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (0.5)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error nbincdf ()
 %!error nbincdf (1)
 %!error nbincdf (1,2)
 %!error nbincdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error nbincdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error nbincdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error nbincdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error nbincdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error nbincdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error nbincdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error nbincdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error nbincdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error nbincdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbininv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbininv.m
@@ -100,28 +100,28 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 3/4 1 2];
-%!assert(nbininv (x, ones(1,5), 0.5*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(nbininv (x, 1, 0.5*ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(nbininv (x, ones(1,5), 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(nbininv (x, [1 0 NaN Inf 1], 0.5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(nbininv (x, [1 0 1.5 Inf 1], 0.5), [NaN NaN 2 NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(nbininv (x, 1, 0.5*[1 -Inf NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(nbininv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 0.5), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (nbininv (x, ones (1,5), 0.5*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (nbininv (x, 1, 0.5*ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (nbininv (x, ones (1,5), 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (nbininv (x, [1 0 NaN Inf 1], 0.5), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (nbininv (x, [1 0 1.5 Inf 1], 0.5), [NaN NaN 2 NaN NaN])
+%!assert (nbininv (x, 1, 0.5*[1 -Inf NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (nbininv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 0.5), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(nbininv ([x, NaN], 1, 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(nbininv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 0.5), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(nbininv ([x, NaN], single(1), 0.5), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(nbininv ([x, NaN], 1, single(0.5)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (nbininv ([x, NaN], 1, 0.5), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (nbininv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 0.5), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (nbininv ([x, NaN], single (1), 0.5), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (nbininv ([x, NaN], 1, single (0.5)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error nbininv ()
 %!error nbininv (1)
 %!error nbininv (1,2)
 %!error nbininv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error nbininv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error nbininv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error nbininv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error nbininv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error nbininv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error nbininv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error nbininv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error nbininv (2, i, 2)
 %!error nbininv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinpdf.m
@@ -76,26 +76,26 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 Inf];
 %! y = [0 1/2 1/4 1/8 NaN];
-%!assert(nbinpdf (x, ones(1,5), 0.5*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(nbinpdf (x, 1, 0.5*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(nbinpdf (x, ones(1,5), 0.5), y);
-%!assert(nbinpdf (x, [0 1 NaN 1.5 Inf], 0.5), [NaN 1/2 NaN 1.875*0.5^1.5/4 NaN], eps);
-%!assert(nbinpdf (x, 1, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(nbinpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 0.5), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (nbinpdf (x, ones (1,5), 0.5*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (nbinpdf (x, 1, 0.5*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (nbinpdf (x, ones (1,5), 0.5), y)
+%!assert (nbinpdf (x, [0 1 NaN 1.5 Inf], 0.5), [NaN 1/2 NaN 1.875*0.5^1.5/4 NaN], eps)
+%!assert (nbinpdf (x, 1, 0.5*[-1 NaN 4 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (nbinpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 0.5), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(nbinpdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(nbinpdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 0.5), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(nbinpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(0.5)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (nbinpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (nbinpdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 0.5), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (nbinpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (0.5)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error nbinpdf ()
 %!error nbinpdf (1)
 %!error nbinpdf (1,2)
 %!error nbinpdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error nbinpdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error nbinpdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error nbinpdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error nbinpdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error nbinpdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error nbinpdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error nbinpdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error nbinpdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error nbinpdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/nbinrnd.m
@@ -106,35 +106,35 @@
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2*ones(2,1), 1/2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2*ones(2,2), 1/2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2*ones (2,1), 1/2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2*ones (2,2), 1/2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (nbinrnd (2, 1/2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (nbinrnd (2, 1/2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (nbinrnd (single(2), 1/2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (nbinrnd (single([2 2]), 1/2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (nbinrnd (2, single(1/2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (nbinrnd (2, single([1/2 1/2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (nbinrnd (2, 1/2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (nbinrnd (single (2), 1/2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (nbinrnd (single ([2 2]), 1/2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (nbinrnd (2, single (1/2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (nbinrnd (2, single ([1/2 1/2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error nbinrnd ()
 %!error nbinrnd (1)
-%!error nbinrnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error nbinrnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error nbinrnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error nbinrnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error nbinrnd (i, 2)
 %!error nbinrnd (2, i)
 %!error nbinrnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error nbinrnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error nbinrnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error nbinrnd (1, 2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error nbinrnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error nbinrnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error nbinrnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error nbinrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error nbinrnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error nbinrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error nbinrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error nbinrnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error nbinrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/normcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/normcdf.m
@@ -73,26 +73,26 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf 1 2 Inf];
 %! y = [0, 0.5, 1/2*(1+erf(1/sqrt(2))), 1];
-%!assert(normcdf (x, ones(1,4), ones(1,4)), y);
-%!assert(normcdf (x, 1, ones(1,4)), y);
-%!assert(normcdf (x, ones(1,4), 1), y);
-%!assert(normcdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf], 1), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(normcdf (x, 1, [Inf NaN -1 0]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(normcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4)], 1, 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4)]);
+%!assert (normcdf (x, ones (1,4), ones (1,4)), y)
+%!assert (normcdf (x, 1, ones (1,4)), y)
+%!assert (normcdf (x, ones (1,4), 1), y)
+%!assert (normcdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf], 1), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (normcdf (x, 1, [Inf NaN -1 0]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (normcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4)], 1, 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(normcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(normcdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(normcdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(normcdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (normcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (normcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (normcdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (normcdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error normcdf ()
 %!error normcdf (1,2)
 %!error normcdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error normcdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error normcdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error normcdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error normcdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error normcdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error normcdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error normcdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error normcdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error normcdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/norminv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/norminv.m
@@ -67,26 +67,26 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(norminv (x, ones(1,5), ones(1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(norminv (x, 1, ones(1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(norminv (x, ones(1,5), 1), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(norminv (x, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(norminv (x, 1, [1 0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(norminv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [NaN -Inf NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (norminv (x, ones (1,5), ones (1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (norminv (x, 1, ones (1,5)), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (norminv (x, ones (1,5), 1), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (norminv (x, [1 -Inf NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (norminv (x, 1, [1 0 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (norminv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [NaN -Inf NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(norminv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(norminv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(norminv ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(norminv ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (norminv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (norminv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (norminv ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (norminv ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([NaN -Inf 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error norminv ()
 %!error norminv (1,2)
 %!error norminv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error norminv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error norminv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error norminv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error norminv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error norminv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error norminv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error norminv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error norminv (2, i, 2)
 %!error norminv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/normpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/normpdf.m
@@ -73,25 +73,25 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf 1 2 Inf];
 %! y = 1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp (-(x-1).^2/2);
-%!assert(normpdf (x, ones(1,4), ones(1,4)), y);
-%!assert(normpdf (x, 1, ones(1,4)), y);
-%!assert(normpdf (x, ones(1,4), 1), y);
-%!assert(normpdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf], 1), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(normpdf (x, 1, [Inf NaN -1 0]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(normpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (normpdf (x, ones (1,4), ones (1,4)), y)
+%!assert (normpdf (x, 1, ones (1,4)), y)
+%!assert (normpdf (x, ones (1,4), 1), y)
+%!assert (normpdf (x, [0 -Inf NaN Inf], 1), [y(1) NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (normpdf (x, 1, [Inf NaN -1 0]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (normpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(normpdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(normpdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(normpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (normpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (normpdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (normpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error normpdf ()
 %!error normpdf (1,2)
 %!error normpdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error normpdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error normpdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error normpdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error normpdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error normpdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error normpdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error normpdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error normpdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error normpdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/normrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/normrnd.m
@@ -97,35 +97,35 @@
