changeset 17357:44624eb20076

Speed up importdata() ASCII CSV processing using dlmread() as core * importdata.m (importdata_ascii): Read in just the header when rest of the file is not needed. Guess the delimiter. Remove extraneous white space and save to temp file if delimiter is space character. Use dlmread() to do bulk of work. Retroactively read in data and extract text fields if NaN appear in dlmread() result, and treat row headers in this category. (CSV, TSV, SSV tests): Add second test for automatic detection of delimiter. (Header text test): Make textdata field a replica of colheaders field. (Column headers test): Change expected textdata to tab-separated. (Row headers test): Make textdata a replica of rowheaders similar to behavior of the column headers scenario. Change number of header rows to 0.
author Daniel J Sebald <>
date Sun, 25 Aug 2013 11:57:32 -0500
parents 8925147a0101
children 95412dcfa707
files scripts/io/importdata.m
diffstat 1 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/io/importdata.m
+++ b/scripts/io/importdata.m
@@ -186,123 +186,153 @@
   ## correct.       = [];
-  output.textdata   = [];
-  output.rowheaders = [];
-  output.colheaders = [];
-  ## Read file into string and count the number of header rows
-  file_content = fileread (fname);
+  output.textdata   = {};
+  output.rowheaders = {};
+  output.colheaders = {};
-  ## Split the file into rows (using \n and/or \r as delimiters between rows).
-  file_content_rows = regexp (file_content, "\n|\n\r|\r|\r\n", "split");
-  ## FIXME: guess delimiter, if it isn't defined
-  if (isempty (delimiter))
-    error ("importdata: Guessing delimiter is not implemented yet, you have to specify it.");
+  [fid, msg] = fopen (fname, "r");
+  if (fid == -1)
+    error (msg);
-  ## FIXME: A more intelligent way to count number of header rows. This
-  ## is needed e.g. when delimiter=' ' and the header contains spaces...
+  header_rows_estimate = 0;
+  header_cols_estimate = 0;
+  while (1)
+    ## For the first few rows, get one row at a time as opposed to reading
+    ## the whole file.
+    row = fgetl (fid);
+    ## If no delimiter determined yet, make a guess.
+    if (isempty (delimiter))
+      ## The tab will take precendence.
+      if ~isempty (regexp (row, "[\\t]", "once"))
+        delimiter = "\t";
+      endif
+      ## Then a comma.
+      if ~isempty (regexp (row, ",", "once"))
+        delimiter = ",";
+      endif
-  ## If number of header rows is undefined, then count the number of
-  ## header rows by step through row by row and look for the delimiter.
-  ## Assume that the header can't contain any delimiter.
+      ## Next, a space will be used, but perhaps should check
+      ## for character string indicators like ' or " in a more
+      ## robust version.
+      if ~isempty (regexp (row, " ", "once"))
+        delimiter = " ";
+      endif
+    elseif (strcmp (delimiter, '\t'))
+      ## When delimiter = "\\t" convert it to a tab, done for Matlab compatibility.
+      delimiter = "\t";
+    endif
+    if (delimiter == " ")
+      row_entries = regexp (strtrim (row), " {1,}", "split");
+    else
+      row_entries = regexp (row, delimiter, "split");
+    endif
+    row_data = str2double (row_entries);
+    if (header_rows < 0 && all (isnan (row_data)) || ...
+        header_rows >= 0 && header_rows_estimate < header_rows)
+      header_rows_estimate++;
+      output.textdata{end + 1, 1} = row;
+      output.colheaders = row_entries;
+    else
+      c = find (! isnan (row_data));
+      header_cols_estimate = c(1) - 1;
+      ## The number of header rows and header columns is now known.
+      break;
+    endif
+  endwhile
   if (header_rows < 0)
-    header_rows = 0;
-    for i=1:length (file_content_rows)
-      if (isempty (regexp(file_content_rows{i}, delimiter, "once")))
-        header_rows++;
-      else
-        ## Data part has begun and therefore no more header rows can be
-        ## found
-        break;
+    header_rows = header_rows_estimate;
+  endif
+  header_cols = header_cols_estimate;
+  fclose (fid);
+  ## If it is important to remove white space at the front of rows, it is
+  ## probably more efficient to read in the character data stream, modify
+  ## it using regexp index manipulations then send that to a temporary file
+  ## and call dlmread() on the temporary file.
+  if (delimiter == " ")
+    file_content = fileread (fname);
+    ## Convert all carriage returns to line feeds for simplicity.