-%!assert(size (normrnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (normrnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (normrnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (normrnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (normrnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (normrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (normrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (normrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (normrnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (normrnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (normrnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (normrnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (normrnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (normrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (normrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (normrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (normrnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (normrnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (normrnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (normrnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (normrnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (normrnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (normrnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (normrnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (normrnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (normrnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error normrnd ()
 %!error normrnd (1)
-%!error normrnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error normrnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error normrnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error normrnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error normrnd (i, 2)
 %!error normrnd (2, i)
 %!error normrnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error normrnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error normrnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error normrnd (1, 2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error normrnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error normrnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error normrnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error normrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error normrnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error normrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error normrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error normrnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error normrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/poisscdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/poisscdf.m
@@ -68,23 +68,23 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 Inf];
-%! y = [0, gammainc(1, (x(2:4) +1), 'upper'), 1];
-%!assert(poisscdf (x, ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(poisscdf (x, 1), y);
-%!assert(poisscdf (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(poisscdf ([x(1:2) NaN Inf x(5)], 1), [y(1:2) NaN 1 y(5)]);
+%! y = [0, gammainc(1, (x(2:4) +1), "upper"), 1];
+%!assert (poisscdf (x, ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (poisscdf (x, 1), y)
+%!assert (poisscdf (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (poisscdf ([x(1:2) NaN Inf x(5)], 1), [y(1:2) NaN 1 y(5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(poisscdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(poisscdf (single([x, NaN]), 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(poisscdf ([x, NaN], single(1)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (poisscdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (poisscdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (poisscdf ([x, NaN], single (1)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error poisscdf ()
 %!error poisscdf (1)
 %!error poisscdf (1,2,3)
-%!error poisscdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error poisscdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error poisscdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error poisscdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error poisscdf (i, 2)
 %!error poisscdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/poissinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/poissinv.m
@@ -82,22 +82,22 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(poissinv (x, ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(poissinv (x, 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(poissinv (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(poissinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (poissinv (x, ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (poissinv (x, 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (poissinv (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN Inf NaN])
+%!assert (poissinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(poissinv ([x, NaN], 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(poissinv (single([x, NaN]), 1), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(poissinv ([x, NaN], single(1)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (poissinv ([x, NaN], 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (poissinv (single ([x, NaN]), 1), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (poissinv ([x, NaN], single (1)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error poissinv ()
 %!error poissinv (1)
 %!error poissinv (1,2,3)
-%!error poissinv (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error poissinv (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error poissinv (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error poissinv (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error poissinv (i, 2)
 %!error poissinv (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/poisspdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/poisspdf.m
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 Inf];
 %! y = [0, exp(-1)*[1 1 0.5], 0];
-%!assert(poisspdf (x, ones(1,5)), y, eps);
-%!assert(poisspdf (x, 1), y, eps);
-%!assert(poisspdf (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps);
-%!assert(poisspdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (poisspdf (x, ones (1,5)), y, eps)
+%!assert (poisspdf (x, 1), y, eps)
+%!assert (poisspdf (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [y(1) NaN NaN y(4:5)], eps)
+%!assert (poisspdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(poisspdf (single([x, NaN]), 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(poisspdf ([x, NaN], single(1)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (poisspdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (poisspdf ([x, NaN], single (1)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error poisspdf ()
 %!error poisspdf (1)
 %!error poisspdf (1,2,3)
-%!error poisspdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error poisspdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error poisspdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error poisspdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error poisspdf (i, 2)
 %!error poisspdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/poissrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/poissrnd.m
@@ -94,27 +94,27 @@
-%!assert(size (poissrnd (2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (poissrnd (ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (poissrnd (ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (poissrnd (1, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (poissrnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (poissrnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (poissrnd (2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (poissrnd (ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (poissrnd (ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (poissrnd (1, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (poissrnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (poissrnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (poissrnd (2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (poissrnd (single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (poissrnd (single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (poissrnd (2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (poissrnd (single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (poissrnd (single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error poissrnd ()
 %!error poissrnd (1, -1)
-%!error poissrnd (1, ones(2))
-%!error poissrnd (1, 2, ones(2))
+%!error poissrnd (1, ones (2))
+%!error poissrnd (1, 2, ones (2))
 %!error poissrnd (i)
 %!error poissrnd (1, 2, -1)
 %!error poissrnd (1, [2 -1 2])
-%!error poissrnd (ones(2,2), 3)
-%!error poissrnd (ones(2,2), [3, 2])
-%!error poissrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error poissrnd (ones (2,2), 3)
+%!error poissrnd (ones (2,2), [3, 2])
+%!error poissrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_cdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_cdf.m
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf 0 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0, 0.5, 1/2*(1+erf(1/sqrt(2))), 1];
-%!assert(stdnormal_cdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (stdnormal_cdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(stdnormal_cdf (single([x, NaN])), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (stdnormal_cdf (single ([x, NaN])), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error stdnormal_cdf ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_inv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_inv.m
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(stdnormal_inv (x), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (stdnormal_inv (x), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(stdnormal_inv ([x, NaN]), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(stdnormal_inv (single([x, NaN])), single([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (stdnormal_inv ([x, NaN]), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN])
+%!assert (stdnormal_inv (single ([x, NaN])), single ([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error stdnormal_inv ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_pdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_pdf.m
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf 0 1 Inf];
 %! y = 1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp (-x.^2/2);
-%!assert(stdnormal_pdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN], eps);
+%!assert (stdnormal_pdf ([x, NaN]), [y, NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(stdnormal_pdf (single([x, NaN])), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (stdnormal_pdf (single ([x, NaN])), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error stdnormal_pdf ()
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_rnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/stdnormal_rnd.m
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@
-%!assert(size (stdnormal_rnd (3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (stdnormal_rnd ([4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (stdnormal_rnd (4,1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (stdnormal_rnd (3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (stdnormal_rnd ([4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (stdnormal_rnd (4,1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error stdnormal_rnd ()
 %!error stdnormal_rnd (-1)
-%!error stdnormal_rnd (ones(2))
+%!error stdnormal_rnd (ones (2))
 %!error stdnormal_rnd ([2 -1 2])
-%!error stdnormal_rnd (1, ones(2))
+%!error stdnormal_rnd (1, ones (2))
 %!error stdnormal_rnd (1, -1)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/tcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/tcdf.m
@@ -73,22 +73,22 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf 0 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0 1/2 3/4 1];
-%!assert(tcdf (x, ones(1,4)), y, eps);
-%!assert(tcdf (x, 1), y, eps);
-%!assert(tcdf (x, [0 1 NaN 1]), [NaN 1/2 NaN 1], eps);
-%!assert(tcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4)], 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4)], eps);
+%!assert (tcdf (x, ones (1,4)), y, eps)
+%!assert (tcdf (x, 1), y, eps)
+%!assert (tcdf (x, [0 1 NaN 1]), [NaN 1/2 NaN 1], eps)
+%!assert (tcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4)], 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4)], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(tcdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN], eps);
-%!assert(tcdf (single([x, NaN]), 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(tcdf ([x, NaN], single(1)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (tcdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN], eps)
+%!assert (tcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (tcdf ([x, NaN], single (1)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error tcdf ()
 %!error tcdf (1)
 %!error tcdf (1,2,3)
-%!error tcdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error tcdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error tcdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error tcdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error tcdf (i, 2)
 %!error tcdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/tinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/tinv.m
@@ -87,22 +87,22 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(tinv (x, ones(1,5)), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN]);
-%!assert(tinv (x, 1), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(tinv (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(tinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1), [NaN -Inf NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (tinv (x, ones (1,5)), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN])
+%!assert (tinv (x, 1), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (tinv (x, [1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (tinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1), [NaN -Inf NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(tinv ([x, NaN], 1), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN], eps);
-%!assert(tinv (single([x, NaN]), 1), single([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(tinv ([x, NaN], single(1)), single([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (tinv ([x, NaN], 1), [NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN], eps)
+%!assert (tinv (single ([x, NaN]), 1), single ([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (tinv ([x, NaN], single (1)), single ([NaN -Inf 0 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error tinv ()
 %!error tinv (1)
 %!error tinv (1,2,3)
-%!error tinv (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error tinv (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error tinv (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error tinv (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error tinv (i, 2)
 %!error tinv (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/tpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/tpdf.m
@@ -68,26 +68,26 @@
 %! x = rand (10,1);
 %! y = 1./(pi * (1 + x.^2));
-%! assert(tpdf (x, 1), y, 5*eps);
+%! assert (tpdf (x, 1), y, 5*eps);
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-Inf 0 0.5 1 Inf];
 %! y = 1./(pi * (1 + x.^2));
-%!assert(tpdf (x, ones(1,5)), y, eps);
-%!assert(tpdf (x, 1), y, eps);
-%!assert(tpdf (x, [0 NaN 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:5)], eps);
+%!assert (tpdf (x, ones (1,5)), y, eps)
+%!assert (tpdf (x, 1), y, eps)
+%!assert (tpdf (x, [0 NaN 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:5)], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(tpdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN], eps);
-%!assert(tpdf (single([x, NaN]), 1), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(tpdf ([x, NaN], single(1)), single([y, NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (tpdf ([x, NaN], 1), [y, NaN], eps)
+%!assert (tpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (tpdf ([x, NaN], single (1)), single ([y, NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error tpdf ()
 %!error tpdf (1)
 %!error tpdf (1,2,3)
-%!error tpdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error tpdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error tpdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error tpdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error tpdf (i, 2)
 %!error tpdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/trnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/trnd.m
@@ -91,27 +91,27 @@
-%!assert(size (trnd (2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (trnd (ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (trnd (ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (trnd (1, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (trnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (trnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (trnd (2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (trnd (ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (trnd (ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (trnd (1, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (trnd (1, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (trnd (1, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (trnd (1)), "double");
-%!assert(class (trnd (single(1))), "single");
-%!assert(class (trnd (single([1 1]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (trnd (1)), "double")
+%!assert (class (trnd (single (1))), "single")
+%!assert (class (trnd (single ([1 1]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error trnd ()
 %!error trnd (1, -1)
-%!error trnd (1, ones(2))
+%!error trnd (1, ones (2))
 %!error trnd (i)
 %!error trnd (1, [2 -1 2])
-%!error trnd (1, 2, ones(2))
+%!error trnd (1, 2, ones (2))
 %!error trnd (1, 2, -1)
-%!error trnd (ones(2,2), 3)
-%!error trnd (ones(2,2), [3, 2])
-%!error trnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error trnd (ones (2,2), 3)
+%!error trnd (ones (2,2), [3, 2])
+%!error trnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidcdf.m
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [0 1 2.5 10 11];
 %! y = [0, 0.1 0.2 1.0 1.0];
-%!assert(unidcdf (x, 10*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(unidcdf (x, 10), y);
-%!assert(unidcdf (x, 10*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0.1 NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(unidcdf ([x(1:2) NaN Inf x(5)], 10), [y(1:2) NaN 1 y(5)]);
+%!assert (unidcdf (x, 10*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (unidcdf (x, 10), y)
+%!assert (unidcdf (x, 10*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0.1 NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (unidcdf ([x(1:2) NaN Inf x(5)], 10), [y(1:2) NaN 1 y(5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(unidcdf ([x, NaN], 10), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(unidcdf (single([x, NaN]), 10), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(unidcdf ([x, NaN], single(10)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (unidcdf ([x, NaN], 10), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (unidcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 10), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (unidcdf ([x, NaN], single (10)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unidcdf ()
 %!error unidcdf (1)
 %!error unidcdf (1,2,3)
-%!error unidcdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error unidcdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error unidcdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error unidcdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error unidcdf (i, 2)
 %!error unidcdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidinv.m
@@ -60,22 +60,22 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(unidinv (x, 10*ones(1,5)), [NaN NaN 5 10 NaN], eps);
-%!assert(unidinv (x, 10), [NaN NaN 5 10 NaN], eps);
-%!assert(unidinv (x, 10*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 10 NaN], eps);
-%!assert(unidinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 10), [NaN NaN NaN 10 NaN], eps);
+%!assert (unidinv (x, 10*ones (1,5)), [NaN NaN 5 10 NaN], eps)
+%!assert (unidinv (x, 10), [NaN NaN 5 10 NaN], eps)
+%!assert (unidinv (x, 10*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 10 NaN], eps)
+%!assert (unidinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 10), [NaN NaN NaN 10 NaN], eps)
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(unidinv ([x, NaN], 10), [NaN NaN 5 10 NaN NaN], eps);
-%!assert(unidinv (single([x, NaN]), 10), single([NaN NaN 5 10 NaN NaN]), eps);
-%!assert(unidinv ([x, NaN], single(10)), single([NaN NaN 5 10 NaN NaN]), eps);
+%!assert (unidinv ([x, NaN], 10), [NaN NaN 5 10 NaN NaN], eps)
+%!assert (unidinv (single ([x, NaN]), 10), single ([NaN NaN 5 10 NaN NaN]), eps)
+%!assert (unidinv ([x, NaN], single (10)), single ([NaN NaN 5 10 NaN NaN]), eps)
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unidinv ()
 %!error unidinv (1)
 %!error unidinv (1,2,3)
-%!error unidinv (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error unidinv (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error unidinv (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error unidinv (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error unidinv (i, 2)
 %!error unidinv (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidpdf.m
@@ -67,21 +67,21 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 1 2 10 11];
 %! y = [0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0];
-%!assert(unidpdf (x, 10*ones(1,6)), y);
-%!assert(unidpdf (x, 10), y);
-%!assert(unidpdf (x, 10*[0 NaN 1 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:6)]);
-%!assert(unidpdf ([x, NaN], 10), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (unidpdf (x, 10*ones (1,6)), y)
+%!assert (unidpdf (x, 10), y)
+%!assert (unidpdf (x, 10*[0 NaN 1 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:6)])
+%!assert (unidpdf ([x, NaN], 10), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(unidpdf (single([x, NaN]), 10), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(unidpdf ([x, NaN], single(10)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (unidpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 10), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (unidpdf ([x, NaN], single (10)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unidpdf ()
 %!error unidpdf (1)
 %!error unidpdf (1,2,3)
-%!error unidpdf (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error unidpdf (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error unidpdf (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error unidpdf (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error unidpdf (i, 2)
 %!error unidpdf (2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unidrnd.m
@@ -91,21 +91,21 @@
-%!assert(size (unidrnd (2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (unidrnd (ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (unidrnd (ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (unidrnd (10, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (unidrnd (10, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (unidrnd (2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (unidrnd (ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (unidrnd (ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (unidrnd (10, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (unidrnd (10, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (unidrnd (2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (unidrnd (single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (unidrnd (single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (unidrnd (2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (unidrnd (single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (unidrnd (single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unidrnd ()
 %!error unidrnd (10, [1;2;3])
-%!error unidrnd (10, 2, ones(2))
-%!error unidrnd (10*ones(2), 2, 1)
+%!error unidrnd (10, 2, ones (2))
+%!error unidrnd (10*ones (2), 2, 1)
 %!error unidrnd (i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifcdf.m
@@ -72,26 +72,26 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2] + 1;
 %! y = [0 0 0.5 1 1];
-%!assert(unifcdf (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(unifcdf (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(unifcdf (x, ones(1,5), 2), y);
-%!assert(unifcdf (x, [2 1 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1]);
-%!assert(unifcdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1]);
-%!assert(unifcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)]);
+%!assert (unifcdf (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (unifcdf (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (unifcdf (x, ones (1,5), 2), y)
+%!assert (unifcdf (x, [2 1 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1])
+%!assert (unifcdf (x, 1, 2*[0 1 NaN 1 1]), [NaN 0 NaN 1 1])
+%!assert (unifcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(unifcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(unifcdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(unifcdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(unifcdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (unifcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (unifcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (unifcdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (unifcdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unifcdf ()
 %!error unifcdf (1,2)
 %!error unifcdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error unifcdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error unifcdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error unifcdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error unifcdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error unifcdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error unifcdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error unifcdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error unifcdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error unifcdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifinv.m
@@ -65,26 +65,26 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2];
-%!assert(unifinv (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(unifinv (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(unifinv (x, ones(1,5), 2), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(unifinv (x, [1 2 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(unifinv (x, 1, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 2 NaN]);
-%!assert(unifinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN 1 NaN 2 NaN]);
+%!assert (unifinv (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN])
+%!assert (unifinv (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN])
+%!assert (unifinv (x, ones (1,5), 2), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN])
+%!assert (unifinv (x, [1 2 NaN 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN NaN 2 NaN])
+%!assert (unifinv (x, 1, 2*[1 0 NaN 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN 2 NaN])
+%!assert (unifinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 2), [NaN 1 NaN 2 NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(unifinv ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(unifinv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(unifinv ([x, NaN], single(1), 2), single([NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN]));
-%!assert(unifinv ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN]));
+%!assert (unifinv ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN])
+%!assert (unifinv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (unifinv ([x, NaN], single (1), 2), single ([NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN]))
+%!assert (unifinv ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([NaN 1 1.5 2 NaN NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unifinv ()
 %!error unifinv (1,2)
 %!error unifinv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error unifinv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error unifinv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error unifinv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error unifinv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error unifinv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error unifinv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error unifinv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error unifinv (2, i, 2)
 %!error unifinv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifpdf.m
@@ -68,25 +68,25 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 2] + 1;
 %! y = [0 1 1 1 0];
-%!assert(unifpdf (x, ones(1,5), 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(unifpdf (x, 1, 2*ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(unifpdf (x, ones(1,5), 2), y);
-%!assert(unifpdf (x, [2 NaN 1 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN y(3:5)]);
-%!assert(unifpdf (x, 1, 2*[0 NaN 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:5)]);
-%!assert(unifpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (unifpdf (x, ones (1,5), 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (unifpdf (x, 1, 2*ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (unifpdf (x, ones (1,5), 2), y)
+%!assert (unifpdf (x, [2 NaN 1 1 1], 2), [NaN NaN y(3:5)])
+%!assert (unifpdf (x, 1, 2*[0 NaN 1 1 1]), [NaN NaN y(3:5)])
+%!assert (unifpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 2), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(unifpdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(unifpdf (single([x, NaN]), single(1), 2), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(unifpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(2)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (unifpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (unifpdf (single ([x, NaN]), single (1), 2), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (unifpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (2)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unifpdf ()
 %!error unifpdf (1,2)
 %!error unifpdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error unifpdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error unifpdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error unifpdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error unifpdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error unifpdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error unifpdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error unifpdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error unifpdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error unifpdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/unifrnd.m
@@ -98,35 +98,35 @@
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (unifrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (unifrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (unifrnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (unifrnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (unifrnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (unifrnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (unifrnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (unifrnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (unifrnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (unifrnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (unifrnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (unifrnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error unifrnd ()
 %!error unifrnd (1)
-%!error unifrnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error unifrnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error unifrnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error unifrnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error unifrnd (i, 2)
 %!error unifrnd (2, i)