+    file_content (regexp (file_content, "\r")) = "\n";
+    ## Remove all consecutive space characters
+    lidx = logical (ones (size (file_content)));
+    widx = regexp (file_content, "[ ]");
+    lidx (widx ([false (diff (widx) == 1)])) = false;
+    file_content = file_content(lidx);
+    ## Remove all spaces before and after a newline
+    lidx = logical (ones (size (file_content)));
+    lidx (regexp (file_content, " \n")) = false;
+    lidx (regexp (file_content, "\n ") + 1) = false;
+    file_content = file_content(lidx);
+    ## Save to temporary file and continue by using the new name
+    fname  = tmpnam ();
+    fid = fopen (fname, "w");
+    fputs (fid, file_content);
+    fclose (fid);
+  endif
+  ## Now let the efficient built-in routine do the bulk of the work.
+ = dlmread (fname, delimiter, header_rows, header_cols, "emptyvalue", NaN);
+  nanidx = isnan (;
+  if (header_cols > 0)
+    nanidx = [(true (size (nanidx, 1), header_cols)) nanidx];
+  endif
+  if (any (nanidx (:)))
+    file_content = fileread (fname);
+    ## Convert all carriage returns to line feeds for simplicity.
+    file_content (regexp (file_content, "\r")) = "\n";
+    ## Remove all consecutive space characters
+    lidx = logical (ones (size (file_content)));
+    widx = regexp (file_content, "[ ]");
+    lidx (widx ([false (diff (widx) == 1)])) = false;
+    file_content = file_content(lidx);
+    ## Remove all lines consisting of a single white space or nothing.
+    lidx = logical (ones (size (file_content)));
+    nidx = regexp (file_content, "\n");
+    lidx (nidx ([false (diff (nidx) == 1)])) = false;
+    n_nidx = nidx([false (diff (nidx) == 2)]);
+    n_nidx = n_nidx (isspace (file_content (n_nidx - 1)));
+    lidx (n_nidx) = false;
+    lidx (n_nidx - 1) = false;
+    file_content = file_content(lidx);
+    rowend = regexp (file_content, "\n");
+    rowstart = [0 rowend] + 1;
+    rowstart = rowstart (header_rows + 1:end);
+    rowend = [rowend length(file_content)];
+    rowend = rowend (header_rows + 1:end);
+    rows_to_process = find (any (nanidx, 2));
+    for i = 1:length (rows_to_process)
+      r = rows_to_process (i);
+      row_cells = regexp (file_content (rowstart (r):rowend (r)), delimiter, "split");
+      output.textdata (end + 1:end + sum (nanidx (r,:)), 1) = row_cells (nanidx (r,:));
+      if (header_cols)
+        output.rowheaders (end + 1, :) = row_cells (1:header_cols);
-  ## Put the header rows in output.textdata.
-  if (header_rows > 0)
-    output.textdata   = file_content_rows (1:header_rows)';
-  endif
-  ## If space is the delimiter, then remove spaces in the beginning of
-  ## each data row.
-  if (strcmpi (delimiter, " "))
-    for i=(header_rows+1):length (file_content_rows)
-      ## strtrim does not only remove the leading spaces but also the
-      ## tailing spaces, but that doesn't really matter.
-      file_content_rows{i} = strtrim (file_content_rows{i});
-    endfor
-  endif
-  ## Remove empty data rows. Go through them backwards so that you wont
-  ## get out of bounds.
-  for i=length (file_content_rows):-1:(header_rows + 1)
-    if (length (file_content_rows{i}) < 1)
-      file_content_rows = [file_content_rows(1:i-1), ...
-                           file_content_rows(i+1:length(file_content_rows))];
-    endif
-  endfor
-  ## Count the number of data columns. If there are different number of
-  ## columns, use the greatest value.
-  data_columns = 0;
-  delimiter_pattern = delimiter;
-  ## If space is the delimiter, then multiple spaces should count as ONE
-  ## delimiter. Also ignore leading spaces.
-  if (strcmpi (delimiter, " "))
-    delimiter_pattern = ' +';
-  endif
-  for i=(header_rows+1):length(file_content_rows)
-    data_columns = max (data_columns,
-                        length (regexp (file_content_rows{i},
-                                        delimiter_pattern, "split")));
-  endfor
-  ## FIXME: Make it behave like Matlab when importing a table where a whole
-  ## column is text only. E.g.
-  ##    abc  12  34
-  ##    def  56  78
-  ## This would give a 3x2 data matrix with the left column = nan(2,1), and 
-  ## the text would end up in textdata.
-  ## In Matlab the data matrix would only be a 2x2 matrix, see example at:
-  ##
-  ## Go through the data and put it in either or
-  ## output.textdata depending on if it is numeric or not.
- = NaN (length (file_content_rows) - header_rows, data_columns);
-  for i=(header_rows+1):length(file_content_rows)
-    ## Only use the row if it contains anything other than white-space
-    ## characters.