 %!error unifrnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error unifrnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error unifrnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error unifrnd (1, 2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error unifrnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error unifrnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error unifrnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error unifrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error unifrnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error unifrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error unifrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error unifrnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error unifrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblcdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblcdf.m
@@ -88,25 +88,25 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0, 1-exp(-x(2:4)), 1];
-%!assert(wblcdf (x, ones(1,5), ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(wblcdf (x, 1, ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(wblcdf (x, ones(1,5), 1), y);
-%!assert(wblcdf (x, [0 1 NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN 0 NaN NaN 1]);
-%!assert(wblcdf (x, 1, [0 1 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN 0 NaN NaN 1]);
-%!assert(wblcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)]);
+%!assert (wblcdf (x, ones (1,5), ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (wblcdf (x, 1, ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (wblcdf (x, ones (1,5), 1), y)
+%!assert (wblcdf (x, [0 1 NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN 0 NaN NaN 1])
+%!assert (wblcdf (x, 1, [0 1 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN 0 NaN NaN 1])
+%!assert (wblcdf ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [y(1:2) NaN y(4:5)])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(wblcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN]);
-%!assert(wblcdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(wblcdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(wblcdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (wblcdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN])
+%!assert (wblcdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (wblcdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (wblcdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error wblcdf ()
 %!error wblcdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error wblcdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error wblcdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error wblcdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error wblcdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error wblcdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error wblcdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error wblcdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error wblcdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error wblcdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblinv.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblinv.m
@@ -74,25 +74,25 @@
 %!shared x
 %! x = [-1 0 0.63212055882855778 1 2];
-%!assert(wblinv (x, ones(1,5), ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(wblinv (x, 1, ones(1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(wblinv (x, ones(1,5), 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps);
-%!assert(wblinv (x, [1 -1 NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(wblinv (x, 1, [1 -1 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]);
-%!assert(wblinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN]);
+%!assert (wblinv (x, ones (1,5), ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (wblinv (x, 1, ones (1,5)), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (wblinv (x, ones (1,5), 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN], eps)
+%!assert (wblinv (x, [1 -1 NaN Inf 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (wblinv (x, 1, [1 -1 NaN Inf 1]), [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN])
+%!assert (wblinv ([x(1:2) NaN x(4:5)], 1, 1), [NaN 0 NaN Inf NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(wblinv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps);
-%!assert(wblinv (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(wblinv ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
-%!assert(wblinv ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps("single"));
+%!assert (wblinv ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN], eps)
+%!assert (wblinv (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (wblinv ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
+%!assert (wblinv ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([NaN 0 1 Inf NaN NaN]), eps ("single"))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error wblinv ()
 %!error wblinv (1,2,3,4)
-%!error wblinv (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error wblinv (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error wblinv (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error wblinv (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error wblinv (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error wblinv (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error wblinv (i, 2, 2)
 %!error wblinv (2, i, 2)
 %!error wblinv (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblpdf.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblpdf.m
@@ -88,24 +88,24 @@
 %!shared x,y
 %! x = [-1 0 0.5 1 Inf];
 %! y = [0, exp(-x(2:4)), NaN];
-%!assert(wblpdf (x, ones(1,5), ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(wblpdf (x, 1, ones(1,5)), y);
-%!assert(wblpdf (x, ones(1,5), 1), y);
-%!assert(wblpdf (x, [0 NaN Inf 1 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(wblpdf (x, 1, [0 NaN Inf 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)]);
-%!assert(wblpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN]);
+%!assert (wblpdf (x, ones (1,5), ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (wblpdf (x, 1, ones (1,5)), y)
+%!assert (wblpdf (x, ones (1,5), 1), y)
+%!assert (wblpdf (x, [0 NaN Inf 1 1], 1), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (wblpdf (x, 1, [0 NaN Inf 1 1]), [NaN NaN NaN y(4:5)])
+%!assert (wblpdf ([x, NaN], 1, 1), [y, NaN])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(wblpdf (single([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(wblpdf ([x, NaN], single(1), 1), single([y, NaN]));
-%!assert(wblpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single(1)), single([y, NaN]));
+%!assert (wblpdf (single ([x, NaN]), 1, 1), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (wblpdf ([x, NaN], single (1), 1), single ([y, NaN]))
+%!assert (wblpdf ([x, NaN], 1, single (1)), single ([y, NaN]))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error wblpdf ()
 %!error wblpdf (1,2,3,4)
-%!error wblpdf (ones(3),ones(2),ones(2))
-%!error wblpdf (ones(2),ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error wblpdf (ones(2),ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error wblpdf (ones (3), ones (2), ones (2))
+%!error wblpdf (ones (2), ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error wblpdf (ones (2), ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error wblpdf (i, 2, 2)
 %!error wblpdf (2, i, 2)
 %!error wblpdf (2, 2, i)
--- a/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblrnd.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/distributions/wblrnd.m
@@ -98,35 +98,35 @@
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (1,2)), [1, 1]);
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (ones(2,1), 2)), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (ones(2,2), 2)), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (1, 2*ones(2,1))), [2, 1]);
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (1, 2*ones(2,2))), [2, 2]);
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3]);
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1]);
-%!assert(size (wblrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1]);
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (1,2)), [1, 1])
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (ones (2,1), 2)), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (ones (2,2), 2)), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (1, 2*ones (2,1))), [2, 1])
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (1, 2*ones (2,2))), [2, 2])
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (1, 2, 3)), [3, 3])
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (1, 2, [4 1])), [4, 1])
+%!assert (size (wblrnd (1, 2, 4, 1)), [4, 1])
 %% Test class of input preserved
-%!assert(class (wblrnd (1, 2)), "double");
-%!assert(class (wblrnd (single(1), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (wblrnd (single([1 1]), 2)), "single");
-%!assert(class (wblrnd (1, single(2))), "single");
-%!assert(class (wblrnd (1, single([2 2]))), "single");
+%!assert (class (wblrnd (1, 2)), "double")
+%!assert (class (wblrnd (single (1), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (wblrnd (single ([1 1]), 2)), "single")
+%!assert (class (wblrnd (1, single (2))), "single")
+%!assert (class (wblrnd (1, single ([2 2]))), "single")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error wblrnd ()
 %!error wblrnd (1)
-%!error wblrnd (ones(3),ones(2))
-%!error wblrnd (ones(2),ones(3))
+%!error wblrnd (ones (3), ones (2))
+%!error wblrnd (ones (2), ones (3))
 %!error wblrnd (i, 2)
 %!error wblrnd (2, i)
 %!error wblrnd (1,2, -1)
-%!error wblrnd (1,2, ones(2))
+%!error wblrnd (1,2, ones (2))
 %!error wblrnd (1, 2, [2 -1 2])
-%!error wblrnd (1,2, 1, ones(2))
+%!error wblrnd (1,2, 1, ones (2))
 %!error wblrnd (1,2, 1, -1)
-%!error wblrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 3)
-%!error wblrnd (ones(2,2), 2, [3, 2])
-%!error wblrnd (ones(2,2), 2, 2, 3)
+%!error wblrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 3)
+%!error wblrnd (ones (2,2), 2, [3, 2])
+%!error wblrnd (ones (2,2), 2, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m
@@ -110,17 +110,18 @@
-%!error <Invalid call to kolmogorov_smirnov_test>
-%!  kolmogorov_smirnov_test (1);
-%!error <kolmogorov_smirnov_test: X must be a vector>
-%!  kolmogorov_smirnov_test ({}, "unif", 2, 4);
-%!error <kolmogorov_smirnov_test: no not_a_distcdf or not_a_dist_cdf function found>
+## test for recognition of unifcdf function
+%!assert (kolmogorov_smirnov_test (0:100, "unif", 0, 100), 1.0, eps)
+## test for recognition of logistic_cdf function
+%!assert (kolmogorov_smirnov_test (0:100, "logistic"), 0)
+## test for  F < G
+%!assert (kolmogorov_smirnov_test (50:100, "unif", 0, 50, "<"))
+%!error kolmogorov_smirnov_test (1)
+%!error <X must be a vector> kolmogorov_smirnov_test ({}, "unif", 2, 4)
+%!error <no not_a_distcdf or not_a_dist_cdf function found>
 %!  kolmogorov_smirnov_test (1, "not_a_dist");
-%!error <kolmogorov_smirnov_test: alternative bla not recognized>
-%!  kolmogorov_smirnov_test (1, "unif", 2, 4, "bla");
-%!test # for recognition of unifcdf function
-%!  assert (kolmogorov_smirnov_test (0:100, "unif", 0, 100), 1.0, eps);
-%!test # for recognition of logistic_cdf function
-%!  assert (kolmogorov_smirnov_test (0:100, "logistic"), 0);
-%!test # F < G
-%!  assert (kolmogorov_smirnov_test (50:100, "unif", 0, 50, "<"));
+%!error <alternative foo not recognized>
+%!  kolmogorov_smirnov_test (1, "unif", 2, 4, "foo");
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m
@@ -94,5 +94,6 @@
 ## Test with ties
-%!assert (abs(kruskal_wallis_test([86 86], [74]) - 0.157299207050285) < 0.0000000000001)
+%!assert (abs (kruskal_wallis_test ([86 86], [74]) - 0.157299207050285) < 0.0000000000001)
--- a/scripts/strings/base2dec.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/base2dec.m
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@
-%!assert(base2dec ("11120", 3), 123);
-%!assert(base2dec ("yyyzx", "xyz"), 123);
-%!assert(base2dec ("-1", 2), NaN);
-%!assert(base2dec ({"A1", "1A"}, 16), [161; 26]);
+%!assert (base2dec ("11120", 3), 123)
+%!assert (base2dec ("yyyzx", "xyz"), 123)
+%!assert (base2dec ("-1", 2), NaN)
+%!assert (base2dec ({"A1", "1A"}, 16), [161; 26])
 %%Test input validation
-%!error base2dec ();
-%!error base2dec ("11120");
-%!error base2dec ("11120", 3, 4);
-%!error base2dec ("11120", "1231");
-%!error base2dec ("11120", "12 3");
-%!error base2dec ("11120", ones(2));
-%!error base2dec ("11120", 37);
+%!error base2dec ()
+%!error base2dec ("11120")
+%!error base2dec ("11120", 3, 4)
+%!error base2dec ("11120", "1231")
+%!error base2dec ("11120", "12 3")
+%!error base2dec ("11120", ones (2))
+%!error base2dec ("11120", 37)
--- a/scripts/strings/bin2dec.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/bin2dec.m
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@
-%!assert(bin2dec ("0000"), 0);
-%!assert(bin2dec ("1110"), 14);
-%!assert(bin2dec ("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"), 2^53-1);
-%!assert(bin2dec ({"1110", "1111"}), [14; 15]);
+%!assert (bin2dec ("0000"), 0)
+%!assert (bin2dec ("1110"), 14)
+%!assert (bin2dec ("11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"), 2^53-1)
+%!assert (bin2dec ({"1110", "1111"}), [14; 15])
 %%Test input validation
-%!error bin2dec ();
-%!error bin2dec (1);
-%!error bin2dec ("1", 2);
+%!error bin2dec ()
+%!error bin2dec (1)
+%!error bin2dec ("1", 2)
--- a/scripts/strings/blanks.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/blanks.m
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
 ## There really isn't that much to test here
-%!assert(blanks (0), "")
-%!assert(blanks (5), "     ")
-%!assert(blanks (10), "          ")
+%!assert (blanks (0), "")
+%!assert (blanks (5), "     ")
+%!assert (blanks (10), "          ")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error blanks ()
--- a/scripts/strings/cstrcat.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/cstrcat.m
@@ -64,6 +64,6 @@
 %!assert (cstrcat (["a"; "bb"], ["foo"; "bar"]), ["a foo"; "bbbar"])
 %% Test input validation
-%!error cstrcat ();
-%!error cstrcat (1, 2);
+%!error cstrcat ()
+%!error cstrcat (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/strings/deblank.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/deblank.m
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@
-%!assert (deblank (" f o o \0"), " f o o");
-%!assert (deblank ('   '), '');
-%!assert (deblank ("   "), "");
-%!assert (deblank (""), "");
-%!assert (deblank ({}), {});
-%!assert (deblank ({" abc   ", {"   def   "}}), {" abc", {"   def"}});
+%!assert (deblank (" f o o \0"), " f o o")
+%!assert (deblank ('   '), '')
+%!assert (deblank ("   "), "")
+%!assert (deblank (""), "")
+%!assert (deblank ({}), {})
+%!assert (deblank ({" abc   ", {"   def   "}}), {" abc", {"   def"}})
-%!error <Invalid call to deblank> deblank ();
-%!error <Invalid call to deblank> deblank ("foo", "bar");
-%!error <argument must be a string> deblank (1);
-%!error <argument must be a string> deblank ({[]});
+%!error <Invalid call to deblank> deblank ()
+%!error <Invalid call to deblank> deblank ("foo", "bar")
+%!error <argument must be a string> deblank (1)
+%!error <argument must be a string> deblank ({[]})
--- a/scripts/strings/dec2base.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/dec2base.m
@@ -119,23 +119,23 @@
-%! s0 = '';
+%! s0 = "";
 %! for n = 1:13
 %!   for b = 2:16
 %!     pp = dec2base (b^n+1, b);
-%!     assert (dec2base(b^n, b), ['1',s0,'0']);
-%!     assert (dec2base(b^n+1, b), ['1',s0,'1']);
+%!     assert (dec2base (b^n, b), ['1',s0,'0']);
+%!     assert (dec2base (b^n+1, b), ['1',s0,'1']);
 %!   endfor
 %!   s0 = [s0,'0'];
 %! endfor
-%! digits='0123456789ABCDEF';
+%! digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
 %! for n = 1:13
 %!   for b = 2:16
-%!     pm = dec2base(b^n-1, b);
+%!     pm = dec2base (b^n-1, b);
 %!     assert (length (pm), n);
-%!     assert (all (pm==digits(b)));
+%!     assert (all (pm == digits(b)));
 %!   endfor
 %! endfor
@@ -144,12 +144,12 @@
 %!   assert (dec2base (0, b), '0');
 %! endfor
-%!assert(dec2base (0, 2, 4), "0000");
-%!assert(dec2base (2^51-1, 2), ...
-%!       '111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111');
-%!assert(dec2base(uint64(2)^63-1, 16), '7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF');
-%!assert(dec2base([1, 2; 3, 4], 2, 3), ["001"; "011"; "010"; "100"]);
-%!assert(dec2base({1, 2; 3, 4}, 2, 3), ["001"; "011"; "010"; "100"]);
+%!assert (dec2base (0, 2, 4), "0000")
+%!assert (dec2base (2^51-1, 2), ...
+%!        "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111")
+%!assert (dec2base (uint64 (2)^63-1, 16), "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF")
+%!assert (dec2base ([1, 2; 3, 4], 2, 3), ["001"; "011"; "010"; "100"])
+%!assert (dec2base ({1, 2; 3, 4}, 2, 3), ["001"; "011"; "010"; "100"])
 %%Test input validation
 %!error dec2base ()
--- a/scripts/strings/dec2bin.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/dec2bin.m
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
-%!assert(dec2bin (14), "1110");
-%!assert(dec2bin (14, 6), "001110");
-%!assert(dec2bin ({1, 2; 3, 4}), ["001"; "011"; "010"; "100"]);
+%!assert (dec2bin (14), "1110")
+%!assert (dec2bin (14, 6), "001110")
+%!assert (dec2bin ({1, 2; 3, 4}), ["001"; "011"; "010"; "100"])
 %%Test input validation
-%!error dec2bin ();
-%!error dec2bin (1, 2, 3);
+%!error dec2bin ()
+%!error dec2bin (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/strings/dec2hex.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/dec2hex.m
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
-%!assert(dec2hex (2748), "ABC");
-%!assert(dec2hex (2748, 5), "00ABC");
-%!assert(dec2hex ({2748, 2746}), ["ABC"; "ABA"]);
+%!assert (dec2hex (2748), "ABC")
+%!assert (dec2hex (2748, 5), "00ABC")
+%!assert (dec2hex ({2748, 2746}), ["ABC"; "ABA"])
 %% Test input validation
-%!error dec2hex ();
-%!error dec2hex (1, 2, 3);
+%!error dec2hex ()
+%!error dec2hex (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/strings/findstr.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/findstr.m
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@
 %!assert (findstr ("abababa", "a"), [1, 3, 5, 7])
-%!assert (findstr ("abababa", "aba"), [1, 3, 5]);
-%!assert (findstr ("aba", "abababa", 0), [1, 5]);
+%!assert (findstr ("abababa", "aba"), [1, 3, 5])
+%!assert (findstr ("aba", "abababa", 0), [1, 5])
 %% Test input validation
 %!error findstr ()
-%!error findstr ("foo", "bar", 3, 4);
-%!error findstr (["AB" ; "CD"], "C");
+%!error findstr ("foo", "bar", 3, 4)
+%!error <must have only one non-singleton dimension> findstr (["AB" ; "CD"], "C")
--- a/scripts/strings/hex2dec.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/hex2dec.m
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
-%!assert(hex2dec ("0000"), 0);
-%!assert(hex2dec ("1FFFFFFFFFFFFF"), 2^53-1);
-%!assert(hex2dec (["12b"; "12B"]), [299; 299]);
-%!assert(hex2dec ({"A1", "1A"}), [161; 26]);
+%!assert (hex2dec ("0000"), 0)
+%!assert (hex2dec ("1FFFFFFFFFFFFF"), 2^53-1)
+%!assert (hex2dec (["12b"; "12B"]), [299; 299])
+%!assert (hex2dec ({"A1", "1A"}), [161; 26])
 %%Test input validation
-%!error hex2dec ();
-%!error hex2dec (1);
-%!error hex2dec ("1", 2);
+%!error hex2dec ()
+%!error hex2dec (1)
+%!error hex2dec ("1", 2)
--- a/scripts/strings/index.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/index.m
@@ -84,20 +84,21 @@
-%!assert (index ("foobarbaz", "b") == 4 && index ("foobarbaz", "z") == 9);
+%!assert (index ("foobarbaz", "b"), 4)
+%!assert (index ("foobarbaz", "z"), 9)
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "s"), 2)
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "st"), 2)
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "str"), 2)
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "string"), 2)
-%!assert (index("abc---", "abc+++"), 0)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "s"), 2)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "st"), 2)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "str"), 2)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "string"), 2)
+%!assert (index ("abc---", "abc+++"), 0)
 ## test everything out in reverse
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "s", "last"), 16)
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "st", "last"), 16)
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "str", "last"), 16)
-%!assert (index("astringbstringcstring", "string", "last"), 16)
-%!assert (index("abc---", "abc+++", "last"), 0)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "s", "last"), 16)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "st", "last"), 16)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "str", "last"), 16)
+%!assert (index ("astringbstringcstring", "string", "last"), 16)
+%!assert (index ("abc---", "abc+++", "last"), 0)
 %! str = char ("Hello", "World", "Goodbye", "World");
--- a/scripts/strings/isletter.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/isletter.m
@@ -36,5 +36,7 @@
-%!error isletter();
-%!error isletter("a", "b");
+%!error isletter ()
+%!error isletter ("a", "b")
--- a/scripts/strings/mat2str.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/mat2str.m
@@ -128,20 +128,20 @@
-%!assert (mat2str (0.7), "0.7");
-%!assert (mat2str (pi), "3.14159265358979");
-%!assert (mat2str (pi, 5), "3.1416");
-%!assert (mat2str (single (pi), 5, "class"), "single(3.1416)");
+%!assert (mat2str (0.7), "0.7")
+%!assert (mat2str (pi), "3.14159265358979")
+%!assert (mat2str (pi, 5), "3.1416")
+%!assert (mat2str (single (pi), 5, "class"), "single(3.1416)")
 %!assert (mat2str ([-1/3 + i/7; 1/3 - i/7], [4 2]), "[-0.3333+0.14i;0.3333-0.14i]")
 %!assert (mat2str ([-1/3 +i/7; 1/3 -i/7], [4 2]), "[-0.3333+0i 0+0.14i;0.3333+0i -0-0.14i]")
-%!assert (mat2str (int16 ([1 -1]), 'class'), "int16([1 -1])")
-%!assert (mat2str (true), "true");
-%!assert (mat2str (false), "false");
-%!assert (mat2str (logical (eye (2))), "[true false;false true]");
+%!assert (mat2str (int16 ([1 -1]), "class"), "int16([1 -1])")
+%!assert (mat2str (true), "true")
+%!assert (mat2str (false), "false")
+%!assert (mat2str (logical (eye (2))), "[true false;false true]")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error mat2str ()
 %!error mat2str (1,2,3,4)
 %!error mat2str (["Hello"])
-%!error mat2str (ones(3,3,2))
+%!error <X must be two dimensional> mat2str (ones(3,3,2))
--- a/scripts/strings/rindex.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/rindex.m
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
-%!assert(rindex ("foobarbaz", "b") == 7 && rindex ("foobarbaz", "o") == 3);
+%!assert (rindex ("foobarbaz", "b"), 7)
+%!assert (rindex ("foobarbaz", "o"), 3)
 %! str = char ("Hello", "World", "Goodbye", "World");
--- a/scripts/strings/str2num.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/str2num.m
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
-%!assert(str2num ("-1.3e2"), -130);
-%!assert(str2num ("[1, 2; 3, 4]"), [1, 2; 3, 4]);
+%!assert (str2num ("-1.3e2"), -130)
+%!assert (str2num ("[1, 2; 3, 4]"), [1, 2; 3, 4])
 %! [x, state] = str2num ("pi");
--- a/scripts/strings/strcat.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strcat.m
@@ -96,32 +96,31 @@
 ## test the dimensionality
 ## 1d
-%!assert(strcat("ab ", "ab "), "abab")
-%!assert(strcat({"ab "}, "ab "), {"ab ab"})
-%!assert(strcat("ab ", {"ab "}), {"abab "})
-%!assert(strcat({"ab "}, {"ab "}), {"ab ab "})
-%!assert(strcat("", "ab"), "ab")
-%!assert(strcat("", {"ab"}, {""}), {"ab"})
+%!assert (strcat ("ab ", "ab "), "abab")
+%!assert (strcat ({"ab "}, "ab "), {"ab ab"})
+%!assert (strcat ("ab ", {"ab "}), {"abab "})
+%!assert (strcat ({"ab "}, {"ab "}), {"ab ab "})
+%!assert (strcat ("", "ab"), "ab")
+%!assert (strcat ("", {"ab"}, {""}), {"ab"})
 ## 2d
-%!assert(strcat(["ab ";"cde"], ["ab ";"cde"]), ["abab  ";"cdecde"])
+%!assert (strcat (["ab ";"cde"], ["ab ";"cde"]), ["abab  ";"cdecde"])
 ## test for deblanking implied trailing spaces of character input
-%!assert((strcmp (strcat ("foo", "bar"), "foobar")