-    if (any (file_content_rows{i} != " "))
-      row_data = regexp (file_content_rows{i}, delimiter_pattern, "split");
-      for j=1:length(row_data)
-        ## Try to convert the column to a number, if it works put it in
-        ##, otherwise in output.textdata
-        if (!isempty (row_data{j}))
-          data_numeric = str2double (row_data{j});
-          if (!isnan (data_numeric))
-  , j) = data_numeric;
-          else
-            output.textdata{i,j} = row_data{j};
-          endif
-        endif
-      endfor
-    endif
-  endfor
-  ## Check wether rowheaders or colheaders should be used
-  if ((header_rows == data_columns) && (size (output.textdata, 2) == 1))
-    output.rowheaders = output.textdata;
-  elseif (size (output.textdata, 2) == data_columns)
-    output.colheaders = output.textdata(end,:);
-  endif
-  ## When delimiter = "\\t" convert it to a tab, done for Matlab compatibility.
-  if (strcmp (delimiter, '\t'))
-    delimiter = "\t";
+  ## Final cleanup to satisfy output configuration
+  if (all (cellfun ("isempty", output.textdata)))
+    output =;
+  elseif (! isempty (output.rowheaders) && ! isempty (output.colheaders))
+    output = struct ('data', {}, 'textdata', {output.textdata});
@@ -317,11 +347,15 @@
 %! fid = fopen (fn, "w");
 %! fputs (fid, "3.1,-7.2,0\n0.012,6.5,128");
 %! fclose (fid);
-%! [a,d,h] = importdata (fn, ",");
+%! [a1,d1,h1] = importdata (fn, ",");
+%! [a2,d2,h2] = importdata (fn);
 %! unlink (fn);
-%! assert (a, A);
-%! assert (d, ",");
-%! assert (h, 0);
+%! assert (a1, A);
+%! assert (d1, ",");
+%! assert (h1, 0);
+%! assert (a2, A);
+%! assert (d2, ",");
+%! assert (h2, 0);
 %! ## Tab separated values
@@ -330,11 +364,15 @@
 %! fid = fopen (fn, "w");
 %! fputs (fid, "3.1\t-7.2\t0\n0.012\t6.5\t128");
 %! fclose (fid);
-%! [a,d,h] = importdata (fn, "\t");
+%! [a1,d1,h1] = importdata (fn, "\t");
+%! [a2,d2,h2] = importdata (fn);
 %! unlink (fn);
-%! assert (a, A);
-%! assert (d, "\t");
-%! assert (h, 0);
+%! assert (a1, A);
+%! assert (d1, "\t");
+%! assert (h1, 0);
+%! assert (a2, A);
+%! assert (d2, "\t");
+%! assert (h2, 0);
 %! ## Space separated values, using multiple spaces to align in columns.
@@ -343,17 +381,22 @@
 %! fid = fopen (fn, "w");
 %! fprintf (fid, "%10.3f %10.3f %10.3f\n", A');
 %! fclose (fid);
-%! [a,d,h] = importdata (fn, " ");
+%! [a1,d1,h1] = importdata (fn, " ");
+%! [a2,d2,h2] = importdata (fn);
 %! unlink (fn);
-%! assert (a, A);
-%! assert (d, " ");
-%! assert (h, 0);
+%! assert (a1, A);
+%! assert (d1, " ");
+%! assert (h1, 0);
+%! assert (a2, A);
+%! assert (d2, " ");
+%! assert (h2, 0);
 %! ## Header text
 %! = [3.1 -7.2 0; 0.012 6.5 128];
 %! A.textdata = {"This is a header row."; ...
 %!               "this row does not contain any data, but the next one does."};
+%! A.colheaders = A.textdata (2);
 %! fn  = tmpnam ();
 %! fid = fopen (fn, "w");
 %! fprintf (fid, "%s\n", A.textdata{:});
@@ -368,8 +411,8 @@
 %! ## Column headers, only last row is returned in colheaders
 %! = [3.1 -7.2 0; 0.012 6.5 128];
-%! A.textdata = {"Label1 Label2 Label3";
-%!               "col1 col2 col3"};
+%! A.textdata = {"Label1\tLabel2\tLabel3";
+%!               "col1\tcol2\tcol3"};
 %! A.colheaders = {"col1", "col2", "col3"};
 %! fn  = tmpnam ();
 %! fid = fopen (fn, "w");
@@ -385,9 +428,8 @@
 %! ## Row headers
 %! = [3.1 -7.2 0; 0.012 6.5 128];
-%! ## FIXME: Does Matlab even create field "textdata" if it is null?
-%! A.textdata = {""};
-%! A.rowheaders = {"row1", "row2"};
+%! A.textdata = {"row1"; "row2"};
+%! A.rowheaders = A.textdata;
 %! fn  = tmpnam ();
 %! fid = fopen (fn, "w");
 %! fputs (fid, "row1\t3.1\t-7.2\t0\nrow2\t0.012\t6.5\t128");
@@ -396,7 +438,7 @@
 %! unlink (fn);
 %! assert (a, A);
 %! assert (d, "\t");
-%! assert (h, 2);
+%! assert (h, 0);
 %! ## Row/Column headers and Header Text