-%!        && strcmp (strcat (["a"; "bb"], ["foo"; "bar"]), ["afoo "; "bbbar"])));
+%!assert (strcat ("foo", "bar"), "foobar")
+%!assert (strcat (["a"; "bb"], ["foo"; "bar"]), ["afoo "; "bbbar"])
 ## test for mixing character and cell inputs
-%!assert(all (strcmp (strcat ("a", {"bc", "de"}, "f"), {"abcf", "adef"})))
+%!assert (strcat ("a", {"bc", "de"}, "f"), {"abcf", "adef"})
 ## test for scalar strings with vector strings
-%!assert(all (strcmp (strcat (["a"; "b"], "c"), ["ac"; "bc"])))
+%!assert (strcat (["a"; "b"], "c"), ["ac"; "bc"])
 ## test with cells with strings of differing lengths
-%!assert(all (strcmp (strcat ({"a", "bb"}, "ccc"), {"accc", "bbccc"})))
-%!assert(all (strcmp (strcat ("a", {"bb", "ccc"}), {"abb", "accc"})))
-%!error strcat ();
+%!assert (all (strcmp (strcat ({"a", "bb"}, "ccc"), {"accc", "bbccc"})))
+%!assert (all (strcmp (strcat ("a", {"bb", "ccc"}), {"abb", "accc"})))
 %!assert (strcat (1, 2), strcat (char(1), char(2)))
+%!assert (strcat ("", 2), strcat ([], char(2)))
-%!assert (strcat ('', 2), strcat ([], char(2)))
+%!error strcat ()
--- a/scripts/strings/strjust.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strjust.m
@@ -97,16 +97,16 @@
 %!assert (strjust (["a"; "ab"; "abc"; "abcd"]),
-%!        ["   a";"  ab"; " abc"; "abcd"]);
+%!        ["   a";"  ab"; " abc"; "abcd"])
 %!assert (strjust ([" a"; "  ab"; "abc"; "abcd"], "left"),
-%!        ["a   "; "ab  "; "abc "; "abcd"]);
+%!        ["a   "; "ab  "; "abc "; "abcd"])
 %!assert (strjust (["a"; "ab"; "abc"; "abcd"], "CENTER"),
-%!        [" a  "; " ab"; "abc "; "abcd"]);
-%!assert (strjust (["";""]), "");
+%!        [" a  "; " ab"; "abc "; "abcd"])
+%!assert (strjust (["";""]), "")
 %% Test input validation
 %!error <Invalid call to strjust> strjust ()
 %!error <Invalid call to strjust> strjust (["a";"ab"], "center", 1)
-%!error <S must be a string> strjust (ones(3,3))
-%!error <S must be a string> strjust (char (ones(3,3,3)))
+%!error <S must be a string> strjust (ones (3,3))
+%!error <S must be a string> strjust (char (ones (3,3,3)))
--- a/scripts/strings/strmatch.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strmatch.m
@@ -97,23 +97,23 @@
-%!assert (strmatch("a", {"aaa", "bab", "bbb"}), 1);
-%!assert (strmatch ("apple", "apple juice"), 1);
-%!assert (strmatch ("apple", ["apple pie"; "apple juice"; "an apple"]), [1; 2]);
-%!assert (strmatch ("apple", {"apple pie"; "apple juice"; "tomato"}), [1; 2]);
-%!assert (strmatch ("apple pie", "apple"), []);
-%!assert (strmatch ("a ", "a"), 1);
-%!assert (strmatch ("a", "a \0", "exact"), 1);
-%!assert (strmatch ("a b", {"a b", "a c", "c d"}), 1);
-%!assert (strmatch ("", {"", "foo", "bar", ""}), [1, 4]);
-%!assert (strmatch ('', { '', '% comment', 'var a = 5', ''}, 'exact'), [1,4]);
+%!assert (strmatch ("a", {"aaa", "bab", "bbb"}), 1)
+%!assert (strmatch ("apple", "apple juice"), 1)
+%!assert (strmatch ("apple", ["apple pie"; "apple juice"; "an apple"]), [1; 2])
+%!assert (strmatch ("apple", {"apple pie"; "apple juice"; "tomato"}), [1; 2])
+%!assert (strmatch ("apple pie", "apple"), [])
+%!assert (strmatch ("a ", "a"), 1)
+%!assert (strmatch ("a", "a \0", "exact"), 1)
+%!assert (strmatch ("a b", {"a b", "a c", "c d"}), 1)
+%!assert (strmatch ("", {"", "foo", "bar", ""}), [1, 4])
+%!assert (strmatch ('', { '', '% comment', 'var a = 5', ''}, 'exact'), [1,4])
 %% Test input validation
-%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch();
-%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch("a");
-%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch("a", "aaa", "exact", 1);
-%!error <S must be a string> strmatch(1, "aaa");
-%!error <S must be a string> strmatch(char ("a", "bb"), "aaa");
-%!error <A must be a string> strmatch("a", 1);
-%!error <A must be a string> strmatch("a", {"hello", [1]});
+%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch ()
+%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch ("a")
+%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch ("a", "aaa", "exact", 1)
+%!error <S must be a string> strmatch (1, "aaa")
+%!error <S must be a string> strmatch (char ("a", "bb"), "aaa")
+%!error <A must be a string> strmatch ("a", 1)
+%!error <A must be a string> strmatch ("a", {"hello", [1]})
--- a/scripts/strings/strsplit.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strsplit.m
@@ -114,5 +114,5 @@
 %!error strsplit ("abc", "b", true, 4)
 %!error <S and SEP must be string values> strsplit (123, "b")
 %!error <S and SEP must be string values> strsplit ("abc", 1)
-%!error <STRIP_EMPTY must be a scalar value> strsplit ("abc", "def", ones(3,3))
+%!error <STRIP_EMPTY must be a scalar value> strsplit ("abc", "def", ones (3,3))
--- a/scripts/strings/strtok.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strtok.m
@@ -190,19 +190,19 @@
 %! assert (r{7}, "");
 %% Simple check for 2, 3, and 4 delimeters
-%!assert(strtok ("this is", "i "), "th");
-%!assert(strtok ("this is", "ij "), "th");
-%!assert(strtok ("this is", "ijk "), "th");
+%!assert (strtok ("this is", "i "), "th")
+%!assert (strtok ("this is", "ij "), "th")
+%!assert (strtok ("this is", "ijk "), "th")
 %% Test all cases for 8 delimiters since a different
 %!# algorithm is used when more than 7 delimiters
-%!assert (strtok ("","jklmnop "), "");
-%!assert (strtok ("this","jklmnop "), "this");
-%!assert (strtok ("this ","jklmnop "), "this");
-%!assert (strtok ("this is","jklmnop "), "this");
-%!assert (strtok (" this","jklmnop "), "this");
-%!assert (strtok (" this ","jklmnop "), "this");
-%!assert (strtok (" ","jklmnop "), ""(1:0));
+%!assert (strtok ("","jklmnop "), "")
+%!assert (strtok ("this","jklmnop "), "this")
+%!assert (strtok ("this ","jklmnop "), "this")
+%!assert (strtok ("this is","jklmnop "), "this")
+%!assert (strtok (" this","jklmnop "), "this")
+%!assert (strtok (" this ","jklmnop "), "this")
+%!assert (strtok (" ","jklmnop "), ""(1:0))
 %% Test 'bad' string orientations
 %!assert (strtok (" this ".'), "this".');   # delimiter at start and end
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
 %! for ch = "\t\n\v\f\r"
 %!   [t, r] = strtok (cstrcat ("beg", ch, "end"));
 %!   assert (t, "beg");
-%!   assert (r, cstrcat (ch, "end"))
+%!   assert (r, cstrcat (ch, "end"));
 %! endfor
 %% Test input validation
--- a/scripts/strings/strtrim.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strtrim.m
@@ -74,15 +74,15 @@
-%!assert (strtrim ("    abc  "), "abc");
-%!assert (strtrim ("  "), "");
-%!assert (strtrim ("abc"), "abc");
-%!assert (strtrim ([" abc   "; "   def   "]), ["abc  "; "  def"]);
-%!assert (strtrim ({" abc   "; "   def   "}), {"abc"; "def"});
-%!assert (strtrim ({" abc   ", {"   def   "}}), {"abc", {"def"}});
+%!assert (strtrim ("    abc  "), "abc")
+%!assert (strtrim ("  "), "")
+%!assert (strtrim ("abc"), "abc")
+%!assert (strtrim ([" abc   "; "   def   "]), ["abc  "; "  def"])
+%!assert (strtrim ({" abc   "; "   def   "}), {"abc"; "def"})
+%!assert (strtrim ({" abc   ", {"   def   "}}), {"abc", {"def"}})
-%!error <Invalid call to strtrim> strtrim ();
-%!error <Invalid call to strtrim> strtrim ("abc", "def");
-%!error <argument must be a string> strtrim (1);
-%!error <argument must be a string> strtrim ({[]});
+%!error <Invalid call to strtrim> strtrim ()
+%!error <Invalid call to strtrim> strtrim ("abc", "def")
+%!error <argument must be a string> strtrim (1)
+%!error <argument must be a string> strtrim ({[]})
--- a/scripts/strings/strtrunc.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/strtrunc.m
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@
-%!assert (strtrunc("abcdefg", 4), "abcd");
-%!assert (strtrunc("abcdefg", 10), "abcdefg");
-%!assert (strtrunc(char ("abcdef", "fedcba"), 3), ["abc"; "fed"]);
-%!assert (strtrunc({"abcdef", "fedcba"}, 3), {"abc", "fed"});
-%!assert (strtrunc({"", "1", "21", "321"}, 1), {"", "1", "2", "3"})
-%!assert (strtrunc({"1", "", "2"}, 1), {"1", "", "2"})
+%!assert (strtrunc ("abcdefg", 4), "abcd")
+%!assert (strtrunc ("abcdefg", 10), "abcdefg")
+%!assert (strtrunc (char ("abcdef", "fedcba"), 3), ["abc"; "fed"])
+%!assert (strtrunc ({"abcdef", "fedcba"}, 3), {"abc", "fed"})
+%!assert (strtrunc ({"", "1", "21", "321"}, 1), {"", "1", "2", "3"})
+%!assert (strtrunc ({"1", "", "2"}, 1), {"1", "", "2"})
 %! cstr = {"line1"; ["line2"; "line3"]; "line4"};
 %! y = strtrunc (cstr, 4);
--- a/scripts/strings/substr.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/substr.m
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@
-%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", 6, 9), "is a test");
-%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", -11), "test string");
-%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", -11, 4), "test");
-%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", -11, -7), "test");
-%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", 1, -7), "This is a test");
-%!assert (isempty (substr ("This is a test string", 1, 0)));
+%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", 6, 9), "is a test")
+%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", -11), "test string")
+%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", -11, 4), "test")
+%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", -11, -7), "test")
+%!assert (substr ("This is a test string", 1, -7), "This is a test")
+%!assert (isempty (substr ("This is a test string", 1, 0)))
 %% Test input validation
 %!error substr ()
--- a/scripts/strings/validatestring.m
+++ b/scripts/strings/validatestring.m
@@ -138,12 +138,13 @@
 %!shared strarray
-%!  strarray = {"octave" "Oct" "octopus" "octaves"};
+%! strarray = {"octave" "Oct" "octopus" "octaves"};
 %!assert (validatestring ("octave", strarray), "octave")
 %!assert (validatestring ("oct", strarray), "Oct")
 %!assert (validatestring ("octa", strarray), "octave")
-%!  strarray = {"abc1" "def" "abc2"};
+%! strarray = {"abc1" "def" "abc2"};
 %!assert (validatestring ("d", strarray), "def")
 %!error <'xyz' does not match any> validatestring ("xyz", strarray)
 %!error <Function: DUMMY_TEST> validatestring ("xyz", strarray, "DUMMY_TEST")
 %!error <Function: DUMMY_TEST Variable: DUMMY_VAR:> validatestring ("xyz", strarray, "DUMMY_TEST", "DUMMY_VAR")
--- a/scripts/testfun/demo.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/demo.m
@@ -149,9 +149,10 @@
 %! t = 0:0.01:2*pi;
 %! x = sin (t);
-%! plot (t,x);
+%! plot (t, x);
 %! %-------------------------------------------------
 %! % the figure window shows one cycle of a sine wave
-%!error demo ();
-%!error demo (1, 2, 3);
+%!error demo ()
+%!error demo (1, 2, 3)
--- a/scripts/testfun/example.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/example.m
@@ -86,21 +86,21 @@
 ## WARNING: don't modify the demos without modifying the tests!
-%! example ('example');
+%! example ("example");
 %! clf;
-%! t=0:0.01:2*pi; x = sin(t);
+%! t = 0:0.01:2*pi;  x = sin (t);
 %! plot (t,x)
-%!assert (example('example',1), "\n example ('example');");
+%!assert (example ("example",1), "\n example (\"example\");");
-%! [code, idx] = example ('example');
+%! [code, idx] = example ("example");
 %! assert (code, ...
-%!         "\n example ('example');\n clf;\n t=0:0.01:2*pi; x = sin(t);\n plot (t,x)")
-%! assert (idx, [1, 23, 69]);
+%!         "\n example (\"example\");\n clf;\n t = 0:0.01:2*pi;  x = sin (t);\n plot (t,x)")
+%! assert (idx, [1, 23, 73]);
 %% Test input validation
 %!error example
-%!error example ('example', 3, 5)
+%!error example ("example", 3, 5)
--- a/scripts/testfun/fail.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/fail.m
@@ -130,15 +130,16 @@
-%!fail ('[1,2]*[2,3]', 'nonconformant')
+%!fail ("[1,2]*[2,3]", "nonconformant")
 %!fail ("fail('[1,2]*[2;3]', 'nonconformant')", "expected error <nonconformant> but got none")
 %!fail ("fail('[1,2]*[2,3]','usage:')", "expected error <usage:>\nbut got.*nonconformant")
-%!fail ("warning('test warning')", 'warning','test warning');
+%!fail ("warning('test warning')", "warning", "test warning");
 ##% !fail ("warning('next test')",'warning','next test');  ## only allowed one warning test?!?
 %% Test that fail() itself will generate an error
-%!error fail ("1");
-%!error <undefined> fail ('a*[2;3]', 'nonconformant')
-%!error <expected error>  fail ('a*[2,3]', 'usage:')
-%!error <warning failure> fail ("warning('warning failure')", 'warning', 'success')
+%!error fail ("1")
+%!error <undefined> fail ("a*[2;3]", "nonconformant")
+%!error <expected error>  fail ("a*[2,3]", "usage:")
+%!error <warning failure> fail ("warning('warning failure')", "warning", "success")
--- a/scripts/testfun/speed.m
+++ b/scripts/testfun/speed.m
@@ -356,63 +356,63 @@
 %%        Unfortunately, we can't remove them from the user's workspace
 %%        because of another bug (#34497).
-%!  fstr_build_orig = cstrcat (
-%!    "function x = build_orig (n)\n",
-%!    "  ## extend the target vector on the fly\n",
-%!    "  for i=0:n-1, x([1:100]+i*100) = 1:100; endfor\n",
-%!    "endfunction");
-%!  fstr_build = cstrcat (
-%!    "function x = build (n)\n",
-%!    "  ## preallocate the target vector\n",
-%!    "  x = zeros (1, n*100);\n",
-%!    "  for i=0:n-1, x([1:100]+i*100) = 1:100; endfor\n",
-%!    "endfunction");
+%! fstr_build_orig = cstrcat (
+%!   "function x = build_orig (n)\n",
+%!   "  ## extend the target vector on the fly\n",
+%!   "  for i=0:n-1, x([1:100]+i*100) = 1:100; endfor\n",
+%!   "endfunction");
+%! fstr_build = cstrcat (
+%!   "function x = build (n)\n",
+%!   "  ## preallocate the target vector\n",
+%!   "  x = zeros (1, n*100);\n",
+%!   "  for i=0:n-1, x([1:100]+i*100) = 1:100; endfor\n",
+%!   "endfunction");
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  disp (fstr_build_orig);
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  disp (fstr_build);
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp (fstr_build_orig);
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp (fstr_build);
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  ## Eval functions strings to create them in the current context
-%!  eval (fstr_build_orig);
-%!  eval (fstr_build);
+%! ## Eval functions strings to create them in the current context
+%! eval (fstr_build_orig);
+%! eval (fstr_build);
-%!  disp ("Preallocated vector test.\nThis takes a little while...");
-%!  speed("build (n)", "", 1000, "build_orig (n)");
-%!  clear -f build build_orig
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  disp ("Note how much faster it is to pre-allocate a vector.");
-%!  disp ("Notice the peak speedup ratio.");
+%! disp ("Preallocated vector test.\nThis takes a little while...");
+%! speed("build (n)", "", 1000, "build_orig (n)");
+%! clear -f build build_orig
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp ("Note how much faster it is to pre-allocate a vector.");
+%! disp ("Notice the peak speedup ratio.");
-%!  fstr_build_orig = cstrcat (
-%!    "function x = build_orig (n)\n",
-%!    "  for i=0:n-1, x([1:100]+i*100) = 1:100; endfor\n",
-%!    "endfunction");
-%!  fstr_build = cstrcat (
-%!    "function x = build (n)\n",
-%!    "  idx = [1:100]';\n",
-%!    "  x = idx(:,ones(1,n));\n",
-%!    "  x = reshape (x, 1, n*100);\n",
-%!    "endfunction");
+%! fstr_build_orig = cstrcat (
+%!   "function x = build_orig (n)\n",
+%!   "  for i=0:n-1, x([1:100]+i*100) = 1:100; endfor\n",
+%!   "endfunction");
+%! fstr_build = cstrcat (
+%!   "function x = build (n)\n",
+%!   "  idx = [1:100]';\n",
+%!   "  x = idx(:,ones(1,n));\n",
+%!   "  x = reshape (x, 1, n*100);\n",
+%!   "endfunction");
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  disp (fstr_build_orig);
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  disp (fstr_build);
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp (fstr_build_orig);
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp (fstr_build);
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  ## Eval functions strings to create them in the current context
-%!  eval (fstr_build_orig);
-%!  eval (fstr_build);
+%! ## Eval functions strings to create them in the current context
+%! eval (fstr_build_orig);
+%! eval (fstr_build);
-%!  disp ("Vectorized test.\nThis takes a little while...");
-%!  speed("build (n)", "", 1000, "build_orig (n)");
-%!  clear -f build build_orig
-%!  disp ("-----------------------");
-%!  disp ("This time, the for loop is done away with entirely.");
-%!  disp ("Notice how much bigger the speedup is than in example 1.");
+%! disp ("Vectorized test.\nThis takes a little while...");
+%! speed("build (n)", "", 1000, "build_orig (n)");
+%! clear -f build build_orig
+%! disp ("-----------------------");
+%! disp ("This time, the for loop is done away with entirely.");
+%! disp ("Notice how much bigger the speedup is than in example 1.");
 %! [order, n, T_f1, T_f2] = speed ("airy (x)", "x = rand (n, 10)", [100, 1000]);
@@ -441,6 +441,6 @@
 %! assert (length (T_f2) > 10);
 %% Test input validation
-%!error speed ();
-%!error speed (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
+%!error speed ()
+%!error speed (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
--- a/scripts/time/addtodate.m
+++ b/scripts/time/addtodate.m
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 ## tests
 %!shared d
-%!  d = datenum (2008, 1, 1);
+%! d = datenum (2008, 1, 1);
 ## Identity
 %!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "year"), d)
 %!assert (addtodate (d, 0, "month"), d)
--- a/scripts/time/asctime.m
+++ b/scripts/time/asctime.m
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 %! t = time ();
-%! assert(strcmp (asctime (localtime (t)), ctime (t)));
+%! assert (strcmp (asctime (localtime (t)), ctime (t)));
-%!error asctime ();
-%!error asctime (1, 2);
+%!error asctime ()
+%!error asctime (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/time/clock.m
+++ b/scripts/time/clock.m
@@ -57,5 +57,5 @@
 %! t1 = clock;
 %! t2 = str2num (strftime ("[%Y, %m, %d, %H, %M, %S]", localtime (time ())));
-%! assert(etime (t1, t2) < 1);
+%! assert (etime (t1, t2) < 1);
--- a/scripts/time/ctime.m
+++ b/scripts/time/ctime.m
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 %! t = time ();
-%! assert(strcmp (asctime (localtime (t)), ctime (t)));
+%! assert (strcmp (asctime (localtime (t)), ctime (t)));
-%!error ctime ();
-%!error ctime (1, 2);
+%!error ctime ()
+%!error ctime (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/time/date.m
+++ b/scripts/time/date.m
@@ -39,5 +39,6 @@
-%!assert(strcmp (date (), strftime ("%d-%b-%Y", localtime (time ()))));
+%!assert (strcmp (date (), strftime ("%d-%b-%Y", localtime (time ()))))
--- a/scripts/time/datenum.m
+++ b/scripts/time/datenum.m
@@ -159,19 +159,19 @@
 %! assert (datenum (t(1,:), t(2,:), t(3,:), t(4,:), t(5,:), t(6,:)), n, 2*eps);
 ## Test mixed vectors and scalars
-%!assert (datenum([2008;2009], 1, 1), [datenum(2008, 1, 1);datenum(2009, 1, 1)]);
-%!assert (datenum(2008, [1;2], 1), [datenum(2008, 1, 1);datenum(2008, 2, 1)]);
-%!assert (datenum(2008, 1, [1;2]), [datenum(2008, 1, 1);datenum(2008, 1, 2)]);
-%!assert (datenum([2008;2009], [1;2], 1), [datenum(2008, 1, 1);datenum(2009, 2, 1)]);
-%!assert (datenum([2008;2009], 1, [1;2]), [datenum(2008, 1, 1);datenum(2009, 1, 2)]);
-%!assert (datenum(2008, [1;2], [1;2]), [datenum(2008, 1, 1);datenum(2008, 2, 2)]);
+%!assert (datenum ([2008;2009],1,1), [datenum(2008,1,1);datenum(2009,1,1)])
+%!assert (datenum (2008, [1;2], 1), [datenum(2008,1,1);datenum(2008,2,1)])
+%!assert (datenum (2008, 1, [1;2]), [datenum(2008,1,1);datenum(2008,1,2)])
+%!assert (datenum ([2008;2009], [1;2], 1), [datenum(2008,1,1);datenum(2009,2,1)])
+%!assert (datenum ([2008;2009], 1, [1;2]), [datenum(2008,1,1);datenum(2009,1,2)])
+%!assert (datenum (2008, [1;2], [1;2]), [datenum(2008,1,1);datenum(2008,2,2)])
 ## And the other orientation
-%!assert (datenum([2008 2009], 1, 1), [datenum(2008, 1, 1) datenum(2009, 1, 1)]);
-%!assert (datenum(2008, [1 2], 1), [datenum(2008, 1, 1) datenum(2008, 2, 1)]);
-%!assert (datenum(2008, 1, [1 2]), [datenum(2008, 1, 1) datenum(2008, 1, 2)]);
-%!assert (datenum([2008 2009], [1 2], 1), [datenum(2008, 1, 1) datenum(2009, 2, 1)]);
-%!assert (datenum([2008 2009], 1, [1 2]), [datenum(2008, 1, 1) datenum(2009, 1, 2)]);
-%!assert (datenum(2008, [1 2], [1 2]), [datenum(2008, 1, 1) datenum(2008, 2, 2)]);
+%!assert (datenum ([2008 2009], 1, 1), [datenum(2008,1,1) datenum(2009,1,1)])
+%!assert (datenum (2008, [1 2], 1), [datenum(2008,1,1) datenum(2008,2,1)])
+%!assert (datenum (2008, 1, [1 2]), [datenum(2008,1,1) datenum(2008,1,2)])
+%!assert (datenum ([2008 2009], [1 2], 1), [datenum(2008,1,1) datenum(2009,2,1)])
+%!assert (datenum ([2008 2009], 1, [1 2]), [datenum(2008,1,1) datenum(2009,1,2)])
+%!assert (datenum (2008, [1 2], [1 2]), [datenum(2008,1,1) datenum(2008,2,2)])
 ## Test string and cellstr inputs
 %!assert (datenum ("5/19/2001"), 730990)
 %!assert (datenum ({"5/19/2001"}), 730990)
--- a/scripts/time/datetick.m
+++ b/scripts/time/datetick.m
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 %! plot (yr, pr);
 %! xlabel ("year");
 %! ylabel ("average price");
-%! ax = gca ();
+%! ax = gca;
 %! set (ax, "xtick", datenum (1990:5:2005,1,1));
 %! datetick (2, "keepticks");
 %! set (ax, "ytick", 12:16);
--- a/scripts/time/datevec.m
+++ b/scripts/time/datevec.m
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 %!assert (datevec ("15:38:21.25", "HH:MM:SS.FFF"), [nowvec(1:3),15,38,21.025])
 # Other tests
-%!assert (datenum (datevec ([-1e4:1e4])), [-1e4:1e4]')
+%!assert (datenum (datevec ([-1e4:1e4])), [-1e4:1e4]');
 %! t = linspace (-2e5, 2e5, 10993);
 %! assert (all (abs (datenum (datevec (t)) - t') < 1e-5));
--- a/scripts/time/eomday.m
+++ b/scripts/time/eomday.m
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 %!assert (eomday ([-800,800],2), [29,29])
 %!assert (eomday (2001,1:12), [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31])
 %!assert (eomday (1:3,1:3), [31,28,31])
-%!assert (eomday (1:2000,2)', datevec(datenum(1:2000,3,0))(:,3))
+%!assert (eomday (1:2000,2)', datevec (datenum (1:2000,3,0))(:,3))
 %!assert ([1900:1999](find(eomday(1900:1999,2*ones(1,100))==29)), [1904,1908,1912,1916,1920,1924,1928,1932,1936,1940,1944,1948,1952,1956,1960,1964,1968,1972,1976,1980,1984,1988,1992,1996])
 %!assert (eomday ([2004;2005], [2;2]), [29;28])
--- a/scripts/time/etime.m
+++ b/scripts/time/etime.m
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@
-%!assert (etime ([1900,12,31,23,59,59],[1901,1,1,0,0,0]),-1)
-%!assert (etime ([1900,2,28,23,59,59],[1900,3,1,0,0,0]),-1)
-%!assert (etime ([2000,2,28,23,59,59],[2000,3,1,0,0,0]),-86401)
-%!assert (etime ([1996,2,28,23,59,59],[1996,3,1,0,0,0]),-86401)
+%!assert (etime ([1900,12,31,23,59,59], [1901,1,1,0,0,0]), -1)
+%!assert (etime ([1900,2,28,23,59,59], [1900,3,1,0,0,0]), -1)
+%!assert (etime ([2000,2,28,23,59,59], [2000,3,1,0,0,0]), -86401)
+%!assert (etime ([1996,2,28,23,59,59], [1996,3,1,0,0,0]), -86401)
 %! t1 = [1900,12,31,23,59,59; 1900,2,28,23,59,59];
 %! t2 = [1901,1,1,0,0,0; 1900,3,1,0,0,0];
-%! assert(etime(t2, t1), [1;1]);
+%! assert (etime (t2, t1), [1;1]);
 %! t1 = [1993, 8, 20, 4, 56, 1];
--- a/scripts/time/is_leap_year.m
+++ b/scripts/time/is_leap_year.m
@@ -56,5 +56,5 @@
 %!assert (is_leap_year (1800), false)
 %!assert (is_leap_year (1600), true)
-%!error is_leap_year (1, 2);
+%!error is_leap_year (1, 2)
--- a/scripts/time/now.m
+++ b/scripts/time/now.m
@@ -54,8 +54,9 @@
-%!assert (isnumeric (now ()));
-%!assert (now () > 0);
-%!assert (now () <= now ());
+%!assert (isnumeric (now ()))
+%!assert (now () > 0)
+%!assert (now () <= now ())
-%!error now (1);
+%!error now (1)